Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris


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want to "import" the struggle b<strong>et</strong>ween<br />

the PKK and the Turkish security<br />

in southeast Turkey in the<br />

fonn of a Kurdish-Turkish tension<br />

in Gennany. Nearly 400,000 of the<br />

Turkish citizens in Gennany are of<br />

Kurdish origin. In fact, for the<br />

Gennans this consi<strong>de</strong>ration is there<br />

for allother foreign groups in the<br />

country. Once these groups start to<br />

become Gennan citizens easily,<br />

which will also bring them the<br />

right to vote, it is feared that the inner<br />

problems of the countries of<br />

origlO will be reflected on to domestic<br />

German politics in the form<br />

Tuesday, September 2S, 1993<br />

of a war of differentlobbies. On<br />

the other hand, German officials<br />

believe that a middle way can be<br />

found in or<strong>de</strong>r to give German citizenship,<br />

or dual cItizenship, to foreigners<br />

who have been Iivmg long<br />

enou~h in Germany and fulfilling<br />

cert31n conditions necessary for integrating<br />

in German soci<strong>et</strong>y.<br />

German officials say that if they<br />

sort out these problems -.which<br />

they admit its not an easy un<strong>de</strong>rta.<br />

king-- they will be in a position to<br />

ask more easily for concr<strong>et</strong>e action<br />

from the Turkish government for<br />

an end to human nghts abuses in<br />

Turkey.<br />

Mur<strong>de</strong>r in Batman<br />

BATMAN- Uni<strong>de</strong>ntified gunmen on Saturday shot <strong>de</strong>ad<br />

thsan Güne~, a civilian, in the southeastern province of<br />

Batman, dubbed the capital of "unsolved mur<strong>de</strong>r cases" by<br />

the Turkish press. Local police have started a search<br />

operation to capture the assailants.<br />

turkish daily news<br />

Kurdish rebels <strong>de</strong>fy Turkish military drive<br />

By Alistair lyon<br />

Reuters<br />

VAN, Turkey- Kurdish rebels are keeping up<br />

hit-and-run attacks in east and southeast Turkey,<br />

<strong>de</strong>fying sustained Turkish land and air assaults on<br />

thw hi<strong>de</strong>outs.<br />

More than 1,600 people have been killed in the<br />

region since May 24 when the Kurdistan Workers<br />

Party (PKK) called off a two-month unilateral<br />

ceasefire unrecognized by Ankara. Armed forces<br />

chief General Dogan Güre~ <strong>de</strong>clared this month that<br />

he would snuff out the PKK's nine-year-old revolt<br />

next spring, when new anti-guerrilla forces of<br />

60.000 enlisted soldiers and 15,000 police commandos<br />

are due to go into action. Güre~ and other Turkish<br />

lea<strong>de</strong>rs have ma<strong>de</strong> such promises in the past, but<br />

the <strong>de</strong>adlines have come and gone without any sign<br />

that military force can quench the fire in the mountains,<br />

"They will never finish the PKK this way,"<br />

said a municipal official in the eastern town of<br />

I)oguhcyazlt, gesturing towards Mount A~n (Ararat),<br />

a frequent targ<strong>et</strong> ofTurkish air raids. "'Theonly<br />

thing they will linish is their own budg<strong>et</strong>." Tanks<br />

rumhle along the road b<strong>et</strong>ween the eastern towns of<br />

Van and Tatvan. Military posts dot the route which<br />

winds through hills overlooking the shimmering<br />

blue-green waters of Lake Van.'The charred hulk of<br />

a passenger bus blocks half the road in a wellwoo<strong>de</strong>d<br />

valley where rebels scrambled down the<br />

mountain slopes to s<strong>et</strong> up a flying roadblock earlier<br />

this month. Tatvan dIstrict governor Mehm<strong>et</strong><br />

Günaydm said the rebels had briefly lectured passengers<br />

on the Kurdish cause before s<strong>et</strong>ting fire to<br />

the bus and fleeing as armoured vehicles approached.<br />

The PKK snatched four French tourists from a<br />

tour bus held up near the same spot in daylight on<br />

July 24. The hostages trudged around the mountains<br />

for 17 days before their release. The PKK, which<br />

has abducted and freed 16 Westerners since July,<br />

has rereatedly. warned !OU~sts to stay away from<br />

the regIOn, saymg they mdlrectly fund the Turkish<br />

military. "Any tourist group can come here,"<br />

Gü~aydm told repo.rters. "But they must inform the<br />

police what they will do and where they will go so<br />

that we can provi<strong>de</strong> escorts."<br />

He ~cknowledged that the avowedly Marxist,<br />

separatist PKK had some backing among the townspeople<br />

of Tatvan.<br />

"Some p~ople support them, others fear them.<br />

Boys an.dgirls .aged 10to 20 have been going to the<br />

mountams to Jam them, especially from 1990 to<br />

1992. I don't know how many." He said rebels ambushed<br />

a police minibus in the town a month ago,<br />

one of half a dozen recent attacks in the Tatvan distriel.<br />

The PKK has mounted few big s<strong>et</strong>piece assaults<br />

on :rurkish military posts since itlost important bases<br />

In nort~ern Iraq ay~ar ago, but has shown this<br />

year that It can stIll stnke on a smaller scale in a<br />

dozen eastern and southeastern provinces. Turkish<br />

gener~ls sa!d last y~ar that the cross-bor<strong>de</strong>r operation,<br />

In whIch Turkish forces combined with Iraqi<br />

Kurdish guerrillas against the PKK, had "broken the<br />

spine" of the group. Some Turkish officials maintain<br />

that the PKK is simply an international terrorist<br />

o~ganization backed by Syria, Iran, Iraq and Armema.<br />

They accuse European countries of giving the<br />

PKK their tacit blessing to keep Turkey weak and<br />

divi<strong>de</strong>d. "Countries like Britain, France and Germany<br />

don't want Turkey to <strong>de</strong>velop or join the EC "<br />

said Van provincial governor Mahmut Yllba~. "The<br />

West is cutting the br~nch it's ,silting on.' "The<br />

sou~ces of (PK!

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