Notes on Relativity and Cosmology - Physics Department, UCSB

Notes on Relativity and Cosmology - Physics Department, UCSB Notes on Relativity and Cosmology - Physics Department, UCSB
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286 CHAPTER 10. COSMOLOGY 3. The three dimensional version of the Lobachevskian space. By the way, it is worth pointing out that option (1) gives us a finite sized universe. The second and third options gives us infinite spaces. However, if we were willing to weaken the assumption of isotropy just a little bit, we could get finite sized spaces that are very much the same. To get an idea of how this works, think of taking a piece of paper (which is a good model of an infinite flat plane) and rolling it up into a cylinder. This cylinder is still flat, but it is finite in one direction. This space is homogeneous, though it is not isotropic (since one direction is finite while the other is not): Rolling up flat three dimensional space in all three directions gives what is called a 3-torus, and is finite in all three directions. The Lobachevskian space can also be ‘rolled up’ to get a finite universe. This particular detail is not mentioned in many popular discussions of cosmology. Actually, these are not just three spaces. Instead, each possibility (sphere, flat, Lobachevskian) represents 3 sets of possibilities. To see the point, let’s consider option #1, the sphere. There are small spheres, and there are big spheres. The big spheres are very flat while the tiny spheres are tightly curved. So, the sphere that would be our universe could, in principle, have had any size. The same is true of the Lobachevskian space. Think of it this way: in Escher’s picture, no one told us how big each fish actually is. Suppose that each fish is one light-year across. Such a space can also be considered ‘big,’ although of course any Lobachevskian space has infinite volume (an infinite number of fish). In particular, if we consider a region much smaller than a single fish, we cannot see the funny curvature effects and the space appears to be flat. You may recall that we have to look at circles of radius 2 fish or so to see that C/R is not always 2π. So, if each fish was a light year across, we would have to look really far away to see the effects of the curvature. On the other hand, if each fish represented only a millimeter (a ‘small’ space), the curvature would be readily apparent just within our class room. The point is again that there is really a family of spaces here labelled by a length – roughly speaking, this length is the size of each fish. What about for the flat space? After all, flat is flat..... Here, making the universe bigger does not change the geometry of space at all – it simply remains flat. However, it will spread out the galaxies, stars, and such. (The same is, of course, also true in the spherical and Lobachevskian contexts.) So, for the flat space case, one easy effect to visualize is the change in the density of matter. However, there is more to it than this: the spacetime is curved, and the curvature depends on the rate of expansion. We can see this because observers at different places in ‘space’ who begin with no relative velocity nevertheless accelerate apart when the universe ‘expands’!

10.2. DYNAMICS! (A.K.A. TIME EVOLUTION) 287 10.2 Dynamics! (a.k.a. Time Evolution) So, homogeneity and isotropy restrict the shape of space to be in one of a few simple classes. That is to say, at any time (to the extent that this means anything) the shape of space takes one of these forms. But what happens as time passes? Does it maintain the same shape, or does it change? The answer must somehow lie inside Einstein’s equations (the complicated ones that we have said rather little about), since they are what control the behavior of the spacetime metric. Luckily, the assumptions of homogeneity and isotropy simplify these equations a lot. Let’s think about what the metric will look like. It will certainly have a dt 2 part. If we decide to use a time coordinate which measures proper time directly then the coefficient of dt 2 will just be −1. We can always decide to make such a choice. The rest of the metric controls the metric for space 1 , which must be the metric for one of the three spaces described above. Now, the universe cannot suddenly change from, say, a sphere to a Lobachevskian space. So, as time passes the metric for space can only change by changing the the overall size (a.k.a. ‘scale’) of the space. In other words, the space can only get bigger or smaller. What this means mathematically is that the metric must take the general form: ds 2 = −dτ 2 + a 2 (t)(metric for unit − sized space). (10.1) The factor a(t) is called the ‘scale factor’ or ‘size of the universe.’ When a is big, all of the spatial distances are very big. When a is small, all of the spatial distances are very small. So, a space with small a will have a highly curved space and very dense matter. Technically, the curvature of space is proportional to 1/a 2 , while the density of matter is proportional to 1/a 3 . Note that the only freedom we have left in the metric is the single function a(t). Einstein’s equations must therefore simplify to just a single equation that tells us how a(t) evolves in time. 10.2.1 Expanding and Contracting Universes Before diving into Einstein’s equations themselves, let’s first take a moment to understand better what it means if a changes with time. To do so, let’s consider a case where a starts off ‘large’ but then quickly decreases to zero: 1 There can also be terms of the form dtdx, dtdy, and dtdz that mix time and space. However, these three terms can be thought of as giving the x, y, z components of a vector in space. But space is isotropic, so there is no special direction in which this vector can point. The only vector with no direction is the zero vector, so in fact this vector must vanish. It follows that there are in fact no cross terms of this sort.

10.2. DYNAMICS! (A.K.A. TIME EVOLUTION) 287<br />

10.2 Dynamics! (a.k.a. Time Evoluti<strong>on</strong>)<br />

So, homogeneity <strong>and</strong> isotropy restrict the shape of space to be in <strong>on</strong>e of a<br />

few simple classes. That is to say, at any time (to the extent that this means<br />

anything) the shape of space takes <strong>on</strong>e of these forms. But what happens as<br />

time passes? Does it maintain the same shape, or does it change? The answer<br />

must somehow lie inside Einstein’s equati<strong>on</strong>s (the complicated <strong>on</strong>es that we<br />

have said rather little about), since they are what c<strong>on</strong>trol the behavior of the<br />

spacetime metric.<br />

Luckily, the assumpti<strong>on</strong>s of homogeneity <strong>and</strong> isotropy simplify these equati<strong>on</strong>s<br />

a lot. Let’s think about what the metric will look like. It will certainly have<br />

a dt 2 part. If we decide to use a time coordinate which measures proper time<br />

directly then the coefficient of dt 2 will just be −1. We can always decide to make<br />

such a choice. The rest of the metric c<strong>on</strong>trols the metric for space 1 , which must<br />

be the metric for <strong>on</strong>e of the three spaces described above. Now, the universe<br />

cannot suddenly change from, say, a sphere to a Lobachevskian space. So, as<br />

time passes the metric for space can <strong>on</strong>ly change by changing the the overall<br />

size (a.k.a. ‘scale’) of the space. In other words, the space can <strong>on</strong>ly get bigger<br />

or smaller.<br />

What this means mathematically is that the metric must take the general form:<br />

ds 2 = −dτ 2 + a 2 (t)(metric for unit − sized space). (10.1)<br />

The factor a(t) is called the ‘scale factor’ or ‘size of the universe.’ When a is<br />

big, all of the spatial distances are very big. When a is small, all of the spatial<br />

distances are very small. So, a space with small a will have a highly curved space<br />

<strong>and</strong> very dense matter. Technically, the curvature of space is proporti<strong>on</strong>al to<br />

1/a 2 , while the density of matter is proporti<strong>on</strong>al to 1/a 3 .<br />

Note that the <strong>on</strong>ly freedom we have left in the metric is the single functi<strong>on</strong> a(t).<br />

Einstein’s equati<strong>on</strong>s must therefore simplify to just a single equati<strong>on</strong> that tells<br />

us how a(t) evolves in time.<br />

10.2.1 Exp<strong>and</strong>ing <strong>and</strong> C<strong>on</strong>tracting Universes<br />

Before diving into Einstein’s equati<strong>on</strong>s themselves, let’s first take a moment to<br />

underst<strong>and</strong> better what it means if a changes with time. To do so, let’s c<strong>on</strong>sider<br />

a case where a starts off ‘large’ but then quickly decreases to zero:<br />

1 There can also be terms of the form dtdx, dtdy, <strong>and</strong> dtdz that mix time <strong>and</strong> space.<br />

However, these three terms can be thought of as giving the x, y, z comp<strong>on</strong>ents of a vector in<br />

space. But space is isotropic, so there is no special directi<strong>on</strong> in which this vector can point.<br />

The <strong>on</strong>ly vector with no directi<strong>on</strong> is the zero vector, so in fact this vector must vanish. It<br />

follows that there are in fact no cross terms of this sort.

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