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as one-body part in the AFQMC simulations. For clarity we describe below<br />

the method when the former decoupling is used. Moreover, γ is defined by :<br />

cosh(γ) =exp(∆τ |U |/2) ; s i is a classical auxiliary Ising field configuration that<br />

takes the value s i = ±1. These identities come from the more general identity<br />

that transforms any quadratic operator to a superposition of linear operators:<br />

e − ∆τ<br />

2 λˆυ2 =<br />

∫ ∞<br />

−∞<br />

dx e−x2 /2<br />

√<br />

2π<br />

e x√ −∆τλˆυ<br />

(2.77)<br />

We emphasize that the mapping (2.75) is not unique, as seen in equation (2.75),<br />

and the sign problem that can occur in AFQMC depends strongly on the choice<br />

of this mapping. The weight of the wavefunction ψ m is therefore given by:<br />

〈ψ m |ψ m 〉 = ∑<br />

〈ψ MF |e V (si1) e λ1K ...e V (sim) e λmK e λmK e V (s i ) m+1 ...e V (s i ) 2m |ψ MF 〉<br />

(s i1 )..(s i2m )<br />

(2.78)<br />

where s i1 is an Ising spin configuration on the lattice and the potential V (u) is<br />

given by :<br />

(<br />

V 1 (u) = exp 2γσ ∑ )<br />

u i n iσ (2.79)<br />

i<br />

(<br />

V 2 (u) = exp −γ ∑ ) (<br />

u i exp 2γ ∑ )<br />

u i n iσ (2.80)<br />

i<br />

i<br />

depending on whether the attractive (V 1 (u)) or repulsive (V 2 (u)) Gutzwiller projection<br />

is used. In the former case, the Hubbard-Stratanovitch transformation<br />

maps the correlated problem on uncorrelated fermions with the spin degrees of<br />

freedom coupled to a fluctuating field, and in the latter case the charge degrees of<br />

the fermions are coupled to the field. The V 1 (u) andV 2 (u) operators are diagonal<br />

matrices. For instance V 1 (u) isgivenby:<br />

V 1 (u, γ) =diag (2γu 1 , ··· , 2γu N , −2γu N+1 , ··· , −2γu 2N ) (2.81)<br />

Several properties of the Slater determinants are worth mentioning. For any pair<br />

of real non-orthogonal Slater determinants, |φ〉 and |φ ′ 〉,itcanbeshownthat<br />

their overlap integral is:<br />

〈φ|φ ′ 〉 = det ( Φ T Φ ′) (2.82)<br />

The operation on any Slater determinants by any operator ˆB of the form:<br />

( )<br />

∑<br />

ˆB =exp c † i U ijc j (2.83)<br />

ij<br />

simply leads to another Slater determinant [68, 69, 70, 71, 64] :<br />

ˆB|φ〉 = φ † 1 ′ φ † 2 ′ ...φ † ′ M<br />

|0〉 = |φ ′ 〉 (2.84)

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