The Tutoring Book - California State University, Sacramento

The Tutoring Book - California State University, Sacramento

The Tutoring Book - California State University, Sacramento


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<strong>Tutoring</strong> the Know-it-All<br />

68<br />

Peggy Kincaid<br />

Spring 2011<br />

Some tutees make you wonder why they came to the center at all, because, according to them, they know<br />

everything. When you work with one of these Knows-it-Allreadies, you feel like you’re being accused of<br />

trying to deface Michelangelo’s David. Back off, you idiot tutor! Don’t touch my masterpiece with your<br />

chiseling pen. Simply step back and admire my genius. This may be an exaggeration, but if you have tried<br />

to tutor a Know-it All, you get my drift. <strong>The</strong> following stories illustrate my point.<br />

Story 1: A drop-in (fictitiously named Dejan), wanted help with a ten page paper that was due the next<br />

day which he had not yet begun to write. Sound familiar? But, to top that, he also wanted the tutor he<br />

worked with (me) to know everything about Confucius and <strong>The</strong>ravada Buddhism! And to further top<br />

that, his manner was demanding and superior. When I offered to be a sounding board and brainstorm his<br />

topic with him, Dejan said, You can’t help me. I need an expert. <strong>The</strong>n he stood up and walked away. I<br />

was not sorry to see him go. I thought for certain that the writing center had seen the last of this puzzling<br />

man. To my surprise (and, I admit, mild horror) Dejan dropped in again the next day. I was the only<br />

tutor available, so I took a deep breath and dived in. I wasn’t too worried since we only had 15 minutes in<br />

which to work, and I thought I could survive that long.<br />

Dejan told me he wanted me to check his grammar and punctuation. Knowing his paper was due that<br />

afternoon, I told him I would check his organization. (He was not an ESL student who needed line-by-line<br />

work as some do.) That was when the battle of wills began. He said, My organization is fine; I know how<br />

to write. I said I would check for organization and clarity at any rate, just in case. He conceded –<br />

reluctantly. It was obvious that taking the “dumb reader” or the supportive listener approach would not<br />

work with this writer. To my surprise, Dejan had written his ten pages without the assistance of an expert<br />

in Eastern religion and written them well. He was a very high level ESL student, and his writing was<br />

sharp and direct. Thankfully, his grammar and punctuation were nearly flawless, and I was able to get to<br />

the heart of his paper quickly.<br />

I am human enough to say that I was happy to see that Dejan had some organization issues and a few<br />

confusing sentences with structural difficulties. Although I didn’t have a specific strategy in mind at the<br />

time, I see now that I took what Muriel Harris calls the stance of “Tutor-as-diagnostician” (McAndrew<br />

and Reigstad, 113). While Dejan tapped his foot, looked frustrated and told me, over and over I know<br />

that. I don’t need your help with that, I continued to take notes. Finally, I gave him my feedback,<br />

expecting him to get angry and walk away again. To my surprise, he listened! Not only did Dejan listen,<br />

he asked me to clarify my remarks. He acknowledged that my comments were valid, thanked me and told<br />

me I was very fast. You could have knocked me over with a mechanical pencil.<br />

Story 2: A fellow tutor, Andrea, told me about her experience with Jim (also fictitiously named) -- an<br />

older man working on his MBA. Jim was highly intelligent and spoke five languages. His writing was<br />

excellent, but he kept forgetting to include articles. He was frustrated and emotionally resistant. Andrea<br />

decided to scale back and take an indirect approach. She reacted to Jim’s paper as if she was not the<br />

reader, and never expressed her own opinion or made direct statements. Andrea couched all of her<br />

comments from the perspective of a third party reader who might read the paper, taking what Muriel<br />

Harris calls the “tutor-as-commentator” approach (McAndrew and Reigstad, 113). She used comments<br />

like, If you write it this way, your reader might think . . . Gradually, Jim’s defenses went down, and he<br />

was able to see that Andrea’s comments made sense. She successfully helped him to detach himself from<br />

his work and become a reader of his own writing.

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