The Tutoring Book - California State University, Sacramento

The Tutoring Book - California State University, Sacramento

The Tutoring Book - California State University, Sacramento


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equirement?” encourage students to create new approaches while acknowledging the structure of<br />

academic writing. Students gain a better understanding of the relevance of their ideas by<br />

contextualizing the assignment within its larger purpose.<br />

� No matter what approach one takes to tutoring the question remains, how much should I focus on<br />

grammar? While social constructivism does not offer a direct solution, it does suggest some useful<br />

perspectives. This theory maintains that the primary function of writing is communication. Grammar<br />

which interferes with this goal, then, comes as a priority over that which does not. Furthermore,<br />

rather than simply “fix” errors, tutors can approach grammar from the point of view of how different<br />

structures convey different ideas. While helping students come up with alternatives tutors can ask<br />

questions like, “How do you think this style of writing will affect the reader?” By creating a<br />

conversation about the way choices in writing style effect meaning students gain greater insight into<br />

the options available to their task and the methods for assessing those possibilities.<br />

Rather than focus on the “correct” interpretation of assignments, social construction theory maintains<br />

that diverse ideas and expectations can be incorporated into new ways of understanding. Tutors model<br />

the process of collaboration by encouraging a critical evaluation of the student’s own thought process as<br />

well as the context of the discourse community, the teacher, and the specific assignment. Social<br />

construction encourages students to recognize that the creation of knowledge is a continuous process of<br />

collaboration and they are through active participants their writing.<br />

Works Cited<br />

King, Diana. “Peer Tutors: Coaches, Benevolent Dictators, Models, and a Barrage of Pedagogy” Writing<br />

Lab Newsletter. 21.7 (1997) p.1-5.<br />


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