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exotic nuclei structure and reaction noyaux exotiques ... - IPN - IN2P3 exotic nuclei structure and reaction noyaux exotiques ... - IPN - IN2P3

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Study of the astrophysical key reaction 12C( , ) 16 O through the transfer reaction 12 C( 7 Li,t) 16 16 O IPNO Participation: F. Hammache, N. Oulebsir, L. Audouin, D. Beaumel, S. Fortier, M. G. Pellegriti, P. Roussel Collaboration: IPNO, Université de Béjaïa, CSNSM, ULB-Bruxelles, GANIL, GSI La réaction de capture radiative 12 C( , ) 16 O joue un rôle crucial dans la combustion stellaire. En effet, dans les étoiles géantes rouges, cette réaction intervient juste après le processus triple alpha et le rapport des taux de production de ces deux réactions détermine directement le rapport d’abondance 12 C/ 16 O dans les étoiles en phase finale de combustion de l’hélium. Ce rapport influence aussi les stades ultérieurs d’évolution stellaire des étoiles massives. Toutefois, malgré de nombreuses études expérimentales, la section efficace de cette réaction reste encore très incertaine aux énergies stellaires. L’extrapolation des données obtenues à plus hautes énergies est rendue particulièrement difficile par la superposition de diverses contributions dont certaines sont mal connues, c’est le cas de celles des résonances sous le seuil à 6. 92 et 7.12 MeV de l’ 16 O dont nous avons déterminé les largeurs a au moyen de la réaction de transfert 12 C( 7 Li,t) 16 O. Introduction . 12 C( ) 16 O reaction plays a crucial role in stellar burning. Indeed, in stars like red giants, where the stellar core is in helium burning phase, 12 C( ) 16 O reaction follows the production of 12 C by triple alpha-process. The ratio of the yields of these two reactions determines directly the 12 C to 16 O abundance ratio in stars at the end of helium burning phase. This ratio has important consequences for the nucleosynthesis of elements heavier than carbon which are almost exclusively produced in this kind of stars. It has also an influence on the subsequent stellar evolution of the massive stars [1,2]. It somehow determines the final fate of the stars (blackhole, white dwarfs,…). The rate of the triple alpha process is well determined (10-15% uncertainty), but it is not the case of 12 C( ) 16 O reaction which has an uncertainty of about 41% despite the various experiments which studied it these last 4 decades. 12 C( ) 16 O reaction occurs at temperature around 0.2 GK which corresponds to the Gamow peak of 300 keV. At this energy, the cross section is expected to be 10 -8 nbarn which excludes any direct measurement with the available techniques. Though direct measurements have been performed at rather low energy down to 0.9 MeV (CM), the R-matrix extrapolation to stellar energy is quite complicated. Indeed, the -capture cross section at 300 keV which corresponds to the excitation energy region of 16 O around 7.46 MeV, is expected to be dominated by the E1 and E2 transitions through the low energy tail of the large resonance à 9.6 MeV state and the high energy tails of the two-subthreshold resonances at 7.12 (1 - ) and 6.92 (2 + ) MeV states of 16 O which interfere to enhance the alpha-capture cross section. These two subthreshold states make the extrapolation complicated because their contribution to 12 C( ) 16 O cross section at 300 keV are not very well known especially for the 2 + state since their reduced - width and so their spectroscopic-factors are spread over a large range of values [3]. Moreover, in the R-matrix calculation, one has to take into account also the contribution of the non-resonant direct capture and all possible interference effects between the different resonances [4]. In view of the importance of 12 C( ) 16 O, we addressed the problem concerning the values of the reduced -width of the two sub-threshold states by performing a new determination of these quantities through 12 C( 7 Li,t) 16 O transfer reaction measurements at two incident energies and a detailed DWBA analysis of the data. Experiment description The experiment was performed using a 7 Li 3+ beam provided by the Orsay Tandem-ALTO facility. A self-supporting 12 C targets was used. The reaction products were analyzed with an Enge Split-pole magnetic spectrometer and detected at the focal plane by a 50 cm long position-sensitive gas chamber and a E proportional gas-counter. The particle identification was made unambiguously using E versus position measurements. The tritons were detected at angles ranging from 0 to 31 degrees corresponding to angles up to 44 degrees in the center of mass frame. Results The experimental 12 C( 7 Li,t) 16 O differential cross sections measured for the 6.05, 6.13, 6.92 and 7.12 at the two incident energies of 34 and 28 MeV, are displayed in Fig.1a and Fig.1b, respectively. The error bars assigned to our measured cross sections includes the uncertainties on the peak yield, the number of target atoms, the solid angle and the integrated charge. Finite-range DWBA calculations, using the FRESCO code were performed. For the triton channel, the optical potential parameters used 13

were taken from ref. [5]. Concerning the 7 Li channel, we used the optical potential parameters of Schumacher et al. [6]. The optical potential parameters finally selected are those giving the best fit for all the studied transitions in the ( 7 Li,t) reaction. The calculated angular distributions normalized to the data are shown in Figure 1. For both incident energies, the calculated curves agree fairly well with all the measured angular distributions of the different populated states. The -spectroscopic factors were extracted from the normalization of the finite-range DWBA curves to the experimental data. The spectroscopic factor for the overlap between +t and 7 Li was taken to We find an 16 44 E2-Sfactor S(0.3 MeV)=50 23 19 keV-b with the best fits shown in Fig 2. The results are in good agreement with the results of Brune et al. Fig 2: Astrophysical S factor (see text) Fig 1: Angular distributions (see text) be 1.0 [7]. The good agreement between the DWBA calculations and the measured differential cross sections of the different excited states of 16 O at the two bombarding energies of 28 MeV and 34 MeV respectively, gives strong evidence of the direct nature of the ( 7 Li,t) reaction populating these levels and confidence in our DWBA analysis. An S mean value of 0.15 0.05-0.04 and 0.07 0.03 are deduced for the states of interest at 6.92 MeV and 7.12 MeV of 16 O respectively. The -reduced width 2 of about 26.7 10.3keV and 7.8 2.7 keV for the 6.92 MeV and 7.12 states respectively were obtained at the radius of 6.5 fm. The present value of 2 have been included in R-matrix fits of both 12 C ( , ) 16 O S-factors obtained by direct measurements at high energies and the 12 C( , ) measured phase shifts [8]. The E1 and E2 contributions were fitted separately. The best fits were determined through a 2 minimization. The l=2 fitting ( see Figure 2) was performed using a 4-level including a background state and the astrophysical S-factors data from [9-11]. The l=1 R- matrix fitting is still under calculation. S(300keV)= keV-b who deduced the -widths of interest via a sub-coulomb ANC measurement and with those of references [8,10]. However, it is in disagreement with the value recommended in NACRE compilation [12]. Conclusion We determined the reduced -widths of the subthreshold 2 + and 1 – states of 16 O from the transfer reaction 12 C( 7 Li,t) 16 O at two incident energies. The obtained result for the 2 + sub-threshold resonance was introduced in the R-matrix fitting of radiative capture and elastic-scattering data to determine the low-energy extrapolations of E2 S-factor. The result confirms the value obtained in previous works [4,8,10] and disagrees with the value adopted in NACRE [12] and the one deduced in [9] where the -reduced width of the 6.92 MeV was considered as a free parameter. Calculations for the 1 – sub-threshold state are under development. References [1] T. A. Weaver and S. E. Woosley, Phys. Rep. 227, 65 (1993) [2] M. Hashimoto, Prog. Theor. Phys. 94, 663 (1996) [3] D. Becchetti et al., Nucl. Phys. A 344, 336 (1980) [4] C. R. Brune et al. Phys. Rev. Lett 83, (1999) 4025 and references in [5] J. D. Garrett et al., Nucl. Phys. A 212, 600 (1973) [6] P. Schumacher et al., Nucl. Phys. A 212, 573 (1973) [7] F. D. Becchetti et al., Nucl. Phys. A 305, 293 (1978) [8] P. Tischauser et al., Phys Rev C 79, 055803 (2009) [9] M. Assunção et al., Phys Rev C 73, 055801 14

Study of the astrophysical key <strong>reaction</strong><br />

12C(<br />

, ) 16 O through the transfer <strong>reaction</strong> 12 C( 7 Li,t) 16<br />

16 O<br />

<strong>IPN</strong>O Participation: F. Hammache, N. Oulebsir, L. Audouin, D. Beaumel, S. Fortier, M. G. Pellegriti,<br />

P. Roussel<br />

Collaboration: <strong>IPN</strong>O, Université de Béjaïa, CSNSM, ULB-Bruxelles, GANIL, GSI<br />

La réaction de capture radiative 12 C( , ) 16 O joue un rôle crucial dans la combustion stellaire. En effet, dans<br />

les étoiles géantes rouges, cette réaction intervient juste après le processus triple alpha et le rapport des<br />

taux de production de ces deux réactions détermine directement le rapport d’abondance 12 C/ 16 O dans les<br />

étoiles en phase finale de combustion de l’hélium. Ce rapport influence aussi les stades ultérieurs d’évolution<br />

stellaire des étoiles massives. Toutefois, malgré de nombreuses études expérimentales, la section efficace<br />

de cette réaction reste encore très incertaine aux énergies stellaires. L’extrapolation des données obtenues<br />

à plus hautes énergies est rendue particulièrement difficile par la superposition de diverses contributions<br />

dont certaines sont mal connues, c’est le cas de celles des résonances sous le seuil à 6. 92 et 7.12<br />

MeV de l’ 16 O dont nous avons déterminé les largeurs a au moyen de la réaction de transfert 12 C( 7 Li,t) 16 O.<br />

Introduction<br />

. 12 C( ) 16 O <strong>reaction</strong> plays a crucial role in stellar<br />

burning. Indeed, in stars like red giants, where the<br />

stellar core is in helium burning phase, 12 C( ) 16 O<br />

<strong>reaction</strong> follows the production of 12 C by triple alpha-process.<br />

The ratio of the yields of these two<br />

<strong>reaction</strong>s determines directly the 12 C to 16 O abundance<br />

ratio in stars at the end of helium burning<br />

phase. This ratio has important consequences for<br />

the nucleosynthesis of elements heavier than carbon<br />

which are almost exclusively produced in this<br />

kind of stars. It has also an influence on the subsequent<br />

stellar evolution of the massive stars [1,2]. It<br />

somehow determines the final fate of the stars<br />

(blackhole, white dwarfs,…). The rate of the triple<br />

alpha process is well determined (10-15% uncertainty),<br />

but it is not the case of 12 C( ) 16 O <strong>reaction</strong><br />

which has an uncertainty of about 41% despite the<br />

various experiments which studied it these last 4<br />

decades.<br />

12 C( ) 16 O <strong>reaction</strong> occurs at temperature around<br />

0.2 GK which corresponds to the Gamow peak of<br />

300 keV. At this energy, the cross section is expected<br />

to be 10 -8 nbarn which excludes any direct<br />

measurement with the available techniques.<br />

Though direct measurements have been performed<br />

at rather low energy down to 0.9 MeV<br />

(CM), the R-matrix extrapolation to stellar energy is<br />

quite complicated. Indeed, the -capture cross<br />

section at 300 keV which corresponds to the excitation<br />

energy region of 16 O around 7.46 MeV, is<br />

expected to be dominated by the E1 <strong>and</strong> E2 transitions<br />

through the low energy tail of the large resonance<br />

à 9.6 MeV state <strong>and</strong> the high energy tails of<br />

the two-subthreshold resonances at 7.12 (1 - ) <strong>and</strong><br />

6.92 (2 + ) MeV states of 16 O which interfere to enhance<br />

the alpha-capture cross section. These two<br />

subthreshold states make the extrapolation complicated<br />

because their contribution to 12 C( ) 16 O<br />

cross section at 300 keV are not very well known<br />

especially for the 2 + state since their reduced -<br />

width <strong>and</strong> so their spectroscopic-factors are<br />

spread over a large range of values [3]. Moreover,<br />

in the R-matrix calculation, one has to take into<br />

account also the contribution of the non-resonant<br />

direct capture <strong>and</strong> all possible interference effects<br />

between the different resonances [4].<br />

In view of the importance of 12 C( ) 16 O, we addressed<br />

the problem concerning the values of the<br />

reduced -width of the two sub-threshold states<br />

by performing a new determination of these quantities<br />

through 12 C( 7 Li,t) 16 O transfer <strong>reaction</strong> measurements<br />

at two incident energies <strong>and</strong> a detailed<br />

DWBA analysis of the data.<br />

Experiment description<br />

The experiment was performed using a 7 Li 3+ beam<br />

provided by the Orsay T<strong>and</strong>em-ALTO facility. A<br />

self-supporting 12 C targets was used. The <strong>reaction</strong><br />

products were analyzed with an Enge Split-pole<br />

magnetic spectrometer <strong>and</strong> detected at the focal<br />

plane by a 50 cm long position-sensitive gas<br />

chamber <strong>and</strong> a E proportional gas-counter. The<br />

particle identification was made unambiguously<br />

using E versus position measurements. The tritons<br />

were detected at angles ranging from 0 to 31<br />

degrees corresponding to angles up to 44 degrees<br />

in the center of mass frame.<br />

Results<br />

The experimental 12 C( 7 Li,t) 16 O differential cross<br />

sections measured for the 6.05, 6.13, 6.92 <strong>and</strong><br />

7.12 at the two incident energies of 34 <strong>and</strong> 28<br />

MeV, are displayed in Fig.1a <strong>and</strong> Fig.1b, respectively.<br />

The error bars assigned to our measured<br />

cross sections includes the uncertainties on the<br />

peak yield, the number of target atoms, the solid<br />

angle <strong>and</strong> the integrated charge.<br />

Finite-range DWBA calculations, using the<br />

FRESCO code were performed. For the triton<br />

channel, the optical potential parameters used<br />


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