Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris


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Thursday, October 28, 1993<br />

turkish daily news<br />

Demirel to public: Don1t panic<br />

.1<br />

• Presi<strong>de</strong>nt says no one should<br />

even consi<strong>de</strong>r the i<strong>de</strong>a of<br />

dialogue with PKK<br />

• Signals that there will be<br />

no .privileges Il for Kurds of<br />

Turkey, especially un<strong>de</strong>r<br />

terrorism<br />

Turki.~hDaily News<br />

ANKARA- Presi<strong>de</strong>nt Süleyman Demirel said<br />

on Wednesday that terrorism is the biggest problem<br />

facing the country. He ad<strong>de</strong>d, however. that'<br />

Turkey had the power to overcome ihis problem.<br />

and called on the public "not 'to g<strong>et</strong> gripped with<br />

the fear of terrorism."<br />

"No one should even consi<strong>de</strong>rthe i<strong>de</strong>a of sitting<br />

down to negotiate with bandits" he said. signalling<br />

that there is no way that a dialogue of any<br />

sorts will be initiated with the outlawed Kurdistan<br />

Worker's party (PKK). '<br />

Demirel also signalled that there would be no<br />

"privileges" granted to the Kurds of Turkey, especially<br />

un<strong>de</strong>r the current conditions of terrorism.<br />

"If the impression is given that some circles are<br />

receiving certain privileges un<strong>de</strong>r pressure, then<br />

,we will have great difficulties in keeping the peace<br />

in the country and maintaining public or<strong>de</strong>r,"<br />

Demirel said. .<br />

, He nevertheless tried to emphasize that no one<br />

shouldtbink that this problein can not be solved.<br />

within <strong>de</strong>mocracy. Reading out a prerared text<br />

prior to answering questions, Demire said that<br />

for the 10 years of separatist terrorism 2270 security<br />

officersand 3144 citizens had been listed as<br />

killed as of 20 October 1993.<br />

"The state is un<strong>de</strong>r attack and as any state that.<br />

is un<strong>de</strong>r attack it is its duty to counter this. make<br />

it ineffective and restore peace and stability" Demirel<br />

said.<br />

He said that the fact that 4517 terrorists had<br />

been killed and (barring the ones that had been<br />

killed in cross bor<strong>de</strong>r operations) and that 2811<br />

of them had been placed un<strong>de</strong>r arrest testified<br />

that the state was dOing its duty. .<br />

Demirel emphasized that the state remain,ed<br />

wilhin the bounds of its laws in doing so and expen<strong>de</strong>d<br />

the utmost care not to hurt its citizens.<br />

, "The state remains on its job with all its institutions.<br />

Now the responsibility of the Turkish citizen<br />

is nol to panic. to r<strong>et</strong>ain acoldbloo<strong>de</strong>d stance<br />

in the face of what is happening ... and to continue<br />

supporting the forces of the state" Demirel<br />

said.<br />

Demirel said it should not even be consi<strong>de</strong>red<br />

that the Turkish Republic is incapable of overcoming<br />

this problem.<br />

"The aim of those who are instigating and carry,ing<br />

out this bloody terror. The minute you ask<br />

how many ways are there to overcome this' then<br />

the state will be enfeebled" Demirel said. Presi<strong>de</strong>nt<br />

Demirel said there was only one way to<br />

overcQme this problem and that is 'to incapacita-<br />

, te this gang of killers that are trying to lift<br />

the sovereignty of the state."<br />

"No solution which willlead to the splitting<br />

up of the nation shtlUld be consi<strong>de</strong>red a<br />

solution. That would be surren<strong>de</strong>r" Demirel<br />

said.<br />

Demirel said that they would also not al-<br />

Iowa certain group of people to use <strong>de</strong>mocracy<br />

as a shield in or<strong>de</strong>r to divi<strong>de</strong> the country.<br />

"Democracy is not in the service of dividing<br />

the country. To the contrary it is the solution<br />

to unifying the country," Demirel ad- ,<br />

<strong>de</strong>d.<br />

'<br />

Demirel called on the public, parliament,<br />

the press and all other organizations to continue<br />

tohelp the state in or<strong>de</strong>r for its struggle<br />

against terrorism to take on the appearance<br />

of an ail out struggle.<br />

Demirel answered questions put to him after<br />

ending his prepared address.<br />

Remin<strong>de</strong>d that shortly after coming to power<br />

as Prime Minister in 1991 he had told<br />

reporter.s while visiti.ng Diy.arb,alm that he<br />

"recogmzed the KurdIsh realIty,' and asked<br />

what he un<strong>de</strong>rstood from this statement, Demirel<br />

said "there are people who are of Kilr- .<br />

dish origin in Turkey." ,<br />

"In Turkey there are people who say 'I am<br />

a Kurd.' As opposed to thIS there is no grounds<br />

for saying 'No you are not a Kurd;"~<br />

Demirel said. '<br />

He ad<strong>de</strong>d thàt the important thing is for<br />

the Kurd to know that he is a citizen of this<br />

republic and that he has equal rights with'<br />

, those who say they are not Kurds.<br />

, "To those who say 'I am a Kurd' we say of<br />

course you are a Kurd. This is what I am saying.<br />

If I wanted to say any more than this I<br />

would have done so. Since that day (in DiyarbaIar)<br />

this is all I said (about the Kurdish<br />

reality). I did not say anything else. No one<br />

will g<strong>et</strong> a cominent from me which willlead<br />

to the division of Turkey. Not a word" Demirel<br />

said. Asked what he meant when he .<br />

said that Brigadier General Bahtiyar Aydm,<br />

who was shot <strong>de</strong>ad in the township of Lice<br />

in the Southeast recently, had been killed by<br />

an acci<strong>de</strong>ntal bull<strong>et</strong> Demirel said his statement<br />

was based on information he had received<br />

from the military. '<br />

"After the inci<strong>de</strong>nt I went to the Chief of<br />

Staffs office. What was said to me in connection<br />

with the inci<strong>de</strong>nt was that this was<br />

not a bull<strong>et</strong> that had been shot as a result of<br />

~om~one having taken an aim. This bull;t is<br />

<strong>de</strong>fined as a stray or an acci<strong>de</strong>ntal bull<strong>et</strong>.<br />

Indicating that this inci<strong>de</strong>nt was a matter<br />

of coinci<strong>de</strong>nce Demirel said it was clearly<br />

riot plànned.<br />

"There is 'no way for anyone to have<br />

known the General was going to be t~ereor<br />

climbing the stairs that he was clIinbing<br />

when he was shot" Demirel said.<br />

The military had said that General Aydm,<br />

who was the comman<strong>de</strong>r of the Gendarmerie<br />

forces in DiyarbakIr had been assassinated,<br />

during clashes b<strong>et</strong>ween security forces and<br />

PKK militants in Lice.<br />

Demirel's statement to the effect that Aydm<br />

had died as a result of an acci<strong>de</strong>ntal bull<strong>et</strong><br />

had led to confusion and speculation in<br />

the media as to the real cause of the general's<br />

<strong>de</strong>ath.<br />

Demirel was then asked if the presence of<br />

the socalIed multinational "Hammer Force"<br />

in Southeast Turkey had enabled PKK militants<br />

to use Northern Iraq for striking Turkey.<br />

Hammer force is the name by which<br />

"Operation Provi<strong>de</strong> Comfort" is known in<br />

Turkey, This operation is a leftover from the<br />

time of the Gulf War and was first s<strong>et</strong> up to<br />

protect northern Iraqi Kurds against Iraqi<br />

forces.<br />

Demirel.<strong>de</strong>nied such speèulation and poin-<br />

. ted out that it was Turkey which had first asked<br />

for the allies to come to Turkey and embark<br />

on this operation. .<br />

"In northern Iraq there are 2.5-3 million<br />

Kurds, Turcomans, and people of Arab origin.<br />

These people have relatIOnship ties with<br />

the people on our si<strong>de</strong>

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