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SAN DIEGO 5T ATE COllEGE 1965<br />

San Diego State, college of the southwest, is located near the pounding surf of the<br />

Pacific Ocean, the tall pines of the Laguna Mountains, and the blazing sun of the<br />

Mojave desert. All of this area was once the land of the Sp ish D d h bi h .<br />

arus ons an t e irthplace<br />

of California.<br />

As the student enters San Diego State, he walks down the Mall and his<br />

eyes are captivated by stately palm trees standing before the stucco walls<br />

of the Main Archway, His eyes look upward to the bell tower with its<br />

historic mission bells and tile-covered roof. In the evening, a veil of<br />

silence falls over the Mall, and artificial lights cause the palm trees to<br />

cast long shadows and the mission bells to appear as vague outlines<br />

against a darkening sky, The serenity and beauty of this "Front Door"<br />

to the campus imbues the student with a sense of history and tradition.<br />

He walks up the steps and through the Archway to begin his quest for<br />

knowledge and maturity.<br />

This is the beginning . ,

An aerial view of the college vicinity with the "5" mountain in the background.<br />

The smell of fresh cement, the shouts of workmen and the noise of machinery are constant reminders of the physical<br />

growth and expansion of San Diego State. These new modern structures will be the classrooms, the cafeterias, and the<br />

Student Union of tomorrow. As the student walks across the campus, he may observe the past and the future of the<br />

college by Its architecture. The Spanish arcades and red-tiled roofs stand out in marked contrast against the modern<br />

Life Science, and Business Administration buildings. Each building distinguishes itself and serves its own purpose to<br />

the student. This represents only the basic construction, the physical foundation of the campus. People are the principal<br />

force of San Diego State. The sounds of their laughter and their tears fill the empty halls and rooms with life.

.The spirit of San Diego State is generated by the<br />

enthusiastic response of every student. The Freshmen<br />

enter with wide-eyed anticipation as they<br />

trudge up Black Mountain to paint the "5," fight<br />

their w th h '<br />

ay roug registration, and discover a<br />

The drama of an athletic event is evident m<br />

the breathless anticipation of the audience as<br />

the star halfback runs for another touchdown.<br />

The seriousness of the game is written on the<br />

sense of college spirit in the glow of a bonfire.<br />

faces of the team as they contemplate<br />

the next<br />

The Sophomores and Juniors are the mainstays, the<br />

stability of the camp ith h '. . .<br />

us, WI t err active partioipation<br />

in student government and organizations. The<br />

play. The lingering echoes of cheers resound<br />

through Aztec Bowl as another victorious season<br />

comes to a close.<br />

college spirit of the Seniors is the guiding force<br />

for the rest of the students At th . duati<br />

. elf gra uation, as<br />

a tear is shed and the tassel on each mortar<br />

board<br />

is changed from the left to the right, they are<br />

saddened by what they have left behind but look<br />

forward with anticipation to their future.

These<br />

are<br />

the<br />

•<br />

memories ..<br />

•<br />

Dirty white tennies ... the Beatles ... TGIF<br />

... friendship " laughter ... a monkey ...<br />

pumpkins ... Homecoming ... the Cafe ...<br />

a greased pig ... pizza ... Chariot Races ...<br />

Sea World ... Blue Book Ball .. sweatshirts<br />

... the Swim ... the Jerk .. the Frug ...<br />

the Dog ... Toga parties ... textured stockings<br />

· 'coffee dates ... Peterson Gym ... rock<br />

On' roll . . . study dates .. Southern belles<br />

· nOIse ... a Volkswagen .. a quiet walk<br />

· Football games ... 2 :00 o'clock lockout<br />

· Friday at Three ... LAC ... One Act<br />

Plays ... Drive-in Movies ... Greek rush ...<br />

initiation ... floats ... exchanges ... a glance<br />

.. a wink ... a smile ... a fraternity pin<br />

.. an engagement ... dreams fulfilled ..<br />


As the pressures of college life push the student to the<br />

point of exhaustion, he seeks a refuge from the busy<br />

daily routine. He puts down his books and takes a<br />

walk through the Quad and sees the statue of Montezuma<br />

in the corner with autumn leaves falling about<br />

him. The student may walk past his acquaintances and<br />

extend a casual "hello" full of warmth and friendliness.<br />

He may meet, not merely by accident, that special<br />

someone who fills the day with sunshine and makes<br />

the college challenge somewhat easier. Two people may<br />

sit on one of the lawns proofreading an English composition<br />

or cramming for that midterm. They may enjoy<br />

a concert in the Greek Bowl under a starlit sky that<br />

is so characteristic of the evenings in San Diego,<br />

whether it be autumn or spring. An LAC program in<br />

Peterson Gym is worth each stifling moment in the<br />

crowds to see the excellent performances of well-known<br />

entertainers and lecturers. A weekend may include a<br />

dramatic presentation in the Little Theatre or a foreign<br />

film in HS-IOO. Two people may choose finally to look<br />

toward the future through one' another's eyes. If a<br />

student needs a place to relax and seek diversion in the<br />

solitude of a lonely walk or the dependable closeness<br />

of friendship, he may find it on the San Diego State<br />


The text with printed words and a professor with<br />

organized lectures aid the student in his pursuit of<br />

knowledge. The professor teaches through dispute<br />

and discussion the facts and theories that make up<br />

the complicated world of today. It requires serious<br />

study and intense concentration combined with<br />

practical experience to find the true relationship<br />

between knowledge and the individual. A student<br />

may be seen preparing a slide for a microscope<br />

or mixing colors for a painting, writing a rough<br />

draft for an essay or working a problem for a<br />

physics exam as each pursues knowledge in his<br />

chosen field. AIl the facilities of San Diego State<br />

are open to the inquisitive mind and the ambitious<br />

student.<br />


Among the most memorable events in the minds of San Diego<br />

State students are those moments filled with revelry and laughter.<br />

The smooth music of an orchestra, the swish of a chiffon<br />

dress and a corsage of pink rosebuds are nostalgic reminders<br />

to the alumni, and offer a change of pace to the students.<br />

The Homecoming Dance and the crowning of the Queen began<br />

a week of many activities, culminated by the colorful parade<br />

and football game on Saturday. These events offer the citizens<br />

of the community a chance to observe the true spirit of<br />

the college. Those students who have worked on the floats<br />

watch the parade with tired eyes and dressed in their<br />

"grubbies," sweatshirts, levis and dirty tennis shoes. They<br />

experience a moment of triumph as their float is driven past<br />

them down Montezuma Road and all the many disappointments,<br />

frustrations, and sleepless nights of the past week are<br />

forgotten. After the parade, the students are filled with<br />

anticipation for the football game and the presentation of the<br />

trophies to the winners of house decorations and float building.<br />

As the flames of the bonfire glow on the face of the<br />

colle.ge student, he feels a corresponding warmth from within,<br />

as his college days are linked to one another by a bond of<br />



Administration . 18<br />

Activities 50<br />

Organizations 108<br />

Sports 158<br />

Greeks 212<br />

Seniors 268<br />

Index 310<br />


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:I-<br />

:a<br />

a<br />

President Love holds the future of SDS.<br />

Dean Sidney Gulick<br />

Dean Herbert Peiffer<br />

-4 5<br />

A.S. President Jerry Harmon-our campus coordinator and leader.<br />

"... and did you hear about the fellow that . . ."

President<br />


Executive Dean<br />

Dr George A. Koester, Executive Dean'll assistk P~:~d~~~<br />

Lov e in implementing policies of the co ege. e f<br />

primary responsibility for the dInt eve opme of physical a·<br />

cilities on the campus,<br />

Vice<br />

Presidents<br />


Vice President for Administration<br />

Vice President for Administration,<br />

. D E t B O'Byrne represents<br />

r. .rnes . nit' He serves<br />

San Diego State College to t~e Sa~ DIego commu 6~is workin<br />

as the President's<br />

on a project for<br />

puhlic relatIOn~ ~Iaso~.<br />

Research Administration<br />

C~~r~~~~,<br />

a g<br />

of the Peac~<br />

Corps.<br />

DONALD R. WATSON . '<br />

Vice President for Academic Affairs<br />

't' f Vice President for Academic Af-<br />

A . th new pOSIIOn 0 . . f<br />

ssummg e . ible for the coordination 0<br />

fairs, Dr. Donald R. Watson IS resporisi He works with the faculty<br />

all instructional programs on ~ampu~ improvement of instruction.<br />

in regard to recruitment, retention, an 1<br />

President's Message<br />

One of the finest reminders of your scholastic career is to be found in this volume of the 1965 <strong>Del</strong> Sudoeste,<br />

It is one which you will retain in your possession for many years a~d to which you will refer many times.<br />

In perusing the pages of this annual you will find .yourself reviewing with special interest your association with<br />

other students and faculty as well as the many curricula and extra-curricula activities in which you participated.<br />

This volume will be a constant reminder of an ever-expanding campus that will serve as a means in comparing the<br />

physical growth with that of several years hence.<br />

There is no doubt that in the future you will become more appreciative of the many opportunities offered you<br />

on this campus which will have served in establishing a more solid foundation for a successful career. I trust your<br />

many social and academic experiences will have greatly aided in fitting you into a more complete life in the community.<br />

.<br />

In this present day a college-educated individual is more in demand than ever before, so make excellent use of<br />

this valuable asset. I wish you well in whatever profession you select.<br />

20<br />


College<br />

Administrators<br />


Dean of tudent<br />

The administration at SDS offers the students<br />

many personal services which inc!ude<br />

the responsibility of selecting, ori~ntaring<br />

and registering all of the new students.<br />

Their offices maintain all of the<br />

student records and reports of individual<br />

progress, and residency status. The problems<br />

of program selection, counseling, and<br />

future employment are understood and<br />

often solved by the administration. The<br />

doors of the administrative offices are always<br />

open to the student who desires to<br />

acquaint himself' with the policies and<br />

business of the college.<br />


Director of Placement ~nrl Financial AIds<br />


Dean of Activities<br />



Dean of Counseling and Testing<br />


Dean of Admissions and Records<br />


Dean of Liberal Arts and Sciences<br />



Activities Advisor<br />

Activities<br />

Advisors<br />


Ac~ivities Advisor<br />


Asst. Graduate Manager<br />

Graduate<br />

Manager<br />


Graduate Manager<br />

Air Science<br />


Division Chairman 25

iness Administration<br />

I I. 'II I LE' W. L M E<br />

I an of 'th I of Huxin 'S!! dmini tration<br />

Ed-u-ka-shun<br />

Campus lab School<br />


Dean of Education, Extended Services<br />


Engineering<br />

Oft M nrt r APr<br />

Dcun of Engin ring chool<br />

Fine Arts<br />


Division Chairman

Health,<br />

Recreation<br />


Division Chairman<br />

Humanities<br />


Division Chairman<br />


life<br />

Science<br />

Physical SCience<br />

D!l .. ?UDLEY H .. ROBINSON<br />

DIVISIOn Chairman<br />

D~ .. !AME E. CROUCH<br />

DIVJ Ion hairman<br />


Health<br />

Services<br />

School of Social Welfare<br />


Division Chairman<br />


Director of Health Services<br />

library<br />


Librarian<br />

Social Sciences<br />


Division Chairman<br />

34<br />


Associated<br />

Students<br />

President<br />

:.1<br />


Secretary<br />

Associated<br />

Students<br />

Officers<br />

Fellow students-<br />

<strong>Del</strong> Sudoeste records for us an invaluable experience in our lives, for at<br />

San Diego State we determined Our futures. I'm sure you will enjoy this<br />

year's volume as much in the future as you will now. I think it has excellently<br />

captured those moments throughout the year that will best bring back the<br />

cherished memory of college life, and of the friends with whom we shared<br />

that life. We are fortunate to have had this opportunity for higher education,<br />

augmented by an interested and expert faculty, and by the excellent<br />

facilities available for our use. May I wish you success in the years ahead.<br />


Associated Students President<br />


Vice President<br />

36<br />


Associated<br />

Students Council<br />

MIKE LEMBEC,,"<br />

-r dual Repr entative<br />


pper Division Representative<br />


Upper Division Representative<br />


Upper Divi ion Repre entative<br />


Upper Division Representative<br />


Upper Division Representative<br />

BEN CLAY<br />

Lower Division<br />

Representative<br />


Lower Division Representative<br />


Lower Division Representative<br />

TOM LUHNOW .<br />

Junior Class Representative<br />


Sophomore Class Representative<br />

ANDY MECCA .<br />

Freshman Class Representative<br />

DICK<br />

Senior<br />

BUCK<br />

Class Representative<br />




BOARDS<br />

Pep Board<br />

ROow1 (from lelt): Ron Peterson, Alex Brucker, Bob Hansen. Row 2: Tim Coleman Denny Moore<br />

arryl Nelson. ' ,<br />

International<br />

Board<br />

Row 1 (from left): Dena Windso , Lynn Beechler, Jan T~ld.s, Sandee Hallum, Kay Porter. RowIi:<br />

Ron Dernier, Sharon Duncan, valerie Kahn, Linda Williams, Lynn Koleto, Vern Rosene, r.<br />

Lloyd Kendall.<br />

Intramural<br />

Board<br />

Publications<br />

Board<br />

R 1 (from left): Chic Duggan, Martha MacKirdy, Roger Roppe? Dr. W. C~rlisle HAJderso h ,<br />

D~': James 1. Tulian, Gayle Christiansen. Row 2: Gordon Lee, Mike Sund, F rank a owac ,<br />

Tim MacNeil.<br />

Row 1 (from left}: Judy Pierce, Fred Burke Nick<br />

Turner. Row 2: Eric Eliason, Lance Mille:, Leif<br />

Tessem, Bruce Gray, Edwin 1. Duckworth.<br />

Finance<br />

Board<br />

Public<br />

Relations<br />

Board<br />

~fkki lA (fro"! left): Judy Gottlieb, Jim Ashcraft,<br />

friend ~cnkmDo. ~owD2: Jerry Varon, Harvey Cood-<br />

, avis, ean Leptich.<br />

Row 1 (from left): Art Creatur~, Bob Ya!e, Kathy Lynch,<br />

Dr. James 1. Julian. Row 2: Tim MacNeil, Dr. Frank Jr.<br />

gang, Tom Gorton, Mike Serrrtersheim, Roger Roppe,<br />

Gordon Lee.<br />


Aztec<br />

Shops<br />

Board<br />

From .feft: Harvey Goodfriend, Dr. Herbert<br />

C. Peiffer, Jerry Harmon, S. C. Hartigan<br />

Dr. Roy Cameron.<br />

'<br />

Athletic<br />

Board<br />

Fine<br />

ROW I (from left): Evelyn Lockman, Lee Owens,<br />

Lawrence Morrison. ROW II: Dr. J; D. Smith,<br />

Seleen Bondurant, Jill Warren.<br />

Arts Board<br />

From left: Tom Morgan, Barbara Ferver, Barbara James, Margot Nil en, Dick<br />

Buck, Jim Street.<br />

Activities<br />

Board<br />

ROW I (from leit): Dick W II H<br />

Varon, Dr. William Terry ROW Ii. Darve.y Goodfrie~d, Jerry<br />

Ben CIa D R b W' . ,enms Moore, J im Webb<br />

Eidemill~~. r. 0 ert ilcox, Dr. Herbert C. Peiffer, Dr. Do~<br />

Long Range<br />

Planning<br />

Board<br />

Student<br />

Union<br />

Board<br />

From left: Dennis B Ed<br />

Don Thiel T Merge,. ward Aguirre, Dick Rhoda, Dr.<br />

, om organ, JIm Scott.<br />

Lectu res and<br />

Concerts<br />

Board<br />

ROW I (from leftQ) Dean Margery Warmer, Nancy Burkheimer,<br />

Louise Neil. ROW II: Charles McCoy, Tom Luhnow,<br />

Jerry Varon, Mike Myers.<br />

Special<br />

Events<br />

Board<br />

ROW I (from leit), <strong>PDF</strong><br />

Maur~en Hill: ROW a:I' G orest, Sheila Martin, Sally Wood,<br />

Looml,s. ROW III: Jack H ary . Solbue, Jerry Varon, David<br />

Druskin, Dr. Bob C . DesslOll, Doug Townsend, Victor<br />

Waid. anary, r. Roy Howard, Major Charles<br />

ROW I (from left): Judy Gottlieb, Bob Barefoot, Carrie Nessler.<br />

ROW II: Dean Leptich, Teri Shonaker, Sheila Grim, Gary<br />



President<br />


Vice President<br />

Associated Men Students<br />


Secretary<br />

The ~ssociated Men Studen . . .<br />

ac~u~I.nt SDS men with all t plan activities designed to<br />

activities include AMS W::t ects of ?ampus life. AMS<br />

show, racing and fotball : featurmg a sports car<br />

pushball contests, and an ~vSes, spaghetti eating and<br />

Das ~!anned in conjunction with D 1Ws' A dfashion show<br />

ress brochure for men st d has an a "Code of<br />

u ents as been published.<br />


Town end, John Lacy, teve Mc~or~?~N~o~ (tom left): Standing, Denny M D ld<br />

, evereux. Kneeling Tom J' c ona , Doug<br />

, imenez, Bob Gaines.<br />


Treasurer<br />


Treasurer<br />


Secretary<br />

LAMB<br />


Vice President<br />

Associated Women Students<br />

Each Mo~day afternoon the AWS Council invites women<br />

of San DIego State to attend their meetings in Scripps<br />

Cottage. Th~ough activities such as All Women's Week,<br />

Service Projects, International Student Affairs, Women's<br />

World, and the Best Dressed Coed Contest, AWS en<br />

courages all women to become active in campus life.<br />

ASSOCI~~ED WOMEN STUDENTS COUNCIL (from left): Kathy Frederick, Karen Swan<br />

~~r~? Vlt!~p, Susan Clarke,. Barbara Turchan, St~anie Bedillion, Linda Harbaugh, Gail Atwen:<br />

lcb l<br />

Valliere, Donna Musil, Barry West, Joan Hull. (kneeling): Jill' Warren Sharon Phelan<br />

Bar ara Lamb. ' ,<br />


President<br />


I:l<br />

Pr<br />

BODLE<br />

id nt<br />


President<br />


Vice President<br />


ecretary<br />

KATHEE<br />

Secretary<br />

CORSO<br />


Treasurer<br />

Junior<br />

Class<br />

Senior Class<br />

In keeping with San Diego State tradition, the Junior<br />

Class sponsors the Spring Semester Blue Book Ball.<br />


Vice Pre ident<br />

~lans for Baccalaureate and d .<br />

lIght in Senior Clas ti . gra uatron take the spot-<br />

. s ac IVItIes Th I<br />

publIshed and mailed t b ree news etters were<br />

inf orming them of fO mhem ~rs of the Senior Class<br />

ort commg sen' . . .<br />

Among these activities i "S'· I~r activities,<br />

Campus Theatre. Proceed a f emor NIght" at the<br />

February will be used f s .from. a dance held in<br />

or a gl t to be donated to SDS.<br />

JUNIOR CLASS COUNCIL (from left): Top, Tom Luhnow, Frank Sell, Don Massey, Cheryl<br />

Kuhn, Kay Porter, Sharon Phelan, Susie Schneider, Sue Williams. Bottom, Marti Mattraw,<br />

Linda Bishop, Sue Heide, Donna Peterson, San dee Hallum, Myra Schwartz, Bob Sitcoscy,<br />

President, Steve McCormick (far left).<br />


Kathee Corso. Standin C (from left): Seated, Carol McDon Id .<br />

Munz. s. huck Best, George Van Valkenbur a Ii banet Glbs?n" Lynn Beechler,<br />

g, 0 OdIe, DIck Buck, Michael<br />

tftrl1$¥~<br />

s s Sttw<br />

): ..~


President<br />

Freshman<br />

Class JOE<br />

MUNOZ<br />

President<br />


Vice President<br />

TOM LANG<br />

Vice President<br />

Sophomore Class<br />


Secretary<br />


Treasurer<br />

The EI Cortez Hotel was the scene of the fall se·<br />

mester Blue Book Ball. This lively affair, in celebration<br />

of the end of final exams, featured a rock<br />

and roll band sporting coonskin caps. The date<br />

was Jan. 28.<br />

The highlight of Sophomore Class activities was an IBM Dance<br />

held Jan. 8. Presented for the first time in California, this unique<br />

occasion featured IBM computer selection of "ideal dates."<br />


Secretary<br />

\<br />


Treasurer<br />

SOPHOMO~E CLASS COU~CIL MEMBERS (from left): Row 1. Bett Arb '. '"<br />

Hensen, Anita Wernstrum. JIm Poole. Row 2. Debbi Flint, Evie B ld y K n , Carge Nessler, Dla ~cGrew, Lyn~ Koleto, Bonnie BIlyeu, Harriet<br />

Sharon Taylor. Row 3. Clyde McMorrow Mike Brown Curt Bl km ermjn, Bare<br />

h<br />

racJ~' Helene LeIchter, Margie Blackman, Katha Carpenter,<br />

, ,ac an, oe osc etto, im Pasto, Ceorge Romero, Jack Flanigan, Tom Lang.<br />

FRESHMAN CLASS COUNCIL MEMBERS (from left): Joe Munoz, (kneeling) Andy Mecca, Jeanie Faulkner, Fred Whosis.<br />

Crista Rogers, Winifred Treadwell, Barb~ra McPhaden, Karen Peterson, Judy Kaplan, Pat Sommer, Dan Carroll, Sue Beach.<br />

Ron Ramos, Michele Shank, Pete Ezze1, JIm Sterret.

~C3ti ,,-iti~15<br />

~C3ti ,,- i ti~EI<br />

~C3ti,,- itiE)15<br />

2.<br />

:21<br />

a<br />

4 5<br />

Modem Jazz Quartet entertains contemporary jazz lovers.<br />

Harry Belafonte adds spontaneous wit to lyrics during his performance.<br />

Erick Hawkins' contemporary dance, "Early Floating".<br />

The LAC series also provides such speakers as Erich Fromm, a<br />

noted psychologist.<br />

Chi-O's and ATO's float, "Superstition<br />

thru the Ages".

"I wonder what the "5" stands for."<br />

"Sparkletts,<br />

no doubt."<br />

The week prior to the beginning of the<br />

fall semester, freshmen and transfer students<br />

were initiated into the active life<br />

at SDS. They enthusiastically participated<br />

in many of the events planned to<br />

introduce them to the college during<br />

Orientation Week, Sept. 13 through 18.<br />

The traditional painting of the "S" on<br />

Black Mountain, the Opening Convocation,<br />

Activities Fair, Mock Registration,<br />

and tours of the college served<br />

to give the new students a view of the<br />

forthcoming events. The activities also<br />

showed the various organizations open<br />

to all students on campus. A barbecue,<br />

a bonfire and a pep rally were the<br />

social activities included on Thursday.<br />

Ending this fun-filled week was an<br />

"Hello Dance" sponsored by AMS and<br />

featuring the Coasters.<br />

"Frosh Camp" provided an excellent<br />

chance for 85 new SDS students to become<br />

acquainted with their leadership<br />

opportunities .on campus. Evening<br />

campfires, singing, swimming, horseback<br />

riding and other forms of recreation<br />

at Camp Marston kept the freshmen<br />

busy and left them without a dull moment.<br />

The students participated in discussion<br />

groups which gave them the<br />

opportunity to meet faculty members<br />

and camp leadersinforlllally.<br />

Orientation<br />

Week<br />

Student bonfire gets out of hand.<br />

A discussion group begins.<br />

52<br />


Fall<br />

Registration<br />

Cries of exclamation, pouting faces, crowded lines of<br />

impatient students, class schedules trampled by weary<br />

feet, bookstore traffic jams, muttered serial numbers<br />

were all a part of fall registration.<br />

A record enrollment of 15,500 was reached in September.<br />

The students stood in long lines waiting anxiously to<br />

enter the library while their hoped-for classes were being<br />

listed on the closed-class board. The confused, angry<br />

and tired freshmen, new to the processes of the threeday<br />

registration, will long remember this first, unforgettable<br />

day.<br />

"Here I go."<br />

"I guess I'm not the<br />

only confused freshman."<br />

Registration duri n g a<br />

calmer period.<br />

"Only one class in an hour?"<br />

"Maybe if I watch closely ... "<br />

"Hey, I'm next."

Na~a Mouskouri, Belafonte's protege charms the<br />

audience.<br />

Belafonte accompanied by his own ensemble.<br />

"Matilda ... Matilda"<br />

Harry<br />

Belafonte<br />

Concentration<br />

counts in Modern J azz,<br />

Tickets wSere sold. out in advance when "Belafonte in Person"<br />

came to . DS on N ov., 21 for a tree-hour h program Belafonte<br />

accompamed by hi bl .,<br />

ballads and cal IS own ense~. e, sang his traditional folk<br />

vided b B 'yPM Gsongs.. Additional entertainment was proh<br />

y rowme c hee at the guitar, and Sonny Terr on the<br />

ma~::T~:ie~th~ cap~vate: th~audience with their hu~or and<br />

the ro . ana ous oun, Belafonte's protege, was next on<br />

her P"U~~:~~1She ~ang seve~al of her native Greek folk songs in<br />

stye and nchly endowed vocal ability" Th<br />

appIause was uproari h' . e<br />

erformance rna "f~nous, t e attention undiverted, the entire<br />

P gm icent,<br />

This was Harry B If' f'<br />

SDS audience was :n~h~~~e~. I:St co.lleg e tour in ten years. The<br />

showmanship and talent ~~s~~~~.thelf response to his outstanding<br />

John<br />

Lewis announces.<br />

the next selection<br />

LAC FALL<br />


Dylan in his own world.<br />

Bob Dylan<br />

Bob Dylan, tops among folksingers and college students,<br />

performed in Peterson Gym on Dec. 4. Dylan, 23, is a<br />

non-conformist who writes, and sings songs of his own<br />

experiences. His social protest ballads were an innovation<br />

in folk music which helped him to reach his stardom.r-In<br />

his songs, Dylan stresses contemporary social problems<br />

such as the Negro's struggle for civil rights. "Elowin" in the<br />

Wind" sung by Peter, Paul, and Mary, is perhaps his best<br />

known song for it became a million-dollar seller.<br />

Modern Jazz Quartet<br />

The Modern Jazz Quartet, displaying a unique musical<br />

style and excellence in jazz performance, composition, and<br />

entertainment, opened the LAC Popular Series. Two thousand<br />

persons at SDS witnessed the unity and vitality of a<br />

group which has been described as "the first pure concert<br />

ensemble in jazz."<br />

The quartet consists of john Lewis at the piano, Percy<br />

Heath on the bass, Milt Jackson on the vibraharp, and<br />

Connie Kay on the drums. Their music is arranged by<br />

Jackson and Lewis. The group's repertoire included such<br />

songs as "Django," "Swing Low, Sweet Chariot," and arrangements<br />

from the George Gershwin musical "Porgy and<br />

Bess."<br />

The quartet is said to have destroyed the barriers between<br />

jazz and classical concert music. Nationally acclaimed, the<br />

quartet has received the first place honors on the jazz<br />

popularity polls for the past several years.

Riverside Chamber<br />

Singers<br />

Formed by Robin on, onductor and tenor, the singers<br />

ar f rm r m mb r of thc Rogert Wagner Chorale.<br />

h m mb r of the choir are Caterina Micieli and Ann<br />

Turn r, soprano ; Gina Bardi, contralto; John Sharb,<br />

hariton .; and Lloyd Bunnel, bass.<br />

Til .horal group ang a variety of songs from the<br />

Italian and French H nais ance and from the classic to<br />

th romantic period, and selections of Old English<br />

carol.<br />

Erich Fromm<br />

Erich Fromm, a 64·year-old native of Germany, is an<br />

author, lectur rand p ychoanalyst. Fromm, head of the<br />

Department of Psychoanalysi at the National University<br />

of Mexico m dical chool, devotes much of his time to<br />

teaching, writin , and p chological counseling. He applies<br />

hi P ychoanalytic theory to the problems of culture<br />

and modern ociety which he emphasizes contrary<br />

to the Freudian chao I of biological orientation. A few<br />

of his hook inel ude "The Art of Loving," "Sane Society."<br />

and "Escap from Freedom,"<br />

William Buckley<br />

Thirty-nin -year-old William Buckley, a challenging debaler<br />

and speaker. often peaks on college campuses. He<br />

i. the editor of "National Review," a prominent canst-rvative<br />

magazin which he founded in 1955, An author<br />

with conservative viewpoints his first book, "God and<br />

Man at Yale:' brought to the public's attention that the<br />

ducation of the tudent today should be examined. His<br />

econd book. "McCarthy and his Enemies," points out<br />

loyalty and ecurity practices and talks about the controversy<br />

over the late Sen. Joe McCarthy.<br />

Alirio Diaz<br />

SDS was honored Dec. 3 to have Alirio Diaz,<br />

"one of the greatest classical guitarists," perform<br />

in the Peterson Gym.<br />

He captured the attentive audience by his variety<br />

of rich Latin-American music. His interpretation<br />

included a variety of Incan, Brazilian,<br />

Venezuelan, Argentinian and Mexican songs.<br />

Sam Hinton, San Diego's Own<br />

Friday<br />

at<br />

3<br />

The Sinnermen, SDS graduates, Wes Meier on the folk<br />

guitar, Larry Jones 011 bass, and Ken Horn on the rhythm<br />

guitar perform,<br />

" I'" eek of lectures an d books , many students enjoyed the informal<br />

. f<br />

pop<br />

After a grue ~ng w in the East Commons, The versatile programs rangmg rom<br />

concerts on Fnday .at 3 p.m.. dded to the )0 ularity of the concert. Most of the<br />

folk-singers to claSSIC comedy hlmD~ a d ~th~rs came from different parts of the<br />

performers were from the San lego area an<br />

United States.<br />

. t SDS on Friday, Oct. 2. The popular folk m~si-<br />

The Sinnermen performed 111 concerdt. a t '0 s folk festivals and local hootenanl1les.<br />

, d S D' so au iences a van u f<br />

cians have entertame an leb d hi M .: hi B d aave a "lively" performance 0<br />

id a 23 J e Torres an IS a rrac 1 an b ., d<br />

On Fn ay, ct. ,os hId' the San Diego area at many CIVICan<br />

Mexican music and songs. The group as I' aye 111<br />

social<br />

events.<br />

. a S Hinton a ear on Feb. 19, He has given concer~s<br />

SDS was honored to have folkslllber 11am b d .pp Germany and France. Mr. Hinton IS<br />

II th country as we as a roa 111 ,<br />

and lectures a ovefr e, bi I ay and folklore at Scri pps Institute.<br />

also a professor 0 marme 10 0b ,<br />

Jose Torres and his Mariachi Band lJ1 style,<br />

The acclaimed guitarist from Venezuela studied<br />

under Andres Segovia at the Accademia in 1955.<br />

Diaz, who has been called ". . . one of the<br />

supreme colorists on his instrument," was enthusiastically<br />

applauded by his SDS audience.<br />


Boo!<br />

Bubble, bubble, toi I and trouble-<br />

Hi ho, Silver<br />

A spell was cast over SDS when "Monty saluted Superstition"<br />

for an entire week of Homecoming festivities from Nov. 6<br />

through 14. The spirit of Homecoming began with the Homecoming<br />

semi-formal dance, "Superstition," which was held in<br />

the beautiful Hotel del Coronado at the unlucky hour of 9 :13.<br />

At this gala affair amid the excitement of the onlookers, SDS<br />

Homecoming Queen Linda Thompson was crowned, and she<br />

continued to reign over the remaining week's activities.<br />

A rock 'n' roll dance, a pushball game, house decorations, and<br />

the Homecoming parade carried the excitement of students<br />

through.out the week. The week was climaxed by a 53-0 football<br />

game .vIct?ry over the San Fernando Valley State Matadors.<br />

T~e hIghlIght of the game occurred when the trophies for the<br />

winners of the house decorations and float awards were presented<br />

by Miss Thompson.<br />

Sweepstakes hon~rs were awarded. to<br />

S· Chi for Its house decoration,<br />

Igma . " hi h f t d<br />

"Star Lite, Star Bnte, w I~ ea ure<br />

a SFVS player wishing he did not ha~e<br />

to face the Aztec football players. PICtures<br />

of football players were on rotating<br />

circles visible through st~r. ?ut.<br />

t In the $100 maximum division,<br />

A~p~a Xi <strong>Del</strong>ta and Circle K .placed<br />

first with their display, "A RabbIt. Run-<br />

. Toward The Sun Means VICtOry<br />

nmg<br />

For Aztecs"; Sigma<br />

Ph'<br />

I<br />

E<br />

pSI<br />

'1<br />

on won<br />

second place with its "Aztecs Voodoo<br />

Valley"; and third was taken. by Ta~<br />

Kappa Epsilon and Alpha Epsilon PhI<br />

for "Give 'em the Bull." In the $~OO<br />

maximum Zeta Beta Tau placed first<br />

fo~ its "Matadors Get It In The End";<br />

"Brains of Bats and Tigers Meat ?end<br />

the Matadors to Defeat" by <strong>Del</strong>ta SIgma<br />

Phi and Alpha Gamma <strong>Del</strong>ta n?t. ~nly<br />

received second in the above division,<br />

but it also received honors for Best<br />

Portrayal of Theme. "Best Use o~ Materials"<br />

honor went to Arnold Au Society<br />

and Angel Flight for "Monty Defies<br />

Superstition."<br />

All Homecoming float entries and several<br />

local high-school marching bands<br />

appeared in the Homecoml~g Parade<br />

the morning of Nov. 14. ThIS was the<br />

last event planned before the football<br />

game.<br />

The parade started at the intersections<br />

of Montezuma and Catoctin and terminated<br />

in the lower parking lot behind<br />

Maya and Olmeca dorms.<br />

President Love and judges review the Homecoming Parade.<br />

Snap! snap l !<br />

Let's trample<br />

'em!<br />

This game looks like a snap.

The theme for Homecoming this year was "Monty Salutes Superstition." Lambda Chi Alpha Fraternity<br />

"Aztec pirit Does It Again."<br />

depicted this theme in its first place float,<br />

. Ch 1 d add to the sparkle and color of another victorious game.<br />

San DIego State eer ea ers<br />

. Q d h Court were crowned at the traditIOnal homecoming dance held in the Hotel <strong>Del</strong> Cor n<br />

Homecommg ueen an er<br />

What's the name of the game? It's PushbalI, and the Black League defeated the Red League 3-0.

Sigs wished for Sweepstakes!<br />

"Are you sure it's not permanent?"<br />

Judging took place during the parade,<br />

was completed by the afternoon<br />

and ready to be announced<br />

at the night's game. The Kappa<br />

Sigma float, "The Legend of<br />

Sleepy Hollow," a $400 maximum<br />

entry, captured the Sweepstakes<br />

award. Pictured was Ichabod<br />

Crane mounted on a comic-like<br />

white stallion, being chased by the .<br />

"Headless Horseman" on a rear- .<br />

ing black stallion. Both of - the'<br />

horses were animated and ~.~v~d<br />

in a galloping manner. .<br />

"What's<br />

his problem?"<br />

Other floats which placed were, in the $400 maximum,<br />

Lambda Chi Alpha won first place with their haunted<br />

house portrayal, "Aztec Spirit Does It Again"; placing<br />

second was the Sigma Alpha Epsilon-Alpha Phi<br />

float, "Bubble, Bubble, Toil and Trouble for the<br />

Matadors"; the Alpha Tau Omega-Chi Omega float,<br />

"Superstition Mirrored through the Ages," was judged<br />

third place. In the $100 division, the Inter-Dorm<br />

Council placed first. The "Best Use of Materials"<br />

award was presented to the Pi Kappa Alpha-Kappa<br />

Alpha Theta entry, "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner."<br />

Thus the spectacular and mysterious Homecoming-<br />

1964-was brought to a close.<br />

forS6BS<br />

--<br />

. /

The 1964 Homecoming Court From left to right: Linda Thompson,<br />

Coliins, Gerri Jamieson, Jan Woods.<br />

Linda Thompson reigns over the Homecoming Parade.<br />

1 linda Thompson<br />

1<br />

Linda spends her spare time as AS secretary.<br />

Linda chats with fellow art students.<br />

66<br />

Linda, a member of Angel Flight<br />

Homecoming Queen 1964<br />

A week before the Homecoming festivities<br />

began, a series of teas were held where<br />

candidates nominated by on-campus or.<br />

ganizations were interviewed for the 1964<br />

San Diego State College Homecoming<br />

Queen. Selected from the seventeen nominees,<br />

the five finalists were chosen on the<br />

basis of beauty, poise, personality and<br />

campus activities. Their names were an.<br />

nounced amid the excitement of the SDS.<br />

Fresno State football game on Oct. 3l.<br />

Linda Thompson was crowned our Home.<br />

coming Queen on Nov. 6, at the semi-<br />

-formal dance at the Hotel del Coronado.<br />

She reigned over the remaining activities<br />

of Homecoming Week.

1965<br />

Miss <strong>Del</strong> Sudoeste<br />

Miss Port<br />

of San Diego<br />

Michele Fackler<br />

Peggy Bowen<br />

Mis Peggy Bowen is Miss <strong>Del</strong> Sudoeste for 1965.<br />

hc i a freshman sociology major whose interests<br />

in~lude folksinging, sp?rts, and sewing. Peggy received<br />

honorable mennon in the 10 Best Dressed<br />

Coeds conte t sponsored by AWS, and has been a<br />

Miss Aztec Engineer.<br />

Peggy previously was selected as Miss <strong>Del</strong> Sudoeste<br />

for February. Other yearbook beauties are Claudia<br />

talder, October; Linda Phelan November' and<br />

Sari Wade, January. ' ,<br />

Each monthly ~election w~s chosen at random by<br />

the <strong>Del</strong> Sud editor and MIss Bowen's selection was<br />

made by the enti re yearbook staff.<br />

Michele, a lovely blonde sophomore, was<br />

selected Miss Port of San Diego this fall<br />

by the Public Relations Board and Port<br />

officials. Michele is the official hostess for<br />

all Port activities including dinner, lunch-<br />

.eons, and tours of the city and the port<br />

itself. In February she was guest of honor<br />

along with Miss Joanne Dockwiller, California<br />

Maid of Cotton, at a luncheon at<br />

the San Diego Yacht Club where they<br />

modeled the Maid's all cotton wardrobe.<br />

On campus Michele, a pre-dental hygiene<br />

major, is kept busy as Chi Omega sorority's<br />

pledge class president and layout editor of<br />

the <strong>Del</strong> Sudoeste.<br />

Peggy Bowen-February<br />

Linda Phelan-November<br />

Claudia Stalder-October<br />

Sari VVade-lanuary'<br />

Best Dressed<br />

College Coed<br />

lammy<br />

Platt<br />

Tammy Platt, a sophomore concerned with design, was<br />

chosen this spring as the 1965 Best Dressed Coed ~n campus.<br />

This selection enabled Tammy to represent :he entu~ campus<br />

in the Glamour magazine contest from which ten guls were<br />

to be chosen from all the United States colleges and<br />

universities.<br />

Moving into the world of fashion, TamI?Y. poi~ts out that<br />

clothes alone do not make the woman; It IS pOIse, personality,<br />

and neatness which count. This was the basic criterion<br />

for her selection.<br />

Majoring in art, emphasizing design in all forms, Tammy<br />

plans to attend Art Center School in Los Ange~es wh~n<br />

she graduates. FroID there she wishes to wo~k 111 a big<br />

advertising company in fashionable San Francisco or New<br />

York.<br />

Tammy contributes to campus activities as public re~atiQns<br />

chairman in her sorority, Alpha Phi, and as art editor of<br />

the <strong>Del</strong> Sudoeste.

Sigma Phi Epsilon<br />

Queen of Hearts<br />

miss barbara<br />

anderson<br />

Barbara is a junior psychology major who would<br />

like to enter personnel work or high school<br />

counseling when she completes college. She is<br />

president of the Sigma Phi Epsilon Sweethearts<br />

auxiliary. Barbara was honored in her freshman<br />

year when she reigned as Queen of the<br />

C~ariot R~ces. She was also secretary of her<br />

PI Bet~ PhI pledge class in the fall. She participat~s<br />

in all her favorite sports, and enjoys<br />

sewmg and knitting.<br />

lambda Chi Alpha<br />

Cross and Crescent<br />

Girl<br />

miss vickie<br />

gray<br />

Vickie is a junior psychology major whose outside<br />

interests include watching spectator sports and<br />

obtaining information on world political affai~s.<br />

Vickie's activities in the past include membership<br />

in Spurs and scholarship chairman of her sorority,<br />

Gamma Phi Beta. At present she spends most of<br />

her time and effort as president of the Lambda<br />

Chi Alpha Crescents. Her most important activity<br />

this year is planning her marriage this summer to<br />

Lambda Chi Steve Bailey. However, she plans to<br />

continue school and enter personnel work.<br />

Kappa Sigma<br />

Dream Girl<br />

miss sara vickers<br />

A secondary education major, Sara plans to<br />

teach English in high school after she receives<br />

he~ degree. This year's highlight for Sara was.<br />

bemg select~d as a. fall Homecoming princess.<br />

She was vice-president, philanthrophy chairman,<br />

and standards board chairman of her<br />

Sorority, Pi Beta Phi. She also was honored as<br />

he~ sorori~y's Wine and Carnation girl. Sara<br />

enJOys a~tlve sP.orts. such as horseback riding,<br />

water skiing, swimming, and scuba diving.<br />

Pi Kappa Alpha<br />

Dream Girl<br />

miss j an woods<br />

After graduation this June, Jan, a senior. education<br />

major plans to teach a primary grade III the San<br />

Diego' area. Jan was social chairman of .her<br />

. s<br />

sorority, Kappa Alpha Theta, an d .was a vivaciou<br />

songleader in her junior year. ThIS y~ar he.r. continuedinterest<br />

and enthusiasm is obvIOUSIII h~r<br />

active membership in the Pi Kappa Alpha auxiliary,<br />

Sweethearts of the Diamond. Another honor<br />

which was bestowed on her this fall was her<br />

selection as one of the four princesses in the<br />

Homecoming Court. In addition to her. other ~ctivities<br />

and honors this native San Diegan still<br />

, " d .<br />

finds timefor water skiing, "beaching, an mUSIC.<br />


,a/O~~T<br />

m<br />

hart<br />

ppa Alpha Psi<br />

betty moore<br />

tat , Betty was chosen<br />

1 65 wcetheart on the<br />

Sweetheart<br />

of Sigma Chi<br />

miss carol<br />

lane<br />

Carol was chosen Sweethea~t of Sigma Chi at<br />

their annual Christmas Ball m December. Kappa<br />

Alpha Theta keeps her busy as deJ:luty .record.<br />

in secretary. Carol is a true Cal ifornian for<br />

sh~ "loves" to go to the beach and when the<br />

sun isn't shining she likes ~o read ~ book ?r sew.<br />

She is a' social science major an? IS working for<br />

an elementary teacher's credentIal. .!,-fter graduation,<br />

Carol hopes to go to Hawaii.<br />

like<br />

Sweetheart<br />

of Zeta Beta Tau<br />

miss julie siraton<br />

Dark-haired, bright-eyed Julie was announced as<br />

Zeta Beta Tau's Sweetheart at the Honkers Club<br />

on the 5th of December.<br />

Although Julie has an undeclared major, she<br />

has at present centered her intersts around art.<br />

Julie is kept busy in her sorority, Alpha Epsilon<br />

Phi, in which she holds the position of pledge<br />

class historian. In her spare time she enjoys<br />

playing tennis, badminton, and golf, and she<br />

also loves to dance.<br />

J.ulie has lived in the San Diego area all her<br />

life, but has hopes of studying abroad in Europe.<br />

Dream Girl<br />

of<br />

<strong>Del</strong>ta Sigma Phi<br />

miss gwen<br />

bucknell<br />

Gwen was selected as <strong>Del</strong>ta Sig's Dream ~irl<br />

at the Carnation Ball in May, 1964. She ~s a<br />

sophomore and plans to go into dental hygIene<br />

, . d d G n a member<br />

work after she IS gra uate. we,<br />

of Alpha Gamma <strong>Del</strong>ta sorority, spends a larg~<br />

portion of her time working for S.w.eethearts.o<br />

the Nile the <strong>Del</strong>ta Sigma Phi auxiliary .. Swim-<br />

, G 'I' time<br />

rning and music occupy wen s eisure .

Sigma Nu<br />

White Rose Queen<br />

miss lonni kane<br />

Lonni, a native San Diegan, is a sophomor~ so~iology<br />

major whose future plans in,clude gOl~g. into<br />

a specialized field after graduation, Lon~ll IS a~<br />

active member of her sorority, Alpha Epsilon PhI,<br />

having served as pledge class president in the fall<br />

of 1963 and as co-rush chairman and social chairman<br />

this past year. Last spring she was selected<br />

as a member of the Serpentenes, the Sigma Nu<br />

auxiliary, Her personal interests include swimming<br />

at the beach during the summer and attending<br />

SDS football games in the fall.<br />

Sigma Pi<br />

Sweetheart<br />

miss diane crowell<br />

D' has been very active<br />

For the past three yca~f IaS~e has participated in<br />

at San Diego Stat,e 0 eg;ki Club, ahcr has repre-<br />

Junior Panhellemc, the A 'ted Women Stu-<br />

. . the SSOCla<br />

sented her soronty m ti on campus, she<br />

dents, Besides bemg very ac ive ity 'as magazine<br />

intinued e her soron<br />

has continue to serv, 0 hom ore reprechairman,<br />

activities c~alfBan, d s Pnd the Scholarsentative<br />

to the ExecutIve oar t<br />

,; her spare time<br />

ship Board. ~ia~e spend~c mS~e °plays the guitar,<br />

sewing or enjoyIng mus , er when she was<br />

a talent she developed o~e summ lans include oba<br />

camp counselor. Her utu~ p credential and<br />

taining her elementary teac mg b<br />

working in Palo Alto where she was orn.<br />

Tau Kappa Epsilon<br />

Sweetheart<br />

miss fran wargo<br />

Fran an active girl during her three years at SDS,<br />

has erved a pre ident of TKE's auxiliary, Daughter<br />

of Diana, ha been honored as Maya Hall's<br />

Girl-of-the-Month, and was Miss Daily Aztec, She<br />

has a general major which consists of three fields<br />

of study-biology sociology, and English. Upon<br />

·"raduation Fran is con idering teaching or social<br />

work. Thi beauty at one time wanted to take<br />

bullfighting les ons but iRstead chose the safer<br />

sports of gymnastics, and swimming, Writing freelance<br />

poetry is also a favorite pastime,<br />

Theta<br />

Dream<br />

Chi<br />

Girl<br />

miss linda taylor<br />

go from<br />

D' three years a .<br />

Linda came to San iego Sh ' an art major<br />

the eastern United States, h Ie IfSter she receives<br />

' h hi h sc 00 a ,<br />

and plans to teac ,Ig d 'I Linda is actIVe<br />

her secondary teachIng ere ~tI~. served as vice<br />

in her sorority, <strong>Del</strong>ta Zeta, .a dng of Linda's time<br />

President last year. The remain e,r ting horseback<br />

, . ing paIn I ,<br />

is spent reading, swimmi ,<br />

riding, and fishing.<br />


Alpha Phi Omega<br />

Sweetheart<br />

miss toni<br />

sue landry<br />

Toni wishes to become a high school German<br />

teacher after she receives her degree. She speaks<br />

the foreign language fluently and in the future<br />

hopes to study in Germany.<br />

Toni is a dedicated student and has proved this<br />

by completing four years of college in three<br />

and a half years. She achieved this goal by<br />

attending summer school each year. One year<br />

she attended German summer school at Oregon<br />

State where she could speak only in Gennan.<br />

The<br />

Barricade •••<br />

An enthusiastic girl, Toni is a member of the<br />

honorary language society Alpha Mu Gamma.<br />

When she is not busy translating, she likes to<br />

read or dance.<br />

Military Ball Queen<br />

miss linda<br />

thompson<br />

Linda added the title of Military Ball Queen to<br />

her other noteworthy achievements this year.<br />

She was chosen by the AFROTC senior members<br />

to represent the corps in its functions.<br />

Linda received the coveted title of 1964 Homecoming<br />

Queen in November. In addition she was<br />

named to "Who's Who in American Colleges and<br />

Universities" in the fall. Linda is an executive<br />

officer in Angel Flight, AS secretary, and<br />

spends much of her time serving as house manager<br />

of her sorority, Pi Beta Phi,<br />

As an art major she spends a large portion of<br />

~ach busy day in the art building. She i,s workmg<br />

for her secondary credential and wIshes to<br />

enter the cartooning field.

The purpose of AMS is to promote activities among the men students<br />

at San Diego State and to provide many diversified activities. Every<br />

year AMS sponsors an AMS Week which includes such events as<br />

the car show, which features sports cars donated for the day by<br />

San Diego dealers, and the spaghetti dinner and spaghetti eating<br />

contest. Other activities sponsored by AMS throughout the year include<br />

the turkey shoot, a football film series narrated by Coach<br />

Coryell, and two dances held each semester.<br />

Next year the main goals of AMS are to expand and increase participation<br />

in the current programs. Plans are being made to' extend<br />

the breadth of the film series and to maintain and improve upon<br />

successful new traditions begun, this year.<br />

AMS<br />

All Men's Week<br />

"Well, it's one way to get a free meal,"<br />

I<br />


IA WS Convention<br />

lAWS delegates discuss the challenges to college and university women.<br />

•~=~~~#' ..<br />

, ~C~<br />

'..V _J~~.....,(27'<br />

Kathy Howland models bridal gown at the AWS BnidaI FashiJOn Show,<br />



"The World o! Women", theme of the spring All Women's<br />

Wdeek,. emPEhasized the realms of home, culture and higher<br />

e. ucation. I vents. during the week' me 1u -ded th' e Jessop , s ring<br />

d<br />

modeled<br />

ISP ay, an<br />

b<br />

art<br />

SDS<br />

display<br />

'<br />

and<br />

a<br />

brid<br />

rt a<br />

I f<br />

as<br />

hi<br />

IOn s<br />

h<br />

ow WIth<br />

.<br />

gowns<br />

n y Ten Best Dressed Coeds. The week was termi-<br />

e an was announced<br />

atledMby~ dance sponsored by Spurs where the "Most Un catchab<br />

.<br />

Passers-by stop at cultural AWS art display to admire paintings.<br />

AWS is an organization at San Diego State College of<br />

which all women students are members. Each semester<br />

AWS sponsors a wide variety of activities for SDS women<br />

in an attempt to better familiarize them with the many<br />

programs AWS offers.<br />

The Intercollegiate AWS Convention, an annual event,<br />

was held this year at SDS. Nearly 300 delegates representing<br />

30 colleges throughout California convened to<br />

discuss common problems. The event was highlighted<br />

by a guest speaker, Dr. Eleanor Metheny from the<br />

University of Southern California.<br />

The AWS Fall Banquet-a<br />

AWS<br />

Fall Banquet<br />

The spirit of Christmas and giving was present at<br />

the AWS Fall Banquet this year. Honors were<br />

awarded the Woman of Achievement, and certificates<br />

were made available to those women students<br />

who made the dean's list the previous semester.<br />

Entertainment for the evening included speeches<br />

from the service group presidents.<br />

festive occasion for all.<br />

--------~ ~><br />

Jessops ring display attracts many coeds;<br />

AWS presents a lecture about wigs,<br />


"How does it look?"<br />

A cute freshman coed models sport attire.<br />

, I<br />

"An exciting world culturally, socially, and intellectually available to college women,"<br />

was stressed in this year's "All Women's Week." A rock 'n ro.Jl dance was held in<br />

the West Commons following the SDS-CSLA football game to begin the week of<br />

acti vities.<br />

Contests including "Knobby Knees" and "Penny-a-minute" officially kicked off the<br />

week. On Monday cardboard cartons showing pictures of the candidates' knees were<br />

put on display to collect votes costing a penny each. "Penny-a-Minute" allowed women<br />

living in the dorms and sorority houses to extend curfew until midnight on Monday<br />

through Thursday for the price of a penny each minute past 10 :30 p.m.<br />

Stepping into fall fashion, 11 freshmen coeds modeled fashionable sportswear and<br />

eventng apparel in "Frosh Fete." The fashion show stressed the appropriate attire<br />

on campus to the freshmen coeds.<br />

AWS<br />

All Women's Week<br />

"Oh, no-wrong<br />

carton."<br />

Bruce Brown's surfing film, "Barefoot Adventure," entertained all the interested<br />

women and the few men who slipped in. The lucky ticket holders received an additional<br />

treat when door prizes were given away.<br />

The successful Cap and Gown Leadership Seminar held Friday in Scripps Cottage<br />

was the last event as the rewarding week's activities drew to a close.<br />

The AWS surfing movie.<br />

f<br />

I<br />


AS Elections<br />

Banner, pecches, posters, campaigns,<br />

test, platforms, and ballots were all signs<br />

of A election time for SDS. Swarming<br />

the Activitie office, an extra large turnout<br />

of applicant forced the elections into<br />

another week.<br />

Following the Robert Rules of Order and<br />

A Con titution tests, the qualified candidate<br />

introduced themselves and their reo<br />

pective platform to the SDS student<br />

body on Oct. 27 in front of the Bookstore.<br />

After two weeks of hard campaigning, the<br />

winners, filling 13 offices, and the reo<br />

maining run-off candidates were announced<br />

at an Election Dance held on Friday, Oct.<br />

3. After the run-off election held Nov. 4,<br />

the final winners roster was posted so the<br />

new leaders of the year would be recog.<br />

nized.<br />

I;<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />


GREEK<br />


ZBT Bed<br />

Pushing<br />

Contest<br />

Pledge<br />

Presents<br />

Alpha Gam<br />

Pumpkin I Panic Sig Ep<br />

Slave Sale<br />

I<br />

I<br />

Sig Ep - Alpha Phi Football Game<br />

Two! Twenty! Five and one-half I Let's kill ' . I ,<br />

. em, gu s.<br />

SAE Sea World<br />

Going! Going! Gone!<br />

Good-bye<br />

cruel world!

Sigma Chi<br />

Derby<br />

Day<br />

h ?"<br />

"What's it like down t ere,<br />

"What's<br />

with them?",<br />

"That<br />

couldn't be called the Charleston,"<br />

Tau<br />

Kappa Epsilon<br />

Varsity Drag<br />

"I feel like a grease."<br />

Kappa<br />

Sigma<br />

Pig Chase<br />

A flying finish!<br />

Lambda Chi<br />

Alpha<br />

Little ~~500"<br />

88<br />

bike l"<br />

"I said it's my IN,;.

The IBM Dance<br />

Comes To<br />

SDS<br />

Ditch Digging 173<br />

Eighteen SDS students began digging March 2, with members<br />

of the San Diego Historical Society, in Presidio Park.<br />

The reasons for these students desire to turn over earth<br />

goes farther than getting a sun tan or building up muscles.<br />

They are digging in search of traces of the beginning of<br />

European civilization. The group hopes to turn up fragments<br />

of pottery and other artifacts from all over ,the world.<br />

Already the students have found the remains of many items<br />

including walls and pottery. The students spent about eight<br />

hours each week digging, and toward the end of May returned<br />

to lab work where each wrote a report in connection<br />

with the project. By this time, however, they should also<br />

have their share of strong backs and calloused hands.<br />

The sophomore-sponsored IBM dance, a<br />

new activity which came to SDS, was one<br />

f the largest and most successful dances<br />

~eld this past year. Students filled h~u~<br />

information forms before the dance. w IC<br />

electronically placed them with thel~e~;I~<br />

fect match. The five most per .<br />

matched couples, including a set of ~wd.ns,<br />

were announced at the dance. Also.a Ill~<br />

interest at the dance was StephaIBlllMe, a d<br />

Old Gibbon monkey whose car<br />

year H "perfect<br />

was fed to the computer. er .<br />

match", Dave Flucht, presented her with<br />

her first bouquet.<br />

This event attracte d sue<br />

h interest<br />

h<br />

that<br />

t<br />

stories about it were carrie~ throug ou<br />

the U.S. and other countnes. Features<br />

appeared<br />

. h pers as the Lon-<br />

III sue newspa b d<br />

don Express, and the achVI ivity w~ s.<br />

roaucast<br />

over severa I ra di d televlslOn sta-<br />

10 an<br />

tions.<br />

Many a mate is matched.<br />

,<br />

1 I<br />


Internationa<br />

I<br />

Scope At SDS<br />

Linda Thompson reads h r fortune to Mary Ann Hawley in<br />

front of on of the flag symbolizing world-wide bazaar.<br />

The expansion of the SDS campus has also included<br />

the expansion of the foreign student program.<br />

This year, 90 international students representing<br />

55 countries entered SDS, making a total<br />

of 275 foreign students presently enrolled.<br />

Various campus organizations planned several programs<br />

and activities during the year to acquaint international<br />

students with the campus, the community<br />

and the American way of life. A newly initiated<br />

program this year was the Big and Little Sister<br />

and Brother program. The women of SDS had an<br />

opportunity to meet many of the foreign students<br />

at the AWS Ice Cream Social held at Scripps Cottage<br />

on Oct. 1. About thirty women students 1 om<br />

the Philippines, Mexico, and Japan were given a<br />

warm welcome by SDS faculty women and students.<br />

The international women students were introduced<br />

to a real American treat, "the ice cream sundae."<br />

The theme of the evening, "Getting to K~ow You,"<br />

described the warmth and friendship extended to<br />

the new foreign students. A two-day international<br />

bazaar, sponsored by the College Y, was introduced<br />

on campus this year. Homemade wares including<br />

wood carving, jewelry, glass and brassware, ceramics,<br />

and leather goods, were displayed in gaily<br />

decorated booths representing Europe, Africa, Asia,<br />

Mexico, and the Near East. '.Shoppers sipped tea<br />

and ate fortune cookies with exchange students<br />

who, dressed in their native costumes, entertained<br />

visitors throughout the day.<br />

New doors have been opened through which the<br />

exchange of customs and ideas foster world-wide<br />

friendship and understanding among all students.<br />

"And this is ... ah ... "<br />

"It looks like rice."<br />

"Hmmmmm ... "<br />

Jose Soler-Tossas<br />

from Puerto Rico explains<br />

Fair.<br />

objects to a group at the International

Spring<br />

lectures<br />

And<br />

Concerts<br />

Bud and Travis-folksingers<br />

of America.<br />

Judy<br />

Collins<br />

Judy Collins, 25-year·old folk<br />

singer and contemporary of Joan<br />

Baez, appeared here with Bud and<br />

Travis on May 1. Miss Collins,<br />

Electra Record recording star, is<br />

a veteran of the Newport Jazz<br />

Festival and has appeared several<br />

times on television. Accompanying<br />

herself on the guitar, Miss Collins<br />

uses simple staging in her college<br />

and nightclub performances.<br />

Bud And<br />

Budapest<br />

Travis<br />

Folk singing duo, Bud and Travis,<br />

staged their first SDS concert on May 1.<br />

The two show no partiality .to songs of<br />

American origin, for their program includes<br />

selections from France, Italy, Africa,<br />

Spain, as well as songs of the West<br />

Indies and Far East. Bud and Travis<br />

accompanied themselves on .guitars.<br />

They are accomplished songwriters,<br />

having written over 400 songs.<br />

String<br />

, ki 'ts 34th<br />

The Budapest String Quartet, m rna m g. 1concert<br />

annual tour of the Uni~ed States, perfor::n d<br />

I1lthough<br />

at SDS on March 11 in the Peterson ,y. . d<br />

the quartet performs cI assrca 'I ,roman, tic and ., mo t ern_<br />

music it is known most Iy f or 1'ts excellence m m er<br />

preti;g Beethoven chamber music.<br />

Paul Tillich addresses SDS students<br />

Budapest<br />

String<br />

Quartet<br />

Allan<br />

Sherman<br />

Allan Sherman, ex-cornedy<br />

writer who has<br />

made such hit albums<br />

as "My Son, the Folk<br />

Singer" and "My Son,<br />

the Nut," performed at<br />

SDS on February 25.<br />

Sherman composes his :<br />

own parodies and has<br />

also written three books.<br />

He has appeared on<br />

numerous television<br />

shows incl uding his own<br />

specials.<br />

94<br />

Allan Sherman accompanied by SDS band.<br />

Aldo<br />

Parisot<br />

Ado Parisot entertained SDS students !anuary<br />

in . the CLS auditorium. Mr. . Parisot, f<br />

one of the greatest violoncellists 0 o~r<br />

time has played with the New York Philharmonic<br />

Orchestra.<br />

Paul<br />

Tillich<br />

February 24 was the date of ~h.. Paul<br />

Tillich's speech on "Absolutes wI.thm Experience."<br />

Tillich, who has wrrtten 14<br />

books dealing with theology, p~¥chology,<br />

culture and depth psychology, IS a membet<br />

of the Harvard Divinity School.



This year the San Diego State Theater Guild was<br />

delighted to have presented a series of topnotch<br />

plays producd by the Drama Department. In<br />

addition to being an excellent source of cultural<br />

entertainm~nt for the community as well as the<br />

college, t?e dra~a students chosen by castings<br />

and readings gamed valuable stage experience.<br />

The Birthday<br />

Party<br />

The Madwoman of Chaillot<br />

Helen ~~rquardt, played the title role in SDS Theatre Guild's season<br />

op~mer, The Madwoman of Chaillot." John Bell, as the Ragpicker the<br />

philosopher .of the poor people of Paris, also stars. The play is set in<br />

modern Pans; h~wever, the ~adwoman, Countess Aurelia, lives and<br />

dresses for the Pans of ~he 1880 s. The countess is unhappy with the world<br />

she sees, and, along WIth a group of faithful followers she sets out to<br />

save It. .,<br />

"The Birthday Party" is an avant-garde, "theater of the absurd," drama by British<br />

playwright Harold Pinter. The SDS Theater Guild's production of the play is the<br />

first non- professional one in the United States. The play is set in the living room of<br />

a seaside boarding house which is managed by two old women. Stanley, the only<br />

boarder in the rooming house, is giving a birthday party. Two suave and sinister<br />

strangers appear at the boarding house looking for rooms. However, they leave and<br />

take Stanley with them. The Drama Department successfully presented Pinter's work.<br />

Madwoman Helen Marquardt<br />

Lovers ·· Marc Silverman<br />

Mary Cook<br />

Ragpicker ·· .John Bell<br />

Corp. Pres Martin Cameron<br />

Prospector<br />

Dennis Southers<br />

Baron ...........................................................................................................<br />

.Jack Phippin<br />

Petey Jack Montgomery<br />

Meg Carol Campbell<br />

Rolly Fanton<br />

Stanley Dennis Southers<br />

Lulu Christie Virtue<br />

Jessica Elvove<br />

Goldberg Marc Silverman<br />

McCann<br />

Lance Thoman<br />

David Cannon<br />

96<br />


The Silver Cord<br />

"The ilver Cord," writen by Pulitzer Prize winner, Sidney<br />

Howard opened a very successful spring drama season. Walter<br />

tewart, drama teacher at San Diego High School, directed the<br />

play which fulfilled a portion of his master of art degree<br />

requirements.<br />

"The Silver Cord," which symbolizes the umbilical cord, is a<br />

P ychological play introducing an Oedipus situation. The play<br />

is set in ew England during the early 1920's.<br />

But I don't want your ring!<br />

The<br />

Ghost Sonata<br />

CAST<br />

Hummell... Dan Asmann<br />

Student... Paul Jozwicki<br />

Milkmaid Prudenee Moore<br />

Caretaker's Wife Barbara Blanchfield<br />

Lady in Black. .Tommie Lightfoot<br />

Colonel Robert Larsen<br />

Mummy .Julia Frampton<br />

!<br />

\<br />

Here's to ...<br />

CAST<br />

Mrs. Phelps Carol Campbell<br />

David ·..· Martin Cameron<br />

Christina Carol Hatounian<br />

Robert<br />

,James Chovick<br />

Hester Karen Greer<br />

Surrealism was the basis of August Strindberg's "The Ghost Sonata",<br />

an expressionistic play presented this spring by the Theatre Guild.<br />

The play was a dreamlike distortion of reality enabling the audience<br />

to better perceive real human motivations.<br />

Unique stage devices characterize the production. The scenes were<br />

designed specifically for the play, as they were symbolic and important<br />

in conveying the play's message. Most of the furniture used<br />

was built by drama students in the scenery laboratory. Costumes<br />

were also designed specifically for the play and helped to carry<br />

out the "black and white" theme. The basic story involved a man<br />

who tries to buy others' souls and run their lives.<br />

Carol Campbell, mother, 'pleads with her two sons,<br />

Martin Cameron and James Chovick,

John Marlow comes to collect the widow's money while<br />

Jim Eggleston, the servant, stares in fright.<br />

"C'mon, who wants to dance?"<br />

"Let's do it like this."<br />

Three-In-One<br />

An evening of three one-act plays was presented<br />

to the SDS campus by the theatrical production and<br />

directing classes on Jan. 14-16. Drama students<br />

spent many hours designing costumes and constructing<br />

scenery for their production in addition<br />

to portraying a character in the play. During the<br />

semester free hours, each student in the directing<br />

classes enacted their play from which these three<br />

were selected.<br />

"Aria Da Cape" by Edna St. Vincent Millay proved<br />

to be a highly stylized production directed by Paul<br />

H. Jozwicki. Michael Hoffer directed Anton Chekhov's<br />

"The Boor," which is now recognized as a<br />

classic in drama. The third production, "The Private<br />

Ear," is a contemporary comedy which was<br />

directed by Peter Shaffer.<br />

Commissions are received at AFROTC parade and review.<br />

Angel Flight and AFROTC go Christmas caroling over the holidays.<br />

"Brother, this guy's a real tiger."<br />


Here comes the turtle of the Circle K trike race.<br />

Dr. Love speaks at ceremonial dedication of BAM building.<br />

On your mark ... get set ...<br />

Do you recall • • •<br />

Intent students gathered on the bookstore lawn.<br />

Books are sold in the main quad.<br />

!<br />

I<br />


SDS was the first California State<br />

Colle~e to appear on the General<br />

Electnc College Bowl. The four<br />

member team was chosen In<br />

I ,<br />

man,Y app icants on the basis rom<br />

of<br />

~ wide and extensive background<br />

III all academic fields. SDS was<br />

represented by team captain<br />

J a~es Goldberry, senior English<br />

maJo.r; Barbara Jensen, junior<br />

~n~hsh ~a)or; ~d Millican,<br />

junior political sc~ence major;<br />

an~ Pete~ Ruggles, Junior history<br />

~a}or. VIewed over national tele-<br />

VISIOn, the team made its bowl<br />

appearance on Nov. 5. Coached<br />

by Dr. Robert Benjamin, the students<br />

were trained as a team in<br />

a ,simultaneous College Bowl situation<br />

over SDS closed circuit TV.<br />

The college received a $500 scholarship<br />

grant for participating in<br />

the program,<br />

SDS<br />

G.E. College Bowl<br />

""'"<br />

Donna Moe helps a prospective member sign up,<br />

Cetza<br />

Rushees<br />

Spurs members Betty Arbon, Linda Kanewski, and Debbi Flint<br />

show their skill in washing car.<br />

Spurs' Car Wash<br />

Peace Corps Week<br />

Linda Hoover shows information to an interested d coe .<br />

World<br />

SDS men watch the World<br />

Series<br />

Series on TV in the bookstore.<br />

Cetza<br />

Rush T ea<br />

Maridell Evans speaks to Freshmen women guests at the Cetza<br />

Tea.<br />

.......,..<br />

.,<br />

.'-<br />

~<br />

.<br />


..<br />

The Many Faces<br />

of SDS ...<br />

106<br />


c:»=-=-.- ~I1i .. at,:l-c:»:.1.<br />

C:»=-:-'-~:.1i...a"tie»:.1.<br />

C:»~'-~:.1:l.:Bat,io:o...<br />

:L<br />

a<br />

-4<br />

3<br />

7<br />

a<br />

Student elections bring tense moments for all.<br />

Expansion and organization is needed to construct a new meeting plaee-s-the West Cafeteria.<br />

Cap and Gown leadership<br />

school.<br />

A rose signifies the growth and expansion of a new group, <strong>Del</strong>ta Omicron Epsilon.<br />

"I could have sworn EVOLVE was an off-campus magazine!<br />

"Lwish<br />

I could have waxed my **/!!* skis!<br />

Attentive coeds listen to an AWS speaker.<br />

The Fine Arts board ... "You want us to merge with LAC?"

Blue Velvet<br />

Ball<br />

The Blue Velvet Ball, spon ored by Zapotec<br />

Hall, was held on Saturday,. Decemb r<br />

5th. The Hospitality ~ou ,Ill Balboa<br />

Park provided a romantic setung.<br />

ROW 1 {from left}: Carol Curtis, Marky Higgins, Pat Callaghan. ROW 2: Barbara Bell, Vass, Leslie McPhaden, Barbara Scott, Don Jenkins,<br />

Linda Yorba, Martha Mackirdy. ROW 3: Carolyn Miles, Phil Perry, Jim Pendley, Art Davis, Mrs. Dorothy M. Greer, Thomas Merriam, Rich<br />

Thomas, Jeni Duke.<br />

id f Z t Hall her date Bob<br />

Chairman Barbara Scott, Presi ent 0 aPOlecWh"t' ker<br />

O'Brien, and Zapotec dorm mother Mrs. a 1 a .<br />

lnterdorrn Council<br />

Web of Fate is a first, . , in its division and for I.D.C.<br />

IDC began the new academic year by sponsoring<br />

their first dance on the patio of Peterson 'Gym for<br />

the new and returning dorm students. The "Hustlers"<br />

from Whittier provided music for the affair.<br />

Most of the IDC dances are restricted to dorm students<br />

with activity dorm cards. The cards are<br />

printed by the inter-dorm council and are used<br />

for both dorm functions and inter-dorm activities.<br />

IDC participated in Homecoming with their float,<br />

"A Web of Fate," which placed first in the $100.00<br />

maximum division. The women in the dorms constructed<br />

the figures and the men constructed the<br />

base and frame of the float. The Inter-dorm Council<br />

is working hard this year to keep each dorm<br />

informed and interested in all of the inter-dorm<br />

acti vities.<br />

We could have danced<br />

all night.<br />

110<br />


VASS<br />

President<br />

FIRST FLOOR, Row 1 (from left): Jamie Caudle, Fernanda Kisso, Ellen Levine, Diana Baker, Janet Harris, Linda Eader. ROW 2: Pat Forster,<br />

Karen Ahlskog, Martha Paine, Phyllis Galent, Sandy Beam, Leslie Turner, Sandra Hart, Li~da Green, Martha Hamman. R0!P 3: K~ren Hart,<br />

Linda Waldo, Carol Henigan, Carol Forbes, Joan Rosten, Susie Gutfreund, Martha Eaton, Linda McBee, Nelwyn Clark, Paulme Adkms.<br />

RESIDENT ASSISTANTS, Rf? W 1 (from le/t):. Lindi<br />

Davidson, Peggy Nesbit, Harnet Lantz. ROW 2. Caro<br />

Smith, Jeni Duke.<br />

Maya<br />

Hall<br />

DORM OFFICERS, ROW 1 (from left):<br />

.<br />

Nancy :raIS~~'<br />

Judith Rust Deanne Trembley,<br />

Dunston. ROW 2: Nancy De·<br />

Debbie Wei!,<br />

Lairrier, Katy<br />

Eloise Ann ~urgo'kL~ner~OMoniey<br />

Gunthorp, LIz Yor os I, I ,<br />

Marsha Morgan, Nancy McNew,<br />

Vass.<br />

SEC.OND. FL0C!R, ROW 1 (from left): Jane Schmidt, Georgia Stith, Jeanne Santone, June Wagner, Carolyn Vlacich, Debbie Weil, Jody Yanda,<br />

Muriel Fieldsmith, ROW 2: Jan Shell, Sharla Standley, Suzanne Yates, Sue Studeer, Virginia Munsey, Judi Zieogler, JoAnn Wallbutt, Kathy Berger,<br />

Barbara Staff~r~, Mary Ann Schildknecht. RO W 3: Carole Stirling, Liz Yorklaski, Linda Davidson, Sandra Fleet, Carol Smith, Judy Bergren.<br />

ROW 4: Sandy WIllIams, Lani Smulski, Penny Scott, Suzanne Stoll, Mayde Meiers, Pam Holloway, Deanne Trembley, Martie Savage, Pam Bing.<br />

ham, Katy Gunthorp, Laine Lawrence, Marsha Morgan, Pritzi Temple, Jan Lopez" Kathy Livreri, Lois Gleeson, Dianna Lesikar, Marti Stonecipher,<br />

Loretta Ferguson, Ann Taylor.<br />

. N Kl in Harriet Lantz. ROW 2: Lynn<br />

Jac ues Janie Winterfelt, Judith Rust, ora R e \ Cheryl Smith, Kitty Dooley,<br />

W 1 (from leit): Patti Hannaford, Nancr Kaz~bee' Bobbi Moore, Charlene La~ery, Sally ot;SCParkiss Marsha Tinker, Sido-<br />

~~:~~ C:~o~OB~~e~~n~r~ Jeanne tl(~tv?et~~erefaO:d~RIOW<br />

--- I<br />

Judy Kaeding, Sue WIllIngham, may d Hook, Melinda Meifert, Joan sear,<br />

ney Staffield, Pat Stocker, Brenda Rose, u y<br />

S3~zLe~leyMJpha~bnh Bett~l~:~~~' ::~~~:, JK~h~ ~:~;~~ Judy P~ttinson, Peggy Nesbit.


President<br />

RESIDENT ASSIST ANTS, ROW 1 (from left): Peggy<br />

Sue, Gurley, Mrs. Crawford, head resident, Carolyn<br />

W~lgel. R9W 2: Martha MacKirdy, Janet Ewalt, Pat<br />

Mize, Marianne Capaiu,<br />

SECOND FLOOR, ROW 1 (from left): Nana Brotzman, Harriet Hensen, Sam Domingos, Linda Pohl, Jane Stokes, Pat Harbour, Sue Gailey, Marilyn<br />

Jue, Carol Singleton, Margie Ewing, Linda Cox. ROW 2: Pat Cummings, Linda Sprague, Cindy Creswell, Carol Tewes, Cheri Smith, San dee<br />

Crom, Paula Stout, <strong>Del</strong>la Smith, Cynthia Hoggan, Francoise Siao, Diane Clor, Linda Voran, Gayle Scott, Margie Ferncase, Valerie Kahn. ROW 3:<br />

Carolyn Cowie, Jerri Rawnsley, Susan Duncan, Linda Green, Karen Lees, Marilyn Sawyer, Toyoko Suzuki, Nancy Harvey, Carol Fogerty, Carol English,<br />

Carol Curtis, Kathy Westling, Barbara Buss, Susan Sibley, Janie Dixon, Cindy Cooper, Chris Welshofer, Cindy Honig, Jayne Shappi, Linda<br />

Chait, Saundra Novell.<br />

D9RM OFFICERS, R9W: 1 (from left): Linda Tabor, Gerry Zabroski, Julie Molina<br />

DClaM I<br />

CcGre,w'pMarckyHI~gms, ROW 2: Susie Bright, Michele Fackler Carole McFarland'<br />

aro urns, at ummmgs, "<br />

Olmeca<br />

Hall<br />

IlliH ........<br />

FIRST FLOOR, ROW 1 (from left): Gail Groenewegen Pe Kull N PI' .<br />

Mc~rew, Susie Bright, Cheryl 'Rohwedder. ROW 2: Mich~le I:~kler Sha~~~y E ost e, dLlIpd Y Surridge, Toni Barra, Trudy Stark, Julie Molina, Dia<br />

WrIgglesworth, Donna Wosk, Judy Martin, Gloria Goldstein, Joann' Schnitzer, all::oP~rk::. Brown, Pat Durkin, Marky Higgins, Jean John, Janie<br />

THIRD FLOOR, ROW 1 (from left): Madeline Folsom, Sharon Smyth, Nancy Taggart, Charlotte Hunter, Judee Curlutu, Lynn Beechler, Judi<br />

Secord, Nancy Workman, Kathie Schreck, Kathy Meek, :\lice R~e Eisbrener .. ROW 2: Sue Clark, ~ancy Schroeder, Roberta Lawson, Terry D~vidson,<br />

Nan Baker Richi Mac Corkell Mitchee Sharp, Jamie Nousianen, Pam Rields, Jam Severns, Ridgly Drayton, Betty Ann Sweet, Pat Scholfield,<br />

ROW 3: Linda 'Williams, Sandra Twiss, Susie Prest, Marsha Lewis, Elaine Emmert, Doreen Howard, Ginny Lord, Dena Windsor, Caron Paulus,<br />

Gerry Zabroski, Mary Ann Brakebill, Linda Tabor, Barb Paisley, Carolyn Rasmussen, Karen Weers, Janell Butts, Esther Sherwood.


President<br />

FIRST FLOOR, ROW J' (from left): Caria Hollrah Susie 0 r n Ch Ch S 11<br />

almon. ROW 2: Ann Pleggenkuhle Patricia Asupak Vicki iIen, Ber<br />

b 'B ce ,. as y Mpyers,.J.udy Wells, Sylvia Shaw, Jannette Dahlen, Marcia<br />

Burk, Diane Russell. ' ,oore, ar ara urns, ue eek, beth Rowe, <strong>Del</strong>oase Edmonds, Diana Pape, Nancy<br />

RESIDENT ASSISTANTS, ROW 1 (from left): Shirley<br />

Petty, Mrs, Whitaker, head resident, Kathy Sodeck.<br />

ROW 2: Barbara Barrett, Jackie Van ,Ausdal, Linda<br />

Yorba.<br />

Zapotec<br />

DORM OFFICERS, RO W 1 (from left): Susan Richmond, Barbara Scott, Pat<br />

Hall Henry. ROW 2: Lynne Goldsmith, Jan Outcen,<br />

SECOND !,!-OOR, ROW 1 (from left): Jeanne Snoden Janie Ste h<br />

~:N;oFa~~~~~t~~;eJ' BarbaCa Sco~'lfO! 2: Cecelia Whitted, Sus~neS:i~h BJ~~daMLil~ht,PaN Wallace, Katie Littlejohn, Dee Dee Deutsch, Tina<br />

Laura D G" Sh- janne erss, ~ y rukow. ROW 3: Jacqueline Mille'N n 0 .ovan, ancy Redmond, Sherry Langsdorf, Nancy Lebowitz,<br />

e iota, ir ey Counod, Gmny Leavenworgh, Karen Soto u d r H<br />

, anc p<br />

y Atckms, Barbara Harris, Cathie Evers Joan English Judy Inman,<br />

, n a are, at allaghan. "<br />

THIRD FLOOR, ROW'I (from left): Sandy Knell, Lynda Yaker, Susan Richmond, Carol Svendsen, Vicki Gaske, Suzanne Capune, Melodye<br />

Stuber, Laura Jurin, Marcie Wood, Barbara Po linger, Patty Capp, Jo-Ann Bowen. ROW 2: Pat Henry, Lynne Goldsmith, Jan Outcen, -Pamela<br />

Thacker, Karen Van de Braak, Sharon Stacy Jackie Van Ausdal, Linda Yorba, Lynne Clarke, Margie Weatherwax, Eva Breihan, Judith Vant,<br />

Sue Strauss, Carole Isaacson.

"Please Charlie! They're watching."<br />

Hhumm ... what a bore.<br />

"OOhh, Dick !"<br />

Dorm life<br />

I<br />

I<br />

Preparing<br />

for finals<br />

Now let's try it with the ball.<br />

That photographer's<br />


\<br />

I /<br />


President<br />

FIRST FLOOR, ROW 1 (from left): Len Steinbarth, Stephen Stoner Walter Brasch Germa R' Mik " ~<br />

ROW 2: Bill Hendricks, Mike Binkley, Don Jenkins, Shay Ruey D'avid Kidde L' L n udlz'F IdeSWheldm g ,10m Davidson, John Bermingham,<br />

, r, arry eonar, re c aeffer, Wayne Peevey, Jim Steele,<br />

RESIDENT ASSIST ANTS, RO W 1 (from left): John<br />

H. Linneman, Mrs. Theodora Cooper, head resident,<br />

David Salopek. ROW 2: Jim Pendley,. W. T. Pratt.<br />

T oltec<br />

Hall<br />

DORM OFFICERS, ROW 1 (from left): Brooks Hovey, Robin Widgery, John<br />

Tobey, Bob Ruth, Gary Phillippi. ROW 2: Bill Giles, Doug Denell, Don<br />

Jenkins, Gary Worth,<br />

SECOND F!-OOR, ROW 1 (from left): John Hannahs Stan Row M'k<br />

2: Herb Keistman, Robert Tubalcaba, Lynn Lacey, Ba;ry Reed, Jf~ Ch: T:aJ s , ~arry Thomas, Jack Berthelet, Lee Skaalen, Conrad Rauh. ROW<br />

p , oe ord, Brad Bunch, George Tomlinson, Rod Schultz, Dick Yackey.<br />

THIRD FLOOR, ROW 1 (from left): David Tritsch, Bill Driscoll, Steve Eich, Mike Lee, John Riddle, Tom Wolfe, Jim Umstead, MHce Mc-<br />

Cluskey. ROW 2: Greg Smith, Bob DeGedoote, Richard Doty, Glenn Wahlquist, Steve Lunceford, Dave Lesher, Steve Tart, Dan Olson, Dave Garant,<br />

Don Lee, Mike Wolpert, David Fillmore.


President<br />

R~SlDENT ASSISTANTS, ROW 1 (from left): Don<br />

H,llts" Mrs. Greer, h~ad resident, Tom Hobbs. ROW<br />

2. RIch Thomas, Claire Higgins, Gary Means.<br />

SECOND FLOOR, ROW 1 (from left): Sandy Koufax, Mike Stevenson, John Ross, Glen Hobart, Bob Schulman, Bill Fleetwood, Bradfist, Steve<br />

Dickson, Mike Fiorito, Craig Beam, Bill Patterson. RQW 2: Shannon Cutsinger, Chuck Bowen, Dave Almquist, Robert Lubach, Manuel Aceves, Lee<br />

Hunt, Mike Schultz, Craig Gallagher, Steve Curcie, Dan Damels, Bill Corman. ROW 3: Garry Means, Al Meeh,. Fred Kent, Don Maxfeld, Barry<br />

Stark, Dee Russell, Ken Irish, Art Koiser, Byron Von Williams, 1. D. Salinger, Tom Hammond, James Jones, Greg Adams, Jeff DeVore, Jim Homerick,<br />

Dick Liggett, Rusty White, Carl Pratt, Don Alger, Dave Bucher, Rich Thomas, ROW 4: W. C. Stanfield, Jeeves Andrews.<br />

DC!RM OFFICERS, ROW 1 (from left): Bob Eldridge, Bob Lubach, Marc<br />

NIChols. ROW 2: John Lund, Barry Stark, Jim Scott, T. T. Smith.<br />

Tarastec<br />

Hall<br />

FIRST FLOOR, ROW 1 (from.left): Art Davis, Chuck Fisher Harv' '.<br />

bach, B~rry S~ark, Bob Baldwm~ Mike Ganahl, John Nilsen,' Jim Whratkms, Barry Khen, David Rowney, Gary KlimpeI. ROW 2: Tom Schupf~~~ttDrTs<br />

~ev'~he,:~ ~ahb: Frepd Jame~, .Paul Bakkom, Marc Ni~~o~e~a~o}~~n" Ck~rtRJ:IhtzledY'BRichJo!:mson, R!ch O'Hanlon, Bob Eldridge.<br />

, . rm , 0 0 ms, aul Ahsmg, Bob Fox, Chester Yama'ga D wBllcI k<br />

, Ihc.ar aker, RIch Brewing, Tom Sawyer, Don Hilts,<br />

, ave an ens rp.<br />

THIRD FLOOR ROW 1 (from left): Steve Tiearney, Jayce McClellan, King Kolaman, Robert Hickethier, George Hatfield, Alan Rich, A. D. Mac,<br />

Ray Yabu, Roy Emerson, Butch Buckolz, ROW 2: Claire Higgins, Jim Ashcraft, Richard Schiel, Mike .Greene, John Lundv Dave Votaw, ~ike Guarnieri,<br />

Dave Strachan, David May, Jerry Hull, Richard Herkert, Hal Strahl, Bruce Matlock. ROW 3: JIm Fluch, Jim Folkins, Larry Mornson, Tom<br />

Mill, Ken Blake, Jim Eggleston, Larry Larse, Mike .Scholing, Chipper X, Rand~ Swan, Wayne Noble, Da,vid Noble, Bob D,uell, Doug ,Caldwell,<br />

D. G. Barnett, Tatsashi Haginah, Larry Cutting, Joe Youngdale, ROW 4: Len Zlmmelman, G~ry Slater, Skip Kempff, Bob WIlloughbY',Steve ~mo.<br />

len, Mike Turner, Jim Ritter, Jack Baldelli, Art Narris, Jonathan Fink, Paul Swart, Cary Cimmaron, James Cahse, Gary Bryant, David Albright,<br />

Tom Hobbs.

•<br />

<strong>Del</strong>ta Omicron<br />

Epsilon<br />

~<br />


Fall President<br />


Spring President<br />

Yvonne Morse<br />

Spring President<br />

Karen Grosse<br />

Charter President<br />

Alpha<br />

Phi Omega<br />

A new service sorority on campus, <strong>Del</strong>ta Omicron Epsilon, was founded on<br />

campus l\;Iay 27, 1,964 by Alpha <strong>Del</strong>ta chapter of Alpha Phi Omega, a<br />

men s national service fraternity.<br />

Their purpo~e is t.o assemble the women of San Diego State College, to<br />

encourage friendship, to develop leadership, to promote service to the student<br />

b~dra~d th~ .faculty, to youth and the community, and to the nation<br />

as participating citizens.<br />

Some of their beginning proje~ts. included entertaining the patients at Casa<br />

Blanca Convalescent home, assisting with the yearbook obtaininz food for<br />

an orphanage and .helping at "Angels Unaware", a sch~ol for th~ retarded.<br />

They also took children<br />

game.<br />

stricken with Cerebral Palsy to a Padre baseball<br />

Pledges must ?omplete at least 15 hours, or 60 service merits, before becomIng.<br />

an active. <strong>Del</strong>ta Omicron Epsilon is open to all women attending<br />

SDS, with a 2.0 scholastic average.<br />

Alpha Phi Omega, national service fraternity, was orzanized<br />

to provide a program of service to the campus,<br />

~ommunity and the nation. SDS's chapter has provided<br />

ushers at LAC events and football games among other<br />

projects. Their community projects included an annual<br />

Christmas party for the San Diego Boy's and<br />

Girl's Aid Society. The national project of Alphi Phi<br />

Omega is the Peace Corps. Ten members of the local<br />

chapter attended the three day, 40th Anniversary National<br />

Convention in Denver over Christmas vacation.<br />

Jan Acton<br />

Dirk Buck<br />

Tom Chapman<br />

Edward Alherl<br />

.J ames Callahan<br />

Ernie Cowan<br />

Larry Anderson<br />

Bruce Carleton<br />

Manlty Cram'<br />

Walter 8ra, .. h<br />

RaTTY Carr<br />

HOI\ Dernier<br />

Carol Prebble<br />

Joan Sanders<br />

Eileen McCarron<br />

Charlayne Silverman<br />

Pat Morrison<br />

Sue William:<br />

Linda Reckless<br />

Susan Wilson<br />

Ruth Romanoff<br />

Jane Zimmer<br />

Sam DiSalvo<br />

Stephen Green<br />

Fred Dietrich<br />

Philip Haszerd<br />

Marlette Davis<br />

Dene Doolittle<br />

Judy Fraser<br />

Sue Gleiforst<br />

Becky Johnson<br />

Susan Kirkpatrick<br />

Sue Kruse<br />

Vicki Lamb<br />

John Herberich<br />

Chuck McCutcheon<br />

Pete Paladino<br />

Lloyd Dber<br />

Bob Hutchinson<br />

Bob Mooney<br />

Bill Ridgway<br />

Loren Vinson<br />

Skip Kempff<br />

Ron Moore<br />

Steve Sampson<br />

Richard Wagner<br />

.lohn Kessler<br />

Mike Myers<br />

Ralph Seewald<br />

Boh Weissberg<br />

Gary Kirk<br />

Dave Parham<br />

Steve Smolen<br />

Wa)'ne White<br />

Y---arry Manson<br />

Hob Parker<br />

Rirhard Sugerman<br />

Tom Wolfe<br />


Cetza<br />

I I<br />


President<br />


Treasurer<br />


Secretary<br />

Oceotl<br />


Vice President<br />

9ceotl was fo.und,~d in 1933 as a service organization for the<br />

Chosen Warnors of SDS. The main project for these<br />

leade~s has been a scholarship award which was given to ~~m~u~~<br />

standing footbal.l player. Oceotl members also ushered- for LAC<br />

eve~ts and contnbuted whenever possible in various campus service<br />

projects.<br />

Cetza is the honorary freshman<br />

service organization for which a<br />

2.5 grade point average and thirteen<br />

hours of service are required<br />

of each prospective member. Their<br />

final selection was based upon the<br />

enthusiasm shown and the activities<br />

and time put into the organizational<br />

purpose--service to the<br />

college and the community. Some<br />

of their projects included helping<br />

with AS elections, assisting the<br />

<strong>Del</strong> Sudoeste with its sales campaign,<br />

overseeing various AWS<br />

activities as well as striving for<br />

the standards and goals set forth<br />

by the organization.<br />

, I<br />

ROW 1 (from left): Claudia Slaughter, Maria Chimely, Lana Riddick, Suzanne Pohling, llIean Graves, Jo<br />

Anne Wallen. ROW 2: Jeannie Peterson, Joan Clark, Margie Tejack, Gloria Goldstern, Pamela Holloway,<br />

Eugenie Newton. ROW 3: Norma Borgen, Jeanne Snoden, Sucinda Danielson, Susan Jorgensen, Dathie Freres.<br />

ROW 4: Dorothye Christie, Candy Parry, Nancy Ellis, Carol Zbikowski, Carole Johnson.<br />

Las Meninas<br />

ROW'l(jrom left}: Judy Pierce, Valerie Pierpoint, Betty Ragenovich, Judi Riddle, Carol Minton, Carol Smith, Linda McBee, Nancy<br />

Prager, Jean Bradner. ROW 2: Mrs. M. Cox, Lenore Huggins, Virginia Miller, Marianne Northnagle, Jaini Frazer, Alice Eisbrener,<br />

Betty Bradley, Sue Lange, Christine Lamprou.<br />

George Ahdelnour<br />

Bob Black<br />

Mel Brav<br />

Dick Buck<br />

Bob Enoch.<br />

Jim Hare<br />

Jim A,hcraft<br />

Dick Blackwell<br />

Alex Brucker<br />

Harvey Chernack<br />

Louie Gadle ss<br />

Jerry Harmon<br />

Jeff Heyaer<br />

Tim MJlf'Neil<br />

Lance MiDer<br />

Dave Sleet<br />

Doug Townaend<br />

Claire Higgins<br />

Gary McCauley<br />

~nnisMoore<br />

Ken Sovay<br />

Dale Trower<br />

Willie Horton<br />

Doug Manchester<br />

Dou~ Newcomh<br />

Jeff Stark<br />

Don Weaver<br />

John Lacy<br />

Dirk Martin<br />

Boh Odie<br />

Jim Street<br />

Boh White<br />

Tom Logans<br />

Leroy Martin<br />

Boh Prahl<br />

.ToeSullivan<br />

jim White<br />

Denny MacDonald<br />

Steve McCormick<br />

Terry Reed<br />

Larry Taylor<br />

Lee Witham<br />

Founded in the spring, 1963, by Cap and Gown, Las Menin.as is-an honorary orga~ization<br />

for women in their junior year at SDS. The requirements for memhershi p<br />

include outstandiuo- leadership shown in two areas and a 2.75 grade point average.<br />

The purposes of ;he organization are the encouragement of leadership and high<br />

standards of scholarship among college women. The members sponsor a tea each fall<br />

and spring for the junior men and women on the Dean's List. The group's charity<br />

work is extended to blind children and elderly people.<br />

126<br />


Lonnie Wicklund<br />

Spring Commander<br />

Thomas Power<br />

Commander<br />

Angel Flight<br />

And<br />

Arnold Air Society<br />

Nicole Armanino<br />

Martha Chavez<br />

Judy Dill<br />

Jean Bradner<br />

Carol Clark<br />

Cathy Duell<br />

Maureen Canny<br />

Yvonne Cox<br />

Sharon Duncan<br />

Angel Flight, a national organization, was established<br />

at SDS in March, 1956. Members of the<br />

group serve the Arnold Air Society at SDS by<br />

advancing and promoting interest in the Air Force.<br />

The girls are the official hostesses of SDS and their<br />

various activities for 1965 included helping with<br />

the dedication ceremonies of the new Business<br />

Administration and Math Building, maintaining an<br />

information booth during registration and<br />

Founders' Day, and greeting dignitaries visitin-g<br />

the campus.<br />

Arnold Air Society, a professional honorary service<br />

organization of AFROTC cadets, s~o.nsors the<br />

AFROTC Sabre Drill Team and the Military Ball.<br />

As a service organization the group .ushered. at<br />

home football games, -maintained an m.foTmatlO.n<br />

booth on Founder's Day, and helped WIth traffic<br />

control. The pledges for their service project helped<br />

at the Aerospace Museum at Balboa Park. The<br />

Homecoming Queen, Linda Thompson, was sponsored<br />

by the Arnold Air Society.<br />

Jim Avant<br />

Richard Bojack<br />

Jeff Call<br />

Gary Eckhardt<br />

John Barry<br />

Jim Bridges<br />

Dave Cattrell<br />

Mike Epstein<br />

Russell Baldwin<br />

Jim Brooks<br />

J ames Christian<br />

Robert Estrada<br />

Philip Bentley<br />

Randy Buby<br />

Ralph Clem<br />

Peter Fekklp.<br />

Sandy Pearson<br />

Margie Sundquist<br />

Mary Pomplun<br />

Jean Thompson<br />

Susie Schneider<br />

Linda Williams<br />

Pam Sellman<br />

Pam Wilson<br />

I<br />

Maridell Evans<br />

Gayle Glenney<br />

Judi Jones<br />

Christine Lamprou<br />

Carol Forbes<br />

Paula Hammon<br />

Gretchen Krienke<br />

Pam Medine<br />

Carol Smith<br />

Sharon Wozniak<br />

Diane Zervas<br />

,<br />

t<br />

f.<br />

Mike Foster<br />

Roger Gudith<br />

Jay Howard<br />

Mike Freitas Mike Golojuch<br />

Joe Hall Jim Heggie _ .<br />

Richard Humphrey lHchard Kirkpatnck<br />

Lynne Leverenz<br />

Richard Petrie<br />

Fred Totten<br />

Doug Maltman<br />

David Piirto<br />

Jim Uhl<br />

James Mardis<br />

Phil Rizzo<br />

Robert Willoughby<br />

Jerry Munson<br />

Fred Schulz<br />

John Wills<br />


Don Hoss<br />

Lt. Governor, Division 1<br />

Southern California<br />

Paulette Pitt<br />

Sweetheart<br />

Eric Eliason<br />

President<br />

Henry Borchers<br />

President<br />

Ernest Hirata<br />

Vice President<br />

Greg Bailey<br />

Secretary<br />

Milbert Ladner<br />

Treasurer<br />

Circle K<br />

"Crazy woman driver!"<br />

Epsilon Pi Tau<br />

Larry Roe<br />

Secretary<br />

Circle K is a service organization set up on an international scale on college<br />

campuses by the Kiwanis Club.<br />

Chartered in May, 1956, the main goal of Epsilon Pi Tau,<br />

a men's national honorary fraternity, has been to raise the<br />

level of individual and group competencies in industrial<br />

arts. This organization can also boast of members with at<br />

least a 3.0 overall in industrial arts and with an industrialvocational<br />

education major. Members must also have a<br />

standing in the upper 20% of their respective junior or<br />

senior class.<br />

Epsilon Pi Tau enjoyed a successful year by sponsoring a<br />

banquet, an Industrial Arts Conference, and several scholarship<br />

activities.<br />

I<br />

I<br />

Its purpose is t~ emphasize the advantages of the American way of life as<br />

;ell .as to provide an opportunity for leadership training. Circle K also<br />

unc~ons to promo~e good fellowship and high schalorship among its own<br />

mem er~ through Its many service projects both on campus and in the<br />

commumty.<br />

ROW I (from left); Dr. W. Carlisle Anderson, Dr. Gerald Hammer, James Heath, Dr. Donald Thiel, Edward Aguirre, Dr. Lawrence Luce. ROW<br />

2: Ernest Hirata, Robert Borchers, William Ingram, Page Crouch, Harry BuddIe, Ronald Batty, Harry Seifert, Fred Whitfield, Raymond Fukamizu.<br />

ROW 3: Henry Borchers, David Johnson, Milbert Ladner, Lloyd Fall, David Walker, Greg Bailey, Donald Long, John Westling, Walter Kephart.<br />

Some of this ye~r'.s activities include ushering at LAC and Fine Arts<br />

~erformances, assIstmg. at the polls during A.S. elections, and partici atin<br />

in }~e Cancer F.und DrlNe for the Salvation Army. The club also spo;sore~<br />

a Ire Prevention Week and a Traffic Safety Week at SDS last year.<br />

The International Circle K.<br />


Phi Mu<br />

Epsilon<br />

I<br />

I<br />

ROW 1 (from left): Marsha Mill B b P<br />

t1oH, Ethyl Bird, Ilga Bremplis, M'ar/k~~~rs e~Z;ri~nH~rl°tl.He~enh WRheele~.ROW 2: Marilyn<br />

~o.deck, Dr. Mabel Myers; Mrs. M. Kahl Ba;bara ,lza et entena. ROW 3: Kathy<br />

Mikolon, Margie Martin, Loretta Ferguson, Rowlands, Evelyn Shue, Ann Taylor, Peggy<br />

~clI~g:raBe~~:ir,<br />

Gamma Theta<br />

Upsilon<br />

Gamma Theta Upsilon, professional eo ra h .<br />

at Illinois State Normal U· . gF g P Y SOCIety,was founded in 1928<br />

. mversity, ormed to promot . I'<br />

m geography, the group meets re I I e vocationa interest<br />

geographical profession and to di gu ar r to hear speakers engaged in the<br />

. I h ISCUSSin open forum t . I .<br />

vita to t ese earthy aspirants of the "te . I c.on roversia Issues<br />

club has offered a list of movies £0 'trrestnab arts. Socially speaking, the<br />

both in the fall and spring. r I s mem ers, as well as a picnic held<br />

The purpose of Phi Mu Epsilon<br />

profes.si0n.al ~iology sorority, i~<br />

t~ maI.ntam high standards in the<br />

blO.logical professions for women.<br />

ThIs pu~pose is accomplished by<br />

~stabhshmg a liaison with biolog.<br />

ical sororities in other schools to<br />

help promote women's positions in<br />

the fie~d of biology. Organized at<br />

S.an DIego State in 1937, the society<br />

meets once a month to hear<br />

a professional woman in the field<br />

of biology speak. The group also<br />

conducts projects to aid the menta.lly<br />

retarded and physically handicapped.<br />

I\0.w 1 (from left): John Archibald, Ralph Clem Michael S h D' D<br />

2M7;;En~~:!J:t~e;olD~bStr; Sheppard, ud;is Wh~te, 6~c~ ~;{~a~,OH~~e~bM~I~~ttARr. ~·shA. Finch, Ed Gustafson, Virkirk,<br />

Bob DeGroote Dr R W R' h JOB e<br />

b<br />

, B ~ncy Gorrell, Bruce Benke. ROW 3· Dr D I E'd ~ll' G en D man, Burch Ertle, Tom Bos-<br />

Richard Rowland, jean~e Brydon ICCh:rleon'B 0 rimhall, Tom Hoffman, Dr. C. C. Yahr' Ji~ 'Fa~e~mRl eAr, L ary , s rown. " . . ewis,<br />

. uJ~n,<br />

im<br />

JDoeOlinghouse,<br />

eLong, Dr. K.<br />

Bill<br />

Dejonge,<br />

New-<br />

ROW 1 (from left): Susan Cuningham, Isabelle Turner, Karen Nable, Bernie Connolly, Wes Anderson, Jennie Ruidone, SheriII Hatfield, Valerie<br />

Grim. ROW 2: Dr. Bub Langenbach, Ben Ramano, William West, Ray Griebel, Tom Hornecher, Clara Leonard, Hesae Shima. ROW 3: Phil Rogers.<br />

Ed Fix, Lloyd Freidrichs, Bob Martin, Charles Jackson.<br />

Sigma Alpha<br />

Iota<br />

Pi Omega Pi<br />

Organized on September 14, 1949 for the purpose of developing a professional<br />

spirit among prospective business teachers, Pi Omega Pi has contributed<br />

greatly to the status of professional organizations on SDS's campus.<br />

Beta Chi Chapter is part of a national honor society for business education.<br />

Pi Omega Pi encourages their members to develop through a variety of<br />

social and professional activities while recognizing and encouraging high<br />

scholastic standards<br />

Membership selection for<br />

Sigma Alpha Iota, a national<br />

honorary music fraternity<br />

for women, is<br />

based upon certain qualifications.<br />

An aspiring coed<br />

must be a music major<br />

or minor and supporting<br />

a 3.0 grade point average<br />

in her music courses.<br />

This year Sigma Alpha<br />

Iota members ushered at<br />

concerts and sponsored a<br />

concert in the fall and<br />

spring semesters.<br />

ROW 1: Nancy Wheeler, Pam Wei dow, Sonja Rae, Bonnie Rogers, Karen Lou Laffon. ROW 2:<br />

Bunny Feurzeig, Robyn Conrad, Judy Sinclair, Katie Littlejohn, Eva Dolstel, Romona Hill.<br />


Newman Club Pre-legal Society<br />

ROW 1 (from left): Karen Sow II, Rodney Melville, Carolyn Pratt, am ranson, I<br />

ROW 1 (from lejt) : Anselmo Scampone, Diane DeFidelibus, Diane DcVinney, Sherie Hand, Mark Bruce,<br />

Father Straling, Charlene Lavery, Larry Faucher, Gilbert Siegmund, Monique Mathieu. ROW 2: Vicki<br />

Doll, arolyn Kline, Yvonne Ahelardo, Charlene Kellogg, Deane Mayo, Karen Kohlers, Linda Dippensmith,<br />

Mary Goemann, Beverly Osterman, Muriel Fieldsmith, Carol Zbikowski, Kathleen Goldkamp, Betty<br />

Miele. ROW 3: Jann Phelps, Sandy Pasqual, Yolanda Mendoza, Barbara Deppensmith, Bobbi Moore,<br />

Dennis Weaver, Diane Leach, Valorie Matthews, Cathie Heath, Suzanne Pohling, Bea Van Wyke, Torn<br />

Jones. ROW 4: George Kovacks, Richard Juarez, Jim Renshaw, Annette Barnes, Frances Thudium, Sue<br />

Hoover, Cathy Ford, Niel Evans, Carl Lyngholm, ROW 5: Lester Gagnon, Vincent Latona, Joe Orrantia,<br />

Robert Ames, Mike GirHer, Randy Smith, Kenny Banda.<br />

The Pre-legal Society is an organ·<br />

ization which provides an oppor·<br />

tunity for students interested in<br />

the' field of law to further their<br />

association with all aspects of the<br />

legal profession.<br />

Richard Wise. ROW 2: Robert Walker, John Steph ns, ROW 3: Ron Vand n~ rg,<br />

Rick Von Henkle, Dick Burton, Butch parks, Allen Lee. ROW 4: Dr. J. O. McClmtlc.<br />

The Newman Club Center, located<br />

on Hardy Ave., functions<br />

to serve the spiritual,<br />

intellectual, and social interests<br />

of Catholic students at<br />

San Diego State.<br />

Weekly discussions at the center<br />

are open to all interested<br />

students as well as members,<br />

and services are held on Sundays<br />

in the center's chapel.<br />

Father Straling, the club's advisor<br />

and chaplain, serves also<br />

as province chaplain in San<br />

Diego.<br />

This year the Newman Club,<br />

with a membership of 210,<br />

has sponsored a party for<br />

orphans, a school dance, and<br />

a trip to the mountains during<br />

semester break.<br />

Regular monthly dinner meetings<br />

and special free-hour discussion<br />

groups are addressed by members<br />

of the legal profession. The society<br />

also offers special tours of<br />

legal buildings and other cultural<br />

activities for its members. Founded<br />

in 1956, the Pre-legal Society<br />

continues to offer a wide variety<br />

of worthwhile activities for students<br />

planning a future in law.<br />

Spurs<br />

Founded in 1935, the<br />

Wesley Foundation encourages<br />

intellectual,<br />

moral, religious and spiritual<br />

growth in the Christian<br />

tradition amongst its<br />

members. Approximately<br />

40 members attend the<br />

weekly meetings held offcampus<br />

at their presently<br />

established Student Center.<br />

This center serves as<br />

a meeting and worship<br />

place for members and<br />

their guests.<br />

Several activities were<br />

held by this enthusiastic<br />

group-s-among them was<br />

the Bread and Cup Fellowship,<br />

Bible Study<br />

·groups, morning worship<br />

services which are all<br />

planned by the members<br />

themselves. Serving as a<br />

future guideline for a<br />

way of living, this organization<br />

has already in-<br />

. stilled many beliefs and<br />

ideals for its members to<br />

follow. .<br />

134<br />

~g~'~o (§Tom l1J.t}b LawKen~e Sires, M. D. Lehman, Philip Bentley, Alan Edwards, William Muench.<br />

o • usan ? son, at y Dauwalder, Karen Anderson, Ocean Olsen, Rhedis Breeden, Ann Me-<br />

~addm, N'Gcy.Artlsb ROW.3: Ross Sto~e, Jean ~ovsted,Patricia Link, Susan Kirkpatrick, Dana Adams,<br />

ni ar5~let Ii-rhs°ci' Rho~ Leiffer, Ka~herme Gamson, Marjorie Hinshaw. ROW 4: Judith Johnson, Denw:y<br />

V no , H?narROW o 5~'~onaldvMldgett, Wayne Voigt, Robert Miller, Lewie Johnson, William Ridg·<br />

tha' Ch~~lson I El H'il Jlctor. an Wagner, Kathy Barto, Penny Bentley, Margaret Kirkpatrick, Mar-<br />

, eene 1, eanrne R 0 erts, b Lanny Villarin, Pamela Jones.<br />

ROW 1 (from left): Miss Mary Cave, Jenny Brown, Julie Molina, Linn Humber, Elaine. Durkin, ~tephanie Bedillion, Joan~e<br />

Ch b V· ki V 11' ROW Diane Cavallin Kathy Rumsey Betty Arbon, Margie Sundquist, Gay Soldman, Marcia<br />

a ot 20 IC I a lere.. '0' ' 1 K th M h L' d K k S . Hen-<br />

E ks' B tt B dl ROW 3' Carol Curtis Debbi Flint, Linda No an, a y urp y, m a anews e, uzie<br />

o<br />

ric on, e y ra ey, ., . R b B b B h P 1 W' d D ene<br />

derson. ROW 4: Marky Higgins, Cynthia Stapp, Dia McGrew, Jeanme 0 erts, ar ara rus, au a mer, av<br />

Churchill, Donna Moe.<br />

Spurs, the honorary service<br />

organization for Wesley Foundation sophomore<br />

women, became<br />

national in the Fall of<br />

1963. This group continues<br />

to serve the college<br />

and the community;<br />

to support the activities<br />

in which the student body<br />

participates ; to foster<br />

among the women stuo<br />

dents<br />

a spirit of loyalty<br />

and helpfulness; and to<br />

uphold the traditions of<br />

the college.<br />

Spurs major project was I;<br />

raising money for the I<br />

Kennedy Memorial <strong>Library</strong>.<br />

Other projects included<br />

raising funds for<br />

the SDS Rugby team,<br />

selling lemonade during<br />

registration week, and<br />

making Christmas stockings<br />

for an orphanage.<br />

Interest and participation<br />

in college activities, dependability,<br />

personal integrity,<br />

service to others,<br />

and high scholarship are<br />

the qualities a SDS Spur<br />

maintains.<br />


ROW 1 (from leit): Nancy King An F d . k M B<br />

Calloway. ROW 2: 'Ann Winter kare~ J:n e~c s, Sh s . t~dra Nordquist, Peggy Lipscomb, Jan<br />

Candy Kuhn, Ramona Lynch . .' oose, ery son, Mary Donaldson, Dona Adams,<br />

Home<br />

Economics<br />

Chapter<br />

This year under the leadership of<br />

Janice Zellman and. Peggy Lips.<br />

co~b, the Home Economics Club<br />

e~Joyed a successful year filled<br />

with luncheons and conferences.<br />

The year was highlighted by a<br />

Careers Day and a Senior Award<br />

Luncheon.<br />

Officers this year included Janice<br />

Z~llman, fall president; Peggy<br />

LIpscomb, spring president; Jan<br />

Calloway, secretary; Nancy King,<br />

treasurer; Donna MacDonald<br />

publicity; Laurel Smith, public~'<br />

ity ; Ann Fredericks, historian.<br />

Kappa <strong>Del</strong>ta Pi<br />

Kappa <strong>Del</strong>ta Pi is an honorary education<br />

fraternity requiring a 3.0<br />

overall and junior collegiate standing.<br />

Its purpose is to encourage high<br />

professional, intellectual, and personal<br />

standards. This society also<br />

recognizes outstanding contributions<br />

to education. This year Kappa <strong>Del</strong>ta<br />

Pi offered a $25 scholarship,<br />

awarded on the basis of need and<br />

academic achievement.<br />

The Christian Science Organization is formed for the stud b I .<br />

Science and to those interested in learning and d d·ents h \on.gm g to the Church of Christian<br />

tion. The organization holds weekly Testi 0 ~ er.stan mg t e ehefs and practices of the organizafaculty<br />

and student members during the fi~t ~~w ;:~~~g~/nd hsponsors receptions ~or .all interested<br />

sors a lecturer once a year William Hen Alt b etc semester. ThIS organization also spon·<br />

Church of Christ, Scientis~s in Boston :~d on'dmth em er 0 ht~e Board of Lectureship of The First<br />

, ,resse e group t IS year on "Man Unlimited."<br />

Society for the Advancement. of Management<br />

Christian<br />

Science<br />

136<br />

~.O~ 1 (from left): Jan Baker, Diane Carpenter M Ch .<br />

GmnmNJanie Davis, Sandra Rees. ROW 2. Todd' M~rgare~ 1mbelrlam, Diane Petteys, Judy Foley Nancy<br />

wen owry, Stephen Fares, David Fares, Gary Page ~h~il ~~ li umJe Y d STusan Vreeland, Bobbe Th'ompson,<br />

, a e rrn, u y rue, Judy Steel, Charles McCorkell.<br />

ROW 1 (from left): Humberto Lopez, Kathy Andresen, Andy Webb, Bob Beck, Jean Etcheverry,<br />

Mike Irwin. ROW 2: Gerald Bradbury, Sharon Hahn, Bill Truex, Jim McCampbell, Jim Brown,<br />

Ray Innocenti, Micahel McClure, Dr. David R. Hampton.<br />

SAM, Society for Advancement of Management,<br />

promotes the art and science of management by<br />

providing a means for the exchanging of ideas<br />

between students and businessmen. In addition to<br />

speaking engagements, the society sponsors an all<br />

day management' conference and conducts tours<br />

through industrial plants and business concerns<br />

both locally and in the Los Angeles area. 137

Student California<br />

Teachers Association<br />

Dr. Gayle C. Burnett<br />

Advisor<br />

Alpha<br />

Cynthia Stapp<br />

President<br />

Lambda <strong>Del</strong>ta<br />

EXECUTIVE BOARD, ROW 1, (from left}: Beth Davey, Linda Sh~ster, ~arole<br />

Overturf, Bobbie Ford, Nancy Schroeder, Sue Liss. ROW 2: MIke Ehason,<br />

Bruce Dodds, Bob Brimhall, Mr. Irvin Shimmin.<br />

Ray Lynne Peterson<br />

Vice President<br />

Jane Birgelaitis<br />

Treasurer<br />

Phyllis Jensen<br />

Secretary<br />

Nita Sanborn<br />

Historian<br />

This organization was founded in 1924 a~ a Nati.onal Honor<br />

Society for college women ~ho have .achteved .high scholarship<br />

standings during their first yea.r in c.ollege ..~h:p)lrh?s~<br />

of the organization is to promote intelligent ~tVmb' a tg.<br />

standard of learning and encourage supen~r scholh~tl~<br />

achievement among women. The members. inform . g<br />

school students in the California Scholarshtp Fede~atlOn<br />

of the existence of Alpha Lambda <strong>Del</strong>ta and a~stst at<br />

C.S.F. conventions. The group sponsors a Scholarship Tea,<br />

and several lectures during the school year.<br />

Ph llis Jensen Muriel Fieldsmith, Taura-Jeen<br />

ROW 1 (from left): Ray Lynne PeterMson,h JY tt ROW' 2· Cynthia Stapp, Nita Sanborn,<br />

E J fer Brown ars a ewe . .<br />

McMahon, J~y.ce vanCs, eIne S d Jordan Sharon Hartigan, Cathy Pearson.<br />

Jane BirgelaltJs, Pat arne, an y ,<br />

COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN, (from left): Beth Davey, Bruce Dodds, Carole<br />

Overturf, Bob Brimhall, Sue Liss,<br />

Nancy Schroeder<br />

President<br />

Bobbie Ford<br />

Treasurer<br />

Kathy Dauwalder<br />

Vice President<br />

Mr. Irvin Shimmin<br />

Advisor<br />

Linda Shuster<br />

Secretary<br />

Mike Eliason<br />

Vice President<br />

A chance to prepare for future leadership in the teaching profession<br />

is a basic purpose for the founding of the Student California<br />

Teachers Association. Estabished in 1937, die SCTA is also affiliated<br />

with the Student National Education Association.<br />

Guest speakers present s~ccessful ways for SCT.A members to get<br />

acquainted with the big educational issues such as "New Credential<br />

Requirements," a speech given by Dean Schrupp. Among the major<br />

activities the SCTA participated in an elementary school tutorial<br />

project, in state conferences and an annual banquet. Dr. Leonard<br />

Strom and Mr. Irvin Shimmin sponsor over 300 active members. The<br />

Student California Teachers Association is an outstanding result of<br />

the growth and expansion of preparatory educational opportunities<br />

at SDS.<br />


- ..-<br />

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From left: Diane Grinker, Jim Dark, Carl CampbelIl, Don Olynyk, Fred Besgendorff, Linda<br />

Reavely, Jeff Chesser, Dr. Thomas Skinner, Leon Ertle, Joe Blair, Stephanie Giel, Jan<br />

Rotchstein, Myron Tisdel.<br />

Alpha Epsilon Rho<br />

American<br />

Marketing<br />

Association<br />

Alpha Epsilon Rho, a National honorary broadcasting<br />

fraternity, has participated in the expansion<br />

of communication at SDS. One of their most interesting<br />

activities was radio coverage of the Homecoming<br />

parade and game. Participating in the<br />

National Alpha Epsilon Rho radio-TV contest,<br />

Alpha Omicron chapter sponsored production, direction<br />

and announcing of a thirteen-part radio<br />

series.<br />

Officially estab1ished in 1943 the purpose of Alpha<br />

Epsilon Rho is to encourage and recognize outstanding<br />

college radio and television students of<br />

high scholastic standing.<br />

ROW 1, (from left): Pete Force, Norman McVey, Carl Weaver, Ed Drear, Marilyn Hansen, Wes<br />

Stonebraker, Craig George, Rodger Rusch. ROW 2: Dr. Wotruba, Roger Gates, Robert Kimball,<br />

Bernard Connolly, Frank Scrarabba, Mike Harrison, Bob Macky, Bill Newman, Tom Shipman,<br />

Hoaer Alford.<br />

Aztec<br />

Ski Club<br />

Christmas recess saw the Aztecs skii nng In<br />

. Heavenly<br />

.<br />

Valley, the area experiencing the best. ski r~~<br />

since 1955 June mountain was the location ~ I<br />

semester b;eak trip and a jet-prop flighlt ~~ fa u ou~<br />

Park City Utah highlighted the c u s annua<br />

' .'. Ab t 280 members too k<br />

Easter week ski tnp. ou . k d<br />

advantage of the sk· hId the SiX wee ry<br />

1 sc 00 an Lnrovid d<br />

land ski program. Th e Aztec Ski Schoo proVl e<br />

1 'lub<br />

free ski instruction to members on all major ~ t<br />

trips, After-ski parties throughout the season b ep<br />

enthusiasm high , among the more than 400 mem ers.<br />

W 1 (f left)' Carol Carter,<br />

EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE'L RO RO r W om 2'Phil Newell, Bob<br />

L' d Me ennan .<br />

Diane Rakestraw, In aSh itz Horst Herman.<br />

Werve, Ernie Conrad, Guenter c u ,<br />

The SDS chapter of the American<br />

Marketing Association, chartered<br />

in 1954, is sponsored by the Senior<br />

Chapter of the AMA. Membership<br />

is open to students interested<br />

in marketing as well as to<br />

prominent local businessmen. The<br />

diversity of its membership provides<br />

interaction among students<br />

and businessmen which otherwise<br />

might not be possible. This group<br />

semi-annually makes a tour of<br />

large business firms in the Los<br />

Angeles area. AMA also provides<br />

social events as well as local tours<br />

and speaker meetings.

1965<br />

<strong>Del</strong> Sudoeste Staff<br />

!<br />

I I<br />

I<br />


Tim MacNeil<br />

LAYOUT EDITOR Michele Fackler<br />

ART EDITOR Tammy Platt<br />

ACTIVITIES EDITOR Barbara Lamb<br />


SPORTS EDITOR. Dennis Tilton<br />

SORORITY EDITOR .Jacqueline Cammack<br />

FRATERNITY EDITOR Ralph Seewald<br />

SENIOR EDITOR Betty Arbon<br />

INDEX EDITOR .Yvonne Morse<br />

COPY EDITOR. Marlane Liddell<br />

SECRET AR Y. _ Debbi Flint<br />

PHOTO SECRETARY. Carol Curtis<br />

BUSINESS MANAGER Harvey Chernack<br />


ORGANIZATIONS ASSISTANT. ..Terry Donaldson<br />

PHOTOGRAPHERS Ernie Cowan<br />

Ta-ke Muraoka<br />

Dick Barnes<br />

Lew Fay<br />

Lee Louis<br />

Larry Sires<br />

Bernard Cole<br />

Jim Porter<br />

John Carey<br />

Rush Kittle<br />

Larry Hieger<br />

ADVISOR Mr. Frank Holowach<br />

II<br />


1965<br />

Daily Aztec Staff<br />

EDITOR.IN.CHIEF Mike und<br />

MANAGING EDITOR. ·· ·..· Alex Purt<br />


Doug Newcomb (fall)<br />

Chic Duggan (spring)<br />

NEWS EDITOR ·· Nancy Powell (fall)<br />

Bill Weurding (spring)<br />

MAKEUP.£DITOR. .Iim Schrupp (fall)<br />

Tom Gorton (spring)<br />

SPORTS EDlTOR · ·· .Dick Bell (fall)<br />

Bill Wuerding (spring)<br />

SOCIETY EDITOR. · .Cayle Christiansen (fall)<br />

Lorri Petree (spring)<br />

PROTO EDITOR. · · · ·..· · .Larry Hieger<br />




Russ Kittle<br />

Marv Humphrey<br />

Bill Bell<br />

ADVISER. Dr. James Julian (fall)<br />

ADVISER. Eric Odendahl (spring)<br />


Aztec<br />

Engineer<br />

The Aztec Engineer, published by<br />

and for the students of the School<br />

of Engineering, is a self-support.<br />

ing, quarterly magazine. The<br />

magazine has an international dis.<br />

tribution. Operating on a non.<br />

profit basis, this publication is<br />

financed by advertisements, sub.<br />

scriptions, and student sales. The<br />

Aztec Engineer affords an excellent<br />

opportunity for engineering<br />

students to have their work published.<br />

Phoenix<br />

The Phoenix, SDS's literary magazine, is sponsored by the English Department and<br />

staffed by students. This magazine publishes the most outstanding creative writing<br />

submitted by SDS students. The Phoenix has undergone several major changes and<br />

now features paperback size, a stiff cover, and illustrations. New authors and new<br />

talent are welcomed by the Phoenix staff in an effort to improve the content. The<br />

staff members include Madelon Ezell, Pat Palenschat, Dorothy Pattison, Douglas<br />

Swenson, Rich Gay, Steve Shaw, Fred Bailey, Patrick Long, Pat Miles, Sam Rees,<br />

Ben Thomerson, Jim Ward. Dr. John Theobald and Dr. Glenn Sandstrom are the<br />

faculty sponsors.<br />

On the editorial board are Jerry Trotter, editor-inchief;<br />

Dennis Shimamoto, editor; James Deuchars,<br />

features editor; Dick Gagnon, managing editor. T?e<br />

busines board includes Edward Ferreras, advertising<br />

manager; Gary Dunsmore, business manage~;<br />

Carlos Jimenez, controller; and Bill Bell, public<br />

relations manager. On the editorial staff are K~rk<br />

Muto, Henry Piorek, George Costa, and. ~Ick<br />

Weller. Members of the business staff are WIlham<br />

Oram, Jack Sutton, and Russ Lyon. Consulta~t .is<br />

Erroll P. Gagnon, and faculty adviser is Phillip<br />

Johnson.<br />

C h D ell Virginia Rose Curt Blackburn, Nick<br />

ROW 1 (from left):lM!chKaelhMi~er'lyiM~Cl~7~ Sr::d~ ~~?t~~nCon~: kose~ J~neBMIcAkndrewR~Wth3r ~~~~~:rl~o~~~:'<br />

Turner. ROW 2: Va erie a n, an 1 B~llard Linda Williams, Margie ac man. .<br />

Myers, Colleen Fort, Kitty Do?lJ~ CaM :tleine Fol~om, Judi Jones, Harriet Hensen.<br />

Sharon Cleveland, Cathy Martm e, a e<br />

The newly formed "Aztec 500" organized<br />

card stunts and rallies, and prepared ~ec~rations<br />

for football games. Members 0 t e<br />

"Aztec 500" were assisted by stu~e?ts and<br />

faculty in promoting. ?olor, SpHIt, and<br />

enthusiasm in home gndHon contests.<br />

Skillfully executed card stunts, newly introduced<br />

to SDS fans this year, pres~nte~ a<br />

kaleidoscope of Aztec spirit, highlIghtmg<br />

halftime activities.<br />

Aztec H500"<br />


President<br />

A colorful "Hello" from the card stunt section.<br />

146<br />


Lorraine Holt<br />

Marilyn Munson<br />

Dorothy Lane<br />

Terry Rogers<br />

Mary Jane Lankford<br />

Fredrick Rooney<br />

Cardenas Soledad<br />

Vrenila Wilson<br />

Connie Trammell<br />

Sally Wong<br />

J ames Harmon<br />

Joseph Rodney<br />

David Cast<br />

Phyllis Hafliger<br />

Walter Beasley<br />

Lura Doetsch<br />

Mabel Dunway<br />

Cary Clark<br />

Lauryl Driscoll<br />

Marie Ellison<br />

Imperial Valley<br />

Campus<br />

The Imperial Valley Campus of San Diego State is located six miles<br />

east of EI Centro, California. The Campus was established in<br />

September, 1959 as one of several off-campus centers authorized for<br />

the state colleges of California. The program at this campus is<br />

an integral part of San Diego State and is under the direction of<br />

the Dean of Education and Extended Services. The program is<br />

restricted to upper division courses applicable to A.R or RE.<br />

degrees. Counseling, testing, and admission of students are provided<br />

by the Director and a full-time and part-time instructional staff. The<br />

campus operates only from September until June covering the time<br />

when climatic living conditions of the desert are at their best.<br />

Faculty<br />

Students<br />

Student Teacher, Bonnie Joh nson, an d an art group. .<br />

Class gets under<br />

way<br />

Student Teacher, Sally Wong, teaches "Los<br />

Tres Osos"<br />


--<br />

Nancy Woodbridge<br />

Belly Wright<br />

Iota Nu Kappa<br />

Iota Nu Kappa seeks to provide a means for women<br />

journalism majors and minors to get together to<br />

learn about the opportunities in professional field,<br />

as well as to learn who their colleagues are.<br />

Sigma <strong>Del</strong>ta Chi<br />

Broadcasting<br />

The undergraduate and graduate curriculum in<br />

Broadcasting at SDS encompasses all aspects of<br />

this communications industry, from management<br />

and education to history and production. As a<br />

function of the newly revised curriculum, San<br />

Diego State operates extensive production facilities<br />

for mass media.<br />

Television programs, both for campus utilization<br />

and national syndication are recorded in the million-dollar<br />

campus -video tape production center.<br />

In addition to instructional programs (including<br />

Psychology, Soci-ology and Health Education), San<br />

Diego State Profile, Comment, and A Shakespeare<br />

Commemorative were distributed to television stations<br />

throughout the United States this year. Profile,<br />

for example, is currently broadcast each week<br />

in San Diego, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Sacramento,<br />

Chico-Redding, Seattle, Minneapolis - St.<br />

Paul, Albuquerque, Detroit, Fargo, North Dakota,<br />

Honolulu, Wailuku, and Hilo.<br />

KEBS-FM (85.5 mc.), affiliated with the National<br />

Educational Radio Network, Broadcast Foundation<br />

of America, International Broadcasters Society, and<br />

owned by the State of California, broadcasts informational<br />

and cultural programs to the San Diego<br />

community. The station is staffed and operated<br />

by students. KEBS-FM is currently in production<br />

with another of its' series for national distribution:<br />

KEBS Presents Arch Obler, thirteen original radio<br />

dramas (in stereo) written, produced and directed<br />

by this master of radio drama.<br />

With actual administrative and production credits<br />

to his name, the graduate in Broadcasting from<br />

SDS has already experienced a total and professional<br />

invol vement in the mass communications<br />

media.<br />

Sigma <strong>Del</strong>ta Chi, national journalism society,<br />

works to promote interest and uphold<br />

journalistic standards on the undergraduate<br />

level. Projects include conducting competition<br />

among high school newspapers and<br />

journalists, honoring outstandi~g SDS<br />

journalism students, and sponsoring professional<br />

speaker programs for students.<br />

Phebe Balentine<br />

Linda Gouin<br />

r.athy Pearson<br />

Ronnie Bilyeu<br />

Shirley Haas<br />

Kay Robertson<br />

Ga):le Christiansen<br />

Joan Hensley<br />

Sharon Spears<br />

\Iary Freska<br />

~anc)' Morgan<br />

Karen Vitlip<br />

(Upper left) David Cannon as Mephistopheles in<br />

S.D.S. production. (Upper right) "Pr.ofile: 'Heritage<br />

for Tomorrow' ... Take One!" (Lower<br />

left) David Cannon and Lisa Collins from<br />

Profile: "In the Shadow of Greatness."<br />

Bill Ben<br />

Ken Gardner<br />

Bedel Mack<br />

Dick Bell<br />

Jim Gill<br />

Ta-Ke Muraoka<br />

Tom Chapman<br />

Larry Hieger<br />

AIf"X Purtee<br />

Terry Crofoot<br />

Don Learned<br />

Ozy Reynulds<br />

Harry Doering<br />

Mike Luszczak<br />

Jim Schrupp<br />

I~fike Sund<br />

Dirk Weber<br />

Roh White<br />

Dennis Tristam<br />

Bill Weurding<br />

Bob Yale<br />


Verse<br />

Choir<br />

The SDS Ver~e Choir is unique<br />

am~ng ,the va no us performing 01'-<br />

gan~zatIOns because of the choir's<br />

s~bJect and, method of presentanon.<br />

The 'spoken and written<br />

wor?" is interpreted in the rhythmic<br />

and lyrical voices of the<br />

?hoir. The members are divided<br />

into se~tions according to the pitch<br />

an? timbre of their speaking<br />

VOIce.<br />

This yea~, the Verse Choir spent<br />

most of Its class time developing<br />

an outstanding program dedicated<br />

to ~braham Lincoln and encompas~mg<br />

the essence of his ideals,<br />

Their performance has been recor?ed<br />

~~ofessionally on an album<br />

entited, Heartbeats of a Nation."<br />

The ?hoir is directed by Professor<br />

E. Kmgsley Povenmire.<br />

College Chorus<br />

Verse Choir performs in the quad during the free hour.<br />

From left: Maurice Woods, Nancy Tripp, Ray Wade, John Peeling.<br />

The Four<br />

Ambassadors<br />

This quartet i comprised of memo<br />

bel'S chosen from the Aztec Ambas<br />

adors, th glee club. Th voice<br />

blending of the Four Ambassador<br />

show v rsatility. The music i<br />

popular and pre ented in the<br />

"Modernaire" style.<br />

Thi year, the quart t performed<br />

at th ational Foundation's<br />

Opening for the March of Dimes.<br />

The opening banquet was held at<br />

the El Cortez Hotel and the<br />

audience included representatives<br />

from many areas of the United<br />

States. The group offers program<br />

to many local service groups including<br />

the San Diego Optimists,<br />

and the San Diego Women's Club.<br />

On campus, they performed at the<br />

President's Convocation during<br />

orientation. The quartet often appears<br />

on the same program with<br />

the Aztec Ambassadors.<br />

I<br />

Aztec Concert<br />

Choir<br />

David Loomis conducts a section of College Chorus.<br />

I<br />

I<br />

152<br />

The. College Chorus is comprised of several<br />

~ectIOns of ~tudents interested in participating<br />

m the ~usIcal performances given for the<br />

community each year. This fall the h<br />

f d' B . ,c orus<br />

Per orme I? erhoz's "Requiem" with the<br />

Concert Iego Chou and the San D' Symp hony<br />

con d<br />

f ucted d' by h Earl Bernard Murray. Th ey per-<br />

,,~me. h~' t ~ a~nual presentation of Handel's<br />

~ ~sIa urmg Christmas. During the<br />

"prmg "Eli i h" semester . th e chorus presented<br />

IJa ,an oratono by Mendelssohn.<br />

A College Ch . orus section during rehearsal.<br />

ROW 1 (from left): Lynne Tierney, Christie Sullivan, Sue Barstow, Karen Noble, Ramona Hill, Pamela Lawrence, Katie Littlejohn,<br />

Margaret McAfee, Karen Parker, Kathy Houser, Sue Atkins, Kris Gjerde, Sandi Hayes. ROW 2: Pat Hammond, Pam Weidaw, Barbara<br />

Browning, Janet Hyndman, Carol Fitzhugh, Cheryl Davis, Irene Turiansky, Susan Kirkpatrick, Candie Laidlow, Judy Taylor, Barbara<br />

Gordon, Karen Golden, Denice Korsmeier, Katherine Scott. ROW' 3: Peggi Williams, Sharon Hansen, Marilyn Gray, Robert Gray,<br />

Raymond Gibbs, Ray Graham, William Hogue, Ralph Seewald, Richard Herkert, Kathy Dauwalder, Sandee Crom. ROW 4:. Richard<br />

Cariker, Stewart Congdon, Hale Thornburgh, Dave Sanchez, Bill Richardson, Richard Rachel, Joe Huntley, Dan Solberg, Dennis Frazier,<br />

Carol VanWinkle, Nancy Tripp.<br />

The Aztec Concert Choir is a highly trained group of mUSICIans whose members are chosen on the<br />

basis of individual audition. During the fall, the choir joined with the SDS College Chorus and the<br />

San Diego Symphony to present the "Requiem" by Berlioz. The choir also participated in the annual<br />

Christmas performance of Handel's "Messiah" sponsored each year by the SDS Music Department.<br />

During the spring, the choir performed in the San Diego Symphony's presentation of<br />

Beethoven's "Ninth Symphony" at the invitation of Earl Bernard Murray, the conductor of the Symphony.<br />

The choir also performed in Mendelssohn's oratorio "Elijah" with the College Chorus. 153

"<br />

Sandy Pearson<br />

Terry O'Donnell<br />

Major<br />

Majorettes<br />

and<br />

Flag Twirlers<br />

These coeds add to the spirit and color of<br />

half-time entertainment at the home football<br />

games. The many hours of drilling<br />

and practice were evident in their excellently<br />

executed and synchronized routines.

Marching Band<br />

Orchestra<br />

Treble Clef<br />

The Ambassadors<br />

The Marching Band is directed by<br />

Nor~an Rost. The band adds<br />

mu.sI: .and color to the half-time<br />

activities during the home football<br />

games. Their appearance in the<br />

Homecoming parade and the local<br />

Toyland Parade proved to be an<br />

asset to the public relations of the<br />

:ollege. In the spring the Marchmg<br />

~and members join the Symphomc<br />

Band and give formal and<br />

pop concerts during the Spring<br />

semester.<br />

The orchestra, under the direction<br />

of P~ul Anderson, is an active and<br />

growmg organization. Each semester<br />

the orchestra schedules seve~al<br />

c?ncerts featuring an exten-<br />

~Ive repertoire and collaborates<br />

I~ contata, opera, and oratorio<br />

with the college chorus,<br />

San Diego State's traveling men of music.<br />

156<br />


I ~<br />

I<br />

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I<br />

I<br />

II<br />

I<br />

spC»~"t-.s<br />

15pC:»x-"t-.s<br />

I!Ipc:»x--lis<br />

1-<br />

:a<br />

a<br />

~<br />

a<br />

e<br />

Our high flying Aztec football team in action.<br />

Our card section-a new tradition at home football games.<br />

Which way did they go?<br />

Long standing records topped in many S.D.S. sports.<br />

Our staring five were all back for another try for 'CCAA honors<br />

Rugby-we play among the tops in this competition.

Athletic<br />

Department<br />


Head Football Coach<br />

SID HALL<br />

Assistanr Football<br />

Coach<br />

Expansion has been the keynote of<br />

the athletic program at San Diego<br />

State College these past few years.<br />

The ye~r 1964 .marks the peak of.<br />

growth mathletIc;, on. this campus.<br />

Harry Broadbent s fine wrestling<br />

sguad .brought home a CCAA cham.<br />

plOnshl~. D~l Beekley's varsity crew<br />

placed first m the consolation bracket<br />

of the Western Collegiate Rowing<br />

Championships. The golf team, under<br />

Frank Scott, finished with a strong<br />

bid for the NCAA title. Bill Bur.<br />

gess' swimming team provided the<br />

bigges.t surprise of the year, nearly<br />

upsettmg powerful Long Beach State<br />

for the CCAA championship in only<br />

, the team's third year of competition.<br />

And this is the year the Aztec foot.<br />

ball team, under the guidance of<br />

head coach Don Coryell, became the<br />

number one small college team in<br />

the country.<br />

With intercollegiate competition in<br />

fourteen sports and an expanded<br />

I.F.C..Intramurals program, students<br />

can point with pride to. San. Diego<br />

tate's fine representatIOn In the<br />

fieldof athletics. The men appearing<br />

onthese pages deserve the credit for<br />

makingthis possible today.<br />


Athletic Director<br />

Head Cross Country Coach<br />

1.<br />

I<br />


Assistant Football Coach<br />


Head Basketball Coach<br />

Head Tennis Coach<br />


Head Golf Coach<br />


Frosh Baseball Coach<br />


Head Baseball Coach<br />

Assistant Basketball Coach<br />


Head Gymnastics Coach<br />


Head Wrestling Coach<br />


Assistant Cross Country Coach<br />


Head Water Polo Coach<br />


Head Crew Coach<br />


Frush Basketball Coach<br />

160<br />


Head Track and Field Coach<br />


Assistant Football Coach<br />


Head Swimming Coach<br />


Song<br />

and<br />

Cheerleaders<br />

"Fight on, fight on, ye Aztec men"<br />

· .. swirlinng skirts ... megaphones<br />

... spirit . . . cheer . .<br />

water balloons . . . peanuts . . .<br />

blankets . . . 37 degrees . . .<br />

Homecoming . . . Marching Aztecs<br />

· . . flags twirling . . . batons<br />

· .. songs ... color ... hope<br />

· .. excitement ... suspense ...<br />

we WON! . . . "Hail, Montezuma."<br />

LHt;t;RLEADERS<br />

Deena Windsor. ' Durkin, Cliff Hansen. Standing:<br />

SONGLEADERS, (from left): Jan TiIds, Barbara Green, Renie Hagar, Gale Atwood, Terry<br />

Donaldson.<br />


Don Coryell's well-trained grid squad compiled an 8-2 wonlost<br />

record, finishing the 1964 schedule as the number one<br />

College Division offensive team in the nation. The Aztecs<br />

were paced by All-Americans Jim Allison, who led the nation<br />

with 174 carries for 1,186 yards (a 6.8 average), and Gary<br />

Garrison, who broke three national small college pass receiving<br />

records (78 receptions, 1,272 yards, and 15 T.D.s).<br />

Backing up this formidable pair were a host of star gridiron<br />

performers. Post-season honors accorded to these men attest<br />

to their outstanding contributions this year. AII-CCAA performers<br />

included Allison, Garrison, tackle John Farris, linebacker<br />

John Godden, tackle Larry Martin, and defensive back<br />

Kent Lawson on the first team, and quarterback<br />

Football 1964<br />

Rod Dowhower<br />

on the second team. Voted Ligtle All-Coast were Farris,<br />

Garrison, and Allison.<br />

The 1964 team was the greatest in San Diego State history,<br />

altogether shattering 45 records. The only games lost came<br />

as squeakers to two powerful teams, Cal State at Los Angeles<br />

and San Jose State. While the offensive team made national<br />

news, the Aztec defensive squad compiled some outstanding<br />

statistics of its own. Under the able tutelage of defensive coach<br />

John Madden, the Montezumen limited opposing teams to 617<br />

yards rushing and 1,926 yards in total defense, while giving<br />

up an average of one touchdown per game. Special credit<br />

should be given to assistant coaches Bill Schutte, Sid Hall,<br />

Gary Potter, and Joe Gibbs.<br />

The San Diego State football team has brought national recognition<br />

to the campus this year. The Aztecs finished fifth in<br />

the Associated Press rankings and seventh in the United Press<br />

International College Division team poll. Thanks go to the<br />

team members for a job well done!<br />

SEASON<br />

SDS 53 -<br />


_________________ Cal Poly of Pomona 8<br />

SDS 54______------------------------------San Francisco State 0<br />

SDS 59__________ _ Cal Poly of San Luis Obispo 7<br />

SDS 45 Cal State at Long Beach 8<br />

SDS 0___________________ Cal State at Los Angeles 7<br />

_______ UC Santa Barbara 9<br />

SDS 50 -----------------------------------------<br />

SDS 44 ------------------- _________ Fresno State 6<br />

SDS 53 San Fernando Valley State 0<br />

Cal Western 6<br />

SDS 50 -------------------------<br />

__San Jose State 20<br />

SDS 15 ----------------<br />


San<br />

Cal<br />

Diego State 53<br />

Poly Pomona 8<br />

The San Diego State Aztecs, in the opening game of the 1964 football season crushed<br />

the Cal Poly Broncos 53-8. This impressive display gave the fans a hint of the power<br />

that would be hown consistently throughout the season. The high scoring attack<br />

was led by the quarterback twosome of Rod Dowhower and Steve Taylor. The h~rd.<br />

driving running of Jim Allison and the fine pass receiving of Gary Garnson<br />

contributed greatly in the win.<br />

Dowhower, voted California Collegiate Athletic Association Back of the Week,<br />

completed 11 of 23 passes for 221 yards and three touchdowns, while Taylor con.<br />

nected on 7 of 9 passing attempts for 68 yards and two touchdowns. Split end<br />

Garrison caught 8 aerials for 120 yards and one touchdown. Tailback Allison gained<br />

120 yards on 20 carries and tallied twice. Defensive standouts included guard Buddy<br />

Jones, linebacker Jack Milks, and end Wayne Bienhoff.<br />

I ~<br />

Ii<br />

I I,<br />

. II<br />

I I<br />

j<br />

San<br />

Cal<br />

Diego State<br />

Poly (SLO)<br />

59<br />

7<br />

San Diego State continued to be one of the nation's leading small college football<br />

teams by recording its third impressive win in as many outings, this time taming the<br />

Cal Poly Mustangs 59-7. Five school records were broken by the Aztecs, in this,<br />

their first league encounter. Senior quarterback Rod Dowhower accounted for two<br />

SDS marks by passing for 290 yards and four touchdowns. Junior end Gary Garrison<br />

snared 9 aerials for 169 yards and three touchdowns, and was selected the CCAA<br />

Lineman of the Week for his outstanding efforts.<br />

Tailback Jim Allison again looked impressive, gaining 185 yards on the ground<br />

and scoring four times. Other noteworthy performances were turned in by tight end<br />

Leon Standridge, who time and again delivered key blocks in the offensive line, and<br />

by defensive back Kent Lawson, who kept the Mustang passing attack throttled<br />

throughout the game.<br />

San Diego State 54<br />

San Francisco State 0<br />

In a very one-sided football encounter, San Diego State's powerful Aztecs completely<br />

overwhelmed the visiting San Francisco State Gators, swamping them 54-0. Tailback<br />

Jim Allison, a 222 pound powerhouse, led the scoring attack with four touchdowns,<br />

while picking up 271 yards rushing in 20 attempts for an average gain of 13.5<br />

yards per carry. This fine individual performance broke the SDS record for the<br />

most yards gained rushing in a single game and netted Allison CCAA Back of the<br />

Week honors. Also starring offensively for the Aztecs was 231 pound tailback John<br />

Butler, who scored three touchdowns and averaged 5.6 yards per carry.<br />

The huddle breaks (top) . . • and ... the play is run<br />

The SDS defensive unit was most<br />

instrumental in preserving the<br />

shutout. Sparked by linebacker<br />

John Godden and tackle Ken Madison,<br />

the defense recovered 5 Gator<br />

fumbles and held the visitors to<br />

a minus 6 yards rushing. The<br />

United Press International ranked<br />

SDS second nationally in the small<br />

college football ratings after this<br />

open display of power.<br />

I<br />

'f •<br />

~I TOUCHDOWN! !<br />


San Diego State 45<br />

Cal State Long Beach 8<br />

San<br />

Cal<br />

Diego<br />

State<br />

State 0<br />

LA 7<br />

Allison goes through big hole against Long Beach.<br />

In a ru~ged battle on the Long Beach turf, the<br />

F?rty Niners were soundly defeated by the San<br />

Diego State gridders 45·8. The Aztec victory<br />

feature.d a wel l-hal anced attack, characterized by<br />

a .consIstent offense and a tough defense. The<br />

tailback duo of Jim Allison and John Butler<br />

sc~red 18 points between them, Butler tallying<br />

twice,<br />

Pinpoint. blockin.g was delivered by offensive<br />

t~ckle MIke Collins and tight end Leon Stand.<br />

ndge. Standridge, named CCAA Lineman of the<br />

Week for. his fine performance, sustained a<br />

-broken radial bone in his arm during the action<br />

and he was lost for the season. Split end Gary<br />

Garrison, playing before a hometown crowd<br />

caught one touchdown. pass and intercepted<br />

another. Tackle Ken Madison and defensive half.<br />

~a?k Larry Hilliard led an immovable defensive<br />

ur~It. Following this victory San Diego State's<br />

mighty Aztecs were selected as the number one<br />

small college football team in the nation by the<br />

UPI poll for the first time in SDS history.<br />

In the most crucial league encounter of the<br />

football season, the San Diego State gridders lost<br />

a heartbreaker to their CCAA rival L.A. State<br />

by a mere seven point margin before a sellout<br />

crowd. The game represented perhaps the finest<br />

defensive struggle ever staged between two<br />

Califo'rnia teams in Aztec Bowl. Both of the<br />

teams' offensive units were held in check during<br />

the entire course of the game. Richard Dick's<br />

fine punting contained the Aztecs time and<br />

again deep in their own territory.<br />

The big difference was Diablo back Bob Youngblood's<br />

termendous interception of a Rod Dowhower<br />

pass on the Aztecs' 32-yard line. The<br />

costly interception resulted in a five-yard touchdown<br />

scamper by fullback Art Robinson and<br />

extra point by scrappy quarterback Dunn Marteen.<br />

Otherwise, the contest was a superbly<br />

played football game, which could have been<br />

won by either team. The Diablos just managed<br />

to get the needed breaks.<br />

Aztec stalwarts were Buddy Jones, Wayne Bienhoff,<br />

Steve Joyner, Larry Martin, Ken Madison,<br />

Jack Milks, John Godden, and Ray Schmautz on<br />

defense and end Gary Garrison on offense.<br />

Schmautz deserves special mention for having<br />

blocked a twenty-yard field goal attempt by<br />

the Diablos.<br />

Kent Lawson gets a Diablo hand inside his face mask (no penalty on play).<br />

Diablos Stun Aztecs<br />

THE DIFFERENCE!!! (L.A. intercepts Garrison-bound pass)<br />

Duke fights 4ger opponent<br />

for ball,<br />

Butler looks for running room against L.A.

The 1964 Aztec<br />

Football<br />

Team<br />

GARY BAYLOR, Mgr.<br />

BOB CREAMER, Mgr.<br />


The Coach<br />



Head coach Don Coryell confers with Dale Hawley during StaB<br />

an<br />

ar<br />

b<br />

ara game.<br />

I<br />

J<br />




DON ROYAL, C<br />


















HB<br />

FB<br />

T<br />


Tony Clark jumps in end zone for touchdown against Gauchos.<br />

San<br />

UC<br />

Diego State 50<br />

Santa Barbara 9<br />

Bouncing back from the loss to CSLA, the fighting Aztecs ran all over the Santa<br />

Barbara Gauchos 50-9. Playing without the services of injured tailback Jim Allison,<br />

the Aztec scoring punch was divided among five men. Quarterback Rod Dowhower<br />

ran the ball for two tallies and connected twice with end Gary Garrison to strike<br />

paydirt. Alan Duke scored on a four-yard run, while Art <strong>Del</strong>vaux led the rushing<br />

game with 51 yards on 11 carries and one score. The other Aztec score came on a<br />

43-yard interception by linebacker John Godden, who ran the ball all the way into<br />

the end zone.<br />

Alan<br />

CCAA Lineman of the Week was offensive tackle John Farris, who was selected for<br />

his outstanding downfield blocking and play at the line of scrimmage. The defensive<br />

star of the game was end Steve Joyner, who led a charged-up rushing attack on<br />

virtually every play.<br />

The Gaucho scoring came on an Aztec punt deflected and recovered by the Santa<br />

Barbarans in the end zone, and on a safety in the final period.<br />

San Diego State 53<br />

Valley State O·<br />

Art <strong>Del</strong>vaux ran the opening kickoff back<br />

85 yards for a touchdown and the Azt~cs<br />

led 7-0. Thus began the 1964 Homecommg<br />

Game, which resulted in a 53-0 rout of<br />

San Fernando Valley State's Matadors.<br />

The awesome strength of the San Di~go<br />

State gridders proved too overpowen~g<br />

for the Matadors as they made a vaI~<br />

attempt to keep the score down. Coac<br />

Don Coryell's well-precisioned squad employed<br />

both a bone-crushing running. game<br />

and a formidable passing attack. TaIlback<br />

Jim Allison returned to his winning form<br />

after being injured earlier in the season.<br />

The senior starter from Redondo Beach<br />

rushed for 144 yards in 22 carries and<br />

scored twice. The Aztecs scored four<br />

touchdowns via the airways; two made by<br />

Gary Garrison and two by Darryl Nelson.<br />

Starting quarterback Rod Dowhower c~nnected<br />

on half of the scoring pitches, with<br />

Steve Taylor tossing the others. Taylor<br />

completed 3 passes in 3 attempts, two<br />

going for touchdowns.<br />

Members of the defensive platoon intently watch<br />

the action on the field at Santa Barbara.

Allison crashes through W . estemer line in jarring run.<br />

Dowhower looks downfield for a receiver.<br />

Two reasons for a successful season:<br />

I,<br />

San Diego State 50<br />

Cal Western University 6<br />

The San Diego State gridders closed out their 1964 home football season<br />

with an impressive 50-6 win over their cross-town rival, Cal Western<br />

University. The Aztecs relied on the combined talents of tailback Jim<br />

Allison, quarterback Rod Dowhower, and end Gary Garrison to bring<br />

home the victory. Allison gained 156 yards on 24 carries to surpass the<br />

existing SDS record for most yards gained rushing in a single season.<br />

The old standard of 1,016 yards was set in 1952. Dowhower ran his<br />

season totals to 21 touchdown passes and 89 completions. The latter mark<br />

broke an Aztec record dating back to 1951. Garrison, already the greatest<br />

end in SDS history, caught his fourteenth touchdown pass of the season<br />

to tie a National Collegiate Athletic Association record. The flashy receiver<br />

snared a total of 14 aerials for 103 yards.<br />

The Aztec defense was again stubborn, limiting the Westerners to one<br />

touchdown and a remarkable minus 58 yards gained on the ground. The<br />

defensive secondary contributed to the scoring opportunities by intercepting<br />

four Westerner<br />


In his finest performance as an Aztec, senior<br />

quarterback Rod Dowhower led the San Diego<br />

State eleven to a 44-6 victory over the Fresno<br />

State Bulldogs. Dowhower, playing only three<br />

quarters, completed 15 of 24 passes for 374<br />

yards and six touchdowns to break three Aztec<br />

records. His chief target was flashy end Gary<br />

.Garrison, who snagged 11 Dowhower passes for<br />

289 yards and four touchdowns, all school<br />

marks.<br />

Other touchdowns were scored on passes to<br />

Darryl Nelson and Mike Collins, and on a 35·<br />

yard scoring scamper by halfback Art <strong>Del</strong>vaux.<br />

<strong>Del</strong>vaux was the Aztecs' top rusher, gaining 83<br />

yards on 8 carries. The Bulldog tally was set<br />

up by an Aztec fumble recovered on the one.<br />

foot line by Fresno. Tailback Jim Long carried<br />

the ball in for the score.<br />

San Diego State 44<br />

Fresno State 6<br />

Individual<br />

Game<br />

Stars<br />

San Diego State 15<br />

San Jose State 20<br />

The last game of the 1964 football season proved to be a disastrous one for the<br />

fighting Aztecs. San Diego State was in control of the ball game up to the last two<br />

minutes of play. After a penalty forced the Aztecs to give up the ball, Spartan<br />

quarterback Ken Berry led a devastating passing attack which resulted in a 15 yard<br />

rollout touchdown pass to end Bob Bonds with 32 seconds remaining on the clock.<br />

Despite the loss, the game did provide its brighter moments. Flanker Gary Garrison·<br />

broke the NCAA records for passes caught, for yards gained, and for touchdowns<br />

scored by an end in one season. Jim Allison completed his final year of college<br />

football as the nation's leading ground gainer, boasting an average gain of 6.8<br />

yards per carry. Ironically the greatest football team in San Diego State's history<br />

shattered countless records, yet failed to win a conference championship.<br />

176<br />


DC Santa Barbara

I<br />

iJ<br />

Cross-Cou ntry<br />

THREE!<br />

This year's cross country<br />

team, under the fine<br />

coaching of Dick Wells<br />

and Tony Sucec, developed<br />

a habit of winning<br />

big meets. The one-two<br />

punch of frosh star Jim<br />

Miller and junior stalwart<br />

Gavin Riley provided the<br />

leadership as the welltrained<br />

squad captured<br />

the Whittier Invitational<br />

the Mt. San Antonio In:<br />

vitational, and placed<br />

both first and second in<br />

the San Diego AAU Cross<br />

Country Championships<br />

by entering two teams.<br />

The SDS harriers became<br />

un~racious hosts, winning<br />

their own Aztec Invitational.<br />

Placing a close<br />

second in the CCAA<br />

Championships, the 1964<br />

team can look back on<br />

a very successful season.<br />

Next year promises to be<br />

an even better record of<br />

achievements as virtually<br />

the entire squad returns.<br />

Forward Gary Worth controls ball against Valley State.<br />

Water<br />

Polo<br />

Water polo, in its third year of competition at San Diego<br />

State, made great strides this season under the direction of<br />

coach Bill Phillips. The Aztec poloists completed their schedule<br />

boasting wins over Redlands University and Claremont-<br />

Mudd College, in addition to suffering close defeats at the<br />

hands of L.A. State and Valley State. Outstanding performers<br />

on this year's team were Bob Hovey, Mike Gerry, Dave<br />

Gertsch,' Dennis Hurwitz, Gary Worth, Tom Schupbach, Roger<br />

Manderscheid, and Dick Shultz. The squad is looking ahead<br />

toward more improvement in 1965.<br />

Rf?W 1 (from left): Gavin Riley, Bob Hallmark .<br />

DIck Hall, Jack Elmore ROW 2. B b G '. Clyde RI1ea, Tom Blackwell Spence M'l<br />

PIS I' . . 0 etzen JI M'lI J h ' I ne,<br />

au tease. Phil Wheaton, Rick Dewey. ,m I er, 0 n Colson, Werner Willoughby,<br />

ROW 1 (from left): David Gertsch, Tom Schupbach, I;>ennis Hur.witz, .sob Hovey~ Mike Gerry,<br />

Gary Worth Roger Manderscheid. ROW 2: Rocky 0 Keefe, Neil Heirnburge, Jim Westwo?d,<br />

Ken Thomp~on, Gary Brynes, Ernie Ligon, Jim White, Court Kenaston, Gary Gundlach, Mike<br />

Grover, Ron Davis.

I<br />

I<br />

, ,<br />

Basketball<br />

Catlin finds room to score between the outstretc h e d<br />

arms 0 f two Bulldogs.<br />

The San Diego State varsity basketball team compiled a season which proved<br />

thrilling and yet frustrating to most fans. Title contenders all the way, the Aztec<br />

hoopsters were engaged in nine contests decided by two baskets or less. SDS split<br />

wins with virtually all league leaders, losing twice only to upstart Valley State.<br />

Led by playmaker Jack Shaw croft, big gun Larry Meek, and springy Al Catlin, this<br />

year's squad finished third in a conference loaded with outstanding teams. Exciting<br />

moments were shared in narrow wins over conference champion Fresno State, both<br />

Cal Polys, and cross-town rival Cal Western.<br />

Coach George Ziegenfuss is counting on several members of this year's freshman<br />

team to fill the shoes of the seven men who will be lost to the varsity squad via a<br />

June graduation.<br />

CCAA<br />

SDSC<br />

69<br />

77<br />

69<br />

59<br />

80<br />

66<br />

83<br />

72<br />

63<br />

80<br />

But I don't want a piggie-hack ride!<br />

Results<br />

Cal State Long Beach<br />

Cal State SLO<br />

Fresno State<br />

San Fernando Valley<br />

Cal State Los Angeles<br />

Cal State Long Beach<br />

Cal Poly SLO<br />

Fresno State<br />

San Fernando Valley<br />

Cal State Los Angeles<br />

OPP<br />

62<br />

76<br />

67<br />

68<br />

95<br />

72<br />

65<br />

90<br />

69<br />

72<br />

. . again!<br />

It's Catlin jumping<br />


The Starting Five<br />

I<br />

Larry<br />

Meeks-c-forward<br />

Jim Bowl r' Allard<br />

AI Catlin-forward<br />

Jack<br />

Shawcroft-guard<br />

Bob Mackey -<br />

center<br />

ROW 1 (from leit): Asst. coach Lyle Olsen, Jack Shawcroft, Jim Bowers, Graig Nettles, AI<br />

Catlin, John Adams, Dave Callender, Larry Meek, Bob Mackey, Larry Willis, Dick Pierc , Bob<br />

Hoss, Fritz Ziegenfuss, Gary McCoy, coach George Ziegenfuss.<br />

Behind the scenes at half time.

Catlin scores!<br />

Meek scores!<br />

Pierce<br />

scores!<br />

Mackey<br />

scores!<br />

Game Tension.<br />

Shawcroft<br />


The troops are out in force.<br />

Frosh scuffle for rebound underneath basket.<br />

Frosh Basketball<br />

A blocking au mpt fail .<br />

Boh Mackey gropes for a rebound.<br />

Jack Shawcroft<br />

Night.<br />

The 1964-65 freshman basketball season was acclaimed as a pivotal point in the<br />

success of San Diego State's basketball program during pre-season discussion. With<br />

a varsity composed chiefly of seniors new talent had to be quickly developed to<br />

provide a nucleus for the varsity squad during the next few 'years. Piloted by<br />

Carl Benton, the frosh team delighted fans with its outstanding grade of play. Such<br />

promising stars of the future as Bob Clem, Dave Miller, AI Skalecky, Dave<br />

Olmstead, and Rick Eveleth together helped to compile the fine t won-lost record<br />

in Aztec frosh basketball history with an 18-3 slate.<br />

The lull before the storm.<br />

ROW -1 (from lejt):<br />

asst.co S achJ ack Shaw.<br />

croft<br />

teve Vieira<br />

Dave Olmstead<br />

Bob Grundstrom<br />

Dave Lunder<br />

Terry Klipp<br />

Dave Miller<br />

Rach Carl Benton<br />

A?SW 12: Brad Neal<br />

a k ecky<br />

Russ Magnuson<br />

Ron Coleman<br />

Bob Clem<br />

Ric~ Eveleth

ROW I (from left): Jerry Gaudet, Don McDaniel, Jack Fares, Robin Halley, Dennis Schindler.<br />

Chuck Bowen, coach Curt Gates. ROW 2: Larry Huss, Dennis Johnston, Skrp Spmdler, Terry<br />

Klemetsrud, Ed Landry, Gene Spindler.<br />

The take-down . . .<br />

Bombs away!<br />

Gymnastics<br />

applying th hold ...<br />

This year's gymnastics team, under the fine tutelage of Curt Gates, finished<br />

its schedule with the best record since gymnastics was introduced as a<br />

varsity sport on this campus. Outstanding performances were turned in all<br />

season by all-around veteran Dennis Johnston, long horseman Robin H.alIey,<br />

free exercise specialist Jack Fares, and promising freshman Gene Spmd~er<br />

on the side horse. With no seniors graduating from the squad, gymnasucs<br />

is definitely on the upswing at SDS.<br />

Don McDaniel maintains perfect balance on rings. and the pin!

I·<br />

Season Reviewed<br />

Although hurt by eligibility requirements, the 1965<br />

wre tling quad nevertheless maintained respectable<br />

stature in comp tition. The varsity grapplers fared well<br />

in I ague meets and garnered third place in the all.<br />

important conference championships. Fine individual<br />

performances were turned in by Jim Abrams and<br />

John Zook who took second in their respective weight<br />

divi ions in bids for a conference crown.<br />

Bright sports for Harry Broadbent's charges were a 33.5<br />

victory over Valley State and a 25-3 trouncing administer<br />

d to the matmen from Cal Berkeley.<br />

Dennis Aiken<br />

Jim Abrams Jim And r n<br />

(top) San Diego State in trouble .. but .. (bottom} Another victory for the Aztecs!<br />

Frank Brown<br />

Tom Lessard<br />

Mike Shields<br />

Larry Penacho<br />

Mel Duarte<br />

.. ?<br />

How did I ever get in this posrtion r<br />


Rugby<br />

ROW 1 (from left): Bob Watkins, John Quigley, Greg Campbell, Paul Plumb, Jim Piper, Gene<br />

Anderson~ Bob Prahl. ROW 2: Kent Lawson, Bill Leimbach, Dave Peterson, Len Kelly,· Dave<br />

Flucht, JIm Stauber, Tony Clark, Dennis Wise, Lynn Johnson, Skip Chapin.<br />

'- -<br />

Paul Plumb executes a well-timed dump kick.<br />

The Aztec Rugby Club once ~gain .reI:resented<br />

San Diego State handily, wmn~ng<br />

all of its league games to date and loommg<br />

as a formidable challenger for a second<br />

successive crown. Though bowing to powerful<br />

Cal and Stanford, the SDS ruggers<br />

showed their muscle by soundly trouncing<br />

nationally ranked Loyola of Los Angeles<br />

13-3. Other victories have come at. the<br />

expense of UC Riverside and the University<br />

of Southern California.<br />

Outstanding players thus far have been<br />

three year veterans Bob Prahl and Paul<br />

Plumb kicker Dennis Wise, break Gene<br />

Ander;on, and serum half Greg Campbell.<br />

The record over the years bears out the<br />

success enjoyed by Aztec ruggers since the<br />

sport was first introduced to this campus.<br />

Running back Paul Plumb LTi to hl ck kick-t ·1 U h.<br />

SDS and Cal players scramble for ball in line out,<br />

Len Kelly makes a save to stop an aggres ive<br />

oring thr al.

,j,<br />

-<br />

Crew<br />

Last year the SDS varsity crew garnered a first place in<br />

the Consolation Division of the Western Intercollegiate<br />

Rowing Championships and at least a repeat performance<br />

seems to be in store for this year's fine shell. By early April,<br />

when the <strong>Del</strong> Sudoeste went to press, the varsity oarsmen<br />

claimed a solid victory over the USC Trojans in their only<br />

outing. The frosh eight defeated both Orange Coast and SC,<br />

while the J.V.s lost both regattas but made strong showings.<br />

Next season's prospects look even brighter for coach <strong>Del</strong><br />

Beekley's varsity team. Returning will be rowers John Ruzich,<br />

A. Harlow, Jim Crouch, and Lee Hart, and veteran cox'n<br />

Dave Hodges. Promising candidates from the J.V. and fresh,<br />

man squads are Gary Dunsmore, Fred James, Mark McLaren,<br />

and Paul Wiggins.<br />

FROSH, (from lejt), ick Wat on, Paul Wi/ol/olins,<br />

Benson, Darrel Worm, coxswain Larry ully,<br />

McLaren, Doug Hart.<br />

VARSITY, (from far l f) L<br />

coxswain Dave Hodges, C/ d: ee H~rt, Miles Sweet, Dick Shultz J h<br />

or on Sutonus, Joe Roberts Jl'm C h' 0<br />

, roue.<br />

n Ruzich, AI Harlow,<br />

LV.s, (from left): Fred James, Gary Dunsmore, ~ob Goode~l, Fred McGee, Sid avey, Dean<br />

Russell, Bill Gebur, Bob Werve. Kneeling: coxswam Tom Childs,<br />

-'<br />

Out in the drink<br />

¢.,<br />

..<br />

After a day's toil<br />


Bruce Hafer and R' k H kl<br />

IC ec er streak across finish line of 100 yard dash.<br />

Track<br />

and Field<br />

Fans of all ap;I'K earn<br />

tl) the me L-,<br />

ROW 1 (from Lejt) : Frosh coach Dick Wells, Larry Martin, Rich Bullock, Gavin Riley" Rick Heckler, Ed Mathews, Ray Rei h rt, Art<br />

<strong>Del</strong>vaux, Clyde Rilea, Bob Getzen, Ted Hack, mgr, Art Davis. ROW 2: Asst. coach Tony ucec, John edn y, Wilbur mith, Jim Thorupson,<br />

Larry Godfrey, Frank Stark, Brad Baer, Steve Haiman, Pat Rusnell, Carl Jacobus, bead coa h hoc port man. ROW 3: Don QT'<br />

don, Jim Webb, Jim Conlay, Bruce Hafer, Rick Herrman, Ray Napier, Ron Duly, Dave Gilmore, Elmer Logans, Eddie Logans, Tom Logan-,<br />

Pat McKenna.<br />

Face to face with the challenge ...<br />

Over the bar.<br />

Although losing to natio<br />

men figure to b nally ranked UCLA i .<br />

A e among th t n Its only d I<br />

ztecs have placed d e op contenders in th t a meet to date, the Aztec cinder-<br />

Relays. San Diego S~:~;~ behind the always tou e ~~e.<br />

rs:<br />

or .the CCAA crown. Already the<br />

and two mile relays d hvars:ty thin clads recorde~ ruversity of Arizona in the Claremont<br />

and Bruce Hafer c~patn d t ehm.de relay team of Joh best times in the distance medley<br />

ure t elf' n e ney La G df .<br />

Other men who w: . event III record time (3:15'1) rry 0 rey, RICk Herrmann<br />

Brad B 0 WIll be Counted on h . . .<br />

R' aer, hurdlers Brad G'l eavIly this season<br />

Ilea and Gavin Rile d more and Jim Webb . are S~S record holder in the shotput<br />

y, an decathlon performer~ st~;:;~~r L RIck Heckler, distance men Clyde<br />

ogans and Ray Napier.<br />


Brad Baer uncorks another record breaking effort.<br />

Bob Jones leads the pack in the 120 hi h 19 s. Gavin Riley paces himself in the mile. Larry Godfr y lnkl's u hurdle in . trid .<br />

Elmer Logans strain f<br />

Jump. s or more distance in th I<br />

e ong<br />

198<br />

Rick Heckler breaks the tape in the 100. John Gedney hurls the javelin.

Relay take off<br />

The victors and their well deserved prize<br />

Gary Worth turns on the engine in the<br />

back stroke.<br />

Swimming<br />

1965 NCAA Champs<br />

For the first time in school history the swimming team traveled to Normal, Illinois and returned thr day later<br />

as the National Collegiate Athletic Association college division swimming champions. Th Aztec contingent wa<br />

never headed during the three day meet, winning places in all events and finally emerging victoriou among<br />

the 53 teams entered in the national finals. Sophomore speedster Mike Gerry shattered two r cord, claiming fir ts<br />

in the grueling 500 and 1650 yard freestyle events, and adding a third in the 200 fr e. T am captain Mark<br />

Bruce took third places in the 400 yard individual medley and the 200 yard butterfly, and a e ond in th 1650<br />

free. The biggest surprise of the meet was Aztec diver Chris Robert's first place in the three-met r diving vent,<br />

The national championship should make SDS students feel justly proud of the high caliber athl tic t am r p.<br />

resenting our college and community.<br />

. . . Then gasps for air after securing the victory.<br />

Turning<br />

for the final leg h orne.<br />

200 Mark Bruc f" d<br />

e III s second "d"<br />

WIll III the 1500 free

NCAA Champs<br />

In dual meet competition the Aztec mermen were undefeated,<br />

bestina nine teams. In his four years as<br />

swimming coach "at San Diego State Dr. William Bu~gess<br />

has undisputably assembled together some of the fI~est<br />

swimming talent ever to grace our campus. ~he cul~ma.<br />

tion of his efforts and the reward for his dedicated<br />

service to the school are found embodied in the national<br />

championship plaque won this year by his devoted<br />

charges. May coaches of high ability and teams. of<br />

this caliber continue to spread the name of San DIego<br />

State College to the national level.<br />

. ference before big meet.<br />

Coach Burgess holds summit con<br />

Chris Roberts executes another well-precisioned dive.<br />

ROW I (Lrom. lejt), B,rn,y Vomh,,, Ro,'" M~d_"d, Mkkoy B"dley, Cary Byrn", .Iim Sk,ll,y, 1o

I<br />

II<br />

Basebal<br />

The Pitch<br />

The Swing<br />

The Stretch<br />

ROW I (from left), C '<br />

Roger Clark Edd' M' raig Nettles 8 '<br />

rngr G ' ie endez L ,teve 81m M'<br />

, ary Baylor, John d ee Woodward, TomOt ,Ike Steele,<br />

ppen, Jack Milks B assie. ROW 2:<br />

, ob Rands, Milo<br />

Lizalde ,I M'k e E<br />

John Fink R veretr, Galen Earls D<br />

head Coach L ~d Westcott asst 'h B ave Bruen, Tom Whelan,<br />

y e Olsen, mg'r Ro· coBacI rad Griffith, Don Shaw,<br />

. n ayor.<br />

Hot box action<br />

The 1965 varsity baseball team found itself in the hands of a rookie manager who nevertheless<br />

proved his coaching mettle from the first "Play ball!" Lyle 01 en set the tone<br />

for his team's high level performance, and the players followed suit. The Aztecs sported<br />

a 13-1-1 record at the end of pre-league play. Baseball has definitely come into its own at<br />

San Diego State. This year the varsity hard ballers defeated such major schools as the<br />

University of Utah and the Washington Huskies, and played a nine inning tie with the<br />

Oregon Ducks. The Aztecs have shown the power which should take them to the top of<br />

the CCAA. SDS's only setback occurred while splitting a twin-bill- with Pepperdine, losing<br />

the second game 2-l.<br />

Spearheading the pennant drive are Graig Nettles, Steve Simon, Tom Whelan, and Ed<br />

Mendez in the batting department, and John Lippert, Bob Rands, Galen Earls, and Jack<br />

Milks on the mound. Other key veterans include Lee Woodward, Don Shaw, and Roger<br />

204<br />

Clark.<br />


Aztecs Go<br />

Big Time<br />

Tinkers to Evers to Chance<br />

The Duster<br />

Margin of safety<br />

Another run crosses thee pate ol<br />

for the Aztecs.<br />

Look to the bullpen<br />


Number on 'J' '<br />

e pair im Gilbert and Mik R'I<br />

e 1 ey survey the fairway. John Wallen scurries after (I low am<br />

Golf<br />

The 1965 Aztec golf team .<br />

~~caJ links. As of the endl~t~ea~ain setting fire to the<br />

a~~otk::Jd:~~e aaver~ging Jess ~~~n c~~c~t~~nk Scott's<br />

wins have J per ect 9-0 season re d es a man<br />

UCLA d a ready been notched Cor . Impressive<br />

the : an league title contend over powerful USC and<br />

J l mlghty Aztecs 38.18 L d·er L.A. State bogied to<br />

oca and ti . ea Ing th d<br />

NCAA ol~a iona] acclaim in bids foe squa to more<br />

Gilbert ~l ~ps are sub,par men M.~onfRe~ence-and<br />

, an amp bell and Ernie HIe dey, Jim<br />

auser.<br />

Two·time CCAA h<br />

putter. campion Alan Campbell plies his Jim Quilty returns a lob.<br />


Coach Frank Sc~~om left): Joe Byrom John -<br />

, Mark Schmidt, Mike Riley~g:~, ~:~~. Campbell. BACK ROW:<br />

From left: Daryl Dale, Steve Crumpacker, Dennis Hannan, John Lehton, Bud My r ,AI ain,<br />

coach Ceorze Ziegenfuss.

Volleyball<br />

Led by the nation's top intercollegiate<br />

volleyball player of 1964, Jack Henn, and<br />

second team all- American selectee Her.<br />

schel Hendrickson, the 1965 Aztec spikers<br />

are currently holding down second place<br />

in their conference behind the nation's<br />

number one collegiate volleyball team, the<br />

Bruins of UCLA. In league action coach<br />

Bob Hanson's disciples claim triumphs<br />

over UC Riverside and Loyola University,<br />

losing only to UCLA. The Aztecs are look.<br />

ing ahead toward the Intercollegiate Na.<br />

tionals from which they emerged as the<br />

third best college team in the nation last<br />

year,<br />

F<br />

I<br />

Try for the flags,<br />

buddy!<br />

FRONT ROW (from left): Herschel Hendrickson, Al Woerner, Buzz<br />

Gibbs, Rick Vancil. ROW 2: Jim Callender, Vance Gage, Jack Henn,<br />

Bob Clem.<br />

Private battle being waged underneath th basket.<br />

Are you kiddin'<br />

me?!!<br />

The Big Rush

---x:aE)E)ks<br />

x:aE)E)ks<br />

~x:aE)~ks<br />

1<br />

a a<br />

"Cheerio, ching, ching , , ."<br />

"You can't be serious about going swimming,<br />

"Down, Rover!"<br />

~ Catching a quick Coke in between classes,<br />

S<br />

e<br />

'7<br />

"I dub thee big brother!"<br />

"Phi" pledges kick-off in charity bowl<br />

with<br />

the Sig Ep pledges,<br />

"Sweepstakes trophy will he this big!"

Panhellenic<br />

Council<br />


President<br />

Panhellenic Council is organized to<br />

further cooperation and understanding<br />

between the campus sororities.<br />

The constitution and bylaws of the<br />

Council maintain rules within each<br />

individual group. Each year Panhellenic<br />

sponsors Panhellenic workshop,<br />

Pledge Presents and a Panhellenic<br />

Party for all rushees. Greek<br />

Week and Greek Retreat are sponsored<br />

jointly by Panhellenic and the<br />

Inter-Fraternity Council.<br />

PANHELLENIC OFFICEH (j,om MOo' Joan .huhol, tr asurer ;<br />

presid nt ; Teri honaker, pre iu, nt ; Carol Duvila, ('1"1' lar ; and<br />

office manager.<br />

Junior Panhellenic<br />

<strong>Del</strong>egates to the Panhellenic Council post at one of their weekly meetings; ROW 1 (from left); Joan Chabot {treasured, Carol Davila (secreta!"!),<br />

Teri Shonaker {president~, Vicki Valliere (vice president), Nancy Lee Morgan (office manager). ROW 2: Dean Marjorie Warmer, Ruth<br />

Reichert, Barbara Ferver, Sue Heide, Mary Anne Morgan, Jean Worthington, Diane Eaton. ROW 3: Carol Minton, Sharon Phelan, Sandy Rogers,<br />

Judy Schultz, Barbara Finerman, Eileen Durkin, Mona Williams, Jean Ellis, Betsy Cunningham, Dorothy Hatalsan, Sue Sykora.<br />

--.....--.....-.,..,..<br />

The members of Junior Panhellenic include representatives<br />

from each pledge class of the on-campus sororities.<br />

The purpose of th organization i to Iost r mpu: and<br />

inter- orority spirit and promot ound scholars hip and<br />

high social standards among th pi dze las (-s.<br />

Junior Panhellenic President Susie Sarkela presides over a weekly meting of d legat

De Pauw University 1885<br />

San Diego State 1950<br />

Diano ca allin<br />


President<br />

100 Chapters<br />

I:<br />

II<br />

I,<br />


TERR<br />

no<br />

on I,-ad T, D..l<br />

EILEE n H )<br />

.Ch, ..rl.. der<br />


hairman of inl Event nard<br />

JILL<br />

AW<br />


ian<br />

Zerv<br />

Shannon Crowley<br />

Brenda Cruse Pat Depew Terry Donaldson Marlane Dunn Eileen Dutkin<br />

Susan Dryden<br />

Joyce Folts<br />

Linda Gano<br />

cathy Georggin<br />

Sheila Grim<br />

RenieHagar<br />

Jenny Brown, Dian lain urkin<br />

R<br />

Mary<br />

K WEEK<br />

lson, hairm n<br />

nl<br />

EVENTS<br />


PRE 10<br />

T<br />

Bonnie Haef r<br />


Carol tuhrman, baron Waxon<br />


Brooke Harper, Franny Ialon y<br />

TREA<br />

RER<br />

Barbara Howard<br />



Easler eal Drive Roller kating Contest<br />

Founders' Day<br />

Christmas Formal<br />

pring Formal<br />

Homecoming Float, Honorable Mention<br />

Greek Bowl, econd Place<br />

Margaret Barnum<br />

Susan Baskerville<br />

Judy Bennett<br />

Susan Blanc<br />

Susan Blount<br />

Jenny Brown<br />

216<br />

Kathy Howe<br />

Sharon Reaume<br />

Chris Trankla<br />

Linn Humber<br />

Cherie Rhoads<br />

Winnie Treadwell<br />

Susie Jennings<br />

Polly Saccoman<br />

Robin Vail<br />

Mary Johnson<br />

Linda Smith<br />

Vicki Valliere<br />

Barbara McCall<<br />

Susan Steele<br />

Jill Warren<br />

Sandy McClain<br />

Carolyn Stuhrmar<br />

Sharon Waxon<br />

Joy Moody<br />

Susie Swanson<br />

Jeannie Westhead<br />

Shaula Paul<br />

Melinda Thomas<br />

Diane Zervas<br />


Barnard College 1909<br />

San Diego State 1964<br />


President<br />

55 Chapters<br />

Jo-Anne Bowen<br />

Barbara Finerman<br />

Marsha Davis<br />

Cheryl Frankel<br />

Carol Freedman<br />

Gloria Goldstein<br />

Judy Gottlieb Ronnie Hersh Lonnie Kane Roxielmlel Bobbie Kleine Sandy Knell<br />

Lois Le Bow<br />

Sue Lipson<br />

I<br />

The happy news of an engagement is announced by the tradition~ passing ot chocolates.<br />

JA<br />

TILD<br />

Head ongleader, Dormitory Win Pr id nt, P p Board<br />



Marcia ang r<br />

ETZ<br />

uzi chuhz<br />


Evie Bald rman:<br />

o<br />

R<br />

EVENTS<br />


Fall Formal<br />

Mardi Cra Dance<br />

Retr at<br />

Mother-Daughter Tea<br />

Informal Pledg Pr nts<br />

Open Hou<br />

Best Greek pirit, Greek W k<br />

Homecoming House Decorations, Third, Place<br />

Homecoming Float, Honorable Iention<br />



Susan Adler<br />

Evie Balderman<br />

Gail Baldertnan<br />

Roberta Baranov<br />

Sarah Beinhorn<br />

Pam Bocchio<br />

Dena Mandel<br />

Ellen Roston<br />

Suzi Schultz<br />

Sharyn Snyder<br />

Carol Newman<br />

Jodi Roisman<br />

Susie Siner<br />

Sue Straus<br />

EllenOkun<br />

Marcia Sanger<br />

Julie Siraton<br />

Francie Swede<br />

Joanne Pearlman<br />

Karen Schaenfeld<br />

Bobbie Sokolove,<br />

Jan Tilds<br />


Judy<br />

chultz<br />

T<br />


Barbara<br />

Finerman<br />


Frances Swede<br />

TREAS<br />

RER<br />

Judy Gottlieb<br />

T<br />

218<br />


Syracuse University 1904<br />

San Diego State 1949<br />

RUTH<br />


President<br />

93 Chapters<br />

I;<br />

I<br />


\ n ' L<br />

Dr am f Ddt I mil Phi<br />


,AP A D W<br />

Ruth Reichert<br />

Eli a Fehnder , n, lty oldman<br />

Nancy Dryer<br />

Barbara Granlund<br />

Margaret Dudley<br />

Carol Hall<br />

Isabel Dye<br />

Mary Halvorson<br />

Winners of P ki P , C<br />

ump In arne ontest proudly display their talents.<br />

Elissa Fehnders<br />

Heather Heatherly<br />

Carol Forbes<br />

Suzanne Henderson<br />

Colleen Fort<br />

Carol Hollingsead<br />

Sandy Furbush<br />

Lyn Huckaby<br />

Marilyn Gabler<br />

Nancy Isenhour<br />

Carolyn Gatlin<br />

Kris Kops<br />

Joyce Glaze<br />

Diana Latham<br />

IF<br />

IGMA<br />

Clo Ann<br />

RETARY<br />

Vaughan<br />

Marilyn Gabl r<br />

RPEL TE<br />


Clo Ann Vaughan<br />

D<br />

R<br />


Pumpkin Pani<br />

Christmas Formal<br />

Spring Dinner Dane<br />

Moth r' Day Breakfa t<br />

Best Greek pirit, r k W k<br />

Winner of Gre k Bowl<br />

Homecoming House D corati It,. cond Plar<br />

Homecoming House Decoration, Be t Portrayal of Them"<br />



Ruth Reichert<br />


baron Barrow , Margaret Dudley<br />


Gerry Lemen, Ellen Pfadenhauer<br />

TREA<br />

RER<br />

Nancy Isenhour<br />

Caroline Ahlswede<br />

Kris Amundson<br />

Diane Baker<br />

Sharon Barrows<br />

Ann Bishop<br />

Margie Blackman<br />

Jackie Lawatch<br />

Kay Rearden<br />

Clare Stewart<br />

Jane McAndrew<br />

Andrea Shaver<br />

Clo Ann Vaughan<br />

Georgianne Nelson<br />

GaySoldman<br />

Lynne White<br />

Nancy Orrell<br />

Linda Smith<br />

Judy Wilson<br />

220<br />


Syracuse University 1872<br />

San Diego Stat~ 1949<br />

Naney Bulcer<br />

:I<br />


President<br />

81 Chapters<br />


AP A D OW<br />

Barbara Ferver<br />


Marie Hoff, Pre ident, Marilyn Hoff, Vi Pr id nt<br />

PA H'LL I<br />

ue Ramsey, Po t-ru h<br />

hairman<br />

Janet Gibson<br />

Dottie Jondall<br />

Jeannie Halvonon<br />

Paula Kimmerling<br />

Sandy Hansen<br />

Mike Krcmar<br />

Linda Harbaugh<br />

I udy Land<br />

SueHeide<br />

. NancyLarkey<br />

Marie Hoff<br />

Susan Larkey<br />

Marilyn Hoff<br />

Ginger Huggin<br />

IoAnn Leadingham Jeannie Lomac<br />

Joan Ide<br />

Mary Lou Loomis<br />

I ere Johnson<br />

Rosemary Martin<br />

DEL D T<br />

Tammy Platt<br />

A GEL FLI HT<br />

Barbie Bat<br />



Alpba-Phi-e ta<br />

Faculty Tea<br />

hristma Formal<br />

District Founders' Day Banquet<br />

Sigma Phi Epsilon-Alpha Phi Pledge Football Game<br />

Homecoming Float, econd Plac<br />

Winner of Alpha Chi Omega Roller kating ontest<br />



Barbara<br />

T<br />

Ferver<br />


Nancy Larkey, Taffy Polster<br />


Marilyn Brunner, Marie Hoff<br />


Marilyn Hoff<br />

Susie Acord<br />

Gayle Atwood<br />

Barbara Bates<br />

Bev Beckwith<br />

.Selene Bondurant<br />

Melanie Bouer<br />

222<br />

Cyndee Anderson<br />

Barbara Baldock<br />

Darlene Baumann<br />

Sally Benton<br />

Diane Bonsignore<br />

Peggy Bowen<br />

Joan McCarl<br />

Sue Ramsey<br />

Eileen Sommerville<br />

Carol McDonald<br />

Patty Reeder<br />

Kathy Sonheim<br />

Marcia McFerren<br />

Kathy Rumsey<br />

Bar ra taUord<br />

Linda Nolan<br />

Kathy Shamel<br />

Carol stahm an<br />

Jane Penny<br />

Sheila Shay<br />

Bitsy Thayer<br />

Rae Lynne Peterson<br />

Teri Shonaker<br />

Karen Thompson<br />

Tammy Platt<br />

Kevin Sipe<br />

Vickie Weigand<br />

Taffy Polster<br />

Pam Smith<br />

Tina Weller<br />

Joanette Poolos<br />

Robbie Smitb<br />

Teri Wright<br />


Lombard College 1893<br />

San Diego State 1948<br />

MARY<br />


President<br />


114 Chapters<br />

Diane Carpenter<br />

Connie Cone Jeannie Cox Dee Davidson<br />

Pam Davidson<br />

~<br />

Victoria Hamilton Kathleen Helmer<br />

Jome Hoffman<br />

Joyce Holly<br />

Teri Hunter<br />

Linda Kearn<br />

PROM E T E<br />

I'<br />

We really should he studying (or final ... hut ..<br />

EVE 5<br />

Jeanne Lang<br />

Pat Macnab<br />

Pam McPhie<br />

Hom-<br />


PR<br />

fary<br />

I<br />

Karen Barth<br />

Patty Bergen<br />

Linda Bewley<br />

Maria Biondo<br />

~arga~et Borrecco<br />

emans Blose<br />

224<br />

Connie Peterson<br />

Mona Williams<br />

Denise Weaver<br />

Emily Wilson<br />

Carol Williams<br />

CarolynZook 225

University of Arkansas 1895 San Diego State 1950<br />


President<br />

138 Chapters<br />

Y. nn "<br />

\Ilch.l .. Farkl r<br />

PROM E MBE<br />

AW ic 11 inn<br />

Franci ra Bro n<br />

Joan Hull<br />

GelTi Jamieson<br />

Kathy Jones<br />

Susan Jorgensen<br />

Linda Kanew,;'<br />

Carolyn Kemper<br />

Gretchen Krienke<br />

Cheryl Kuhn Christine Lamprou Janet Larkin<br />

mprou<br />

lean<br />

Jacki<br />


Chri tmas Kindn Dinn r<br />

00 tm ormal<br />

Owl Hoot<br />

Winner igma hi D rby Day<br />

Homecoming Float, Third Place<br />


PRE 10<br />

Sandra Ro e<br />

Sharon Angus<br />

Ginger Battenfield<br />

Nancy Blumenberg<br />

Jean Bradner<br />

Jackie Cammack<br />

Cathy Chesrown<br />

226<br />

Francie Baker<br />

Stefanie Bedillion<br />

Barbara Bowers<br />

Barbara Browne<br />

Barbara Champion<br />

Dorothye Christie<br />

Marlane Liddell<br />

Candy Parry<br />

Nancy Small<br />

Norma loPinto<br />

Linda Phelan<br />

Shirley Smith<br />

JeanLou,hnan<br />

Sharon Phelan<br />

Jan Sorensen<br />

La <strong>Del</strong>ia McGrew<br />

Kay porter<br />

Pat Squance<br />

Linda Mclennan<br />

Suni R«ers<br />

Jo Anne Wallen<br />

Donna Moe<br />

Brenda R"""<br />

Christina Walstrom<br />

Sharon Morri..,n<br />

Erin Schmidt<br />

Claire Ward<br />

Sue Murdock<br />

Susie Schneider<br />

Carla Winsby<br />

Wendy Nel..,n<br />

Myra .Jan Schwartz<br />

Pam Wood<br />


Coo tine Lamprou<br />

E RETARY<br />

Janet Larkin<br />

TRE REIt<br />

Myra Ian Schwam<br />


De Pauw University 1870<br />

San Diego State 1951<br />


President<br />

90 Chapters<br />


J<br />


A<br />

Hom omin pJ)1l J h<br />


ES<br />

AP A 0<br />

atali Ault, Dot Hartman, n lUll<br />

A L I'Ll nr<br />

Nikki Annanino, Jud Dill<br />

B<br />

Carpi Crawford<br />

Sally Hallenbeck<br />

Judy Crooks<br />

Patti Hannaford<br />

Betsy Cunningham<br />

Sherri Hannaford<br />

Christina Dake<br />

Dot Hartman<br />

LuciDaniel",n<br />

DorothyHalalso n<br />

Judy Dill<br />

Maureen Hill<br />

Gayle Edle~<br />

Nancy Hines<br />

Linda Elliott<br />

Kathleen Howland<br />

Christine Field<br />

Julie Je sop<br />

Pamela Greyson<br />

JuJi Johnson<br />

Donna Musil,<br />

ervic<br />

L ctur<br />

hairman, Patti<br />

hairman<br />

EVENTS<br />


hri tma Formal<br />

holar hip Banquet<br />

Founders Da<br />

Panhellenic cholarship Award, Fir t Place<br />

Lambda hi Alpha Littl Five Hundred<br />




Rozanne faek<br />

VICE PRE IDE rr<br />

Betty Bradley, aney Winters<br />


atalie Ault, ue pringstead<br />

228<br />

Janine Alcott<br />

Nicole Armanino<br />

Natalie Ault<br />

Suzanne Avoyer<br />

Nan Baker<br />

Nancy Bannister<br />

Sydney La Fonta<br />

Joyce Nelson<br />

Linda Lake<br />

Susan Springstead Marguerite O'Malley<br />

Claudia Stalder<br />

Barbara Lamb<br />

Donna Peterson<br />

Mirjana Tomas<br />

Carol Lane<br />

Carol Plumb<br />

Patricia Wilkerson<br />

Barbara Mack<br />

Patricia Robinson<br />

Melinda Wills<br />

Mary McPherren<br />

Dianne Rock<br />

Nancy Wills<br />

Virginia Mechling<br />

Patricia Ryan<br />

Paula Winder<br />

Shandon Mullen<br />

Lynn Sawade<br />

N'\ncy Winters<br />

TREA ER<br />

Jan Bateman<br />


Longwood College 1897<br />

San Diego State 1949<br />


President<br />

102 Chapters<br />



J J j DEI '<br />

Peace orp Wor] .., r, Dr til<br />

La<br />

Charlene Martyn Judy Muwell DianeMayo<br />

Vicker Morris<br />

Eugenie Newton<br />


Let's try it overt<br />

... this time on key!<br />

AP A 0 LE '1 'HlP<br />

Pal Wait. Eu wton<br />

H<br />

L<br />

LITTLE<br />

EVENTS<br />



PRE<br />


IDE<br />

Carol Minton<br />


Beverly William<br />


Charlene Martyn<br />

TRE<br />

URER<br />

Debbie Friend<br />

Stephanie Ames<br />

Vicki Doll<br />

Bette Edwards<br />

Cathy Ford<br />

Rainis Hamilton<br />

Charlene Kellogg<br />

230<br />

Vicki Berg<br />

Diane Eaton<br />

Barbara Flukey<br />

Debbie Friend<br />

Linda Kassel<br />

Karen Kohles<br />

Karen Kurtz<br />

Pat Reinking<br />

Nancy Sima<br />

Vicky Spear<br />

Nancy Teter<br />

Kathy Martindale<br />

Merrily Reynold<br />

Jeanne Snodon<br />

Sharon Stacy<br />

Phyllis Trigs<br />

Christine Peterson<br />

Patti Scott<br />

Jackie Sooter<br />

Karen Stalin<br />

P.tW.ile<br />


IFC Chariot<br />

Pageant theme ... construction ... conditioning<br />

· .. queen candidates ... parimutuel betting ...<br />

plans ... Muscular Dystrophy ... Azt c Bowl<br />

· .. January 12 enthusia tic crowd ... pag·<br />

eantry ... color noise ... preliminary h at<br />

the startina

1965 Greek Retreat<br />

The third annual Greek Retreat gathered representatives from all<br />

of the fraternities and sororities on campus to share ideas and discuss<br />

common objectives in meeting "the challenges of the '60's." Cochairmen<br />

Frank Sell and Elaine Durkin headed the overall program,<br />

which provided a mixture of fun and entertainment as well as<br />

serious discussion for those participating.<br />

The all-Greek expedition boarded buse Friday afternoon, and<br />

journeyed to the tiny mountain retreat in Doane Valley on Palomar<br />

mountain. Topics of prime importance included: The Greek image;<br />

Greek level of social responsibility; putting ideals into pracnce ;<br />

and methods of group dynamics.<br />

FOllowing the individual group di eu ion wa an evaluation of<br />

the entire program, where committees were appointed to meet. on<br />

campus in orBer to incorporate many of the new ideas into p~act.Ical<br />

programs. Later in the evening everyone enjoyed group smgmg,<br />

surfing, movies, and dancing. The ] 965 Gr ek Retreat proved to be<br />

a rewarding experience for all who attended.<br />

. "" . . . moved into its new house on College<br />

Tau Kappa Epsilon fraternity d $150000 house features<br />

Place in September. The exftremb{y mOo:~'odatio~s for twenty men.<br />

large rooms and very com orta e ace<br />

1965 • • • New<br />

Greek<br />

Houses<br />

h Kappa Alpha Theta house<br />

Gracious living is the word at t ~ newstory seven level, $250,000<br />

completed la.te i.n Januarr. Thel~n~=~on st;ling and accommodates<br />

house's extenor IS of modified p<br />

forty girls. . ble fireplace<br />

hi h features a massive mar d<br />

The interior of the house, w IC d. h of blue and green an<br />

in the living room, is decorate m. ues<br />

furnished with imported Danish furniture.<br />

A time for fun . . .<br />

One of the groups discussing Greeks at SDS.<br />


Inter-Fraternity<br />

Council<br />

L<br />

E MILLER<br />

Pr ld nt<br />

The fourteen national fraternities at San Diego<br />

State are members of the Inter-Fraternity Council.<br />

The Council, governing body of the fraternities,<br />

consists of the president and a delegate from each<br />

house. The strengthening of the Greek system at<br />

SDS is the main objective of the IFe. In conjunction<br />

with the Panhellenic Council, IFC sponsors<br />

Greek Week and the Greek Retreat. The<br />

Council's members strive to pledge and initiate<br />

men who will be well-rounded individuals, socially<br />

and academically.<br />

Int r-Fraternity Council delegates discuss one of the many problems that arise during the course of a year.

Virginia Military Institute 1865<br />

San Diego State 1950<br />


President<br />

122 Chapters<br />



I I<br />

I<br />

Fred Featbentone<br />

Rick Keenan<br />

Rpn Foster<br />

Dave Kimball<br />

Randall (;euchan<br />

Joe KOIIIIIack<br />

Stephen crebemtine<br />

Gary Lawrence<br />

RUM Gustin<br />

Kermit Leonard<br />

John Haller<br />

Ray Lieberenz<br />

John Hannahs<br />

Wayne Macaulay<br />

Pat Han,haw<br />

Jeffrey Martin<br />

Doug Hone<br />

Bruce Matlock<br />

Peler Hughee<br />

Jim McCampbell<br />

EVENTS<br />


pring Formal<br />

hipwreck Dance<br />

Mickey inn Party<br />

Homecoming Float: third pia<br />

IFC cholarship: cond place<br />




Doug Townsend<br />


Jim McCampbell<br />


Al Bentley<br />


Joe Kosmack<br />

RobertB_tt<br />

John Beal<br />

Chuck Best<br />

John Bowen<br />

Dan Camphuis<br />

Bill Cantrell<br />

238<br />

Ray Bathrick<br />

Al Bentley<br />

William Bishop<br />

Ronald Bushman<br />

Doug Camphuis<br />

Don Carlson<br />

Palll McKeeney<br />

SlneP.1t<br />

Jaime Shendere<br />

Bob MilJer<br />

Walter Pruett<br />

Chuck Shedd<br />

LallCe Millet-<br />

Bill Quapp<br />

Jim Simonson<br />

Joe M8ftGI<br />

Tom liar<br />

Jim SI,cr<br />

MikeMunz<br />

Phil Robbins<br />

Richard Styvaert<br />

Dale Paisley<br />

Donald Nance Doug Ogilvie Ron Olinger<br />

Victor Ryder Jerry Sasse<br />

Mike Robertson Randy Robinson<br />

William Watkins Darell West<br />

Paul Sullivan Steve Warshauer<br />


I<br />

College of the City of New York<br />

1899<br />

an Diego State 1950<br />


President<br />

98 Chapters<br />

Kenneth Darby<br />

Marten Harrison<br />

Mike Jones<br />

Wayne Dillavou<br />

Robert Harvey<br />

James Keller<br />

Martin Goetsehel<br />

Mike Hoover<br />

Kenneth Leonard<br />

Paul Hamenly<br />

Norm Houser<br />

Allen Lee<br />

Brent Harrison<br />

James Ivi<br />

Bill Logan<br />

"Come on, you gu~ it's my dime!"<br />


RON<br />


Oceotl<br />


History Department Chairman<br />


Sigma <strong>Del</strong>ta<br />

American Society of Civil Engineers,<br />

Vice President<br />


Society for the Advancement of Management,<br />

Vice President<br />


Sailors Ball<br />

Carnation Ball<br />

Homecoming House Decorations:<br />

best portrayal of theme<br />

and second place award<br />

I !<br />



Pete Bollman<br />


Kenneth Leonard<br />


Michael Jones<br />

Melvin Aken<br />

Richard Badami<br />

Joseph Blanco<br />

John Boaz<br />

Robert Brock<br />

Raj ph Carrier<br />

240<br />

George Anderson<br />

Roland Bible<br />

Robert Boal<br />

Keene Brewer<br />

Steve Brownell<br />

Dudley Dabbs<br />

Vance Mills<br />

Ernest Puckett<br />

Glen Thacher<br />

John Yeager<br />


William Truex<br />


)<br />

University of Virginia 1869<br />

San Diego State 1947<br />


Vice President<br />

134 Chapters<br />

BE S<br />

Dave Flucht<br />

Ned Holle<br />

Don Frinell<br />

Chris Igelman<br />

Ken Fussell<br />

Larry Isham<br />

Ron Geske<br />

Lynn Johnson<br />

WaltGibson<br />

Dale Kennedy<br />

Bob Goodell<br />

Dale Demes<br />

AI Gutierrez<br />

Cliff Kinney<br />

Dave Rail<br />

Frank Lindeburg<br />

Joe Hasenauer<br />

Al Lizzano<br />

on<br />


hom<br />

award<br />

T<br />

TRE<br />

John<br />

RER<br />

peckmann<br />

Doug Aebischer<br />

Denny Aiken<br />

Nick Alessio<br />

Art Anker<br />

Dick Beveridge<br />

Curt Blackburn<br />

242<br />

John Adamske<br />

Ben Allen<br />

Gene Anderson<br />

Walt Beerle<br />

Greg Birch<br />

Bob Brimhall<br />

Gary McCauley<br />

Henry Ramirez<br />

MikeSund<br />

Andy Mecca<br />

Jim Ray<br />

Terry Teudt<br />

Mike Miller<br />

Fred Reed<br />

Jobn Tyler<br />

Tom Morgan<br />

Doug Reid<br />

Bob Vail<br />

Geoffrey Murry<br />

Jim Ruiz<br />

Jim Webb<br />

Frank O'Dwyer<br />

Gary Schweitzer<br />

Ron Welch<br />

Mark Owens<br />

Sid Shankland<br />

Jim Welty<br />


Boston University 1909 San Diego State 1948<br />

Mike Cibrowski<br />

HOl\' REAUME<br />

President<br />

155 Chapters<br />



Gene Douglas<br />

Larry Forkner<br />

Jerry Ellis<br />

Ron Frindt<br />

eorg Engle<br />

teve Cird<br />

Bob Enochs<br />

Lee Grisson<br />

Greg Ervice<br />

BiIlHansen<br />

Pete Ezzell<br />

J 00 Harrison<br />

John Fehringer<br />

Mike Harrison<br />

Dave Fillmore<br />

Fred Hernandez<br />

Joe Filson<br />

Carl Iavelli<br />

Martin Fitzurka<br />

A Ian Jacobson<br />

Ll~W 1<<br />

<strong>Del</strong> udo te<br />




VI<br />

THE 'R R<br />

Joe Filson<br />

Roger Alford<br />

Vic Baker<br />

Jack Berry<br />

Bob Bubel<br />

Stan Burton<br />

Jim Carruthers<br />

244<br />

Steve Bailey<br />

Fred Ball<br />

Dick Blackwell<br />

Charles Buck<br />

Dan Carroll<br />

John Cary<br />

Ken Kessler<br />

Dave Paul<br />

PaulSoramur<br />

Torn Kuhns<br />

Darryl Pearson<br />

Mike Skiles<br />

Rod Kyle<br />

Mike Penn<br />

C:POrcTP 'i\ou k un<br />

Rich Long<br />

Ken PeterSon<br />

Jim Sterrett<br />

Rick Mason<br />

Tom Power<br />

Rod Sumpter<br />

Gerry McCracken<br />

John Quan<br />

Gary Terrell<br />

Don McDougal<br />

Terry Quinn<br />

Nick Watson<br />

John McGregor<br />

Rodger Rusch<br />

BobZito<br />

Garry eal<br />

Rick Schrupp<br />

Russ Zoller<br />


University of Virginia 1868<br />

San Diego State 1948<br />


President<br />

135 Chapters<br />

Larry Halter Tim Keane Pat Kelly Rill Leimbach Hal Long<br />

Dale Hilmen Bill IIfrey VicJacobsen<br />

teve Hughes<br />

Ron Long<br />

EVENTS<br />


Hom<br />

award<br />


I<br />


PRE 10 '.l T<br />

D nni Dieb<br />

TRE RER<br />

Keith Garland<br />

Gary Bennett<br />

Jeff Benter<br />

Jon Bilger<br />

Rodger Boman<br />

Joe Boschetto<br />

Jonn Lux<br />

Mike Philbin<br />

Gary Stone<br />

John McAnlis<br />

Tam Poland<br />

Mike Terrien<br />

Steve McAnlis<br />

John QUigley<br />

Bill Thomson<br />

Darryl McMullen<br />

George Romero<br />

Mike Thorsnes<br />

Bruce Montgomery<br />

Jim Roth<br />

Ned Underwood<br />

Pat lI1i1lar<br />

Denny Shea<br />

Bob Wagar<br />

Ron Myhro<br />

Robbie Slaughter<br />

Bob Watkins<br />

Dave Nenow<br />

Doug Snyder<br />

Bill Willett<br />

Tom Newbro<br />

Butch Sparks<br />

Bob York<br />

.Jim Pasto<br />

Bob Stivers<br />

George Zarkos<br />


University of Alabama 1856<br />

San Diego State 1949<br />

ROBERT<br />

President<br />

BLACK<br />

147 Chapters<br />

ENT ME BE 5<br />

J<br />

All-<br />

Skip Fritz<br />

Bob Kuhlken<br />

Tom Gable<br />

Richie Lawrence<br />

Tom Garrett<br />

John Lomac<br />

BobGault<br />

Chuck Lyndsay<br />

Bud Grubbs<br />

nennv MacDonald<br />

Mike Hager<br />

Tom Marckwardt<br />

Vance Hopkins<br />

AI Masterson<br />

EVENTS AND HO 0 5<br />

prin<br />

B<br />

nd Plac<br />

TRE RER<br />

Dick Troncone<br />

Bill Arnett<br />

Dan Bamberg<br />

Eddie Basko<br />

Joe Berg<br />

George Braun<br />

Charlie Cattell<br />

Tim Arnett<br />

Bill Barsz<br />

Bill Bauer<br />

Bob Black<br />

Ernie Casares<br />

Bill Clay<br />

Norm McVey<br />

Buddy Power<br />

Rick Van W oy<br />

Mark Monroe<br />

Don Ringsmilh<br />

George Walselh<br />

Jay Morgner<br />

Tom Pittsford<br />

Harvey Walseth<br />

Craig Nettles<br />

Jim Saxton<br />

Jerry Wesl<br />

Skip Newlon<br />

Tim Shoemaker<br />

Jim Wilson<br />

Mike Nordmarken<br />

Don Smith<br />

John Wishon<br />


Miami University 1855<br />

San Diego State 1949<br />


President<br />

135 Chapters<br />

Bob Bream<br />

Tony Clark<br />

Roy Burgh<br />

Ben Clay<br />



BE<br />

Lower Divi i lIL1th<br />

HOBEHT<br />

u<br />

DU.<br />

MJ<br />

pp<br />


Virginia Military Institute 1869 San Diego State 1960<br />


President<br />

153 Chapters<br />

S<br />

Jim Lane<br />

Don Learned<br />

Jim Males Mike Myers Phil NeiJl<br />

Dave Neish<br />

Dave Pais<br />

John Peiffer<br />

The Sigma Nu House is on Montezuma Road, south of the campus.<br />

Pete Quechenberger<br />

Eugene Rathmann<br />

Rill Stern<br />

nior<br />

tud nt<br />

EVENTS<br />

AND HONO S<br />

White Ro F rmsl<br />

IFe Bowling: Fir place<br />

IFe chola hip: Fi t place<br />


PRE IDE T<br />

Tom Kinn rsl y<br />

VICE PRE !DEl T<br />

Don Learn d<br />

E RET RY<br />

John Peiffer<br />

TRE<br />

Ted<br />

RER<br />

levee<br />

Paul Alsing<br />

Bob Baker<br />

John Becker<br />

Phil Bentley<br />

Bill Blose<br />

Gary Borer<br />

252<br />

Lee Terry<br />

Lyle VanNonnan<br />

Rich Tompkins<br />

Nick Volchok<br />

Bob Tyzzer<br />

Tony Wetherbee<br />


Richmond College 1901<br />

San Diego State 1947<br />


President<br />

170 Chapters<br />



\\ Ll B HHO\<br />

tI<br />

ntativ<br />

Daily Azt c:<br />

Dave Francis<br />

Jerry Hull<br />

Win Fuchs<br />

Tom 180m<br />

Bob Gaines<br />

Tom Jimenez<br />

Mike GuarnierI<br />

Mike Jones<br />

Richard Haan<br />

John Kaiser<br />

Jim Haislip<br />

John Kiefer<br />

Dean Hampe<br />

Dennis Kimbell<br />

Buzz Hallersley<br />

John Lacy<br />

ditor<br />

EVENTS<br />



OFF CERS<br />

PR<br />

Joe<br />

I E PRE<br />

John<br />

IDE<br />

ullivan<br />

Lacy<br />

IDEJ T<br />

John Adams<br />

Bob Agnew<br />

Ed Aldridge<br />

Barry Ault<br />

Dick Bachman<br />

Skip Barber<br />

254<br />

Tim MacNeil<br />

Mike Riley<br />

Leonard Trabka<br />

Jim Martins<br />

Mike Roark<br />

Ben Trovaten<br />

LarrY Murphy<br />

Dave Romero<br />

Bob Trovaten<br />

Doug Newcomb<br />

Ed Ryan<br />

Mike Ward<br />

Nick Nichols<br />

Duane Sceper<br />

Randy Weaver<br />

Craig Nodurft<br />

Steve Scott<br />

Mike Weintraub<br />

Brian Udell<br />

Ed Shenk<br />

Jim Wilson<br />

ECa T RY<br />

Tim Mac iJ<br />

TRE RER<br />

Walt Burrow<br />


Vincennes University 1897<br />

San Diego State 1949<br />


President<br />

90 Chapters<br />

Robert Hamilton<br />

Jim Hare<br />

Les Hardie<br />

Claire Higgins<br />

annual J<br />

E<br />

BE<br />

Iohn Lyon<br />

Dave Martin<br />

Dave May<br />

lim McClung<br />

Ron PetenoD<br />

Wally Prelle Randy Raycroft Jim Riner<br />

I<br />

I<br />

s<br />

=_ ...----<br />

_._._---<br />

-<br />

Bob Baldwin<br />

Mike Day<br />

Ion Fink<br />

Robert Fortin<br />

John Fox<br />

Gary Gundlach<br />

256 Rich Stewart<br />

Rod Verrips<br />

Stu Wilson<br />

-<br />

Dennis Stone<br />

Martin Wand,,"<br />

Andy Zeltins<br />


l<br />

Wesleyan University 1899<br />

San Diego State 1950<br />

DICK<br />

MARTIN<br />

President<br />


BER<br />

L<br />

F<br />

EVENTS A<br />

0 HO 0 S<br />

Vaught<br />

r<br />

Parl<br />

CHAPTER 0<br />

I<br />

PR 10<br />

Die 1 rtin<br />

F CERS<br />

utoriu<br />

258<br />

Gene Ambrosia<br />

Dick Bames<br />

Buddy Batiz<br />

Dick Berner<br />

Greg Boyer<br />

Skip Bratten<br />

Jobnnie Grant<br />

Tom Koesler<br />

Ray Olson<br />

Ted Sheldon<br />

Mike ThomPson<br />

r.a Henry HaimBOhn<br />

rryLee<br />

Fred Phillips<br />

Dave Sleet<br />

Randy Veal<br />

Kirby Hail<br />

Doug Lober<br />

Jim Perter<br />

John Snyder<br />

Bob Vezza<br />

Bob Hubon<br />

Roger Lober<br />

Richard Purtzer<br />

KenSovay<br />

Chesler Walts<br />

Lynn Hull<br />

Claude Luben<br />

Paul Rasmussen<br />

"'leveSpadaro<br />

Larry Wickstrom<br />

Ma" Hwnphrey<br />

Bob MacFarlane<br />

Robert Rast<br />

Mike Stewart<br />

RobertWied<br />

Kent Jonas<br />

Bob Marabrens<br />

William Reid<br />

Jerry Storm<br />

Dick Wilhelmi<br />

Steve Kaplan<br />

Jerry Maxwell<br />

Chris Roberts<br />

"Rob Stover<br />

Doug Willingham<br />


Norwich University 1856<br />

San Diego State 1947<br />



President .<br />

130 Chapters<br />


Dl<br />


Ken Gardner<br />

Tom Larson<br />

Thomas Gilliland<br />

Bruce Luyendyk<br />

Bill Ginn<br />

Tim Mathis<br />

Cliff Hansen<br />

Mike McCluskey<br />

Jim Hardy<br />

Chuck McCutcheon<br />

DaveHendricks<br />

Chip Megeath<br />

Ken Hopke<br />

Cande Mendoza<br />

Mike Jaques<br />

Mike Midlam<br />

Dave Johnson<br />

Mike Moser<br />

Theta Chi-Alpha Chi Omega Homecoming float<br />

EVENTS<br />

AND HONO S<br />

Dr m Old formal<br />

nnual Pajama P rt<br />

If Football: third pi c ,<br />

Hom corning Float" honorahl .. m fill II<br />

Steve Altamirano<br />

Ed Ashman<br />

Jerry Belch<br />

Jim Bookout<br />

Jim Burke<br />

Jack Colbert<br />

260<br />

Fred Anderson<br />

Jules Barad<br />

Richard Bennett<br />

Did. Buck<br />

Al Campbell<br />

Jerry Connol'<br />

Bob Price<br />

Jim Rose<br />

Mark Trap<br />

Mike Purcell<br />

Chuck Rowland:<br />

Boh VanStelle<br />

Tim Rager<br />

Richard Skoog<br />

Gregg Walters<br />

Ron Ramoa<br />

Ken Sieiner<br />

Don Weaver<br />

TRE RER<br />

Jim Welch<br />


New York City College 1898<br />

San Diego State College 1951<br />

L<br />

I<br />


Pre id nt<br />

Ron Brav<br />

Alex Brucker<br />

Mark Breier<br />

Barry Chass<br />

Kenneth Brown<br />

Harvey Chernack<br />

61 Chapters<br />

PRO E E<br />

Gene Calker<br />

Bartley Doctor David Farber Craig Hattem Fred Himouits<br />

Dennis Kaplan<br />

Darryl Klein<br />

Louis Kraft<br />

lohn Kramer<br />

EVE<br />

TS A 0 HO~NClRS<br />

lI,mwe< III III<br />

s<br />

Bob Abelson<br />

Roland Barach<br />

Bob Bass<br />

nan Bergman<br />

Simon Brafman<br />

Mel Brav<br />

262<br />

Bob Kwint<br />

Ron Lessen.'<br />

Larry Okm 1n<br />

Bob Singer<br />

Bill Lamden<br />

Paul Levin<br />

Steve Penn<br />

Phil Sosna<br />

lay Lieberman<br />

Roger Lowitz<br />

Mark Rosen<br />

Jerry Tappan<br />

Cary Leeds<br />

Craig Missler<br />

Mike Rossman<br />

Morris Winicki<br />

Rich Lelanol<br />

Ron Mallick<br />

Marc i1vermllD<br />

Shelden Zemen

Tau Kappa Epsilon Daughters of Diana Sigma Phi Epsilon Sweethe r<br />

Daughters of Diana, auxiliary to Tau<br />

Kappa Epsilon Fraternity, was founded in<br />

May, 1963, to serve as active members in<br />

as i ting the endeavors of the fraternity,<br />

Membership in Daughters of Diana is<br />

limited to twenty girls. They are chosen<br />

by the active chapter, and initiated for.<br />

mally, at which time they receive their<br />

pins.<br />

Activities for this year included a service<br />

project to collect clothes for the underpriviliged<br />

of Tiajuana, a day at the zoo<br />

with a group of orphans, the traditional<br />

Christmas party for the fraternity, and a<br />

football game with the Sweethearts of the<br />

Diamond.<br />

Officers are Fran Wargo, president; Kathy<br />

Upshaw, vice president; Carolyn Reusch,<br />

secretary; Judy Scheetz, treasurer. FacuIty<br />

adviser is Raymond D. Dahlin.<br />

row 1 .Ijrom left}; JU?y Sheetz, Fran Wargo, Cathy Upshaw, Carol Grant. ROW 2: Jo<br />

r nn Floyd, Sharon Shirly, Johanne Kuntz, Dottie Sims Carolyn Reusch Cathy Duell,<br />

Lmda Taylor. "<br />

h Beso an Susie Adams, Mary Ellen<br />

ROW 1 (from left); Bar~ara An?erw?,\ SJ a~~~nMcAle~r, Diane Eaton, Sandy Pearson,<br />

Hecker. ROW 2: Sue Mathis, Phyllis Eh]a ini c I P Wilson Nancy Hines, Chandra<br />

J duy Carter, Gayle Christiansen, Nancy I sen, am ,<br />

Alexander, Chic Duggan.<br />

Pi Kappa Alpha Sweethearts of the Diamond<br />

Sigma Alpha<br />

Epsilon ~it_t_l,e.~S~is~e_r-.-..---~_~_---- ..<br />

Pi Kappa Alpha's auxiliary, Sweethear~s of<br />

the Diamond was founded at San DIego<br />

State in. '1961. Its purpose is to aid and<br />

promote the interests of Pi Kappa ~lpha,<br />

and to act as an association of. gIrlS to<br />

promote the general welfare of the group.<br />

Officers of the twenty-five member au~il·<br />

iary are president, Sheila Bhalla; VIce<br />

president, Caroline Boudine; secretar~<br />

treasurer, Loretta Doherty; and rus<br />

chairman, Elaine Durkin,<br />

Activities of the Sweethearts of the<br />

Diamond included a bake sale, assista?ce<br />

to Pi Kappa Alpha during r~sh, servIll l1<br />

at fraternity dinners, and playmg baseb~l<br />

and volleyball games with other aUXI'<br />

iaries.<br />

Little Sisters of Minerva was the ~irst<br />

fraternity auxiliary on the San DIego<br />

State campus whose mem bers hirp<br />

was<br />

recognized by the national chapter. M~m.<br />

bership in Little Sisters of Minerva gives<br />

recognition to those girls on campus w;o<br />

have proved their enthusiasm and loya ~y<br />

to Cal Theta chapter of Sigma Alp a<br />

Epsilon.<br />

. . Presid t I' ts activities of<br />

MIke Bnnnen, resi en, IS "<br />

the auxiliary as including a servlc~ pr~ject<br />

for underprivileged children III d e<br />

San Diego area, conducted with the pIe g~<br />

class assistance during IFC rush, gene:a<br />

, . d active<br />

promotion of the fratermty,. an Al h<br />

support to all functions of SIgma P a<br />

Epsilon.<br />

. v' P 'dent Claire<br />

Other officers are Ice resi d<br />

Ward Secretary Maridell Evans, ~n<br />

, . h F It adVIser<br />

Treasurer Chns Murp y. acu y<br />

is Dr. Will M. Kidwell.<br />

ikki Arm ani no Judy John n, Jean<br />

ROW 1 (from left); ChR~WRh2~adEiizab th Meek, aily Han nbec k,<br />

R<br />

J~ii' t<br />

omaC, Maridell Evans. : Mamie Black. R W 3: Lou ,~y I ,IS,<br />

~ettag, Mike Brinn~n, JWanetLaB~~'<br />

d<br />

Beckwith, hri Murphy, Gigi Iartin,<br />

P Bowen ClaIre aru, .<br />

eggy V W' y Margie Sundquist-<br />

Suzzane on 0,<br />


Lambda Chi Alpha<br />

Crescents<br />

uxiliary to Lambda Chi Alpha Fraternity,<br />

th rescent , promote campus affairs and<br />

community interest in the fraternity.<br />

Highlight for this year were a baseball<br />

gam with the chapter, an auction of<br />

r cent members for three hours of work,<br />

and a lemonade sale at the annual "Little<br />

500. "<br />

Pre idem and Crescent Girls Vickie Gray,.<br />

report d that the auxiliary also gave gifts<br />

to the fraternity for Christmas. The twelve<br />

Crescents Support Lambda Chi Alpha by<br />

serving dinner during rush.<br />

Crescent was founded at San Diego State<br />

in October of 1961. Other officers include<br />

Jan Miller, vice president; Karen Boyce<br />

and Judy Orman, secretaries, and Joy<br />

Moody, treasurer.<br />

ROW I (from . left): Jane Graves, Joy Moody, Vickie Gray, .Karen Boyce, Judy Orman.<br />

ROW 2: VICtoria Ottem, Linda Menzie, Jan Miller.<br />

<strong>Del</strong>ta Sigma Phi Sweethearts of the Nile<br />

Pledges and "Little Sisters" football game.<br />

Alpha Tau Omega<br />

little Sisters of the<br />

Maltese Cross<br />

d' 1962 to aid the Epsilon Psi<br />

"Little Sisters" was founde III F it This year the<br />

h T 0 ega raterru y.<br />

Chapter of Alp a au m hedule of activities, be.<br />

"Little Sisters" pursued a full .sc h In celebration of<br />

g. . . h f II ith fratermty rus . ."<br />

mmng III tea WI h d "Little SIsters<br />

. h· Iid th brat ers an<br />

the Christmas a I a/s e h f t ity house for a party,<br />

went caroling, Returmng to t e r~ edm nd presented with<br />

the "Little Sisters" were entertaIlle. '. ~ included a Big<br />

S CI Other actrvities I .<br />

gifts from anta. aus. d "Little Sister" auction<br />

Brother Banquet m Mayan a<br />

in April.<br />

K<br />

N . Leland president; ay<br />

Fall semester officers were an?ll ta'ry' Kay Porter,<br />

. id t :<br />

Porter, vice presl en,<br />

Tina<br />

I<br />

Dai<br />

d'L'<br />

secre,<br />

Humber presi<br />

id<br />

ent;<br />

. ffi . I de mn ,<br />

treasurer. Spnng a Ice~s me Us I B ndurant secretary;<br />

Chery I Kuhn, vice president ; e ene a ,<br />

Lynn Kaleta, treasurer.<br />

1 d clas: at "Little i 1 r .,<br />

- Pyramid made ~: the gl Kuh'n, Lynn Kolet». H( 1<br />

Martyn. MIDDL 'R dll FRO T: Jill olwn,<br />

Kay Porter, Lynn an a ,<br />

Sweethearts of the Nile, auxiliary to <strong>Del</strong>ta<br />

Sigma Phi was founded in February, 1963<br />

by fraternity, members, to war k'<br />

III pr 0.<br />

moting the fraternity with spirit and enthusiasm.<br />

. Lennan, Nanci Leland, Kip<br />

]'11 Warren LInda Me 1 K hn Linn Humber,<br />

ROW 1 (from lejt), Karen Tho;pp.n, e l Selene Bondurant, Ch¥y Dail' Kathee Corso.<br />

Munz, Linda Gano. RO~ 2: Jo~ 3IerK~y Porter, Susie Ross, ina ,<br />

Lynn Kaleta, Carol Da.bIla. .<br />

Judy Gottlieb, Diane WIlson.<br />

This year the auxiliary aided the fraternity<br />

by serving at important fraternity f~nc'<br />

tionsincluding dinners and rush parties.<br />

They sponsored a New Year's Eve Dance,<br />

. To<br />

and an Easter party for the fraternity- d<br />

raise funds for the organization, they ha<br />

a car wash and a candy sale.<br />

Their officers incl ude Gwen Bucknell, pres·<br />

ident; Ellen !liesch, vice president; Barbara<br />

Hollwinski, secretary-treasurer.<br />

ROW I (from left): Ellen Heesen Charlene Martyn B b FI<br />

Barbara Branr, Janilee Hamner, Br~nda Lee. ROW i. B~:n~a F ukey, Marsha Hurda,<br />

Hawley Lmke, Kahty Finn, Cheryl Weedman Barbara if 1 . a<br />

k<br />

. eGnt?n, Gwen Bucknell,<br />

' a ewms I, all Chambers.<br />

266<br />

'\ {<br />


s ~::K1:i C:»:1'S<br />

S~::K1~ 0:1'.<br />

S E!):o.io:1' _<br />

2-<br />

:a<br />

a<br />

~<br />

Our expanding campus<br />

"Expansion of knowledge has brought you ... "<br />

Empty now, but soon filled with black caps and gowns.<br />

The Mall is a doorway to the future.

Cap and Gown<br />

Blue Key<br />


Chancellor<br />

Cap and Gown is a senior honorary organization for the women of<br />

SDS who have excelled in three fields of college endeavor and<br />

maintained a high scholastic average. The purpose of the organization<br />

is to provide cooperation between the honor societies for women,<br />

advance the spirit of service and fellowship, recognize and encourage<br />

leadership, and stimulate and develop a finer type of college woman.<br />

Cap and Gown sponsors a leadership seminar, awards a scholarship<br />

each year, and works with Blue Key in sponsoring a rummage sale.<br />

Members not pictured are Bonnie Rogers, Marie Sund and Barbara<br />

Taylor.<br />


President<br />

The purpose of Blue Key. is to<br />

provide leadership and ser~lCe for<br />

the college through orgamzed effort<br />

of the leaders in various area<br />

of student endeavor. Blue Key offers<br />

its membership to men who<br />

have shown particular distinction<br />

in at least two fields of colleg<br />

activity and maintained hig~ sc~o.<br />

lastic standards. The orgamzation<br />

gives two scholarships to outstanding<br />

lower division students~ and<br />

sponsors annually one alum;l1 ban-<br />

.quet which has been recognized by<br />

the college administratio,n a.s. an<br />

important means of m~llllalllmg<br />

contact with outstandmg SDS<br />

alumni.<br />

Maureen Hill<br />

Evonne Noll<br />

Alice Hsu<br />

Ruth Reichert<br />

Wanda Ligon<br />

Jenny Rindone<br />

Martha MacKirdy<br />

Shannon Solomon<br />

Jim Ashcraft<br />

Steve Evans<br />

Gary Branstetter<br />

Jerry Harmon<br />

Natalie Ault<br />

Barbara Browne<br />

Eileen Davy<br />

Barbara Ferver<br />

270<br />

Frances Baker<br />

Alice Budzinski<br />

Madelon Ezell<br />

Dot Hartman<br />

Mike Lembeck<br />

Bob OdIe<br />

Joe Sullivan<br />

Jerry Varon<br />

Tom Logan<br />

Jim treet<br />

Doug Townsend<br />

Bob While<br />


Who's Who in American<br />

Colleges and Universities<br />

Dennis Moore<br />




ADAMS<br />



Zoolo~y: Si~ma Chi; MOUREEN ADAMS<br />

Speech Therapy; Aztec Home Economics:<br />

Elementary Education;<br />


Oceorl, A.M.S.Council: Elementary Eduration:<br />

Band. secretary; Gamma Phi Beta; SCTA; Track; Crew.<br />

AGUILERA Marketing; Society for<br />

Rugby Club. president,<br />

SCTA; Anahuac.<br />

Broces i Anahuac.<br />

Home Economics Cluh. ROBERT H.<br />

Social Science. the Advancement of<br />

historian.<br />

Management; American<br />


\farketing Association.<br />

Physics;<br />


igma Pi ROGER ALFORD<br />

Secretarial Manage- MARY ALI<br />


igma.<br />

Marketing; Lambda<br />

ment ; Pi Beta Phi;<br />

Elementary Education;<br />


Chi Alpha.<br />

Journalism; Gamma ANDERSON<br />

Ski Club; Ten Best<br />

Olmeea Hall.<br />

Social Science;<br />

Phi Beta, president, Social Science; <strong>Del</strong>ta<br />

Dressed; Junior Cless<br />

Anahuac; Aztec Sailing<br />

corresponding secretary; Zeta; Sigma Nu<br />

Secretary.<br />

Club.<br />

Iota Nu Kappa; Aztec<br />

Serpentines; Intel-<br />

Staff.<br />

r.ational Student<br />


! I<br />


Elementary Education<br />

Concert Choir; SCT A.<br />


Elementary Education;<br />

Kappa Alpha Theta;<br />

Anahuac; Pi Lambda<br />

Theta.<br />


Educalion; Alpha<br />

Epsilon Phi.<br />

JOHN T. BELL<br />

English; Lambda Chi<br />

Alpha; Freshman<br />

Council.<br />


Soc:iolo ; Lamhcl. hi<br />

Alpha; ial Weir ...<br />

.nd Co~tion lub·<br />

Wreatlinc ttlm, t,..l~tr.<br />


Industrial Arts.'<br />

Who's Who<br />

In American<br />



Business Mana~ement:<br />

Society (or the<br />

Advancement of<br />

Management.<br />


Secretarial Mana~t'.<br />

~ent: Beta Gamma<br />

Sigma.<br />


Elementary Education.<br />


S()('Jolo~)': Newman<br />

Cluh: Alrha Lambda<br />

<strong>Del</strong>ta.<br />


Industrial Artl,;'<br />

Epsilon Pi Tau',<br />



F.~ementary Edu('alion'<br />

Sigma Chi. .<br />



Home E('onomic~.<br />


General Elemf'ntaT}"<br />

Dean's List. .<br />


Zoology.<br />


Elementary Eduration'<br />

Alrha Gamma <strong>Del</strong>ta .<br />

Vice president: Spur!":<br />

VALERIA A.<br />

BAUMAN<br />

Spanish; Spurs'<br />

AnahuaC". .<br />


BELTZ '<br />

General·Pre·Legal·<br />

Anahuac; United'<br />

Campu!' Christian<br />

Fellowship.<br />


Hislory: Phi Alrha<br />

Thet~: F reshman Class<br />

President.<br />


Elementary Education'<br />

D~nn Counetl: Maya .<br />

Win,:! President.<br />



Mathematic'S'<br />


BlOlo~: Sisma Alpha<br />

Epsilon.<br />



Elementar)' Education:<br />

Olmeca Hall, vice president<br />

: SCTA: Junior<br />

Class Treasurer: Pep<br />

Board Secretary.<br />



Mathematics: Alrha<br />

Lambda <strong>Del</strong>ta.<br />


Arcounting . Alpha Xi<br />

<strong>Del</strong>ta, vice president:<br />

Canterhury.<br />



Business Management.<br />


Pre-Legal: Pi Kappa<br />

Alpha; Aztec Ski Club.<br />

FRED L.<br />


General major; Alpha<br />

Epsilon Rho; KEBS<br />

staff, announcer. menaging<br />

news editor.<br />

Colleges and Universities<br />

Jim Street<br />


Soclolo~: Alrha Xi<br />

<strong>Del</strong>ta; Social W k<br />

Correction (Iuh,or and<br />


BIERMA<br />


BOJACK<br />

Accounting; Wesley<br />

Foundation; Amold<br />

Air Society.<br />

Pre-legal major Jim Street wa lected fOJ:<br />

Who's Who last year. He has b en fr h-<br />

man class president, lower and upper division<br />

representative to the A Council,<br />

and Activities Board chairman. Jim erved<br />

as vice president of Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity<br />

and was selected for membership<br />

in Blue Key and Oceotl. A January, 1965,<br />

graduate, Jim will continue his studies in<br />

law school.<br />




Chemistry: AIph. Social Wellare; Social<br />

Lam hda <strong>Del</strong>ta. ~:b~and Corrections<br />


Marketing; Pi Kappa<br />

Alpha; Lectures and<br />

Concerto Board.<br />

274<br />


MICrobiology; Pbi M<br />

Epsilon; Roger u<br />


Social Welfa... ERS Williams Cluh' Int<br />



Elementary Education'<br />

Wing President, ,<br />

Maya Hall,<br />



BOYCE<br />

Zoology, Pre-Dental; Pi<br />

Kappa Alpha ; Aztec<br />

ki Club;<br />

AescuJapians.<br />

GERALD R.<br />


Management:<br />

for Ad"'ancement<br />

\tana~ement.<br />

iery<br />

of<br />

(;ARY K. BRAGE<br />

... -ial ience ; Tau<br />

Kappa Epsilon.<br />

U A 'CAROL<br />


Elementary Education.<br />

tEL BRAV<br />

Ceneral Major; Zeta<br />

Bela Tau. vice presi.<br />

denl; Rugby Club.<br />

LI 'OA BR Y<br />

Elementary Educal;on'<br />

Kappa <strong>Del</strong>ta Pi. '<br />


BUNCH<br />

Elementary Education;<br />

Anahuac; SCTA;<br />

Baptist Student Union.<br />



Mathematics; American<br />

Statistical Association;<br />

Institute of Mathematical<br />

Studies.<br />

DON L. BUTTS<br />

Marketing; American<br />

Marketing Association.<br />


BURGAD<br />

Elementary Education;<br />

Kappa Alpha Theta.<br />


BURNS<br />

Electronics Engineering.<br />


Psychology; Anhuac.<br />

LOUIS W.<br />


Ar-countiug ; Dean's List.<br />


Botany: Water Polo<br />

Team.<br />




Social Sciences: Chi<br />

Omega; <strong>Del</strong> Sudoeue,<br />

Sorority Editor; Little<br />

Sisters of Minerva.<br />


Elementary Education;<br />

Zapotec Wing, vice<br />

president, secretary,<br />

treasurer; Anahuac.<br />



Elementary Education;<br />

Hillel.<br />


Elementary Education;<br />

Pep Club.<br />


Zoology.<br />


Speec-h and Hearing; English: Olmeca Hall,<br />

Brorns ; International President, Resident<br />

Student Association;<br />

Newman Club.<br />

Assistant; Anahuac.<br />


Physical Education i<br />

CAHPER; CT,\.<br />


PSl""holo~y.<br />

STANLEY T.<br />


General, Physlca]<br />

cience: Tennis.<br />

Marketing A .....or-Iattou.<br />

..."RIlY J. IlURN~;Tr<br />

Markt>lin~; Pi K'llp.<br />

Alpha j Artlf'riC'an<br />

CI. YD~; J. IlU 'HO E<br />

"Jl(,,(,,(,h ArLA: Anahultr;<br />

Kappa <strong>Del</strong>ta Pi.<br />

U~ VI/) CAl't:IIAHT<br />

Sodolo~y: Alpha Ph,<br />

OITlt"l!a: Wf'~ley<br />

"oundation.<br />

276<br />



Elementary Education'<br />

Alpha Phi; Aztec Ski'<br />

Club; SCTA.<br />


Speech Arts; Hillel.<br />



Elementary Eduration:<br />

Alpha Phi, Secretary;<br />

SCTA; Ten Best<br />

Dressed.<br />


Elementary Education.<br />


CARR<br />

Elementary Education.<br />


Mathematics; Sigma<br />

Alpha Epsilon;<br />

Dean's List.<br />

ROSS A,<br />


Accounting.<br />


CHANEY,<br />

Elementary Education.<br />



Physics; Sigma Pi<br />

Sigma, President.<br />


Economics; Alpha Phi<br />

Omega; Circ1e-K;<br />

Anahuac.<br />


Speech Correction;<br />

Aztec Ski Club; Broces,<br />

vice-president.<br />



Elementary Education;<br />

Chi Orflega; Spurs, vicepresident;<br />

SCTA.<br />

JEFFREY L.<br />


Radio and Television<br />

Broadcasting; Alpha<br />

Epsilon Rbo, President.<br />


Elementary Education;<br />

Pi Bela Pbi;<br />

Lambda <strong>Del</strong>ta Sigma.<br />



Spanish; Sociedad<br />

Hispanica; Alpha Mu<br />

Gamma.<br />




Mechanical Engineer.<br />

ing; let)" of A utomorive<br />

Engineers: Arnold<br />

Air Society.<br />

GAYLE<br />


Journalism: Gamma Phi<br />

Beta. secretary; igma<br />

Phi Epsilon weerhearts:<br />

Irho's iT'ho' <strong>Del</strong><br />

•iudbeste, Editor.tn-·<br />

chief I Daily Aztec, sociely<br />

edilor: Publica.<br />

tions Board, secretary.<br />

";\REX<br />

Ceneral.<br />

E CHRI<br />

TY<br />


~[atht'mat; ..<br />


Real Esrere : Tau Kappa<br />

Epsilon:iel,. lor the<br />

Advan(-eme-OI of<br />

'fan_gemenl.<br />


Phy i : il:Jl1a Pi<br />

igm •.<br />


CONWAY Industrial Arts; Alpha Physical Science; COOKE CRE TETTO Art; Aetee Engtn f)1<br />

Spanish; Alpba Mu Lambda <strong>Del</strong>ta. Rugby Cluh; Intra- Engineering; Alpha Tau Elementary Education, artist.<br />

Gamma. mural Handball; Omega; Soddy of Dean's List.<br />

Newman Club. Automotive Engineers.<br />


KL L RK Physical Education. CORDELL English. Physical Education; COUCH Elementary Education; CflO LEY<br />

ial ienee. Social Welfare; Chi CAHPER; Varsity Foot· Accounting; <strong>Del</strong>ta Las Meninas. Busin 8 Education;<br />

Omega; Freshman Co un- hall Manager; Newman Zeta; SDSC Accounting Anahua" Karma <strong>Del</strong>la<br />

RO ER R. LARK<br />

cil , Fine Arts Board, Club. Society. Pi; Pi Omega Pi.<br />

i.I ience : iFma secretary i Little Sisters<br />

hi : Va...;ly Foolhall;<br />

of the Maltese Cross.<br />

Va",il)' Baaeball.<br />


CHARLES COX LEO E. SHIRLEY L. ROBERT HERMAN A. L. CREATURA Fine Arts; Interdcrm Elem ntary Eduoalion;<br />

Psychology; United CHA WFORD JR. CRAWFORD CREAMER Marketing; OceotI i<br />

Council, advisor. CTA.<br />

Campus Christian Fel- Social Science; Elementary Education; Speech Arts; Foothall, American Marketing Aslowshtp.<br />

Anahuac. Anahuac; Kappa manag-er; SDSC Young sor-iation: Puhlic Rela·<br />

<strong>Del</strong>ta Pi. Repubicans; Aztec Ski lions Board; journal of<br />

Club. Business, editor.<br />

Who's Who in American<br />

Colleges and Universities<br />

278<br />



Elementary Education:<br />

Pi Beta Ph i, secretary'·<br />

Sigma Nu Serpentenes:<br />

secretary-treasurer;<br />

Anahuac.<br />


Microbiology.<br />


Physics; Sigma Pi<br />

Sigma.<br />


Elementary Education.<br />


Geography; Arnold Air<br />

Society; Gamma Theta<br />

Upsilon.<br />


Nursing; Student Nur,:;e<br />

Association; 'Newman<br />

Cluh.<br />

\lICHAEL J.<br />


~o~'ial Science; Sigma<br />

Chi: <strong>Del</strong> Sudoeste,<br />

fraternity editor;<br />

Varsity Foothall.<br />



Elementary EJucation'<br />

Alpha Xi <strong>Del</strong>ta; serA;<br />

A WS, secretary,<br />

vire·rre~ideT1t.<br />

THOMAS D.<br />


Social Science.<br />


Er-onom ir-s; Theta Chi'<br />

Junior Var~ity Crew. '<br />



E('onomic's, Pre-Legal;<br />

Lambda Chi Alpba;<br />

Dorm Resident Assistanti<br />

Gre~k Week, CochaIrman<br />

King and<br />

Queen Committee'<br />

Dean's List j Eco~omicJo;<br />

Honor Society.<br />

RERNARD F.<br />


fiusiness EdUt'stion'<br />

Amel'i{'all'Marketin~<br />

A!:'sQ{'iation: SDSC Acj~oullting<br />

Sotiety:<br />

SCT A; Pi Omega Pi<br />

J)~esident: Kappa Dei18<br />

PI; Beta Camma Sigma.<br />


COBB<br />

Philosophy; Pi Beta<br />

Ph" Ten Best Dressed<br />

Women on Campus.<br />



Home Economics'<br />

Home Economics 'Club<br />


COLVIN<br />

General Elementary<br />

~ducation; Aztec Ski<br />

Club; Aztec Sailing<br />

Club.<br />


~Iu,ic; Alpha Xi <strong>Del</strong>ta.<br />

Sigma Alpha Iota. '<br />

~ll1si(' ~ducators NatIOnal<br />

Conference;<br />

SCT A; Newman Club.<br />

linda<br />

Thompson<br />

AS Secretary Linda Thompson has be:n<br />

freshman representative to the AS. Coun~ll,<br />

Pi Beta Phi house manager, Spring Smg<br />

chairman, Angel Flight vice president; and<br />

Fine Arts Board chairman. Selected as<br />

Homecoming Queen in the fall, Linda has<br />

also held the titles of Military Ball Queen<br />

and Freshman Woman of the Year. After<br />

graduation she plans to .ear~ a gene;al<br />

secondary teaching credentIal m her major<br />

field, art.

HARON<br />


Elementary Education:<br />

AWS Dorm<br />

Representative.<br />



Elementary Education:<br />

AIpha Xi <strong>Del</strong>ta; <strong>Del</strong>ta<br />

Omicron Epsilon:<br />

SeTA; elementary vicepresident;<br />

Senior Class<br />

Council: We~ley Foundation.<br />

SUSAN D.<br />


Business Education;<br />

Alpha Chi Omega;<br />

Aztec Ski Club, secretary;<br />

Pi Omega Pi;<br />

CBEA.<br />


Elementary Education.<br />


Elementary Education;<br />

Kappa <strong>Del</strong>ta Pi.<br />


Nursing; Student Nurse<br />

Association. second vicepresident.<br />


Home Economics;<br />

Home Economic's Club.<br />


English; Donn Resident<br />

Assistant; Kappa <strong>Del</strong>ta<br />

Pi; Cetza; SCTA;<br />

Alpha Lamhda <strong>Del</strong>ta;<br />

Inter-varsity Christian<br />

Fellowship.<br />

WILLIAM F.<br />


Social Studies; SCTA.<br />


Physical Education;<br />



History; Sigma Chi.<br />

CHARLES E.<br />

DAVIS JR.<br />

Chemistry; Sigma Phi<br />

Epsilon; Student Affiliates<br />

of American<br />

Chemical Society:<br />

Finance Board.<br />



Public Administration;<br />

Alpha Phi Omega.<br />


Social Science.<br />


Business Education;<br />

SCTA; CBEA.<br />


Social Science; Kappa<br />

<strong>Del</strong>ta Pi; College Bowl<br />

Finalist.<br />


DIERKS<br />

Education; Anahuac;<br />

Newman Cluh.<br />



Psychology.<br />


Elementary Education;<br />

SCTA.<br />


Elementary Education:<br />

SCT A; Noel Bouley<br />

Scholarship; Lane<br />

Bryant Scholarship.<br />

HABON LO' r-<br />

OO Nt::ILY<br />

M.lh,m.uu: Alph.<br />

L.mbd.O h.;<br />

Anahu •.<br />

EVA 00 -TAL<br />

Du in Edu, at on;<br />

l~m. Alph. I 1&.<br />

j ANt. Y ELAI t:<br />

DRYER<br />

MU!'ic, Alph. G.mm.<br />

<strong>Del</strong> ... : Mu Ir Edur ......<br />

Ilional nv nuon oj<br />

Pi L.mbd. Th .....<br />

MAB ,ARU LEE<br />

DUDLEY<br />

En lr h; Alph. C.mm.<br />

<strong>Del</strong> ..., second virr<br />

pr""idtnt.<br />

JENNY M.ARIA Dl:Kt.<br />

t;ngla h: Inltr·Dorm<br />

Council, Pte dent;<br />

He Id nt A I WIt.<br />

KARL D KE<br />

\tarkrting; Arn.n«n<br />

M..rkrting AIIlIOCI.tlon.<br />

urro<br />

MORRl<br />

DU AN<br />

BUlin man.sement;<br />

tuden Cor Freedom;<br />

tudenla Cor Goldw.ter;<br />

W esley Foundation.<br />


DUNN.<br />

Art; Alph. Chi Omtgo..<br />

280<br />


DAVY<br />

Home Ef;OllonJi('~; <strong>Del</strong>ta<br />

Zeta, fjt'c-president:<br />

Home Economics Club;<br />

Las Meninas , SCTA·<br />

Anahuac; Kappa Deita<br />

Pi; Alpha Lamhda<br />

<strong>Del</strong>ta, vice-president;<br />

Cap and Gown,<br />

l'orrt'spollding set:retary,<br />


Elt>mentary Education'<br />

~elta Zeta; Newman .<br />

Cluh; SCTA.<br />



History; Phi Alpha<br />

Theta; Alpha I.ambda<br />

<strong>Del</strong>ta.<br />


DEANE<br />

Pre.legal; Sigma Chi.<br />

HORERT A.<br />


Geography; Toltec Hall,<br />

:-;enetary; Gamma Theta<br />

Upsilon; Robert Shield<br />

Foundatioil Sf'holarshiIJ.<br />


Mathemati('s: International<br />

Student Assoriatioll;<br />

Newman Cluh,<br />


Indu~trial Arts; Industrial<br />

Arts Club·<br />

Epsilon Pi Tau:<br />


Mathematics.<br />


IlE LONG<br />

!:t'ography; Gamma<br />

Iheta Upsilon; Ameri-<br />

(',an ~larketing AssaciatHlIl,<br />



AnthropoJo~y.<br />


So(·iolo~y; Alpha Chi<br />

Ome~a: Aztee Ski<br />

Club; Social Work and<br />

Correction Cluh; Las<br />

Meninas.<br />


DE VORE<br />

Mathematics.<br />

DOUGLAS A.<br />

DE:lIELL<br />

I nsurance : Tulter- Hall<br />

Win#! Prr~idt'nt: A III t'.rir-an<br />

Ma rkerinn Assorialion.<br />

K. D. DEVINE<br />

F:n~illeerin~; Soc-iety of<br />

A lItomotive F.n#!ineer~,<br />

vi('e-president;<br />

Anahuac; Weloiley<br />

Foundation.<br />


Spanish.<br />


Home EconomICs;<br />

Alpha Lamhda<strong>Del</strong>ta;<br />

Ka pl'a <strong>Del</strong>ta PI.<br />

SUZANI~E V.<br />

DE VINE .<br />

Soeiolo~y; Alpha X,<br />

<strong>Del</strong>ta; Anahuac,;<br />

Wesley Foundation.<br />


Social S(:ience.<br />


Geology; Alpha Phi;<br />

Alpha Lambda <strong>Del</strong>ta;<br />

Panhellenic Secretary.<br />



EADS, II<br />

Music; Phi Mu Alpha;<br />

Music Educators National<br />

Convention.<br />

THOMAS H.<br />


Business Management;<br />

Society for the Advancement<br />

of Management.<br />


DUVALL<br />

English.<br />

English.<br />


Marketing; Sigma<br />

Alpha Epsilon; Aztec<br />

Ski Club; Aztec Sailing<br />

Club· American Marketin~<br />

Association.<br />


Business Administration.<br />


ECKLAR, JR.<br />

Accounting.<br />


Electrical Engineermg;<br />

Institute oC Electrical<br />

Engineers.<br />


EADS<br />

Biology,<br />


Elementary EducatIOn.<br />


Social Sciences; SCT A,<br />

vice-president.<br />



Psychology.<br />


EVANS<br />

Social Science.<br />


Geography; Sigma PI;<br />

Ganima Theta Upsilon.<br />


Elementary Education;<br />

Young Republicans.<br />



Elementary Education;<br />

Pi Beta Phi; Angel<br />

Flight; Alpha Lambda<br />

<strong>Del</strong>ta; Dean's List.<br />


FERVER<br />

English; Alpha Phi, .<br />

president i Panhellenic<br />

Rush Chairman; Aztec<br />

Ski Club, secretary,<br />

vice-president; Alpha<br />

Lambda <strong>Del</strong>ta; Cap and<br />

Gown; AS Activities<br />

Board.<br />


Home Economics; Mathematics; Wrcsllirtg.<br />

Home Economics Club.<br />

WINTllROP JOll<br />

F GiS<br />

1.0010 :. I n' Phi<br />

"I,iilon.<br />


Social Science; Lambda<br />

Chi Alpha, treasurer.<br />


Social Science.<br />

Who's Who<br />

In American<br />

Colleges and Universities<br />


Geography; Sigma Phi MARIE ROSARIO<br />

Elementary Education; Aztec Ski Club. PATRICIA ELLWOOD JOH P. EURICH<br />

Epsilon; Gamma Theta ELLISON CLAUDIA EVANS<br />

Sigma Kappa; ·SCTA;<br />

Social Science. General Major; Theta<br />

Upsilon, President. Spanish.<br />

Elementary Education;<br />

Women's Athletic Asso-<br />

Chi; <strong>Del</strong> Sudoeste<br />

ciation.<br />

Anahuac.<br />

Sports Editor, 1961-62;<br />


Track.<br />

English; Anahuac. Psychology. GLORIA L. ENSIGN<br />

Business Education;<br />


Elementary Education. MADELON K. EZELL<br />


SCTA.<br />

English; Alpha Lambda<br />

Physics; Circle K;<br />

FALLON<br />

<strong>Del</strong>ta; Las Meninas;<br />

Sigma Pi Sigma. Mathematics; Track.<br />


Cap and Gown Eseou-<br />

Geography; Gamma Industrial Arts; SCTA; ROBERT ESTAVILLO<br />

ESCALERA, JR. DANNY RICHARD live Secretary; Dean's<br />

Theta Upsilon. Industrial Arts Club. General Major; Sigma<br />

English; Tau Kappa<br />

EULISS List.<br />

Chi; Varsity Baseball;<br />

Epsilon; Anahuac;<br />

Accounting; Account- ELAI<br />

CCAA AlI·Conference.<br />

E D. FEARS<br />

ing Society, President<br />


Aztec Ski Club.<br />

Geography; Gamma Elementary Education.<br />

and vice-president. Theta Upsil


GABLE<br />

Speech and Hearing<br />

Correction; Bocas,<br />

president; Anahuac;<br />

Newman Club.<br />


Sociology; Zeta Beta<br />

Tau, president, treasurer;<br />

AMS; File Nile<br />

Co-chairman; Greek<br />

Week Cbairman; IFC.<br />



Elementary Education;<br />

SCTA; Anahuac;<br />

United Campus<br />

Christian Fellowship.<br />


Physical Education;<br />

Home Economics Club;<br />

SPEC.<br />

PATRICK M.<br />


Arnold Air Society,<br />

president, vice-president;<br />

Anahuac; Nell<br />

man Club; Best Flig.<br />

Commander.<br />



Art.<br />


Social Science;<br />

Newman Club.<br />


Psychology.<br />




Banking aud Finence:<br />

GRAINGER . General.<br />

GOLDSMITH Elementary Education,<br />

English; Kappa <strong>Del</strong>ta PI.<br />

Aller Ski Club.<br />

Elementary Education; SCTA.<br />

Hillel.<br />



Nursing; Alphl Chi<br />

GRIFFIN Business M<br />

. Biology. GREENWOOD<br />

anagement.<br />

Geography; Gamma<br />

Omega: Sisters of h.-II<br />

Marketing; Inter-Dorm<br />

and Oar, presideni ; . tu~<br />

Council, president;<br />

Theta Upsilon; Freshdent<br />

Nurse ASSOClal10n.<br />

Resident Assistant. man Football.<br />

Freshmaft Orientation<br />

Week. chairman: A<br />

pedal Events Board:<br />

Roger William, Club.<br />




Chemistry; Student Af· Chemistry.<br />

Business Education;<br />

RICHARD GRINDL Social Science;<br />

filiates of American<br />

Alpha Chi Omega; Geology; Theta Chi; Phi Alpha Theta;<br />

Newman Club.<br />

Chemical Society.<br />

Pi Omega Pi. Varsity Crew.<br />

AIll)<br />


GARNET<br />

Mathematics; Anahuac.<br />


Engineering; Sigma<br />

Alpha Epsilon.<br />


Psychology; Mathemattics;<br />

Psi Chi; National<br />

Science Foundation.<br />



Elementary Education;<br />

Gamma Phi Beta, corresponding<br />

secretary;<br />

SCTA.<br />




Elementary Education;<br />

SCTA; Wesley Foundation.<br />



Art.<br />


Elementary Education;<br />

SCTA.<br />



Business Education;<br />

Gamma Phi Beta, treas-:<br />

urer; Newman Club;<br />

Pi Omega Pi.<br />


Mechanical Engineering;<br />

Aztec Engineer,<br />

feature editor.<br />

MICHAEL M.<br />


Public Administration;<br />

Arnold Air Society.<br />


Physical Education.<br />


GIROUX<br />

Elementary Education;<br />

<strong>Del</strong>ta Zeta; SCT A;<br />

Newman Club.<br />


GEORGE<br />

American Marketing<br />

AssQciation, vice·presi.<br />

dent.<br />


GIBSON<br />

Elementary Education j<br />

Alpha Phi; SCTA;<br />

Sweethearts of the<br />

Diamond. president;<br />

Senior Class Treasurer;<br />

<strong>Del</strong> Sudoeste, photo<br />

secretary.<br />


History.<br />


Social Science.<br />


GOLDIS<br />

Geology; Anahuac.<br />



Banking and Finance;<br />

Intramural Handball.<br />


HAGER<br />

Social Science ; Young<br />

Republicans; Anahuac.<br />


Elementary Educauon;<br />

Alpha Chi Omega.<br />

LARRY S.<br />



Grap h· rc<br />

Communication.<br />


HAHN<br />

Office Management;<br />

Society for the Advance·<br />

ment of Management.<br />



Public Administration.<br />


Elementary Education; .<br />

Aztec Ski Club; SCT A,<br />

Thespians.<br />

JANlLEE A.<br />

HAMMER .<br />

Art; Sigma Kappa:<br />

Anah',ac; Kappa PI.<br />


HADLEY, JR.<br />

Business Management;<br />

Pi Kappa Alpha; Society<br />

for the Advancement<br />

of Management; Basketball.<br />


Industrial Arts; Sigma<br />

Chi; Varsity Football.<br />


HALL<br />

Human Life and<br />

Family Development-<br />


HANCOCK .<br />

Elementary Edu""uoP;<br />

SCTA.<br />

JU E H.ALL<br />

An: K.ppa Pi.<br />


wrman; Zapotec Hall.<br />

vke-pr$dent, -<br />

urer ; SCTA; Anahuac.<br />

CAROL AN E<br />

HANLO<br />

Nuning; Student Nu ....<br />


Who's Who in American<br />

Colleges<br />

and Un iversiti<br />

John Lacy<br />

PHILLIP M.<br />

HANSON<br />

Mathematics.<br />

GERALD F.<br />


Chemistry;<br />

Aesculepians, president.<br />


Alpha Tau Omega.<br />


Physics; Anahuac;<br />

Sigma Pi Sigma; Western<br />

Electronics Manufacturing<br />

Association<br />

Scholarship; Solar Reoreational<br />

Fund Scholarship.<br />


HANSON<br />

Zoology, Pre- Medical ;<br />

Aesculapians, president,<br />

vice-president; Dean's<br />

List.<br />


HARPER<br />

Microbiology: Alpha<br />

Chi Omega; Little Sisters<br />

of the Maltese Cross.<br />


Ceograpby.<br />


Mathematics; Social<br />

Work and Corrections<br />

Cluh.<br />


General: Gamma Phi<br />

Beta, secretary; Angel<br />

Flight; Aztec Ski Club.<br />


English; Daily Aztec.<br />

r.LF:NN SHIGEO<br />

HARA<br />

Zoology: Oriental Students<br />

Club: Aescula- .<br />

plans.<br />


Marketing: Sigma Chi;<br />

Junior Class Council;<br />

Veesity Foothall ;<br />

Varsity Rugby.<br />


Art: Alpha Phi, recordinJ.!<br />

secretary; Kappa<br />

Pi: AWS Fashion-<br />

Culture Chairman.<br />



Kappa Alpha Theta;<br />

Cap and Cown, treasurer:<br />

Accounting 50-<br />

r-iety, treasurer: Las<br />

Meninas ; Beta Gamma<br />

Sigma, vOice-president;<br />

Special Events Board,<br />

secretary.<br />

John Lacy has been pre id nt, 1"<br />

dent, and treasurer of the Associat d M n<br />

Students. A member of igma Phi p il n<br />

he served as fraternity vice pr id nt and<br />

secretary. John's other activitie includ<br />

being a member of the Lectur and oncerts<br />

Board and Oceotl. Hi futur plan<br />

are to do graduate work in busine administration<br />

at the University of Te a .<br />



Elementary Education;<br />

Newman Club; SCTA.<br />

MARY ANN<br />

HAWLEY<br />

Elementary Education;<br />

Pi Beta Phi; United<br />

Campus Christian<br />

Fellowship.<br />


HENRY<br />

Geology.<br />

J. FRED<br />


Industrial Arts; Lambda<br />

Chi Alpha; ROTC;<br />

Newman Club; CTA;<br />

Industrial Arts Club.<br />

Dot<br />

Hartman<br />

Dot Hartman is an accounting major with<br />

a 3.5 average. She has been Cap and Gown<br />

treasurer, Special Events Board secretarr,<br />

and Accounting Society treasurer, She 1<br />

also a member of Kappa Alpha Theta<br />

sorority Beta Alpha Psi, and the Aztec<br />

Shops Board. After graduat~on Dot plans<br />

to become a certified pubhc accountant.<br />


Pre- legal; Pi Kappa<br />

Alpha; Aztec Ski Club;<br />

Freshman Football.<br />


Elementary Education;<br />

SCTA.<br />


Elementary Education' PHILIP A. HASZARD<br />


Baptist Student Union: Marketing; Alpha Phi<br />

Elementary Education'<br />

HATALSAN English; Anahuac; English.<br />

Omega: American Mar-<br />

SCTA; Kappa <strong>Del</strong>ta Pi. Elementary Education :<br />

keting As."ociation'<br />

Reader's Theatre;<br />

Aztec Ski Club. '<br />

C.anterberry Associ~tion.<br />

Theatre Guild; Musical<br />

DENNIS M.<br />

JULIE H. HAYNES Comedy Guild.<br />



Astronomy; American<br />


Biology.<br />

Insurance.<br />

Institute of Aeronautics<br />

Speech and Hearing ·HEDRICK HELSER<br />

and Astronautics; Spurs. Correction j Brocas, Sociology. Seeretarial M~nage.<br />

treasurer ; Aztec Ski ment; Pi Beta Phi;<br />

Club.; Little Sister of Aztec Ski Club.<br />


the Maltese Cross.<br />

Kappa Sigma, president j CLAIRE HIGGINS'<br />


J oumal of Business<br />

Bj~logy; Sigma Pi i<br />

Journalism; Sigma Pi'<br />

Elementary Education. Dietetics; Kappa Alpha History; Anahuac;<br />

editor; Blue Key; ,<br />

Sigma <strong>Del</strong>ta Chi' '<br />

Tarastec Hall, presi-<br />

Theta; Home Economics Wesley Foundation,<br />

Oceotl; Who's 11'''''; Daily Aztec, phoio<br />

dent; Oceotl; AMS<br />

Upper Division Repre. editor. Donn Representative. Club; Cap and Gown; president.<br />

286 sentative. Las Meninas;<br />

LAC Board.<br />


Physics; Aztec Ski<br />

Club.<br />

LINDA HIXON. .<br />

Elementary Education.<br />


HOFF<br />

Biology; Alpha Phi;<br />

Phi Mu Epsilon;<br />

Kappa Pi.<br />


HOFF<br />

Biology; Alpha Phi,<br />

Treasurer; Phi Mu Epsilon;<br />

Kappa Pi.<br />

JOH' FLOYD<br />


Geography.<br />


peecb Am; Theatre<br />

Cuild; Rader's<br />

Theatre: Fr.. hman<br />

CI . Council.<br />



J ",nF.SON<br />

En~li,h: (hi me a;<br />

<strong>Del</strong> Sudoe.;ff" ... rofjt~<br />

Editor: Horne (inlin<br />

Court,<br />

P\TRH H ".<br />

JWlllTH<br />

>\('fol1nti,llE:i fa. H.n<br />

Tre ..t1r~r:. h'l Ior<br />

fht' \d\lnd'IlH'l I f<br />

'lon ~f'"1t'·nl. '*&c (llunt<br />

lilt!; Sot'it>h.<br />



HOLTAN Elementary Education;<br />


Nursing; Alpha Lamhda HORTON, JR.<br />

Elementary Education;<br />

Elementary Education. HOUCK<br />

Social Science j SCTA.<br />


<strong>Del</strong>ta; Student Nurse Elementary Education;<br />

Alpha Chi Omega; Social Science;<br />

AFROTC; Aztec Ski Nursing.<br />

Association. Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia;<br />

SCT A; College Y. Club; SCTA.<br />

Olmeca Hall.<br />

Kappa Alpha Psi;<br />

Oceotl; Circle K;<br />

SCT A; Freshman<br />

Track.<br />


HOWARD<br />

SUSAN. FAY<br />

English; Anahuac;<br />



Mathematics; SDS<br />

Pre-legal; Aztec Ski<br />


Aztec Inter-Varsity<br />

Elementary Education; HUCKELL<br />

Elementary Education;<br />

Elementary Educatior<br />

Chinese Student Asso-<br />

Club; Christian Science<br />

Elementary Education;<br />

Christian Fellowship,<br />

Chi Omega; SCT A.<br />

Maya Hall.<br />

Physics; Sigma Pi<br />

ciation; Cap and Gown;<br />

Organization; Reader's<br />

SCTA. Sigma.<br />

Las Meninas; Alpha<br />

Theatre.<br />

Lambda <strong>Del</strong>ta.<br />



Art.<br />


Elementary Education;<br />

Pi Lambda Theta; Art<br />

Linkletter Scholarship.<br />

'lAin 'HIlI.AIlH<br />

JF.NliEN<br />

flt"Oltnt.r F:chh'.lIu<br />

Anahu. ~ "It I<br />

I luh; ~('T 1\'1'1<br />

I),it I'.,<br />

ANN M, JOE<br />

\Iu ,ohu.ln. ; Phi !II.<br />

EIl",ilon.<br />



Biology; Lambda Chi<br />

Alpha.<br />


Elementary Education;<br />

Phi Lambda Theta;<br />

SDS Marching Aztecs. I'" TRll I A f. JOliN<br />

Arl: K.llpa PI, Kalllla<br />

D,lta Pi: Aillha<br />

I..mhda 0 ha<br />

COllnIN J.<br />

jOllN~N<br />

~i.1 ~it"nlt': Sil/:m.<br />

Chi.<br />

DALE ~;. JOHN!lO<br />

EIt'mC'nl.f)' Education;<br />

S TA.<br />

OOUCLA A.<br />

IOHNSO<br />


Who's Who in Am n<br />

Colleges and Univ r iti<br />

Jerry Harmon<br />

MICHAEL r.<br />

KEEHAN<br />

Zoology; A_ulapiallL<br />



Physical education;<br />

CAHPER, nce-presi·<br />

dent; Women's Athletic<br />

A.ociation; SPEC.<br />


General<br />

WALTER F.<br />


Industrial Arts; Induetrial<br />

Arts Club; Epsilon<br />

Pi Tau.<br />

TIMOTHY S.<br />


Speech; Brocaa.<br />


Pre-law.<br />


Pre-legal; Pre-legal<br />

Society.<br />


KlLIUS<br />

Msnagement; Anahuac.<br />


KELLY<br />

History.<br />



General; Italian Club.<br />



Elementary Education;<br />

SCI'A; Newman Club.<br />



Business Education;<br />

Pi Beta Phi, treasurer,<br />

secretary; Sweetheart of<br />

Alphi Phi Om_;<br />

SCI' A; Aztec Ski Club.<br />


Busin .... AcIministn,.<br />

lion; Sigma Alpha<br />

Epsilon.<br />


Home Economics;<br />

Home Economics Club,<br />

treasurer.<br />

Electrical engin<br />

transferred to D from Lh<br />

California at Riv r id . H<br />

vision repre entativ and<br />

prior to being lect d A<br />

spring. He has b n vi pr id nt<br />

Kappa Sigma fraternity and i a<br />

of BIue Key. La. t y ar J rry wa<br />

for Who's Who as a junior.<br />

EILD1'f ~0IlB<br />

Elementary EclDcatic&<br />

A. R. KORPORAL<br />

BioJocy; <strong>Del</strong>ta Sipa<br />

PIli; o.:-L<br />


EqIi.oh; c.mma Phi<br />

Beta, second 'licepresident;<br />

Anahuac;<br />

Daulhters of DiaDa.<br />

MILBERT L.<br />


Induatria1 Arta; EPOiloD<br />

Pi Tau; Indwoiriaf Arta<br />

Clllb.<br />

Bob White<br />

Sigma Chi Bob White was rush chairman<br />

of his fraternity, Blue Key secretarytreasurer,<br />

<strong>Del</strong> Sudoeste editor-in-chief, and<br />

upper division representative to the AS<br />

Council. He was Long Range Planning<br />

Board chairman and a member of the<br />

Public Relations and Publications Board,<br />

a January, 1965, graduate, he plans to<br />

enter the field of public relations.<br />

1:1 I<br />

290<br />






Marketing; American<br />

Social Sciences.<br />

Nationsl Conference'<br />

Biology.<br />

General; Scngleader: KOONCE<br />

Marketing "-ciation. Junior Varsity ,<br />

Head Songlesder. Elementary Education;<br />

Wrestling. Kappa Alpha Theta.<br />


Social Science; Football. GEORGE S. KOVACS<br />


Zoology; Sigma Alpha'<br />

Chemistry; Arnold Air<br />

Elementary Education; Social Welfare. Elementary Education;<br />

Epsilon; Aztec Ski<br />

Society; Newman Club.<br />

Kappa <strong>Del</strong>ta; Cetza· Anahuac; Kappa Dew<br />

Club; Aeaculapians; Little Silllers of the ' Pi; Muaical Comedy<br />

Anahuac; Varsity Crew. Malteae Crose. Guild.<br />





Music; Sigma Alpha<br />


Elementary Education.<br />

German; Anahuac'<br />

Iota, corresponding<br />

LANE<br />

Sweetheart of Alpha<br />



aecrelary, president; Phi Omega. Elementary Education. Social Scien

WILLIAM E.<br />


Mathematics; Pi Kappa<br />

Alpha, vice- president,<br />

president; Wrestling;<br />

Rugby.<br />


LIGON<br />

English; Kappa <strong>Del</strong>ta<br />

Pi; Cap and Gown;<br />

California State Scholarship;<br />

Art Linkletter<br />

Scholarsbip; Baptist<br />

Studenl Union, Secretary.<br />


Elementary Education;<br />

Little Sisters of the<br />

Maltese Cro .. , president,<br />

secretary; SCT A.<br />


Marketing; Sigma<br />

Alpha Epsilon.<br />


Social Science;<br />

Anahuac; Phi Alpha<br />

Theta; Carol Marks<br />

Memorial Scholarship.<br />



Physical Education;<br />

Track; CAHPER.<br />


History; Phi Alpha Social Science.<br />

Theta.<br />



Social Science.<br />


Accounting; Alpha Phi<br />

Omega, President, rice-:<br />

president, treasurer;<br />

Circle K; SDSC Aocounting<br />

Society;<br />

Anahuac; Aztec AmJ>aa..<br />

sadors; Wesley Foundation.<br />


LESSARD, JR.<br />

General; Sigma Chi;<br />

Oceotl; Public Relationa<br />

Board; Vamity<br />

Tennis; Pre-Legal<br />

Society.<br />


Elementary Education.<br />


Electronics; Institute of<br />

Electrical and Elec-<br />

Ironic Engineers, vicechairman;<br />

Sigma Pi<br />

Sigma.<br />

BEVERLY A.<br />


Elementary Education;<br />

SCTA.<br />



Englisb; Chi Omega'<br />

Cetza; <strong>Del</strong> Sudoeste '<br />

Staff.<br />


Elementary Education;<br />

Kappa Alpha Psi, president,<br />

secretary, treasurer;<br />

Oceotl, president,<br />

vice-preeidenr: Blue<br />

Key, vice-president;<br />

Kappa <strong>Del</strong>ta Pi; Vmity<br />

Wrestling; Varsity<br />

Track; Who's Who;<br />

San Diego State<br />

Service Award.<br />


Speech Pathology;<br />

~lpha Chi Omega;<br />

'\ztec Ski Club; Brcces.<br />



Physics; Sigma Pi<br />

Sigma; Crew.<br />


MARKEN, JR.<br />

Insurance.<br />


Industrial Managemenl;<br />

Lambda Chi Alpha'<br />

Society for the Ad:<br />

vancement of Management;<br />

Anahuac.<br />

..<br />

V~ EARTHY<br />

Art.<br />


:>peech Tbenpy; Alpha<br />

ChI Omega 1 Card Stunt<br />

~=n;"Pep Board;<br />

292<br />


LOMAC<br />

S~h Therapy; Alpha<br />

P!rl; Songieader; Little<br />

S1Ilers of Minerva'<br />

Brocu.<br />

'<br />


Art.<br />


Bi~logy; Kappa Alpha<br />

PIl; Vanity Wrestling.<br />

JOHN H. LUX<br />

!'fecbanical Engineer-<br />

Ing: Pi Kappa Alpha;<br />

Soc!ety of Automotive<br />

a~eers; Aztec Ski<br />


!,ccounting; Accountmg<br />

Society.<br />



¥""logy; Theta Chi'<br />

eeton <strong>Del</strong>vers' '<br />

C A nabuac; J uni~r Varoity<br />

rew.<br />

ANDREA H.<br />

LO PINTO<br />

Elementary Education.<br />

KAREN<br />


LUSK<br />

J. LYLE<br />


Home Economica;<br />

Home Economic" Club<br />

President; Roger '<br />

William. Club.<br />

MARTHA<br />


Home Economice;<br />

Olm eea Hall, President;<br />

Home Economics Club;<br />

Kappa <strong>Del</strong>ta Pi; Cap<br />

and Gown; Lu<br />

Menin .. ; Publications<br />

Board.<br />



Insurance; Sipa Chi'<br />

Junior Cia. PteeidenL<br />



Social Science; Sigma<br />

Alpha EJl8ilon; Oceotl;<br />

AMS, Treasurer.<br />


Chemistry; Sigma Phi<br />

EJl8ilon; Studen~ Affiliates<br />

0/ the Amenun<br />

Chemical Society, President;<br />

National Science<br />

Foundation.<br />


Mathematics; Anhuac;<br />

SCTA; Kappa Velta Pi.<br />


Physics.<br />


McCUNE<br />

Social Science.<br />


Languages. MARGIE A.<br />

McDONALD<br />

HiaIIory; Phi Alpha<br />

Theta.<br />


MARDIS pbi<br />

Physics; A1P~ Air s.-<br />

OlDeg"; A: [)ellS<br />

cietY; LaiD b" C<br />

Sigma; An" US .<br />


Elementary<br />

McINNES<br />

Education.<br />

CHARLES T•.<br />


p...,.Legal; Theta Chi;<br />

Alpha Phi Omega, secretary;<br />

Aztec Seiling<br />

Cub; p...,.Legal SocietY.<br />


Social Welfare.<br />


McKEON<br />

Elementary Educatieu:<br />

Anahuac; SCTA;<br />

Kappa <strong>Del</strong>ta Pi.<br />



Marketing; American<br />

Marketing Aaaociation.<br />


McGEE<br />

Marketing; Baseball;<br />

Sigma Chi.<br />

MICHAEL H.<br />


Sigma Alpha Epsilon.<br />


ElemeDW1 EdileatiOll;<br />

Alpha Phi.<br />


McGINNIS<br />

Zoology; Aeaculapiana;<br />

Anahuac; Aztec Ski<br />

Club.<br />


McMAHAN<br />

Elementary Education.<br />

DO ALP R. McCOY<br />

Industrial Arts; SCT A;<br />

Industrial Arts Club.<br />


Sociology.<br />



MILLER<br />

Hiatnry; <strong>Del</strong>ta Zeta;<br />

Phi :'!pha Theta.<br />

President,<br />


History; Kappa Sigma;<br />

Aztec Ski Cluh;<br />

Sophomore Class<br />

PresidenL<br />


Physics; Sigma Pi<br />

Sigma.<br />


Elementary Education;<br />

'Pi Beta Phi.<br />


MYERS<br />

Pre-Law; Sigma No,<br />

president, vice-presi·<br />

dent; Alpha Phi<br />

Omega; Phi Eta Sigma;<br />

Student Union Board,<br />

chairman; Upper Divi·<br />

sion RepreaentatiTe;<br />

Who's Who.<br />


MYERS<br />

Social Science.<br />



Social Welfa",;<br />

Alpha Phi.<br />

DEL M. NEELY<br />

Home Economica;<br />

Hom. Economics Club.<br />

GERALD<br />

Political<br />

B. NEl.SO<br />

"'00.<br />

HElDI BLAZlS<br />

NE N<br />

El nlary EducatlOll'<br />

A. •<br />


Elementary Education;<br />

Resident Asaiatant;<br />

Alpha Lamhda <strong>Del</strong>ta;<br />

Kappa <strong>Del</strong>ta Pi.<br />



Physics; Sigma Pi<br />

Sigma.<br />

Who's Who in American<br />

Colleges and Universities<br />



Elementary Education; Marketing; Pi Kappa Physics; Sigma Pi English.<br />

Kappa <strong>Del</strong>ta Pi. Alpha; American Mar- Sigma; Neely Enterketing<br />

Association; Ac- prises Scholarship.<br />

counting Society;<br />

Track Team.<br />


Marketing; Sigma MEAD Biology. Social Science; Tarestec MELAND<br />

Alpha Epsilon; Ameri- Education; Home Eco- Hall Judiciary Board; Physica: Sigma Pi<br />

can Marketing Associa- nomics Club, Secretary. SCTA. Sigma; Anahuac; Ph'<br />

Eta Sigma.<br />

tion; Association of<br />

Computing Machinery.<br />


BETH MELTON MELVILLE Marketing. Social Science. MERRInELD<br />

Elementary Education; Pre-Law; Pre-Legal Art; Sigma Phi Eptilon;<br />

Baptist Student Union, Society, vice-president, Aztec Sailing Onh.<br />

president.<br />


eeoun tiDI; Anahuac;<br />

AccoUl1tin Society;<br />

eaIey Foundalio<br />


AccounJinl; Alpha Tau<br />

Omep. me.p 'dent,<br />

_. Oc:eotl· rre,<br />

p ·den~~.<br />


fILLS, JR.<br />

hth lict: <strong>Del</strong>ta<br />

Phi; SCT<br />


Accounting; Anahuac;<br />

Accounting Society.<br />


Microbiology.<br />

M IDLY<br />

MlTTLEHOLn<br />

Ph .cal Education;<br />

A; CAHPER;<br />

PEC, Yiee-president;<br />

T nnia team: Volleyball<br />

Dick Buck<br />

Blue Key president Dick Buck has maintained<br />

a 3.8 average in addition to serving<br />

as junior and senior representative to the<br />

AS Council, commissioner of elections,<br />

freshman class vice president, Activities<br />

Board chairman, and Theta Chi vice president.<br />

A political science major, he hopes<br />

to do graduate work at Princeton University<br />

after graduation from SDS in June,<br />

1965.<br />


MONAHAN Elementary Education.<br />

Elementary Education.<br />


Political Science.<br />



Broadcuting; Aztec<br />

Economics; Sigma Chi<br />

Radio and TV Cuild,<br />

vice-president: Alpba OLGA J. MOTE<br />

EpoUon Rho, aecmary'<br />

Education; Kappa<br />

United CamPUl ' <strong>Del</strong>ta Pi.<br />

Cbriatian f'eDowahlp.<br />

IIi<br />

I<br />

294<br />

,ARID MUNA<br />

Buain_ Management;<br />

International Student<br />


Aaooclation.<br />



Psychology: Alpha Xi<br />


Deha, President,<br />

Accounting; Theta Chi:<br />

Accounting Society;<br />


Beta Alpha Pai: Pi<br />

MOIlRIS Accounting; Sigma<br />

Sigma Alpha; American<br />

Psychology; Kappa<br />

Alpha Er.:1on; Junior<br />

Marketing Aaooclation.<br />

<strong>Del</strong>ta; Psi Chi Vanity ootball.<br />

CAROL A.<br />


Mathematics.<br />



Acc~untinl; Accounting<br />

SocIety; Beta Alpha Poi.<br />

MICHAEL G.<br />

MURPHY<br />

Finance: VUlIitT<br />

B bell<br />


iaJ • •<br />


St>u,Ush; Graduate with<br />

cliitinction in major.<br />

lANE MYERS<br />

Elementary Education:<br />

Wesley Foundation.<br />

Mike Sund<br />

Journalism major Mike Sund has been<br />

editor-in-chief .of The Daily Aztec for two<br />

semesters. He has been Daily Aztec sports<br />

editor and managing editor, and is president<br />

of the SDS chapter of Sigma· <strong>Del</strong>ta<br />

Chi. A member of Kappa Sigma; he has<br />

been Oceotl secretary and a member of the<br />

Publications Board. Mike's future plans<br />

include doing graduate work at Northwestern<br />

University after his June, 1965, graduation.





Home Economics;<br />


Who's Who In American<br />

Colleges and Universities<br />

Bob Odie<br />

PAULE1TE JUN.t.<br />

PITT<br />

Elementary Education;<br />

SCT A; Sweetheart of<br />

Circle K.<br />


PORTER<br />

Art; Phi Mu Alpha<br />

Sinfonia.<br />


Sociology; Sigma Chi.<br />


Anthropology; Tau<br />

Kappa Epsilon;<br />

Anthropology Society;<br />

Anahuac.<br />


PLOUGH<br />


Education; SCT A.<br />


Zoology; Kappa Sigma;<br />

Rugby Club.<br />


Journalism; Pi Beta<br />

Phi; Sweethearts of the<br />

Diamond i Daily Aztec,<br />

News Editor .<br />

DRAKE<br />

POME"·NTZ<br />

Speech Art>, Broad.<br />

casting; Hillel.<br />


Social Science; Phi<br />

Alpha Theta; Anahuac;<br />

Alpha Lambda <strong>Del</strong>ta,<br />

president; Las Meninas;<br />

vice-president; Hillel,<br />

president,<br />


Pn>-legaI; Kappa<br />

Sigma; Aztec Rugby<br />

Club, president; Oceotl;<br />

Freshman FoothaIL<br />


Social Science; SDS<br />

Volleyball Club; Aztec<br />

Ski Club.<br />



Biology.<br />


Physical Education;<br />

Modem Dance Club;<br />

CAPHER.<br />

Senior c1as president Bob OdIe i a m m-<br />

ber of Oceotl and Blue Key honorari . H<br />

was president, vice president, s cr tary,<br />

and treasurer of his fraternity, igma hi.<br />

Last year he was vice presid nt of th<br />

junior class. A political cience major, Bob<br />

plans to graduate from SDS in June, 1965.<br />


RANKIN<br />

Business Management.<br />


RATAY<br />

Home Economics;<br />

Home Economica Club.<br />

Nancy<br />

Winters<br />


Elementary Education;<br />

SCTA.<br />


Alpha Gamma <strong>Del</strong>ta.<br />

Nancy Winters has h~ld the offices of<br />

secretary of the ASSOCIated Women Students<br />

and vice president of Kappa Alpha<br />

Theta sorority. She was a member of Cetza,<br />

Spurs and Las Meninas, and edited the<br />

AWS 'Newsletter. An English major, Nancy<br />

will attend Stanford University after gradution<br />

to earn a general secondary credential<br />

and a master's degree in education.<br />



Microbiology; Phi Mu<br />

Epsilon; Wesley Fa .....<br />

.dation.<br />


Microbiology; Baptist<br />

Student Union; Track,<br />

Cross Country.<br />

:1<br />

I<br />



Speech and Hearing JOHN ARTHUR NIKKI ANN RAMSEY<br />

PRUDEN<br />


Correction.<br />

RAMSEY Speech and Hearing<br />

Biology; Anahuac;<br />

Special Education; Col- Business Education; English; Siima Alpha Pathology; Chi Omega;<br />

Biology Club. lege Y, vice-President. SCT A; Society for the Epsilon; Oceotl; IFC Little Sisters of<br />

<strong>Del</strong>ta Phi Upsilon; , Advancement of Man- Rush Chairman; AMS Minerva; Brocas.<br />

Lambda <strong>Del</strong>ta Sigma. agement.<br />

KATHERINE Treasurer:<br />






Social Science; Alpha General; Lambda Chi Social Science; Aztec<br />

Physical Education;<br />

English; California Biology; Alpha Tau<br />

Gamma <strong>Del</strong>ta; Aztec Alpha; Aesculapians' Ski Club.<br />

Alpha Gamma <strong>Del</strong>ta.<br />

Congress PTA Scholar- Omega.<br />

Ski Club; Anahuac; Golf; Wrestling. '<br />

ship; Phoenix.<br />

Pep Club; Aztec Sailing<br />

Club; Newman Club.<br />



History; Theta Chi, sec-<br />


Microbiology; Phi Mu Engineering; W.. ley<br />

retary; Anahuac; Aztec<br />

Busine&8 Education; RIVERS Physical Education.<br />

Epsilon; Newman Club. Foundation; Institute of<br />

Ski Club.<br />

Alpha Lambda <strong>Del</strong>ta, Elementary Education;<br />

ElectrieW. and Elee- treasurer, advisor; Las SCTA.<br />

tronic Engin.."., sec- Menin88; Cap and<br />

relary, trea ....... ; Long Gown; Kappa <strong>Del</strong>ta Pi,<br />

298 Range Planning Board. secretary; CEBA;<br />

Anahuac.<br />


ROGERS, JR.<br />

Speech ~rt8;. Theta<br />

Chi; SwunmlUg;<br />

Water Polo.<br />

RAYMOND E.<br />

ROGERS<br />

Accounting; SDSC Ar>counting<br />

Society, trea8'"<br />

urer ; Anabu¥; Be~<br />

Alpha Psi, vi


Elementary Education j<br />

SCTA.<br />


CAROLYN F.<br />


Physical Education j<br />

Kappa <strong>Del</strong>ta;<br />

CAPHER.<br />



Elementary Education;<br />

SCT A, president.<br />



Pre·Legal<br />


Public Administration j<br />

Newman Club, vice<br />

president.<br />


SILVA<br />

Economics; Society for<br />

the Advancement of<br />

Management.<br />

nlCIiARO A. ILVA<br />

Social Science:<br />

Anahuac.<br />

Mon.A A.<br />

~II.VF;RTH n,<br />

Ru!'inh.' \hnagf'"mMtt:<br />

Tau 1\.."1). Ep Hon,<br />


SCOTT<br />

General.<br />


Education; Pi Beta<br />

Phi; <strong>Del</strong>ta Phi Upsilon.<br />

Who's Who<br />

in American<br />

Colleges and Universities<br />


Industrial Technology; CHARLES EDWARD SAMUEL G."SAYE<br />

Social Science. ROTHMAN ROTHSTEIN Elementary Education.<br />

Sigma Chi; AMS Coun- SAXTON Industrial Arts;<br />

English; Anahuac; Production Manage<br />

cil: Publications Board;<br />

Real Estate. Industrial Arts Club.<br />

Newman Cluh. ment; Anahuac; -Circle<br />

Public Relations Board, K.<br />


Director of Tours; <strong>Del</strong><br />

Finance.<br />

Psychology.<br />

Sudoeste, Sports Editor;<br />


Crew; Rugby Club;<br />

Journalism; Sigma Psychology.<br />

Dean's List.<br />

<strong>Del</strong>ta Chi, vice presi-<br />


Euglish; Madrigals.<br />


ROWLAND Economics; Tennis. LAWRENCE Editor and Make-up<br />


Geography; Gamma RLM:-IEY Editor.<br />

Art; Kappa Pi.<br />

Theta Upsilon. J\lathematics; Aztec Ski<br />

Cluh.<br />


Elementary Education; SANDERSON<br />


Elementary Education j<br />

Aanahuac; Inter-varsity Secretarial Manage-<br />

Education; <strong>Del</strong>ta Phi<br />

Anahuac; SCTA; Aztec<br />

Christian Fellowship. Upsilon.<br />

ment; Songleader; Pep Ski Club; Lutheran As-<br />

Board; Sweethearts of sociation; Aztec Sailing<br />

the Diamond.<br />

Cluh; Cetza ; Spurs.<br />

Jeff Heyser<br />

Business management major Jeff Heyser<br />

has been editor and business manager of<br />

the Journal of Business. He was upp~r<br />

division representative to t~e ~S Councdll<br />

d member of the Publications Boar .<br />

an a id<br />

He has held the offices of preSI e~t, secretary<br />

and social chairman of hIS frai<br />

ternity Kappa Sigma. Jeff, a member 0<br />

Oceotl' and Blue Key, will do graduate<br />

work at SDS next year.<br />


Office Management.<br />


Education. DORIS E.<br />


DEWAYNE E.<br />

Elementary Education'<br />

SEAGONDOLLAR SCT A; Phi Lambda '<br />

Microhiology.<br />

Theta; Kappa <strong>Del</strong>ta<br />

Phi,<br />

GARY G.<br />


Accounting j Accounting<br />

Society,<br />


Elementary Education.<br />

I<br />

,I<br />

I<br />

300<br />


Social Science; Kappa<br />

Sigma, Grand Master of<br />

Ceremonies; Long<br />

Range J'lannino; Boerd,<br />


Elementary Education;<br />

Kappa <strong>Del</strong>ta Pi.<br />



Industrial Arts;<br />

Epsilon Pi Tau;<br />

Anahuac, vice president;<br />

Industrial Arts<br />

Club.<br />


English; Sigma Chi<br />


SHAY<br />

Speech and Hearing<br />

Correction; Alphi Phi'<br />

Sweethearts of the '<br />

Diamcnd, Brocu.<br />


SHEA<br />

Liberal Ana; Pi Kappa<br />

Alpha; Aztec Rugby<br />

Club; Freshman Foot.<br />

ball.<br />



Education; Kay Yuhan<br />

Lodge Scholarship.<br />

MICHAEL E.<br />


Physical Education'<br />

CAPHER; Football'.<br />

AZlec Weight Lifting<br />

Cluh, vice P~dent.<br />

DONALD E.<br />


Civil Engineering;<br />

American Society of<br />

Civil Engineers; Sigma<br />

<strong>Del</strong>ta.<br />


Psy·chology.<br />


Marketing; Alpha Phi;<br />

Journal of Business;<br />

Aztec Ski Club; Sweethearts<br />

of Diamond,<br />

president j Panhellenic,<br />

president; Special<br />

Events Board; Sophomore<br />

Woman of the<br />

Year.<br />


SHULTZ<br />

Biology; Sigma Pi, First<br />

Counselor;..Aztec Ski<br />

Club; Biology Club.<br />

Alice<br />

Budzinski<br />

E . g a zenera I secondary credential<br />

.<br />

~lrlm~e the b objective of English maJodr<br />

WI f h J ne 1965 gra .<br />

Alice Budzinski a ter er u .' f 'AI ha<br />

. Alice has held the offices 0 p<br />

uauon- id S· Kappa<br />

L bda <strong>Del</strong>ta presl ent, 19ma<br />

.am id t Activities Board secretary,<br />

VIce presr en, h . A ember<br />

d Panhellenic rush c airman. ~. d<br />

an C d Gown she has also participate<br />

o f ap an , M'<br />

III Cetza, Spurs, and Las emnas.



Psychology; Kappa<br />

Sigma; Inter-Fratemiq-<br />

Council.<br />

JUDITH E.<br />


Music Education;<br />

Gamma Phi Beta;<br />

Sigma Alpha Iota;<br />

Leading roles, SDS<br />

Opera Workshop productions;<br />

Madrigala.<br />


Home Economics;<br />

Home Economics<br />

Association.<br />

LLOYD 1.<br />


Art.<br />


Secretarial Management;<br />

Kappa Alpha<br />

Theta, secretary;<br />

'. na huac; Aztec Ski<br />

Club; Theta Chi, Carnation.<br />

Girl; Little Sis-<br />

.ers of the Crossed<br />

Swords,<br />


Physics; Sigma Pi<br />

Sigma.<br />


SMITH<br />

English; Newman Club;<br />

Anahuac.<br />


Home Economics;<br />

Home Economics Club;<br />

Las Meninas.<br />


Engineering; Sigma Pi,<br />

president, secretary;<br />

Tarastec Hall, vice<br />

president; Oceotl;<br />

Aztec Ski Club.<br />


Marketing ; Sigma Nu;<br />

American Marketing<br />

Association; Anahuac;<br />

Accounting Society;<br />

Aztec Sailing Club.<br />


Elementary Education.<br />


STARK<br />

Business Management;<br />

Lambda <strong>Del</strong>ta Sigma;<br />

Varsity Football.<br />


Elementary Education ;<br />

Alpha Gamma <strong>Del</strong>ta;<br />

Aztec Ski Club; Aztec<br />

Sailing Club.<br />


STONE<br />

Kappa <strong>Del</strong>ta Pi; SCTA.<br />


STEIN<br />

Public Administration;<br />

American Society for<br />

Public Administration.<br />


Biology.<br />


Business Management;<br />

Pi Kappa Alpha;<br />

Society for the Advancement<br />

of Management;<br />

Solar Scholastic Scholarship;<br />

Special Service<br />

Award.<br />


Elementary Education.<br />


Elementary Education;<br />

Newman Club; Aztec<br />

Sail ing Club; SCTA.<br />


English.<br />


STEPliENS<br />

Mechanical Engineering;<br />

Society of Automotive<br />

Engineers; American<br />

Institute of Aeronautical<br />

and Aerospace<br />

Engineers.<br />


Sociologe: Theta Chi;<br />

Phi Alpha Theta; Public<br />

Relations Board.<br />


Elementary Education.<br />


.n'( KEY<br />

Php.;"a} Educ.tlon;<br />

Fre-hrnan Wr ~llj" ;<br />

Il,,~hy C1uh.<br />

ALAN E. ~VIOAL<br />

Politinl ~dt'n(·ri<br />

Anahuac.<br />


Indu-trtal ArlO; Indu<br />

trIal ArlJlub; Fre ".<br />

man 'oothan.<br />


English; Litgrati,<br />

president.<br />


English; Al pha Epsilon<br />

Phi; Hillel; SCTA;<br />

Alpha Lambda <strong>Del</strong>ta.<br />

SONNIE R.<br />


Business Management;<br />

Society for the Ad- .<br />

vancement of Management.<br />



Elementary Education;<br />

Anahuac; Aztec Ski<br />

Club; SCTA.<br />

302<br />


Elementary Education; Social Science.<br />

Kappa <strong>Del</strong>ta.<br />


Pre-Legal; Students for<br />

Johnson, president; Pre-<br />


Social Science; Alpha<br />

Legal Society.<br />

Gamma <strong>Del</strong>ta;<br />

Anahuac; Anthropology<br />

Society, secretary;<br />

Alpha Lambda <strong>Del</strong>ta;<br />

Alpha Mu Gamma;<br />

Cap and Gown.<br />


SOREM<br />

Political Science j Le<br />

History; Sigma Phi Cercle Francais; Alpha<br />

Epsilon.<br />

. Lambda <strong>Del</strong>ta; Pi<br />

Sigma Alphu.<br />


SPRENG<br />

Psychology.<br />

SUSAN<br />


Elementary Education;<br />

Kappa Alpha Theta,<br />

corresponding secretary;<br />

Homecoming,<br />

Queen's Committee,<br />

chairman.<br />


Psycholog-f.<br />

DELMAR O.<br />

SOMERS-<br />

Sociology.<br />


Speech Arts; Tau<br />

Kappa Epsilon; Oceotl;<br />

Homecoming Chairman'<br />

Special Events Board '<br />

chairman; Student . ,<br />

Leadership Seminar, cochairman.<br />

MICHAEL H.<br />

.SPRITZER·<br />

Engineering j Societ,. of<br />

Automotive Engineen,<br />

secretary; Phi Eta<br />

Sigma; American Institute<br />

of Aeronautics and<br />

Astronautics; Convair~<br />

San Diego Scholarship'<br />

Engineering Dean's '<br />

List.<br />



KAREN LEE SANDRA SWANSON DONALD E. Microbiology. Social Science; General. Elementary Education;<br />

Social Sciences; Olmeca<br />

Anahuac; Hillel; Kappa<br />

Anahuac; CTA.<br />

SUMRALL Elementary Education;<br />


~ONGER Hall; AWS Standards<br />

Ac unting ; Accounting <strong>Del</strong>ta Pi .<br />

Elementary Education. SCTA.<br />

Chairman; Anahuac;<br />

Accounting; Accounting<br />

SOCl ty; Beta Alpha<br />

Alpha Lambda <strong>Del</strong>ta.<br />

Society. Psi, resident; NAA<br />

SAM STANSON Scholarshi1J Award;<br />

Economics; Pre-Legal Aztec Christian Fellow-<br />


Society.<br />

ship.<br />




TENNESON THATCHER THELEN English; Newman Club;<br />

Elementary Education. Psychology. Social Science; Phi Anahuac.<br />

Political Science.<br />

Microbiology; Phi Mu Zoology; Anahuac.<br />

General.<br />

Theta Kappa.<br />

Epsilon, secretary.

Who's Who<br />

in Ameri<br />

Colleges and Universiti<br />

n<br />

Jim Ashcraft<br />


THOM<br />

Home Economics; 01-<br />

mece Hall: Home Economics<br />

Cub: SCTA;<br />

Cetza.<br />


Pi Beta Phi; Angel<br />

Flight, vice president;<br />

Homecoming Queen;<br />

Freshman Woman of the<br />

Year; Fine Arts Board,<br />

chairman; AS Secretary.<br />


THOMAS<br />

Art; Lambda Chi<br />

Alpha.<br />



Zoology; Pi Kappa<br />

Alpha; AescuJapians;<br />

Student Speakers Bureau;<br />

Varsity.Wrestling.<br />

RICHARD M.<br />

THOMAS<br />

Marketing.<br />


TINKER<br />

Chemistry; Student Affiliates<br />

of the American<br />

Chemical Society, President<br />

of Southern California<br />

Region; Alpha<br />

Lambda <strong>Del</strong>ta; Who's<br />

Who.<br />


Political Science i<br />

Circle K: Pi Sigma<br />

Alpha.<br />


Psychology; Publicity<br />

Committee; Social Committee.<br />

DOUGLAS P.<br />


Social Science; Phi<br />

Alpha Theta; Kappa<br />

<strong>Del</strong>ta Pi ..<br />


Elementary Education;<br />

Kappa <strong>Del</strong>ta Pi; <strong>Del</strong>ta<br />

Phi Upsilon.<br />


Russian; Kappa Alpha<br />

Theta; Alpha Mu<br />

Gamma.<br />

GERALD H.<br />


Elementary Education.<br />



Political Science; <strong>Del</strong>ta<br />

Zeta; Alpha Lambda<br />

<strong>Del</strong>ta.<br />

DENNIS E.<br />


Joumalism; Sigma<br />

<strong>Del</strong>ta Chi.<br />

Junior marketing major Jim Ashcraft ha<br />

been commissioner of finan ,low r di i·<br />

sion representative to the A oun ii, and<br />

freshman class president. The pr sid nt f<br />

Sigma Pi fraternity, he is a memb r of<br />

Blue Key and Oceotl honorari Jim<br />

plans to enter the advertising or public<br />

relations field after his June, 1966, graduation.<br />


Anthropology; Aztec<br />

Christian Fellowship;<br />

Inter-Varsity Christian<br />

Fellowship; College Y;<br />

Campus CORE; Phi Eta<br />

Sigma.<br />


English.<br />

Mike<br />

Myers<br />


VANONI<br />

Sociology.<br />



History; Circle K, president,<br />

vice-president,<br />

district governor;<br />

Senior Class Council.<br />


Political Science; Alpha<br />

Phi Omega; SDSC<br />

Young Republicans,<br />

vice- president; Prelegal<br />

Society.<br />


Banking and Finance;<br />

Society for the Advancement<br />

of Management;<br />

Anahuac; Aztec<br />

Christian Fellowship.<br />

Sigma Nu Mike Myers has been ~raterni.ty<br />

president, vice president, and SOCIal.C?~lrman.<br />

He was lower and upper dIVISIon<br />

representative to the AS Council, P~i Eta<br />

Sigma secretary, and served as ~halfman<br />

of the International, Student Union, and<br />

Long Range Planning Boards. Mike was<br />

selected for Who's Who as a junior last<br />

year. He plans to attend law school after<br />

graduation from SDS.<br />

304<br />


TROVATEN Chemistry; Student Af-<br />

Acc~:>unting; Sigma Phi filiates of the American<br />

Epsilon, social chair- Chemical Society;<br />

rnan ; Oceotl; IFC Anahuac; United Cam-<br />

assistant rush chairman. pus Christian Fellow-<br />

ship.<br />

KENNETH F.<br />



UPSHAW<br />

Accounting; Accounting Spanish; Alpha Chi<br />

Society. Omega; Daughter of<br />

Diana; Cetza ; Fresh-<br />

man and Sophomore<br />

Council.<br />



Sociology; Sigma Alpha Elementary Education;<br />

Epsilon. Aztec Ski Club; Pi<br />

Lam hda Theta; Kappa<br />

<strong>Del</strong>ta Pi.<br />


Busfness Management; English; Anahuac' Mathematics.<br />

Elementary Education'<br />

<strong>Del</strong>ta Sigma Phi; So- Scripps COllage B~ard.<br />

Geeman Club; SCT A. '<br />

ciety for the Advancement<br />

of Management,<br />

treasurer.<br />


MathematicS; Alpha VANAUSDAL VANDERGRIFF<br />


Chi Omega; Anahuac; Mathematics; Zapotec Industrial Arts'<br />

Home Economies;<br />

Kappa <strong>Del</strong>ta Pi, presi- Hall; Resident Assist- Industrial Aet;Club. Home Economics Club'<br />

d~nt; Cap and Gown ant.<br />

Aztec Ski Club. '<br />

Leadership School; Las<br />

Meninas; Co-Chairman<br />

of All Women's W...,k.<br />



VAUGHAN Social Sciences. VfNCENT<br />


Social Sciences; Alpha Nursing; Student Elementary Education.<br />

Chi Omega.<br />

Nurses Association.<br />

JAMES A.<br />


Sociology.<br />


Marketing.<br />

A. WAITE<br />


Nursing.<br />

Spanish; Sweetheart of<br />

the Diamond.<br />


Elementary Education; Elem ntary Education.<br />

SCTA.<br />




Marketing; Sigma Chi;<br />

American Marketing<br />

Association.<br />

MICHAEL H.<br />


Insurance.<br />


Management.<br />


WEIGEL<br />

Olmeca Hall, Vice<br />

President, Resident<br />

Assistant; SCTA.<br />


WATERS<br />

Psychology.<br />

ROBERT E.<br />


Sociology.<br />


Education.<br />


Accounting; SDSC<br />

Accounting Society.<br />


Mathematics.<br />


WEIR<br />

Biology.<br />


WAXON<br />

English; Alpha Chi<br />

Omega; Anahuac; Crescents:<br />

Las Meninaa,<br />

Kappa <strong>Del</strong>ta Pi; AWS<br />

Council; Scripps Cottage<br />

Chairman.<br />


Social Science.<br />


WEAVER<br />

Marketing; American<br />

Marketing Association.<br />


Elementary Education;<br />

SCT A; Hillel; Anahuac.<br />


Elementary Education.<br />



Physical Science; Alpha<br />

Phi Omega; Canterhury;<br />

College "Y";<br />

Anahuac; Special<br />

Events Board; Senior<br />

Class Council.<br />

Ị..<br />


Political Science.<br />


English.<br />

RICHARD D.<br />


General.<br />


Varsity Basketball:<br />

Physical Education.<br />

MARCEL<br />


Social Welflre.<br />



Journalism; Alpha<br />

Gamma <strong>Del</strong>ta; KEB •<br />

neW$ director] Iota Nu<br />

Kappa.<br />



Biology; Student Affill·<br />

ale of the Amf"rican<br />

Chemical cciery: Ju.n.<br />

ior Varsity Football.<br />


Elementary Education;<br />

Kappa Alpha Theta;<br />

Cetza: Sweethearta of<br />

the Diamond; Homecorning<br />

Aue:ndant; Pi<br />

Kappa Alpha Dreamgirl;<br />

Varsity Songleader.<br />

306<br />


Zoology; Kappa Sigma;<br />

Anahuac; AZtec Ski<br />

Cluh; Aesculapians.<br />

GEORGE C.<br />


General; Anahuac,<br />

President; Society for<br />

the Advancement of<br />

Management, Vice-<br />

President.<br />


Accounting , Sigma Pi,<br />

Treasurer; SDSC Accounting<br />

Society.<br />


Business Management;<br />

<strong>Del</strong>ta Sigma Phi; Society<br />

for the Advancement<br />

of Management.<br />


Journalism; Sigma<br />

<strong>Del</strong>ta Chi; Daily Aztec,<br />

Sports Editor.<br />


WHITE<br />

Public Relations; Sigma<br />

Chi; Blue Key, Secretary;<br />

Oceotl; WM'S<br />

Who; AMS Service<br />

Award; <strong>Del</strong> Sudoeste,<br />

Editor, Fraternity Editor;<br />

A.S. Conncil,<br />

Upper Division Representative,<br />

Freshman<br />

Representative; Long<br />

Range Planning Board,<br />

Chairman.<br />


Elementary Education<br />


Gamma Phi Beta.<br />

Production Manage. FRED A. WHITFIELD<br />

ment.<br />

Industrial Arts.<br />

DOUGLAS P.<br />

Industrial Art; Club.<br />


Epsilon Pi Tau. ' Marketing.<br />



Elementary Education. LANA JEAN<br />

Business Education.<br />

Pi Beta Phi. ' WI EM EYER<br />


X\emhentary Education·<br />

p aXi<strong>Del</strong>ta· '<br />

JAMES<br />

Cetza; SCT A. '<br />

A. WILEY<br />

Sociology; Sigma Alpha LINDA ANN WILKE<br />

EPSIlon.<br />

Elementary Education.<br />


Psychology.<br />

Mathematics; Sigma Pi<br />

Sigma.<br />



Zoology; Kappa Alpha<br />

Theta; A WS, Lecture<br />

Series Chainnan; Daily<br />

Aztec, Society Editor;<br />

Sweethearts of the<br />

Diamond; National Ford<br />

Journalism Scholarship.<br />


Home Economics;<br />

Home Economics Club.<br />


PhYsics; Inter-dorm<br />

Council, vice.presldent;<br />

Donn President;<br />

Anahuac; Sigma Pi<br />

SIgma.<br />


Accounting; SDSC Accounting<br />

Society'<br />

Varsity Track. '<br />



WRIGHT<br />

Journalism; Iot8 Nu<br />

Kappa, treasurer, secretary,<br />

president; KEBS.<br />



Spanish; Sociedad<br />

Hispanica ; College Y.<br />

PAOL YOUNG .<br />

Electrical Engineermg j<br />

Institute of Electrical<br />

and Electronic<br />

Engineers.<br />


WYLOGE<br />

Broadcasting.<br />


Accounting.<br />


Public Administration j<br />

Anahuac.<br />

DENNIS<br />

B. YBARRA<br />


Art.<br />


Elementary EducatIon;<br />

Alpha Chi Omega.; <strong>Del</strong><br />

Sudoeste, copy e~ltor,<br />

administ~atjo~edl~;~i.<br />

Angel Flight, AS .<br />

dents Banquet Ch<br />

Ch - .<br />

man; AS Awa~ds airman;<br />

GymnaSUCS in<br />

Team; Homecom g d<br />

Committee; JUnior. an<br />

Senior Class CouncIl.<br />


,.<br />

ew,<br />

to keep<br />

The<br />

lumni AS:S«18<br />

co- ponsors College football m an str .<br />

A smashing power drive-the key to Coryell's offense.<br />

Dedication - Coach Don Coryell<br />

Alumni representing classes from left are- D H<br />

Robson, '45; Dean Leptich, '55; and Ceri r, arding, '25;<br />

or trom, '65.<br />

The 1965 Annual Staff feels honored in dedicating this year's<br />

<strong>Del</strong> Sudoeste to the man most responsible for putting the<br />

SDSC Aztecs on the map as a national gridiron power.<br />

At the time Don Coryell took over the helm as head football<br />

coach at SDS, there seemed little hope that the Aztecs would<br />

ever emerge as a major threat-even in their own league. In<br />

the two years prior to Coach Coryell's arrival, the Aztecs<br />

sported a meager 2-12-2 record. Since the reign of Don<br />

Coryell's teams, however, the Aztecs have compiled an impressive<br />

record of 31 wins with only 8 losses, placing among<br />

the nation's top ten college division teams for two seasons.<br />

But what's more important is the fact that every student at<br />

SDS now radiates a fresh enthusiasm toward Aztec football<br />

and' shoulders a newly found pride in just being a part of<br />

this institution. This enthusiasm has spread throughout the<br />

community as well, for every home game has been a complete<br />

sellout with people of all ages jamming into the now<br />

dwarfed Aztec Bowl. In 1963 Don Coryell's ability and<br />

success were recognized on a national level when he was<br />

named NCAA District Eight College Division Coach of<br />

the year.<br />

San Diego State owes its crest of prosperity in the national<br />

spotlight to the individuals who composed these champion,<br />

ship teams, but the major credit must go to that great coach<br />

and fine man Don Coryell.<br />

Coach Coryell directs the action from<br />

the field.

A<br />

Abbot, Dave; 258<br />

Abdelnour, George; 126,<br />

250<br />

Abdelnour, Joe; 250, 272<br />

Abel on, Bob; 262, 263<br />

Abrams, Jim; 191<br />

Ab hear, Joan; 113<br />

Aceves, Manuel; 123<br />

Acord, Susan; 222<br />

Acton, Jan; 125<br />

Adams, Anita; 272<br />

Adam, Charlotte<br />

Moureen; 272<br />

Adams, Dana; 134<br />

Adams, Dona; 272<br />

Adams, John; 183, 254<br />

Adams, Dr. John R.; 31<br />

Adamske, John, 242<br />

Adkins, Pauline; 112<br />

Adler, Susan; 218<br />

Aebisher, Doug; 242<br />

Aftreth, Jordan 1.; 272<br />

Agnew, Bob; 254<br />

Aguilera, Laura Carol; 272<br />

Aguinaldo, Cal; 272<br />

Aguirre, Edward; 42, 131<br />

Ahelardo, Yvonne; 134<br />

Ahlskog, Karen; 112<br />

Ahlswede, Caroline; 220<br />

Aiken, Denny; 191,242<br />

Akers, Melvin; 240 .<br />

Albert, Edward; 125<br />

Albrecht, Robert; 272<br />

Albright, David; 123<br />

Alcott, Janine; 113, 228<br />

Alder, Bonnie Ann; 272<br />

Aldridge, Ed; 254<br />

Alessio, Nick; 242<br />

Alford, Roger; 244, 272<br />

Alger, Don; 123<br />

Ali, Mary; 272<br />

Alising, Paul; 122<br />

Allen, Ben; 242<br />

Allison, Jim; 164, 166, 168,<br />

172,174,175,176,177<br />

Almond, Eugenia; 272<br />

Almquist, Dave; 123<br />

Alsing, Paul; 252<br />

Altamirano, Steve; 260<br />

Ambrosia, Gene; 258<br />

Ames, Robert; 134<br />

Ames, Stephanie; 230<br />

Amundson, Kris; 220<br />

Analora, Gary; 272<br />

Andersen, Kathy; 137<br />

Anderson, Barbara; 70<br />

Anderson, Cyndee; 222<br />

Anderson, Eloise Muriel·<br />

272 '<br />

Anderson, Eugene; 272<br />

Anderson, Fred; 260<br />

Anderson, Gene; 192,242<br />

Anderson, George; 240<br />

Anderson, James Dean'<br />

272 '<br />

Anderson, Jim; 191<br />

Anderson, Judy; 231<br />

Anr'erson, Karen; 134<br />

Anderson, Larry; 125<br />

Anderson, Lawrence; 272<br />

Anderson, Lyndel D.; 272<br />

Anderson, Dr. Melvin' 23<br />

Anderson, Robert M 1r'<br />

272 . .,<br />

Anderson, Robert V.; 272<br />

Anderson, Dr. W.<br />

Carlisle; 41, 131<br />

Anderson, Wes; 133, 273<br />

Andrews, Jeeves; 123<br />

Andrews, Lawrence A Jr .<br />

273 . .,<br />

Angus, Sharon; 226<br />

Anker, Art; 242<br />

Arbon, Betty; 48, 105, 135,<br />

142<br />

Archibald, John; 132<br />

Ardehali, Sadri; 272<br />

.Armanino, Nicole; 40,228,<br />

229<br />

Armijo, <strong>Del</strong>ores; 272<br />

Arnett, Bill; 248<br />

Arnett, Tim; 248<br />

Arnold, Richard N.; 272<br />

Arthur, David M.; 272<br />

Artist, Nancy; 134<br />

Ashcraft, Jim; 40, 123,<br />

136, 256, 257, 305<br />

Ashman, Ed; 260.<br />

Asserson, Peter c.; 272<br />

Astarai, Dariush N.; 272<br />

Asupak, Patricia; 116<br />

Atkinson, Clipp; 273<br />

Atkins, Nancy; 116<br />

Atkins, Sue; 153<br />

Atwell, Gayle; 45,217<br />

Atwood, Gayle; 222,223<br />

Ault, Berry; 254<br />

Ault, Natalie; 228,229,<br />

270,272<br />

Ault, Tom; 250<br />

Austin, Marilyn; 272<br />

Avant, James R. Jr.; 272<br />

Avitable, Bernadine; 272<br />

Avoyer, Suzanne; 228<br />

Axall, Susan Lee; 272<br />

Ayala, Robert Paul; 272<br />

Ayres, Loren Ray; 273<br />

Azarmi, Ahmad; 273<br />

B<br />

Bachman, Dick; 254<br />

Badami, Richard; 240<br />

Bailey, Greg; 131<br />

Bailey, Steve; 244<br />

Baker, Bob; 252<br />

Baker, Diana; 112<br />

Baker, Dianne; 220<br />

Baker, Francie; 226, 227,<br />

270,273<br />

Baker, Nan; 115,228<br />

Baker, Richard; 122<br />

Baker, Vic; 244<br />

Bakkom, Paul; 122<br />

Baldelli, Jack; 123<br />

Balderman, Evie; 48 218<br />

219 "<br />

Balderman, Gail; 218<br />

Baldock, Barbara' 222<br />

Baldwin, Bob; 122, 256<br />

Ball, Fred; 244<br />

Ball, George; 258<br />

Bamberg, Dan; 248<br />

Bancroft, Bob; 250<br />

Bancroft, Edward Roy'<br />

273 '<br />

Banda, Kenny; 134<br />

Banks, Aaron E.; 273<br />

Bannister, Nancy; 228<br />

Barach, Don; 273<br />

Barach, Roland; 262<br />

Barad, Jules; 260<br />

Baranov, Roberta; 218<br />

Barber, Douglas Lloyd'<br />

273 '<br />

Barber, Skip; 254<br />

Barbour, Mary G.; 273<br />

Barbour, Richard Allan'<br />

274 '<br />

Barefoot, Bob; 43<br />

Barnes, Annette; 134, 274<br />

Barnes, Dick; 142,258<br />

Barnett, Dennis G.; 123<br />

Barnum, Margaret· 216<br />

Barra, Toni; 114 '<br />

Barrett, Barbara; 117<br />

Barrett, Carol Sue; 274<br />

Barrows, Sharon' 220 221<br />

274 '"<br />

INDEX<br />

Barry, Gerald; 274<br />

BarstoW, Sue; 153<br />

Barsz, Bill; 248, 274<br />

Bartels, Jim; 258<br />

Barth, Karen; 224, 225,<br />

274<br />

Bartlett, Sara; 275<br />

Barto, Kathy; 113, 134<br />

Baskerville, Susan; 216<br />

Basko, Eddie; 248<br />

Bass, Bob; 262<br />

Bassett, Robert; 238<br />

Bateman, Janet; 229,275<br />

Bates, Barbara; 222, 223<br />

Bathrick, Ray; 238<br />

Batie, Lynne R.; 274<br />

Batiz, Buddy; 258<br />

Battenfield, Ginger; 226,<br />

227<br />

Batty, Ronald; 131, 274<br />

Bauer, Bill; 248<br />

Baulch, Leon Hoyt; 274<br />

Bauman, Valeria A.; 274<br />

Baumann, Darlene: 222<br />

'Baxter, Peggy 1., 274<br />

Baycor, Gary; 170<br />

Beach, Sue; 49<br />

Beal, John; 238<br />

Beam, Craig; 123<br />

Beam, Sandy; 112<br />

Beasley, Bill; 258<br />

Beck, Bob; 137<br />

Becker, John; 252<br />

Beckwith, Beverly; 222,<br />

223<br />

Bedillion, Stefanie, 45, 135<br />

226,227<br />

Beechler, Lynn; 41, U5,<br />

274<br />

Beekley, <strong>Del</strong>; 160<br />

Beerle, Walt; 242<br />

Behlman, Ray David; 274<br />

Beinhorn, Sarah; 218, 274<br />

Belch, Jerry; 260<br />

Bell, Barbara; 110<br />

Bell, Bill; 145<br />

Bell, Dick; 145<br />

Bell, John; 96, 275<br />

Belliaeff, Kay; 132<br />

Bellwood, Bonnie; 274<br />

Belprez, Victor; 250,274<br />

Belsky, Robert; 274<br />

Beltz, Thomas A.; 274<br />

Benedict, Saumel E.. 274<br />

Benjamin, Sandra Je'an'<br />

274 '<br />

Benke, Bruce; 132<br />

Bennett, Gary A.; 246, 247<br />

Bennett, John W.; 275<br />

Bennett, Judy; 216<br />

Bennett, Richard; 260<br />

Benter, Jeff; 246<br />

Bentley, AI; 238, 239<br />

Bentley, Penny; 134<br />

Bentley, Phil· 134, 252<br />

Benton, Carl; 160, 187<br />

Benton, Sally; 222<br />

Berg, Joe; 248<br />

Berg, Vicki; 230<br />

Berge, Dennia; 42<br />

Bergen, Patty; 224<br />

Bergendorff, Fred L.; 275<br />

Berger, Kathy; 112<br />

Bergman, Dan; 262, 274<br />

Bergman, Stan C.; 275<br />

Bergren, Judy' 112<br />

Bermingham, john; 120<br />

Berner, Dick; 258<br />

Berry, Jack; 244,275<br />

Berthelet, Jack; 120<br />

Best, Chuck; 238, 275<br />

Bethel, Barbara Jean' 275<br />

Bethe~, Richard; 275 '<br />

Bevendge, Dick; 242<br />

B~wley, Linda; 224, 274<br />

B~ble, Roland; 240<br />

B~dwe]], Lynne: 274<br />

BlenhofI, Wayne' 166 169<br />

171,250 '"<br />

Bierma, Suzanne; 274<br />

Biggers, David A.; 274<br />

Biggers, Helen M.; 274<br />

Bilger, Jon; 246<br />

Bilyeu, Bonnie; 48<br />

Bingham, Pam; 112<br />

Binkley, Mike; 120<br />

Biondo, Maria; 224<br />

Bippert, Ron; 125, 274<br />

Birch, Greg: 242<br />

Bird, Ethyl; 132, 274<br />

Birgelaitis, Jane: 139<br />

Bishop, Ann; 220<br />

Bishop, Linda' 229<br />

Bishop, William' 238<br />

Black, Robert; 126, 248,<br />

249<br />

Blackburn, Curt; 48, 147,<br />

242<br />

Blackman, 1argie; 48,<br />

147,220<br />

Blackwell, Dick: 126, 244<br />

245<br />

Blackwell, Tom: 178<br />

Bladow, Mike; 250<br />

Blake, Ken; 123<br />

Blake, Iaynard Locke Jr.:<br />

274<br />

Blalock, hid r R.: 274<br />

Blanc, John: 250<br />

Blanco, J 0 ph' NO<br />

Blanken hip, Dave; 122<br />

Blankin hip, Barbara: 274<br />

Blo Bill: 252<br />

Blo , 0 mari ; 224<br />

Blount, u an; 216<br />

Blumenberg, 'ancy: 226<br />

Blu b tan; 258<br />

Boal Rob rt : 240<br />

Boaz, J ohn : 240<br />

Bocchio, Pam: 218<br />

Boer , Han J.; 27<br />

Bogl y, R g r T.: 274<br />

Bojack, Richard Jam<br />

275<br />

Bollman, P t : 240, 2 1<br />

Boman, Rog r : 246. 275<br />

Bondurant 1 n ; 3, 222<br />

Bon ignore, Diana; 222<br />

Bookout, Jim: 260<br />

Berch r , H nry ; 131<br />

Berch r Rob rt: 131, 275<br />

Bor r, ary ; 252<br />

Borg n 'orma; 127<br />

Bornt, Judy' 27<br />

B rr ceo, Margar t; 224<br />

Bo chetto, 0 : 48, 2 6<br />

Bouchard, J rry; 247<br />

Bou r, 1 lani .; 222,<br />

275<br />

Bourda, Dick: 256<br />

Bow n, huck; 123. 188<br />

Bowen, Jo nn; 117,219<br />

Bowen, John' 238<br />

Bowen, Peggy' 68, 222<br />

Bower , Barbara: 226, 275<br />

Bower, Jim: 183<br />

Bowers, Kath '; 276<br />

Bowling,John 1.: 276<br />

Boyce, lien: 247, 276<br />

Boyer, Greg; 258<br />

Boyles, John: 250<br />

Boyle~, all'; 221<br />

Bradbury, Gerald: 137,<br />

276<br />

Bradley, B tty; 127, 135,<br />

229<br />

Bradley, Iicke'; 253<br />

Bradley, Quintin: 253<br />

Bradner, Jean: 127,226,<br />

227<br />

Brafman. imon: 262<br />

Brage. Gary: 258,2;6<br />

Brakehill, lary Ann; 115<br />

Brancheau, Ed; 253<br />

Brandemarte. Ralph; 250<br />

Branstetter, Gar : 237, 250<br />

Bra~ch, Walter: 120, 125<br />

Bratmrl. \I n arol; 276<br />

Bratten, Skip; 25B<br />

Braun, George; 24B<br />

Brav, Mel; 126 262 263<br />

276 '"<br />

Brav, Ron; 263<br />

Bray, Dick; 250<br />

Bray, Linda; 276<br />

Brayton, Mary Ruth; 276<br />

Brazelton, Mac; 130<br />

Brean, Bob; 251<br />

Breeden, Rhedis; 134<br />

Brega, Dana; 253<br />

Breier, Mark; 263<br />

Breihan, Eva; 117<br />

Brem plis, Ilga; 132<br />

Brewer, Keene; 240<br />

Brezouel, Richarrd; 276<br />

Bright, Susie; 114<br />

Brimhall, Bob; 132,242<br />

Brisker, Dave; 259<br />

Brock, Robert; 240<br />

Broderick, Ed; 247<br />

Bromley, Keith; 276<br />

Brooks, Don; 259<br />

Brotzman, Nana; 115<br />

Brown, Charles; 132<br />

Brown, Dick; 259<br />

Brown, Frank; 191,276<br />

Brown, Jenny; 135,139,<br />

216,217<br />

Brown, Jim; 137<br />

Brown, Joan Kipp; 276<br />

Brown, Kenneth; 263<br />

Brown, Leroy W.; 276<br />

Brown, Michael R.; 276<br />

Brown, Mike; 4B,243<br />

Brown, Pat B.; 217<br />

Brown, Pat J.; 114<br />

Browne, Barbara; 226,227,<br />

270,276<br />

Brownel, Steve; 240<br />

Browning, Barbara; 153<br />

Browning, Rich; 122<br />

Bruce, Mark; 134<br />

Brucker, Alex; 39,40,126,<br />

263<br />

Bruderlin, Tom; 259<br />

Brueckner, Carol; 113<br />

Brunner, Marilyn; 223,<br />

276 •<br />

Brush, Barbara; 135,229<br />

Bryan, f. Kay; 276<br />

Bryant, Gary; 123<br />

Brydon, Jeanne; 132<br />

Bryne , Gary; 179<br />

Bubel Bob; 244,276<br />

Buch~nan, Kathryn M.;<br />

276<br />

Bucher Dave; 123<br />

Buck, Charles; 244,24t<br />

Buck, Dick; 39, 43, 1 2 2 95<br />

126, 260, 261, 276,<br />

Bu k Janet R.; 276<br />

Bu('k~lIew, William R,;<br />

276<br />

Buckley, William; 5B 221<br />

Bucknell, Gwen; 73,<br />

Buckolz, Butch; 123 276<br />

Bu ur, Nicholas A·v<br />

BuddIe, Harr~; 13;70276<br />

Budzinski, Ahce; ~, ,<br />

301<br />

Buehler, Paul; 276<br />

Bulger, Nancy; 22~4722<br />

Bullard, Carol sue ; ,<br />

Bunch, Brad; 12 O . 277 A<br />

B h Frances nn,<br />

unc , 259<br />

Burdine, Joh~;. . 229,277<br />

Burgad, Patrl~laW' 277<br />

Burgener, loUIS229'<br />

Burgert, Betsy; 61<br />

Burgess, Bill; \<br />

Burgh, Ro~; 25 nn' 113<br />

Burgo, EloIse ~16 '277<br />

Burk, NancY; 0 '<br />

Burke, Fred; ~O<br />

Burke, Jim; 2nn' 277<br />

Burke, Judy.A255'<br />

Burke, Torn,<br />

Burkett, Lee; 277<br />

Burkheimer, Nancy; 43<br />

229<br />

Burnett, Dr. Gayle c.: 139<br />

Burnett, Larry; 247, 277<br />

Burnham, James Thomas:<br />

277<br />

Burns, John M.; 277<br />

Burris, Barbara: 116<br />

Burrows, Walt; 38,255<br />

283 '<br />

Burson, Gary L.; 277<br />

Burson, Gene D.; 123<br />

Bursten, Marie L.: 277<br />

Burton, Dick; 135<br />

Burton, Stan; 244<br />

Busch, Jacob 1.; 277<br />

Busch, Janice; 277<br />

Bushman, Ronald; 238<br />

Bushone, Clyde 1.: 277<br />

Buss, Barbara; 114<br />

Buss, Larry; 188<br />

Butler, John; 166, 167,<br />

168,170<br />

Butts, Don L.; 277<br />

Butts, J anell ; 115<br />

Byrne, Marilyn; 221<br />

c<br />

Cabrillo, Joe; 251<br />

Cady, Robert A.; 277<br />

Cahse, James; 123<br />

Caldwell, Doug; 123<br />

Callaghan, Pat; 1110, 116<br />

Callahan, Bill; 259<br />

Callahan, James; 125<br />

Callender, Dave; 183<br />

Cameron, Martin; 96<br />

Cameron, Dr. Roy; 42<br />

Cammack, Jackie; 142,<br />

226, 227<br />

Campbell, AI; 260<br />

Campbell, Carol; 97<br />

Campbell, Greg; 192<br />

Campbell, Virginia; 221<br />

Camphuis, Dan; 238<br />

Camphuis, Doug; 238<br />

Canaris, Stanley T.; 277<br />

Canary, Dr. Bob; 42<br />

Cangelosi, Victoria; 277<br />

Cannon, David; 97, 150<br />

Cantrell, Bill; 238<br />

Cantua, John; 255<br />

Capaiu, Marianne; 114,<br />

277<br />

Capehart, David H.; 277<br />

Capp, Dr. Martin; 28<br />

Capp, Patty; 117<br />

Capune, Suzanne; 117<br />

Carey, Bonnie; 229<br />

Carey, John; 142<br />

Cariker, Richard; 153<br />

Carleton, Bruce; 125<br />

Carlin, Robert E.; 277<br />

Carlsen, James; 277<br />

Carlson, Don; 238<br />

Carpenter, Diane; 224<br />

Carpenter, Katha; 48, 221<br />

Carr, Barry; 125<br />

Carr, Edwina V.; 277<br />

Carrier, Ralph; 240<br />

Carrillo, Joe; 251<br />

Carrington, Ross A.; 277<br />

Carrivear, Gary W.; 277<br />

Carroll, Dan; 49, 244<br />

Carruthers, Jim; 126, 244,<br />

245 •<br />

Carson, Bill: 243<br />

Carss, Jeanne; 116<br />

Carter, Carol J.; 141, 277<br />

Carter, Carolynn 0.; 277<br />

Carter, Mike; 255<br />

Carter, Rick; 251<br />

Cartwright, Bob; 253<br />

ry, John; 24<br />

• re Erni : _1.8<br />

•• John; 245<br />

a II, rol ; 277<br />

idy Robert B.' 277<br />

stro Tin . 110, _77<br />

arlin, AI; 180, 1 1, 182,<br />

183. 184<br />

att 11. harlie ; 24-8, "77<br />

udle, Jamie; 112<br />

av llin, Di n ; 135, 217<br />

ave, ~fary; 135<br />

hadot, Joan: 135.211,<br />

215, 229<br />

hait, Linda; 115<br />

harnpion, Barb r ; 226<br />

hance, here; 116<br />

Chane " Georgi n .: 277<br />

hapin, Jim: 120<br />

hapin, kip; 192<br />

Chapman, Ri h rd .: 25t<br />

harman, Tom; 125<br />

harlson, Martha; 131<br />

Chao • James D.: 123<br />

ha , Barry; 263<br />

Chatfi ld, Eldon L.; 277<br />

havez, Martha: 217<br />

hernack, Harvey; 126,<br />

142, 263<br />

Chesrown, Cathy: 2f.6, 277<br />

Che r, J Ifr y L.: 277<br />

Chevalier, arm n Lea;<br />

277<br />

Chimely, 'Iaria; 127<br />

Chri tian, hri; 243<br />

Christian, Jam!' W.; 278<br />

Christian en, Cayle : 41,<br />

145, 265, 278, 283<br />

Christie, Dorothye ; 127,<br />

226<br />

Christl', Judy: 227<br />

Christy, Karen ue; 278<br />

Chubbic, teven R.; 278<br />

Church, Bob; 259, 277<br />

Churchill, Davene ; 135<br />

Ciborowski, Mike; 245<br />

Cimmaron, Cary; 123<br />

Cirigliano, AI; 243<br />

Clapp, Gerald A.; 278<br />

Clark, Anthony; 251<br />

Clark, Jan; 239<br />

Clark, Joan: 127<br />

Clark, Mack L.; 278<br />

Clark, Nelwyn ; 112<br />

Clark, Roger; 251, 278<br />

Clark, ue; 45, 115<br />

Clark, Tony; 171, 172, 173,<br />

192, 251<br />

Clarke, Lynne; 117<br />

Clay, Ben; 38, 42, 25f<br />

Clay, Bill; 248<br />

Cleator, Bob: 249<br />

Cleator, Linda E.; 278<br />

Clem, Bob; 187, 243<br />

Clem, Dick; 251<br />

Clem, Ralph; 131, 278<br />

Clemmons, Thomas D.; 278<br />

Cleveland, Sharon; 147,<br />

217<br />

Clodfelter, Dirk; 239<br />

Clor, Diane; 115<br />

Cobb, Anne M.; 278<br />

Codling, George' 251<br />

Cohen, Kenneth S.; 278<br />

Cohe!), Martin; 262<br />

Cohen, Marvin; 262<br />

Cokl, Karyl Lee; 278<br />

Colbert, Jack; 260, 278<br />

Cole, Bernard; 142<br />

Coleman, Leslie c.; 278<br />

Coleman, Ron; 187<br />

Coleman, Tim; 40, 243<br />

Colker, Gene; 262<br />

Collins, Dave; 259<br />

Collins, Dennis R.; 278<br />

Collins, Jan; 67<br />

Collins, Lisa; 150<br />

Everyone who has walked upon this path has noticed a<br />

pleasant air about it. Even during finals a friendly word<br />

can be heard here ... this is Hello Walk.<br />

n, Pam; 22

Di tz, Low 11; 256<br />

Dill, Judy; 229<br />

Dillavou, Wayne; 241<br />

Dillon, Helen M.; 281<br />

Dilno, Denni ; 134<br />

Dingwall, Paul L.; 281<br />

Din en, Kay Ross; 281<br />

Di alvo, am; 125<br />

Dixon, Don; 239<br />

Dixon, Janie;<br />

U5<br />

Doctor, Bartley; 262, 281<br />

Dodson, Mike; 239<br />

Doemeny, Laurence; 281<br />

Do rneny, Paul A.; 281<br />

Dalbey, Cheryl; 132<br />

Doll, Vicki; 134, 230<br />

Dolstel, Eva; 133<br />

Domingos, Linda 1.; U5<br />

Donaldson, John c.; 281<br />

Donald on, Terry; 142,<br />

216, 217<br />

Donnelly, Sharon 1.; 281<br />

Donovan, Peter; 261<br />

Dooley, Kitty; U3, 147,<br />

227<br />

Doolittle, Dene; 124<br />

Dorn, John; 249<br />

Dostal, Eva; 281<br />

Doty, Richard; 121<br />

Douglas, Gene; 244<br />

Dowhower, Rod; 164, 166,<br />

169,170,172,175,176,177<br />

Drake, Mike; 249<br />

Drayton, Ridgly; U5<br />

Driscoll, Bill; 121<br />

Druskin, Victor; 42<br />

Dryden, Susan; 216<br />

Dryer, Nancy; 220, 221,<br />

281 -<br />

Duarte, Mel; 190<br />

Duckkworth, Edwin 1.;<br />

40<br />

Dudley, Ken; 253<br />

Dudley, Margaret; 220,<br />

221, 281<br />

Duell, Bob; 123<br />

Duell, Cathy; 147,227<br />

Dugan, Diana; 132<br />

Duggan, Chic; 41, 145<br />

Duke, Alan; 171, 112, 173,<br />

259<br />

Duke, Jenny M.; 1l0, 113,<br />

281<br />

Dukes, Karl; 281<br />

Duncan, Clifton M.; 281<br />

Duncan, Gary; 249<br />

Duncan, Sharon; 41, 147<br />

Duncan, Susan; 115<br />

Dunn, Gary; 132<br />

Dunn, Marlane; 216<br />

Dunn, Mike; 255<br />

Dunn, Nancy c.; 281<br />

Dunn, Shannon; 281<br />

Dunsmore, Gary; 249<br />

Dunston, Sue; U3<br />

DuPont, Marilyn 1.; 281<br />

Durkin, Elaine; 214, 216,<br />

217<br />

Durkin, Pat; 114<br />

DuVall, Suzanne M.; 281<br />

Dybka, Mike; 238<br />

Dye, Isabel; 220<br />

Dylan, Bob; 57<br />

E<br />

Eader, Linda; 112<br />

Eads, BurgI R.; 281<br />

Eads, William F.; 281<br />

Eales, Rod; 249,281<br />

Earles, Galen; 249<br />

Eastwood, Sharon; 114<br />

Eaton, Diane; 214,230,231<br />

Eaton, Martha; 112<br />

Ecklar, Benjamin E.; 281<br />

Eddy, Marianne; 281<br />

Edler, Gayle; 229<br />

Edlkraut, Thomas H. i 281<br />

Edmonds, <strong>Del</strong>oase; 116<br />

Edmonson, Jan; 227<br />

Edwards, Alan; 134<br />

Eggleston, Jim; 100, 123<br />

Ehrlich, Bridget; 281<br />

Eich, Steve; 121<br />

Eidemiller, Dr. Don; 42<br />

Eilerts, Doug; 171<br />

Eisbrener, Alice Rae; .1l5,<br />

127<br />

Elan, Charlene D.; 281<br />

Eldridge, Bob; 122<br />

Eliason, Eric; 40, 130<br />

Eliason, Michael; 281<br />

Elliot, Bob; 132, 254<br />

Elliott, Linda; 229<br />

Elliott, Robert 1.; 282<br />

Ellis, Bob; 261<br />

Ellis, Jean; 214<br />

Ellis, Jerry; 244<br />

Ellis, Nancy; 127<br />

Ellis, Sara Miriam; 282<br />

Ellis, Vivien; 282<br />

Ellison, Glenn; 238<br />

Ellison, Marie R.; 282<br />

Ellwood, Patricia; 282<br />

Elm, Mercedes; 282<br />

Elmore, Jack; 178<br />

Elvove, Jessica; 97<br />

Emerson, Roy; 123<br />

Emmert, Elaine; 115<br />

Endres, Robert W.; 282<br />

Engle, George; 244<br />

English, Carol; 115<br />

English, Joan; 116, 282<br />

Englund, Glen; 250<br />

Enlund, Mary; 132<br />

Enochs, Bob; 126, 244,<br />

245<br />

Ensign, Gloria 1.; 282<br />

Envall, Kenneth R.; 282<br />

Epsteyn, David; 249<br />

Erickson, Marcia; 135<br />

Ertle, Burch; 132, 282<br />

Ertle, Leon J.; 282<br />

Ervice, Greg; 244<br />

Escalera, Gabby; 171, 259,<br />

282<br />

Escalera, Tina; 259<br />

Esquibel, John; 247<br />

Estarillo, Robert; 282<br />

Etcheverry, Jean; 137<br />

Euliss, Danny R.; 282<br />

Eurich, John; 261, 282<br />

Evans, Claudia; 282<br />

Evans, Janet; 283<br />

Evans, Jeffrey J.; 283<br />

Evans, Joyce; 139<br />

Evans, Maridell; 105<br />

Evans, Mike D.; 120<br />

Evans, Mike Y.; 261<br />

Evans, Steve; 160<br />

Eveleth, Rick; 157<br />

Evers, Cathie; 116<br />

Eves, Sandy; 247<br />

Ewalt, Janet; 114<br />

Ewing, Margie; 115<br />

Ezell, Madelon; 270, 282<br />

Ezzell, Pete; 49, 245<br />

F<br />

Fackler, Michele; 69 114<br />

142, 227 "<br />

Fall, Lloyd; 131<br />

Fallon, Kenneth T.; 282<br />

Falsom, Madeleine; 114<br />

Fancher, Troy; 250<br />

Fanton, Rolly; 97<br />

Farber, David; 262<br />

Faren, Jim; 132, 283<br />

Fares, Jack; 188<br />

Far~er, Gary; 254 .<br />

FarriS, Jim; 248, 249<br />

Farris, John; 164, 172, 176<br />

Faucher, Larry; 134<br />

Faulk, Greg; 259<br />

Faulkner, Carol; 283<br />

Faulkner, David; 261<br />

Faulkner, Jeanie; 49<br />

Fay, Lew; 142, 245<br />

Fayrweather, Sally; U6<br />

Fears, Elaine D.; 282<br />

Featherstone, Fred; 238<br />

Feder, Caroline; 282<br />

Fehnders, Elissa; 220, 221<br />

Fehringer, John; 245<br />

Fekke, Peter L.; 282<br />

Fenstermacher, George;<br />

282<br />

Ferguson, Loretta; 112, 132<br />

Ferguson, Sandra Kay;<br />

283<br />

Ferncase, Margie; 115<br />

Ferver, Barbara; 43, 214,<br />

222, 223, 270, 283<br />

Feurzeig, Bunny; 133<br />

Field, Christine; 229<br />

Fields, Ardith Sue; 283<br />

Fields, Bob; 243<br />

Fields, Pam; 114<br />

Fieldsmith, Muriel; 112,<br />

134, 139<br />

Fierro, Leonard; 283<br />

Fillmore, David; 121, 245<br />

Filloon, Paul; 259<br />

Filson, Joe; 245, 283<br />

Finch, Dr. W. A.; 132<br />

Finerman, Barhara; 214,<br />

219<br />

Fink, Johnathan; 123, 256<br />

Finkle, Roy; 259<br />

Finley, Seymour; 283<br />

Fiorito, Mike; 123<br />

Fisher, Chuck; 122, 254<br />

Fisher, Nancy; 282<br />

Fishman, Allen; 132 •<br />

Fist, Brad; 123<br />

Fitch, James E.; 282<br />

Fitzurka, Martin; 245<br />

Fix, Ed; 133<br />

Flannigan, Jack; 39, 48,<br />

242, 243<br />

Fleet, Sandra; 112<br />

Fleetwood, Bill; 123, 256<br />

Fleming, Chips; 126,261<br />

Flint, Dehbie; 48, 105, 135<br />

142 . '<br />

Flood, Carolyn A.; 282<br />

Fluch, Jim; 123<br />

Flucht, Dave; 192, 242<br />

Flukey, Barhara; 230<br />

Flynn, Russ; 248<br />

Fogel, Jerry; 247<br />

Fogerty, Carol; 115<br />

Folkins, Jim; 123<br />

Folsom, Madeline' 115<br />

147 "<br />

Folts, Joyce; 217, 282<br />

Forbes, Carol A.; 220<br />

Forbes, Carol J.; 112<br />

Force, Peter; 282<br />

Ford, Bobbie; 282<br />

Ford, Cathy; 134, 230<br />

Ford, Joe; 120<br />

Forkner, Larry; 244<br />

Forman, Linda; 283<br />

Forster, Don; 250<br />

Forster, Pat; 112<br />

Fort, Colleen: 147, 221<br />

Fort, Jerry c.; 283<br />

Fortin, Robert; 256<br />

Fortner, Bill; 250<br />

Foster, Michael S.; 282<br />

Foster, Ron; 238<br />

Foulks, Ralph; 256<br />

Fox, Bob'Lee; 122<br />

Fox, Dora Jean; 282<br />

Fox, John; 256<br />

Fox, ~obert; 283<br />

FranCIS, Dave; 254<br />

Franck, Chuck; 261, 283<br />

Frankel, Cheryl; 219<br />

Franks, Mary E.; 283<br />

Franson, Harry; 259<br />

Fraser, Judy; 124<br />

Frazer, J aini; 127<br />

Frederick, Dathy; 45, 282<br />

Fredericks, Larry D.; 283<br />

Freedman, Carol; 218<br />

Freedman, Marty; 259<br />

Freeman, Pat; 282<br />

Freer, Marty; 261<br />

Freidrichs, Lloyd; 133<br />

Freres, Kathie; 127<br />

Freske, Mary; 145<br />

Friend, Debbie; 230, 231<br />

Frindt, Ron; 244<br />

Frinell, Ben; 242<br />

Fritz, Skip; 248<br />

Fuchs, Win; 254, 283<br />

Fukamizu, Raymond; 131<br />

Fuller, Paul; 253<br />

Furbush, Sandy; 221<br />

Fussell, Ken; 242<br />

G<br />

Gable, Josephine c., 284<br />

Gable, Tom; 248<br />

Gabler, Marilyn; 221<br />

Gadless, Louis; 126, 262,<br />

263,284<br />

Gage, Vance; 251<br />

Gagnon, Lester; 134<br />

Gailey, Sue; 115<br />

Gaines, Bob; 254<br />

Galent, Phyllis; 112<br />

Gallagher, Craig; 123<br />

Gallaher, Elizabeth; 284<br />

Galles, Jean; 284<br />

Galletta, Patrick 1.; 284<br />

Gamel, Pat: 139<br />

Gamelle, John Clayton;<br />

284<br />

Ganahl, Mike: 122, 256<br />

Ganino, nna: 284<br />

Gano, Linda; 217<br />

Garant, Dave; 121<br />

Garcia, Hope: 284<br />

Gardner, K n; 260<br />

Garfield, Tim; 253<br />

Garland, Keith; 247<br />

Garnet, Marie; 284<br />

Garrett, Tom; 248<br />

Garrison, Gary: 164, 166,<br />

168, 169, 170, 172, 173,<br />

175, 176, 177, 251<br />

Garrison, Kath rine; 134<br />

Garrison, Margaret; 134,<br />

284<br />

Gaske, Vicki; 117<br />

Gater, urt; 161, 188<br />

Gatlin, Carolyn: 221<br />

Gaudet, Jerry; 188<br />

Gaughan, Randall; 238<br />

Gault, Bob; 248<br />

Gechter, Joseph; 284<br />

George, Thomas; 284<br />

Georggin, Cathy; 217<br />

Gerber, Robert; 284<br />

Gerry, Mike; 179<br />

Gertsch, David; 179<br />

Gesiakowski, Frances; 284<br />

Geske, Ron; 242<br />

Getzer, Bob; 178<br />

Gherardini, Michael; 284<br />

Gibson, Janet; 222, 223,<br />

284<br />

Gibson, Kirk; 284<br />

Gibson, ikki; 284<br />

Gibson, Spencer: 284<br />

Gibson, Tom; 284<br />

Gibson, Walt: 242<br />

Gilbert, Shari; 227<br />

Gilbertson, Barbara; 284<br />

Giles, Bill; 121<br />

Gilliland, Jim; 247<br />

Gilliland, Thomas; 260<br />

Gingery, Elizabeth' 284<br />

Ginn, Bill; 260 ' .<br />

Gird, Steve; 244<br />

Girffer, Mike; 134<br />

Giroux, Roberta' 284<br />

Gjerde, Kris; 227<br />

Glaze, Joyce; 221<br />

Gleeson, Lois; 112<br />

Gleiforst, Sue; 124<br />

Glenny, Gayle; 227<br />

Godden, John; 164, 166,<br />

169, 171, 172<br />

Godfrey, Larry; 251<br />

Goemann, Mary; 134<br />

Goetschel, Martin; 241<br />

Goff, Robert A.; 284<br />

Goldberg, Mike; 122<br />

Goldberg, Sharon; 226<br />

Goldberry, James; 104<br />

Golden, Lynne; 220<br />

Goldis, Harriet Barbara;<br />

284<br />

Goldkamp, Kathleen; 134<br />

Goldman, Carl Alexander;<br />

284<br />

Goldsmith, Mrs. Lillian;<br />

219<br />

Goldsmith, Lynne; 117,<br />

285<br />

Goldstein, Gloria; 114,<br />

127, 218<br />

Goodell, Bob; 243<br />

Goodfriend, Harvey J.; 24,<br />

40, 42<br />

Gorrell, Nancy; 132,154,<br />

155<br />

Gorton, Tom; 41, 145<br />

Gottlieb, Judy; 39, 40, 43,<br />

218, 219<br />

Gounod, Shirley; 116<br />

Gourdin, George; 247<br />

Grace, Karen; 48<br />

Graham, Nancy; 285<br />

Grainger, Reginald; 285<br />

Granlund, Barbara; 220<br />

Grant, Greer; 285<br />

Grant, John; 253<br />

Grant, Johnnie; 258<br />

Grant, Murray; 285,<br />

Graue, James; 285<br />

Graves, Illean; 127<br />

Gray, Bruce; 40<br />

Gray, Dallas; 258<br />

Gray, Vickie; 71<br />

Green, Linda K.; 115<br />

Green, Linda v.; 112<br />

Green, Stephen; 125<br />

Greene, Harold; 246<br />

Greene Mike; 123<br />

Green~ood, Brian J.; 285<br />

Greer, Mrs. Dorothy M.;<br />

1l0,122<br />

Greyson, Pamela; 229<br />

Griebel, Ray; 133<br />

Griffin, Ernst; 285<br />

Griffiths, Linda; 228<br />

Griggs, Barbara; 154<br />

Grim, David F.; 285 7<br />

285<br />

Grim, Sheil~; 43, 21 285<br />

Grim, Valene; 133,<br />

Grindl, Anthony R.; 285<br />

Grisson, Lee; 244. 114<br />

Groenewegen, Gall; 5<br />

Grohs, Lucile T.: :8 285<br />

Groschwitz, Edwlll,<br />

Gross, Donald; 28~<br />

GroSSe, Karen; 12 . 285<br />

J<br />

'f a Anne,<br />

Grove, en.J11~ 179 285<br />

Grover, MIke, 9'<br />

Grubbs,<br />

Budil~.285<br />

Grund, Rona :' 187 .<br />

Grundstr?Jll, ~o~' 123, 254<br />

Guarnieri, Mt e 'c 1 . 25<br />

Gudith, Roy 1. ~ 22<br />

Gulick, Sidney L'179 256<br />

Gundlach, Gary; 112' 113<br />

Gunthorp, Katy ~ue' '114,<br />

Gurley, Peggy ,<br />

285<br />

Gustafson, Ed· 132<br />

Gustin, Russ;' 239<br />

Gutierrez, AI; 243<br />

Gutfreund, Susie; 112<br />

Guzzardo, Raphael L.; 285<br />

H<br />

Haan, Richard; 255<br />

Haas, Shirley J.; 285<br />

Hadley, Clyde; 246, 285<br />

Haefer, Bonnie; 216,217<br />

Hagar, Renie; 217<br />

Hager, Mike; 249<br />

Hager, Richard E.; 285<br />

Hagerman, Larry S.; 285<br />

Haginah, Tatsashi; 123<br />

Hahn, Sharon; 137, 285<br />

Hairnan, Dick; 132<br />

Ha!msohn, Henry; 258<br />

Hair, Judith L.; 285<br />

Haislip, Jim; 255<br />

Hait, Karen; 112<br />

Hall, Brenda P.; 285<br />

Hall, Carol; 220<br />

Hall, Dave; 243<br />

Hall, Dick; 178<br />

Hall, June; 285<br />

Hall, Kirby; 258<br />

Hall, Orner N.; 285<br />

Hall, Sid; 160<br />

Hallenback, Sally; 228<br />

Haller, John; 239<br />

Halley, Robin; 188<br />

Hallmark, Bob; 178<br />

Hallum, Sandee; 41<br />

Halte, Don E.; 285<br />

Halvorson, Jeannie; 222<br />

Halvorson, Mary; 220<br />

Ham, Tana E.; 285<br />

Hamada, Gary; 285<br />

Hamersly, Paul; 241<br />

Hamilton, Rainis; 230<br />

Hamilton, Robert; 257<br />

Hamilton, Victoria; 224<br />

Hamman, Martha; 112<br />

Hammer, Dr. Gerald; 131<br />

Hammond, Tomas<br />

Jefferies; 123<br />

Hammontre, George W.;<br />

285<br />

Hampe, Dean; 255<br />

Hampton, Dr. David R.;<br />

137<br />

Hancock, Elizabeth A.;<br />

285<br />

Hand, Patricia 1.; 285<br />

Hand, Sherie; 134<br />

Hanlon, Carol A.; 285<br />

Hannaford, Patti; 113, 228<br />

Hannaford, Sherri; 228<br />

Hannahs, John; 120, 239<br />

Hansen, Bill; 244<br />

Hansen, Bob; 40<br />

Hansen, Cliff; 260<br />

Hansen, Phillip M.; 286<br />

Hansen, Sandy; 222<br />

Hanghaw. Pat; 239, 286<br />

Hanson, Eugene C.; 2S6<br />

Hanson, John V.; 286<br />

Hanzlir, Susan E.; 286<br />

Hara, Glenn S.; 286<br />

Harbaugh, Linda; 45, 222,<br />

286<br />

Harbour, Pat; 115<br />

Hardacre, Gerald F.; 286<br />

Harder, Donald F.; 22-<br />

Hardie, Les; 257<br />

Hardy, Jim; 260<br />

Hare, Jim; 126, 257<br />

Hare, Linda; 116<br />

Harmon, Donald; 286<br />

Harmon, Jerry; 42, 85, 126,<br />

243, 291<br />

Harper, Brooke; 216, 217<br />

Harper Cynthia B.; 286<br />

Harris Barbara' 116<br />

Harris, George;' 253<br />

Harri , Janet; 112, 286<br />

Harri on, Brent: 241<br />

Harri on, Joe; 245<br />

Harri on. Marten' 241<br />

Harrison, Mike; 2.45<br />

Harrison, uzann ; 286<br />

Hart, Gary B.; 286<br />

Hart, Kar n; 112<br />

Hart, Sandra: 112<br />

Hartigan, haron : 139<br />

Hartigan, . C.; '42<br />

Hartman, Dot; 228, 229,<br />

270, 286, 287<br />

Harvey, Glenda; 286<br />

Harvey, Mary J.; 286<br />

Harvey, aney; 115<br />

Harvey, Robert J.; 241<br />

Hasenaver Joe; 243<br />

Haszard, Philip; 125, 286<br />

Hatal an, Dorothy; 214,<br />

228<br />

Hatalsan, Joanne D.' 286<br />

Hatfield, Ceorge ; 123<br />

Hatfield, SherilJ; 133<br />

Hatounian, Carol; 286<br />

Hattem, Craig; 262<br />

Hatter, Larry; 246<br />

Hattersley, Buzz; 255<br />

Haver, George; 251<br />

Hawk, Patricia G.; 286<br />

Hawkins, Angela M.; 287<br />

Hawley, Dale; 170, 171,<br />

251<br />

Hawley, Mary Ann; 92,<br />

287<br />

Haworth, Dennis M.; 286<br />

Haynes, Julie H.; 286<br />

Hays, Carl W.; 286<br />

Heath, Cathie; 134<br />

Heath, James; 131<br />

Heath, Linda C.; 286<br />

Heatherly, Sandra; 220<br />

Heatherly, Heather; 147<br />

Hedrick, Barbara 1.; 286<br />

Hedrick, Rich; 243<br />

Hedstrom, Randy; 255<br />

Hege, Jolene; 216<br />

Heide, Sue; 214,222,223<br />

Heiger, Larry; 142<br />

Heimburge, Neil; 179<br />

Helmer, Kathleen; 224<br />

Helser, Nancy A.; 286<br />

Henderson, Suzanne; 135,<br />

220,221<br />

Hendricks, Bill; 120<br />

Hendricks, Dave; 260<br />

Henigan, Carol; 112<br />

Henry, Arthur 1.; 287<br />

Henry, Pat S.; 117<br />

Hensen, Harriet; 48, 115,<br />

147<br />

Herberich, John; 125<br />

Herkert, Richard; 123<br />

Hernandez, Fred; 245, 287<br />

Herold, Thomas; 250<br />

Hersh, Ronnie; 218<br />

Hession, Jack; 42<br />

Heyser, Jeff; 38, 126, 243,<br />

286, 301<br />

Hickethier, Robert; 123<br />

Hieger, Larry; 145,286<br />

Higgins, Claire; 122, 123,<br />

126, 257, 286<br />

Higgins, Marky; 110, 114,<br />

135<br />

Hight, Brenda; 116<br />

Hill, Carol 1.; 286<br />

Hill,.Eleene; 134<br />

Hill, Maureen; 42, 229,<br />

270, 286<br />

Hill, Roger; 243<br />

Hill, Romona; 133<br />

Hill, Vern; 134,286<br />

At the entrance of the Freshman Quad lie~ a slab of flagstone<br />

which contains footprints left by a reptile about<br />

225,000,000 years ago.<br />

Hilliard,<br />

172<br />

Lan ; 1 lR, 171<br />

•<br />

Hill, s ; 254-<br />

Hilmen, D le ; 216, 287<br />

Hilt, Don; 122<br />

Himovitz, Fred: 262<br />

Hind. " ra '.; 287<br />

Hine: , n; 112, 2~ •<br />

265<br />

lIinkl , \1; 250<br />

Hin-h w, \\ rjnri,; I:lt<br />

Hinton, ' am : 5<br />

Hir tn, .rne-t , 1:11<br />

Hil hin, .lnm,. ; 2f17<br />

Hi on, 1 indn : 287<br />

Hohart •• len ; 123<br />

1I0hh , Tom : 122, 12:1<br />

11011. on. \I lin; 134<br />

lIodl!" ,D \1'; 212<br />

Hoff. It< rA' : 252<br />

noff, Marie; 1:'2, :22:1, :.1l7<br />

Hoff, Maril n : 1:12, 22:1,<br />

287<br />

J loffl'r, 1\licIlIH'I; 287<br />

Hoffman, John F.; 287<br />

Hoffman • Josi«: 225<br />

Hoffman, TOIl1: 1.12. 171<br />

Hoffman, Wayn : 254<br />

Hoggan, • nthin; 115<br />

Holle, Ned: 2·12<br />

Hollingsead. .a r01: 221<br />

Hollowa , Pam : 112, 127<br />

Hollrah, arla ; 116<br />

Holly, Joyce; 225<br />

Holm s, Kathl en A.; 288<br />

Holowach, Frank; 41<br />

Holtan, Herb; 122, 288<br />

Homerick, Jim; 123<br />

Hone, Doug: 239<br />

Honig, Cindy; ]15<br />

Hoop;, Jack: 254<br />

Hook, Judy; 113<br />

Hoover, Eunice R.; 288<br />

Hoover, Linda; 104<br />

Hoover, Mike; 241<br />

Hoover, Sue; 1.34<br />

Hopke, Ken: 261<br />

Hopkin', Vance; 2·19<br />

Horakh, Melinda; 288<br />

Horn, Ken; 59<br />

Horneeher, Tom; ]33<br />

Horton, Willie; ]26, 288<br />

Hoss, Bob; 183<br />

Hoss, Don; 130<br />

Hostetier, ara; 288<br />

Houck, Kathleen B.; 288<br />

Houser, Noml; 241<br />

Hov y, Bob; 179<br />

Hovey, Brook ; 121<br />

Hovland, Laura J.; 288<br />

Howard, Barbara; 217<br />

Howard, Doreen; ]] 5<br />

1a c('lIi. IIr!: US<br />

lharra, D.'anlla f.; 288<br />

Ide, Joan; 223<br />

Ill; Illlan,hri ; 212<br />

Ikerd, ]anlt: 288<br />

lIf n , Bill; 2·16<br />

mff, ,('orl! ; 250, 251<br />

Inllh', Jur ; 26l<br />

J nit)" • u~an E.: 288<br />

In/lll', an " r 1,1: 288<br />

Tn/l;o] c1 r.aral; 288<br />

Illl!ram, William; 131<br />

Inman. J1ld ; 116<br />

11111,)I'('nt, Ra ; 137<br />

I rltan/!. Dr. Fran : 11

314<br />

The lo~g standi?g .t~adition that no freshman may set foot<br />

upon hIS walk signifies the humble respect for Mont ezuma.<br />

...<br />

J obn ton, Michael E.; 289<br />

J hnston, Randy .; 289<br />

Jollett, usan; 289<br />

Jonas, Ken t; 259<br />

Jondall, Dottie; 222<br />

Jone , Bill; 249<br />

Jones, Buddy; 166, 169,<br />

171, 177<br />

Jones, Carole A.; 289<br />

Jone , Clarence, Jr.: 289<br />

Jones, Dianne Kay; 289<br />

Jones, James; 123, 289<br />

Jones, Jerry J.; 289<br />

Jones, Judi; 147<br />

J ones, Kathy; 226<br />

J one , Larry; 39<br />

J ones, Mike D.; 241<br />

Jones, Mike E.; 254<br />

Jones, Mike H.; 238<br />

J ones, Monroe; 289<br />

Jones, Pamela; 134<br />

Jones, Robert M.; 289<br />

Jones, Tom; 134<br />

Jordan, Sandy; 139<br />

Jorgensen, Susan; 127, 226<br />

Joyner, Steve; 169, 171,<br />

172<br />

Jozwicki, Paul; 122<br />

Juarez, Richard; 134<br />

Jue, Marilyn; 115<br />

Julian, Dr. James L.; 41,<br />

145<br />

Iurin, Laura; 117<br />

K<br />

Kaeding, Judy; 113<br />

Kahl, Mrs. M.;<br />

Kahn, Valerie; 41, 115,<br />

147, 289<br />

Kaiser, Art; 120<br />

Kaiser, John; 255<br />

Kalash, Susan; 228<br />

Kane, Lonni ; 74, 218, 219<br />

Kanewski, Linda; 105, 135,<br />

226, 227<br />

Kaplan, Dennis; 263<br />

Kaplan, Judy; 49<br />

Kaplan, Steve; 259<br />

Karcher, Larry; 238<br />

Karnes, Patricia; 289<br />

Kassel, Linda; 230<br />

Kattela, Dave; 259<br />

Kazebee, Suzi ; 113<br />

Keahiolalo, Victor R.; 289<br />

Keane, Tim; 247<br />

Kearn, Linda; 225<br />

Kebeck, Arthur B.; 289<br />

Keehan, Michael F.; 290<br />

Keenan, Rick; 238<br />

Keene, Robert 1.; 290<br />

Keistman, Herb; 120<br />

Keller, James; 241<br />

Kellogg, Charlene; 134,<br />

230<br />

Kelleghan, Timothy S.;<br />

290<br />

Kelley, 10seph; 290<br />

Kelly, George William;<br />

290<br />

Kelly, Len; 171,192,193<br />

Kelly, Pat; 247<br />

Kemper, Carolyn; 227<br />

Kempff, Skip; 123, 125<br />

Kenaston, Court; 179<br />

Kendall, Kathleen M.; 290<br />

Kendall, Dr. Lloyd; 41<br />

Kennedy, Dale; 242<br />

Kennedy, Roy T.; 290<br />

Kennedy, Vera 10 Ann'<br />

290 '<br />

Kenrfey, Louis A.; 35<br />

Kent, 'Fred; 123<br />

Kephart, Walter; 131, 290<br />

Kernes, Dale; 243<br />

Kerr, Thomas 1.; 290<br />

Kessler, John; 125<br />

Kessler, Ken; 244<br />

Keyes, Ray; 251<br />

Kidder, David; 120<br />

Kidwell, Dr. Will M.; 23<br />

Kiefer, John; 255<br />

Kilian, Mike; 261<br />

Kilius, Ned Norman; 290<br />

Killingsworth, Maureen;<br />

290<br />

Kilpatrick, Elizabeth A.;<br />

290<br />

Kim, Bob; 259<br />

Kimball, Dave; 238<br />

Kimbell, Dennis; 255<br />

Kimmerling, Paula; 222<br />

King, Bob; 161<br />

King, Nancy 1.; 290<br />

Kingsbury, Robert E.; 290<br />

Kinnerslev, Tom; 252, 253<br />

Kinney, Cliff; 243<br />

Kippers, Ken; 259<br />

Kirk, Gary; 125, 290<br />

Kirkpatrick, Margaret;<br />

134<br />

Kirkpatrick, Susan; 124,<br />

134<br />

Kisso, Fernanda; 112<br />

Kittle, Russ; 142,145,261<br />

Kivint, Bob; 262<br />

Klein, Darryl; 263<br />

Klein, Nora; 113<br />

Klemetsrud, Terry; 188<br />

Kleen, Barry; 122<br />

Klein, Bobbie; 219<br />

Klemm, Scott; 290<br />

Klimpel, Gary; 122<br />

Kline, Carolyn; 134<br />

Kling, Ron; 261<br />

Klipp, Terry; 187<br />

Knapp, Lester Van; 290<br />

KneJJ, Sandy; 117, 219<br />

Knight, loan 1.; 290<br />

Koch, lerry; 171<br />

Koering, Bob; 248<br />

Koester, Dr. George A.; 21<br />

Koester, Tom; 258<br />

Kohlers, Karen; 134<br />

Kohles, Karen; 230<br />

Koiser, Art; 123<br />

Koleto, Lynn; 41, 48<br />

Koonce, Genevera M.; 290<br />

Kops, Kris ; 221<br />

Korb, Eileen; 291<br />

Korporaal, Ron; 241 290<br />

Korsmeier, Bob; 251'<br />

Korsmeier, Denice' 113<br />

115 "<br />

Korzep, Robert L.; 290<br />

Kosmack, 10e; 238, 239<br />

Kovacevich, Marty' 248<br />

290 "<br />

Kovacks, George; 134, 290<br />

Kraft, Louis; 263<br />

Krager, Barbara; 230, 290<br />

Kramer, 10hn; 263<br />

Kremar, Mike' 222<br />

Kr!enke, Gret~hen; 227<br />

KrItzer, Tamara; 290<br />

Krukow, Sally; 116<br />

Kruse, Kristal; 290<br />

Kruse, Sue; 124<br />

Kuhlken, Bob; 248<br />

Kuhn, Cheryl; 227<br />

Kuhns, Tom; 244<br />

Kull, Peggy; 114<br />

Kuntz, 10hanne; 291<br />

Kurtz, Karen' 230<br />

KWint, Bob; '262<br />

Kyle, Rod; 244<br />

l<br />

Lacey, Lynn; 120<br />

Lacy, John; 126, 255, 287<br />

Ladner, Milbert; 131, 291<br />

Laffoon, Karen Lou; 133,<br />

290 L<br />

La Fonta, Syoney; 228<br />

Lake, Linda; 228<br />

Lamb, Barbara; 45, 142,<br />

228, 229<br />

Lamb, Donald Wayne; 290<br />

Lamb, Vicki; 124<br />

Lamden, Bill; 263<br />

Lamden, Dr. Charles W.;<br />

26<br />

Larnprou, Christine; 127,<br />

227<br />

Land, Judy: 222<br />

Landry, Ed; 188<br />

Landry, Toni Sue; 76,290<br />

Lane, Carol; 73, 228<br />

Lane, Iim ; 252, 253<br />

Lane, Sheryll .I.; 290<br />

Lang, Don; 251<br />

Lang, Jeanne; 225<br />

Lang, Tom; 48, 251<br />

Lange, Sue; 127<br />

Langenbach, Dr. Bob; 133<br />

Langsdorf, Sherry; 116,<br />

290<br />

Langworthy, John R.; 290<br />

Lantz, Harriet; 113<br />

Laradza, Ron; 255<br />

Larkey, Nancy; 222, 223,<br />

291<br />

Larkey, Susan; 223, 291<br />

Larkin, Janet; 227<br />

Larse, Larry; 123<br />

Larsen, Diane; 226<br />

Larson, James N.; 291<br />

Larson, Tom; 260<br />

Latham, Diana; 221<br />

Latona, Vincent; 134<br />

Laughton, Richard; 291<br />

Lavery, Charlene; 113, 134<br />

Lawatch, Jackie; 221<br />

Lawrence, Cheryl; 49<br />

Lawrence, Ed; 254<br />

Lawrence, Gary; 238<br />

Lawrence, Laine; 112<br />

Lawrence, Richie; 248<br />

Lawson, Kent; 164, 166,<br />

169,171, 192,291<br />

Lawson, Roberta; 115<br />

Leach, Diane; 134<br />

Leadingham, Jo Ann; 223<br />

Leake, Don; 254<br />

Learnard, John; 291<br />

Learned, Don; 252, 253<br />

Leavenworgh, Ginny; 116<br />

LeBow, Lois; 219<br />

LeBowitz, Nancy; 116<br />

Lee, Allen; 135, 241, 291<br />

Lee, Don; 121, 258<br />

Lee, Gordon; 41<br />

Lee, Karen A.; 291<br />

Lee, Larry; 258<br />

Lee, Mike; 121<br />

Lee, Windy; 228<br />

Leeds, Gary; 263<br />

Lees,. Karen; 115<br />

Lehman, M. D.; 134<br />

Le?ton, John; 253<br />

LeIchter, Helene' 48<br />

Leiffer, Don' 134<br />

Leimbach,<br />

292<br />

BilI' 192 247<br />

'"<br />

Leland, Nanci; 292<br />

Leland, Rich; 263<br />

LeMay, Donald A.; 292<br />

Lembeck, Mike; 38, 247<br />

Leonard, Clara; 133<br />

Leonard, Kenneth; 241<br />

Leonard, Kermit; 239<br />

Leonard, Larry; 120<br />

Leppert, Cynthia' 292<br />

Leptich, Dean; 40, 43<br />

Lesh, Gail N.; 292<br />

Lesher, Dave' 121<br />

Lesikar, Dian~a; 112<br />

Lessard, Roy W.; 292<br />

Lessard, Tom; 191<br />

Lessem, Ron; 262<br />

Levin, Paul; 263<br />

Levine, Ellen; 112<br />

Lewis, Iohn ; 56<br />

Louis, Lee; 142<br />

Lewis, Marsha; 115<br />

Lewis, Mr. R. A.; 132<br />

Lewis, Tom; 254<br />

Lichty, Robert C.; 292<br />

Liddell, Marlane A.; 142,<br />

226, 227, 292<br />

Lieberenz, Ray; 239<br />

Lieberman, Jay; 263<br />

Liggett, Dick; 123<br />

Light, Brenda; 116<br />

Ligon, Ernie; 179<br />

Ligon, Wanda; 270,292<br />

Lindeburg, Frank; 243<br />

Lindsay, Charles; 292<br />

Lindstrom, Leonard G.;<br />

292<br />

Link, Patricia; 134<br />

Linneman, John H.; 121<br />

Lipson, Sue; 219<br />

Litchfield, ToAnne 1.; 292<br />

Littlejohn, Katie; 116,133,<br />

153<br />

Livreri, Kathy; 112<br />

Lizalde, Milo; 170<br />

Lizzano, AI; 243<br />

Lloyd, David; 125, 292<br />

Lober, Doug; 258<br />

Lober, Roger; 258<br />

Lochridge, Arlene; 292<br />

Lock, Bill; 254<br />

Lockett, Beverly A.; 292<br />

Lockman, Evelyn; 43<br />

Logan, Bill; 241<br />

Logans, Tom; 126, 292<br />

Lomac, Jeannie; 223, 292<br />

Lomac, John; 248<br />

Lomen, Gerry; 22i<br />

Long, Donald; 131<br />

Long, Hal; 247<br />

Long, Rich; 244<br />

Long, Ron; 237,247<br />

Long, Susan J.; 292<br />

Loomis, David; 42<br />

Loomis, Mary Lou; 223<br />

Lopez, Humberto; 137<br />

Lopez, Ian; 112<br />

LoPinto, Andrea H.; 292<br />

LoPinto, Norma; 226<br />

Lord, Ginny; 115<br />

Lottermoser, Don; 243<br />

Loughnan, Jean; 226<br />

Love, President Malcolm;<br />

20,61<br />

Lovsted, Jean; 134<br />

Lowitz, Roger; 263<br />

Lozano, Joe 1.; 292<br />

Lubach, Robert; 122, 123<br />

Luben, Claude; 258<br />

Luce, Dr. Lawrence; 131<br />

Luckey, Andrew; 292<br />

Luhnow, Tom; 39, 43, 253<br />

Lukehart, John; 244<br />

Lukes, Alicia; 116<br />

Lulces, Alicia; 116<br />

Lunceford, Steve; 121<br />

Lund, John; 122, 123, 256<br />

Lunder, David; 187,240<br />

Lusk, Karen; 292<br />

Lux, John; 246, 292<br />

Luyendyk, Bruce; 260,292<br />

Lyle, Richard J.; 292<br />

Lynch, Ramona E.; 292<br />

Lyndsay, Chuck; 248<br />

Lyingholm, Carl; 134<br />

Lynon, Katby; 41<br />

Lyon, Jobn; 256<br />

M<br />

Mac, A. D.; 123<br />

Macaulay, Wayne; 239<br />

MacCorkelI, Richi; 115<br />

MacDonald, Bruce; 238<br />

MacDonald, Denny· 126<br />

249,292 "<br />

MacDougall, John; 292<br />

MacFarlane, Bob; 259<br />

Mack, Barbara; 229<br />

Mack, Rozanne; 228, 229<br />

MacKirdy, Martha' 41<br />

110, 114, 270, 292 '<br />

Mackey, Bob; 183, 185<br />

186 '<br />

.MacLaggon, Jamie; 243<br />

Macnab, Pat; 225<br />

MacNeil, Tim; 41,126,<br />

142,254,255<br />

Macy, Richard; 251<br />

Madden, John; 160<br />

Maddox, Richard; 251<br />

Madison, Ken; 166, 168,<br />

169, 171, l74<br />

Magnuson, Russ; 187<br />

Maio, Tony; 250, 251<br />

Males, .Tim; 252<br />

Maley, John R.; 292<br />

Maloney, Elaine; 292<br />

Maloney, Franny; 216,217<br />

Manchestetr, Doug; 126,<br />

250,292<br />

Mandel, Dena; 218<br />

Manderscheid, Roger; 179<br />

Manfredi, Claire; 292<br />

Manson, Larry; 125<br />

Marahrens, Bob; 259<br />

Marckwardt, Tom; 249<br />

Mardis, lames D.; 292<br />

Marion, Anita S.; 293<br />

Marken, John P.; 293<br />

Markley, Richard; 293<br />

Marlow, John; 100<br />

MarQuardt, Helen; 96<br />

Marr, Noman; 293<br />

Marriner, Harry; 293<br />

Martin, Bob; 133<br />

Martin, Dave; 256<br />

Martin, Dick; 126, 258,<br />

259<br />

Martin, Jeffrey; 239<br />

Martin, Jerome; 293<br />

Martin, Judy; 114, .<br />

Martin, Larry; 164, 169<br />

Matin, Leroy; 126,293<br />

Martin, Margie; 132<br />

Martin, Rosemary; 223<br />

Martin, Sheila; 42<br />

Martindale, Kathy; 147,<br />

230<br />

Martins, Jim; 254<br />

Martyn, Charlene; 230,<br />

231<br />

Marzano, Robert; 293<br />

Mason, Rick; 245, 293 3<br />

Massey, Carol Jean; 29<br />

Massey, Don; 242<br />

Masterson, AI; 249<br />

Mather, Dick; 250<br />

Mathews, Joan; 293<br />

Mathieu, Monique; 134<br />

Mathis, Tim; 260 9<br />

Matlock, Bruce; 123,23<br />

Matson, Sam; 249 247<br />

Matthews; John: 246,4<br />

Matthews, Valone; 13<br />

Maulis, <strong>Del</strong>ores; 293<br />

Maxfeld, Don; 12~<br />

Maxwell, Jerry; 2ft<br />

MaxwelI, .Judy; 2 256<br />

May, DavId; 123, 230<br />

Mayo Diane; 134, 58<br />

McAf~e, Margar~\i7<br />

McAndrew, Jane,<br />

221<br />

'<br />

McAnlis, John; 22~6<br />

McAnlis, Steve; 250<br />

McArthur, Jo.bn: 250<br />

McArthur~ RIC.k h2<br />

127<br />

McBee, Lmda, 93 '<br />

McBee, Gary; 2 . 217<br />

McCabe, Barbara, und;<br />

McCambridge, Edrn<br />

293<br />

McCampbell, Jim; 137, 239<br />

McCarl, Joan ; 222<br />

McCarron, Eileen; 124<br />

McCarter, Carol; 231<br />

McCarthy, Dianne; 293<br />

McCauley, Gary; 126,242<br />

McClain, Sandy; 147,217,<br />

293<br />

McClellan, J ayce; 123<br />

McCling, Jim; 256<br />

McClure, Michael; 137<br />

McClure, Mike; 249<br />

McCluskey, Mike; 121, 260<br />

McCormick, Steve; 126,<br />

238,239<br />

McCoy, Charles;' 43<br />

McCoy, Donald R.; 293<br />

McCoy, Gary; 183, 250<br />

McCoy, Valerie; 293<br />

McCraken, Gerry; 245<br />

McCune, Allan D.; 293<br />

McCutcheon, Chuck; 125,<br />

260,293<br />

McDaniel, Don; 188<br />

McDermott, lames K.; 293<br />

McDonald, Bernard; 240<br />

McDonald, Carol; 222, 293<br />

McDonald, Margie A.; 293<br />

McDougal, Don; 245<br />

McElroy, lames A.; 293<br />

McEncroe, lack; 249<br />

McFaddin, Ann; 134<br />

McFarland, Carole; 114<br />

McFerren, Marcia; 222<br />

McGhee, Brownie; 56<br />

McGhee, Mike; 251, 293<br />

McGinnis, Patrick; 293<br />

McGregor, John; 245<br />

McGrew, La<strong>Del</strong>ia; 48,114,<br />

135, 226, 227<br />

McGrew, Linda; 226<br />

McInnes, Suzanne; 293<br />

McKeeney, Paul; 238<br />

McKeon, Janice K; 293<br />

McKittrick, Mike; 248,<br />

293<br />

McLennan, Linda; 141,<br />

227<br />

McMahan, Patricia; 293<br />

McMahon, Taura-l een;<br />

139<br />

McMasters, Denise B.;<br />

294<br />

McMichael, Mike; 259<br />

McMillan, Norm; 251<br />

McMorrow, Clyde; 48<br />

McMullen, Darrell; 246,<br />

294<br />

McMullen, John; 248<br />

McNeely, William A.; 294<br />

McNew, Nancy; 113<br />

McPharIen, Barbara; 49<br />

McPherren, Mary; 229<br />

McPherson, B. J.; 294<br />

McPhie, Pam; 225<br />

McQueen, Paul S.; 294<br />

McVey, Norm; 248, 294<br />

Mead, Susan H.; 294<br />

Means, Garry; 122, 123<br />

Mecca, Andy; 39, 49; 242,<br />

243<br />

Mechling, Virginia; 229<br />

Medure, 10seph; 294<br />

Meeh, AI; 123, 294<br />

Meek, Kathy; 115<br />

Meek, Larry; 183, 184, 251<br />

Meens, Gary; 122, 123<br />

Megeath, Chip; 260<br />

Meifert, Melinda; 113<br />

Meier, Wes; 59<br />

Meiers, Mayde; 112<br />

Meland, Clifford 1.; 294<br />

Melton, Carolyn E.; 294<br />

Melville, Rodney S.; 135,<br />

294<br />

Mendez, Eddie; 170, 251<br />

Mendoza, Cande; 261<br />

Mendoza, Yolanda; 134<br />

Merchant, Gary; 294<br />

Merian, Ronald; 294<br />

Merriam, Thomas; 110<br />

Merrifield, Edwad; 294<br />

Merrill, Dr. John; 241<br />

Meyer, Henry; 132<br />

Midgett, Ronald; 134<br />

Midlam, Mike; 261<br />

Miele, Betty; 113, 134<br />

Mikolon, Peggy; 132<br />

Miles, Carolyn; 110<br />

Milene, Dr. David .; 35<br />

Milks, Jack; 166, 169, 174,<br />

177<br />

Mill, Tom; 123<br />

Millar, Pat; 247<br />

Miller, Bob; 238<br />

Miller, Dave; 187<br />

Miller, Dwight B.; 294<br />

Miller, Ernest; 294<br />

Miller, Georgia R.; 295<br />

Miller, Jacqueline; 116<br />

Miller, Jim; 178<br />

Miller, Lance; 40, 126,<br />

236, 238, 239, 294<br />

Miller, Marsha; 132, 294<br />

Miller, Mike; 147, 242,<br />

295<br />

Miller, Richard c., 295<br />

Miller, Robert; 134<br />

Miller, Virginia; 127<br />

Miller, Waskah; 295<br />

Millican, Ed; 104<br />

Mills, Don; 251<br />

Mills, Jim; 240<br />

Mills, Vance; 294, 295<br />

Milne, Spence; 178<br />

Minton, Carol; 127, 214,<br />

230, 231<br />

Missler, Craig; 263<br />

Mittleholtz, Marilyn; 294<br />

Mize, Pat; 114, 295<br />

Moe, Donna; 105, 135, 227<br />

Moldovan, Joan; 116<br />

Molina, Julie; 114, 135<br />

Mollick, Ron; 263<br />

Monahan, Michael A.; 295<br />

Monahan, Sophie E.; 294<br />

Monley, Jill; 113<br />

Monroe, Mark; 248<br />

Montgomery, Bruce; 246<br />

Montgomery, Jack; 97<br />

Moody, Joy; 217<br />

Mooney, Bob; 125<br />

Moore, Betty; 72<br />

Moore, Bobbi; 113, 134<br />

Moore, Dennis; 40, 42, 126,<br />

246, .247, 273<br />

Moore, Jack R.; 294<br />

Moore, Ron; 125<br />

Moore, Vicki; 116<br />

Mora, Vic; 250<br />

Morgan, Dennis; 259<br />

Morgan, Marsha; 112, 113<br />

Morgan, Mary Anne; 214,<br />

224, 225, 294<br />

Morgan, Nancy Lee; 214,<br />

215, 225<br />

Morgan, Tom; 38, 42, 43,<br />

242,243<br />

Morgner, lay; 248<br />

Morris, Dave; 171<br />

Morris, Dianna R.; 294<br />

Morris, Jack; 242<br />

Morris, Vickey; 231<br />

Morrison, Carol A.; 294<br />

Morrison, Edward E.; 294<br />

Morrison, Joanne; 294<br />

Morrison, Larry; 123<br />

Morrison, Lawrence; 43<br />

Morrison, Pat; 124<br />

Morrison, Sharon; 227<br />

Morse, Yvonne; 124, 142<br />

Morton, John; 294<br />

Morton, Mike; 250, 295<br />

Moser, Mike; 261<br />

Mote, Olga; 295<br />

Mouskouri, Nana; 56<br />

Mowrer, Rog r; 29~<br />

Muench, William; 13·1<br />

Mull n, handon; 229<br />

Mumby, R g r; U8, 29,~<br />

Muna, Farid; 295<br />

Munoz, Joe; 49,238<br />

Munsell, Iyde; 261, 295<br />

Munsey, Virginia; 112<br />

Munz, Mik ; 239<br />

Muraoka, Ta-ke; 142<br />

Murdock, ue; 227<br />

Murphy, Kathy; 135<br />

Murphy, Larry; 254<br />

Murphy, Melvin; 34<br />

Murphy, Micha J G,; 294<br />

Murray, Lois; 294<br />

Murry, Geoffrey; 243<br />

Musil, Donna; 45, 229<br />

Myers, Dave; 259<br />

Myers, Gabriela; 295<br />

Myers, Jane; 295<br />

Myers, Mike; 43, 125, 252,<br />

253, 295, 305<br />

Myers, Sally; 116, 147<br />

Myers, Wayne A.; 295<br />

Myhro, Ron; 247<br />

N<br />

Nable, Karen; 133<br />

Nachant, Susan; 295<br />

Nance, Donald; 239<br />

Narris, Art; 123<br />

Neal, Brad; 187<br />

Neal, Garry; 245<br />

Neely, <strong>Del</strong>; 295<br />

Neil, Louise; 43, 22~<br />

Neill, Phil; 252<br />

Neish, Dave; 253<br />

Nelson, Bab; 240, 241<br />

Nelson, Darryl; 171,172,<br />

176, 249<br />

Nelson, Georgianne; 221<br />

Nelson, Gerald B.; 295<br />

Nelson, Heidi; 295<br />

elson, Joyce; 228<br />

Nelson, Wendy; 227,296<br />

Nenow, Dave; 247<br />

Nesbit, Peggy; 113<br />

Nessler, Carrie; 43,48,231<br />

Nettles, Craig; 183, 249<br />

Nevill, Harry; 296<br />

Newbro, Tom; 247<br />

Newby, Lorraine; 296<br />

Newcomb, Doug; 126,145,<br />

255, 296<br />

Newell, Phil; 141, 261<br />

Newkirk, Bill; 132<br />

o<br />

Oberbau r, arl; 296<br />

Obler, Arch; ISO<br />

O'Bri n, Bob; 111<br />

O'Bri n, John; 296<br />

O'Bryant, John; 249<br />

O'Bym ' Dr. Em t B.' 21<br />

Ocoyn , Mar ; 296<br />

Od ll, Brian; 254, 296<br />

Odie, Bob; 126, 250, 251,<br />

296,299<br />

O'Donn ll, Dolore ; 296<br />

O'Donn Il, T rry; 155<br />

O'Dwyer, Frank; 243<br />

Ogilvie, Doug; 239<br />

Ogren, usie; 11<br />

O'Hanlon, Rich; 122<br />

O'Keefe. Rocky; 199<br />

Okun, Ellen; 219<br />

O'Kim, Larry; 262<br />

aIds, Marjorie; 296<br />

Olinger. Ron; 239<br />

Olinghouse, Joe; 132,296<br />

Olmstead, Dave; 187<br />

Olsen, Bonnie; 296<br />

Olsen, Dan; 261<br />

Olsen, Lyle; 100, 183<br />

Olsen, Ocean; 134, 296<br />


-...<br />

P k, u ; 116<br />

Pevey, Wayne; 120<br />

Pedo, Vawn ; 297<br />

P hka, Mari-Anne: 297<br />

Peiffer, H rb rt .: 22,42<br />

Peiff r, John; 253<br />

Peirce, Judy; 127<br />

P nacho, Larry; 190, 250<br />

P ndl y, Jim; 110, 121,<br />

297<br />

Penn, Mike; 244<br />

Penn, teve : 263<br />

P nny, Jane; 223<br />

Perez, Ed; 248<br />

Perkins, Bill; 243<br />

Perkins, Frank; 297<br />

Perkiss, Laurel; 114<br />

Perry, Barbara; 132<br />

Perry, Phill; 110<br />

Persinger, Malcolm; 297<br />

Persky, June; 197<br />

Peters, Brian; 258, 297<br />

Petersen, Carol; 297<br />

Peterson, Christine; 231<br />

Peterson, Connie; 225<br />

Peter on, Dave; 170, 192,<br />

250<br />

Peterson, Donna; 228<br />

Peter on, Jeannie; 127<br />

Peterson, Karen; 49<br />

Peterson, Ken; 244<br />

Peterson, Rae Lynne; 139,<br />

223<br />

Peterson, Ron; 40,256, 257<br />

Peterson, Tom; 250<br />

Petree, Lorri; 145<br />

Petrick, Bill; 238<br />

Petroni us, Anita B.; 297<br />

Petterson, Ken; 244<br />

Petty, Shirley; 117<br />

Pfadenhauer, Ellen; 221,<br />

297<br />

Pheil, Mary Lou; 297<br />

Phelan, Linda; 68, 226<br />

Phelan, Sharon; 45, 214,<br />

226, 227<br />

Phelps, J annis ; 134, 230<br />

Philbin, Mike; 246<br />

Phillips, Ann; 216<br />

Phillips, Bill; 179<br />

Phillips, Bill H.; 160<br />

Phillips, Fred; 258<br />

Phillips, Garry; 244<br />

Philips, Jim; 297<br />

Phillippi, Gary; 121<br />

Phippin, Jack; 96<br />

Picaizen, Canea ; 297<br />

Picchiottino, June; 297<br />

Pierce, Dick; 183, 185<br />

Pierce, Judy; 40<br />

Pierce, Lynn; 113<br />

Pierpoint, Valerie; 127<br />

Piester, Sharon; 297<br />

Piorek, Ronald; 297<br />

Piper, Jim; 192, 246<br />

Piquard, Yvonne; 297<br />

Piranio, Frank; 297<br />

Pitkin, Judith; 297<br />

Pitt, Paulette; 130, 298<br />

Pittsford, Tom; 248<br />

Plant, Robert; 298<br />

PIa tt,. Steve; 238<br />

Platt, Tammy; 69, 142,<br />

223<br />

Pleggenkuhle, Ann; 116<br />

Plough, Chasi; 298<br />

Plumb, Carol; 228<br />

Plumb, Paul; 192, 193,<br />

298<br />

Pohl, Linda; 115<br />

Pohling, Suzanne; 127,134<br />

Poland, Tam; 246<br />

Polinger, Barbara; 117<br />

Polllock, Robyn; 229<br />

Polster, Taffy; 223<br />

Pomerantz, Drake; 298<br />

Poole, Jim; 49, 147, 243<br />

Poolos, Joanette ; 223<br />

Porter, AI; 248<br />

Porter, Gary; 298<br />

Porter, Jim; 142, 258, 298<br />

Porter, Kay; 41, 226<br />

Postle, Nancy; 114<br />

Potts, Joanne; 298<br />

Powell, Nancy; 145, 298<br />

Power, Buddy; 248<br />

Power, Tom; 245<br />

Powers, Bonnie; 147,216<br />

Prager, Nancy; 127, 298<br />

Prahl, Bob; 126, 192, 243,<br />

298<br />

Pratt, Carl; 123<br />

Pratt, Carolyn; 135<br />

Pratt, W. T.; 121<br />

Prebble, Carol; 124<br />

Prelle, Wally; 257<br />

Prest, Susie; 115<br />

Prevost, Gail; 298<br />

Prewitt, Terry; 240<br />

Price, Bob; 261<br />

Price, Eugene; 298<br />

Priede, Naija; 298<br />

Pruden, Gretchen; 298<br />

Pruett, Walter; 238<br />

Puckett, Ernest; 241<br />

Puma la, Beth; 298<br />

Purcell, Mike; 261<br />

Purtee, Alex; 145,251<br />

Purtzer, Richard; 258<br />

Q<br />

Quan, John; 245<br />

Quapp, Bill; 238<br />

Quechenberger, Pete; 253<br />

Quigley, John; 192,246<br />

Quinn, Terry; 245<br />

R<br />

Rachel, Richard; 153<br />

Raddatz, Mary Lois; 298<br />

Rae, Sonja; 133<br />

Raffetto, Jane Eve; 298<br />

Ragenovich, Betty; 127<br />

Rager, Tim; 261<br />

Rakestraw, Diane ; 141<br />

Ramano, Ben; 133<br />

Raming, Dick; 242<br />

Ramirez, Henry; 242<br />

Ramos, Ron; 49, 261<br />

Ramsey, John; 249, 298<br />

Ramsey, Nikki; 298<br />

Ramsey, Sue; 222, 223<br />

Rankin, Gary; 254<br />

Rankin, Lawrence; 299<br />

Rasmussen, Carolyn; 115<br />

Rasmussen, Paul; 258<br />

Rast, Robert; 259<br />

Raston, Ellen; 218<br />

Ratay, Ruth; 299<br />

Rathmann, Eugene; 253<br />

Rauh, Conrad; 120<br />

Rawnsley, Jerri; 115<br />

Ray, Jim; 242<br />

Ray, Tom; 238<br />

Rayoroft, Randy; 257<br />

Rearden, Kay; 221,298<br />

Reaume, Ron; 244, 245<br />

Reaume, Sharon; 216<br />

Reckless, Linda; 124<br />

Rector, Eleanor; 113<br />

Redfern, Virginia; 298<br />

Redmond, Nancy; 116<br />

Reed, Barry; 120, 254<br />

Reed, Dave; 251<br />

Reed, Fred; 242<br />

Reed, Terry; 126, 298<br />

Reeder, Patty; 222<br />

Rees, Melinda; 298<br />

Rees, Samuel; 298<br />

Reese, James P.; 298<br />

Regan, Suzanne; 299<br />

Reichart, Ray; 242, 243<br />

Reichert, Ruth; 214, 220,<br />

221, 270, 299<br />

Reid, Doug; 242<br />

Reid, William; 259<br />

Reinking, Pat; 230<br />

Renshaw, Jim; 134<br />

Renteria, Elizabeth; 132,<br />

298<br />

Reusch, Carolyn; 228<br />

Reynolds, Merrily; 230<br />

Reynolds, Tom; 261, 298<br />

Rhoads, Cherie; 216<br />

Rhoda, Richard; 42, 134,<br />

298<br />

Rhodes, Jay; 254<br />

Rich, Alan; 123<br />

Richardson, Bill; 153<br />

Richardson, Dr. R. W.; 132<br />

Richmond, Susan; 117<br />

Riddick, Lana; 127<br />

Riddle, John; 121<br />

Riddle, Judi; 127<br />

Ridgway, William; 125,<br />

134<br />

Rields, Pam; 115<br />

Rilea, Clyde; 178<br />

Riley, Gavin; 178<br />

Riley, Mike; 254<br />

Rindone, Jenny; 270, 298<br />

Ringsmith, Don; 248<br />

Ritter, Jim; 123, 257<br />

Rivers, Phyllis; 298<br />

Roark, Mike; 254<br />

Robbins, Bob; 122<br />

Robbins, Phil; 239<br />

Roberts, Chris; 259<br />

Roberts, David; 298<br />

Roberts, Jeannie; 134, 135<br />

Roberts, Jerry; 299<br />

Roberts, Lenny; 248<br />

Roberts, Marjorie; 299<br />

Robertson, Dr. Frank 0.;<br />

34<br />

Robertson, Mike; 239<br />

Robinson, Dr. Dudley; 33<br />

Robinson, Patricia; 229<br />

Robinson, Randy; 239<br />

Robles, Laura; 154<br />

Rock, Dianne; 229<br />

Roe, Larry; 130<br />

Roesch, Sally; 113<br />

Rogers, Bonnie; 133<br />

Rogers, Crista; 49, 226<br />

Rogers, Joe; 261,299<br />

Rogers, Mary; 132<br />

Rogers, Phil; 133<br />

Rogers, Raymond; 299<br />

Rogers, Sandy; 214, 226,<br />

227, 299<br />

Rogers, Suni; 227<br />

Rohlinger, Robert; 299<br />

Rohwedder, Cheryl; 114<br />

Roisman, Jodi; 218<br />

Romanoff, Ruth; 124, 299<br />

Romero, Dave; 254<br />

Romero, George; 48, 246<br />

Romero, Juliet; 299<br />

Romo, Bill; 242<br />

Roppe, Roger; 41, 251, 300<br />

Rose, Brenda; 113, 227<br />

Rose, Conna; 147<br />

Rose, Donald; 300<br />

Rose, Jim; 261<br />

Rose, Virginia; 147<br />

Rosen, Mark; 237,263<br />

Rosene, Vernon C.; 24, 41<br />

Ross, John; 123<br />

Ross, Susie; 231<br />

Rossman, Mike; 263<br />

Rosten, Joan; 112<br />

Roth, Jim; 246<br />

Rothman, Rose; 300<br />

Rothstein, Eugene; 300<br />

Roughton, Carol; 300<br />

Rounsaville, Butch; 251<br />

Rowe, Beth; 116<br />

Rowe, Stan; 120<br />

Rowell, Leroy; 300<br />

Rowland, Richard; 132,<br />

300<br />

Rowlands, Barbara; 132<br />

Rowlands, Chuck; 261<br />

Rowney, David; 122<br />

Royal, Don; 170<br />

Rozner, Morris; 300<br />

Rubalcaba, Robert; 124<br />

Ruey, Shay; 120<br />

Ruggles, Peter; 104<br />

Ruiz, German; 120<br />

Ruiz, Jim; 243<br />

Rumney, Richard; 300<br />

Rumsey, Kathy; 135, 222,<br />

223<br />

Rusch, Rodger; 245<br />

Russell, Dee; 123<br />

Russell, Diane; 116<br />

Rust, Judith; 113<br />

Ruth, Bob; 121<br />

Ruthford, Barbara; 300<br />

Ruzich, John; 251<br />

Ryan, Ed; 255<br />

Ryan, Patricia; 229<br />

Ryder, Victor; 239<br />

s<br />

Saccoman, Polly; 216<br />

Salmon, Marcia; 116<br />

Salopek, Davi~; 121<br />

Sampson, Steve; 125<br />

Sanborn, Michele; 300<br />

Sanborn, Nita; 139<br />

Sanchez, Dave; 153<br />

Sanders, Joan; 124<br />

Sanderson, Virginia; 300<br />

Sanger, Marcia; 219<br />

Sankey, Iris; 300<br />

Santone, Jeanne; 112<br />

Sargeant, Robert; 240<br />

Sarkella, Susie; 229<br />

Sasse, Jerry; 239<br />

Sather, Deanna; 300<br />

Saunders, Shirley; 300<br />

Savage, Martie; 112<br />

Sawade, Lynn; 229<br />

Sawyer, Marilyn; 115<br />

Sawyer, Tom; 122<br />

Saxton, Charles; 300<br />

Saxton, Jim; 249<br />

Saye, Samuel; 300<br />

Scahill, J ohannah; 301<br />

Scampone, Anselmo; 134<br />

Sceper, Duane; 255<br />

Schadeck, Edward; 301<br />

Schaeffer, Fred; 120<br />

Schaenfeld, Karen; 219<br />

Schatz, Fred; 300<br />

Schiel, Richard; 123<br />

Schildknecht, Mary Ann;<br />

112<br />

Schindler, Dennis; 188<br />

Schmautz, Ray; 169, 171,<br />

250<br />

Schmidt, Erin; 227<br />

Schmidt, Jane; 112<br />

Schneider, Gary; 300<br />

Schnieder, Susie; 227<br />

Schnitzer, Joann; 114<br />

Scholefield, Pat; 115<br />

Scholing, Mike; 123<br />

Scholl, Jack; 239<br />

Schottke, Julie; 229<br />

Schreck, Kathie; 115<br />

Schrock, Carolyn; 301<br />

Schroeder, Nancy; 115, 301<br />

Schrupp, Jim; 145,300<br />

Schrupp, Dr. Manfred; 27<br />

Schrupp, Rick; 245<br />

Schulman, Bob; 123<br />

Schultz, Guenter; 141<br />

Schultz, Judy; 214, 218,<br />

219<br />

Schultz, Mike; 123<br />

Schultz, Rod; 120<br />

Schultz, Suzie; 218, 219<br />

Schupbach, Tom; 122, 179<br />

Schutte, Bill; 161<br />

Schwab, John; 300<br />

Schwartz, Myra; 227<br />

Schweitzer, Gary; 243<br />

Scoortis, Bill; 246<br />

Scott, Barbara; 110, 111,<br />

116,117<br />

Scott, Bill; 259<br />

Scott, Frank; 160<br />

Scott, Gayle; 115<br />

Scot, James W.; 301<br />

Scott, Jim; 42, 122<br />

Scott, Katherine; 153<br />

Scott, Patti; 231<br />

Scott, Penny; 112<br />

Scott, Sherry; 230<br />

Scott, Steve; 255<br />

Scott, Virginia; 300<br />

Scull, Earl; 300<br />

Seagondollar, Dewayne ;<br />

. 300<br />

Secord, Judy; 115, 228<br />

Seden, Theodore; 238<br />

Seely, John; 300<br />

Seewald, Ralph; 125, 142,<br />

143, 153<br />

Seibert, Belva; 300<br />

Seifert, Harry; 131<br />

Seldon, Dave; 300<br />

Self, Ron; 259<br />

Sell, Frank; 238<br />

Selton, Randy; 259<br />

Senters, Terry; 300<br />

Seramur, Paul; 244<br />

Sermersheim, Mike; 38,<br />

41, 250, 251<br />

Severns, Jan; 115<br />

Shackleton, Doris; 300<br />

Shallenberger, Gary; 301<br />

Shamel, Kathy; 222<br />

Shandera, Jaime; 238<br />

Shank, Michele; 49, 222<br />

Shan kland, Sid; 243<br />

Shappi, Jayne; 115<br />

Sharp, Gayle; 301<br />

Sharp, Mitchee; 115<br />

Shaver, Andrea; 221<br />

Shaw, Sylvia; 116<br />

Shaw croft, Jaclt; 182, 183,<br />

185, 186, 187<br />

Shay, Sheila; 223<br />

Shea, Denny; 2

Organization<br />

Ind<br />

Tongi h, arol ; 216<br />

Torr ,Jose; 59<br />

Towns nd, Doug; 38, 42,<br />

126, 238, 239<br />

Trabka, Leonard; 254<br />

Trankla, Chris; 216<br />

Treadway, Gerald; 304<br />

Tr adwell, Winnie; 49,216<br />

Trembley, Deanne; 112,<br />

113<br />

Trigs, Phyllis; 230<br />

Tripp, Nancy; 152, 153<br />

Tristram, Dennis; 304<br />

Tritsch, David; 121<br />

Troncone, Dick; 249<br />

Trop, Mark; 261<br />

Trovaten, Ben; 254, 304<br />

Trovaten, Bob; 254<br />

Trower, Dale; 126, 258,<br />

259<br />

Thoxel, Joe; 304<br />

Truex, Bill; 137, 240, 241,<br />

304<br />

Tschogal, Judy; 154, 155<br />

Tubalcaba, Robert; 120<br />

Tubbs, Jennifer; 304<br />

Turchan, Barbara; 45<br />

Turiansky, Irene; 153<br />

Turner, Isabelle; 133<br />

Turner, Judith; 304<br />

Turner, Leslie; 112<br />

Turner, Mike; 123<br />

Turner, Nick; 40, 147<br />

Twiss, Sandra; 115<br />

Tyler, John; 242<br />

Tyler, Ronald; 305<br />

Tyzzer, Bob; 253<br />

Activities, Board; 43<br />

Alpha Chi Omega; 216,<br />

217<br />

Alpha Epsilon Phi; 218,<br />

219<br />

Alpha Gamma <strong>Del</strong>ta; 96,<br />

220, 221<br />

Alpha Lamda <strong>Del</strong>ta; 139<br />

Alpha Phi; 68, 222, 223<br />

Alpha Phi Omega; 125<br />

Alpha Tau Omega; 238,<br />

239<br />

Alpha Zi <strong>Del</strong>ta; 224, 225<br />

Ambassadors; 157<br />

A.M.S.; 44<br />

Angel Flight; 129<br />

A.W.S.; 45, 82<br />

Associated Students; 36,<br />

37<br />

Associated Students<br />

Council ; 38, 39<br />

Athletic Board; 42<br />

Aztec 500; 147<br />

Aztec Shops Board; 42<br />

Aztec Ski Club; 141<br />

Blue Key; 271<br />

Cap and Gown; 270<br />

Cetza; 105, 127<br />

Chi Omega; 226, 227<br />

Christian Science<br />

Organization; 136<br />

Circle K; 130<br />

Daily Aztec; 144,145<br />

<strong>Del</strong> Sudoeste; 142,143<br />

<strong>Del</strong>ta Omicron Epsilon;<br />

124<br />

<strong>Del</strong>ta Sigma Phi; 240,241<br />

Epsilon Pi Tau; 131<br />

Finance Board; 40<br />

Fine Arts Board; 43<br />

Freshman Class; 49<br />

Friday at 3; 59<br />

Gamma Theta Upsilon;<br />

132<br />

G.E. College Bowl; 104<br />

W.C.; 110, III<br />

LF.C.; 236,237<br />

LN.K.; 151<br />

International Board; 40<br />

Intramural Board; 40<br />

Iota Nu Kappa; 151<br />

Junior Class; 47<br />

Jr. Panhellenic ; 215<br />

Kappa Alpha; 230, 231<br />

Kappa Alpha Th ta ; 228,<br />

229,235<br />

Kappa <strong>Del</strong>ta Pi; 137<br />

Kappa igma; 242, 243<br />

KEB ; 150<br />

Lamda Chi Alpha; 244,<br />

245<br />

Las Meninas; 127<br />

Lectures and on rts<br />

Board; 42<br />

Long Range Planning<br />

Board; 42<br />

These plaques signify the remembrance of the students who gave their lives<br />

so that we may exercise our Constitutional right of education.<br />

....<br />

An ever present trad~tioh on ~h:c~r~t:::~:e~<br />

expansion, not only III t e P Y<br />

of its students.<br />

is one of progressive change .and<br />

of the campus but in the IDlllCs<br />


u<br />

.Uber, Lloyd; 125<br />

Ulovec, Ted; 253<br />

Umland, Irene; 305<br />

Umstead, Jim; 121<br />

Underwood, Kenneth; 304<br />

Underwood, Ned; 246<br />

Upshaw, Kathleen; 304<br />

Upton, Mike; 248<br />

Usher, Billy; 246<br />

v<br />

Vail, Bob; 242<br />

Vail, Robbin; 216,217,304<br />

Valliere, Vicki; 45, 135,<br />

214,215,216,217<br />

Van Ausdal, Jackie; 117,<br />

304<br />

Vanda, Jody ; 112 .<br />

Van de Braak, Karen ;' 117<br />

Vandenberg, Ron; ':135· "<br />

Vandergriff, Lafayette;<br />

304<br />

Van Hoose, Karen; 304<br />

Van Matre, Dave; 251<br />

Van Norman, Lyle; 253<br />

Vanoni, Noreen; 305<br />

VanStelle, Bob; 261<br />

Vant, Judith; 117<br />

Van Valkenburg, George;<br />

305<br />

Van Wagner, Victor; 134<br />

Van Winkle, Carol; 153<br />

Van Woert, Charles; 304<br />

Van Woy, Mike; 248<br />

Van Woy, Rick; 248.<br />

VanWyke, Bea; 134<br />

Varner, Patricia; 304<br />

Varon, Jerry; 24, 40, 42, 43<br />

Vaughan, Clo Ann; 221<br />

Vaughan, Sharon; 304<br />

Veal, Randy; 258<br />

Verrips, Rod; 256<br />

Versluis, Roberta; 304<br />

Vezza, Bob; 258<br />

Vickers, Sara; 67, 70<br />

Vieira, Steve; 187<br />

Villarin, Lanny; 134<br />

Vincent, Judith Ann; 304<br />

Vincent, Judith Mae;' 304<br />

Vinson, Loren; 125, 305<br />

Viora, Bob; 242<br />

Virtue, Christie; 97<br />

Vitlip, Karen; 45<br />

Vlacica, Vass; 113<br />

Vlacich, Carolyn;' 112<br />

Vmstead, Jim; 122<br />

Voigt, 'Yayne; 134<br />

Volchok, Nick; 253<br />

Von Henkle, Rick; 135<br />

Von Williams, Byran ; 123<br />

Voran, Linda; 115<br />

Votaw, Dave; 123<br />

Vyvyan, John; 305<br />

w<br />

Wade, Sari; 68<br />

Wagar, Bob; 247<br />

Wagner, June; 112<br />

Wagner, Richard; 125<br />

Wahlquist, Glenn; 121<br />

Waid, Major Charles; 42<br />

Wainright, James; 305<br />

Waite, Pat; 231<br />

Waite, William; 305<br />

Waldo, Linda; 112<br />

Walker, Carol; 305<br />

Walker, Cheryl; 305<br />

Walker, David; 131<br />

Walker, Robert; 135<br />

Wall, Sjaron ; 305<br />

Wallace, Pam; 116<br />

Wallbutt, JoAnn; 112<br />

Wallen, JoAnne; 127, 227<br />

Waller, Elizabeth; 305<br />

Wallington, Cap; 251, 306<br />

Walseth, George; 248<br />

Walseth, Harvey; 248<br />

Walsh, Mike; 251<br />

Walstrom, Christina ; 227<br />

Waltwrs, Gregg; 261<br />

Walton, Laurel; 216<br />

Wanders, Martin; 257<br />

Ward, Burton; 306<br />

Ward, Claire; 227<br />

Ward, Mike; 255<br />

Wargo, Fran; 74<br />

Warmer, Margery Mrs.;<br />

23, 43, 214<br />

Warren, Jill; 45,217<br />

Warshaver, Steve; 239<br />

Warren, Jill; 43<br />

Waters, Mary; 306<br />

Watkins, Bob; 192,247<br />

Watkins, Harvey; 122<br />

Watkins, William; 239<br />

Watson, Dr. Donald R.; 21<br />

Watson, Nick; 245<br />

Watts, Chester; 258<br />

Watts, Emicee; 306·<br />

Watts, Larry; 306<br />

Waxon, Sharon; 217, 306<br />

Weatherwax, Margie; 117<br />

Weaver, Carl; 306<br />

Weaver; Denise .;~225<br />

Weaver, Dennis; 134<br />

. Weaver, Don; '126,261<br />

Weaver, Randy; 255<br />

Webb, Andy; 137<br />

Webb, Jim; 42, 243<br />

Webster, Michael; 306<br />

Webster, Janis; 306<br />

Weckerly, Robert; 306<br />

Weers, Karen; 115<br />

Weidow, Pam; 133,153<br />

Weigand, Vickie; 223<br />

Weigel, Caroly; 114,306<br />

Weil, Debbie; 112, 113<br />

Weim, David A.; 306<br />

Weintraub, Mike; 255<br />

Weir, Donald; 306<br />

Weiss, Eleanor; 306<br />

Weiss, Gloria; 306<br />

Weissberg, Bob; 125, 306<br />

Welch, Jim; 261<br />

Welch, Ron; 243, 306<br />

Welding, Mike; 120<br />

Weller, Tina; 223<br />

Wells, Dick; 42, 161, 178<br />

Wells, Judy; 116<br />

Wells, Michael; 306<br />

Welshofer, Chris; 115<br />

Welty, Jim; 243<br />

Wendt, Bob; 248<br />

Wendt, Ellen; 306<br />

Wenzel, Ralph; 171<br />

Wernstrum, Anita; 48<br />

Werve, Bob; 141<br />

West, Barry; 45<br />

West, Darell; 239<br />

West, Jerry; 249<br />

West, William; 133<br />

Westhead, Jeannie; 217<br />

Westling, John; 131<br />

Westling, Kathy; 115<br />

Westmoreland, Linda; 113<br />

Westover, George; 306<br />

Westwood, Jim; 179<br />

Wetherbee, Tony; 253<br />

Weurding, Bill; 145,306<br />

Wheaton, Phil; 178<br />

Wheeler, Clifford; 240<br />

Wheeler, Helen; 132<br />

Wheeler, Nancy; 133<br />

Whitaker, Mrs. Ola; 111,<br />

117<br />

White, Barbara; 306<br />

White, Bob; 126, 251, 291,<br />

306<br />

White, Chris; 132<br />

White, Jim; 122, 126, 251<br />

Whit", Jim; 179, 256, 306<br />

White, Lynne; 221<br />

White, Quincy; 306<br />

White, Rusty; 123<br />

White, Wayne; 125<br />

Whited, Jon; 306<br />

Whitfield, Fred; 131, 306<br />

Whitted, Ceclia; 116<br />

Whynott, Douglas; 306<br />

Wickes, Steve; 243<br />

Wickstrom, Larry; 126,<br />

258, 259<br />

Widel, Jean; 306<br />

Widgery, Robin; 121<br />

Wied, Robert; 259<br />

Wiemeyer, Lona; 306<br />

Wilcox, Gary; 306<br />

Wilcox, Dr. Robert; 42<br />

Wiley, James; 306<br />

Wilhelmi, Dick; 259<br />

Wilke, Linda; 306<br />

Wilkerson, Patricia; 228,<br />

229, 306<br />

Willett, Bill; 247<br />

Williams, Beverly; 231<br />

Williams, Carol; 225<br />

Williams, Linda; 41, 115,<br />

147<br />

Williams, Gile; 243<br />

Williams, Mona; 214,225<br />

Williams, Paul; 307<br />

Williams, Peggi; 153<br />

Williams, Richard D.; 307<br />

Williams, Sandy; 112<br />

Williams, Sherry; 307<br />

Williams, Sue; 124<br />

Willingham, Doug; 259<br />

Willingham, Joe; 259<br />

Willingham, Sue; 113<br />

Willis, Larry; 183, 307<br />

Willis, Lou Ray; 228<br />

Willoughby, Bob; 123<br />

Willoughby, Werner; 178,<br />

307<br />

Wills, John c., 307<br />

Wills, Melinda; 229<br />

Wills, Nancy; 229, 307<br />

Wilson, Diane; 45<br />

Wilson, Emily; 225, 307<br />

Wilson, Jim; 249<br />

Wilson, Jim; 255<br />

Wilson, Judy; 221<br />

Wilson, Michael L.; 307<br />

Wilson, Pam; 142<br />

Wilson, Stu; 256<br />

Wilson, Susan; 124<br />

Winder, Paula; 135, 229<br />

Windsor, Dena; 41, 115<br />

Winiki, Morris; 263<br />

Winsby, Carla; 227<br />

Winterfelt, Janie; 113<br />

Winters, Nancy; 229, 299,<br />

307<br />

Wintersdorff, Peter; 307<br />

Wise, Richard; 135, 307<br />

Wishon, John; 249<br />

Wise, Dennis; 192<br />

Witham, Lee; 126,256,257<br />

Wolfe, Tom; 121, 125<br />

Wolpert, Mike; 121<br />

. Wood, Marcel; 307<br />

Wood, Marcie; 117<br />

Wood, Pam; 227<br />

Wood, Randy; 249<br />

Wood, Sally; 42<br />

Woodard, Lee; 249<br />

Woodbridge, Nancy; 221,<br />

307<br />

Woodroof, Ernest; 307<br />

Woods, Jan; 67, 71, 229,<br />

307<br />

Workman, Nancy; 115<br />

Worley, AI; 261<br />

Worth, Gary; 121, 179<br />

Worthington, Jean; 214,<br />

217<br />

W osk, Donna; 114<br />

Wozniak, Don; 243<br />

Wrigglesworth, Janie; 114<br />

Wright, Annette; 307<br />

Wright, Elizabeth J.; 307<br />

Wright, Roger; 253<br />

Wright, Teri; 223<br />

Wyloge, Warren J.; 307<br />

Wullenwaber, Gary c., 120<br />

y<br />

Yabu, Ray; 123<br />

Yackey, Dick; 120<br />

Yaker, Lynda; 117<br />

Yale, Bob; 41<br />

Yale, Ray; 259<br />

Yamaga, Chester; 122<br />

Yarnell, Donald; 239<br />

Yates, Suzanne ; 112<br />

Ybarra, Dennis; 307<br />

Yeager, John; 241<br />

Yeaney, Winfield; 307<br />

Yeargain, Stirling; 307<br />

Yohr, Dr. C. c., 132<br />

Yonekura, Roy; 307<br />

Yorba, Linda; 110,117<br />

York, Bob; 247<br />

Yorkloski, Liz; 112, 113<br />

Yoshioka, JoAnn; 307<br />

Young, Jeff; 307<br />

Young, Paul; 307<br />

Youngdale, Joe; 123<br />

z<br />

Zabroski, Gerry; 114, 115<br />

Zajonc, Bob; 255<br />

Zarkos, George; 247<br />

Zbikowski, Carol; 127, 134<br />

Zeltins, Andy; 257<br />

Zeman, Sheldon; 263<br />

Zera, Joseph; 307<br />

Zervas, Diane;' 217,307<br />

Zeszut, Dave; 249<br />

Ziegenfuss, Fritz; 183<br />

Ziegenfuss, George; 160,<br />

183<br />

Ziecgler, Judi; 112<br />

Zimmelman, Len; 123<br />

Zimmer, Jane; 124<br />

Zink, Bob; 259<br />

Zito, Bob; 245<br />

Zoller, Russ; 245<br />

look, Carolyn; 225<br />

Zook, John; 191<br />

~'<br />

This year's <strong>Del</strong> Sudoeste staff takes great pn<br />

ide<br />

e ,m<br />

i<br />

prr<br />

ent<br />

S ~<br />

ing this the original and unabridged 1965 version 0 'dad<br />

Diego State<br />

'<br />

College, Growt<br />

h<br />

an<br />

d<br />

expanSIOn<br />

'have provi<br />

d ith<br />

e<br />

us with the framework for an appropn8 iate theme , an WI<br />

the addition , , of more color an d pages th e 1965 <strong>Del</strong> Sudoeste<br />

should prOVide , you Wit . h a f" iUmg keepsa<br />

ke for the years<br />

to come, ff h for<br />

As an editor I could never thank my sta enolug 'd<br />

their many hours of work an d sacn<br />

'f'<br />

Ice,<br />

H pefu y pn e<br />

0 'd' 'd I<br />

of accomplishment for a JO . b weII done,<br />

both as m IVI ua s<br />

and as a staff, .will bMereHwar d en~ug;~t~ f~~ltai h l~ and<br />

thank our adVIsor, r. oowac,. . th<br />

fidence In conclusion I will mentIOn and at am'I<br />

con 1, ill id I d roup' CC1<br />

. h k the foIllowing in Vi ua an ' ,<br />

~me '~toa: and Helen; the girls of Cetza and <strong>Del</strong>ta 0H~cron<br />

E a~{on; Gayle Christians~n; Jerry . aron : Larry I g r<br />

mP d<br />

Rm h Kl'ule' , and the mght custodians. ,<br />

Tim Mac eif,<br />

Editor·in·Chief<br />


l<br />

l<br />

l<br />

l<br />

l<br />

l<br />

l<br />

t<br />

l<br />

..-..... ....... ..,<br />

WALBwOkTM<br />

.. ...

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