Made In Sheffield - Now Then

Made In Sheffield - Now Then

Made In Sheffield - Now Then


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Gordon Ramsay<br />

feeling not<br />

too fucking<br />

bad today<br />

Despite an early morning issue<br />

with a bottle of milk, it has been<br />

confirmed that TV chef Gordon<br />

Ramsay is having an alright<br />

fucking day today.<br />

“Yeah, it was a bit of a shitter with the<br />

fucking milk,” said Mr Ramsay from his home in<br />

London earlier. “I wanted one of those bastard<br />

four litre bottles of semi-skimmed, but they<br />

didn’t have any so I ended up fucking buying<br />

a couple of fucking two litre bottles instead.”<br />

Mr Ramsay then paused for a moment before<br />

adding, “So yeah, it turned out okay, cheers.”<br />

Coffee date not<br />

confirmed as date<br />

A coffee shop in <strong>Sheffield</strong> recently<br />

played host to a two hour rendez=vous<br />

that cannot confidently be described<br />

as romantic in nature.<br />

Coconut Café, with its continental<br />

atmosphere and good quality coffee,<br />

is often chosen as a venue for couples<br />

on first dates. For Jay Hammond and<br />

Lucy Muldoon, however, the intimate<br />

surroundings set the scene for an evening<br />

of arbitrary interaction that left both<br />

parties unclear as to the nature of their<br />

newly formed relationship.<br />

The indefinable liaison began at just<br />

after 7pm on Tuesday when the couple<br />

met and awkwardly hugged outside the<br />

coffee shop. Once inside the pair spent a<br />

slightly fraught 15 seconds choosing their<br />

respective drinks, which they then agreed<br />

to pay for separately. According to nearby<br />

customers, the couple’s conversation<br />

over the ensuing two hours was pitched<br />

somewhere between flirty banter and<br />

friendly chat. It is also believed that the<br />

exchange was occasionally rescued from<br />

the brink of silence by a number of clumsy<br />

questions about family, friends and pets.<br />

Reports suggest that once he has finished<br />

reading the pissing newspaper, Mr Ramsay is<br />

thinking about washing the cunting car.<br />

“We had a pretty nice time,” said<br />

Hammond, 22, after the date had ended.<br />

“I don’t think we need to start calling it<br />

‘this’ or ‘that’ at this stage – we’re just<br />

enjoying each other’s company.” He<br />

paused before adding: “What?”<br />

Muldoon was also equivocal about<br />

the form and content of the event, which<br />

had been initiated at her suggestion<br />

the week before. “I just asked Jay if he<br />

fancied going for a coffee sometime and<br />

he said that sounded good,” Ms Muldoon,<br />

23, explained. “I perhaps could have<br />

made it a little clearer what I meant by<br />

that – maybe a ‘drink’ rather than just<br />

a coffee – but I didn’t want to seem too<br />

keen. Besides, we had a nice chat, so<br />

that’s something to be getting on with, I<br />

suppose.”<br />

“I couldn’t say for sure what just<br />

happened,” said shop owner Jordana<br />

Appleton after the pair had said goodbye<br />

outside and walked off in different<br />

directions. “From what I overheard, there<br />

did seem to be a little bit of sexual<br />

tension.”Appleton added: “But then, it<br />

might just have been tension.”<br />

Hammond and Muldoon apparently<br />

have vague plans to meet up again<br />

following their, arguably-successful,<br />

encounter. “We had a good chat about<br />

music; it turns out she’s really into<br />

bands like Mogwai and Sigur Rós,” said<br />

Hammond. “I asked her if she wanted to<br />

go and see a gig with me next week but<br />

it turned out she is already going with her<br />

friends, so I think we’re going to meet up in<br />

there or something.”<br />

“Should be a good gig,” he concluded.<br />

if yer southern, then you’re probably not reading this right - 311 crushed in devastating credit crunch

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