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pdf, 9 MiB - Infoscience - EPFL

pdf, 9 MiB - Infoscience - EPFL


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Where the matrix elements of B are the f ij matrix of equation (2.8), and we get<br />

back the usual determinantal variational Monte Carlo calculations. We emphasize<br />

that the matrix that we need to update in the Pfaffian Monte Carlo simulations<br />

has linear sizes twice larger than in the calculations with determinants. In conclusion,<br />

the Pfaffian Monte Carlo procedure is nothing else but an extension of the<br />

usual variational wavefunction method. This procedure allows to treat generally<br />

every order parameter contained in the mean-field Hamiltonian (1.23). However,<br />

we considered up to now only the uncorrelated part of the wavefunction. It will<br />

likely contain many doubly occupied sites that will cost a lot of energy within<br />

the Hubbard model. To treat correctly the correlations, we need to introduce an<br />

additional projection that takes care of the doubly occupied site contained in the<br />

wavefunction.<br />

2.2 Jastrow factors, Gutzwiller projection<br />

In the simplest approximation of the ground-state of the Hubbard model, a simple<br />

Fermi sea can be considered, and a simple so-called Gutzwiller projection can be<br />

used to treat the on-site repulsion of the Hubbard model. This gives one of the<br />

simplest possible variational Ansatz :<br />

|ψ〉 = P G |ψ〉 (2.34)<br />

where ψ is the one-body wavefunction and the Gutzwiller projection P G is defined<br />

as [49]:<br />

P G = Π<br />

i<br />

(1 − (1 − g)ˆn i↑ˆn i↓ ) (2.35)<br />

The variational parameter g is running from 0 to unity and i labels the sites of the<br />

lattice in real space. The Gutzwiller projection is very well suited by the variational<br />

Ansatz described in the last section, since the numerical variational Monte<br />

Carlo samples the wavefunction in the real-space fermionic configurations, and<br />

therefore the Gutzwiller projector is a diagonal operator in this representation.<br />

The Gutzwiller projection can be extended by the incorporation of a Jastrow<br />

factor [50] which provides an additional powerful way to tune more precisely the<br />

correlations of the wavefunction. Some of the possible choices of the Jastrow<br />

term are the long-range charge Jastrow :<br />

(<br />

)<br />

1 ∑<br />

J d =exp u ijˆn iˆn j (2.36)<br />

2<br />

i,j<br />

Another long-range spin Jastrow can also be considered :<br />

(<br />

)<br />

1 ∑<br />

J s =exp v ij Ŝi z 2<br />

Ŝz j<br />

i,j<br />


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