eastern region oil spill disaster contingency plan - Indian Coast Guard

eastern region oil spill disaster contingency plan - Indian Coast Guard eastern region oil spill disaster contingency plan - Indian Coast Guard

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- 86 - and gradually increases till the hot weather period is terminated by the on set of South West Monsoon. A brief description of significant weather expected over the areas of interest is given below:- (a) Andhra Pradesh and East Tamil Nadu. Thunderstorm activity over coastal Andhra and east Tamil Nadu is less. On an average the number of days of thunder activity over Visakhapatnam during march is one and the frequency increases to 04 and 07 during the months of April and May respectively. (b) Gangetic West Bengal Bihar & Orissa. These regions experience high frequency of thunderstorms, which are accompanied by moderate to severe squalls approaching from northwesterly direction. They are known as Northwesters and are associated with high wind speeds of the order of 140-150 Km/h and result in considerable damage to property and lo0ss of life., These systems are also known as ‘Kal – Baisakhies’. (c) Occurrence. The Norwesters activity is very less during March starts mainly during the moth of April and reaches its peak towards the end of hot weather period. Movement the Norwesters normally develop Bihar plateau, adjoining southeast Madhya Pradesh and west Orissa in the afternoon hours and move towards Gangetic west Bengal and Head of Bay of Bengal. They advance upto 80 to 100 miles into the sea. 15. Sub –Tropical Jet Stream. The sub tropical jet streams (35,000 to 40000). Though winter phenomenon, continues to be another prominent synoptic feature occurring over North, North East India during the month of March. The occurrence of weather in the form of thunder activity as a result of the super imposition of the jet stream over a western disturbance or an induced low moving across Northern and central parts of India is a normal phenomenon during the month of March. In addition on large Gangetic West Bengal, Bihar and Orissa and thunder activity over Assam and adjoining states are also closely related to the presence of jet stream over these areas. 16. Cold Wave. The occurrence of cold waves in the Central parts of the country during the month of March reduces appreciably. The peninsular India virtually becomes free from cold wave activity. 17. Cyclonic Storms / Depressions. They form between 5 Deg to 8Deg North and East of 85 Deg East in the South Bay of Bengal. The frequency of formation of Cyclone and Depression per year is 0.38 and 0.48 respectively.

- 87 - However in the last 20 years there has been no depression /Cyclonic storm formed over Bay of Bengal and Arabian Sea. They have the tendency to move in a westerly to Northwesterly direction and dissipate over the sea area without approaching the East Coast of India. 18. Currents Off Orissa, Andhra and Tamil Nadu Coasts. The currents off Orissa, Andhra and Tamil Nadu Coast continue to maintain their constancy of flow towards Northeast with an average speed of 0.75 Kts. The strongest currents however develop off Andhra and 1'amil Nadu coasts where their speeds may exceed 1 Kt. 19. Weather Summary. During the month of March, the pressure gradient over the country is slack making the land and sea breeze effect very much pronounced. Anti cyclonic circulations predominate over the Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal and the weather is generally fair over most parts of the seas. Storm formation is practically nil in March. The surface temperature starts rising and by the end of March, upper atmosphere becomes unstable as a result of large lapse rates. April 20. General Weather. April is the middle month of the Hot Weather season or the Pre-monsoon season. April is also taken as the representative month of this season. The main Synoptic features of this season are the intense insolation (surface heating) large diurnal variation of meteorological parameters, formation of Heat Lows over the interior parts of the country very high instability in the atmosphere, weak to moderate lower troposphere winds, pronounced seal/land breezes and general lack of moisture except in lower levels. The most important weather that occurs in this season due to high instability is the thunder storm/dust storm / hail storm activity. In addition Depressions and Cyclonic storms occasionally form over the Indian seas and move over the land affecting the general dry weather of the region. 21. Mean sea level pressure Pattern. With the movement of the Sun towards the Northern the surface air temperature of interior landmasses of the Peninsula increases rapidly. As a result Heat Lows from initially over the Southern peninsula and the same shifts northwards as the season advances. The Heat Low's during April usually establish over NE Madhya Pradesh. These Heat Lows are very shallow and have no well-defined upper air circulations. A through

- 86 -<br />

and gradually increases till the hot weather period is terminated by the on set of<br />

South West Monsoon. A brief description of significant weather expected over<br />

the areas of interest is given below:-<br />

(a) Andhra Pradesh and East Tamil Nadu. Thunderstorm activity<br />

over coastal Andhra and east Tamil Nadu is less. On an average the<br />

number of days of thunder activity over Visakhapatnam during march is<br />

one and the frequency increases to 04 and 07 during the months of April<br />

and May respectively.<br />

(b) Gangetic West Bengal Bihar & Orissa. These <strong>region</strong>s<br />

experience high frequency of thunderstorms, which are accompanied by<br />

moderate to severe squalls approaching from northwesterly direction. They<br />

are known as Northwesters and are associated with high wind speeds of<br />

the order of 140-150 Km/h and result in considerable damage to property<br />

and lo0ss of life., These systems are also known as ‘Kal – Baisakhies’.<br />

(c) Occurrence. The Norwesters activity is very less during March<br />

starts mainly during the moth of April and reaches its peak towards the<br />

end of hot weather period. Movement the Norwesters normally develop<br />

Bihar plateau, adjoining southeast Madhya Pradesh and west Orissa in the<br />

afternoon hours and move towards Gangetic west Bengal and Head of Bay<br />

of Bengal. They advance upto 80 to 100 miles into the sea.<br />

15. Sub –Tropical Jet Stream. The sub tropical jet streams (35,000 to<br />

40000). Though winter phenomenon, continues to be another prominent<br />

synoptic feature occurring over North, North East India during the month of<br />

March. The occurrence of weather in the form of thunder activity as a result of<br />

the super imposition of the jet stream over a western disturbance or an induced<br />

low moving across Northern and central parts of India is a normal phenomenon<br />

during the month of March. In addition on large Gangetic West Bengal, Bihar and<br />

Orissa and thunder activity over Assam and adjoining states are also closely<br />

related to the presence of jet stream over these areas.<br />

16. Cold Wave. The occurrence of cold waves in the Central parts of the<br />

country during the month of March reduces appreciably. The peninsular India<br />

virtually becomes free from cold wave activity.<br />

17. Cyclonic Storms / Depressions. They form between 5 Deg to 8Deg<br />

North and East of 85 Deg East in the South Bay of Bengal. The frequency of<br />

formation of Cyclone and Depression per year is 0.38 and 0.48 respectively.

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