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Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-Press Review-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basm Ozeti<br />

Annan <strong>de</strong>scribes Iraq<br />

as being in a civil war<br />

Br Edward Wong<br />

BAGHDAD: Secretary General Kofi<br />

Annan of the United Nations said Sunday<br />

that Iraq had <strong>de</strong>scen<strong>de</strong>d into a civil<br />

war that was even <strong>de</strong>adlier and more<br />

anarchie than the 15-year sectarian<br />

bloodshed that tore Lebanon apart.<br />

"When we had the strife in Lebanon<br />

and other places, we called that a civil<br />

war. This is much worse," Annan said in<br />

an interview with the BBC.<br />

Annan joined a growing number of<br />

foreign and Iraqi lea<strong>de</strong>rs, policy makers<br />

and news organizations who have said<br />

that Iraq is in the grip of civil war. Colin<br />

Powell, Presi<strong>de</strong>nt George W. Bush's first<br />

secretary of state, said last week at a<br />

conference in the United Arab Emirates<br />

that Iraq was in a civil war. A former<br />

Iraqi prime minister, Ayad Allawi, said<br />

the same thing in March.<br />

The Bush administration continues<br />

to <strong>de</strong>ny there is a civil war. But the Iraq<br />

conflict meets the common scholarly<br />

<strong>de</strong>finition: armed groups from the same<br />

country are fighting for control of the<br />

political center, control of a separatist .<br />

state or to force a major change in<br />

policy.<br />

On Nov. 27,Annan warned that when<br />

it came to civil war in Iraq, "we are almost<br />

there."<br />

The <strong>de</strong>bate over the term "civil war"<br />

erupted more fiercely last week in the<br />

United States, after NBC and other major<br />

news organizations said they were<br />

ready to apply it to Iraq. The discussion<br />

is highly political because supporters of<br />

the war fear that calling the Iraq strife a<br />

civil war would further ero<strong>de</strong> support<br />

among Americans, even though polIs<br />

show that a vast majority already consi<strong>de</strong>r<br />

this a civil war.<br />

ln Baghdad, meanwhile, Presi<strong>de</strong>nt<br />

Jalal Talabani rejected a calI by Annan<br />

for an international conference to reach<br />

a solution to the wi<strong>de</strong>ning sectarian<br />

war, saying the Iraqis were working to<br />

end the bloodshed themselves.<br />

Annan suggested last week that an international<br />

conference that inclu<strong>de</strong>d aIl<br />

ofIraq's major political groups and representatives<br />

from around the region<br />

could help end the fighting.<br />

"We have an ongoing political process<br />

and a Council of Representatives that is<br />

the best in the region," Talabani said<br />

Sunday in a written statement, using the<br />

formaI name of the Iraqi Parliament. "We<br />

became an in<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nt sovereign state<br />

and we <strong>de</strong>ci<strong>de</strong> the issues of the country."<br />

Talabani's stand on the issue contradicts<br />

not onJ,yAnnan, but also the recommendation<br />

by a growing number of<br />

American policy makers that the<br />

United States and Iraq should hold a<br />

conference that would bring together<br />

aIl the countries in the region to try to<br />

re-establish stability in Iraq. Such a<br />

meeting might inclu<strong>de</strong> Iran, Syria and<br />

Saudia Arabia, aIl of which have been<br />

accused by various American and Iraqi<br />

lea<strong>de</strong>rs of fomenting violence here.<br />

The Iraq Study Group hea<strong>de</strong>d by<br />

James Baker is expected to recommend<br />

this week that the United States open up<br />

diplomatic channels with Iran and Syria<br />

to discuss their roles. That suggestion<br />

has been received cooIly by the White<br />

House, where some senior officiaIs said<br />

opening talks with those two countries<br />

would in itselfbe a major concession to<br />

their authoritarian, anti-American governments.<br />

On Saturday, a powerful Shiite lea<strong>de</strong>r,<br />

Abdul Aziz al-Hakim, also rejected Annao's<br />

calI for a conference. Hakim has<br />

chafed at the i<strong>de</strong>a that countries in the<br />

region dominated by Sunni Arabs could<br />

get more involved in Iraq. Hakim comes<br />

from a pro minent religious family and<br />

has close ties to Iran. He was scheduled<br />

to meet with Bush in Washington this<br />

week to discuss the <strong>de</strong>terioration of the<br />

government of the prime minister, Nuri<br />

Kamal al-Maliki.<br />

Like virtuaIly aIl Kurds, Talabani is<br />

wary of interference here by Turkey,<br />

which has warned that it will inva<strong>de</strong> the<br />

autonomous region ofIraqi Kurdistan if<br />

the Kurds make any move toward in<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nce<br />

or try to take control of the<br />

oil city of Kirkuk.<br />

Talabani's office released the presi<strong>de</strong>nt's<br />

statements after he met in the<br />

morning with Representative Christopher<br />

Shays, the Republican from Connecticut<br />

who is advocating a timetable<br />

for withdrawing American troops. Like<br />

Annan, Shays is also pushing to convene<br />

a conference ofIraq's neighbors.<br />

Meanwhile, the U.S. military said<br />

Sunday that its forces killed two women,<br />

one child and six insurgents on Saturday<br />

in assaults on two buildings in<br />

the town of Garma in Anbar Province.<br />

The women and child were killed with<br />

five of the insurgents during an air<br />

strike on one house, the military said.<br />

The U.S. military announced eight<br />

<strong>de</strong>aths of service people on Sunday.<br />

Two soldiers were killed by a roadsi<strong>de</strong><br />

bomb while on patrol in Anbar on Saturday<br />

and three marines died the same<br />

day in Anbar from combat wounds. Another<br />

soldier was killed Saturday by a<br />

roadsi<strong>de</strong> bomb near Taji. A soldier died<br />

in combat in Baghdad on Sunday. ln addition,<br />

the air force said Major Troy Gilbert,<br />

a pilot listed as missing after his F-<br />

16 crashed last Monday in Anbar, had<br />

been killed in the inci<strong>de</strong>nt.<br />

ln Baghdad, the police found at least<br />

50 bodies across the city. One of them,<br />

Hi<strong>de</strong>ab Majhool Hasnawi, the head of a<br />

leading Iraqi soccer club, was i<strong>de</strong>ntified<br />

in the morgue. He was abducted last<br />

Wednesday.<br />

The head of the popular Talaba club<br />

and a member of the Iraqi Soccer Fe<strong>de</strong>ration,<br />

Hasnawi was the latest in a number<br />

of sports figures, performers and<br />

professors who have been kidnapped<br />

and executed lately.<br />

Khalid al-Ansary in Baghdad and<br />

Iraqi employees of The New York Times<br />

in Falluja, Mosul and Basra contributed<br />

reporting.<br />

Report forces presi<strong>de</strong>nt to accept that<br />

Iraq potiey isn't working<br />

Br SheryrGay<br />

Stolberg<br />

WASHINGTON: ln 142 <strong>de</strong>vastatingly<br />

stark pages, stuffed with adjectives like<br />

"grave and <strong>de</strong>teriorating," "daunting,"<br />

and "dire," the Iraq Study<br />

News Group report is an impas-<br />

Analysis sioned plea for bipartisan<br />

consensus on the most divisive<br />

foreign policy issue of this generation.<br />

Only one person - Presi<strong>de</strong>nt<br />

George W. Bush -:- can make that hap-<br />

pen.<br />

The commiSSlOners - five Democrats<br />

and five Republicans - tried to be<br />

kind to Bush, adopting his language<br />

when they accepted the goal of an Iraq<br />

that can "govern, itself, sustain itself<br />

and <strong>de</strong>fend itself."<br />

But gone is the administratioo's talk<br />

of.Iraq as a beacon. of <strong>de</strong>mocracy in the<br />

MIddle East. Gone ISany talk of victory.<br />

Instead, the report forces the presi<strong>de</strong>nt<br />

to accept the painfui truth that<br />

cost Republicans control of Congress:<br />

his policy in Iraq is not working, and it<br />

the American people do not support it.<br />

If Bush embraces the report's blueprint<br />

for changing course, he himself will<br />

have to reverse course - and meet<br />

Democrats more than halfway.<br />

The study group, for instance, caIls<br />

for direct engagement with Iran and<br />

Syria; so far, Bush has refused. While<br />

Bush has steadfastly resisted a timetable<br />

for withdrawal, the report says aIl como<br />

bat briga<strong>de</strong>s "not necessary for force<br />

protection could be out of Iraq" - note<br />


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