Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris


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Impressions of Igdlr:<br />

Another city crushed by terrorism ~ s: :;:Q<br />

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• Locals <strong>de</strong>mand urgent measures against terrorist activity has at least five wives and 20 children, 2. That Mount Agn be <strong>de</strong>clared a "for- o<br />

CJ" 'i:l<br />

which means that in a few years time, Kurds<br />

no<br />

• Declaration of surrounding mountains as 'forbid<strong>de</strong>n zones' bid<strong>de</strong>n zone" and villagers living in the .., ~<br />

will form the majority group in the area. mountains ....!...- such as Tendürek, Cudi, and .....<br />

and res<strong>et</strong>tlement of people living there a probable solution<br />

~<br />

That is w~ the provincIal convention was Gabar - be res<strong>et</strong>tled in secure areas with<br />

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By Ernel Aktug DYPthere. annulled. <strong>et</strong>, thIS story repeats itself again the state com~nsating them for their finan- \Cl 'i:l<br />

Jilrki.'h Daily N~ws As far as I am aware, the Social Democrat and again . cial losses. uch measures, they say, will ~<br />

~<br />

\COIR- Life is difficult in Igdlr, an east- People' s Party (SHP) appoints its own An Azeri has a private TV station in prevent logistical support reaching PKK ~<br />

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em Turkish province on the Annenian bor- symp3athizers to state posts, in an attempt Igdlr. The channel broadcasts eveR evening cadres in the mountams, and will break :;:Q<br />

<strong>de</strong>r. The locals eke out a £recarious exis- to win the nextlocal and general elections. for two to two and a half hours. e broad- communication lines with their symtathiztence.<br />

li\'in!!. as it were. un er the banner of Ten<strong>de</strong>rs are usually awar<strong>de</strong>d to SHP sup- casts ur~e the locals to arm themselves ers and militiamen down in the s<strong>et</strong>t ement<br />

~<br />

a state of terror. ~rters. In fact, they are all PKK supporters. against t e PKK if need be. Y<strong>et</strong> the local areas. This will ultimately bring the down- ~ ,<br />

The Turkish state hardly exists here. It is KK members playa direct role where win- population is already anned to the te<strong>et</strong>h. Y<strong>et</strong> fall of the PKK, they add.<br />

~<br />

as if militants of the outlawed Kurdistan ning ten<strong>de</strong>rs is concerned. Take, for another sad truth is that alll~dlr natives feel 3. That search operations be conducted trl<br />

Workers' Party (PKK) have taken over the ~<br />

instance. the contractor who won a ten<strong>de</strong>r compelled to hurry bac home every continuallt in villites known for sympa- ::I::<br />

administration. after offering only a 3 percent discount. even1ß! when the clock strikes 4:30 p.m. thizin.fhvit the PK .<br />

Curiously enough, they resemble the Klu Others had agreed to over 23 ~ercent dis- After p.m., the stre<strong>et</strong>s are all <strong>de</strong>serted. 4. at local tra<strong>de</strong>smen who close shops,<br />

Klux Klan members in the United States. counts. I know for a fact that e was pro- Cou~led with fr<strong>et</strong>uent blackouts at night, in compliance with PKK or<strong>de</strong>rs, be subject-<br />

~<br />

During the day, they wile away their time at<br />

PKK. It would appear that elections are not the ear of <strong>de</strong>ath eaves the locals with no ed to criminal investigation and higher<br />

coffeehouses, platng cards with other possible in Igdlr and neighboring towns. other alternative but to rush back to the taxes. Those that ignore such or<strong>de</strong>rs must be<br />

~<br />

"CI<br />

locals. At night, t eir search for targ<strong>et</strong>s<br />

un<strong>de</strong>r such circumstances. saf<strong>et</strong>y of their homes when evening falls. rewar<strong>de</strong>d with tax exemptions, they say. trl> ,<br />

be!!ins.<br />

Mountainous and next door to Armenia<br />

Two months ago, the PKK blew up the TI.. 5. That public servants sympath<strong>et</strong>ic to the :;:Q<br />

Tt seems thaI the locals know the i<strong>de</strong>ntity<br />

- 150 to 200 m<strong>et</strong>ers and you're actually in<br />

75 billion substation supplying the province PKK be <strong>de</strong>nied access to crucial infonnaof<br />

the PKK members in their midst. Y<strong>et</strong> with electricity".<br />

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tion. V)<br />

afraid of reprisal, they choose to remain<br />

Armenia - Igdlr is seventh heaven for a<br />

No commercial activity is now possible 6. That soldiers <strong>de</strong>ployed in the region be ~<br />

silent. terrorist. Roads mean<strong>de</strong>r - so many unnecfor<br />

the local populations of Kars, Igdlr, and not of Kurdish origin. Security forces must r.n<br />

Just on the eve of my arrivalthere, terror- essary bends. So terrorists just lay in wait<br />

Ardahan. The only ones able to cross the comprise young, d~namic, and patriotic<br />

ists attacked the local daily, Ye~il Igdlf, for their prey. No risks are involved. After bor<strong>de</strong>r are~nniless Azerbaijanis and PKK people. They add t at an increase in the<br />

~<br />

hurling Molotov cocktails at its offices in the massacre, they rush to the Aras river "CI<br />

militants. ra<strong>de</strong> along the bor<strong>de</strong>r is strictly number of special crack forces will also<br />

><br />

the city center. Fortunately, the fire was put marking the bor<strong>de</strong>r b<strong>et</strong>ween Turkey and ,<br />

un<strong>de</strong>r PKK control. Watchtowers on the help greatly.<br />

out. Without serious damage to the building. Annenia.1l is a mere 150 m<strong>et</strong>ers away from bor<strong>de</strong>r were dismantled on the pr<strong>et</strong>ext that tl<br />

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The Raper' s reporters know who attacked the highway. Although impassable in fall the "Communist threat" had been eliminat- Stratenic area Z<br />

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their otfice. Y<strong>et</strong> they cannot reveal the per- and winter. the waters of the Aras. for the ed. There are only a few soldiers on ouard The <strong>de</strong>claration of Igdlr province as a<br />

~<br />

p<strong>et</strong>rators' i<strong>de</strong>ntities, for fear of murdérous rest of the pear, are a mere 50 cm <strong>de</strong>ep. duty from early morning till dusk. on tigh- strategically important area makes more 0<br />

reprisals. They cannot report inci<strong>de</strong>nts The DY provincial convention was held, ways close to the bor<strong>de</strong>r. Alas, these kIds sense, consi<strong>de</strong>nng the above mentioned ~<br />

occurring un<strong>de</strong>r their very noses, either. onl~ to be <strong>de</strong>clared null and void da~s later are easily gunned down by PKK snipers. facts. The proximity of Annenia is the most<br />

!;:<br />

They can only wait for a bull<strong>et</strong>in to be - ecause the winner had picked 16 mem-<br />

issued by the office of the emergency rule bers of his clan as <strong>de</strong>le&)tes. The total num- important factor accounting for the close<br />

Proposals by local authorities<br />

relations b<strong>et</strong>ween Armenia and the PKK. 2 ~<br />

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regional gO\ernor. If there are mant casual- ber of <strong>de</strong>legates was 3 . Still, he managed . Local aut~orities ~tIr0se th.e foll~~in~, The Yerevan agreement of 1935, b<strong>et</strong>ween<br />

8-:<br />

~<br />

lies. the inci<strong>de</strong>nt appears in the ull<strong>et</strong>in. to cling to his position and was re-elected m or<strong>de</strong>r to Wipe out K terronst aCl1Vltym the Annenians and the Kurds, attempting to<br />

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Only then can reporters use the story in the on the strength of a complex <strong>de</strong>legate-listing the re~n: snatch the region away from Turkey, is still :::r ,<br />

dailv. procedure. 1. at the Annenian and Iranian bor<strong>de</strong>rs valid.<br />

~<br />

Di!!or. the hom<strong>et</strong>own of Mahmut Ahnak, Another point of interest is the conflict be mined and controlled by radar. They say Igdlr, recentl~eclared a province, enjoys ~<br />

Democracy Party (DEP) ~Irnak <strong>de</strong>puty, is b<strong>et</strong>ween the Azeri and Kurdish populations watchtowers must be erected and bor<strong>de</strong>r sta- a mIld climate. e soil is fertile, like that of ~ Z<br />

trapped <strong>de</strong>ad in the middle of the triangle in the province. The birthrate among the

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