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Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-Press Review-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basm Ozeti<br />

___ 1".-<br />

_ JOli Ut<br />

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rule for more than 14 centuries. It is the<br />

proper time to rule ourselves now."<br />

Sadr still insists his main fight is with<br />

foreign inva<strong>de</strong>rs. He's the one Shia lea<strong>de</strong>r<br />

who has opposed the US. occupation from<br />

the beginning, and who has continued to<br />

calIfor a strict timetable for American withdrawal.<br />

An overwhelming majority of<br />

Iraqis now agree with him. A September<br />

polI by WorldPublicOpinion.org found that<br />

63 percent of 501 Iraqi Shiites surveyed<br />

supported attacks against Americans. Even<br />

in Baghdad, where ethnic tensions are<br />

worst, Shiites agree with Sunnis on one<br />

thing: the polI found that 80 percent of the<br />

capital's Shiites wanted U.S. forces to leave<br />

within a year. That number has changed<br />

dramatically in a matter of months. AJanuary<br />

poil found that most Shiites wanted<br />

US.-Ied troops to be reduced only "as the<br />

security situation improves."<br />

ln Washington, sorne politicians still<br />

talk about "victory:' while others aim only<br />

to stabilize the country and leave with sorne<br />

semblance of dignity. Many in the US.<br />

capital are dusting off yesterday's proposals<br />

for tomorrow's problems-more training,<br />

more troops, disarming the militias, more<br />

stability in Baghdad. The GOP presi<strong>de</strong>ntial<br />

front runner for 2008, John McCain, would<br />

prefer to increase the number of US. troops<br />

in Iraq by 20,000, at least temporarily. He<br />

has also called for Sadr to be "taken out."<br />

But it may be too late.<br />

The rnovernent may now be more important<br />

than the man. Sadr "is faced with a<br />

cornmon problem," says Toby Dodge of the<br />

International <strong>Institut</strong>e for Strategic Studies<br />

in London. "He can't control the use ofhis<br />

brand name, the use of his legitimacy:'<br />

Sorne eI<strong>de</strong>r followers of Sadr's father have<br />

broken away, disillusioned with the son.<br />

And sorne young toughs seem to be freelancing<br />

where they canoRenega<strong>de</strong> factions<br />

could eventually threaten Sadr's power. If<br />

he were to fall, "you'll end up with 30 different<br />

movements:' says ValiNasr, a scholar<br />

and author who has briefed the Bush<br />

administration on Iraq. "There are 30<br />

chieftains who have a tremendous amount<br />

of local power. If you remove hirn, there<br />

will be a scramble for who will inherit this<br />

movement ... It's a great danger doing that.<br />

You may actually make your life much<br />

more difficult."<br />




have the initiative. They can stir up trouble<br />

without much fear of retribution. A<br />

case in point: When kidnappers grabbed<br />

an Iraqi-American translator in Baghdad<br />

How He CaTIs the Shots<br />

With a growing private army and a pivotai group of parliamentary seats at his command,<br />

the radical Shiite c1eric Moqtada al-Sadr continues his rise as one of the country's<br />

most powerful figures. A look at his influence-and his competitors:<br />

UNITED<br />


The UIA, an alliance of conservative Shiite groups-including Sadr'sholds<br />

128 parliamentary seats, slgnificantly more than any other bloc.<br />

The Supreme Couneil<br />

for Islamie Revolution<br />

in Iraq (SCIRI) ISc10sely<br />

tled to-and reportedly<br />

tun<strong>de</strong>d by-Iran<br />

The party of lraql Prime<br />

Mmister Mallkl, Dawa<br />

possesses no organized<br />

mllitia. It also has fewer<br />

eleries than SCIRI<br />


last month, US. soldiers sealed off the<br />

Sadr City neighborhood where they believed<br />

he was being held. But Prime Minister<br />

Maliki-who <strong>de</strong>pends on Sadr for<br />

political support-quickly or<strong>de</strong>red the<br />

Americans to remove their roadblocks.<br />

Maliki has also forced the US. military to<br />

release men picked up during raids in<br />

Sadr City on suspicion of belonging to<br />

Shiite <strong>de</strong>ath squads.<br />

Though its I<strong>de</strong>ology IS close to<br />

that of the Sadnsts, Fadhila<br />

has ilS own agenda and has<br />

sometlmes elashed wlth<br />

Sadr's camp<br />

When the U.S. fails to respond to provocation,<br />

it loses credibility. And when it does<br />

respond, it can also lose. Last "'t'ck, before<br />

the massive car-bomb attacks, U.S. and<br />

Iraqi forces carried out a pinpnck raid in<br />

Sadr City to get intelligence on the kidnapped<br />

military translator, Ahmed Qusai<br />

al-Taayie. Like sa many othe!' US. military<br />

strikes in Iraq, however, it came at a price.<br />

American forces capturcd Sc\ en militia-<br />


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