The Tutoring Book - California State University, Sacramento

The Tutoring Book - California State University, Sacramento

The Tutoring Book - California State University, Sacramento


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<strong>The</strong> Writing Center and the WPJ<br />

133<br />

Leslie Freeland<br />

Spring 2009<br />

Becoming a Junior at Sac <strong>State</strong> comes with its own right of passage: the WPJ. <strong>The</strong> WPJ (Writing<br />

Placement for Juniors) exam is a placement test that will allow the student to be placed in the English<br />

class that will help them the most. Students taking the test will either be placed directly into their Writing<br />

Intensive (WI) class that they need to graduate, or they may be required to take one or two additional<br />

English classes before they take their WI requirement. This is to ensure each student maximum success<br />

when they finally do take the WI course.<br />

However, since not all students excel at timed writing tests, or may even feel that they could really benefit<br />

from a foundational writing course, there is another option. Students do not have to take the WPJ.<br />

Students can choose to take the English 109M (for multilingual students) or the English 109W course that<br />

will serve the same purpose as the WPJ placement test. Instead of a timed writing test, this choice allows<br />

students to enroll in a semester-long course where they will write several essays. At the end of the<br />

semester, the students in these courses will turn in a portfolio containing the essays and a cover letter that<br />

shows how they improved. Much like the WPJ, after students finish the 109M or 109W course, they will<br />

then be placed into the next English course that is the best fit for them.<br />

How will each student know which choice is best for him or her? This is where the tutors at the Writing<br />

Center come in. Our job, as tutors, is to explain this choice to the students/writers and help them decide<br />

which option may be the best for them. We can do this by discussing their current reading and writing<br />

habits. Ultimately, it is up to the students to decide what is best for them. Our focus as tutors should be to<br />

help them work through this difficult choice.<br />

Choosing the WPJ<br />

If the students/writers read frequently, feel they have a lot of previous college writing experience, feel<br />

confidant that their writing will earn them a good grade in their classes, feel comfortable writing in an<br />

academic style, are comfortable and confidant in timed-writing situations, and are confidant as editors and<br />

revisers of their own work, then these students/writers are good candidates for the WPJ.<br />

Understanding the WPJ:<br />

• Students will take the WPJ only once<br />

• <strong>The</strong> WPJ has two parts:<br />

o the student will be presented with 4-5 mini texts, such as a cartoon, a map, an<br />

advertisement, a written excerpt, a table, etc; the student will then figure out an<br />

issue that relates to all of the presented texts, take a position on this issue, and<br />

write a short argumentative essay<br />

� students will be given one hour to complete this portion of the test<br />

o the student will then write a separate, critical, self-reflection essay about their<br />

writing process: how they write and why they write<br />

� students will be given 30 minutes to complete this portion of the test<br />

• Once the test is complete, students will be placed into the writing course that fits their<br />

level of writing best:<br />

o some students will be able to take their WI class next (3 unit placement)<br />

o some students can enroll in the WI course along with the 1 unit, group tutoring,<br />

109X course (4 unit placement)

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