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Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-Press Review-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Baszn Ozeti<br />

archy. But if the sectarian war in Iraq<br />

worsened, the Saudis would be likely to<br />

line up with Sunni tribal lea<strong>de</strong>rs.<br />

The Saudi ambassador to the United<br />

States, Prince Turki al-Faisal, who told<br />

his staff Monday that he was resigning<br />

his post, recently dismissed Nawaf<br />

Obaid, a consultant who wrote an opin~<br />

ion piece in The Washington Post two<br />

weeks ago contending that "one of the<br />

first consequences" of a U.S. pullout<br />

from Iraq would "be massive Saudi intervention<br />

to stop Iranian-backed Shiite<br />

militias from butchering Iraqi Sunnis."<br />

Obaid also suggested that Saudi Arabia<br />

could cut world oil priees in half by<br />

ical discrimination to Moscow tô embarrass<br />

Washington, Ahmadinejad enjoys<br />

pointing out that countries like<br />

Germany, France and Austria claim to<br />

champion free <strong>de</strong>bate yet make Holocaust<br />

<strong>de</strong>nial illegal.<br />

He has also repeatedly tried to draw<br />

!DoraI equivalency between questionmg<br />

the Holocaust and the <strong>de</strong>cision in<br />

Europe last year to publish cartoons<br />

lampooning the Prophet Muhammad. It<br />

wins him favor at home and across the<br />

Arab world for standing up to the West<br />

and allows him to present himself a~<br />

morally superior to the West.<br />

But there is another important point.<br />

Ahmadinejad actually seems to believe<br />

that the volumes of documentation,<br />

testimony and living memory of the<br />

Nazi genoci<strong>de</strong> are at best exaggerated<br />

and part of a Zionist conspiracy to falsify<br />

history so as to create the case for Israising<br />

its production, a move that he<br />

said "would be <strong>de</strong>vastating to Iran,<br />

which is facing economic difficulties<br />

even with today's high oil priees." The<br />

Saudi government disavowed Obaid's<br />

column, and Turki en<strong>de</strong>d his contract.<br />

But Arab diplomats said Tuesday that<br />

Obaid's column reflected the view of<br />

the Saudi government, whieh has ma<strong>de</strong><br />

clear its opposition to a U.S. pullout<br />

fromlraq.<br />

ln a speech in Phila<strong>de</strong>lphia last week,<br />

Turki reiterated the Saudi position. "Just<br />

pieking up and leaving is going to create<br />

a huge vacuum," he told the World Affairs<br />

Council. "The U.S. must un<strong>de</strong>rline<br />

Evi<strong>de</strong>nce of that came in a revealing<br />

interview last May with the German<br />

magazine Der Spiegel. The interviewer<br />

mostly wanted to discuss Iran's nuclear<br />

ambitions and its refusaI to give up<br />

uranium enrichment, but the discussion<br />

kept returning to the Holocaust. At<br />

one point, the exasperated interviewer<br />

actually lectured the Iranian presi<strong>de</strong>nt<br />

on Germany's culpability.<br />

"ln our view, there is no doubt that<br />

the Germans unfortunately bear the<br />

guilt for the mur<strong>de</strong>r of six million," the<br />

Spiegel journalist said to Ahmadinejad.<br />

The presi<strong>de</strong>nt gave little ground, saying<br />

Germans should rid themselves of<br />

such guilt. "1 will only accèpt something<br />

as truth if 1am actually convinced<br />

of it," he said.<br />

Across the Middle East, contempt for<br />

Jews and Zionism is wi<strong>de</strong>spread and utterly<br />

mainstream. Many say the Holoits<br />

support for the Maliki government<br />

because there is no other game in town."<br />

On Monday, prominent Saudi clerics<br />

called on Sunni Muslims to mobilize<br />

against Shiites in Iraq. The statement<br />

called the "mur<strong>de</strong>r, torture and displacement<br />

of Sunnis" an "outrage."<br />

The resignation of Turki, a former<br />

Saudi intelligence chief, was supposed<br />

to be formally announced Monday, officiaIs<br />

said, but had not happened by late<br />

Tuesday. "They're keeping us very<br />

puzzled," a Saudi officiaI said.<br />

Hassan M. Fattah contributed reportingfrom<br />

Dubai.<br />

Holocaust conference:<br />

As much about Iran's<br />

ambition as its beliefs<br />

Dy Michael Slackman<br />

CAIRO: Iran's so-called Holocaust<br />

conference earlier this week was billed<br />

as a chance to force the West to reconsi<strong>de</strong>r<br />

~e. historical record and, thereby,<br />

the legttlmacy of Israel. The question,<br />

then, is why the Iranians would invite<br />

speakers with so little credibility in the<br />

West, including a former Ku Klux Klan<br />

grand wizard and disgraced European<br />

scholars.<br />

But that question misses the point.<br />

Iran's presi<strong>de</strong>nt, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad,<br />

sees conference partie-<br />

News<br />

Analysis<br />

ipants like David Duke, the<br />

former Louisiana Klan lea<strong>de</strong>r,<br />

and France's Robert<br />

Faurisson, who has <strong>de</strong>voted his life to<br />

trying to prove the Nazi gas chambers<br />

were a myth, as silenced truth-tellers<br />

whose stories expose Western lea<strong>de</strong>rs as<br />

the hypocrites he consi<strong>de</strong>rs them to be.<br />

Just as Soviet lea<strong>de</strong>rs used to invite<br />

Americans who suffered racial or polit-<br />

rael. As a former member of the Revolutionary<br />

Guards, he was indoctrinated<br />

with such thinking, political analysts in<br />

Tehran said, and in fact as a radical stu<strong>de</strong>nt<br />

lea<strong>de</strong>r, he championed such a view.<br />

Now he bas a platform to promote his<br />

theories and try to position himself regionally<br />

as a reasonable man simply asking<br />

the hard questions. The meeting inclu<strong>de</strong>d<br />

no attempt to come to terms with<br />

the nature of the well-documented Nazi<br />

slaughter, offering only a platform to<br />

those pursuing the fantasy that it never<br />

happened. ln addition, the organizers of<br />

the conference, a small circle around the<br />

presi<strong>de</strong>nt, have been building ties with<br />

neo-Nazi groups in Europe.<br />

"He is connected to people in Iran<br />

who trust his way of doing things and<br />

who seriously believe the Holocaust did<br />

not take place," said Martin Ebbing, a<br />

German journalist based in Tehran who<br />

bas closely followed the issue with the<br />

presi<strong>de</strong>nt. "They seriously believe it."<br />

caust has been wildly exaggerated and<br />

used to justify the creation of the Jewish<br />

state in 1948at the expense of Palestinians,<br />

a move viewed as yet another example<br />

of Western imperialism.<br />

Anti-Western rage fueled the 1979Iranian<br />

r~volution, and Ahmadinejad has<br />

tried to rekindle the energy of the revolution<br />

by spreading Iran's influence beyond<br />

its bor<strong>de</strong>rs. Battling Washington,<br />

chiding Arab lea<strong>de</strong>rs and claiming to<br />

promote the Palestinian cause have<br />

ma<strong>de</strong> him extremely popular on the<br />

streets from Cairo to Morocco.<br />

Such actions have also helped turn attention<br />

away from his inability so far to<br />

<strong>de</strong>liver on promises of economic populism,<br />

including a redistribution ofIran's<br />

enormous economic wealth and greater<br />

social justice for the bulk of the country<br />

that is struggling to make ends meet.<br />

The presi<strong>de</strong>nt's i<strong>de</strong>as do not resonate<br />

in aIl corners of Iran, though, and some<br />

political scientists there say they have<br />

served to embarrass officiaIs who, even<br />

if they agree, do not want to see a focus<br />

on Holocaust <strong>de</strong>nial further isolate Iran.<br />

"1raise two questions about this conference,"<br />

said Ahmad Shirzad, a reformist<br />

politician and former member of Parliament.<br />

"First, how much does this solve<br />

the problems our people are faced with?<br />

And secondly, which one of our goals<br />

were realized? It looks like he wants to<br />

make news and do provocative things."<br />

Others see an even more ambitious<br />

post-Iraq agenda reflected in Ahmadinejad's<br />

high profile on the issues of<br />

Jews, the Holocaust and Israel.<br />

"It is for public consumption in Arab<br />

countries," said Mustafa EI-Labbad, editor<br />

of Sharqnameh Magazine, which<br />

specializes in Iranian affairs and is<br />

published in Cairo. "It is specifically directed<br />

toward <strong>de</strong>epening the gap between<br />

the people and their regimes and<br />

toward embarrassing the rulers so that<br />

the regional power vacuum, especially<br />

after Iraq, can be filled by Iran."<br />

l{t'ralb~(!tribllnt'<br />

December 14, 2006<br />


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