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an overview georgia program improvement plan - Department of ...

an overview georgia program improvement plan - Department of ...


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3 rd Quarter Response: Qualitative Case Review reporting will assist in meeting this goal. First qualitative review report is due<br />

J<strong>an</strong>uary 2004. In addition, the CPRS will help to identify factors that may contribute to needs <strong>an</strong>d services <strong>of</strong> children <strong>an</strong>d families not<br />

being met while in foster care.<br />

4 th Quarter Report: We will be better able to determine this information after several <strong>of</strong> the Qualitative Review reports are received.<br />

The first report is scheduled for J<strong>an</strong>uary 2004.<br />

4 th Quarter Federal Response: See comments under Step I6 related to QA.<br />

5 th Quarter Report: At least 100 cases will undergo Qualitative Review by the end <strong>of</strong> September 2004. Reports from the reviews will<br />

be available beginning J<strong>an</strong>uary 2004. See documentation under Action Step I-16.<br />

6 th Quarter Report: The Evaluation <strong>an</strong>d Reporting Section continues to perform Qualitative Reviews. From J<strong>an</strong>uary-March 2003,<br />

sixteen county departments <strong>an</strong>d a total <strong>of</strong> 37 cases were reviewed. A total <strong>of</strong> 62 cases have been reviewed by Evaluation <strong>an</strong>d<br />

Reporting since the process beg<strong>an</strong>.<br />

6 th Quarter DOCUMENTATION: Social Services Quarterly Report Qualitative Case Reviews J<strong>an</strong>uary 2004 - March 2004<br />

6 th Quarter Federal Response: I17: Reporting is inconsistent with the goal.<br />

7 th Quarter Report: The Social Services Quarterly Qualitative Case Review is referenced in this item because it is used to determine<br />

compli<strong>an</strong>ce with st<strong>an</strong>dards/policy/quality. As a result, factors that contribute to needs <strong>of</strong> families <strong>an</strong>d children not being met c<strong>an</strong> be<br />

identified.<br />

The implication for additional training is evident. As the QCR process continues, unch<strong>an</strong>ged <strong>an</strong>d declining areas will be targeted for<br />

training (<strong>an</strong>d policy ch<strong>an</strong>ges if applicable).<br />

There has been a steady increase in the number <strong>of</strong> children entering the foster care system, which also increases the case m<strong>an</strong>ager to<br />

client ratio. This may have a negative impact on the needs <strong>an</strong>d services indicator. Additionally, the State has <strong>an</strong> abund<strong>an</strong>ce <strong>of</strong> new<br />

case m<strong>an</strong>agers <strong>an</strong>d supervisors. The Division is working with all nine urb<strong>an</strong> counties <strong>of</strong> the State to identify solution focused pl<strong>an</strong>s to<br />

help decrease the number <strong>of</strong> children who may needlessly be coming into the foster care system rather th<strong>an</strong> receiving in-home<br />

services. It is <strong>an</strong>ticipated that the pl<strong>an</strong>s will help the Division to know what works <strong>an</strong>d what doesn’t work before moving into <strong>an</strong>y<br />

statewide implementation <strong>of</strong> ch<strong>an</strong>ge.<br />

The Division’s restructure created Regional Specialists positions (former State Office employees) to assist in local case consultation<br />

<strong>an</strong>d training. Results <strong>of</strong> the QCRs will be shared with the Regional Specialist to reinforce policy, new worker training <strong>an</strong>d other state<br />

training initiatives. A vendor has been contracted to review, assess <strong>an</strong>d evaluate all <strong>of</strong> the States’ child welfare policy. The first draft<br />

Safe Futures – A Pl<strong>an</strong> for Program Improvement<br />

Georgia <strong>Department</strong> <strong>of</strong> Hum<strong>an</strong> Resources<br />

November, 2004 Quarter 8 - Work Pl<strong>an</strong> I Page 19

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