Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris


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Germany, Iran agree to combat terrorism<br />

Ana/Olia/Associated<br />

Vienna Summit<br />

ends short on<br />

concr<strong>et</strong>e results<br />

• Sources say divergent interests of nations<br />

tripped up attempts to move toward an<br />

all-European yardstick for national minorities<br />

Associated<br />

Press<br />

Pre.çs<br />

BONN, Germany- Iran's. I.ntellig~nce<br />

Minister has paid a little-publiCIZed VISItto<br />

Germany and th~ two s~<strong>de</strong>s.have a&reedto step<br />

up cooperation m fightmg mternatlOnal terrorism,<br />

a newspaoer reported..<br />

The newspâper Oie Welt said the minister,<br />

Ali Fallahian held talks last week with chiefs<br />

of Germany' ~intelligence and domest~csecurity<br />

services, and Bernd Schmldbauer,<br />

Chanceflor Helmut Kohl's top intelligence<br />

ai<strong>de</strong>.<br />

Fallahian spoke to a small group of reporte,rs<br />

in Bonn and told them Germany and Iran will<br />

step up thei,r cooperation in fig~ting i~ternational<br />

terr0l'!sm an~ drug smugglIn~, Ole Welt<br />

said. He said the mtellIgence servIces of the<br />

VIEN NA- Europe's lea<strong>de</strong>rs pledged<br />

S~turday t~ p'rot~t ~h~nghts<br />

of theu counlnes mmontles. But<br />

their 32-nation me<strong>et</strong>ing failed even<br />

to agree on what a minority is. The<br />

two-day Council of Europe summit<br />

appeared to illustrate that the<br />

tug of national interests on a continent.shaped<br />

by centuries of distrust<br />

remaine3 stronger than the goal of<br />

breaking down barriers.<br />

Against the ominous backdrop<br />

of <strong>et</strong>hnic warfare in former Yugoslavia<br />

the Vienna Declaration<br />

adopied by participants con<strong>de</strong>m-<br />

ned .'territonal ambitions" and<br />

"aggressive nationalism."<br />

It proclai!"~ ~at :'protec~on .of<br />

national mmontles IS an essential<br />

element of stability and <strong>de</strong>mocratic<br />

security" across Europe. And it<br />

pledged establishmen~of a new international<br />

Human Rights court to<br />

give minorities due process.<br />

But sources with access to the<br />

closed me<strong>et</strong>ing said divergent int<strong>et</strong>wo<br />

countries have been cooperating for two embol<strong>de</strong>n the Iranian government "to continue<br />

years and now want to increase this coopera- domestic suppression and export of terrorism."<br />

tion. The Mujahi<strong>de</strong>en claim Ihal Iran's agenls<br />

"We agreed with the Germans that we don't have killed or woun<strong>de</strong>d alleast no opposition<br />

want to work against each other in each other's figures in attacks abroad since the Islamic govcountry,~'<br />

Fallahian was quoted as saying by ernment came to power. lran has repeatedly<br />

Die Welt. The paper said Fallahi.l[l visited <strong>de</strong>nied involvement in killings that have<br />

Germany at the inVitationof Schmidbauer. occurred in France, Germany, Switzerland,<br />

Spokesmen for the Germany's intelligence Italy, Turkey, Pakistan, Greek Cyprus and the<br />

and Kohl's spokesman, Di<strong>et</strong>er Vogel, <strong>de</strong>clined Middle East. But senior Western and Arab<br />

to comment on the visit, with Vogel saying he diplomats say intelligence agencies have found<br />

would not even confirm it took place.<br />

links b<strong>et</strong>ween Iran and terrorist n<strong>et</strong>works.<br />

Mujahi<strong>de</strong>en Khalq, Iran's main opposition On May 27, German authorities charged an<br />

group, issued a stateme~t CrItic!z~ng Iranian intelli~ence agenl and four Lebanese in<br />

Germany's government for receiving the assassinatIOn of an Iranian Kurdish lea<strong>de</strong>r,<br />

Fallahian. Sadiq Sharafkindi, and three colleagues in<br />

The statement said the visit would only Berlin one year ago.<br />

rests of participating nations tripped up attempts to move toward<br />

an all-European yardstick for national minorities. Some<br />

countries,likeGermany, have no large traditional non-<br />

Germanic <strong>et</strong>hnic grouJJs but large recent influxes of Turks<br />

and immigrants from former Yugoslavia. It opposed <strong>de</strong>fining<br />

national minorities purei)' by common language and<br />

customs, arguing that Turkish guest workers," for instance,<br />

were not historically or culturally part of Germany.<br />

Other countries had different worries. Britain and France<br />

would not be interested in any <strong>de</strong>finition that would support<br />

separatist aspirations in Northern Ireland or Corsica, for InStance.<br />

The specter of Yugoslavia loomed over the conference,<br />

But Slovak Prime Mmister Vladimir Meciar characterized<br />

the minority problem as troubling "not only centra] or eastern<br />

Europe but Europe as a whole."<br />

"Human rights have human dimensions," he told reporters.<br />

"But collective rights have <strong>et</strong>hnic dimensions, tnat's<br />

the difference."<br />

Still others argued for less emphasis on the collective<br />

rights of nationahties and more support of individual rights.<br />

Jn his speech to the assembly, Czech Presi<strong>de</strong>nt Vaclav Havel,<br />

whose republic is more <strong>et</strong>hnically homogeneous than<br />

most emerging East European <strong>de</strong>mocracies, argued that undue<br />

backing of group ri&htscould lead to "new unrest and<br />

tension" across Europe. 'Attempts of this kind ... call into<br />

question the very pnnciple of CIVicsoci<strong>et</strong>y and the indivi-<br />

SIblerights of the individual," he said.<br />

European lea<strong>de</strong>rs and conference organizers down-played<br />

the differe~ces, however. They said it was a success in itself<br />

that the European Council_ the ol<strong>de</strong>st organization working<br />

for unity, <strong>de</strong>mocracy and human rights throughout the continent<br />

_ was able to hold a summit me<strong>et</strong>ing for the first lime<br />

in 44vears.<br />

said a statement from the Vienna-based organization, which<br />

monitors provisions of the 1975 Helsinki Final Act. "Suspects<br />

of bOth politicaland ordinary crimes, children as well<br />

as adults, are routinely and systematically tortured."<br />

ce for alleged police torture and The organization's accusations mirrored charges raised by<br />

other violations.<br />

Amnestylriternational in its 1993 report, inc1udmg summary<br />

Human rights The International Helsinki Fe<strong>de</strong>ration<br />

for Human Rights urged The Helsinki Fe<strong>de</strong>ration con<strong>de</strong>mned a "pattern of shoo-<br />

executions of political suspects;<br />

organization Turkey of to put an end to ponce ting and killing alleged suspects rather than bringing them to<br />

torture that inclu<strong>de</strong>d electric court," saying hundreds have m<strong>et</strong> their <strong>de</strong>aths in such a fashion.<br />

blasts Turkey shocks to the genitals; beatings;<br />

va~nal and anaI rape, som<strong>et</strong>imes As well, .the Fe<strong>de</strong>ration criticized the high number of journalists<br />

killèd and arrested in Turkey - it saId 16 were assassi-<br />

The Associated Press<br />

usmg truncheons, and <strong>de</strong>ath threatsnated<br />

in 1992-1993 and 14 others were sentenced to a total<br />

VIENNA- Turkey, one of the<br />

nations attending a summit' of "In 1992-1993, at least 20 people<br />

died un<strong>de</strong>r suspicious cir-<br />

It showed some un<strong>de</strong>rstanding, however, of the "immense<br />

of more thàn 200 years in prison.<br />

European <strong>de</strong>mocracies on issues<br />

including human rights, was taken<br />

to task outsi<strong>de</strong> the conferen-<br />

Turkish police or gendarmerie," her extremist groups," and con<strong>de</strong>mned their excesses.<br />

cumstances while in custody of problems" Turkey faces in fightmg separatist Kurds and "ot-<br />

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