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Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-Press Review-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basm Ozeti<br />

DECEMBER 4. 2006<br />

Ofthe<br />

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4 \~ i:;JJJ;~f.,;m"'Iraq<br />

{ 1F"'.g .... ;o, •<br />

- ':.'~";';;:"~E'WAYTO UNDERSTAND<br />

,.Moqtada al-Sadr is to think ofhim<br />

às a young Mafia don. He aims for<br />

,~~~bility, and is willing to kill<br />

Todt. Yetthe extent ofhis power<br />

..b~'i-!!~'(,.N'" -"<br />

" ':J.' ls»'t obvious to the untrained eye.<br />

....,.,..;s~:h~ ~,,~""" "'}'" )i"~~ , ,<br />

~~~~aS:ù~~sfa.zarmy or policeforce, and the<br />

Mah~i Annygumnen he employs have no tanks<br />

Qttl,ircraft.Y'éU cotùd mistake him-at your peril-:-f~r*:èOmmo~thug<br />

or gang lea<strong>de</strong>r. And if<br />

,h~ or h1~j>èoplewere to kill YOll for Y0uf igno-<br />

,rari'Ge, '\1~~uldn't daim credit. But the mes-<br />

(~:~qjl@'9,~clear to those who un<strong>de</strong>rstand<br />

'tlle:brutaUanguageofthe lraqi Street.<br />

Ameri~h sbldiers who patrol Sadr's turfin<br />

l}ll)tJ1~a~hfta({têtand. ,Theycan spot his men.<br />

"Tnéy'lqq){ like thêy're pulling security;' says<br />

~U R.rtHartley, a 25-year-oldwho plays<br />

'-<br />

cat and mouse with the Mahdi Army in the<br />

Iraqi capitaL The Sadrists use children and<br />

young men as lookouts. When GIs get out<br />


of their Humvces to patrol on foot, one of<br />

the watchcrs will fly a kite, or releasc a<br />

POPulATION. 2006 f10ck of pigeons. Some of Sadr's people<br />

have even infiltrated top ranks of the Iraqi<br />


police. CapL Tom Kapla, 29, says he<br />

knows who they are: "They look at you,<br />

and you can tell they want to kill you."<br />

Shiile<br />

Sadr is a unique force in Iraq: a lea<strong>de</strong>r<br />

37.5% Sunni<br />

from the majority Shiites who has resisted<br />

62.5% i\merican occupation from the start. He's a<br />

populist, a nationalist and an Islamic radical<br />

rolled into one, Part ofhis power is simply<br />

Total 253 million<br />


that he's powerful. Large numbers of<br />

impoverished Shiites view Sadr as their<br />

guardian- the one lea<strong>de</strong>r who is willing not<br />

just to stand up for them but to strike back<br />

on their behalf. "People count on the militias,"<br />

says Lieutenant Hartley, who <strong>de</strong>als<br />

with Sadr's thugs on a regular basis, "It's<br />

like the mob-they keep people safe,"<br />

The longer Sadr has survived, the<br />

Total: 1,385 billion<br />

greater his prestige has grOWI1.lraqis and<br />

foreigners who meet him are impressed by<br />

Oil Revenues, 2005 the transformation. He's more diplomatie<br />

ln $ billions.<br />

and eommands more respect, He used to<br />

_Sa_ud_1 A_rab!~!!!1~~~<br />

greet visitors at his Najaf office sitting on<br />

pillows on the £loor.Now he has a couch set.<br />

Iran<br />


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