pdf, 9 MiB - Infoscience - EPFL

pdf, 9 MiB - Infoscience - EPFL

pdf, 9 MiB - Infoscience - EPFL


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Computer skills<br />

• Computer languages: FORTRAN 77, FORTRAN 95, and some knowledge of C++.<br />

• Parallel programming: Good knowledge of MPI. Extensive experience in performing<br />

calculations on parallel machines (mizar.epfl.ch, pleiades.epfl.ch).<br />

• Techniques: Lanczos diagonalizations, Monte-Carlo for classical spin systems,<br />

Variational Quantum Monte-Carlo, Green-Function Monte-Carlo, Auxiliary-field<br />

Quantum Monte-Carlo, Monte-Carlo algorithms for polymers.<br />

Research interests<br />

My current research interests are mainly concerned with strongly-correlated electron systems<br />

and frustrated spin models. In parallel, I was also interested by scanning tunneling<br />

microscopy experiments. The tools used include both numerical (exact diagonalization,<br />

classical and quantum Monte Carlo) and analytical (mean-field, slave boson approximations)<br />

techniques. My scientific activity has focused on the following fields (reference numbers relate<br />

to the List of publications hereafter):<br />

1. Physics of frustrated classical spin models<br />

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Phase transition driven by Frustration. In connection with the physical<br />

properties of Li 2 VOSiO 4 , we have carried on extensive classical Monte Carlo<br />

simulations for the anti-ferromagnetic Heisenberg model with both nearest (J 1 )<br />

and next-nearest (J 2 ) exchange couplings on the square lattice. The long-range<br />

magnetic order is known to be destroyed by thermal or quantum fluctuations at<br />

finite temperature (Mermin-Wagner theorem). However, it was found that<br />

frustration can induce a non-trivial phase transition related at a finite<br />

temperature related to a discrete symmetry breaking [1].<br />

Coupling to the lattice. It is also relevant, when comparing with experiments,<br />

to study the coupling of the spin degrees of freedom to the lattice. Indeed, the<br />

Ising-like phase transition, that appears for J 2 /J 1 >1/2 in the pure spin model, was<br />

found to be still present and even strengthened by the spin-lattice coupling, and<br />

is accompanied by a lattice deformation from a tetragonal symmetry to an<br />

orthorhombic one. Evidences that the universality class of the transition does<br />

not change with the inclusion of the spin-lattice coupling was reported.<br />

Implications for the prototype for a layered J 1 -J 2 model in the collinear region<br />

were discussed [5].<br />

Effect of static disorder. Presently we are studying the effect of static disorder<br />

in a frustrated spin model, and presently we found that non trivial interaction<br />

between disorder and frustration occurs.

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