Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris


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~I Balanced: American sources say the<br />

='<br />

report is 'balanced' and duly notes<br />

'consi<strong>de</strong>rable Turkish progress' SATURDAY.JUNE3.1995<br />

....-.3r:n ~<br />

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Turkish Dairy News ~ ~.<br />

No cuts: A US Embassy official says the ~ .. ::tl<br />

administration is against any new cuts'<br />

~. ~ problem in the Southeast" nie report, known in Washington ~<br />

or attaching conditions to aid to Turkey<br />

tri ,<br />

~.<br />

It also maintains that Ankara has circles as the "tenpercent report"<br />

'i:l<br />

not, so far, been able to address its CUls Clinton administration's weight<br />

::tl<br />

By pgur Alanel and Nazlan Ertan / Tur/dsh Daily News<br />

"int~mationally-recognized obl~a- ehind Turkish territorial inteßI& ~ "'O.<br />

W ASHINGTONI ANKARA- The Clinton administration has ~<br />

tion to ~rovi<strong>de</strong> for those who irre .s- and, once more, co~<strong>de</strong>rnns the .<br />

said that it was hi.y.hlylikely that U.S.-origin equipment had been<br />

..<br />

placed. . . '. as a "ruthles~ terronst grou,t" whi~h<br />

~<br />

used in support of urkish operations to evacuate and/or <strong>de</strong>stroy vil- . ~ ~<br />

The report notes that more than p,oses a major threat to urkey s<br />

~<br />

~<br />

tages in Southeast Anatolia, but upheld Turkex's right to use those . 4,000 a~lications cI~ming tOrf:ure . 'sovereignty and territorial. integri~<br />

~eapons for "self-<strong>de</strong>fense and for mternal secunty."'. were fil by 1;lUmanghts or~amza-<br />

~<br />

ly." .. . . ~ ,<br />

. In a report submitted to the Congress ap~ropriations committees tJ:j<br />

tions b<strong>et</strong>ween 1991 and 19 4, but A U.S. Embassy source said. that<br />

tri<br />

late Thursday, the U.S. State Department mamtains that the U.S.-ori- adds that Turkey had taken a number although he could not~udge how the.<br />

::tl<br />

~n e.quipment ha~ been used m op~ration.s atainst t~e outlawed., ~<br />

:I:<br />

'of steps to stop the practi~. r{(rt - particularly .e part on use<br />

. urdlstan Workers Party (PKK), dunng which uman nghts abuses<br />

A<br />

It also notes t1iat extraju'dicial 0 U.S.-supplied equiEment for vil-<br />

~hadoccurred. But it adds that there is no evi<strong>de</strong>nce that those a<br />

killings, known as "mystery' lage burnings - coul be perceived<br />

we~ns were used during "torture or extrajudicial killings." '<br />

~<br />

killings," occurred at a high rate until by the Congress, the administration<br />

=<br />

e U.S. State Department mrt ~aysthat human rights would be: .the end of 1994 - the total exceed- was.against any "further restriction,<br />

an integral part of the ongoing .S.-Turkish high level dialogue. .<br />

~<br />

ing 2,000 over the past three years - cuts, or placing conditions" for U.S. 'i:l<br />

tri.<br />

.but subsequently had <strong>de</strong>creased. '. aid to Turk~. . .<br />

,<br />

.... Although it allows that the U.S.- "I think e report is balaiIced and e ~<br />

Hunlan Rights Minister A1gan<br />

.supplied ~uicment could be used in we have noted the consi<strong>de</strong>rable ~<br />

~<br />

Hacalogiu un<strong>de</strong>rstands citizens' support<br />

ë.<br />

0 t e evacuation and/or pr2ress," a U.S. embassy source<br />

~<br />

<strong>de</strong>struction of villages, it adds that sai brushing asi<strong>de</strong> ~ulationsthat ~<br />

alienation in Tu.rkey's Southeastern the U.S. administration "does not the report.had been. elayed because<br />

ha:veany evi<strong>de</strong>nce that verifies of disagreement among State<br />

Anatolia region, ; re~s of torture and extrajudicial Dehartment units. . r.I'J.<br />

~<br />

ki . gs involving U.S. eguipment." n Washington, Christine Shelly, > ,<br />

.. The report does not give a recom- State Drt;artment spokeswoman,<br />

to<br />

The fifty-page document acknowledges that Turkey has recog- mendation on reinsta~ the 10lricr- also reaf umed continued U.S. suptrJ<br />

::tl<br />

~<br />

nized the need to improveits human rights practices and has ma<strong>de</strong> ~<br />

cent of military aid to urkg, w 'ch port for Turkey, which she said<br />

proposals, which, if adopted and implemented, could lead to impor~ had been withheld' by. the ongress offered "concr<strong>et</strong>e responses" to the<br />

0<br />

tant positive changes in the situation in the Southeast. until the report was.prepared. Turkey aIl<strong>et</strong>atio~s. .<br />

~ ~<br />

"We can and should expect progress," the report said as its bottom had r~ècted the conditional part of S e said that Ankara had known<br />

~~ s:<br />

. . . . the ai , which was tied to "progress for some time that the report was<br />

Although the tone of the report is consi<strong>de</strong>red "lukewarm" by on human rights and the Cyprus coming and.did not expect it to ~<br />

'i:l<br />

::tl<br />

diplomatic observers, particularly in comparison to the 1994 Annual .question." . change relatIons b<strong>et</strong>ween the two<br />

On C~rus, the report em~asizes countries..<br />

00- ~<br />

Human Rights Report; it still criticizes Turkey for not supplement- '<br />

the Tur sh Cypriots' and kara's ''Turkey is a very important ~<br />

aIlt in<br />

=<br />

ing its militaryapproach to the Southeast problem with a civil<br />

,<br />

re~ated attempts to implement the what is a difficult part of the wor d,"<br />

tJ:j<br />

approach.<br />

"In combatting the PKK, the government of Turkey's approach U. . Confi<strong>de</strong>nce Bûilding Measures. she said. . .<br />

i<br />

~<br />

has been largely military. Alone,this cannot succeed," the report It notes that Prime MinIster Tansu "We are commiited to Turkey's<br />

52<br />

says: "Turkey needs to combine this with a civil approach to the Çiller is committed to "work toward security in the interests of both the<br />

0:<br />

a solution to the Cyprus problem." United States and Turkey."<br />

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