Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris


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, Complaining that associate membership meant much lés9:<br />

than full meml>ership, Ciller said, "This we find to be somewhat<br />

in~~_Œl£~tible_ wit6. th~ logic and, reguirements of true<br />

partnership IDthe field of secunty and <strong>de</strong>fense.<br />

"Security is indivisible ... Europe cannat afford to keep<br />

Turkey at armS' length in security matters ... We view OUf.<br />

associate membership status in WEU as a transitory phase'<br />

towards full membership."<br />

..•<br />

The prime minister said, "Therefore, 1996 (EU and<br />

. WEU) review conference will be a timely opportunity for<br />

the countries concerned ... to accord Turkey full membership<br />

inWEU." .<br />

Hi2hlights From Ciller Q.A in WEU Assembly,.<br />

• Tn a move to solten the European criticism of Turkey<br />

following State Minister Ayvaz Gök<strong>de</strong>mir's insults to three<br />

female <strong>de</strong>puties of the European Parliament,Çiller said:<br />

'Those <strong>de</strong>~utiesare my menas and I.will not tolerate anyone<br />

being IDsulted." ''My government immediately ma<strong>de</strong> a:<br />

remark distancing itself from the remarks," Çiller said. '<br />

• Saddam Hussein and PKK: The Turkish prime miniS"<br />

ter claimed at one point that Iraqi Presi<strong>de</strong>nt SadClamHussein<br />

supported the outlawed Kurdistan Workers' Party because<br />

Turkey acted against Iraq in the Gtilf War. She ad<strong>de</strong>d that<br />

Turkey's other neighbors supported the PKK for various<br />

oth~.reasons. , . .. . .<br />

;PM Çi1ler:We can'ttolerate<br />

use ofneighboring countries ,<br />

as bases for terrorist attacks'<br />

. ,<br />

Interlerenee: Some factions in PKK are<br />

open. to manipulation by neighboring states.<br />

By tInur Çevik i 'Turkish Daily News , .<br />

PARIS- .Prime Minster Tansu Çiller says Turkeklfl~ot tolerat<strong>et</strong>errorists<br />

infiltrating from neighboring countries and ',' g innocent pepIe<br />

in Turkey, including civilians '~d s.oldie~s,and adds "no country in<br />

Europe .would ~ a blind eye to this eIther if they were targ<strong>et</strong>s of such<br />

aggreSSIOn." . . .<br />

The prime minister, speaking to five journalists who accompanied her<br />

to the French capital where she addressed the parliamentary assembly of<br />

the Western European Union (WEU), reacted to the recent Kurdish separatist<br />

attacks from' Iran and northern Iraq- where sèveral .<br />

Turkish bor<strong>de</strong>r stations were rai<strong>de</strong>d and more than two<br />

dozen soldiers .killed saying "no one and I mean no one<br />

including our neighbors should un<strong>de</strong>restimate our <strong>de</strong>termination<br />

to wipe out the terrorists.". .<br />

Çiller saId th<strong>et</strong>errorist organization, the outlawed,<br />

Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) had beeri reduced tosize<br />

in Turkey and could not launch serious terrorist actions at<br />

home "sothey fled to neighboring countries and are ..<br />

launching terrorist attacks from these places.", .<br />

She SaId the PKK militants who s<strong>et</strong> up bases in northern<br />

I,rag were preparing terrorist actions throughout Turkey<br />

an~ not only in the southeastern parts of the country. "We<br />

entered northern Iraq and dislodged them thus we prevent-.<br />

ed them from launching terrorist attacks," she said. .<br />

The prime minister said the <strong>de</strong>cision to launch a military<br />

incursion into northérn Iraq to wipe out the PKK bases had<br />

,been taken before Turkey signed the entry documents into<br />

European' customs UnIon m early March. 'This <strong>de</strong>cision<br />

showed our strength and our <strong>de</strong>termination to wipe out<br />

'separatist te.rrorism," she <strong>de</strong>clared.<br />

, ''The world was up in arms because we had 'launched<br />

the military operation into northern Iraq because this was<br />

an area where there were rich oil reserves." ,<br />

Asked ta comment about the' recent attacks on the<br />

iraflian and Iraqi bor<strong>de</strong>rs by PKK militants, the pnme nun- '<br />

ist~r sai~ "we ~ave some mtelligence reports that th,e ter-<br />

'ronsts shpped mto Turkey from Iran." However, WIthout<br />

naming Iran or any other country the prime minister<br />

stressed ~'ifpeople come into our country from the outsi<strong>de</strong><br />

and kill ordin~ry civilia~s and our sold~ers eve~yone<br />

should beaware that we wIll not tolerate this. We wIll not'<br />

tolerate anyone who turns a blind eye to this. What<br />

European country would allow such actIon against its .territory?"<br />

The prime minister also said the PKK is factionalized<br />

and hinted that some of these groups may be open to<br />

manipulation by' the neighboring countries. "There are<br />

some factions .which can be controlled by neighboring<br />

states while there are ,others who prefer to act m<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>ntly."<br />

Çiller said there are even alliances with some<br />

PKK factIons and the Hezbollah group. The prime minister<br />

stressed Turkey needs to enhance her intelligence gath-<br />

~ng capabilities to counter the threats levelled against the<br />

country. "We have to concentrate especially on intelli-<br />

.gence gathering activities outsi<strong>de</strong> the country." Çiller also •<br />

~~essed this means b<strong>et</strong>ter cooperation with allied countries<br />

J9r intelligence ga~ering and shari~g. ,<br />

.The pnme mInIster stated all thIS means a reorgamzation<br />

and restructuring of the intelligence gathering apparatus<br />

and this had 'already been started in Turkey.<br />

.. On T~rkey's ties with Europe, the prime minister said<br />

she and her colleagues ma<strong>de</strong> every effort to explain to the<br />

Europeans "that you can't do without us.~' , '<br />

.,'She said if Turkey' fails to enter the cusloms union this "<br />

would be a great loss for the country but a' greater loss for<br />

Europe. Çille~ stressed she was th,e frrst to openly tell the<br />

Euro~ Urnon lea<strong>de</strong>rs "you are a club of ChristIan coun-,<br />

fries' and said she never. gave promises she cannot keep. ,<br />

"I openly told them we will not do anything to help the<br />

PKK, we will not provi<strong>de</strong> special rights to a certairi group<br />

of people" and regarding <strong>de</strong>mocratization "I will'push<br />

hard for reforms but I did not promise anything."<br />

On other domestic issues the primeminister said:<br />

• She is not pessimistic that the constitutional amendments<br />

will clear the Parliament. "We have found 298 votes<br />

for the amendments and I am sure we can g<strong>et</strong> the 300 that<br />

is necessary to push them through Parliament without the<br />

need to refer them to a referendum." She feels there may<br />

be only few True Path Party <strong>de</strong>puties opposing the amendn'1çnts<br />

and voting against them ,out the bulk of the DYP<br />

<strong>de</strong>puties have supported the constitutional Changes.<br />

'. She says she opposes a referendum on the constitutienal<br />

amendments oecause this will be' a loss of valuable<br />

'time for the country "but this does not mean we are scared<br />

of a referendum\!. Çiller s<strong>et</strong> her priorities as: '<br />

"First the passage of the constitutional amendments,<br />

then the p'assage of the seventh five year <strong>de</strong>velopment plan<br />

which wIll give more autonomy and in<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nce to local<br />

administratIons to run their own regions and last but not<br />

least the amendments on Article 8 of the Anti-Terrorism<br />

Law on freedom of expression.' , , ,<br />

• "Throwing away three ,zeros from the Turkish lira is<br />

mI important issue and we should start work on looking at ,<br />

the pros and cons of the issue. To do this we need to a task<br />

force to workon it. We have started this and' or<strong>de</strong>red the<br />

State Plànning Organization to make a preliminarr. study.<br />

It is a matter of tIming and I cannot say we wIll do it<br />

immediately. We are now simply looking mto the viability<br />

of the issue.<br />

, , • "I will convene the cabin<strong>et</strong> soon after r<strong>et</strong>urning to<br />

Turkey and ask the council of ministers to approve the<br />

extension of the mandate of Provi<strong>de</strong> Comfort and the<br />

emergency rule in the southeastern provinces."<br />

'-I<br />


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