Notes on Relativity and Cosmology - Physics Department, UCSB

Notes on Relativity and Cosmology - Physics Department, UCSB Notes on Relativity and Cosmology - Physics Department, UCSB
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208 CHAPTER 8. GENERAL RELATIVITY AND CURVED SPACETIME y z ∆ x ∆ s ∆ z θ x In this case, the distances ∆x, ∆z, and ∆s are related in a slightly more complicated way. If you have studied much vector mathematics, you will have seen the relation: ∆s 2 = ∆x 2 + ∆z 2 + 2∆x∆z cosθ. (8.4) In vector notation, this is just |⃗x + ⃗z| 2 = |⃗x| 2 + |⃗z| 2 + 2⃗x · ⃗z. Even if you have not seen this relation before, it should make some sense to you. Note, for example, that if θ = 0 we get ∆s = 2∆x (since x and z are parallel and our ‘triangle’ is just a long straight line), while for θ = 180 o we get ∆s = 0 (since x and z now point in opposite directions and, in walking along the two sides of our triangle, we cover the same path twice in opposite directions, returning to our starting point.). For an infinitesimal triangle, we would write this as: ds 2 = dx 2 + dz 2 − 2dxdz cosθ. (8.5) So, the angular information lies in the “cross term” with a dxdz. The coefficient of this term tells us the angle between the x and z directions. 8.3.3 Metrics on Curved space This gives us an idea of what a metric on a general curved space should look like. After all, locally (i.e., infinitesimally) it should looks like one of the flat cases above! Thus, a general metric should have a part proportional to dx 2 , a part proportional to dy 2 , and a part proportional to dxdy. In general, we write this as: ds 2 = g xx dx 2 + 2g xy dxdy + g yy dy 2 . (8.6) What makes this metric different from the ones above (and therefore not necessarily flat) is that g xx , g xy , and g yy are in general functions of the coordinates x, y. In contrast, the functions were constants for the flat metrics above. Note that this fits with our idea that curved spaces are locally flat since, close to any particular point (x, y) the functions g xx , g xy , g yy will not deviate too much from the values at that point. In other words, any smooth function is locally constant.

8.3. GRAVITY AND THE METRIC 209 Now, why is there a 2 with the dxdy term? Note that since dxdy = dydx, there is no need to have a separate g yx term. The metric is always symmetric, with g yx = g xy . So, g xy dxdy + g yx dydx = 2g xy dxdy. If you are familiar with vectors, then I can tell you a bit more about how lengths and angles are encoded. Consider the ‘unit’ vectors ˆx and ŷ. By ‘unit’ vectors, I mean the vectors that go from x = 0 to x = 1 and from y = 0 to y = 1. As a result, their length is one in terms of the coordinates. This may or may not be the physical length of the vectors. For example, I might have decided to use coordinates with a tiny spacing (so that ˆx is very short) or coordinates with a huge spacing (so that ˆx is large). What the metric tells us directly are the dot products of these vectors: ˆx · ˆx = g xx , ˆx · ŷ = g xy , ŷ · ŷ = g yy . (8.7) Anyway, this object (g αβ ) is called the metric (or, the metric tensor) for the space. It tells us how to measure all lengths and angles. The corresponding object for a spacetime will tell us how to measure all proper lengths, proper times, angles, etc. It will be much the same except that it will have a time part with g tt negative 4 instead of positive, as did the flat Minkowski space. Rather than write out the entire expression (8.6) all of the time (especially when working in, say, four dimensions rather than just two) physicists use a condensed notation called the ‘Einstein summation convention’. To see how this works, let us first relabel our coordinates. Instead of using x and y, let’s use x 1 , x 2 with x 1 = x and x 2 = y. Then we have: ds 2 = 2∑ α=1 β=1 2∑ g αβ dx α dx β = g αβ dx α dx β . (8.8) It is in the last equality that we have used the Einstein summation convention – instead of writing out the summation signs, the convention is that we implicitly sum over any repeated index. 8.3.4 A first example To get a better feel for how the metric works, let’s look at the metric for a flat plane in polar coordinates (r, θ). It is useful to think about this in terms of the unit vectors ˆr, ˆθ. 4 More technically, g should have one negative and three positive eigenvalues at each point in spacetime.


Now, why is there a 2 with the dxdy term? Note that since dxdy = dydx, there<br />

is no need to have a separate g yx term. The metric is always symmetric, with<br />

g yx = g xy . So, g xy dxdy + g yx dydx = 2g xy dxdy.<br />

If you are familiar with vectors, then I can tell you a bit more about how lengths<br />

<strong>and</strong> angles are encoded. C<strong>on</strong>sider the ‘unit’ vectors ˆx <strong>and</strong> ŷ. By ‘unit’ vectors,<br />

I mean the vectors that go from x = 0 to x = 1 <strong>and</strong> from y = 0 to y = 1. As<br />

a result, their length is <strong>on</strong>e in terms of the coordinates. This may or may not<br />

be the physical length of the vectors. For example, I might have decided to use<br />

coordinates with a tiny spacing (so that ˆx is very short) or coordinates with a<br />

huge spacing (so that ˆx is large). What the metric tells us directly are the dot<br />

products of these vectors:<br />

ˆx · ˆx = g xx ,<br />

ˆx · ŷ = g xy ,<br />

ŷ · ŷ = g yy . (8.7)<br />

Anyway, this object (g αβ ) is called the metric (or, the metric tensor) for the<br />

space. It tells us how to measure all lengths <strong>and</strong> angles. The corresp<strong>on</strong>ding<br />

object for a spacetime will tell us how to measure all proper lengths, proper<br />

times, angles, etc. It will be much the same except that it will have a time part<br />

with g tt negative 4 instead of positive, as did the flat Minkowski space.<br />

Rather than write out the entire expressi<strong>on</strong> (8.6) all of the time (especially when<br />

working in, say, four dimensi<strong>on</strong>s rather than just two) physicists use a c<strong>on</strong>densed<br />

notati<strong>on</strong> called the ‘Einstein summati<strong>on</strong> c<strong>on</strong>venti<strong>on</strong>’. To see how this works, let<br />

us first relabel our coordinates. Instead of using x <strong>and</strong> y, let’s use x 1 , x 2 with<br />

x 1 = x <strong>and</strong> x 2 = y. Then we have:<br />

ds 2 =<br />

2∑<br />

α=1 β=1<br />

2∑<br />

g αβ dx α dx β = g αβ dx α dx β . (8.8)<br />

It is in the last equality that we have used the Einstein summati<strong>on</strong> c<strong>on</strong>venti<strong>on</strong> –<br />

instead of writing out the summati<strong>on</strong> signs, the c<strong>on</strong>venti<strong>on</strong> is that we implicitly<br />

sum over any repeated index.<br />

8.3.4 A first example<br />

To get a better feel for how the metric works, let’s look at the metric for a flat<br />

plane in polar coordinates (r, θ). It is useful to think about this in terms of the<br />

unit vectors ˆr, ˆθ.<br />

4 More technically, g should have <strong>on</strong>e negative <strong>and</strong> three positive eigenvalues at each point<br />

in spacetime.

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