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Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-Press Review-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Baszn Ozeti<br />



The unilateral "cease-fire <strong>de</strong>claration" of 1st October 2006, <strong>de</strong>clar<strong>de</strong>d by the PKK and by KONG RA-GEL, opens<br />

new and unprece<strong>de</strong>nted political prospects for peace and reconciliation in Turkey. The search for a negotiated<br />

and non-violent political solution to the "Kurdish question" in Turkey also concerns the European Union and the<br />

entire international community. After the cease-fire, it is the task and dut y of the Turkish authorities to take this<br />

new opportunity to engage in a public and transparent political process of discussion with the representatives of<br />

the Kurds ofTurkey about the "Kurdish question".<br />

That is why we ask the Turkish Prime Minister, Recep Tayyp Erdogan, to embrace the spirit and the letter of the<br />

reœnt European Parliament's report "on Turkey's progress to accession to the EU", adopted on 27th September<br />

2006 by the peoples' representatives of the 25 European Union's Member States, especially those paragraphs<br />

asking Turkey to enter into direct discussions with the representatives of the Kurds ofTurkey, a political process<br />

that will certainly have our support, the support of ail European institutions and of the international <strong>de</strong>mocratic<br />

civil society.<br />

We must support the cease-fire to give peace a chance, we must support the opening of direct discussions<br />

between Turkey and representatives of the Kurds to give <strong>de</strong>mocracy a chance, and the basic rights of the Kurdish<br />

people must finally be recognised.<br />

Signatories of the Appeal: TURKEY AND<br />


Harold Pinter, Nobel Peace Pnze Laureate, UK; Imre Kertész, Nobelpnce Owner (Uterature) BudapestIBerhn, Venerable Thich Quang Do, Unified<br />

Buddhlst Church of Vietnam (UBCV), Raflo Prize 2006; Bianca Jagger, Councii of Europe Goodwlil Ambassador, UK; Vo Van Ai, Presi<strong>de</strong>nt of Que<br />

Me; Jean Ziegler, GenflZurich, United Nations Special Rapporteur / UN Task Force Iraq,Paulos Tesfagiorgis, Lawyer and Raflo Prize Laureate 2003,<br />

Eritrea/USA; Vittorio Agnoletto, EP-Kurds Group, MEP-GUElNGL; Monica Frassoni, Chair MEP-V-ALE Group, Francis Wurtz, Chair MEP-<br />

GUElNGL Group; Hélène Flautre, Chair DROI, MEP-V-ALE; Luisa Morgantini, Chair DEVE, MEP-GUEINGL; Frieda Brepoels, MEP-PPE; Marie-<br />

Arlette Charlotti, MEP-PSE; Jiri Mastalka, MEP-GUElNGL; Ewa Pettersen Hedkvis~ MEP-PSE; Renate Sommer MEP-PPE; Jens Holm, MEP-<br />

GUEINGL; Panagiotis Beglitis, MEP-PSE; Britta Thomsen, MEP-PSE; Marios Matsakis, MEP-ADLE; Jean Lambert, MEP-V-ALE; Bernat Joan<br />

i Mari, MEP-V-ALE, Feleknas Uca, MEP-GUElNGL; Baroness Sarah Ludford, MEP-ADLE; Roberto Musacchio, MEP-GUElNGL; Baart Staes<br />

MEP-V/ ALE; Adamos Adamou, MEP-GUE; Pierre Jonckheer, MEP-PSE; Bairbre De Brun, MEP; Inger SegelstrOm, MEP-PSE; Dimitri<br />

Papadimoulis, MEP-GUEINGL; Umberto Guidoni, MEP-GUElNGL; Tatjana Zdanoka, MEP-V-ALE; Willy Meyer Pleite, MEP-GUElNGL; Mary Lou<br />

McDonald, MEP-GUElNGL; Pierre Jonckheer, MEP-Green/EFA; Jan An<strong>de</strong>rsson, MEP-PSE; Miguel Portas, MEP-GUEINGL; Anna Hedh, MEP-<br />

PSE, Gabriele Zimmer, MEP-GUEINGL, Asa Westlund, MEP-PSE; Giusto Catania, GUEINGL; Vincenzo Aita, MEP-GUE/NGL; Enrico Speroni,<br />

MEP-NI, Berna<strong>de</strong>tte Bourzai, MEP-PSE; Chiesa Giulietto MEP-PSE, Sven Wollter,; Dr. Mehmoud Othman Member of National Assemply of<br />

Iraq; Bodil Ceballos, Member of Swedish parllament; Gunvor G Ericson, Member of Swedlsh parliament; Peter Radberg, Member of Swedlsh<br />

Parhament, Pater Wolfgang Jungheim, Pax Chnstl Nassau-Lahnsteln, Rashidi-Kalhur Ardishlr, Presi<strong>de</strong>nt, Southern Califomla DiviSion United<br />

Nations Association of the USA; Mel Boynton Claremont, CA; Dfawer Afa' Al<strong>de</strong>en, Professor ln MediCIne,Edltor-in-Chlef, Zanln Scienllflc Joumal,Dr.<br />

Dilan Roshani Nottingham, UK; Tove Skutnabb Kangas dr.phll, Roskil<strong>de</strong> University, Denmarl< & Abo Aka<strong>de</strong>ml UniVersity, Flnland; Robert<br />

Phillipson, Professor, Copenhagen BUSinessSchool, Denmarl

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