R100 Review - Audio Note Singapore

R100 Review - Audio Note Singapore

R100 Review - Audio Note Singapore


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Scot Markwell<br />

Equipment <strong>Review</strong><br />

Analog Capsules:<br />

Two great analog overachievers<br />

ZYX <strong>R100</strong>H Moving-Coil Phonograph Cartridge<br />

and Coph Nia MC Phono Preamplifier<br />

In these heady days of the best LP playback equipment that has<br />

ever existed on the planet, many who might otherwise want to get<br />

into (or re-enter) the world of vinyl are daunted or stopped cold by<br />

how much it costs to get really first-class sound. So many high-priced<br />

"The <strong>R100</strong>H renders music's foundation,<br />

be it orchestral, jazz, big band, or<br />

pop/rock, with a weight, precision, and<br />

realism that defies almost all others…"<br />

phono sections and moving-coil cartridges are now showcased so often<br />

in the press that you might think affordable components are in the minority<br />

or are hopelessly inferior to the high-priced spread. It's nice to read<br />

about these ambitious designs and what they can do, of course, but<br />

most consumers want to have their cake and eat it, too. This is a natural<br />

desire, but nearly impossible to attain. Nearly, I said. It<br />

is not completely impossible.<br />

Enter the Japanese ZYX <strong>R100</strong>H medium-output<br />

MC cartridge and the Swedish Coph Nia MC<br />

Phono Preamplifier. At $995 and $1295, respectively,<br />

these two products are placed somewhere<br />

in the bottom third of retail price structure for<br />

such devices. You can buy similar components<br />

for several hundred dollars less, but the pieces<br />

under consideration here are so good that their<br />

ultimate value is much higher than many similar<br />

components that are less expensive. In many<br />

respects, both of these products will not only<br />

keep up with much of the more expensive competition,<br />

but in some ways, they perform well above<br />

their price level, particularly the <strong>R100</strong>H cartridge.<br />

This cartridge initially gave me fits. I was, I must<br />

confess, somewhat prejudiced against it before I heard<br />

it, because I had not had the best of luck with its higher-priced, similarlooking<br />

brother, the <strong>R100</strong> Fuji FS, in Harry Pearson's system several<br />

months ago. That cartridge had seemed a bit dull and lacking in focus;<br />

we eventually returned it. And the same thing happened with the <strong>R100</strong>Hthat<br />

is, the subject of this review. When I first installed it, I could get nothing<br />

but a rather soft and overly laid-back sound that was lacking in<br />

instrumental weight and body, and had not much in the way of a true<br />

midbass foundation. The sound was thick, slow, and veiled.<br />

I tried several phono sections, including the Hagerman Trumpet,<br />

the Coph Nia under review, the Plinius M14, the Clearaudio Balance,<br />

and others. Each time, I did not have the patience to wait it out to be sure<br />

it didn't need more running in; I simply removed it and substituted another<br />

MC that I had on hand at the time. Finally I recognized that I was not<br />

giving the cartridge a fair chance. Others whose ears I trust report it as<br />

very good, indeed. So I put it into the system once more, this time in a<br />

true balanced configuration into Ralph Karsten's stunningly good<br />

AtmaSphere MP-1 all-differential, all-tube, full-function preamplifier.<br />

Well, I was stunned as soon as I set the needle down on the first<br />

record. I could not believe what I was hearing; I pretty much still do not.<br />

I know what you are thinking: that the AtmaSphere is a much better a<br />

phono section than the others, and therein lies the difference. It's true<br />

that the MP-1 is a superb preamplifier, but ultimately, this is a tale of<br />

proper adjustment and (unexpectedly long) cartridge break in.<br />

At .34 mV output, the <strong>R100</strong>H has enough signal capability so that it<br />

will exhibit a better overall signal-to-noise ratio in an MC phono stage than<br />

cartridges of lower output. But make no mistake-this is still a puny signal,<br />

in this era of line-level outputs of several volts. An illustrative story: The<br />

MP-1 I alluded to above, while sounding gloriously lifelike in many ways<br />

(and with over 60dB of overall gain for phono reproduction), nevertheless<br />

has audible tube rush discernable from the listening position at even medium<br />

playback volumes. Some will find this level of noise unacceptable. I<br />

decry it intellectually, but in practice, though it is a bit of a nuisance, I do<br />

not find it overly obtrusive. Not any more, any way. I remember being really<br />

irritated one day and complaining to Karsten about<br />

the hiss level. He didn't bat an eye, just asked me<br />

if the residual noise floor of the record was<br />

louder, at its softest point, than the tube hiss.<br />

I said that 95% of the time it was, and he pointed<br />

out that the tube hiss did not, therefore,<br />

make any real difference. My brain has trouble<br />

with this, but my ears are so entranced by<br />

the sound that I am no longer annoyed. I<br />

thought that this rather high noise level, to<br />

one accustomed to the almost-silent background<br />

of the solid-state Plinius M14 phono<br />

stage, would be an impediment to the recovery<br />

of fine detail from my records, but it turns out that<br />

that was not the case at all. The resolution of the<br />

system shone through the hiss of the tubes as if it<br />

was not there.<br />

How then, does this transparent (as in see-through acrylic body)<br />

little wonder of a cartridge sound? The best description I can summon is<br />

that it gives me more of a true sense of the music, its essence, if you will,<br />

"…if the recording is up the task, you<br />

will hear, with the <strong>R100</strong>H, a greater<br />

fidelity to violins, bass guitars, violas—the<br />

whole lot—than with almost<br />

any other MC I have experienced.”<br />

than anything else I have used in the past several years. To drive this<br />

point home, I want to reiterate that not only was I predisposed to dislike<br />

this cartridge, but it actually did sound decidedly less than impressive<br />

the first few times out. The difference, I remind you, lies in the fact that<br />

it has been played enough to be truly run-in, as well as being partnered<br />

with a superior phono stage—and I am referring not just to the expen-<br />

© Copyright 2004, Absolute Multimedia AVguide Monthly<br />


Equipment <strong>Review</strong><br />

sive AtmaSphere, but to the little Coph Nia, priced most reasonably, discussed<br />

below.<br />

Dynamic contrasts, in particular, are rendered in such a manner as<br />

to suggest real instruments and musicians, especially with the best<br />

Direct-to-Disc recordings, such as those from Sheffield Lad and Crystal<br />

Clear. The Sheffield Lab Prokofiev Excerpts D-to-D LP sounds so<br />

open and alive with the <strong>R100</strong>H as to start to suggest the presence<br />

of the orchestra and the sonically amazing MGM<br />

soundstage it was recorded on, warts and all. I<br />

have also been listening to several<br />

Japanese D-to-D recordings manufactured<br />

by Toshiba/EMI, and they are stunning<br />

in their transient impact, transparency,<br />

and faithfulness to the real thing. Take<br />

the "A" Train by The Third is a good<br />

example. The musicianship is a bit hokey,<br />

but all the various percussion and wind<br />

instruments sound alive and are possessed of a<br />

high degree of "snap" and a rightness to leading-edge transients<br />

that makes the music sound closer to live. Natural hall ambience<br />

is rendered with an ease and bloom that allows the instruments to<br />

bask in their own glow. If you are playing a pop/rock album, or anything<br />

recorded in a deadish studio environment, you can easily hear the artificial<br />

reverb that has been applied to the recording, especially if it is one<br />

of the old plate reverb units that have such wonderful trailing-edge signatures.<br />

There is less of a residual<br />

mechanical quality to the <strong>R100</strong>H than<br />

many of its MC brethren, including<br />

some that cost many, many times<br />

more. Music through this transducer<br />

has a presence and a vivacity that is<br />

neither unnaturally bright nor unnaturally<br />

projected; it is merely realistic<br />

and engrossing in the same manner<br />

as real music. While the <strong>R100</strong>H will never be described as a detailfreak's<br />

cartridge, it nevertheless manages to elicit enough information<br />

from the grooves that I do not cry for more. I do feel that I may be missing<br />

the very last word in resolution here, but the net effect is so well balanced<br />

that I can easily and willingly live with it.<br />

The <strong>R100</strong>H renders music's foundation, be it orchestral, jazz, big<br />

band, or pop/rock, with a weight, precision, and realism that defies<br />

almost all others, save the 47 Lab Miyabi, and that is four times the modest<br />

cost of the <strong>R100</strong>H. Along with this<br />

impressive reproduction of the lower<br />

frequencies comes a delicate balancing<br />

act with the rest of the musical spectrum<br />

in the sense that the <strong>R100</strong>H is<br />

never upset into intermodulation distortions<br />

when playing strong bass lines, as<br />

when reproducing a chorus singing at<br />

full tilt while deep and loud organ pedals<br />

are being played and held. The<br />

voices and the pedals both sound<br />

super-clean and remain correctly separated<br />

in the spatial and textural planes.<br />

There is a sweetness to massed<br />

strings that I have truly never heard rendered as well in my system. Not<br />

sugar-sweet, as if the notes had been dripped in honey, but with the natural<br />

rosin-y intensity of real music. Mind you, this quality is almost wholly<br />

dependant on the recording, rather than being a featured "sound" of<br />

the <strong>R100</strong>H, and if the record in question has poorly-recorded string<br />

instruments, then you will get that, no veiling or sugar-coating. However,<br />

if the recording is up the task, you will hear, with the <strong>R100</strong>H, a greater<br />

fidelity to violins, bass guitars, violas—the whole lot—than with almost<br />

any other MC I have experienced.<br />

Oh, I almost forgot: I tried this cartridge with a<br />

variety of resistive loads on both the<br />

AtmaSphere MP-1 and the Coph<br />

Nia, and I always liked 47K/ohms<br />

best. Your response, based on your<br />

taste and system balance, may be<br />

different, but I felt that this "wideopen"<br />

loading brought out the cartridge's<br />

best performance in<br />

dynamics and treble extension,<br />

without imparting any overly-etched<br />

quality to the upper midrange.<br />

You may now be wondering<br />

where the Coph Nia MC phono<br />

section figures in all of this. I did not intend this review to<br />

partner these two pieces as a front-end system, though they do sound<br />

exceptionally well in such a configuration. Rather, I have put the two<br />

products together to illustrate the fact that there exists, in a lower price<br />

structure than is the norm for such quality, both a modern MC cartridge<br />

and MC phono section of some distinction.<br />

That being said, the<br />

"This phono stage is so quiet, and<br />

blessed with such a see-through quality,<br />

that it manages to retrieve every<br />

nuance of a cartridge's performance<br />

envelope and paint a different sonic<br />

palette for each one."<br />

Coph Nia, when partnered<br />

with the <strong>R100</strong>H (or any<br />

other MC that I tried it with),<br />

was as silent as a tomb. It<br />

does not sound quite as<br />

good as the AtmaSphere<br />

MP-1, but at just over<br />

1/10th the price of that twopiece<br />

tubed unit, this slim and tidy solid-state phono stage is way better<br />

than 1/10th as good. Used with the <strong>R100</strong>, the Coph easily allowed the<br />

musicality and transparency of the cartridge to come through.<br />

So, yes, this MC stage is another reasonably priced gem. It is good<br />

enough to use with your choice of an MC cartridge, and you can upgrade<br />

to even more expensive ones and still get good results from the Coph<br />

Nia. It is transparent enough to easily pass on a given transducer's sonic<br />

signature. And that is, in fact, the hallmark of the Coph Nia: transparency.<br />

This phono stage is so quiet, and blessed with such a see-through<br />

quality, that it manages to<br />

retrieve every nuance of a cartridge's<br />

performance envelope<br />

and paint a different sonic<br />

palette for each one. It is also<br />

almost overly sweet in the<br />

upper midrange and lower treble,<br />

to the point of seductiveness<br />

and at the slight expense<br />

of accuracy. But in many systems,<br />

especially those built at<br />

this price point (say around<br />

$7000-$9000 for a full system<br />

including a decent CD player),<br />

this quality will seem a natural<br />

balm to many recordings.<br />

Especially crystalline and grainless<br />

in the extreme highs, if<br />

ever-so-slightly soft, the Coph Nia falls down in comparison to the very<br />

best only in its rendition of the highest musical harmonics and its slight<br />

lack of weight in the mid- and lower bass.<br />

These are not serious failings. To put things in perspective, if you<br />

© Copyright 2004, Absolute Multimedia AVguide Monthly<br />


Equipment <strong>Review</strong><br />

listen to the Coph Nia in Harry Pearson's reference system, you can<br />

easily hear that is a tad light in the bass and that it is not as harmonically<br />

developed as, say, the Groove+ (which sells for almost five times as<br />

much), or the AtmaSphere MP-1 in my system. On the other hand, in a<br />

bit more modest system, the Coph Nia acquits itself well, indeed, with a<br />

lightness and deftness of touch that brings natural detail to the fore and<br />

then integrates it into the overall sonic cloth without calling undue attention<br />

to any part of the frequency or spatial spectra. It is more of a graceful<br />

Fred Astaire dancer with the music, if you will, than a powerful Gene<br />

Kelly. Maybe Astaire could stand to gain a couple of pounds, but his fluidity<br />

and grace are unsurpassed; beside Astaire, Kelly appears almost<br />

clumsy and slow. The Coph Nia's tonal balance, while lean, is unfailingly<br />

honest and squeaky-clean; it sings with a true voice, if one perhaps<br />

not quite as full-blooded as some of the competition.<br />

The Clearaudio Balance, for instance, at almost exactly the same<br />

price, is another compact MC stage of solid-state origin, although it<br />

comes with a separate dual-mono power supply. As might be expected,<br />

it does hit harder in the bass and can seem to have a wider dynamic<br />

range than the Coph, but often at the expense of sounding, in comparison,<br />

a bit contrived or overdone. It can also, at times, sound more exciting<br />

and spectacular. Perhaps just a bit too exciting at times. The Plinius<br />

Jarrah, at about $800, is in between: It is not as sweet as the Coph Nia,<br />

but it does have more of the dynamic wallop of the Clearaudio. Yet, sideby-side<br />

with the Coph, it loses in terms of smoothness of the highs and<br />

transparency to source; the Coph Nia is a little more refined, with more<br />

of a see-though quality to its reproduction of the soundstage.<br />

So it is fully competitive in its market segment, this little phono box;<br />

its selection by a purchaser will be based not just on its price, but on its<br />

sophisticated and seductive style of phonograph-record reproduction. If<br />

your taste in LP reproduction leans to the side of transparency, sweetness<br />

of texture, low noise, a mid-hall perspective, with an overall polish<br />

of sophistication and lack of grain, you will find much to admire here.<br />

Likewise, if you place more stock in hard-hitting dynamics and a more<br />

spectacular and close-to presentation, then you may wish to look elsewhere.<br />

In the final analysis, however, the Coph Nia will leave you smiling<br />

and wanting more, while its rowdier stablemates may well leave you<br />

wanting a break. The Coph Nia is a great value for the money and a winner<br />

in most respects. And if you have a good subwoofer in your system,<br />

and know how to adjust it, then its slight lack of bass weight is easily<br />

compensated for.<br />

I remain bedazzled and amazed that we have such a plethora<br />

of superb phono-reproduction equipment available, and at<br />

almost every price range. The ZYX <strong>R100</strong>H MC cartridge and the<br />

Coph Nia MC phono section are by no means cheap or casual<br />

products. But they are both genuinely high value, in the sense<br />

that you are getting a whopping lot of innate goodness and musicality<br />

in both products. The <strong>R100</strong>H is an out-of-the-ballpark home<br />

run, as far as I am concerned (though its performance doubtless<br />

will, to some degree, vary depending on the level of the rest of<br />

your phono equipment; it sounds great with affordable gear and<br />

stellar with the best stuff), and the Coph Nia is an excellent unit<br />

for a refined, reasonably scaled system. You might be able to get<br />

both for a not-inconsiderable discount (I have seen the Coph Nia<br />

for less than a grand, for instance).<br />

High-End performance at reasonably accessible prices.<br />

Bread-and-butter products whose savor places them well above<br />

their station.<br />

Specifications<br />

ZYX <strong>R100</strong>H MC Cartridge<br />

Type: Moving-coil (dynamic)<br />

Output Voltage: 0.24mV (H = 0.48mV) [3.54cm/sec., 1kHz] or<br />

0.34mV (H=0.68mV) [5.0cm/sec., 1kHz]<br />

Frequency Response/( +/- 1dB): 10Hz ~ 80kHz (20Hz ~ 20kHz)<br />

10Hz~100kHz (20Hz~20kHz)<br />

Channel Separation > 30dB [1kHz]<br />

Channel Separation < 0.5dB [1kHz]<br />

Recommended Tracking Force: 2.0gm [20 ~ 25 degrees Celsius]<br />

Tracking Force Range: 1.7 ~ 2.5gm<br />

Compliance horizontal (vertical): 15 x 10-6 cm/dyne (12 x 10-6<br />

cm/dyne)<br />

Trackability: > 80ƒÊm/2.0gm<br />

Internal Impedance: 4 ohms (H = 8 ohms) 3.5 ohms (SH, H = 7.0<br />

ohms)<br />

Recommended Load Impedance: > 100 ohms<br />

Cantilever Material: Boron rod 0.3mm dia.<br />

Diamond Square Rod: 0.22mm sq.<br />

Stylus: Microridge Solid Diamond 0.07mm sq.<br />

Net Weight: R-100 4.2gm<br />

Coph Nia MC Phono Section<br />

Variable input load from 22 Ohms to 47k Ohms<br />

Gain: 60dB<br />

Features:<br />

Very accurate passive RIAA equalization<br />

Ultra low noise<br />

Phase correct<br />

Separate power supplies for each channel<br />

Mains filter<br />

Only highest quality audio capacitors<br />

Shielded internal signal cables<br />

Gold-plated RCA in and outputs<br />

Dimensions: W 3,5" / 9cm H 3,5" / 9cm D 12" / 30cm<br />

Weight: 5 lbs / 2,2kg<br />

Associated Equipment<br />

VPI HW-19 MK IV turntable w/VPI JMW Memorial 10.5 arm; Clearaudio<br />

Harmony Wood and Insider Master Reference Wood, Van Den Hul<br />

Colibri, and Madrigal Carnegie 1 MC cartridges; Plinius M-14 and<br />

Clearaudio Balance(SS), Hagerman Trumpet (tubed), and AtmaSphere<br />

MP-1 (tubed) phono sections; Plinius M-16 (SS) and AtmaSphere MP-<br />

1 (tubed) line stages; Ayon <strong>Audio</strong> Classic 32B, Viva 300B, and Vaic<br />

VV52 B SET amplifiers; Tom Evans <strong>Audio</strong> Design Soul 30 wpc Single<br />

Ended Tetrode (tubed) amplifier; VAC PA 100/100 tubed push-pull<br />

amplifier; Forsell Air-Bearing CD Transport and EAD Theatermaster<br />

DAC; Reference 3A Royal Virtuoso, Horning Agathon, and Living Voice<br />

Avatar OBX loudspeakers; Chase Technologies CH-1 passive surround<br />

decoder with a pair of small Radio Shack Minimus speakers for<br />

surround sound, SLM/Janis subwoofer with Crown Macro Reference<br />

amplifier; Siltech Gen III, <strong>Audio</strong> Magic, Acoustic Zen, and Stealth<br />

Technologies cables, Arcici Suspense Rack.<br />

Manufacturer Information<br />

Both products distributed and sold in the USA by:<br />

Music Direct<br />

318 N Laflin St., Chicago, Illinois 60607<br />

Phone: 800-449-8333 or 312-433-0200<br />

Fax: 312-433-0011<br />

twolff@amusicdirect.com<br />

www.amusicdirect.com/default.asp<br />

Prices: Coph Nia MC Phono Stage: $1295; ZYX <strong>R100</strong> medium output:<br />

$995<br />

On the Web:<br />

ZYX cartridges<br />

www.bertrandaudio.com/Products/ZYXPhono/ZYXPhono.htm<br />

Coph Nia<br />

hem.fyristorg.com/cophnia<br />

© Copyright 2004, Absolute Multimedia AVguide Monthly<br />


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