Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris


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Turkish Daily News<br />

.<br />

SATURDAY,MAY27,I995,<br />

Tehran sees breakthrough in<br />

.. .1 . _....<br />

500,000 Iraqi Kurds its relations with Baghdad ,<br />

.<br />

Reuters<br />

face starvation<br />

Khorram said earlier on Thursday<br />

NICOSIA- Iran said talks this . that a tentative accord on the thorny<br />

week had led to a breakthrou<br />

8 h in issue ofrisoners left over from eight ~<br />

ties with itsarch-enemy Ira d al? .that years 0 war was reached but mad~<br />

'We have food rations in ~.<br />

our stores for only one I:rarations for a Baïhda VISItby no mention of plans for a VelayatI<br />

's foreigri minister adbeen com.<br />

month. l doubt that our<br />

visit. Un<strong>de</strong>r the draft agreement on .<br />

pl<strong>et</strong>ed. . , . . &risoners of war from the 1980.88<br />

food distribution program : "Preparat!o~s for th~ VlSlt of an-Ira~ war, the two si<strong>de</strong>s were to<br />

for the coming summer<br />

foreign MInIster (All Akbar) study <strong>et</strong>ailed lists of sol,diers<br />

Velayati to Baghdad have ... been .believed to have been taken pnsoner.<br />

period will be financed' ma<strong>de</strong>," Deputy Foreign Minister by the other si<strong>de</strong>, Khorram ad<strong>de</strong>d, .<br />

Agence France Presse .<br />

Hossein Sheikholeslam, wasfoted His visit was wi<strong>de</strong>ly seenasEart of<br />

. ERBn:.. About 500,000 Iraqi Kur~s could face by Tehran radio as sayi~g, He. .d not an Iranian camp~n to woo riends<br />

starvation if international donors fall to Pw for<br />

gIve a date for the VISIt,the fIrst by to break out of a .S.-imposed isola-<br />

food aid to northeriI Iraq, officials from the. odd<br />

an Iranian foreign minister since the tion espeCially after Presi<strong>de</strong>nt Bill<br />

Food Programme (WF?) w'!I1ledThursday. (<br />

1979 Islamic revolution. Clinton's ban this month on U.S.<br />

"We have food ratIons In our stores for only<br />

Important steps had been take~ to tra<strong>de</strong> and investment in Iran.<br />

improve ties b<strong>et</strong>ween the two nelghone<br />

month. I doubt that our food distribution frobors<br />

during talks, in Baghda~ by a~<br />

Iranian newspapers have in the last<br />

~ramme for. the coming summer period wH be few dar been tryinî to convince the<br />

Iranian <strong>de</strong>legatIOn, he saId. Ah bulk 0<br />

manced," P<strong>et</strong>er Forster northern coordinator for Iranians sti I hostile to Iraq<br />

Khorram, a senior advisor to<br />

the UN group told AFP,. . • ."<br />

after its 1980 invasion that reconcili-<br />

Velayati, visited Baghdad at the head<br />

"If that is the case we wIll have to stop It, he<br />

ation with Baghdad was possible.<br />

of an II-member mission. An Iraqi Khorram said the accord, y<strong>et</strong> to be<br />

ad<strong>de</strong>d. "People are so h~ngry ~d <strong>de</strong>sperate that <strong>de</strong>legation would soon visit Iran to<br />

they have started <strong>de</strong>stroYIn~ theIr concr<strong>et</strong>e houses<br />

a~proved by bothsi<strong>de</strong>s, could solve<br />

contInue the talks, Skeikholeslam t e long-standing conflict over 'Yar<br />

to sell iron bars and blocks. ' . ad<strong>de</strong>d, prisoners, one of several outstandmg<br />

Lack of fundshave already forced the WFP to . Velayati was quoted by Iran' s Issues from the <strong>de</strong>vastating war.<br />

cu~ the number ofdOàple receiving monthly food news a~ency IRNA as saying the two Tehran <strong>de</strong>mandsthat Baghdad<br />

ratIOnsfrom 471,0 to 350,000. , . countrIes should "broa<strong>de</strong>n their should free thO\~sands of prisoners.<br />

Despe~~tepare~ts have offered their children to mutual relations". He ma<strong>de</strong> no refer- Baghdad <strong>de</strong>nies holding any<br />

rich famIlieshopmg they rrnght be fed, and some enœ to a visit to Iraq. Iranians.. ..<br />

have even had to be st~ped<br />

from poisoning their<br />

offspring, Kurdish of Icials and resi<strong>de</strong>nts told<br />

AFP.<br />

. "What we distributed last month did not cover<br />

the basic needs, nor did it the month before,"<br />

LE MONDE - 27 mai 1995<br />

Abdirahrnan Meygag, head of the Erbil branch of<br />

the WFP, said.<br />

Necim Omar Surtshi, secr<strong>et</strong>ary of the<br />

Conservative Party of Kurdistan(CPK), said some<br />

p'arents had offered their children to rich families<br />

,'not as slaves, but in the hope that rich people will<br />

• TURQUIE: vingt à trente refeed<br />

them," belles kur<strong>de</strong>s ont 4!t4!.tués <strong>et</strong><br />

In Beneslawa, in the Erb~l ~overno~ate, ~athers une qüarantaine interpellés au,<br />

had been stopped from kIllIng theIr chIldren cours <strong>de</strong> plusieurs opérations mi-<br />

because they could not feed them, resi<strong>de</strong>~ts said,.<br />

Iitaires, mercredi 24 mai, dans ..<br />

Neciba Azid 37 a mother of three children SItdifférentes<br />

sources.<br />

l'est <strong>et</strong> .le sud-est du pays, selon<br />

ting in an emtty house in Beneslawa, <strong>de</strong>scribed .Par ailleurs, au moins sept per ..<br />

her family's p 'ght. "For the last threemonths we sonnes sont mortes, jeudi 25 mai,<br />

have been livrng on bread'and water ..<br />

lprs <strong>de</strong> l'explosion d'une bombe:<br />

There were many days when we had nothing to près d'une école primaire dans l~<br />

eat" she said. She andother women confIrmed centre-ville. <strong>de</strong> Batman, dans Ie:<br />

that some parents offered their children to wealthy . sud-est <strong>de</strong> la Turquie. - (AFP'<br />

~eople to work for food. ~aci Hamma Ali R~a,<br />

. 0, said he had only, SUrvIved s~ .far by se~IIng<br />

almost all his posseSSIOns:a televlSlon, a refriger-.<br />

ator and mattresses.. .<br />

"People have no h0e.e. There' s no work, we<br />

own no land" he said. Som<strong>et</strong>imes th? don't see<br />

i<br />

any' other s~lution than g<strong>et</strong>ting rid 0 their own<br />

children. In their eyes, killin~s<br />

sending them into the town tog."<br />

still b<strong>et</strong>ter then<br />

Reuter.)<br />

"<br />


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