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Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-Press Review-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro<br />

<strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Baszn Ozeti<br />

ln Kurdish custody,<br />

with no trial in sight<br />

Prison population inclu<strong>de</strong>s insurgent s,<br />

but legal system fails to sort out fates<br />

By c.}. Chivers<br />

SULAIMANIYA, Iraq: The inmates<br />

began their strike with an angry call.<br />

'~lahu akbar!" - God is great - they<br />

shouted, 120voices joining in a ca<strong>de</strong>nce<br />

punctuated by whoops.<br />

They thrust their arms between the<br />

metal bars and ripped away the curtains<br />

and plastic sheets covering the<br />

windows facing the prison courtyard.<br />

Their squinting faces were exposed to<br />

light.<br />

Their Kurdish guards gathered, ready<br />

to control a prison break.<br />

There was no break. The inmates<br />

were able only to shove their bunks<br />

against the doors and barrica<strong>de</strong> themselves<br />

in their cells. They settled into a<br />

day of issuing complaints.<br />

They were not allowed the Koran,<br />

they said. Their rations were meager<br />

and often moldy. Sometimes the guards<br />

beat them, they said, and several inmates<br />

had disappeared. The entire inmate<br />

population had either been <strong>de</strong>nied<br />

trials or had been held beyond the terms<br />

of their sentences, they said, lost in legallimbo<br />

in the Kurdish-controlled region<br />

ofIraq.<br />

The prison strike here, on Dec. 4,<br />

en<strong>de</strong>d when the local authorities agreed<br />

to transfer three unpopular guards and<br />

to allow copies of the Koran in the cells.<br />

But it exposed an intractable problem<br />

that has accompanied Kurdish cooperation<br />

with the United States in Iraq.<br />

The Kurdish prison population has<br />

swelled to inclu<strong>de</strong> at least several hundred<br />

suspected insurgents, and yet<br />

there is no legal system to sort out their<br />

fates. So the inmates wait, a population<br />

for which there is no plan.<br />

The Kurdish government that holds<br />

the prisoners says they are dangerous,<br />

and points out that the population inclu<strong>de</strong>s<br />

men who have un<strong>de</strong>rtaken terrorist<br />

or guerrilla training in Iraq or Afghanistan.<br />

But it also conce<strong>de</strong>s to being<br />

stymied, with a small budget, limited<br />

prison space and little legal prece<strong>de</strong>nt<br />

to look back on.<br />

"We have not had trials for them,"<br />

said Brigadier Sarkawt Hassan Jalal, the<br />

director of security in the Sulaimaniya<br />

region. "We have no counterterrorism<br />

law, and any law we would pass would<br />

not affect them because it would not be<br />

retroactive."<br />

The problems reach back to before<br />

the American-Ied invasion, when<br />

northern Iraq was a Kurdish enclave out<br />

of Saddam Hussein's control.<br />

At the time, the Kurds in northeastern<br />

Iraq were fighting Ansar al-Islam. a<br />

small insurgent and terrorist group that<br />

seized control of a slice of territory<br />

along the Iranian bor<strong>de</strong>r in 2002.<br />

The Kurds captured several prisoners<br />

and suspected insurgents, but had no<br />

clear i<strong>de</strong>a what to do with them, other<br />

than to hold them in cells.<br />

Several weeks after the war started in<br />

2003, an attack by American special<br />

forces and Kurdish fighters pushed Ansar<br />

al-Islam off Kurdish turf. But the<br />

bor<strong>de</strong>r with Iran had not been sealed<br />

before the attack.<br />

Most of the insurgents escaped.<br />

ln the years since, Ansar al-Islam's<br />

i<strong>de</strong>ological war has spread throughout<br />

Sunni Arab regions of Iraq, becoming a<br />

rar more dangerous insurgency. Kurdish<br />

jails have swelled with people accused<br />

of participating in it.<br />

TURKEY<br />

Many of the <strong>de</strong>tained men exu<strong>de</strong><br />

menace. But others claim innocence.<br />

And Kurdish officiaIs say they have a<br />

limited capacity to disentangle the<br />

groups.<br />

Brigadier Hassan Nouri, the Kurdish<br />

security officiaI responsible for the<br />

prisons in northeastern Iraq, said the<br />

<strong>de</strong>tainees' status resembles that of the<br />

American-held <strong>de</strong>tainees in<br />

Guantânamo Bay. "We cannot let them<br />

go, and we will hold them as long as we<br />

have to," he said.<br />

The size of the <strong>de</strong>tainee population is<br />

unclear. ln this prison run by the local<br />

security service on a Kurdish military<br />

base at Sulaimaniya's outskirts, 120 accused<br />

insurgents are held.<br />

Hania Mufti, a researcher for Human<br />

Rights Watch who has investigated the<br />

prison conditions and the absence of<br />

due process for the inmates, said that<br />

about 2,500 people were being held by<br />

the security services of the two ruling<br />

Kurdish parties. She estimated that<br />

two-thirds of them had been accused of<br />

participating in the insurgency.<br />

Mufti said she has encouraged Kurdish<br />

politicallea<strong>de</strong>rs to set up an in<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nt<br />

commission to review each of<br />

the cases of the accused insurgents.<br />

"We're not saying, 'throw open the<br />

doors of the prisons,'" she said, but<br />

rather are suggesting that the Kurds<br />

create a means to examine the merits of<br />

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Christoph Bangert for The<br />

ew ork Times<br />

The Sulaimaniya prison, where as many as 30 inmates live in a cell about six meters by seven meters large and share a toilet.<br />


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