Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris


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in the Southeast<br />

He promised then tû raise the issue with Chief .of<br />

General Staff Gen. Dûgan Güre~ but <strong>de</strong>nied that<br />

state farces "cau Id da anything like this." The<br />

TDN alsa published, last manth, a full page repart<br />

an village raids and evacuatians, quating autharitative<br />

saurces saying this campai on -- naw becûming<br />

systematic in the regian -- anfy strengthened the<br />

PKK.<br />

Çiller <strong>de</strong>nies turn<br />

to Spanish mo<strong>de</strong>l<br />

• PM says she is 'stunned' by press reports<br />

and <strong>de</strong>bate _ Repeats Turkey will not<br />

make any concession to terror<br />

Turkish Daily News<br />

ANKARA-<br />

A day after Turkey's<br />

civilian lea<strong>de</strong>rs held a secr<strong>et</strong><br />

summit me<strong>et</strong>ing an security ~lang<br />

with Chief .of General Staff Camman<strong>de</strong>r<br />

Gen. Dûgan Güre~, Prime<br />

Minister Tansu Çiller <strong>de</strong>nied reparts<br />

that she had suggested a<br />

'Spanis" style" fûrmula tû end<br />

Turkey's Kurdish problem and said<br />

she was stunne.d by recent pn~ss<br />

caverage .ofthe Issue.<br />

"I must say I am alsû stunned<br />

QY her statem~nt,". said Ertug~ul<br />

Ozkök, editûr-m-chlef .ofthe dälly<br />

Hurriy<strong>et</strong>, whû was amang the faur<br />

mast seniûr calumnists wha raised<br />

the issue last week. "She talked ta<br />

us very .openly and mentianed the<br />

Spanish mo<strong>de</strong>l in quûtes," he said.<br />

Çiller tûld her parliamentary<br />

group me<strong>et</strong>ing Tue.sday marning<br />

that she knew nathmg .of the 5.0-<br />

called Basque ma<strong>de</strong>l, which sûlved<br />

Srain's awn separatist prablem."<br />

dan't knûw anything about<br />

the Basque ma<strong>de</strong>l and I have talked<br />

tû nû .one an this issue," she<br />

claimed.<br />

All .of the cûlumnists wha broke<br />

the news that the prime minister<br />

was cûnsi<strong>de</strong>ring the Basque ma<strong>de</strong>l<br />

in Turkey by strengthenino lacal<br />

authûrities. were shocked by her<br />

sud<strong>de</strong>n V-turn. "She tald us," explained Özkök, "that she had<br />

held a me<strong>et</strong>ing with Spanish Prime Minister Felipe Gûnzales and<br />

he had given her <strong>de</strong>tailed infarmatian an the Spanish ma<strong>de</strong>l.<br />

What else is the Spanish mû<strong>de</strong>l Q.uta Basque mo<strong>de</strong>l," he asked.<br />

Çiller had talked privately with Ozkök, Güneri Civaaglu, Zafer<br />

Mutlu and Yalçm Dagan while .onthe plane r<strong>et</strong>urning from Vienna<br />

last week.<br />

She said Tuesday that during her me<strong>et</strong>ing with Gûnzales, she<br />

had'discussed the issue .ofstruggling against terrûrism and listened<br />

ta him. "I did nat bring up the issue tû even the clûsest peap-<br />

---------------------_:..._-----------------------<br />

Ie tû me,". she said -- treating her me<strong>et</strong>ing an the plane with the<br />

four pramInent Turkish calumnists as if it had never taken place.<br />

.Çiller a].sa said sh~ had na intentiûn .of bringing up the issue<br />

.of InlroduCIng a SpanIsh-style sûlutian tû the Parliament and ad<strong>de</strong>d,.<br />

"I am abs~rvIng with great surprise the news .on this issue,<br />

putting wards IOta my mûuth. I am recalling what .our farmer<br />

chairman said and telling yau, dûn't believe what yûu hear fram<br />

me."<br />

She emphasized that the gavernment wauld nût give any cûn-<br />

~essians t~ terrar at all and said it wauld cantinue tû mûve agalOstt.err~ns~<br />

as al~ays. "Nû .oneand nûthing can change this <strong>de</strong>termmatlOn,<br />

she said.<br />

Observers believe her r<strong>et</strong>reat from suggested refarms is the resul~.ofreactiûn<br />

ta mo<strong>de</strong>rate pûlicies from within the cûuntry's secunty<br />

fûrces and her True Path Party. Çiller and Presi<strong>de</strong>nt Süleyman<br />

Demir~l .on Manday fell at odds with each ather .over suggested<br />

s~lutlOns f~r the cauntry's age-ûld Kurqish problem, with<br />

the presI<strong>de</strong>nt clasmg all daors an any alternattve ta the military<br />

policies currently un<strong>de</strong>rway.<br />

"There is na secand sûlutian but the fûrm .ofstruggle put inta<br />

practice today," Demirel tald a Turkish newspaper, clearly referring<br />

tû the ang.aing military campaign in the troubled sûutheast<br />

and eastern regIOns.<br />

. ~allowing his statement, Çiller m<strong>et</strong> with Demirel and .other<br />

mmlster.s as well as Gen. Güre~ tû discuss the security problem<br />

and <strong>de</strong>nIed the repûrts -- three days after it was published in the<br />

press.<br />

Çiller last week is said tû have tald the faur cûlumnists while<br />

r~turni.ng fram Vienna tha~ she was in favûr .of<strong>de</strong>bating adminIstrative<br />

changes resemblmg what the Spanish did when faced<br />

with Basque terrarism.<br />

Ganzales h~d repûrte.dly explained Spain's threefald campaign<br />

û~ the ~asqu~ Issue..whlch~far Turkey, was summarized as agreelOg<br />

WIth nelghb.onn~ ~yna,. Iran, Iraq a~d Armenia ta prevent<br />

the PKK ~rom usmg tnelr temtary (as Spam had dûne with France),<br />

r~achm$ a cansensus. b<strong>et</strong>we~n all parties in Parliament tû take<br />

Jamt ana cancr<strong>et</strong>e actIOn agamst terrûrism, and ta give mûre<br />

aut~ûrity ta local administratians -- if need be differing b<strong>et</strong>ween<br />

reglûns.<br />

Ta put such a plan intû practice, Turkey wûuld nût .only have<br />

ta sec~re full and sincere cûûperatian with its neighbors, but alsû<br />

tak.e slmult~e~us steps ta restare ~urdish rights and freedam.<br />

This ~eans. hftmg all bans an Kurdls.h culture, allawing them ta<br />

learn 10 theIr awn language, have radlû and televisiûn nghts, and<br />

be acknawledged as a separate culture. DemIrel said hûwever<br />

that.the .situati~n i,~Turkey was cûmpl<strong>et</strong>ely different f;ûm the si~<br />

tuatlOn 10 Spam. Ta approach the Issue accarding ta a Basque<br />

ma<strong>de</strong>l is a waste .of time and wauld .only mean dampening the<br />

stru~gle. There is na ather way but tû take the gun aut .of the<br />

h.anas .ofarmed ~en in t~e mûuntain~," De!ll!r~lsaid. He empha-<br />

Sized that a sûlUl1ûnagalOst separattst actlVIttes lay .only in the<br />

success .ofthe cûuntry's security fûrces.<br />

qne .ofthe stroI1ßestûp2sitians!û Çiller came frûm the Natiûnallst<br />

Mavement rarty (MHP), whIch bran<strong>de</strong>d the prime minister's<br />

recent proposal as "bargaining," and said Turkey cûuld nat<br />

bargain "with bandits wha have blood .ontheir hands." Despite<br />

her r<strong>et</strong>reat, .observers belieye that repûrts .of the past three days<br />

have .opened a new <strong>de</strong>bate 10 Turkey and the Basque sûlutian is<br />

bûund tû find an ear in many places.<br />


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