Notes on Relativity and Cosmology - Physics Department, UCSB

Notes on Relativity and Cosmology - Physics Department, UCSB Notes on Relativity and Cosmology - Physics Department, UCSB
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124 CHAPTER 5. ACCELERATING REFERENCE FRAMES . . . where the E-subscripts remind us that this is to be computed in the momentarily co-moving inertial frame at event E. Notice the analogy with the definition of proper time along a worldline, which says that the proper time is the time as measured in a co-moving inertial frame (i.e., a frame in which the worldline is at rest). An important point is that, although our computation of α(E) involves a discussion of certain reference frames, α(E) is a quantity that is intrinsic to the motion of the rocket and does not depend on choosing of some particular inertial frame from which to measure it. Thus, it is not necessary to specify an inertial frame in which α(E) is measured, or to talk about α(E) “relative” to some frame. As with proper time, we use a Greek letter (α) to distinguish proper acceleration from the more familiar frame-dependent acceleration a. We should also point out that the notion of proper acceleration is also just how the rocket would naturally measure its own acceleration (relative to inertial frames). For example, a person in the rocket might decide to drop a rock out the window at event E. If the rock is gently released at event E, it will initially have no velocity relative to the rocket – its frame of reference will be the momentarily co-moving inertial frame at event E. Of course, the rock will then begin to be left behind. If the observer in the rocket measures the relative acceleration between the rock and the rocket, this will be the same size (though in the opposite direction) as the acceleration of the rocket as measured by the (inertial and momentarily co-moving) rock. In other words, it will be the proper acceleration α of the rocket. 5.1.2 Uniform Acceleration and Boost Parameters So, now we know what we mean by uniform acceleration. But, it would be useful to know how to draw this kind of motion on a spacetime diagram (in some inertial frame). In other words, we’d like to know what sort of worldline this rocket actually follows through spacetime. There are several ways to approach this question, but I want to use some of the tools that we’ve been developing. As we have seen, uniform acceleration is a very natural notion that is not tied to any particular reference frame. We also know that, in some sense, it involves a change in velocity and a change in time. One might expect the discussion to be simplest if we measure each of these in the most natural way possible, without referring to any particular reference frame. What do you think is the natural measure of velocity (and the change in velocity)? By natural, I mean something associated with the basic structure (geometry!) of spacetime. What do you think is a natural measure of the passage time? Stop reading for a moment and think about this. As we discussed last week, the natural way to describe velocity (in terms of, say, Minkowskian geometry) is in terms of the associated boost parameter θ. Recall that boost parameters really do add together (eq. 4.17) in the simple, natural way. This means that when we consider a difference of two boost parameters (like, say, in ∆θ or dθ), this difference is in fact independent of the reference

5.1. THE UNIFORMLY ACCELERATING WORLDLINE 125 frame in which it is computed. The boost parameter of the reference frame itself just cancels out. What about measuring time? Well, as we have discussed, the ‘natural’ measure of time along a worldline is the proper time. The proper time is again independent of any choice of reference frame. OK, so how does this relate to our above discussion? Let’s again think about computing the proper acceleration α(E) at some event E using the momentarily co-moving inertial frame. We have α(E) = dv E dt E . (5.2) What we want to do is to write dv E and dt E in terms of the boost parameter (θ) and the proper time (τ). Let’s start with the time part. Recall that the proper time τ along the rocket’s worldline is just the time that is measured by a clock on the rocket. Thus, the question is just “How would a small time interval dτ measured by this clock (at event E) compare to the corresponding time interval dt E measured in the momentarily co-moving inertial frame?” But we are interested only in the infinitesimal time around event E where there is negligible relative velocity between these two clocks. Clocks with no relative velocity measure time intervals in exactly the same way. So, we have dt E = dτ. Now let’s work in the boost parameter, using dθ to replace the dv E in equation (5.1). Recall that the boost parameter θ is just a function of the velocity v/c = tanhθ. So, let’s try to compute dv E /dt E using the chain rule. You can use the definition of tanh to check that Thus, we have dv dθ = dv dτ = dv dθ dθ dτ = c cosh 2 θ . c cosh 2 θ dθ dτ . (5.3) Finally, note that at event E, the boost parameter θ of the rocket relative to the momentarily co-moving inertial frame is zero. So, if we want dvE dτ we should substitute θ = 0 into the above equation 1 : In other words, α = dv E dτ = c dθ cosh 2 ∣ θ θ=0 dτ = cdθ dτ . (5.4) dθ dτ = α/c. (5.5) 1 Note that this means that our chain rule calculation (5.3) has in fact shown that, for small velocities, we have approximately θ ≈ v/c. This may make you feel even better about using boost parameters as a measure of velocity.


where the E-subscripts remind us that this is to be computed in the momentarily<br />

co-moving inertial frame at event E. Notice the analogy with the definiti<strong>on</strong> of<br />

proper time al<strong>on</strong>g a worldline, which says that the proper time is the time as<br />

measured in a co-moving inertial frame (i.e., a frame in which the worldline is<br />

at rest).<br />

An important point is that, although our computati<strong>on</strong> of α(E) involves a discussi<strong>on</strong><br />

of certain reference frames, α(E) is a quantity that is intrinsic to the<br />

moti<strong>on</strong> of the rocket <strong>and</strong> does not depend <strong>on</strong> choosing of some particular inertial<br />

frame from which to measure it. Thus, it is not necessary to specify an inertial<br />

frame in which α(E) is measured, or to talk about α(E) “relative” to some<br />

frame. As with proper time, we use a Greek letter (α) to distinguish proper<br />

accelerati<strong>on</strong> from the more familiar frame-dependent accelerati<strong>on</strong> a.<br />

We should also point out that the noti<strong>on</strong> of proper accelerati<strong>on</strong> is also just<br />

how the rocket would naturally measure its own accelerati<strong>on</strong> (relative to inertial<br />

frames). For example, a pers<strong>on</strong> in the rocket might decide to drop a rock<br />

out the window at event E. If the rock is gently released at event E, it will<br />

initially have no velocity relative to the rocket – its frame of reference will be<br />

the momentarily co-moving inertial frame at event E. Of course, the rock will<br />

then begin to be left behind. If the observer in the rocket measures the relative<br />

accelerati<strong>on</strong> between the rock <strong>and</strong> the rocket, this will be the same size (though<br />

in the opposite directi<strong>on</strong>) as the accelerati<strong>on</strong> of the rocket as measured by the<br />

(inertial <strong>and</strong> momentarily co-moving) rock. In other words, it will be the proper<br />

accelerati<strong>on</strong> α of the rocket.<br />

5.1.2 Uniform Accelerati<strong>on</strong> <strong>and</strong> Boost Parameters<br />

So, now we know what we mean by uniform accelerati<strong>on</strong>. But, it would be<br />

useful to know how to draw this kind of moti<strong>on</strong> <strong>on</strong> a spacetime diagram (in<br />

some inertial frame). In other words, we’d like to know what sort of worldline<br />

this rocket actually follows through spacetime.<br />

There are several ways to approach this questi<strong>on</strong>, but I want to use some of<br />

the tools that we’ve been developing. As we have seen, uniform accelerati<strong>on</strong><br />

is a very natural noti<strong>on</strong> that is not tied to any particular reference frame. We<br />

also know that, in some sense, it involves a change in velocity <strong>and</strong> a change<br />

in time. One might expect the discussi<strong>on</strong> to be simplest if we measure each<br />

of these in the most natural way possible, without referring to any particular<br />

reference frame. What do you think is the natural measure of velocity (<strong>and</strong> the<br />

change in velocity)? By natural, I mean something associated with the basic<br />

structure (geometry!) of spacetime. What do you think is a natural measure of<br />

the passage time? Stop reading for a moment <strong>and</strong> think about this.<br />

As we discussed last week, the natural way to describe velocity (in terms of, say,<br />

Minkowskian geometry) is in terms of the associated boost parameter θ. Recall<br />

that boost parameters really do add together (eq. 4.17) in the simple, natural<br />

way. This means that when we c<strong>on</strong>sider a difference of two boost parameters<br />

(like, say, in ∆θ or dθ), this difference is in fact independent of the reference

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