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pdf, 9 MiB - Infoscience - EPFL

pdf, 9 MiB - Infoscience - EPFL


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0.30<br />

Current circulation<br />

0.15<br />

0.00<br />

V=2.5 eV<br />

V=2 eV<br />

V=1.25 eV<br />

-0.4<br />

-0.2<br />

0.0<br />

0.2<br />

0.4<br />

hole doping n<br />

h<br />

0.6<br />

0.8<br />

1.0<br />

Figure 6.7: Circulation of the orbitals current around one triangle plaquette<br />

within the mean-field calculations. We show the circulation for different values of<br />

the Coulomb repulsion. The current has same amplitude on the oxygen-oxygen<br />

links and on copper-oxygen links. The symmetry of the circulating phases at<br />

V =2. and V =2.5 isθ 2 like.<br />

Where the creation and annihilation operators c † i and c i create and annihilate<br />

holes with spin σ in the orbital centered at the lattice point labeled by i, t ij is<br />

the amplitude for hopping from site j to site i, ɛ i is the energy level of the orbital<br />

at site i, µ is the chemical potential and U ij is the interaction energy of two holes<br />

with opposite spin on the same site i = j, and of two holes on neighboring sites<br />

i ≠ j. To obtain the generalized, non-local, Bogoliubov De Gennes equations we<br />

first make a mean field approximation for the pairing field [142]:<br />

∆ ij = −U ij 〈c iσ c j−σ 〉 (6.7)<br />

The tight-binding lattice has nearest neighbor hopping interactions (t ij ), as well<br />

as a coupling between particle and hole space, via a superconducting order parameter<br />

(∆ ij ). If the interactions are purely on-site (U ii ) repulsions then the<br />

pairing potential will be purely local (∆ ii ). On the other hand when the interaction<br />

is non-local (U ij ,i ≠ j) the pairing potential ∆ ij will also be non-local.<br />

Another mean field decoupling that takes into account the effect of the U interactions<br />

by having a hopping renormalization is also considered (decoupling in the<br />

particle-hole channel) :<br />

〉<br />

χ ij = U ij<br />

〈c † iσ c jσ<br />


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