Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris


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Ankara happy with Chirac<br />

victory in French election<br />

Turkish Daily News<br />

ANKARA- Happy w!th the n.arrow victory of Jacques<br />

Chirac in the preSi<strong>de</strong>ntIal electlOns on Sunday, Ankara<br />

sent a congratulatory message to the third-hme-lucky<br />

Gaullist presi<strong>de</strong>nt. . .<br />

Presi<strong>de</strong>nt Süleyman Deinirel sent a message ta ChiI:ac .<br />

late Sunday expressing the hope that the excellent ties<br />

b<strong>et</strong>ween th~ two countries would be further enhanced<br />

during his presi<strong>de</strong>ncy.. .. . .<br />

Prime Minister Tansu Ciller, ~ho IS ~n Pans for the<br />

anniversary of the World War II ViCtOry"ISalso eXp'ected<br />

to offer her congratulations to France s n~w presi<strong>de</strong>nt.<br />

"The bilateral ties b<strong>et</strong>ween the two countnes are excellent<br />

France has been one of Turkey's main supPQrtersin<br />

the ~ealization of the customs union," a Turkish diplomat<br />

said. "We are convinced that this will<br />

continue with Chirac."<br />

. Although Turkish diplomats <strong>de</strong>scribe<br />

Chirac as a lea<strong>de</strong>r favorable to Turkey,<br />

Ankara's satisfaction with the result IS<br />

largely attributed to the "Alain Juppe factor."<br />

Juppe, \"h~ has supported Çhir~c<br />

since the be$mmng qf hiS ~a.mpalgn, IS<br />

.expected .to ~e the'pnm~ l,Il1m~ter,or, at<br />

least, r<strong>et</strong>am his foreign mimstenal past.<br />

Despite the recent controversy caused<br />

by the remarks of Presi<strong>de</strong>nt Süleyman<br />

Demirel, quoted in Sabah, that Juppe had<br />

told him that the problems of Turkey<br />

stemmed from its unitarian character,<br />

Turkish diplomats <strong>de</strong>scribe Juppe as one<br />

of the supporters of Turkish territorial<br />

integrity. .<br />

French Foreign Ministry has <strong>de</strong>nied<br />

that Juppe had ma<strong>de</strong> such a statement.<br />

"Alain Juppe is familiar with the Turkish.<br />

issues and.has personal ties with many of<br />

Turkish officials.<br />

He has also been an energ<strong>et</strong>ic supporter<br />

of c10serties b<strong>et</strong>ween Turkey and the<br />

European Union," a diplomat said, addi~g .<br />

that the samewas true 'for Alam<br />

Lamassoure, who is a candidate for for- .<br />

ei~ ministry if Juppe becomes the prime<br />

numster. .<br />

"Since France will have a team that is<br />

already familiar with Turkey, there will<br />

be no adaptation period that usually follows<br />

eleCl1ons,"he said.<br />

.Turkishofficials also admit that they.'<br />

are not exactly sad thatthe Mitterrand era<br />

is over, <strong>de</strong>spite the fact that it was during<br />

the socialist presi<strong>de</strong>nt's time that an historical<br />

visit was ma<strong>de</strong> b<strong>et</strong>ween the two<br />

countries thereby wiping the disagreements<br />

of the past. .<br />

. "From time to time, certain moves or<br />

stateménts ma<strong>de</strong> bythe Elysee Palace created<br />

tensions b<strong>et</strong>ween the two capitals.<br />

With Chirac, we believe that these will be<br />

omitted," another diplomat said.<br />

Turks hope that the Gaullist presi<strong>de</strong>nt<br />

will be less likely to. give Turkey public<br />

tongue-lashing on human rights than his<br />

SOCialiStpre<strong>de</strong>cessor.<br />

Turkish diplomats are also secr<strong>et</strong>ly<br />

jubilant with the end of Danielle<br />


Turkish Daily News<br />

CIA: Turkey and Iran<br />

would intervene in an<br />

Iraqi Kurdish State<br />

WEDNESDA Y. MA Y 10. 1995<br />

'Fate of N. Iraqi Kurds <strong>de</strong>pends on Baghdad'<br />

By Ugur Akmel<br />

Turkish Daily News<br />

W ASHINGTON- If there ever<br />

was a Kurdish state in northern Iraq,<br />

"Iran and Turkey, fearing the effect<br />

an Iraqi Kurdish state would have on<br />

their own Kurdish minorities, would<br />

intervene militarily and economically<br />

. to either dominate or otherwise prevent<br />

its creation," according to an<br />

U.S. Central Intelligence Agency<br />

(CIA) analysis ~repaied last month in.<br />

response to an mquiry ma<strong>de</strong> by Sen.<br />

Arlen Specter, chairman of the U.S.<br />

Senate Select Committee on<br />

Intelligence. The CIA said such an<br />

in<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nt entity "would be landlocked,<br />

have few economic resources<br />

and be vulnerable to outsi<strong>de</strong> interference."<br />

The CIA also noted that the<br />

. Iraqi National Congress formally<br />

supports autonomy but not separahsm.<br />

"The Iraqi National Congress formally<br />

supports enhanced Kurdish<br />

autonomy within a unified, fe<strong>de</strong>rated<br />

Iraq, but both the INC and its<br />

Western sponsors oppose Iraqi<br />

Kurdish separatism," the report said..<br />

Admiral William O. Stu<strong>de</strong>man, acting<br />

CIA director, in a l<strong>et</strong>ter written<br />

on April 3, 1995 to Sen. Specter that<br />

theonzed about a post-Saddam Iraq,<br />

noted that "serious infighting since<br />

mid-1994 has severely damaged the<br />

unity of the Iraqi Kurds, un<strong>de</strong>rmined<br />

their fledgling regional administration<br />

and' <strong>de</strong>creased their chances of<br />

maintaining a united political and<br />

military front in <strong>de</strong>aling with<br />

Baghdad..<br />

The prospects for Kurdish reintegration<br />

into Iraq after Saddam, however,<br />

hinge more on the strength of<br />

the successor regime than on the .<br />

strength of the Kurds." Stu<strong>de</strong>man<br />

said "if Saddam' s successor heads a<br />

strong centrai government and united<br />

Iraqi military, the Kurds - no matter<br />

how united - could not withstand a<br />

concerte<strong>de</strong>ffort to reimposegovernment<br />

controlover northern Iraq and<br />

force Kurdish integration. Despite its<br />

<strong>de</strong>gra<strong>de</strong>d and <strong>de</strong>moralized state,<br />

. Iraq's regular army still outnumbers<br />

and is b<strong>et</strong>ter equipped, trained and<br />

organized than the Kurds."<br />

The CIA analysis theorized that, in<br />

a post-Saddam world, even a weak<br />

government in Baghdad would be of<br />

no help for Kurds. "Ev,enif a successor<br />

regime were weak and divi<strong>de</strong>d,<br />

fis~ures in the Iraqi Kurdish opposition<br />

make it likely that some Kurdish<br />

lea<strong>de</strong>rs would si<strong>de</strong> with Baghdad to<br />

strengthen their hand against their<br />

Kurdish rivals."<br />


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