Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris


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Tuikex'seeks more, Çobra hèI!copterS'and 50,A-1O<br />

attack aIrcraft promised earherhut held up in<br />

Congress. U.S:-based human rights groups issued<br />

protests to reported excesses against the Kurds as<br />

Çiller was making her visit. '<br />

The position of Turkey's 12 million ,Kurds --who<br />

comprise a fifth of the population-- iS'Complex.<br />

Half are assimilated in ,urban centers in the west,<br />

and Kurds crowd the list of Turkey's wealthiest people.<br />

Foreign Minister Hikm<strong>et</strong> Ç<strong>et</strong>in is a Kurd and the<br />

late Presi<strong>de</strong>nt Turgut Ozal advertised his Kurdish ancestry.,<br />

' "<br />

It ISa different story for the other half living in the<br />

un<strong>de</strong>r<strong>de</strong>veloped southeast, dispersed in 5,OOO-odd<br />

s<strong>et</strong>tlements. ' '<br />

Poverty, insufficient schools and isolation exist in<br />

a rural culture. Many feel resentment.<br />

The secessionist w~r was launched in 1984 by<br />

PKK le~<strong>de</strong>r Abdull.ah O~alan from his base in Syria.<br />

Pledging to "fimsh-olf thêPK~ bY next' spring,"<br />

the Turkish military has committed 140,000 elite<br />

troops and police commandos, backed by 40,000<br />

paid Kurdish villageguards.<br />

They say the rebel strength has been <strong>de</strong>pl<strong>et</strong>ed to<br />

4,000 guerrillas in Turkey and a similar number<br />

across ItSbor<strong>de</strong>rs. "<br />

Öcalan 'says his guerrillas could still soread their<br />

control and expand their numbers to 15,oob. ,<br />

Besi<strong>de</strong> guerrilla tactics, the rebellea<strong>de</strong>rslùp is also<br />

pursuing a campaign. '<br />

It aims to capture 200 mayoralties in the somnéast<br />

in local elections next March through a small but legal<br />

Democracy Party s<strong>et</strong> up by Kurdish <strong>de</strong>puties in<br />

the Turkish parliament. Çil1er said she is "open to a<br />

political solution." But she has backed off from proposals<br />

of limited self-rule for Kurds similar to the<br />

one g,ranted to Spain's Basques Kurdish schools or<br />

Kurdlsh-contHSl'led' tHe'Vi~ioti'~(ât\ons 'b'edû~e of<br />

stiff' oppösition'ft?frt''PreSi'dè'nt S'üle'VmahDemirel<br />

and mIlItary hatd~lmers.<br />

Turkish. police reshuffle<br />

signals right wing turn<br />

• Former torture suspect<br />

becomes Ankara security chief<br />

Turkish Daily News<br />

ANKARA- A major reshuffle within<br />

Turkey's police force has named Kemal<br />

YazlclOglu, a police officer who stood<br />

trial on torture claims, as the head of the<br />

Ankara security force. YazlclOglu was a<br />

former chief superinten<strong>de</strong>nt in the country's<br />

In<strong>de</strong>pth Investigation Laboratories<br />

(DAL) group which had exclùsive torture<br />

chambers for left wing suspects. '<br />

Observers say Yaz]clo~lu is only part<br />

of a major reshuffle whic11is now bnnging<br />

key right wing figures to the top echelons<br />

of Turkey's security apparatus.<br />

The left wing Aydmhk newspaper<br />

claimed on Sunday the appointments<br />

were a leg of a master plan arranged by<br />

the Turkish-Islamic flank within the state.<br />

It recalled that recently, 'appointments had<br />

been ma<strong>de</strong> to shift Nationalist Movement<br />

Party (MHP) supported nationalist governors<br />

to the Southeast region.<br />

According to a <strong>de</strong>cree signed and ap-,<br />

proved by Presi<strong>de</strong>nt Süleyman Demirel,<br />

late on Friday, a total of six Police chiefs<br />

from Manisa, Antalya, Gaziantep, Elazlg,<br />

Rize and Ordu have been called back to<br />

the headquarters. Police Chief-Inspector<br />

Hüseyin Çapkm has been appointed as<br />

Gaziantef's new security chi<strong>et</strong>. Adana police<br />

chie and .former dIrector of Turkey's<br />

,0unter-terrOrIsm <strong>de</strong>partment M<strong>et</strong>e Altan<br />

h~s been appo.inted to Antalya and<br />

DlyarbakIr.secunty chief Ramazan Er has<br />

been appointed to Adana. Van security<br />

chief Ertugrul Caklr has been appointed<br />

as head of the l{atay police force, Samsun<br />

police chief Hasan Oz<strong>de</strong>mir is to head the<br />

lçel police (9rce and Icel police chief Ha.<br />

liltbrahim Ozkan is to head the Kmkkale<br />

police.<br />

Meanwhile, Sabit Çmarba~1 has been<br />

~ppointed as police chIef of Elazlg, Fevzi<br />

~rgun as the chief of the Çanakkale po.<br />

hce, Mardin security èhief Aifan Kececi<br />

as thé police chief of Mugla ând Rldvan<br />

qüler as the chi~f of the DiyarbakIr po.<br />

lIce. Yazlcloglu IS the most controversial<br />

of those listed .in the appointments .<strong>de</strong>cree<br />

and news of hIS upcomll'tg promotIOn reo<br />

.cently ~ppeared in Aydmhk m the form 01<br />

a wammg.<br />

Aydmhk said then that Interior Ministry<br />

Un<strong>de</strong>rsecr<strong>et</strong>ary Bekir Atasoy, known<br />

for his sympathy for the MHP, was trying<br />

to place Yazlcloglu in charge of Ankara<br />

where he had been accused earlier of kill.<br />

ing Ya~ar Gündogdu un<strong>de</strong>r torture ort<br />

April 19, 1980. Despite.a trial launched<br />

against him for Gündogdu's <strong>de</strong>ath and<br />

hundreds. of claims from suspects that.he<br />

had personally atten<strong>de</strong>d the torture sessions,<br />

Yazicioglu maintained his place in<br />

DAL after the 1980 military coup. .<br />

DAL, which in Ankara worked out of a .<br />

special chamber in the basement of the<br />

Ankara police directorate and a special intel!0gatlOn<br />

barrack ~t the MarnaI( military<br />

prIson, was responsIble for torturing numero~s<br />

suspects. DAL t.ortures inclu<strong>de</strong>d<br />

electrI' .shocks to the gem.talorgans, using<br />

pressunzed .water, placmg suspects in<br />

cages, beating on the fe<strong>et</strong> (falaka) and<br />

male-female rape with instruments.<br />

Yazlcl~glu, as a chief superinten<strong>de</strong>nt of<br />

DAL, ISknown by many prominent journalists<br />

today as their torturer.<br />

AydlnlIk stressed on Sunday that Bekir<br />

Aksoy was brought to his current position<br />

m the .Interior M.in,istry by Necm<strong>et</strong>tin<br />

Cevhen, a State MImster and close advisor<br />

of Prime Minister Tansu çil\er.<br />

The .newspaper i<strong>de</strong>ntified Ankara <strong>de</strong>puty<br />

Baki ~ug, Erzurum <strong>de</strong>puty tsmail Köse<br />

and GaZIantep MP Ayvaz Gök<strong>de</strong>mir as<br />

"u~seen members" of a clan<strong>de</strong>stine sroup<br />

~hlch appears to'be seeking ultranatlOnal-<br />

.ISt control over the securityapparatus.<br />

Tug was the prosecutor of the Martial<br />

Law tribunal which executed in the early<br />

1970s. popular left wing lea<strong>de</strong>rs Deniz<br />

Gezml~, Hüseyin tnan and Yusuf AsIan.<br />

. He was also theprosecutor of outlawed<br />

Kurdistan Workers Party (i>KK) lea<strong>de</strong>r<br />

Abdull~h .O~alan when he spent seven<br />

months m pnson after a stu<strong>de</strong>nt boycott 'in<br />

the 1970s.. ...<br />


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