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Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-Press Review-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Baszn Ozeti<br />

Kurdistan et le Sud chiite.<br />

En fait, les sunnites auraient sans<br />

doute beaucoup à gagner d'une partition<br />

<strong>de</strong> l'Irak. Dans une région qui leur serait<br />

propre, ils pourraient entretenir une<br />

armée et assurer leur propre sécurité.<br />

Les sunnites craignent d'être privés<br />

<strong>de</strong>s ressources pétrolières, situées dans<br />

le nord et le sud du pays. Or, pour<br />

faciliter la partition, chiites et Kur<strong>de</strong>s ont<br />

d'ores et déjà accepté <strong>de</strong> garantir aux<br />

sunnites une part proportionnelle <strong>de</strong>s<br />

revenus pétroliers irakiens, et, d'autre<br />

part, <strong>de</strong> larges zones <strong>de</strong>s régions sunnites<br />

n'ont pas encore été prospectées.<br />

Les voisins arabes <strong>de</strong> l'Irak redoutent<br />

qu'un éclatement du pays n'établisse un<br />

précé<strong>de</strong>nt dangereux pour leur propre<br />

intégrité, mais ils pourraient également<br />

estimer qu'un Sud chiite irakien sous<br />

influence iranienne vaut mieux qu'un<br />

contrôle iranien sur l'ensemble du<br />

territoire.<br />

Les voisins arabes<br />

redoutent qu'un éclatement<br />

du pays n'établisse<br />

un précé<strong>de</strong>nt dangereux<br />

pour leur propre intégrité<br />

La Turquie, qui abrite quelque 14 millions<br />

<strong>de</strong> Kur<strong>de</strong>s, craint qu'un Kurdistan<br />

indépendant ne contrIbue à exacerber le<br />

sentiment séparatiste <strong>kur<strong>de</strong></strong> en Turquie.<br />

Pourtant, jusqu'à présent, le<br />

gouvernement d'Ankara a réagi avec<br />

pragmatisme et développé <strong>de</strong>s liens<br />

économiques et politiques avec le<br />

Kurdistan, qui est, comme la Turquie,<br />

laïque, non arabe, pro-occi<strong>de</strong>ntal et<br />

favorable à la démocratie. Un Kurdistan<br />

indépendant servirait <strong>de</strong> tampon entre la<br />

Turquie et un Irak dominé par l'Iran.<br />

De fait, l'actuelle guerre civile<br />

irakienne est en train <strong>de</strong> faire voler en<br />

éclats un Etat créé par <strong>de</strong>s étrangers qui,<br />

durant ses quatre-vingts années<br />

d'existence, n'a apporté que souffrance<br />

et misère à la majorité <strong>de</strong> sa population.<br />

Un <strong>de</strong>s grands atouts d'une éventuelle<br />

partition est qu'elle constitue une<br />

solution irakienne à un problème<br />

irakien. Et il n'y a aucune raison <strong>de</strong><br />

penser qu'entériner l'éclatement <strong>de</strong><br />

l'Irak aggraverait la situation. Avec un<br />

peu <strong>de</strong> chance, cela pourrait même<br />

contribuer à faire baisser la violence. III!<br />

Traduit <strong>de</strong> l'anglais par Gilles Berton<br />

@NewYorkTimesSyndicate<br />

v.s. bands Iraqis control of Najaf<br />

By Marc Santora<br />

NAJAF, Iraq: More than three years<br />

after the initial invasion, and two years<br />

after U.S. forces put down a revoIt here<br />

by the militia ofMoktada al-Sadr, Najaf<br />

on Wednesday became the first<br />

province un<strong>de</strong>r American control to be<br />

han<strong>de</strong>d over to the Iraqis. It is the third<br />

province in the country to have power<br />

transferred.<br />

Even as a <strong>de</strong>bate continues in Washington<br />

about what should be done to<br />

help pacify much of the country, especially<br />

Baghdad, coalition forces say they<br />

want to turn over aIl provinces in Iraq<br />

by the end of 2007.<br />

The transfer means that the Iraqi government<br />

will get control over its 8th<br />

Army Division, which has roughly<br />

10,000 soldiers. Shiite lea<strong>de</strong>rs, who control<br />

both this province and the national<br />

government, have been anxious to get<br />

more operational control over the Iraqi<br />

Army, which the U.S. military has been<br />

laboring to train.<br />

But security in the city of Najaf was<br />

already largely un<strong>de</strong>r Iraqi control, as<br />

American forces, cognizant of the religious<br />

importance of the area, have<br />

steered c1ear after putting down an uprising<br />

by the Sadr militia, known as the<br />

Mahdi Army.<br />

As the center ofShiite scholarship and<br />

the home of Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani,<br />

Najaf has not been plagued with the<br />

kind of sectarian violence that is tearing<br />

•Baghdad and other major cities apart.<br />

; But there have been struggles between<br />

Shiite factions, and resi<strong>de</strong>nts<br />

, privately expressed concem that many<br />

Mahdi Army members were still armed<br />

and ready to fight if provoked.<br />

Mowaffak al-Rubaie, the Iraqi national<br />

security adviser, atten<strong>de</strong>d the trans-<br />

Handoyer in Iraq<br />

With Najaf, Iraqi security forces<br />

have now assumed responsibillty<br />

for three<br />

provinces.<br />

NowlJndl1r<br />

lraql COl1trol<br />

fer ceremony and also used the trip to<br />

meet with Sistani, discussing the problem<br />

of militias.<br />

Briefing reporters after his conversation,<br />

he said he told Sistani of the govemment's<br />

"plans to reinstate and integrate<br />

the militias and armed groups."<br />

He said Sistani agreed with this goal.<br />

"His eminence called for national<br />

unity and the cohesiveness ofIraqis and<br />

to rally around the national unit y govemment,"<br />

he said.<br />

The local authorities closed aIl the<br />

roads in the city before the transfer ceremony,<br />

and while the security situation is<br />

relatively stable here, foreigners still bad<br />

to travel escorted by military convoy.<br />

Insi<strong>de</strong> a soccer stadium at the heart<br />

of this ancient city, the Iraqi Army, the<br />

police, bor<strong>de</strong>r control officers and the<br />

fire briga<strong>de</strong> para<strong>de</strong>d for over an hour<br />

before a <strong>de</strong>legation of top American and<br />

Iraqi military officiais, attempting to<br />

display their competence and fealty.<br />

Major General Kurt Cichowski, who<br />

atten<strong>de</strong>d the ceremony, said: "It is a major<br />

step forward in improving security<br />

and strengthening the authority of the<br />

government."<br />

There was music and chanting and a<br />

karate <strong>de</strong>monstration. Dozens of new<br />

vehic1es, many paid for by the multinational<br />

forces, were driven around the<br />

stadium, adorned with plastic flowers.<br />

The general public did not attend the<br />

event.<br />

As soldiers para<strong>de</strong>d past a grandstand<br />

with top American and Iraqi military<br />

officiaIs, as weIl as dozens of tribal<br />

lea<strong>de</strong>rs, a group of commandos with<br />

there faces blackened gathered for a<br />

<strong>de</strong>monstration of their courage.<br />

Each man reached into his right pocket,<br />

pulled out a frog and bit its head off.<br />

They threw the squirming legs to the<br />

ground as the lea<strong>de</strong>r of the group held<br />

aloft a live rabbit. He slit its belly and<br />

plunged his mouth into the gash. The<br />

carcass was then passed around to the<br />

rest of the soldiers who aIl took a bite.<br />

It was explained later that this practice<br />

was especially popular among Saddam<br />

Hussein's feared Fedayeen militia,<br />

whose members had done the same<br />

thing with live snakes and wolves.<br />

• Abizaid to retire in early '07<br />

General John Abizaid, who commands<br />

U.S. forces in Iraq and Afghanistan<br />

as head of the Centtal Command,<br />

plans to retire early next year, his command<br />

said Wednesday, Reuters reported<br />

from Washington. The <strong>de</strong>parture of<br />

Abizaid, 55,who bas served in his post<br />

since July 2003, longer than any previous<br />

comman<strong>de</strong>r, could set the stage for<br />

strategie changes un<strong>de</strong>r review by Bush.<br />


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