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Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-Press Review-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Baszn Ozeti<br />

was driven past an area, a kind of compound<br />

where his black-c1adarmywas training<br />

for the upcoming revolution to seize<br />

power and take over. Itjust dawned on me<br />

that these people were going to make this<br />

place an authoritarian hell of a new sort,<br />

Thliban style, and would mur<strong>de</strong>r a lot of our<br />

allies in the process."<br />

Diamond went to Bremer and gave him<br />

his assessment: the United States urgently<br />

nee<strong>de</strong>d to act against Sadr. Bremer respon<strong>de</strong>d<br />

that he was waiting for a new plan from<br />

Coalition forces. "1 first wanted to go after<br />

him when he had probably fewer than 200<br />

followers;' Bremer recalled in an interview<br />

with NEWSWEEK last<br />

week. "1 couldn't make it<br />

happen ... the Marines<br />

were resisting doing anything."<br />

But in the meantime,<br />

on March 28, 2004,<br />

Bremer suspen<strong>de</strong>d publication<br />

of Sadr's newspaper<br />

after it ran an editorial<br />

praising the 9/11 attacks<br />

on America as a "blessing<br />

fromGod:'<br />

The response was<br />

swift: mass <strong>de</strong>monstrations,<br />

which led to the<br />

first of two Sadr uprisings<br />

in 2004. ln a final<br />

meeting between Diamond<br />

and Bremer on<br />

April l, Diamond pressed<br />

the point that the United<br />

States nee<strong>de</strong>d more<br />

troops in Iraq. It was around 8 p.m., and<br />

Bremer's dinner was sitting on a tray uneaten.<br />

He looked exhausted. '~d he just<br />

didn't want to hear it," says Diamond. "ln<br />

retrospect, 1 think he had gone to the well<br />

on this issue of more troops during 2003,<br />

had gotten nowhere ... and had just resigned<br />

himself to the fact that these troops<br />

just weren't going to come. 1 think the<br />

tragedy is that everyone just gave up:'<br />

When fighting did break out, American<br />

forces hammered the Mahdi Army in Baghdad<br />

and Najaf-first in the spring and then<br />

again, after a broken ceasefire, in the late<br />

summer. Sorne of the worst fighting came in<br />

August, as Sadr's militiamen ma<strong>de</strong> their<br />

stand around the Imam Ali Shrine in Naja£<br />

They turned the area into a no-go zone,<br />

sniping at any sign of movement. U.S.forces<br />

retaliated by laying waste to large swaths of<br />

central Naja£ ln the end, Ayatollah Sistani<br />

brought his influence to bear on the renega<strong>de</strong><br />

cleric and encouraged a ceasefire.<br />

Attempts to enforce the arrest warrant<br />

against Sadr and severa!ai<strong>de</strong>s were dropped,<br />

and Sadr's forces disarmed in Najaf or hea<strong>de</strong>d<br />

out of town. They were badly bloodied,<br />

and sorne militants were shellshocked. Others<br />

bragged about how they had fought back<br />

tanks with AK-47s, or disabled Humvees<br />

with a single grena<strong>de</strong>. Scores of militiamen<br />

were <strong>de</strong>ad, but Sadr's prestige was, if anything,<br />

enhanced: he had fought the mighty<br />

United States to a stalemate.<br />




He wasn't strong enough to <strong>de</strong>feat the<br />

occupier head-on, nor could he eliminate<br />

his Iraqi rivals. So he took up what he calls<br />


Prime Minister Maliki (Ieft) has torced the<br />

U.S. military to remove roadblocks trom Sadr<br />

City's perimeter and to release <strong>de</strong>tainees who<br />

were jailed in sweeps against <strong>de</strong>ath squads<br />

"political resistance"-working from within<br />

the system. Chalabi played an important<br />

role here. Washington's favorite lraqi had<br />

found that he had little popularity in his<br />

homeland, so he was seeking alliances. Chalabi<br />

also felt, as did many other lraqis and<br />

Americans, that it was better to bring Sadr<br />

insi<strong>de</strong> the process than to have him trying to<br />

<strong>de</strong>stroy it. "Sadr is respected because of his<br />

lineage and because he speaks for the disenfranchised,<br />

the scared and the angry:' says a<br />

Chalabi ai<strong>de</strong>, who did not want to be named<br />

because of the sensitivity of the subject. "ln<br />

that sort of situation, it makes absolute<br />

sense to try to get him insi<strong>de</strong> the system:'<br />

Sadr ma<strong>de</strong> the most of the opening.<br />

Politicians in rus Sadr bloc won 23 of 275<br />

seats in the January 2005 elections and, after<br />

fresh voting nearly a year later, now hold 30<br />

seats. ln both cases, because of divisions between<br />

other large Shiite, Kurdish and Sunni<br />

parties, Sadr was able to play kingmaker.<br />

1\\'0 prime ministers since 2005- Ibrahim<br />

Jaafari and the current Iraqi lea<strong>de</strong>r, Nuri al-<br />

Maliki-have <strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>d on his swing votes<br />

for their majority. But Sadr himself stayed<br />

out of government, and kept his distance.<br />

That way he could pursue a dual strategyrebuilding<br />

his militia even as he capitalized<br />

on his control of key ministries, like Health<br />

and 1hmsportation, to provi<strong>de</strong> services to<br />

the poor and jobs ta his followers.<br />

The Sunni insurgents were pursuing a<br />

new strategy, too. ln early 2004, U.S. forces<br />

had intercepted a worried<br />

letter from the Qaeda<br />

lea<strong>de</strong>r in Iraq, Abu<br />

Mussab al-Zarqawi, to<br />

Osama bin La<strong>de</strong>n. Zarqawi<br />

fretted thathis fight<br />

against American forces<br />

was going poorly. But he<br />

had a plan: "If we succeed<br />

in dragging [the<br />

Shiites] into the arena of<br />

sectarian war, it will become<br />

possible to awaken<br />

the inattentive Sunnis as<br />

they feel imminent danger:'<br />

he wrote.<br />

Throughout 2005,<br />

Sunni insurgents<br />

launched increasingly<br />

vicious attacks on Shiite<br />

civilians and holy places.<br />

Sistani regularly called<br />

on his followers to exercise restraint, which<br />

they did with remarkable forbearance. But<br />

Sadr, who had long positioned himself as<br />

an Iraqi nationalist-and who had cooperated<br />

with Sunni fighters in the early stages<br />

of the insurgency-now publicly called for<br />

Sunnis to disavow Zarqawi. New battle<br />

lines were being drawn.<br />

The tuming point came on Feb. 22,<br />

2006, when assailants bombed the gol<strong>de</strong>ndomed<br />

Askariya Shrine in Samarra. This<br />

was the burial place of the lOth and nth<br />

imams, and one of the holiest sites of the<br />

Shia faith. After the Samarra bombing,<br />

many Shiites felt compelled to lash back.<br />

Caught in a vicious street fight against Sunnis,<br />

they <strong>de</strong>ci<strong>de</strong>d that they'd rather have a<br />

dirty brawler in their corner (like Sadr) than<br />

a gray-bear<strong>de</strong>d holy man (like Sistani). "We<br />

have courage, large amounts of ammunition,<br />

good lea<strong>de</strong>rs, and it is a religious duty:'<br />

saysAli Mijbil, a 26-year-old mechanic who<br />

serves in the Mahdi Army. "So why don't we<br />

fight them? We've been kept un<strong>de</strong>r Sunni<br />

~~rn)2Click on our map of casualties in Irallat<br />

xtra.Newsweek.com<br />

W<br />


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