Tilletia indica - The Food and Environment Research Agency - Defra

Tilletia indica - The Food and Environment Research Agency - Defra

Tilletia indica - The Food and Environment Research Agency - Defra


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inside surface of a Petri dish lid. Place the lids over Petri dish bases containing<br />

approximately 5 ml potato dextrose broth so that sporidia can then be released onto the<br />

broth surface. Incubate at 21°C with 12 hour light cycle.<br />

12. After 2–3 days, basidiospores deposited onto the broth surface produce small mats of<br />

mycelia approximately 0.5–1.0 cm diameter. With a sterile dissecting needle, remove<br />

each mycelial mat, touching them onto sterile filter paper to remove excessive broth.<br />

Place the mycelia in suitable vials (e.g. 1.5– 2.0 ml microcentrifuge tubes) for immediate<br />

DNA extraction, or store at -80°C for subsequent DNA extraction.<br />

1 Instead of bleach, teliospores can be surface sterilised for 30 minutes in 5–10 ml of acidic<br />

electrolysed water (AEW). AEW effectively surface sterilises teliospores but, compared to a 1–2<br />

minute bleach treatment, AEW stimulates rather than reduces teliospore germination (Bonde et al.,<br />

1999). AEW properties: pH 2.3–2.8; redox potential (ORP) c. 1100 mv; free chlorine 10–15 ppm.<br />

2 AWA prepared using Agar Technical No. 3 (2%) from Oxoid; antibiotics penicillin <strong>and</strong> streptomycin<br />

(60 mg penicillin-G (Na salt) & 200 mg streptomycin sulfate per litre of agar). After autoclaving, add<br />

the antibiotic suspension to the cooled agar prior to pouring plates.<br />

Figure 3.9. <strong>Tilletia</strong> <strong>indica</strong> teliospores germinating on water agar after 10–14 days, producing<br />

a tuft of primary sporidia (basidiospores) at the apex of the promycelium. Primary sporidia<br />

germinate in situ to produce small colonies which produce secondary sporidia of two types:<br />

further filiform sporidia; allantoid sporidia which are forcibly discharged.<br />

Agar plug with germinated teliospore(s)<br />

PD broth<br />

Figure 3.10. Agar plug with germinated teliospores placed on the inside of a Petri dish lid<br />

suspended over potato dextrose broth<br />


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