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Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-Press Review-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Baszn Ozeti<br />

Some Democrats saw the report as a Baker said. '~nd it is in that spirit that<br />

clear repudiation of much of the administration's<br />

we have approached our study group's<br />

recent approach - as when task on a bipartisan basis."<br />

James Baker 3rd, the former secretary His language was a striking echo of<br />

of state who was eo-chairman of the that used a day earlier by Presi<strong>de</strong>nt<br />

panel, said plainly that "stay the George W. Bush's nominee for <strong>de</strong>fense<br />

course," a formulation long associated secretary, Robert Gates, who told the<br />

with the presi<strong>de</strong>nt but now abandoned,<br />

was "no longer viable."<br />

Senate Armed Services Committee that<br />

he wanted to help build an approach on<br />

Democrats said that Bush must Iraq that would be ma<strong>de</strong> durable<br />

change his approach and be ready to cooperate<br />

through strong, bipartisan support.<br />

with members of Congress in The Armed Serviees Committee,<br />

finding a way forward, and eventually clearly sympathetic to his views, later<br />

out of, Iraq.<br />

unanimously recommen<strong>de</strong>d his confirmation<br />

"Their report un<strong>de</strong>rscores the message<br />

by the full Senate, and that was<br />

the Ameriean people sent one expected shortly.<br />

month ago: There must be change in And Lee Hamilton, a former Democratie<br />

Iraq, and there is no time to lose," said<br />

congressman from Indiana and<br />

Senator Harry Reid of Nevada, who will the Iraq panel's co-chairman, said the<br />

be the Democratic majority lea<strong>de</strong>r in tone of the report reflected "a very<br />

the new Congress. "It is time for the pragmatie" approach. "We tried to set<br />

Iraqis to build and secure their nation, forth here achievable goals," he said.<br />

and it is time for Ameriean combat Tony Snow, the White House spokesman,<br />

troops to be re<strong>de</strong>ployed."<br />

rejected the suggestion that the re-<br />

Some Republicans saw the report as port was a repudiation of administration<br />

ratifying an urgent search by the administration<br />

policy - the White House and<br />

for responsible ways to pentagon had long since acknowledged<br />

edge out of Iraq, heavy on political and grave problems in Iraq and begun reviewing<br />

diplomatie dimensions but avoiding a<br />

its options, he said - but he<br />

hasty withdrawal that could leave the embraced the notion of consensus.<br />

region in chaos.<br />

"What you have here, 1 think, is a<br />

A pro minent Senate Republican, basis for both politieal parties actually<br />

Chuck Hagel of Nebraska, praised the to begin working together," Snow said.<br />

group's findings.<br />

He said that White House officiaIs,<br />

"The report is an acknowledgment when they met earlier with the commission<br />

that there will be no military solution in<br />

members, were partieularly struck<br />

Iraq," said Hagel, a member of the Foreign<br />

Relations and Intelligence commit-<br />

was absolutely important was to re-<br />

by this: "The one thing they thought<br />

tees. "It will require a political solution build a sense of national unity on this."<br />

arrived at through sustained Iraqi and region-wi<strong>de</strong><br />

diplomacy and engagement. stressed this during a joint briefing.<br />

In<strong>de</strong>ed, several panel members<br />

"The presi<strong>de</strong>nt and Congress now Sandra Day O'Connor, who stepped<br />

must work together to frame a new down from the Supreme Court early<br />

policy that will allow the United States this year, urged journalists to help engage<br />

Americans in the problem. "It's up<br />

to leave Iraq and the Iraqi people to<br />

make their own <strong>de</strong>cisions as to their future,"<br />

Hagel said.<br />

interpreting this and talking to ~er-<br />

to you, frankly," she said. "You're there<br />

Many people saw the report as drawing<br />

power both from the eminence of its will feel that if they're behind someica.<br />

1 hope that the American people<br />

members - five Democrats and five Republicans,<br />

including two former secre-<br />

off. 1think we will."<br />

thing in broad terms, that we'll be better<br />

taries of state, a former <strong>de</strong>fense secretary<br />

and a former Supreme Court justiee to Presi<strong>de</strong>nt Bill Clinton, said: "This<br />

Leon Panetta, a former chief of staff<br />

- and by its insistence on the need to country cannot be at war and be as divi<strong>de</strong>d<br />

as we are today. You've got to uni-<br />

move American public opinion on Iraq<br />

from polarization to commonality. fy this country, and 1 suggest to the<br />

"We believe that a constructive solution<br />

requires that a new politieal con-<br />

can perhaps serve as an example."<br />

presi<strong>de</strong>nt that what we did in this group<br />

sensus be built, a new consensus here ai "We have ma<strong>de</strong> a terrible commitment<br />

in Iraq in terms of our blood home and a new consensus abroad,"<br />

and<br />

treasure," Panetta continued. '~nd 1<br />

think we owe it to them to take one last<br />

chance at making Iraq work and, more<br />

importantly, to take one last chance at<br />

unifying this country on this war."<br />

And Alan Simpson, a former Republican<br />

senator from Wyoming, lamented<br />

that "the American people see the Congress<br />

and the administration as dysfunctional."<br />

He recalled how he and Panetta,<br />

though from different politieal parties, 1<br />

would lunch together wheJ;l Simpson \<br />

was assistant majority lea<strong>de</strong>r and spell<br />

. ou~ what they could or could not get<br />

done. He <strong>de</strong>plored the loss ofbipartisanship<br />

but said it might yet be revived.<br />

"Maybe it's corny, maybe it won't<br />

work," he said, "but it's sure as hell better<br />

than sitting there where we are right<br />

now."<br />

The study group's lea<strong>de</strong>rs, judging by<br />

remarks, have a less i<strong>de</strong>alistic vision of<br />

Iraq than Bush, who has often <strong>de</strong>scribed<br />

a new country as a beacon of <strong>de</strong>mocracy.<br />

It seemed to contrast sharply to the i<strong>de</strong>ologically<br />

driven approach of neoconservative<br />

advisers in the administration.<br />

Still, while lawmakers we1comed the<br />

Baker report as pointing to a possibly<br />

better way forward, some saw it as confirming<br />

their dim view of the pasto<br />

"The Iraq Study Group report represents<br />

another blow at the poliey of 'stay<br />

the course' that this administration has<br />

followed," said Senator Carl Levin of<br />

Michigan, the senior Democrat on the<br />

Armed Services Committee. "The<br />

American people rose up again staying<br />

the course in Iraq, because the course is<br />

not working."<br />

Baker said the bipartisan study group<br />

had <strong>de</strong>liberately waited until after the<br />

mid-term elections to <strong>de</strong>liver its conclusions.<br />

But Hamilton, the panel co-cha irman,<br />

and other members, avoi<strong>de</strong>d raising<br />

any undue optimism about Iraq. "We<br />

do not know if it can be turned around,"<br />

he said. "We have an obligation to try."<br />

Les autorités irakiennes refusent la conférence<br />

internationale<br />

Le premier ministre irakien Nouri AI-Maliki<br />

a annoncé, mardi 5 décembre, la tenue<br />

d'une conférence <strong>de</strong> réconciliation, dans<br />

un pays déchiré par les violences confessionnelles.<br />

« Tous les partis, qu'ils soient<br />

augouvernement ou non, participeront à<br />

cette confilrence )J, a affirmé le premier<br />

ministre sur la chaîne <strong>de</strong> télévision publique<br />

Iraqia.<br />

M. Maliki a en revanche écarté l'idée<br />

d'une conférence Internationale avancée<br />

par le secrétaire général <strong>de</strong> l'ONU, Kofi<br />

Annan. Le chef <strong>de</strong> la principale coalition<br />

chiite, Ab<strong>de</strong>l Aziz AI-Hakim, s'était lui<br />

aussi opposé à cette initiative lundi, lors<br />

d'une visite à Washington en jugeant<br />

(( inacceptable pour le peuple irakien que<br />

ces questions soient débattues dans <strong>de</strong>s<br />

conférences internationales )J alors que<br />

l'Irak dispose selon lui d'un gouvernement<br />

qui compte parmi (( les plus forts<br />

<strong>de</strong> la région )J.<br />

Le prési<strong>de</strong>nt irakien, Jalal Talabani,<br />

s'était également démarqué <strong>de</strong> l'initiative<br />

<strong>de</strong> M. Annan.<br />

-(AFP.)<br />


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