Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris


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Monday, October 25,1993<br />


turkish daily news<br />

'Parliamentary COUpl<br />

proposed to counter<br />

possible military coup<br />

• A group of <strong>de</strong>puties, fearing <strong>de</strong>velopments in the<br />

Southeast are preparing to recommend a<br />

-Government of National Consensus. -<br />

By Hayri Birler<br />

Turkish Daily News .<br />

ANKARA- Argui.ng that ~urkey. IS<br />

heading towards an Impasse wIth the Increasing<br />

violence in tlle Sout~east, and<br />

accusing the government of beJßg a mere<br />

"spectator" in the face of these <strong>de</strong>velopments,<br />

a group of <strong>de</strong>putie.s of different<br />

party affiliations is prepanng to recommend<br />

the formation of a "Government of<br />

National Consensus."<br />

These <strong>de</strong>e.uties, mostly from the True<br />

Path Party (DYP) -- the senior partner in<br />

the ruling coalition government -- and t~e<br />

Motherland (ANAP) party --. the maIn<br />

opp6stion party -- say' they WIlltake. action<br />

in this direction If the local elections<br />

scheduled for March do not take place in<br />

the region, or in the whole of the country,<br />

for "security" reasons.<br />

These <strong>de</strong>puties say the government has<br />

remained ineffective as large numbers of<br />

citizens are killed every4ay' in the So~~east.<br />

They remin4 that this ISalso precIpItating<br />

the notion Jß the common man and<br />

woman's mind in ot~er parts of th.ecountry<br />

that the region should?e glyen up<br />

and the problem thus gotten nd of.<br />

The common point of view that these<br />

<strong>de</strong>puties -- said to number aro~nd 3~ at<br />

the present time -- put forward Jß arguJßg<br />

for a "Government of National Consensus,"<br />

can be summarized in the following<br />

manner:<br />

"Som<strong>et</strong>hing.strang~ that we ~annot fully<br />

grasp is gOIngon In the regIOn.. What<br />

weare sure of, though, it that the United<br />

States and Great Bntain are bent on the<br />

establishment of a Kurdistan in Southeastern<br />

Anatolia. The first step towards this is<br />

granting the region. ~utonomy: ~Ve f~ar<br />

that in the end a mIlItary admmlstratlOn<br />

will be forced to take this step toward.a~tonomy<br />

because it is a step that no cIvilian<br />

government would have the c~u.rage<br />

to taKe. This of course means a mlh~a~y<br />

coup or a military ultimatum to the Cl:llian<br />

administration. What we are seeKmg<br />

is a 'Parliamentary coup' to counter the<br />

prospect of such mIlitary a coup."<br />

The first signs .<br />

Last week two ANAP <strong>de</strong>puties, ~adl<br />

Pehlivanoglu and Hüseyin Ozalp, organized<br />

a press confe~ence after consultmg<br />

with theIr party chaIrman, Mesut Ylimaz,<br />

and g<strong>et</strong>tin~ his blessing. Th~se tw~ v<strong>et</strong>eran<br />

politicIans, who served Iß Parhament<br />

before the military coup ~n Se~t. 12,<br />

1980 avoi<strong>de</strong>d clarity in makmg thm concerns'known<br />

and merely referred to a<br />

governme~tal mo<strong>de</strong>l that involved rising<br />

above parties.<br />

The next day, Ylimaz ma<strong>de</strong> a state~~nt,<br />

and blaming those who proposed a pohtlc~l<br />

solution to the problem in tile Southeast saId<br />

these proposals would lead to nowhere.<br />

"We must prevent bloods~ed first, ~nd ~he<br />

state must fig~t the sepa~atlst o~g,~mzatlOn<br />

with all its mIght to achIeve thIs Yllmaz<br />

said.<br />

In 'the days that followed these <strong>de</strong>velopments,<br />

certain <strong>de</strong>puties, espec,ially. those<br />

within the DYP wing, began whlspenng the<br />

words "martiallaw" in the corridors of Parliament<br />

in connection with the Southeast.<br />

The first reactions to these <strong>de</strong>puties, who<br />

inclu<strong>de</strong>d the heads of the Parliamentary<br />

Commissions on National Defence and Interior<br />

Affairs, came from the Chief of Staffs office.<br />

The Chief of Staffs office announced that<br />

during the the National Security Council<br />

(MGK) me<strong>et</strong>ing this month they would not<br />

be proposing that martialla"Y.~ .d~lared. "<br />

Throwing the ball to the clVlhans court<br />

the statement said: "The ma,tter can be resolved<br />

within the context of the Emergency<br />

Rule which is currently in force in the region.<br />

Provi<strong>de</strong>d, that is, that th~ gove~me~t<br />

makes full use of its legal ngbts 1ß thIs<br />

framework."<br />

The Chief of Staff statement caused tumult<br />

in Parliament, especially among DYP<br />

and ANAP <strong>de</strong>puties who felt t~e blame. for<br />

the inability to prevent separatist terrons~<br />

was being placed on civilians. Soon after this<br />

statement, all talk in Parliament of the need<br />

to <strong>de</strong>clare martiallaw en<strong>de</strong>d.<br />

Meanwhile, Presi<strong>de</strong>nt Süleyman Demirel<br />

gave a statement to a newspaper around this<br />

time, and also said there was no need for<br />

martiallaw. He later invited Parliamentary<br />

Speaker Hüsam<strong>et</strong>tin Cindoruk to his office<br />

for a me<strong>et</strong>ing. While no statement followed<br />

this me<strong>et</strong>ing, it was whispered in Parliament<br />

that events 1ß the in Southeast had been discussed.<br />

DYP <strong>de</strong>puty for AydJß, Tunç Bilg<strong>et</strong>,<br />

whose name had frequently come up among<br />

those in favor of martiallaw, issued a statement<br />

within the context of these <strong>de</strong>velopments,<br />

and <strong>de</strong>clared himself against martIal<br />

law. For the first time he uttered the notion<br />

of a "Parliamentary coup."<br />

"Mrs. Çiller cannot see the truth ..."<br />

The Turkish Daily News <strong>de</strong>ci<strong>de</strong>d to investigate<br />

the matter following further references,<br />

not just by hardline <strong>de</strong>p,uties but also by others,<br />

to the notion of a 'Parliamentary coup."<br />

This investigation revealed that a group of<br />

mainly DYP and ANAP <strong>de</strong>puties -- wllose<br />

numbers range b<strong>et</strong>ween 35 and 40 -- had<br />

come tog<strong>et</strong>her, both in parliäment and in private,<br />

to e\'aluate the overall situation.<br />

It became clear that these <strong>de</strong>puties also<br />

aimed at increasing their numbers by l<strong>et</strong>tin~<br />

their plans be known to other "small groups<br />

of <strong>de</strong>puties.<br />

These "small groups" inclu<strong>de</strong>d <strong>de</strong>puties<br />

from the ultranationalist, National Action<br />

Party (MHP), and the pro-islamic Welfare<br />

Party (RP). In time these opinions were also<br />

relayed to some <strong>de</strong>puties from the Social<br />

Democrat Peoples' Party (SHP) and the Republican<br />

Peoples' Party (CHP) who were felt<br />

to be "close.'<br />

This is what a DYP <strong>de</strong>puty, who spoke on<br />

condition of anonymity, had to sayan the<br />

subject:<br />

"Our !!eneral convention will take place in<br />

November. Mrs. Çiller (PM Çiller) is in a<br />

cloud of dreams, running all over the place.<br />

Her fe<strong>et</strong> never touched the ground. She never<br />

saw the truth, or un<strong>de</strong>rstood where she is<br />

heading. Y<strong>et</strong>, on the question of the Southeast,<br />

the country is on the brink of division,<br />

The press was removed from the Southeast<br />

(by threats from separatist terrorists). Now<br />

the activities of political parties are being restricted<br />

(because of similar threats). The<br />

mentality spreading in the Southeast is one<br />

of "liberated region." While this is happening<br />

Mrs. Çiller does not seem to care. Her indifference<br />

applies also to question of economic<br />

investments in the region."<br />

Expectations and the tim<strong>et</strong>able<br />

IndIcating that the problem of the Southeast<br />

will again be put on the back burner because<br />

of the upcoming DYP Convention, and<br />

pointing to the fact that straight after this, on<br />

November 27, the outlawed Kurdistan Workers<br />

Party (PKK) will be celebrating its foundation<br />

anniversary the same <strong>de</strong>puty said the<br />

following: "The PKK will now change its<br />

tactics to avoid the winter operation an-

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