Applications Guide Tracer Graphical Programming - Trane

Applications Guide Tracer Graphical Programming - Trane Applications Guide Tracer Graphical Programming - Trane


® Chapter 2 Writing the exhaust fan program Figure 13: Input (Hardware) block Editing block properties In the TGP editor, edit the properties for blocks by using their properties dialog boxes. For example, the Type property for the Input block defines what type of hardware input, analog or binary, the block represents. Edit the block properties to set up the hardware input to read the space temperature from the analog input. Programming tip: Set the properties of each block as you place it in the program. This is especially important for blocks that can be set as analog or binary because the connections between blocks are dependent on the data type. To edit block properties: 1. Click the Input block to select it. The block is outlined in yellow. 2. From the Edit menu, choose Properties. The Input Properties dialog box appears (Figure 14). Note: The properties dialog box for each block varies considerably depending on the options available for that block. A few blocks have no editable properties. Figure 14: Input Properties dialog box 3. Under Type, click the Analog option. 4. In the Input list, click Equip Rm Space Temp. 5. Click OK. The block displays the name of the associated input and the input number (Figure 15 on page 19). 18 CNT-APG001-EN

® Using a Constant block Figure 15: Equip Rm Space Temp input block Using a Constant block You want to check if the space temperature is above or below the setpoint of 85°F. Because you know the setpoint and do not want it to change, use a Constant block to represent it. ➤ Constants and variables When is it appropriate to use a constant? Or a variable? The primary distinction between constants and variables is that constants remain unchanged; whereas, variables change. You might ask, “How do these definitions apply to the Tracer MP580/581?” Constants may be used in programs as unchanging values. They may be analog, binary, or time/date values. However, they cannot be known outside of the program in which they reside. In other words, a constant cannot be seen or changed unless you edit the program itself. Variables, on the other hand, may be changed using a variety of methods. Variables can be communicated from the Tracer Summit system and changed using the Rover service tool. Variables may also be calculatedinaprogram,ortheymaybemadeadjustablethroughthe operator display. Ask the following questions when you are considering using a constant or a variable: • Does the value change during program execution? • Must the value be displayed on the operator display? • Must the value be adjustable by the operator, through the operator display, the Tracer Summit system, or the Comm5 network, including the Rover service tool? • Must the value be communicated (to Tracer Summit, Rover, or another Comm5 device)? If you answered no to all of the above questions, then it is appropriate to use a constant. If you answered yes to any of the questions, then use a variable. To use a Constant block: 1. From the Blocks menu, choose Input/Output. From the Input/Output menu, choose Constant. 2. Click in the design space to place the Constant block (Figure 16 on page 20). CNT-APG001-EN 19

®<br />

Using a Constant block<br />

Figure 15: Equip Rm Space Temp input block<br />

Using a Constant block<br />

You want to check if the space temperature is above or below the setpoint<br />

of 85°F. Because you know the setpoint and do not want it to change, use<br />

a Constant block to represent it.<br />

➤ Constants and variables<br />

When is it appropriate to use a constant? Or a variable? The primary<br />

distinction between constants and variables is that constants remain<br />

unchanged; whereas, variables change. You might ask, “How do these<br />

definitions apply to the <strong>Tracer</strong> MP580/581?”<br />

Constants may be used in programs as unchanging values. They may<br />

be analog, binary, or time/date values. However, they cannot be<br />

known outside of the program in which they reside. In other words, a<br />

constant cannot be seen or changed unless you edit the program itself.<br />

Variables, on the other hand, may be changed using a variety of methods.<br />

Variables can be communicated from the <strong>Tracer</strong> Summit system<br />

and changed using the Rover service tool. Variables may also be calculatedinaprogram,ortheymaybemadeadjustablethroughthe<br />

operator display. Ask the following questions when you are considering<br />

using a constant or a variable:<br />

• Does the value change during program execution?<br />

• Must the value be displayed on the operator display?<br />

• Must the value be adjustable by the operator, through the operator<br />

display, the <strong>Tracer</strong> Summit system, or the Comm5 network,<br />

including the Rover service tool?<br />

• Must the value be communicated (to <strong>Tracer</strong> Summit, Rover, or<br />

another Comm5 device)?<br />

If you answered no to all of the above questions, then it is appropriate<br />

to use a constant. If you answered yes to any of the questions, then<br />

use a variable.<br />

To use a Constant block:<br />

1. From the Blocks menu, choose Input/Output. From the Input/Output<br />

menu, choose Constant.<br />

2. Click in the design space to place the Constant block (Figure 16 on<br />

page 20).<br />

CNT-APG001-EN 19

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