Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris


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Some years ago the project administrators<br />

were accused of focusin!Z too much on the<br />

supe:stru~tural a.spects of the projec.t and<br />

thus Ignonng the mfrastructure dimensIOn.<br />

Ünver responds: "A comprehensive study<br />

Ill}. the ~f,~g,ionhas .produced a total. of 240<br />

w. f(\lS~.'ljct.\Ire. pr9\~cls. to, ~o ,hand I,n h.~nd<br />

.with tbe, main pr~ect. They mclu<strong>de</strong> .'ll' I?ch<br />

selection of urban <strong>de</strong>velopment, drlnkmg<br />

'water, sewage. irrigation, electricity and<br />

telecommunications schemes.<br />

"Today we have compl<strong>et</strong>ed all infrastructure<br />

works in towns with<br />

10,000 plus. The political<br />

a population of<br />

authority often<br />

reveals its commitment to the full-scale realization<br />

of both the urban and the rural infrastructure<br />

<strong>de</strong>sign of the region," he said.<br />

The significance of the infrastructure<br />

aspect has been clearly un<strong>de</strong>rlined by the<br />

sCientific facts and figures.<br />

"The unit cost of mfrastructure in ~Irnak<br />

township would automatically triple if the<br />

resi<strong>de</strong>nts here ll1igrate to, say. the city of<br />

tzmir," explains Unver.<br />

Recently, there have been reports that<br />

financial'<br />

'struction<br />

bottlenecks put a halt to the conof<br />

Urfa Tunnels, the world's<br />

largest i~~ation tunnels at 25 fe<strong>et</strong> in diam<strong>et</strong>er.<br />

The urfa Tunnels were <strong>de</strong>signed so as<br />

to oive life to the arid Harran Plain.<br />

fhe problems, however, stem directly<br />

from skyrock<strong>et</strong>ing cement prices, which put<br />

the.contracting firm into financial difficulty.<br />

The Turkish Daily News learned from<br />

State Hvdraulic Works authorities that the<br />

originai agreement with Akpmar tn~aat, the<br />

contractor of the tunnels, states that the payments<br />

to this firm should be ma<strong>de</strong> in terms<br />

of the U.S. dollar, as a sort of precaution to<br />

protect the company from the erosion of<br />

mflation.<br />

Y<strong>et</strong> the Turkish lira <strong>de</strong>preciation against<br />

the dollar has fallen much short of the<br />

increase in cement prices, thus causing losses<br />

for the contractor.<br />

Akpmar applied to the government for<br />

compensation, but no <strong>de</strong>cision has been<br />

ma<strong>de</strong> so far.<br />

Were there any financial problems <strong>de</strong>laying<br />

the entire project? "No, there are no<br />

problems on an integrated level. One can<br />

Imagine there may be <strong>de</strong>lays and problems<br />

on individual project levels in an integrated<br />

project of 495 projects. But I can say that<br />

there are no serious problems to <strong>de</strong>lay the<br />

entire project," he noted.<br />

Ünyer commented: "It is very fortunate<br />

that financial problems that the GAP has<br />

had to face are at the minimum. Such problems<br />

occur very rarely and are then resolved<br />

very quickly. This ste~~ from the f~ct that<br />

there IS undisI>uted polttlcal and SOCialconsensus<br />

on the GAP.'<br />

Asked wh<strong>et</strong>her the bu~~<strong>et</strong>ary constraints<br />

may <strong>de</strong>lay the project, unver said that a<br />

financial blockage to the routine <strong>de</strong>velopment<br />

of the project is very likely beca~s~ of<br />

the commitments of the present political<br />

authority.<br />

"Moreover, the economic r<strong>et</strong>urns of th~<br />

individual projects w!1l increase<br />

passage of time, helpmg finance<br />

wit~ the<br />

the lOte.<br />

grated project. The GAP is no more a pro-<br />

Ject whose r<strong>et</strong>urns would be obtained in the<br />

future," he ad<strong>de</strong>d.<br />

Upon a landmark visit to the povertystricken<br />

Southe~t in spri~g 1993, Presi<strong>de</strong>nt<br />

Süleyman Demirel had given or<strong>de</strong>rs for an<br />

economic revival package to boost econom;<br />

ic activity. The State Planning 9rganization<br />

(OPT) conclu<strong>de</strong>d a comprehenSIVe study on<br />

the r.rogram and policymakers <strong>de</strong>ci<strong>de</strong>d that<br />

the 'Eastern Anatolia Action Plan" should<br />

be properly coordinated with the GAP.<br />

"The OPT <strong>de</strong>signed the plan in coordination<br />

with our experts. I refer to a five-year<br />

perspective plan that <strong>de</strong>tails the projects to<br />

be un<strong>de</strong>rtaken by our transportation, aoricul><br />

tural and infrastructural programs," Dnyer<br />

explains.<br />

"The plan well reflects the intçgrated<br />

characteristics' of the GAP.1t aims to raise<br />

the social indicator's of the region at least to<br />

the national averages."<br />

He also points to some aspects that are<br />

usually ignored when such <strong>de</strong>ve~opment<br />

projects are being un<strong>de</strong>rtaken: environment<br />

and sustainability. .,<br />

"Sustainability has <strong>de</strong>fimtely Impo~ed a<br />

new condition for all fac<strong>et</strong>s of <strong>de</strong>velopment.<br />

Dr. Olcay Ünver, presi<strong>de</strong>nt of the GAP<br />

Regional Development Administration<br />

..nver graduated from the Middle<br />

East Technical University (METU)<br />

U with a B.S. in Civil Engineering in<br />

1979.<br />

He received his M.S. in Civil<br />

Engineering from the same university in<br />

1981 and, in 1987, eamed a PhD in Civil<br />

Engineering from the University of Texas<br />

in the United States.<br />

He worked as an engineer in the infrastructure<br />

project of Batikent, Ankara; a<br />

research assistant at METU; a research<br />

assistant and a research associate at the<br />

University ofTexas and a staff engineer at<br />

the Lower Colorado River Authority iri<br />

the United States.<br />

He r<strong>et</strong>urned to Turkey i,n 1988 and<br />

worked as the water resources specialist at<br />

the GAP Project Management Unit of the<br />

State Planmng Orgamzation, where he<br />

later became a <strong>de</strong>puty director. In<br />

November 1989, the Pnme Ministry's<br />

GAP Regional Development<br />

Administration was foun<strong>de</strong>d and Dr.<br />

Ünver was appointed as the regional<br />

director in SanllUrfa.<br />

In June 1991, he became the presi<strong>de</strong>nt<br />

It has also ma<strong>de</strong> rf e~sential to adopt an mtegrated<br />

approach to <strong>de</strong>velopment, as opposed<br />

to the fragmented,<br />

of the past. '<br />

project-specific approach<br />

We now know that sustainable irrigation<br />

<strong>de</strong>velopment can be achieved. Mistakes<br />

ma<strong>de</strong> in the past, in the <strong>de</strong>veloping<br />

. <strong>de</strong>veloped countries alike, provi<strong>de</strong><br />

and the<br />

us valuable<br />

information as to Jhe possible<br />

quences," according to Unyer.<br />

conse-<br />

Experts have been conducting an environmental<br />

impact assessment study in the<br />

Southeast. In the meantime, SOCIOlogists<br />

have been carrying out field studies.<br />

"Social dimension<br />

cancé. We know that<br />

is of great<br />

we should<br />

signifi-<br />

pay due<br />

regard to social sustainability," he said. The<br />

GAP<br />

make<br />

policymakers believe that they will<br />

great use of an exclusive study compl<strong>et</strong>ed<br />

recently by a group of aca<strong>de</strong>micians,<br />

led by Professor W. Henruicxhsmeyer from<br />

Bonn University and Professor Haluk<br />

Kasnakoglu from the Middle East Technical<br />

University.<br />

The study, titled. "GAP Mark<strong>et</strong>ing and<br />

Crop Pattern Slùdies" willrepresent a major<br />

gui<strong>de</strong>line to final shaping ~f the agro-business<br />

policies in the region, Unver noted.<br />

of the administration. Dr. Ünver has published<br />

papers in interna~ional journal~ and<br />

conference and symposIUm presentatIOns.<br />

He is a member of nationa[ and international<br />

professional associations and serves<br />

on teclïnical committees.<br />


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