Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris


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.US on PKK: 'We believe in re<strong>de</strong>mption'<br />

By Ugur Alanel! TurlcishDai/yN~ws<br />

WASHINGTON- A senior U.S. State Department official,<br />

reacting to ~e news that Abdullah ÔCalan, lea<strong>de</strong>r of the out~<br />

lawed Kurdistan W~r~ers' P!'flY(PKK) has offered a ceasef~<br />

and asked for a politIcal solution to the ll-year-old terrorts't<br />

bloodbath in the southeastern Turkey, said "we believe in<br />

re<strong>de</strong>mption."<br />

",'<br />

. ~t:nasked to elaborate further, the official repeated' tlIat<br />

Dev-Sol and PKK were terrorist organizations and"'we don't<br />

talk to, terro~st organiza~ions." But he also mentioned AI-<br />

Fatah. 'We did not (leal WIththem when they were involved in<br />

terror."<br />

Th~ officiaI ad<strong>de</strong>d that when Yasser Arafat had renounced<br />

terronsm, the U.S. had also changed its position. If someday<br />

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the PKK and Dev-Sol als.prenouhced terror and<br />

became peaceful, the US attitu<strong>de</strong> might also<br />

change, lie'said.<br />

When th~ Turkish Daily News asked what<br />

~oul~ constitute. such a drastic change in orgamzational<br />

behavI~r, the official said that,"that is<br />

not a hard questIon to answer. Actions count<br />

not words.<br />

'<br />

You know Jwhen a' terrorist organization<br />

renounces terrorism]."<br />

Turkey ~n Tuesday dismissed the PKK's call<br />

for ceaseflre. and negotiations. Government<br />

~pokesm!ll YIldmm Aktuna said "our struggle<br />

IS not WIth the Kurdish people. It is with the<br />

PKK terrorist.organiz~tion, .and th~ armed strUggle<br />

.agal~st this terronsm wIll contInue until terror<br />

ISfimshed."<br />

Rival Iraqi Kurdish factions to<br />

hold special parliament session<br />

Agence France Presse<br />

b<strong>et</strong>ween the two si<strong>de</strong>s locked in a bitter<br />

SALAHADIN, Iraq- Rival Kurdish factions<br />

are to hold a special me<strong>et</strong>ing of parliaenues<br />

since May 1994. About 2,000 have<br />

struggle over power-sharing and tax revment<br />

to extend its mandate in the absence of died according to Kurdish estimates.<br />

planned elections put off because of violent<br />

Necim Omar Surtshi, the head of the<br />

fighting, Kurdish sources said<br />

Wednesday.<br />

Kurdistan Conservative Party told AFP the<br />

The Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP)<br />

two si<strong>de</strong>s had aweed to the me<strong>et</strong>ing "to prevent<br />

the crumbling of the <strong>de</strong>mocratic exper-<br />

and the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK)<br />

share power in the parliament elected in iment."<br />

1992 In Kurdish-controlled northern Iraq, The session will be held on neutral<br />

but which is not internationally recognized.<br />

PUK-controlled Arbil, where the parliament<br />

ground in the village of Daraben, b<strong>et</strong>ween<br />

Saturday's special assembly, the first this is based, and KDP-controlled Salahadin,<br />

year, is expected to extend parliament's Surtshi said.<br />

mandate for a year. Elections had been Kurdish factions took control of northern<br />

scheduled in June, but have been ma<strong>de</strong> Iraq after Baghdad's <strong>de</strong>feat by a US-led<br />

impossible by the continued clashes coalition in the 1991 GulfWar.<br />

-~~~-~------~-~-----~--~---<br />

,----------------------------------------------,<br />

.-<br />


Ankara veut une pacification<br />

<strong>de</strong> la frontière<br />

m La Turquie tente <strong>de</strong> convaincre les États-Un'Is <strong>de</strong> la nécessité.<br />

d'un .. plan <strong>de</strong> paix .. dans le nord <strong>de</strong> l'Irak, en complément- <strong>de</strong>,<br />

"opération Provi<strong>de</strong> Comfort, a déclaré le numéro <strong>de</strong>ux turc, Oz<strong>de</strong>m<br />

Sanberk.C<strong>et</strong>te déclaration Intervient alors qu'une délégation amé-<br />

'lcalne dirigée par Mark Parris, spécialiste du Proche-Orient au<br />

ponsell national <strong>de</strong> sécurité, était à Ankara pour rencontrer .ë:tes<br />

~esponsables turcs. Après la vaste opération militaire qu'elle a thenée<br />

dans le nord <strong>de</strong> l'Irak contre les bases <strong>de</strong>s rebelles du Parti<br />

<strong>de</strong>s, travailleurs kur<strong>de</strong>s (PKK), la Turquie cherche une formule lui<br />

perm<strong>et</strong>tant <strong>de</strong> rendre sa frontière Imperméable aux infiltrations <strong>de</strong>s<br />

séparatistes kur<strong>de</strong>s. D'autre part, au moins huit personnes, dont' un<br />

~nfant, ont été tuées hier par l'explosion d'une bombe près d'~e<br />

écol~ primair&.àB/ltm~n d,OS le sud-est du pays.<br />

'-------,------------------------<br />

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---.J<br />


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