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Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-Press Review-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro<br />

<strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Baszn Ozeti<br />

Kurds warn White House not to adopt<br />

Baker ...Hamilton report December 12, 2006<br />

By Mohammed A. Salih and<br />

Jamal Ekhtiar<br />

The Globe - Erbil<br />

Barzani consi<strong>de</strong>red the ISG's<br />

failure to visit Kurdistan dunng<br />

the nine months that they were<br />

- preparing the report "a major<br />

Presi<strong>de</strong>nt of the Kurdistan Re- shortcommg that adversely mflugion<br />

dismissed the report by enced the credibility of the (ISG)<br />

the Iraq Study Group (ISG) assessment."<br />

as "unrealistic and inappro- He threatened that Kurds will<br />

priate" and lashed out at the seek m<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nce should the<br />

major recommendations of the White House implement key<br />

group, saying it will endanger proposaIs by the Baker-Hamil-<br />

Iraq's territorial integrity and ton report on Kirkuk, fe<strong>de</strong>rahsm,<br />

that Kurds will "in no way chan,ges in the constitution, and<br />

abi<strong>de</strong>" by il.<br />

control of oil resources.<br />

The furious reaction by Mas- 'The part of the report that caIls<br />

soud Barzani came two days for postponing the implementaafter<br />

the report by the ISG, cochaired<br />

by former D.S. Secretary<br />

of State James Baker III and<br />

former Democratic Congressman<br />

Lee Hamilton, was released last<br />

Wednesday.<br />

The report <strong>de</strong>scribed the situation<br />

in Iraq as "grave and <strong>de</strong>teriorating"<br />

and ma<strong>de</strong> 79 recommendations<br />

to Presi<strong>de</strong>nt George W.<br />

Bush on Iraq and wi<strong>de</strong>r Middle<br />

East problems.<br />

"We think that the Iraq Study<br />

Group has ma<strong>de</strong> sorne unrealistic<br />

and inappropriate recommendations<br />

for helping the D.S. to get<br />

out of these (Iraq) difficulties,"<br />

Barzani said in his sharply wor<strong>de</strong>d<br />

statement released last Friday.<br />

"If un<strong>de</strong>r this pretext, these m-<br />

appropriate recommendations are<br />

imposed on us, we <strong>de</strong>clare, on<br />

behalf of the people of Kurdlstan,<br />

that we reject anything that<br />

is against the constitution and the<br />

interest of Iraq and Kurdistan."<br />

tion of the constitutional article<br />

(140) on Kirkuk will lead to an<br />

explosive situation in the country,"<br />

Ghafour Makhmouri, a<br />

member of Kurdistan Parliament<br />

in Arbil, told the Globe.<br />

On Fnday, Barzani told a gathering<br />

of Kurdish lawmakers and<br />

mmisters in Baghdad that the<br />

real problem in Iraq will arise<br />

when Kurds feel there are parties<br />

hin<strong>de</strong>ring Kirkuk's annexation to<br />

Kurdistan.<br />

Groups of Turkomans and Arabs<br />

in the city are opposed to the<br />

i<strong>de</strong>a and call for Kirkuk to be<br />

given the special status ofa separate<br />

fe<strong>de</strong>ral region.<br />

Kurds are also against a major<br />

recommendation of the report<br />

that cautions against Iraq's <strong>de</strong>volution<br />

into three regions. Along<br />

with Shias, they advocate fe<strong>de</strong>ralism<br />

on ethnic and sectarian<br />

bases.<br />

They disapprove major changes<br />

to the constitution as weil as<br />

that might imperil their gains of<br />

fe<strong>de</strong>ralism, "normalizing Kirkuk<br />

situation" and control of oil resources.<br />

Iraq's Presi<strong>de</strong>nt, Jalal Talabani,<br />

also a Kurd, expressed support<br />

for the statement by the Kurdlsh<br />

regional presi<strong>de</strong>nt and bran<strong>de</strong>d<br />

the report's recommendations as<br />

"dangerous".<br />

The ISG's 96-page report advises<br />

Bush to launch a New Diplomatic<br />

Offensive and engage<br />

Iraq's neighboring countries,<br />

including Iran and Syria and<br />

Turkey, to help the U.S. resolve<br />

Irag's tense situation.<br />

"Politically, Iran and Syna<br />

scored a victory over the D.S.,<br />

and the report's recommendation<br />

10 negoliate with them is an un<strong>de</strong>niable<br />

proof for that," Kamal<br />

Saadi, Head of Law Department<br />

m Arbil's Salahaddin University<br />

told the Globe.<br />

"It is these neighboring countries<br />

that do not let Iraq administer<br />

itself. They disrupt the<br />

country's security and pohtical<br />

situation and help terrorists infiltrate<br />

into Iraq and are settling<br />

their old scores with America on<br />

Iraq's soi!."<br />

Kurds fe~r the neighboring<br />

countries' involvement in Iraqi<br />

affairs will negatively affect their<br />

position in the country.<br />

Turkey does not recognize<br />

Kurdistan 's fe<strong>de</strong>ral status and<br />

has threatened to use military<br />

force should Kurds sece<strong>de</strong> from<br />

Iraq.<br />

Likewise, Iran and Syria are<br />

concemed about Kurds' growing<br />

influence and weight in Iraqi<br />

politics.<br />

All three countries have sizable<br />

Kurdish populations with separalist<br />

ten<strong>de</strong>ncies, which, they worry,<br />

will be inspired by the gains<br />

of Iheir fellow Kurds in Iraq.<br />

Amld concerns in Iraq and the<br />

U.S. on the report's fate, the<br />

Bush administration has shown<br />

little willingness so far to adopt<br />

the report.<br />

On Thursday, Baker told the<br />

U.S. Senate that Bush should<br />

treat his report as a whole and not<br />

in a selective manner.<br />

Bush, however, is not consi<strong>de</strong>ring<br />

ail points of the report. During<br />

a joint news conference with<br />

British Prime Minster Tony Blair,<br />

one day after the report was released,<br />

he ma<strong>de</strong> it clear that talking<br />

with Iran and Syria is not an<br />

option.<br />

Kurds feel they have not been<br />

rewar<strong>de</strong>d for their assistance to<br />

the D.S. during the war on Iraq<br />

and its aftermath. They fear the<br />

ISG report, if implemented, will<br />

practically lead to a situation<br />

slmilar to 1975, when after the<br />

Aigeria Accord between Iran and<br />

Iraq, Kurdish self-rule in northern<br />

Iraq collapsed and hundreds<br />

of thousands of people were displaced.<br />

"Such positions (in the report)<br />

are against the concepts of <strong>de</strong>mocracy<br />

and human rights that<br />

America calls for," Makhmouri<br />

noted.<br />

"It will damage America's credibility<br />

among the peoples who<br />

count on its help for their liberation."<br />

Kurdistan Regional Presi<strong>de</strong>nt Massoud Barzani and US ambassador to Iraq Zalmai Khaiilzad talk to each other at a<br />

meeting of Kurdistan parliament ln Erbil May 7,2006.<br />


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