Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris


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18 Turkish Probe June 23,1995<br />

Human Bights Diary<br />

IHO report: No Improvement In human rights In<br />

Turkey- April and May saw no improvement in the human<br />

rights situation in Turkey, according to a Human Rights<br />

Association (IHO) report released on June 40. Execution without trial,<br />

torture or time spent in custody resulted in the <strong>de</strong>ath of 20 people over<br />

the two-month period, according to the report. Also, there were 14 unsolved<br />

killings during April and May and 26 people went missing while in custody, the<br />

report says. The number of "criminals of thought" in prison is given as 157. The<br />

IHO document notes that "criminals of thought" were fined TL 6 billion and the total<br />

léngth of prison sentences of the 157 <strong>de</strong>tainees is 66 years. The reports also indicates<br />

that 50 books and publications were confiscated in the period arid that 75 individuals from the<br />

media were taken into custody. The number of villages burned down and evacuated was 29,<br />

according to the report. Also, 20 police raids were organized on associations, 'unions, and publishing<br />

houses and 22 bomb attacks were carried out. The IHO's document claims that eight associations,<br />

foundations and publishing houses were closed do~n in the two-month period. Speaking at a press conference<br />

on Tuesday, Akm Birdal, the chairmanof the IHO, said the association was un<strong>de</strong>r increased pressure.<br />

He also criticized the <strong>de</strong>portation of intemational human rights' association members from Turkey, refe~ring<br />

to Amnesty International's representative, Helmut Oberdiek, who had to leave the country on June 12.<br />

With respect to the <strong>de</strong>bates on constitutional amendments, Birdal said the planned changes were not an a<strong>de</strong>.<br />

quate respons<strong>et</strong>o Turkey's needs. "The 1982 Constitution should be changed as a whole. The planned<br />

changes would not be a step toward a rea! shake up of the legal structurenor would they be a step toward<br />

<strong>de</strong>mocratization," said Birdal. The IHD lea<strong>de</strong>r continued that while the <strong>de</strong>bates on constitutional amendments<br />

continued, the authorities should be more sensitive to the civil servants and workers who staged a sit-in<br />

protest in Ankara to <strong>de</strong>mand the right to collective bargaining negotiations and to strike. "The natural result of<br />

being a <strong>de</strong>mocratic and opeÄ soci<strong>et</strong>y is thé establishment of <strong>de</strong>mocratic controls on the army and the bureaucraêy,"<br />

ad<strong>de</strong>d the chairman. (Turkish Daily News, June 21)<br />

Interster TV news :coordlnator taken Into custody- Ardan Zenturk, news coordinator of the Interstar TV<br />

channel, was taken into custody by police for questioning about a program on the attack against Professor<br />

Yuda Yürüm, an aca<strong>de</strong>mic and lea<strong>de</strong>r of Ankara's small Jewistfcommunity, who 'was'slightly injured in a car<br />

bombing in Ankara on June 7, the Anatolia news agency reported on June 16. During the pr6gJ:8l11lsm<strong>et</strong><br />

Calisir claimed responsibilityfor the attack and also confessed to having taken part in mur<strong>de</strong>qlild having<br />

caused bodily harm.,After the program six people, including Interstar announcer $eyda Açlkol and reporter<br />

Nafiz Akyüz, were taken ,into custody. (Turkish Daily News, June 17)<br />

Pollee officers on triai for 'mur<strong>de</strong>r- A criminal court in Istanbul's KadIkOy district has started to hear the<br />

case against 19 police officersch!irged with killing four people in a raid on a house. One of the <strong>de</strong>ad was<br />

Sabahat Karatai, the wife of Our=sunKaratai wh9-""as the leaçler of the outlaw!3d Revolutionary Left (Dev-Sol),<br />

the Anatolia news age'1CYrèported oil ~U;,e 15. The court <strong>de</strong>ci<strong>de</strong>d, for sec~rity reasons, to have a closed trial.<br />

Special sec,urity measures ~ave peen taken by Istanbul police a!lq ar~nd: ~OOsuspects have been taken into<br />

custody. These inclu<strong>de</strong> OIÇay M~f81of,Özgür Gelecek magazine and Gülmisar Baiar of the New Democrat<br />

, Youth magazine, secuiity offiç.als Said. Sevè'nteÈln lawY~rs'from Germany, England, Greece and the<br />

,~therlands were presen~ as obs~rvers. The press was banned from,the court. (Turkish Daily News, June 16)<br />

Helsinki Watch suspends activities In Turkey- The renowned human rights watchdog group Helsinki<br />

Watch has announced that it is süspending its activities in Turkey, the Analolta news agency reported on June<br />

'16. Anatolia cited a statement from Helsinki Watchissued by the Turkish Human Rights Foundation which<br />

. said that the <strong>de</strong>cision was based on a long statement ~"ven to the press r~cently by Interior Minister Nahit<br />

Menteie when he receiveda':l official from the New Y rk-based organization in Ankara. The statement,<br />

quoted by Anatolia, reported remarks by Mente~e, hen he was receiving Helsinki Watch official .<br />

Christopher Panico. Mente~e reportedly announced that Helsinki Watcn supported Turkey's fight<br />

against separatist terrorism. Anatolia said these statements were the, reason the organization<br />

<strong>de</strong>ci<strong>de</strong>d to suspend activities in Turkey. Mente~e had told reporters'just priQr to the mê<strong>et</strong>ing<br />

that Panico had arrived in' An1

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