Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris


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URD<br />

DE PARIS<br />

<strong>Bull<strong>et</strong>in</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>liaison</strong> <strong>et</strong> <strong>d'information</strong><br />

I N° 122-123 I<br />

Mai-Juin 1995

Ce bull<strong>et</strong>in parait en français, allemand, anglais,<br />

~ur<strong>de</strong>, espagnol <strong>et</strong> turc.<br />

Prix au numéro: France: 30 FF - Etranger: 35 FF<br />

Abonnement annuel (12 numéros) France: 300 FF - Etranger: 350 FF<br />

Directeur<br />

Périodique mensuel<br />

<strong>de</strong> la publication : Mohamad HASSAN<br />

Numéro <strong>de</strong> la Commission Paritaire: 659 15 A.S.<br />

ISSN 0761 1285<br />

INSTITUT KURDE, 106, rue La Fay<strong>et</strong>te - 75010 PARIS<br />

Tél. : (1) 48 24 64 64 - Fax: 47 70 99 04

















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'ACTUALITÉ en Turquie <strong>de</strong> ces<br />

<strong>de</strong>ux mois a été dominée par les<br />

interventions fracassantes <strong>de</strong><br />

Süleyman Demirel. Le prési<strong>de</strong>nt<br />

turc, qui a évoqué la question<br />

kur<strong>de</strong>, n'a pas hésité à parler<br />

d'une« conspiration occi<strong>de</strong>ntale It<br />

contre la Turquie. Il a également<br />

lancé une mise en gar<strong>de</strong> tous-azimuts<br />

dans le Turkish Daily News du 3 mai,<br />

visant à la fois les Etats-Unis, la Russie <strong>et</strong><br />

l'Europe: «Ne jouez pas avec la carte<br />

kur<strong>de</strong>, restons amislt a lancé le Prési<strong>de</strong>nt<br />

turc affirmant l'existence d'un complot<br />

mondial visant à déstabiliser son pays.<br />

Habituée aux sorties médiatiques du<br />

Prési<strong>de</strong>nt, la presse n'a pas prêté beaucoup<br />

d'attention à c<strong>et</strong>te première déclaration.<br />

Mais Demirel est revenu à <strong>de</strong>ux reprises à la<br />

charge, <strong>et</strong> ce, avec seulement quelques jours<br />

d'intervalle. Il a présenté à l'opinion la<br />

<strong>de</strong>man<strong>de</strong> européenne d'amélioration <strong>de</strong>s<br />

droits <strong>de</strong> l'homme en Turquie comme une<br />

« conspiration It. Il s'agirait selon lui « <strong>de</strong>s<br />

efforts délibérés pour empêcher la Turquie<br />

d'entrer dans l'union douanièrelt, sinon, d'une<br />

réactualisation pure <strong>et</strong> simple du Traité <strong>de</strong><br />

Sèvres qui, en 1920, prévoyait la création<br />

d'un État kur<strong>de</strong>. Dans un troisième<br />

entr<strong>et</strong>ien accordé au même journal, il a<br />

expliqué que « c<strong>et</strong>te année It le PKK serait<br />

écrasé militairement. « Ne vous sentez pas<br />

coupables vis-à-vis <strong>de</strong> l'Europe It a-t-il ajouté,<br />

« c'est l'Europe qui est coupable <strong>de</strong> n'avoir pas<br />

soutenu notre lutte contre le terrorisme It.<br />

« N'envisagez pas un dialogue ou une solution<br />

politique avec les séparatistes, sinon, vous<br />

allez avoir une réaction du nationalisme tUIt<br />

<strong>et</strong> le pays <strong>de</strong>viendrait ingtrable It a-t-il averti,<br />

probablement à l'intention du gouvernement.<br />

Fina-Iement, en s'adressant à<br />

l'Europe, le prési<strong>de</strong>nt a expliqué que la<br />

Turquie ne pourrait se contenter d'un<br />

strapontin: «les Turcs ne peuvent accepter<br />

d'être poussés à c<strong>et</strong>te limite, s'ils le <strong>de</strong>venaien~<br />

les dégâts seraient très difficile à répartrlt (cf.<br />

les p.14-17, 60 <strong>et</strong> 80 <strong>de</strong> notre <strong>Bull<strong>et</strong>in</strong>)<br />

Probablement encouragé par ces<br />

déclarations surprenantes du Prési<strong>de</strong>nt <strong>de</strong>

• 2 • <strong>Bull<strong>et</strong>in</strong> ,le <strong>liaison</strong> <strong>et</strong> ,1'ill!onnCltiOll nU 122-123 • 1\1"i-)IIill 1995<br />

la République, l'un <strong>de</strong>s ministres turcs,<br />

M.Gök<strong>de</strong>mir, affilié à l'extrême-droite <strong>et</strong><br />

connu dans les années 70 sous le:sobriqu<strong>et</strong><br />

d'«Ayvaz le Commando», s'est senti libre <strong>de</strong><br />

qualifier les trois députées européennes,<br />

Mmes. Claudia Roth, Catherine Lalumière<br />

<strong>et</strong> Pauline Green, en mission officielle en<br />

Turquie, <strong>de</strong> «prostituées». C<strong>et</strong>te remarque,<br />

qui a scandalisé les parlementaires<br />

européens dans leur ensemble (<strong>et</strong> une<br />

partie <strong>de</strong> la presse turque), a suscité<br />

l'extrême-droite en Turquie, mais a comblée<br />

<strong>et</strong> embarrassé le gouvernement turc, dirigé<br />

par une femme ! Les excuses officielles du<br />

Premier ministre Çiller ont quelque peu<br />

apaisé les réactions, mais le ministre en<br />

question n'a accepté à présenter <strong>de</strong>s excuses<br />

qu'à <strong>de</strong>mi-mot <strong>et</strong> sans exprimer le moindre<br />

regr<strong>et</strong> : « si cela peut les soulager, je leur<br />

présente mes excuses pour ce malentendu».<br />

Sans renoncer aux poursuites judiciaires<br />

éventuelles, les députés européennes ont<br />

regr<strong>et</strong>té, par la voix <strong>de</strong> Mme. Pauline<br />

Green, l'absence <strong>de</strong> sanction contre ce<br />

ministre qui, à la faveur d'un remanie-ment<br />

gouvernemental a même gagné du galon<br />

Alliée <strong>de</strong> fait avec l'extrême droite, Mme.<br />

Çiller a dû se contenter <strong>de</strong> l'explication<br />

scandaleuse que lui a donnée son ministre.<br />

Selon c<strong>et</strong>te explication citée par le quotidien<br />

Cumhuriy<strong>et</strong>, le ministre aurait déclaré: «je<br />

n'ai pas dit 'prostituée' mais 'putain' <strong>et</strong> le public<br />

turc m'approuve»,<br />

D'autres dignitaires turcs ont soutenu<br />

explicitement ou implicitement ce politicien<br />

malotru. Hûsam<strong>et</strong>tin Cindoruk, prési<strong>de</strong>nt<br />

<strong>de</strong> l'Assemblée turque, réputé plus sérieux,<br />

s'est déclar~ solidaire <strong>de</strong> Gök<strong>de</strong>mir. Les<br />

parleinentaires européens auraient, selon<br />

lui, .« provoqué <strong>de</strong>s réactions justifiées du côté<br />

turc ». Enfin, le prési<strong>de</strong>nt Demirel, a fait<br />

preuve d'égards particuliers envers ce<br />

ministre, en l'incluant dans sa délégation<br />

officielle en visite au Kazakhstan.<br />




E Parlement européen a adopté,<br />

le 15 juin 1995, une résolution<br />

réaffirmant « son opposition à<br />

l'Union douanière avec la Turquie<br />

tant que les députés kur<strong>de</strong>s restent<br />

en prison <strong>et</strong> que les droits du<br />

peuple kur<strong>de</strong> ne sont pas<br />

reconnus ». De son côté, la<br />

Commission européenne <strong>de</strong>s droits <strong>de</strong><br />

l'Homme a considéré que les requêtes<br />

présentées en juin 1994 par <strong>de</strong>s députés<br />

kur<strong>de</strong>s contre l'État turc étaient<br />

recevables, à la lumière <strong>de</strong> l'article 6 <strong>de</strong> la<br />

Convention européenne <strong>de</strong>s droits <strong>de</strong><br />

l'Homme. En ce qui concerne la violation<br />

d'autres dispositions <strong>de</strong> la Convention par<br />

les autorités turques, la Commission<br />

réserve son jugement à l'épuisement <strong>de</strong>s<br />

recours internes, notamment au verdict <strong>de</strong><br />

la Cour <strong>de</strong> cassation turque, saisie par les<br />

députés. Avant <strong>de</strong> déférer c<strong>et</strong>te affaire<br />

<strong>de</strong>vant la Cour européenne <strong>de</strong>s droits <strong>de</strong><br />

l'homme, dont la Turquie reconnaît la<br />

compétence, la Commission propose aux<br />

<strong>de</strong>ux parties <strong>de</strong> chercher «un règlement à<br />

l'amiable» qui, dans le contexte turc<br />

actuel, paraît improbable.<br />

En attèndant, un autre organe du Conseil<br />

<strong>de</strong> l'Europe, son Assemblée parlementaire,<br />

a <strong>de</strong> nouveau «exigé la libération <strong>de</strong>s<br />

députés emprisonnés pour délit d'opinion».<br />

Mais les autorités turques se réfugient<br />

<strong>de</strong>rrière «l'indépendance <strong>de</strong> la justice» <strong>de</strong><br />

leur pays pour opposer une fin <strong>de</strong> non<br />

recevoir à ces «appels» <strong>et</strong> «exigences»<br />

d'autant que les gouvernements<br />

occi<strong>de</strong>ntaux ne semblent guère leur en<br />

tenir rigueur.<br />

Cependant le sort <strong>de</strong>s députés kur<strong>de</strong>s<br />

emprisonnés continue d'émouvoir<br />

l'opinion publique. En janvier <strong>de</strong>s députés<br />

norvégiens issus <strong>de</strong> tous les partis<br />

politiques représentés au Parlement<br />

avaient proposé la candidature <strong>de</strong> Leyla<br />

lana pour le prochain Prix Nobel <strong>de</strong> la<br />

Paix. Pour soutenir c.<strong>et</strong>te initiative Mme.<br />

Danielle Mitterrand s'est rendùe, début<br />

mai, à Oslo où elle a rencontré <strong>de</strong><br />

nombreuses personnalités. Au cours d'une<br />

conférence <strong>de</strong> presse donnée au Parlement<br />

norvégien elle a déclaré que: «le choix <strong>de</strong><br />

Mme. Zana constituerait, pour le Prix<br />

Nobel, une gran<strong>de</strong> ouverture vers le mondé<br />

musulman, Leyla Zan a étant à la fois<br />

femme, musulmane mais laïque <strong>et</strong> élue du<br />

peuple». Elle a également ajouté que trois<br />

lauréats du prix Nobel <strong>de</strong> la paix, Oscar<br />

Arias Sanchez (1987), Adolfo PeJez<br />

Esquivel (1980) <strong>et</strong> B<strong>et</strong>ty Williams (1976)<br />

soutenaient c<strong>et</strong>te <strong>de</strong>man<strong>de</strong>.<br />


Il /22-12;. \/Ili-/llill l'J'J, Hlll/ll'Il tic lilli,oll er tI'i"JO""ll1io". j.<br />



NTERVENANT <strong>de</strong>vant le Congrès<br />

juif Mondial à New York, le<br />

prési<strong>de</strong>nt Clinton a annoncé le 30<br />

avril une interdiction totale<br />

d'échanges commerciaux <strong>de</strong>s<br />

États-Unis avec l'Iran <strong>et</strong> d'investissements<br />

américains dans ce<br />

pays. Le len<strong>de</strong>main, au cours<br />

d'une conférence <strong>de</strong> presse donnée à<br />

Washington, le Secrétaire d'État américain<br />

a déclaré à l'intention <strong>de</strong> ses alliés ainsi<br />

que <strong>de</strong> la Russie <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong> la Chine qu'«il ny<br />

avais plus d'excuses pour maintenir <strong>de</strong>s<br />

relations commerciales avec le régime<br />

islamiste <strong>de</strong> Téhéran~. Le Secrétaire d'État<br />

a appelé les nations alliées à «arrêter tous<br />

leurs crédits qui perm<strong>et</strong>tent d l'Iran <strong>de</strong><br />

divertir les maigres ressources du pays vers<br />

<strong>de</strong>s programmes militaires <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong> soutenir le<br />

terrorisme~.<br />

Selon M. Christopher «nran constitue une<br />

menace majeure aux intérêts américains <strong>et</strong> d<br />

la sécurité internationale~. 11a estimé que<br />

«malgré une crise économique intérieure,<br />

l'Iran dépense chaque année plusieurs<br />

centaines <strong>de</strong> millions <strong>de</strong> dollars pour fournir<br />

en armes <strong>de</strong>s équipements, <strong>de</strong> l'entraînement<br />

<strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong> l'ai<strong>de</strong> financière aux groupes<br />

radicaux~. 11 a affirmé que «Téhéran<br />

cherchait tout spécialement d se procurer la<br />

technologie <strong>de</strong> centrifugation gazeuse<br />

utilisée pour l'enrichissement du combustible<br />

nucléaire d usage militaire <strong>et</strong> qu'en 1992 il<br />

avait envoyé <strong>de</strong>s agents au Kazakhstan pour<br />

acquérir <strong>de</strong> l'uranium enrichi. Nous sommes<br />

déterminés d arrêter les Iraniens <strong>et</strong> pour que<br />

les autres nations ne se servent pas comme<br />

excuse <strong>de</strong> notre commerce avec l'Iran pour<br />

accor<strong>de</strong>r à ce pays <strong>de</strong>s crédits ou d'autres<br />

facilités susceptibles <strong>de</strong> le renforcer, nous<br />

cessons tous nos échanges commerciaux avec<br />

l'Iran~, a conclu M. Christopher.<br />

C<strong>et</strong>te prise <strong>de</strong> position radicale <strong>de</strong><br />

Washington est intervenue une semaine<br />

avant la visite <strong>de</strong> M. Clinton à Moscou où il<br />

a <strong>de</strong>mandé à nouveau au prési<strong>de</strong>nt Eltsine<br />

<strong>de</strong> revenir sur la vente <strong>de</strong> l'Iran <strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong>ux<br />

réacteurs nucléaires <strong>de</strong> conception russe.<br />

Le commerce américain avec l'Iran reste<br />

assez mo<strong>de</strong>ste. En 1994 les ventes<br />

américaines à Téhéran étaient estimées à $<br />

326 millions. Seules les compagnies<br />

pétrolières américaines qui directement<br />

ou par le biais <strong>de</strong> leurs filières achètent<br />

environ 20% <strong>de</strong> l'or noir iranien, pour un<br />

montant <strong>de</strong> $3,5 milliards par an, seront<br />

affectées par c<strong>et</strong>te interdiction.<br />

Le gouvernement iranien a réagi avec<br />

véhémence à c<strong>et</strong>te décision américaine en<br />

affirmant que «la politique américaine au<br />

Moyen Orient est plus enfonction du soutien<br />

au régime sioniste que <strong>de</strong>s considérations<br />

<strong>de</strong>s intérêts nationaux américains~.<br />

Entr<strong>et</strong>enant un commerce prospère avec<br />

l'Allemagne, le japon, la Russie <strong>et</strong> la<br />

Chine notamment, Téhéran ne semble pas<br />

s'inquiéter outre mesure du boycott<br />

américain. Celui-ci ne pourra avoir un<br />

impact sérieux sans le soutien au moins<br />

<strong>de</strong>s pays <strong>de</strong> G7. Or ces <strong>de</strong>rniers, à<br />

commencer l'Allemagne, dont les<br />

exportations vers l'Iran s'élèvent à $ 6<br />

milliards par an, ne sont pas très chauds à<br />

l'idée d'un tel boycott. Bonn, Londres <strong>et</strong><br />

<strong>Paris</strong> ont d'ailleurs dès le 2 mai déclaré<br />

par la voix <strong>de</strong> leurs ministres <strong>de</strong>s Affaires<br />

étrangères que «l'embargo commercial n'est<br />

pas l'instrument approprié pour influencer<br />

l'opinion en Iran <strong>et</strong> susciter <strong>de</strong>s changements<br />

favorables,.. Le meilleur moyen d'y<br />

parvenir, selon le ministre allemand<br />

d'économie, M. Günter Rexrodt, est <strong>de</strong><br />

«poursuivre le dialogue politique avec l'Iran<br />

qui seul peut conduire 17ran d se comporter<br />

d'une façon responsable». Tandis que le<br />

japon, second partenaire commercial <strong>de</strong><br />

l'Iran après l'Allemagne, se réfugie dans<br />

un «wait-and-see~ pru<strong>de</strong>nt.<br />

On se souvient que malgré l'assassinat sur<br />

son territoire <strong>de</strong> plusieurs opposants<br />

démocrates iraniens, dont 4 dirigeants<br />

kur<strong>de</strong>s, Bonn avait poussé son «dialogue<br />

critique avec Téhéran~ jusqu'au point <strong>de</strong><br />

dérouler le tapis rouge pour le ministre<br />

iranien du renseignement Falahian pourtant<br />

accusé par la justice alleman<strong>de</strong> d'être<br />

le principal organisateur <strong>de</strong> ce terrorisme<br />

d'État pratiquant en plein coeur <strong>de</strong><br />

l'Europe une véritable chasse à l'homme,<br />

en toute impunité. On sait aussi que <strong>de</strong>ux<br />

autres agents iraniens réclamés par la<br />

justice suisse pour leur implication dans<br />

l'assassinat d'une personnalité iranienne<br />

ont été, à une veille <strong>de</strong> Noël, expulsés vers<br />

l'Iran par le gouvernement <strong>de</strong> M. Balladur,<br />

«dans l'intérêt supérieur <strong>de</strong> la France».<br />

Téhéran n'a donc rien à craindre d'un<br />

«dialogue critique~ avec ses principaux<br />

partenaires commerciaux. Du moins tant<br />

qu'il est en mesure <strong>de</strong> payer ses achats.<br />



IDELE parmi les alliés supposés<br />

les plus fidèles <strong>de</strong> Washington, la<br />

Turquie, malgré l'appel américain<br />

au boycott <strong>de</strong>s relations commerciales<br />

avec la République<br />

islamique, a signé le 5 mai à<br />

Ankara un accord commercial qualifié <strong>de</strong><br />

«historique~ avec l'Iran. Intervenant après<br />

<strong>de</strong>s années d'âpres négociations, c<strong>et</strong><br />

accord prévoit la fourniture par \'Iran du<br />

gaz naturel à la Turquie pour une pério<strong>de</strong><br />

<strong>de</strong> 23 ans pour un coût total <strong>de</strong> 20<br />

milliards <strong>de</strong> dollars. Pour ce faire, les<br />

<strong>de</strong>ux pays vont construire ensemble un

• 4 • <strong>Bull<strong>et</strong>in</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>liaison</strong> <strong>et</strong> d'infollllCllion 11° 122-123 • Mai-Juill 1995<br />

oléoduc Tabriz-Ankara qui perm<strong>et</strong>tra <strong>de</strong><br />

fournir dès 1998 <strong>de</strong>ux milliards <strong>de</strong> mètres<br />

cubes <strong>de</strong> gaz. Ce volume sera porté à 8<br />

milliards en 2001 avant d'atteindre en<br />

2202 le rythme <strong>de</strong> croisière <strong>de</strong> 10<br />

milliards <strong>de</strong> mètres cubes par an.<br />

Les États-Unis n'ont pas reagl<br />

publiquement à la signature <strong>de</strong> ce contrat<br />

dont la date, choisie par Téhéran, ne<br />

semble pas constituer un succès pour la<br />

diplomatie américaine engagée désormais<br />

dans une politique <strong>de</strong> «containment» du<br />

régime islamique iranien.<br />


Constatant que, selon les sources d'AFP,<br />

«la guerre au Kurdistan dans laquelle sont<br />

engagés 300.000 soldats, gendarmes <strong>et</strong><br />

policiers turcs, est actuellement l'un <strong>de</strong>s<br />

conflits les plus meurtries du mon<strong>de</strong>», les<br />

organisations <strong>de</strong>s droits <strong>de</strong> l'Homme ont<br />

<strong>de</strong>mandé au gouvernement français <strong>de</strong><br />

«conditionner toute ai<strong>de</strong> financière ou<br />

politique à Ankara au progrès réalisés par la<br />

Turquie dans la voie <strong>de</strong> la démocratie, <strong>de</strong> la<br />

libération <strong>de</strong>s prisonniers d'opinion <strong>et</strong> du<br />

dialogue en vue <strong>de</strong> règlement pacifique du<br />

problème kur<strong>de</strong>».<br />

E Premier ministre turc, Mme.<br />

Tansu Çiller qui avait salué<br />

l'élection <strong>de</strong> M. Jacques Chirac<br />

à la prési<strong>de</strong>nce <strong>de</strong> la République<br />

française, a été l'un <strong>de</strong>s premiers<br />

dirigeants du mon<strong>de</strong> à lui<br />

rendre visite, le 19 juin.<br />

Expliquant l'attachement <strong>de</strong> son<br />

pays à l'Europe <strong>et</strong> à l'Union douanière,<br />

réitérant ses promesses <strong>de</strong> démocratisation<br />

<strong>et</strong> du renforcement <strong>de</strong>s «droits<br />

individuels», le premier ministre turc s'est<br />

surtou t efforcé <strong>de</strong> justifier la<br />

condamnation <strong>de</strong>s députés kur<strong>de</strong>s <strong>et</strong> sa<br />

politique «anti-terroriste». Elle a<br />

également regr<strong>et</strong>té que « la Turquie ne<br />

dispose pas, à l'instar d'un pays comme<br />

l'Espagne avec la France, d'un voisin lui<br />

perm<strong>et</strong>tant <strong>de</strong> lutter contre le terrorisme, ce<br />

qui l'oblige à composer avec un voisinage<br />

difficile» .<br />

A l'occasion <strong>de</strong> la visite à <strong>Paris</strong> du<br />

premier ministre turc, dix organisations.<br />

humanitaires dont France-Libertés, la<br />

Ligue <strong>de</strong>s Droits <strong>de</strong> l'Homme,l'Union <strong>de</strong>s<br />

Femmes Françaises, le CIMADE, la<br />

Maison du Mon<strong>de</strong>, Agir Ensemble <strong>et</strong> Agir<br />

Ici ont <strong>de</strong>mandé au gouvernement<br />

français <strong>de</strong> revoir sa politique d'ai<strong>de</strong><br />

militaire à ce pays, car c<strong>et</strong>te ai<strong>de</strong> renforce<br />

«contre les Kur<strong>de</strong>s <strong>de</strong> Turquie une répression<br />

aussi ftroce que celle que pratique le régime<br />

<strong>de</strong> Saddam Hussein à l'encontre <strong>de</strong>s Kur<strong>de</strong>s<br />

<strong>de</strong> l'Irak». Critiquant les soucis<br />

mercantilistes à la base d'un contrat<br />

Il est encore tôt pour savoir si c<strong>et</strong> appel a<br />

portant sur la livraison <strong>de</strong> 20 hélicoptères quelques chances d'être entendu par <strong>Paris</strong>.<br />

Cougar à Ankara, ces associations ont Au <strong>de</strong>meurant, le baisemain du Prési<strong>de</strong>nt<br />

invité <strong>Paris</strong> à «suivre l'exemple <strong>de</strong> français a fait la gloire <strong>de</strong> Mme. Çiller qui<br />

l'Allemagne, l'Afrique du Sud, l'Autriche, la n'a pas hésité à assurer une large diffusion<br />

Norvège, le Danemark, la Suè<strong>de</strong> <strong>et</strong> les Pays- <strong>de</strong> c<strong>et</strong>te photo-souvenir dans les médias<br />

Bas en suspendant toute livraison d'armes <strong>et</strong> turcs afin d'améliorer son image <strong>de</strong><br />

toute assistance militaire à la Turquie». marque bien ternie en Turquie.<br />



'OPÉRATION turque au Kur- En tout cas, c<strong>et</strong>te opération en<br />

distan irakien qui avait suscité préparation <strong>de</strong>puis <strong>de</strong>s semaines, ne<br />

<strong>de</strong> vives réactions en Europe <strong>et</strong> semble pas avoir été une surprise pour le<br />

aux Etats-Unis (cf. les nO120 <strong>et</strong> PKK qui avait largement pris les <strong>de</strong>vants.<br />

121 <strong>de</strong> notre <strong>Bull<strong>et</strong>in</strong>) s'est<br />

achevée, aux premiers jours du Sur le plan diplomatique, la Turquie qui<br />

mai, par le r<strong>et</strong>rait total <strong>de</strong>s forces venait <strong>de</strong> signer l'accord sur l'Union<br />

turques <strong>et</strong> par la création d'une douanière avec l'Union européenne, est<br />

zone « tamponne » à la frontière. « Bilan parvenue à constituer un bloc contre elle,<br />

mitigé au plan politique, négatif au plan m<strong>et</strong>tant mal à l'aise ses alliés les plus<br />

diplomatique» titrait alors une dépêche fidèles, y compris les Etats-Unis qui ont<br />

<strong>de</strong> l'Agence France Presse pour évaluer dans un premier temps soutenu<br />

. c<strong>et</strong>te opération coûteuse. En eff<strong>et</strong>, selon l'opération mais durci le ton ensuite.<br />

les sources turques citées par l'Agence,<br />

555 militants du PKK (sur <strong>de</strong> 2400 à 2800 Limage <strong>de</strong> marque <strong>de</strong> la Turquie à<br />

combattants) auraient été tués <strong>et</strong> 13 l'extérieur ne s'est toutefois pas améliorée<br />

arrêtés. Les sources kur<strong>de</strong>s irakiennes, avec le r<strong>et</strong>rait <strong>de</strong>s troupes turques. En<br />

bien informées sur celle question, eff<strong>et</strong>, dès le len<strong>de</strong>main <strong>de</strong> la fin <strong>de</strong><br />

évaluent à moins d'une vingtaine <strong>de</strong> morts l'opération, le Prési<strong>de</strong>nt turc a réactualisé<br />

les pertes du PKK. Aucun bilan n'a été un thème récurrent <strong>de</strong>puis plusieurs<br />

donné concernant les pertes <strong>de</strong> l'armée. années pour évoquer la nécessité <strong>de</strong>

Il L!l-I2.$. \/"iJuill 199.> Hulk/ill tic li"i,oll ('/ tl'iIlJOIIII,,/ioll • .> •<br />

J<br />

rem<strong>et</strong>tre en cause la frontière turcoirakienne.<br />

Ii a même précisé que<br />

l'ancienne province ottomane <strong>de</strong> Mossoul<br />

(couvrant le Kurdistan irakien <strong>de</strong> nos<br />

jours) « appartenait encore à la Turquie ».<br />

C<strong>et</strong>te déclaration venant du somm<strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong><br />

l'État a suscité <strong>de</strong> nombreuses réactions<br />

hostiles, dont celles <strong>de</strong> Bagdad <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong><br />

Washington. Elle a été quelque peu<br />

rectifiée le 5 mai par le quotidien<br />

d'Istanbul Turkish Daily News, qui ajoute<br />

qu'une phrase du prési<strong>de</strong>nt n'avait pas été<br />

citée: «un tel rajustement n'était pas<br />

d'actualité dans l'immédiat ».<br />

Au vu du bilan coûteux <strong>de</strong> l'opération<br />

militaire, c<strong>et</strong>te déclaration prési<strong>de</strong>ntielle<br />

mérite réflexion. Elle est en tout cas<br />

susceptible d'expliquer la motivation<br />

cachée <strong>de</strong> la politique que la Turquie<br />

mène au Kurdistan d'Irak <strong>de</strong>puis plusieurs<br />

années. C<strong>et</strong>te politique semble être potentiellement<br />

irré<strong>de</strong>ntiste. Reste à savoir si après<br />

l'aventure chypriote <strong>de</strong> 1974, qui constitue<br />

un problème épineux dans la Méditerranée<br />

orientale, la Turquie se lancera ou non dans<br />

l'avenir dans une <strong>de</strong>uxième aventure <strong>de</strong><br />

conquête territoriale, au risque d'étendre la<br />

guerre kur<strong>de</strong> dans toute la région.<br />




ES mois <strong>de</strong> mai <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong> juin 1995<br />

ont été marqués par une<br />

recru<strong>de</strong>scence <strong>de</strong>s affrontements<br />

entre l'armée turque <strong>et</strong> les<br />

combattants du PKK. Selon les<br />

agences <strong>de</strong> presse qui, d'une<br />

manière irrégulière en font état,<br />

ces affrontements se seraient<br />

soldés par «<strong>de</strong>s centaines <strong>de</strong> morts». En<br />

raison du black-out officiel sur «les<br />

événements du Sud-Est» on ne sait<br />

combien d'entre eux ont été exécutés<br />

sommairement par telle ou telle unité<br />

militaire <strong>et</strong> combien achevés sous la<br />

torture par la police. Pour les sources<br />

officielles turques tous ces morts sont «<strong>de</strong>s<br />

terroristes du PKK», <strong>et</strong> l'armée est sur le<br />

point d'éradiquer définitivement c<strong>et</strong>te<br />

organisation. Toutefois, on constate que<br />

loin <strong>de</strong> disparaître, le PKK semble<br />

parvenir à étendre son champ d'actions,<br />

élargi désormais à la région <strong>de</strong> Dersim, à<br />

plusieurs centaines <strong>de</strong> kilomètres <strong>de</strong><br />

distance <strong>de</strong>s «zones frontalières passoires»,<br />

si souvent dénoncées par Ankara pour<br />

justifier les opérations militaires dans le<br />

Kurdistan irakien.<br />

Prenant apparemment au sérieux ses<br />

fonctions, le nouveau ministre d'État turc<br />

chargé <strong>de</strong>s droits <strong>de</strong> l'Homme, Algan<br />

Hacaloglu a expliqué, au cours d'une<br />

visite à l'<strong>Institut</strong> <strong>de</strong> mé<strong>de</strong>cine légale le 23<br />

mai, que «295 personnes non i<strong>de</strong>ntifiées<br />

avaient trouvé la mort pour <strong>de</strong>s causes non<br />

naturelles». Commentant le cas <strong>de</strong> Hasan<br />

Ocak, opposant politique dont le corps a<br />

été i<strong>de</strong>ntifié par sa famille, le ministre n'a<br />

pas exclu que la plupart <strong>de</strong>s autres<br />

personnes soient également victimes <strong>de</strong>s<br />

assassinats politiques perpétrés par <strong>de</strong>s<br />

escadrons <strong>de</strong> la mort ou dans <strong>de</strong>s centres<br />

<strong>de</strong> torture <strong>de</strong> la police.<br />

Le prédécesseur <strong>de</strong> M. Hacaloglu, qui<br />

avait dénoncé «le terrorisme d'État» avait<br />

été démissionné à la première occasion.<br />

La durée <strong>de</strong> vie ministérielle <strong>de</strong> l'actuel<br />

ministre s'annonce également précaire.<br />

Enfin la répression contre les intellectuels<br />

se poursuit également. Ainsi, le journaliste<br />

Ahm<strong>et</strong> Altan, auteur d'un texte satirique<br />

intitulé «Atakürt», qui lui avait valu son<br />

licenciement du journal MilHy<strong>et</strong>, a été<br />

traduit <strong>de</strong>vant la Cour <strong>de</strong> sûr<strong>et</strong>é <strong>de</strong> l'État<br />

d'Istanbul. I.:auteur,dont nous avions publié<br />

le texte dans l'une <strong>de</strong> nos précé<strong>de</strong>ntes<br />

livraisons, risque <strong>de</strong>ux ans <strong>de</strong> prison.<br />



ANS son étu<strong>de</strong> annuelle sur<br />

l'état <strong>de</strong> la liberté <strong>de</strong> presse à<br />

travers le mon<strong>de</strong>, rendue<br />

publique le 4 mai à Washington,<br />

l'organisation spécialisée<br />

américaine Freedom House<br />

classe la Turquie dans la<br />

catégorie <strong>de</strong>s pays n'ayant pas<br />

<strong>de</strong> presse libre. Selon c<strong>et</strong>te étu<strong>de</strong> intitulée<br />

«The Presse: Pressed and Opressed» les lois<br />

<strong>et</strong> régulations turques influencent<br />

gravement le contenu <strong>de</strong>s médias <strong>de</strong> ce<br />

pays, qui subissent également <strong>de</strong> lour<strong>de</strong>s<br />

pressions politiques. Sur le pan <strong>de</strong>s<br />

actions répressives (assassinat <strong>de</strong><br />

journalistes, auto-censure, harassement,<br />

expulsion, violence contre les journalistes<br />

<strong>et</strong> les locaux <strong>de</strong>s journaux) la presse écrite<br />

turque obtient la note <strong>de</strong> 20 sur 20, 20<br />

étant la pire <strong>de</strong>s notes, les radiotélévisions<br />

contrôlées par l'État ou par <strong>de</strong><br />

grands groupes inféodés à l'État s'en<br />

tirent, elles, avec un Il sur 20. Dans le<br />

classement général, la Turquie arrive en<br />

73ème position, loin <strong>de</strong>rrière les pays<br />

d'Amérique du Sud (Bolivie, 17ème;<br />

Argentine, 29ème), d'Europe orientale<br />

(Bulgarie, 39ème; Grèce, 26ème; Croatie,<br />

56ème) <strong>et</strong> même <strong>de</strong> nombreux pays<br />

africains (Uganda, 38ème; Burkina Faso,<br />

37ème; Madagascar, 44ème; Zimbabwe,<br />

59ème), Haiti (51 ème), l'Arménie<br />

(57ème), l'Azerbaïdjan (69ème), le<br />

Kuwait (70ème) <strong>et</strong> le Tchad (72ème) ont

• 6 • <strong>Bull<strong>et</strong>in</strong> <strong>de</strong> li{lison <strong>et</strong> {"in!ol1l1ation na 122-123 • M{li:1uin 1995<br />

selon l'étu<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> Freedom House, une<br />

presse plus libre que la Turquie qui peut<br />

se consoler <strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong>vancer les pays comme<br />

l'Iran, la Ubye, le Turkménistan, la Chine<br />



3 mai<br />

A Pasinler un enfant <strong>de</strong> neuf ans, Ercan<br />

Gökme, est mort à la suite <strong>de</strong> l'explosion<br />

d'une grena<strong>de</strong> trouvée près d'un<br />

baraquement militaire.<br />

5 mai<br />

Vehbi Deniz est assassiné à Diyarbakir par<br />

<strong>de</strong>s tueurs non i<strong>de</strong>ntifiés.<br />

9mai<br />

Hasan Ezer est assassiné à Diyarbakir par<br />

<strong>de</strong>s tueurs non i<strong>de</strong>ntifiés.<br />

Il mai<br />

A Bingöl, un enfant <strong>de</strong> huit ans, E.<br />

Bingöllü, est tué à la suite <strong>de</strong> l'explosion<br />

d'une mine.<br />

<strong>et</strong> l'Irak! Piètre consolation pour un pays<br />

membre du Conseil <strong>de</strong> l'Europe <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong><br />

l'OTAN <strong>et</strong> candidate à l'Union<br />

européenne.<br />

29 mai<br />

Fikr<strong>et</strong> Acar <strong>et</strong> Hakki Akbalik sont<br />

assassinés par <strong>de</strong>s tueurs non i<strong>de</strong>ntifiés à<br />

Diyarbakir. Le même jour, Süleyman<br />

Yalçin, enlevé dans le village <strong>de</strong> Bakacak<br />

par <strong>de</strong>s inconnus, est r<strong>et</strong>rouvé mort.<br />

1er iuin<br />

A Siirt, <strong>de</strong>s gendarmes tirent sur un bus <strong>et</strong><br />

blessent le chauffeur M<strong>et</strong>in Çelik. celui-ci<br />

perd le contröle du bus qui se renverse<br />

causant la mort <strong>de</strong> trois femmes.<br />

Siuin<br />

A Mersin, Abdullah Önen est abattu par<br />

<strong>de</strong>s tireurs non i<strong>de</strong>ntifiés.<br />

7 iuin<br />

A Kozluk, le fermier Hadi Baran, enlevé<br />

par <strong>de</strong>s inconnus, est r<strong>et</strong>rouvé mort.<br />

Il<br />

iuin<br />

Le berger Haci Ali Kemik est assassiné par<br />

<strong>de</strong>s tueurs non i<strong>de</strong>ntifiés à Siverek.<br />

Iliuin<br />

Les affrontements entre le PKK <strong>et</strong> les<br />

militaires s'intensifient. Selon <strong>de</strong>s sources du<br />

ministère turc <strong>de</strong> l'Intérieur, citées par<br />

l'Agence France-Presse, au cours <strong>de</strong>s dix<br />

premiers jours du mois, 141 combattants du<br />

PKK ont trouvé la mort lors <strong>de</strong>s<br />

affrontements avec l'armée turque; Selon la<br />

même agence, 28 autres combattants <strong>et</strong> cinq<br />

militaires auraient été tués les jours suivants.<br />

13 iuin<br />

A Siirt, Mme. Medise Tegen trquve la<br />

mort à la suite <strong>de</strong> l'explosion d'une mine.<br />

17 juin<br />

A Batman Mahmut Yildiz <strong>et</strong> Hasan Ilter<br />

sont assassinés par <strong>de</strong>s tueurs non<br />

i<strong>de</strong>ntifiés. Le même jour, Enver Özcan<br />

trouve la mort à la suite <strong>de</strong> l'explosion<br />

d'une bombe. .<br />

14 mai<br />

Haci Sems<strong>et</strong>tin est tué à Mardin par <strong>de</strong>s<br />

tueurs non i<strong>de</strong>ntifiés.<br />


15 mai<br />

Abdülkerim Kaya, 60 ans, enlevé le 13<br />

mai, est r<strong>et</strong>rouvé mort près du village<br />

Isik<strong>de</strong>re.<br />

16 mai<br />

A Dargeçit, Yusuf Çelik, conducteur <strong>de</strong><br />

tracteur, est tué par l'explosion d'une<br />

mme.<br />

28 mai<br />

Süleyman Kaplan, arrêté <strong>de</strong>ux jours<br />

auparavant par <strong>de</strong>s inconnus, a été<br />

r<strong>et</strong>rouvé mort.<br />




OCCIDENTALE ». (Svenska Dagensbla<strong>de</strong>t,<br />

13 avril 1995), p. 1-3.<br />



(Turkish Daily News, 1er avril 1995), p. 4.<br />




(Journal officiel <strong>de</strong>s Communautés<br />

européennes, 6 avrilI99S), p. 5-7.<br />





La délégation <strong>de</strong> l'OSCE <strong>de</strong>man<strong>de</strong> la<br />

libération <strong>de</strong>s députés du DEP. (Turkish<br />

DailyNews, 2 mai 1995), p. 7-8.<br />


Prison nO 5 » <strong>de</strong> Mehdi lANA. (Cambio<br />

16, 1er mai 1995), p. 9-11.

Il 122-12). \llliJuill 199.> Bul/c/ill tic li(/i\oll c/ tI'ill)(IIIII(I/ioll .7.<br />




(International Herald Tribune, 2 mai 1995),<br />

p.13-14.<br />




2 mai 1995), p. 13.<br />




RESTONS AMIS ~. (Turkish Daily News, 3<br />

mai 1995), p. 14-18.<br />



Daily News, 2 mai 1995), p. 19.<br />



LE NORD DE nRAK. (Turkish Daily<br />

News,3 mai 1995), p. 20.<br />


RENVOYÉS A ISTANBUL (L'Humanité, 3<br />

mai 1995), p. 21.<br />




ALLIES. (International Herald Tribune, 3<br />

mai 1995), p. 21-22.<br />



[IRAK. (Libre Belgique, 3 mai 1995), p.<br />

23.<br />



AVEC LA TURQUIE. (AFP, 4 mai 1995),<br />

p.23.<br />




3 mai 1995), p. 24.<br />



[IRAK. (Le Mon<strong>de</strong>, 4 mai 1995), p. 24.<br />



KURDES. (Aftenposten, 3 mai 1995), p.<br />

25.<br />




mai 1995), p. 26.<br />


EMPRISONNÉE. (LHumanité, 5 mai<br />

1995), p. 27.<br />



LALLEMAGNE. Lopération turque en<br />

Irak: bilan mitigé au plan militaire,<br />

négatif au plan diplomatique. (AFP, 4 mai<br />

1995), p. 28-29.<br />




KARS. (Gamk, 4 mai 1995), p. 30.<br />



mai 1995), p. 31.<br />




CONTRE LE PKK. (Turkish Daily News, 4<br />

mai 1995), p. 31.<br />



DE ŒUROPE, Le ministre <strong>de</strong> la justice<br />

empêche le procureur d'engager un procès<br />

contre Kemal. LE DÉPARTEMENT D'ÉTAT<br />



(Turkish Daily News, 4 mai 1995), p. 32-33.<br />


DE [IRAK SE TERMINE, Déclaration<br />

officielle du ministère <strong>de</strong> la défense. (Neue<br />

Zürcher Zeitung, 5 mai 1995), p. 54.<br />



IRAK DU NORD. (AFP, 5 mai 1995), p.<br />

35.<br />


nRAK EST ACHEVÉ. (International<br />

Herald Tribune, 5 mai 1995), p. 35.<br />




DIYARBAKIR, Les dirigeants du HADEP<br />

mis en accusation <strong>et</strong> arrêtés. ALORS QUE<br />




TINUE. La remarque incorrectement citée<br />

<strong>de</strong> Demirel provoque une tempête, LE<br />



discussion sur la sécurité frontalière avec<br />

la Turquie. ruPK choisit la diplomatie<br />

dans son approche au PKK. (Turkish Daily<br />

News, 5 mai 1995), p. 36-39.<br />



DE DOLLARS A LA TURQUIE, classée<br />

l'un <strong>de</strong>s «dix grands marchés<br />

émergeants~, la Turquie, 32ème cliente<br />

<strong>de</strong>s Etats-Unis en 1994 a ach<strong>et</strong>é l'année<br />

<strong>de</strong>rnière 2,75 milliards <strong>de</strong> dollars <strong>de</strong><br />

marchandises aux Etats-Unis <strong>et</strong> exporté<br />

vers ce pays pour un montant <strong>de</strong> 1,6<br />

milliards <strong>de</strong> dollars. (Turkish Daily News,<br />

6 mai 1995), p. 39.<br />


La Turquie el l'Irak discutent <strong>de</strong> la<br />

sécurité frontalière. (Turkish Probe, 5 mai<br />

1995), p. 40-41.<br />


New York Times, 6 mai 1995), p. 42.<br />



cour ajourne le procès <strong>de</strong> Kemal <strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong>ux<br />



«PROBLÈME KURDE~, La Turquie signe

.8. <strong>Bull<strong>et</strong>in</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>liaison</strong> <strong>et</strong> ,l'infonnlltion na 122-123 • Mai-Juin 1995<br />

avec j'Iran un accord <strong>de</strong> 20 mitriards <strong>de</strong><br />

dollars d'achat du pétrole. Selon l'étatmajor<br />



représentant européen <strong>de</strong> l'ERNK cause<br />

un mal <strong>de</strong> tête à la Gran<strong>de</strong> Br<strong>et</strong>agne. -<br />




TORTURE. (Turkish Daily News, 06 mai<br />

1995), p. 43-46.<br />


TURCS CONTRE LÉTAT, Le procès à<br />

l'encontre <strong>de</strong> Yachar Kemal. (Neue Zür:cher<br />

Zeitung, 6.7 maiJ995), p. 47.<br />



SA PROMESSE », La Russie <strong>et</strong> l'Iran<br />

parviennent à un accord sur la<br />

technologie nucléaire. (Turkish Daily<br />

News, 7 mai 1995), p, 48.<br />


DANS LE NORD DE IJRAK. (Le Mon<strong>de</strong>, 6<br />

mai 1995), p. 48.<br />

LE PDK IRAKIEN: AVEC 20.000<br />



TURQUE. Ankara élabore un plan <strong>de</strong><br />

travail pour ses relations avec l'Europe. -<br />




(Turkish Daily News, 8 mai 1995), p. 49-<br />

50.<br />




TURQUIE. (Assemblée nationale, 8 mai<br />

1995), p. 51.<br />




TURQUIE? (Turkish Daily News, 8 mai<br />

1995), p. 53.<br />


PKK, NIE AVOIR ÉTÉ TUÉ. (Libération, 9'<br />

mai 1995), p. 53.<br />



Zürcher Zeitung, 9 mai 1995), p. 54.<br />



INTERNATIONALE. (AFP, 8 mai 1995),<br />

p.55.<br />



. TORTURES. (Turkish Daily News, 9 mai<br />

1995), p. 55.<br />




(Turkish Daily'News, 8 mai 1995), p. 56.<br />




compagnies américaines restent à la<br />

maison. Une fois les sanctions levées,<br />

l'Irak pourrait <strong>de</strong>venir le facteur le plus<br />

important <strong>et</strong> le plus imprévisible du<br />

marché pétrolière. (International Herald<br />

Tribune,9 mai 1995), p. 57.<br />


DE CHIRAC. Selon la CIA: Turquie <strong>et</strong><br />

Iran interviendraient dans le cas <strong>de</strong> la<br />

création d'un État kur<strong>de</strong>. (Turkish Daily<br />

News, 10 mai 1995), p. 58.<br />

MESSIEURS LES JUGES ... Par Yachar<br />

Kemal. (Libération, 10 mai 1995), p. 59.<br />



ZANA. Des associations pacifistes<br />

alleman<strong>de</strong>s lui décernent le prix <strong>de</strong> la Paix<br />

d'Aix-la Chapelle. (AFP, 8 mai 1995), p.<br />

52.<br />



LE. (Turkish Daily News, 10 mai 1995), p.<br />

60.<br />




A RÉPONDRE; Mais en signe <strong>de</strong> bonne<br />

volonté Ankara signe <strong>de</strong>ux protocoles à la<br />

Convention européenne <strong>de</strong> prévention <strong>de</strong> la<br />

torture. (AFP, 10-11 mai 1995), p. 61.<br />


(InfaMatin, II mai 1995), p. 62.<br />



DE IJRAK. (Le Mon<strong>de</strong>, II mai 1995), p.<br />

63.<br />



Zürcher Zeitung, 12 mai 1995), p. 63.<br />





ARMES. (International Herald Tribune, 15<br />

mai 1995), p. 64.<br />



DEUX. (AFP, 15 mai 1995), p. 65-66.<br />


campagne' <strong>de</strong> soutien a permis à l'armée<br />

turque d'amasser l'équivalent <strong>de</strong> 470<br />

millions <strong>de</strong> francs. (La Croix, 13 mai<br />

1995), p. 66.<br />




LA TURQUIE. (Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 18<br />

mai 1995), p. 67-68.<br />



(Le Mon<strong>de</strong>, 18 mai 1995), p. 68.<br />




COÛT. (Turkish Daily News, 18 mai<br />

1995), p. 69.

Il 122-/23. \lt/;:/II;II 199.> BIIIIc/;1I cie ';t/;\IIII c/ cI';II/lInrlC//;Ol/ .9.<br />

.-<br />



VIOLENTES, [éditorialiste Altan mis en<br />

accusation pour un texte satirique sur le<br />

problème kur<strong>de</strong>, AMNESTY<br />




Lexpérience kur<strong>de</strong> en Irak sur le point <strong>de</strong><br />

s'effondre. (Turkish Daily News, 18 mai<br />

1995), p. 70-71.<br />



AU KURDISTAN, par Kendal Nezan,<br />

Ismail Besikçi : une vie <strong>de</strong> droiture <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong><br />

cachot. (Le Mon<strong>de</strong> diplomatique, mai<br />

1995), p. 72-75.<br />


(Turkish Probe, 19.5.1995), p. 76-78.<br />



Michael Lake: <strong>de</strong> futurs progrès dans<br />

l'Union douanière dépen<strong>de</strong>nt <strong>de</strong>s droits <strong>de</strong><br />

l'homme. (Turkish Daily News, 19 mai<br />

1995), p. 78-79.<br />





SYSTÈME, Une délégation américaine à<br />


ACCUSE SES GEÔLIERS. (Turkish Daily<br />

News, 22 mai 1995), p. 80-81.<br />



SÉPARATISME », [ambassa<strong>de</strong>ur irakien:<br />

« le malentendu fait partie du passé;<br />

Bagdad veut <strong>de</strong>s relations fortes avec la<br />

Turquie ». (Turkish Daily News, 23 mai<br />

1995), p. 82-83.<br />



SUR LA QUESTION KURDE. (Libération<br />

Champagne, 22 mai 1995), p. 83.<br />



KURDE D'IRAN À LILLE. (La Voix du<br />

Nord, 23 mai 1995), p. 84.<br />


SOLIDARITÉ. Exposition <strong>et</strong> débat sur<br />

l'i<strong>de</strong>ntité kur<strong>de</strong> à Troyes. (Lihtration, Est-<br />

Éclair, 23 mai 1995), p. 84.<br />


TRÊVE. (Le Figaro, 24 mai 1995), p. 84.<br />



LE PEUPLE KURDE. (Est-Éclair, 24.-25<br />

mai 1995), p. 85.<br />



SILENCE ». (Libération-Champagne, 24<br />

mai 1995), p. 86.<br />



(Libération, 24 mai 1995), p. 86.<br />



Ministre d'État Hacaloglu: il y a 295 corps<br />

non i<strong>de</strong>ntifiés, MALGRÉ LEMBARGO<br />


MITRAILLEUSES A OSLO, Ankara m<strong>et</strong><br />

l'Afrique du Sud sur la liste rouge, LE<br />



Éditorial: Ôcalan nous pousse tous à faire<br />

<strong>de</strong>s choix. (Turkish Daily News, 24 mai<br />

1995), p.87-90.<br />






AVEC LA PRESSE. - Les prési<strong>de</strong>ntes <strong>de</strong><br />

trois groupes <strong>de</strong> gauche du Parlement<br />

européen arrivent à Ankara. - Les Etats-<br />

Unis à propos du PKK: nous croyons à la<br />

Ré<strong>de</strong>mption. - LES FACTIONS KURDES<br />



(Turkish Daily News, 25 mai 1995), p. 90-<br />

93.<br />



(Le Mon<strong>de</strong>, 26 mai 1995), p. 93.<br />




EUROPÉENNES. (AFP, 25 mai 1995), p.<br />

94.<br />



Figaro, 25 mai 1995), p. 95.<br />





- La cour constitutionnelle turque a<br />

réélu Güngàr Ôz<strong>de</strong>n, à sa prési<strong>de</strong>nce. -<br />



NORD DE rIRAK. - Le Congrès<br />

américain refuse <strong>de</strong> lier la vente d'armes à<br />

la Turquie aux droits <strong>de</strong> l'homme. (Turkish<br />

Daily News, 26 mai 1995), p. 95-98.<br />



20 RÉFUGIÉS KURDES. - Protestations<br />

diplomatiques après la censure d'une<br />

exposition sur les Kur<strong>de</strong>s, au Musée<br />

national d'<strong>et</strong>hnologie. (El Mundo, 27 mai<br />

1995), p. 99.<br />

500.000 KURDES IRAKIENS<br />


Téhéran voit une avancée dans ses<br />

relations avec Bagdad. (Turkish Daily<br />

News, 27 mai 1995), p. 100.<br />




LES SOURCES TURQUES. (Le Mon<strong>de</strong>, 27<br />

mai 1995), p. 100.<br />



AU 6 JUIN, INÔNÜ <strong>de</strong>man<strong>de</strong> la fin du<br />

vi<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> pouvoir en Irak du Nord. (Turkish<br />

Daily News, 7 mai 1995), p. 101-102.

• 10. <strong>Bull<strong>et</strong>in</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>liaison</strong> <strong>et</strong> d'injonnation na 122-123 • Mai:]uin 1995<br />



(Turkish Daily News, 28 mai 1995), p.<br />

102.<br />



DÉFAITE. (AFP, 29 mai 1995), p. 103.<br />



(Turkish Daily News, 30 mai 1995), p.<br />

104.<br />







(AFP, 30 mai 1995), p. 105.<br />


ÉMISSAIRES. (Elefherotipia, 30 mai<br />

1995), pp. 106-108.<br />


(Les Nouvelles du Mé<strong>de</strong>cins du Mon<strong>de</strong>, juin<br />

1995), p. 109-110.<br />


TRUC DE PROPAGANDE. (The Middle<br />

East,juin 1995), p. 110-111.<br />



JUILLET. (AFP, 1 juin 1995), p. 112.<br />


TÉLÉVISION KURDE. (Œxpress, 1-7 juin<br />

1995), p. 112.<br />


D'IRAK DE CESSER lE FEU. (Humanité-<br />

Dimanche, 1-7 juin 1995), p. 112.<br />


lE PEUPLE IRAKIEN. (Midi-Libre, 1er<br />

juin 1995), p. 112.<br />





Danemark rejoint les pays qui appliquent<br />

l'embargo sur les armes, Ankara riposte.<br />

(Turkish Daily News, 1er juin 1995), p.<br />

113.<br />




LIRAK. (Le Mon<strong>de</strong>, 2 juin 1995), p. 114.<br />


EUROPÉEN À ANKARA. les prési<strong>de</strong>ntes<br />

<strong>de</strong>s trois groupes <strong>de</strong> gauche veulent<br />

s'informer <strong>de</strong>s progrès <strong>de</strong> la<br />

démocratisation turque. (Turkish Probe, 2<br />

juin 1995), p. 115-117.<br />




Barzani prolonge le cessez-le-feu dans le<br />

Nord <strong>de</strong> l'Irak. (Turkish Daily News, 2 juin<br />

1995), p. 118.<br />



rembargo danois sur les armes à la<br />

<strong>de</strong>stination <strong>de</strong> la Turquie. (International<br />

Herald Tribune, 1er juin 1995), p. 119.<br />







LHOMME. - Selon Human Rights Watch.<br />

le rapport est trop gentil avec la Turquie,<br />



ALLEMAGNE. (Turkish Daily News, 3 mai<br />

1995), p. 120-122.<br />







1995), P. 123.<br />



DOUANIÈRE. (Turkish Daily News, 4 juin<br />

1995), p. 123.<br />





LEMBARGO IRAKIEN. - le fleau <strong>de</strong><br />

serpent déconcerte les Kur<strong>de</strong>s irakiens<br />

comme cinq personnes meurent <strong>de</strong><br />

morsures venimeuses. - DES EFFORTS<br />



l'IRAK. - Les écoles fonctionnent au<br />

Kurdistan malgré les affrontements qui<br />

durent <strong>de</strong>puis <strong>de</strong>s mois.<br />




CRAYONS». (Turkish Daily News, 6 juin<br />

1995), p. 124-126 ..<br />




DÉMOCRATISATION. - runion<br />

douanière <strong>et</strong> les violations <strong>de</strong>s droits <strong>de</strong><br />

l'homme ne font pas bon ménage. ENTRE<br />


AVENIR? (Le Mon<strong>de</strong>, 8 juin 1995), p.<br />

127.-128.<br />




LHOMME. (Turkish Daily News, 07 juin<br />

1995), p. 128-129.<br />



TURQUIE. (Libération, 08juin 1995), p.<br />

130.<br />



PROCESSUS DE PAIX, Un rapport<br />

américain définit le PKKcomme une<br />

réelle menace pour les intérêts américains.<br />

(Turkish Daily News, 08 juin 1995), p.<br />


Il '22-'23. ,\l"H"ill '99.) Blll/Cli" elc 'i"i\(III cl eI'i"jo",,,,,'ioll. " •<br />


(Le point, 10 juin 1995), p. 133-136.<br />




INSULTÉES. (France-Soir, 9 juin 1995,<br />

Libération, Le Figaro, 10-1I juin 1995), p.<br />

137.<br />



SON AGENDA, Une <strong>de</strong>uxième session du<br />

Parlement kur<strong>de</strong> à Vienne. (Turkish Daily<br />

News, 10 juin 1995), p. 137-13S.<br />



UNTÉRIEUR TURC, 35 rebelles kur<strong>de</strong>s <strong>et</strong><br />

cinq soldats turcs tués en Anatolie. (AFP,<br />

Il juin 1995), p. 139.<br />






Daily News, 12 juin 1995), p. 140-141.<br />



FÉDÉRÉS D'ALLEMAGNE. (AFP, 12 juin<br />

1995), p. 141<br />


Claudia Roth dit qu'elle ne se satisfera pas<br />

<strong>de</strong>s excuses du bout <strong>de</strong>s lèvres d'Ayvaz<br />

Gök<strong>de</strong>mir qui a qualifier <strong>de</strong> «prostituéeslt<br />

trois parlementaires européennes. Mais<br />

certains (Turcs) soutient le ministre. -<br />

Lancien ministre kur<strong>de</strong> irakien déçu<br />

appelle à un règlement avec Bagdad. -<br />




AÉRIENNES. (Turkish Daily News, 12 juin<br />

1995), p. 142-144 ..<br />



PKK. (AFP, 14 juin 1995), p. 145.<br />






PROVIDE COMFORT. - Pauline Green,<br />

députée européenne insultée par un<br />

ministre turc dit qu'elle est « satisfaite It<br />

<strong>de</strong> la l<strong>et</strong>tre du Premier ministre Çiller. -<br />



Uran définit le PKK comme son ennemi,<br />

nie <strong>de</strong> lui apporter son ai<strong>de</strong>. (Turkish<br />

Daily News, 14 juin 1995), p.146-14S.<br />



European, 15 juin 1995), p. 149.<br />


DE BAGDAD. (International Herald<br />

Tribune, 15 juin 1995), p. 150.<br />



PROBLÈME KURDE. Commission<br />

européenne <strong>de</strong>s droits <strong>de</strong> l'homme:<br />

requêtes recevables <strong>de</strong>s six députés kur<strong>de</strong>s<br />

emprisonnés en Turquie. (AFP, 15 juin<br />

1995), p. 150-151.<br />





« PROSTITUÉE It. (AFP, 13 juin 1995), p.<br />

152.<br />


DÉPUTÉS. Un « pas en avant It, mais<br />

sera-ce suffisant? (Libre Belgique, 15 juin<br />

1995), p. 153.<br />



ANATOLIE. (AFP, 15 juin 1995), p. 154.<br />


IRAK. (International Herald Tribune, 16<br />

juin 1995), p. 154.<br />


APRÈS 15 MOIS DE PRISON. Le ministre<br />

turc <strong>de</strong> l'Intérieur, Mentese, reçoit le<br />

spécialiste <strong>de</strong> la Turquie <strong>de</strong> Human Rights<br />

Watch-Helsinki. (Turkish Daily News, 15<br />

juin 1995), p. 155.<br />




RÉGIME. (Le Mon<strong>de</strong>, 16 juin 1995), p.<br />

156.<br />



juin 1995), p. 156.<br />




TURQUIE SUR CE SUJET, Le saga d'une<br />

qualification ministérielle. Qui a dit<br />

quoi ? DIPLOMATIE EN BREE [agenda<br />

<strong>de</strong>s droits <strong>de</strong> l'homme. (Turkish Probe, 16<br />

juin 1995), p. 157-161.<br />



ET LE RÉGIME. (AFP, 16 juin 1995), p.<br />

162.<br />




Professeur Baskaya sur ses 20 mois <strong>de</strong><br />

prison. (Turkish Daily News, 16 juin<br />

1995), p. 163-165.<br />

DROITS DE LHOMME? (Le Bien Public;<br />

Les dépêches Dimanche, IS juin 1995), p.<br />

165.<br />



CLANIQUE. (International Herald Tribune,<br />

17-1S juin 1995), p. 166.<br />



Kur<strong>de</strong>s manifestent à Bonn pour une<br />

solution politique en Turquie. (AFP, 17<br />

juin 1995), p. 167.

.12. <strong>Bull<strong>et</strong>in</strong> <strong>de</strong> 'ioison <strong>et</strong> ("infollIlotion nO122-123. M(li-]uin1995<br />

Mme. Çiller ATTENDUE EN FRANCE<br />


BEAU FIXE ». (AFP, 18 juin 1995), p.<br />

168.<br />


TURC A PARIS. (AFP, 19 juin 1995), p.<br />

169.<br />




PROBLÈME KURDE? (Reuter, 19 juin<br />

1995), p. 169.<br />



FRANCE A lA TURQUIE, le premier<br />

ministre turc m<strong>et</strong> en gran<strong>de</strong> contre une<br />

non-ratification <strong>de</strong> l'Union douanière avec<br />

l'UE. (AFP, 20 juin 1995), p. 170-171.<br />



I:EUROPE. (Libération, 21 juin 1995), p.<br />

172.<br />






TURC. (InJàMatin, 21 juin 1995), p. 173.<br />




Marseillaise, 21 juin 1995), p. 173.<br />


28 juin 1995), p. 173.<br />



TURQUIE. (Le Quotidien <strong>de</strong> <strong>Paris</strong>, 22 juin<br />

1995), p. 173.<br />



LA TURQUIE. (Le Mon<strong>de</strong>, 22 juin 1995),<br />

p.174.<br />



NES, Çiller : nous ne pouvons tolérer que<br />

les pays voisins servent <strong>de</strong> bases pour les<br />

attaques terroristes, «lE PARLEMENT<br />



que le PKK attaque <strong>de</strong>puis l'Iran, le PDK<br />

cherche un règlement». (Turkish Daily<br />

News, 21 juin 1995), p. 174-178.<br />




TIQUES. (Turkish Daily News, 22 juin<br />

1995), p.178.<br />


TION EN DIFFICULTÉ. (Le Soir, 22 juin<br />

1995), p. 179.<br />



PKK .. - les Etats-Unis: nous ne<br />

soutenons pas l'idée d'un Kurdistan<br />

indépendant dans le nord <strong>de</strong> l'Irak, lE<br />


POUR SON SOUTIEN. (Turkish Daily<br />

News, 22 juin 1995), p. 180.<br />



ÉLEVÉ. (Turkish Daily News, 23 juin<br />

1995), p. 181.<br />

GRÈVE EN TURQUIE. (!:Humanité, 23<br />

juin 1995), p. 181.<br />


(Turkish Probe, 23 juin 1995), p. 182.<br />






Daily News, 24 juin 1995), p. 183-184.<br />


(VA., 24 juin 1995), p. 185.<br />




SEPTEMBRE. (AFp, 26 juin 1995), p.l85.<br />



AU DÉPUTÉS (Assemblée Nationale, 26<br />

juin 1995), p. 186.<br />




Daily News, 26 juin 1995), p. 187.<br />



MULTINATIONALE. (AFP, 27 juin 1995),<br />

p.187.<br />





mOMME EN TURQUIE. (Turkish Daily<br />

News, 28 juin 1995), p. 188.<br />



TURQUES. (Dernières Nouvelles d'Alsace,<br />

29 juin 1995), p. 189.<br />




Daily News, 29 juin 1995), p. 190.<br />



(AFP, 29 juin 1995), p. 190.<br />





(Turkish Daily News, 29 juin 1995), p.<br />


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Torsdagen <strong>de</strong>n 13 april1995<br />

"Byar sticks i brand, mordoffren för<br />

okända gärningsmän - antal<strong>et</strong> är<br />

redan närmare tvä tusen - päträffas i<br />

bergen och pä flodsträn<strong>de</strong>r alltmedan<br />

Turki<strong>et</strong> och världspressen pä apans<br />

vis täckt sina ögon, öron och läppar".<br />

Sä skriver Ya~ar Kemal i sitt svar till<br />

SvD:s Bitte Hammargren, som träffa<strong>de</strong><br />

honom i Istanbul.<br />

I dagarna har ocksä Ya~ar Kemal blivit<br />

inbju<strong>de</strong>n till höstens bokmässa i Göteborg,<br />

som he<strong>de</strong>rsgäst.<br />

"Men inte <strong>et</strong>t ljud hör<strong>de</strong>s<br />

fran västerländsk press"<br />

..<br />

Den âtala<strong>de</strong> författaten Ya~ar Kemal skriver direkt för SvD<br />

• Er artikel i Der Spiegel, med titeln Lögnens<br />

fälttag, har rönt stor uppmlirksamh<strong>et</strong><br />

i och utanfôr Turki<strong>et</strong>. Inom kort kommer<br />

ni att stlillas infôr rlitta i Istanbul. Kan ni<br />

i korth<strong>et</strong> berlitta om hur situationen har utvecklats?<br />

Jag trod<strong>de</strong> aldrig att min artikel i Der<br />

Spiegel skulle fAsAkraftigt gensvar. Krig<strong>et</strong><br />

i östra Anatolien har pAgAtt i tio Ar,<br />

med mänskligh<strong>et</strong>en och Turki<strong>et</strong>s <strong>de</strong>mokrater,<br />

ja, alla, som AskAdare, alltmedan<br />

östra Anatoliens kur<strong>de</strong>r utsatts for hârda<br />

övergrepp och grym behandling. Un<strong>de</strong>r<br />

Arens lopp har krig<strong>et</strong> trappats upp. Tortyren<br />

och grymh<strong>et</strong>erna mot folk<strong>et</strong> har<br />

ökat. Även om inte all grymh<strong>et</strong>, all tortyr,<br />

varje övergrepp, dödsskjutning och mord<br />

som begAs av okända gärningsmän, har<br />

blivit omnämnda, har Atminstone världspressen<br />

Aterg<strong>et</strong>t en <strong>de</strong>i av <strong>de</strong>t som hänt.<br />

Republiken Turki<strong>et</strong> har idogt verkat fOr<br />

att, med alla tänkbara me<strong>de</strong>l, skyla över<br />

<strong>de</strong> grova brott som begAs. En ofattbar<br />

censur har bedrivits, bA<strong>de</strong> visavi världspressen<br />

och turkisk press. Pressen och <strong>de</strong><br />

intellektuella har blivit foremAI fOr sA<br />

effektiva pAtryckningar att ingen höjt sin<br />

röst. Tidskrifter och tidningar (i Turki<strong>et</strong>)<br />

som ändA yttrat sig, om sAbara lite grand,<br />

har omgAen<strong>de</strong> fOrbjudits pA mer eller<br />

mindre lagliga grun<strong>de</strong>r.<br />

Böcker har beslagtagits och fOrfattare<br />

dömts till otroliga straff. Sammanlagt har<br />

<strong>de</strong> forfattare som sitter i fàngelse just<br />

nu, däribland universit<strong>et</strong>släraren Ismail<br />

Be~ikçi, dömts till hundra, tvAhundra,<br />

kanske trehundra Ars fàngelse, êch <strong>de</strong>ssutom<br />

till böter pA fiera miljoner dollar.<br />

Inom lopp<strong>et</strong> av <strong>et</strong>t Ardödadt:~ över tjugo<br />

medarb<strong>et</strong>are fOr tidningen Ozgür Gün<strong>de</strong>m<br />

(Fri dagordning), som Atminstone i<br />

viss mân forsökt beskriva hän<strong>de</strong>lserna i<br />

östra Anatolien. Inte en enda gämingsman<br />

har gripits.<br />

Sä gott som varannan dag utfärda<strong>de</strong>s<br />

or<strong>de</strong>r om att <strong>de</strong>nna tidning skulle konfiskeras,<br />

i en <strong>de</strong>i provinser tilläts <strong>de</strong>n överhuvudtag<strong>et</strong><br />

inte. Där fOrbu<strong>de</strong>n trotsa<strong>de</strong>s<br />

och tidningen smuggla<strong>de</strong>s in blev tidningsbu<strong>de</strong>n<br />

fängsla<strong>de</strong> och tortera<strong>de</strong>, sAatt<br />

<strong>de</strong> fick bestAen<strong>de</strong> men. Ellerocksâ har man<br />

fâtt hämta <strong>de</strong>ras lik pâ polisstationerna.<br />

Tills en dag, dâ po~.isen kom och grep<br />

alla som arb<strong>et</strong>a<strong>de</strong> pâ Ozgür Gün<strong>de</strong>m - 120<br />

personer - fOr aH därmed kunna fOrbjuda<br />

tidningen. Städare, kökspersonal,<br />

springsjasar - polisengrep alla som befann<br />

sig i tidningens lokaler.<br />

En <strong>de</strong>i hölls kvar i <strong>et</strong>t par dagar, en <strong>de</strong>i<br />

nästan eH âr. Men trots alla övergrepp sâg<br />

j,ournalister frân andra tidningar till aH<br />

Özgür Gün<strong>de</strong>m gays ut. Jag höll en presskonferens<br />

utanfOr tidningen <strong>de</strong>n dagen.<br />

EH övergrepp som <strong>de</strong>tta har aldrig fOrr<br />

fOrekommit pâ vâr jord, inte un<strong>de</strong>r nAgon<br />

diktatur, sa jag, och <strong>de</strong>n gângen tala<strong>de</strong> jag<br />

länge. Men inte eH Ijud hör<strong>de</strong>s frân västerländsk<br />

press.<br />

Mehm<strong>et</strong> Uzun, kurdlek-svenek,f6rtattare och styreIseled8mot ev Sverlges f6rt<strong>et</strong>tert6rbund,<br />

6verllmner en InbJu<strong>de</strong>ntill Ye,er Kemal <strong>et</strong>t komme som he<strong>de</strong>rsglst<br />

till h6stens bokml ... I GMeborg. "Del glldJer mlg alt Merse <strong>de</strong>t lend dir Jagkun<strong>de</strong><br />

skrlve med N<strong>de</strong>n Iitth<strong>et</strong>. Jag .. kner Sverlge", siger Kemal. F6rutslttnlngen<br />

fOr hans <strong>de</strong>ltegen<strong>de</strong> Ir n<strong>et</strong>urllgtvls alt hen Inte dOmstill fingeise.


"Vad gör man? Jag kan<br />

jlJ inte dra mtg tillpaka i<br />

minlya ö'ch skriva pa min<br />

roman medan andra<br />

människor li<strong>de</strong>r, mördas,<br />

utsätts för tortyr ach dryper<br />

av blod."<br />

Jag begrep inte varfOr. Jag är gammal<br />

journalist. O<strong>et</strong>ta obegripliga övergrepp<br />

bor<strong>de</strong> ha va rit nyh<strong>et</strong>sstoff, till och med fOr<br />

<strong>de</strong> mest primitiva tidningar. Men av nagon<br />

anledning fOrstod inte tidningarna i<br />

väst <strong>de</strong>nna hän<strong>de</strong>lses nyh<strong>et</strong>svär<strong>de</strong>. Eller<br />

ocksa b<strong>et</strong>rakta<strong>de</strong>s <strong>de</strong>t heia som en tredje<br />

klassens notis, inte värd att uppmärksammas.<br />

Byar sticks i brand, mordoffer fOrokända<br />

gärningsmän - antal<strong>et</strong> döda är redan<br />

närmare tva tusen - paträffas i bergen och<br />

pa flodsträn<strong>de</strong>r, alltmedan Turki<strong>et</strong> och<br />

världspressen pa ap.!lnsvis täckt sina ögon,<br />

öron och läpp~r. Anda var <strong>de</strong>t vart arhundra<strong>de</strong>s<br />

största och biUraste mänskliga<br />

tra~edi som utspela<strong>de</strong> sig därborta. Jag<br />

tänker inte lämna utfOrliga beskrivningar<br />

av <strong>de</strong> olika scenerna. Värl<strong>de</strong>n har i varje<br />

fall <strong>et</strong>t Qum om vad som pagar i Turki<strong>et</strong>.<br />

När OzgjJr Gün.ç1em fOrbjöds uppstod<br />

tidningen Ozgür Ulke (Fritt land). Den<br />

blev fOremal fOr utspel, <strong>de</strong>t ena märkligare<br />

än <strong>de</strong>t andra. Varje morgon, precis när<br />

tidningen skulle ga i tryck och nagra fa<br />

exemplar kommit ut urtryckpressen, kom<br />

polis ocfi aklagare dit och fOrbjöd <strong>et</strong>t<br />

antal artiklar och notiser. Oessa ställen i<br />

tidningen gapa<strong>de</strong> lomma. Sadana exemplar<br />

av tidningen, till hälften blanka och<br />

till hälften fyllda med text, sai<strong>de</strong>s även i<br />

Europa och lick symbolisera <strong>de</strong>mokratins<br />

seger i <strong>et</strong>t <strong>de</strong>mokratiskt Europa. Till slut,<br />

satte statens säkerh<strong>et</strong>sdomstol stopp fOr<br />

<strong>de</strong>n här komedin genom aU totalfOrbjuda<br />

tidningen. Som skäl uppgav man aU <strong>de</strong>n<br />

var en fôrlängning av Ozgür Gün<strong>de</strong>m.<br />

Oärmed slapp <strong>et</strong>t av Europara<strong>de</strong>ts medlernslän<strong>de</strong>r<br />

Mila pa med en sa tarvlig<br />

praxis som <strong>de</strong>nna. Vern v<strong>et</strong>, Europara<strong>de</strong>t<br />

kanske inte ens kändç till <strong>de</strong>nna tidning<br />

sem likna<strong>de</strong> en brokig ko. Europara<strong>de</strong>ts<br />

samv<strong>et</strong>e och makt var inte stora nog fôr<br />

att ta itu med sina medlémslän<strong>de</strong>r. O<strong>et</strong> är<br />

niöjligt att Europ~rädQtR:änner nier I


"Mina ve<strong>de</strong>rmödor för att<br />

av folk<strong>et</strong>s spräk skapa<br />

<strong>et</strong>t romanspräk har<br />

päverkat själva kärnan i<br />

min romankonst, lagt<br />

grun<strong>de</strong>n för <strong>de</strong>n."<br />

värl<strong>de</strong>n. AU fAsmaka pA livsglädje är en<br />

obeskrivlig Iycka, fOr <strong>de</strong> flesta av oss en<br />

ouppnAelig skönh<strong>et</strong>supplevelse.<br />

Alt uppleva naturen och människorna<br />

är berikan<strong>de</strong>. När en människa moUar ail<br />

<strong>de</strong>nna rikedom tilltar även hennes skaparkraft.<br />

Hennes fantasi och fOreställningsfOrmAgaväxer.<br />

D<strong>et</strong> linns ingen anledning<br />

aU överdriva. naturen. Alt lAta sig<br />

berikas av <strong>de</strong>n och människorna räcker.<br />

Jag kommer frAn en trakt där jor<strong>de</strong>n<br />

sv<strong>et</strong>sa<strong>de</strong> samman människor aveU strävsamt<br />

slag. I Çukurova, antikens Cilicien,<br />

där jag är fOdd och uppvuxen, är jor<strong>de</strong>n<br />

sAbördigoch naturen sAlivskraftigaU folk<br />

i byn sa: Om man stAr en dag pA <strong>de</strong>nna<br />

jord, fAr föttema rötter och skou börjar<br />

skjuta pAens huvud. Jag har levt i en trakt<br />

rik pA dofter, flirger, Ijus - och folkslag.<br />

De centralasiatiska turkmenerna har<br />

ocksA <strong>et</strong>t elaborerat sprAk, mAnga episka<br />

verk, poesi och musik. Deras stora diktare<br />

intar en plats bland <strong>de</strong> stora namnen i<br />

Turki<strong>et</strong> och värl<strong>de</strong>n. D<strong>et</strong> är folksprAk<strong>et</strong>,<br />

av vilk<strong>et</strong> jag försökt skapa elt nytt romansprAk,<br />

som har givit mina romaner <strong>de</strong>ras<br />

form och innehAI!. Som <strong>et</strong>t annat exempel<br />

pAhur <strong>et</strong>t nytt rikt sprAk har uppstAtt<br />

har vi <strong>de</strong>n ryska litteraturen med Pusjkin.<br />

Där har <strong>de</strong>t <strong>de</strong>t ryska folk<strong>et</strong>s jungfruliga<br />

och ymniga episka sprAk, sago- och diktsprAk,<br />

präglat Gogols romankonst och<br />

Pusjkins diktning till form och innehAII.<br />

Med Nazim Hikm<strong>et</strong> i sp<strong>et</strong>sen har min<br />

generations mödor bestAtt av att ur <strong>de</strong>t<br />

outtömliga folksprAk<strong>et</strong> skapa <strong>et</strong>t nytt po<strong>et</strong>iskt<br />

sprAk och en ny po<strong>et</strong>isk form. Romanens<br />

och poesins innehâll och form<br />

präglas av sprAk<strong>et</strong>s särart. Mina ve<strong>de</strong>rmödor<br />

fOr att av folk<strong>et</strong>s sprAk skapa <strong>et</strong>t<br />

romansprAk har pAverkat själva käman i<br />

min romankonst, lagt grun<strong>de</strong>n för <strong>de</strong>n.<br />

Om man med <strong>de</strong>t ryska sprAk<strong>et</strong>s särart<br />

som utgAngspunkt kun<strong>de</strong> skapa <strong>et</strong>t ännu<br />

oupptäckt romansprAk med tillhöran<strong>de</strong><br />

form och innehAIl, sAbär <strong>de</strong>t turkiska sprAk<strong>et</strong>s<br />

särart pAsamma möjligh<strong>et</strong>, tänkte jag.<br />

De särdrag som <strong>de</strong>n mark man lever pA<br />

äger, Iiksom <strong>de</strong>ss människor, sätter sina<br />

spAr i prosans och poesins struktur.<br />

D<strong>et</strong> finns författare som anser att <strong>de</strong> mer<br />

viiimien<strong>de</strong> liin<strong>de</strong>rna i Europa blivit aIItfôr<br />

trötta ocb diista litteriira miIjöer. Delar ni<br />

<strong>de</strong>nna uppfattning?<br />

Jag kan ing<strong>et</strong> europeiskt sprAk, bara kur ..<br />

diska och turkiska. PAbAda sprAken finns<br />

en b<strong>et</strong>ydclsefull episk beräUarkonst. <strong>de</strong><br />

har sina stora diktare och episka författareo<br />

Den anatoliska marken i sig är en enda<br />

stor kulturskatt. Jag tror att mina romaner<br />

bär spAr avail <strong>de</strong>nna kulturrikedom.<br />

D<strong>et</strong> vi gör är att av <strong>et</strong>t orört, jungfruligt<br />

sprâk ta fram <strong>et</strong>t nytt sprAk for prosa och<br />

poesi, tror jag. Vi begagnar oss av väst,<br />

västerländsk konst, nästan Iika myck<strong>et</strong><br />

som västerlänningama själva.<br />

Den västerländska kulturen berikaross<br />

i lika hög grad som vAr egen. Kanske just<br />

<strong>de</strong>n möjligh<strong>et</strong>en gör oss intressanta. Jag<br />

tror inte ails pA aU västerlan<strong>de</strong>ts skaparkraft<br />

skulle ha sinat, minskat eller stannat<br />

upp. Väst v<strong>et</strong> att värna sin ställning som<br />

liUerärt intressant och nyskapan<strong>de</strong>. Vi lever<br />

i en brytningstid som berör heia värl<strong>de</strong>n.<br />

EU sAdant ske<strong>de</strong> är alltid omvälvan<strong>de</strong>.<br />

D<strong>et</strong> är sAmyck<strong>et</strong> som gAr in i vartannat,<br />

och <strong>de</strong>t kan förefalla som om en <strong>de</strong>I<br />

län<strong>de</strong>r skulle förlora nAgot pA kuppen.<br />

Vad gäller Turki<strong>et</strong> idag rA<strong>de</strong>r djupt vankelmod<br />

pA alla plan. Alla lan<strong>de</strong>ts vär<strong>de</strong>n<br />

hAiler pAatt gAfOrlora<strong>de</strong>. Förtryckarregimer<br />

är alltid besvärliga. De gör att män-.<br />

niskornas strävan<strong>de</strong>n urartar, <strong>de</strong> berövar<br />

människoma <strong>de</strong>ras skaparförmAga. Vi<br />

upplever just nu <strong>et</strong>t krig, värl<strong>de</strong>ns smutsigaste,<br />

mänskligh<strong>et</strong>ens blodigaste krig.<br />

D<strong>et</strong> kommer att bli svArt för oss att räta<br />

pA ryggen framöver. Men om vi i en nära<br />

framtid kan införa <strong>de</strong>mokrati, skulle vi<br />

"1värt land säger <strong>de</strong> om<br />

mig att jag förhärligar<br />

naturen och människorna.<br />

De har rätt. För<br />

själva är <strong>de</strong> inte ens<br />

medv<strong>et</strong>na om vilk<strong>et</strong><br />

un<strong>de</strong>rverk naturen är."<br />

kanske med <strong>de</strong>t samla<strong>de</strong> kulturarv som<br />

<strong>de</strong>nna mark äger kunna AterfA vAr skaparkraft.<br />

D<strong>et</strong> finns andra exempel pA<strong>de</strong>tta:<br />

Efter första världskrig<strong>et</strong> blev mänsk-<br />

Iigh<strong>et</strong>en aldrig <strong>de</strong>nsamma. Efterkrigsti<strong>de</strong>ns<br />

människor har urartat, <strong>de</strong> har mist<br />

myck<strong>et</strong> av sin skaparkraft och fjärmats<br />

frAn sin a foma vär<strong>de</strong>n. Man kun<strong>de</strong> drastiskt<br />

säga att <strong>de</strong>t kalla krig<strong>et</strong> och skräcken<br />

for atombomben i <strong>de</strong>t närmaste beröva<strong>de</strong><br />

oss vAra mänskliga drag. Men naturen<br />

och människan har sA stora inneboen<strong>de</strong><br />

skaparresurser att <strong>de</strong> alltid formAr<br />

Aterskapa sig själva.<br />

Kan ni beriitta om ert senaste romanprojekt?<br />

Min senaste roman handlar om ti<strong>de</strong>n<br />

efter första världskrig<strong>et</strong>, en krigsslutsroman<br />

med andra ordo Krigen forintar tvA<br />

stora vär<strong>de</strong>n samtidigt, människan och<br />

naturen. Den 23 juli Ar 1923 stifta<strong>de</strong>s lagen<br />

om utväxling. Enligt <strong>de</strong>n skulle grekerna<br />

i Anatolien, <strong>de</strong>t viII säga Turki<strong>et</strong><br />

skickas till Grekland och turkama i Grek2<br />

land till Turki<strong>et</strong>. I min familj upplev<strong>de</strong><br />

man flyUan<strong>de</strong>ts vAndor. Un<strong>de</strong>r forsta<br />

världskrig<strong>et</strong> kom <strong>de</strong> fràn trakten av Ararat<br />

och Vansjön i östra Anatolien till Çukurova<br />

vÎd Me<strong>de</strong>lhavskusten, hundra mil<br />

därifrAn. Jag v<strong>et</strong> hur forskräckligt smärtsamt<br />

<strong>de</strong>t är att lämna sin fosterjord. D<strong>et</strong><br />

är som att slita hjärtat ur en människa. I<br />

min rClman lämnar grekema en ö som därefter<br />

befolkas av mesopotamier av alla <strong>de</strong><br />

slag frAn <strong>de</strong> foma ottomanska omrA<strong>de</strong>na,<br />

kur<strong>de</strong>r och aleviter, kaukasier och laser.<br />

<strong>de</strong>t vill säga Svartahavsbor. Ön blir<strong>et</strong>t Babels<br />

torn mitt i hav<strong>et</strong>. Till slut linns ingen<br />

växtligh<strong>et</strong> kvar pA heIa ön och hav<strong>et</strong>s<br />

fiskar dör ut. Av <strong>de</strong>n en gAng paradisiskt<br />

grönskan<strong>de</strong>ön blirbarakarga klipporkvar<br />

och dA tar öns invAnare, räUare sagt nAgra<br />

av öborna. itu med att Aterskapa ön ...<br />

Jag är klar med första <strong>de</strong>len, <strong>de</strong>n andra<br />

och tredje <strong>de</strong>len blir klara till nyAr. Om<br />

inte <strong>de</strong>t här med rättegAng ha<strong>de</strong> kommit<br />

emellan, kun<strong>de</strong> jag vid <strong>de</strong>t här lag<strong>et</strong> ha<br />

haft andra <strong>de</strong>len flirdig och hälften av tredje<br />

<strong>de</strong>len. Men vad gör man? Jag kan ju<br />

inte dra mig tillbaka imin Iya och skriva<br />

pAmin roman medan andra människor li<strong>de</strong>r,<br />

mördas, utsätts för tortyr och dryper<br />

av blod.<br />

Jag kan inte tänka mig att en kali hamrad<br />

fOrfattare, berövad sin fOrmAga till<br />

empati och .kärlek, är att b<strong>et</strong>rakta som en<br />

naturlig mänsklig varelse. Jag vill inte ens<br />

fOreställa mig en människa som är kapabel<br />

att blunda fOr <strong>de</strong>t lidan<strong>de</strong> som hennes<br />

brö<strong>de</strong>r och landsmän utsätts fOr. I all synnerh<strong>et</strong><br />

inte att en forfattare skulle vara<br />

okänslig för andra människors 'tidan<strong>de</strong>.<br />

Jag b<strong>et</strong>vivlar att en sAdan skribent yore<br />

en forfattare värd namn<strong>et</strong>. I alla romaner<br />

som jag tänker skriva framöver kommer.<br />

jag att ta ställning mot fOrstörelse av<br />

naturen, krig och mänskligt Iidan<strong>de</strong>, for<br />

harmoni och fred. Jag viII att <strong>de</strong> som<br />

läser mina romaner skall älska naturen,<br />

människan, lyckan och Ijus<strong>et</strong>. Jag vill att<br />

vi, mitt i <strong>de</strong>t mörker som omger oss, till<br />

slut ska fAse Ijus<strong>et</strong> bryta fram och skingra<br />

mörkr<strong>et</strong>.<br />

Kommer vi att fi se er pi bokmiissan i Göteborg<br />

i böst?<br />

Jag blev väldigt glad när <strong>de</strong> bjöd in mig<br />

till bokmässan i Göteborg. D<strong>et</strong> glä<strong>de</strong>r mig<br />

att fAAterse <strong>de</strong>t land där jag lev<strong>de</strong> lycklig<br />

och kun<strong>de</strong> skriva med sAstor lätth<strong>et</strong>.<br />

Y~AR<br />

KEMAL<br />

Översiittning frän turkiskan: Claire B.<br />

KausteIl<br />

@ Ya~r Kemal och S.vD<br />



Turkish Daily News<br />

United States : PKK<br />

is involved in drug<br />

traffic in Europe<br />

State Department report says<br />

hundreds of thousands of PKK<br />

sympathizers in Turkeyand Europe<br />

By Ugur Akmel<br />

Turkish Daily News<br />

WASHINGTON- The top U.S. administration<br />

official responsible for momtoring terrorist groups<br />

.around the world, has confrrmed that the Kurdistan<br />

Workers' Party (PKK) is involved in the narcotics<br />

tra<strong>de</strong> In Europe. Phil Wilcox, U.S. State<br />

Department's counter-terrorism coordinator said "I<br />

know of no narcotics activities by the PKK in the<br />

United States," butstated that the PKK has been<br />

involved "in narcotics trafficking in Western Europe<br />

and elsewhere."<br />

In the State Department' s report on "Patterns of<br />

Global Terrorism, 1994," the PKK has been i<strong>de</strong>ntified.<br />

as an .international,terrorist: group which/'pee-<br />

. septs ,a potentially, serious:'$'eaHo, U.Sdnterests."<br />

The,repQrt<strong>de</strong>tailed.the bomb attacks' by the PKK on<br />

the touristïndustry inTurkeY'last year,where several.<br />

tourists died and more were injured. The PKK<br />

also kidnapped two Finnish tourists who were later<br />

released. .<br />

The report also acknowledged the support PKK<br />

,received from some Euro{lt3!l countries. "The PKK<br />

opened offices of its political wing (ERNK) in Italy<br />

and Greece," it said. The terrOrIst orgamzation's<br />

"expanding activities" in Germany werealso mentioned.<br />

,<br />

5,000-6,000 PKK guerrillas in Turkey.<br />

The State DePlll1mentestimates PKK strength as<br />

MO~DAY.MAY l, 1995<br />

"approximately 10,000 to 15,000 full-time guerril~<br />

. las, 5,000 to 6,000 of whom are in Turkey; 60,000 to<br />

75,000 part-time guerrillas and hundreds of thousands<br />

of sympathizers in Turkey and Europe."<br />

The report also sàid that the PKK "receives safehaven<br />

and mo<strong>de</strong>st aid from Syria, Iraq and Iran."<br />

The aid and comfort Syria is giving tothe PKK was<br />

raised with Presi<strong>de</strong>nt Assad during Assistant<br />

Secr<strong>et</strong>ary of State, Dennis Ross' latest visit to<br />

Damascus. UPI rèported that the PKK lea<strong>de</strong>r,<br />

Abdullah "Apo" Öcalan, had escaped to Syna 24<br />

, hours before Turkey launched Operation Steel in<br />

northern Iraq on March 20.<br />

The second Turkish terrorist or~anization covered<br />

by the report is Dev-Sol (Revolutionary Left) whose<br />

lea<strong>de</strong>r Dursun Karata~ was arrested bythe French<br />

authorities last September. .<br />

Dev-Sol members in Austria,' Belgium and<br />

N<strong>et</strong>herlands"sprang into action" to have Karata~<br />

released. The State Department <strong>de</strong>scribes Dev-Sol as<br />

a Marxist group which is "intensely xenophobic and<br />

virulently anti-U.S. and anti-NATO." Its strength is<br />

<strong>de</strong>scribed as "several hundred members and several<br />

dozen armed militants." It is noted that the organization<br />

"conducts fundraising operations in Western<br />

Europe."<br />

"Dev-Sol operatives in Turkey assassinated former<br />

Justice Minister Mehm<strong>et</strong> Topaç on Sept. 29~<br />

1994 in Ankara and also killed a policeman in<br />

Istanbul," the reports says.<br />

'.<br />

The "loosely organized Turkish Islamic extremists"<br />

are the third Turkish terrorist group covered by<br />

the report. ''They have claimed responsibility for<br />

attacks un<strong>de</strong>r a vari<strong>et</strong>y of names, such as Islamic<br />

Jihad, the Islamic Movement Organization and the<br />

Islamic Great Eastern Rai<strong>de</strong>rs Front."<br />

Deseite the fact that it is not of paramount signifi- ',<br />

cance ln Turker., the U.S. State Department report<br />

mentions that 'there was an upsur~e of attacks by ,<br />

Islamic extremist groups in 1994, mcluding many.<br />

aimed at un<strong>de</strong>rmining the Middle East peace<br />

process." ,<br />

Wilcox noted a trend of "a <strong>de</strong>cline in attacks by<br />

secular terrorist $roups in recent years ahd an<br />

increase in terronst activities by radical Islamic<br />

groups." In the introduction to the re~ort, Wilcox<br />

stated that "terrorism in Islamic guise IS a problem<br />

for established governments in the Middle East." ,<br />



1. 5. 95 Journal officiel <strong>de</strong>s Communautés européennes<br />

Jeudi, 6 avrill99S<br />


(95/C 109/04)<br />

,<br />


Vice-prési<strong>de</strong>nt<br />

2. Visite <strong>de</strong> la «Troika» à Ankara <strong>et</strong> intervention<br />

turque dans le Nord <strong>de</strong> l'Irak (déclarations<br />

avec débat)<br />

M Lamassoure Prési<strong>de</strong>nt en exercice du Conseil, <strong>et</strong><br />

M: Van <strong>de</strong>n B~k. membre <strong>de</strong> la Commission font<br />

<strong>de</strong>s déclarations sur la visite <strong>de</strong> la «Troïka» à Ankara <strong>et</strong><br />

sur l'inter.ention <strong>de</strong> l'armée turque au Kurdistan irakien.<br />

Interviennent: Mme Green, au nom du groupe PSE,<br />

MM. Langen, au nom du grou~ PPE, Bertens, au nom du<br />

groupe ELOR, MmeGonzalez Alvarez, au nom du groupe<br />

GUElNGL, MM. Caligaris, au nom du groupe FE,<br />

Kaklamanis, au nom du groupe ROE, MmeRoth, au nom<br />

du groupe V, MM. Dell' Alba, au nom du groupe ARE,<br />

Van <strong>de</strong>r Waal, au nom du groupe EON, Le Gallou,<br />

non-inscrit, Sakellariou, Lambrias <strong>et</strong> MmePailler.<br />

M. le Prési<strong>de</strong>nt annonce avoir reçu <strong>de</strong>s députés suivants<br />

les propositions <strong>de</strong> résolution suivantes, déposées sur la<br />

base <strong>de</strong> l'article 37, paragraphe 2, du règlement:<br />

- Goerens, André-Léonard <strong>et</strong> Bertens, au nom du groupe<br />

ELOR, sur les opérations militaires turques dans le<br />

Nord <strong>de</strong> l'Irak (B4-0636/95); .<br />

- Lalumière, au nom du groupe ARE, sur l'incursion<br />

militaire turque contre les Kur<strong>de</strong>s au Nord <strong>de</strong> l'Irak<br />

(B4-0644/95);<br />

- Sakellariou, Hoff, Roubatis, Colajanni, Kranidiotis,<br />

Wiersma, Pons Grau, Mendiluce Pereiro, Newens <strong>et</strong><br />

Desama, au nom du groupe PSE, sur l'incursion <strong>de</strong>s<br />

troupes turques en territoire irakièn (B4-0684/95);<br />

- Papayannakis, Ephremidis, Pailler, Ribeiro, P<strong>et</strong>tinari,<br />

Hurtig <strong>et</strong> Puerta, au nom du groupe. ~UElNGL ,sur<br />

l'invasion turque en Irak du Nord <strong>et</strong> la vIsIte <strong>de</strong> la Troika<br />

à Ankara (B4-0716/95);<br />

- Roth, Aelvo<strong>et</strong> <strong>et</strong> Kreissl-Dörfler, au nom du groupe<br />

V, sur l'invasion turque en Irak du Nord (B4-0723/95);<br />

- Pasty, Oaskalaki, Gerard Collins <strong>et</strong> Monteiro, au nom<br />

du groupe ROE, sur l'intervention turque en Irak (B4-<br />

0726195);<br />

- Lambrias, Langen, Brok, Christodoulou, Fabra Vallés<br />

<strong>et</strong> Oomen-Ruijten, au nom du groupe .PPE, sur la<br />

visite <strong>de</strong> la «Troïka» à Ankara <strong>et</strong> l'intervention militaire<br />

<strong>de</strong> la Turquie dans le Nord <strong>de</strong> l'Irak (B4-0727/95).<br />

M. le Prési<strong>de</strong>nt déclare clos le débat.<br />

vote: partie l, point 4.<br />

Intervient M. Le Galloupour un fait personnel.<br />

*<br />

4. Visite <strong>de</strong> la «Troika» à Ankara <strong>et</strong> Intervention<br />

turque dans le Nord <strong>de</strong> l'Irak (vote)<br />

Propositions <strong>de</strong> résolution B4-0636, 0644, 0684,<br />

0716, 0723, 0726 <strong>et</strong> 0727195<br />

Interviennent:<br />

- MmeGreen, au nom du groupe PSE, qui déplore que le<br />

groupe V, qui a déposé 4 amen<strong>de</strong>ments à la proposition<br />

<strong>de</strong> résolution commune, n'en ait pas informé, comme la<br />

coutume le veut, les autres groupes politiques signataires<br />

<strong>de</strong> c<strong>et</strong>te proposition;<br />

- MmeRoth, au nom du groupe V, sur c<strong>et</strong>te intervention<br />

<strong>et</strong> les amen<strong>de</strong>ments déposés par son groupe;<br />

- M. Balfe sur la disponibilité <strong>de</strong>s propositiQns <strong>de</strong><br />

résolution <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong>s amen<strong>de</strong>ments sur la Turquie <strong>et</strong> le<br />

Burundi (Mmele Prési<strong>de</strong>nt indique que les documents en<br />

question ont été distribués). .<br />


0684,0716,0723,0726 <strong>et</strong> 0727/95:<br />

proposition <strong>de</strong> résolution commune déposée par les<br />

députés suivants:<br />

Green, Hoff, Sakellariou, Lambraki, au nom du<br />

groupe PSE,<br />

Lenz, au nom du groupe PPE,<br />

Goerens, André-Léonard, Bertens, au nom du groupe<br />

ELOR,<br />

Alavanos, Camero Gonzalez, Pailler, Vinci, Ribeiro,<br />

Ephremidis, GonzaJez Alvarez, au nom du groupe<br />

GUElNGL,<br />

Caligaris, Ligabue, au nom du groupe FE,<br />

Pasty, Oaskalaki, Kaklamanis, au nom du groupe<br />

ROE,<br />

Roth, au nom du groupe V,<br />

Fouque, Lalumière, au nom du groupe ARE,<br />

tendant à remplacer ces propositions <strong>de</strong> résolution par un<br />

nouveau texte:<br />

Amen<strong>de</strong>ments rej<strong>et</strong>és: 3; 1; 2; 4<br />

Les différentes parties du texte ont été adoptées successivement.<br />

Par AN (PSE) le Parlement<br />

adopte la résolution<br />

votants: 417<br />

pour: 411<br />

contre: 0<br />

abstentions: 6<br />

(partie Il. point J).<br />


1. 5. 95 Journal officiel <strong>de</strong>s Communautés européennes<br />

Jeudi, 6 8vri11995<br />

PARTIE<br />

II<br />

Textes adoptés par le Parlement européen<br />

1. Visite <strong>de</strong> la «Troïka» à Ankara <strong>et</strong> intervention turque dans le Nord <strong>de</strong> l'Irak<br />

B4-0636,0644,0684,0716,0723,0726,0727/95<br />

Résolution sur la visite <strong>de</strong> la «Troïka» à Ankara <strong>et</strong> l'intervention militaire <strong>de</strong> la Turquie dans le<br />

, nord <strong>de</strong> l'Irak<br />

Le Parlement européen,<br />

vu ses résolutions antérieures sur les violations <strong>de</strong>s droits <strong>de</strong> l'homme en Turquie, <strong>et</strong> sur la<br />

condamnation <strong>de</strong>s attentats terroristes commis par le PKK,<br />

vu sa résolution du 16 février 1995 sur le proj<strong>et</strong> d'accord sur la conclusion d'une Union<br />

douanière entre l'UE <strong>et</strong> la Turquie (I),<br />

A. vivement préoccupé par l'extension du conflit entre l'État turc <strong>et</strong> les terroristes du PKK vers<br />

le nord <strong>de</strong> l'Irak,<br />

B. soulignant que le nord <strong>de</strong> l'Irak a été déclaré zone <strong>de</strong> protection <strong>de</strong>s Nations unies,<br />

C. horrifié par le caractère démesuré d'une intervention au cours <strong>de</strong> laquelle trente-cinq mille<br />

soldats turcs, appuyés par <strong>de</strong>s avions <strong>de</strong> combat, <strong>de</strong>s chars <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong> l'artillerie lour<strong>de</strong>, ont lancé<br />

contre <strong>de</strong>s vill,ages kur<strong>de</strong>s une offensive qui s'est soldée par plusieurs centaines <strong>de</strong> morts,<br />

auxquels il faut ajouter <strong>de</strong> nombreux blessés <strong>et</strong> prisonniers parmi <strong>de</strong>s civils innocents,<br />

D. considérant que le caractère massif <strong>et</strong> l'absence <strong>de</strong> délai assigné à c<strong>et</strong>te opération lui donnent<br />

un caractère qui va au-<strong>de</strong>là d'un simple exercice du droit <strong>de</strong> poursuite,<br />

E., craignant pour la sécurité <strong>de</strong>s milliers <strong>de</strong> réfugiés kur<strong>de</strong>s qui cherchent à se protéger soit <strong>de</strong><br />

l'impitoyable répression menée par Saddam Hussein soit <strong>de</strong>s combats acharnés dans le<br />

sud-est <strong>de</strong> la Turquie, <strong>et</strong> pour la sécurité <strong>de</strong> tous les habitants <strong>de</strong> la région,<br />

F. apprenant que les journalistes <strong>de</strong> la presse écrit~ <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong> la télévision indépendantes, dont la<br />

présence aurait permis d'informer librement <strong>et</strong> complètement l'opinion publique internationale,<br />

se sont vu interdire l'accès <strong>de</strong> la région,<br />

G. sachant que l'opération a été conduite, en partie, à j'ai<strong>de</strong> d'armes lour<strong>de</strong>s provenant d'États<br />

membres <strong>de</strong> l'Union 'européenne,<br />

H. appuyant les mises en gar<strong>de</strong> adressées par la prési<strong>de</strong>nce française au gouvernement turc ainsi<br />

que la décision du gouvernement allemand <strong>de</strong> suspendre toute ai<strong>de</strong> financière en faveur <strong>de</strong> la<br />

Turquie pour l'achat <strong>de</strong> navires <strong>de</strong> guerre <strong>et</strong> la fourniture à ce pays <strong>de</strong> nouvelles armes,<br />

I. considérant que la situation <strong>de</strong>s droits <strong>de</strong> l'homme en Turquie est trop grave pour que<br />

l'Union douanière envisagée puisse être mise en œuvre actuellement,<br />

J. considérant que'le I>roblème kur<strong>de</strong> ne peut être résolu militairement;<br />

1. condamne energiquement l'intervention militaire turque dans le nord <strong>de</strong> l'Irak <strong>et</strong> les<br />

violations du droit international <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong>s droits <strong>de</strong> l'homme qu'elle a entraînées;<br />

2. condamne une fois encore les actes terroristes du PKK <strong>et</strong> avertit le gouvernement turc que la<br />

poursuite <strong>de</strong> sa politique <strong>de</strong> répression à l'encontre <strong>de</strong>s aspirations raisonnables <strong>de</strong>s Kur<strong>de</strong>s en<br />

Turquie ne manquera pas <strong>de</strong> renforcer l'audience du PKK, quel que soit le succès <strong>de</strong>s opérations<br />

militaires turques;<br />

(') PV <strong>de</strong> c<strong>et</strong>te date, partie Il. point 4.<br />



3. <strong>de</strong>man<strong>de</strong> fennement à la Turquie <strong>de</strong> r<strong>et</strong>irer immédiatement ses troupes du nord <strong>de</strong> l'Irak <strong>et</strong><br />

<strong>de</strong> se m<strong>et</strong>tre en quête d'une solution politique propre à apaiser, dans le droit fil <strong>de</strong>s règles du droit<br />

international, la tension qui règne dans ses provinces orientales;<br />

4. <strong>de</strong>man<strong>de</strong> à l'Union européenne <strong>et</strong> à ses États membres d'ai<strong>de</strong>r financièrement <strong>et</strong><br />

techniquement le Haut Comité <strong>de</strong>s Nations unies pour les réfugiés dans ses efforts afin <strong>de</strong><br />

secourir les populations menacées .par les récentes explosions <strong>de</strong> violence;<br />

5. invite instamment les États membres à ne procé<strong>de</strong>r à l'extradition d'aucun réfugié kur<strong>de</strong><br />

aussi longtemps qu'Ankara affichera un tel comportement à l'encontre <strong>de</strong> ce peuple, à<br />

l'exception <strong>de</strong>s responsables <strong>de</strong>s mouvements terr'jlÎstes;<br />

6. prie les États membres <strong>de</strong> subordonner, à l'exemple <strong>de</strong> l'Allemagne, la fourniture <strong>de</strong><br />

nouveaux équipements militaires à la Turquie au r<strong>et</strong>rait <strong>de</strong> ses troupes;<br />

7. presse le Conseil <strong>et</strong> la Commission d'établir une stricte réglementation <strong>de</strong>s exportations <strong>de</strong><br />

matériels militaires, <strong>de</strong> manière à éviter que <strong>de</strong>s armes provenant d'États membres ne soient<br />

utilisées contre les Kur<strong>de</strong>s ou dans <strong>de</strong>s conflits similaires;<br />

8. <strong>de</strong>man<strong>de</strong> que les délégués <strong>de</strong> la Croix-Rouge soient autorisés à se rendre dans le Nord <strong>de</strong><br />

l'Irak pour veniren ai<strong>de</strong> aux populations civiles, notamment aux personnes blessées ou détenues;<br />

9. renvoie à sa résolution précitée du 16 février 1995;<br />

10. charge son Prési<strong>de</strong>nt <strong>de</strong> transm<strong>et</strong>tre la présen~ résolution à la Commission, au Conseil, au<br />

Conseil <strong>de</strong> l'Europe. à l'OSCE. au Secrétaire géliéral <strong>de</strong>s Nations unies. au Haut Comité <strong>de</strong>s<br />

Nations unies pour les réfugiés. au Comité international <strong>de</strong> la Croix-Rouge ainsi qu'aux<br />

gouvernements <strong>de</strong> la Turquie <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong> l'Irak.<br />

,<br />

Lawyers for Democracy Party<br />

file appeal of convictions<br />

P<strong>et</strong>ition: Advocates argue that Constitutional Court's<br />

<strong>de</strong>cision was la political <strong>de</strong>cision, not a juridical one'; claim<br />

they were not shown evi<strong>de</strong>nce against their clients<br />

By Aytül Gürta~<br />

Turkish Daily News<br />

ANKARA- Lawyers for the banned pro-<br />

Kurdish Democracy Party (DEP) presented<br />

last Wednesday a <strong>de</strong>tailed 106-page appeal<br />

to the Appeals Court.<br />

According to the DEP appeal, the trial<br />

process of DEP <strong>de</strong>puties Ahin<strong>et</strong> Türk, Hatip<br />

Diele, Leyla Zana, Orhan Dogan, Selim<br />

Sadak, SlITlSalak and in<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nt Mahmut<br />

Ahnak, was unjust and the imprisoned<br />

<strong>de</strong>puties should be released.<br />

. DEP was closed down by the<br />

.Constitutional Court in June 1994 and the<br />

d~p~ties' membership in the Turkish<br />

.Rarhament was revoked. Seven DEP<br />

<strong>de</strong>puties were then imprisoned, but six others<br />

fled to Europe to avoid prosecution. Pro-<br />

Kurdish but in<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nt <strong>de</strong>puty Mahmut<br />

Almak's parliamentary immunity was also<br />

lifted at the <strong>de</strong>mand of the state prosecutor<br />

and he was tried with the DEP <strong>de</strong>puties.<br />

The DEP members and Ahnak were sentenced<br />

to b<strong>et</strong>ween three and 15 years of<br />

imprisonment.<br />

In their appeal, DEP lawyers Yusuf<br />

Alata~, Haslp Kaplall, AydIn Erdogan,<br />

Selahattin Esmer, Nuri Ozmen, speaking for<br />

a committee of, 300 lawyers in support of<br />

DEP, claimed that "justice in Turkey was<br />

not in<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nt of the administration" by<br />

recalling Prime Minister Çiller's statement<br />

on.the DEP case while the trial process was<br />

gomg on.<br />

In a statement on March 16, 1994. Prime<br />

Minister Ciller said, "I talked to the judges.<br />

Maybe I shouldn't have, but I nee<strong>de</strong>d to talk<br />

and I told them, 'finish the job immediate-<br />

. ", The DEP appeal said Prime Minister<br />

iller' s statement proved that justice in<br />

~ urkey was <strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nt upon the administration<br />

.and ar,gued that the Constitutional<br />

Court's <strong>de</strong>cision was "a political <strong>de</strong>cision,<br />

not ajuridical one."<br />

The DEP appeal also claimed that affidavits<br />

on which the trial was based -were not<br />

given to the <strong>de</strong>fense, effectively preventing<br />

DEP lawyers from seeing or chalfenging the<br />

state's evi<strong>de</strong>nce. "Our <strong>de</strong>mands to expand<br />

the investigation and to hear the witnesses<br />

in the courtroom were rejected by the Court.<br />

This is another sign of the unjust process of<br />

the trial," the ap~ said.<br />

The lawyers said all the <strong>de</strong>mands of the<br />

<strong>de</strong>fense lawyers were turned dowJl by the<br />

Court. They also said that the principle of<br />

individuality of the crime was also violated<br />

and the <strong>de</strong>puties were punished collectively.<br />



oseE <strong>de</strong>legation wants<br />

DEP MPs to be released<br />

Turkish Daily News<br />

TUESDAY, MAY 2,1995<br />

.'i<br />

TDN Parliament<br />

Bureau<br />

ANKARA- Will Wimmer, lea<strong>de</strong>r of a<br />

<strong>de</strong>legation from the O~gan!zation of<br />

Securit.y and CooperatIOn In Europe<br />

(OSCE), on Mond.ay requested that the<br />

jailed former <strong>de</strong>punes of the now <strong>de</strong>funct<br />

Democracy Party (DEP) be s<strong>et</strong> free.<br />

The <strong>de</strong>legation is on a one week visit to<br />

Tur,key ~t t~e invitation of Speaker<br />

Hüsam<strong>et</strong>tm Cmdoruk.<br />

Cirrdoruk's reply to Wimmer's request<br />

was;' "I cannot relay your request to the<br />

chief judge of the HIgh Appeals Court.<br />

However the press will ens~re ~at your<br />

statement is brought to the Judge s attention.<br />

I don't know wh<strong>et</strong>her your words<br />

will influence him or not but I cannot<br />

intervene in the judiciary." The visiting<br />

OSCE <strong>de</strong>legation also m<strong>et</strong> with the un<strong>de</strong>rsecr<strong>et</strong>ary<br />

of the National Intell}gence<br />

Organization (MIT), DemocratIc L~ft<br />

Party (DSP) Chairman Bülent EcevI.t,<br />

Necm<strong>et</strong>tin Erbakan of the pro-IslamIc<br />

Welfare Party (RP) and main opp~sition<br />

MOtherland Party (ANAP) ChaIrman<br />

Me~ut Yllmaz. They later visited the<br />

Kurdish <strong>de</strong>puties in pnson. .<br />

The OSCE <strong>de</strong>legation wIll today me<strong>et</strong><br />

with the Turkish parliamentarianswho are<br />

OSeE members and later with Hikm<strong>et</strong><br />

Ç<strong>et</strong>in, <strong>de</strong>puty 'pri!lle minis.t~r and chairman<br />

of the Jumor coalItIOn partner<br />

Republica!) Pe6ple's Party (C~J, yekta<br />

Güngör Oz<strong>de</strong>n of the ConstItutIOnal<br />

Court, Foreign Minister Erdal1nön~, State<br />

Minister ~gan Hacal~glu, resP9nsIbl~ for<br />

hU.~.~h nghts, ~nd fmally WIth Pnme<br />

MinIster iansu ÇIl1er.' . .<br />

On 'May 3, the <strong>de</strong>legatIOn l!lembers WIll<br />

go to DiyarbakIr and me<strong>et</strong> WIththe emergency<br />

rule regional governo~, DiyarbakIr<br />

mayor and the chamber of mdustry and<br />

commerce. On May 5, they, willoor<strong>et</strong>urnto<br />

Ankara and me<strong>et</strong> with Yavuz Onen, the<br />

head of the Human Rights Foundation and<br />

former Foreign Minister MümtazSoysal.<br />

After me<strong>et</strong>ing with New Democracy<br />

Movement (YDH) lea<strong>de</strong>r Cern Boyner ~d<br />

Dogu Perinçek of the Labor Party (IP) ill<br />

Istanbul, the OSCE <strong>de</strong>legation willleave<br />

Turkey on May 7.<br />

During their visit to Cindoruk, Wimmer<br />

said he and his colleagues were pleased<br />

with the content of the itinerary prepared<br />

for them, Wimmer, who is also the <strong>de</strong>puty<br />

presi<strong>de</strong>nt of the OSCE Parliamentarian<br />

Assembly started by requesting a me<strong>et</strong>ing<br />

closed to the press, noting that he had<br />

some special remarks to make. C:r&oruk<br />

replied, "We have nothing secr,<strong>et</strong>f~timth~<br />

press. You can say what you lik.elß fI9nt<br />

of them." Wimmer drew attentIon to the<br />

press comme~~sthat .he.anq,his colleagues<br />

,were on "a cntIcal ffilSSIon. "<br />

Wimmer said, "The purpose of our visit<br />

is linked with three issues which caused<br />

the Parliamentarians" Assembly .to focus<br />

its attention on Turkey. The first is the<br />

critical situation in some regions of<br />

Turkey. The second is to emphasize the<br />

utmost im~ortance the Assembly attaches<br />

to Turkey s integrity and protectÙln of its<br />

bor<strong>de</strong>rs. The third is linked with the case<br />

of the imprisoned former <strong>de</strong>puties."<br />

Wimmer said it was not only he and his<br />

colleagues who had concerns about the<br />

j~led <strong>de</strong>p'uties but that some Turkish parlIamentanans<br />

had the same concerns. He<br />

said he and his colleagues did not have<br />

any hi~<strong>de</strong>n agen4a against Turkey i~ ~eir<br />

respectIve countnes. He quoted a ffilnIster<br />

of the Turkish government as saying that<br />

the "state should be tolerant." Wimmer<br />

repeated that he and his colleagues were<br />

ready to give political support for the protection<br />

ofTurkey's bor<strong>de</strong>rs and its integrity.<br />

Wimmer contmue<br />

. d<br />

t<br />

h<br />

at t<br />

h'<br />

IS reqUIre<br />

. d<br />

not only military measures but also economic,<br />

social and political measures.<br />

Wimmer said that the sentences given<br />

io former'<br />

•.<br />

' . pärliamentarians in the Turkish courts,<br />

wl1ich he <strong>de</strong>scribed as being the most<br />

active member of OSCE, excee<strong>de</strong>d the<br />

, <strong>de</strong>cisions of the courts in the OSCE member<br />

countries,<br />

','We request that the jail~d p~liamentanans<br />

be sel free. CertaJ.nlyIt WIllbe you<br />

who makes the <strong>de</strong>cision and, as friends,<br />

we hereby express our wish that you will<br />

take this <strong>de</strong>cisIOn,"Wimmer said.<br />

Cindoruk said Turkey is 'â <strong>de</strong>mocratic<br />

country, that it is an open regime and that<br />

there' IS no censorship in the country.<br />

Cindoruk said, "The members of the press<br />

have also heard your request. There are 17<br />

pri vate TV stations which broadcast<br />

nationally.<br />

'<br />

. The rating of the state TV has dropped<br />

to 10 percent. There are more than 2000<br />

radio stations. Citizens inquire why the<br />

OSCE <strong>de</strong>legation has come to Turkey.<br />

Now the press will relay this to them. You<br />

have requested that former PEP <strong>de</strong>puties<br />

be released. The judici'!IY is in<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nt<br />

in Turkey. I could not have relayed your<br />

request to the chief judge of the High<br />

Appeals Court. Your call will be aired on<br />

TVs. The chief judge of the High Afpeals<br />

Court will also listen. I won<strong>de</strong>r i your<br />

words will have any effect or not but I can<br />

hav~ no influ~pce on the in<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nt judi-<br />

Ciary in this regard." Cindoruksaid<br />

Greece had put the mufti of Xanthi in<br />

Western Thrace in jail however since he<br />

believed in the in<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nce of the judiciary<br />

he could not intervene in, Greece for<br />

the correction of the relevant court ruling.<br />

DSP Chairman Bülent Ecevit, who m<strong>et</strong><br />

with the OSCE <strong>de</strong>legation, stressed that<br />

the National Security Council (MGK) did<br />

not put any pressure on the government. .<br />

Ecevit said be had worked with MGK<br />

when he was in office as prime minister<br />

and that except for the militlll)' eras there<br />

was no pressure involved.' He said there<br />

were similar organizations in other countrles<br />

and that tbe organization of such<br />

nature was in the most respectable position<br />

in the United States.<br />

The OSCE members later visited<br />

~evk<strong>et</strong> Kazan, <strong>de</strong>puty chairman of the RP<br />

parliamentary 8TOUP. In reply to a question,<br />

Kazan SaId, "At present, the southeast<br />

Anatolia, region is not represented in<br />

Parliament.<br />

Sixteen of the 22 vacant seats in<br />

Parliament are in that region. For the past<br />

eight months, we have oeen proposing to<br />

hold an election however our proposals<br />

are not taken into consi<strong>de</strong>ration, No reaction<br />

has comdrom Europe in this regard<br />

because OSCE does not perform its duty."<br />

~\<br />


...<br />

Mujeres <strong>de</strong>i Partido <strong>de</strong> los Trabajadores Kurdos (sentadas)<br />

<strong>de</strong>tenldas por soldados turcos durante la ultima ofenslva <strong>de</strong> Ankara en Irak.<br />

I<br />

KURDOS La Prision Turca<br />

Zan a es un kurdo <strong>de</strong> Turquia que sufre en propia carne la persecuciôn<br />

<strong>de</strong> su pueblo<br />

por <strong>de</strong>fen<strong>de</strong>r una i<strong>de</strong>ntidad cultural. «La prisiôn numero 5») es el testimonio <strong>de</strong> 11<br />

afios entre rejas. Hoy sigue en prisiôn, como su esposa, candidata al Nobel <strong>de</strong> la Paz<br />

ANA TAGARRO,<strong>Paris</strong><br />


Kurdo <strong>de</strong> Turquia. He sido alcal<strong>de</strong><br />

<strong>de</strong> Diyarbakir, la ciudad<br />

mas importante <strong>de</strong> la region don<strong>de</strong><br />

viven los kurdos, el Kurdistan <strong>de</strong> Turquia.<br />

Fui encarcelado en 1980 durante<br />

, diez ai'ios y ocho meses, junto con otros<br />

kurdos, algunos <strong>de</strong> los cuales estan hoy<br />

muertos, en una condiciones dificiles <strong>de</strong><br />

imaginar' en Europa. He sido tortura do <strong>de</strong><br />

tal manera que conservo todavia las secuelas.<br />

Y todo eso <strong>de</strong>bido a mi postura<br />

en favor <strong>de</strong> 10 que me 'parece elemental:<br />

los <strong>de</strong>rechos <strong>de</strong> los kurdos. Lo que nosotros<br />

<strong>de</strong>mandamos es el po<strong>de</strong>r hablar<br />

nuestra lengua, apren<strong>de</strong>rla en la escuela,<br />

disponer <strong>de</strong> periodicos, radios y television<br />

en kurdo. Queremos vivir como seres<br />

humanos compl<strong>et</strong>os, en el resp<strong>et</strong>o a<br />

nuestra dignidad, <strong>de</strong> nuestra personalidad,<br />

<strong>de</strong> nuestra i<strong>de</strong>ntidad y por eso nos dos al Norte <strong>de</strong> Irak don<strong>de</strong>, segun los<br />

encarcelan, nos torturan y nos matan). mandatarios turcos, el Partido <strong>de</strong> los Trabajadores<br />

Asi <strong>de</strong> sencillo y rotundo comienza<br />

Kurdos (PKK) tiene sus bases<br />

Mehdi lana ellibro La prision numero 5 y organiza activida<strong>de</strong>s terroristas.<br />

en el que relata su experiencia durante Il Como lana, su esposa, Leyla, <strong>de</strong> 3 I<br />

ai'ios en las carceles turcas. lana, a sus ai'ios, también sufre persecucion. Ahora<br />

55 ai'ios, casado y con dos hijos, esta hoy Leyla cumple una con<strong>de</strong>na <strong>de</strong> 15 ai'ios <strong>de</strong><br />

<strong>de</strong> nuevo en la carcel. En mayo <strong>de</strong>I ano prision en la carcel militar <strong>de</strong> Ankara acusada<br />

pasado fue con<strong>de</strong>nado por un tribunal<br />

<strong>de</strong> «pertenencia y ayuda a una banda<br />

turco a cuatro ai'ios <strong>de</strong> prision por <strong>de</strong>fen<strong>de</strong>r<br />

armada», es <strong>de</strong>cir, al PKK. Un centenar<br />

ante el Parlamento Europeo<br />

<strong>de</strong> periodistas e intelectuales<br />

los <strong>de</strong>rechos <strong>de</strong> los kurdos.<br />

también ha sido encarcelado<br />

Como lana, millones <strong>de</strong><br />

por <strong>de</strong>litos <strong>de</strong> opinion, algunos<br />

kurdos carecen <strong>de</strong> patria -viven<br />

diseminados en Turquia,<br />

lana. Leyla lana acaba <strong>de</strong> ser<br />

por <strong>de</strong>fen<strong>de</strong>r al matrimonio<br />

Irak, Inin, Siria y la antigua<br />

propuesta para el Premio Nobel<br />

URSS- y soportan persecuciones.<br />

<strong>de</strong> la Paz a instancias <strong>de</strong> los dimada<br />

La ultima ofensiva arputados<br />

noruegos. Las autorida-<br />

contra ellos la ha protagonizado<br />

<strong>de</strong>s turcas han reaccionado<br />

Turquia. El pasado<br />

inmediatamente contra esta<br />

20 <strong>de</strong> marzo las autorida<strong>de</strong>s <strong>de</strong><br />

candi datura. El Gobierno turco<br />

Ankara enviaron 35.000 solda-<br />

Zana en 1992. sigue negando la i<strong>de</strong>ntidad kur-<br />

S3<br />




ministro <strong>de</strong> lusticia <strong>de</strong> Turquia,<br />

afirmo en 1930: «Vivimos en el<br />

pais mas libre <strong>de</strong>I mundo, que se llama<br />

Turquia. El turca es el unico senor <strong>de</strong><br />

este pais. Aquellos que no son <strong>de</strong> puro<br />

origen turco no tienen mas que un solo<br />

<strong>de</strong>recho en este' pais: el <strong>de</strong>recho <strong>de</strong> ser<br />

servidores, el <strong>de</strong>recho <strong>de</strong> ser esclavos».<br />

Y asi viven los kurdos. Sus penas<br />

comenzaron en los anos 20 con Mustafa<br />

Kemal, llamado Ataturk (padre <strong>de</strong> los<br />

turcos). Su obj<strong>et</strong>ivo era la homogeneizacioncultural<br />

<strong>de</strong>I pais. En 1919, Kemal<br />

prom<strong>et</strong>io crear un «Estado musulman<br />

<strong>de</strong> kurdos y turcos», pero en 1923<br />

prohibe toda manifestacion <strong>de</strong> la entidad<br />

kurda. Las revueltas kurdas <strong>de</strong>senca<strong>de</strong>naron<br />

un circula <strong>de</strong> represion-revuelta-represion<br />

entre 1925 y 1938. Millon<br />

y media <strong>de</strong> kurdos fue <strong>de</strong>portado y<br />

masacrado. Tras la II Guerra Mundial,<br />

las casas empeoran. El golpe <strong>de</strong> Estado<br />

<strong>de</strong> 1960 inicia la campana «Ciudadano<br />

habla turco» y se pintan las la<strong>de</strong>ras <strong>de</strong><br />

las montanas <strong>de</strong>I Kurdistan con l<strong>et</strong>ras<br />

que dicen: «Un turco vale todo un universo».<br />

Pueblos enteras, coma Silvan y<br />

Batman, son torturados en publico.<br />

En 1982 se aprobo una Constitucion<br />

que consagra los principios <strong>de</strong> Ataturk.<br />

Unos 65.000 kurdos murieron en Diyarbakir<br />

tras ser torturados. Entonces nace<br />

el PKK, el Partido <strong>de</strong> los Trabajadores<br />

<strong>de</strong>l Kurdistan, que lleva a cabo actos terroristas<br />

contra obj<strong>et</strong>ivos turcos.<br />

En abril <strong>de</strong> 1991, el presi<strong>de</strong>nte Turgut<br />

Ozal <strong>de</strong>ci<strong>de</strong> abolir la ley sobre las<br />

lenguas prohibidas y amnistia a 45.000<br />

prisioneros kurdas, entre ellos a Mehdi<br />

Zana. El pueblo kurdo abriga gran<strong>de</strong>s<br />

esperanzas para las legislativas <strong>de</strong> octubre<br />

<strong>de</strong> 1991. Pero el PKK lleva a cilbo<br />

varias acciones sangrientas que sirven<br />

<strong>de</strong> excusa al Ejército para iniciar una<br />

.nueva ofensiva: 150 civiles kurdos mueren<br />

durante la fiesta <strong>de</strong>l nuevo ana kurdo<br />

el 21 <strong>de</strong> marzo <strong>de</strong> 1992 en Cizre. Se<br />

inicia entonces una eliminacion planificada.<br />

En 30 meses mas <strong>de</strong> 2.000 kurdas,<br />

entre ellos elescritor Musa Anter y el<br />

diputado Mehm<strong>et</strong> Sincar, son asesiriados<br />

par «asesinos no i<strong>de</strong>ntificados».<br />

. En marzo <strong>de</strong> 1993 Ozal intenta <strong>de</strong>tener<br />

el bano <strong>de</strong> sangre. Cuando se prepara<br />

para anunciar una serie <strong>de</strong> medidas<br />

relativas al puebla kurda, Ozal muere<br />

subitamente <strong>de</strong>bido a un para cardiaco.<br />

El pasado 20 <strong>de</strong> marzo Ankara en-<br />

.vio 35.000 hombres al Norte <strong>de</strong> Irak<br />

para combatir al PKK alIi asentado. La<br />

ofensiva turca se realizo precisamente<br />

par encima <strong>de</strong>I Para1elo36, zona <strong>de</strong> exclusion<br />

aérea impuesta a Irak tras la<br />

guerra <strong>de</strong>l Golfo para que el li<strong>de</strong>r iraqui,<br />

Sadam Husein, no pueda arrem<strong>et</strong>er<br />

contra el pueblo kurda. Curiosa. •<br />

da, pero no quiere que el reconocimiento intemacional <strong>de</strong> la causa <strong>de</strong> los Zana en- ,<br />

turbie. su cada vez mas cerc.ana un.ion I<br />

aduanera con la Union Europea.<br />

En La prision numero 5, Mehdi Zana<br />

relata coma se ensanaban sus torturadores<br />

con él par haber recibido el apoyo explicita<br />

<strong>de</strong>I Gobiemo francés. Publicado<br />

el pasado febrero en Francia par la editorial<br />

Arléa, en el libro no hay ningun tipo<br />

<strong>de</strong> proselitismo, ni <strong>de</strong> llamadas al in<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>ntismo<br />

<strong>de</strong>l puebla<br />

kurda, ni <strong>de</strong> instigaciones<br />

a la venganza.<br />

Zana se limita, con una<br />

sencillez aplastante, a<br />

<strong>de</strong>scribir las torturas a<br />

las que los presos kurdos<br />

son som<strong>et</strong>idos y a<br />

<strong>de</strong>jar clara su intencion<br />

<strong>de</strong> seguir luchando por<br />

10 que no son mas que<br />

<strong>de</strong>rechos humanos.<br />

Los presos<br />

recibian golpes y<br />

<strong>de</strong>scargas<br />

eléctricas en los<br />

testiculos<br />

El escritor turco<br />

Yadar Kemal, cuyo<br />

nombre se ha barajado<br />

en varias ocasiones para el Premio Nobel,<br />

recomienda la lectura <strong>de</strong> La prisi6n<br />

numero 5. Kemal fue juzgado en Turquia<br />

en marzo <strong>de</strong>i ano pasado, cuando se con<strong>de</strong>no<br />

a seis diputados kurdas, por <strong>de</strong>cir:<br />

- Turquia entrara maldita en el siglo<br />

XXI.<br />

Al referirse a Zana, Kemal afirma:<br />

-El no es un hombre que miente.<br />

Porque uno quisiera creer que 10 que<br />

cuenta en ellibro no es verdad, que es una<br />

pesadilla. Pero la pesadilla, dice Zana, comienza<br />

cuando uno se <strong>de</strong>spierta. La celda<br />

<strong>de</strong> la Aca<strong>de</strong>mia Militar en la que Zana fue<br />

confmado el 24 <strong>de</strong> septiembre<strong>de</strong> 1980, 12<br />

dias <strong>de</strong>spués <strong>de</strong>I golpe <strong>de</strong> Estado, tenia<br />

1,80 m. <strong>de</strong> largo par 0,62 <strong>de</strong> ancho y 1,80<br />

<strong>de</strong> alto, con una tabla <strong>de</strong> 40 centim<strong>et</strong>ros<br />

<strong>de</strong> ancha a 30 centim<strong>et</strong>ros<strong>de</strong>I suelo.<br />

El dia que llego fue torturado par una<br />

<strong>de</strong>cena <strong>de</strong> guardias que le advirti.


-Eso les hace reir, sobre todo si la<br />

victima se quema; si no reacciona, la empren<strong>de</strong>n<br />

a golpes --explica Zana.<br />

Las torturas son innumerables: tenerles<br />

12 horas <strong>de</strong> pie sin corner, 0 <strong>de</strong>ntro <strong>de</strong><br />

una celda plagada <strong>de</strong> ratas, 0 en una banera<br />

llena <strong>de</strong> excrementos 0 sobrevivir a los<br />

ataques <strong>de</strong> un pastor aleman adiestrado<br />

para mor<strong>de</strong>r los testiculos <strong>de</strong> los presos.<br />

.-<br />

yaba, esperaban a que recuperase el conocimiento<br />

para volver a comenzar.<br />

La presion psicologica es también habituaI:<br />

les obligaban a dar gracias a Ala<br />

por su situaci6n y <strong>de</strong>sear larga vida al<br />

Ejército y a la naci6n turca, saludar al perro<br />

<strong>de</strong>i capitan, se les som<strong>et</strong>ia al simulacro<br />

<strong>de</strong> ser ahorcados y recibian amenazas<br />

contra sus familias.<br />

-No buscaban matamos. Dosificaban<br />

las torturas para ver el grado <strong>de</strong> 10<br />

que podiamos soportar -afirma Zana.<br />

Su libro <strong>de</strong>scribe también el hacinamiento<br />

y la [alta <strong>de</strong> higiene en que viven<br />

los presos, el sadismo <strong>de</strong> los carceleros,<br />

que aveces ofrecen té a un prisionero y<br />

cuando se acerca le vierten el té hirviendo.<br />

Hay torturas mas humilIantes, si cabe<br />

clasificarlas, como la «matraca»,<br />

que consiste en introducir una porra<br />

en el recto mientras cuatro guardas<br />

sostienen al prisionero por las manos y<br />

pies. Si la porra rompe los organos, la<br />

victima pue<strong>de</strong> morir <strong>de</strong>sangrada. En ocasiones<br />

obligan a un prisionero a sostener<br />

la porra contra otro compaiiero 0 a autoempalarse<br />

sentandose sobre ella. A veces,<br />

cuando sacan la porra ensangrentam<br />

da, obligan a otro <strong>de</strong>tenido a chuparla.<br />

I!i - Tratan <strong>de</strong> humillamos en 10 mas<br />

iprofundo <strong>de</strong> nosotros mismos -asegura.<br />

Pero en 10 mas profundo <strong>de</strong> ellos esta<br />

el convencimiento <strong>de</strong> que su lucha es justa<br />

yeso les mantiene vivos. Les queda<br />

incluso energia para iniciar acciones soli.<br />

darias eintentar llamar la atenci6n <strong>de</strong> la<br />

comunidad intemacional. En 1982 llevaron<br />

a cabo una huelga <strong>de</strong> hambre con el<br />

obj<strong>et</strong>ivo <strong>de</strong> poner fin a los malos tratos.<br />

A los 55 dias <strong>de</strong> la huelga, muri6 el<br />

primer <strong>de</strong>tenido. Todavia moririan varios<br />

mas antes <strong>de</strong> que la Administracion prom<strong>et</strong>iese<br />

que no habria torturas. En realidad,<br />

las cosas no cambiaron mucho pero,<br />

segllil Zana, las acciones conjuntas reforzaron<br />

la moral <strong>de</strong> los presos kurdos. Finalmente,<br />

a partir <strong>de</strong> 1987, las condiciones<br />

mejoraron. Zana fue liberado en<br />

1991. Para entonces ya empezaba a recuperar<br />

la memoria que le falto entre 1983<br />

y 1984, pero tenia dificulta<strong>de</strong>s para hablar.<br />

Asegura que durante su <strong>de</strong>tencion<br />

se sintio investido <strong>de</strong> una gran responsabilidad<br />

porque <strong>de</strong>bia sei"merecedor <strong>de</strong> la<br />

confianza que los kurdos habian <strong>de</strong>positado<br />

en él al elegirle alcal<strong>de</strong>.<br />

También comenta la capacidad para<br />

el humor en situaciones limite, como<br />

cuando un preso que pa<strong>de</strong>cia una diarrea<br />

por haber injerido comida en mal estado<br />

fue llevado ante el tribunal y pidi6 pere<br />

miso para ir al ballo. Como no se 10 dieron,<br />

satisfizo sus necesida<strong>de</strong>s <strong>de</strong>lante <strong>de</strong>l<br />

tribunal. Por supuesto fue castigado, pero<br />

cuando regreso a la celda disfruto contândoselo<br />

a sus compaiieros.<br />

Cuenta Zana también la anécdota <strong>de</strong><br />

Vedat Aydin, uno <strong>de</strong> los li<strong>de</strong>res kurdos<br />

<strong>de</strong> Diyarbakir. Durante una sesi6n colectiva<br />

<strong>de</strong> tortura un compaiiero le pregunta:<br />

-l,Como estas?<br />

~jTan fuerte como un buey! -respondio<br />

Aydin.<br />

-Fue tan inesperada su respuesta<br />

~ice Zana- que le miramos como espectadores<br />

<strong>de</strong> nosotros mismos, lejos por<br />

un segundo <strong>de</strong> nuestro dolor y nos echamos<br />

areir.<br />

Zana en la circel (1984). Hoy algue en prIs16n. Vedat Aydin fue asesinado en 1991. •<br />




D.S.Calls On AUies<br />

To Join Ban on Iran<br />

OilPrices<br />

RiseonNews<br />

Of Boycott<br />

By Youssef M. Ibrahim<br />

New York Times Service<br />

PARIS - The ban on commercial <strong>de</strong>aling<br />

wlth Iran will trigger disruptions in .<br />

world oil mark<strong>et</strong>s that may raise energy<br />

costs worldwi<strong>de</strong>, particularly if the United.<br />

States pursues its use of oil as ~ weapon<br />

with Libya and Nigeria to extract political<br />

.concessions or extends its boycott to for- .<br />

eign companies doing business fn Iran.<br />

Oil prices rose mo<strong>de</strong>ratelyon Monday.<br />

.On the New York Mercantile Exchange,<br />

cru<strong>de</strong> oil for <strong>de</strong>livery ip June was trading'<br />

late in the day at $20.50 a barrel, up 12<br />

cents from Friday, after initially gaining as<br />

much as 42 cents to $20.80 a barrel, the<br />

highest level since last August. .<br />

In London, North Sea Brent Blend<br />

cru<strong>de</strong> for June <strong>de</strong>livery was quoted in late<br />

trading at $19.17 a barrelon the Interna-<br />

.tional P<strong>et</strong>roleum Exchange, up Il cents<br />

.from Friday, afterrising as high as $19.38<br />

a barrel earlier in the day. Brent cru<strong>de</strong> is.<br />

J1e benchmark oil from the North Sea.<br />

lf Japanjoins the boycott of Iranian oil,.<br />

:pearly 40 percent of Iran's oilexports of<br />

2.5 million barrels a day wouldbe blocked<br />

out of world mark<strong>et</strong>s, energy experts in<br />

IEurope estimate. A prolonged action<br />

would <strong>de</strong>prive Tehranof about $4 billion,<br />

or about a .third of its annual hard-currency<br />

revenue.<br />

Japanese oil industry officials said Mon-.<br />

day that the United States already had<br />

asked the Japanese Foreign Ministry to<br />

lobby 'for a suspension of the daily p'urchases<br />

of 600,000 barrels of Iranian oil.<br />

."It will be more than a thorn in their<br />

si<strong>de</strong>," said P<strong>et</strong>er Gignoux, head of the.<br />

energy <strong>de</strong>sk at Smith Barney in London:<br />

But experts say the policy would create<br />

pardships for American companies as the<br />

places they can operate in the Middle East .<br />

.iU'e.becoming fewer, American oil compani;es<br />

an: no~ banned from. operating in.<br />

a day toMIf' that amount currently. As a<br />

result, Russian oil exports have been un-.<br />

stable.<br />

Experts say the embargo comes at a time<br />

.when the balance b<strong>et</strong>ween oil supplies and<br />

consumption is precarious.<br />

Demand for oil has been increasing, as<br />

the newly industrialized economies of India,<br />

China and Southeast Asia expand ..<br />

Since 1990, world oil mark<strong>et</strong>s have been<br />

<strong>de</strong>prived of about 3 million barrels a day<br />

that Iraq exported before sanctions were<br />

imposed by the United Nations. Iran is.<br />

.currently exporting 2.5million barrels a:<br />

day, of which about 1 million barrels going<br />

.to U.S. and Japan~e buyers may be sus-.<br />

pen<strong>de</strong>d; .<br />

"There is a limit to how much oil you<br />

can keep out of the mark<strong>et</strong> without pushing<br />

prices up," said John Lichtblau, presi<strong>de</strong>nt<br />

of ~e ~<strong>et</strong>roleum Industry Research<br />

Foundation ln Manhattan. "It's lilce a<br />

. 'Cateh-22' situation: The mOre .<br />

successful U.S. policy is, the ..<br />

price of oil is likely to increase<br />

by several dollars."<br />

. .International oil companies<br />

sald the overall impact of the<br />

American boycott would be-<br />

. come clearer after 30 days,<br />

when the executive or<strong>de</strong>r takes<br />

force.<br />

The presi<strong>de</strong>nt of a major oil<br />

trading company, based in .<br />

Monte Carlo,. which handles<br />

shipping for a substantial<br />

amounts of Iranian cru<strong>de</strong> oil,<br />

said: "If the Americans are<br />

very, very firm in their pressure<br />

it will create real difficulties f0;<br />

I~an 'in <strong>de</strong>alingwith third ,par- •<br />

tIes, to(). No one wants to;<strong>de</strong>fy.<br />

America today."<br />

Third parties, like in<strong>de</strong>pen-<br />

Appeal<br />

.<br />

Comes.:<br />

.<br />

After Clinton<br />

Cuts Off Tra<strong>de</strong> .<br />

!-lbya, p-anl!Pd;I.raq; tpeyare reStricted to'. By Paul F. Horvitz<br />

ilsm~resenœ1D~a,aad ~e at risk in,<br />

International Herald Tribune<br />

AJaenllf,If ~k ~~ PO~4cal groups:<br />

,u~,the~mpameSa1sowillbebanned' WASHINGTON -The United States<br />

ki:JIn N~$Cria:toforce the'Nigerian military :<strong>de</strong>nounced Iran on Monday and sternly<br />

to'r<strong>et</strong>um to <strong>de</strong>mocracy. . .. <strong>de</strong>clared. to its allies and to Russia and<br />

....The ban on American oilpurchases . China thatthere were no longer any "ex-.<br />

from Libya began in 1986, and, from Iraq, cuses" for maintaining commercjal ties<br />

iliI99O.Simultaneously, Russian produc- with Tehran's Islamic re~me.<br />

tion has droppe4 steadily, coming down in. ,The messagewas <strong>de</strong>livered at a news<br />

the past foUr Years from 12 million barrels. briefing by Secr<strong>et</strong>ary of State Warren M<br />

12<br />

<strong>de</strong>rit"cJiltra<strong>de</strong>rs ana öllsl1ïpping<br />

companies, will playa .major<br />

role as Iran tries to bypass the<br />

boycott and resell oil through<br />

'themback to America and'to<br />

.other mark<strong>et</strong>s.<br />

One' of the crucial factors to<br />

pon<strong>de</strong>r, experts say, is wh<strong>et</strong>her<br />

the fe~ oil producers with~pare<br />

capacity and reserves, lik~ Saudi<br />

Arabia, would mov<strong>et</strong>o make<br />

up ,an~ shorÙlgé by pumping<br />

more oil. ..<br />

The general consensusin Europe<br />

is that Saudi Arabia's economic<br />

and political sense dictates<br />

that it refrain from<br />

replacing the Iranian oil.<br />

"I don't think the Saudis will<br />

b~dge on production," said Mr.,<br />

. GIgnoux of. Smith Barney.<br />

",Trus is a tra<strong>de</strong> embargo <strong>de</strong>slgPled<br />

to send a political message<br />

to Tehran, with which Sau.,<br />

.di Arabia agrees." . .<br />

.• Other experts agreed that<br />

Saudi Arabia, which already'<br />

.produces 8 million barrels a<br />

.day, would opt for higher pric<strong>et</strong><br />

rather than more production m<br />

keep prices stable. 1<br />

Oil industry experts in Eu.'<br />

'rope said the U.S. boyc.oif<br />

would require extensive poliC".,<br />

ing, as Iran rushed to find in<strong>de</strong>.<br />

pen<strong>de</strong>nt tra<strong>de</strong>rs to mark<strong>et</strong> its,<br />

oil.<br />

Some Europeans have argued.<br />

that the United states will facé<br />

renewed pressure from Russiai:<br />

China and .France to end thê<br />

sanctionsimposed by the Unit ..<br />

ed Nations that ban Iraq frorr:.<br />

selling oil in or<strong>de</strong>r to ease an)/<br />

supply crisis. .<br />

. At the moment, most experq<br />

believe no crisis is looming:<br />

Those .interviewed Monday said<br />

the embargo remained largely Ii<br />

p~nal.tyupon American compa'<br />

rues.<br />

"The use of oil as a weapon ü<br />

costly. It can cut both ways,'<br />

said a former Algerian oil min.<br />

ister, . Nordine Ait-Laoussine<br />

"At the moment it is Americar<br />

oil companiès who cannot wod<br />

ill Libya; or Iraq or Iran. Other:<br />

are,' and Iran will disCount it:<br />

oil te:>s~llit."<br />

Christopliér' one day afterPresi<strong>de</strong>nt Bill<br />

. Clinton announced a total ban on U.S.<br />

tra<strong>de</strong> and investment with Iran. .<br />

The secr<strong>et</strong>ary srecifically called on oth-<br />

.er nations to "end all of their concessionary<br />

credits, which allow Iran to divert<br />

scarce resources to militaryprograms and<br />

'to sponsoring terrorism.:' .<br />

. The presi<strong>de</strong>nt'sba<strong>de</strong> ban comes a week.<br />

before Mr. Clinton flies to Moscow, where<br />

he is expected to renew pressure-on Presi<strong>de</strong>nt<br />

Boris N. Yeltsin to reverse the<br />

planned sale of two nuclear reactors to<br />

Iran.<br />

In Tehran, state radio and television<br />

called Mr. Clinton's sanctions "disgrace-<br />

• ful" and suggested that only U.S. companies<br />

would p~y .a price, Reuters reported.


.-<br />

[he purchase of Iranian cru<strong>de</strong> oil by<br />

U.S.-based companies and their branches<br />

overseas had been wi<strong>de</strong>ly cited as an inconsistency<br />

in U.S. policy as it pressed for<br />

tra<strong>de</strong> sanctions. Nations in Europe and<br />

Asia friendly to the United States generally<br />

have resisted Washington's pleas that<br />

they halt tra<strong>de</strong> with Iran, and It was unclear<br />

wh<strong>et</strong>her the presi<strong>de</strong>nt's latest move<br />

would bring any results.<br />

On Monday, after Mr. Clinton effectively<br />

<strong>de</strong>clared an end to the U.S. purchase of<br />

Iranian cru<strong>de</strong>, Mr. Christopher issued his<br />

broa<strong>de</strong>st indictment y<strong>et</strong> of Iran. He called<br />

Tehran "a ~or threat to United States<br />

interests and mternational security," and<br />

ad<strong>de</strong>d: ::~re <strong>de</strong>termined to stop them."<br />

Be es' ted that Iran, <strong>de</strong>spite a domestic<br />

~criIis, "spends several hun-<br />

~ JDiIJIlpa doUars a year to ptoYi<strong>de</strong> radical<br />

poofI with weapons, equipment,<br />

trairons. In~ financial support."<br />

He also said Iran was specifically seeking<br />

gas centrifuge technology used to isolate<br />

weapons-gra<strong>de</strong> nuclear fuel and in<br />

1992 sent agents to Kazakhstan in an attempt<br />

to buy enriched uranium. Tehran<br />

has said it is seeking nuclear technology<br />

purely for peaceful energy needs.<br />

"Other nations were using our tra<strong>de</strong><br />

with Iran as an excuse for making coneessionary<br />

credits or taking other actions to<br />

strengthen Iran," Mr. Christopher said.<br />

"We did not want to give anybody ajustification<br />

or an excuse or really even an argument<br />

against the strong position that we'<br />

are now taking."<br />

The White House is claiming mo<strong>de</strong>st<br />

success. Mr. Clinton's spokesman, Michael<br />

McCurry, told reporters Monday<br />

that some members of the Group of Seven<br />

wealthy nations were "reviewing their own<br />

economic engagement with Iran."<br />

In addition to Russia and China, Germany<br />

and Japan have been particular targ<strong>et</strong>s<br />

of U.S. pressure.<br />

Un<strong>de</strong>r the presi<strong>de</strong>nt's plan, Iran will not<br />

be permitted to buy any U.S. goods. Last<br />

year, U.S. exports to Iran were valued at<br />

$326 million. In addition, American-controlled<br />

oil companies will no<br />

longer be allowed to buy Iranian<br />

cru<strong>de</strong> and resell it on the<br />

world mark<strong>et</strong>. Fully in<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nt<br />

subsidiaries not controlled<br />

'by U.S.-based executives will<br />

not,be affected by the or<strong>de</strong>r.<br />

U.S. oil companies and their<br />

branches abroad buy about 20<br />

percent of Iranian cru<strong>de</strong>, valued<br />

!it $3 billion to $4 billion. They<br />

already are barred from import-<br />

'lng Iranian cru<strong>de</strong> directly to the<br />

United States.<br />

'.'Another possible aim of Mr.<br />

Clinton's action is to <strong>de</strong>rail Reptblican-sponsored<br />

legislation<br />

~,~ing offered in Congress to<br />

,yeate a secondary boycott by.<br />

'Jarrjng U.S cOll1mcn;ialties to<br />

'my company that tra<strong>de</strong>s wiLh<br />

Iran.<br />

The officials who drafted the<br />

r-~ent U.S. ban on tra<strong>de</strong>,<br />

whidl Wlil Ilot lake lull dfect<br />

until July, refrained from el>pressing<br />

'optimism about ho....<br />

other nations would react.<br />

At the most.they say the U.S.<br />

step to han American companies<br />

and their <strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nt suhsidiaries<br />

from commercial contacts<br />

with Iran will "enhance<br />

our credibility" in pressing for<br />

restraint by other nations.<br />

The crux of the issue is.<br />

wh<strong>et</strong>her financial and tra<strong>de</strong><br />

benefits, particularly the sale of<br />

oil. produces cash and frees other<br />

Iranian resources to help finance<br />

such opponents of Middle<br />

Fast peace as the Hama~<br />

and Hezbollah groups.<br />

Japan has provi<strong>de</strong>d some fi-.<br />

nancing for a major hydro<strong>de</strong>ctrie<br />

dam project in Irim but so<br />

far has <strong>de</strong>layed providing<br />

scheduled enhancements. Rus~<br />

sia has shown little indication<br />

, so far that it will reconsi<strong>de</strong>r its<br />

plan toselliight-water reactors,<br />

to Tehran, <strong>de</strong>spite heavy U.S.<br />

pressure.<br />

Germany envisions commercial<br />

contacts with Tehran as<br />

well, and Chancellor Helmut<br />

Kohl has <strong>de</strong>flected U.S. pressure,<br />

specifically citing the pur-<br />

"hase of Iranian oil by U.S.-<br />

based companies.<br />

A---F:"-P-:---:.::.A- -F -p.,--

," ';'-" To Russia: Turkey treasures its<br />

,:;~,~>, To Europe: Do not exclu<strong>de</strong> Tl)rkey<br />

:":'3''''Qrom the customs union using<br />

1.:~~;:::Jhuman rights or Kurdish issues as<br />

1~pr<strong>et</strong>exts. Keeping out a c'ountry<br />

, with a comp<strong>et</strong>itive economy and a secular.<br />

<strong>de</strong>mocratic system is not in your<br />

best interests.<br />

,,"':"'),\ To the government: Blow life into<br />

''''4:;::':\ the Black Sea Cooperation<br />

\:. .... ;.) Organization and the Economic<br />

1 ~Cooperation Organization, help<br />

peace in the Caucasus to pave a vital<br />

road to Central Asia blocked by Iran. Win<br />

the comp<strong>et</strong>ition for opening a sea link to<br />

the Turkic states .<br />

....-~.'~-,..'"~,.'" ~.<br />

l ", .~'v:.,-~...•.;:'.,<br />

,"'-'-'0" To Syria: Stop harboring terrorists<br />

.'S""'\ who are causing trouble for<br />

I<br />

:. 2' ,..~ lies with Russia. It is nottrying to<br />

~.I:..'J govern the Central Asian<br />

I ~ republics which can govern themselves.<br />

Russia, on the other hand,<br />

should not engage in pOlicies which il<br />

thinks will intimidate Turkey, like using<br />

the Kurdish card.<br />

~:'\.'~~-:.-:-::~ç,;,,::.~.::-<br />

;:?~.7;~:":'~"'''?:; '::-:.:~:<br />

k.~ ..~) Turkey. This is not compatible<br />

I ~ with friendship.<br />

'f,;I'<br />

TON. Rah~an Tuncer<br />

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Demirel wams Europe,<br />

play with Kurdish card<br />

If Turkey cannot enter the Customs Union, this will create a re<br />

will help strengthen the PKK, allow it to boast that it can hurt<br />

into the hands ofthose who are against Turkey's entering the<br />

In an exclusive"interview with the TDN on the targ<strong>et</strong>s and problems of<br />

Turkey'sforeign policy, Presi<strong>de</strong>nt Süleyman Demirel issued messages to the<br />

country's traditional allies and new fellow-players in the regional power<br />

game, warning them not to cause lasting resentment among the Turkish<br />

public by playing the Kurdish card. He called for an energ<strong>et</strong>ic foreign p~licy<br />

reaching out in all directions but placed particular emphasis on a strategy<br />

that would ensure the opening of a vital route to Central Asia. Demirel's full<br />

statement on foreign policy to the TDN follows:<br />

By tlnur Çevik Ra~it Gürdilek, Semih D. tdiz , Nazlan Ertan,<br />

Burak Bekdil & Hayri Birler<br />

o'<br />

n its foreign relations, Turkey today is a well-<br />

Irespected country. It is a major 'power which is<br />

listed among the IO big emergmg mark<strong>et</strong>s. Its.<br />

econoIl}y, is proceeding !owards becoming a<br />

comp<strong>et</strong>itive economy. It IS a currency earnmg<br />

country. It receives foreign exchange from<br />

exports, from tourism, from its workers and contractors<br />

abroad and from air and maritime transport, it is<br />

earning hard currency. It is a country which Ispaying<br />

its <strong>de</strong>bts and interest to the last penny, not <strong>de</strong>faulting<br />

on them. So, it is natural that Turkey is a respected<br />

country.<br />

Regional cooperation and the EU.<br />

Now,I want to say this about the forei~ policy<br />

issues before TUrkey: One is Turkey s partiCIpation<br />

in regional cooJ>eration o..rganizations.<br />

One of them. is the European Union (EU) If Turkey<br />

can enter the European customs union, it will be the<br />

first country to do so without entering the EU frrst.<br />

Can Turkey enter the EU? As it looks today, it is not<br />

som<strong>et</strong>hin~ that can happen soon. And. what will<br />

Turkey gam from the customs union membership?<br />

Will it have some problems? Yes, it will. But it will<br />

also have some advantages.<br />

I Turkey has suffered<br />

heavily from the stance<br />

the Western powers<br />

have adopted against<br />

Iraq, and it continues to<br />

suffer. And it will suffer<br />

again if the Western<br />

powers enter a<br />

confrontation with Iran.<br />

If Turkey cannot enter the customs union, this will<br />

ct'é.ate a resentment in Turkey against the West.<br />

FUrthérmore it will help strengthen the PKK (the outl~<br />

Kurdistan Workers' Party) and allow it to boast<br />

thàt.lt can hurt Turkey's ties with other countries. It<br />

will also play into the hands of those who are against<br />

Turlœy's entering the EU.<br />

It. will not be easy to erase this resentment. This<br />

will be the opportunity those who want to sever<br />

Turkey from Europe have always been seeking. Our<br />

European friends would give us up and opt for<br />

whom? .<br />

_ It is no longer possible to<br />



...TDN S'PECIAL ...TDN SPECIAL ...<br />

US, Russia: Don't<br />

--l<strong>et</strong>' s be friends<br />

sentment in Turkey againsttheWest. Furthermore it<br />

rrurkey's ties with other countries. It will also play<br />

EU. It will not pe easy to erase this resentment.<br />

Turkey has a strategie location as a bridge whieh<br />

. cannot be overlooked. And before that, the country<br />

itself is important as a large, <strong>de</strong>mocratic, secular<br />

country which has adopted the values tlf Europ~.<br />

With a republican history of 72 years, the West-onented<br />

reforms introduced by its foun<strong>de</strong>r, Kemal<br />

Atatürk, are now <strong>de</strong>ep rooted among the masses. Now<br />

Turkey has over half a million teachers who are all<br />

attached to the legacy of Atatürk. It is no longer possible<br />

to eradicate this legacy in Turkey with its popu~<br />

lous ranks of intellectuals imbued with Ataturkism.<br />

Yes, Turkey is now the gateway t~ Central As~a, to<br />

.Caucasus, to the Balkans, to RUSSia,to the MIddle<br />

East. Well, don't. the people going there know the<br />

way? Can't they go by themselvesfThey surely can.<br />

But Turkey is a stepping stone. And the first to see<br />

this property of Turkeyare the Japanese. If the<br />

. Japanese invest somewhere and when doing so they<br />

don't mind some minor problems, then you know that<br />

that place is important. Turkey has also an experienced<br />

class of entrepreneurs. And finally, the rule of<br />

law prevails here. If you add all these tog<strong>et</strong>her, you<br />

arrive at the eco-strategic location of the country<br />

whieh already has an important geo-strategic location.<br />

This eco-strategy is very important as a concept.<br />

Turkish entrel'reneurs have already. dispersed to<br />

.everywhere in Europe and have evengone beyond.<br />

We have come across many Turkish businessmen,<br />

.contractors even in Latin America.<br />

.jEurope is not a mere<br />

fW.$<br />

. geographic <strong>de</strong>finition.<br />

Europe is more a<br />

16<br />

eradicate the legacy of<br />

Atatürk in Turkey with<br />

its P9pulous ranks of<br />

intellectuals imbued<br />

with Atatürkism.<br />

<strong>de</strong>finition of values.<br />

Now, there is no point in<br />

excluding Turkey which<br />

has. embraced these<br />

valu,è~J: is <strong>de</strong>fending<br />

them and is trying to<br />

carry them elsewhere.<br />

Besi<strong>de</strong>s the security of .<br />

(new) Europe is not<br />

.som<strong>et</strong>hing that has been<br />

established. No'one<br />

knows for sure the<br />

future of NATO.<br />

Now, Europe should not give up a country like this.<br />

This would not be in its own interests.<br />

. More than half of Turkey' s foreign tra<strong>de</strong> is already<br />

with Europe. Europe should not allow itself to be<br />

swayed by anti-Turkish activities, There is anti.<br />

Turkish opposition. Because Turkey has, after all;<br />

conie from a disban<strong>de</strong>d empire. There are age-old<br />

. enmities <strong>de</strong>riving from history. '<br />

'. Europe is not a mere geographic <strong>de</strong>finition. Europe<br />

is more a <strong>de</strong>finition of values. Now, there is no pornt<br />

. in excluding a Turkey which has embraced these values,<br />

is <strong>de</strong>fending them and is trying to carry them<br />

.elsewhere. Besi<strong>de</strong>s the security of (new) Europe is<br />

not som<strong>et</strong>hing that has been established. No one<br />

.knows for sure the future of NATO. The reshaping,<br />

the restructuring of Europe is not compl<strong>et</strong>e y<strong>et</strong>. In<br />

these circumstances a major power like Turkey cannot<br />

be easily given up. So, l advise our European<br />

friends - as well as tlieir governments to whom it is<br />

always easier to explain things -, the Eurooean


media, European man-on-the-s~re<strong>et</strong>, European businessmen<br />

and the European parliaments to b<strong>et</strong>ter recognize<br />

Turkey's value, This is my message to.<br />

Europe, We want to be tog<strong>et</strong>her wit~ Europ~, we<br />

don't wantto be dra~ged away, But If they t~e.the<br />

price of our unity with Europe, t~ some ,condltlO,ns<br />

that will cause the country's disintegration or dismemberment,<br />

Turkey will not accept tliat.<br />

Black Sea Economic Cooperation<br />

organization and Russia<br />

Another regional grouping imQC)rtantfor Turkey<br />

is the Black Sea Economic Cooperation organization.<br />

I attach great importance to this. This<br />

will turn the Black Sea into a lake of peace. 'f!ùs will<br />

reactivate the historicaltra<strong>de</strong> rOlltes to ASIa. The<br />

tra<strong>de</strong> routes now severed for political reasons will<br />

regain vitality. Russia is very Important for us. We<br />

don't want our relations with RUSSiato come to harm.<br />

The Chechnya affair, and TurRey's relations :-vi~hthe<br />

Central Asian republics should not cause a chili In the<br />

relations with Russia. The attempts to s<strong>et</strong>tle the<br />

Chechnya problem with repression, with force, with<br />

bloodshed are utterly wrong. I sai~ this w~y back ~n<br />

Dec. 17 in a l<strong>et</strong>ter I sent to RUSSIanPresI<strong>de</strong>nt Bons<br />

Yeltsin.<br />

• 1 In the Black Sea<br />

DH;;f<br />

Economic Cooperation<br />

Organization everybody<br />

has a stake in 10..11<br />

states staying tog<strong>et</strong>her<br />

and collectively<br />

searching opportunities<br />

for cooperation.<br />

Turkey will continue<br />

vanguarding this.<br />

Russia should not feel concern about Turkey's<br />

<strong>de</strong>veloping ties with Central Asia. We shall not<br />

attempt to govern these state~ the~e. E~ery state will<br />

govern itself. But we have histoncaltles to Central<br />

Asia and these should not irritate anyone. We are Dot<br />

instigating anyone in CentraI Asia to do anything. On<br />

the contrary, we advise them to g<strong>et</strong> along well with<br />

Russia.<br />

The exploitation of the dormant mineraI resources<br />

in CentraI Asia will infuse. wealth to the region. And<br />

if Turkey can contribute to this in any way, this will<br />

mean helping these countries to rise up on their own.<br />

fe<strong>et</strong>.<br />

In Russia, people should support the frieDdship<br />

b<strong>et</strong>ween their country and Turkey. In my belief, both<br />

Tùrkey and Russia have a gol<strong>de</strong>n opportunity to furthér<br />

<strong>de</strong>velop their ties.<br />

.;. Russia should not<br />

@'+<br />

1~iattempt to play some<br />

cards it thinks will<br />

intimidate Turkey, like,<br />

for instance, g<strong>et</strong>ting its<br />

hand into the Kurdish<br />

issue. This will<br />

extremely disturb<br />

Turkey.<br />

Turkey can help Russia to improve its economy.<br />

But, on the other hand, Russia sliould not attempt to<br />

play some cards it thinks will intimidate Turkey, such<br />

as, for instance, g<strong>et</strong>ting its hand into the Kurdish<br />

issue.<br />

This would disturb Turkey extremely.<br />

And any such attempts to <strong>de</strong>stabilize Turkey will<br />

not be in its best interests.<br />

Coming back to the Black Sea Economic<br />

Cooperation organization, three years have passed<br />

since the signing of the agreement in June 1992. The<br />

preparatory stage is now compl<strong>et</strong>e. We start the second<br />

phase, with the second summit to be held in<br />

Romania.<br />

I attach importance to the summit. Everybody has a<br />

stake in 10-11 states staying tog<strong>et</strong>her and collectively<br />

searching opportunities for cooperation .<br />

Turkey will continue in the vanguard of this<br />

search.<br />

ECO<br />

There are now 10 member states in the<br />

Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO).<br />

The summit me<strong>et</strong>ing (in Karachi) on March 13<br />

w,asextremely encouraging. This is a new world ~ith<br />

300' million people. Turkey should lend its weIght<br />

both to the BlacICSea Economic Cooperation organi-<br />

~tion and this ECO. ECO is a new and growing project.<br />

.seven new states have joined Turkey, Iran and<br />

Pakistan, the traditional members. Many of the newcomers<br />

are just evolving into states. !here are g~eat<br />

benefits for them from the cooperation. There IS a<br />

great potential in the CentraI Asian countries.<br />

I Central Asia shoul.d<br />

.. reach the sea. It wIll<br />

have access to the sea<br />

either over Pakistan over<br />

Iran or over Turkey. The<br />

Pakistan route is<br />

inevitable. But the opening<br />

of the other route<br />

(over Iran) might block<br />

the Turkish route to the<br />

sea or vastly reduce its<br />

significance. And Iran is<br />

already engaged in a big<br />

effort to provi<strong>de</strong> the sea<br />



link to Central Asia over<br />

its own territory.<br />

Central Asia should reach the sea. It will have<br />

access to the sea either via Pakistan, Iran or Turkey.<br />

The Pakistan route is inevitable.<br />

But the opening of the other route (over Iran) might<br />

block the Turkish route to the sea or vastly reduce Its<br />

significance. And Iran is already engage~ in a b.ig<br />

effort to provi<strong>de</strong> the sea link to Central ASia over ItS<br />

own territory. ..<br />

That' s why the resolution of the AzerbalJan-<br />

Armenia conflict is so important ~or Turkey. If the<br />

conflict is resolved, Turkey can easily reach out from<br />

its eastern boundary to Baku, and from there to<br />

Krasnovodsk. .<br />

And then it will be easier for the Central ASian<br />

countries to take their D'oods to the Black Sea ~nd<br />

Mediterranean ports ofTurkey rathe.r than takmg<br />

them to the Indian Ocean through Pakistan or to the<br />

.Persian Gulf through Iran.<br />

• ,]The Chechnya<br />

HM affair and Turkey's<br />

relations with the<br />

Central Asian republics<br />

should not cause a<br />

chill in the relations<br />

with Russia. The<br />

attempts to s<strong>et</strong>tle the<br />

Chechnya problem with<br />

repression, with force,<br />

with bloodshed<br />

are utterly wrong. In'<br />

Russia, people should<br />

support the friendship<br />

b<strong>et</strong>ween their country<br />

and Turkey.<br />

And, in fact, this Silk Road will reemerge, extending<br />

from Peking to London. Turkey should compl<strong>et</strong>e<br />

the missing str<strong>et</strong>ch of railroad around Lake Van. .<br />

But Turkef s policies towards these Central Asian<br />

states are not motivated by calculations of material<br />

benefits. What it seeks is the ability of these sta.tes to<br />

stand on their own fe<strong>et</strong>, to <strong>de</strong>velop therr econortues.<br />

Turkey, Iran and the West.. .<br />

:'Turkey has suffered heavily from the stance the .<br />

Western powers have adopted against Iraq, and .<br />

it continues to suffer. And it will suffer again if<br />

the Western powers enter a confrontation willi Iran.<br />

So, when adopting a stance towards the countries<br />

around us, they should know how far they harm<br />

Turkey. And after a certain point, Turkeycannot bear<br />

these losses.<br />

Now look, what the Gulf crisis has caused (for<br />

Turkey). They cannot praise Turkey enough. We<br />

cooperated like this ... We cooperated like that.<br />

Very well, but the 100 million tons of oil (flowing<br />

through the Kirkuk- Yumurtalik pipeline) is no longer<br />

there. .<br />

The pipeline is abandoned to rot. It is a great pity.<br />

Despite all the efforts, it has not been possible to<br />

reactivate the pi~line. There are 26 million barrels<br />

of oil trapped insi<strong>de</strong>. If it is flushed, the oil insi<strong>de</strong><br />

will be wortli $500-600 million. What will happen to<br />

this money?<br />

I want to say this here: Turkey should help<br />

Azerbaijan and Armenia to reach a s<strong>et</strong>tlement. After a<br />

s<strong>et</strong>tlement over Karabakh, Armenia will withdraw<br />

from other Azerbaijani territory it has occupied.<br />

There will be a softening and a s<strong>et</strong>tlement will be <strong>de</strong>finitely<br />

reached. .<br />

When this comes about, Turkey will take increased<br />

amounts of relief supplies to Azerbaijan. Everyone<br />

will.<br />

But what is more important is a route from Turkey<br />

to Central Asia. I see this as vital for Turkey, vital for<br />

them (the Central Asian states).<br />

There is a.surprising flow of goods from Turkey to<br />

these countries by road. ' .<br />

But the road b<strong>et</strong>ween (the eastern Turkish city of)<br />

Erzurum and Gürbulak (the customs point on the<br />

Iranian bor<strong>de</strong>r) is clogged (because of slow Iranian<br />

procedures) and they cannot pass through. And of<br />

course, there is this matter ofsea accessto Central<br />

Asia.<br />

This will create a lot of investment opportunities in<br />

Central Asia: So, Turkey will continue Its interest in<br />

g<strong>et</strong>ting,to this region. .<br />

Iransays it does not want to create any obstacles,<br />

and is not barring the way. But, on the other hand, the<br />

trucks cannot pass through. Still, we cannot afford to<br />

hurt Iran. Our strategy calls for good relations with<br />

Iran.<br />

IIAs for potential<br />

:::~;:;:;:::-..;:,<br />

Western pressures on<br />

Turkey to join the<br />

West in its confrontation<br />

with Iran as speculated,<br />

Turkey cannot lift<br />

such a load.<br />

As for potential Western pressures on Turkey to<br />

join the West in its confrontation with Iran as speculated,<br />

Turkey cannot lift such a load. Now, who guarantees<br />

that these (Western powers)will not go to Iraq .<br />

(for reconciliation.).<br />

'<br />

These countries are OUf neighbors and Turkey ,<br />

should avoid as far as possible any hostility with its<br />

neighbor sun<strong>de</strong>r this influence or that. They provoke .<br />

you in that direction, and it may so happen that<br />

tomorrow you see them becoming friends with your<br />

new-won enemy. So, here, Turkey should play its<br />

.own political game. . .<br />

In these matters there is an excellent dialogue<br />

b<strong>et</strong>ween myself and the foreign ministry..<br />

And I am particularly interested in Turkey's forei[l}<br />

relations.<br />

Therefore I am saying this with full emphasis:<br />

Turkey should take a stronger position in this ECO. .<br />

And it should come to a stronger position in the<br />

Black Sea Economic Cooperation organization. Wé<br />

should be a bit more energ<strong>et</strong>ic. .<br />



Turkish Dairy News TUESDAY, MA Y 2. 1995<br />

us: Iran supports terrorism in Turkey<br />

Presi<strong>de</strong>nt Clinton will ban all tra<strong>de</strong> with Iran<br />

Turkish Daily News<br />

WASHINGTON- Presi<strong>de</strong>nt Bill Clinton is expected<br />

to sign an executive or<strong>de</strong>r this week to ban all tra<strong>de</strong> with<br />

Iran, which is already on the State Department's list of<br />

seven nations which are <strong>de</strong>clared "state sponsors of terrorism."<br />

All U.S. companies, including their overseas subsidiaries,<br />

will be banned from importing anything from<br />

Iran. The or<strong>de</strong>r also bans all U.S. exports to Iran except<br />

food and medicine.<br />

The ban will take effect 30-days after Clinton signs<br />

the executive or<strong>de</strong>r. Clinton's or<strong>de</strong>r is expected to eliminate<br />

about $3.5 billion dollars worth of Iranian oil purchased<br />

every year by U.S. ~ompanies: U.S. finns also<br />

refine 21 percent of Iran' s Oll producl1on. Sen. Alfonse<br />

D' Amato (Republican) has also proposed a similar tra<strong>de</strong><br />

embargo ort Iran, proposing to cut off tra<strong>de</strong> relations<br />

with any foreign [mns that tra<strong>de</strong> with Iran.<br />

Speaking at a State Department press briefing to<br />

explain the presi<strong>de</strong>nt's <strong>de</strong>cision, Secr<strong>et</strong>ary of State<br />

Warren Christopher said "Iran's backing for international<br />

terrorism is pervasive. .<br />

It has supported. violence across the Middle East, in<br />

Lebanon, Israel, Egypt, Turkey, Algeria and now in<br />

Gaza." In a speech he gave at the World Jewish<br />

Congress in .New York City on Sunday to 6,000<br />

Holocaust survivors, Clinton said that "Iran has broa<strong>de</strong>ned<br />

its role as an inspiration to terrorists."<br />

Christopher ad<strong>de</strong>d that "Iran is the primary patron of<br />

terrorists trying to <strong>de</strong>rail the Arab-Israeli peace process."<br />

Among the terror organizations that receive "funds,<br />

training, and political support from Iran," Christopher<br />

cited ''Ramas., Islamic Jihad, Hezbollah and Ahinad<br />

Jibril's Popular Front."<br />

He said the U.S. was also worried that Iran would one<br />

day g<strong>et</strong> nuclear weapons. "For years Iran has been trying<br />

to purchase heavy water research reactors that are best<br />

s~ii,ed to producing weapo~s-gra<strong>de</strong>. plutonium. not ele

Çiller signals<br />

end to Turkey's<br />

N. Iraq drive<br />

Visit: KDP <strong>de</strong>legation in<br />

Ankara to discuss ways to<br />

prevent establishment of<br />

PKK bases in the future<br />

Turkish<br />

Daily News<br />

ANKARA- Prime Minister Tansu Çiller<br />

on Tuesday signalled an end to Turkey's<br />

military<br />

Workers'<br />

campai~p against<br />

Party (P1\K) tara<strong>et</strong>s<br />

Kurdistan<br />

in northern<br />

Iraq, saying only a few thousand troops<br />

remained<br />

"Only<br />

in the reaion,<br />

three of our battalions (about<br />

4,000 troops) are still there, and they will<br />

b~ pulled back as soon as they finish their<br />

job," Çiller told her True Path Party's parliamentary<br />

group. In another indication of<br />

an imminent end to the operation in northern<br />

Iraq, the MilitaryPress Center, s<strong>et</strong> up<br />

in Diyarbakir in southeastern Turkey on<br />

March 20 to brief the media' on the campaign,<br />

was closed on Tuesday'.<br />

Military spokesman Colonel Dogu SilahçlOglu toldthe<br />

last session at the Press Center that 555 PKK militants had<br />

been confmned killed in the northern<br />

others had been cau~ht. '<br />

Iraq operation<br />

,<br />

and 13<br />

He put the Army s <strong>de</strong>ath toll at 61, including four officers:<br />

185<br />

SilahçlOglu<br />

soldiers<br />

ad<strong>de</strong>d.,<br />

have been woun<strong>de</strong>d In action,<br />

"<br />

Howeyer, i.n contra~t to offiCiaI figures, Çiller said ~~e<br />

had received mformatlOnthat as many as 1,3'00 PKK rrnlitants<br />

may have been killed in the clashes. '<br />

Deputy Prime Minister Hikm<strong>et</strong> Ç<strong>et</strong>insaid on Tuesday<br />

that contrary to expectations by Western countries, no<br />

civilians were injured during the Turkish Army's operation<br />

in northern Iraq. "I congratulate the armed forces for the<br />

care they have showed on this issue," Ç<strong>et</strong>in said at his<br />

coalition partner Republican People's Pany parliamentary<br />

group me<strong>et</strong>ing. " '<br />

Turkey's operation in northern Iraq started on Marcn 20<br />

when 35,000 troops stormed into the region to fight the<br />

PKK. Çiller said Turkey would fumly mamtain its right to<br />

<strong>de</strong>fend itself against separatist terrorism, adding incursions<br />

'into northern Iraq could be repeated in the future if need~d.<br />

"The ()peration IS being successfully finalized with the<br />

objectives reached," she said, adding, "As a result the terrorists<br />

have totally lost their logistic support from the<br />

region."<br />

Çillèr said the PKK, waging a separatist war in southeastern<br />

Turkey since 1984, was <strong>de</strong>firutely a terrorist organization<br />

and that the world should unite in fighting terronsm.<br />

SilahçlOglu <strong>de</strong>nied press allegations that the military<br />

operation in northern Iraq had cost billions of dollars, saying<br />

the total cost for the campaign was not more than TL<br />

2.8 trillion ($65 million). "<br />

Several European countries have been harshly criticizing<br />

Turkey because of the operation. To soothe Western fears '<br />

that Turkey would p'rolong<br />

Ankara has been saxm,g that<br />

its stay in. Ira9i ~er~itory,<br />

the operatIOn IS hrrnted.In<br />

scopeand duration. l;e.tan, stressi~g that although the Gulf<br />

War had come to an end stability has not y<strong>et</strong> been restored<br />

to the region, said no other country apart from Iraq has suffered<br />

more from the Gulf War than Turkey. He noted that<br />

Turkey has suffered an economic loss of $20 billion .<br />

.ç<strong>et</strong>m said that .passage through th~ Hab~r bor<strong>de</strong>r gate<br />

\~'Ith Iraq had been stopped temporanly dunng the operation.,<br />

but that the gate was later reopened. He said f,000<br />

vehicles could pass through the gate per day and that this<br />

would bring tra<strong>de</strong> activity to the region.<br />

'. A statement .re!~ased on Tuesday by the General Staff<br />

listed large qu~tItJes of weapons and ammunition seized<br />

from the PKK m northern Iraq, including I 000 rifles 58<br />

machine guns, 118 rock<strong>et</strong> launchers, 3,500 RPG-7 rock<strong>et</strong>s<br />

and 5,800 anti-t.~ and anti-personnelllÛnes, '<br />

The PKK mIlitants ,were armed with recoil-less auns<br />

anti-,ürcraft guns, anti-tank missiles and mortars as w~lI a~<br />

so~histicated night-vision equipment. mine <strong>de</strong>tectors and<br />

wrreless s<strong>et</strong>s.<br />

"Ço~si<strong>de</strong>ring t~~t these weapons would have been used<br />

to kill mn~ent CltlZe~s, thene~d for the operation and the<br />

benefits <strong>de</strong>nved from It are obvIOUS;" the statement said.<br />

" KDP <strong>de</strong>legation in Ankara ,<br />

A <strong>de</strong>legatIOn hea<strong>de</strong>d by Necirvan Barzani starts talks<br />

with Tu~kish officials today aimed at preventing the future '<br />

r~~~tabhshment of terrorist bases in Northern Iraq. The<br />

VISit was planned during a me<strong>et</strong>ing of Turkish officials'<br />

with K,urdistan Democratic<br />

. Banaru last month.<br />

Party (KDP) lea<strong>de</strong>r Massoud<br />

Necirvan Barzani, quoted by Agence France Presse said<br />

he would ask .Ankara to pay for mpit!a groups and the'<br />

. rec~n.structlon of northern<br />

In po.licmg the bor<strong>de</strong>r region.<br />

Iraqi Villages if it wants help<br />

.<br />

.. With~ut ~ash help it will be !mpossible to guard the bor,<br />

<strong>de</strong>r agamst mfùtratlon by Turkish Kurd separatists he said.<br />

"Nobody. can control the Turkish-Iraqi bor<strong>de</strong>r area' 100 percent<br />

agaInst the PKK (Kurdistan Workers' Party),"<br />

Banaru, nephew of KDP lea<strong>de</strong>r Massoud Barzani.<br />

said<br />

. "If Turkey finances reconstruction of <strong>de</strong>stroyed villages,<br />

rrnp~oves road access and finances small camps wecould<br />

<strong>de</strong>pl~r<br />

cent.<br />

al.ong the bor<strong>de</strong>r and c()ntrol the area up to 70 per-<br />

The KDP controls a swath~ of northwestern Iraq<br />

~o~g the bor<strong>de</strong>r, but Barzani acknowledged it would be.<br />

dlnlcult to convince Iraqi Kurd civilians living in the.<br />

. reglO!l to support Turkish interests after the lootIng and<br />

shelhng<br />

Steel."<br />

theyhad suffered during Ankara's<br />

.<br />

"Operation<br />

.<br />

"The Turks ma4e a,lot of mis~es; Instead ,of ~ulling the<br />

Kurds over to thelT Si<strong>de</strong> they ma<strong>de</strong> them angry the KDP<br />

official said. . . . '<br />

"But still, the peoplehere knowthat the reason for the<br />

shelling and lootingis ultimately the PKK." .<br />

. TheTurkish offensive, which thé army said it was windmg<br />

up Tuesday, was il big failure, Barzani ad<strong>de</strong>d. The KDP<br />

had not been Informed either when Turkish<br />

or left northern Iraq, he said. ...<br />

troops entered:<br />

"I really don't un<strong>de</strong>rstan~ what the Turkish operation;<br />

was ab~ut. Everybody.<br />

fought lik<strong>et</strong>hat.'<br />

un<strong>de</strong>rstands<br />

.<br />

that guerrillas<br />

,<br />

can't<br />

.<br />

be<br />

He also said the KDP did not have much choice in helping<br />

Turkey fight fellow Kurds.<br />

. "We aren'~ p~sans any more. The time when we could<br />

cooperate With this. country and that country and change.<br />

relationships from one day to another has passed.<br />

"!'iowaday~ we need steady relationships with our neighbonng<br />

countnes, wh<strong>et</strong>her we want it or not" he ad<strong>de</strong>d.<br />

1'he v!sit by the KDP <strong>de</strong>legations follow~ increasing alle-'<br />

gallons m Turkey that Ankara wants to draw a new bor<strong>de</strong>r<br />

"Yith Iraq by "taking geographical realities into consi<strong>de</strong>ration."<br />

Ankara argues that although there is no political<br />

<strong>de</strong>c!sion op this, such a change<br />

regIOn easier.<br />

would make control in, the<br />



--------~- --~-~-<br />

- -----~--~----------------------,<br />

L'Humanité - 3 mai 1995<br />

Asile bafoué<br />

~Kur<strong>de</strong>s ,<br />

renvoyes<br />

à Istanbul<br />

De notre correspondant.<br />

Hassan,cultiv~teur kur~<br />

avait montré à un médë-,<br />

cin eonroqué au centre <strong>de</strong><br />

rétention <strong>de</strong> Nice les stigmates<br />

<strong>de</strong>s tortures infligées par Ii<br />

soldatesque turque. fi avait ra~<br />

conté son village bombardé, sod<br />

bétail détimé, les bastonna<strong>de</strong>s<br />

publiques. te Pas <strong>de</strong> preuws à<br />

100 % II, a jugé l'OFPRA.<br />

Hassan a fait partie à la mi-avril<br />

<strong>de</strong> la première vague d'expulsés<br />

<strong>de</strong> France vers Istanbul. La préfecture<br />

<strong>de</strong>s Alpes-Maritimes ne<br />

communique pas le chiffre <strong>de</strong>s<br />

embarqués <strong>de</strong> force, <strong>de</strong>ux fois par<br />

semalDe, dans les a,ions <strong>de</strong> la<br />

honte. Selon la CIMADE, seule<br />

association tolérée au centre <strong>de</strong><br />

rétention, ils ont été 16 <strong>de</strong>puis le<br />

15 avril, puis 6 à la mile du<br />

,l'' niai <strong>et</strong> II hier. Consi4érés par<br />

j'administratioB fraiâçaise<br />

fomme<strong>de</strong>s immigrés eI8Ddéstins<br />

turcs, ils se r<strong>et</strong>roment Kor<strong>de</strong>s en<br />

.Turquie, c'est-à-dire en danger<br />

-<strong>de</strong> mort. Certaim, traînés mepottes<br />

aux poign<strong>et</strong>s sur la piste<br />

,<strong>de</strong> l'aéroport <strong>de</strong> Nice, refusent<br />

d'ailleurs <strong>de</strong> monter à bord <strong>de</strong>s<br />

avions <strong>de</strong> la Turkish Airlines.<br />

A un problème politique, la<br />

France fait une réponse policière.<br />

Les <strong>de</strong>man<strong>de</strong>s d'asile <strong>de</strong>s réfugiés<br />

kor<strong>de</strong>s sont, pour l'instant, systématiquement<br />

rej<strong>et</strong>ées par l'OF-<br />

PRA. Le directeur <strong>de</strong> c<strong>et</strong> office<br />

qui <strong>de</strong>vrait, théoriquement, s'inquiéter<br />

du sort <strong>de</strong>s réfugiés <strong>et</strong><br />

apatri<strong>de</strong>s, o'a pas craint, au<br />

cours <strong>de</strong> sa le mission <strong>d'information</strong>»<br />

à Nice, d'affirmer que son<br />

obiectif~t le d'enraJer lémouvement<br />

(d'exo<strong>de</strong>) <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong> aïssua<strong>de</strong>r<br />

les Kur<strong>de</strong>s <strong>de</strong> venir en France II.<br />

Les anciens postes frontières entre<br />

la France <strong>et</strong> l'Italie sont<br />

oc:cupés par 130 CRS qui patrouillent<br />

<strong>de</strong> nuit dans la montagne<br />

mentonnaise. C<strong>et</strong>te chasse<br />

aux Kur<strong>de</strong>s se produit alors que<br />

la rupture est effectÏl'e entre le<br />

Conseil <strong>de</strong> l'Europe <strong>et</strong> la déléga-<br />

'fjQn parlementaire turque qui<br />

vappait à la porte <strong>de</strong> la CEE. La<br />

1rance livre ainsi <strong>de</strong>s réfugiés à<br />

l~"rs bourreaux qu'elle condamne<br />

par ailleurs !<br />

Côté italien, le problème s,e<br />

pose avec plus d'acuité, mais .il<br />

semble traité avec dàvantage<br />

d'humanité, l'Italie n'ayant p~<br />

intégré l'espace Schengen. Depuis<br />

que le campement <strong>de</strong> toile<br />

monté par la mairie <strong>de</strong> Vintimille<br />

avec l'ai<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> la Croix-Rou~r<br />

italienne a été fermé, les réfugirS<br />

kur<strong>de</strong>s (qui se.-aient <strong>de</strong>s millie,N<br />

à errer dans la Péninsule) trOOvent<br />

asile dans une église <strong>de</strong> la<br />

commune, ou se dispersent aux<br />

quatre lents <strong>de</strong> l'exil. La plupart<br />

cherchent à rallier l'Allemagne<br />

pô rési<strong>de</strong> une importante<br />

communauté kur<strong>de</strong>, le passage<br />

:par la France étant <strong>de</strong>venu syno-<br />

.nyme <strong>de</strong> gu<strong>et</strong>-apens.<br />


TURQUIE. Le prési<strong>de</strong>nt<br />

Jure Sukynum IHmirel<br />

a <strong>de</strong>mandé mardi une<br />

modification du tracé <strong>de</strong> la<br />

frontière entre la Turquie <strong>et</strong><br />

l'Irak. le Il faut modifier ce tracé,<br />

a-t-il dit, <strong>de</strong> façon que la<br />

noulelle ligne <strong>de</strong>scen<strong>de</strong> au bas<br />

.<strong>de</strong>s montagnes, en territoire<br />

irakien, pour empêcher les<br />

infiltrations du PKK. Ilfi a<br />

accusé l'Occi<strong>de</strong>nt <strong>de</strong> vouloir<br />

m<strong>et</strong>tre eo application le traité <strong>de</strong><br />

,Sèvres (1920) qui prévoyait la<br />

création d'un Etalk\trcJe <strong>et</strong><br />

-estimé injuste que les principaux<br />

gÏ5ep1ents<strong>de</strong> pétrole se troUleot<br />

en técritoire lrakie~.<br />

Tra<strong>de</strong> Ban<br />

On Iran G<strong>et</strong>s<br />

Cold Shoul<strong>de</strong>l'<br />

FrOID Allies<br />

Europeans<br />

Call Move<br />

Counterproductive;<br />

Tokyo Awaits D<strong>et</strong>ails<br />

By Fred Barbash<br />

Washington Post Servi...-<br />

LONDON - Presi<strong>de</strong>nt Bill Clinton's<br />

proposal for a tra<strong>de</strong> ban on Iran received<br />

on Tuesday at best a cold reception -and<br />

in some cases outright rejection - from<br />

allies who tra<strong>de</strong> with Tehran.<br />

French, German and British officials<br />

said that sanctions were the wrong approach,<br />

saying they preferred what they<br />

called "critical dialogue."<br />

Jat>an, in the most receptive reaction,<br />

said It would study the i<strong>de</strong>a.<br />

And privately, diplomats were even<br />

Itlore blunt, saying that that Iran's trading<br />

panners in Europe ~d Asia have no inter:<br />

est, either commercial or political, in broad<br />

sanctions and regard them as counterproductive.<br />

Without cooperation, the tra<strong>de</strong>. ban announced<br />

by the Mr. Clinton on Sunday<br />

nisht is unlikely to have any significant<br />

.irripact.<br />

"The United States is out on a limb<br />

alone," said Vahe P<strong>et</strong>rossian, an expert on<br />

Iran with the Middle-East Economic Di.<br />

gest here.<br />

Mr, Clinton, labeling Iran a threat to<br />

peace in the Middle East and a major<br />

sponsor of terrorism, announcedm an address<br />

to the World Jewish Conaress that<br />

the United States would ban all .r-a<strong>de</strong> with<br />

Iran.<br />

The U.S. will press its allies over the next<br />

few weeks to review their traditional opposition<br />

to sanctions and join 1he cmberlo.<br />

Reaction on Tuesday suggested ialt Mr.<br />

Clinton would not have to wait that long.<br />

"We do not believe in unilateral<br />

embargoes,"<br />

said the French foreign miDister,<br />

Alain Juppé, at a I)CWS



U.S. requests. In ;act, the nucle-<br />

,ar reactors that Russia plans to<br />

selltolran wereoriginallv to be,<br />

built by Siemens of Germany.<br />

,Work was halted after the 1979,<br />

'Iranian revolution and, because<br />

of pressure from the United<br />

;itates. never resumed.<br />

But Mr: HubeI said he doubted<br />

if any European nation<br />

'would follow the sanctions<br />

route.<br />

The United States is "wasting<br />

its time," said Lindsay Horn, an<br />

energy expert with Lehman<br />

arothers in London. Refemng<br />

to the Iranians, he ad<strong>de</strong>d, "All<br />

, it's going to do is irri,tate t~e~:<br />

which-you can doqUlte easl!~.<br />

He called it "a gesture easily<br />

,ma<strong>de</strong>" that does not achieve<br />

anything economically.<br />

Clinton on a Limb: Congressional<br />

Pressure Spurred Iran Tra<strong>de</strong> Ban<br />

By ThomasW.<br />

Lippman<br />

Washington Pmt Sen'ice<br />

WASHINGTON - Presi<strong>de</strong>nt Bill Clinton's<br />

<strong>de</strong>cision to bar all U.S. tra<strong>de</strong> with Iran<br />

put the anti-Irancampaign squarely at the<br />

top of the administration's foreign policy<br />

agenda, placing at risk such treasured priori-<br />

,ties as cooperation with Russia, expansion of<br />

mark<strong>et</strong>s for Americilll goods. outreach to<br />

Islam and extension uf the Nuclear Nonproliferation<br />

Treaty.<br />

If the boycott fails to coerce Iran into<br />

changing its policies, fails to dissua<strong>de</strong> Russia<br />

from selling nuclear equipment to Iran and<br />

fails to persua<strong>de</strong> U.S. allies to restrict their<br />

own commerce with Tehran - all these are<br />

distinctly possible - the admil).istration will<br />

potentially haveun<strong>de</strong>rmined its other obje~tives<br />

and penalized U ,S. business for no gam<br />

other than to show the U.S. Congress that it<br />

was prepared to g<strong>et</strong> tough.<br />

Secr<strong>et</strong>arY of State Warr,en M~Christopher.><br />

used language Monday that left the administration<br />

little room to maneuver or r<strong>et</strong>reat<br />

gracefully. He called Iran an "outlaw state"<br />

that "simply cannot be permitted to g<strong>et</strong> its<br />

hands on nuclear weapons," and said that<br />

:Iran was responsible for "a' trail of carnage<br />

fromlkit Lid to Buenos Aires," referring to<br />

'terrorist attacks in Israel and Argentina for<br />

which Iranian responsibility has not been<br />

t'stablished.<br />

Mr. Christopher <strong>de</strong>liberately used such<br />

lal1guage because he is personally committed:<br />

:to blocking Iran's effort to.acquire nuclear<br />

weapons, a State Department official said.<br />

.:'The issue is so important that no one is'<br />

thinking about how to hedge," the official<br />

said.<br />

White House officials have acknowledged,<br />

however, that it was not,iust Iranian behavior<br />

that induced Mr.' Clinton to embrace the<br />

:toughest of the Iran policy options <strong>de</strong>veloped:<br />

for him by'his advisers, It was also pressure<br />

from the chairman of the Senate Banking<br />

çOmmittee, Alfonse M. D'Amata, Republi-<br />

;~an of New York, and othe,r members<br />

,Congress.<br />

of<br />

~..Mr. D'Amato and olhers are sponsoring a<br />

'measure that would go further than the presi-<br />

\}ent's forthcoming executive or<strong>de</strong>r, announced<br />

Sunday. Their bill would close U.S.<br />

mark<strong>et</strong>s to most foreign corporations doing<br />

business with Iran, imposing what administration<br />

officials call a "secondary boycott."<br />

U,S. allies such as Germany, Japan an


Libre Belgique - 3 mai 1995<br />

--ENI<br />

BREF'---<br />

• TURQUIE. Le prâi<strong>de</strong>nt<br />

veut modifier 'a frontière<br />

avec "'rak. Alors que les<br />

Turcs ont r<strong>et</strong>iré la majeuœ<br />

partie <strong>de</strong> leurs troupes d'Irak,<br />

leur prési<strong>de</strong>nt, M. Demirel,<br />

<strong>de</strong>man<strong>de</strong>' que la frontière<br />

'entre son pays <strong>et</strong> l'Irak, qui<br />

passe sur les montagnes, <strong>de</strong>scen<strong>de</strong><br />

«au pied» <strong>de</strong> j:elles-ci<br />

'« en territoire irakien, pour<br />

em~herks in/iltr.:itt9ns »'<strong>de</strong><br />

rebelles, kur.<strong>de</strong>s; Ces déclarationsont<br />

été publiées mardi<br />

par la presse turque. Selon<br />

M. Demirel, la frontière actuelle«<br />

est la ligne du pétrok;<br />

la Turquie c0"1-mence là où 1'1<br />

pétrole finit », ~. Demirel affirme<br />

que la' province iJ'à~<br />

kienne <strong>de</strong> MosSoui ;. n'a ptù<br />

été laisséè à l'Irak» par lè<br />

traité <strong>de</strong> Lausanne (1923, re-~<br />

connaissant l'Etat turc fondé<br />

par Ataturk) <strong>et</strong> que Mossoul<br />

«appartient encore à la Turquie<br />

», (AFP)<br />

FRS0748 4 I 0286 IRK /AFP-DQ93<br />

Irak-Turquie<br />

L'Irak s'opposera à toute modification <strong>de</strong> sa frontière avec la Turquie<br />

BAGDAD, 4 mai (AFP) - L'Irak s'opposera par tous les moyens à la<br />

modification <strong>de</strong> sa frontière avec la Turquie, a annoncé jeudi le Conseil <strong>de</strong><br />

comman<strong>de</strong>ment <strong>de</strong> la révolution (CCR, plus haute instance dirigeante).<br />

"L'Irak fera face à toute action <strong>de</strong> ce genre, avec tous les moyens<br />

~égitimes", a affirmé un porte-parole du CCR cité par l'agence officielle<br />

INA.<br />

"L'Irak refuse d'examiner c<strong>et</strong>te question <strong>et</strong> m<strong>et</strong> en gar<strong>de</strong> la Turquie<br />

contre toute action unilatérale <strong>de</strong> nature à modifier la frontière", a<br />

ajouté le porte-parole du CCR, instance dirigée par le prési<strong>de</strong>nt Saddam<br />

Hussein.<br />

Le prési<strong>de</strong>nt turc Suleyman Demirel avait affirmé mardi qu'il "fallait<br />

corriger la frontière <strong>de</strong> façon à ce que la nouvelle ligne <strong>de</strong>scen<strong>de</strong> au pied<br />

<strong>de</strong>s montagnes en territoire irakien pour empêcher les infiltrations" <strong>de</strong>s<br />

militants du Parti <strong>de</strong>s travailleurs du Kurdistan (PKK), une formation<br />

séparatiste kur<strong>de</strong> turque.<br />

M. Demirel avait ajouté que la province riche en pétrole <strong>de</strong> Mossoul,<br />

dans le nord <strong>de</strong> l'Irak, "appartient encore à la Turquie".<br />

Le porte-parole du CCR a ajouté que la <strong>de</strong>man<strong>de</strong> turque d'une modification<br />

.<strong>de</strong>s frontières était un "objectif recherché par la mise en place en 1991<br />

d'une zone d'exclusion aérienne au-<strong>de</strong>ssus du nord <strong>de</strong> l'Irak" par <strong>de</strong>s avions<br />

américains, britanniques <strong>et</strong> français basés en Turquie.<br />

Il a invité la France "à définir sa position au suj<strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong> la<br />

d'exclusion <strong>et</strong> à m<strong>et</strong>tre fin à sa participation symbolique dans<br />

place <strong>de</strong> c<strong>et</strong>te zone, afin <strong>de</strong> concrétiser l'attachement qU'elle<br />

exprimé au suj<strong>et</strong> du respect <strong>de</strong> la souverain<strong>et</strong>é <strong>de</strong> l'Irak <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong><br />

intégrité<br />

mchjsp<br />

AFP /J00245/041934<br />

territoriale".<br />

MAI 95<br />

zone<br />

la mise en<br />

a toujours<br />

son<br />



AaenceF[a~ceP[esse - A.F P. .A38nCeFra::cePresse - A.f:P .AgenceFranC2PreSSe - A FP. . A~~ilCsF:&;.csPles:e- A F.P. .Age:.ceFrar.ceP:ssse - AH -Açer;ŒFrancePresse - AFP .<br />

" J<br />

FRS09594-1 0315 USA /AFP-WG92<br />

USA-Turquie-Irak -<br />

Washington refuse toute modification <strong>de</strong> la frontière irako-turque par<br />

la force<br />

WASHINGTON, 3 mai (AFP)- Les Etats-unis sont opposés à "toute tentative<br />

pour modifier par la force" les frontières internationales <strong>de</strong> l'Irak, a<br />

souligné mercredi le département d'Etat en réaction à la <strong>de</strong>man<strong>de</strong> turque<br />

d'un nouveau tracé <strong>de</strong> sa frontière nord avec l'Irak.<br />

Le prési<strong>de</strong>nt turc Suleyman Demirel avait affirmé mardi qu'il "fallait<br />

corriger la frontière <strong>de</strong> façon à ce que la nouvelle ligne <strong>de</strong>scen<strong>de</strong> au pied<br />

<strong>de</strong>s montagnes en territoire irakien pour empêcher les infiltrations" du<br />

Parti <strong>de</strong>s Travailleurs du Kurdistan (PKK, séparatiste). Il avait ajouté que<br />

la province pétrolière <strong>de</strong> Mossoul, dans le nord <strong>de</strong> l'Irak, "appartient<br />

encore à la Turquie". .<br />

Depuis la fin <strong>de</strong> -la guerre du Golfe en mars 1991, les Etats-Unis ont<br />

"toujours soutenu <strong>et</strong> reconnu les frontières internationales <strong>de</strong> l'Irak", a<br />

rappelé le porte~parole du département d'Etat Nicholas Burns.<br />

Il a ajouté que les Etats-unis n'avaient été informés d'''aucune<br />

proposition spécifique, ou même en termes généraux, pour modifier les<br />

frontières <strong>de</strong> l'Irak". .<br />

Il a cependant noté que Washington <strong>et</strong> ses alliés dans la guerre du Golfe<br />

avaient, en m<strong>et</strong>tant en place l'opération Provi<strong>de</strong> Comfort dans le nord <strong>de</strong><br />

l'Irak, "décidé que l'Irak n'était pas capable, <strong>et</strong> n'est toujours pas<br />

capable, d'exercer une autorité sur la partie nord" <strong>de</strong> son territoire, en<br />

particulier vis-à-vis <strong>de</strong> sa population kur<strong>de</strong>.<br />

Le mi~istère irakien <strong>de</strong>s Affaires étrangères a convoqué mercredi le<br />

..chargé d'affaires turc à Bagdad <strong>et</strong> lui a <strong>de</strong>mandé <strong>de</strong>s "clarifications<br />

officielles" ~ur les propos <strong>de</strong> M. Demirel.<br />

Ankara avait lancé le 20 mars une vaste offensive dans le nord <strong>de</strong> l'Irak<br />

contre le PKK. La Turquie a annoncé mardi la fin <strong>de</strong> la "principale partie"<br />

<strong>de</strong> l'opération <strong>et</strong> a rapatrié le tiers <strong>de</strong> ses troupes environ.-<br />

avz/rok/frb/mmr<br />

AFP /J00245/032343. MAI 95<br />

Le Mon<strong>de</strong>- 4 mai 1995<br />

An-kara <strong>de</strong>man<strong>de</strong> un nouveau<br />

tracé <strong>de</strong> sa frontière avec l'Irak.<br />

LE PRÉSIDENT TURC, SuleYman Demirel, a <strong>de</strong>mandé, mardi 2 mai,.<br />

un nouveau tracé <strong>de</strong> la frontière turco-irakienne pour empêcher les in"<br />

filtrations <strong>de</strong> rebelles kur<strong>de</strong>s <strong>de</strong> 1\1rquie <strong>de</strong>puis le nord <strong>de</strong> l'Irak. Dans<br />

_<strong>de</strong>s déclarations publiées par la presse turque. M. Demirel a affirmé.<br />

que la province <strong>de</strong> Mossoul appartenait «encore à la Thrquie ». Le prési<strong>de</strong>nt<br />

turc a par ailleurs accus;é l'Occi<strong>de</strong>nt <strong>de</strong> vouloir rem<strong>et</strong>tre en al'"<br />

plication le traité <strong>de</strong> Sèvres <strong>de</strong> 1920 démembrant l'empire ottoman <strong>et</strong><br />

qui n'a jamais été reconnu par Ankara .. _ _ - _<br />

D'autre part, l'état-major <strong>de</strong>s forces armées turques a annoncé, samedi<br />

29 avril,la création, cc pour six mois », d'une zone <strong>de</strong> sécurité dans la<br />

région <strong>de</strong>Kars pour empêcher les incursions <strong>de</strong>s maquisards du PKK<br />

(~ <strong>de</strong>s travailleurs du Kurdistan) qui se seraient réfugiés en Armé~<br />

nie, après le début <strong>de</strong> l'intervention turque dans le nord <strong>de</strong> l'Irak, lQ<br />

20 mars. - (AFP' ltar"Tass.)<br />


'.<br />

'.<br />

$ftqIo"'" Onsdag 3. mai 1995<br />

UTLAND<br />

~<br />

~<br />

Fro Mitterrand vil gi<br />

Fredsprisen tiI kor<strong>de</strong>r<br />

g<br />

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trl ,<br />

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Frankrikes ferstedame<br />

iOslo: - Gi FredspriseO<br />

for iAr illkur<strong>de</strong>ren<br />

LeylaZana.<br />


TOR JARILD (foto)<br />

Med sitt sterke engasjement<br />

for :kur<strong>de</strong>rnes sak besf1lkte<br />

<strong>de</strong>n franske presi<strong>de</strong>ntfruen<br />

Dartielle Mitterrand Oslo i<br />

gär. Hun had<strong>de</strong> med seg solid<br />

dokumentasjon om <strong>de</strong> tyrkiske<br />

kur<strong>de</strong>rnes vanskelige situasjon.<br />

- Over 2000 kurdiske landsby<strong>et</strong><br />

er nâ evakuert, brent ned<br />

og 'Utra<strong>de</strong>rt fra kart<strong>et</strong> som<br />

ff1l1geav <strong>de</strong>n brente jords taktiklt<br />

tyrkerne brukte i<strong>de</strong>n<br />

kuidiske provinsen. Over tre<br />

millioner mennesker er jag<strong>et</strong><br />

pA:ttukt. PA to ê:rer 3840 kurdiske<br />

<strong>de</strong>mokrati-aktivister<br />

drept av mystiske dl1ldsskvadroner<br />

eller som ff1l1geav tortur.<br />

Hvordan kan <strong>de</strong>tte stanses?<br />

spf1lrhun .<br />

0verst pA:listen aven lang<br />

rekke mf1lteri Oslo sto besf1lk<strong>et</strong><br />

i Nobellnstitutt<strong>et</strong>. Der<br />

mf1ltteDanielle Mitterrand direktf1lr<br />

Oeir Lun<strong>de</strong>stad for A:<br />

overbrtnge dOkumentasjon<br />

om <strong>de</strong>n kurdiske politikeren<br />

Leyla Zanas arbei<strong>de</strong> for mennesker<strong>et</strong>tigh<strong>et</strong>er<br />

og <strong>de</strong>mokratisk<br />

sameksistens mellom<br />

kur<strong>de</strong>re og tyrkere.<br />

Zana sitter fengsl<strong>et</strong> i Tyrkia<br />

si<strong>de</strong>n i (lor, df1lmtil15 ê:rfor A:<br />

ha talt kur<strong>de</strong>rnes sak. Sammen<br />

med henne sitter syv<br />

andre kurdiske parlamentarikere,<br />

som er df/Jmtfor forrre<strong>de</strong>ri.<br />

Norsk stBtte<br />

Seks norske stortingsrepresentanter<br />

har tidligere foreslätt<br />

Zana som kandidat til<br />

Nobels fredspris, og en rekke<br />

tidligere prisvinnere stiller<br />

seg bak kandidatur<strong>et</strong>.<br />

Danielle Mitterrand kjenner<br />

Leyla Zana personlig.<br />

- Hun er kur<strong>de</strong>rnes ypperste<br />

symbol pA: fre<strong>de</strong>lig motstandskamp.<br />

Hun er en svrert<br />

modig kvinne og vil, om hun<br />

fê:rprisen, bli <strong>de</strong>n ff/Jrstemuslimske<br />

kvinne som fê:r<strong>de</strong>nne<br />

reren, sa fru Mitterrand tilAftenposten.<br />

Den franske presi<strong>de</strong>ntfruen<br />

har i mange ê:r vrert aktiv<br />

mennesker<strong>et</strong>tsaktivist. Hun<br />

er presi<strong>de</strong>nt iDen internas jonale<br />

komitéen for fl"igivelsen<br />

av fengsle<strong>de</strong> kurdiske parlamentarikere,<br />

som hun start<strong>et</strong><br />

i <strong>Paris</strong> nylig sammen moo <strong>de</strong><br />

tidligere fredsprisvinnere Os-<br />

.car Arias Sanchez, Mairead<br />

Corrigan, Dalai Lama, Desmond<br />

Tutu, Adolfo Perez Esquivel<br />

og B<strong>et</strong>ty Will1ams.FormâI<strong>et</strong><br />

er A:samordne <strong>de</strong>n internasjonale<br />

innsatsen for A:<br />

fâ <strong>de</strong> fengsle<strong>de</strong> kurdiske parlamentarikerne<br />

satt frio<br />

Anita Apeltun Srele (Kr.n<br />

som er le<strong>de</strong>r for Storting<strong>et</strong>s<br />

kur<strong>de</strong>rgruppe, sier til Menposten<br />

at gruppen stf/Jtter<br />

Mitterrands arbei<strong>de</strong>.<br />

Frankrlkes ff/Jrstedame er<br />

ogsA: le<strong>de</strong>r for <strong>de</strong>n franske<br />

mennesker<strong>et</strong>tsorganisasjonen<br />

France-Liberté, og kur<strong>de</strong>rnes<br />

skjebne har i over <strong>et</strong><br />

tiê:r vrert blant hennes bjertesaker.<br />

Engasjement<strong>et</strong> ble forf1Ivrigvekk<strong>et</strong><br />

da organisas jonen<br />

fikk rapporter om Leyla<br />

Zanas mann, Mehdi Zana,<br />

som risikerte df/Jdsstraff for A:<br />

ha snakk<strong>et</strong> kurdisk i sin kurdiske<br />

bjemby. Mennesker<strong>et</strong>tsaktivistenes<br />

innsats ff1lrt<strong>et</strong>il<br />

at han fikk 36 ê:rs fengsel, senere<br />

omgjort til 26.<br />

Danielle Mitterrand erkjenner<br />

at posisjonen som presi<strong>de</strong>ntfrue<br />

har bjulp<strong>et</strong> henne til<br />

A: komme i kontakt med<br />

«maktens mennesker».<br />

AKmIIST: Fmnkrllces ferstedame Danielle Mitterrsnd leverte doIeumentssjon<br />

fil NobeIlnstitutl<strong>et</strong> om sin personlige fr8cIsprls-kandldst,<br />

kurdlslce Ley/B Z8na.<br />

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A.F.P. - AgenceFrancePresse - A.F.P. - AgenceFrancePresse - A.F.P. - AgenceFrancePresse - A.F.P. - AgenceFrancePresse<br />

FRS0534 4 I 0388 SUE /AFP-TU18<br />

France-Kur<strong>de</strong>s-Nobel<br />

Mme Mitterrand pour l'attribution du prix Nobel <strong>de</strong> la paix à un député<br />

kur<strong>de</strong> turc<br />

STOCKHOLM, 3 mai (AFP) - L'épouse du prési<strong>de</strong>nt François Mitterrand, Mme<br />

Danielle Mitterrand, a plaidé auprès du Comité Nobel norvégien en faveur <strong>de</strong><br />

la candidature d'un député kur<strong>de</strong> turc, Mme Leyla Zana, condamnée à 15 ans<br />

<strong>de</strong> prison, au prix Nobel <strong>de</strong> la paix 1995, a-t-elle annoncé mercredi.<br />

Mme Zana "le mérite, pour elle <strong>et</strong> la population qu'elle représente, pour<br />

son courage <strong>et</strong> son sacrifice", a estimé Mme Mitterrand, lors d'une visite à<br />

Stockholm, au len<strong>de</strong>main <strong>de</strong> son passage<br />

Si la prestigieuse récompense était<br />

en Norvège.<br />

décernée, en octobre prochain, à ce<br />

député, "ce serait pour le prix Nobel une gran<strong>de</strong> ouverture vers le mon<strong>de</strong><br />

musulman, Leyla Zana représentant les musulmans non fondamentalistes",<br />

a-t-elle ajouté lors d'une conférence <strong>de</strong> presse.<br />

"Elle aussi est très représentative <strong>de</strong> ce genre <strong>de</strong> femmes qui, à<br />

l'instar d'une Aung San Suu Kyi (prix Nobel <strong>de</strong> la paix 1991, Birmanie) <strong>et</strong><br />

d'une Rigoberta Menchu (Nobel 1992, Guatémala),<br />

libertés <strong>et</strong> leur reconnaissance dans le mon<strong>de</strong>",<br />

se battent pour<br />

a poursuivi Mme<br />

leurs<br />

Mitterrand,<br />

qui milite pour la libération du député.<br />

La prési<strong>de</strong>nte <strong>de</strong> la fondation France Libertés a précisé avoir discuté<br />

mardi à Oslo <strong>de</strong> la candidature <strong>de</strong> Mme Zana avec le secrétaire du Comité<br />

Nobel, Geir Lun<strong>de</strong>stad. "Je me suis gardée d'offenser son indépendance, mais<br />

je n'ai pas pu m'empêcher <strong>de</strong> lui apporter <strong>de</strong>s documents <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong>s éléments" en<br />

faveur <strong>de</strong> Mme Zana, a-t-elle souligné.<br />

Selon elle, trois lauréats du prix Nobel <strong>de</strong> la paix, Oscar Arias Sanchez<br />

(1987), Adolfo Perez Esquivel (1980) <strong>et</strong> B<strong>et</strong>ty Williams (1976), soutiennent<br />

également c<strong>et</strong>te candidature, proposée en janvier par six parlementaires<br />

norvégiens.<br />

Elle a été condamnée en décembre <strong>de</strong>rnier par la Cour <strong>de</strong> sûr<strong>et</strong>é <strong>de</strong> l'Etat<br />

d'Ankara pour "création <strong>et</strong> appartenance à ban<strong>de</strong> armée" avec sept autres<br />

députés kur<strong>de</strong>s, accusés d'activités séditieuses <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong> liens avec le Parti<br />

<strong>de</strong>s travailleurs du Kurdistan (PKK, séparatiste), en guerre contre les<br />

autorités centrales turques.<br />

Mme Mitterrand s'est rendue en Norvège <strong>et</strong> en Suè<strong>de</strong> pour oeuvrer à la<br />

création dans ces pays <strong>de</strong> sections nationales du Comité international pour<br />

la libération <strong>de</strong>s députés kur<strong>de</strong>s emprisonnés en Turquie, qu'elle prési<strong>de</strong>.<br />

ajb/jpa/cc<br />

AFP /J00245/031635 MAI 95<br />

A.F.P. - AgenceFrancePresse - A.F.P. - AgenceFrancePresse - A.F.P. - AgenceFrancePresse - A.F.P. - AgenceFrancePresse<br />


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AnkDm<br />

VlSÎteàune démocrate emprisonnée<br />

Sylfie Jan, prési<strong>de</strong>nte<br />

<strong>de</strong> la Fédération<br />

internationale<br />

démocratique<br />

<strong>de</strong>s femmes, <strong>et</strong><br />

la députée européenne<br />

Aline Pailler ont<br />

rencontré dans sa<br />

prison Leyla Zana,<br />

une parlementaire<br />

emprisonnée pour s'être<br />

prononcée en fafeur<br />

d'un règlement<br />

pacifique du conDit au<br />

Kurdistan <strong>de</strong> Turquie.<br />

SYLVIE JAN, prési<strong>de</strong>nte <strong>de</strong><br />

la Fédération internationale<br />

démocratique <strong>de</strong>s femmes <strong>et</strong><br />

responsable <strong>de</strong> l'Union <strong>de</strong>s femmes<br />

françaises (UFF), vient <strong>de</strong> se<br />

rendre à Ankara en compagnie<br />

d'Aline Pailler, députée européenne<br />

du groupe <strong>de</strong> la Gauche<br />

unitaire. Les <strong>de</strong>ux personnalités<br />

ont rencontré Leyla Zana <strong>et</strong> les<br />

cinq autres parlementaires turcs<br />

condamnés par la Cour <strong>de</strong> sûr<strong>et</strong>é<br />

<strong>de</strong> l'Etat à la fin <strong>de</strong> l'année<br />

<strong>de</strong>rnière.<br />

Ces démocrates ont été emprisonnés<br />

pour avoir défendu, en<br />

tant que députés, les idées pour<br />

lesquelles ils avaient été élus<br />

régulièrement par la population<br />

du Kur-distan <strong>de</strong> Turqpiç. Leur<br />

Il<br />

~ "-<br />

Leyle Zana (au premier plan), face à ses cc juges .. militaires <strong>de</strong> la Cour <strong>de</strong> sOr<strong>et</strong>é d'Ankara.<br />

« crime» consistait à lutter, par 'Voici le texte que nous ont <strong>de</strong>rnier, qui l'a condamnée à<br />

la parole, pour un règlement adressé Sylvie Jan <strong>et</strong> Aline quinze ans <strong>de</strong> prison pour délit<br />

pacifique du conflit qui ensan- PaiDer: d'opinion. Belle, brillante<br />

glante l'est <strong>de</strong> la Turquie, <strong>et</strong> pour « Nous venons <strong>de</strong> ren~ntre~ d'énergie ,<strong>et</strong>, ~e déte~~tion,<br />

le respect <strong>de</strong> l'i<strong>de</strong>ntité <strong>de</strong>s douze ~yla .Zana dans sa ~nso~ a elle nous rep<strong>et</strong>e : « Je SuISlà pour<br />

millions <strong>de</strong> Kur<strong>de</strong>s <strong>de</strong> Turquie 1 occasIon <strong>de</strong> ~n anDl~rsaJre. les Kur<strong>de</strong>s comme pour les Turdans<br />

le cadre <strong>de</strong> l'Etat turc. Elle a, ce 4 mal, t~nte-c1Dq ans. ques.» Leyla Za~ nous a parlé<br />

. Nous avons pu 1embrasser <strong>et</strong> ave:: force du role <strong>de</strong>s femmes<br />

Parnll eux, Leyla Zana, dont parler durant une heure trente. da l'bist' t litt d<br />

l<br />

" M hd' . . d ns OIre eau e u<br />

~oux, . e l, a.ncl~n ma!re e . Leyla n'a ~as changé ~epuis le . peuple kur<strong>de</strong>, <strong>de</strong>s nécessaires<br />

DiyarbakIr, est IUI-meme <strong>de</strong>tenu. Jour du verdict, le 8 <strong>de</strong>cembre solidarités réciproql¥lS entre les<br />

œmmmmm<br />

'VENDREDI 5 MAI 1995<br />

femmes <strong>et</strong> les peuples à l'écheUé<br />

internationale. que nous partageons <strong>et</strong> qui nous<br />

pent blessé, il <strong>de</strong>vient trés dangereux.<br />

chemin, cela représenterait pour<br />

nous, pour tous les défenseurs <strong>de</strong><br />

pas le moment <strong>de</strong> cé-<strong>de</strong>r. »<br />

Les milliers <strong>de</strong><br />

messages qui lui sont parvenus<br />

l'ai<strong>de</strong>nt beaucoup moralement.<br />

Son avocat, <strong>Paris</strong>.le E Yazar, se 4 juin prochain rendra à<br />

à l'occasion<br />

du 50' anniv<strong>et</strong>'saire <strong>de</strong><br />

l'UFF pour témoigner, s'il n'est<br />

pas à son tour arrêté <strong>et</strong> emprisonné<br />

comme <strong>de</strong> nombreux autres<br />

avocats.<br />

Nous avons aussi rencontré<br />

son mari, Mehdi lana, <strong>et</strong> les<br />

autres nés. Nos parlementaires échanges ont condamnés.<br />

beaucoup<br />

porté sur l'Europe. Contrairement<br />

à ce qu'avait déclaré Bernard<br />

Kouchner récemment à la<br />

presse, Leyla Zana <strong>et</strong> Mehdi lana .I:<br />

ont une fois <strong>de</strong> plus <strong>de</strong>mandé à<br />

tous les parlementaires euro-'<br />

péens (( <strong>de</strong> ne pas cé<strong>de</strong>r »; •.<br />

concernant les exigences expri- .<br />

mées à l'égard du gouvernement<br />

<strong>de</strong> la Turquie. (( Il est nécessairtl<br />

pour nous que la Turquie entre<br />

dans l'Europe mais à la condition<br />

qu'elle cesse <strong>de</strong> violer les<br />

droits <strong>de</strong> l'homme comme elle<br />

continue <strong>de</strong> le faire. LeS prises <strong>de</strong><br />

position du Parlement européen<br />

donnent espoir ten<strong>de</strong>nt aussi la<br />

situation. C'est comme un serpent<br />

Si vous vous arrêtiez en<br />

la démocratie, un terrible recul.<br />

Nous insistons, ce n'est surtout<br />

N<br />

'J<br />

N<br />

trJ ...,<br />



FRS0747 4 I 0296 GRB /AFP-DQ63<br />

GB-Allemagne-Kur<strong>de</strong>s<br />

Jugement ajourné sur une extradition <strong>de</strong> Kani Yilmaz vers l'Allemagne<br />

LONDRES, 4 mai (AFP) - La justice britannique a ajourné jeudi jusqu'au<br />

Il.mai sa décision sur la <strong>de</strong>man<strong>de</strong> d'extradition déposée par Bonn contre le<br />

représentant en Europe du Parti <strong>de</strong>s travailleurs du Kurdistan (PKK), Kani<br />

Yilmaz, a-t-on appris auprès du Centre <strong>d'information</strong> du Kurdistan à<br />

Londres.<br />

Des manifestants pour les droits <strong>de</strong>s Kur<strong>de</strong>s en Europe s'étaient<br />

rassemblés dès le début <strong>de</strong> la journée <strong>de</strong>vant la cour <strong>de</strong> justice <strong>de</strong><br />

Thamesmead, dans le sud-est <strong>de</strong> Londres, <strong>et</strong> "environ 500" personnes<br />

poursuivaient leur manifestion en fin d'après-midi <strong>de</strong>vant le ministère <strong>de</strong><br />

l'Intérieur, selon un porte-parole.<br />

M. Yilmaz, dont le vrai nom est Faysal Dunlayici, avait été interpellé<br />

le 26 octobre <strong>de</strong>rnier à la station <strong>de</strong> métro Westminster <strong>de</strong> Londres alors<br />

qu'il se rendait à un ren<strong>de</strong>z-vous pour s'adresser à <strong>de</strong>s parlementaires<br />

britanniques à l'invitation d'un député travailliste, John Austin Walker.<br />

Les autorités britanniques avaient estimé que sa présence était<br />

.contraire aux "intérêts <strong>de</strong> la sécurité nationale" <strong>et</strong> avaient annoncé leur<br />

intention <strong>de</strong> l'expulser avant que Bonn ne présente sa <strong>de</strong>man<strong>de</strong><br />

'd'extradition.<br />

Le dirigeant kur<strong>de</strong> a été interné <strong>de</strong>puis son arrestation dans une prison<br />

<strong>de</strong> Haute sécurité dans le sud-ouest <strong>de</strong> Londres.<br />

M. Yilmaz a été présenté à plusieurs reprises <strong>de</strong>vant <strong>de</strong>s magistrats<br />

britanniques, mais son jugement a été repoussé à chaque fois.<br />

Kani Yilmaz est poursuivi par la justice alleman<strong>de</strong> en tant que membre<br />

d'une "organisation terroriste". Le PKK est interdit en Allemagne <strong>de</strong>puis le<br />

26 novembre 1993. La <strong>de</strong>man<strong>de</strong> d'extradition précise que M. Yilmaz est<br />

recherché pour son implication dans une conspiration d'incendie volontaire.<br />

pj/mb/cc<br />

AFP/J0024S/041933 MAI 95<br />

Aas;.seFrar,csPresse<br />

,<br />

- AFP. .A~2~,:sFra~.C2P~SSSe<br />

.<br />

- MP. .AJei:CsF[a:~cePresse- ArP. . AJei:Cœra:!C2P~esse- A?P 'AgenceFrancePresse - A.i? .A~2:ceFrar:ceP~2sse- Ar? ..<br />



FRS0591 4 I 0410 TUR /AFP-CT65<br />

: Turquie-Irak-Kur<strong>de</strong>s<br />

L'opération turque en Irak: bilan mitigé au plan militaire, négatif au<br />

plan diplomatique<br />

ANKARA, 4 mai (AFP) - La Turquie a annoncé jeudi que la plupart <strong>de</strong> ses<br />

troupes avaient été r<strong>et</strong>irées du nord <strong>de</strong> l'Irak, m<strong>et</strong>tant fin à une vaste<br />

opération contre les rebelles kur<strong>de</strong>s dont le bilan pour Ankara est jugé<br />

mitigé sur le plan militaire <strong>et</strong> coûteux sur le plan diplomatique.<br />

Le ministre <strong>de</strong> la Défense Mehm<strong>et</strong> Golhan a même affirmé que la totalité<br />

<strong>de</strong>s troupes avaient été rapatriées. Mais le vice-Premier ministre Hikm<strong>et</strong> .<br />

C<strong>et</strong>in a indiqué qu'il restait encore "un p<strong>et</strong>it nombre" <strong>de</strong> troupes turques<br />

dans le nord <strong>de</strong> l'Irak, sans préciser combien.<br />

L'''Opération Acier", lancée le 20 mars avec 35.000 soldats appuyés par<br />

les blindés <strong>et</strong> l'aviation, n'a pas permis d'atteindre le but initialement<br />

défini: "tuer" les 2.400 à 2.800 militants armés du Parti <strong>de</strong>s travailleurs<br />

du Kurdistan (PKK, séparatiste) qui, selon l'état-major ~urc, utilisaient<br />

c<strong>et</strong>te région comme base arrière pour mener <strong>de</strong>s attaques en territoire turc.<br />

Le bilan officiel <strong>de</strong>s pertes infligées au PKK est en eff<strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong> 555 morts<br />

<strong>et</strong><br />

13 prisonniers.<br />

De nombreux analystes ont estimé que l'opération, préparée<br />

date, n'avait pas bénéficié <strong>de</strong> l'eff<strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong> surprise <strong>et</strong> que les<br />

avaient eu le temps <strong>de</strong> se m<strong>et</strong>tre à l'abri en franchissant les<br />

syrienne ou iranienne, voire en repassant en Turquie.<br />

MAI 95<br />

<strong>de</strong> longue<br />

hommes du PKK<br />

frontières<br />

L'état-major turc a néanmoins affirmé que l'opération avait été un plein<br />

succès.<br />

Sur le plan diplomatique en revanche, le bilan est beaucoup plus négatif<br />

pour Ankara. A l'exception <strong>de</strong>s Etats-Unis qui l'ont soutenu globalement,<br />

l'opération lui a valu les critiques, parfois très dures, <strong>de</strong>s pays<br />

occi<strong>de</strong>ntaux, l'Allemagne étant le plus en pointe.<br />

D'une manière générale, c<strong>et</strong>te opération a renforcé la mauvaise image<br />

d'Ankara en matière <strong>de</strong> respect <strong>de</strong>s droits <strong>de</strong> l'Homme. Elle a également<br />

accentué les critiques contre son approche exclusivement militaire du<br />

problème kur<strong>de</strong>.<br />

En conséquence, la Turquie est plus que jamais sur la sell<strong>et</strong>te,<br />

notamment auprès <strong>de</strong>s instances européennes. Le parlement européen l'a mise<br />

en <strong>de</strong>meure <strong>de</strong> démocratiser ses lois sans quoi il ne ratifiera pas l'accord<br />

d'union douanière signé par Ankara avec l'Union européenne. .<br />

Et l'assemblée parlementaire du Conseil <strong>de</strong> l'Europe lui a donné <strong>de</strong>ux<br />

mois pour "entamer la recherche d'une solution pacifique du problème kur<strong>de</strong>"<br />

sous peine d'être suspendue <strong>de</strong> l'organisation.<br />

HC/sp<br />

AFP /J00245/041749<br />

A- F P -.~>A F ,.p- -~.~~:A- -F P' .._-.-~:.A. F. -p. '--.~~A-" F -p. ---:~ A- .F- -p "--.:~<br />


_Bamk<br />

4<br />

MAI 1995<br />

,.<br />


L'état major turc établit une<br />

"zone <strong>de</strong> sécurité" dans la province <strong>de</strong> Kars<br />

Sila Turquie a annoncé la<br />

levée du blocus aérien<br />

imposé <strong>de</strong>puis plus <strong>de</strong> 2<br />

ans à l'Arménie dont les<br />

avions pourront survoler prochainement<br />

le territoire turc, la levée du<br />

blocus terrestre, qui concerne sans<br />

doute plus étroitement les populations<br />

<strong>de</strong> part <strong>et</strong> d'autre <strong>de</strong> la frontière<br />

arméno-turque, est loin d'être à<br />

l'ordre du jour. Il n'est ainsi pas fortuit<br />

que quelques jours à peine<br />

après l'annonce à Washington par<br />

le Premier ministre turc Mme Tansu<br />

Ciller, <strong>de</strong> l'ouverture d'un couloir<br />

aérien pour les avions se rendant<br />

en Arménie, le chef d'État major<br />

<strong>de</strong>s forces armées turques a<br />

annoncé le verrouillage total <strong>de</strong> la<br />

région frontalière <strong>de</strong> Kars. Le chef<br />

d'état major turc, dont on se<br />

<strong>de</strong>man<strong>de</strong> s'il n'est pas le véritable<br />

dirigeant d'une Turquie où la guerre<br />

contre les Kur<strong>de</strong>s a à nouveau<br />

déplacé vers l'armée le centre <strong>de</strong><br />

gravité du pouvoir, a en eff<strong>et</strong> fait<br />

.part samedi <strong>de</strong>rnier <strong>de</strong> la création<br />

d'une zone <strong>de</strong> sécurité dans la province<br />

<strong>de</strong> Kars, placée sous un<br />

quasi régime <strong>de</strong> loi martiale pour<br />

une durée <strong>de</strong> six mois. Dans sa<br />

déclaration, le responsable militaire<br />

turc a justifié c<strong>et</strong>te mesure par la<br />

nécessité <strong>de</strong> prévenir les infiltrations<br />

<strong>de</strong> rebelles du PKK sur le territoire<br />

turc <strong>de</strong>puis l'Arménie.<br />

L'argument <strong>de</strong> la préven-<br />

tion contre une menace kur<strong>de</strong> qui<br />

serait encouragée par l'Arménie<br />

n'est certes pas nouveau; mais<br />

alors que le gouvernement turc<br />

semble vouloir découpler le blocus<br />

imposé à l'Arménie du conflit azéroarménien,<br />

qui avait pourtant suscité<br />

le verrouillage <strong>de</strong>s frontières avec<br />

l'Arménie par Ankara, solidaire <strong>de</strong>s<br />

"frères d'Azerbaïdjan", il passe<br />

manifestement aujourd'hui au premier<br />

plan, justifiant .Ie maintien du<br />

blocus terrestre. Les forces <strong>de</strong><br />

sécurité turques ont en eff<strong>et</strong> affirmé<br />

récemment que <strong>de</strong>s rebelles<br />

kur<strong>de</strong>s s'étaient réfugiés en Iran <strong>et</strong><br />

en Arménie après la vaste offensive<br />

lancée le mois <strong>de</strong>rnier par l'armée<br />

turque dans le nord <strong>de</strong> l'Irak.<br />

Du 1er mai au 30 octobre,<br />

seuls les personnes munies d'un<br />

laissez-passer dûment fourni par<br />

les forces militaires pourront donc<br />

circuler dans la province <strong>de</strong> Kars,<br />

où <strong>de</strong>s tracts ont été par ailleurs<br />

distribués par les militaires à la<br />

population locale, l'appelant à se<br />

tenir éloignée <strong>de</strong>s montagnes <strong>et</strong> ~<br />

éviter les pâturages <strong>de</strong> haute montagne,<br />

soupçonnés <strong>de</strong> cacher <strong>de</strong>s<br />

repères <strong>de</strong>s Kur<strong>de</strong>s du PKK. Bien<br />

plus, pendant toute c<strong>et</strong>te pério<strong>de</strong>,<br />

la région sera entièrement livrée<br />

aux militaires turcs, déjà présents<br />

dans c<strong>et</strong>te région comme dans tout<br />

le sud-est anatolien en proie à la<br />

guerre totale lancée par les forces<br />

turques contre les rebelles kur<strong>de</strong>s,<br />

<strong>et</strong> où ils effectueront <strong>de</strong>s<br />

manoeuvres d'entraînement militaires.<br />

Là encore, au-<strong>de</strong>là <strong>de</strong> la<br />

guerre contre les Kur<strong>de</strong>s, on ne<br />

peut que souligner la coïnci<strong>de</strong>nce<br />

avec les exercices militaires<br />

conjoints menés récemment par les<br />

forces arméniennes <strong>et</strong> russes sur le<br />

territoire <strong>de</strong> l'Arméniè, auxquelles<br />

les forces turques apportent ainsi<br />

une réponse appropriée qui ne<br />

manquera sans doute pas <strong>de</strong> susciter<br />

<strong>de</strong>s commentaires à Moscou.<br />

C<strong>et</strong>te mesure annoncée<br />

par l'état-major turc trahit en tout<br />

cas les dispositions réelles <strong>de</strong> la<br />

Turquie à l'égard <strong>de</strong> l'Arménie dont<br />

elle ne semble pas à lever le blocus,<br />

malgré les rumeurs, voire les<br />

appels en ce sens, qui avaient<br />

couru notamment dans la presse<br />

turque. Elle vient minimiser l'eff<strong>et</strong><br />

d'annonce produit par un gouvernement<br />

turc otage <strong>de</strong>s militaires, favorables<br />

au maintien <strong>de</strong> la pression<br />

avec Erévan <strong>et</strong> insensible aux exigences<br />

<strong>de</strong> la population <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong>s responsables<br />

locaux <strong>de</strong> la province <strong>de</strong><br />

Kars, relayées par <strong>de</strong> nombreux<br />

analystes politiques <strong>et</strong> économiques<br />

turcs concernant les bénéfices<br />

économiques <strong>et</strong> politiques que<br />

pourrait tirer la Turquie d'une<br />

ouverture <strong>de</strong> la frontière avec<br />

l'Arménie <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong>s voies <strong>de</strong> communication<br />

reliant Kars à Gumri.<br />



A F P -~--.-.::' -- A .I:": "-F :w: " P .:::: - .... --- ,-, - A .. "F" - -p'-.-.- ---. A' . - F--'P''- . - ,,,,- -' ':- A' - - F' . -P ---. '--::,A."'.F.'.P-':.---'- .. _. .. ....<br />

.Iv." ...... •••• • v....<br />

FRS0521 4 l 0234 TUR /AFP-CK47<br />

Turquie-Europe<br />

Ankara convoque ses ambassa<strong>de</strong>urs en Europe<br />

ANKARA, 4 mai (AFP) - Le ministère turc <strong>de</strong>s affaires étrangères a<br />

convoqué ses ambassa<strong>de</strong>urs dans les capitales européennes pour <strong>de</strong>s<br />

consultations vendredi <strong>et</strong> samedi, alors qu'Ankara est la cible <strong>de</strong> fortes<br />

pressions européennes en faveur du respect <strong>de</strong>s droits <strong>de</strong> l'homme.<br />

Le ministère turc a annoncé jeudi que les relations <strong>de</strong> la Turquie avec<br />

les institutions <strong>et</strong> pays européens seraient au centre <strong>de</strong> ces entr<strong>et</strong>iens.<br />

Les relations entre Ankara <strong>et</strong> les instances européennes se sont<br />

notamment tendues après la décision <strong>de</strong>s parlementaires du Conseil <strong>de</strong><br />

l'Europe <strong>de</strong> recomman<strong>de</strong>r au Comité <strong>de</strong>s ministres (organe exécutif) la<br />

suspension <strong>de</strong> la Turquie <strong>de</strong> l'organisation si Ankara ne faisaient pas <strong>de</strong><br />

progrès en matière <strong>de</strong>s droits <strong>de</strong> l'homme <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong> démocratisation d'ici la fir<br />

juin.<br />

Selon les exigences <strong>de</strong> l'Assemblée, Ankara <strong>de</strong>vra avoir d'ici là "r<strong>et</strong>iré<br />

ses forces du nord <strong>de</strong> l'Irak", entamé "la recherche d'une solution<br />

pacifique au problème kur<strong>de</strong>" <strong>et</strong> donné "un délai précis dans lequel la<br />

Turquie <strong>de</strong>vra rendre sa Constitution <strong>et</strong> sa législation conformes aux normes<br />

du Conseil <strong>de</strong> l'Europe".<br />

C<strong>et</strong>te mise en <strong>de</strong>meure a été repoussée catégoriquement par les<br />

parlementaires <strong>et</strong> le gouvernement turcs qui y voient "une ingérence<br />

inacceptable dans les affaires intérieures turques <strong>et</strong> une atteinte à la<br />

souverain<strong>et</strong>é nationale".<br />

YM/pt/cc<br />

AFP /J00245/041707 MAI Q~<br />

US State Department: Turkey <strong>de</strong>serves<br />

help of NATO allies in fight against PKK<br />

us supports PUK and KDP working out a solution in N. Iraq<br />

Turkish Daily News<br />


A U.S. State Department official<br />

who asked to remain anonymous told a group of<br />

Turkish journalists on Tuesday that Turkey <strong>de</strong>served<br />

the help of other NATO members in its fight against<br />

the separatist Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK).<br />

Recently the N<strong>et</strong>herlands - a NATO memberallowed<br />

the formation of a Kurdish "parliament-inexile"<br />

in the Hague.<br />

The U.S. State Department <strong>de</strong>scribed the organization<br />

as a "PKK parlia!llent" an~ said ~t~id not ~ecog,~<br />

nize it. "We agree With the pnme minister (Çlller),<br />

the official said. "Turkey as a NATO ally <strong>de</strong>serves the<br />

support of all NATO members on the question.o,f,PKK<br />

terrorism. All NATO partners have a responsibility to<br />

help Turkey." ..<br />

As to the situation in northern Iraq, the offiCIaI<br />

again expressed that the State Department supported<br />

the Turkish appeal to the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan<br />

(PUK) 'and the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) to<br />

contain the PKK in the area.<br />

"We support any agreements the Kurds of northern<br />

Iraq work out to provi<strong>de</strong> more security to the people of<br />

northern Iraq. We don't believe in the Turkish govern-<br />

ment' s staying for a long term in Iraq. You know our<br />

position," the official said~<br />

"We at the same time support Turkey's continuing<br />

interest in fighting PKK terrorists," the official ad<strong>de</strong>d.<br />

"So if the Iraqi.Kurdish factions can finally work out<br />

some kind of agreement to <strong>de</strong>al with that problem, to<br />

protect the people of northern Iraq, that's in our interest."<br />

,<br />

Answering another question, the U.S. State<br />

Departmentofficial said that Pri'!le Ministe~ Tans~<br />

Çiller did not suggest any chan~es ill the Turkish-Iraqi<br />

bor<strong>de</strong>r during'her visit to Washington.<br />

U.S. State .D~p~ent spokes~an Nichol!l5 Bums<br />

reflected a slimIar vlewpomt dunng the dally press<br />

briefing. When asked his views ~egarding the security<br />

arrangement i~ the area, he said: m~.e~ery ~uch agree<br />

with the Turkish government that It ISm the mterest of<br />

the two main Kurdish factions in northern Iraq to provi<strong>de</strong><br />

security in northern Iraq so that the prob1em of<br />

PKK terrorism, which.emanates from insi<strong>de</strong> Turkey,<br />

can be eliminated.<br />

And that concern about PKK terrorism is som<strong>et</strong>hing<br />

that we share very <strong>de</strong>eply with the Turkish government."<br />



The Foreign<br />

Ministry<br />

in An.I{ara<br />

Turkey plotting new<br />

policy toward Europe<br />

Cori.sultations:Outraged by criticism from the<br />

West and the 'diplomatic' offensive of Kurds,<br />

Turkey recalls 17 ambassadors for consultations<br />

By N azlan Ertan! Turkish Daily News<br />

ANKARA- Rising voices of criticism from Europe, coupled with<br />

the diplomatic offensive of Kurdish activists in European capitals, are<br />

prompting Ankara to reassess its own foreign policy toward its<br />

Western allies.<br />

Seventeen Turkishambassadors based in Europe and in Moscow are<br />

expected to arrive in Ankara at the end of this week for two-day talks<br />

to assess the "Kurdish activists-Europe-Turkei' triangle and what<br />

Ankara can do about it.<br />

Some diplomatic sources said that -high-level<br />

diplomacy to counter the situation could be<br />

launchedquickly. This may start with Prime<br />

Minister Tansu Ciller attending the fifth anniv~r-<br />

. sary of World War II on M


Turkish Dairy News<br />

:<br />

J<br />

Thursday May 4, 1995<br />

Ya~ar Kemal, still faces jail threat<br />

Minister halts<br />

prosecutor's<br />

Kemal probe<br />

DGM: State Security<br />

Court inquiry on famous<br />

author to continue<br />

Turkish Daily News<br />

ANKARA- Minister for Justice Mehm<strong>et</strong><br />

Mogultay, in a rare move on Wednesday, by<br />

using the powers vested in him, halted a judicial<br />

inquiry by the public prosecut?r on .the<br />

famous author Y~ar Kemal over an mtervlew<br />

he gave to the German Der Spi.egel on<br />

Turkey's Kurdish problem.<br />

The inquiry opened by the prosecutor of the<br />

State Security Court (DGM) against Kemal<br />

will, however, continue and, while<br />

there was no clarification of the<br />

matter, it is thought this is because<br />

the justice minister has no powers<br />

over the State Security Court.<br />

The inquiries on Kemal were<br />

opened because of allegations that<br />

he had promoted separatism with<br />

his remarks to Der Spiegel when<br />

responding to questions concerning<br />

Kurds in Turkey.<br />

Mo~ultay, a <strong>de</strong>puty from junior<br />

coalitIon partner the Republican<br />

People's Party (CHP), which is currently<br />

locked in a <strong>de</strong>ep <strong>de</strong>bate with<br />

senior coalition partner the True<br />

Path Party (DYP) on the issue of<br />

freedom of expression, cancelled<br />

the permission given by his ministry<br />

for the inquiry by the public<br />

prosecutor in Istanbul.<br />

As the reason for his <strong>de</strong>cision,<br />

Mogultay cited the heavy penalty<br />

that will be sought by the Istanbul<br />

State Security Court if Kemal is<br />

charged un<strong>de</strong>r Article 8 of the Anti-<br />

Terrorism Law.<br />

Mo#,ultay said that the penalty<br />

that wlll be sought un<strong>de</strong>r Article<br />

159 of the penal co<strong>de</strong> if the public<br />

prosecutor <strong>de</strong>ci<strong>de</strong>s to charge Kemal<br />

IS much lighter than what would be<br />

sought by the State Security<br />

Court.<br />

Thus this is not a situation where<br />

the public interest will be served,<br />

Mogultay is said to have indicated<br />

when issuing his or<strong>de</strong>r to close the<br />

file on Kemal. Un<strong>de</strong>r these circumstances<br />

Kemal will not face the<br />

prospect of facing charges of<br />

"<strong>de</strong>meaning the state by means of<br />

the press" but still faces the<br />

prospect of being charged un<strong>de</strong>r the<br />

currently much talked of Article 8<br />

?f the law on combatting terror-<br />

Ism.<br />

In other words, Ya~ar Kemal still<br />

stands a chance of facing trial for<br />

allegedly "disseminating propaganda<br />

on behalf of terrorism."<br />

US State Dept. believes Iraqi<br />

lea<strong>de</strong>r' Saddam Hussein will<br />

be in power for another year<br />

By Ugur Alanel<br />

Turkish Daily News<br />

W ASHINGTON- A once-classified l<strong>et</strong>ter<br />

sent by Wendy R. Sherman, U.S.<br />

Assistant Secr<strong>et</strong>ary of State for Legislative<br />

Affairs, to Sen. Arlen Specter (Republican),<br />

chairman<br />

Committee<br />

of the U.S.<br />

on Intelligence<br />

Senate<br />

reveals<br />

Select<br />

that the<br />

State Department's intelli~ence analysts do<br />

not believe Saddam Hussem is about to fall<br />

from power soon - contrary to what has<br />

been maintained in public so far by quite a<br />

few top officials of the State Department.<br />

An unclassified copy of the March 10,<br />

1995 l<strong>et</strong>ter that TDN has obtained says<br />

"<strong>de</strong>spite indications that Saddam Hussein is<br />

increasinsly concerned about the internal<br />

situation m Iraq, he is likely to r<strong>et</strong>ain power<br />

for another year. One of the perverse<br />

strengths of Saddam' s regime is that he has<br />

involved many supporters in his numerous<br />

crimes against the Iraqi people. These individuals<br />

and 'groups fear for their lives and<br />

futures if he were to disappear from the<br />

scene; they have a strong stake in his survival."<br />

Sherman complained to Sen. Specter that<br />

"there is no question that Kurdish infighting<br />

un<strong>de</strong>rcuts international efforts to maintain a<br />

safe haven for the Kurds and other <strong>et</strong>hnic<br />

and religious groups in northern Iraq."<br />

Y<strong>et</strong> Sherman also pointed out a problem<br />

that lies in the way of the autonomy aspirations<br />

of the KurdIsh factions: ''Turkey and<br />

Iran will continue to oppose Iragi Kurd<br />

efforts to gain autonomy, prefernng that<br />

they should accept a r<strong>et</strong>urn to control from .<br />

Baghdad.<br />

After noting that "a new regime in<br />

Baghdad and the Kurds could reach out to<br />

one another in or<strong>de</strong>r to reestablish security<br />

throughout Iraq," Sherman also remarked<br />

that "at the same time, the Kurds have had<br />

their differences with every regime in<br />

Baghdad since the monarchy was overthrown<br />

in 1958."<br />



Türkische Truppen warten auf <strong>de</strong>n Rücktransport aus <strong>de</strong>m Nordirak. (Bild ap)<br />

Die türkische Operation im Nordirak been<strong>de</strong>t<br />

Offizielle Erklärung <strong>de</strong>s Verteidigungsministers<br />

it. Istanbul,<br />

4.Mai<br />

Der türkische Verteidigungsminister Mehm<strong>et</strong><br />

Gölhan hat am DonnerStag di<strong>et</strong>ürkische Militäroperation<br />

im Nordirak offiziell für abgeschlossen<br />

erklärt. Laut seinen Erläuterungen waren bis<br />

Donnerstag auch die l<strong>et</strong>zten 12 000 im Nordirak<br />

noch verbliebenen Soldaten Ankaras auf türkisches<br />

Territorium zurückgekehrt. Erstaunlicherweise<br />

wur<strong>de</strong> die Erklärung <strong>de</strong>s Verteidigungs-<br />

. ministers bis am späten Donnerstagnachmittag<br />

vom Büro <strong>de</strong>s Generalstabschefs nicht bestätigt.<br />

Dies liess in Ankara die Vermutung aufkommen,<br />

dass zwischen <strong>de</strong>r politischen und <strong>de</strong>r militärischen<br />

Führung in bezug auf die Operation Differenzen<br />

bestehen.<br />

Deutliche<br />

Signale<br />

Den bevorstehen<strong>de</strong>n Abschluss <strong>de</strong>r türkischen<br />

Militäroperation im Nordirak hatte die Regierungschefin<br />

Ciller bereits am vergangenen Dienstag<br />

signalisiert. Während einer Re<strong>de</strong> vor <strong>de</strong>r Parlamentsfraktion<br />

ihrer konservativen Partei <strong>de</strong>s<br />

Rechten Weges erklärte sie, die Türkei habe <strong>de</strong>rzeit<br />

nur noch drei Bataillone - rund 4000 Mann -<br />

im Nordirak stationiert. Es sei vorgesehen, diese<br />

sehr bald schon in die Türkei zurückzuverlegen.<br />

Als Hinweis auf einen unmittelbaren Truppenabzug<br />

galt weiter die Tatsache, dass am Dienstag<br />

auch das militärische Pressezentrum geschlossen<br />

wur<strong>de</strong>. Dieses Zentrum war nach <strong>de</strong>m Einmarsch<br />

<strong>de</strong>r türkischen Armee im Nordirak am 20. März<br />

in <strong>de</strong>r südostanatolischen Stadt Diyarbakir eröffn<strong>et</strong><br />

wor<strong>de</strong>n.Laut <strong>de</strong>r l<strong>et</strong>zten Erklärung <strong>de</strong>s<br />

Pressesprechers sind während. <strong>de</strong>r Operation insgesamt<br />

555 kurdische Rebellen g<strong>et</strong>öt<strong>et</strong> und 13<br />

festgenommen wor<strong>de</strong>n. Weiter sollen 61 Soldaten<br />

ums Leben gekommen und 185 verl<strong>et</strong>zt wor<strong>de</strong>n<br />

sein.: Bei einem kurzen Besuch in <strong>de</strong>r Grenzregion<br />

hatte Frau Ciller am Montag die Operationim<br />

Nordirak als beson<strong>de</strong>rs erfolgreich bezeichn<strong>et</strong>.<br />

Das Ziel <strong>de</strong>r Operation sei gewesen, die logistische<br />

Infrastruktur <strong>de</strong>r Kurdischen Arbeiterpartei<br />

(PKK) im Nordirak zu zerstören, sagte sie. Diese<br />

Vorgabe sei mit <strong>de</strong>r Aktion erreicht wor<strong>de</strong>n.<br />

Kritische Bilanz<br />

Ob das Ziel <strong>de</strong>r Operation tatsächlich erreicht<br />

wor<strong>de</strong>n ist, wird heute aber von <strong>de</strong>n unterschiedlichsten<br />

Kreisen in Frage gestellt. Die Presse bericht<strong>et</strong><br />

seit zwei Tagen davon, dass PKK-Guerillas<br />

ihre alten Positionen im Nordirak allmählich wie<strong>de</strong>r<br />

beziehen. Eine Delegation <strong>de</strong>r nordirakischen<br />

Demokratischen Partei Kurdistans von Masud<br />

Barzani, welche am Mittwoch in Ankara zu Gesprächen<br />

mit <strong>de</strong>r türkischen Regierung eintraf, hat'<br />

die Resultate <strong>de</strong>r Militäroperation ebenfalls in.<br />

Zweifel gezogen. Die einzige Garantie dafür, dass<br />

die PKK sich im Grenzgebi<strong>et</strong> nicht mehr so leicht<br />

einnisten könne, sei <strong>de</strong>r Wie<strong>de</strong>raufbau von<br />

300 Grenzdörfern im Nordirak, sagte <strong>de</strong>r Vorsitzen<strong>de</strong><br />

<strong>de</strong>r Delegation. Er for<strong>de</strong>rte Ankara dazu<br />

auf, <strong>de</strong>n Aufbau <strong>de</strong>r Dörfer finanziell zu unterstützen.<br />

Die grössten Zweifel an <strong>de</strong>r zeitlich begrenzten<br />

türkischen Militäroperation . hat überraschen<strong>de</strong>rweise<br />

aber <strong>de</strong>r Präsi<strong>de</strong>nt Demirel àrigemel<strong>de</strong>t.<br />

Angesichts <strong>de</strong>s gebirgigen Charakters<br />

<strong>de</strong>r Region könne dort Sicherheit kaum gewährleist<strong>et</strong><br />

wer<strong>de</strong>n, erklärte. er vor <strong>de</strong>r Presse. Der türkische<br />

Präsi<strong>de</strong>nt for<strong>de</strong>rte eine Korrektur <strong>de</strong>r<br />

regionalen Grenzziehung, die 'laut seinen Worten<br />

gemäss <strong>de</strong>n Interessen diverser Öluntemehmen<br />

festgelegt wor<strong>de</strong>n sei, regionalen Bedürfnissen<br />

aber nicht entspreche.<br />



:<br />

FRSI023 4 I 0192 FRA /AFP-KB34<br />

France-Turquie<br />

<strong>Paris</strong> se félicite <strong>de</strong> l'annonce <strong>de</strong> la fin <strong>de</strong> l'opération turque en Irak du<br />

nord<br />

PARIS, 5 mai (AFP) - La France s'est félicitée vendredi <strong>de</strong> l'annonce par<br />

la Turquie <strong>de</strong> la fin <strong>de</strong> son opération dans le nord <strong>de</strong> l'Irak contre la<br />

rébellion kur<strong>de</strong>.<br />

"Nous nous félicitons d'une décision qui confirme les engagements pris<br />

par le Premier ministre turc, Mme Tansu Ciller" <strong>de</strong>vant la Troïka européenne<br />

le 23 mars <strong>de</strong>rnier, a indiqué un porte-parole du ministère français <strong>de</strong>s<br />

Affaires étrangères.<br />

Conduite par le chef <strong>de</strong> la diplomatie française Alain juppé, la troïka<br />

<strong>de</strong> l'Union européenne avait exigé que les forces turques se r<strong>et</strong>irent le<br />

plus rapi<strong>de</strong>ment possible du nord <strong>de</strong> l'Irak.<br />

"Après les efforts que nous déployés pour obtenir l'accord politique"<br />

sur l'union douanière, signé le 6 mars à Bruxelles entre l'UE <strong>et</strong> Ankara,<br />

"c<strong>et</strong>te mesure perm<strong>et</strong> d'abor<strong>de</strong>r dans <strong>de</strong> meilleures conditions le prochain<br />

débat sur ce texte au Parlement européen dont l'avis conforme est<br />

nécessaire pour la mise en vigueur <strong>de</strong> l'accord", a souligné le porte-parole<br />

français.<br />

Le Parlement européen doit se prononcer en septembre prochain sur c<strong>et</strong><br />

accord.<br />

hm/mc<br />

AFP /J00245/051849 MAI 95<br />

Withdrawal From Iraq<br />

Compl<strong>et</strong>ed, Turkey Says<br />

The Associated<br />

Press<br />

ANKARA - Turkey has<br />

withdrawn its troops from<br />

northern Iraq, six weeks after<br />

35,000 soldiers crossed the bor<strong>de</strong>r<br />

to attack Kurdish rebel<br />

bases, officials. said Thursday.<br />

"We have no soldiers left in<br />

northern Iraq," Defense Minister<br />

Mehm<strong>et</strong> Golban said before<br />

a cabin<strong>et</strong> me<strong>et</strong>ing. "We have<br />

withdrawn them all, and we<br />


FRIDAY, MAY 5,1995<br />

only have security measures on<br />

the bor<strong>de</strong>r."<br />

Deputy Prime Minister Hikm<strong>et</strong><br />

C<strong>et</strong>in said a few troops re-.<br />

mained in northern Iraq but did<br />

not give <strong>de</strong>tails. But Mr. Goi':<br />

han said later that although<br />

some troops were "on the bor<strong>de</strong>r,"<br />

essentially the soldiers<br />

were all out.<br />

The troops were sent into<br />

northern Iraq to wipe out about<br />

20 camps used by 2,800 rebels<br />

for hit-and-run attacks in Turkey.<br />

The government pulled out<br />

20,000 soldiers last week. Mr.<br />

Golban said that the second big<br />

withdrawal occurred Wednes-.<br />

day.<br />

The <strong>de</strong>fense nuruster said<br />

that Turkçy had taken military<br />

measures along the bor<strong>de</strong>r. He<br />

did not elaborate, but military<br />

officials have said they planned<br />

to build bases on the frontier to<br />

block rebels from crossing.<br />

Turkeyalso has been negotiating<br />

with Iraqi Kurdish lea<strong>de</strong>rs<br />

to establish authority over the<br />

area and prevent Turkish guerrillas<br />

from s<strong>et</strong>ting up camps.<br />

Turkey has come un<strong>de</strong>r intense<br />

criticism from its Western<br />

allies for the military operation.<br />

Mr. Golban <strong>de</strong>nied reports<br />

that the Kurdish rebels had<br />

been re<strong>de</strong>ploying since Turkish<br />

troops have begun r<strong>et</strong>urning<br />

home.<br />

The guerrillas are fighting for<br />

autonomy in southeastern Turkey.<br />

More than 15,000 people<br />

have been killed in the conflict<br />

since 1984.<br />


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Turk~hDairy News<br />

OSCE<strong>de</strong>legation me<strong>et</strong>s emergency<br />

rule governor in DiyarbakIr<br />

Erkan: Since 1984, a total of 4,025 people, including 452<br />

women and 450 children T<br />

have been killed in massacres<br />

by the PKK. and 4,471 civilians have been injured<br />

TDNParli~ment 'Bureau . He noted that 1,154 terrorists had turned<br />

ANKARA- A <strong>de</strong>legation from the themseIves in to the security forces. He said<br />

Organization of Security and Cooperat.io~ in nearly 3,000 people from the security forces<br />

Europe (OS CE) on Thursday vls.\ted had been killed durin~ the clashes.<br />

Emergency Ru.1e ~egi.onal Governor Unal In reply to a questIOn, Erkan saiJ ~hat.no<br />

Erkan .at hIS offIce III DIyarbakIr. one in Turkey had ever been put on tnal Just<br />

The <strong>de</strong>legation, which arrived in Turkey because of their Kurdish origin.<br />

last Monday, is paying a one-week visit on He stressed that terrorism was being used<br />

the invitation of Parliament Speaker as a tool by the PKK to divi<strong>de</strong> Turkey.<br />

Hüsam<strong>et</strong>tin Cindoruk. He said while thePKK argued thatit repre-<br />

During his me<strong>et</strong>ing with the OSCE <strong>de</strong>leg~- sented the Kurds, it had in fact killed 5,000<br />

tion led by Willy WImmer, the <strong>de</strong>puty presl- people of Kurdishorigin. Erkan continued<br />

<strong>de</strong>nt of the OSÇE Parlia.mentafl~ns' that the people did not support the terr~rist<br />

Assembly, Er~an saId Tur~ey IS <strong>de</strong>term!ned organization whi,ch he noted ~mtaI.n~d<br />

to fight terrons.m and that It would contIllueSyrian, Iraqi, Iraman and ArmenIln ongm<br />

the struggle untIl the problem was solved. militants.<br />

He bnefed the <strong>de</strong>legation about the activi- He recalled that the PKK had camps in<br />

ties of the ou.tlawed K~rdistan Workers' Syria, that it took shelter in Iran andin nort~-<br />

Party (PKK) In the regIOn and the battle ern Iraq, that it had opened bueaus In .<br />

against that organization. Greece, that it had foun<strong>de</strong>d a so-caled "par-<br />

Erkan said that since 1984, a total of 4025 liament-in-exile" in the N<strong>et</strong>herlandsand that<br />

. people, including 45~ women and 459. chil- it extorted money from people in Gemany.<br />

dren, had been killed III massacres earned out Erkan said mere statements mad by the<br />

by the PKK and 4471 civilians had been West were not sufficient and that snctions<br />

injured. There was documented proof that should be applied against Syria for llowing<br />

these attacks w~re the.work o~th~ PKK. the PKK to s<strong>et</strong> up camps and tht arms<br />

.Erkan continued that wlthlllthe past sources should be cut off.<br />

<strong>de</strong>ca<strong>de</strong>, a total of 8,512 separatist terrorists He ad<strong>de</strong>d that in or<strong>de</strong>r to prevenUe PKK<br />

had been killed in the clashes b<strong>et</strong>ween the to make use of the power vacuum in lorthern<br />

• sec.urity forces a~~ the PKK and that 194 ter- Iraq, Iraq's territorial integrity sbuld be<br />

. ronsts had been IllJured and 1787 arrested. respected.<br />

FRIDA Y, MA Y 5, 1995<br />

HADEP officials charged<br />

and formallyarrested<br />

Turkish DailY News<br />

ANKARA- Leading offi- .<br />

cials from the pro-Kurdisb<br />

People' s Democracy Party<br />

(HADEP) who were <strong>de</strong>tained a<br />

week ago have been formally<br />

charged and placed un<strong>de</strong>r<br />

arrest, sources from the party<br />

told the Turkish Daily News<br />

on Thursday.<br />

Among those charged are.<br />

HADEP Dep\!ty Chairmen'<br />

~ehab<strong>et</strong>tin Ozarslan and<br />

Hikm<strong>et</strong> Fidan, Assistant<br />

Secr<strong>et</strong>ary-General Seyhmuz<br />

Cagro and a member of the<br />

party's Ankara provincial<br />

administrative board, Ferhat<br />

Türk.<br />

The charges brought by the<br />

State Security Court were not<br />

immediately apparent but the<br />

lawyers of the HADEP officials<br />

were barred from entering<br />

the courtroom un<strong>de</strong>r the<br />

Law on Combatting<br />

Terrorism. .<br />

Observers say this gives an.<br />

indication of what the HADEP<br />

officials have been charged<br />

with.<br />

HADEP's precursor, the<br />

Democracy Party (DEP), was<br />

closed by the constitutional<br />

court last year and its <strong>de</strong>puties<br />

were charged and convicted to<br />

harsh prison sentences on the<br />

grounds that they had links<br />

with the outlawed Kurdistan<br />

Wôrkers' Party (PKK).<br />

The DEP case has been<br />

ma<strong>de</strong> the litmus test for<br />

<strong>de</strong>mocratization. by the.<br />

European Parliament,which<br />

has announced its intention.<br />

not to ratify a customs. union<br />

accord Turkey cOliclu<strong>de</strong>d with<br />

the European Union in March<br />

until the DEP <strong>de</strong>puties are<br />

released. The charging of the<br />

HADEP officials is expected<br />

to further complicate Turkey's'<br />

ties with Europe.<br />

This <strong>de</strong>velopment comes at<br />

atime when the Parliamentary<br />

. Assembly of the Council 9f<br />

Europe has recommen<strong>de</strong>d a<br />

suspension of Turkey's membership<br />

u!lless significant<br />

movement is ma<strong>de</strong> inthe<br />

direction of <strong>de</strong>mocratization<br />

- with particular reference to .<br />

the Kurdish' problem - by<br />

June.<br />

I~.<br />

~.<br />




:<br />

Debate on Article 8 continues, while 166 prisoners<br />

still <strong>de</strong>tained for crimes of expression of thought<br />

Coal~tion partners appear to have agreed on the need to remove Article 8 of the Anti-<br />

TerrorismLaw,'but the conservative wing ofl}YP 3till 'fiercely'rejects the changes,<br />

,and CHP says crimes of expression of thoughtwtll still exist after amendments<br />

By Sinan ytlmai<br />

Turkish Daily News<br />

ANKARA- The coalition partners,<br />

the True Path Party (DYP) and the<br />

Republican People's Party (CHP),<br />

seem to have agreed to remove Article<br />

8 of the Anti-Terrorism Law, which<br />

concerns crimes of. expression of<br />

thought. But it appears that neither the<br />

conservative <strong>de</strong>puties of the DYP nor<br />

the country's 166 prisoners <strong>de</strong>tained<br />

for such crimes are satisfied with this<br />

state of affairs.<br />

The conservative wing of the DYP<br />

"fiercely" rejects the removal of<br />

Article Eight and the addition of a<br />

clause to Article 311 of the Criminal<br />

Law, which would caH for a prison<br />

term of b<strong>et</strong>ween six months and two<br />

yèars for those found guilty of spreadmg<br />

propaganda in line With the purpose<br />

and activities of terrorist organizations<br />

which threaten the indivisible<br />

integrity of the state.<br />

Meanwhile, members of the CHP<br />

argue that crimes related to the expression<br />

of thought will still most <strong>de</strong>finitely<br />

persist after the removal of Article<br />

8. The coalition partners are preparing<br />

to promote and focus on the release of<br />

two prisoners <strong>de</strong>tained for crimes of<br />

expression of thought, Fikr<strong>et</strong> B~kaya<br />

and Haluk Gerger, as symbols of the<br />

government's success m "providing<br />

for expression of thought." Ba~kaya<br />

and Gerger are currently serving 20-<br />

month prison terms. Ba~kaya started<br />

serving his sentence on March 17 last<br />

year and will be released on June 14,<br />

whereas Gerger was sent to jail on<br />

June 27, 1994, so is to be released on<br />

Sept. 24. If granted a reprieve, Gerger<br />

could be released in June. Those<br />

<strong>de</strong>fending human rights claim that<br />

tsmail Be~ikçi must be taken as the<br />

symbol of "freedom of expression"<br />

instead of Ba~kaya and Gerger.<br />

Be~ikçi has so fàr been sentenced to<br />

65 years in prison, and is sure to serve<br />

12 years of this. Some provisions of<br />

the Execution of Punishments Law<br />

may aHow Be~ikçi to serve only nine<br />

years of his sentences.<br />

If Article 8 is amen<strong>de</strong>d, authors<br />

such as Ya~arKemal, Orhan Pamuk,<br />

Nur Sürer, Orhan Aydm, and Dogu<br />

Perinçek could still face jail sentences,<br />

since although they will not be tried at<br />

the State Security Court (DGM), they<br />

could still be tried at criminal courts,<br />

So expression of thought will still be a<br />

crime, but it will be out of the DGM's<br />

hands.<br />

The problem of preparing a list of<br />

those in prison for crimes of expression<br />

of thought has been causing a big<br />

problem for many years. The list prepared<br />

by the Justice Ministry has given<br />

names of prisoners who were actually<br />

free, while the names of others who<br />

were said to be free, have appeared on<br />

the list of those in prison, ~repared by ,<br />

the Human Rights AssociatIOn(IHD).<br />

We prepared a list by bringing<br />

tog<strong>et</strong>her the information contained in<br />

the documents prepared by the !HO<br />

and the Justice Mirnstry. This leads us<br />

to conclu<strong>de</strong> that there are 166 people<br />

<strong>de</strong>tained in prison for crimes of<br />

expression of thought, althou~h the<br />

numbers are continuously changmg, so<br />

preparing such a list is difficult.<br />

Some of the imprisoned writers and<br />

politicians are: Fikr<strong>et</strong> Ba~kaya,Numan<br />

Bakta~1Ismail Be~ikçi, Mehdi Zana,<br />

Haluk Gerger, ~ükrü Ayçiçek, M<strong>et</strong>in<br />

Baklcl, Ibrahim Polat, Bülent<br />

Abbasoglu, lIknur Bülbül, Hatip Dicle,<br />

Leyla Zana, Ahm<strong>et</strong> Türk, Orhan'<br />

Dogan, Selim SadaIe.<br />

Demirel' s misquoted<br />

remark causes storm<br />

Furor: Presi<strong>de</strong>nt never ma<strong>de</strong> claim<br />

for the Iraqi province of Mosul or<br />

request for redrawing of bor<strong>de</strong>r<br />

TDN with Wire dispatches<br />

A.."lKARA- A misquoted general statement by Presi<strong>de</strong>nt Süleyman<br />

Demirel about a possible future renegotiation ofTurkey's bor<strong>de</strong>r with<br />

Iraq that passes over rugged terrainhas alarmed Irilq and caused an<br />

international stir. '<br />

In a special interview with the Turkish Daily News on Monday,<br />

Demirel observed that having a bor<strong>de</strong>r passing over the ridges of<br />

2,800-m<strong>et</strong>er mountains was "wrong" and that Turkey en<strong>de</strong>d up being<br />

unable to prevent the infiltration by separatist rebels entrenched on the<br />

slopes of Mountains on the Iraqi Si<strong>de</strong>.Providing historical background<br />

on the <strong>de</strong>marcation of the bor<strong>de</strong>r during the partition of the Ottoman<br />

Empire at the end of the First World War, he said the bor<strong>de</strong>r had been<br />

drawn u.f a.cco.rding to the specifications of geologists and "according<br />

to the oi {<strong>de</strong>posits)]" -left on the Iraqi si<strong>de</strong>. ,<br />

He said although the Turkish Republic -<br />

which recovered parts of the rartitioned domain<br />

during the 1919-1922 War 0 In<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>ncedid<br />

not recognize the partitioning and lay a claim<br />

to the oil-rich provinces of Kirkuk and Mosul, it<br />

could not fress its case.<br />

Demire told the TON, however, that a bor<strong>de</strong>r<br />

readj\lstment was "not a question for today."<br />

But some newspapers who interviewed<br />

Demirel after the TON did quoted the presi<strong>de</strong>nt<br />

as calling for a bor<strong>de</strong>r readjustment and as laying<br />

a claim to Mosul.<br />

The Turkish Foreign Ministry <strong>de</strong>nied reports<br />

that Turkey sought a bor<strong>de</strong>r readjustment.<br />

But Iraq, wary ofTurkey's direct contacts with<br />

Iraqi Kurdish rebels, said on Thursday it would<br />

use all means at its disposal to fend off any<br />

attempt by Ankara for a re-<strong>de</strong>marcation of the<br />

international bor<strong>de</strong>rs, Reuters reported.<br />

"Iraq <strong>de</strong>clares, with aH <strong>de</strong>termination, that it<br />

will resist any violation of its national bor<strong>de</strong>rs<br />

and unity of its territory with alliegitimate<br />

means," the ruling Baath Party newspaper al-<br />

Thawra saidin a front-page editorial. AI-Thawra<br />

said "no obstacle will stand in Iraq's fàçe" to<br />

<strong>de</strong>fend its bor<strong>de</strong>rs if Ankara translated statements<br />

on a new<strong>de</strong>marcation into action.<br />



. The editorial \-vas the harshest of a series of<br />

con<strong>de</strong>mnations from Baghdad since Turkey<br />

launched a massive cross-bor<strong>de</strong>r operation with<br />

35,000 troops on March 20 against the outlawed<br />

Kurdistan Workers party (PKK) separatists<br />

entrenched in northern Iraq.<br />

Turkish officials have announced that all but<br />

three battalions have been pulled back since then.<br />

The army says the troops killed nearly 600 rebels<br />

before the withdrawal.<br />

The PKK has been fighting a separatist war in<br />

Turkey's southeastern provinces Since 1984 and<br />

the fighting has claimed over 15,000 lives so far.<br />

The.lraqi Foreign Ministry summoned Turkish<br />

charge d'affaires, Saadi Çah~lar, on Wednesday<br />

to ask for an explanation of Demirel's statements.<br />

The official Iraqi News Agency (INA) said the<br />

ruling Revolutionary Command Council held a<br />

me<strong>et</strong>ing on Wednesday chaired by Presi<strong>de</strong>nt<br />

Saddam Hussein in which a number of "important<br />

political issues were discussed."<br />

Baghdad-based diplomats said they doubted<br />

Turkey would try to change the geopolitics of a<br />

volatile region.<br />

"They have enough problems in their own territory<br />

to grapple with," said a Western diplomat.<br />

Reuters quoted ariother as saying Ankara's aim<br />

was to exert pressure on Baghdad to force it to<br />

'come to terms with its own Kurdish minority and<br />

accept U.N.conditions for partial oil sales that<br />

would benefit Turkey's southeast region, inhabited<br />

mainly by <strong>et</strong>hnic Kurds: .. .<br />

Meanwhile in Tehran,an Iraqi Shiite opposition<br />

group also slammed the remark attributed to<br />

Demirel, <strong>de</strong>manding an apology. "Demirel's<br />

statement is contrary to mternal10nal agreements<br />

on which bor<strong>de</strong>rs of all countries have been<br />

drawn," the Supreme Assembly of the Islamic<br />

Revolution in Iraq (SAIRI) said. "We con<strong>de</strong>mn<br />

any threat against Iraq's integrity and sovereignty."<br />

Demirel's remarks also caused raised brows in<br />

Washington where U.S. State Department<br />

spokesman Nicholas Burns said Wednesday that.<br />

the United States was against any change of bar"<br />

<strong>de</strong>rs "by force." .. .. .<br />

"As of March 1991, the end of the Gulf War,<br />

we have always recognized the international bor<strong>de</strong>rs<br />

of Iraq," Burns said. . .<br />

"We do not support any attempt to change<br />

those bor<strong>de</strong>rs by force. However, in agreeing to<br />

s<strong>et</strong> up Operation Provi<strong>de</strong> Comfort,back in March<br />

of 1991, we also ma<strong>de</strong> .the <strong>de</strong>cjsion that Iraq was<br />

not carable, and is .still not capable, of exercising.<br />

authonty in the northern part of this country and<br />

certainly not capable of exercising its authority in<br />

a responsible way regarding the Kurdish population<br />

m northern.Iraq. So we do not support and.<br />

will not support any efforts to change bor<strong>de</strong>rs by.<br />

force." .<br />

Remin<strong>de</strong>d by TDN that Demirel' s remark<br />

impli~d. a possibl~ f~~ure.t~~d)~~tl?e~~.ti1rough<br />

negOl1al1ons,Burns SaId, "r aIn not aware of any<br />

specific proposal, or any general proposal over<br />

the last couple last couple of weeks about changing<br />

the Iraqi bor<strong>de</strong>r."<br />

ERNK representative<br />

Kani Yllmaz goes<br />

on trial in London<br />

The sources told the TDN that the<br />

visiting.<strong>de</strong>legationinformed the British<br />

parliamentarians about the establishment<br />

of the Kurdish parliament-in-exile<br />

and the Kurdish question in general<br />

Turkish Daily News<br />

ANKARA- The trial of Kani Yllmaz, the European representative<br />

of the ERNK, a cover organization for the Kurdistan<br />

Workers' Party (PKK), began in London on Thursday un<strong>de</strong>r the<br />

watchful eyes of various pro-Kurdish organizations, sourèes<br />

informed the Turkish Daily News by telephone.<br />

A <strong>de</strong>legation of Kurds, includinl Mahmut KlImç and<br />

Nizam<strong>et</strong>tin Toguç; fanner <strong>de</strong>puties o. Turkey's now banned<br />

pro-Kurdish Democracy Party (DEP), and Nec<strong>de</strong>t Buldan, the<br />

foimer mayor of the eastern Turkish town of Yüksekova -<br />

who are all members of the newly formed so-called Kurdish<br />

"parliaInent-in-exile" -,- were all in London to follow the trial<br />

ofYllmaz.<br />

Sources close to the <strong>de</strong>legation say that, while in London, the<br />

Turkish Kurds were also Iiolding talks with British <strong>de</strong>puties,<br />

intellectuals' groups and nongovernmental organizations<br />

(NGOs).The sources told the TDN that the visiting <strong>de</strong>legation<br />

informed the British parliaInentarians about the establishment<br />

of the Kurdish parliaInent-in-exile and the Kurdish question in<br />

general.. "<br />

The formation of the parliament-in-exile, comprising 65<br />

members, was announced in April in The Hague in the<br />

N<strong>et</strong>herlands, <strong>de</strong>spite Turkish attempts to prevent the me<strong>et</strong>ing.<br />

The <strong>de</strong>velopment has strained relations b<strong>et</strong>ween Turkey and the<br />

N<strong>et</strong>herlands.<br />

The parliament-in-exile inclu<strong>de</strong>s five former DEP <strong>de</strong>puties<br />

who fled to Europe to .avoid persecution after the DEP was<br />

banned, as well as some other Kurdish intellectuals and representatives<br />

of the KUrdistan People's Liberation Front (ERNK),<br />

the political wing of the PKK. . " .<br />

. The parliaInent has establishedan executive board, chaired<br />

by one of the former DEP <strong>de</strong>puties, Zübeyir Aydar. ". ..<br />

Yllmaz was <strong>de</strong>tained on Oct. 22 of lastyear in London upon<br />

leaving the Houses of ParliaInent after a me<strong>et</strong>ing with British<br />

<strong>de</strong>puties and was charged with illegal entry into the country<br />

<strong>de</strong>spite having been invited to BritaIn by a Labour Party MP,<br />

John Austin Walker.<br />

. The British Labour Party later issu~d a statement s.aying<br />

Walker had invited Yllmaz on his own and disassociated itself<br />

from the whole affalr. .<br />

Following Yllmaz'S arrest, Kurds living in Britain launched<br />

<strong>de</strong>monstrations against the British government, including<br />

hunger strikes, and called for his release. .<br />

The German government has also ma<strong>de</strong> an official request,<br />

asking the British government to hand over YIlmazSO he can<br />

answer accusations of responsibility for Kurdish <strong>de</strong>monstrations<br />

in Gennany during the spring of 1994. .""<br />

The British governmentreceived a similar application from<br />

Turkey, which wanted Ylimazr<strong>et</strong>urned to faceferrorism<br />

charges. Turkey's request was not granted. .<br />

Y11mazhas ma<strong>de</strong> three court appearances since his arrest and<br />

Thursday's hearing was his first this year.<br />


,"<br />

KDP talks bor<strong>de</strong>r security<br />

with Turkey; PUl( to curb<br />

PKK with 'diplomacy'<br />

TDN with wire dispatches .<br />

ANKARA- A <strong>de</strong>legation of senior envoys from the<br />

Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) clos<strong>et</strong>ed with Turkish<br />

Foreign Ministry officials here Thursday for the second day"<br />

running to discuss the terms of its cooperation to make thé<br />

bor<strong>de</strong>r secure after Turkey winds up its cross-bor<strong>de</strong>r operation<br />

against the Turkish Kurdish rebels m northern Iraq.<br />

Meanwhile, a rival Iraqi Kurdish group, the Patriotic Union<br />

of Kurdistan (PUK), announced that It would not use arms but<br />

diplomacy to keep the outlawed Kurdistan Workers' Party<br />

(PKK) guerrillas from harassing.Turkey from Iraq, Agence<br />

France Presse said.<br />

After a third round of negotiations b<strong>et</strong>ween the KDP officials,<br />

a KDP source told tile TDN that although there had<br />

been consi<strong>de</strong>rable progress since a me<strong>et</strong>ing last month in<br />

Salahuddin, northern Iraq, the <strong>de</strong>tails of the projected cooperation<br />

had y<strong>et</strong> to be hamIllered out. The KDP team is heaâed<br />

by Sami Abdurrahman, a senior member of the party's politi-<br />

CID bureau, and inclu<strong>de</strong>s Nechirwan Barzani, die nep1tCwof<br />

party lea<strong>de</strong>r Massoud Barzani. Turkey has asked the KDP and<br />

PUK to bury their feud and cooperate to keep the PKK out of<br />

the bor<strong>de</strong>r area. The projected scheme involves patrollin,g of<br />

Turkish Dairy News<br />

FRIDAY,MAY5,1995<br />

me DOraerDyme Iraqi Kurdish ~hmergas (fighters).<br />

KDP negotiators have asked, in r<strong>et</strong>urn, cash support and<br />

Ankara's acquiescence to the rebuildin~ of 300-odd bor<strong>de</strong>r<br />

villages <strong>de</strong>stroyed by Saddarn Hussein s forces in the past.<br />

They also calion Ankara to recognize the regional government<br />

Iraqi Kurds have s<strong>et</strong> up in the north un<strong>de</strong>r Western millt!lIYprotection.<br />

Ankara has been avoiding any <strong>de</strong>alings with<br />

the- Iraqi Kurds in the past, fearingit would fuel the separatism<br />

of its own Kurds and hann its precarious ties with<br />

Baghdad. While the KDP apparently agreed to bor<strong>de</strong>r ~ls<br />

"not to please Turkey but beCause of its own responsibility' to<br />

make tlie bor<strong>de</strong>rs safe for neidlbors," PUK loo~ed averse to<br />

any armed confrontation with the PKK it might entail.<br />

PUK lea<strong>de</strong>r Jala! Talabani told AFP that "We don't view<br />

the PKK as terrorists, but as a political organization. We can't<br />

l'revent them from using our area for attacks insi<strong>de</strong> Turkey br.<br />

fildIting them, but by convincing them on a diplomatic level. '<br />

''We won't allow the PKK to use our PUK-controlled area for<br />

attacks against Turkey. We have always ma<strong>de</strong> that clear,"<br />

Talabani told AFP. But he urged '1'urkey to cooperate with,<br />

our regional government and to recognize It."<br />

. Ta!äbani's remarks caused an angry reaction in the Turkish.<br />

press which published selected Jlarts and said they bore out'<br />

Turkey's suspicions about the pux. lea<strong>de</strong>r seen in the past as<br />

secr<strong>et</strong>ly collaborating with the PlOC Talabani has ~lStently<br />

rejected the charges of plaYÏ!!ga double game arid the si<strong>de</strong>s<br />

broke ice last week when a Foreign Ministry <strong>de</strong>legation m<strong>et</strong><br />

with Talabani in Erbil.<br />

SATURDAY. MAY 6,1995<br />

Turkish Dairy News<br />

Turkish- US tra<strong>de</strong> cost Turkey<br />

$9.8 billion.over eight years<br />

Turkish<br />

Daily News<br />

WASHINGTON- B<strong>et</strong>ween 1987 and 1994<br />

Turkey imported goods from the United States<br />

worth $9.8 billion more than Turkish exports to<br />

the United States, according to the official figures<br />

published in "U.S. Global Tra<strong>de</strong> Outlook 1995-<br />

2000," a report issued by the U.S. Department of<br />

Commerce.<br />

Turkey, nominated by the United States last'<br />

year as one of the ten "Big Emer~ing Mark<strong>et</strong>s"<br />

(BEM), lost $1.2 billion in 1994 ID its bilateral<br />

tra<strong>de</strong> with the United States. China, another BEM,<br />

had a surplus of $106.2 billion in the 1987-1994<br />

period in its tra<strong>de</strong> with the United States.<br />

The following BEM countries exported more to<br />

the United States than they imported in 1994:<br />

Brazil, China, Taiwan, India, Indonesia and South<br />

Korea.<br />

Turkey was ranked 32nd in the list of importers<br />

of U.S. goods b<strong>et</strong>ween 1988-94. In 1994 alone,<br />

Turkey Imported$2.75 billion worth of U.S.<br />

goods. .<br />

The top importer was Canada, with $114.4 bil~<br />

lion worth of goods in 1994, followed by Japan,<br />

Mexico, Britain, Germany, South Korea, Taiwan,<br />

France, N<strong>et</strong>herlands and Singapore in the top ten.<br />

Turkey ranked 43rd in the world in terms of<br />

exports to the United States b<strong>et</strong>ween 1988-94.<br />

Turkey exported $1.6 billion worth of goods to the<br />

United States in 1994.<br />



Turkish Probe May 5,1995<br />

19<br />

Human Bights Diary<br />

Minister halts inquiry on Kemal- The Minister for<br />

Justice Mehm<strong>et</strong> Mogultay, in a rare move on May 3, by<br />

using powers vested in him, halted a judicial inquiry by the<br />

public prosecutor into the famous author Ya~ar Kemal over an<br />

interview he gave to the. German Der Spiegel on Turkey's Kurdish<br />

problem. The inquiry opened by the prosecutor of the State Security<br />

Court against Kemal will, however, continue and, while there was no clarification<br />

on the matter, it is thought that Mogultay took the action because the<br />

justice minister has no powers over the DGM. The inquiries against Kemal were<br />

opened on allegations that he had promoted separatism with his remarks to Der<br />

Spiegel when responding to questions concerning Kurds in Turkey. Mogultay, a <strong>de</strong>puty<br />

from the junior coalition partner the Republican Peoples Party (CHP), which is currently<br />

locked in a <strong>de</strong>ep <strong>de</strong>bate with the senior. coalition partner the True Path Party (DYP) on the issue<br />

of freedom of expression, cancelled the permission given by his ministry for the inquiry by the public<br />

prosecutor in Istanbul. As the reason for his <strong>de</strong>cision, Mogultay cited the steep penalty that will be<br />

sought by the Istanbul State Security Court if Kemal is charged un<strong>de</strong>r Article 8 of the Anti-Terrorism Law.<br />

Mogultay saidthat the penalty that will besought un<strong>de</strong>r Article 159 of the penal co<strong>de</strong> if the public prosecutor<br />

<strong>de</strong>ci<strong>de</strong>s to charge Kemal is much less than what would be sought by the State Security Court. But the public<br />

prosecutor's penalty would non<strong>et</strong>heless be ad<strong>de</strong>d to a potentially heavy DGM sentence if both inquiries were<br />

to continue. Mogultay reportedly indicated that the public interest will not be served un<strong>de</strong>r such circumstances<br />

and issued his or<strong>de</strong>r to halt the inquiry against Kemal. (Turkish Daily News, May 4)<br />

Family says missing Journalist held by PKK- Ferit Demir, the only local reporter in Tunceli, is thought to<br />

have been abducted by the outlawed Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK), local sources told the TON on May 2.<br />

Demir had been covering clashes in Tunceli b<strong>et</strong>ween Turkish security forces and the PKK for a number of<br />

news and TV n<strong>et</strong>works as well as for the Reuters agency. He went missing on Sunday and members of his<br />

family are claiming that he was abducted by the PKK. Local security officials have disclaimed any knowledge<br />

of Demir's disappearance and have also said that they have not <strong>de</strong>tained anyone with that name. The PKK<br />

last week released two Turkish journalists, one working for the French AFP and the other for Reuters, after<br />

having abducted them some weeks ago in southeast Anatolia shortly after Turkey launched a massive anti-<br />

PKK cross-bor<strong>de</strong>r operation in northern Iraq on March 20. (Turkish Daily News, May 2)<br />

Lawyers for DEP file appeal- Lawyers for the banned pro-Kurdish Democracy Party (DEP) presented on<br />

April 2B a <strong>de</strong>tailed 1DB-page appeal to the Appeals Court. According to the DEP appeal, the trial process of<br />

DEP <strong>de</strong>puties Ahm<strong>et</strong> Türk, Hatip Dicle, Leyla Zana, Orhan Dagan, Selim Sadak, Sim Saklk and in<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nt<br />

Mahmut Ahnak, was unjust and the imprisoned <strong>de</strong>puties should be released. DEP was closed down by the<br />

Constitutional Court in June 1994 and the <strong>de</strong>puties' memberships in the Turkish Parliament were revoked.<br />

Seven DEP <strong>de</strong>puties were then imprisoned, but six others fled to Europe to avoid prosecution. Pro-Kurdish<br />

but in<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nt <strong>de</strong>puty Mahmut Alinak's parliamentary immunity was also lifted at the <strong>de</strong>mand of the state<br />

prosecutor and he was tried with the DEP <strong>de</strong>puties. The DEP members and Ahnak were sentenced to<br />

b<strong>et</strong>ween three and 15 years of imprisonment. (Turkish Daily News, May 1)<br />

Journalists testify at court- Five journalists out of the 1,080 people who signed and republished the book<br />

"Freedom of Thought" which had been confiscated and outlawed by the state testified at the Istanbul State<br />

Security Court on April 28 following their self-accusation and surren<strong>de</strong>r, the Anatolia news agency reported.<br />

The <strong>de</strong>cision takenwas that the 1,080 people may be presented with a lawsuit for "publishing banned books"<br />

according to Article 1B2 of the Turkish Penal Law. The prison terms they might receive vary b<strong>et</strong>ween two<br />

and six years. (Turkish Daily News, April29)<br />

Missing HADEP executive found <strong>de</strong>ad- Hüseyin Koku, HADEP chairman in the<br />

Southeastern town of Elbistan, was found <strong>de</strong>ad in the nearby town of Poturge, in Malatya<br />

province on April 28. He had been missing since Oct. 20, 1994. The office of the local<br />

prosecutor or<strong>de</strong>red that Koku's body be taken to a local coroner for an autopsy.<br />

Sources told the TON that when the body was found, i<strong>de</strong>ntification was only possible<br />

through an electricity bill bearing Koku's name and address that was found<br />

in his pock<strong>et</strong>. Reports allege that Koku was taken into custody last October<br />

while shopping with his wife in Elbistan by two men in civilian clothing<br />

who were driving a white Renault car. They were carrying radios<br />

and introduced themselves as un<strong>de</strong>rcover police officers and<br />

requested that he accompany them to give testimony at the<br />

police station. Koku told his wife to go home and said he<br />

would join her later, but never did. (April29, Turkish<br />

Daily News)<br />



Turkish Probe May 5,1995<br />

9<br />

.-<br />

Turkey, Iraqi Kurds Discuss<br />

Post-Incursion Security<br />

Rafit Gürdilek<br />

ile winding up its cross-bor<strong>de</strong>r operation<br />

insi<strong>de</strong> northern Iraq, now in its seventh<br />

~ week, Turkey has paced up its efforts to<br />

prevent the outlawed Kurdistan Workers' Party<br />

(PKK) separatists from r<strong>et</strong>urning to their mountain<br />

camps and hi<strong>de</strong>outs across the bor<strong>de</strong>r after the<br />

withdrawal is compl<strong>et</strong>e. For that, Turkey is seeking<br />

the cooperation of the Iraqi Kurds who have s<strong>et</strong> up<br />

their own regional administration in northern<br />

Iraq.<br />

A high-level <strong>de</strong>legation from the Kurdistan<br />

Democratic Party (KDP) of Massoud BarzanÎ started<br />

a second round of talks in Ankara on<br />

Tuesday to discuss the terms of cooperation,<br />

which, in broad lines, involves<br />

increased KDP military presence<br />

on the bor<strong>de</strong>r to bar the reentrenchment<br />

of the PKK in the<br />

area,oin r<strong>et</strong>urn for Turkey's assistance<br />

for the rebuilding of around<br />

300 Iraqi Kurdish villages.<br />

Last month, a team of Turkish<br />

negofiators had an initial me<strong>et</strong>ing<br />

with the KDP lea<strong>de</strong>rship in<br />

Salahuddin, northern Iraq, and<br />

later m<strong>et</strong> in Erbil with Jalal<br />

Talabani, the lea<strong>de</strong>r of KDP's<br />

main rival, the Patriotic Union of<br />

Kurdistan (PUK). The KDP and<br />

PUK have been locked in violent<br />

clashes since last May and the<br />

fighting has reportedly claimed<br />

around 2,000 lives. Turkey has<br />

seen the Iraqi Kurds' internal conflict<br />

as a chief factor in the PKK's<br />

supremacy in the bor<strong>de</strong>r area, but<br />

its efforts to mediate a peaceful<br />

s<strong>et</strong>tlement b<strong>et</strong>ween the two si<strong>de</strong>s<br />

Massoud<br />

have been unsuccessful.<br />

Although PUK does not have a military presence<br />

along the bor<strong>de</strong>r strip, both Turkey and the KDP<br />

see its participation in the security cooperation<br />

scheme as essential.<br />

But Talabani has poured cold water on Turkey's<br />

hopes of enthusiastic cooperation by his reported<br />

statement that he would not prevent the PKK infiltrations<br />

into Turkey by military means, but would try<br />

to do it diplomatically. To the further chagrin of<br />

Turkish officials, Talabani reportedly told the<br />

French news agency AFP that he also does not<br />

consi<strong>de</strong>r the PKK to be a terrorist organization. The<br />

ability of the PKK militants who had surren<strong>de</strong>red to<br />

the Iraqi Kurds after another incursion by the<br />

Turkish Army in 1992 to rearm themselves and s<strong>et</strong><br />

up training camps had caused frictions in the relations<br />

b<strong>et</strong>ween Turkey and the PUK lea<strong>de</strong>rship.<br />

Following the conclusion of the second round of<br />

talks with the KDP <strong>de</strong>legation in Ankara, a team of<br />

PUK envoys is expected to arrive in the second half<br />

of May for similar discussions. But the signs are<br />

that the negotiations with the KDP team is also far<br />

from being a stroll in the rose gar<strong>de</strong>n.<br />

The KDP negotiators, hea<strong>de</strong>d by Sami<br />

Abdurrahman, a senior member of the KDP political<br />

bureau, and including Nechirwan Barzani, the<br />

nephew of the KDP lea<strong>de</strong>r, besi<strong>de</strong> the party's secu.<br />

rity officials, had three sessions of me<strong>et</strong>ings with<br />

Turkish Foreign Ministry officials also atten<strong>de</strong>d by<br />

Turkish military and security experts.<br />

A Kurdish source <strong>de</strong>scribed the talks as being<br />

''very frank and open" which, in diplomatic jargon,<br />

suggests the exchange of recriminations.<br />

Further distance has been covered<br />

since the si<strong>de</strong>s first m<strong>et</strong> in<br />

Salahuddin, but the <strong>de</strong>tails of the<br />

accord still have to be worked<br />

out, the source said.<br />

Confirming that the scheme<br />

involved the patrolling of the bor<strong>de</strong>r<br />

by the KDP peshmerges<br />

(fighters), he said the Iraqi Kurds<br />

were un<strong>de</strong>rtaking to do this not<br />

because Turkey wanted it, but<br />

because it was the Kurds' own<br />

task to make their bor<strong>de</strong>r secure<br />

for their neighbors.<br />

The Kurdish si<strong>de</strong> was insistent,<br />

on the other hand, on official contacts<br />

b<strong>et</strong>ween Turkey and the<br />

regional Kurdish administration -<br />

which Ankara has been avoiding<br />

so far - and more importantly,<br />

Barzani<br />

reconstruction of about 300 Iraqi<br />

Kurdish villages on the bor<strong>de</strong>r.<br />

The KDP says the res<strong>et</strong>tlement of the villages will<br />

provi<strong>de</strong> the necessary logistic support to its peshmerge<br />

who would be otherwise exposed and isolated<br />

on the hostile mountains. It says the res<strong>et</strong>tlement<br />

is also important for the Kurdish economy as<br />

the r<strong>et</strong>urning villagers will be able to till their land<br />

and reduce the bur<strong>de</strong>n on the cities where unemployment<br />

and crime is rampant because of the economic<br />

refugees.<br />

The KDP also requests Turkish cash and assistance<br />

for the building of roads and bridges to facilitate<br />

access to the villages.<br />

The material cost of the package had been tentatively<br />

estimated by the Kurdish sources before as<br />

being b<strong>et</strong>ween $30 million to $50 million.<br />

The Kurdish negotiators were expected to be<br />

received by Foreign Minister Erdal Inönü, due back<br />

from a short visit to Azerbaijan, before they r<strong>et</strong>urn<br />

home.•<br />


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Turkey's War of Words<br />

Ya,sàr Kemal; author of 36 books, is<br />

Tur~ey's pre-eminent man of l<strong>et</strong>ters<br />

and,a perennial candidate for the Nobel'<br />

Prize in Literature. He went on<br />

trial yesterday in Istanbul on charges<br />

of .\liolating Turkey's antiterrorism<br />

laws.' The charges stem from an.article<br />

.~llout the oppressi9n of Turkish<br />

Kur4~ ~at he wrote for the German<br />

mag~{ne Der Spiegel. If convicted, he<br />

,face$;ifj; to five years in prison.<br />

1lûS'tÏ,,,ticle is adapted from a long-<br />

.er o~, i~.the January-February isslJe<br />

of In<strong>de</strong>x:on Censorship, published in<br />

London.<br />

By Yasar Kemal<br />

O .... .ne of the greatest trage-<br />

..' dies in Turkey's history<br />

is happening now.<br />

Our Kurdish brothers<br />

. are being slaugh-<br />

.• tered, and apart from<br />

.a couPJe.'~f hesitant voices, no one is<br />

stan_.up and <strong>de</strong>manding to know<br />

what tfie' Government is doing. No<br />

one is 'saying, "You are riding towards<br />

dOomsday, leaving the earth<br />

scorched in your wake." What will<br />

come of all this?<br />

Fearing that Kurdish nationalist<br />

spirit threatens. Turkish sovereignty<br />

over its eastern regions, the Government<br />

has resolved to drain the pool to<br />

catch afew fish. The world is aware of<br />

il Only the people of Turkey have<br />

been kept in ignorance; newspapers<br />

have apparently been forbid<strong>de</strong>n to<br />

write about the drainage. Or maybe<br />

there is no need for censorship: maybe<br />

our press, with its sense of patriotism<br />

and strong nationalist sentiment,<br />

chooses not to write about it, assuming<br />

the world will neither hear nor see<br />

what is happening.<br />

Our Kurdish brothers are at war to<br />

win their rights - to save their language<br />

and their culture. During the<br />

War of In<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nce of 1919to 1922we<br />

fought shoul<strong>de</strong>r to shoul<strong>de</strong>r. We established<br />

this state tog<strong>et</strong>her. Should a<br />

man eut out the tongue of his brother?<br />

Alreal,lyover 1,700,peoplehave been<br />

mur<strong>de</strong>red. The houses of nearly 2,000<br />

villages have been burned. People and<br />

animals have been burned insi<strong>de</strong><br />

them. The Government has burned<br />

almost all the forests of eastern Ana-<br />

By silencing<br />

critics, it hopes to<br />

<strong>de</strong>stroy a culture.<br />

tolia to find the guerrillas hiding out in<br />

them. Not much that could be called<br />

forest is left. Turkey is disappearing<br />

in flames along with its forests -<br />

anonymous acts of genoci<strong>de</strong> - and 2.5<br />

mUlion people have been exiled from<br />

their homes, in <strong>de</strong>sperate poverty,<br />

forced to take to the road.<br />

Last fall, the village el<strong>de</strong>rs of the<br />

eastern town of Ovacik saidthat .<br />

soldiers had burned their village;<br />

they were found <strong>de</strong>ad in the burned<br />

forests nearby a few days later. The<br />

Minister for Human Rights, Azim<strong>et</strong><br />

Koyluoglu, at first admitted that soldiers<br />

werp. burning villages, but<br />

quickly went back on his word, blaming<br />

the Kurdish separatists.<br />

The Government has also put an<br />

embargo on food' in the eastern regions.<br />

One must g<strong>et</strong> a certificate<br />

from the pOlice station in or<strong>de</strong>r to<br />

buy food (because some villagers<br />

have been feeding the guerrillas).<br />

Intellectuals in the West have begun<br />

to <strong>de</strong>bate wh<strong>et</strong>her this is a new<br />

genoci<strong>de</strong>; the possibility of a human<br />

rights court for Turkey's politicians<br />

and of an economic boycott against<br />

the country are being discussed.<br />

Turkey's lea<strong>de</strong>rs have gotten so<br />

carried away that intellectual<br />

crimes have been regar<strong>de</strong>d as<br />

among the most serious; people have<br />

rotted away in prisons, been killed<br />

and exiled for writing or speaking<br />

their minds. Over200 people are<br />

serving sentences for crimes of<br />

thought; hundreds more are on trial.<br />

Among them are professors, journalists,<br />

writers and union lea<strong>de</strong>rs.<br />

As if a racist, oppressive regime<br />

were not enough, there have been<br />

three military coups in our 70 years<br />

as a nation. Each coup has ma<strong>de</strong> the<br />

Turkish people a little more <strong>de</strong>based.<br />

They have rotted from the root -<br />

their culture, their humanity, their<br />

language: There is no reason at all<br />

for this inhuman, purposeless war.<br />

This world is a' graveyard of<br />

wrecked languages and cultures.<br />

How many soci<strong>et</strong>ies whose names<br />

and reputations we have never even<br />

heard of have come and gone in this<br />

world? As a cultural mosaic, Anatolia<br />

has been been a sourêe of many<br />

.mo<strong>de</strong>rn soci<strong>et</strong>ies. If Turkey's lea<strong>de</strong>rs<br />

had not tried to prohibit and<br />

. <strong>de</strong>stroy othp.r languages and other<br />

cultures people, Anatolia would still be a fountainhead<br />

are a country half-famished, its creative<br />

power draining away.<br />

than those of the Turkish<br />

of civilization. Insteadwe<br />

Thesole reason for this<br />

war is that cancer of.<br />

humanity, racism.<br />

Otherwise, would it be<br />

possible for rightwing,<br />

racist magazines<br />

and newspapers to <strong>de</strong>clare that<br />

"the Turkish race is superior to 'everyother"?<br />

Another popular saying is, "Happy<br />

is he who calls himself a Turk." When<br />

1first went to eastern Turkey in BI51,<br />

this slogan had been written on the<br />

mountainsi<strong>de</strong>s everywhere in enor-.<br />

mous l<strong>et</strong>ters visil;>lefrom five miles<br />

away. Even the slopes of Mount Ararat<br />

were so embellished. The entire<br />

mountain had become happy to be<br />

Turkish. Each morning, they ma<strong>de</strong><br />

the children <strong>de</strong>clare: "I am a Turk, I<br />

am honest, I am hard-working."<br />

Throughout historyall cultures<br />

have fed one another, been grafted<br />

onto one another, and in the process<br />

our world has been enriched. The.<br />

disappearance of a culture is the loss.<br />

of a color, a different light. Anatolia<br />

has always been a mosaic of flowers,<br />

filling the world with flowers and<br />

light. I want it to be the same today.<br />

If the people of a country choose to<br />

live like human beings, choose happiness<br />

and beauty, their way lies first<br />

through universal human rights and<br />

unlimited freedom of thought.. The<br />

people of countries that have. opposed<br />

this will enter the 21st century<br />

without honor. 0



Turkey has no free press,<br />

says Freedom House<br />

According to last year's survey, the<br />

Turkish press was 'partly free'<br />

Turkish Daily News worst possible score. .<br />

WASHINGTON - A Freedom In terms of repressive actions<br />

House survey of the press around (killings of journalists, self-centhe<br />

world placed Turkey with the sorship, harassment, expulsion,<br />

category of countries with no violence against journalists or<br />

free press. Last year's survey facilities, <strong>et</strong>c.), Turkish broadclassified<br />

Turkish press as "part- casting was rated Il and Turkish<br />

ly free."<br />

press a full 20, where 20 was the<br />

The <strong>de</strong>tailed report "The worst possible scare.<br />

Press: Pressed and Oppressed," Turkey's total score of 73, out<br />

writfen by Leonard R. Sussman,of a worst-possible of 100 put in<br />

said Turkey fell from "partly the "not free" category, which<br />

free" to "not free" along with comprised those countries with a<br />

nine other countries: Albania, total score of 61 or worse.<br />

Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Total "press freedom" scores<br />

Malaysia, Nigeria, Sing~pore, of some other countries are as<br />

TuniSia, Yemen and Zambia. follows (the lower the score,<br />

Laws and regulations th~t more freedom of press):<br />

influence media content ID Argentina 29; Armenia 57;<br />

Turkey received a score of 7 in Australia 7; Azerbaijan 69;<br />

broadcasting, and 9 in print, on a Belgium 7; Bolivia 17; Bulgaria<br />

scale of 0-10, 10 being the most 39; Burkina Faso 37; Burma 99;<br />

repressive. Burundi 88; Canada 18; Chad<br />

. In terms of political pressures 72; China 83; Croatia 56; Cuba<br />

and controls over the media con- 90; Cyprus 24; Denmark 9;<br />

tent, Turkish broadcasting got an Egypt 81; Greece 26; Guyana 28;<br />

8, and print media.got 7. The Haiti 51; Iraq 100; Iran 83;<br />

worst possible score IS 10. Kuwait 70; Malawi 43;<br />

Economic influences over Madagascar 44; Libya 85;<br />

media content was evaluated at 4 Zimbabwe 59; United States 12;<br />

for Turkish broadcastingand 7 Uganda 38; Norway 8;<br />

for print media, with 10 the Turkmenistan 84.<br />

Court adjourns trial of<br />

Kemal for.two months<br />

Turkish Daily News<br />

1STANBUL- The'. State<br />

Security Court on. F~iday<br />

adjourned to July 7 the tn~l of<br />

Turkey's best-knowp wnter,<br />

Yasar Kemal, charged with advo- ,<br />

cating separatism and fannin&<br />

public ~nrest w,ithan article p~blished<br />

ID the German magazIDe<br />

Der Spiegel last year.<br />

Responding to charges, Kemal<br />

too the court that he was against<br />

racism and had upheld unity contrary<br />

to charges of separatism.<br />

Score~. of local and foreign<br />

reporters and newsmen.with .television<br />

cameras Jostled with on~<br />

another insi<strong>de</strong> the tiny, packed<br />

courtroom to film the bùrly<br />

author, often blocking the view of<br />

the judges ~d ~efense .attorneys.<br />

More foreign Journalists were<br />

present than Turks to observe the<br />

trial. "I am not a racist. I have<br />

never been a Kurdish or a gypsy<br />

nationalist. I arn a socialist,' the<br />

69-year-old Kemal <strong>de</strong>clared.<br />

"For the past 50 years, as a<br />

writer, I fiave fought against<br />

racism. I have always sou~ht to<br />

be a unifier through mywntings,<br />

not a separatist."<br />

SATIJRDAY. MAY 6.1995<br />

Turkish Daily News<br />

The barrel-chested-author as~erted he was on trial not<br />

because of his Der Spiegel article, byt due to mistranslations<br />

published by the newspapers HUrriy<strong>et</strong> and Milliy<strong>et</strong>.<br />

"The prosecutor did not build his case against my<br />

words, but on"the so-called summary reporting by<br />

Milliy<strong>et</strong> and HUrriy<strong>et</strong>, based on their so-called translations<br />

from German," Kemal said. "Sentences are takerr<br />

out of context. Passages have been removed by tweezers<br />

and changed... It would not be a lie to say this is not mr.<br />

writing. This is Hürriy<strong>et</strong>'s and Milliy<strong>et</strong>'s writing, •<br />

asserted the tall, six-foot writer.<br />

"A writer stands as a compl<strong>et</strong>e whole. A text is also a<br />

compl<strong>et</strong>e whole. If we can attribute offenses to a writer<br />

on the basis of pieces of sentences plucked and distorted<br />

out of a writing, then there is no writer in Turkey who<br />

will not be found guilty even by the most conscientious<br />

judge," said he. He accused the prosecutor of frivolity for<br />

bringing totally unfoun<strong>de</strong>d charges. "He would have at<br />

least the German version translated by a neutral p,arty, or<br />

he would have asked me for the Turkish version, ' Kemal<br />

said to the judges.<br />

If found guilty, Kemal could face two to five years in<br />

prison. Imprisoned many times for his political views,<br />

Kemal is best known for his novels <strong>de</strong>picting rural life in<br />

the southern region of Çukurova. He gained international<br />

attention in 1957 with the publication of his novel<br />

Memed, My Hawk. He has been nominated for the<br />

Nobel Prize in Literature several times, and the publicity<br />

surrounding his indictment is thought to aid his chances<br />

of winning the prestigious award. Kemal also repeated<br />

his appeal to the government to end Turkey's war with<br />

rebel Kurds in the southeast. He said more than ,three<br />

million people had been displaced by the 11- year carnp'ajÂ~against<br />

the separatist Kurdistan Workers Party<br />

(Pu). Nearly 15,000 people have been killed in Turkey<br />

since the PKK launched a bloody terrorist insurgency in<br />

the southeast in 1984.<br />

"We are obliged to end this dirty and dirtying war," he<br />

said. "First, I arn calling mothers who lost their sons in<br />

the war in the east. This war bums your hearts more than.<br />

anyone else' s. I arn calling all'Jou also esteemed judges,'<br />

to join those who want to en. this war. This country<br />

belongs to us all and <strong>de</strong>serves to live much longer in the<br />

history of mankind." Kemal, dressed in a dark suit,<br />

appeared calm and confi<strong>de</strong>nt .the charges against him<br />

would be dropped.<br />

SlI)lling and relaxed, he joked with reporters before<br />

entenng the courtroom. .<br />

"Presi<strong>de</strong>nt Süleyman Demirel has never learned any<br />

lessons from my books. How do I know? Eve!}' time I<br />

see him, he says he has read all of my works,' Kemal<br />

said to the assemble journalists, chuckling.<br />

But he càlled for sweeping changes in the constitution<br />

and accused former PreSI<strong>de</strong>nt Kenan Evren of dictatorial<br />

<strong>de</strong>si2Ilsfor having penned it. '<br />

"lte (Evren) represents the blackest page in Turkey's<br />

history," Kemal said. .<br />

Evren, the lea<strong>de</strong>r of the 1980 military coup, served as<br />

presi<strong>de</strong>nt ofTurkey from 1982-1989. Wi<strong>de</strong>spread human<br />

rights violations were reported and thousands of writers,<br />

intellectuals and workers were imprisoned during the<br />

1980- 1983 military regime led by Evren and his fellow<br />

generals. Opponents bf the 1980 constitution claim it<br />

restricts political and civilliberties.<br />


..Turkey, Iransign $20 billion energy accord<br />

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'Kurdishissue' might be discussed by Clinton and Yeltsin<br />

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Secr<strong>et</strong>ary of State Warren Christopher: The' extent to which Russia is welcomed into the institutions<br />

of the West such as G-71 think will <strong>de</strong>pend upon the p~rèeptions oftheircoilduct in matters<br />

,suchas theirrelationshipwith Iranaswell as'their situation in Chechnya'<br />

" , By Ugur Alonel ,," During a press briefing held Thursday at the have "a very full plate" with à'long list of<br />

, Turkish Daily News White Hous~, Christopli<strong>et</strong> said: "It' s entirely' issues including NATO' s expansion, Russia' s<br />

WASHINGTON- The '~Kurdish issue" possible that the Kurâish issue will be .dis- relations with Iran, nuclear non-proliferation<br />

might be one of the agenda items at the me<strong>et</strong>- , cussed inconnection with the Turkish action in and the conflict in Chechnya. Clinton will visit<br />

ing of U.S. Presi<strong>de</strong>nt Bill Clinton and Russian ' Iraq, but I thinl(themention of those two sub- Ukraine as well. '.<br />

Presi<strong>de</strong>nt ,Boris Yeltsin in Moscow dllfÎ!lg the, ,jects (i.e., çyprus and Kurd.s) is an indication . Chri.st.ophe~said that Russia had to review<br />

50th anmvèrsary of V-E Day,. accordmg to . as to how Dcli the agenda IDlghtbe, and I want itS poliCies With regards to Chechnya and the<br />

Secr<strong>et</strong>ary of State Warren Christoph~r. The to emphasize that the two presi<strong>de</strong>nts only have gas centrifuge it is selling to Iran if it wants to<br />

secrétàry of state said in response to a question the second day, and JX:rhapsa small part of the be welcomed 'by the G-7 countries. "The<br />

that he didn't tlùnk Cyprus would be on the third day, ln which they miglit me<strong>et</strong>." extent to which Russia is welcomed into the<br />

. a2enda of the Clinton-yçltsin summit. . Çhristopher ad<strong>de</strong>d that the two presi<strong>de</strong>nts will, institutions of the West such as G-7 I think<br />

will <strong>de</strong>pend upon the perceptions of theif:Conduct<br />

in matters' such as therr relationship with<br />

Iran as well as their situation in Checfmya."<br />

Christopher said that Clinton ''will be remmding<br />

Presi<strong>de</strong>nt Yeltsin that none of the G-7<br />

countries feel'that it's safe to cooperate wjth<br />

Iran on nuclear matters." , '<br />

Secr<strong>et</strong>ary of Treasury Richard Rubin, speaking<br />

at the same 'press briefing, hinted that the<br />

reward for RUSSia'scompliance could be generous<br />

<strong>de</strong>bt scheduling"by th~G~7 countries.<br />

,'Agreement: Turkey ," a~cord,. whi~h comes afterne':l'Iy .40 y~ars of<br />

,. , ' ' , ' diSCUSSions, ln Ankara Esenboga airport s VIP<br />

wIll ~ecelvenatural gas. lounge prior to the Iranian <strong>de</strong>legation's <strong>de</strong>parfromIran<br />

worth $20 ' ture. " '..<br />

bill' '23' , 'd The accord foresees the bUlldlnj? of a<br />

,IOnIn . -year penQ. pipeline, called the "Tabriz-Ankara' line,<br />

, Turkish Daily News ,which will be financed by both countries, each<br />

ANKARA- Turkeyand Iran signed Friday a paying for the portion that is in their territory.<br />

' $20 billionenergy agreement in Ankara un<strong>de</strong>r Atasoy explained that Turkey would start off<br />

which Iran will provi<strong>de</strong> natural gas toTurkey buying two billion cubic m<strong>et</strong>ers of Iranian gas<br />

for 2Jyears. ' " , from 1998 to 2001. "In 2001, we will buy eight<br />

Veysel Atasoy, Turkish.natural resource,s billion cubic m<strong>et</strong>ers and increase it to 10 biland<br />

energy minister, and, Gulam 'Reza ' lion cubic m<strong>et</strong>ers from 2002," he said.<br />

Agaza<strong>de</strong>,' ~rani~~ ,op ministèr;signed tJ:1c The signing of the agreemcnt came nr,ly<br />

days after the United States announcement of a<br />

tra<strong>de</strong> and investment embargo against Tehran<br />

on grounds of Iran's alleged efforts to have<br />

nuclear weapons and its so-called support for<br />

international terrorism~ Washington has urged<br />

: its allies to follow suit, butTurkey, one of its<br />

close NATO allies, has ma<strong>de</strong> it clear it will not<br />

join the embargo. .<br />

Agaza<strong>de</strong> said that Ankara and Tehran have<br />

agreed on the feasibility of the project and on<br />

thc construction of a pipeline; "The only issue<br />

that we are still studymg is the pricing (of the<br />

gas). It will be finalIzed in the next six<br />

months," he noted.<br />

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Turkish Daily News<br />

SATURDAY,MAY6,I995<br />

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General StatT<br />

<strong>de</strong>clares N.lraq<br />

operation over<br />

Turkish Daily N~s<br />

ANKARA- Turkey has officially compl<strong>et</strong>ed<br />

its cross-bor<strong>de</strong>r operation against the seI>aratist<br />

Kurdish rebels in nortliern Iraq with<br />

the r<strong>et</strong>urn of the last of the 'troops which took<br />

part in the massive push, the Turkish General<br />

Staff announced onThursday.<br />

The announcement said the pullback had<br />

been compl<strong>et</strong>ed on Tuesday - seven weeks<br />

after the incursion - but the operations were<br />

being continued against the separatists insi<strong>de</strong><br />

Turkey. .<br />

On Wednesday, Defence Minister Mehm<strong>et</strong><br />

Gölhan also noted that the withdrawal had<br />

been compl<strong>et</strong>ed and "not one Turkish soldier<br />

remained in Iraq" although Deputy Prime<br />

Minister Hikm<strong>et</strong> Ç<strong>et</strong>in later said that some<br />

troops might be remaining.<br />

On March 20 Turkey sent 35,000 troops<br />

40 kilom<strong>et</strong>ers into Iraq over a 220-kilom<strong>et</strong>er<br />

str<strong>et</strong>ch of the bor<strong>de</strong>r to dislodge the<br />

Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) separatists,<br />

from their mountain bases and hi<strong>de</strong>outs.<br />

The troops have killed at least 555 separatists<br />

and captured 13, military officials<br />

announced, putting Turkey's losses at 61 soldiers<br />

killed and 178 injured.<br />

The incursion evoked a strong reaction in<br />

the West but Prime Minister Tansu Çiller, on<br />

announcing a partial withdrawallast month,<br />

said Turkey would not hesitate to send the<br />

troops back into northern Iraq if the rebels<br />

attempted to r<strong>et</strong>urn to the bor<strong>de</strong>r area.<br />

To bar the separatists from again entrenching<br />

themselves on the bor<strong>de</strong>r, Turkey has<br />

started talks with two rival Iraqi Kurdish<br />

groups, Mas'soud Barzani's Kurdistan<br />

Democratic Party (KDP) and the Patriotic<br />

Union of KurdIstan (PUK) led by lalal<br />

Talabani, to elicit their cooperation for the<br />

policing of the bor<strong>de</strong>r.<br />

'<br />

The announcement of the operation' send<br />

followed the conclusion of a second round of . ,<br />

talks b<strong>et</strong>ween the Turkish Foreign Ministry officials and<br />

a ranking KDP team of envoys on the terms of the projected<br />

security cooperation. .<br />

Sarni AbdUrrahrilan, the head of theKDP <strong>de</strong>legation,<br />

told the TON that he was encouraged after two days of<br />

negotiations but further talks were nee<strong>de</strong>d before the<br />

fmwzation of the' accord. A <strong>de</strong>legati~n from the P~~ is<br />

~~ted within the second half of this month for similar<br />

ERNK's European<br />

representative causes<br />

headache for Britain<br />

At trial, German prosecutor officially<br />

requests Kani Yllmaz's<br />

extradition<br />

Turkish Daily News<br />

ANKARA- Kani Yllmaz, the European representative<br />

of the ERNK - a cover organization of the outlawed<br />

Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) - who has been un<strong>de</strong>r<br />

arrest since Oct. 26, 1994, is causing a headache for<br />

Britain. The trial against Yllmaz began in a hall in<br />

Belmarsh Prison on Thursday. Germany, which holds<br />

Yllmaz responsible for various violent acts, officially<br />

requ7sted his extradition from Britain during the proceedmgs.<br />

According to a report by the Cologne-based ~urd-~<br />

News Agency,which operates as a PKK mouthpIece, It<br />

was the prosecutor from Germany who first took the<br />

floor dunng the six-hour hearing.<br />

He read out the 83-page German indictment against<br />

Yllmaz, and, ~ointing out that Yllmaz had been<br />

involved in vanous violent inci<strong>de</strong>nts in Germany, he<br />

asked for Yllmaz's extradition.<br />

After the indictment was read out, Nicholas Black,<br />

one of the three attorneys who <strong>de</strong>fen<strong>de</strong>d Yllmaz, spoke<br />

on behalf of his colleagues and said that the accusations<br />

against their client were baseless and therefore there<br />

was no need for Yllmaz's extradition to Germany.<br />

Attorney Brigitte Irving claimed that her client was<br />

known as the official representative of the Kurds in<br />

Europe and that he had ma<strong>de</strong> statements to the media as<br />

a Kurdish official. "Y Ilmaz is a political person.<br />

Accusations against him lack any grounds,"lrving said.<br />

German Attorney Eberhard Schulz, who was asked<br />

his opinion as an expert, claimed that the dossiers prepared<br />

by German prosecutors contained erroneous information<br />

and said Yllmaz should not be extradited to<br />

Germany.<br />

.'<br />

The case against Yllmaz. was adjourned until May Il<br />

for the hearing of other witnesses' testimony and for<br />

<strong>de</strong>fense ar$uments. Meanwhile, many Kurds staged<br />

<strong>de</strong>monstratIons in London and in front of British offices<br />

in Vienna, Hamburg, Bonn, Marseilles and Athens.<br />

Demonstrators rep,ortedly chanted slogans praising PKK<br />

lea<strong>de</strong>r Abdullah Ocalan and Kani Yllmaz and criticized<br />

the stance of Britain.<br />

SATURDAY. MAY 6. 1995 Turkish Daily News<br />




Turkish Daily News<br />

ANKARA- The former minister for<br />

human rights called a press conference in<br />

Parliament on Friday to make public a<br />

report prepared by a Prime Ministry advisory<br />

committee at the beginning of this<br />

year but kept secr<strong>et</strong> due to its claims of.<br />

systematic torture in Turkey.<br />

Azim<strong>et</strong> Köylüoglu said unfortùnately<br />

the report,prepared by the Human Rights .<br />

Advisory Committee, had not been<br />

released and "since I wanted the<br />

. Parliament and the public to know about<br />

it, I ma<strong>de</strong> it public."<br />

The former minister said the document<br />

Was compl<strong>et</strong>ed in January andhe had pre~<br />

sented it to Prime Minister Çiller and her<br />

former <strong>de</strong>puty, Murat Karayalçm, for it to<br />

be ma<strong>de</strong> pubIiç, .<br />

Köylüoglu was the minster responsible<br />

for human rights in the Çiller-Karayalçm<br />

Cabin<strong>et</strong>, but lost his post in the reshuffle<br />

of March 23 this year. During his time in..<br />

this post, Köylüoglu refused again and<br />

again to release the report on torture. The<br />

advisory committee which prepared ~he<br />

report, entitled .<br />

"Individual security and protection<br />

against torture and inhuman treatment,"<br />

comprised 23 members, including schol-.<br />

ars and experts in the field ..<br />

The report states: "Even some state<br />

.official~, som<strong>et</strong>imes .acceptth;u therds<br />

'~(:eA~t::~~~:t~~;l~~~~~=~:.<br />

the customuiHon'aècord with:,the<br />

are punished.<br />

This contradicts the current situation.<br />

Even the 51 st Cabin<strong>et</strong> of Turkey has'<br />

ma<strong>de</strong> some small steps toward stopping<br />

torture. Some sections of the Interior<br />

Ministry have been regularly applying<br />

torture."<br />

The Human RightsAdvisory<br />

Committee based its findings on docu~<br />

ments produced by the United Nations<br />

and international nongovernmental organizations<br />

concerning human rights viola-<br />

. tions in Turkey;<br />

The committee noted in its report that<br />

the fact-finding work in the report was<br />

based on the reports of other'organiza •..<br />

lions' "bècause ourcömmittëê~'hàS:. nor<br />

bëen ällowed to makè its"own:obseNa-' ..<br />

tions in the field."<br />

According to the report, toprevent tor- .<br />

ture, legislative, executive and judicial<br />

changes should be ma<strong>de</strong> in Turkey. Also,<br />

the report proposes the adoption in<br />

Turkey of international principles of<br />

. humanitarian legislation and internalleg- .<br />

islative changes. . • .<br />

It says tortu.re should be <strong>de</strong>fined "a<br />

crime against humanity" in the Penal<br />

. Co<strong>de</strong> and torturers should be heavily puri- .<br />

ished so they do not encourage such<br />

practices in the future. According to the<br />

. report, torture is wi<strong>de</strong>ly used at police stations,<br />

so periods of <strong>de</strong>tention should be<br />

.reduced and use of blindfolds should be<br />

banned:<br />

Thé repOrt al'so says torture .victims<br />

should be taken care of by the. govern-<br />

. ment and. free medical treatment .should<br />

be provi<strong>de</strong>d for their rehabilitation.<br />

Moreover, security personnel should be<br />

educated in human rights, according to<br />

the report.<br />

Within the framework of so-called<br />

"<strong>de</strong>mocratization" in Turkey, the coalition<br />

. government promised to establish a<br />

human rights ministry, but unfortunately,<br />

this has not come about. .<br />

Instead, One of the slate ministries has<br />

been appointed to <strong>de</strong>al with the human<br />

rights question in Turkey and the prime<br />

minister appointed 23 specialists and<br />

. schol.~ to .fopna ~,~~ rights. ad~isory;.<br />

cormmttee Just before Chefirst me<strong>et</strong>ing on<br />

European Union last fall.<br />

The committee . finally came . out with<br />

three reports: one on torture: one on the<br />

emergency rule region; and one on human<br />

rights education in Turkey. Unfortunately<br />

none of these reports had been ma<strong>de</strong> public,<br />

until Friday, when former minister<br />

Köylüoglu releasedthè report on torture ..<br />

Speaking at the press conference,<br />

Köylüoglu said that to say torture has not<br />

been taking place in Turkey was the worst<br />

thing that one could do to the country .<br />

. He also <strong>de</strong>man<strong>de</strong>d that the military<br />

comman<strong>de</strong>r responsible for the Sept. 12,<br />

1980coup should be put on trial and pun-<br />

.ished:According -to-'Turkey's 1982<br />

Constitution, drawn up by the military,<br />

the generals 'involved ip the Sept.' 12 coup<br />

cannot. be charged for activities carried<br />

out by them during their time in power.<br />

. . .'<br />


Kampf türkischer Intellektueller gegen <strong>de</strong>n Staat<br />

Prozess gegen <strong>de</strong>n Autor Yasar Kemal<br />

Am Freitag hat im Istanbuler Staatssicherheitsgericht <strong>de</strong>r Prozess gegen <strong>de</strong>n Schriftsteller<br />

Yasar Kenial begonnen. Er wird wegen eines in einem <strong>de</strong>utschen Magazin veröffentlichten<br />

Artikels <strong>de</strong>s Separatismus angeklagt. Das Verfahren gegen <strong>de</strong>n V<strong>et</strong>eranen <strong>de</strong>r türkischen<br />

Literatur hat in <strong>de</strong>r Türkei eine enorme Protestbewegung ausgelöst. Hun<strong>de</strong>rte von Intellektuellen<br />

beschuldigten sich vor Son<strong>de</strong>rgerichten .. separatistische Propaganda zu b<strong>et</strong>reiben.<br />

"<br />

it. istanbul.<br />

5. Mai<br />

Der bekannte, wegen seiner bissigen Satire<br />

auch gefùrcht<strong>et</strong>e türkische Autor Aziz Nesin ist<br />

am Mittwoch vor <strong>de</strong>m Staatssicherheitsgericht in<br />

Istanbul erschienen. Dem Staatsanwalt dieses<br />

halb militärisch und halb zivil bes<strong>et</strong>zten Son<strong>de</strong>rgerichtes<br />

erklärte <strong>de</strong>r greise, zerbrechliche Autor,<br />

er habe willentlich «separatistische Propaganda»<br />

b<strong>et</strong>rieben. Rund zwanzig teils bekannte, teils<br />

weniger bekannte Literaten, die sich am Mittwoch<br />

im kleinen Hof <strong>de</strong>s Gerichtes eingefun<strong>de</strong>n hatten,<br />

sind <strong>de</strong>m Beispiel Nesins gefolgt. Der Wortlaut<br />

ihrer Selbst<strong>de</strong>nunziationen war meist karg und in<br />

<strong>de</strong>r Aussage ähnlich. Je<strong>de</strong>r <strong>de</strong>r Selbstankläger be- ,<br />

zeugte, er habe aus eigenem Willen gegen <strong>de</strong>n<br />

Separatismus-Artikel <strong>de</strong>s Antiterrorges<strong>et</strong>zes ver-,<br />

stassen und sei sich seiner Schuld bewusst. Weitere<br />

Aussagen wur<strong>de</strong>n verweigert.<br />

Massenbewegung'<br />

Dieser Vorgang spielt sich vor <strong>de</strong>n Staatssicherheitsgerichten<br />

von Istanbul und Ankara und<br />

an<strong>de</strong>ren türkischen Grossstädten seit Mitte März<br />

täglich ab. Dabei wer<strong>de</strong>n die Wochentage je nach<br />

Berufsgruppen <strong>de</strong>r Selbstankläger aufg<strong>et</strong>eilt. Mittwoch<br />

dieser Woche war Tag <strong>de</strong>r Schriftsteller,<br />

Donnerstag galt als <strong>de</strong>r Tag <strong>de</strong>r Schauspieler. Bisher<br />

haben sich I:Und200 Intellektuelle <strong>de</strong>r Separatismus-Propaganda<br />

selbst beschuldigt. Einige<br />

Tausend mehr warten darauf, ihre Schuldbekenntnisse<br />

abzulegen. Die Bewegung <strong>de</strong>r Selbstankläger<br />

könnte allein. schon wegen ihres Ausrnasses<br />

<strong>de</strong>n Rahmen <strong>de</strong>r Sond~rgerichte sprengen.<br />

Die Protestbewegung <strong>de</strong>r türkischen Intellektuellen<br />

hat sich laut ihrem Sprecher, Sanar Yurdatapan,<br />

En<strong>de</strong> Januar formiert. Damal~ wur<strong>de</strong><br />

Yasar Kemal vom Staatsanwalt wegen emes von<br />

ihm verfassten, im <strong>de</strong>utschen Magazin «Der Spiegel»<br />

erschienenen Berichts vorgela<strong>de</strong>n. Unter<br />

<strong>de</strong>m Titel «Feldzug <strong>de</strong>r Lügen» hatte Kemal über<br />

die Verfolgung <strong>de</strong>r Kur<strong>de</strong>n und die ~issachte~en<br />

Menschenrechte, über <strong>de</strong>n schmutzIgen Krieg<br />

und <strong>de</strong>n hohen Blutzoll in Südostanatolien bericht<strong>et</strong>.<br />

«Wir in <strong>de</strong>r Türkei sollten immer daran<br />

<strong>de</strong>nken, dass <strong>de</strong>r Weg zu einer echten Demokratie<br />

nur über die friedliche Lösung <strong>de</strong>r Kur<strong>de</strong>nfrage<br />

führt», laut<strong>et</strong>e sein Fazit. Die Anklage gegen<br />

Kemal hat die von einer oft fast grenzenlosen Ge-'<br />

duld gegenüber Interventionen <strong>de</strong>s Staates gezeichn<strong>et</strong>e<br />

Welt türkischer Intellektueller erschüttert.<br />

Das Staatssicherheitsgericht in Istanbul hat am<br />

Freitag nach einer Anhörung Kemals <strong>de</strong>n Prozess<br />

auf <strong>de</strong>n 12. Juni vertagt, um eine bessere Übers<strong>et</strong>-<br />

'zuog <strong>de</strong>s kritisierten Artikels zu beschaffen. Der<br />

72jährige Kemal prägte mît seinen Romanen und<br />

Erzählungen über Anatolien die jüngere Generationen<br />

<strong>de</strong>r türkischen Literaten. Der Prozess<br />

gegen ihn wur<strong>de</strong> plötzlich zum Symbol <strong>de</strong>s<br />

Kampfes fùr Meinungsfreiheit. Achtzig Intellektuelle<br />

teilten im Januar öffentlich mit, wenn<br />

Kemals Artikel ein Verbrechen gegen '<strong>de</strong>n Staat<br />

sei, so seien sie <strong>de</strong>sselben Verbrechens schuldig.<br />

In <strong>de</strong>n folgen<strong>de</strong>n Monaten schlossen sich <strong>de</strong>r<br />

Bewegung mehrere hun<strong>de</strong>rt Intellektuelle aus<br />

<strong>de</strong>m ganzen Land an. Das führte dazu, dass im<br />

März ein Buch unter <strong>de</strong>m Titel «Gedankenfreiheib><br />

von <strong>de</strong>n Oppositionellen veröffentlicht<br />

wur<strong>de</strong>. Darin erscheinen Texte von Intellektuellen<br />

wie Haluk Gerger, Fikr<strong>et</strong> Baskaya und Ismail Be-,<br />

sikci, die weg~n wissenschaftlicher Arbeiten o<strong>de</strong>r<br />

öffentlicher Ausserungen noch immer in Haft<br />

sind. Auch Texte <strong>de</strong>r Journalisten Günay AsIan<br />

und Oral Calislar, die wegen ihrer Berichterstattung<br />

verurteilt wur<strong>de</strong>n, wur<strong>de</strong>n in <strong>de</strong>m Buch<br />

publiziert ..Weil das Ges<strong>et</strong>z für Verleger «separatistischer<br />

Schriften» gleich hohe Strafen wie für<br />

<strong>de</strong>ren Autoren vorsieht, haben sich 1080 Intellektuelle<br />

im Buch als Verleger eing<strong>et</strong>ragen. In einer<br />

zweiten Auflage haben sich bereits über 15 000<br />

Personen als Verleger eing<strong>et</strong>ragen. Wer<strong>de</strong>n nun<br />

die Son<strong>de</strong>rgerichte gegen alle diese Intellektuellen<br />

Verfahren einleiten?<br />

Umstrittenes<br />

Ges<strong>et</strong>z<br />

Rein formell sollte dies <strong>de</strong>r Fall sein. Artikel 8<br />

<strong>de</strong>s Antiterrorges<strong>et</strong>zes schreibt unmissverständlich<br />

vor, dass «geschriebene o<strong>de</strong>r verbale Propaganda,<br />

welche die unteilbare Einheit <strong>de</strong>s Staates<br />

<strong>de</strong>r türkischen Republik zu schädigen tracht<strong>et</strong> ...<br />

verboten ist, ungeacht<strong>et</strong> davon, mit welchen<br />

M<strong>et</strong>ho<strong>de</strong>n o<strong>de</strong>r Absichten sie b<strong>et</strong>rieben wur<strong>de</strong>».<br />

Auf Grund dieses Artikels sind bereits über 100<br />

Intellektuelle verurteilt wor<strong>de</strong>n. Auch die Verurteilung<br />

Kemals gilt als sicher. Sollten die Justizbehör<strong>de</strong>n<br />

auf einer konsequenten Linie beharren,<br />

müssten sie die 15 000 Intellektuellen verurteilen.<br />

Als Ausweg bleibt nur eine Än<strong>de</strong>rung <strong>de</strong>s Antiterrorges<strong>et</strong>zes.<br />

Vor zwei Monaten, zu Zeiten <strong>de</strong>r Unterzeichnung<br />

<strong>de</strong>s Abkommens über eine Zollunion zwischen<br />

<strong>de</strong>r EU und Ankara, hatte die Regierungschefin<br />

Ciller ihren europäischen Amtskollegen<br />

eine entsprechen<strong>de</strong> Än<strong>de</strong>rung <strong>de</strong>s umstrittenen<br />

Ges<strong>et</strong>zesartikels versprochen. Das Europaparlament<br />

sowie <strong>de</strong>r Europarat haben die Verbesserung<br />

<strong>de</strong>r Beziehungen mit <strong>de</strong>r Türkei von <strong>de</strong>r Annullierung<br />

dieses Ges<strong>et</strong>zes abhängig gemacht.<br />

Frau Ciller scheint mittlerweile von diesem Ziel<br />

aber abgekommen zu sein. Zu gross ist <strong>de</strong>r Wi<strong>de</strong>rstand<br />

in <strong>de</strong>n Kreisen <strong>de</strong>r Armee, in ihrer eigenen<br />

Partei und in <strong>de</strong>r Opposition. Gegen eine Abschwächung<br />

<strong>de</strong>s Artikels 8 hat sich aber am<br />

schärfsten <strong>de</strong>r Präsi<strong>de</strong>nt Demirel gewen<strong>de</strong>t. In<br />

einer feurigen Re<strong>de</strong> erklärte er, <strong>de</strong>r Westen wünsche<br />

keine starke Türkei. Während die westlichen<br />

Regierungen von Achtung<strong>de</strong>r Menschenrechte,<br />

Demokratisierung in <strong>de</strong>r Türkei und von einer<br />

politischen Lösung <strong>de</strong>r Kur<strong>de</strong>nfrage sprächen,<br />

tracht<strong>et</strong>en sie in Wirklichkeit danach, die Türkei<br />

zu spalten und einen Kur<strong>de</strong>nstaat zu grün<strong>de</strong>n.<br />

Für die Intellektuellen <strong>de</strong>r Bewegung für Meinungsfreiheit<br />

hatte <strong>de</strong>r Präsi<strong>de</strong>nt lediglich Verachtun~<br />

übri~. Er nannte sie kurz Vaterlandsverräter.<br />



US on the pullout<br />

from northern Iraq:<br />

'Çiller kept her word'<br />

By Ui!ur AkIncl<br />

lurkish Daily News<br />

WASHINGTON- The U.S. State Department has<br />

,said that Washington is "very pleas~d to see. that the<br />

Turkish government has ac~edupo~,ItScOffiffiltm~ntto<br />

the United States and the mternatlOnal commuruty to<br />

withdraw nearly all, a substantial number of its forces,<br />

fonn northern Iraq." ,<br />

On Thursday, the Turkish Genera! Staff, as well. as<br />

Defense Minister Mehm<strong>et</strong> Gölhan SaId that all Turkish<br />

troops have been withdraw~ from nort~ern Iraq. "<br />

"We did not have a single soldier left the~e,<br />

Gölhan emphasi7ed <strong>de</strong>spite the fact that Deputy Pnme<br />

Minister Hikm<strong>et</strong> C<strong>et</strong>in said a limited number of troops'<br />

were still ins!<strong>de</strong> Iraq. The Stat~ Department àdopted<br />

Hikm<strong>et</strong>'s versIOnof tfie recent Withdrawal.<br />

''We are in contact with the Turkish government, and<br />

are pleased to note that nearly ~ the 35,009 troops have<br />

<strong>de</strong>parted. There may be ~ we re not q~Ite sure - a<br />

liniited number of soldiers on the other Si<strong>de</strong> of the bor<strong>de</strong>r<br />

in mopping-up operations." State Department<br />

~okesman Nicholas Bums sai.d they.~ere pl~ased that<br />

yiller kept her word."When Pnme Mlruster Çlller came<br />

here, she assured the presi<strong>de</strong>nt and t~e secr<strong>et</strong>~ t~at.the<br />

Turkish oovernment would keep this operatiOn liffi1ted,<br />

in scope ~d duration, and she has done so ... we're very<br />

pleased to note this <strong>de</strong>velopment."<br />

Attack on Aktuna<br />

When asked what the official U.S. reaction was to the<br />

recent attack in Greece on State Minister and government<br />

spokesman YlldmI!l Aktu?a; Bu~s s~d:" ,<br />

"We are aware of thiS particular SItUatIOn, Bums<br />

,said. "And we are acutely aware 'and ha~e been for ,a<br />

lono, Iona time of some of the problems m the Greek-<br />

Turkish r~lations," he ad<strong>de</strong>d.<br />

"We are a strono ally of both countries, and both are<br />

valued members 01 NATO, and we have every confi<strong>de</strong>nce<br />

that Greece and Turkey can work out these problems<br />

... They both have strong governments, effective<br />

governments, and they ought to be able to work o~,t<br />

these problems, and we would call upon them to do so.<br />

No info on PKK involvement<br />

According topress reports, there were many pro-<br />

PKK Kurdish actIvists ca.rrying PKK flagsand pictures<br />

of PKK lea<strong>de</strong>r Abdullah Ocalan among thegroup of<br />

400 that attacked Turkish government spokesm.an in<br />

Greece. But Bums said he was not aware of any mformation<br />

"that would lead us to think that Greece, sup- ,<br />

ports, is actively suPP?~ng, the PKK. And I ~~ rou<br />

know our general posItIon on the PKK. We think It sa<br />

,notorious terrorist organization which <strong>de</strong>serves to be<br />

acted agàinst. That is what the Turkish government h~s<br />

been doing for a consi<strong>de</strong>rable number of. weeks ... I~IS<br />

absolutely necessary to protect the Tur~sh popula~on<br />

from terrorist attacks, and also the Kurdish p?pulal1on<br />

in northern Iraq and in Turkey from the activities of the<br />

PKK." ,<br />

SUNDAY. MAY 7,1995<br />

Russiaand Iran reach accord in<br />

principle on nuclear technology<br />

Agence France Presse<br />

MOSCOW- Russian officials have<br />

reached accord in principle to sell Iran<br />

controversial techriology for enriching<br />

uranium, but have not signed the <strong>de</strong>al,<br />

Sergei Medve<strong>de</strong>v, spokesman for<br />

Presi<strong>de</strong>nt Boris Yeltsin said Saturday.<br />

Any part of the <strong>de</strong>al that co.ntravenes<br />

the rules of the InternatIOnal<br />

Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)<br />

watchdog body will be called off,<br />

Medve<strong>de</strong>v told AFP. The sale of the<br />

centrifuge, capable of preparing uranium<br />

for use in a nuclear bomb, is<br />

fiercely opposed ~ythe United States.<br />

Yeltsin is aware' .~f the preliminary<br />

Turk~h,Dairy News<br />

accord but is leaving the negotiations<br />

to the atomic energy ministry',<br />

Medve<strong>de</strong>v said. The presi<strong>de</strong>nt will<br />

examine the accord if it comes to a<br />

final agreement and "everything that<br />

goes against the <strong>de</strong>mands of the IAEA<br />

will be eliminated," Medve<strong>de</strong>v said.<br />

"If (the accord) really contradicts<br />

the <strong>de</strong>mands of IAEA" the centrifuge<br />

wi'll not be sold, he said. Earlier<br />

Saturday, Russia's top atomic energy<br />

inspector blasted the aeal, saying that<br />

Iran had no need for a centnfuge for<br />

enriching uranium 235 in or<strong>de</strong>r to<br />

provi<strong>de</strong> nuclear fuel for pëaéeful purposes.<br />

LE MONDE / SAMEDI 6 MAI 1995/3<br />

Fin <strong>de</strong> l'intervention turque,<br />

dans le nord <strong>de</strong> l'Irak<br />

LE MINISTRE turc <strong>de</strong> la défense, Mehm<strong>et</strong> Gölhan, a déclaré, jeudi 4<br />

mai, que l'ensemble <strong>de</strong>s troupes engagées <strong>de</strong>puis le 20 mars .<strong>de</strong>rnier<br />

contre les bases du PKK au nord <strong>de</strong> l'Irak avaient été rapatriées. Le<br />

vice-premier ministre, Hikm<strong>et</strong> C<strong>et</strong>in, a, par la suite, précisé que quel.;<br />

ques hommes se trouvaient encore en territoire irakien, mais l'incursion<br />

militaire semble sur le point <strong>de</strong> se terminer. Le bilan officiel<br />

'<strong>de</strong>s pertes infligées au PKK serait <strong>de</strong> 555 morts <strong>et</strong> 13 prisonniers. Le<br />

,gouvernement cherche maintenant à définir la politique régionale <strong>de</strong><br />

la Thrquie, après son offensive en Irak; Une délégation du Parti démocratique<br />

du Kurdistan (PDK) est en pourparlers avec les autorités<br />

turques pour tenter <strong>de</strong> trouver une formule satisfaisante pour le maintien<br />

<strong>de</strong> la sécurité frontalière contre les incursions du PKK.- (Corresp.)<br />


"<br />

.'<br />

Sami Abdurrahman,<br />

the KOP <strong>de</strong>legation chief.<br />

IDN Ali Fuall1ay<br />

KDP: With 20,000 men<br />

we can keep bor<strong>de</strong>r safe<br />

Terms: Villages have to be rebuilt as<br />

logistic bases. We do not ask for recognition<br />

of the regional 'government, but we will<br />

s<strong>et</strong>tle for nothing less than fe<strong>de</strong>ration<br />

BYRa~it Gürdilek / Turkish Daily Ne'I'.'s<br />

ANKARA- The thief of the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP)<br />

negotiators, who conferred with Turkish Foreign Ministry officials<br />

here last week, said :l "serious force" of up to 20,000 Kurdish fighters<br />

was nee<strong>de</strong>d to prevent the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) separatists<br />

r<strong>et</strong>urning to the bor<strong>de</strong>r after Turkey's just-conclu<strong>de</strong>d cross-bor<strong>de</strong>r<br />

operation. .<br />

In an exclusive interview with the Turkish Daily News, Sami<br />

Ankara drafts<br />

working plan<br />

for Europe<br />

Cooperation and Confronta~ori:<br />

Turkey will cooperate with European<br />

countries and institutions, but will<br />

confront its allies if its vital interests<br />

such as territorial integrity and<br />

security are threatened.<br />

Obligations of Turkey and Europe:<br />

Turkey must do what it can to<br />

<strong>de</strong>mocratize further, but Europe<br />

should also be careful to carry out<br />

its obligation to fight terrorism.<br />

By Nazlan Ertan<br />

Turkish Dai/v News<br />

ANKARA- After a two-day brain-storming<br />

session which en<strong>de</strong>d Saturday, key Turkish<br />

diplomats have built a working plan which<br />

inclu<strong>de</strong>s a "confrontation and cooperation"<br />

strategy toward its European allies.<br />

The "consultations" me<strong>et</strong>ing of the Foreign<br />

Minjs~ry took place against a background of<br />

<strong>de</strong>CISIOns by the Council of Europe and<br />

European Parliament which were unfavorahle<br />

to Turkey, the establishment of a Kurdish<br />

"parliament-in-exile" and efforts of ER...~ the<br />

political wing of Kurdistan Workers' Party<br />

(PKK), to extend its influence in various<br />

European countries; Ankara is worried that the<br />

European Parliament will not ratify the customs<br />

union, which is Turkey's main foreign<br />

policyobjective.<br />

"Turkey is at its most crucial lime ever in<br />

terms of its relations with Europe," a senior<br />

diplomatic source told the Turkish Daily<br />

News, adding that Ankara's aim was to obtain<br />

Abdurrahman, a close ai<strong>de</strong> of the<br />

KDP lea<strong>de</strong>r Massoud Barzani, also<br />

said that the rebuilding of the 350<br />

villages on the Turkish bor<strong>de</strong>r was a<br />

prerequisite<br />

artangernent.'<br />

for the bor<strong>de</strong>r security<br />

.<br />

He said the KDP bor<strong>de</strong>r force,<br />

with Turkey's financial assistance,<br />

would be capable militarily of keeping<br />

the separatists away from tlie<br />

bor<strong>de</strong>r "because we don't want anybody<br />

to harm our fragile entity In<br />

northern Iraq."<br />

Although Turkey was hoping to<br />

draw the Patriotic Umon of<br />

Kurdistan (PUK), the KDP's chief<br />

rival and antagonist, into the security<br />

arrangement, Abdurrahman left no<br />

doubt that <strong>de</strong>spite the current truce<br />

b<strong>et</strong>ween the warring si<strong>de</strong>s, temperatures<br />

were still too high to allow a<br />

working cooperation.<br />

He accused the PUK lea<strong>de</strong>r of<br />

mocking the world, by calling for<br />

recognitIOn of the Kurdish regIonal<br />

government after <strong>de</strong>stroying it himself<br />

by occupying Erbil, the seat for<br />

that government. Abdurrahman also<br />

said that suagestions for the normalization<br />

of re1ations b<strong>et</strong>ween Baghdad<br />

and the Kurds had also been taken up<br />

in the talks with Turkish officials lea<br />

by Ambassador Gün Gür, who<br />

recently held talks in Baghdad with<br />

Iraqi officials, but he saId they did<br />

not think it was the riaht time for the<br />

implementation of UN. Resolution<br />

688 - calling Baghdad to address<br />

the grievances of all of its citizens<br />

(including the Iraqi Kurds).<br />

The KDP official said the Iraqi<br />

Kurds. if they ever sit down with<br />

Ba&hdad for negotiations, will not<br />

s<strong>et</strong>ue for anything less than a fe<strong>de</strong>ration<br />

and said "no one should feel nervous<br />

about that."<br />

the ratification of the customs union without<br />

<strong>de</strong>lay.<br />

"But It is clear that there are misun<strong>de</strong>rstandings<br />

among our Western allies reaardin*<br />

human rights and our fight against terr~rism. '<br />

U¥!e ~i1l cooperate with our European allies in<br />

bnngmg our system up to their standard, provi<strong>de</strong><br />

transparency about what they<br />

want to learn, but we will confront<br />

them when we feel our vital interests<br />

s~ch as our t.erri~orial integrity, secu~<br />

Tlty and umtanan state are being<br />

threa~ened," a diplomat said. The<br />

workmg plan, drafted during an<br />

around-tlie-c1ock me<strong>et</strong>ing on<br />

Saturday and as y<strong>et</strong> unfimshed,<br />

envisages a number of short, medium<br />

and long-tenn measures that will be<br />

submitted to the presi<strong>de</strong>nt<br />

government.<br />

and the<br />

For example, high-level diplomacy<br />

and f<strong>et</strong>ter-writing, combined with<br />

inviting key Euro-MPs to Turkey and<br />



helpmg thèrti to talk with whomever<br />

they want, is ~tipu!ated ,in the !,,?rking<br />

plan. Inthis vem, Pn'11e MInister<br />

Tansu Çiller, in <strong>Paris</strong> and Moscow<br />

on Monday and Tuesday, will speak<br />

with global lea<strong>de</strong>rs to explain<br />

Turkey's commitment to <strong>de</strong>mocratization<br />

and its Western orientation.<br />

Similarly, Turkish Foreign<br />

.Minister Erdallnönü will also travel<br />

to various European capitals to<br />

explain Turkey's<br />

Ankara will<br />

case abroad.<br />

also invite various<br />

influential Euro-MPs to Turkey,<br />

.starting with Pauline Greene, the<br />

head 'of the socialist wing in the<br />

European Parliament, and former<br />

.Council of Europe Secr<strong>et</strong>ary-General<br />

,Catherine Lalumiere. The visits are<br />

expected to take place b<strong>et</strong>ween May<br />

23-26 ..<br />

Ankara has also just hosted a parliamentary<br />

<strong>de</strong>legation from the<br />

Organization of Conference and<br />

Security and Cooperation in Europe<br />

(OS CE) which had the opportunity to<br />

speak to many people, mcluding ~e<br />

former Democracy Party <strong>de</strong>puties<br />

apd the prime minister. . '<br />

The l<strong>et</strong>-them-come-and-see-<br />

Turkeyattitu<strong>de</strong> adopted by the me<strong>et</strong>-<br />

,ing of diplomats<br />

change from the'<br />

marks a major<br />

.<br />

cio se- au r-bor<strong>de</strong>rs -10-0 b servers<br />

approach<br />

Mlllister<br />

adopted by former Foreign<br />

Mümtaz . Say saI. The<br />

Foreign Ministry now favors a more<br />

transparent attitu<strong>de</strong> toward<br />

Westerners whowant to see Turkey.<br />

"Our, long-term policy is to<br />

improve our image," a dir.lomat who<br />

atten<strong>de</strong>d the talks said. 'There is a<br />

group of prejudiced people who is<br />

beyond our reach. But there is also a.<br />

larger group who can be persua<strong>de</strong>d<br />

to distinguish b<strong>et</strong>ween human rights<br />

and fight against terrorism."<br />

. But <strong>de</strong>spite' the acute differences<br />

b<strong>et</strong>ween FM hawks and doves, both<br />

si<strong>de</strong>s believe that "persuasion" is<br />

only possible if coupled with the<br />

swift ratification of <strong>de</strong>mocratization'<br />

package, '.'We have been saying the<br />

same thing to the Europeans for the<br />

past three years, Now they want to<br />

see results," another ambassador.<br />

said. Foreign Millister Erd~llnö~ü,<br />

who co-chaired the, me<strong>et</strong>mg WIth<br />

Deputy Prime Minister Hikm<strong>et</strong><br />

C<strong>et</strong>m, reaffmned Turkey's <strong>de</strong>sire for<br />

further <strong>de</strong>mocratization.<br />

"We have supported<br />

.<br />

human rights<br />

from the very beginning. ~u~ we are<br />

surprised the way the pnnclples of<br />

human rights, which we have supported<br />

from the very be&inning, have.<br />

been turned against us, , lnönü said<br />

as he opened the conference. While<br />

there is consensus on the need to<br />

finalize the <strong>de</strong>mocratization package,<br />

hawks<br />

wh<strong>et</strong>her<br />

and doves<br />

this would<br />

still disagree.<br />

be enough to ,.',<br />

counter the critics of TurkeY: Those<br />

ambassadors stationed in European<br />

capitals that had allowed ERNK<br />

officesstressedan increasing ten<strong>de</strong>ncy<br />

in some European circles to see in<br />

Kurdish separatists "a new Palestine<br />

Liberation Organization."<br />

Those ambassadors noted that the<br />

number of ERNK offices is increasing<br />

rapidly. ERNK has just opened<br />

one in Copenhagen and plan to open<br />

.olhers in Oslo, Stockholm and<br />

.Helsinki soon. 'J!1ey ~Is~ r~.p0rted the<br />

argument of vanous allies' that they<br />

could not prevent the me<strong>et</strong>ing of the<br />

Kurdish 'parliament-in-exile" in<br />

their territory so long as it was "nonviolent."<br />

"Turkey's unitarian nature is one<br />

of our key concep.ts," a senior diplomat<br />

said. "We wlll continue to stress<br />

it, but also reaffrrm our government's<br />

plan for more human and political<br />

Presi<strong>de</strong>nt Süleyman Demirel: Un<strong>de</strong>r fire for<br />

'faulty bor<strong>de</strong>r' remark<br />

Baghdad blasts<br />

Demirel over<br />

bor<strong>de</strong>r remarks<br />

Reuter<br />

BAGHDAD- Iraq lashed ou.t at Turkish<br />

Presi<strong>de</strong>nt Süleyman Demirel on Sunday as<br />

relations b<strong>et</strong>ween the two neighbors soured<br />

over bor<strong>de</strong>r<br />

rebels. -<br />

issues and ties withKurdish<br />

. For the third day state-owned newseapers<br />

carried editorials and commentanes<br />

lambasting Turkey andstressin~ that<br />

Baghdad would do everything possible to<br />

thwart. any bid by Ankara to establish a<br />

foothold in northern Iràq..<br />

Al- Thawra newspaper of the rulIng<br />

. rights.'"<br />

The difference b<strong>et</strong>ween hawks and<br />

doves about. the <strong>de</strong>gree to which<br />

Turkey might g<strong>et</strong> "tough" was also<br />

an important topic.while one si<strong>de</strong><br />

wanted shang measures against<br />

countries that allowed the Kurdish<br />

parliament-in-exile, the other si<strong>de</strong><br />

said there was no point in putting all<br />

the European countries on the "redlist"<br />

thereby increasing Turkey's isolationism<br />

- and playing into the<br />

hands of Kurdish seraratisls. .<br />

"The nuances 0 the policies of<br />

various states toward Kurdish separatism<br />

should be duly noted in our<br />

diplomatic contacts. We have ma<strong>de</strong><br />

that clear in our working plan," a<br />

diplomat said. The draft plan also<br />

called for "cooperation" b<strong>et</strong>ween the<br />

Foreign Ministry and others, from<br />

human rights groups to business circles,<br />

to improve Turkey's image.<br />

Baath party was critical of Demirel,<br />

accusing him of attempts to revive<br />

Turkish imperial dreams,<br />

Thawra, in the harshest attack on<br />

Demirel so far, bran<strong>de</strong>d him as "the<br />

sick janissary", a reference to the<br />

'Turkish sultans'<br />

the 14th century.<br />

guard established in'<br />

It said Demirel was trying to play<br />

the role of former Turkish sultans,<br />

.harbouring gr~edy intentions on Iraq.<br />

"Beware, ..Demirel salivates over...<br />

B~ghdad ... Basra; .. and ...Mosul,"<br />

s~d. '. .<br />

it<br />

"Beware, the Pasha (Demirel)<br />

would like to r<strong>et</strong>urn to Amadiya,<br />

Arbil and Kirkuk, ..It is an old wound<br />

and past vengeance," Thawra ad<strong>de</strong>d,<br />

The Turks wefe' Iraq's rulers for<br />

about four centuries until British<br />

forces drove their armies out, leading<br />

t9 establishment of the new Iraqi<br />

state in the aftermath of World War<br />

One. Iraq has reacted angrily to<br />

statements attributed to Demirel<br />

dèmanding a redrawing of their joint<br />

bor<strong>de</strong>r to stop' infiltra~ion by rebels<br />

of the separal1st Kurdistan Workers<br />

Party (PKK).<br />

. Turkey' s foreign ministry last<br />

Monday <strong>de</strong>nied the reports, also carried<br />

by Turkish newspapers, that.<br />

Demirel wanted to redrawthe bor<strong>de</strong>r.<br />

. Iraq also views a recent rapprochement<br />

b<strong>et</strong>ween Ankara and<br />

Iraqi Kurdish rebels in northern Iraq<br />

as a violation of Iraq's sovereignty<br />

and <strong>de</strong>mands that Arikara halt such<br />

contacts: Turkey last week en<strong>de</strong>d a<br />

six-week incursion into northern Iraq<br />

. in pursuit of PKK rebels who use<br />

bases there to mount attacks insi<strong>de</strong><br />

Turkey. Turkey is now seeking<br />

cooperation of Iraqi Kurds in secur-<br />

. illg the bor<strong>de</strong>r.<br />

'S<br />



8 mai 1995 ASSEMBL£E NATIONALE 2379<br />

Polititfu~s commuNluttt;m<br />

(commtrc~ cctrll-cOmmUNluttt;" - Turqu;~ -<br />

un;on JoUlln;"~ - dro;ts Je /'homm~)<br />

25572. - 27 mars 1995. - M. Pierre Pucallon souhaite auirer<br />

l'attention <strong>de</strong> M. le Premier ministre sur l'accord doùanier avec<br />

la Turquie. Les conditions politiques qui y r~gnent actuellement,<br />

notamment en ce ~ui concerne le~ dr?its <strong>de</strong> l'homme, <strong>et</strong> la .Iutte<br />

menl!e par le pOUVOircontr~ ~es mlnor~t6l pr~sentes en Tur9ule ne<br />

$ont pas un argument positif pour I enlr~e <strong>de</strong> la Turquie dans<br />

'l'Union europ~enne. La r60lution du Parlement euro~en du<br />

18 juin 1987 a ~tabli que la reconnaissance du g~noci<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong>s<br />

Arm~niens par la Turquie constituait un pr~alable à toute entr~e<br />

<strong>de</strong> ce pays dans l'Union europ~enne. Aujourd'hui encore, quatrevingts<br />

ans aprè.~ l'exterminati.on d'u~e gran<strong>de</strong>. partie <strong>de</strong> I~ communaut~<br />

arm~nienne, la TurqUie conynue <strong>de</strong>. nier le g~nocl<strong>de</strong> ar!1'~nien.<br />

Comment un accord douanier peut-II rem<strong>et</strong>tre en question,<br />

<strong>et</strong> d'une mani~rè aussi radicale, les valeurs <strong>de</strong> civilisation (d~mo-<br />

'cratie, libert~, droits <strong>de</strong> l'homme) d~fendues par l'Europe <strong>et</strong> par la<br />

France en partic~lier ? C'~st ~urquoi il lui <strong>de</strong>man?e que ~'int~g~ation<br />

<strong>de</strong> la TurqUie dans I ~nlon euro~enne ~e SOit effec~lve qu a-<br />

pr~ la reconnaissance offiCielle par la TurqUie du g~noc!<strong>de</strong> arm~nien<br />

ainsi qu'apr~s qu'elle aura montr~ une volont~ slnc~re <strong>de</strong><br />

'r~former en profo?<strong>de</strong>ur le r~gime .a~tid~mocrati~u~. en vigueur. -<br />

Qrustio" trllrfSmue ~ M. k m,,,utn ,us "Da,res 'trllngères.<br />

Rtpons~. - L'honorable parlementaire a bien vo~lu ~ppeler<br />

l'attention du ministre <strong>de</strong>s affaires ~tranghes sur les InqUl~tu<strong>de</strong>s<br />

suscit~es par la conclusion d'un accord d'union douan.ière ~ntre la<br />

Turquie <strong>et</strong> l'Union euro~enne, au regard <strong>de</strong> la SItuation <strong>de</strong>s<br />

droits <strong>de</strong> l'homme dans ce fays. Les efforts Mploy6l par la France<br />

<strong>et</strong> les Etats membres <strong>de</strong> I Union euro~enne pour faire aboutir<br />

l'accord d'union douani~re le 6 mars, lors du conseil d'a.~ociation<br />

à Bruxelles, visaient à favoriser l'ancrage <strong>de</strong> la Turquie à l'~~rope.<br />

Ce rapprochement est une condition <strong>et</strong> un gage <strong>de</strong> la stablllt~ <strong>de</strong><br />

ce pays. C'est aussi un facteur <strong>de</strong> Mmocratisation progressive. ~<br />

c<strong>et</strong> ~rd, le Parlement euro~en ne donnera pas son aVIs<br />

conforme à l'union douanière si <strong>de</strong>s mesures concrètes ne sont pas<br />

prises en mati~re <strong>de</strong> droits <strong>de</strong> l'homme <strong>et</strong> si la Tu~quie en ~<strong>et</strong> pas<br />

fin à son op~ration en Irak du Nord (d~c1aratlons <strong>de</strong> I Union<br />

euro~enne <strong>de</strong>s 8 <strong>et</strong> 10 avril 1995). Nous espérons ~galement que,<br />

dans ce nouveau cadre, la Turquie, qui occupe une place importante<br />

sur la scène r~~ionale, y jouera un rôle mod~rateur. S'agissant<br />

notamment <strong>de</strong> I Arm~nie, <strong>de</strong>puis quelques mois, <strong>de</strong>s contacts<br />

ont eu lieu en vue d'une normalisation <strong>de</strong>s relations avec Erevan.<br />

11 est vrai que la Turquie maintient un embargo commercial<br />

contre ce pays. La France, pour sa part, n'a jamais cess~ d'appeler<br />

le gouvernement turc à m<strong>et</strong>tre un. terme à ce blocus qui g~ne. ~es<br />

efforts <strong>de</strong> la communaut~ internationale pour ramener la stablht~<br />

dans une r~gion particulièrement tro~bl~e., Cependant c<strong>et</strong> ~mb~rg.o<br />

n'a jamais ~t~ total, comme en t~,:"olgne I affiux <strong>de</strong> produits d Origine<br />

turque sur le march~ arm~nlen. La ~rance a accord~, tan~ à<br />

titre bilat~ral ~u'en <strong>liaison</strong> avec ses partenaires europl!ens, une ai<strong>de</strong><br />

importante à I Arm~nie dans les moments difficiles qu'elle ~raverst<br />

<strong>de</strong>puis qu'elle a recouvr~ son ind~pendance. Les Ar~~nlens ne<br />

manquent d'ailleurs pas une occasion pour manifester leur<br />

reconnaissance à notre pays.<br />

Po/;tiqu~ cctlri~ur~<br />

(Irait - prouction <strong>de</strong>s Kur<strong>de</strong>s -<br />

form Ilmm~s basüs ~n Turqu;~ -:<br />

optrlltion.. Provi<strong>de</strong> Comfort - pmp~ctt~s)<br />

25741. - 3 avril 1995. - M. Jean-Pierre Chevènement<br />

<strong>de</strong>man<strong>de</strong> à M. le ministre <strong>de</strong>s affaires étrangères s'il n'est pas<br />

temps <strong>de</strong> m<strong>et</strong>tre un terme à l'op~ration « ProviJe Comfort. <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong><br />

ramener en France Ie.~forces a~rlennes bas~es à Incerlik en Turquie<br />

en vue <strong>de</strong> prot~ger les Kur<strong>de</strong>s d'Irak.<br />

Rtpons~. - Comme le sait l'honorable 'parlementaire, l'op~ration<br />

«Provi<strong>de</strong> Comfort. a ~t~ d~cid~e, en 1991, pour apporter une<br />

protection <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong>s secours humani~ai~es aux popul~tions d.u no~d <strong>de</strong><br />

l'Iraq. Celles-ci avaient alors fiu I avance <strong>de</strong> I arm~e Iraquienne<br />

dans <strong>de</strong>s conditions particulièrement dramatiques, dont la communaut~<br />

internationale s'~tait ~mue. Le disp'Hitif mis en place à c<strong>et</strong>te<br />

occasion a ~t~ efficace: il a permis le r<strong>et</strong>our dans leur foyer <strong>de</strong><br />

presque tous les Kur<strong>de</strong>s iraquiens <strong>et</strong> a apport~ à la r~ion l'ai<strong>de</strong><br />

humanitaire indispensable; il a ~galement constitu~ un instrument<br />

<strong>de</strong> dissuasion face aux menaces r~currente.~ <strong>de</strong> l'arm~e iraquienne.<br />

La r~cente intervention militaire en Iraq a momentan~ment empêch~<br />

la poursuite <strong>de</strong>s survols a~riens effectu6l. au nord du 36' paraIlHe,<br />

par les pays membre.~ <strong>de</strong> la coalition; par ailleurs, les rivalit6l<br />

entre mouvements kur<strong>de</strong>s affectent la rL'alisation <strong>de</strong>s programmes<br />

humanitaires. La pr6li<strong>de</strong>nce française <strong>de</strong> l'Union europ~enne a<br />

<strong>de</strong>mand~ le r<strong>et</strong>rait <strong>de</strong>s forces turques engag~es en Iraq <strong>et</strong> esphe<br />

que les Kur<strong>de</strong>s iraquiens entendront la voix <strong>de</strong> la raison, afin que<br />

le d~roulement <strong>de</strong> l'o~ration «Provi<strong>de</strong> Comfort" ne soit pas<br />

entrav~. En eff<strong>et</strong>, la situation humanitaire dans le nord <strong>de</strong> l'Iraq<br />

<strong>de</strong>meure pr~caire, la r~gion est soumise à un' embargo int~rieur <strong>et</strong><br />

les autorit~ iraquiennes n'ont toujours pas pr~cis~ les mesures<br />

l\u'elles' envisageaient' <strong>de</strong> prendre, en' appliution <strong>de</strong> la roolutlon<br />

688 du Conseil <strong>de</strong> ~curit~ <strong>de</strong>s Nations unies, pour garantir<br />

les droits civils <strong>et</strong> politiques <strong>de</strong>s populations concern~e.~. L'o~ration<br />

« Provi<strong>de</strong> Comfort " n'a, cenes, pas pour vocation d'~tre prorog~e<br />

ind~finiment; toutefois, dans les conditions actuelle.~, alors<br />

que les be.~oin~<strong>de</strong> protection <strong>de</strong>s populations civiles restent importants,<br />

l'interruption <strong>de</strong> c<strong>et</strong>te o~ration <strong>et</strong> le r<strong>et</strong>rait <strong>de</strong>s avions français<br />

bas~s à Incerlik ne seraient pas opponuns.<br />



Pol;tiqu~s communa/ltair~s<br />

(commtrct cctra-(ommullautair~ - Turquü -<br />

union douan;"~ - droits Je /'homm~)<br />

25329. - 20 mars 1995. - M. Clau<strong>de</strong> Girard appelle l'atten-<br />

'tion <strong>de</strong> M. le ministre délégué aux affaires européennes sur les<br />

vives inqui~tu<strong>de</strong>s que su~cite dans la communau{~ arm~nienne <strong>de</strong><br />

France la prochaine adh~sion <strong>de</strong> la Turquie à l'union douani~re.<br />

En eff<strong>et</strong>, les violations <strong>de</strong>s droits <strong>de</strong> l'homme pratiqu~es par le<br />

Gouvernement turc, <strong>et</strong> sa non-reconnaissance du g~noci<strong>de</strong> arm~nien<br />

ren<strong>de</strong>nt inacceptable pour la communaut~ arm~nienne française<br />

l'entr~e <strong>de</strong> la Turquie dans l'Europe sans engagement ferme<br />

<strong>de</strong> ce pays sur les <strong>de</strong>ux points cit~ ci-<strong>de</strong>.~us, la reconnaissance du<br />

g~noci<strong>de</strong> arm~nien ~tant pos~e comme pr~alable à toute entr~e <strong>de</strong><br />

ce pays dans l'Union europ~enne par une r~solution du<br />

18 juin 1987 du Parlement euro~en. Il lui <strong>de</strong>man<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> lui pr~ciser<br />

quelle position le Gouvernement français entend adopter à ce<br />

suj<strong>et</strong>, alors que la France pr6li<strong>de</strong> l'Union europ~enne.<br />

Politiql/~s communal/tllir~s<br />

(commtrct ~xtrtl-communtlutair~ - Turqui~<br />

union Jo'''t1I;~r~ - droits <strong>de</strong> /'homm~)<br />

25499. - 20 mars 1995. - Mme Françoise Hostalier attire<br />

.l'attention <strong>de</strong> M. le ministre. délégué aux affaires européennes<br />

sur les conditions d'admission <strong>de</strong> la Turquie à l'union douanihe<br />

europc!enne. Plus que <strong>de</strong>s conditions ~conomique.~, <strong>de</strong>s conditions<br />

d'~thique <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong> respect <strong>de</strong>s droits <strong>de</strong> l'homme semblent n~cessaires<br />

à l'adn~iori à toute structure <strong>de</strong> construction europ~enne. Il ne<br />

semble pas, pour le moment, .que la Turquie puisse remplir ces<br />

conditions ~I~mentaires. En eff<strong>et</strong>, elle continue <strong>de</strong> nier, contre<br />

l'~vi<strong>de</strong>nce historique, la r~alit~ du g~noci<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> 1915 contre le<br />

peuple arm~nien <strong>et</strong> m~ne une politique discriminatoire envers ce<br />



peuple. Mais plus grave, ?es parlementaires kur<strong>de</strong>s, él~s d~ peuple,<br />

ont été arrêtés <strong>et</strong> emprISonnés <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong> nombreuses vIOlatIOns <strong>de</strong>s<br />

droits <strong>de</strong> l'homme 'sont i;crpérrées conrre!es minorités. U semblerait<br />

que seule un~ atti!.u<strong>de</strong> ferme <strong>et</strong> courage~se <strong>de</strong>.o pays démocratiques<br />

perm<strong>et</strong>trait d Instaurer une réfleXIon <strong>de</strong> la pan. <strong>de</strong>s<br />

dirigeants <strong>et</strong> u~ que.otionnement <strong>de</strong>s Turcs eux-mêmes. AUSSIell~<br />

lui <strong>de</strong>man<strong>de</strong> d appuyer c<strong>et</strong>te démarche <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong> proposer au conseil<br />

<strong>de</strong>s, ministres européens une résolution dans ce sens. .<br />

R'pons~. - L'honorable parlementaire a bien voulu appeler.<br />

l'attention du ministre délégué aux affaires européennes sur les .<br />

inguiéru<strong>de</strong>s suscitées par la conclusion d'un accord d'union douanière<br />

entre la Turquie <strong>et</strong> l'Union européenne, au regard <strong>de</strong> la<br />

situation <strong>de</strong>s droits <strong>de</strong> l'homme dans ce p,ays. Les effons déployés<br />

par la France <strong>et</strong> les Etats membres <strong>de</strong> IUnion européenne pour<br />

faire aboutir l'accord d'union douanière le 6 mars, lors du Conseil<br />

d'association à Bruxelles. visaient à favoriser l'ancrage <strong>de</strong> la Turquie<br />

à l'Europe. Ce rapprochement est une condition <strong>et</strong> un gage<br />

<strong>de</strong> la stabilité <strong>de</strong> ce pays. C'est aussi un facteur <strong>de</strong> démocratisation.<br />

progressive. A c<strong>et</strong> égard, le Parlement européen ne donnera pas<br />

son. avis conforme à l'union douanière si <strong>de</strong>s mesures concrètes ne<br />

sont pa.. prises en matière <strong>de</strong> droits <strong>de</strong> l'homme (notamment libération<br />

<strong>de</strong>s députés emprisonnés) <strong>et</strong> si la Turquie ne m<strong>et</strong> pas fin à<br />

son opération en irik du Noid (déclaration <strong>de</strong> j'Union européenne<br />

<strong>de</strong>s 8 <strong>et</strong> 10 avril 1995). Nous espérons également que;<br />

dans ce nouveau cadre, la Turquie, qui occupe une place importante<br />

sur la scène ré~ionale, y jouera un rôle modérateur. S'agissant<br />

notamment <strong>de</strong> IArménie, <strong>de</strong>puis quelques mois, <strong>de</strong>s contacts<br />

ont eu lieu en vue d'une normalisation <strong>de</strong>s relations avec Evéran:<br />

Il est vrai que la Turquie maintient son embargo commercial<br />

contre ce pays. La France, pour sa part, n'a jamais cessé d'appeler<br />

le gouvernement rurc à m<strong>et</strong>tre un terme à c<strong>et</strong>te situation 1ui gêne<br />

le.. efforts <strong>de</strong> la communauté internationale pour ramener a stabilité<br />

dans une ré~ion particulièrement troublée. Cependant c<strong>et</strong><br />

embargo n'a jamais été total, comme en témoigne l'affiux <strong>de</strong> produits<br />

d'origine turque sur le marché arménien. La France a<br />

accordé, tant à thre libéral qu'en <strong>liaison</strong> avec ses partenaires européens,<br />

une ai<strong>de</strong> importante à l'Arménie dans les moments difficiles<br />

qu'elle. traverse <strong>de</strong>puis qu',e1Je a recouvré son i?dépendance. Les<br />

Arméniens ne manquent d ailleurs pas une occasion pour manifester<br />

leur recon naisssance à nOlre pays.<br />

FRsô495 4 I 0179 RFA /AFP-AC35<br />

Allemagne-Kur<strong>de</strong>s<br />

Distinction pour la parlementaire kur<strong>de</strong> emprisonnée Leyla Zana<br />

AIX-LA-CHAPELLE (Allemagne), 8 mai (AFP) - Des association pacifistes<br />

alleman<strong>de</strong>s ont décerné lundi le prix <strong>de</strong> la Paix d'Aix-la-Chapelle (ouest) à.<br />

la responsable politique kur<strong>de</strong> Leyla Zana, condamnée en décembre à 15 ans<br />

<strong>de</strong> prison par la justice turque pour propagan<strong>de</strong> séparatiste, ont annoncé<br />

les organisateurs. . ..<br />

Leyla Zana, 34 ans, ancien député du parlement turc, appartenait au<br />

parti' démocratique kur<strong>de</strong> interdit en juin 1994.<br />

Le prix a été également attribué au prési<strong>de</strong>nt <strong>de</strong> l'association alleman<strong>de</strong><br />

<strong>de</strong>s victimes <strong>de</strong> la justice militaire nazie, M. Ludwig Baumann.<br />

Doté <strong>de</strong> 2.000 DM, le prix <strong>de</strong> la Paix d'Aix-la-Chapelle, créé en 1988 par ~<br />

<strong>de</strong>s mouvements pacifistes pour concurrencer le prix international<br />

Charlemagne décerné par la ville à <strong>de</strong>s personnalités ayant oeuvré pour<br />

l'unité <strong>de</strong> l'Europe, a pour but <strong>de</strong> récompenser <strong>de</strong>s personnes qui se sont<br />

engagés personnellement en faveur <strong>de</strong> la paix.<br />

La cérémonie <strong>de</strong> remise <strong>de</strong>s prix aura lieu le 1er septembre à<br />

Aix-la-Chapelle~<br />

.jlp/mr/mfo<br />

AFP /J00245/081636 MAI 95<br />




~ ~ürdtrr ~ritUllß<br />

lmERNATlONALE AUSGABE Dienstag,9. Mai 1995 . Nr. 106 25<br />

Normalisation <strong>de</strong>r Beziehungen mit Ankara<br />

Türkeireise von Staatssekr<strong>et</strong>är Franz Blankart<br />

Its. Bern, 8. Mai<br />

Die Reise von Staatssekr<strong>et</strong>är Franz Blankart in<br />

die Türkei war <strong>de</strong>r erste offlZielle Besuch auf<br />

hohem politischem Niveau seit <strong>de</strong>r. Schiesserei<br />

vor <strong>de</strong>r türkischen Botschaft in Bern im Frühsommer<br />

1993 und <strong>de</strong>r anschliessen<strong>de</strong>n Rückstufung<br />

<strong>de</strong>r diplomatischen. Beziehungen, aber<br />

auch seit <strong>de</strong>r Wie<strong>de</strong>reins<strong>et</strong>zung. von Botschaftern<br />

in Bern und Ankandm November l<strong>et</strong>zten Jahres.<br />

Instruktionen<br />

von Corti<br />

Wie Blankart vor <strong>de</strong>n Medien ausführte, wur<strong>de</strong><br />

dieser Besuch in engem Kontakt mit Staatssekr<strong>et</strong>är<br />

Jakob Kellenberger.vom Departement für auswärtige<br />

Angelegenheiten (EDA) vorbereit<strong>et</strong>. Vor<br />

seiner Abreise traf sich Blankart auch mit Bun<strong>de</strong>srat<br />

Cotti zur Entgegennahme <strong>de</strong>r beson<strong>de</strong>ren. Instruktionen<br />

<strong>de</strong>s Aussenministers. Blankart, <strong>de</strong>r<br />

. seine diplomatische Karriere im. EDA begonmin<br />

hat, kennt viele Führungspersönlichkeiten <strong>de</strong>r<br />

Türkei auf Grund von Begegnungen im diplomatischen<br />

Circuit o<strong>de</strong>r an internationalen Konferenzen.<br />

Auch mit <strong>de</strong>m Kur<strong>de</strong>nproblem sei er sehr<br />

vertraut.Vor <strong>de</strong>n Medien b<strong>et</strong>onte <strong>de</strong>r Staatssekr<strong>et</strong>är,<br />

wie wichtig es in <strong>de</strong>r Diplomatie sei, Kommunikationskanäle<br />

insbeson<strong>de</strong>re dann offenzuhalten,<br />

weim die bilateralen Beziehungen g<strong>et</strong>rübt sind<br />

und <strong>de</strong>r bilaterale Partner sich in einer schwierigen<br />

Lage befm<strong>de</strong>t. .<br />

Das Gespräch suchen be<strong>de</strong>ute nicht Zustim- .<br />

mung zur Politik <strong>de</strong>s Partnerstaates, son<strong>de</strong>rn<br />

Schaffung <strong>de</strong>r nötigen Vertrauensbasis als Vorauss<strong>et</strong>zung<br />

für je<strong>de</strong>n sinnvollen Dialog, Blankart verglich<br />

bei dieser Gelegenheit seine Gespräche in<br />

<strong>de</strong>r Türkei mit jenen von Bun<strong>de</strong>srat Cotti in<br />

China, einem, was die" Menschenrechte b<strong>et</strong>rifft,<br />

ebenfalls schwierigen Partner. Wer durch <strong>de</strong>n<br />

Dialog. <strong>et</strong>was bewirken möchte, gab Blankart<br />

skeptischen Medienvertr<strong>et</strong>ern zu be<strong>de</strong>nken, könne<br />

nicht auf <strong>de</strong>n Tisch hauen und sich medienwirksam<br />

in Szene s<strong>et</strong>zen. Je<strong>de</strong>r Auftritt, <strong>de</strong>r <strong>de</strong>n<br />

Partner das Gesicht verlieren lasse o<strong>de</strong>r in seiner<br />

Öffentlichkeit als frem<strong>de</strong> Schulmeisterei empfun-<br />

"<strong>de</strong>n wer<strong>de</strong>, än<strong>de</strong>re an <strong>de</strong>r kritisierten Situation<br />

nichts und riskiere in einem komplexen innenpolitischen<br />

Machtspannungsfeld sogar, die Situation<br />

noch zu verhärten.<br />

"Kein samtpfotiger<br />

Umgang<br />

DIskr<strong>et</strong>ion, was die öffentlichen Stellungnahmen<br />

b<strong>et</strong>reffe,be<strong>de</strong>ut<strong>et</strong> nach Blankart -keineswegs<br />

samtpfotigen Umgang mit heiklen Dossiers<br />

in <strong>de</strong>r direkten Begegnung. In seiner Unterredung<br />

"mit-l\»~~enit1Înister Erdal Inönü habe er kein<br />

Blajt ¥or" <strong>de</strong>n Mund genommen; als <strong>et</strong> seinem<br />

GaStgeber die Position <strong>de</strong>s Bun<strong>de</strong>srates . zur<br />

Kur<strong>de</strong>nfrage und zu <strong>de</strong>n Menscbenrechten darlegte.<br />

Aus <strong>de</strong>n geschil<strong>de</strong>rten Überlegungen lehnte<br />

es <strong>de</strong>r Staatssekr<strong>et</strong>är aber ab, <strong>de</strong>n Inhalt <strong>de</strong>s Gesprächs<br />

unter vier Augen nachträglich gleichsam<br />

auf <strong>de</strong>m öffentlichen Marktplatz auszubreiten<br />

und zu kommentieren. Ein sichtlich in seiner persönlichen<br />

Ehre g<strong>et</strong>roffener Blankart wies <strong>de</strong>n Einwand<br />

als ungerechtfertigte Unterschiebung zurück,<br />

wonach die von ihmpropagierte diplomatische<br />

Zurückhaltung nur Ausdruckeiner Politik<br />

sei, welche l<strong>et</strong>ztlich die politischen und humanitären<br />

,Aspekte <strong>de</strong>n wirtschaftlichen Interessen<br />

unterordne. Diese Interpr<strong>et</strong>ation verkenn"e seine<br />

tiefen inneren Überzeugungen und übersehe, dass "<br />

gera<strong>de</strong> auch die Unternehmer wegen <strong>de</strong>r Inter<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nz<br />

von Politik und Wirtschaft ein fundamentales<br />

Interesse an einer befrie<strong>de</strong>ten und damit<br />

politisch undsozial stabilen Türkei hätten. Dieses<br />

Interesse an <strong>de</strong>r inneren Befriedung und damit<br />

auch an <strong>de</strong>r Eindämmung <strong>de</strong>r fundamentalistischen<br />

Gefahr gehe in<strong>de</strong>ssen wegen <strong>de</strong>r Be<strong>de</strong>utung<br />

<strong>de</strong>r Türkei als Zentrum einer <strong>de</strong>likaten geopolitischen<br />

'Region weit überjenes <strong>de</strong>r Wirtschaft<br />

hinaus.<br />

Doppelbesteuerung<br />

Die an<strong>de</strong>re Hälfte <strong>de</strong>i' Gesprächszeit widm<strong>et</strong>e<br />

Blankart <strong>de</strong>r wirtschaftlichen Lage <strong>de</strong>r Türkèi und<br />

<strong>de</strong>n bilateralen Beziehungen. Zur Sprache kam<br />

das fehlen<strong>de</strong> Doppelbesteuerungsabkommen. Die<br />

Schweiz ist das einzige OECD-Land, mit <strong>de</strong>m die<br />

Türkei sich noch nicht über die Beseitigung dieses<br />

Fiskalhin<strong>de</strong>rnisses einigen konnte. Hingegen" besteht<br />

ein Investitionsschutzabkommen. Dieses hat<br />

nach Aussage <strong>de</strong>s Bawi-Ditektors noch Raum für<br />

Verbesserungen, insbeson<strong>de</strong>re in <strong>de</strong>n Bereichen<br />

«Pharma» und «Maschinen». Blankart rechn<strong>et</strong><br />

damit, dass die von <strong>de</strong>r Türkei eingegangenen<br />

Verpflichtungen aus <strong>de</strong>m Trips-Abkommen im<br />

Rahmen <strong>de</strong>r WTO und aus <strong>de</strong>r Zollunion mit <strong>de</strong>r<br />

Europäischen Union sich auch positiv im Han-<br />

-<strong>de</strong>isverkehr mit <strong>de</strong>r Schweiz auswirken wer<strong>de</strong>n.<br />

Diskutiert wur<strong>de</strong>n die Möglichkeiten für schweizerische<br />

Klein- und Mittelb<strong>et</strong>riebe, zusammen mit"<br />

türkischen Unternehmen Joint ventures im kaukasischen<br />

und zentralasiatischen Raum aufzubauen.<br />

Weiterhin ungelöst bleibt die durch <strong>de</strong>n Lizenzentzug<br />

bei drei türkischen Banken entstan<strong>de</strong>ne<br />

fmanzpolitische Unsicherheit, nach<strong>de</strong>m zahl-"<br />

reiche ausländische und unter ihnen auch schweizerische<br />

<strong>Institut</strong>e wegen dieses Kollapses erhebliche<br />

Verluste erlitten haben. WieBlankart aus-<br />

'führte, ist das Verfahren noch nicht abgeschlos~<br />

sen, weil man sich in <strong>de</strong>r Türkei nicht einig sei, ob<br />

die Geschäftsbanken Opfer eines gesèhäfts~<br />

üblichen Risikos o<strong>de</strong>r aber einer ungenügen<strong>de</strong>n<br />

Bankenaufsicht seien. Die Schweiz, die zur Zeit<br />

<strong>de</strong>r grossen Infrastrukturprojektezur zweitgröss- "<br />

ten Investorin in <strong>de</strong>r Türkei aufgerückt war, belegt"<br />

heute hinter Deutschland, Grossbritannien,<br />

Frankreich und <strong>de</strong>n USA <strong>de</strong>n fünften Platz.<br />



FRS0409 4 I 0165 BEL /AFP-XK40<br />

Kur<strong>de</strong>s-Turquie-Mai45<br />

Appel du Parlement kur<strong>de</strong> en exil<br />

BRUXELLES, 8 mai (AFP) - Le Parlement kur<strong>de</strong> en exil a appel' 1 d' 1<br />

communau té ,l..n,ernal..onae<br />

't t' 1 liA<br />

ne pas rester silencieuse" face A<br />

e un l.. a<br />

1'0 ression<br />

don~ est ~l..ctl..me le ~euple kur<strong>de</strong> au moment où elle commémore le 50~~e<br />

ann:v~rsal..re <strong>de</strong>,la fl..n<strong>de</strong> la secon<strong>de</strong> guerre mondiale.<br />

~ Etat fascl..st<strong>et</strong>ur~ pe:pètre un véritab~e génoci<strong>de</strong> contre le peu le du<br />

Kurdl..stan,tout comme 1 E~pl..reOttoman l'aval..tfait avant lui. Notre Peu le<br />

souff7e (••• ). Tout ce q~l..représente notre i<strong>de</strong>ntité a été détruit. Ei l~<br />

Turqu7e n~ pour7a poursul..vre,c<strong>et</strong>te guerre sauvage qu'avec l'ai<strong>de</strong> du mon<strong>de</strong><br />

extérl..~ur , affl..rmele consel..lexécutif du Parlement kur<strong>de</strong> en exil d<br />

communl..quépublié A Bruxelles. ans un<br />

"Nous,appelons le mon<strong>de</strong> entier A ne pas rester silencieux face A la<br />

<strong>de</strong>structl..on <strong>de</strong> notre culture <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong> notre héritage ( ) <strong>et</strong> A<br />

1 h h d' l' , " ••• oeuvrer pour<br />

a rec ~rc e une so utl..onpoll..tl..que afl..n<strong>de</strong> m<strong>et</strong>tre un terme A 1<br />

au Kurdl..stan", ajoute le texte. a guerre<br />

csg/pk/mfo<br />

AFP /J00245/081431 MAI 95<br />

Turkish Daily News<br />

TUESDAY, MAY 9,1995,<br />

D<strong>et</strong>ained HADEP executives allegedly tortured<br />

The charges: Party officials werebeaten with batons, sprayed with<br />

high-pressure water-hoses while naked, hung in 'Palestine hook'<br />

Turkish Daily News<br />

ANKARA- Top executives of the pro-<br />

Kurdish People's Democracy Party (HADEP)<br />

<strong>de</strong>tained by l'Olice in late April have been tor-,<br />

tured while In custody, party sources alleged<br />

on Monday.<br />

Talking to the Turkish Daily News, the<br />

sources said that Deputy Chairmen Sehab<strong>et</strong>tin<br />

Özarslaner and Hikm<strong>et</strong> Fidan, Deputy<br />

Secr<strong>et</strong>ary-General ~eyhmus Ca~ro, Finance<br />

Secr<strong>et</strong>ary Süleyman' Sava~ and Ankara<br />

province branch' executive Ferhan Türk had<br />

been subjected to inhumane treatment, which<br />

ranged from electric shocks to harsh beatings.<br />

Ozarslaner was <strong>de</strong>tained on April 26 while<br />

leaving his home for HADEP headquarters.<br />

The party sources said that, while in the<br />

police . .<br />

Anti- Terrorism office, Özarslaner was<br />

severely beaten and he was hosed with highpressure<br />

cold water while naked. His hands<br />

and legs were tied and he was suspen<strong>de</strong>d with<br />

his arms behind his back in the "Palestine<br />

hanging" position. Later he was subjected to<br />

electric shocks and dragged around the room<br />

with a rope around his neçk.<br />

The sources said that Özarslaner was forced<br />

by this treatment into signing a false confes-<br />

SIonafter his interrogation en<strong>de</strong>d on May 4.<br />

The party sources also alleged that Seyhmus<br />

Ca~, who was in custody frOni Apru 27 until<br />

May 4, had been severely beaten on the back<br />

by pliceusing batons and verbally insulted. It<br />

is alleged that another <strong>de</strong>tainee, Süleyman<br />

Sava~, the HADEP finance secr<strong>et</strong>ary, was -<br />

stripped naked and sprayed with high-pressure<br />

cold water for a long time. He too, was verbally<br />

insulted. ' '<br />

The other two party officials also allegedly<br />

suffered similar treatment and were interrogated<br />

while blindfol<strong>de</strong>d .<br />

. Four of the HADEP executives, ~ehab<strong>et</strong>tin -<br />

Özarslaner, Hikm<strong>et</strong> Fidan, ~eyhmus Ca~ro<br />

and Ferhan Türk, were placed un<strong>de</strong>r formal<br />

arrest on May 4 by Ankara State Security<br />

court and charged with collaboration with the<br />

outlawed Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK).<br />



I<strong>de</strong>a of Turkish rule in north Iraq<br />

finds backersamong Kurds, AFP says<br />

One Kurdish aid worker believes that with its ambitions vis-a-vis the<br />

EU, Turkey could be more open to pressure for <strong>de</strong>mocracy than Iraq<br />

Turkish Daily News<br />

that Turkey, with its ambition to joiri<br />

ANKARA- The i<strong>de</strong>a of Turkey the Euro~an Union, could come un<strong>de</strong>r<br />

administering northern Iraq, or the more ef ective pressure to imflement<br />

Ottoman provmce of Mosul, has a~par-<br />

<strong>de</strong>mocracy than the presi<strong>de</strong>nt 0 Iraq.<br />

ently-found some support amon~ ocal<br />

"[Demirel's] message swept through<br />

Kurds in the region, the Agence rance every household. Everybody has been<br />

.Presse said on Monday.<br />

discussing it," Selman Shabd, an offi-<br />

"A longstanding territorial claim on cial of the Kurdistan Democratic Party,<br />

northern Ira<br />

Û<br />

' revived by. Turkish one of the groups which have con-<br />

Presi<strong>de</strong>nt Sü eyman DemueI, has trolled the north in <strong>de</strong>fiance of<br />

found backers among the Kurds of the<br />

Baghdad since 1991, was also quoted<br />

region, in contrast to the angry reaction<br />

byAFP as sayin,.<br />

of Batdad," Tolle Aram, reporting for Even people iving in his town of<br />

AFP rom Dohuk, said. The notion of a<br />

Kani Masi, m the heart of the bor<strong>de</strong>r<br />

"longstanding territorial claim on zone which Turkish troops occukied<br />

northern Iraq" was consi<strong>de</strong>red "curi-<br />

for six weeks in the recent Tur ish<br />

aus" be offiCIaIsin Ankara who see the<br />

operation against the PKK, would opt<br />

Mosu matter as purely "aca<strong>de</strong>mic<br />

V"l<br />

for Turkelt rather than Saddam's Ira~<br />

0\<br />

~ issue" today.<br />

.. he said. " f Saddam Hussein came bac<br />

oö Presi<strong>de</strong>nt Demirel, in an interview<br />

tomorrow promising <strong>de</strong>mocracy and<br />

>- with the Turkish Daily News last week, Presi<strong>de</strong>nt Süleyman Demirel<br />

<<br />

freedom, nobody would believe him.<br />

::E indicated that when the Ottomalis laid<br />

Too often he has turned out to be a<br />

>-'" .down their arms at the end of World<br />

<<br />

two countries passed over hifh moun- liar," Shalid charrd .<br />

Cl War I, Mosul was still in their hands.<br />

z<br />

tains which are hard to <strong>de</strong> end had "Although Tur ey isn't a real alter-<br />

0 He said that the Kemalists who subse- ma<strong>de</strong> it easier for incursions by sIfK- native, it's an open option and could be<br />

::E 'quently fought a war of liberation and ratistKurdistan Workers' Party (P ) an im&rovement,"he said.<br />

established the Turkish Republic, had rebels into Turkey. He did qualify his Ne es Ahmad, a young man said to<br />

also consi<strong>de</strong>red Mosul as part of remarks by addin~ that this was "not a be from a village alleged by AFP as<br />

."National Pact territory." Denurel said matter for today' and s~gesting that having been "looted" by Turkish troops<br />

that in the confusion following the .once Baghdad exercised e sovereign- during the incursion launched on<br />

uprisings in Turkel in the 1920s" the ty over the re~ion that it could not March 20 - ach~e angrily. <strong>de</strong>nied<br />

question of Mosu had been s<strong>et</strong>tled exercise today at matter could be dis- ~ the Turkish arm forces - told the<br />

when this province was attached to cussed b<strong>et</strong>ween the two si<strong>de</strong>s in the rench agency that Turkey could also<br />

Ira8' where It has been ever since. future. not be trusted in its treatment of the<br />

. emirel did not, however, intimate But his remarks were taken by Kurds.<br />

any "territorial claims" by Ankara over Baghdad as ini~Ying territorial <strong>de</strong>signs . "But if they were here, we wouldn't<br />

the province today and merel b com- over northern aq today and severely have any more problems with the PKK<br />

blained about the way the or<strong>de</strong>r criticized. The Revolutionary and Tu~ would not attack our vil<strong>et</strong>ween<br />

the two countries was drawn Command Council (RCC), the highest lages," quoted him saying, apparup.<br />

Ankara's diplomacy vis-a-vis authority chaired by Saddam, warned ently amidst "nods .of aperoval from<br />

Baghdad is very much tied up with the that Ira~ would be ready to fight to . other resi<strong>de</strong>nts," AFP saId: "Out of<br />

notion of keeping Iraq's "territorial kee~ol. of its northern bor<strong>de</strong>r region. severalhEb questioned in the bor<strong>de</strong>r<br />

integriZ" intact and Foreign Ministry " yefuses to study this issue and town 0 Z 0 as well as Dohuk and<br />

officia s indicate that remarks about warns urkey against any unilateral Kani Masi, nobody opposed the<br />

"Turkish territorial claims on Mosul action that might alter the national bor- Turkeyoption. But some feared it<br />

brovince" represent misinformation <strong>de</strong>r," the RCC said last week. could bring the PKK's struggle' against .<br />

ased on misreadin~s of what Demirel Demirel's remarks were apparently Ankara even closer to their doorsteps."<br />

said.The United tates signaled its also taken by Kurds in northern Iraq as "The PKK would view our villages ;"<br />

0Kposition last week to any notion of a implying "territorial <strong>de</strong>signs," judgmg as Turkish ones and intensifS' their<br />

cange of Iraq's bor<strong>de</strong>rs.<br />

~<br />

by the AFP rt0rt on Mondaili' . attacks,even on us," Abdullah aidi, a<br />

~ . Iranian Foreign Minister Ali Ekber . "Ira\and urkll are bo enemies merchant in Zakho, wasChrited as say-<br />

-:1:::-<br />

-C-> . Velay<strong>et</strong>i was quoted by Jhe Kayhan of the. urds," a urd working for a ing. Shmael Johanna, a 'stian head-.<br />

.,...... daily in Tehran on Monday as saying<br />

~<br />

f9reign aid ~anizatio~ in Dohu~ was master in Kani Masis, on the other<br />

Q that "any territorial claims on Mosul by quoted'by- .as saymg. "aut If-we. hand was reported as cautioni~ that<br />

~ Turkel - .if in<strong>de</strong>ed Demirelreferred. had; to 'Chel'Ose,we would choose the Kurds would onlywelcome . urkey<br />

to suc a claim - would have ne8aüve Turkeyso long as Saddam Hussein if a ch~e of bor<strong>de</strong>rs was backed by<br />

~<br />

~ effects on peace in the regIOn." rules Iraq." . the Unit States and United Nations.<br />

~<br />

56<br />

Demirel did say in his interview that The aid worker, asking not to be "Othérwise peoplewould.never give<br />

the fact that tbis bor<strong>de</strong>r b<strong>et</strong>ween the . named, said the Iraqi Kurds believed up their Iraqi nationality," he said.<br />




EUROPE<br />

Saddam Is the Belle of the BaU<br />

Iraq's Oil Riches Lure Suitors; U.S. Firms Stay Home<br />

.-<br />

By Daniel Southerland<br />

WarhillglOlI Pœl Sn1Iice<br />

WASHINGTON - Str<strong>et</strong>ching for<br />

miles through the abandoned battlefields<br />

of southern Iraq lies a vast oil field called<br />

Majnoon - Arabic for "the crazed one."<br />

Given the tension it is causing in the<br />

international oil business, the field might<br />

b<strong>et</strong>ter be called "Saddam's Revenge."<br />

The riches of Majnoon and other Iraqi<br />

oil fields are making Baghdad a popular<br />

<strong>de</strong>stination - at least among the giant oil<br />

companies that hope to do business with<br />

Iraq once the United Nations lifts sanctions<br />

against it. In<strong>de</strong>ed, a conference in<br />

Baghdad in March on the future of the<br />

Iraqi oil industry was atten<strong>de</strong>d by representatives<br />

of 35 oil companies.<br />

Elf Aquitaine of France already is negotiating<br />

a $2.5 billion <strong>de</strong>al to <strong>de</strong>velop<br />

Majnoon. Elf, along with its French n-<br />

val, Total SA, started the negotiations<br />

with Iraqin May 1991,just three months<br />

after. Operation Desert Storm. Meanwhile,<br />

Italian, Brazilian, Spanish and<br />

Russian companies are pursuing other<br />

<strong>de</strong>als to <strong>de</strong>velop Iraq's vast oil reserves,<br />

which analysts calculate are second only<br />

to those of Saudi Arabia.<br />

U.S. companies, by contrast, are sitting<br />

on the si<strong>de</strong>lines as their comp<strong>et</strong>itors<br />

rush to woo Baghdad. Although some<br />

U.S. giants, such as Mobil Corp., had<br />

close ties with the Iraqis before the Gulf<br />

War, none of them atten<strong>de</strong>d the Baghdad<br />

conference. The American concerns<br />

are blocked by their government, which<br />

- nearly alone among its allies - insists<br />

that the UN economic sanctions against<br />

Baghdad should continue in<strong>de</strong>finitely.<br />

"The U.S. companies are gomg to be<br />

way behind once the sanctions are lifted,"<br />

said Lawrence Goldstein, presi<strong>de</strong>nt of the<br />

industry-supported P<strong>et</strong>roleum Industry<br />

Research Foundation. "On Iraq, the U.S.<br />

oil companies clearly have to follow the<br />

administration, and the administration is<br />

not going to budge on this."<br />

Iraq may be one of the last great prize.s<br />

in the oil business. At a time when giant<br />

oil fields are increasingly difficult to find<br />

around the world, Iraq claims at least<br />

nine of them. Some analysts place Majnoon<br />

in the so-called super-giant category,<br />

capable eventually of producing<br />

600,000 barrels a day.<br />

Before the Iraq-Iran war began in 1980,<br />

Iraq was pumping 3.5 million barrels of<br />

cru<strong>de</strong> oil a day. But the subsequent 15<br />

years of war and economic sanctions have<br />

Once sanctions are<br />

lifted, Iraq could become<br />

the most important and<br />

unpredictable factor in the<br />

oil mark<strong>et</strong>.<br />

left the country's oil infrastructure in disarray.<br />

Once sanctions are lifted, however,<br />

much of the damage could be repaired<br />

within a few years, making Iraq the most<br />

important and unpredictable new factor<br />

in the international oil mark<strong>et</strong>.<br />

Iraqi officials say their aim is to expand<br />

output to 6 million barrels per day by the<br />

next <strong>de</strong>ca<strong>de</strong>, a production levelthat would<br />

be nearly equal to that of Saudi Arabia.<br />

The Iraq bonanza brings the danger of<br />

oversupply to the oil mark<strong>et</strong>. Analysts<br />

worry that Iraq's r<strong>et</strong>urn will flood the<br />

mark<strong>et</strong> with oil and lead to a sharp drop<br />

in prices. Even without Iraq, the OPEC<br />

oil-producing nations have been unable<br />

to keep the price of oil above $20 a<br />

barrel. On an inflation-adjusted basis, oil<br />

now costs less than it did in 1973.<br />

Analysts also caution that <strong>de</strong>als ma<strong>de</strong><br />

now with Presi<strong>de</strong>nt Saddam Hussein<br />

might prove to be risky investments. The<br />

Iraqi lea<strong>de</strong>r remains intensely unpopular<br />

at home and abroad, and a future Iraqi<br />

government might not look favorably on<br />

Western oil companies that rushed to do<br />

business with Mr. Sadd am.<br />

The financial risks will be high, as<br />

well. Iraq's goal of producing 6 million<br />

barrels a day would require a minimum<br />

of $25 billion in investments during the<br />

next 10 years, analysts say. Because Iraq<br />

already is heavily in <strong>de</strong>bt, the foreign<br />

companies would have to provi<strong>de</strong> most<br />

of the financing before they ma<strong>de</strong> their<br />

profit.<br />

Despite these dangers, the lure of Iraqi<br />

oil seems irresistible because Iraqi cru<strong>de</strong><br />

is so easy to find and so cheap to produce.<br />

The Iraqi fields are also relatively<br />

un<strong>de</strong>veloped, unlike those of neighboring<br />

countries such as Iran, Kuwait and<br />

Saudi Arabia.<br />

Oil-producing companies such as Elf<br />

Aquitaine are not the only ones that will<br />

profit from Iraq's r<strong>et</strong>urn to the mark<strong>et</strong>.<br />

European oil-service companies also are<br />

likely to win big contracts from drilling<br />

and exploration. So will the construction<br />

companies hired to build highways, power<br />

plants, export terminals and pumping<br />

stations.<br />

But for U.S. companies that would<br />

like to share in the spoils, Iraq appears to<br />

be a no-win situation. Industry executives<br />

say that, given Mr. Saddam's unpopularity<br />

in the United States, American<br />

companies are in no position to<br />

lobby for an easing of U.S. restrictions<br />

on <strong>de</strong>alings with Iraq. The prospect that<br />

Mr. Saddam would use his oil revenue to<br />

rebuild his war machine poses an additional<br />

problem.<br />

The existing U.N. tra<strong>de</strong> embargo<br />

against Iraq prohibits all tra<strong>de</strong> and financial<br />

transactions, ex~t for relief<br />

aid, and bans Irag from selling oil except<br />

un<strong>de</strong>r U.N. conditions that Iraq has refused<br />

to accept.<br />



Ankara happy with Chirac<br />

victory in French election<br />

Turkish Daily News<br />

ANKARA- Happy w!th the n.arrow victory of Jacques<br />

Chirac in the preSi<strong>de</strong>ntIal electlOns on Sunday, Ankara<br />

sent a congratulatory message to the third-hme-lucky<br />

Gaullist presi<strong>de</strong>nt. . .<br />

Presi<strong>de</strong>nt Süleyman Deinirel sent a message ta ChiI:ac .<br />

late Sunday expressing the hope that the excellent ties<br />

b<strong>et</strong>ween th~ two countries would be further enhanced<br />

during his presi<strong>de</strong>ncy.. .. . .<br />

Prime Minister Tansu Ciller, ~ho IS ~n Pans for the<br />

anniversary of the World War II ViCtOry"ISalso eXp'ected<br />

to offer her congratulations to France s n~w presi<strong>de</strong>nt.<br />

"The bilateral ties b<strong>et</strong>ween the two countnes are excellent<br />

France has been one of Turkey's main supPQrtersin<br />

the ~ealization of the customs union," a Turkish diplomat<br />

said. "We are convinced that this will<br />

continue with Chirac."<br />

. Although Turkish diplomats <strong>de</strong>scribe<br />

Chirac as a lea<strong>de</strong>r favorable to Turkey,<br />

Ankara's satisfaction with the result IS<br />

largely attributed to the "Alain Juppe factor."<br />

Juppe, \"h~ has supported Çhir~c<br />

since the be$mmng qf hiS ~a.mpalgn, IS<br />

.expected .to ~e the'pnm~ l,Il1m~ter,or, at<br />

least, r<strong>et</strong>am his foreign mimstenal past.<br />

Despite the recent controversy caused<br />

by the remarks of Presi<strong>de</strong>nt Süleyman<br />

Demirel, quoted in Sabah, that Juppe had<br />

told him that the problems of Turkey<br />

stemmed from its unitarian character,<br />

Turkish diplomats <strong>de</strong>scribe Juppe as one<br />

of the supporters of Turkish territorial<br />

integrity. .<br />

French Foreign Ministry has <strong>de</strong>nied<br />

that Juppe had ma<strong>de</strong> such a statement.<br />

"Alain Juppe is familiar with the Turkish.<br />

issues and.has personal ties with many of<br />

Turkish officials.<br />

He has also been an energ<strong>et</strong>ic supporter<br />

of c10serties b<strong>et</strong>ween Turkey and the<br />

European Union," a diplomat said, addi~g .<br />

that the samewas true 'for Alam<br />

Lamassoure, who is a candidate for for- .<br />

ei~ ministry if Juppe becomes the prime<br />

numster. .<br />

"Since France will have a team that is<br />

already familiar with Turkey, there will<br />

be no adaptation period that usually follows<br />

eleCl1ons,"he said.<br />

.Turkishofficials also admit that they.'<br />

are not exactly sad thatthe Mitterrand era<br />

is over, <strong>de</strong>spite the fact that it was during<br />

the socialist presi<strong>de</strong>nt's time that an historical<br />

visit was ma<strong>de</strong> b<strong>et</strong>ween the two<br />

countries thereby wiping the disagreements<br />

of the past. .<br />

. "From time to time, certain moves or<br />

stateménts ma<strong>de</strong> bythe Elysee Palace created<br />

tensions b<strong>et</strong>ween the two capitals.<br />

With Chirac, we believe that these will be<br />

omitted," another diplomat said.<br />

Turks hope that the Gaullist presi<strong>de</strong>nt<br />

will be less likely to. give Turkey public<br />

tongue-lashing on human rights than his<br />

SOCialiStpre<strong>de</strong>cessor.<br />

Turkish diplomats are also secr<strong>et</strong>ly<br />

jubilant with the end of Danielle<br />


Turkish Daily News<br />

CIA: Turkey and Iran<br />

would intervene in an<br />

Iraqi Kurdish State<br />

WEDNESDA Y. MA Y 10. 1995<br />

'Fate of N. Iraqi Kurds <strong>de</strong>pends on Baghdad'<br />

By Ugur Akmel<br />

Turkish Daily News<br />

W ASHINGTON- If there ever<br />

was a Kurdish state in northern Iraq,<br />

"Iran and Turkey, fearing the effect<br />

an Iraqi Kurdish state would have on<br />

their own Kurdish minorities, would<br />

intervene militarily and economically<br />

. to either dominate or otherwise prevent<br />

its creation," according to an<br />

U.S. Central Intelligence Agency<br />

(CIA) analysis ~repaied last month in.<br />

response to an mquiry ma<strong>de</strong> by Sen.<br />

Arlen Specter, chairman of the U.S.<br />

Senate Select Committee on<br />

Intelligence. The CIA said such an<br />

in<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nt entity "would be landlocked,<br />

have few economic resources<br />

and be vulnerable to outsi<strong>de</strong> interference."<br />

The CIA also noted that the<br />

. Iraqi National Congress formally<br />

supports autonomy but not separahsm.<br />

"The Iraqi National Congress formally<br />

supports enhanced Kurdish<br />

autonomy within a unified, fe<strong>de</strong>rated<br />

Iraq, but both the INC and its<br />

Western sponsors oppose Iraqi<br />

Kurdish separatism," the report said..<br />

Admiral William O. Stu<strong>de</strong>man, acting<br />

CIA director, in a l<strong>et</strong>ter written<br />

on April 3, 1995 to Sen. Specter that<br />

theonzed about a post-Saddam Iraq,<br />

noted that "serious infighting since<br />

mid-1994 has severely damaged the<br />

unity of the Iraqi Kurds, un<strong>de</strong>rmined<br />

their fledgling regional administration<br />

and' <strong>de</strong>creased their chances of<br />

maintaining a united political and<br />

military front in <strong>de</strong>aling with<br />

Baghdad..<br />

The prospects for Kurdish reintegration<br />

into Iraq after Saddam, however,<br />

hinge more on the strength of<br />

the successor regime than on the .<br />

strength of the Kurds." Stu<strong>de</strong>man<br />

said "if Saddam' s successor heads a<br />

strong centrai government and united<br />

Iraqi military, the Kurds - no matter<br />

how united - could not withstand a<br />

concerte<strong>de</strong>ffort to reimposegovernment<br />

controlover northern Iraq and<br />

force Kurdish integration. Despite its<br />

<strong>de</strong>gra<strong>de</strong>d and <strong>de</strong>moralized state,<br />

. Iraq's regular army still outnumbers<br />

and is b<strong>et</strong>ter equipped, trained and<br />

organized than the Kurds."<br />

The CIA analysis theorized that, in<br />

a post-Saddam world, even a weak<br />

government in Baghdad would be of<br />

no help for Kurds. "Ev,enif a successor<br />

regime were weak and divi<strong>de</strong>d,<br />

fis~ures in the Iraqi Kurdish opposition<br />

make it likely that some Kurdish<br />

lea<strong>de</strong>rs would si<strong>de</strong> with Baghdad to<br />

strengthen their hand against their<br />

Kurdish rivals."<br />



Libération, 10 mai 1995<br />

Messieurs les juges •..<br />


Nous publions ci-<strong>de</strong>ssous <strong>de</strong>s extraits <strong>de</strong> l'adresse que<br />

l'écrivain prononça à l'ouverture <strong>de</strong> son procès pour<br />

~propagan<strong>de</strong> séparatiste» <strong>de</strong>vant la Cour <strong>de</strong> sûr<strong>et</strong>é<br />

<strong>de</strong> l'Etat <strong>de</strong> Turquie à la suite d'un texte paru en allemand<br />

dans ~Der Spiegel», dans lequel l'écrivain dénonçait<br />

l'oppression <strong>de</strong>s Kur<strong>de</strong>s <strong>de</strong> Turquie.<br />

-'<br />

Jene vais pas me livrer ici à une défense classique. Je<br />

dois rectifier d'abord quelques erreurs. Ce que monsieur<br />

le procureur m<strong>et</strong> en cause, <strong>de</strong>vant c<strong>et</strong>te instance;<br />

Yachar Kemal n'est pas un texte que j'ai écrit, mais un texte publié par<br />

72 ans, est les quotidiens Milliy<strong>et</strong><strong>et</strong> Hurriy<strong>et</strong> à partir d'une traduction<br />

incomplète, fautive, résumée <strong>de</strong> l'original publié en<br />

écrivain turc<br />

d'origine<br />

kur<strong>de</strong>, auteur allemand.<br />

entre autres <strong>de</strong> (...) Même au terme <strong>de</strong> ces tripatouillages, il n'est pas facile<br />

<strong>de</strong> trouver un argument qui perm<strong>et</strong>te <strong>de</strong> condamner<br />

l'Aaktchasaz,<br />

Memedle<br />

ces textes. Il est dès lors étonnant, Monsieur le procureur<br />

Minee, Salmon<br />

le Solitaire, <strong>et</strong> Monsieur le juge, que tout ceci me conduise <strong>de</strong>vant<br />

traduits chez vous; <strong>et</strong> c'est làqu'il y a un problème grave. (...) Quant à<br />

Gallimard mon texte, sa défense est toute entière dans son contenu.<br />

Si à l'instar <strong>de</strong>s quotidiens<br />

Hurriy<strong>et</strong> <strong>et</strong> Mi/liy<strong>et</strong> (qui été d'y foumir<strong>de</strong>ux articles.<br />

ont l'ont publié dans une De ces <strong>de</strong>ux papiers, le premier<br />

parut dans la très sé-<br />

version fautyive NDLR)<br />

on commence à manipuler rieuse revue britannique In<strong>de</strong>x,<br />

<strong>et</strong> l'autre est celui qui<br />

ce texte pour le-déformer,<br />

quelqu'un <strong>de</strong> malin finira fut publié dans <strong>de</strong>r Spiegel.<br />

bien par trouver quelque Messie.urs les procureurs<br />

raison pour justifier ses ont fait saisir é<strong>et</strong> ouvt'age<br />

accusations.<br />

dans les <strong>de</strong>ux heures suivant<br />

sa parution. On peut<br />

(...) Si Monsieur le procureur<br />

avait pris vraiment<br />

s'étonner <strong>de</strong> la rapidité<br />

l'ordre juridique au sérieux, avec laquelle ces jugeS'<br />

il n'aurait pas procédé comme<br />

à présent, pour ine pré-<br />

140 pages en <strong>de</strong>ux heures<br />

ont pu lire un ouvrage <strong>de</strong><br />

senter <strong>de</strong>vant lajustice pour <strong>de</strong> temps. Nous sommes<br />

. <strong>de</strong>s accusations sans queue les témoins <strong>de</strong> choses<br />

ni tête. Il aurait fallu au minimum<br />

une traduction inté-<br />

décidément.<br />

étonnantes dans ce pays,<br />

grale du texte mis en cause<br />

pour savoir <strong>de</strong> quoi il sait pas, c'est que je suis<br />

(...) Ce que le procureurne<br />

est question. Il aurait pu écrivain <strong>de</strong>puis cinquante<br />

également me <strong>de</strong>man<strong>de</strong>r<br />

ans. Et que je suis l'écrivain<br />

que je suis <strong>de</strong>puis cin-<br />

l'original eri turc du texte<br />

incriminé. Passe encore ce quante aits aussi. Parce que<br />

minimum, même à considérer<br />

que la tâche primor-<br />

'une démocratie, la Turquie<br />

la Turquie n'a jamais été<br />

diale du procureur soit d'accuser.<br />

Il faudrait tenir<br />

a été une gran<strong>de</strong> prison<br />

pour nous. -Je n'ai cure<br />

compte d'un fait concr<strong>et</strong>: 'd'une prison <strong>de</strong> moindre~<br />

dans les jours <strong>de</strong> ma mise en<br />

dimensions. Sauf si dans la<br />

accusation, il y eut la paruticin<strong>de</strong><br />

l'ouvrage collectif la tion turque me crée <strong>de</strong>s pé-<br />

p<strong>et</strong>ite prison l' administra-<br />

Turquie <strong>et</strong> la liberté <strong>de</strong>pensée,<br />

contenant les contribu-.<br />

rils encore plus grand ...<br />

(...) Si la justice n'avait pas<br />

tions <strong>de</strong> 24 auteurs. Ma<br />

saisi l'ouvrage incriminé,<br />

contriöution à ce travail a<br />

tout le mon<strong>de</strong>, les juristes,<br />

les savants <strong>et</strong> écrivains <strong>de</strong><br />

Turquie <strong>et</strong> d'ailleurs allaient<br />

lire le texte. Et tout le<br />

mo~<strong>de</strong> allai.t dire «mais (~ù.~t di!nt'./e.rarisme <strong>et</strong> le sépa-<br />

~atls~ dans. ce texte». En saisisSant notre ouvrage, la justIce<br />

a commIs une gran<strong>de</strong> injustice vis-à-vis <strong>de</strong> moi-même<br />

<strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong> mes amis écrivains.<br />

(...) M<strong>et</strong>tre à feu dix millions d'hectares <strong>de</strong> forêts dans un<br />

pays qui n'a plus <strong>de</strong> forêts, dans une Anatolie désertifiée<br />

n'est-ce pas un péché, même la plus grave.<strong>de</strong>s fautes?<br />

Tout cela pour brûler quelques guérilleros <strong>et</strong> bergers. C<strong>et</strong><br />

Etat a commis une faute grave. Il est la cause <strong>de</strong> la <strong>de</strong>struction<br />

<strong>de</strong>s forêts <strong>de</strong> l' Anatolie entiè~ ... NouS le verrons<br />

<strong>de</strong> notre vivant, <strong>de</strong>s inondations, <strong>de</strong>s flammes, le dénuement<br />

vont ravagerl'Anatolie. Est-il vrai ou non qu'on<br />

brûle lesforêts? Ai-je raison ou non d'en accuser l'Etat?<br />

(.;.;)Les 1.800 meurtres aux auteurs inconnus le mon<strong>de</strong> entierne<br />

l'a-t-il pas entendu, les journaux ne l'~t-ils pas écrit<br />

pattout? N'a-t-on pas mis en accusation la Turquie comme<br />

un pays <strong>de</strong> tortures avec la responsabiité <strong>de</strong> l'Etat? L'oppression<br />

n'est -elle pas sur le peuple comme un vent empoisonné?<br />

N'a-t-on pas mi~ ~ feu <strong>de</strong>s milliers <strong>de</strong> villages<br />

chaque fots que le peuple Cn/lIt «au!':mente tes crimes fJOur<br />

que ta chute soit précipitée»? N'a-toOn pas voulu créer un<br />



Turkish Daily News<br />

WEDNESDAY.MAY 10.1995<br />

Demirel says Turkey faces<br />

'conspiracy' from West<br />

. Plan afoot:' 'Am I supposed to applaud those who<br />

.say, "the state ofhuman rights has reached such a<br />

'level in Turkey that it should not be allowed to<br />

conclu<strong>de</strong> a customs union"? These are just efforts to<br />

prevent Turkey from emtering the customs union.'<br />

Turkish Daily News .<br />

ANKARA- Presi<strong>de</strong>nt Sijleyman<br />

Demirel said on Monday evening that<br />

Turkey,is faced with a Western conspiracy<br />

to prevent the country from entenng a<br />

customs union with Europe.<br />

Demirel ad<strong>de</strong>d that keeping Turkey<br />

away from the European Umon and trying<br />

to suspendjts membership in the Council<br />

o(Europe;as recent <strong>de</strong>velopments suggest;<br />

are part of this conspiracy. "I am not<br />

sayingwe should tear Turkey away from<br />

Europe. But Tu~key does not owe its existence<br />

to Europee~ther .... I say this for,a<br />

fact. We are not a hunch on anyone s<br />

back. My coun!ry is not in<strong>de</strong>xed to the<br />

Westeither. ... My citizenshould know<br />

that my s~ate is' staJ:lding}lpright because<br />

of my nation," DeIlllrel said.<br />

Presi<strong>de</strong>nt Demirel ma<strong>de</strong> these remarks<br />

on Iivé television while being interviewed<br />

, ~12~e Qai~~I~r current~affai~s progra~<br />

DemIrel said that the Turkish state IS<br />

responsible for protecting its flag, its<br />

nation, and that there were efforts un<strong>de</strong>rway.to<br />

tear away part of these lands and<br />

to raise a new flag there.' ,<br />

"Some people are lookingupon<br />

Turkey's efforts combatting those people<br />

trying to raise a new flag as if it were a<br />

case of oppression by the Turkish<br />

Republic against' some people and as if<br />

some other people had taken up arms on<br />

behalf of these oppressed people,"<br />

Demirel said.<br />

"Am I supposed to applaud those who<br />

say, 'the state of h~man rights h~s<br />

reached such a level ln Turkey that It<br />

should not'be allowed to conclu<strong>de</strong> a customs<br />

union' These are just efforts to pre- '<br />

vent Turkey from entering the customs<br />

. union," Demirel ad<strong>de</strong>d. About the socalled<br />

"Sevres <strong>de</strong>bate" started by remarks<br />

, he ma<strong>de</strong> in last week's intèrvlews with<br />

the press, Demirel said that there were<br />

"certain signs" emerging today, sugg~sting<br />

that this is what had lead him to bnng<br />

up the wh~le issu~. . .<br />

Sevres IS the dlstnct near Pans where<br />

an agreement was drafted by the allies 'at<br />

the end of World War One which divi<strong>de</strong>d<br />

Turkey and rores'aw the establishment of<br />

a Kurdish and an 'Arm~nïan state In<br />

Anatolia. '<br />

The Treaty of Sevres, as i,t,came to be<br />

known, ~ecame a <strong>de</strong>àd l<strong>et</strong>ter, following<br />

the Turkish War of In<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nce and the<br />

&tatusand bor<strong>de</strong>rs of moàern Turkey were<br />

<strong>de</strong>termined later un<strong>de</strong>r the Lausanne<br />

Treaty. ,.<br />

Referring to the <strong>de</strong>bate over, his com-<br />

, ments, Demirel said, "Rather than use this<br />

, topic, those running t.he country should<br />

recogriize that certain things are happen-<br />

, ing before they' become oyen threats and<br />

, take the necesslllYprecautIOns."<br />

'~Turkey has many enemies but is<br />

standing firm <strong>de</strong>spite these enemies. I am<br />

,not the one creating these enemies,"<br />

, Demirel said. Maintaming that the West<br />

had started i<strong>de</strong>ntifying Turkey' s fight<br />

against.terrorism with the Klirdlsh issue,<br />

Demirel said that un<strong>de</strong>r the Lausanne<br />

Treaty Kurds were consi<strong>de</strong>red equal citizens<br />

of Turkey, having, fought si<strong>de</strong> by<br />

si<strong>de</strong> with the Turks.to liDerateAnatolia.<br />

He said that he was telling Turkey's,<br />

critics in the West that tostart givin,gpeople<br />

of another origin the status.of Illlnority<br />

now, '''would i~eearably ups<strong>et</strong> the present<br />

stability and VitalityofTurlœy." ,<br />

"We are telling them (the West) that<br />

, these people (the Kurds) are the owners of<br />

, the whol~ of thi,s co.untry. Why should<br />

they be given mmonty nghts and mà<strong>de</strong><br />

..' second-class? Anyway, this would lead<br />

matters in another direction, to a fe<strong>de</strong>ration,to<br />

Turkey's division," Demirel said.<br />

Touching on another <strong>de</strong>bate his<br />

remarks started last week, Demirel repeated<br />

his view that the manner in which the<br />

Turkey-Iraq bor<strong>de</strong>r wasdrawn up at the<br />

time was wrong. "This bor<strong>de</strong>~ i~ v.;rong. .<br />

L<strong>et</strong> someone come up and say It ISnght. l',<br />

am saying this bor<strong>de</strong>r is wrong, correct it.<br />

" But not unilaterally. Not by ùsing force.<br />

Do it with the state concerned. You could<br />

. do it this year, you could do it 10years<br />

, from now. This can be done perfectly<br />

well by peaceful means and in a reason~<br />

able ,manner. Iwill continue telling my<br />

'<br />

peopie what is ri~h,t,"Demirel said.<br />

But, he said, 'this is not a matter for<br />

today, but wàs a matter for yesterday. It is<br />

a political matter.The time will come and<br />

what has to be done can be done through<br />

peaceful means," Demirel ad<strong>de</strong>d.<br />

Asked wh<strong>et</strong>her "the matter had been<br />

s<strong>et</strong>tled" with Turkey's cross-bor<strong>de</strong>r operation<br />

in northern Iraq against separatist<br />

Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) mili-<br />

.tants camped in the region, Demirel conce<strong>de</strong>d<br />

that it had not been.<br />

"No, it has not finished, Five hundred<br />

and eighty-eight people (PKK militants)<br />

have been found <strong>de</strong>ad, but 2,000 of them<br />

have gone elsewhere," he said.<br />

. Responding to a question on efforts to<br />

abolish Article 8 of the Law on<br />

Combatting Terrorism, thus broa<strong>de</strong>ning<br />

the scope of freedom of expression,<br />

Demire[ said that during an address to<br />

Parliamenton September l, 1994, he said<br />

that "while everything must be said in<br />

Turker, the limits for this must also be<br />

found, ' "I found (the limit). The U.S. has<br />

a Supreme Court. Following certain inci-<br />

. <strong>de</strong>nts, certain people, especially those<br />

engaged in disseminating communist propaganda,<br />

were punished .... This is what<br />

you call freedom of expression: There is<br />

nothing to prevent free thought. The issue<br />

is dissemination. Pr.ovocation, g<strong>et</strong>ting<br />

people, masses to fl*ht each other .:...:.<br />

these must not happen, Demirel said.<br />

He ad<strong>de</strong>d that first terrorism must end,<br />

"And then what had to be done must be<br />

done." ,<br />

'<br />

"I would oppose anything that will<br />

obstruct the fight against terronsm or anyth!ng<br />

tha~,will ~eillœn, those conducting<br />

this fight, he Said, .. ,<br />

. Asked if he could saythat "Turkey was<br />

in agood state today," Demirel said if he<br />

answers in the affirmative the opposition<br />

would oppose him, and if he answered<br />

that the country was in good hands, others<br />

would emerge to criticize him.<br />

"But am I afraid. Am I afraid to say<br />

that it is in good hands? How can you as~<br />

me to comment on 150 percent inflation? .<br />

Minus 6 percent growth...? This is another.<br />

matter. But how can I say that it is in a<br />

good state? In a countrywhere people are<br />

confronted with acost of living ,problem,<br />

when there are people crushed un<strong>de</strong>r the<br />

cost of living... is there,anyone who can<br />

say it is good? When I say this I express a<br />

truth. I cannot say, 'if you canno/eat<br />

bread then eat cake, ", Demirel said.<br />

Asked if there was the need for a new<br />

election Demirel preferred to give an indirect<br />

answer.<br />

"I. am not saying 'the country is being<br />

administered badly, I am saying it could<br />

be run b<strong>et</strong>ter," he said adding that "he was<br />

not stickin~ a pin into anyone."<br />

"Turkey s courts must be run b<strong>et</strong>ter, its<br />

hospitals must be run b<strong>et</strong>ter. How can we<br />

say that everything is perfect?"<br />



Europe-Turquie<br />

Menaces <strong>de</strong> suspension: le Comité <strong>de</strong>s ministres s'engage à répondre<br />

:<br />

STRASBOURG, 11 mai (AFP) - Le Comité <strong>de</strong>s ministres (organe exécutif) du<br />

Conseil <strong>de</strong> l'Europe a chargé jeudi les délégués (ambassa~eurs auprès <strong>de</strong><br />

l'organisation) <strong>de</strong> "rédiger une réponse" à l'Assemblée parlementaire qui<br />

lui a <strong>de</strong>mandé "d'envisager la suspension" <strong>de</strong> la Turquie si elle ne donne<br />

pas d'ici la fin juin <strong>de</strong>s gages <strong>de</strong> sa volonté <strong>de</strong> respecter la démocratie <strong>et</strong><br />

les droits <strong>de</strong> l'homme.<br />

Cependant, le Comité n'a pas donné <strong>de</strong> délai, ignorant ainsi l'ultimatum<br />

lancé par l'Assemblée parlementaire lors <strong>de</strong> sa <strong>de</strong>rnière session en avril.<br />

Le Comité entend ainsi montrer qu'il ne saurait être tenu par un<br />

calendrier fixé par l'Assemblée parlementaire, organe consultatif <strong>de</strong>s "34",<br />

a-t-on indiqué <strong>de</strong> source diplomatique.<br />

En revanche, les quinze pays membres <strong>de</strong> l'Union européenne siégeant au<br />

Comité <strong>de</strong>s ministres "souhaitent qu'une réponse puisse servir à éclairer le<br />

débat" que tiendra le Parlement européen à l'automne sur la ratification <strong>de</strong><br />

l'accord d'Union douanière avec la Turquie, a indiqué à l'AFP l'ambassa<strong>de</strong>ur<br />

<strong>de</strong> France auprès <strong>de</strong> l'organisation, Michel Lennuyeux.<br />

Le Parlement européen, en eff<strong>et</strong>, a conditionné la ratification <strong>de</strong> c<strong>et</strong><br />

accord, signé en mars <strong>de</strong>rnier <strong>et</strong> qui <strong>de</strong>vrait entrer en vigueur le 1er<br />

janvier prochain, au respect <strong>de</strong>s droits <strong>de</strong> l'homme <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong> la démocratie par<br />

la Turquie.<br />

L'Assemblée avait exigé le r<strong>et</strong>rait total <strong>de</strong>s troupes turques du nord <strong>de</strong><br />

l'Irak, la fixation d'un délai pour mener à bien les réformes '<br />

constitutionnelles <strong>et</strong> législatives exigées par l'organisation, <strong>et</strong> le début<br />

d'une recherche <strong>de</strong> solution politique au conflit kur<strong>de</strong>.<br />

Arn/.,.h/ ......<br />

FRS0278 4 I 0217 /AFP-LAli<br />

Europe-Turquie<br />

Conseil <strong>de</strong> l'Europe: signe <strong>de</strong> bonne volonté <strong>de</strong> la Turquie<br />

.-<br />

STRASBOURG, 10 mai (AFP) - La Turquie, menacée d'être "suspendue" du<br />

Conseil <strong>de</strong> l'Europe pour non-respect <strong>de</strong>s droits <strong>de</strong> l'Homme,' a signé<br />

mercredi <strong>de</strong>ux protocoles à la Convention européenne <strong>de</strong> prévention <strong>de</strong> la<br />

torture, a-t-on appris auprès <strong>de</strong> l'organisation pan-européenne.<br />

La signature <strong>de</strong> ces <strong>de</strong>ux textes, techniques <strong>et</strong> portant uniquement sur la<br />

procédure, est interprétée par <strong>de</strong>s observateurs comme une manière pour<br />

Ankara <strong>de</strong> manifester son désir <strong>de</strong> rester au sein du Conseil <strong>de</strong> l'Europe <strong>et</strong><br />

sa bonne volonté.<br />

L'Assemblée parlementaire du Conseil a <strong>de</strong>mandé le 26 avril "d'envisager<br />

la suspension <strong>de</strong>s droits <strong>de</strong> la Turquie" si elle ne satisfait pas d'ici la<br />

fin juin à trois conditions concernant les normes <strong>de</strong> l'organisation en<br />

matière <strong>de</strong> respect <strong>de</strong>s droits <strong>de</strong> l'Homme <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong> la démocratie, notamment<br />

dans le cadre du conflit kur<strong>de</strong>.<br />

L'une <strong>de</strong> ces conditions a été remplie par le r<strong>et</strong>rait total <strong>de</strong>s troupes<br />

turques du nord <strong>de</strong> l'Irak. Cependant, les parlementaires ont également<br />

exigé qu'Ankara amorce "la recherche d'une solution pacifique au problème<br />

kur<strong>de</strong>" <strong>et</strong> donne "un délai précis dans lequel la Turquie <strong>de</strong>vra rendre sa<br />

constitution <strong>et</strong> sa législation conformes aux principes <strong>et</strong> normes du Consei<br />

<strong>de</strong> l'Europe" •<br />

dro/pre/ms<br />

AFP /J00245/101253 MAI 95<br />

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Un père porte son enfant blesséà l'hôpital, après une attaque <strong>de</strong>s gardiens <strong>de</strong> la<br />

révo[!ltion ir,anienne. En 1979, Khomeiny déç/ençhe sa guerresainte contre les Kur<strong>de</strong>s.<br />

« Watan giyan wa saru malem fiday to wa giyan.»<br />

(<strong>de</strong> sacrifie mon âme, mesbiens <strong>et</strong> ma vie pOur toi, ma patrie. »)<br />

Les Kur<strong>de</strong>s, peuple écartelé<br />

Résistants kur<strong>de</strong>s<br />

à Divandare,<br />

au Kurdistan d'Iran, 1980.<br />


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Le Mon<strong>de</strong> - 11 mai 1995<br />

La Turquie relance le débat sur la modification <strong>de</strong>s frontières <strong>de</strong> l'Irak<br />

L'UNION EUROP~ENNE a «pris acte »,<br />

mardi 9 mai, <strong>de</strong> l'annonce, à la fin <strong>de</strong> la semaine<br />

<strong>de</strong>rnière, par la Turquie, du r<strong>et</strong>rait total<br />

<strong>de</strong> ses troupes d'Irak du Nord. Dans un<br />

.communiqué, les Quinze, tout en rappelant<br />

leurs préoccupations «en matière <strong>de</strong> démocratisation<br />

<strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong> [respect] <strong>de</strong>sdroits <strong>de</strong> l'homme» à<br />

l'intérieur <strong>de</strong> la Turquie, ont souligné leur «attachement<br />

à la stabilité <strong>et</strong> à l'intégrité territoriale<br />

<strong>de</strong>s Etats <strong>de</strong> la région.» Il s'agit surtout <strong>de</strong><br />

l'Irak, sur le territoire duquel Ankara avait envoyé,<br />

le 20 mars, 35000 soldats, pour déloger<br />

les rebelles klw1es du Parti <strong>de</strong>s travailleurs<br />

(PKK).<br />

L'insistance européenne n'est pas superflue<br />

après les déclarations du prési<strong>de</strong>nt Suleyman<br />

Demirel selon lesquelles la Turquie souhaite<br />

corriger le tracé <strong>de</strong> sa frontière avec l'Irak, pour<br />

en assurer l'imperméabilité. La nouvelle ligne,<br />

ava,( prdi'Se'tIf. '''è'n'rir<strong>et</strong>; 1e 2 mai, dë\lt~t<br />

suivre le Pied <strong>de</strong>s mQntagnes en teWitorre irakierr-<strong>et</strong><br />

-inclure"la- province <strong>de</strong> Mossoul, la.<br />

quj:Jle.. selon lui, «appartient encore à la Thr<br />

quie ». Il faisait allusion au démembrement <strong>de</strong><br />

l'Empire ottoman, au terme duquel les wiloy<strong>et</strong><br />

<strong>de</strong> Bassorah, Bagdad <strong>et</strong> Mossoul <strong>de</strong>vaient<br />

constituer l'Etat irakien, Ankara n'ayant renoncé<br />

à la «province» <strong>de</strong> Mossoul, en Juin 1926,<br />

qu'après <strong>de</strong> longues tractaHons avec la<br />

Gran<strong>de</strong>-Br<strong>et</strong>agne <strong>et</strong> la signature d'un accord<br />

entre l'Irak <strong>et</strong> la Turkish P<strong>et</strong>roleum.<br />

Certains diplomates occi<strong>de</strong>ntaux m<strong>et</strong>tent en<br />

gar<strong>de</strong> contre toute dramatisation <strong>de</strong>s déclarations<br />

du chef <strong>de</strong> l'Etat turc, qui, à leur avis,<br />

doivent être lues à la lumière <strong>de</strong>s luttes <strong>de</strong> pouvoir<br />

opposant M. Demirel au premier ministre,<br />

Tansu CiIler.Ilsfont valoir que ces tiraiIlements<br />

Die Europaratsminister<br />

avaient déjà pu être constatés au début <strong>de</strong> l'incursion<br />

turque dans le nord <strong>de</strong> l'Irak. MmeCiller<br />

avait affirmé que celle-ci serait <strong>de</strong> courte durée.<br />

alors que M. Demirel n'excluait pas une<br />

prolongation .<br />

Que c<strong>et</strong>te explication soit fondée ou non, elle<br />

ne dédramatise rien aux yeux du régime irakien<br />

- pas plus qu'au regard <strong>de</strong> l'ensemble <strong>de</strong>s pays<br />

arabes -, qui a multiplié les mises en gar<strong>de</strong>.<br />

Bagdad a fait savoir aussitôt qu'il n'avait absolument<br />

pas l'intention <strong>de</strong> discuter d'une modification<br />

<strong>de</strong> la frontière avec son voisin du nord<br />

<strong>et</strong> qu'il s'opposerait «par tous les moyens légitimes»<br />

à une éventuelle décision « uni/atérale »<br />

<strong>de</strong> la Turquie à ce suj<strong>et</strong>.<br />


Les autorités iral<strong>de</strong>nnes ont toujours considéré<br />

comme un prélu<strong>de</strong> au dépeçage du pays la<br />

'C~tiOnJ.J pour <strong>de</strong>s raisons humanitaires -, par<br />

une coalition occi<strong>de</strong>ntale emmenéé\~ar les<br />

Etats Unis, d'une «zone d'exclusion» au nord<br />

du' 3l;


Iran Plans a Vast Nuclear Buildup<br />

. ...<br />

But Top Official Denies Any Intentto Develop Weapons<br />

By Elaine Sciolino<br />

New York Times Service<br />

TEHRAN - Iran's top nuclear official<br />

says, that his country intends to &ild<br />

about 10 nuclear power plants in the..n.ext<br />

two <strong>de</strong>ca<strong>de</strong>s, but <strong>de</strong>nies accusations by the<br />

United States that Iran is trying to <strong>de</strong>velop<br />

nuclear weapons.<br />

The official, Reza Arnrollahi, also said<br />

that last year he signed a formal contract<br />

with China for two nuclear power reactors<br />

.and that Chinese experts had compl<strong>et</strong>ed a<br />

feasibility study and had begun to draw up<br />

blueprints and engineering reports for a<br />

site in southern Iran.<br />

Iran has already ma<strong>de</strong> a "down payment"<br />

for the project, which will cost $800<br />

million to $900 million and involve training<br />

by Chinese, said Mr. Arnrollahi, director<br />

of Iran's Atomic Ene~gy Organization.<br />

Although the United States has doubted<br />

that China is capable of building the reactors<br />

on its own because the original mo<strong>de</strong>l'<br />

iriclu<strong>de</strong>d parts from Germany and Japan,<br />

Mr. Arnrollahi said the _c!lj.I1.esl; noyvbe~ ,<br />

lieve that they have successfully duplicated<br />

the technology.<br />

The United States has led a global campaign<br />

to prevent Iran from receiving any<br />

nuclear technology because of its suspected<br />

weapons program. Mr. Arnrollahi's<br />

statements suggest that the agreement with,<br />

China is much further along than was<br />

previously known, and that Iran is planning<br />

ilvast long-range nuclear energy program.<br />

, [On Sunday, Leon E. Pan<strong>et</strong>ta, the White<br />

House chief of staff, said Secr<strong>et</strong>ary of State<br />

Warren M. Christopher had conveyed to<br />

the Chinese his "great concern" over sales<br />

of nuclear technology to Iran.<br />

["We have begun the process of trying to<br />

put pressure on them to move away from<br />

this <strong>de</strong>al," Mr. Pan<strong>et</strong>ta said in a broadcast<br />

interview. ,<br />

[He said the White House would continue<br />

to put pressure on both Moscow and<br />

Beijing to back off and ad<strong>de</strong>d, "Un<strong>de</strong>rstand:<br />

This is not acceptable for them to<br />

sell tlUclear technology to the Iranians."]<br />

In addition to its oil reserves Iran has<br />

the second largest naniral g~ reseryes in<br />

the world. Natural gas is much cheaper to<br />

<strong>de</strong>velop than nuclear energy, which makes<br />

U.S. officials suspect that Iran wants nuclear<br />

power for a weapons program.<br />

In a clear attempt to answer charges that<br />

Iran is <strong>de</strong>veloping nuclear weapons, Mr.<br />

Arnrollahi ma<strong>de</strong> his remarks in a two-anda-half-hour,interview<br />

at his agency's new<br />

six-story building. It is part of a sprawling'<br />

complex in central Tehran that inclu<strong>de</strong>s a<br />

small nuclear research reactor built for<br />

Iran by the United States in the late 1960s,<br />

when the monarchy was in power and the<br />

relationship with Washington was (:IQs~:..<br />

Officials'offereda bne(tour of the complex,<br />

including a visit to two radio isotope<br />

laboratories for medical research, although<br />

lh~;~d'not allOw a toui' of the reactor.<br />

.I~îii'cise wejg<strong>et</strong> enough money, in case<br />

~ehave enough trained people, we have a<br />

pliûi't~ take 20years to g<strong>et</strong> 20 percent o~<br />

;dûr"ènergy from nuclear," Mr. Arnrollahi<br />

said. Asked if that could mean about 10<br />

'reactors, he said, "Som<strong>et</strong>hing like that."<br />

That number is higher than what Iranh.~d<br />

preViously been known to be<br />

planning .<br />

Mr. Arnrollahi repeated that<br />

Iran had already invested $6<br />

billion in the project "",,":whichis<br />

subject to international inspection<br />

and safeguards - and<br />

wanted to finish it.<br />

He said the contract with<br />

Moscow consists of a $780 million<br />

<strong>de</strong>al in which Russia will<br />

compl<strong>et</strong>e one of two reactors<br />

that a German firm was building<br />

at the southern port city of<br />

Bushehr before the project was<br />

halted after the 1979revolution.<br />

If that project goes well, Russia<br />

will finish the second reactor.<br />

The United States opposes<br />

the project iri part because it<br />

will give Iran access to expertise,<br />

technology and training it<br />

would not oth~rwise have.<br />

Mr. Arnrollahi said that 150<br />

Russian nuclear experts were<br />

already working at the site and<br />

that 500 would t;:ventually be<br />

based there; a much smaller<br />

.number of 'Iranians will be<br />

'~rained in Russia, he ad<strong>de</strong>d.<br />

"Training people is part of<br />

:that nuclear power plan," he<br />

said. "I don't know why they<br />

make such a hot fudge of it."<br />

He <strong>de</strong>nied that Iran had ne-<br />

.gotiated - or even discussed -<br />

a plan to buy a gas centrifuge<br />

from Russia that could have '<br />

rapidly enriched uranium to<br />

bomb-gra<strong>de</strong> quality.<br />

"This was a diplomatically<br />

ma<strong>de</strong> cake," he said of reports<br />

from Washington about the existence<br />

of a separate, albeit tentative<br />

agreement with Russia.<br />

Russia has agreed to supply<br />

the enriched uranium nee<strong>de</strong>d to<br />

operate the plant it willflnish,<br />

;he 'said. Asked wh<strong>et</strong>her Iran<br />

:Waspursuing a program to en-<br />

;nch uranium, at first he said,<br />

,l'Not now," but ad<strong>de</strong>d quickly:<br />

"No. Not forever. Not. No. Not<br />

!at all."<br />

, Asked why Iran does not use<br />

inatural gas for fuel, Mr. Amrollahi<br />

said: "Natural gas is one of<br />

the best fuels, and many countries<br />

at the moment need it. So<br />

we think it is b<strong>et</strong>ter to sell it."<br />

Like many of Iran's nuclear '<br />

specialists,Mr.- AmrollilhihaS<br />

been educated, i1ndtrained in<br />

the weSt. He hOldsa master's',<br />

<strong>de</strong>grs:e ~,èlectrical engineering<br />

ffOD;l' th-e University of Texas<br />

ai:1da doctorate in physics from<br />

the University of <strong>Paris</strong>. "<br />

He has hea<strong>de</strong>d Iran's nuclear<br />

program for 15years, and spoke<br />

with precision when discussing<br />

,Iran's program.<br />

, But the United States and<br />

Germany have amassed slib-<br />

,stantial evi<strong>de</strong>nce that Iran is<br />

secr<strong>et</strong>ly buying Components<br />

and technology from al!road<br />

,!hat they say can only be usefül<br />

•ID a weapons program.<br />

U.S. and German inteHi-.<br />

gence officials believe that Mr. '<br />

Arnrollahi controls only part of<br />

Iran's nuclear program and that<br />

Tehran has created a parallel<br />

program through the military<br />

thatis lll.1gelyresponsible for<br />

purchases of nuclear related<br />

items.<br />

According to this view, the<br />

Defense Ministry Organization<br />

insi<strong>de</strong> the, Defense Ministry<br />

uses front organizations like the<br />

Sharif University of Technology<br />

in Tehran to help buy nuclear-related<br />

equipment.<br />

On the basis of reportsby<br />

Germany's foreign intelligencè<br />

agency in 1992 and 1993 that<br />

Sharif was involved in secr<strong>et</strong><br />

nuclear activities, Germany began<br />

to reject all requests for<br />

equipment by the university.<br />

Early last year, the German<br />

agency said that the university's<br />

physics research center was in-'<br />

volved in buying technology<br />

that could be used in making<br />

.weapons, including nuclear-related<br />

materials.<br />

Mr. Arnrollahi strongly <strong>de</strong>-<br />

.nied that he was not fully in<br />

.charge.<br />

"I am the responsible for the<br />

atomic energy of Iran," he said.<br />

He also <strong>de</strong>nied reports that'<br />

Iran secr<strong>et</strong>ly has been buying'<br />

nuclear technology and equipment<br />

from abroad, noting that<br />

the International Atomic Energy<br />

Agency, which is responsible<br />

for monitoring nuclear pro-<br />

,grams around the world, turned<br />

up nothing suspicious during a.<br />

VISitto Sharif,University.<br />

But the nuclear chief was linfamiliar<br />

with intelligence re-<br />

,ports about Iran's nuclear-related<br />

overtures abroad and<br />

asked for copies of news reports.<br />

<strong>de</strong>scribing the <strong>de</strong>tails.<br />


A - ,-F -P-, -.-::.A - -F.- P- --


c~mpted~ns la sé~aration économique, Erbil, la principale ville du<br />

~urd1stan'd Irak, qU1 se trouve,au.centre, près <strong>de</strong> la ligne <strong>de</strong> démarcation<br />

1nter-kur<strong>de</strong>, souffre <strong>de</strong> c<strong>et</strong>te s1tuation.<br />

Selo~ <strong>de</strong>s habit~nts <strong>de</strong>.la~iiie, l'UPK, qui contrôle Erbil, n'y paie pas<br />

<strong>de</strong> sala 7res comme a ~o~le~man1eh, alors que le PDK, qui y compte beaucoup<br />

<strong>de</strong> part1sans, s'en <strong>de</strong>s1nteresse totalement.<br />

: _ "Les gens à Erbil se sentent oubliés. Certains d'entre eux souhaitent<br />

m~me_Ie r7tou:r.d~~régime irakien", affirme une femme chrétienne qui ne veu1<br />

pas <strong>et</strong>re 1<strong>de</strong>nt1f1ee.<br />

En fait, explique une jeUne homme "tout le mon<strong>de</strong> sait que le PDi


Erster kurdischer TV-Sen<strong>de</strong>r in <strong>de</strong>r Türkei<br />

Ein Satellitenprogramm sorgt für Verwinung in Ankara<br />

Seit Beginn dieser Woche kann in <strong>de</strong>r Türkei und <strong>de</strong>n angre~zen<strong>de</strong>n Un<strong>de</strong>rn ein in London<br />

produziertes, via Satellit übermitteltes Femsehprogramm in kurdis~her Sprache e~pfangen<br />

wer<strong>de</strong>n. Nach <strong>de</strong>m jab,relang aufrechterhaltenen Verbot <strong>de</strong>r kurd1Schen Sprache m <strong>de</strong>r<br />

Ortentlichkeit hat nun plötzlich ein Massenmedium bestehen<strong>de</strong> Schranken nmgangen. Der<br />

neue Fernsehsen<strong>de</strong>r steht <strong>de</strong>utlich unter <strong>de</strong>m Einfluss kurdischer Nationalisten.<br />

...;<br />

z<br />

."<br />

it. Istanbul,<br />

17. Mai<br />

Bereits im März hat ein in London stationierter<br />

kurdischer Fernsehsen<strong>de</strong>r namens Med-TV Testsendungen<br />

aufgenoI11Dien, die in <strong>de</strong>r Türkei mit<br />

Satellitenantennen emPfangen wer<strong>de</strong>n konnten.<br />

Für Aussenstehen<strong>de</strong> witkten die ersten Sendungen<br />

eintönig. In <strong>de</strong>n lçurdischen Nationalfarben -<br />

Rot, Grün und Gelb - geklei<strong>de</strong>te Musiker sangen<br />

stun<strong>de</strong>nlang kurdische lie<strong>de</strong>r. Unterbrochen wur<strong>de</strong>n<br />

sie von Kin<strong>de</strong>rprogrammen, Spielfilmen und<br />

unendlich langen Beiträgen zur kurdischen Kultur<br />

und Geschichte.<br />

Auftritt Öcalans<br />

Mit einiger Geduld kommen aber auch politisch<br />

interessierte Zuschauer auf ihre Rechnung.<br />

Der Vorsitzen<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong>r in <strong>de</strong>r Türkei verbotenen<br />

Kurdischen Arbeiterpartei (PKK), Abdullah Öcalan,<br />

verkün<strong>de</strong>te beispielsweise in einer Med-Sendung<br />

die Richtlinien seiner Partei. Dabei b<strong>et</strong>onte<br />

er, dass die PKK für die Rechte <strong>de</strong>r Kur<strong>de</strong>n in <strong>de</strong>r<br />

Türkei und nicht für ein unabhängiges Kurdistan<br />

kämpfe. Damit wi<strong>de</strong>rsprach er <strong>de</strong>r staatlichen<br />

Position, wonach die «Terrororganisation» PKK<br />

die Türkei spalten und, so Präsi<strong>de</strong>nt Demirel, auf<br />

türkischem Territorium eine neue Fahne hissen<br />

wolle. 'Dass Med-TV <strong>de</strong>m offIZiell verteufelten<br />

Öcalan ermöglichte, in <strong>de</strong>n Salon allcr türkischen<br />

Bürger und Bürgerinnen vorzudringen, be<strong>de</strong>ut<strong>et</strong>e<br />

eine jäher Wan<strong>de</strong>l in <strong>de</strong>rhiesigen Medienlandschaft.<br />

Bisher hielten sich die elektronischen<br />

Massenmedien an ein Verbot, Interviews mit<br />

PKK-FunktionAren zu sen<strong>de</strong>n.<br />

Ein Novum ist es auch, dass <strong>de</strong>r Privatsen<strong>de</strong>r<br />

aus London <strong>de</strong>n Grossteil seiner Programme in<br />

kurdischer Sprache ausstrahlt. Nach <strong>de</strong>r G';Ündung<br />

<strong>de</strong>r Republik Türkei 1923 galt Kurdisch<br />

während Jahrzehnten als hinterwäldlerischer,<br />

bäurischer Dialekt und war in <strong>de</strong>n Schulen und<br />

<strong>de</strong>n Medien verboten. In <strong>de</strong>r kurzen, hoffnungsvollen<br />

Zeit <strong>de</strong>r Demokratisi~rung Anfang 1991<br />

wur<strong>de</strong> das sogenannte Sprachenges<strong>et</strong>z, welches<br />

Veröffentlichungen in nicht zugelassenen Sprachen<br />

in <strong>de</strong>r Türkei ausdrücklich verbot, aufgehoben..<br />

Damit warenauch die Einschränkwlgen<br />

für das Kurdische eliminiert. Einige Verlage wag-'<br />

ten es damals, Zeitungen und Magazine in Kurdiscl!<br />

zu veI:qf.l:en.tJiçhcm;- 4t ~lektt:.oni,s.çb~.M~:<br />

senmedien wur<strong>de</strong> die kurdische Sprache aber me<br />

verwen<strong>de</strong>t.<br />

Dank <strong>de</strong>r neuen Fernsehstation realisieren<br />

manche türkischen Kur<strong>de</strong>n mit einem .Male <strong>de</strong>n<br />

Reichtum ihrer indogermanischen Muttersprache<br />

und <strong>de</strong>ren Möglichkeiten zu differenziertem Ausdruck.<br />

Wegen <strong>de</strong>r kurdischen Sendungen wird<br />

Med-TV auch im Nordirak verfolgt. IIi Dohuk<br />

beispielsweise verfolgten die Gäste eines Restaurants<br />

bereits Anfang April mit Spannung die Testsendungen.<br />

Das tägliche Programm, vorerst auf<br />

die Abendstun<strong>de</strong>n beschränkt, wird in <strong>de</strong>r prokurdischen<br />

Zeitung «Yeni Politika» veröffentlicht.<br />

Med-TV wird laut <strong>de</strong>n Angaben seines Pressesprechers<br />

hauptsächlich von kurdischen Geschäftsleuten<br />

und Gastarbeitern fmanziert.<br />

Machtlose Regierung<br />

Allmählich wird sich die politische Führung in<br />

Ankara bewusst, dass im Zeitalter <strong>de</strong>r Technologie<br />

auch die striktesten Verbote im Medien-.<br />

wesen wirkungslos sind. Dass <strong>de</strong>r elektronische<br />

Medienmarkt grenzüberschreitend und kaum in<br />

Schranken zu halten ist, hatte als erster türkischer<br />

Politiker <strong>de</strong>r verstorbene Präsi<strong>de</strong>nt Özal erkannt.<br />

Zu Beginn <strong>de</strong>r neunziger Jahre plädierte er dafür,<br />

kurdische Massenmedien in <strong>de</strong>r Türkei zu legalisieren.<br />

Ankara könne mit einem kurdischsprachigen<br />

Kanal die Ziele seiner Politik <strong>de</strong>r Bevölke-.<br />

rung im Südosten einfacher vermitteln und zusätzlich<br />

auch die Kur<strong>de</strong>n <strong>de</strong>s Nordiraks beeinflus •.<br />

sen, argumentierte Özal damals. Sein plötzlicher<br />

Tod im Frühling 1993 s<strong>et</strong>zte dann aber <strong>de</strong>r öffentlichen<br />

Debatte über die Möglichkeit einer friedlichen<br />

Lösung <strong>de</strong>r Kur<strong>de</strong>nfrage ein abruptes<br />

En<strong>de</strong>. Die türkischen Generäle, die zunehmend<br />

an Einfluss gewonnen hatten, machten die Zerschlagung<br />

<strong>de</strong>r PKK zur Vorauss<strong>et</strong>zung für jegliche<br />

<strong>de</strong>mokratische Reformen.<br />

Artikel 8 <strong>de</strong>s aus <strong>de</strong>m Jahr 1991 stammen<strong>de</strong>n<br />

Antiterrorges<strong>et</strong>zes, <strong>de</strong>r «separatistische Propaganda»<br />

untersagt, kam in <strong>de</strong>n Son<strong>de</strong>rgerichten<br />

immer öfters zur Anwendung. So wur<strong>de</strong>n bis<br />

En<strong>de</strong> l<strong>et</strong>zten Jahres 126 Journalisten, SchriftsteU<br />

1er, Herausgeber und Gewerkschafter auf Grqnd.<br />

(fieses Artikels zu teilweise jahrelangen -~~<br />

flngnisstrafen und happigen Bussen verurteilt.<br />

Laut Angaben <strong>de</strong>r Tageszeitung «Sabah» sind<br />

allein in <strong>de</strong>n ersten zwei Monaten dieses Jahres<br />

1260 Zeitungen und Zeitschriften beschlagnahmt<br />

wor<strong>de</strong>n, 103 türkische und kurdische IIitellek"<br />

tuelle sitzen gegenwärtig wegen separatistischer<br />

Propaganda hinter Gittern. IIi Anspielung auf<br />

Artikel 8 sprach selbst <strong>de</strong>r Justizminister, Mehm<strong>et</strong><br />

Mogultay, von Gesinnungsjustiz.<br />

Die Europäische Union hat die Eliminierung<br />

<strong>de</strong>s umstrittenen Artikels vorausges<strong>et</strong>zt, um die<br />

im März unterzeichn<strong>et</strong>e Zollunion mit <strong>de</strong>r Türkei<br />

zu ratifizieren. Weil <strong>de</strong>r Artikel 8 zJ.1Dehmend<br />

auch die Beziehungen <strong>de</strong>r Türkei zum Europarat<br />

und zu <strong>de</strong>n USA belast<strong>et</strong>, hat die Frage um <strong>de</strong>ssen<br />

Verän<strong>de</strong>rung o<strong>de</strong>r Abschaffung eine hitzige<br />

öffentliche Debatte ausgelöst. Die Regierungsch<strong>et</strong>1n<br />

Ciller will laut eigenen Erklärungen <strong>de</strong>n<br />

Artikel verän<strong>de</strong>m, hat aber Schwierigkeiten, <strong>de</strong>n<br />

konservativen Flügel ihrer Partei dafür zu gewinnen.<br />

Die sozial<strong>de</strong>mokratischen Koaliponspartner<br />

wünschen <strong>de</strong>n Paragraphen ganz zu streichen,<br />

stellen im Parlament aber lediglich eine Min<strong>de</strong>rheit.<br />

L<strong>et</strong>zte Woche schlug Präsi<strong>de</strong>nt Demirel vor,<br />

die Militärfùhrung in <strong>de</strong>r strittigen Frage zu kon-<br />

.sultieren. Der von hohen Militärs beherrschte<br />

Nationale Sicherheitsrat, <strong>de</strong>r seit <strong>de</strong>m Militärcoup<br />

von 1980 in manchen Bereichen die Politik <strong>de</strong>s<br />

Lan<strong>de</strong>s bestimmt, wird sich in <strong>de</strong>n nächsten<br />

Tagen mit <strong>de</strong>r Materie befassen.<br />

Da Med-TV nun aber seit Montag in <strong>de</strong>r Türkei<br />

regulAr sen<strong>de</strong>t, erscheint die ganze Debatte müs.<br />

sig. Der Artikel 8, <strong>de</strong>r in <strong>de</strong>r Türkei - wie <strong>de</strong>r Fall<br />

<strong>de</strong>s Schriftstellers Yasar Kemal zeigt - bereits die<br />


~--~- - ------------------------------<br />

............-------------------<br />


For<strong>de</strong>rtmgen nach einer BeendigUng <strong>de</strong>s Krieges vorerst mit Kin<strong>de</strong>r- und Kulturprogranlinen. Aus<br />

im Südostenals separatistische Propaganda einstuft,<br />

lçann gegen elektronische aus <strong>de</strong>m Ausland wird in<strong>de</strong>ssen gemel<strong>de</strong>t, dass sich die Nachfrage<br />

<strong>de</strong>n kurdischen Städten <strong>de</strong>s türläschen Südostens<br />

gesen<strong>de</strong>te Medien nicht angewandt wer<strong>de</strong>n. Med- nach Parabolantennen in <strong>de</strong>n l<strong>et</strong>zten Wochen verdoppelt<br />

habe. '<br />

TVunterliegt<strong>de</strong>mEh-illuss von in Europa exilier~<br />

ten kurdischen Nationalisten. Die Abkürzung<br />

Med steht rur das in Mesopotamienjn <strong>de</strong>r Antike, Verurteilung von zwei Joumaiisten<br />

wohnhafte Volk <strong>de</strong>r Me<strong>de</strong>r, als <strong>de</strong>r~b Nachfahren Istanbul, 17. Mai. (dpa) Ein Gericht in Istanbul<br />

'sich manche kurdis_~hen 1'lati~Q~s~xi p~e~t.!:~_~hten. hat am Mittwoch zwei Journalisten und einen<br />

~Ein InstrUment <strong>de</strong>r Nati()n~listen Verleger wegen separatistischer Propaganda zu<br />

Haftstrafen zwischen 5 und 20 Monaten verurteilt.<br />

Die bei<strong>de</strong>n Journalisten M<strong>et</strong>in Gülbay und .<br />

Der Privatsen<strong>de</strong>r könnte im Klima <strong>de</strong>r poli ti-<br />

,schen und sozialen ~Polarisierung in<strong>de</strong>r Türkei<br />

sich raschzu einem mächtigen Instrument <strong>de</strong>r<br />

kurdischen Nationalisten ~entwickeln. Während<br />

einer Testsendling am 21. März, <strong>de</strong>m kurdischen<br />

Nationaltag Newroz, erschienen Bil<strong>de</strong>r von. türki~<br />

schen Soldaten, die in die Stadt Cizre vorrückten<br />

und dort Kin<strong>de</strong>r und Frauen brutal zusammen-.<br />

schlugen und verschleppten. Solche Bil<strong>de</strong>r vermögen<br />

auch ul1ter politisch uninteressierten Kur<strong>de</strong>n<br />

imWesten <strong>de</strong>r Türkei ,~inen Aufruhr zu ver~<br />

,ursachen. In <strong>de</strong>n seit Montag regulären Sendungen<br />

pegnügte sich <strong>de</strong>r Satellitensen<strong>de</strong>r nun aber.<br />

,Hidir Göktas und ihr Verleger HasanBasri Ciplak<br />

hatten vor einem Jahr eine Reportage mit <strong>de</strong>m<br />

Titel «Vom kaltenKrieg zum heissen Frie<strong>de</strong>n -<br />

Die neue Weltordnung und die Türkei» veröffentlicht.<br />

Mit. <strong>de</strong>m Artikel kombiriiert warein Interview<br />

mit <strong>de</strong>m inhaftierten Vorsitzen<strong>de</strong>n '<strong>de</strong>r verbotenen'<br />

kurdischen Demokratie-Partei, Hatip<br />

Diele. Dieser war am 8. Dezember in Ankara zusammen<br />

mit sieben an<strong>de</strong>ren kurdischen Politikern<br />

wegen Separatismuspropaganda zu 15 Jahren<br />

Haft verurteilt wor<strong>de</strong>n.<br />

Des « amis» français <strong>de</strong> l'Irak<br />

organisent un colloque à <strong>Paris</strong><br />

Ce forum vise à relancer la coopération avec Bagdad<br />

Munie <strong>de</strong> visas délivrés par le Quai d'Orsay, une délégation<br />

<strong>de</strong> hauts fonctionnaires irakiens. parmi lesquels<br />

un diplomate déclaré persona nongrata en 1990, tente<br />

<strong>de</strong> sortir <strong>de</strong> son isolement. international le régime <strong>de</strong><br />

Saddam Hussein. Ce<strong>de</strong>rnier vient d'envoyer un chaleureux<br />

télégramme <strong>de</strong> félicitations au prési<strong>de</strong>nt Chirac.<br />

lI'l<br />

0\<br />

0\<br />

....<br />

IL FAUTVOUERà l'Irak une indéfectible<br />

« amitié» pour organiser,<br />

mercredi 17 mai - jour <strong>de</strong> la<br />

passation <strong>de</strong> pouvoirs entre François<br />

Mitterrand <strong>et</strong> Jacques<br />

Chirac -, un colloque sur les<br />

« perspectives <strong>de</strong> coopération avec<br />

l'Irak». L'Association pour le dé-<br />

,veloppement <strong>de</strong>s relations arabofrançaises<br />

(Adraf) n'a pas hésité à<br />

le faire. Une délégation irakienne<br />

<strong>de</strong> sept membres, conduite par<br />

Salah el Moukhtar, prési<strong>de</strong>nt <strong>de</strong><br />

l'Organisation pour la paix, l'amitié<br />

<strong>et</strong> la solidarité assistera à ce forum,<br />

qui aura lieu à l'Assemblée<br />

'Aqtlonale.<br />

, Créée en 1991, l'Adraf est une<br />

'association privée. Son prési<strong>de</strong>nt,<br />

,Ahmed Chaker, qui a maille à partir<br />

avec la justice française, il ses<br />

entrées en Irak, où il pilote les<br />

hommes d'affaires étrangers. Mais<br />

sont annoncées, lors du colloque,<br />

<strong>de</strong>s « interventions» <strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong>ux dé-<br />

:putés <strong>de</strong> la «majorité», Yves<br />

,Bonn<strong>et</strong>' - ancien directeur, <strong>de</strong> la<br />

:DST sous la gauche, député UDF-<br />

'RPR <strong>de</strong> la Manche -, <strong>et</strong> Jacques<br />

Féron - député CNI, app. RPR à<br />

<strong>Paris</strong>, adjoint au maire. M. Bonn<strong>et</strong><br />

a été contacté dans le cadre <strong>de</strong>s<br />

'consultations visant à former im<br />

nouveau gouvernement (Le<br />

Mon<strong>de</strong><strong>de</strong>s14-15 mai). Deux sénateurs<br />

- Serge, Mathieu <strong>et</strong> Jean-<br />

Jacques Robert - <strong>de</strong>vraient, eux<br />

aussi, prendre la parole.<br />

La délégation irakienne, dont<br />

les membres sont <strong>de</strong> hauts fonctionnaires<br />

<strong>de</strong>s ministères <strong>de</strong> l'industrie,<br />

<strong>de</strong> l'agriculture, <strong>de</strong> la santé,<br />

du commerce <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong>s affaires<br />

étrangères, doit séjourner une semaine<br />

à <strong>Paris</strong>, <strong>et</strong> y rencontrer <strong>de</strong>s<br />

représentants <strong>de</strong> sociétés frànçaises.<br />

Oudaïel Tayi, ancien attaché<br />

<strong>de</strong> presse à l'ambassa<strong>de</strong> d'Irak<br />

en France, aujourd'hui vice-prési<strong>de</strong>nt<br />

<strong>de</strong> l'association Irak-France<br />

<strong>et</strong> directeur <strong>de</strong> l'agence irakienne<br />

<strong>de</strong> presse, fait partie du voyage. Il<br />

n'y aurait rien à y redire, si,<br />

comme d'autres diplomates irakiens,<br />

M. el Tayi n'avait pas' été<br />

déclaré persona non grata en<br />

France, en septembre 1990 - après<br />

l'invasion du Koweït - pour activités<br />

d'espionnage <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong> renseignements,'<br />

Aurait-il donc été «blanchi»<br />

?<br />


C<strong>et</strong>te délégation est munie <strong>de</strong><br />

visas délivrés par le Quai d'Orsay,<br />

contrairement à ce qui s'était passé<br />

en octobre 1994, lorsque le ministère<br />

<strong>de</strong>s affaires étrangères<br />

avait été mis <strong>de</strong>vant le fait accompli<br />

<strong>de</strong> l'arrivée imminente<br />

d'une délégation irakienne, à laquelle<br />

le ministère <strong>de</strong> l'intérieur<br />

s'était chargé d'accor<strong>de</strong>r les autorisations<br />

d'entrée (Le Mon<strong>de</strong> du<br />

31 octobre 1994).<br />

Tout en <strong>de</strong>meurant extrêmement<br />

pru<strong>de</strong>nts - la France, disentils,<br />

quel que soit son prési<strong>de</strong>nt, est<br />

liée par les résolutions du Conseil<br />

<strong>de</strong> sécurité vis-à-vis <strong>de</strong> l'Irak -, les<br />

« amis» <strong>de</strong> Bagdad, toutes tendances<br />

politiques confondues, espèrent<br />

que, sous la prési<strong>de</strong>nce <strong>de</strong><br />

M. Chirac, les choses bougeront.<br />

Les Amitiés franco-irakiennes -<br />

qui viennent d'élire un nouveau<br />

prési<strong>de</strong>nt en la personne <strong>de</strong> l'ambassa<strong>de</strong>ur<br />

Marc Bonnefous, ancien<br />

directeur d'Afrique du Nord<br />

<strong>et</strong> du Moyen-Orient au Quai d'Orsay<br />

<strong>et</strong> ancien conseiller diplomatique<br />

du gouvernement <strong>de</strong><br />

M. Chirac - ont lancé un nouvel<br />

appel pour la levée <strong>de</strong> l'embargo<br />

contre l'Irak, qui a déjà recueilli<br />

une cinquantairie <strong>de</strong> signatures<br />

d'intellectuels.<br />

Dans une l<strong>et</strong>tre adressée au pré-<br />

,si<strong>de</strong>nt élu, Saddam Hussein a appelé<br />

<strong>de</strong> ses vœux une amélioration<br />

<strong>de</strong>s relations avec <strong>Paris</strong>, «Je<br />

souhaite vous rappeler l'action<br />

commune que nous avons menée il<br />

y a vingt ans pour construire <strong>de</strong>s relations<br />

privilégiées entre l'Ira!c <strong>et</strong> la<br />

France », écrit-il. Et d'ajouter:<br />

«Après votre accession à 'la prési<strong>de</strong>nce<br />

<strong>de</strong> la France, nous espérons<br />

que les relations entre nos <strong>de</strong>ux<br />

pays reprendront leur cours, sur les<br />

mêmes bases <strong>et</strong> avec la même vitalité,<br />

dans l'intérêt mutuel <strong>et</strong> celui <strong>de</strong><br />

la paix, <strong>de</strong> la sécurité, du dévelop-<br />

Pement <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong> la justice, dans notre<br />

région <strong>et</strong> dans le mon<strong>de</strong>. »<br />

MounaNaïm<br />



By U~urAhne!<br />

Turkish Daily News<br />


Evi<strong>de</strong>ntly satisfied<br />

- or less cross - with their perfonnance<br />

in selling Turkey's case to<br />

the American public, media and<br />

pliticiansin contraSt'with the record<br />

of the European count<strong>et</strong>parts, Turkey<br />

has exten<strong>de</strong>d the contracts of two<br />

leading Washington lobby finns.<br />

But although g<strong>et</strong>ting another year's<br />

contract from the Turkish government,<br />

Fleishman and Hillard (F&H)<br />

and Capitoline had to agree to serious<br />

cuts in their fees.<br />

It was not clear, however, if the<br />

smaller purse was a result of the lessthan-solid<br />

support Turkey received<br />

from Washin~ton to its recent crossbor<strong>de</strong>r<br />

operatIOnagainst the separatist<br />

Kurdish rebels in northern Iraq.<br />

F&H's contract en<strong>de</strong>d on March<br />

31, and Capitoline's en<strong>de</strong>d on April<br />

30. F&H's contract was initially<br />

exten<strong>de</strong>d by only.2 months due to the<br />

fact thatTurkish Promotion Fund, the<br />

multi-agency government board<br />

which approves lobby accounts, did<br />

not have a me<strong>et</strong>ing scheduled when<br />

F&H's contract expired.<br />

"It's only due to such a mismatch<br />

in timing that the F&H account initially<br />

had to be exten<strong>de</strong>d on a temporary<br />

basis," a Turkish officialtold the<br />

Turkish Oaily News.<br />

High-level representatives of both<br />

fions are currently in Ankara, holding<br />

the kind of inter-lobby conference<br />

that' all lobby firms working for<br />

Turkey in the United States and<br />

Europe held three months ago in<br />

London to coordinate their activities<br />

on a global scale.<br />

The representatives m<strong>et</strong> with<br />

Turkish Foreign Ministry officials on<br />

Monday and some of them were also<br />

to fly to Turkish Republicof Northern<br />

Cyprus (TRNC) to see the island<br />

republic for the first time. Their<br />

TRNC visit fuels existing rumors that<br />

a mo<strong>de</strong>st breakthrough could take<br />

place in the Cyprus issue within the<br />

next year.<br />

Turkish officials in Washington<br />

assured TON thatthey were "very<br />

salisfied~:.with ..the.services .provi<strong>de</strong>d<br />

both by,f&}{.Il\Vbich.is. responsible<br />

fdr ,"media refations;"rand'Capîtoline,<br />

which s~ecializes in "govermnent<br />

relations. '<br />

Y<strong>et</strong>, an informed source told the<br />

TDN that, although their contracts<br />

were renewed, both companies had to<br />

accept a pay cut. F&H was paid<br />

$525,000 every three months last<br />

year. Capitoline, on the other hand,<br />

received $487,500 during the last six<br />

months of service.<br />

An F&H source confinned that the<br />

finn had taken a pay cut. The source<br />

said that F&H would be paid about<br />

$430,000 pcr quarter in the new contract<br />

period, which represents a cut of<br />

18 percent. Capitoline reportedly<br />

also accepted a similar reduction in<br />

paycheck but at this writing senior<br />

company officials could not be<br />

reached for confinnation.<br />

TON also learned that both companies<br />

will be subjected to a quarterly<br />

"perfonnance review."<br />

If they fail to pass the review, their<br />

contracts might be reevaluated before<br />

the annual contracts expire.<br />

The F&H source could not confinn<br />

the reported "performance revit;w"<br />

clause in the new contract.<br />

Another reported modification in<br />

these two firms' contracts was the<br />

authoritx given to F&H to do some<br />

limited 'government relations" work<br />

on Capitol Hill that was previously<br />

carried out mainly, if not exclusively,<br />

by the Capitoline team. An F&H<br />

source confirmed the mentioned<br />

change in their contract.<br />

Other sources have told TON during<br />

the last year that such overlapping<br />

of responsibilities b<strong>et</strong>ween the two<br />

highly comp<strong>et</strong>itive PR companies<br />

caused minor strains in their relationship.<br />

With this recent rearrangement of<br />

their job <strong>de</strong>scriptions, it is expected<br />

that Similar misun<strong>de</strong>rstandings will be<br />

avoi<strong>de</strong>d and the efficiency of the<br />

overalloperation will increase.<br />

The TON also learned that the<br />

Greek Cypriots have hired Ed<br />

Oerwinski to represent their cause in<br />

Washington in addition to the<br />

Manatos & Manatos company.<br />

Oerwinski is a well-known name III<br />

the capital.<br />

He served in the U.S. House of<br />

Representatives for 22 years as a<br />

Republican Congressman from<br />

ChIcago.<br />

After 'Iosin~ his' seat-doe -to redistricting,<br />

Oerwlllski was broughti:into<br />

the Bush administration to work 'first<br />

briefly at the Department of V<strong>et</strong>erans<br />

AffalfS, and then at the State<br />

Oepartment.<br />


Hasan Ocak'smur<strong>de</strong>r<br />

" .<br />

provokes strong reactIons.<br />

Turkish Daily News<br />

~<br />

!/.<br />

><<br />

= 0:<br />

::><br />

~ - .,...,. ï::<br />

ANKARA- The case of Hasan Ocak, who went<br />

missing after his alleged <strong>de</strong>tention by police on<br />

March 21 and was discovered <strong>de</strong>ad in Istanbul on<br />

May 16, has led to angry reactions from human<br />

rights groups.<br />

'<br />

Ata joint press conference held in Ankara on<br />

Wednesday, Akm Birdal, the chairmanof the<br />

,Human Rights Association (IHD), and Yavuz Onen,<br />

chairman of the Human Rights Foundationof<br />

Turkey (TIHV), said the government was responsible<br />

for Ocak's mur<strong>de</strong>r. Önen also said Prime Minister TansüÇillerwas<br />

"the mur<strong>de</strong>rer of Hasan Ocak." , 'who have ~(lnc:;lissing," they said, and for prosecutors to s<strong>et</strong> up rnvesti-<br />

''The prime minister has to fmd out w?o mur<strong>de</strong>red Hasan Ocak ?r she gations to nnd out who is re~p~nsi~lefor people going missin~. .<br />

' has to resign. We willnot allQ.wcertam forces to turn Turkey mto a ' . Hasan Ocak, 27, went nussmg m Istanbul on March 21 aner calhng<br />

'country ofunsolved mur<strong>de</strong>rs," Onen ad<strong>de</strong>d. Birdal, who spoke on behalf his sister to say he would shortly be home. Nothing was heard from him<br />

of both the IHD and 'fI.HV at the press cönference, spoke .of ~e effort 'after that. ,<br />

ma<strong>de</strong> by human rights groups to find Hasan Ocak after his dlsappear- Although at least two people, who were <strong>de</strong>tained at the Istanbul police<br />

ance and the lack of results. ' <strong>de</strong>partment and later released, testified that they had seen Hasan Ocak in<br />

"In '1994 a total of 327 people were reported missing to the nID and the police center, officials <strong>de</strong>nied they had <strong>de</strong>tained Ocak. '<br />

unfortunat~ly none of the prosecutors i~ this cpuntry take action to The campaign to shed light on Ocak's whereabouts brought no results<br />

investigate the cases of missmg people," B1!dalsaid. . and finally on May 16 his relatives i<strong>de</strong>ntified his body from a photo-<br />

"It is said that villagers found hi~ bodY.I~the forest area of Istanbul- graph in the police forensic medicine <strong>de</strong>partment. Sources said a nurse<br />

' Beykoz and took him to the forenSIc medlcme <strong>de</strong>partment, then he was working in the <strong>de</strong>partment, who did not want to be i<strong>de</strong>ntified, called<br />

buried in the Küçük~ekmece paurers' cem<strong>et</strong>ery. The go~ernment has to Ocak's family and informed them about the corpse. The family then<br />

launch an investIgatIon and quesl1o~ tho~e ..yhofound his c?rpse, .those went to cheek the photographs. It emerged that Ocak's body was found<br />

who carried out the autopsy and buned him m a very short tune Without on March 26, five days after he disappeared, and he was buried on April<br />

'Conductingany checks," Brrdal <strong>de</strong>man<strong>de</strong>d. - 13 in Istanbul's Kü,ükçekmece distnct. '<br />

, The IHD chairman also pointed out that Hasan Ocak's case ..yasvery The Beykoz distnct prosecutor also confirmed that the corpse was that<br />

well known publicly and it was very hard ~oun<strong>de</strong>rstan~ the offiCialswho of Hasan Ocak, thatit had been found in Beykoz, and had remained at<br />

<strong>de</strong>ci<strong>de</strong>d to bury someone without mfomung the public that a body had the forensic medicine <strong>de</strong>partment for 29 days, then was buried in<br />

been found.' . Küçükçekmece cem<strong>et</strong>ery.' .<br />

He claimed that there was an organized group carrymg out torture and The prosecutor's office said Ocak's family i<strong>de</strong>ntified him from phomur<strong>de</strong>rs.<br />

. . . tographs, that the body had been examined before it was buried, and a<br />

" Both the IHD and TIHV caIled on nongovernmental orgarnzatlons to court or<strong>de</strong>r was necessary to exhume the body and carry out a second<br />

s<strong>et</strong> up a civil commission to investigate the H~sa~ Ocak case. Th.ey 'autopsy. '<br />

repeated their <strong>de</strong>mand for human righ~ n?w and myiled everybody'wlth, With Hasan Ocak's mur<strong>de</strong>r the list of people who have gone missing<br />

any piece of information about those Inlssmg to testIfy. '<br />

"We call on the government to disclose what has h~ppened to those<br />

in Turkey has been shortened but the list of unsolved killings has<br />

increased by one.<br />

Now, Ocak'sfamily is waiting for Irisgrave to be reopened and for an<br />

autopsy to discover how and when he was killed. ,.,<br />

~<br />

~<br />

~<br />

~<br />

, ,<br />

Columnist Altan charged<br />

, ,<br />

for satire about Kurds<br />

. By AIiza Marcùs I Reuter'<br />

ISTANBUL- A Turkish columnist who satirized<br />

the country's restrictions against Kurdish cultural and<br />

political rights has be.en charged with provoking<br />

racism,court officiaIs said onWednesday. .<br />

Ahm<strong>et</strong> Altan, who was fired from hisjob at the<br />

daily Milliy<strong>et</strong> because of the column, was charged<br />

this week with article 312 of the penal co<strong>de</strong>, un<strong>de</strong>r<br />

which it is a crime to promote differences among people<br />

based on race, religion, class or region.<br />

He faces up to six yearS in prison if convicted. The<br />

Ahm<strong>et</strong><br />

Altan<br />



~se.of article 312 un<strong>de</strong>rscores the J1!.yriadlaws which can be used to<br />

lurut <strong>de</strong>bate] although Western attentIOn recently has focused on .article<br />

8 of the antI-terror law, a catch-all ruling which bans "separatist propaganda".<br />

Human rights officials say as pressure mounts on Turkey to lift<br />

article 8, prosecutors are increasingly applying 312. .<br />

Altan's column two months ago caused a furore because he imagined<br />

what the country would be like if Turkey's revered foun<strong>de</strong>r Mustafa<br />

Kemal Atatürk liad been a Kurd instead il a Turk. Altan who comes<br />

from a distinguished journalistic family, wrote that Turkey would be<br />

called "Kur<strong>de</strong>y", Turkish would be banned and Turks <strong>de</strong>fending their<br />

<strong>et</strong>hnici~ woufd be jailed. The column turned on its head the prOblems<br />

Turkey s K~rds face,.from the burning of civilian villages in the southeast<br />

by soldIers fightmg rebel Kurds to torture faced oy <strong>de</strong>tainees and<br />

Turkey's attempts to forcibly assimilate Kurds.<br />

"People think that if you write som<strong>et</strong>hing that makes them angry then<br />

you are guilty of a.crime.:.but this is what <strong>de</strong>moc~cy .means," AI~ told<br />

Re~ters.The no~onous wcle 8.h~ been used to Impnson scores of journalISts,<br />

aca<strong>de</strong>mIcs and tra<strong>de</strong> UnIOnIsts,usualJy for written or verbal state-.<br />

ments cnucising Turkey's human rights record or limits on Kurdish cult~l<br />

and politic~ .expres~io~. Turkish law b~ocks ~urdish-Ianguage educatIon<br />

and televIsIon or radIO broadcasts. DISCUSSIonof KurdIsh nalionalist<br />

aspira~ions and h~story



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.Slhmam~ ap~ le déclenchement d'Une mœ"ention miliwn<br />

massive qui <strong>de</strong>vait être <strong>de</strong> courte durée, l'armée turque est toujours<br />

présente en territoire irakien où la lutte contre les combattants kur<strong>de</strong>s<br />

fait <strong>de</strong>s centaines <strong>de</strong> victimes civiles, tandis que les 9pérations guèrrières<br />

se poursuivent au sud-est <strong>de</strong> la Thrquie. La tolérance <strong>de</strong>s Occi<strong>de</strong>ntaux<br />

à l'égard <strong>de</strong>s Faucons d'Ankara risque d'être lour<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong><br />

.conséquences aussi bien pour la situation politique intérieure que pour<br />

l'équilibre <strong>de</strong> l'ensemble <strong>de</strong> la région.<br />

Emb.ourbée <strong>de</strong>puis bientôt .onze ans<br />

dans une guerre interminable <strong>et</strong> ruineuse<br />

contre la guérilla du Parti <strong>de</strong>s travailleurs<br />

du Kurdistan (PKK), la Turquie<br />

est à son tour atteinte par le<br />

fameux syndrome du «<strong>de</strong>rnier quart<br />

d'heure ». A l'instar <strong>de</strong> leurs collègues<br />

engagés dans <strong>de</strong>s guerres coloniales, les<br />

généraux turcs proclament à chaque<br />

saison que la victoire est proche, qu'ils<br />

voient enfin le bout du tunnel, qu'avec<br />

un peu plus d'armes, d'avions <strong>et</strong> d'hélicoptères,<br />

<strong>et</strong> s'ils ont «carte blanche»<br />

(1) pour éV\lCuertelle ou telle région ou<br />

franchir telle frontière, ils écraseront<br />

définitivement la rébellion.<br />

L'intervention massive <strong>de</strong> l'armée<br />

turque, le 20 mars <strong>de</strong>rnier, dans le Kurdistan<br />

irakien procè<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> c<strong>et</strong>te logique<br />

<strong>de</strong> fuite en avant: Décidée apparem-<br />

, 'ment à la seule initiative <strong>de</strong>s militaires,<br />

sans consultation ni même information<br />

du Parlement <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong> la plupart <strong>de</strong>s<br />

ministres, c<strong>et</strong>te opération est présentée<br />

par le premier ministre, MmeTansu Çil-<br />

1er comme «la plus importante <strong>de</strong><br />

l'histoire du pays <strong>de</strong>puis la guerre<br />

,russo-turque <strong>de</strong> 1877 ». Si l'on en croit<br />

Ankara, elle vise à « éliminer les quelque<br />

3 000 terroristes du PKK » installés<br />

,dans les zones frontalières <strong>et</strong> à détruire<br />

'leurs bases. Son coOt est estimé à I milliard<br />

<strong>de</strong> dollars par mois.<br />

Appuyée par <strong>de</strong>s chars, <strong>de</strong>s bombardiers<br />

<strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong>s hélicoptères, une force <strong>de</strong><br />

35 000 soldats a violé une frontière<br />

internationale, a envahi <strong>et</strong> occupé en<br />

quelques jours un territoire irakien <strong>de</strong><br />

8 400 kilomètres. carrés. .C<strong>et</strong> espace<br />

'fait partië<strong>de</strong>la


Europe l'armée turque a reçu <strong>de</strong> Bonn,<br />

à'titre <strong>de</strong> don, un arsenal considérable:<br />

300 chars <strong>de</strong> l'ancienne année <strong>de</strong> la<br />

République démocratique alleman<strong>de</strong><br />

(RDA), 100 chars Leopard, 45 bo~bardiers<br />

Phantom, 250 000 kalachnikovs,<br />

100 000 missiles antichars, <strong>et</strong>c. En<br />

1993, elle a obtenu <strong>de</strong> Washington, également<br />

sous forme <strong>de</strong> dons, 1 017 chars,<br />

ANKARA a, jusqu'ici, pu jouer<br />

habilement sur le manque <strong>de</strong><br />

cohésion <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong> volonté politique <strong>de</strong><br />

l'Union européenne <strong>et</strong> sur les conflits<br />

d'intérêt commerciaux entre ses' États<br />

membres, tout en ménl!8eant sa relation<br />

privilégiée avec les Etats-Unis. Washington<br />

ad' ailleurs ouvertement<br />

exprimé sa «compréhension» pour<br />

l'intervention turque. n est même fort<br />

probable que c<strong>et</strong>te «compréhension»<br />

se soit accompagnée d'un appui tech-<br />

.nique. Citant <strong>de</strong>s sources du, ministère<br />

britannique <strong>de</strong> la défense, l'Agence<br />

France-Presse indique que l'armée<br />

turque a bénéficié <strong>de</strong>s photos aériennes<br />

du.Kurdistan irakien prises par les Harrier<br />

027 <strong>de</strong> la Royal Air Force, les<br />

Jaguar français ainsi que par un avion<br />

Awacs <strong>de</strong> l'OTAN appartenant à la<br />

force multinationale chargée du<br />

contrôle <strong>de</strong> c<strong>et</strong>te zone (5). Aux Turcs<br />

invoquant le droit <strong>de</strong> suite pour justifier<br />

,leur intervention, Washington répond en<br />

« Compréhension » occi<strong>de</strong>ntale<br />

600 véhicules blindés <strong>et</strong> 70 pièces<br />

d'artillerie (4). Ces annes qui, en principe,<br />

ne <strong>de</strong>vaient pas servir à <strong>de</strong>s fins <strong>de</strong><br />

sécurité intérieure, sont ouvertement<br />

utilisées dans la guerre du Kurdistan où,<br />

à ce jour, plus <strong>de</strong> 2 000 villages <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong>s<br />

milliers d'hectares <strong>de</strong> forêt ont été<br />

détruits, souvent par <strong>de</strong>s bombar<strong>de</strong>ments<br />

aériens.<br />

,substance : « D'accord, mais faites'vite<br />

<strong>et</strong> r<strong>et</strong>irez rapi<strong>de</strong>ment vos troupes. »<br />

De quel droit <strong>de</strong> suite s'agit-il? Tous<br />

les observateurs attentifs <strong>de</strong> la scène ..<br />

turque savent que, <strong>de</strong>puis <strong>de</strong>s mois,'<br />

aucune action militaire significative <strong>de</strong><br />

la guérilla kur<strong>de</strong> n'a eu lieu dans c<strong>et</strong>te<br />

zone frontalière. Le plus récent accrochage<br />

meurtrier s'est produit trois jours<br />

avant le lancement <strong>de</strong> la gran<strong>de</strong> offensive<br />

turque, mais dans la province <strong>de</strong><br />

Dersim (Tunceli), à plus <strong>de</strong> 500 kilomètres<br />

<strong>de</strong> la frontière irakienne : 15 sol-'<br />

dats <strong>et</strong> officiers turcs sont morts au<br />

cours d'une embusca<strong>de</strong> tendue par les<br />

'guérilleros du PKK. Épiso<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong>venu<br />

banal dans une guerre où, en onze ans,<br />

15 850 personnes selon Ankara (34 200,<br />

selon le PKK) ont trouvé la mort. Le<br />

maigre bilan <strong>de</strong> l'invasion - 320 morts<br />

en un mois d'opérations selon la version<br />

turque, une quarantaine selon le PKK -<br />

montre, que c<strong>et</strong>te zone dépeuplée abritait<br />

peut-être ,quelques camps du PKK, mais<br />

que ceux-ci restaient marginaux par rapport<br />

aux maquis installés à l'intérieur <strong>de</strong><br />

la Thrquie <strong>et</strong> qui regroupent <strong>de</strong> 12 000 à<br />

15000 combattants.<br />

Pour ne pas prêter le flanc aux inter"<br />

ventions répétées <strong>et</strong> déstabilisatrices <strong>de</strong><br />

l'armée turque, les Kur<strong>de</strong>s irakiens<br />

avaient eux-mêmes, en octobre 1992,<br />

délogé le PKK <strong>de</strong> ses bases dans les<br />

zones frontalières <strong>et</strong> interdit à celui-ci<br />

toute action militaire à partir <strong>de</strong> ce territoire.<br />

20 000 soldats turcs avaient alors<br />

franchi la frontière, pour « n<strong>et</strong>toyer définitivement<br />

les bases arrière du PKK »<strong>et</strong><br />

Ankara avait annoncé 'triomphalement<br />

la mort <strong>de</strong> « 2 500 terroristes du PKK »<br />

dans ces opérations.<br />

Occuper c<strong>et</strong>te région afin <strong>de</strong> créer une<br />

illusôire « ban<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> sécurité » ou « zone<br />

tampon », comme certains généraux<br />

turcs le réclament, conduirait à une<br />

extension <strong>et</strong> à une internationalisation<br />

<strong>de</strong> la guerre <strong>et</strong> inciterait une partie <strong>de</strong> la<br />

population kur<strong>de</strong> d'Irak à basculer dans.<br />

le camp du PKK afin <strong>de</strong> combattre<br />

l'occupation étrangère. L'armée turque,<br />

qui, malgré un budg<strong>et</strong> évalué en 1994 à<br />

12,5 milliards <strong>de</strong> dollars (6), malgré ses<br />

350 000 soldats, gendarmes <strong>et</strong> autres<br />

supplétif& appuyés par l'artillerie<br />

lour<strong>de</strong>, les blindés <strong>et</strong> l'aviation n'a pu<br />

remporter militairement la guerre dans<br />

le Kurdistan turc, n'aurait rien à gagner<br />

à l'extension du théâtre <strong>de</strong>s opérations à<br />

l'une <strong>de</strong>s régions les plus escarpées <strong>et</strong><br />

les plus difficiles d'accès <strong>de</strong> l'Asie occi<strong>de</strong>ntale.<br />

Si, avec une telle armada, elle<br />

n'a pas pu anéantir les maquis du PKK à<br />

l'intérieur, comment peut-elle <strong>de</strong>man<strong>de</strong>r<br />

aux Kur<strong>de</strong>s irakiens dépourvus <strong>de</strong><br />

"<br />


Un pars totalement dévasté, sans moyens techniques ni linanciers<br />


moyens le çontrôle strict <strong>de</strong> "leurs frontières?<br />

... ~~te.~ors u~ autre prétexte, invoqué,<br />

.I)ar.ra .mpiomabe turque .: rempfu ou'<br />

.n.lâir<strong>de</strong>, s'enfoncê'<br />

daris une guerre sàris' iSsue <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong>vient,-<br />

selon les termes <strong>de</strong> M. Richard Röl"<br />

br?oke, secrétaire d'État adjçirit arnéri~<br />

:c;am, « le pays <strong>de</strong> tous,les lÙpJgers». Sa<br />

politique kur<strong>de</strong> d'un~aj.\tre âge, par son<br />

coßtéionomiqlle <strong>et</strong>.huiniiÏn, marginalise'<strong>de</strong>s'couches<br />

.entiè~s <strong>de</strong> la population,<br />

attis-e les èliväges <strong>et</strong>hniques <strong>et</strong><br />

:religieux, aÜmen,te les mouvements<br />

islamistes <strong>et</strong> e~trémistes, transforme les<br />

~aIi<strong>de</strong>s'mé~opoles du pays en véritàbl~s<br />

poudrières.<br />

t, «~~mp~rt<strong>de</strong> l'Occi<strong>de</strong>nt », gangr~né.<br />

par le conflit kur<strong>de</strong>, pourrait<br />

'/l"effondrer <strong>et</strong> se disloquer. La<br />

~~compréhension» <strong>de</strong>s Occi<strong>de</strong>ntaux à<br />

l'égard <strong>de</strong>s Faucons, qui, <strong>de</strong>puis la mort<br />

.du prési<strong>de</strong>nt Turgut Ozal, se sont engagésdans<br />

une politique suicidaire, leur<br />

refus' <strong>de</strong> proposer un statut acceptable<br />

aux 25 à 30 millions <strong>de</strong> Kur<strong>de</strong>s du<br />

.,Proche-Orient en lutte pour leur survie<br />

<strong>et</strong> pour la défense <strong>de</strong> leur i<strong>de</strong>ntité,<br />

risquent d'avoir les mêmes conséquences<br />

que la mansuétu<strong>de</strong>, autrefois, à<br />

l'égard du chah d'Iran, qui <strong>de</strong>vait, avec<br />

. sa« cinquième armée du mon<strong>de</strong> », être<br />

le gendarme régional <strong>de</strong> l'Occi<strong>de</strong>nt. On<br />

sait ce qu'il advint...<br />

(1) Lire Michel Verrier, «Carte blanche à<br />

.l'armée turque au Kùrdistan )', Le Mon<strong>de</strong> diplomatique,<br />

octobre 1993.'<br />

(2) Lire Michel Verrier, « La Thrquie piétine aux<br />

portes <strong>de</strong> l'Union européenne", Le Mon<strong>de</strong> diplomatique,<br />

mw:s.1995.<br />

(3) Lire Jelll1-François Pérouse,« Terre brßlée au<br />

Kurdistan;;, Le "fon<strong>de</strong> diplomatique, mars 1995.<br />

.(4) The European. 7 avri11995.<br />

.fS) Dépêche <strong>de</strong> l'Agence France-Presse,<br />

29' mars 1995,<br />

'(6) seion le ministre turc <strong>de</strong> l'intérieur cité par le<br />

'{urkish DailyNews, 29 janvier 1995:<br />

TURQUIE .'Plus <strong>de</strong> cent ans <strong>de</strong> prison ont été requis 'contre le sociologuelsmail Besikçi- qui a déjà passé<br />

vingt ans <strong>de</strong> sa vie sous les verrous -, "coupable" d'avoir dénoncé le sort fait au peuple kur<strong>de</strong>. Son ami,<br />

le poète Ataol Behramoglu, lui a rendu visite dans sa geôle.<br />

74<br />

Ismail Besikçi,<br />

une vie <strong>de</strong> droiture <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong> cachot<br />

l'intellectuel<br />

Il''<br />

j<br />

;<br />

j<br />

turc qui sourit <strong>et</strong> chuchote en prison<br />

Un 'spéciallsté '<br />

<strong>de</strong> la queStion kur<strong>de</strong><br />

Née" 1939, Ismail Besikçi est;turc.<br />

.Assistant en sociologie à Erzurum, ~ l'est<br />

dupâys, i1.ydé,couvre la question ~JI'<strong>de</strong>.<br />

Ii rédige son doctorat, "Les stru~Nures<br />

socio-économiques <strong>de</strong> l'Est anatolien",<br />

qui lui vaut,en 1969, d'être ... éhassé<br />

<strong>de</strong> l'université. lmmédiatement~rrêté<br />

après le putsch <strong>de</strong> mars 1971, il est<br />

cond~né à treize ans <strong>de</strong> prison pour<br />

"atteinte aux sentimentsnatiQnaux <strong>et</strong><br />

sép¥iJtisme:' expression .accoléeen Tu,,:<br />

'. quie à, quiconque défend les droits natiO-<br />

" nauxkur<strong>de</strong>s. Amnistié en .1974, il est <strong>de</strong><br />

..lJöüv~a.uarr~t~~ I~p!)bliAAtio!,! d'un<br />

'livreciénonçant',es mytlÏesdu kémalisme<br />

(parmi lesquels l'idée que les civiliS!itions<br />

fondatrices - Egyptiens, Sljn1ériens, Hittites,<br />

airisi que d'autres - sOnt toutes<br />

issues <strong>de</strong> Turquie)~ Condamné pour<br />

"insùlte à fa mémoire d'Atatürk: il crou- .<br />

pit dans uri cachot <strong>de</strong> 1977 à!lvri11981,<br />

, ptJi~est arrêté <strong>de</strong> nouveau en juin, c<strong>et</strong>te<br />

fois pO,uravoir "nui à laréputatioo d.e<br />

./'EtiJt turc à l'extérieur" : le sociologue<br />

avait écrit à l'Union <strong>de</strong>s écrivains sué~<br />

dois pour exposer ses conditions <strong>de</strong><br />

détention. Ismail Besikçi a été. adopté<br />

. '.parAmnesty International. liest le plus<br />

vlellXprisonnier <strong>de</strong> conscience d'un pays<br />

membt'e aSsocié<strong>de</strong>l'Ùni()n<br />

occi<strong>de</strong>ntale:<br />

<strong>de</strong> l'Europe<br />

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.:<br />

Ataol Behramoglu<br />


Le 24 février <strong>de</strong>rnier, un vendredi<br />

après-midi ensoleillé.<br />

Lorsque nous nous rendons à<br />

la prison d'Ankara pour une<br />

visite à Ismail Besikçi, je songe à<br />

ma première rencontre avec lui.<br />

C'était encore dans l'Ankara <strong>de</strong>s<br />

années60. Nous étions chez un<br />

bouquiniste <strong>de</strong> Kizilay [quartier<br />

central d'Ankara]. Il fouillait dans<br />

<strong>de</strong>s revues pour ses recherches, <strong>et</strong><br />

moi, j'étais <strong>de</strong>rrière je ne sais quel<br />

livre. C'était un jeune homme<br />

blond, avec un sourire timi<strong>de</strong>, qui<br />

parlait doucement comme s'il chuchotait<br />

...<br />

Mon ami Abdullah Nefes, qui a<br />

purgé <strong>de</strong>ux ans avec lui dans la prison<br />

d'Adana, après le putsch militaire<br />

du 12mars 1971,est au volant,<br />

moi à côté. Nous sommes silencieux.<br />

Nous avons tous les <strong>de</strong>ux la<br />

même question dans la tête: comment<br />

sera l'homme qui va nous<br />

accueillir? Je sais qu'Ismail est<br />

incarcéré dans un quartier commun<br />

<strong>de</strong> 80 personnes. Cela n'a pas été<br />

facile d'obtenir la permission <strong>de</strong> lui<br />

rendre visite. Nous avons dû voir le<br />

ministre <strong>de</strong> la Justice en personne.<br />

Et dans le bureau du directeur <strong>de</strong><br />

la prison, nous apprenons ce jourlà<br />

qu'une peine supplémentaire <strong>de</strong><br />

huit ans vient d'être confIrmée à son<br />

encontre ... Ismail n'est pas encore<br />

au courant.<br />

La porte s'ouvre. Ismail Besikçi<br />

entre <strong>de</strong>rrière un gardien. Il porte<br />

un pull à col roulé <strong>de</strong> couleur<br />

sombre, une veste <strong>et</strong> un pantalon<br />

sombres également, d'un tissu<br />

épais. Pourtant, c'est le printemps<br />

<strong>de</strong>hors. Ces vêtements lourds<br />

témoignent du fait que le quartier<br />

où il est enfermé ainsi que la cour<br />

<strong>de</strong> promena<strong>de</strong> ne reçoivent pas le<br />

soleil. Besikçi a le même sourire<br />

timi<strong>de</strong>. Le même chuchotement<br />

lorsqu'il parle. Sans jamais élever<br />

la voix, sans jamais se plaindre,<br />

sinon pour <strong>de</strong>man<strong>de</strong>r seulement,<br />

avec l'étonnement d'un homme <strong>de</strong><br />

science: "Peut-on lire un livre dans<br />

le simpk but <strong>de</strong> voir s'il contient un<br />

délit? C'est déjà là que commence<br />

l'absurdité ... " Et puis, il <strong>de</strong>man<strong>de</strong><br />

<strong>de</strong>s nouvelles <strong>de</strong> mon frère Nihat.<br />

Je lui réponds qu'il est en Suisse <strong>et</strong><br />

qu'il va bientôt rentrer. Son sourire<br />

timi<strong>de</strong> <strong>et</strong> chaleureux <strong>de</strong>vient encore<br />

plus large.<br />

Et puis, soudainement, Abdullah<br />

lui annonce la confirmation <strong>de</strong> sa<br />

peine <strong>de</strong> huit ans, en pensant sans<br />

doute qu'il vaut mieux que la nouvelle<br />

lui soit donnée par nous. Je le<br />

fixe avec appréhension: comment<br />

va-t-il réagir? Mais que peuvent<br />

signifier huit ans <strong>de</strong> plus pour un<br />

homme qui cumule déjà <strong>de</strong>s<br />

condamnations <strong>de</strong> je ne sais combien<br />

d'années? Il semble tout <strong>de</strong><br />

même un peu étonné. Et je sens que<br />

quelque branche se casse encore au<br />

fond <strong>de</strong> lui. Comme cela arrive chez<br />

les enfants <strong>et</strong> chez les gens au cœur<br />

généreux qui espèrent toujours <strong>de</strong><br />

bonnes choses ...<br />

Lorsque je rentre à Istanbul la<br />

même nuit, je lis les notes <strong>de</strong> voyage<br />

du grand poète japonais Matsuo<br />

Basho, qui a vécu au XVII" siècle, "Le<br />

chemin étroit qui mène au Nord".<br />

Basho a fait trois grands voyages à<br />

pied dans son pays. Et il a noté ses<br />

observations. Des notes tissées <strong>de</strong><br />

poèmes, fruits d'observations profon<strong>de</strong>s<br />

<strong>et</strong> amères. Je lis plusieurs<br />

fois ces phrases <strong>de</strong> la préface: "R ne<br />

faut pas oublier, en lisant les notes<br />

<strong>de</strong> voyage <strong>de</strong> Basho, que, dans le<br />

Japon <strong>de</strong> c<strong>et</strong>te époque, on se déplaçait<br />

dans <strong>de</strong>s conditions très djfficüe&<br />

<strong>et</strong> dangereuses. Et le poète, dans les<br />

années <strong>de</strong> soqffrance précédant son<br />

voyage, avait déjà traversé plusieurs<br />

étapes d'une quête d'i<strong>de</strong>ntité." Un<br />

peu plus loin, d'autres phrases racontent<br />

que Basho a voulu se débarrasser<br />

<strong>de</strong> sa propre i<strong>de</strong>ntité, arm <strong>de</strong><br />

se fondre complètement dans<br />

l'i<strong>de</strong>ntité éternelle <strong>de</strong> la poésie, <strong>et</strong><br />

qu' "il a laissé tomber les nécessaires<br />

du voyage pour partir comme un<br />

fou".<br />

L'image du poète qui "est parti en<br />

laissant tomber liespréparatifs du<br />

voyage", <strong>et</strong> celle ~e l'homme avec<br />

qui j'ai parlé dans l'a prison voilà<br />

quelques heures, commencent à se<br />

superposer dans ma tête, d'abord<br />

comme une vague impression, <strong>et</strong><br />

puis comme un sentiment <strong>de</strong> plus<br />

en plus fort. fi y a une ressemblance<br />

énorme entre c<strong>et</strong> homme qui s'est<br />

mis sur les routes pour se débarrasser<br />

<strong>de</strong> sa propre i<strong>de</strong>ntité <strong>et</strong> celuiqui<br />

est venu nous voir avec un gardien,<br />

qui n'est plus très loin <strong>de</strong><br />

dépasser l'âge mûr, ses cheveux<br />

blonds <strong>de</strong> plus en plus espacés, son<br />

sourire toujours aussi timi<strong>de</strong>, qui<br />

parle toujours comme s'il chuchotait,<br />

qui n'accuse personne, qui ne<br />

se plaint <strong>de</strong> rien, mais qui marche<br />

avec conviction <strong>et</strong> obstination sur<br />

le chemin qu'il croit juste ...<br />

Je comprends que le jeune<br />

homme <strong>de</strong>s années 60, après tant<br />

<strong>de</strong> souffrances, ait atteint aujourd'hui<br />

la sérénité d'un <strong>de</strong>rviche, d'un<br />

saint ... Et je veux répéter à tout le<br />

mon<strong>de</strong>, en criant, les paroles que je<br />

lui ai adressées dans la prison d'Ankara<br />

: on est libre <strong>de</strong> partager ou<br />

non les idées d'Ismail Besikçi, mais,<br />

si nous sommes aussi <strong>de</strong>s intellectuels<br />

<strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong>s êtres humains, les<br />

menottes sur ses poign<strong>et</strong>s serrent<br />

également nos poign<strong>et</strong>s <strong>et</strong> nos<br />

propres consciences.<br />

•<br />



16<br />


Turkish Probe May 19,1995<br />

Human Rights Diary<br />

Bunger strike ends<br />

at yozgat prison<br />

The hunger strike begun on March 21 by 180<br />

political prisoners at Yozgat prison to protest their<br />

treatment en<strong>de</strong>d on April 27, the Human Rights<br />

Foundation reported. Lawyers, parents and Justice<br />

Ministry officials came tog<strong>et</strong>her and were able to<br />

bring about the end of the 44-day hunger strike, the<br />

report said. Yusuf Kenan Dogan, un<strong>de</strong>rsecr<strong>et</strong>ary of<br />

the Justice Ministry, Zeki Güngör, director of prisons,<br />

and two representatives of the Contemporary<br />

Journalists Association, Mehm<strong>et</strong> Cengiz and Nusr<strong>et</strong><br />

Senem, m<strong>et</strong> with the parents of someof the prisoners<br />

and agreed to some of the prisoners' <strong>de</strong>mands,<br />

it said. The parents of the prisoners also en<strong>de</strong>d<br />

their hunger strike at the general center of the<br />

Human Rights Association on Wednesday.<br />

(Turkish Daily News, April 28)<br />

BADEP officials<br />

charged and arrested<br />

Leading officials from the pro-Kurdish People's<br />

Democracy Party (HADEP) who were <strong>de</strong>tained a<br />

week ago have been formally charged and placed<br />

un<strong>de</strong>r arrest, sources from the party told the<br />

Tùrkish Daily News on May 4. Among those<br />

charged are HADEP Deputy Chairmen $ehab<strong>et</strong>tin<br />

Özarslan and Hikm<strong>et</strong> Fidan, Assistant Secr<strong>et</strong>ary-<br />

General $eyhmuz Cagro and a member of the<br />

party's Ankara provincial administrative board,<br />

Ferhat Türk. The charges brought by the State<br />

Security Court were not immediately apparent but<br />

the lawyers of the HADEP officials were barred<br />

from. entering the courtroom un<strong>de</strong>r the Law on<br />

Combatting Terrorism. Observers saythis gives an<br />

indication of what the HADEP officials have been<br />

charged with. HADEP's precursor, the Democracy<br />

Party (DEP), was closed by the constitutional court<br />

last year and its <strong>de</strong>puties were charged and convicted<br />

to harsh prison sentences on the grounds<br />

that they had links with the outlawed Kurdistan<br />

Workers' Party (PKK). (Turkish Daily News, May 5)<br />

Court adjourns trial of Yafar<br />

Kemal for tWo months<br />

The State Security Court in Istanbul on May 5<br />

adjourned to July 7 the trial of Turkey's best-known<br />

writer, Ya~ar Kemal, charged with advocating separatism<br />

and fanning public unrest with an article published<br />

in the German magazine Der Spiegel last<br />

year. Responding to charges, Kemal told the court<br />

that he was against racism and had upheld unity<br />

contrary to charges of separatism. Scores of local<br />

and foreign reporters and newsmen with television<br />

cameras jostled with one another insi<strong>de</strong> the tiny,<br />

packed courtroom to film the burly author, often<br />

blocking the view of the judges and <strong>de</strong>fense attorneys.<br />

More foreign journalists were present than<br />

Turks to observe the trial. "I am not a racist. I have<br />

never been a Kurdish or a gypsy nationalist. I am a<br />

socialist," the 69-year-old Kemal <strong>de</strong>clared. "For the<br />

past 50 years, as a writer, I have fought against<br />

racism. I have always sought to be a unifier through<br />

my writings, not a separatist." The barrel-chested<br />

author asserted he was on trial not because of his<br />

Der Spiegel article, but due to mistranslations published<br />

by the newspapers Hürriy<strong>et</strong> and Milliy<strong>et</strong>. "The<br />

prosecutor did not build his case against my words,<br />

but on the so-called summary reporting by Milliy<strong>et</strong><br />

and Hürriy<strong>et</strong>, based on their so-called translations<br />

from German," Kemal said. "Sentences are taken<br />

out of context. Passages have been removed by<br />

tweezers and changed ... It would not be a lie to<br />

say this is not my writing. This is Hürriy<strong>et</strong>'s and<br />

Milliy<strong>et</strong>'s writing," asserted the tall, 6-foot writer. UA<br />

writer stands as a compl<strong>et</strong>e whole. A text is also a<br />

compl<strong>et</strong>e whole. If we can attribute offenses to a<br />

writer on the basis of pieces of sentences plucked<br />

and distorted out of a writing, then there is no writer<br />

in Turkey who will not be found guilty even by the<br />

most conscientious judge," said he. He accused the<br />

prosecutor of frivolity for bringing totally unfoun<strong>de</strong>d<br />

charges. "He would have at least the German version<br />

translated by a neutral party, or he would have<br />

asked me for the Turkish version," Kemal said to<br />

the judges. If found guilty, Kemal could face two to<br />

five years in prison. Imprisoned many times for his<br />

political views, Kemal is best known for his novels<br />

<strong>de</strong>picting rural life in the southern region of<br />

Çukurova. He gained international attention in 1957<br />

with the publication of his novel "Memed, My<br />

Hawk." (Turkish Daily News, May 6)<br />

Doctors prevented from<br />

giviIig medical reports<br />

Doctors working in the State of Emergency region<br />

. in the Southeast have been prevented from giving<br />

medical reports that document torture cases, the<br />

Turkish Medical Association (TMA) reported. A<br />

report on health services and health personnel's<br />

problems in the Southeast published recently by the<br />

association said that doctors were threatened and<br />

harassed in the region, where an ongoing conflict<br />

b<strong>et</strong>ween the Turkish security forces and outlawed<br />

Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) militants has<br />

claimed over 16,000 lives. According to the report a<br />

physician from Diyarbakir who requested to remain<br />

anonymous complained of not being able to practice<br />

according to the principles of his profession. He<br />

said that people who had been <strong>de</strong>tained by the<br />

,.<br />

"<br />



Turkish Probe May 19,1995<br />

17<br />

r<br />

.'<br />

security forces were brought to centers like the<br />

emergency service of the state hospital, where<br />

security is. very tight, and "the next morning he is<br />

brought before a judge and public prosecutor and<br />

his case is handled at the discr<strong>et</strong>ion of the person in<br />

charge there. Officials want a report stating that 'no<br />

blows have been ma<strong>de</strong> to the body' from the emergency<br />

service of the state hospital. If I say, 'Take off<br />

your clothes, I want to examine you' to the person<br />

coming from there, this is interpr<strong>et</strong>ed by the officials<br />

as taking the opposite si<strong>de</strong>. L<strong>et</strong>'s suppose that I<br />

confirm this and write a report, that report may<br />

immediately be torn up. I have experienced this.<br />

The official can ask, 'What are you writing doctor?'<br />

He might ask, 'Did you give him a report?', then, he<br />

can g<strong>et</strong> the report he wishes from other places," the<br />

physician ad<strong>de</strong>d. According to the Medical<br />

Association, some physicians in the region have<br />

been interrogated, arrested or even sentenced on<br />

grounds that they have treated "offen<strong>de</strong>rs" including<br />

"Dr. Abdullah Boleal, who was the only internal diseases<br />

specialist in Cizre, was beaten and exiled<br />

from the region on grounds that he had treated an<br />

offen<strong>de</strong>r. In Diyarbakir, Dr. Ilhan Diken was arrested<br />

and then sentenced because he helped treat an<br />

offen<strong>de</strong>r. He is still in Diyarbakir Prison. In Bitlis, Dr.<br />

Ersan Ta~cl was arrested, accused of providing<br />

medical aid to an offen<strong>de</strong>r and spent a long period<br />

in prison. Dr. Seyf<strong>et</strong>tin Klzllkan, the head physician<br />

of the Social Security <strong>Institut</strong>ion Hospital was interrogated<br />

several times and kept in <strong>de</strong>tention for two<br />

nights on allegations that he had treated an offen<strong>de</strong>r<br />

at his examination office." The Medical Association,<br />

saying that doctors should be able to practice their<br />

profession without any restriction, recalled the principles<br />

of medicine: "In accordance with all the international<br />

and national regulations and as required by<br />

the medical profession, physicians are obliged to<br />

save human life and offer their medical knowledge<br />

to people without consi<strong>de</strong>ring differences such as<br />

sex, race, nation, religion, political opinion, <strong>et</strong>c."<br />

(Turkish Daily News, May 18)<br />

Boyner testifies<br />

Cem Boyner, lea<strong>de</strong>r of the New Democracy<br />

Movement party (YDH), said on May 16 following a<br />

hearing at the Ankara top prosecutor's office that<br />

there was no difference b<strong>et</strong>ween bandits and state<br />

officials who break laws. Boyner was called by the<br />

prosecutors office to testify as part of an investigation<br />

launched before last week's religious holiday<br />

concerning a statement he ma<strong>de</strong> in a speech at a<br />

party me<strong>et</strong>ing in which he refers to government<br />

"banditry." After his half-hour testimony, Boyner,<br />

who was accompanied by several other YDH party<br />

members, told reporters that there cannot be any<br />

differentiation ma<strong>de</strong> b<strong>et</strong>ween officials who violate<br />

human rights and bandits.<br />

(Turkish Daily News, May 17)<br />

Union lea<strong>de</strong>r<br />

Ayçin goes to jail<br />

Atllay Ayçin, chairman of the Aviation Labor<br />

Union, entered Bayrampa~a Cezaevi prison on May<br />

16, the Anatolia news agency reported. He will start<br />

serving a one year and eight months prison sen-<br />

tence imposed on him after his conviction for "propagating<br />

separatism" in a speech he ma<strong>de</strong> at a me<strong>et</strong>ing<br />

of the Human Rights Association in 1991.<br />

(Turkish Daily News, May 17)<br />

Greece preparing to jail<br />

second <strong>et</strong>hnic Turkish mufti<br />

An elected local Muslim lea<strong>de</strong>r of Turkish origin in<br />

the Greek town of Gümülcine (Komotini) is likely to<br />

be sentenced to prison on the grounds that he is<br />

"illegally using the title of mufti," Turkish diplomatic<br />

sources said on May 16. Ibrahim $erif, who was<br />

elected as the Gümülcine mufti (local religious<br />

lea<strong>de</strong>r) by the Turkish minority in the area, was sentenced<br />

to an eight-month term in prison by a<br />

Gümülcine court in December. He appealed, and a<br />

higher court in the regional center of Selanik<br />

(Salonika) will now <strong>de</strong>ci<strong>de</strong> his case on May 24. The<br />

diplomatic sources said the court was likely to ratify<br />

$erif's sentence based on the prece<strong>de</strong>nt of a previous<br />

<strong>de</strong>cision against another Turkish mufti. Mehm<strong>et</strong><br />

Emin AQa, elected mufti in the Greek town of Iskece<br />

(Xanthia), was sentenced in January to 10 months<br />

in prison for the same reason. The diplomatic<br />

sources said the cases opened against the muftis<br />

were another example of Greek moves to intimidate<br />

the country's West Thracian Turkish minority, whose<br />

rights have been legally guaranteed in several bilateral<br />

and international agreements. The Athens government<br />

banned mufti elections in a 1990 <strong>de</strong>cree<br />

passed in violation of the 1923 Lausanne Treaty,<br />

which guaranteed the rights of the Turkish minority.<br />

The <strong>de</strong>cree also or<strong>de</strong>red Greek authorities to<br />

appoint local Muslim lea<strong>de</strong>rs. The law has prompted<br />

legal authorities in Western Thrace to sue elected<br />

muftis. (Turkish Daily News, May 17)<br />

'Missing' Hasan Ocak's mur<strong>de</strong>r<br />

provokes strong reactions<br />

The case of Hasan Ocak, who disappeared after<br />

his alleged <strong>de</strong>tention by police on March 21 and<br />

was discovered <strong>de</strong>ad in Istanbul on May. 16, has led<br />

to angry reactions from human rights groups. At a<br />

joint press conference held in Ankara on May 17,<br />

Akin Birdal, the chairman of the Human Rights<br />

Association (IHD), and Yavuz Önen, chairman of<br />

the Human Rights Foundation of Turkey (TIHV),<br />

said the "government was responsible for Ocak's<br />

mur<strong>de</strong>r. Onen also said Prime Minister Tansu Çiller<br />

was "the mur<strong>de</strong>rer of Hasan Ocak." "The prime minister<br />

has to find out who mur<strong>de</strong>red Hasan Ocak or<br />

she has to resign. We will not allow certain forces to<br />

turn Turkey into a country of unsolved mur<strong>de</strong>rs,"<br />

Önen ad<strong>de</strong>d. Birdal, who spoke on behalf of both<br />

the IHD and TIHV at the press conference, spoke of<br />

the effort ma<strong>de</strong> by human rights groups to find<br />

Hasan Ocak after his disappearance and the lack of<br />

results. "In 1994, a total of 327 people were reported<br />

missing to the IHD and unfortunately none of the<br />

prosecutors in this country take action to investigate<br />

the cases of missing people," Birdal said. "It is said<br />

that villagers found his body in the forest area of<br />

Istanbul-Beykoz and took him to the forensic medicine<br />

<strong>de</strong>partment, then he was buried in the<br />

Küçükçekmece paupers' cem<strong>et</strong>ery. The government<br />


"<br />


18<br />


Turkish Probe May 19,1995<br />

has to launch an investigation and question those<br />

who found his corpse,those who carried out the<br />

autopsy and buried him in a very short time without<br />

conducting any checks," Birdal <strong>de</strong>man<strong>de</strong>d. The IHO<br />

chairman also pointed out that Hasan Ocak's case<br />

was very well known publicly and it was very hard to<br />

un<strong>de</strong>rstand the officials who <strong>de</strong>ci<strong>de</strong>d to bury someone<br />

without informing the public that a body had<br />

been found. He claimed that there was an organized<br />

group carrying out torture and mur<strong>de</strong>rs. Both the<br />

IHO and TIHV called on nongovernmental organizations<br />

to s<strong>et</strong> up a civil commission to investigate the<br />

Hasan Ocak case. They repeated their <strong>de</strong>mand for<br />

human rights now and invited everybody with any<br />

piece of information about those missing to testify.<br />

"We call on the government to disclose what has<br />

happened to those who have disappeared," they<br />

said, and for prosecutors to s<strong>et</strong> up investigations to<br />

find out who is responsible for people going missing.<br />

Hasan Ocak, 27, disappeared in Istanbul on March<br />

21 after calling his sister to say he would be home<br />

shortly. Nothing was heard from him after that.<br />

Although at least two people who were <strong>de</strong>tained at<br />

the Istanbul police <strong>de</strong>partment and later released<br />

testified that they had seen Hasan Ocak in the<br />

police center, officials <strong>de</strong>nied they had <strong>de</strong>tained<br />

Ocak. The campaign to shed light on Ocak's whereabouts<br />

brought no results, and finallyon May 16 his<br />

relatives i<strong>de</strong>ntified his body from a photograph in the<br />

police forensic medicine <strong>de</strong>partment. Sources said a<br />

nurse working in the <strong>de</strong>partment, who did not want<br />

to be i<strong>de</strong>ntified, called Ocak's family and informed<br />

them about the corpse. The family then went to<br />

check the photographs. It emerged that Ocak's body<br />

was found on March 26, five days after he disappeared,<br />

and he was buried on April 13 in Istanbul's<br />

Küçükçekmece district. The Beykoz district prosecutor<br />

also confirmed that the corpse was that of Hasan<br />

Ocak, that it had been found in Beykoz, and had<br />

remained at the forensic medicine <strong>de</strong>partment for 29<br />

days, then was buriedin Küçükçekmece cem<strong>et</strong>ery.<br />

The prosecutor's office said Ocak's family i<strong>de</strong>ntified<br />

him from photographs, that the body had been<br />

examined before it was buried, and a court or<strong>de</strong>r<br />

was necessary to exhume the body and carry out a<br />

second autopsy. With Hasan Ocak's mur<strong>de</strong>r the list<br />

of people who have disappeared in Turkey has been<br />

shortened but the list of unsolved killings has ..<br />

increased by one. Now, Ocak's family is waiting for.<br />

his grave to be reopened and for an autopsy to discover<br />

how and when he was killed.<br />

(Turkish Daily News, May 18)<br />

Altan charged for<br />

satire about Kurds<br />

A Turkish columnist who satirized the country's<br />

restrictions against Kurdish cultural and political<br />

rights has been charged with provoking racism,<br />

court officials said on April 17. Ahm<strong>et</strong> Altan, who ..<br />

was fired from his job at the daily Milliy<strong>et</strong> because of<br />

the column, was charged this week with Article 312<br />

of the penal co<strong>de</strong>, un<strong>de</strong>r which it is a crime to promote<br />

differences among people based on race, religion,<br />

class or region. He faces up to six years in<br />

prison if convicted. The use of Article 312 un<strong>de</strong>r-<br />

. scores the myriad laws which can be used to limit<br />

<strong>de</strong>bate, although Western attention recently has<br />

focused on Article 8 of the Anti-Terrorism Law, a<br />

catchall ruling which bans "separatist propaganda".<br />

Human rights officials say as pressure mounts on<br />

Turkey to lift Article 8, prosecutors are increasingly<br />

applying 312. Altan's column two months ago<br />

caused a furore because he imagined what the<br />

country would be like if Turkey's revered foun<strong>de</strong>r ..<br />

Mustafa Kemal Atatürk had been a Kurd instead of a<br />

Turk. Altan, who comes from a distinguished journalistic<br />

family, wrote that Turkey would be called<br />

"Kur<strong>de</strong>y," Turkish would be banned and Turk's.<br />

<strong>de</strong>fending their <strong>et</strong>hnicity would be jailed. The column •<br />

turned on its head the problems Turkey's Kurds<br />

face, from the burning of civilian villages in the .<br />

Southeast by soldiers fighting rebel Kurds to torture<br />

faced by <strong>de</strong>tainees and Turkey's attempts to forcibly<br />

assimilate Kurds.<br />

(Turkish Daily News, Reuters, May 18)<br />

Ankarawelcomes Juppe'sappointment as PM<br />

. . Turkish Daily News<br />

ANKARA- Turkey, which consi<strong>de</strong>rs France one of its<br />

, c~ef supporters in its ~fforts to realize a customs union<br />

With the European Umon, has welcomed the appointment<br />

of Alain Juppe. ' former foreign minister, as prime<br />

.minister by new Presi<strong>de</strong>nt Jacques Chirac.<br />

rurkish officials, <strong>de</strong>scribing Juppe as "an old friend,"<br />

pom~ o~~ ~at the French statesm


Turkisb Daily News FRIDAY.MAYI9.1995 A2<br />

Lake: Further progress on customs<br />

union <strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nt on human rights<br />

A further indication of the impact of the customs union on business in<br />

Turkey is skyrock<strong>et</strong>ing rise in IMKB, EU representative<br />

says<br />

TurJash Uaily News<br />

1STANBUL-<br />

Even more important than<br />

technical measures now is the question of<br />

human rights in Turkey, said Ambassador<br />

Michael Lake who is the head of'the<br />

European .Commission' s (EC)<br />

Representation in Turkey.<br />

Speaking at a business forum organized<br />

by mtemational Business Services yester- .<br />

day at the. Hyatt Re~ency Istanbul, L~e<br />

ma<strong>de</strong> a pomt of stress10ghow apprehensive<br />

the EC member country representatives<br />

were at the last two Association Council<br />

me<strong>et</strong>ings about the human rights situation in<br />

Turkey. .<br />

Pointing out that they had appealed to<br />

Turkey to make improvements in this area,<br />

Lake emphasized the need to align Turkey's<br />

and the EC' uystems in guarantèeing fundamental<br />

rights for the individual which are<br />

taken for granted in the European Union<br />

(EU), but restricted for Turkish citizens. At<br />

the next me<strong>et</strong>ing of the European<br />

Parliament that body will approve or :eje~t<br />

Turkey's entry into a full customs uruon If<br />

its members, which represent all 15 EU<br />

member states.<br />

Approval will follow if a wi<strong>de</strong> range. of<br />

party blocs feel that Turkey and the Umon<br />

are on the same fundamental path. Lake<br />

then turned to the economic importance of<br />

the customs union, as Turkey has become<br />

the EU's tenth most important trading partner,<br />

with an overall balance of tra<strong>de</strong> over<br />

$20 billion.<br />

European ente~rises .accçunt for tW?-<br />

thirds of the foreign capital Investment 10<br />

Turkey, and Lake em,p.hasizedthat this will<br />

certainly rnlW larger if foreign investors see<br />

that protè;:tion of intellectual and industrial<br />

property policy, comp<strong>et</strong>ition policy and harmonized<br />

technical standards are being<br />

adhered to. At the same time he indicated<br />

that he wasn't sure that everyone in Turkey<br />

un<strong>de</strong>rstood in <strong>de</strong>tail the real <strong>de</strong>pth and<br />

breadth of the benefits which would accrue<br />

to everyone in the country.<br />

The ambassador chose to accentuate what<br />

was positive in the customs union for<br />

Turkey, emphasizing that no one should<br />

doubt the commitment to the compl<strong>et</strong>ion of<br />

the customs union and how it would lead<br />

"to a stronger, more prosperous and stable<br />

<strong>de</strong>mocracy in Turkey, a mo<strong>de</strong>l for the<br />

region as a whole." He also noted that there<br />

had been quite a lot of work going on<br />

behind the scenes and progress ma<strong>de</strong> in<br />

me<strong>et</strong>ings with committees and ministries<br />

that wasn't apparent to the public. While<br />

pointing out that Turkey had to adopt single<br />

mark<strong>et</strong> legislation in a number of areas in<br />

or<strong>de</strong>r to see that there was a level playing<br />

field, Lake didn't spare the EU from criticism.<br />

Financial cooperation, for example, will<br />

have to be resumed. such as what recently<br />

happened with the signing of a 15-year<br />

agreement with the European Investment<br />

Bank for 35 million ECUs to upgra<strong>de</strong> water<br />

and, sewage treatment in Antalya. "But<br />

much more is available un<strong>de</strong>r both the current<br />

and the new Mediterranean packages to<br />

be approved by the European Council- the<br />

biannual summit me<strong>et</strong>10g - this time at<br />

Cannes un<strong>de</strong>r the French Presi<strong>de</strong>ncy in<br />

June," Lake said.<br />

"This commitment should be seen in the<br />

context of the major effort being ma<strong>de</strong> by<br />

Turkey to adapt its economy to a more comp<strong>et</strong>itive<br />

environment," h~ continued. "And<br />

10 the months ahead the European Union<br />

will also be working to s<strong>et</strong> u~ the machinery<br />

for nmning the customs llruon. There are<br />

still outstanding issues to s<strong>et</strong>tle at the technicallevel<br />

on coal and steel, conditions for<br />

ending. self-restraint in textiles on the<br />

Turkish si<strong>de</strong> and on automobiles some technical<br />

measures nee<strong>de</strong>d to avoid the circumvention<br />

of our consensus with Japan."<br />

Bringing policy into line<br />

Turning to commercial policy, Lake outlined<br />

the various provisions and measures<br />

which would bring Turkey's in line with<br />

those of the EU. These inclu<strong>de</strong> common<br />

rules for imports and exJ>Orts,procedures for<br />

administering quanti~tlve quotas! o~cially<br />

supported export credits and textile ImportS<br />

un<strong>de</strong>r autonomous arrangements. Turkey<br />

also has to improve the effective protection<br />

of intellectual, industrial and commercial<br />

property rights so that the level of protection<br />

ISequivalent to that in the EC.<br />

Lake takes as an indicator of the implication<br />

which the customs union will have on<br />

Turkey the activity on the Istanbul Stock<br />

Exchange, where Investors received a 31<br />

.percent r<strong>et</strong>urn in dollar terms in the month<br />

following the signing of the customs union<br />

agreement. Although there have been<br />

rumors that this increase was due to speculative<br />

money, Lake believes that the record<br />

highs in trading value are significant<br />

because they refute such arguments. Textile'<br />

stocks played a crucial role in the rise in the<br />

in<strong>de</strong>x.<br />

Turning his attention to various sectors<br />

Lake gave <strong>de</strong>tailed information about th~<br />

textile industry and how enthusiastic it is<br />

about entering the customs union. Turkey<br />

has been the number one ready-lo-wear<br />

exporter to the EU since 1992, and the<br />

expofters are looking at a mark<strong>et</strong> which is<br />

expected to grow by 17-22 percent in 1996.<br />

The growth forecast for 2001 is nine percent.<br />

The automotive sector, on the other<br />

hand, has f~lt the most threatened by thë<br />

customs UnIon but all manufacturers in<br />

Turkeyare EU-Turkish joint ventures with<br />

the exception of Toyota. Other sectors consi<strong>de</strong>red<br />

were durable goods, cement and<br />

iron and steel.<br />


,. ..<br />

..v -.;1<br />

will become ul1lnanagable. ~<br />

, There should be more referenda<br />

:'\about key issues: The pulse of the<br />

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Demirel manifesto: We'll crush<br />

,<br />

PKK, resist<br />

,<br />

Il~<br />

efforts to divi<strong>de</strong> us .. andreformoursystem" i~<br />

Limit: Turks are normally soft-spoken and easy-going, but toùgh if limits are excee<strong>de</strong>d ffi<br />

Turkish Dtûly News Kurds, Demirel warned that t~is cove~ng Parts of three.coulltries," , He said that th~ Presi<strong>de</strong>nt and ;;<br />

At:'lKARA- A.ngere~ by the wouldcause a backlash of Turkish DemIrel saId, dlsplaymg a color members of ParlIament, as the trl<br />

reactIOnboth to hIS w~mg about nationalism and ren<strong>de</strong>r the country map of greater "Kurdistan." "No , elected representatives of the pea- :S<br />

Western .attempts to dlVld~Turkey unmanageable. "These people do one has a right to put Turkey on the' pIe, had taken an oath to protect the ~<br />

and to hIS call to.put keY..lssues to not want bread. or food, ~?re ~argaining table. ~v~ryone, living mdivis!ble unity of the country and ti:l<br />

refe~enda! PreSI<strong>de</strong>nt SuleYfll;an <strong>de</strong>mocracy, or theIr o,wnteleVISion. III Turkey or not, lIkmg Turkey or the nallon. ~ trl<br />

DemIrel saId Turkey ~ad no opt!on They want land, they want a flag not, should know this very well," ~ ~<br />

,but to crush the KurdIsh separatIsts and they want a separate state - . Demirel said. See "DEMtREL" on page A8 0 trl<br />

:without <strong>de</strong>lay, not to allow the ' Ç< â<br />

West to divi<strong>de</strong> it, and to reform its ~ ~<br />

state structure thoroughly to leave ~ '<br />

.the Turkish Daily News editors in ::0 ~<br />

,an ~xclusive interview,.Demirel ,,~ ~<br />

clan~ed the reaso~s for his contro- ,":':':';l~ Don't go lor a dialogue or political <<br />

,vemal accusations t.ha~ the 'l3' ) solution with the separatists. " c;;<br />

Western powers were aImIng to , ,'Otherwise you will cause a backlasn ..,<br />

'revive the <strong>de</strong>funct treaty of Sevres of Turkish nationalism and the country ;><br />

-which partitioned Ottoman<br />

Turkey at the end of the First<br />

World War - through pressures<br />

fOi a "political solution to the<br />

Kurdish question." ,<br />

The Presi<strong>de</strong>nt said he was worried<br />

that Turkey w'as heading<br />

,towards (<strong>et</strong>hnic) polarization, not-<br />

'ing that if the separatist rebels of<br />

the Kurdistan Workers' Party<br />

(PKK) were not ren<strong>de</strong>red ineffective<br />

militarily this yèar, Turkey<br />

would face increased difficulties at<br />

home and abroad. ,<br />

Addressing himself to the foreign<br />

and domestic proponents of a<br />

dialogue with the PKK and minori-<br />

, ty ,rights to Turkey's 12 million<br />

J, , "Th':!re is no need for d: to {s:'!1guilty. On the matter of terrorism .<br />

we are totally right..<br />

TON Ali Fu.,' \llay<br />

". ..,. The West sh~uldnot advance impos-<br />

:"'4.'j sible conditions that divi<strong>de</strong> TUrkey.' in<br />

"', ) r<strong>et</strong>um for a reserved seat for TUr1


''Even without this oath, is it not a duty for everyone who<br />

is eating the bread, drinking the water and breathing the air<br />

of this country (to protect it)? I am calling on everyone to do<br />

their duty," Demirel said.<br />

In the interview, Demirel focused chiefly on Western<br />

attempts to impose a political solution, and saId that as they<br />

did WIththe Sevres, the Western states now seemed to want<br />

"east of the river Euphrates" for a Kurdish homeland.<br />

He pointed at the unrestricted activities of the ERNK (the<br />

PKK's pliticalwing) across Europe, the N<strong>et</strong>herlands' permission<br />

for a Kurdish "parliament-m-exile", the British-su~<br />

plied license and the French-provi<strong>de</strong>d channel for a Kurdish<br />

TV as the evi<strong>de</strong>ncé of the European sUPlX?rto the PKK.<br />

These, Demirel said, were tireaches of Western commitments<br />

as the members of the Euro~ Union, as members<br />

of NATO and other <strong>de</strong>mocratic <strong>Institut</strong>ions, "to support<br />

those fightingwith terrorism and not the terrorists themselves."<br />

"There is no need for us to feel ~ilty. On the matter of<br />

terrorism we are totally right," he saId.<br />

Demirel said Turkey and Europe nee<strong>de</strong>d each other, but it<br />

should not be forgotten that "reserving a seat for Turkey<br />

among European nations cannot be tied to conditions that<br />

create insurmountable problems Turkey has to cope with."<br />

He warned that, "the Turkish people had a <strong>de</strong>veloped<br />

common sense and while normally soft-spoken and easygoing,<br />

theJ could become very tough if certain limits were<br />

excee<strong>de</strong>d. Demirel asked for un<strong>de</strong>rstanding from Turkey's<br />

European friends about the difficulties it has encountered in<br />

its <strong>de</strong>mocratic experience, and said Turkey still had some<br />

distance to cover to perfect its <strong>de</strong>mocracy.<br />

For that, he said the "nation's pulse should be taken"<br />

whenever there is a need for imJX>rtant<strong>de</strong>cisions.<br />

Secondly, he called for the direct popular election of presi<strong>de</strong>nts.<br />

He said presi<strong>de</strong>nts should also be able"to schedule new<br />

elections - by dissolving the parliament.<br />

The state should be subjected to thorough-going reform<br />

and there should be more frequent recourse to the institution<br />

of referendum, Demirel said.<br />

Imprisoned Kurd<br />

lashes out at his<br />

British jailers<br />

Turldsh Daily N~s<br />

ANKARA- Kani YIlmaz, a spokesman<br />

for the outlawed Kurdistan Workers'<br />

Party (PKK) in <strong>de</strong>tention and standing<br />

trial in London, has accused Britain of<br />

imprisoning him to gain favor with<br />

Tuitey. .<br />

"The <strong>de</strong>cision of the Home Office ...<br />

suppo~ the powers in Turkey' who are<br />

~<strong>et</strong>ermmed to turn our country mto a livmg<br />

hell on earth," Yùmaz said in a statement<br />

released by the Brussels-based<br />

Kurdistan Committee on Saturday.<br />

''The treatment that I have been subjected<br />

to can only be construed as a move<br />

~ainst"the. Kurdish people's stf!Iggle for<br />

liberty, SaId YIlmai, who, onhiS way to<br />

me<strong>et</strong> British parliamentarians, was<br />

<strong>de</strong>tained last October and charged with<br />

illegal entry.<br />

yIlmaz, who is also bein~ sought by<br />

Germany, dismissed Bonn s move to<br />

have hini extradited as an attempt to placate<br />

Turkey and said there was no evi<strong>de</strong>nce<br />

l.i.nkfughim to the alleged actions<br />

of ~onspiracy to commit arson of which<br />

he ISaccused.<br />

Yllmaz, who has refugee status in<br />

Germany, had entered Britain four times<br />

~viously.<br />

Deportation proceedings were" halted<br />

when Germany requested his extradition.<br />

Although the PKK is banned in<br />

Germany, It is not banned in Britain.<br />

US <strong>de</strong>legation to visit Ankara<br />

'Turkey and Arme~ia are two<br />

neighbors who will have to<br />

live in the same region. We<br />

hope that they will open their<br />

bor<strong>de</strong>rs to each other and<br />

normalize relations.'<br />

Turkish Daily N~s<br />

ANKARA- A hi~h-Ievel <strong>de</strong>legation from the<br />

United States will arrive in Turkey at the end of the<br />

month to take up a number of issues including the<br />

future of an allied force stationed in Turkey,<br />

according to a rep()rt on Sunday by the Anatoha<br />

news agency from Washington.<br />

The agency reported that the <strong>de</strong>legation would<br />

be hea<strong>de</strong>d by Mark Parris, Near East Adviser to the<br />

National Security Council. Members of the State<br />

Department will also be in the <strong>de</strong>legation. The visit<br />

taICes placefollowing a suggestion by Prime<br />

Minister, Tansu Çil1er, to US Presi<strong>de</strong>nt, Bill<br />

Clinton, that the shape of Operation Poised<br />

Hammer - the popular name for an allied coalition<br />

force based In Turkey to maintain the no-fly<br />

zone over northern Iraq - must be changed.<br />

Although Washington has said they would assess<br />

any proposaI from Turkey, diplomatic sources say<br />

Ankara has ma4e no concr<strong>et</strong>e proposal y<strong>et</strong>. The<br />

extension of the mandate of the foree - reviewed<br />

every six months" - has to be approved by the<br />

Turkish Parliament at the end of June.<br />

Extending the mandate poses a problem each<br />

time because many Turks believe that the foree is<br />

instrumental in <strong>de</strong> facto partitioning of Iraq and<br />

establishing a Kurdish region in the north.<br />

Moreover, the stationing of the outlawed Kurdistan<br />

Workers' Party (PKK) mNorthern Iraq also makes<br />

Turks distrust the foree.<br />

In a related <strong>de</strong>velopment, an unnamed US<br />

source, quoted by Anatolia, said that Washington<br />

hoped Turkey would also allow the use of its terrilOry<br />

for transfer of aid to Armenia. Reversing a<br />

two-year blocka<strong>de</strong>, Ankara has just opened its airspace<br />

to planes to and from Armema, making it<br />

pos~ible for aid via air to this country, which is<br />

Involved in conflict with Azerbaijan over the<br />

enclave of Nagorno-Karabakh. .<br />

"Turkey and Armenia are two neighbors, who<br />

will have to live in the same region. We hope that<br />

they will open their bor<strong>de</strong>rs to each other and normze<br />

relations," the source said.<br />



If there.is a Parliament that cannot function then you have to find one<br />

.that does. This is not som<strong>et</strong>hing that can happen in a day. Turkey can<br />

go for, new elections and find a Parliament that functions. But do not<br />

think this is a matter for just one day.<br />

TON Ali Fu •• Ulay<br />

In the second part othis interview withthe Turkish Daily News,<br />

Presi<strong>de</strong>nt Demirel continued to touch on Turkey' s Kurdish problem<br />

and expressed doubt about the argument that granting cultural rights<br />

would reduce separatiStKurdish terrorism. ' , '<br />

While apparently closing the door to any reformist changes concerning<br />

the Kurdish issue, Demirelnevertheless conce<strong>de</strong>d<br />

that there were socialproblems, such as the<br />

pli~ht of displaced persons In southeast Anatolia,<br />

which nee<strong>de</strong>d urgent attention,<br />

Demirel said he was aware of this and indicated<br />

that h~ has initiated moves to try and alleviate the<br />

suffenngof persons affected by the fight against<br />

terrorism in the region. Demirel went on to indicate<br />

that the manner in which the "freedom of<br />

expression" <strong>de</strong>b~te was unfolding in Turkey today<br />

~howeQ,thatanimpasse had been reached on. this<br />

Issue.<br />

He expressed his hope that this issue would in<br />

the end be resolved within the framework of<br />

Turkey's <strong>de</strong>mocratic system and said in this con-'<br />

text that the common people of the country would<br />

b~ the best referee jn this respect in the final analy-<br />

SIS.<br />

While pointing in the direction of il referendum'<br />

on this issue, Demirel also expressed his serious<br />

doubt that the Tùrkish public would, as matters<br />

:stood today, endorse a notion of freedom of<br />

expression which allowed anyone to engage in the<br />

-dissemination of separat~sti<strong>de</strong>as.<br />

_<br />

. 'Yhile <strong>de</strong>claring that he hims.elf did. not place -<br />

lirruts on the freedom of expreSSIon,Demirel nevertheless<br />

appeared to -be doing precisely this with<br />

his exhortations that the security forces engaged in<br />

combatting terrorism should not be "<strong>de</strong>moralized"-<br />

in their effort. -<br />

, Turkish Daily News _ __ Demirel also said thatoverall pessimism was not<br />

ANKARA- Presi<strong>de</strong>nt Süleyman Demirel has said that ,":hil~ ~e -justified vis-a-vis Turkey and pointed to the<br />

himself did not put any restrictIOnson the freedom of expressIOn It IS regions outsi<strong>de</strong> of the Southeast, where he said all<br />

'Turks would refuse the<br />

promotion of separatism'<br />

his belief that the majority of Turks would.be opposed to the full exer-the basic economic indicators pointed to positive<br />

cise of this freedom if it meant that separatIsm could be openly promot- <strong>de</strong>velopments. _<br />

ed.<br />

Iraqi ambassador: Misun<strong>de</strong>rstandings. in ties<br />

ironedout; Baghdad wants strong relations<br />

Me<strong>et</strong>iDg: Iraqi ambassador<br />

has breakfast with Demirel, ,<br />

conveys.saddam's message<br />

Arrival: PUK <strong>de</strong>legation<br />

arriving for top-level talks<br />

By hnur Çevik<br />

Turkish Daily News<br />

ANKARA- Iragi Ainbassador Rafi<br />

Dahham Mijwel el-Tikriti said an atmosphere<br />

of misun<strong>de</strong>rstanding has recently affected<br />

relations b<strong>et</strong>ween Turkey and Iraq but ad<strong>de</strong>d<br />

that these misun<strong>de</strong>rstandings have been<br />

ironed out and stressed the Saddam Hussein<br />

- administration in Baghdad is <strong>de</strong>te~ned to'<br />

forge the "best possible relations with<br />

Turkey." ,<br />

The ambassador, speaking to the Turkish<br />

Daily News in a special interview Monday,<br />

said rumors that Iraq does not trust Ankara<br />

any more and does not want to export its oil<br />

through Turkeyare wrong and stressed that _<br />

"the pipeline built by the lea<strong>de</strong>rships of the<br />

two countries serves the interests of both<br />

countries and is a symbol of peace andcooperation.<br />

Any'one who befieves that we<br />

(Baghdad) WIll change this policy is wrong<br />

and we would like to stress that we have no<br />

suspicions about Turkey's intentions regardinglfaq."<br />

,<br />

. The ambassador said he was authorized by<br />

Presi<strong>de</strong>nt Saddam H~ssein and the Iraqi lea<strong>de</strong>rship<br />

to convey this message to the Turkish '<br />

people. -<br />

The ambassador reportedly had a breakfast<br />

me<strong>et</strong>ing with Presid~nt Süleyman Demirel<br />

recently after 'r<strong>et</strong>urnmg from Baghdad and<br />

also conveyed a message from Saddam<br />

Hussein to the. Turkish head of state on the<br />

relations b<strong>et</strong>ween the: two countries.<br />

Ambassador el-Tikriti said those who spread<br />

rumors about th~ oil pipeline are only trying<br />

to obstruct ties b<strong>et</strong>ween Ankara and<br />

Baghdad.<br />

The ambassador said Iraq has alternate<br />

ej{port routes for its oil but stressed "the<br />

Iraqi-Turkish pipeline" remains our main line<br />

:"'...l<br />



for cru<strong>de</strong> exports.<br />

The ambassador said iraq was compl<strong>et</strong>ely opposed to<br />

U.N. Securi~ Council Resofution 986, which gave it limited<br />

permissIOn to export oil, saying the resolution did not<br />

allow Baghdad the freedom to use its money as well as<br />

export oil jn any way it pleased. "But our targ<strong>et</strong> was not<br />

Turkey," lie stressed.<br />

He said Iraq had conveyed to Turkey that it wants to<br />

enhance its ties with Ankara without any future interference.<br />

"We have some problems b<strong>et</strong>ween Turkey and Iraq<br />

but we can sort them out ourselves. We want to talk wiili<br />

Turkey as friends, brothers and good neighbors."<br />

He said friends can always exchange complairits, but<br />

this should not cast a shadow on ties.<br />

The ambassador said the fight b<strong>et</strong>ween rival Kurdish<br />

groups in northern Iraq has hurt stability in the area. He<br />

said 1raq fears the rrre in northern Iraq could spill into<br />

Turkey.<br />

He said the iraqi Kurds have shownthey cannot run the<br />

area and claimed' "they su,pport the PKK (the outlawed<br />

Kurdistan Workers', Party).<br />

He charged that the Kurdish Democracy Party (KDP)<br />

of Massoud Barzani had given refuge to PKK terrorists<br />

when Turkey launched its recent incursion into northern<br />

Iraq in March. He said PKK militants fleeing from<br />

Turkish forces had been ~iven new clothing by the KDP<br />

people and had melted lOto the Iraqi Kurdish villages<br />

which support the KDP.<br />

In<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nt Iraqi Kurdish sources contacted in Europe<br />

conrmned the PKK-KDP link during the Turkish military<br />

action.<br />

They said the Kurds were annoyed with the Turkish<br />

presence in the area and had thus given shelter to the PKK<br />

groups. The Iraqi ambassador said the Iraqi government<br />

had anned and financed the Kurdish groups in the past in<br />

a plan similar to the village guard system in Turkey. He<br />

smd in the end these Kurdish groups rebelled and joined<br />

Banani and Jalal Talabani's Patriotic Union of Kurdistan<br />

(PUK). "Now they will do the same to Turkey," he<br />

warned.<br />

Meanwhile, the TON learned that a high-powered PUK<br />

<strong>de</strong>legation will arrive in Ankara today to start talks with<br />

Turkish officials on how to provi<strong>de</strong> security in the bor<strong>de</strong>r<br />

areas and tame the PKK groups which threaten Turkey.<br />

-.<br />

Libération Champagne - 22 mai 1995<br />

Communiqué <strong>de</strong> la Ligue<br />

<strong>de</strong>s Droits <strong>de</strong> l'Homme (L.D.H.)<br />

Réflexion<br />

sur la question kur<strong>de</strong><br />

Du point <strong>de</strong> vue <strong>de</strong>s militants<br />

<strong>de</strong>s Droits <strong>de</strong> l'Homme. la tragé-<br />

,die kur<strong>de</strong> a commencé réellement<br />

avec la signature du<br />

« Traité <strong>de</strong> Lausanne », le 24 juill<strong>et</strong><br />

1923,<br />

Ce traité constttue l'acte du<br />

partage en 4 du Kurdistan,<br />

Les quatre pays concernés directement<br />

par la question kur<strong>de</strong>,<br />

sont: la Turquie, l'Iran, l'Irak, <strong>et</strong><br />

la Syrie.<br />

Dans le passé, le peuple kur<strong>de</strong><br />

a payé assez.cher, le prix <strong>de</strong> plusieors<br />

handicaps majeurs.<br />

1) La richesse pétrolière du Kurdistan,<br />

2) les choix stratégiques du gouvernement<br />

d'Ankara, <strong>et</strong> son<br />

appartenance à l'Alliance<br />

atlantique, (15 <strong>de</strong>s 25 millions<br />

<strong>de</strong> Kur<strong>de</strong>s dans le mon<strong>de</strong>, vivent<br />

au Kurdistan <strong>de</strong> la Turquie),<br />

3) le soutien inconditionnel <strong>de</strong><br />

l'Occi<strong>de</strong>nt au Chah d'Iran,<br />

4) les conflits régionaux .dont le<br />

peuple kur<strong>de</strong> a souvent fait<br />

les frais,<br />

Aujourd'hui, la question kur<strong>de</strong><br />

n'est plus celle <strong>de</strong> 1923 ou <strong>de</strong><br />

1945, La conscience politique <strong>et</strong><br />

culturelle kur<strong>de</strong>, fait son ch~min<br />

avec <strong>de</strong>s figures d'avenir. Plusieurs<br />

facteurs interviennent en<br />

faveur <strong>de</strong> ce changement. La formation<br />

élargie <strong>de</strong> l'Intelligentsia<br />

kur<strong>de</strong> en <strong>de</strong>hors <strong>de</strong>s structures<br />

traditionnelles, La présence d'une<br />

diaspora représentative du Kurdistan,<br />

avec son soutien économique<br />

<strong>et</strong> la place <strong>de</strong> plus en plus<br />

importante <strong>de</strong>s citadins dans la<br />

mouvance politique <strong>et</strong> associative.<br />

La Ligue <strong>de</strong>s Droits <strong>de</strong><br />

l'Homme dénonce <strong>de</strong>puis <strong>de</strong>s années<br />

les graves violations <strong>de</strong>s<br />

Droits <strong>de</strong> l'Homme perpétrés<br />

dans la région kur<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> Turquie,<br />

La LD.H. constate aussi l'aggravation<br />

<strong>de</strong> la répression<br />

commise à l'encontre <strong>de</strong>s militants<br />

<strong>de</strong> l'Association turque <strong>de</strong>s<br />

Droits <strong>de</strong> l'Homme ; <strong>et</strong> les violations<br />

systématiques <strong>de</strong>s normes<br />

internationales,<br />

En fait, <strong>de</strong>rrière l'apparence <strong>de</strong><br />

la démocratie, une dictature <strong>de</strong><br />

fait s'installe en Turquie, Si la tâche<br />

<strong>de</strong>s militants <strong>de</strong>s Droits <strong>de</strong><br />

l'Homme est aussi <strong>de</strong> prévenir, il<br />

est aussi <strong>de</strong> notre <strong>de</strong>voir, d'encourager<br />

toute réflexion créative,<br />

qui prendra en compte les droits<br />

légitimes du peuple kur<strong>de</strong>.<br />

Dans c<strong>et</strong>te optique la LD.H.<br />

s'associe avec le M.P.A.P., Amnisty<br />

international. la F,O.L <strong>et</strong> le<br />

Secours populaire à une information<br />

solidarité pour le peuple<br />

kur<strong>de</strong>.<br />

La LD.H. vous invite à découvrir<br />

mardi 23 mai. à l'Espace Cité<br />

à Troyes, l'i<strong>de</strong>ntité kur<strong>de</strong>; dès<br />

14 h. à travers une exposition,<br />

son folklore, différents films. Et. à<br />

participer, à 20 h, à la conférence-débat<br />

avec <strong>de</strong>s perSonnalités<br />

kur<strong>de</strong>s. . v<br />

Entrée gratuite.<br />


-.....<br />

La Voix du Nord -'23 mai 1995<br />

Traditions.<br />

Musique kur<strong>de</strong> 'd~lranl;:.<br />

Huitfrères <strong>et</strong> sœur,;plus<br />

le.p<strong>et</strong>it,neveu,. forment<br />

un groupe' unique. <strong>de</strong>.;<br />

musiciens:~professlon~.<br />

nels ;:':1'ensemble'.Kam~<br />

kar. Célèbre erdrao;: c<strong>et</strong>l<br />

ensemble est surtout<br />

l'ambassa<strong>de</strong>ur du peuple<br />

kur<strong>de</strong>, <strong>et</strong> maintient,.<br />

grâce à la musique <strong>et</strong> la<br />

poésie,; l'i<strong>de</strong>ntité _~thnJque.<br />

<strong>et</strong>culturelle;tMals<br />

les Kamkar"sont-égalßment<br />

passés maîtres<br />

dans l'inte!"PJé.t~9!JlQ~<br />

la musique persane,<br />

avec"laqlielle..l'art,k9t<strong>de</strong><br />

possè'déJ.'<strong>de</strong> :grà'i1d~af~<br />

finités. Concert <strong>de</strong> l'association<br />

"Attacafa" ce<br />

mardi 23f..à20h30~-;:sall~<br />

<strong>de</strong> la Marbrerie;:r;tiè~<strong>de</strong><br />

la Marbreriê (FiVes~;Entrée<br />

: 80F..R.éservations<br />

: Fnac. '.-<br />

LE FIGARO - 24 mai 1995<br />


LePKK<br />

prêt à une trêve<br />

a Le chef du PKK (Parti <strong>de</strong>s<br />

tr.availleurs du Klûdistan) Abdullah<br />

Ocalan (photo AFP) s'est<br />

dit prêt, hier, à un cessez-le-feu<br />

" si les Turcs sont prêts à une<br />

solution pacifique n. Près <strong>de</strong><br />

15 000 personnes ont été tuées<br />

en Turquie dans les violences<br />

séparatistes <strong>de</strong>puis que le PKK<br />

a lancé son insurrection en<br />

1984 pour obtenir la création<br />

d'un Etat indépendant dans le<br />

Sud-Est.<br />

Libération - 23 mai 1995<br />

Des milliers <strong>de</strong> villages kur<strong>de</strong>s<br />

ont, <strong>de</strong>puis <strong>de</strong>s années, été rasés;<br />

plusieurs villes <strong>et</strong> bourga<strong>de</strong>s <strong>de</strong><br />

montagne sévèrement bombardées<br />

<strong>et</strong> dépeuplées.<br />

Cinq à six millions <strong>de</strong> Kur<strong>de</strong>s ont<br />

ainsi été contraints <strong>de</strong> quitter leurs<br />

. terres <strong>et</strong> ont émigré vers les gran<strong>de</strong>s<br />

métropoles turques <strong>de</strong> l'Ouest,<br />

où pour la plupart, ils vivent dans la<br />

misère. Ceux qui n'ont pas eu les<br />

moyens <strong>de</strong> partir peuplent les faubourgs<br />

miséreux. En moins <strong>de</strong><br />

<strong>de</strong>ux ans, la ville <strong>de</strong> Oiyarbakis a<br />

vu sa population tripler,passant à<br />

un million <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong>mi d'habitants, selon<br />

un processus qui n'est pas sans<br />

rappeler l'expérience récente du<br />

Kurdistan irakien, où, à la suite <strong>de</strong><br />

la .<strong>de</strong>struction <strong>de</strong>s villages par les<br />

troupes <strong>de</strong> Saddam tfussein, les<br />

paysans déracinés ont été soit inlemés<br />

dans <strong>de</strong>s camps, soit chassés<br />

vers <strong>de</strong> gran<strong>de</strong>s villes ...<br />

En décembre 1994, la cour <strong>de</strong><br />

sOr<strong>et</strong>é. <strong>de</strong> l'Etat en Turquie a<br />

condamné cinq députés kur<strong>de</strong>s à<br />

10 ans <strong>de</strong> prison. leur seul délit<br />

consistant à !lffirmer leur i<strong>de</strong>ntité<br />

Peuple kur<strong>de</strong><br />

Information solidarité<br />

Mardi 23 mal Espace Cité<br />

. ,<br />

kur<strong>de</strong> - leyla Zana, première<br />

. femme kur<strong>de</strong> élue député ayant<br />

oser prononcer en Kur<strong>de</strong> une<br />

phrase sur .. la fraternité <strong>de</strong>s peuples<br />

ture <strong>et</strong> kur<strong>de</strong>».<br />

les Kur<strong>de</strong>s <strong>de</strong>man<strong>de</strong>nt simplement<br />

à vivre comme <strong>de</strong>s êtres hu"<br />

mains, dans le respect <strong>de</strong> leur dignité,<br />

<strong>de</strong> leur parsonnalité, <strong>de</strong> leur.<br />

i<strong>de</strong>ntité.<br />

le parlement en exil du Kurdistan<br />

a été fondé à la Haye aux<br />

Pays-Bas, le 25 avril 1995 en présence<br />

<strong>de</strong> personnalités <strong>de</strong> toute<br />

l'Europe.<br />

le MRAP, la lDH, la FOL, le<br />

Secours Populaire, vous Invitent<br />

:<br />

• à découvrir le mardi 23 mai à<br />

l'Espace Cité, l'I<strong>de</strong>ntité kur<strong>de</strong>, à.<br />

partir <strong>de</strong> 14 h, à travers une ex":<br />

position, son folklore, <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong>s<br />

films, .<br />

• à participer à partir <strong>de</strong> 20 h .à<br />

une conférence-débat avec un.<br />

parlementaire kur<strong>de</strong>, <strong>de</strong>s person-<br />

.nl~lités kur<strong>de</strong>s, <strong>de</strong>s témoins<br />

.~antGl!l/'tÎcipé à un voyage. en<br />

Tur~ . Je 20 mars <strong>de</strong>mier ".<br />

, -<br />

EST ECLAR - 23 MAIl 995<br />

.peüplè kur<strong>de</strong><br />

Information solidarité<br />

mardi 23 mai<br />

Espace Cité .<br />

Des milliers <strong>de</strong> villages kur<strong>de</strong>s<br />

ont, <strong>de</strong>puis <strong>de</strong>s anriées, été rasés;<br />

plusieurs villes <strong>et</strong> boUrga<strong>de</strong>s <strong>de</strong><br />

montagne sévère,nent bombardées'<br />

<strong>et</strong> dépeuplées. Cinq à six millions <strong>de</strong><br />

Kur<strong>de</strong>s ont ainsi été contrainls <strong>de</strong><br />

quitter leurs terres <strong>et</strong> ont émigré:<br />

Vers les gran<strong>de</strong>s métropoles turques:<br />

<strong>de</strong> l'ouest, où pour la plupart, ils<br />

Vivent dans la misè~e.<br />

•. le MRAP, la lOH, la FOL,' le'<br />

Secours Populaire vous invitent à<br />

découvrir le mardi 23 mai à l'espace'<br />

Cité, l'i<strong>de</strong>ntité kur<strong>de</strong> à partir <strong>de</strong> 14 h<br />

il .travers 'uneexposition, son folklore<br />

<strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong>s films.<br />

. A participer à partir <strong>de</strong> 20 h à une<br />

conférence-débat avec un parle~<br />

.mentaire kur<strong>de</strong>, <strong>de</strong>s personnalités<br />

,kur<strong>de</strong>s, <strong>de</strong>s témoins ayant participf.<br />

'à un voyage en Turquie le 20 mart.<br />

<strong>de</strong>mier.<br />



EST ECLAR - 24-25 MAI 1995<br />

Hier à Troyes<br />

Une iournée Illnfôrmation-Solidarité"<br />

. avec le peuple kur<strong>de</strong><br />

La r.sistanee kur<strong>de</strong>: une guerre où les femmes sont partie prenante<br />

Le MRAP (Mouvement contre<br />

le Racisme <strong>et</strong> pour l'Amitié entre<br />

les Peuples), la Ligue <strong>de</strong>s Droits<br />

<strong>de</strong> l'Homme, la Fédération <strong>de</strong>s<br />

Oeuvres Laïques <strong>et</strong> le Secours<br />

populaire organisaient hier une<br />

journée "Information solidarité"<br />

avec le peuple kur<strong>de</strong>.<br />

Car c'est bien d'un peuple<br />

qu'il s'agit <strong>et</strong> non pas d'une<br />

"minorité <strong>et</strong>hnique" comme<br />

l'affirment les gouvernements<br />

<strong>de</strong>s pays dans lesquels les<br />

Kur<strong>de</strong>s sont violemment opprimés<br />

<strong>de</strong>puis soixante-dix ans.<br />

Certes, ce peuple dont le berceau<br />

se situe dans l'ancienne<br />

Mésopotamie, entre les bras du<br />

Tigre <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong> l'Euphrate est l'un<br />

<strong>de</strong>s plus anciens du mon<strong>de</strong>;<br />

pourtant l'histoire du XX. siècle<br />

tend à l'éliminer. Déportation,<br />

génoci<strong>de</strong>, guerres, exil, interdiction<br />

<strong>de</strong> pratiquer la langue tend<br />

à annihiler la résistance kur<strong>de</strong> <strong>et</strong><br />

à briser l'affirmation <strong>de</strong> leur<br />

i<strong>de</strong>ntité.<br />

Ecartelé <strong>de</strong>puis l'éclatement<br />

<strong>de</strong> l'Empire ottoman entre la<br />

Twrquie, l'Iran, l'Irak, la Syrie <strong>et</strong><br />

I~ex-URSS, le peuple kur<strong>de</strong><br />

résiSte aux assimilations forcée.<br />

C'~ c<strong>et</strong>te résistance, notamment<br />

ce/le organisée en Turquie<br />

autour~u PKK <strong>de</strong>puis 1983, qui<br />

it, J:\rov6qué une répression <strong>de</strong><br />

phiS en plus violente ces <strong>de</strong>r-<br />

..piWes années <strong>et</strong> toutparticulièrement<br />

ces <strong>de</strong>rniers mois, infligeant<br />

à la population civile un<br />

traitement digne <strong>de</strong> celui opéré<br />

par Mustapha Kémal: déportation<br />

<strong>de</strong> population, villages<br />

rasés, tortures, emprisonnement<br />

abusifs, enlèvements,<br />

paupérisme organisé dans l'ensemble<br />

du Kurdistan turc ...<br />

Folklore<br />

<strong>et</strong> conférence-débBt<br />

L'exposition présentée à<br />

l'Espace Cité montrait avec <strong>de</strong><br />

superbes photos quelques<br />

caractéristiques <strong>de</strong> la culture<br />

kur<strong>de</strong> mais surtout, elle m<strong>et</strong>tait<br />

l'accent sur les drames qui se<br />

sont déroulés dans c<strong>et</strong>te région<br />

orientale <strong>de</strong> la Turquie, pratiquement<br />

en état <strong>de</strong> siège <strong>de</strong>puis<br />

<strong>de</strong>s années <strong>et</strong> où la terreur<br />

imposée par l'armée s'est intensifiée<br />

<strong>de</strong>puis 1994 <strong>et</strong> tout particulièrement<br />

ces <strong>de</strong>rniers mois.<br />

Mille trois cents villages ont<br />

été à nouveaux rasés... Des<br />

populations à nouveaux déportées,<br />

emprisonnées ... jusqu'aux<br />

six députés condamnés à quinze<br />

ans, dans un pays qui fait le forcing<br />

pour entrer dans la<br />

Communauté européenne, qui<br />

utilise <strong>de</strong>s armes alleman<strong>de</strong>s <strong>et</strong><br />

françaises <strong>et</strong> traquent, sans<br />

égard pour les populations<br />

civiles, les résistal'\tS du PKK<br />

réfugiés dans les montagnes du<br />

nord <strong>de</strong> "Irak, avec "accörd tacite,<br />

voire explicite, <strong>de</strong>s nations<br />

occi<strong>de</strong>ntales <strong>et</strong> notamment <strong>de</strong>s<br />

USA. Les photos étaient accompagnées<br />

<strong>de</strong> larges extraits du<br />

livre <strong>de</strong> Medhi Zana, ancien<br />

maire <strong>de</strong> Dyarbakir, intitulé<br />

"Prison n° 5; onze ans dans les<br />

geôles turques" <strong>et</strong> paru en<br />

février <strong>de</strong>rnier.<br />

Dans la soirée, l'exposit!on<br />

<strong>de</strong>vait s'animer <strong>de</strong> films, <strong>de</strong><br />

danses folkloriques ainsi que<br />

d'une conférence-débat à<br />

laquelle participaient Pitros<br />

Karatay, député du Parlement<br />

kur<strong>de</strong> en exil qui s'est constitué<br />

en avril <strong>de</strong>rnier à La Haye, Kilic<br />

Semsi, coordinatrice du Bureau<br />

d'Information du Kurdistan,<br />

d'une <strong>de</strong>s photographes dont<br />

les clichés sont reproduits dans<br />

l'exposition réalisée par le<br />

Centre d'Information du<br />

Kurdistan. "Que les Kur<strong>de</strong>s<br />

nous expriment ce qu'ils atten<strong>de</strong>nt<br />

<strong>de</strong> nous. Comment en tant<br />

que citoyens, nous pouvons les<br />

ai<strong>de</strong>r à trouver une solution à<br />

leur drame <strong>et</strong> savoir mieux ce<br />

qu'ils attend,ent Bussi <strong>de</strong> nos<br />

gouvernements, c'est l'objectif<br />

<strong>de</strong> c<strong>et</strong>te conférence", soulignait<br />

Anna Zajac, prési<strong>de</strong>nte du<br />

MRAP.<br />

V.A.<br />




~ La parole aux Kur<strong>de</strong>s à l'Espace Cité<br />

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Reuters: OcaIan talks of political solution to war<br />

Öcalan: 'I am saying if the military <strong>de</strong>struction against us and be ready for a<br />

. .. political solution."<br />

Tur~sh state s~ps operations He said Ankara'~ efforts to impose a military<br />

agamst US and if they are solution in the Kurdish conflict could never<br />

ready for a political solution, wO~iœd if a 1993 threat he ma<strong>de</strong> to wage all-out<br />

then we are ready for a cease- war on Turkey, including attaçks on tourist sites,<br />

fire or peace as an organization' was still on the PKK agenda; Öcalan replied:<br />

"Since the Turkish state <strong>de</strong>clared a whole war<br />

By Haitharn Haddadin agai~st us, we ~ having a ,!hole war against the<br />

Reuters StaffWriter Turkish state... 'We are havmg a war to hurt the<br />

IN THE BEKAA VALLf:Y, Lebanon- .Turkish economy and to l<strong>et</strong> it be known interna-<br />

Kurdish rebel chief Abdullah Öcalan called on tionally that there is a war in Turkey and that the<br />

Tuesday for a ceasefue in the separatist war with Tur~sh state is not a tourist area."<br />

Turkey and said he was ready for peace if Ankara Öcalan, with the PKK red banner behind him,<br />

was ready for a IX!liticalsolution. said Turkish forces had <strong>de</strong>stroyed all economic<br />

"I am saying if the Turkish state stops opera- potential in Kurdistan. "They even bum horses<br />

tions against us and if they are ready for a politi- andhomes ...not eyen Kurdish names are allowed<br />

cal solution, then we are ~dy for a ceasefue or in Turkey," said ÖCalan,s~ng in Turkish.<br />

peace as an organization," ÖCalan, who heads the Dismissing Ankara s recent campaign<br />

Kurdistan Wolkers Party (PKK), told Reuters in launched with 35,000 troops against his guerrillas<br />

eastern Lebanon's Bekaa Valley. .in northern Iraq as a failure, Ocalan said he sus-<br />

More than 15,000 people have been killed in pe<strong>et</strong>ed Turkey might repeat the operation. "Our<br />

Turkey since 1984 when the PKK took up arms e!esence in northern Iraq is strong ... They<br />

for a separate Kurdish state in the southeast. (Turkish troops) feel the need to enter northern<br />

"If Ankara continues its campaign ag,ainst the Iraq to be. successful," Öcalan said. "They are<br />

IÇurdish people, the Kurdish people will fight," preparing a bigger operation.<br />

Öcalan said. "The Turkish state should stop all "The PKK presence in northern Iraq became<br />

StateMinister Hacaloglu: There are 295 uni<strong>de</strong>ntified corpses<br />

Turlcish Daily News<br />

ANKARA- Algan Hacaloglu, state minister<br />

res~nsible for human ri2hts, said, while visiting<br />

the <strong>Institut</strong>e of Forensiç "Medicine in Istanbul on<br />

Monday, that forensic examination had revealed<br />

that the <strong>de</strong>aths of 295 uni<strong>de</strong>ntified corpses had<br />

occurred in "unnatural" circumstances. Hacaloglu,<br />

cornrœnting on the case of Hasan<br />

Ocak, SaId that no blame attached to the forensic<br />

<strong>de</strong>partment but that there was a gap in the chain<br />

b<strong>et</strong>ween the prosecutor's office, forensic medicine<br />

and the police <strong>de</strong>partment He said that Hasan Ocak<br />

died as a result of torture or "at least bis <strong>de</strong>ath was<br />

not from natural causes."<br />

Twenty-nine year-old Hasan Ocak.disappeared<br />

in Istanbul on March 21, and bis <strong>de</strong>ad body was<br />

found later, without i<strong>de</strong>ntification, in the Beykoz<br />

district. The body was examined by the forensic<br />

<strong>de</strong>partment and later buried, still uni<strong>de</strong>ntified. On<br />

larger as a result of the operation. Wç.established<br />

many important strategic places," Ocalan said.<br />

"We managed to draw people's attention to<br />

us."<br />

Turkey <strong>de</strong>clared the northern Iraqi campaign,<br />

which en<strong>de</strong>d on May 2, as a compl<strong>et</strong>e success,<br />

~llying 555 PKK fighters and 61 soldiers died.<br />

Ocalan said Ankara reversed the actual casualty<br />

figures.<br />

He put Turkish <strong>de</strong>aths at 800 a~ainst 60 PKK<br />

<strong>de</strong>ad. Turkish military sources Said on Monday<br />

the number of troops m Turkey's eastern Tunceli<br />

province would be boosted to 45,000 as part of<br />

t~e army's bid to finish off the Kurdish rebels.<br />

Ocalan warned the Kurdistan Democratic Party<br />

of Iraqi Kurdish chief Massoud Barzani against<br />

joining Turkish forces in the war against the<br />

PKK, saying they would be finished if they<br />

did.<br />

He said Ankara had offered the KDP control of<br />

strategic points along the Turkish-Iraqi bor<strong>de</strong>r to<br />

stol' cross.frontier raids by the PKK. "I don't<br />

thitik Barzani will accept," he ad<strong>de</strong>d. Reuters correspon<strong>de</strong>nts<br />

were driven from Beirut to a secr<strong>et</strong><br />

PKK locati.9n in the Bekaa Valley for the interview<br />

with Ocalan, and waited for hours before he<br />

showed up with three bodyguards armed with<br />

AK-47 assault rifles.<br />

April16 bis family saw a photograph taken by the<br />

forensic <strong>de</strong>partment and i<strong>de</strong>ntified the body as<br />

Ocak. The remains were exhumed and taken to the<br />

Gaziosmanp~ district where the family lived and<br />

which in March had been the scene of massive<br />

unrest b<strong>et</strong>ween local people and police.<br />

Minister Hacaloglu said the number of uni<strong>de</strong>ntified<br />

corpses had recently risen to 295 and.that he he<br />

would take the matter before the cabin<strong>et</strong>..<br />

CX><br />



MKE boosts machine gun exports to<br />

Norway <strong>de</strong>spite Oslo's armsembargo<br />

By Ümit Enginsoy I T~rkish Daily News<br />

ANKARA- Turkey's state-owned Machinery and Chemicals<br />

Company (MKE) has boosted sales of machine guns to Norway<br />

while at the same time Oslo continues an embargo on arms sales to<br />

Ankara, a senior MKE official said on Tuesday.<br />

"Our sales of MG-3 type machine guns to Norway are going very<br />

well. They have boughf 5,250 pieces and now are or<strong>de</strong>ring another<br />

I,OOOt the official told the Turkish Daily News.<br />

"The arms embargo Norway recently imposed against Turkey has<br />

not affected our sales. In fact, we have received no or<strong>de</strong>rs from the<br />

related Turkish authorities to stop the sales," the official ad<strong>de</strong>d.<br />

To protest an incursion by the Turkish Army into northern Iraq to<br />

<strong>de</strong>stroy bases of separatist Kurds, Norway said in late March that it<br />

would no longer sell weapons and military equi~ment to Turkey.<br />

Ankara r<strong>et</strong>aliated by barnng Norwegian comparues from entering<br />

Turkey's future arms <strong>de</strong>als. .<br />

MKE manufactures a wi<strong>de</strong> range of arms from artillery piêces and<br />

mortars, to machine guns, infantry rifles and ammunition - mainly<br />

for the Turkish Army. .<br />

But in recent years it has increased exports of mainly machine<br />

guns and ammunition to several countries throughout the world.<br />

MKE's exports excee<strong>de</strong>d $15 million in 1994, and the company official<br />

saidthis year' s targ<strong>et</strong> was to export arms and military equipment<br />

Turkish Daily News<br />

WEDNESDAY. MA Y 24. 1995<br />

worth $20 million.<br />

. The original <strong>de</strong>al with Norway was worth $13 million, covering a<br />

four-year production period for 5,250 machine guns. But the new<br />

or<strong>de</strong>r for another 1,000 pieces raises the <strong>de</strong>al's overallcast<br />

The official said Norway' s selection of the Turkish<br />

MG-3s for its armywas a very significantsuccess for<br />

MKE, displaying the high quality of the company's<br />

products.. . . .<br />

. "Norwegian military officials have told us that they<br />

have .been impressed by the performance of our MG-<br />

3s," he said. Arms exports by Turkish companies<br />

require permissions from the Office of the Chief of<br />

General Staff, the Defense. Ministry and the Foreign<br />

Ministry. .<br />

Ankara r<strong>et</strong>aliates against S. African embargo<br />

.By Nazlan Ertanl Turkish Daily News<br />

ANKARA- Turkey announced that it has placed<br />

South Africa on a "red list" of arms suppliers ID<br />

respon~e to .the <strong>de</strong>cision by this postapai1held<br />

Afncan country last week to<br />

suspendarms sales to Turkey ..<br />

. '1n response to this country's military .<br />

embargo, we now. place South Africa on our<br />

red list of arms suppliers," a senior Turkish .<br />

diplomat told the Turkish Daily News. He said<br />

that.nO further economic and diplomatic r<strong>et</strong>aliation<br />

was being consi<strong>de</strong>red for the time being. . .<br />

The "red list" is a Foreign Ministry euphemism meaning thatthe<br />

country in question is "black listed" as an arms supplier. A red-Iis!~.d<br />

coun.try is no,t allowed to enter arms ten<strong>de</strong>rs in Turkey not-,eli~'.ty<br />

. rriilitary equipment.to Turkey. According to the<br />

senior official, the <strong>de</strong>cision was conveyed to<br />

South Africa last week both in Pr<strong>et</strong>oria<br />

and Ankara.<br />

Although the arms tra<strong>de</strong> b<strong>et</strong>ween<br />

Turkey an(l South Africa is negligible,<br />

Turk~y has co~si<strong>de</strong>red this country<br />

as a potentJaIsupplier and has soun<strong>de</strong>d<br />

out some South Afncan arms suppliers on<br />

" the sale of R.eQivaikhèlicop.ters ana c1ust~r<br />

bombs. WhIle Ankara waIted for a <strong>de</strong>cI-<br />

. . sion, South Africa, whIch has been assessing<br />

its overallarms sales to other countries, informed Turkey last<br />



.-<br />

.-<br />

week that it would suspend arms sales to<br />

Turkey. It gave no reason for the <strong>de</strong>cision.<br />

The South African Embassy, in response<br />

to an inquiry from Turkish Datly News, said<br />

that South Africa was suspending the <strong>de</strong>livery<br />

of certain arms to Turkey "m line with<br />

similar measures taken by several other<br />

states."<br />

"We consi<strong>de</strong>r this an outrageous <strong>de</strong>cision<br />

and attribute it to tbe past finks with the<br />

African National Congress (ANC)," a<br />

Turkish diplomat, who requested anonymity,<br />

said. .<br />

This comment on a past link with the ANC<br />

is a thinly-veiled reference to Turkey's belief<br />

that the ANC, particularly in its days as a<br />

resistance gI'(>up,had ties with the outlawed<br />

Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK). When<br />

Nelson Man<strong>de</strong>la, prior to the all~ce elections<br />

that installed birn as presi<strong>de</strong>nt, <strong>de</strong>clined<br />

to accept the Atatürk Award offered to him<br />

by Turkey in 1992, some Turkish' circles<br />

attributed this to the influence of the PKK on<br />

the' ANC. Although South Africa has assured<br />

Turkey at every opportunity that it consi<strong>de</strong>rs<br />

the PKK a "terronst orgarnzation," the <strong>de</strong>cision<br />

to sus~nd arms to Turkey, along with<br />

rumors that Kurdish activists were increasiRg<br />

their presence in South Africa, has ma<strong>de</strong><br />

Ankara remember old wounds.<br />

"We consi<strong>de</strong>r th~ South African <strong>de</strong>cision<br />

an incomprehensible one at a time when we.<br />

are !I)'ing to enhance our relations," another<br />

Turkish diplomat told the Turkish Daily<br />

News. The two countries, which restored full<br />

diplomatic ties in 1992, conclu<strong>de</strong>d a number<br />

of economic accords last year to promote<br />

tra<strong>de</strong> and tourism."<br />

Turkish officials,' bowever, maintain that<br />

they will not apply economic. nor diplomatic<br />

sanctions to Soutli Africa. A note of protest<br />

from Turkey is also ruled out by the same<br />

circles. SilD11arly,the South African Embassy<br />

ruled out that they had initiated a total<br />

embar~o on Turkey. "Nor do (we) intend to<br />

do so, the embassy statement said.<br />

Öcalan pushes<br />

all 01 us to<br />

make a choice<br />

There are about 14 million citizens of<br />

Kurdish origin in Turkey while are<br />

there more than 50 million Turks living<br />

on this soil. Most of our citizens of<br />

Kurdish <strong>et</strong>hnic origin live in Western<br />

Turkey mingled with all of us. Only about<br />

three million are located in southeastern<br />

Turkey where the PKK terrorist organization<br />

is waging a separatist campaign ...<br />

In an interview with Reuters on<br />

Tuesday, PKK lea<strong>de</strong>r Abdullah Öcalan<br />

says he is prepared to lay down his arms<br />

and end his terrorist campaign provi<strong>de</strong>d<br />

that Ankara starts talking about a political<br />

solution for the Kurdish issue.<br />

What does this "political solution" mean?<br />

All we can,un<strong>de</strong>r-<br />

Language problem limits<br />

health care in Southeast<br />

'Physicians mostly believe that<br />

they cannot be effective enough as<br />

most of the patients do not mow<br />

Turkish, they know only Kurdish'<br />

Turkish Daily News<br />

ANKARA- Turkish-speaking health personnel face difficulties<br />

providing health services in the Southeast, the Turkish<br />

Medical Association (TMA) reported.<br />

In a report pllblished at the begillning of the month, the<br />

TMA saId language problems limit health services in<br />

Southeast, a predommantly Kurdish area ofTurkey.<br />

The report emphasized the importance of language in ren<br />

<strong>de</strong>ring services.<br />

J<br />

"Answers to a survey given on this matter by the physicians,<br />

midwives and nurses working at the health centers in the<br />

provincial center of Diyarbakir are interesting," the report said.<br />

"Physicians mostly believe that they cannot be effective<br />

enough as most of the patients do not know Turkish, they know<br />

only Kurdish." "<br />

The survey said that midwives and nurses faced difficulties<br />

with vaccinations, family planning, matemàl and child health<br />

care and in health education because of the language problem.<br />

Therefore they could not be effective enough ..<br />

The report also said that midwives anâ nurses who knew<br />

Kurdish said that they were more successful in ren<strong>de</strong>ring services.<br />

The TMA said that more than half of the physIcians<br />

nee<strong>de</strong>d a third person to communicate with patients and more<br />

than half of the physicians believe that they cannot be helpful<br />

enough to their patients because of the communication problem.<br />

As a result of the survey, the TMA suggested that pbysicians<br />

working in the region should know a socioeconomic conditions<br />

and learn the patient's language so that they could communicate.<br />

According to the TMA, third persons also should be<br />

employed for communication with the patients in the region.<br />

. stand from this is<br />

that Öcalan<br />

wants to a create ed,;to1"'ial<br />

a separate state '" "<br />

for the Kurds on<br />

this soil and<br />

divi<strong>de</strong> our country.<br />

So what he<br />

could not do<br />

through terrorism<br />

he wants to<br />

achieve through<br />

political means.<br />

Öcalan is not a<br />

man of peace. If<br />

he were then he<br />

would never have<br />

or<strong>de</strong>red the<br />

killing of innocent<br />

women and<br />

children for what<br />

he calls a "cause."<br />

He says, "if Ankara continues its campaign<br />

against the Kurdish people, the<br />

Kurdish people will fight." Turkey is riot<br />

involved in any campaign against its<br />

Kurdish population and out of the huge<br />

millions of people of J(urdish~rigin' in<br />

Turkey we see that onlya'handful o(mili-<br />


tants - numbering around 5,000 - are<br />

involved in Öcalan's famous struggle. Of<br />

course, even so few people could cause all<br />

theàestructioo' that is neces8aI"Y:.tomake<br />

people shud<strong>de</strong>r when they hear Ocalan<br />

and the PKK mentioned. People living on<br />

this land may soon have to make a clear<br />

choice on wh<strong>et</strong>her they want to live all<br />

tOg<strong>et</strong>her or face the consequences .., The<br />

consequences are clear: "You either live<br />

with us un<strong>de</strong>r this flag or you go and find<br />

yourself another homeland and that piece<br />

ofland will not be within Turkish bor<strong>de</strong>rs.<br />

If you do 'not consi<strong>de</strong>r yourself as our<br />

brothers and sisters then we cannot consi<strong>de</strong>r<br />

you as one of us ...": Iftoday people<br />

like us struggle for the rights of our<br />

Kurdish brothers and sisters, who we feel<br />

.have be~n do~w::a.<strong>de</strong>d as !>,~c.ond,.cla8s ~i~k<br />

zens in soutnéasternTurkey,it is because.<br />

they are one' of us. But the day we find out<br />

that they do not want to bea citizen of the<br />

Turkish<br />

change.<br />

Republic, then many things will<br />

.<br />

We do not want to be put in a position to<br />

make that choice and Öcalan should not<br />

force anyone to do that.<br />

So when Ocalansays, "if Ankara continues<br />

its campaign against the Kurdish pea,<br />

pIe, the Kurdish people will fight," everyone<br />

concemedhast9 remember that .<br />

Ankara is only fighting agaffist separatism<br />

but if the Turkish nation is provokedyou<br />

may see thatinstead of "Ankara" the .<br />

nation may well be up in arms. That is<br />

what Demirel was trying to warn ,against<br />

in his recent interview with the Turkish<br />

Daily News ... We &re corifi<strong>de</strong>nt that commonsense<br />

will prevail and we will continue<br />

to live in peace and harmony asproud<br />

citizens of the Turkish Republic. The fact .<br />

that Öcalan claims his forces are strong in<br />

northern Iraq is trivial~ He knows well<br />

that his forces could not stand up to the<br />

might of the Armed Forces of the Turkish<br />

. Republic and just fled like an~ when the<br />

Army entered northern Iraq. Ocalan is<br />

. simply making an effort to keep up the<br />

morale ofhis militants.<br />

What weexpect from the Turkish officials<br />

now is to ask the Lebanese authorities<br />

what Öcalan was doing on their soil on<br />

Tuesday, May 23, 1995 ...<br />

Turkish Daily News<br />

THURSDAY.MA'(25.1995<br />

. . .. "-". .<br />

..<br />

.<br />

.". .' .<br />

. .<br />

Turkey urges complementing Provi<strong>de</strong><br />

Comfortwith<br />

peace plan in N. Iraq<br />

Stability perspective:' 'Any<br />

disor<strong>de</strong>r sitùation without<br />

a peace perspective is a"<br />

continued source of instability.<br />

Any humanitarian<br />

action which is not closely<br />

tied to a peace plan will be,<br />

by nature, going on and<br />

on,' says Sanberk<br />

By Nazlan Ertan<br />

Turkish Daily News<br />

ANKARA- Uneasy with the continued<br />

disor<strong>de</strong>r in northern Iraq. which threatens<br />

its own security, Ankara drew<br />

Washington's attention on Tuesday to the<br />

need to formulate a "peace plan" in northern<br />

Iraq to complement Operation Proyi<strong>de</strong> .<br />

Comfort.<br />

"There must be a peace plan to be tied to<br />

-the humanitarian operation," Foreign<br />

Ministry Un<strong>de</strong>rsecr<strong>et</strong>ary Oz<strong>de</strong>m Sanberk<br />

told the Turkish Daily News in an exclusive<br />

interview as Turkish officials m<strong>et</strong> with<br />

their AmericliIJ counterparts to discuss the<br />

Sanberk stresses Turkish interests have<br />

priority , .<br />

situation in northern Iraq. .<br />

"We are trying to' convince Washington<br />

.and all allies that a peace and stability plan<br />

is necessary for the situation in northern<br />

Iraq. The operation now should have a stability<br />

perspective," Sanberk ad<strong>de</strong>d.<br />

Sanberk's words indicate that Ankara is<br />

having second. thoughts on the future of<br />

Operation Provi<strong>de</strong> .comfort II, an allied<br />

force which is .stationed in Turkey to guarantee<br />

the security of Iraqi Kurds north' of<br />

the 36th parallel. . .,.<br />

_A month ago, Prime Minister Tansu<br />

Çillér told U.S. Presi<strong>de</strong>nt Bill Clinton that<br />

the structure of the force should be<br />

reshaped. While both Americans and Turks<br />

. <strong>de</strong>ny that concr<strong>et</strong>e proposals have been<br />

ma<strong>de</strong> by either of the parties, Sanberk's<br />

words indicate that Turkey is reluctant to<br />

keep renewing the mandate of the force.<br />

"Any disor<strong>de</strong>r situation without a peace<br />

perspective is a continued source of mstability.<br />

There is a humanitarian action going<br />

on in northern Iraq, in which Turkey is also<br />

participating. But any humanitarian<br />

action which is not closely tied to a peace<br />

plan will be,by nature, going on and on,"<br />

the un<strong>de</strong>rsecr<strong>et</strong>ary said. .<br />

. Turkey focused on complementing<br />



Operation Provi<strong>de</strong> Comfort 'n .wi~ a<br />

peaee plan in its high level talks WIth<br />

two U.S. <strong>de</strong>legations from the<br />

National Security Council and State<br />

Depar1l11ent.<br />

'~ is not som<strong>et</strong>hing that will<br />

happenwith one me<strong>et</strong>ing. But it ,is<br />

wfiere we are trying to lead<br />

Washington:' Sanberk said. Mark<br />

Parris, the head of the U.S. <strong>de</strong>legation<br />

that arrived in Ankara<br />

Wednesday, said that new i<strong>de</strong>as had<br />

been launched in the talks on the<br />

security of the Turco-Iraqi bor<strong>de</strong>r<br />

and the protection of the northern<br />

Ira9.iKurds.<br />

'Oeeration Provi<strong>de</strong> Comfort is<br />

very ImI>0rtant for both factors,"<br />

Parris, the Near East adviser of<br />

National Security Council, said. He<br />

did not elaborate further.<br />

While Sanberk told the TDN that<br />

there were "no concr<strong>et</strong>e proposals on<br />

thè' restl1lcturing of the Operation<br />

Provi<strong>de</strong> Comfort," he said that a<br />

I(mg,-term peace plan can be based<br />

upon U.N. Resolution 688, which<br />

alms to reconcile the Baghdad<br />

administration with the Kurds.<br />

"If the resolution is realized,<br />

Provi<strong>de</strong> Comfort can be lifted as Iraq<br />

restores its full sovereignty on all its<br />

territory," Sanberk said. "This is<br />

what we aim at but we are acutely<br />

aware that the si<strong>de</strong>s are not ready for<br />

it." ,<br />

Sanberk indicated that until this<br />

was realized, Turkey "would not<br />

consent to the safe haven in northern<br />

Iraq;' to become an ''unsafe region"<br />

for Turkish security.<br />

Claiming that the Iragi Kurds<br />

should maintain the secunty in the<br />

region, Sanberk said: "It is incom-<br />

.patible to think to make the safe<br />

.haven a zone of insecurity for<br />

Turkey, then, at the same time, ask<br />

for the extension of Operation<br />

Provi<strong>de</strong> Comfort." "If we ~<strong>et</strong> too<br />

pressed on security, we can Impose<br />

tighter measures on Habur Bor<strong>de</strong>r<br />

Gate~ If the insecurity in northern<br />

.Iraq becomes a threat to Turkey's<br />

security, this will surely have an<br />

effect on Provi<strong>de</strong> Comfort," Sanberk<br />

said.<br />

The point is also expected to be<br />

put forcefully to a <strong>de</strong>legation çf<br />

Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (pUK:),<br />

which will arrive in Ankara this<br />

week.<br />

The Turkish Parliament is expected<br />

to vQte on extending the mandate<br />

of Operation Provi<strong>de</strong> Comfort II<br />

before the end of June.<br />

Despite constant criticism of va,rious<br />

<strong>de</strong>puties, the force has been<br />

exten<strong>de</strong>d eight times since 1992.<br />

A new round of talks b<strong>et</strong>ween<br />

Turkey and ,the United States take<br />

place this weekend, as Deputy<br />

Assistant Secr<strong>et</strong>ary Eric Newson<br />

pays a visit tthe Turkish capital.<br />

"The si<strong>de</strong>s will take up regional<br />

issues and <strong>de</strong>fense cooperation,"<br />

Nur<strong>et</strong>tin Nurhn, the Foreign<br />

Ministry's new spokesman, said.<br />

Terrorist chief plays cloak<br />

and dagger with press<br />

.'<br />

By Haitham Haddadin<br />

Reuters StaffWriter<br />

IN THE BEKAA VALLEY, Lebanon-<br />

Interview~ in which guerrilla chief<br />

Abdullah Ocalan called on Tuesday for a<br />

ceasefrre in the Kurds' separatist war with<br />

Turkey were to have been held in a Beirut<br />

hotel, but reporters knew b<strong>et</strong>ter.<br />

A long-dIstance caller said the me<strong>et</strong>ing<br />

would be in a luxury hostelry, but when<br />

reporters m<strong>et</strong> up with the elusive guerrilla<br />

lea<strong>de</strong>r it was after another cloak-and-dagger<br />

trek to eastern Lebanon's Syrian-policed<br />

Bekaa Valley - a haven for Moslem militants<br />

and leftist groups during Lebanon's<br />

1975-90 civil war.<br />

Times have changed for the husky,<br />

coarse-voiced Marxist chief of the<br />

Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) since he<br />

was <strong>de</strong>clared persona non grata by Beirut in<br />

1993.<br />

Lebanon's Prime Minister RafIk al-Hariri<br />

no longer wants PKK guerrillas preparing in<br />

Lebanon for ~~tacks in Turkey and has<br />

vowed that if Ocalan is cau~ht he will be<br />

thrown out. Our gui<strong>de</strong>, who I<strong>de</strong>ntifIed himself<br />

as a PKK supporter, would not disclose<br />

the venue but told us at the hotellobby to<br />

drive behind him to a Bekaa town an hour<br />

after a 2 p.m. interview <strong>de</strong>adline had<br />

passed.<br />

The town he named was another <strong>de</strong>coy.<br />

When we fInally arrived at the actual site<br />

we waited for two more hours at a mo<strong>de</strong>st<br />

house before Öcalan, dressed in a khaki<br />

shirt, showed up with three bodyguards<br />

brandishing AK-47 machine guns.<br />

"We are sony for the inconvenience but<br />

this is for secunry reasons," the soft-spoken<br />

gui<strong>de</strong>, who <strong>de</strong>clined to be named, said in<br />

broken Arabic.<br />

The mustachioed Öcalan, raising his fist<br />

in the air often as he spoke, ra~ped the<br />

United States saying it was pressunng Syria<br />

and Iran - where 600,000 and 3.5 million<br />

Kurds live respectively - to stop supporting<br />

the PKK.<br />

Sittin~ with the red PKK guerrilla flag<br />

behind him, it seemed almost ICOniCthat he<br />

spoke in Turkish not Kurdish, a language he<br />

says the Turks are trying to ban.<br />

He told reporters he was ready for peace<br />

if Ankara was ready for a political solution<br />

to the separatist campaign that has killed<br />

15,000 people since 1984. Turkey has<br />

re~pon<strong>de</strong>d .by saying it would not negotiate<br />

WIthterronsts.<br />

At New Rouz festivities marking the<br />

Kurdis~ new ye~, PKK guerrillas usually<br />

wave Rlctures of Ocalan, known to them as<br />

"Apo , and chant "Biji Apo, Biji PKK<br />

(Long Live Apo, Long üve PKK)".<br />

After the interview, the Kurdish gui<strong>de</strong><br />

politely asked our driver to bring the car<br />

close to the house so the televisIOn crew<br />

could put the camera in the boot and not<br />

arouse suspicions among Lebanese neighbors.<br />



AMONG STATESWOMEIIl- Prime Minister Tansu Çiller receives the three chairwomen of the left-wing parties in the European Parliament.<br />

Socialist Group lea<strong>de</strong>r Pauline Green, Cat,herine Lalumiere, head of the European Radical Alliance and Greens' lea<strong>de</strong>r Claudia Roth were<br />

briefed by Çiller on <strong>de</strong>mocratization in Turkey. Photo TDN-Ceng;t UysaJ<br />

European Parliament MPs arrive in Ankara'<br />

-<br />

Turkish Daily News<br />

ANKARA- The chairwomen of three<br />

left~wing g~oilP.s in the European<br />

Parliament arrIved in Ankara on Tuesday to<br />

discuss Turkish-European relations,<br />

strained by human. rights issues and<br />

prospects of <strong>de</strong>mocral1zatIon.<br />

Soci~st GrouVlea<strong>de</strong>r Pauline Green and<br />

Cathenne Lalurruere, head of the European<br />

Radical Alliance, said upon arrival that<br />

they were sad<strong>de</strong>ned by the weakness of ties<br />

b<strong>et</strong>ween Turkey and the European<br />

Parliam<strong>et</strong>lt, which will vote on a customs<br />

union b<strong>et</strong>ween Turkey and the Fifteen in<br />

fall.<br />

'<br />

Lalumiere, a former secr<strong>et</strong>ary-general of<br />

the European Parliament who has had close<br />

ties with Turkey, said the end on May 2 of<br />

Turkey's six-week incursion into northern<br />

Iraq was welcome, but merely a' factor in<br />

what she called the generally "sad<strong>de</strong>ning"<br />

state of Turkey-Europe ties, ,<br />

Green, whose Socialist group has 2,12<br />

seats in the Euro-Parliament, said she<br />

, hopedto me<strong>et</strong> Prime Minister Tansu Çiller,<br />

some ministers and other parliamentarians<br />

during their trip.<br />

"Wewill have the opportunity to tell<br />

them just how weak relations b<strong>et</strong>ween the<br />

European Parliament, the European Union<br />

and Turkeyare at the moment," Green said.<br />

She said they would be making enquiries<br />

about <strong>de</strong>mocracy reforms urged by the<br />

Wes~ and long-promised byAnkara.<br />

The two politicians, accompanied by<br />

Green group Chairwoman Claudia Roth,<br />

paid a visit to the jailed <strong>de</strong>puties of the<br />

Democracy Party Tuesday morning., '<br />

"Those <strong>de</strong>puties want Turkey to be c1oser<br />

to Europe. In fact, we all want Turkey' s<br />

integration. But the conditi.ons should be<br />

right for that," Green said after her tWO"<br />

hour visit with the <strong>de</strong>puties.<br />

Afterwards, the Euro-MPs arrived in the<br />

Foreign Ministry fora briefing on human<br />

rights.<br />

'<br />

Turkey's chances of g<strong>et</strong>ting European,<br />

Parliament approval for the customs union,<br />

is slim. Roth, visiting Turkey three months '<br />

ago, said that the Greens, would vote<br />

against the customs union until her eight- ,<br />

point plan was m<strong>et</strong>. Her points inclu<strong>de</strong> '<br />

restonng the parliamentar-y seats of the<br />

jailed <strong>de</strong>puties.<br />

The three Euro-MPs will visit Deputy<br />

Prime Minister Hikm<strong>et</strong> ç<strong>et</strong>in and Foreign<br />

Minister Erdal lnönü today and leave<br />

Turkeyafter a press conference.<br />

Turkish <strong>de</strong>puties inch closer to voting rights at WED Assembly<br />

Turkish<br />

Daily News<br />

ANKARA- The regulatory commission<br />

'of the Western European Union (WEU)<br />

Assembly approved a proposal to give<br />

Turki.sh <strong>de</strong>puties the right ~o.vote in<br />

Assembly me<strong>et</strong>ings and corrumsslOns" the<br />

Anatolia ne,w,s, agençy report~don<br />

Wednesday.""<br />

The proposal, known as the Firsberg<br />

report, was prepared by Britain's Lord<br />

Firsber~ \\I1dfores.ee(giving voting rights<br />

to associated members of the WEU, namely<br />

Turkey, Norway and Iceland. It was<br />

approved by the commission <strong>de</strong>spite resistance<br />

from Greek, Italian, Spanish and<br />

Belgian <strong>de</strong>puties,<br />

Thl: F'irsberg'report will be pres,eptedtQ<br />

the W£tJ Generlù Assembly forapprovaI at<br />

the latter's me<strong>et</strong>ing .on-June 19-20.1t envisages<br />

granting associate members' <strong>de</strong>puties<br />

full voting rights except in budg<strong>et</strong> and<br />

,annual report matters. '<br />

, The Turkish <strong>de</strong>puties have boycotted<br />

, WEU me<strong>et</strong>ings SInce the beginning of<br />

1994, saying they could not accept secondclass<br />

membership.<br />

Sait Kemal Mimaroglu,p~airm~ of the ,<br />

Tu!kish Parliam~nt~rians'. O.f~U~,Cp¥~c- '<br />

tenzed the cornrrusslOn's aeclSlonasa significant<br />

<strong>de</strong>velopment. "We'left our seats<br />

empty in the Assembly to g<strong>et</strong> to this point<br />

We will attend me<strong>et</strong>ings once the GeneraI<br />

Assembly gives its approval," he said.<br />

'.<br />



.US on PKK: 'We believe in re<strong>de</strong>mption'<br />

By Ugur Alanel! TurlcishDai/yN~ws<br />

WASHINGTON- A senior U.S. State Department official,<br />

reacting to ~e news that Abdullah ÔCalan, lea<strong>de</strong>r of the out~<br />

lawed Kurdistan W~r~ers' P!'flY(PKK) has offered a ceasef~<br />

and asked for a politIcal solution to the ll-year-old terrorts't<br />

bloodbath in the southeastern Turkey, said "we believe in<br />

re<strong>de</strong>mption."<br />

",'<br />

. ~t:nasked to elaborate further, the official repeated' tlIat<br />

Dev-Sol and PKK were terrorist organizations and"'we don't<br />

talk to, terro~st organiza~ions." But he also mentioned AI-<br />

Fatah. 'We did not (leal WIththem when they were involved in<br />

terror."<br />

Th~ officiaI ad<strong>de</strong>d that when Yasser Arafat had renounced<br />

terronsm, the U.S. had also changed its position. If someday<br />

~<br />

:q<br />

>-<br />

~<br />

;>:<br />

i?S<br />

~<br />

ï:<br />

the PKK and Dev-Sol als.prenouhced terror and<br />

became peaceful, the US attitu<strong>de</strong> might also<br />

change, lie'said.<br />

When th~ Turkish Daily News asked what<br />

~oul~ constitute. such a drastic change in orgamzational<br />

behavI~r, the official said that,"that is<br />

not a hard questIon to answer. Actions count<br />

not words.<br />

'<br />

You know Jwhen a' terrorist organization<br />

renounces terrorism]."<br />

Turkey ~n Tuesday dismissed the PKK's call<br />

for ceaseflre. and negotiations. Government<br />

~pokesm!ll YIldmm Aktuna said "our struggle<br />

IS not WIth the Kurdish people. It is with the<br />

PKK terrorist.organiz~tion, .and th~ armed strUggle<br />

.agal~st this terronsm wIll contInue until terror<br />

ISfimshed."<br />

Rival Iraqi Kurdish factions to<br />

hold special parliament session<br />

Agence France Presse<br />

b<strong>et</strong>ween the two si<strong>de</strong>s locked in a bitter<br />

SALAHADIN, Iraq- Rival Kurdish factions<br />

are to hold a special me<strong>et</strong>ing of parliaenues<br />

since May 1994. About 2,000 have<br />

struggle over power-sharing and tax revment<br />

to extend its mandate in the absence of died according to Kurdish estimates.<br />

planned elections put off because of violent<br />

Necim Omar Surtshi, the head of the<br />

fighting, Kurdish sources said<br />

Wednesday.<br />

Kurdistan Conservative Party told AFP the<br />

The Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP)<br />

two si<strong>de</strong>s had aweed to the me<strong>et</strong>ing "to prevent<br />

the crumbling of the <strong>de</strong>mocratic exper-<br />

and the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK)<br />

share power in the parliament elected in iment."<br />

1992 In Kurdish-controlled northern Iraq, The session will be held on neutral<br />

but which is not internationally recognized.<br />

PUK-controlled Arbil, where the parliament<br />

ground in the village of Daraben, b<strong>et</strong>ween<br />

Saturday's special assembly, the first this is based, and KDP-controlled Salahadin,<br />

year, is expected to extend parliament's Surtshi said.<br />

mandate for a year. Elections had been Kurdish factions took control of northern<br />

scheduled in June, but have been ma<strong>de</strong> Iraq after Baghdad's <strong>de</strong>feat by a US-led<br />

impossible by the continued clashes coalition in the 1991 GulfWar.<br />

-~~~-~------~-~-----~--~---<br />

,----------------------------------------------,<br />

.-<br />


Ankara veut une pacification<br />

<strong>de</strong> la frontière<br />

m La Turquie tente <strong>de</strong> convaincre les États-Un'Is <strong>de</strong> la nécessité.<br />

d'un .. plan <strong>de</strong> paix .. dans le nord <strong>de</strong> l'Irak, en complément- <strong>de</strong>,<br />

"opération Provi<strong>de</strong> Comfort, a déclaré le numéro <strong>de</strong>ux turc, Oz<strong>de</strong>m<br />

Sanberk.C<strong>et</strong>te déclaration Intervient alors qu'une délégation amé-<br />

'lcalne dirigée par Mark Parris, spécialiste du Proche-Orient au<br />

ponsell national <strong>de</strong> sécurité, était à Ankara pour rencontrer .ë:tes<br />

~esponsables turcs. Après la vaste opération militaire qu'elle a thenée<br />

dans le nord <strong>de</strong> l'Irak contre les bases <strong>de</strong>s rebelles du Parti<br />

<strong>de</strong>s, travailleurs kur<strong>de</strong>s (PKK), la Turquie cherche une formule lui<br />

perm<strong>et</strong>tant <strong>de</strong> rendre sa frontière Imperméable aux infiltrations <strong>de</strong>s<br />

séparatistes kur<strong>de</strong>s. D'autre part, au moins huit personnes, dont' un<br />

~nfant, ont été tuées hier par l'explosion d'une bombe près d'~e<br />

écol~ primair&.àB/ltm~n d,OS le sud-est du pays.<br />

'-------,------------------------<br />

-----------------------------------------<br />

---.J<br />



-)<br />

FRS0409 4' '10410 TUR /AFP-EN34<br />

Turquie-UE .<br />

Droits <strong>de</strong> l'Homme: le temps presse pour la Turquie, selon trois<br />

parlementaires européennes<br />

ANKARA, 25 mai (AFP) - Les prési<strong>de</strong>ntes <strong>de</strong> trois groupes au<br />

.européen ont indiqué jeudi à Ankara que les mois qui viennent<br />

Parlement<br />

seraient<br />

"'cruciaux" pour. les chances <strong>de</strong> la Turquie <strong>de</strong>. voir ratifier par l'assemblée<br />

<strong>de</strong> Strasbourg son accord d' union!,dquanière avec l'Union européenne.<br />

Pour cela, <strong>de</strong>s progrès doivent être faits dans le domaine <strong>de</strong>s droits <strong>de</strong><br />

l'Homme en<br />

socialiste<br />

Turquie, ont<br />

au parlement<br />

souligné<br />

européen,<br />

Mmes Pauline Green, chef du groupe<br />

Catherine Lalumière, chef du groupe<br />

radical, <strong>et</strong> Claudia Roth, chef du groupe <strong>de</strong>s<br />

presse à l'issue d'une visite <strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong>ux jours.<br />

Verts, dans urie conférence <strong>de</strong><br />

L'assemblée européenne a indiqué qu'elle ne ratifierait pas l'accord<br />

d'union douanière, signé le 6 mars à Bruxelles, si <strong>de</strong>s progrès substantiels<br />

n'étaient pas accomplis en Turquie dans le domaine <strong>de</strong>s droits <strong>de</strong> l'Homme.<br />

Elle doit en principe voter à l'automne.<br />

Ankara a déclaré son intention <strong>de</strong> prendre <strong>de</strong>s mesures <strong>de</strong> démocratisation<br />

mais celles-ci tar<strong>de</strong>nt à se concrétiser. L'union douanière est censée<br />

entrer en vigueur le 1er janvier prochain.<br />

"Nous n'avons pas l'intention <strong>de</strong> r<strong>et</strong>ar<strong>de</strong>r le vote" <strong>de</strong> l'assemblée.<br />

européenne, a déclaré Mme Green. "Les quelques mois qui viennent seront<br />

cruciaux". Elle répondait à la question <strong>de</strong> savoir si le parlement européen<br />

pourrait reporter son vote afin <strong>de</strong> laisser le temps à la Turquie <strong>de</strong><br />

'démocratiser sa constitution <strong>et</strong> ses lois.<br />

Les<br />

Turquie<br />

trois parlementaires<br />

fasse pour obtenir<br />

se sont refusées à dire ce qu'il<br />

gain <strong>de</strong> cause. "Nous voulons voir<br />

fallait que<br />

<strong>de</strong>s progrès"<br />

la<br />

dans le domaine <strong>de</strong>s droits <strong>de</strong><br />

au parlement européen <strong>de</strong> dire<br />

l'Homme,<br />

comment".<br />

a dit Mme Green "mais ce n'est pas<br />

Durant<br />

potamment<br />

leur séjour à Ankara, Mmes Green, Lalumière<br />

le premier ministre turc, Mme Tansu Ciller,<br />

<strong>et</strong> Roth ont<br />

.le prési<strong>de</strong>nt<br />

rencontré<br />

du<br />

parlement Husam<strong>et</strong>tin Cindoruk, <strong>de</strong>s parlementaires <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong> nombreux<br />

représentants <strong>de</strong>s organisations <strong>de</strong> droits <strong>de</strong> l'Homme.<br />

Elles ont rendu v~site en prison à six ex-députés d'origine kur<strong>de</strong>.<br />

condamnés à <strong>de</strong> lour<strong>de</strong>s peines <strong>de</strong> prison en décembre <strong>de</strong>rnier.pour "création<br />

<strong>et</strong> appartenance" ou "ai<strong>de</strong> à ban<strong>de</strong> armée" (le Parti <strong>de</strong>s Travailleurs du<br />

Kurdistan,PKK).<br />

européen.<br />

Leur cas est une préoccupation particulière<br />

. . . .'<br />

du parlement<br />

Elles <strong>de</strong>vaient rencontrer jeudi après-midi le ministre <strong>de</strong>s affaires<br />

étrangères Erdal Inonu, avant <strong>de</strong> quit~~r la Turquie.<br />

HC/mr/mfo<br />

.AFP JJ00245125~718 MAI 95<br />



Droits<br />

<strong>de</strong> l'homme<br />

La Turquie<br />

sous l'œil<br />

<strong>de</strong><br />

.Strasbourg<br />

Une délégation<br />

du PiUlement<br />

européen s'est rendue<br />

à Ankara.<br />

la Turquie reste tous surveillance.<br />

La visit. A Ankara<br />

<strong>de</strong>s prési<strong>de</strong>ntes <strong>de</strong>s groupell<br />

socialiste, radical <strong>et</strong> écologiste<br />

du Parlement européen le<br />

confirme, même s'II ne s'agit<br />

pas à proprement parler d'une<br />

démarche officielle <strong>de</strong> "Assemblée<br />

<strong>de</strong> Strasbourg.<br />

la Turquie est liée <strong>de</strong>puis<br />

le 6 mars à VUnion européenne<br />

par un accord d'union douanière.<br />

les élus <strong>de</strong>s « 15 .. doivent<br />

ratifier ce lexte à leur session<br />

d'autonme, en novembre<br />

sans doute.<br />

le 16 février tjernler, le<br />

Parlement européen"soullgnalt<br />

que « Is situstion ~ drdits <strong>de</strong><br />

l'homme en Turquie est trop<br />

grave pour permeNre Is constitution<br />

<strong>de</strong> l'union dousnière ».<br />

le 25 mars, les ministres <strong>de</strong>s<br />

affaires étrangères <strong>de</strong> la<br />

Troika européenne, avec à leur<br />

tête Alain Juppé, étalent venu's<br />

à Ankara. Ils rappelèJent au'<br />

premier ministre Tansu Ciller<br />

que les « réformes démocrstiques"<br />

qu'elle avait annoncées<br />

« <strong>de</strong>vsient être sppliquées<br />

" <strong>et</strong> qu « on ne réglersit<br />

pss le problème kur<strong>de</strong> psr <strong>de</strong>s<br />

métho<strong>de</strong>s excluswement ré.<br />

pressives ".<br />

cc Loi antiterroriste »<br />

Désormais habitués allx<br />

cc tournées d'inspection .. <strong>de</strong>s'<br />

parlemeritaires européens, les<br />

autorités turques ont reçu hier<br />

les trois chefs <strong>de</strong> groupes aveC<br />

une efficacité <strong>de</strong> bon aloi. Elles<br />

<strong>de</strong>vaient notamment renContr~<br />

le premier mlnl~tre, le prési<strong>de</strong>nt<br />

du Parlement <strong>et</strong> les ministres<br />

<strong>de</strong> la Justice <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong>s. Affàires<br />

étrangères. Un diplomate européen<br />

déclarait <strong>de</strong>rnièrement :<br />

« L'union dousnière n'entrers<br />

pas en vigueur le premier janvier<br />

prochsin si Ankara ne fslt<br />

pas un « lobby d'enfer» al/près<br />

du Parlement europl.n. "<br />

Tansu Ciller semble avoir entendu<br />

le message. .<br />

Une campagne <strong>de</strong> relations<br />

publiques efficaces ne suffira.<br />

pourtant pas. les réformes dé-.<br />

mocratlques se 10nt attendre.<br />

Celle <strong>de</strong> la constitution, 'u",<br />

« ca<strong>de</strong>au .. <strong>de</strong>s auteurs dit<br />

coup d'Etat <strong>de</strong> 1980, est au<br />

sta<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong>s commissions. Quatre<br />

ministres s'y étant refusé, I.<br />

proj<strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong> réforme <strong>de</strong> l'article <strong>de</strong><br />

la « loi antiterroriste " cancer.<br />

nant la liberté d'expression n'a<br />

pas encore été soumIs au Parlement.<br />

Quant aux six députés<br />

kur<strong>de</strong>s du DEP, ils sont tau.<br />

jours en prison pour « Incnatlon<br />

au séparatisme ". les parlementaires<br />

européens <strong>de</strong>vaient<br />

leur rendre visite. l'Assemblée<br />

<strong>de</strong> Strasbourg attend davantage<br />

d'un futur partenaire.<br />

CIIu<strong>de</strong> a.o.ux<br />

.-<br />

Euro-MPs urge Ankara to make<br />

speedy 'progress' in <strong>de</strong>mocratization<br />

Turkish Daily News<br />

ANKARA- A group of European<br />

Parliament <strong>de</strong>puties, concluding a visit to<br />

Turkey, urgedTurkish officials to speed up<br />

<strong>de</strong>mocratization.<br />

"We are for full integration of Turkey<br />

with the European Union," Claudia Roth,<br />

the lea<strong>de</strong>r of the Greens, told a J'ress conference:<br />

But she ad<strong>de</strong>d that certam conditions<br />

have to be m<strong>et</strong>.<br />

These conditions are summarized by the<br />

<strong>de</strong>puties as: Making progress in <strong>de</strong>mocratization,<br />

realization of the Kurdish reality by<br />

Turks and, more concr<strong>et</strong>ely, the restoration<br />

of the rights of the jailed Democracy Party<br />

(DEP) <strong>de</strong>puties.<br />

''We are aware that a judicial process is<br />

being continued, but we hope that the<br />

<strong>de</strong>puties, elected representatives of their<br />

people, will be released and their rights<br />

restored," Roth said. The other two<br />

<strong>de</strong>puties, Socialist group's lea<strong>de</strong>r Pauline<br />

Green and European Radical Alliance chairwoman<br />

Catherine Lalumiere, said the<br />

European Parliament expected some<br />

progress from Turkey. Green allowed that<br />

the European Parliament hoped that the<br />

judiciary appeal of the DEP <strong>de</strong>puties would<br />

be finalized before the Parliament voted on<br />

a customs union accord with Turkey. The<br />

vote is to be held this fall, but there are<br />

increasing speculation in Ankara that it may<br />

be <strong>de</strong>layed for six months. "We have no<br />

intention of <strong>de</strong>laying the vote unless we<br />

have clear reasons to ôo so," Green told the<br />

press conference. The three Euro-MPs were<br />

empbatic that the coming months would be<br />

of crucial importance for the passing of legislation<br />

that would enhance <strong>de</strong>mocratization<br />

and human rights in Turkey.<br />




Constitutional<br />

Courtre-elects<br />

tt<br />

GÜDgör Oz<strong>de</strong>n<br />

Another term: Öz<strong>de</strong>n was<br />

re-elected to post of presiding<br />

judge with majority vote<br />

. Turkish Daily News..<br />

ANKARA- Yekta Güngör Oz<strong>de</strong>n was reelected<br />

to the post' of presiding judge of ~he<br />

Constitutional Court on Thursday, extendmg<br />

his term in office until1997, when he is expected<br />

to refire. . ,<br />

Öz<strong>de</strong>n's term in office expired on May 7. He<br />

was elected in ~e ~rst roun.d by an abs?lute<br />

majority vote, which ISessentlal for a candidate<br />

to be elected. Although there has not been an<br />

official statement, the general secre:<br />

.tary of the Constitutional Court, Ali<br />

Kadri Ediz announced after the election<br />

that Ö~<strong>de</strong>n had been re-elected.<br />

Öz<strong>de</strong>n, 'speaking to jou~nalists<br />

after the election, said the<br />

Con'stitutional Court was a fully<br />

in<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nt and imp~al i~stitulio.n .<br />

whicn fulfilled its dutles with sensItivity.<br />

He also said the elec~on had •<br />

been conducted in a <strong>de</strong>mocratlc manner<br />

by the members of the court:<br />

"The Constitutional Court IS the<br />

guarantee of everybody's rights and<br />

freedoms. That is why ~9ple shouldnot<br />

~ to un<strong>de</strong>rmine It, Oz<strong>de</strong>n said.<br />

After expres~ing th~tlife was<br />

becomino more difficult IIITurkey as<br />

the number of reliable institutions<br />

<strong>de</strong>clined, Öz<strong>de</strong>n said: "The<br />

Constitiitional Court is a united one.<br />

:Th<strong>et</strong>e is no differences b<strong>et</strong>ween the<br />

members. If I am elected today, it<br />

can be someone else in the future. I<br />

am goino fo continue my work from<br />

where 11eft it when my office term<br />

expired on May 7. I wish happy days<br />

[QI' the rest of the Turkish people." A<br />

rather interesting comment o~ the<br />

elections came from Güven Dmçer,<br />

th~ <strong>de</strong>puty chairman. of the<br />

Constitutional Court. Pnor to the<br />

election he told journalist. that outsi<strong>de</strong><br />

powers were trying to control<br />

the Constitutional Court. He la~er<br />

clarified his statement, indicating<br />

that by ou~i<strong>de</strong>rs he meant newspaper<br />

~olumms~s... .<br />

.' Dmçer sal~ that Oz<strong>de</strong>n received<br />

six votes, while he got four and the<br />

.other' candidate, Selçuk Tüzün, only<br />

one. ..<br />

Öz<strong>de</strong>n lashed back at the cntlcs,<br />

saying that no one could influence<br />

thë court.and its <strong>de</strong>cisions were taken<br />

in<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>ntly.When asked if S?in~<br />

of the court members had received<br />

telephQ.necalls telling them.whom to<br />

elect, Oz<strong>de</strong>n said not to believe such<br />

rumors.<br />

"Isupport Ata~rk's ten<strong>et</strong>s, secularism<br />

and human rights. I am a partial<br />

person. when it com~~ to these<br />

issues," said Oz<strong>de</strong>n. Pohl1cal party<br />

lea<strong>de</strong>rs sent congratulation messages<br />

to Öz<strong>de</strong>n. Deputy Prime Minister.<br />

Hikm<strong>et</strong> Ç<strong>et</strong>in stated in his message<br />

that he wasproud of the<br />

Constitutional Court, which he<br />

<strong>de</strong>fined as the protector of the <strong>de</strong>mocratic<br />

secular regime in T!lrlc~.<br />

Nationalist Movement Party (MHP),<br />

Chairnian Alparslan Türke~ al$,osent<br />

a IIlessage wishing ~uccess t~ Oz<strong>de</strong>n.<br />

Oz<strong>de</strong>n was born III 1932 m Tokat.<br />

He graduated from the Ankara Law<br />

Faculty in 1956. He was elected to<br />

the Constitutional Court in 1979. He<br />

becaine the <strong>de</strong>puty presiding judge in<br />

1988 and presldingjudge in 1991. .<br />

Rival Kurds take feuds to<br />

airwaves illnorthern Iraq<br />

Vel<strong>de</strong>: We aren't a state so we can't<br />

establish officialcontacts with other<br />

international stations nor travel abroad<br />

By Tolle Aram propagandaspouted by the rival tek vi-<br />

Agence France Presse<br />

sion stations.<br />

SALAHUDDIN - The small hill The KDP and PUK are locked in a<br />

town of Salahuddin in northern Iraq - year-long feud over power-sharing and<br />

has become home to three different taxfevenues, which has cost more than .<br />

television stations as rival Kurdish fac- 2,000 lives according .to Kurdish<br />

lions take their bitter power struggle to sources and has carved up northern<br />

the airwaves. Iraq into different zones. .'.<br />

The Iraqi National Congress, a All thiS is reflected in the output of<br />

coalition of groups opposed to the rival factions' TV channels..<br />

Baghdad, and the Kurdista.n "We are so fed up with the propa-<br />

Democratic Party (KDP) have theIr ganda yourec'eive on all stations.<br />

own channels based in private villas in, Every tun<strong>et</strong>hey start to talk about (l?lthe<br />

former summer resort. Meanwhile itics we switch on our satellite," Said a<br />

the KDP's rival, the Patriotic Union of . 25-year-old aid worker in the main<br />

Kurdistan (PUK), broadcasts on its, town of Arbil.<br />

own two stations from other areas of . Like all the northern Iraqi channels,<br />

northern Iraq un<strong>de</strong>r its control. KTV relies on satellite chaJl{lelsfor its<br />

Television bosses face a host of international news and does very few<br />

problems trying to broadcast from ~e of its own reports. Besi<strong>de</strong>s its threeregion,<br />

which came un<strong>de</strong>r Kurdish daily news bull<strong>et</strong>ins, its airtime is<br />

control in the aftermath of the 1991' filled with foreign science programmes<br />

Gillf War 'but is not recognised as a and soap operas and Kurdish music ~~<br />

separate slate. "We ar.en't a state so ~e 'd<br />

can't establish offiCiaI contacts With V1 I~~~ained passive even in the face ~<br />

other international stations nor travel of Turkey's massive six-week military ~<br />

abroad," said Christopher Yel<strong>de</strong>, direc- incursion into northern Iraq to hunt ~<br />

tor of the KDP's flfst channel, KTV. down PKK militants, launched on ' ~<br />

"We have to make the best of these M h 20 ~<br />

politicallimitations." Howev~r one ~f The KDP's second channel Gulan ~<br />

the bigoest problems for the viewers IS tried to break the mould when it was ~<br />

what they say _is ail endless stream of established in Arbil a year ago, and ~<br />



-'<br />

was the only TV station i~ the.region<br />

to broadcast interviews With different<br />

factions. "But since the PUK conquered<br />

Arbil and we had t~ ~ee to<br />

Salahuddin, we have been hrruted to<br />

KDP-controlled areas and we have to<br />

concentrate more on party-relate~<br />

issues - wh<strong>et</strong>her we want to or not,<br />

said Gulan director Sero Ka<strong>de</strong>r,<br />

The PUK is proving more.successful<br />

in entertaining its viewers Withthe s~ond<br />

of its two channels, based In<br />

Suleymaniya 2~0 kilom<strong>et</strong>res (136<br />

miles) east of Arbil.<br />

"We realized that people were fed<br />

up with all that party-related propaganda<br />

so we <strong>de</strong>signed a second c~anne,~<br />

for entertainment and youns people,<br />

said Abbas Abdul Raza, dIrector of<br />

PUK television.<br />

"Five hours a day we produce our<br />

own programmes for health, women<br />

and childfen," he said proudly.<br />

Despite his efforts, on~ of the<br />

biggest hits in northern IraQ ~s a new<br />

satellite channel beamed In from<br />

Europe by the outlawed Kurdistan<br />

Workers' Party (PKK). Not every~y<br />

can afford it but those who can enJoy<br />

four hours a day of ?riginal. programmes<br />

including dancmg, muSICand<br />

'cultural shows.<br />

Congress refuses to link<br />

US arms to human rights<br />

State Department opposes arms limits on Turkey<br />

By Ugur Abnci<br />

Turkish Daily News<br />

W ASHINGTON- During a second day<br />

of <strong>de</strong>bates on the U.S. House floor on HR<br />

1561, the American Overseas Interest Act,<br />

the house members ,rejected by 262-1 ~7<br />

votes an amendment mtroduced by Cynthia<br />

McKinney (D) of GeorNia that would <strong>de</strong>ny<br />

U.S. arms exports to dictators, military<br />

aggressors, human rights abusers, or nonparticipants<br />

in the UN Register of<br />

Conventional Arms." Since Turkey is frequently<br />

criticized by human rights group~,<br />

some observers were concerned that, if<br />

accepted, the amendment could jeopardize<br />

U.S. arms transfers to Turkey.<br />

The McKinney amendment had many<br />

supporters, incl.uding Joseph Kennedy (D-<br />

MA), Chaka Fattah (D-PA), Carrie Meek<br />

(D-FL), George Miller (D-CA), Lynn<br />

Woolsey (D-CA), Alcee Hasttngs (D-FL).<br />

Dan Burton (R-IN) was one <strong>de</strong>termined<br />

voice who opposed the amendment arguing<br />

that the presi<strong>de</strong>nt already had the option to<br />

<strong>de</strong>ny any arm sales he wants to any country<br />

he chooses, just as he refused to <strong>de</strong>liver F-<br />

16s to Pakistan even though Pakistan had<br />

already paid for the planes. John Mica (D-<br />

FL) and Matt Salmon (R-AZ) were among<br />

others who spoke out against the amendment.<br />

Rep. Waters on Turkey<br />

The only member of Congress who<br />

dwelled on Turkey's human rights record<br />

within the context of the amendment was<br />

Maxine Waters (D) of California. Ms.<br />

Waters referred to Lawrence Korb's testimony<br />

at a Senate subcommittee on<br />

Tuesday. Korb, an assistant secr<strong>et</strong>ary of<br />

<strong>de</strong>fense during the Reagan administration<br />

and now a scholar at the Brookings<br />

<strong>Institut</strong>e, said that Turkey's use of F-16s,<br />

Black Hawk helicopters and M-6Os against<br />

''the Kurds" indicated that "many US arms<br />

transferred overseas are used not against the<br />

foreign enemies of the US, but against the<br />

indigenous population."<br />

"We only need to look at the recent past<br />

to find examples of good intentions gone<br />

bad," she saiâ. "Many people have talked<br />

about the recent gross liuman rights violations<br />

in Turkey. Turkey haflpens to be one<br />

of largest recipientsof U.S.' military aid.<br />

Former Assistant Secr<strong>et</strong>ary Lawrence Korb<br />

testified yesterday that Turkey's rulers have<br />

used U,S.-supplied F-16s, Black Hawk helicopters<br />

and M-60 tanks against its own<br />

Kurdish population," she said.<br />

The U.S. arms exports should go to countries<br />

that hold "free and fair elections,"<br />

Waters ad<strong>de</strong>d. The arms should not go to<br />

countries that "en!zagein gross violations of<br />

human rights. Wé shoulâ also make sure<br />

that U.S. arms should not go to countries<br />

that do not engage in illegal acts of armed<br />

aggression." Thus the McKinney amendment<br />

would provi<strong>de</strong> "a moral test to U.S.<br />

foreign policy," she said. ,<br />

The House will reconvene to <strong>de</strong>bate other<br />

amendments, including one submitted by<br />

Rep. Bob Andrews (D-N]) which proposes<br />

to withhold $500,000 from U.S. assistance<br />

for each day Turkey refuses to mak~ any<br />

progressona number of human nghts<br />

issues concerning Cyprus and the Orthooox<br />

Greek Patriarchate.<br />

The <strong>de</strong>liberations on HR 1561, som<strong>et</strong>imes<br />

also mistakenly referred to as the<br />

"Foreign Aid Bill," were scheduled to end<br />

at 2:30 p.m. on Thursday after a total of 10<br />

hours of discussion on the new amendments<br />

proposed.<br />

State Department responds<br />

The U.S. State Department has registered<br />

its strong oppositIon to the McKinney<br />

amendment to link arms sales to human<br />

rights. "Our po,sition is that we bave very<br />

strong relations with Turkey, that Turkey IS<br />

a strategic ally, that we see no reason to<br />

change the fundamental nature of our relationship<br />

with Turkey as a result of any,<br />

actions in the past couple of months; ,<br />

spokesman Nick Burns saia.<br />

"Turkey has withdrawn its forces from<br />

northern Iraq. We were <strong>de</strong>lighted to see<br />

that. We stanii ready to work with Turkey<br />

on a host of problems that confront both<br />

Turkey and tlie United States in southeast<br />

Europe. Turkey is a valued ally. We don't<br />

support any move to <strong>de</strong>crease U.S. military<br />

or economic or political cooperation with<br />

Turkey," Burns conclu<strong>de</strong>d.<br />



18 Turkish Probe May 26,1995<br />

Human Bights Diary<br />

Turkey <strong>de</strong>lays freedom of expression reform- Turkey has<br />

<strong>de</strong>layed plans to ease a law restricting freedom of expression, part of<br />

<strong>de</strong>mocracy reforms urged by the West, until after local by-elections in<br />

June, Cabin<strong>et</strong> Minister Necm<strong>et</strong>tin Cevheri said on May 18.<br />

"We have left it until after the June 4 elections because my colleagues are<br />

going to be working on the elections and g<strong>et</strong>ting people tog<strong>et</strong>her will be impossible,"<br />

Cevheri, whose portfolio inclu<strong>de</strong>s coordinating government policy, told Reuters.<br />

The government has only untillate next month to carry out a pledge to scrap or amend<br />

Articl~ 8 of the Anti-Terror Law, before a three-month summer recess. Article 8 bans "separatist<br />

propaganda,~ a catch-all phrase often applied to domestic critics of Turkey's treatment of<br />

. its minority Kurdish population.<br />

Turkish law blocks Kurdish-language education and television and radio broadcasts. Writers on<br />

Kurdish history, culture or politics are often taken to court un<strong>de</strong>r Article.8 or other laws limiting freedom<br />

of expression. The European Parliament has warned it will v<strong>et</strong>o a planned customs union b<strong>et</strong>ween Turkey<br />

and the European Union in the autumn unless Turkey improves its human rights and <strong>de</strong>mocracy record.<br />

Prime Minister Tansu Çiller and her social <strong>de</strong>mocrat coalition partners last month agreed in principle to do<br />

away with Article 8. But Çiller faces opposition to reforms from hard-line MPs within her own party who say<br />

Turkey cannot afford to lift restrictions on freedom of expression while the country is fighting rebel Kurds in<br />

the Southeast. Human rights officials say over 100 authors, aca<strong>de</strong>mics, journalists and others are in jail for<br />

saying or writing som<strong>et</strong>hing contrary to official views, usually about the Kurdish problem.(Reuters, May 18)<br />

Human rights activists tried by military court- The trial against seven executives of the Human Rights<br />

Association's (IHD) Bursa branch started on May 23 at a military court in Ankara. They are charged with "discouraging<br />

people from doing their military service."<br />

Muhammed Aydin, Lütti Kurtulu~, Hldlr Gültepe, Handan Erucar, 1~llay Irmak and Turan Akyüz were all<br />

present at the courtroom. Ayhan Diken did not participate in the first hearing. The <strong>de</strong>fendants <strong>de</strong>man<strong>de</strong>d to<br />

be tried in civil court, claiming that "only the civil courts can try civilians," and said that they were not guilty.<br />

But the request was opposed by the prosecutor ançl the military court <strong>de</strong>ci<strong>de</strong>d to continue the trial,which<br />

was postponed until July 27 to collect evi<strong>de</strong>nce and take Diken's testimony. The case against the IHD Bursa<br />

branch executives was launched first by a Bursa civil court following a ceremony in Bursa which took place<br />

in January 1993. According to the indictment, human rights activists were accused of waving placards saying,<br />

"Don't do your military service", and starting a signature campaign against military service.<br />

The Bursa civil court <strong>de</strong>ci<strong>de</strong>d to send the case to the Istanbul State Security Court (DGM) since the crime<br />

was connected to the support of terrorism, but the Istanbul DGM also <strong>de</strong>ci<strong>de</strong>d it was not its duty to hear such<br />

a case, and sent it to the Ankara military court. If found guilty, the activists could be sentenced to b<strong>et</strong>ween<br />

two months and two years in prison.(Turkish Daily News, May 24)<br />

Beating charges against policemen dismissed- The Ankara Criminal Court on May 23 dismissed, for lack<br />

of evi<strong>de</strong>nce, charges brought against policemen Mehm<strong>et</strong> Okur and Miktad Budak alleging that they had<br />

beaten up Salman Kaya, Ankara <strong>de</strong>puty of the Republican People's Party (CHP). The inci<strong>de</strong>nt occurred during<br />

1994 May Day <strong>de</strong>monstrations in Ankara when Salman Kaya, while trying to stop police attacking<br />

<strong>de</strong>monstrators, was beaten up by men he claimed were un<strong>de</strong>rcover agents. The presiding judge said there<br />

was no compelling and persuasive evi<strong>de</strong>nce to indicate that the police were guilty and therefore dismissed<br />

the charges. An Interior Ministry investigation implicated Mikdat Budak and Süleyman Yalman as being<br />

involved in the beating of Kaya and they were charged accordingly. If they had been convicted they would<br />

have faced prison terms of b<strong>et</strong>ween three months and three years. (Turkish Daily News, May 24)<br />

HacaloOlu: alarming forensic medicine examinations- Algan HacaloQlu, state minister responsible for<br />

human rights, said while visiting the <strong>Institut</strong>e of Forensic Medicine in Istanbul on May 23 that forensic examination<br />

of 295 uni<strong>de</strong>ntified corpses had revealed that their <strong>de</strong>aths had not been from natural causes.<br />

HacaloQlu, commenting on the' case of Hasan Oca'k, said that he attached no blame to the forensic<br />

<strong>de</strong>partment but that there was a gap in the chain b<strong>et</strong>ween the prosecutor's office, forensic medicine<br />

officials and the police <strong>de</strong>partment. ,<br />

He said that Hasan Ocak died as a result of torture or "at least his <strong>de</strong>ath was not from natural<br />

causes." Twenty-nine year-old Hasan Ocak disappeared in Istanbul on March 21,<br />

and his <strong>de</strong>ad body was found later in the Beykoz district. The body was examined by<br />

the forensic <strong>de</strong>partment and later buried, still uni<strong>de</strong>ntified. On April16 his family<br />

saw a photograph taken by the forensic <strong>de</strong>partment and i<strong>de</strong>ntified the body as<br />

that of Ocak. The remains were exhumed and taken to the Gaziosmanpasa<br />

district where the family lived. HacaloQlu said the number of uni<strong>de</strong>ntified<br />

corpses had recently risen to 295 and that he would take the matter<br />

before the Cabin<strong>et</strong>. (Turkish Daily News, May 24)<br />



JUEVES 13 DE JUUO DE 1995<br />

.'"<br />


Belloch autoriza la<br />

entrada <strong>de</strong> los 20<br />

refugiados turcos<br />

• Uevaban nueve dias en<br />

Barajas al dictar Interior una<br />

or<strong>de</strong>n <strong>de</strong> expulsion invalidada<br />

par la Audiencia Nacional<br />


MADRID.- En 24 horas han pasado<br />

<strong>de</strong> estar a 10.000 m<strong>et</strong>ros <strong>de</strong><br />

altura viajando <strong>de</strong> regreso a su pais<br />

tras, a ser readmitidos y entrar<br />

legalmente en Espana tras su<br />

expulsion.<br />

El Ministro <strong>de</strong> Justicia e Interior,<br />

Juan Alberto Belloch autorizo<br />

ayer la entrada <strong>de</strong> los 20 refugiados,<br />

17 turcos ytres kurdos,<br />

bajo la custodia <strong>de</strong> la Cornision<br />

Espanola <strong>de</strong> Ayuda al Refugiado<br />

(CEAR) y <strong>de</strong> la Cruz Roja.<br />

Es el final <strong>de</strong> una situacion insolita.<br />

No podian entrar porque<br />

habia una or<strong>de</strong>n <strong>de</strong> expulsion firmada<br />

per el Ministerio. Tampoco<br />

podian ser expulsados al dictaminar<br />

la Audiencia Nacional su <strong>de</strong>recho<br />

a quedarse. Durante.esos nueve<br />

dias, los turcos han dormido en<br />

el aeropuerto <strong>de</strong> Barajas.<br />

La odisea <strong>de</strong> los refugiados<br />

comenzo con su expulsion la nache<br />

<strong>de</strong>i martes, diez minutos antes <strong>de</strong><br />

que lIegara el auto judicial que les<br />

permitia quedarse. Habian pasado<br />

si<strong>et</strong>e dias a la espera <strong>de</strong> que se<br />

permitiera su entrada. Una vez<br />

informados en pleno vuelo <strong>de</strong> la<br />

<strong>de</strong>cision <strong>de</strong> la Audiencia, los<br />

extranjeros se apearon en Barcelona<br />

y tomaron un nuevo avion <strong>de</strong><br />

regreso a la capital. La «pelota»<br />

quedo entonces en el tejado <strong>de</strong>i<br />

Ministerio <strong>de</strong> Justicia e Interior.<br />

Finalmente, cinco <strong>de</strong> 'ellos se<br />

quedaran en Madrid bajo la tutela<br />

<strong>de</strong> la Cruz Roja. Uno <strong>de</strong> ellos es<br />

un nino que se encuentra hospitalizado<br />

por una neumonia. El resto,<br />

seran trasladados a un centro<br />

<strong>de</strong> refugiados <strong>de</strong> Malaga.<br />

EL MUNDa 27.5.1995<br />

I<br />

Protestas diplomaticas<br />

logran censurar una<br />

exposici6n sobre kurdos<br />

• la muestra, que se .exhibe en<br />

el Museo NacionaJ <strong>de</strong> Etnologia,<br />

intenta explicar las senas<br />

<strong>de</strong> iclentidad <strong>de</strong> este pueblo<br />

EL MUNDa<br />

MADRID.- La d.•eccion <strong>de</strong> Bellas<br />

Artes <strong>de</strong>i Ministerio <strong>de</strong> Cultura ha<br />

o.r<strong>de</strong>nado r<strong>et</strong>irar la paI}carta anun-<br />

CIadora <strong>de</strong> la exposicion cultural<br />

sobre el pueblo kurdo, colocada<br />

en la fachada <strong>de</strong>I Museo Nacional<br />

<strong>de</strong> Etnologia <strong>de</strong> Madrid, tras una<br />

protesta diplomatica <strong>de</strong> «una<br />

e~bajada extranjera», que fue asumlda<br />

y transmitida al Ministerio<br />

<strong>de</strong> Cultura por el Ministerio <strong>de</strong><br />

Asuntos Exteriores.<br />

. El origen <strong>de</strong>l inci<strong>de</strong>ntediplomatlCO<br />

que ha provocado este acto<br />

<strong>de</strong> censura esta. en laexistencia<br />

<strong>de</strong> la propia exposicion, inaugurada.<br />

el. pasado 18 <strong>de</strong> mayo y cuyo<br />

bJ<strong>et</strong>lvoes mostrar al pueblo espanol<br />

las senas <strong>de</strong> i<strong>de</strong>ntidad <strong>de</strong> la<br />

<strong>et</strong>nia kurda. También ha influido<br />

en la protesta diplomatica en la<br />

queja <strong>de</strong> Asuntos Exteriores que<br />

en la pancarta anunciadora, <strong>de</strong>'<br />

gran tamano y visible frente a la<br />

madrilena estacion <strong>de</strong> Atocha, se<br />

utilizara la palabra «Kurdistan» y<br />

la frase «una mirada a un pais<br />

prohibido».<br />

En este sentido, el Ministerio <strong>de</strong><br />

Asuntos Exteriores, al transmitir la<br />

protesta diplomatica al <strong>de</strong> Cultura<br />

indico la conveniencia <strong>de</strong> r<strong>et</strong>ira;<br />

algun~s obj<strong>et</strong>os que se pue <strong>de</strong>n<br />

apreclar en la propia muestra a<br />

10 que la direccion <strong>de</strong> Bellas Artes<br />

se nego. Sin embargo, la direccion<br />

<strong>de</strong> Bellas Artes si ha aceptado r<strong>et</strong>ir~r<br />

la frase <strong>de</strong> la pancarta anuncladora<br />

-«Kurdistan: una mirada<br />

a un pais prohibido>)- y sustituirla<br />

pa~ otra ~enos molesta para el<br />

paIs extranJero que protesto par<br />

la exposicion.<br />

Esta exposicion es una iniciativa<br />

tomada tras la Guerra <strong>de</strong>l Golfo<br />

Pérsico par un gropo <strong>de</strong> personas<br />

para difundir entre el puebla espa~'<br />

fiaI el problema kurda, que afe.cta<br />

a 30 m1l10nes <strong>de</strong> personas divididas<br />

par las. f!onteras <strong>de</strong> Turquia, Iran,<br />

Irak, Sma y la antigua URSS. .<br />

De caracter Itinerante, la muestra<br />

ya ha recorrido una veintena<br />

<strong>de</strong> localida<strong>de</strong>s <strong>de</strong>I Pais Vasco<br />

Catalufla, Castilla La Mancha'<br />

Comunidad Valenciana y Extre~<br />

madura, <strong>de</strong>stacando las ciuda<strong>de</strong>s<br />

<strong>de</strong> Bilbao, Pamplona, Alicante<br />

Valencia y Ciudad Real. La expo~<br />

sicion, que es la mayor muestra<br />

antropologica realizada en Espana<br />

s'obre. el pueblo kurda, recoge<br />

materiales usados par los kurdos<br />

en su vida cotidiana, asi coma<br />

ma~as,. fotograf~as, un programa<br />

audiOVIsual reahzado con musica<br />

kurda<br />

vi<strong>de</strong>os.<br />

'J .4iapositivas y varias<br />



Turkish Daily News<br />

.<br />

SATURDAY,MAY27,I995,<br />

Tehran sees breakthrough in<br />

.. .1 . _....<br />

500,000 Iraqi Kurds its relations with Baghdad ,<br />

.<br />

Reuters<br />

face starvation<br />

Khorram said earlier on Thursday<br />

NICOSIA- Iran said talks this . that a tentative accord on the thorny<br />

week had led to a breakthrou<br />

8 h in issue ofrisoners left over from eight ~<br />

ties with itsarch-enemy Ira d al? .that years 0 war was reached but mad~<br />

'We have food rations in ~.<br />

our stores for only one I:rarations for a Baïhda VISItby no mention of plans for a VelayatI<br />

's foreigri minister adbeen com.<br />

month. l doubt that our<br />

visit. Un<strong>de</strong>r the draft agreement on .<br />

pl<strong>et</strong>ed. . , . . &risoners of war from the 1980.88<br />

food distribution program : "Preparat!o~s for th~ VlSlt of an-Ira~ war, the two si<strong>de</strong>s were to<br />

for the coming summer<br />

foreign MInIster (All Akbar) study <strong>et</strong>ailed lists of sol,diers<br />

Velayati to Baghdad have ... been .believed to have been taken pnsoner.<br />

period will be financed' ma<strong>de</strong>," Deputy Foreign Minister by the other si<strong>de</strong>, Khorram ad<strong>de</strong>d, .<br />

Agence France Presse .<br />

Hossein Sheikholeslam, wasfoted His visit was wi<strong>de</strong>ly seenasEart of<br />

. ERBn:.. About 500,000 Iraqi Kur~s could face by Tehran radio as sayi~g, He. .d not an Iranian camp~n to woo riends<br />

starvation if international donors fall to Pw for<br />

gIve a date for the VISIt,the fIrst by to break out of a .S.-imposed isola-<br />

food aid to northeriI Iraq, officials from the. odd<br />

an Iranian foreign minister since the tion espeCially after Presi<strong>de</strong>nt Bill<br />

Food Programme (WF?) w'!I1ledThursday. (<br />

1979 Islamic revolution. Clinton's ban this month on U.S.<br />

"We have food ratIons In our stores for only<br />

Important steps had been take~ to tra<strong>de</strong> and investment in Iran.<br />

improve ties b<strong>et</strong>ween the two nelghone<br />

month. I doubt that our food distribution frobors<br />

during talks, in Baghda~ by a~<br />

Iranian newspapers have in the last<br />

~ramme for. the coming summer period wH be few dar been tryinî to convince the<br />

Iranian <strong>de</strong>legatIOn, he saId. Ah bulk 0<br />

manced," P<strong>et</strong>er Forster northern coordinator for Iranians sti I hostile to Iraq<br />

Khorram, a senior advisor to<br />

the UN group told AFP,. . • ."<br />

after its 1980 invasion that reconcili-<br />

Velayati, visited Baghdad at the head<br />

"If that is the case we wIll have to stop It, he<br />

ation with Baghdad was possible.<br />

of an II-member mission. An Iraqi Khorram said the accord, y<strong>et</strong> to be<br />

ad<strong>de</strong>d. "People are so h~ngry ~d <strong>de</strong>sperate that <strong>de</strong>legation would soon visit Iran to<br />

they have started <strong>de</strong>stroYIn~ theIr concr<strong>et</strong>e houses<br />

a~proved by bothsi<strong>de</strong>s, could solve<br />

contInue the talks, Skeikholeslam t e long-standing conflict over 'Yar<br />

to sell iron bars and blocks. ' . ad<strong>de</strong>d, prisoners, one of several outstandmg<br />

Lack of fundshave already forced the WFP to . Velayati was quoted by Iran' s Issues from the <strong>de</strong>vastating war.<br />

cu~ the number ofdOàple receiving monthly food news a~ency IRNA as saying the two Tehran <strong>de</strong>mandsthat Baghdad<br />

ratIOnsfrom 471,0 to 350,000. , . countrIes should "broa<strong>de</strong>n their should free thO\~sands of prisoners.<br />

Despe~~tepare~ts have offered their children to mutual relations". He ma<strong>de</strong> no refer- Baghdad <strong>de</strong>nies holding any<br />

rich famIlieshopmg they rrnght be fed, and some enœ to a visit to Iraq. Iranians.. ..<br />

have even had to be st~ped<br />

from poisoning their<br />

offspring, Kurdish of Icials and resi<strong>de</strong>nts told<br />

AFP.<br />

. "What we distributed last month did not cover<br />

the basic needs, nor did it the month before,"<br />

LE MONDE - 27 mai 1995<br />

Abdirahrnan Meygag, head of the Erbil branch of<br />

the WFP, said.<br />

Necim Omar Surtshi, secr<strong>et</strong>ary of the<br />

Conservative Party of Kurdistan(CPK), said some<br />

p'arents had offered their children to rich families<br />

,'not as slaves, but in the hope that rich people will<br />

• TURQUIE: vingt à trente refeed<br />

them," belles kur<strong>de</strong>s ont 4!t4!.tués <strong>et</strong><br />

In Beneslawa, in the Erb~l ~overno~ate, ~athers une qüarantaine interpellés au,<br />

had been stopped from kIllIng theIr chIldren cours <strong>de</strong> plusieurs opérations mi-<br />

because they could not feed them, resi<strong>de</strong>~ts said,.<br />

Iitaires, mercredi 24 mai, dans ..<br />

Neciba Azid 37 a mother of three children SItdifférentes<br />

sources.<br />

l'est <strong>et</strong> .le sud-est du pays, selon<br />

ting in an emtty house in Beneslawa, <strong>de</strong>scribed .Par ailleurs, au moins sept per ..<br />

her family's p 'ght. "For the last threemonths we sonnes sont mortes, jeudi 25 mai,<br />

have been livrng on bread'and water ..<br />

lprs <strong>de</strong> l'explosion d'une bombe:<br />

There were many days when we had nothing to près d'une école primaire dans l~<br />

eat" she said. She andother women confIrmed centre-ville. <strong>de</strong> Batman, dans Ie:<br />

that some parents offered their children to wealthy . sud-est <strong>de</strong> la Turquie. - (AFP'<br />

~eople to work for food. ~aci Hamma Ali R~a,<br />

. 0, said he had only, SUrvIved s~ .far by se~IIng<br />

almost all his posseSSIOns:a televlSlon, a refriger-.<br />

ator and mattresses.. .<br />

"People have no h0e.e. There' s no work, we<br />

own no land" he said. Som<strong>et</strong>imes th? don't see<br />

i<br />

any' other s~lution than g<strong>et</strong>ting rid 0 their own<br />

children. In their eyes, killin~s<br />

sending them into the town tog."<br />

still b<strong>et</strong>ter then<br />

Reuter.)<br />

"<br />




Turkisb Daily News<br />

SATURDAY,MAY27,1995<br />

; Foreign Aid Bill vote postponed to June 6<br />

"<br />

By U~ur Akmel<br />

Turkish Daily N~s<br />

WASHINGTON- The US House of<br />

Reeresentatives has <strong>de</strong>ci<strong>de</strong>d to postpone the final<br />

votmg on the American Overseas Interest Act of<br />

1995 (H.R. 1561) to June 6. The bill is also<br />

referred as the Foreign Aid Bill, although it also<br />

covers a vast reorganization of the US State<br />

Department and the amendment of almost every<br />

existing law pertaining to US foreign policy. The<br />

<strong>de</strong>lay has been linked to Presi<strong>de</strong>nt Clinton's<br />

threat that he would v<strong>et</strong>o the bill in its current<br />

form.<br />

Lack of time to <strong>de</strong>bate all the amendments has<br />

reportedly been another factor leading tothe<br />

<strong>de</strong>cision for postponement. There are currently<br />

65 amendments on record which are awaiting<br />

floor <strong>de</strong>bate. When the initiallimit of 10 hours<br />

for <strong>de</strong>bate was exhausted, a request was ma<strong>de</strong> for<br />

six more hours. The House Rules Committee m<strong>et</strong><br />

and agreed the extension by a vote of seven to<br />

three. The markup of the Senate version of the<br />

bill at the Senate Appropriations Foreign<br />

Operations subcommittee has also been postponed<br />

to June. .<br />

HR 1561 inclu<strong>de</strong>s a "Humanitarian Aid<br />

Corridor Act" amendment that would bar US<br />

assistance to Turkey, unless Turkey lifts the<br />

embargo on Armenia.<br />

Another amendment which would have<br />

impacted on Turkey proposed to link human<br />

rights to US arms transfers, but was <strong>de</strong>feated on<br />

Wednesday by 262 votes to 157.<br />

One other important amendment waiting in the<br />

wings ~roposes to withhold $500,000 a day from<br />

US asSIstanc<strong>et</strong>o Turkey unless Turkey improves<br />

its record on human rights, Cyprus and the Fener<br />

Orthodox Patriarchate (which was initially introduced<br />

as HR 1274 "Turkish Human Rights<br />

Compliance Act"). When the House reconvenes<br />

in June it will vote on this amendment.<br />

$320 million for Turkey<br />

If and when it is approved by the House, the<br />

bill will authorize loans worth $224 million for<br />

Greece and $320 million for Turkey in the financial<br />

rear 1996, corresponding to the "subsidy<br />

cost' levels of $26.62 million for Greece and<br />

$37.8 million for Turkey in the same fmancial<br />

year. The subsidy cost is the real cost of these<br />

loans to the American taxpayers. This year the<br />

subsidy cost levels are lower "because interest<br />

costs were lower and the credit ratings of these<br />

House of Representatives offers<br />

$320 million for Turkey<br />

countries were higher," according to the House<br />

report on HR 1561. The proposed amounts maintam<br />

the 7-to-10 ratio b<strong>et</strong>ween the level of US<br />

assistance given to Greece and Turkey.<br />

The amounts authorized by. the House for the<br />

financial year 1996 are 28.8 percent lower than<br />

the $315 million fdr Greece and the $450 million<br />

for Turkey which were originally requested by<br />

the Administration.<br />

The total subsidy cost authorized by the<br />

Administration for both Turkey and Greece was<br />

$89.89 million. The levels in the financial year<br />

1995 (the n<strong>et</strong> levels excluding the 10 percent<br />

conditioned for both countries), are $229 million<br />

for Greece and $328 million for Turkey. Thus the<br />

levels proposed for next year are almost i<strong>de</strong>ntical<br />

to the levels this year.<br />

The House report on HR 1561 says "the<br />

[International Relations] Committee's recommen<strong>de</strong>d<br />

level of funding for Turkey compl<strong>et</strong>es<br />

the commitment of the U.S. for funding a joint F-<br />

16 fighter aircraft program for the Turkish Air<br />

Force."<br />

Economic Support Fund<br />

The bill propose.s $50 million in the financial<br />

year 1996 and $40 million in 1997 as an econom-<br />

IC support assistance fund (ESP) for Turkey. This<br />

is a cash credit provi<strong>de</strong>d with no strings attached.<br />

The US provi<strong>de</strong>d at least twice as much in previousyears.<br />

The International Relations Committee<br />

said "for further assistance allocations, the<br />

Committee will pay special attention to the open-<br />

ÏI!gu~ of Turkish mark<strong>et</strong>s to US goods and ser-<br />

ViceS.' -<br />

Within the context of the ESF, the Committee<br />

also stated that it is "concerned about the human<br />

rights situation in Turkey, ,Particularly government<br />

actions against journalists and others which<br />

infringe upon freedom of expression."<br />

The Committee has also gone on record that it<br />

accepts the Greek thesis that the Fener<br />

Patriarchate represents all Orthodox Christians in<br />

the world. "The Committee expresses concern<br />

regarding recent attacks on the Ecumenical<br />

Patriarchate in Istanbul, Turkey, the center for<br />

over 250 million Orthodox Christians worldwi<strong>de</strong>."<br />

Turkey does not accept the ecumenical<br />

status of the Patriarchate.<br />

Free-tra<strong>de</strong> ae:reement<br />

With Cyprus?<br />

The House also proposes to give [Greek]<br />

Cyprus $15 million as ESF in 1996 and 1997 ''to<br />

support scholarships and bicommunal projects,"<br />

like it did in the financial year 1995.<br />

The committee suggested that a free-tra<strong>de</strong><br />

agreement might be a good i<strong>de</strong>a to help Cyprus..<br />

"The Committee urges the<br />

Administration to study other ways to <strong>de</strong>monstrate<br />

and improve the close ties b<strong>et</strong>ween the U.S.<br />

and Cyprus. One such proposal may be to study<br />

jointly the prospects for a free tra<strong>de</strong> agreement<br />

b<strong>et</strong>ween the U.S. and Cyprus."<br />

Since the late presi<strong>de</strong>nt Tur~ut OzaI's time,<br />

Turkey has always asked for ' more tra<strong>de</strong>, not<br />

aid" from the US but Washington never consi<strong>de</strong>red<br />

the prospects of a free-tra<strong>de</strong> arrangement<br />

with Turkey. The US currently has such an<br />

arrangement with Canada and Mexico ,in the<br />

NAnA agreement. .<br />

HR 1561 also proposes many sweeping<br />

changes in US foreign policy, including the<br />

amendmen( of almost all the foreign affairs related<br />

laws on the books.<br />

One such change to be ma<strong>de</strong> to the "State<br />

Department Basic Authorities Act of 1956" proposes<br />

to eliminate the Office for Democracy,<br />

Human Rights and Labor currently hea<strong>de</strong>d by<br />

Assistant Secr<strong>et</strong>ary John Shattuck, a vocal critic<br />

of human rights Violations in Turkey. Shattuck's<br />

office, if Hl 1561 is accepted by the House,<br />

would become the Bureau for Democracy,<br />

Human Rights and Labor.<br />

Shattuck' s title would be changed to<br />

Coordinator for Human Rights and Refugees and<br />

he would head the newly established Bureau of<br />

Refugees and Migration Assistance as well. The<br />

coordinator will be appointed by the Presi<strong>de</strong>nt<br />

and will carry the rank and status of "ambassador-at-large."<br />

At this point, it is not clear y<strong>et</strong> if this represents<br />

a <strong>de</strong>motion for Shattuck, who is currently<br />

not an ambassador but reports directly to<br />

Secr<strong>et</strong>ary Christopher, just like Amb. Philip<br />

Wilcox, the Coordinator for Counterterrorism. A<br />

State Department source told the TDN that<br />

Shattuck, as a coordinator, will have "prece<strong>de</strong>nce<br />

among the other Assistant Secr<strong>et</strong>aries of State"<br />

and come fourth in rank after the Secr<strong>et</strong>ary of<br />

State, the Deputy Secr<strong>et</strong>ary and the Un<strong>de</strong>r<br />

Secr<strong>et</strong>aries. Despite that, a lDN source alleged<br />

that the new "bureau" will have a smaller staff<br />

and smaller budg<strong>et</strong> to work with.<br />



Turkish Daily News<br />

SATURDAY,MAY27,I995<br />

.inönü urges an end to power vacullminN. Iraq<br />

Foreign minister says Operation<br />

Provi<strong>de</strong> Comfort is un<strong>de</strong>r<br />

discussion b<strong>et</strong>ween allies.<br />

Turkish Daily News<br />

ANKARA- Foreign Minister Erdaltnönü said on<br />

Friday that the structure and future of Operation Provi<strong>de</strong><br />

Comfort, an allied force stationed in Turkey to protect<br />

Iraqi Kurds, was un<strong>de</strong>r discussion among Turkey and its<br />

European partners. .<br />

"We have discussed Operation Provi<strong>de</strong> Comfort with<br />

a visiting <strong>de</strong>legation from the United States, but this was<br />

just the beginning. We will continue with our tàIks,"<br />

Inönü told re~rters in his fIrst formaI press conference<br />

since taking office two months ago.. ,.<br />

. Foreign Ministry Un<strong>de</strong>rsecr<strong>et</strong>ary Oz<strong>de</strong>m Sanberk told<br />

the TON in an interview earlier in the week that Turkey<br />

wanted Operation Provi<strong>de</strong> Comfort to "have a peace<br />

perspective," in other words, to be tied to a peace plan iri<br />

Iraq.<br />

"The p,ower vacuum in northern Iraq prevents any<br />

solution, ' 1nönü said.<br />

He ruled out a redrawing of the bor<strong>de</strong>r witlÎ Iraq in a<br />

way to make monitoring easier. "That is som<strong>et</strong>hing we<br />

havenever asked our Iraqi counterparts for," lIiönü<br />

said, flatly <strong>de</strong>nying press reports that Iraq was ready for<br />

it. "How can they reply affrrmatively to a question that<br />

is not asked?"<br />

He said that he expected northern Iraqi Kurds ~oprovi<strong>de</strong><br />

security in the region. But he refused to give <strong>de</strong>tails<br />

about the ongoing talks b<strong>et</strong>ween Turkey and a visiting<br />

<strong>de</strong>legation from the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK).<br />

"In all our talks, we tell them that they should stop<br />

this fighting,"1nönü said.<br />

C',<br />

r<br />

Turkish Daily News<br />

IraqiKurds to<br />

<strong>de</strong>lay elections<br />

until June 1996<br />

AgenCe France Presse .<br />

DARABAN-. Feuding<br />

Iraqi Kurd factions<br />

agreed here Saturday to postpone elections in<br />

. northern Iraq for a year and extend their parliament's<br />

mandate, an AFP correspon<strong>de</strong>nt SaId. .<br />

'. In a l5-minute session, 85 members of the<br />

105-seat assembly agreed unanimously by a<br />

show of hands to postpone the elections to June<br />

4, 1996. .<br />

The group gathered in a mosque in the remote<br />

but neutral village of Daraban, north of the main<br />

town of Arbil, for the me<strong>et</strong>ing chaired by speaker<br />

Jawar Namik.<br />

Among those present were 40 members of the<br />

Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) and the<br />

same num.b~r from.i.ts rivaI the Patriotic Union<br />

SUNDAY,MAY28.199S<br />

of Kurdistan (PUK) as well as five members of<br />

the smaIl Assyrian Movement.<br />

The parliament's term had been due to expire<br />

on June 4, three years after the assembly was<br />

fmt elected in 1992. But armed clashes b<strong>et</strong>ween<br />

the two main parties which share control in the. .<br />

parliament ma<strong>de</strong> new elections difficult to organize<br />

and threatened a collapsé of the KurdIsh'<br />

experiment in <strong>de</strong>mocracy.<br />

One member said: "Forg<strong>et</strong> elections. If we<br />

can't solve our problems now, how can we ever<br />

hold elections?'<br />

Fighting b<strong>et</strong>ween the. KDP and PUK over<br />

power and ta~ revenues since May 1994 has<br />

cost 2,000 lives, according to KurdIsh sources,<br />

and left the region split with each faction controlling<br />

pne part. .<br />

The KDP said earlier that "a neutrallocation<br />

for the session was agreed upon for security<br />

purposes." .<br />

The parliament, which is not internationally<br />

recofDlzed, is based in Arbil, which has been<br />

un<strong>de</strong>r PUK control since December. It has<br />

stopped me<strong>et</strong>ing since the PUK captured the<br />

town from the KDP.<br />

.'<br />

.. Northern Iraq has been un<strong>de</strong>r Kurdish control,<br />

in <strong>de</strong>fiance of Baghdad, since the end of<br />

the Gulf war for Kuwait in 1991. .<br />




A- -F- -P-::--.-.::.A- -F P- ---:: A .F P"--.-::.A. F .p -~-:: A .F .p --:: A- -F -P- ----:<br />

ECF0310 3 F 0572 Cay- /AFP-BJ65<br />

Eco.<br />

Irak: Saddam Hussein face aux plus graves émeutes <strong>de</strong>puis la défaite<br />

• • -.. •<br />

DUBAI, 29 mai (AFP) - Les émeutes qui ont éclaté à la mi-mai dans le<br />

gouvernorat d'Anbar, à l'ouest <strong>de</strong> Bagdad, constituent pour le régime <strong>de</strong><br />

Saddam<br />

au sud<br />

Hussein le plus grave<br />

<strong>et</strong> au nord du pays.<br />

soulèvement <strong>de</strong>puis les insurrections <strong>de</strong> 1991<br />

Selon <strong>de</strong>s voyageurs en provenance. d'Irak <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong>s diplomates arabes à<br />

Bagdad, ces émeutes ont éclaté le 17 mai dans la ville <strong>de</strong> Ramadi avant <strong>de</strong><br />

s'étendre à plusieurs localités du gouvernorat, considéré comme l'un <strong>de</strong>s<br />

bastions du régime.<br />

Une trentaine <strong>de</strong> personnes, en majorité d'une puissante famille sunnite<br />

irakienne, ont été tuées <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong>s centaines d'autres, dont <strong>de</strong>s fonctionnaires<br />

<strong>de</strong> l'Etat, ont été blessées, selon ces voyageurs.<br />

Ces émeutes se sont pro~uites<br />

à sa famille du corps du général<br />

peu après<br />

<strong>de</strong> l'armée<br />

la restitution par<br />

<strong>de</strong> l'air Mohammad<br />

les autorités<br />

Mazloum<br />

al-Doulaïmi, arrêté fin 1994 pour "complicité dans une tentative <strong>de</strong> coup<br />

d'Etat" •<br />

C'est la première fois, <strong>de</strong>puis les insurrections <strong>de</strong> mars 1991 dans la<br />

foulée <strong>de</strong> la défaite irakienne dans la guerre du Golfe, que <strong>de</strong>s émeutes<br />

éclatent dans un gouvernorat généralement fidèle au prési<strong>de</strong>nt irakien.<br />

Les soulèvements <strong>de</strong> 1991 avaient eu pour théâtre pendant plusieurs<br />

semaines le sud <strong>de</strong> l'Irak, à majorité chiite, <strong>et</strong> le nord du pays, à<br />

population kur<strong>de</strong>.<br />

Le pouvoir central avait cependant rétabli son autorité au prix d'une<br />

sanglante répression. Pour protéger ces populations, les Etats-Unis, la<br />

Gran<strong>de</strong>-Br<strong>et</strong>agne <strong>et</strong> la France avaient interdit le survol <strong>de</strong> ces zones par<br />

l'aviation irakienne.<br />

Près <strong>de</strong> cinq<br />

venir à bout <strong>de</strong><br />

ans après la<br />

la résistance<br />

guerre du Golfe, Bagdad tente<br />

chiite qui persiste notamment<br />

toujours<br />

dans la<br />

<strong>de</strong><br />

zone<br />

<strong>de</strong>s marais (35.000<br />

villes <strong>de</strong> Bassorah,<br />

km2) comprise dans le grand<br />

Al-Amara <strong>et</strong> Nassiriyah.<br />

triangle que forment les<br />

L'opposition irakienne, notamment<br />

coalition <strong>de</strong> groupes d'opposition),<br />

le Congrès National<br />

a annoncé plusieurs<br />

Irakien JCNI,<br />

tentatives <strong>de</strong> coup<br />

d'Etat contre le régime <strong>de</strong> Saddam Hussein <strong>et</strong> fait état <strong>de</strong> violentes<br />

répressions, en particulier contre les populations arabes chiites, qui<br />

constituent entre 45 <strong>et</strong> 60% <strong>de</strong>s 18 millions d'Irakiens.<br />

Ainsi, en 1993 <strong>et</strong> 1994, le CNI avait fait état <strong>de</strong> plusieurs offensives<br />

{r,akiennes contre la population <strong>de</strong>s marais, affirmant que les troup~s<br />

irakiennes ont fait usage d '.armes chimiques.<br />

En novembr'e 1994, le CNI avait annoncé l'arrestation <strong>de</strong> plus <strong>de</strong> -1. 000<br />

personnes dans diverses régions <strong>de</strong> l'Irak, parmi lesquelles un certain<br />

nombre<br />

mQtifs<br />

d'officiers <strong>de</strong> l'armée,<br />

<strong>de</strong> ces arrestations. Le<br />

sans toutefois préciser la<br />

CNI cite le nom <strong>de</strong> Mohammed<br />

date ou<br />

Mazloum<br />

les<br />

al-Douleimi, commandant <strong>de</strong> la base aérienne al-Bakr, au nord <strong>de</strong> Bagdad.<br />

Pour sa part, la presse occi<strong>de</strong>ntale a fait état <strong>de</strong> plusieurs tentatives<br />

<strong>de</strong> coup d'Etat, attribuées pour la plupart<br />

collaborateurs <strong>de</strong> Saddam Hussein. L'une <strong>de</strong><br />

à <strong>de</strong>s militaires<br />

ces tentatives,<br />

ou <strong>de</strong>s<br />

révélée<br />

proches<br />

en<br />

juill<strong>et</strong> 1992<br />

responsables<br />

par la presse<br />

américains.<br />

américaine, avait été confirmée par <strong>de</strong> hauts<br />

Depuis la guerre du Golfe, plusieurs ambassa<strong>de</strong>urs, anciens ministres <strong>et</strong><br />

hauts<br />

rangs<br />

dignitaires du régime<br />

<strong>de</strong> l'opposition.<br />

ont fait défection <strong>et</strong> rejoint avec éclat les<br />

Des rumeurs ont aussi fait état d'un attentat contre Oudaï, fils aîné <strong>de</strong><br />

Saddam Hussein, qui, se sentant autant menacé que son père, aurait<br />

multiplié les subterfuges pour se protéger.<br />

HT/jeb/jef<br />

AFP /cr00245/291713 MAI 95<br />

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Kurdish 'parliament- in-exile'<br />

to convene again in twomonths<br />

Executive Council Chairman<br />

Aydar: We have no problem<br />

in finding a place to me<strong>et</strong><br />

IBy Aytül Gürta~<br />

Turkish Daily News<br />

ANKARA- Zübeyïr Aydar, the chainnan of the<br />

executive council of the so-called Kurdish "parlia-<br />

. ment-in-exile" fanned on A'pril 12 in The Hague,<br />

said, in a telephone interview from Brussels on<br />

Sunday, that the assembly will convene again on July<br />

12 and that he did not foresee any problem in fInding<br />

.a me<strong>et</strong>ing place. .<br />

Aydar, In answer to a question from the Turkish<br />

Daily News, said that, according to its bylaws, the<br />

parliament should convené every three months, and<br />

the second me<strong>et</strong>ing was plarmed for July, presumably<br />

somewhere in Europe. ..<br />

"The laws of many European countries allow such<br />

me<strong>et</strong>ings, provi<strong>de</strong>d they do not violate certain rules,<br />

and therefore we will have no difficulty finding a<br />

place to convene" said Aydar. Turkey strongly<br />

protested- aaainst the holding of the fITStme<strong>et</strong>ing of<br />

the so-calfed Kurdish parliament-in-exile in the<br />

N<strong>et</strong>herlands in April. As a result relations b<strong>et</strong>ween<br />

the countries became strained and Turkey put the<br />

N<strong>et</strong>herlands on its "red list."<br />

At the end of the its flfst four-day, me<strong>et</strong>ing the parliament<br />

fonned an executive council of 15, Including<br />

Turkey's now barmed pro-Kurdish Democracl Party<br />

(DEP) <strong>de</strong>puties, and representatives of the National<br />

Liberation front (ERNK), the political wing of the<br />

outlawed Kurdistan Worker's Party (PKK).<br />

Aydar, a fonner DEP <strong>de</strong>puty, said that the chief<br />

objective of the parliament was to gain observer status<br />

at the United Nations.. . .<br />

"We are continuing our diplomatic activities<br />

throughout the world, including European Union<br />

bodies and the other international orgamzations. We<br />

want the Kurds to be represented in the United<br />

Nations and as a parliament-in-exile we are ready for<br />

this," Aydar stateâ. .<br />

He repeated the call on international bodies to put<br />

pressure on Turkey for a peaceful solution to the<br />

Kurdish problem. Talking about the other activities<br />

of the executive council, Zübeyir Aydar said that<br />

they had <strong>de</strong>ci<strong>de</strong>d to launch a campaign for cultural<br />

i<strong>de</strong>ntity, and specifically the promotion of the<br />

Kurdish language. .. .<br />

"Our council will do its best for everyone in.<br />

Kurdistan to be allowed to speak their mother tongue<br />

and be educated in Kurdish: ln that context we call<br />

Zübeyir Aydar<br />

on all Kurds to speak KÙl"dish,think in Kurdish and<br />

read in Kurdish," Aydar ad<strong>de</strong>d. .<br />

Meanwhile, according to Aydar, some other<br />

Kurdish factions which did not participate in the first<br />

me<strong>et</strong>ing of the exile parliament, now want to participate.<br />

.<br />

"Representatives of the Kurdistan Communist<br />

Party (KCP), from Turkey, visited us on May 25 and<br />

expressed their support for the exile ~arliament. We .<br />

have agreed that the KCP representattves could participate<br />

in the bye-election that the parliament has<br />

<strong>de</strong>cl<strong>de</strong>don.<br />

He saidthis was a sign of the increasing support of<br />

the Kurdish people for the parliament-in-exile.<br />

The grouping has been criticized in the past of<br />

being an organ of the PKK and of not giving any'<br />

space to the other Kurdish political movements.<br />

Some other groups such as the Kurdistan ~ocialist<br />

Party lea<strong>de</strong>d by mo<strong>de</strong>rate Kemal Burkay have<br />

refused to join the parliament. . .<br />

. It is being said that the other Kurdish groups are<br />

waiting to see if the parliament-in-exile gains international<br />

acceptance before <strong>de</strong>ciding on their participation.<br />



AFP --.=-A .. F"P'''-:.:=-A .. F"P--'--.:=-A F 'P"-.-.::A. F p.---.::A--F .p .._-_::.<br />

FRS0847 4 lA 0275 RFA /AFP-JAOl<br />

Allemagne-Turquie<br />

Conflit kur<strong>de</strong> : plainte <strong>de</strong>vant la justice contre une chaîne <strong>de</strong> TV<br />

turque<br />

DELMENHORST (Allemagne), 30 mai (AFP) - Une<br />

droits <strong>de</strong> l'Homme, MFM, a porté plainte auprès<br />

un programme <strong>de</strong> la chaîne <strong>de</strong> télévision turque<br />

dons pour les opérations militaires contre les<br />

MAI 95<br />

agence alleman<strong>de</strong> pour les<br />

du parqu<strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong> Berlin contre<br />

TRT.INT qui appelle à <strong>de</strong>s<br />

Kur<strong>de</strong>s, a annoncé MFM mardi<br />

à'Delmenhorst (nord).<br />

La chaîne publique turque TRT.INT, diffusée sur le câble en Allemagne,<br />

est mise en cause à propos d'une émission qui a commencé fin avril à<br />

appeler à <strong>de</strong>s dons pour l'armée turque engagée du 20 mars au 2 mai contre<br />

les Kur<strong>de</strong>s dans le nord <strong>de</strong> l'Irak. C<strong>et</strong>te émission se poursuit<br />

sporadiquement.<br />

L'agence MFM, spécialisée dans les médias, a entrepris<br />

faute d'une décision <strong>de</strong>s autorités alleman<strong>de</strong>s <strong>de</strong> contrôle<br />

expliqué son directeur P<strong>et</strong>er Vogel. Elle a déposé plainte<br />

c<strong>et</strong>te démarche<br />

<strong>de</strong>s médias, a<br />

pour complicité<br />

<strong>de</strong> génoci<strong>de</strong> <strong>et</strong> d'incitation à la haine raciale.<br />

Les autorités alleman<strong>de</strong>s <strong>de</strong> contrôle <strong>de</strong>s médias, saisies-<strong>de</strong> plusieurs<br />

plaintes, ont ouvert une enquête, qui n'a pas encore abouti. Les<br />

écolo-pacifistes du parti <strong>de</strong>s Verts/Alliance 90 ont exigé que la chaîne ne<br />

soit plus autorisée à ém<strong>et</strong>tre sur le câble.<br />

Près <strong>de</strong> 85% <strong>de</strong>s 1,85 million <strong>de</strong> Turcs vivant en Allemagne reçoivent<br />

TRT.INT. Aux termes <strong>de</strong>s réglementations européennes, le contrôle <strong>de</strong>s<br />

programmes d'un ém<strong>et</strong>teur étranger incombe principalement au pays d'origine<br />

sauf s'il y va <strong>de</strong> la protection <strong>de</strong> la jeunesse, <strong>de</strong> la dignité humaine ou <strong>de</strong><br />

contraintes publicitaires.<br />

La plainte a été déposée à Berlin, siège du directeur <strong>de</strong> la chaîne en<br />

Allemagne.<br />

vl/lal/jag<br />

AFP /J00245/30l940<br />

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, Ivt(JLQÀtX OtT] VOtLOavatOÀLxTj' : «M6vLtOQ» tO'U 3tQWtOt! xQatL-<br />

Tot!Qxta xm ÔLatteEvtm otot!ç XOUxavaÀLOU (ARD). ,<br />

TouQxot!ç. , HTO'UQxta ÉXELOtT]v xatOXT]<br />

" O:n:wç I-LEtaÔLôELa~o to BE- tT]ç .I-LEYaÀoaQL8I-Lo:n:ÀT]QOlp~-<br />

QoÀtVO0 ,avta:n:ox~LtT]Ç tT]ç «E» QUOV :n:0t! alpoQouv tLÇ XLVT]-<br />

ßavt£Â,T)C; BaÂ.?(Jo:n:ov~C;, I-Lt!- OELÇ,tLÇ 8ÉOELÇxm tOY E;mt~LotLXTj<br />

Cl'Ul-LlpWVLa I-LEta;t! H,IIA OI-L O tWV KouQÔWV avtaQtwv<br />

, X~L TO'UQxtaç, :n:ot! a~oQa a- tot! PKK ota ßot!va t~ ßOQE'.-<br />

vtaÀÀayTj otQa:tLWtLXWV ;tÀT]-; ot! IQax, I-LÉowHilA, Cl'Ul-LlpWVC1<br />

QÖlpOQLù)V, t!:n:aQX,EL U1tO, to I-LEooa I-LEtaMlh]xav OtO OXE-<br />

1980, aUl-Llpwva I-LEooa I-LEtE~W- tLXO QE:n:oQtal;.<br />

OE X8EÇtO :n:oÀLtLxOl-Layxal;LVo- ,

.0<br />


MAPTIOY 19ge nEMnTH 30 MAPTIOY 1995 ...... POn'II ..<br />

j.Jéaw TWV~WACK~I nou, unOT(e~Tai OTteniT'7POUV yia Àoyapiaoj.JO<br />

: moew\I navw ano TOßopeiO IpaK<br />

TOUOHE<br />

.el10le el.lole~e'<br />

8Ar4ATH<br />

J'<br />

IYMlN'EŒ<br />

41KHroPON KAI<br />


mtNIICWI<br />

Tr'i aUAAJtlllr'l nmc<br />

iSlKr'ly6pwv<br />

aCJ)(oAoul'&Vwv l'C<br />

un08toele; av8pwnrvwv<br />

iSIKaIWI'0TWV, Ka8we;<br />

KaliSuo<br />

iSr'lI'OOIoypacpwv an6<br />

Tr'iVaVTITpol'OKfKITIKI\<br />

unr'lpcala Tr'le;<br />

TOUpKIKIle;aOTUVOl'rae;<br />

arr'lV<br />

KwvaraVTlvounoAl1,<br />

KaTayytMcl r'I EmTponll<br />

TWVEAeu8cpwv l\awv<br />

Tr'IVonoia anoTeAoUv<br />

TOUpKOI Kai Koup601<br />

nOAITIKOrnp6ocpuyce;<br />

nou l;ouv aTr'IVA81fia.<br />

np6KCITai Yla TOUe;<br />

iSIKr'ly6poue; TOU<br />

NOI'IKOU IuAA6you TOU<br />

Aaou äivtl'n Cl»pcn,<br />

Mouaracpo Tl;al'ov,<br />

N&Tiv AKTaI, ECPYKOVKai<br />

AïVTtv Tcn:AiK Kai Yla<br />

TOUe;iSr'l1'00I0ypacpoUe;<br />

MeTouAtv8 Mna'{Tl;r Kai<br />

Cl»apoUKNnyoul'nOl,<br />

OUVTOKTCe; Tr'Ie;cKT6c;<br />

V61'0U aplOTCPIle;<br />

cCPr'll'cpriSoe;<br />

ccKOUpTOUAouc;»<br />



• AI"KYPA<br />

.1:::~~~X:O~~~l]~~t~~~<br />

~tTJV ElOßOÀT](l't0 ßOQEW IQux ÉxavE<br />

XeEÇ l] TouQxLa o:/tou EI,upavL1;E'wl ÔlU-<br />

(l'taOl] (l'tOUç xoÀ1touç tTJç xußÉQVl]Ol]ç<br />

alla xm aVU!lEOa OtTJv xußÉQVTIOl] xm<br />

'touç (l'tQa'tlOYtlxoUÇ OXE1:lXU!tE 'tO'tl :/tQÉ-<br />

:/tELva l'LVEl (l't0 ßOQEW IQux.<br />

Onwç a:/tox

Persécution <strong>de</strong>s<br />

Kur<strong>de</strong>s d'Irak<br />

--'<br />

UJ<br />

ii:<br />

I-<br />

U)<br />

UJ<br />

~<br />

ii:<br />

I-<br />

Un pays aux droits élémentaires <strong>de</strong> dignité bafoués où les invasions <strong>et</strong> les bombar<strong>de</strong>ments<br />

continuent à toucher <strong>et</strong> à tuer une population civile traquée. Il est même impossible <strong>de</strong> soigner<br />

sans protection.<br />

Un peuple<br />

persécuté<br />

<strong>de</strong>puis plus<br />

<strong>de</strong> dix ans.<br />

<strong>et</strong><br />

ci<br />

."<br />

SYRIE<br />

ARABIE<br />


Le 20 mars, 35 000 soldats<br />

turcs appuyés par <strong>de</strong>s avions <strong>et</strong><br />

<strong>de</strong>s blindés pénètrent dans le nord<br />

<strong>de</strong> l'Irak. Objectif: détruire les<br />

bases arrière du PKK, une organisation<br />

séparatiste kur<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong><br />

Turquie qui mène <strong>de</strong>s opérations<br />

<strong>de</strong> lutte armée à partir du territoire<br />

irakien. En théorie, l'opération<br />

Acier, qui se déroule dans <strong>de</strong>s<br />

montagnes presque désertes, ne<br />

touche pas la population civile.<br />

C'est faux. Nous l'avons constaté.<br />

Le jour <strong>de</strong> l'invasion, une <strong>de</strong> nos<br />

équipes mobiles travaillait dans<br />

une val.lée proche <strong>de</strong> Raniyah,<br />

une ville irakienne <strong>de</strong> 70 000 habitants,<br />

où nous sommes installéE<br />

<strong>de</strong>puis la guerre du Golfe. Au programme<br />

: vaccinations <strong>et</strong> consultations<br />

maternelles <strong>et</strong> infantiles .<br />

Dans ces régions reculées, il est,<br />

plus qu'ailleurs encore, important<br />

<strong>de</strong> détecter les grossesses à<br />

problèmes ou simplement <strong>de</strong><br />

suivre les enfants <strong>et</strong> les jeunes<br />

mères. Une heure après notre<br />

départ, une bombe tombait sur le<br />

village. Bilan : sept blessés <strong>et</strong> un<br />

mort, une bergère <strong>de</strong> quinze ans.<br />

Les bombar<strong>de</strong>ments ont fait<br />

d'autres victimes. Mais il nous est<br />




difficile d'aller vérifier sur place, <strong>de</strong><br />

savoir ce qui se passe réellement.<br />

Nous sommes coincés loin <strong>de</strong> la<br />

ligne <strong>de</strong> front. Pourquoi ? Parce<br />

que nous sommes implantés au<br />

sud-est du pays, dans une zone<br />

contrôlée par le PUK (Union<br />

patriotique kur<strong>de</strong>), frère ennemi du<br />

PDK (Parti démocrate kur<strong>de</strong>) qui<br />

tient le nord <strong>de</strong> l'Irak, lieu <strong>de</strong><br />

l'invasion turque. Le pays est tellement<br />

peu sûr que nous ne pouvons<br />

soigner que sous protection.<br />

A l'hôpital <strong>de</strong> Raniyah, les militants<br />

du PUK ne nous quittent pas<br />

d'un pouce. Nous opérons un<br />

Dix années d'action<br />

gosse qui a sauté sur une <strong>de</strong>s<br />

innombrables mines qui pourrissent<br />

le pays, nous intervenons<br />

pour une crise d'appendicite<br />

aiguë, nous accouchons <strong>de</strong>s<br />

femmes dans le service d'obstétrique<br />

nouvellement créé, ils sont<br />

là pour nous éviter un éventuel<br />

coup <strong>de</strong> poignard. Nous sillonnons<br />

les camps <strong>de</strong> réfugiés <strong>et</strong> les<br />

villages <strong>de</strong> montagne pour former<br />

<strong>de</strong>s agents <strong>de</strong> santé primaires <strong>et</strong><br />

soigner les populations isolées, ils<br />

nous suivent pour nous éviter<br />

agressions <strong>et</strong> embusca<strong>de</strong>s. Si<br />

nous voulons aller dans le Nord,<br />

fief du PDK, évaluer la situation,<br />

nous ne pourrons le faire sans<br />

m<strong>et</strong>tre en danger la vie <strong>de</strong> nos<br />

gar<strong>de</strong>s du corps du PUK. Que<br />

Nous sommes présents au Kurdistan <strong>de</strong>puis 1984. Notre première mission<br />

avait pour objectifs d'apporter une ai<strong>de</strong> chirurgicale aux blessés <strong>de</strong> guerre,<br />

<strong>de</strong> faire <strong>de</strong> l'éducation sanitaire <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong> défendre une certaine idée <strong>de</strong> la<br />

démocratie: nous avons solgmj les maquisards du PDKI, parti <strong>de</strong> résistants<br />

kur<strong>de</strong>s d'Iran opposés à Khome/n/. Pendant la guerre du Golfe, nous avons<br />

assisté la population kur<strong>de</strong> d'Irak. Nous avons réhabilité l'h6pital <strong>de</strong><br />

Raniyah, pratiqué la chirurgie <strong>de</strong> guerre comme la chirurgie courante,<br />

organisé <strong>de</strong>s consultations itinérantes <strong>et</strong> soigné dans les camps <strong>de</strong> réfugiés.<br />

Aujourd'hui, nous venons d'ouvrir une maternité à l'h6pital <strong>de</strong> Raniyah <strong>et</strong><br />

nous sommes implantés dans un vaste périmètre autour <strong>de</strong> la ville.<br />

faire? Pour l'instant, recueillir <strong>de</strong>s<br />

informations. Profitant d'un<br />

cessez-le-feu temporaire entre<br />

les <strong>de</strong>ux factions rivales, nous<br />

avons fait le tour <strong>de</strong>s hôpitaux <strong>de</strong><br />

la région. A Amâdiyah, l'association<br />

Equilibre nous a parlé <strong>de</strong> six<br />

blessés qui avaient été brûlés<br />

avec <strong>de</strong>s cigar<strong>et</strong>tes, emprisonnés<br />

pendant sept jours puis j<strong>et</strong>és hors<br />

d'un hélicoptère volant à faible<br />

altitu<strong>de</strong>. Le plus inquiétant reste<br />

l'absence <strong>de</strong> blessés dans les<br />

dispensaires. On suppose que les<br />

bombar<strong>de</strong>ments ont fait <strong>de</strong>s<br />

dizaines <strong>de</strong> victimes civiles dans la<br />

zone <strong>de</strong> friction. Où sont-elles ?,<br />

Ont-elles été achevées ? Une<br />

chose est sûre, le peuple kur<strong>de</strong><br />

continue d'être l'obj<strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong> persécutions<br />

systématiques. Rappelons<br />

le bilan <strong>de</strong> la politique turque à<br />

l'encontre <strong>de</strong>s Kur<strong>de</strong>s: 2 000 villages<br />

détruits, 20 000 prisonniers<br />

politiques, 10 millions d'heCtares<br />

brûlés, 3 millions <strong>de</strong> Kur<strong>de</strong>s<br />

déplacés. Plus que jamais, nous<br />

<strong>de</strong>vons témoigner contre c<strong>et</strong>te<br />

négation systématique <strong>de</strong>s droits<br />

élémentaires d'un peuple.<br />


Parliament or propaganda<br />

ploy?<br />

The new Kurdish parliament in exile, aspiring to represent all Kurds does little to reflect the vast divisions b<strong>et</strong>ween<br />

Turkish, Iraqi, Syrian and Iranian Kurds, as Chris Kutschera reports.<br />

"1 swear to take into consi<strong>de</strong>ration the will<br />

of my people in all circumstances ... and to<br />

work for the liberation of Kurdistan". One<br />

by one, the 65 members - six women<br />

and 59 men - of the new Kurdish parliament<br />

i,n exile took the. the oath in<br />

. Kurmandji or in Soram the two main dia-<br />

• lects of the Kurdish language. After this<br />

ritual, in the Hague, which un<strong>de</strong>rlined<br />

the success of the Turkish policy of as-<br />

sirrtilation, since quite a few new <strong>de</strong>puties<br />

who usually speak Turkish stumbled<br />

on the Kurdish words, lsm<strong>et</strong> Cheriff<br />

Vanly. who, as the el<strong>de</strong>st new <strong>de</strong>puty (he<br />

was general Barzani's representative in<br />

Europe in the. 1960's), chaired the me<strong>et</strong>ing,<br />

emphasised that the "Kurdish problem<br />

was not a question of minority, but<br />

of a people entitled to freely <strong>de</strong>termine<br />

their own future"<br />

It would be easy to dismiss Uiis "parliament"<br />

asa new PKK propaganda ploy,<br />

especially given that the thevoting procedure<br />

was, at best, somewhat unorthodox.<br />

The 65 new "<strong>de</strong>puties" were elected<br />

by a body of "<strong>de</strong>legates", themselves<br />

elected b}" Kurds living in exile.' Both<br />

elections took place without any form of<br />

public scrutiny.<br />

What kind of a parliament is that?<br />

The Middle East June 1995 11<br />



Ali Sapan (left) and Sheraf<strong>et</strong>tin Kaya, the speaker of the new parliament<br />

grumbled the sceptics. But the strong reaction<br />

of both Turkey and the USA,<br />

which protested the events in The Hague,<br />

as being a s<strong>et</strong> up orchestrated by a "terrorist<br />

group", as well as the large numbers<br />

of journalists and international<br />

tele\'ision \t'MIlS that con:rcd ,he event<br />

prove that the exercise was far from being<br />

a futile one.<br />

The 65 <strong>de</strong>puties were elected to office<br />

on 26 March by some 500 <strong>de</strong>legates<br />

chosen by about 200,000 Kurds of the<br />

diaspora, living in Western Europe, Russia<br />

and the Caucasus, Australia and<br />

America.Consi<strong>de</strong>ring there are at least<br />

half a million Kurds living in Germany<br />

alone, this figure seems disproportionately<br />

small. But the Kurdish<br />

organisers appeared satisfied, claiming<br />

the German authorities tried by all means<br />

available to prevent the organisation of<br />

the elections, and actually succee<strong>de</strong>d in<br />

several cases in forbidding the political<br />

me<strong>et</strong>ings or festivals that were a cover<br />

up for the elections.<br />

Even so, not all the <strong>de</strong>puties sworn<br />

in at the Hague were selected byelected<br />

"<strong>de</strong>legates": some of them were appointed<br />

on a quota system, like four representatives<br />

of the Assyro-Chal<strong>de</strong>an<br />

minority, one Yezidi, several Alevis, and<br />

six women. The number of women representatives<br />

is surprisingly low. But,<br />

claim the organisers, this "reflects the<br />

level of social emancipation of the<br />

Kurdish diaspora which is far less <strong>de</strong>veloped<br />

than insi<strong>de</strong> the PKK", whose<br />

in exile<br />

military units inclu<strong>de</strong> b<strong>et</strong>ween one third<br />

and one quarter of women members.<br />

There is <strong>de</strong>finitely a strong PKK hard<br />

core in this new parliament, with 12 representatives<br />

of ERNK, the so-called political<br />

wing of PKK, including such<br />

heavyweights as Ali Sapan, its spokesman<br />

for Europe and the real strong man<br />

of the new parliament: Sheraf<strong>et</strong>tin Kaya,<br />

it newly elected speaker and a wealthy<br />

Kurdish businessman of the DEP, who is<br />

quite close to the PKK. The "Kurdish<br />

parliament in exile" also inclu<strong>de</strong>s six<br />

former DEP <strong>de</strong>puties and various "in<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nt"<br />

personalities -among them<br />

AbdourRahman Durre, representative of<br />

the "Kurdish Islamic Union".<br />

Clearly, the new parliament is ma<strong>de</strong><br />

up of personalities who may be consi<strong>de</strong>red<br />

to be standing within the PKK's<br />

sphere of influence. The absence of any<br />

representative of the other Kurdish political<br />

parties, such as Kemal Burkay's<br />

Kurdistan Socialist Party, is a serious<br />

shortcoming. Apparently, the KSP and<br />

the other Kurdish parties were invited to<br />

join the parliament once almost everything<br />

had been s<strong>et</strong> up. All politely <strong>de</strong>clined<br />

to sanction what was all but an<br />

"accomplished fact". However, such as<br />

it is, this assembly represents an effort<br />

by Abdulla Ocalan to wi<strong>de</strong>n his movement'<br />

s political basis.<br />

"This parliament in exile is a first step<br />

towards the creation of a national parliament",<br />

Ali Garzan, PKK representative<br />

in Europe told The Middle East. "Our aim<br />

.<br />

is not to remain in exile but to go back to<br />

Kurdistan and to s<strong>et</strong> up a Kurdish national<br />

parliament that will represent all<br />

Kurds".<br />

Despite the fact that he has spent almost<br />

half his life in Turkish jails (born in<br />

1957, he was jailed for 16years, from 1977<br />

until the end of 1993) Ali Garzan is a soft,<br />

spoken person who convincingly explains<br />

why the Kurds were forced to create<br />

this parliament in exile: "We, the<br />

Kurds, have no rightsin Turkey", he says:<br />

"Look at what happened to the DEP<br />

<strong>de</strong>puties, they hardly spoke about the<br />

Kurdish rights when they were members<br />

of the the Turkish parliament, but they<br />

are in jail"<br />

Ali Sapan, PKK spokesman for Europe,<br />

and now <strong>de</strong>puty speaker of the new<br />

parliament in exile, confirmed his conviction<br />

that there is "a difference b<strong>et</strong>ween<br />

a party and a people." "The people altog<strong>et</strong>her<br />

must be represented through all<br />

their components", he told The Middle<br />

East. "In international diplomacy, the<br />

Kurdish people will from now on have<br />

an address, which is: "Kurdish parliament<br />

in exile, Avenue Louis, Brussels.<br />

This parliament will take important <strong>de</strong>cisions,<br />

such as <strong>de</strong>ciding wh<strong>et</strong>her or not<br />

to implement a ceasefire. It is also going<br />

to be active in the economic field".<br />

When asked how the parliament in<br />

exile could claim to take any economic<br />

<strong>de</strong>cision, Ali Sapan answered: "Look, I<br />

am going to confi<strong>de</strong> this piece of news<br />

to The Middle East: I personally have already<br />

m<strong>et</strong> representatives of the World<br />

Bank to talk about the pipeline project to<br />

export Azerbaidjan' s oil through Turkey.<br />

I told them that they should g<strong>et</strong> our<br />

agreement for this project, if they want<br />

to build a pipeline through Kurdistan. If<br />

they don't g<strong>et</strong> it, we shall prevent it".<br />

Ali Sapan and his friends know that<br />

Turkey will reject the "parliament in exile"<br />

just as they forbid any form of<br />

Kurdish association. "But we shall ask<br />

them: with whom do you want to talk?<br />

Is there anybody who can represent the<br />

Kurdish people?<br />

If they want to solve the Kurdish<br />

question, they must g<strong>et</strong> intouch with this<br />

parliament ...if not, we will do everything<br />

necessary to make themchange their<br />

mind". .<br />

It is clear that the uproar raised in<br />

Europe by the Turkish invasion of Iraqi<br />

Kurdistan last March facilitates their<br />

task.<br />

•<br />

12 The Middle East June 1995<br />



FRS051S'4 I 0166 IRK /AFP-VS02'<br />

Irak-Kur<strong>de</strong>s<br />

Combats interkur<strong>de</strong>s: le PDK prolonge la trêve jusqu'au 15 juill<strong>et</strong><br />

NICOSIE, 1er juin (AFP) - Le parti démocratique du Kurdistan irakien<br />

(PDK <strong>de</strong> Massoud Barzani) a décidé <strong>de</strong> prolonger jusqu'au 15 j~ill<strong>et</strong> la trêve<br />

dans les combats qui l'opposaient à l'Union patriotique du Kurdistan (UPK,<br />

<strong>de</strong> Jalal Talabani), a indiqué un communiqué du PDK jeudi.<br />

"Compte tenu <strong>de</strong>s intérêts supérieurs du peuple kur<strong>de</strong> <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong>s efforts <strong>de</strong><br />

pacification déployés par les partis kur<strong>de</strong>s <strong>et</strong> les amis à l'étranger, <strong>et</strong> en<br />

vue <strong>de</strong> sauver les récoltes <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong> perm<strong>et</strong>tre aux étudiants d'achever leurs<br />

examens, nous avons prolongé le cessez-le-feu jusqu'au 15 juill<strong>et</strong>", indique<br />

le<br />

texte.<br />

'Le 7,avril, le PDK avait proclamé unilatéralement un cessez-le-feu <strong>de</strong><br />

<strong>de</strong>ux semaines qu'il a ensuite prolongé jusqu'au 1er juin.<br />

"Ces initiatives visent à perm<strong>et</strong>tre aux médiateurs <strong>de</strong> parvenir à un<br />

règlement pacifique" du conflit armé qui oppose les <strong>de</strong>ux principales<br />

formations kur<strong>de</strong>s, ajoute le communiqué.<br />

ag/sl/tp/nou.<br />

AFP /j00245/01161S JON 95<br />

L'Express - ler-7 juin 1995<br />

La création d'une chaîne <strong>de</strong> télévision<br />

kur<strong>de</strong> diffusée par satellite<br />

a fait augmenter les ventes<br />

d'antennes paraboliques dans le<br />

sud-est <strong>de</strong> la Turquie. MED TV,<br />

chaîne <strong>de</strong> télévision proche <strong>de</strong>s<br />

séparatistes du PKK, ém<strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong><br />

Londres <strong>et</strong> diffuse <strong>de</strong>puis le<br />

30, mars un programme test par le<br />

biais d'Eutelsat. Ankara a protesté<br />

auprès <strong>de</strong>s autorités anglaises.<br />

HumanitéDimanche- ler-7 juin 1995<br />


Ankara <strong>de</strong>man<strong>de</strong> aux Kur<strong>de</strong>s<br />

d'Irak <strong>de</strong> cesser lefeu<br />

., La Turquie.a <strong>de</strong>mandé, hier, aux <strong>de</strong>ux partis kur<strong>de</strong>s irakiens<br />

rivaux, le Part.i démocratique du Kurdistan (PDK)<br />

lie Massoud Barzani <strong>et</strong> l'Union patriotique ,du Kurdistan<br />

:ètJPK) <strong>de</strong> Jalal Talab'ani; <strong>de</strong> prolonger leur cessez-le-feu,<br />

'qtil doit expirer le 1 er juin, afin <strong>de</strong> promouvoir la stabilit~<br />

dans le nord <strong>de</strong> l'Irak. « Si les aJ]'rontements reprennent, Û<br />

<strong>de</strong>viendra impossible,<strong>de</strong> préserver même une tranquillité<br />

apparente dans la région ", a déclaré un porte-parole du.<br />

ministère turc <strong>de</strong>s Affaires étrangères, Nur<strong>et</strong>tin Nurkan.<br />

Des:représentant~ du gouvernement turc avai~nt ~enconti'é"dés<br />

représëi1tantS <strong>de</strong>s '<strong>de</strong>ux partis k1lf<strong>de</strong>s lfaklensce<br />

rnols~i à' Ankara pour obtenir leur soutien dans la lutte<br />

que mène la Turquie contre ses prop~esrebenes kur<strong>de</strong>s.<br />

Midi Libre - 1er juin 1995<br />

Les vraies raisons<br />

du blocus sur le<br />

peuple irakien<br />

Depuis plus <strong>de</strong> quatre ans le blocus eS,t<br />

imposé à l'Irak (... ), alors que, dans le<br />

mon~e, les voix les plus diverses en ont<br />

dénoncé les eff<strong>et</strong>s meurtriers sur le peuple<br />

irakien. (... )<br />

S'agit-il pour l'ONU d'assurer la sé-'<br />

curité <strong>de</strong>s voisins <strong>de</strong> l'Irak <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong> promouvoir<br />

la paix dans c<strong>et</strong>te région du mon<strong>de</strong>?<br />

Certainement pas alors que les<br />

Etats-Unis attisent les conflits fratrici<strong>de</strong>s<br />

,qui déchirent les Kur<strong>de</strong>s' irakiens que<br />

l'onprétendait libérer du joug <strong>de</strong> Bagdad<br />

(... ), alors que l'Occi<strong>de</strong>nt laisse en<br />

toute impunitê la répression impitoyable<br />

<strong>de</strong>s Turcs à l'égard <strong>de</strong>s Kur<strong>de</strong>s <strong>de</strong><br />

Turquie se déployer en Anatolie <strong>et</strong> en<br />

Irak, ,alors que l'Occi<strong>de</strong>nt ne fait rien<br />

pour stopper la colonisation israélienne<br />

dans les territoires occupés <strong>de</strong> Palestine<br />

<strong>et</strong> pour arrêter les bombar<strong>de</strong>ments du<br />

Sud-Liban par l'aviation israélienne. les<br />

vraies raisons du blocus n'ont rien à voir<br />

avec te discours officiel.<br />

"'<br />




Turkisb Daily News lHURSDAY,JUNB 1,1995<br />

.-<br />

British commentator says 'it's time to l<strong>et</strong><br />

Mustafa Kemal Atatürk rest in his tomb'<br />

Turkish Daily News<br />

WASHINGTON- In an essay critical of the secular<br />

Kemalists' fear of the rise of political Islam in Turkey,<br />

NoelMalcolm, a British historian and commentator, recommen<strong>de</strong>d<br />

that "perhaps il is lime for the sake of mo<strong>de</strong>rnity<br />

and for the ordinary Muslim citizens of Turkey (most of<br />

whom want mo<strong>de</strong>rnity as well), to l<strong>et</strong> Atatürk rest in his<br />

tomb,"<br />

In his essay published in the June 12 issue of the National<br />

Review, America's foremost conservative biweekly,<br />

Malcolm summarized Atatürk' s reforms as well as the<br />

unexpected rise of the Welfare party.<br />

He said that the traditional Kemalist insistence on a<br />

homogeneous "Turkish Anatolian nationalism" - that<br />

Atatürk "invented by substituting' the compact geographical<br />

i<strong>de</strong>ntity of mo<strong>de</strong>m Turkey for the diffuse cultural-imperial<br />

thing that Ottoman civilization had heen" - is not tenable<br />

anymore.<br />

Kurdish insistence on cultural rights, thus, could not be<br />

stalled forever <strong>de</strong>spite the fact that the government had<br />

every ricl1t to fight the terrorism of the Kurdistan Workers'<br />

Party (pl


La Turquie cherche l'appui <strong>de</strong>s partis kur<strong>de</strong>s<br />

pour assurer la sécurité <strong>de</strong> sa frontière avec l'Irak<br />

,La « non-politique» <strong>de</strong>s Etats-Unis, focalisés sur le' renversement <strong>de</strong> Saddam Hussein, préoccupe Ankara<br />

'En attendant une éventuelle levée <strong>de</strong>s sanctions<br />

ccmt(ele régime <strong>de</strong> Bagdad <strong>et</strong> la restauration du<br />

, poijY~ir c,entral sur l'ensemble du territoire ira.<br />

kien, t" Turquie considère que l'appui <strong>de</strong>s<br />

Kur<strong>de</strong>s irakiens est la seule option possible pour<br />

élaborer un dispositif dl!' sécurité à la frontière<br />

<strong>et</strong> m<strong>et</strong>tre un terme aux incursions du PKK. Une<br />

cc solution temporaire à long terme " qui exige<br />

aussi l'accord <strong>de</strong>s alliés <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong>s Etats <strong>de</strong> la région.<br />


<strong>de</strong> notre correspondante<br />

Les délégations se succè<strong>de</strong>nt dans<br />

les couloirs <strong>de</strong> la diplomatie turque<br />

où, quatre semaines après le r<strong>et</strong>rait<br />

<strong>de</strong>s 35 000 soldats qui avaient pénétré<br />

dans le nord <strong>de</strong> l'Irak le 20 mars<br />

<strong>de</strong>rnier pour combattre le PKK, les<br />

autorités tentent <strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong>ssiner une<br />

politique <strong>de</strong> sécurité cohérente à<br />

l'égard <strong>de</strong> c<strong>et</strong>te région.<br />

La tâche se révèle complexe: la<br />

1\1rquie est souvent tiraillée entre le<br />

cœur <strong>et</strong> la raison, qui lui dictent <strong>de</strong>s<br />

intérêts contradictoires. Les Thrcs<br />

sont préoccupés notamment par ce<br />

qu'ils appellent la «non-politique»<br />

<strong>de</strong>s Etats-Unis dans la région, qui in<strong>de</strong>xe<br />

toute décision sur l'éventuel<br />

renversement <strong>de</strong> Saddam Hussein.<br />

Récemment, ils ont exprimé ce souci<br />

à une délégation américaine. venue<br />

prendre la température d'Ankara<br />

dans l'optique d~un renduvellement<br />

du mandat <strong>de</strong> l'opération alliée<br />

« Provi<strong>de</strong> Comfort» à fin juin. La<br />

raison forcera probablement la 1\1rquie<br />

à voter pour la huitième fois, mètres qui séparent l'Irak <strong>de</strong> la 1\1rquie,<br />

l'extension du mandat <strong>de</strong> la force<br />

souhaite un accord bilatéral<br />

aérienne internationale, pourtant avec la 1\1rquie.<br />

très impopulaire auprès <strong>de</strong>s natio- '<br />

nalistes turcs. C'est c<strong>et</strong>te raison également<br />


qui pousse la 1\1rquie, mal-<br />

Un plan a été soumis aux auto-'<br />

gré sa méfiance à l'égard <strong>de</strong>s partis rités turques qui prévoit le déploiement<br />

kur<strong>de</strong>s, à chercher leur appui pour<br />

<strong>de</strong> 15 000 à 20 000 peshmergas<br />

assurer la sécurité <strong>de</strong> sa frontière <strong>et</strong> dans la zone frontalière, armés <strong>et</strong><br />

empêcher les incursions du Parti <strong>de</strong>s payés par la 1\1rquie <strong>et</strong> qui <strong>de</strong>vraient<br />

travailleurs du Kurdistan (PKK). être appuyés par un réseau <strong>de</strong> renseignements,<br />

.Dans une « conjoncture idéale », la<br />

explique le représen-<br />

1\1rquie préférerait évi<strong>de</strong>mment la 'tant à Ankara du PDK, Safeen Dilevée<br />

<strong>de</strong>s sanctions.contre le régime ,zay'êê:' Mals, affi'rihe-t-il, lit<br />

:<strong>de</strong> Bagdad <strong>et</strong> la restauration <strong>de</strong> l'au- ~onstruction <strong>de</strong> quelque 300 villages,<br />

,torité du pouvoir central sur l'en-<br />

évacués <strong>de</strong> force par Saddam<br />


Turkish Probe June 2,1995<br />

5<br />

Buro-Parliament's Amazons<br />

Take On Ankara<br />

Nazlan Ertan<br />

"<br />

'They are here to see <strong>de</strong>velopments in<br />

<strong>de</strong>mocratization,' a senior Turkish diplomat<br />

said. MButwhat will we show them?'<br />

The diplomat's reference was to the visit of a<br />

three-women <strong>de</strong>legation from the European<br />

Parliament, which has more muscle since the<br />

Maastricht Treaty, before it votes on. a landmark<br />

customs union accord with Turkey. The Mladiesof<br />

the parliament' - or the Euro-Amazons, as they<br />

were dubbed by the media - control a total of 250<br />

plus votes b<strong>et</strong>ween them in their positions as chairwomen<br />

of the three key left-wing groups in the<br />

Euro-Parliament.<br />

Two of the <strong>de</strong>puties, Catherine Lalumiere of<br />

European Radical Alliance, and Claudia Roth of<br />

GrElens, were no strangers to Turkey. Lalumiere<br />

started her job as Council of Europe secr<strong>et</strong>ary-general<br />

with a critical attitu<strong>de</strong> towards Turkey, but<br />

en<strong>de</strong>d, after a lot of cooperation from Hikm<strong>et</strong> Ç<strong>et</strong>in<br />

- the foreign minister at that time - with a favorable<br />

attitu<strong>de</strong>. rn fact, while she was in a contest with<br />

Daniel Tarchys for a second term, Ç<strong>et</strong>in said his<br />

support went to Lalumiere, although this view was<br />

not shared by the Turkish <strong>de</strong>puties in the Council of<br />

Europe's Parliamentary Assembly, which elects the<br />

secr<strong>et</strong>ary-general. "This is a fascinating counlry, full<br />

of conflicts,' Lalumiere said at the end of talks.<br />

"There is a young, dynamic population, but on the<br />

other hand... there is terrorism, the concem for the<br />

integrity of the country which takes, time to time,<br />

priority over the Kurdish problem."<br />

Claudia Roth, a German <strong>de</strong>puty, has also taken a<br />

close interest in Turkey for a long time. Roth,<br />

according to those who have followed her contacts<br />

in Turkey, has also mellowed consi<strong>de</strong>rably in her<br />

outlook towards Turkey. She has also become<br />

increasingly familiar with Turkey, from its legal system<br />

to the country's soccer obsession. MIknow the<br />

Turkish Penal Co<strong>de</strong> so well that I can now start a<br />

law school in Turkey,.<br />

Roth quipped .• We want<br />

Turkey to integrate with the European institutions,.<br />

Roth said in the press conference after her talks.<br />

.~ut certain conditions should be right.. Roth is a<br />

'vocal supporter of wtlat she calls the necessary<br />

Turkish recognition of the "Kurdish reality.•<br />

. .A;> far ~ Turks were concerned, the "tough cook-<br />

Ie In the flfl'UP was the head of the <strong>de</strong>legation -<br />

Pauline Gre&n, a British <strong>de</strong>puty who hea<strong>de</strong>d the<br />

majority Socialist Group in the European<br />

Parliament. Coming from a Greek Cypriot-<strong>de</strong>nse<br />

constituency, Pauline Green's rh<strong>et</strong>oric on the<br />

Cyprus questionten<strong>de</strong>d to raise eyebrows even in<br />

her own Euro-parliament group. The fact that one of<br />

her top advisers is a Greek has led one Turkish<br />

politician, who talked to her during the visit, to<br />

remark: "All in all, she is an explosive combination."<br />

But at the press conference marking the end of<br />

CA~HERI~E LALUMIEJ:lE: The h.ead of the European<br />

Radical Alhance, Cathenne Laiurniere, says she is surprised<br />

by the conflicting aspects of Turkey. "We hope to<br />

have good news in the coming weeks," she said.<br />

their Ankara outing, the MAmazons" refrained from<br />

sounding pessimistic, although they did not hi<strong>de</strong> the<br />

fact that the fate of the imprisoned <strong>de</strong>puties of the<br />

pro-Kurdish Democracy Party (DEP) would be <strong>de</strong>cisive.<br />

~Wedo not want to see <strong>de</strong>mocratically elected<br />

<strong>de</strong>puties in jail," Roth said.<br />

"The European <strong>de</strong>puties see the imprisonment of<br />

the <strong>de</strong>puties not only as an extension of the Kurdish<br />

problem but a matter of solidarity with fellow<br />

<strong>de</strong>puties,' Uluç Özülker, the Turkish ambassador to<br />

the European Union, said. "The Democracy Party<br />

<strong>de</strong>puties, on the other hand, have told the Euro-<br />

MPs that Turkish integration with the European<br />

Union will be b<strong>et</strong>ter for them, because it would<br />

enable the Union to exert more pressure to the<br />

Turkish si<strong>de</strong>." .<br />

Ozülker appears to be correct regarding this message<br />

given by the DEP <strong>de</strong>puties. When the jailed<br />

<strong>de</strong>puties and the European Parliament <strong>de</strong>legation<br />

came tog<strong>et</strong>her for a long me<strong>et</strong>ing, the DEP<br />

<strong>de</strong>puties said that they want closer ties b<strong>et</strong>ween<br />

Turkey and the European Union, provi<strong>de</strong>d that<br />

Turkey took a first step toward <strong>de</strong>mocratization.<br />

Pauline Green indicated that they wanted to know<br />

'what would happen to the <strong>de</strong>puties before the<br />

European Parliament voted on the customs union.<br />

MWe have no intention of postponing the vote<br />

unless there is a concr<strong>et</strong>e reason,' Green said. But<br />

she ad<strong>de</strong>d that she had heard that the appeal of the<br />



6<br />

Turkish Probe June 2,1995<br />

CLAUDIA ROTH: Germany'sClaudiaRoth,the lea<strong>de</strong>rof<br />

the Greensgroup in the EuropeanParliament,says she<br />

wants to see Turkeycloser to Europe,but certainconditionshav<strong>et</strong>o<br />

be right.<br />

DEP <strong>de</strong>puties to reverse the sentence would not be<br />

taken up until next year. 'We have said, in our contacts<br />

in Ankara, that we would like to vote after a<br />

result is reached," she ad<strong>de</strong>d. "We are looking<br />

towards the appeals process. We will base our<br />

assessment on that."<br />

But Lalurniere, for example, carefully refrained<br />

from saying that the ratification of the customs<br />

union <strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>d on the release of the <strong>de</strong>puties. '"<br />

would not go as far as saying that," she told a private<br />

TV channel. "But it is true that we are very sensitive<br />

to that."<br />

Roth, who has visited the <strong>de</strong>puties at least twice<br />

this year, said she was aware of the in<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nce<br />

of the judiciary but that "the government and the<br />

political parties should work toward their release"<br />

rather than work against it.<br />

However, the clearest message given by the<br />

three <strong>de</strong>puties was that Turkey had to make some<br />

progress on <strong>de</strong>mocratization before the European<br />

Parliament vote. "We will be very attentive in the<br />

coming weeks ... and before the European<br />

Parliament vote on customs union - this period will<br />

be crucial for Turkey and for us," Catherine<br />

Lalurniere said. "We hope for good news from<br />

Turkey in the coming weeks."<br />

"For us customs union is not just about economic<br />

integration," Green said. "It is also the closest possible<br />

relationship the EU can have with any country<br />

short of full membership ...We have to have confi<strong>de</strong>nce<br />

that the countries with which we have that<br />

relationship have the same fundamental <strong>de</strong>mocratic<br />

and human rights values."<br />

She said while the Turkish withdrawal from northern<br />

Iraq was a welcome <strong>de</strong>velopment, this did not<br />

mean that all the reservations of the European<br />

Parliament had now been dropped.<br />

The reserves expressed by the three <strong>de</strong>puties,<br />

like those of most Turks, concern the lack of "parliamentary<br />

progress" on the <strong>de</strong>mocratization package.<br />

"That the package exists is progress," Green said.<br />

"What we want to see now is that as much of it as<br />

PAULINEGREEN:BritishSocialistPaulineGreenurges<br />

Turkey to pass the <strong>de</strong>mocratization package through<br />

Parliament,sayingthat the votefor ratificationof the customs<br />

unionwil not be <strong>de</strong>layedunlessthereis a concr<strong>et</strong>e<br />

reasonto do so.<br />

possible passes parliament."<br />

The package, which proposes changes to<br />

Turkey's 1982 military era constitution as well as a<br />

relaxation of its tight restrictions on the freedom of<br />

expression, is wending a slow path through parliament<br />

in the face of hardliner objections, particularly<br />

from Çiller's own True Path Party (DYP).<br />

What most confused the three <strong>de</strong>puties during<br />

their visit to Turkey were the different voices they<br />

heard about the <strong>de</strong>mocratization package. "There<br />

are different groups which, I grant, is the necessity<br />

of a <strong>de</strong>mocratic system," Lalumiere said. "But I<br />

guess you know whose success we, the European<br />

Parliament, wants."<br />

A Turkish diplomat who accompanied the three<br />

visitors during some of their me<strong>et</strong>ings with Turkish<br />

<strong>de</strong>puties, ministers and diplomats expressed downright<br />

exasperation. "We take them to see Çiller ~<br />

Çiller says she is committed to <strong>de</strong>mocratization by<br />

September. Then they visit a parliamentary group<br />

and a <strong>de</strong>puty, from the same party as the prime<br />

minister, says it would not do to rush," the diplomat<br />

said. "Some other <strong>de</strong>puty says that Turkey is not<br />

ready for some of the reforms, such as lifting the<br />

Article 8 of the anti-terrorism law, and including it in<br />

the Penal Co<strong>de</strong>.<br />

Both politicians and diplomats indicate, on the<br />

other hand, provi<strong>de</strong>d some steps are taken, it would<br />

not be too difficult to convince the European<br />

Parliament since most of the <strong>de</strong>puties are already<br />

convinced by their respective government's arguments<br />

that Turkey is strategically important for the<br />

European Union.<br />

"All we needis the political will to do this," the<br />

diplomat said.<br />

And what if even this small step is not possible?<br />

Diplomats say that a six month <strong>de</strong>lay before bringing<br />

the customs union accord before the European<br />

Parliament will cause the whole <strong>de</strong>al to lose<br />

momentum but, if the only alternative would be a<br />

negative result in the vote, even that may be<br />

done.•<br />



Turkish Probe June 2,1995<br />

17<br />

Human Bights Diary<br />

Prosecutor wants high court review of law- A<br />

Turkish prosecutor said on May 25 that part of a law limiting<br />

freedom of expression that Ankara's Western allies want<br />

lifted was unconstitutional and he wanted the high court to<br />

review it. "I believe that a part is against the Constitution and international<br />

conventions," Aytaç Tolay, a prosecutor in the Istanbul State<br />

Security Court said. Tolay said he raised his reservations about Article<br />

8 of the Anti-Terrorism Law, which bans "separatist propaganda," when he<br />

charged 99 people this week for publishing a book of articles by writers<br />

imprisoned for the same crime or promoting racism. Despite his reservations,<br />

Tolay said he had no choice but to charge the intellectuals as long as the law<br />

remained on the books. Because prosecutors are not empowered to refer cases to<br />

the high court, Tolay's move leaves it up to the judges to <strong>de</strong>ci<strong>de</strong> wh<strong>et</strong>her or not to send<br />

the case to the Constitutional Court for a ruling. Legal experts say this appeared to be the<br />

first time a prosecutor had requested that Article 8 be forwar<strong>de</strong>d for review. Tolay's criticism<br />

centers on the part of Article 8 banning alleged separatist propaganda "regardless of the<br />

m<strong>et</strong>hod, intention and i<strong>de</strong>as behind it." Removing this clause would force prosecutors to show the<br />

<strong>de</strong>fendant inten<strong>de</strong>d to damage the "indivisible unity of the state," som<strong>et</strong>hing those charged generally<br />

have <strong>de</strong>nied. Some Western diplomats praised the move - which theor<strong>et</strong>ically would sharply narrow<br />

the law's application - saying it was one way for critics of the law to g<strong>et</strong> around Parliament's inability to<br />

agree on long-promised reforms. Article 8 has been used to jail scores of writers, aca<strong>de</strong>mics, tra<strong>de</strong><br />

unionists and others for written or verbal statements <strong>de</strong>emed "separatist propaganda.".Most of the people<br />

said or wrote som<strong>et</strong>hing about Turkey's Kurds. Western allies have called on Ankara to ease restrictions on<br />

freedom of expression, and Prime Minister Tansu Çiller has repeatedly promised to make changes.<br />

The approval of Turkey's custom.s union with Europe may hang in the balance because the European<br />

Parliament has threatened to v<strong>et</strong>o the <strong>de</strong>al unless concr<strong>et</strong>e steps are taken to b<strong>et</strong>ter the country's human<br />

rights record. But opposition within Çiller's own party has so far hampered reforms, with some<br />

parliamentarians arguing restrictions cannot be lifted as long as Turkey is battling separatist Kurdish<br />

guerrillas. (Newspapers, May 25)<br />

Triai of 740 PTT employees starts In Bursa- The trial of 740 public employees of the Bursa<br />

branch of the Turkish Postal and Telecommunications agency (PTT) who <strong>de</strong>monstrated for union<br />

rights without permission started in Bursa on May 26. The PTT employees, members of the<br />

Turkish News Workers Union (Haber I~),staged a <strong>de</strong>monstration <strong>de</strong>manding the right to strike and<br />

collective bargaining on Nov. 24 and 25,1994. The <strong>de</strong>monstration was unauthorized and the union<br />

members now face prison sentences ranging from four months to one year, if convicted.<br />

(Turkish Daily News, May 27)<br />

,<br />

Appeal court reduces prison term for policeman- À five-year prison sentence imposed by the Bolvadin<br />

civil court on Hasan Belek, a police <strong>de</strong>puty chief, after he had been found guilty of torturing suspects has<br />

been reduced on appeal to two years. The reason given by the United Criminal Chambers of the Court of<br />

Appeals was that "he got no personal satisfaction out of the violence, but was proceeding in the interest of<br />

furthering his professional investigation." According to an Anatolia news agency report on April 3D, Belek<br />

was first sentenced to five years imprisonment by the civil court of Bolvadin for "beating two suspected<br />

thieves with a baton, kicking and slapping the~, locking them in the police headquarters' basement<br />

overnight, stripping them of their clothes in the morning to targ<strong>et</strong> them with high-pressured water, hitting<br />

them with a hose and w<strong>et</strong> towels, bathing them in hot water and salt to g<strong>et</strong> rid of the marks<br />

and leaving them un<strong>de</strong>r the sun." However, the court of appeals <strong>de</strong>ci<strong>de</strong>d otherwise. The "young<br />

and amateur" <strong>de</strong>puty chief was found to have gone too far due to his "inexperience" and<br />

"eagerness to perform his duties in an investigation." The five-year sentence was thus<br />

found to be "too rigid" and was lowered to the minimum "one year per tortured person"<br />

sentence. (Turkish Daily News, May 31)<br />

Another missing person found <strong>de</strong>ad- Rldvan Karakoç had not been<br />

heard from since March this year and his family reported him missing<br />

several weeks ago. They later discovered that he had been found <strong>de</strong>ad<br />

and as he could not be i<strong>de</strong>ntified, he had been buried in the<br />

Ikitelli Cem<strong>et</strong>ery for the Unknown. I<strong>de</strong>ntification was ma<strong>de</strong><br />

possible by matching his fingerprints. Karakoç<br />

disappeared at the time of the riots in Gaziosmanpa~a.<br />

(Turkish Daily News, June 1)<br />


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Turkey accused of expelling<br />

Iraqi and Iranian refugees<br />

World Refugee survey cites teachers mur<strong>de</strong>red by PKK<br />

Turkish Daily News<br />

those Iranians applying for refugee status<br />

WASHINGTON-According to a World were approved.<br />

Refugee survey released bj' the U.S. But government officials said that<br />

Committee for Refugees (USCR), Turkey ITanians said "they were not involved in<br />

is expelling Iranians and Iraqis after inad- any crime or politIcal associations in Iran,<br />

equate refugee screening. that they diël not fear persecution if<br />

The report also focused on those "inter- r<strong>et</strong>urned to Iran and they Just did not like<br />

nally displaced" as a result of the military the Iranian regime and wished to travel<br />

operations against the outlawed Kurdistan abroad to Western countries."<br />

Workers' Party (PKK.) "The population "No country would grant asylum on the<br />

of the city of Siirt has grown from 70,000 b.asis of such statements," the Turkish<br />

to 130,000; DiyartiakIr has swelled from officials claimed.<br />

300,000 to 900,000; Adana from 900,000 "In early January, Amnesty<br />

to 1.5 million;, and Mersin's population International reported that [Turkish]<br />

had increased from 550,000 to police took to the bor<strong>de</strong>r and expelled to<br />

1,000,000," the report noted. Iran two Iranian asylum seekers who had<br />

"Some portion of the internally dis- sought UNHCR/rotection in Turkey. In<br />

placed have also fled from threats and ter- an apparent qui i pro quo, in March, Iran<br />

rorist acts committed by the PKK, particu- reportedly turnea over four members of<br />

larly its campaign of assassination of the PKK to Turkey," the report said.<br />

political opponents and schoolteachers," Iraqi refugees also complained about<br />

the report SaId. similar lowrates of acceptance by Turkey.<br />

"Accusing teachers of promoting "In 1994, 2,414 persons approached the<br />

Turkish I>ropaganda and culture, the PKK UNHCR office seeking recognition as<br />

has killeô hunëlreds in recent years, caus- refugees ... At the end of the year only 444<br />

ing an estimated4,000 schools to close remained in Turkey."<br />

anël other teachers to flee the area ... It USCR said to the Turkish government,<br />

appears that many of the displaced are "we would like to support efforts to<br />

noncombatants fleeing both si<strong>de</strong>s, particu. encourage other governments, such as our<br />

larly persons who are pressured to Join the own, to n~~<strong>et</strong>tlemore refugees currently in<br />

government-sponsored village guards." Turkey. '<br />

However, if your government moves<br />

Iran and Iraq unilaterally to forcibly r<strong>et</strong>urn refugees,<br />

As to Iranian refugees in Turkey, the international support for Turkey is not<br />

report noted that only 46.5 percent of likely to be forthcoming."<br />


.'<br />

:<br />

Turkey Bans Arms From Denmark<br />

ANKARA - Turkey said Wednesday that it had banned arms.<br />

and military equipment purchases from Denmark, a NATO ally,<br />

lifter Copenhagen halted sales to Ankara .<br />

Nur<strong>et</strong>tin Nurkan, a Foreign Ministry spokesman, said that<br />

penmark had "lost the quality of being a reliable partner in<br />

.nilitary procurements.<br />

Denmark stopped the sales this month because of Turkey's sixweek<br />

military operation in northern Iraq against separatist rebe!<br />

Kurds. Turkey en<strong>de</strong>d the incursion on May 2. (Reuters)<br />


~I Balanced: American sources say the<br />

='<br />

report is 'balanced' and duly notes<br />

'consi<strong>de</strong>rable Turkish progress' SATURDAY.JUNE3.1995<br />

....-.3r:n ~<br />

..5r ~<br />

Turkish Dairy News ~ ~.<br />

No cuts: A US Embassy official says the ~ .. ::tl<br />

administration is against any new cuts'<br />

~. ~ problem in the Southeast" nie report, known in Washington ~<br />

or attaching conditions to aid to Turkey<br />

tri ,<br />

~.<br />

It also maintains that Ankara has circles as the "tenpercent report"<br />

'i:l<br />

not, so far, been able to address its CUls Clinton administration's weight<br />

::tl<br />

By pgur Alanel and Nazlan Ertan / Tur/dsh Daily News<br />

"int~mationally-recognized obl~a- ehind Turkish territorial inteßI& ~ "'O.<br />

W ASHINGTONI ANKARA- The Clinton administration has ~<br />

tion to ~rovi<strong>de</strong> for those who irre .s- and, once more, co~<strong>de</strong>rnns the .<br />

said that it was hi.y.hlylikely that U.S.-origin equipment had been<br />

..<br />

placed. . . '. as a "ruthles~ terronst grou,t" whi~h<br />

~<br />

used in support of urkish operations to evacuate and/or <strong>de</strong>stroy vil- . ~ ~<br />

The report notes that more than p,oses a major threat to urkey s<br />

~<br />

~<br />

tages in Southeast Anatolia, but upheld Turkex's right to use those . 4,000 a~lications cI~ming tOrf:ure . 'sovereignty and territorial. integri~<br />

~eapons for "self-<strong>de</strong>fense and for mternal secunty."'. were fil by 1;lUmanghts or~amza-<br />

~<br />

ly." .. . . ~ ,<br />

. In a report submitted to the Congress ap~ropriations committees tJ:j<br />

tions b<strong>et</strong>ween 1991 and 19 4, but A U.S. Embassy source said. that<br />

tri<br />

late Thursday, the U.S. State Department mamtains that the U.S.-ori- adds that Turkey had taken a number although he could not~udge how the.<br />

::tl<br />

~n e.quipment ha~ been used m op~ration.s atainst t~e outlawed., ~<br />

:I:<br />

'of steps to stop the practi~. r{(rt - particularly .e part on use<br />

. urdlstan Workers Party (PKK), dunng which uman nghts abuses<br />

A<br />

It also notes t1iat extraju'dicial 0 U.S.-supplied equiEment for vil-<br />

~hadoccurred. But it adds that there is no evi<strong>de</strong>nce that those a<br />

killings, known as "mystery' lage burnings - coul be perceived<br />

we~ns were used during "torture or extrajudicial killings." '<br />

~<br />

killings," occurred at a high rate until by the Congress, the administration<br />

=<br />

e U.S. State Department mrt ~aysthat human rights would be: .the end of 1994 - the total exceed- was.against any "further restriction,<br />

an integral part of the ongoing .S.-Turkish high level dialogue. .<br />

~<br />

ing 2,000 over the past three years - cuts, or placing conditions" for U.S. 'i:l<br />

tri.<br />

.but subsequently had <strong>de</strong>creased. '. aid to Turk~. . .<br />

,<br />

.... Although it allows that the U.S.- "I think e report is balaiIced and e ~<br />

Hunlan Rights Minister A1gan<br />

.supplied ~uicment could be used in we have noted the consi<strong>de</strong>rable ~<br />

~<br />

Hacalogiu un<strong>de</strong>rstands citizens' support<br />

ë.<br />

0 t e evacuation and/or pr2ress," a U.S. embassy source<br />

~<br />

<strong>de</strong>struction of villages, it adds that sai brushing asi<strong>de</strong> ~ulationsthat ~<br />

alienation in Tu.rkey's Southeastern the U.S. administration "does not the report.had been. elayed because<br />

ha:veany evi<strong>de</strong>nce that verifies of disagreement among State<br />

Anatolia region, ; re~s of torture and extrajudicial Dehartment units. . r.I'J.<br />

~<br />

ki . gs involving U.S. eguipment." n Washington, Christine Shelly, > ,<br />

.. The report does not give a recom- State Drt;artment spokeswoman,<br />

to<br />

The fifty-page document acknowledges that Turkey has recog- mendation on reinsta~ the 10lricr- also reaf umed continued U.S. suptrJ<br />

::tl<br />

~<br />

nized the need to improveits human rights practices and has ma<strong>de</strong> ~<br />

cent of military aid to urkg, w 'ch port for Turkey, which she said<br />

proposals, which, if adopted and implemented, could lead to impor~ had been withheld' by. the ongress offered "concr<strong>et</strong>e responses" to the<br />

0<br />

tant positive changes in the situation in the Southeast. until the report was.prepared. Turkey aIl<strong>et</strong>atio~s. .<br />

~ ~<br />

"We can and should expect progress," the report said as its bottom had r~ècted the conditional part of S e said that Ankara had known<br />

~~ s:<br />

. . . . the ai , which was tied to "progress for some time that the report was<br />

Although the tone of the report is consi<strong>de</strong>red "lukewarm" by on human rights and the Cyprus coming and.did not expect it to ~<br />

'i:l<br />

::tl<br />

diplomatic observers, particularly in comparison to the 1994 Annual .question." . change relatIons b<strong>et</strong>ween the two<br />

On C~rus, the report em~asizes countries..<br />

00- ~<br />

Human Rights Report; it still criticizes Turkey for not supplement- '<br />

the Tur sh Cypriots' and kara's ''Turkey is a very important ~<br />

aIlt in<br />

=<br />

ing its militaryapproach to the Southeast problem with a civil<br />

,<br />

re~ated attempts to implement the what is a difficult part of the wor d,"<br />

tJ:j<br />

approach.<br />

"In combatting the PKK, the government of Turkey's approach U. . Confi<strong>de</strong>nce Bûilding Measures. she said. . .<br />

i<br />

~<br />

has been largely military. Alone,this cannot succeed," the report It notes that Prime MinIster Tansu "We are commiited to Turkey's<br />

52<br />

says: "Turkey needs to combine this with a civil approach to the Çiller is committed to "work toward security in the interests of both the<br />

0:<br />

a solution to the Cyprus problem." United States and Turkey."<br />

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Turkey givesguar<strong>de</strong>d<br />

respons<strong>et</strong>o US report<br />

. 1iutish Daily News<br />

ANKARA- Despite the U.S. State Department's presenting its<br />

report on Turkey's human ri2hts and Cyprus as a tialanced one,<br />

TUrkish diplomatic sources adopted a "guiu<strong>de</strong>d" approach toward<br />

the report Friday.<br />

Forei~ Ministry sources, ~g on condition of anon~ty,<br />

'said the Turkish government would lake up the ~rt's "lack of<br />

information and wrong assessments" with the U:S. government in<br />

the near future. .<br />

"We hope that this report, which was released a week before the<br />

U.S. Congress starts discussing aid for 1996, will not hele the<br />

efforts of ceftaÏ!l circles who are prejudiced. against Turkey, the<br />

same sources saId.<br />

Although no clarification was ma<strong>de</strong> on this point, the reference<br />

was clearly toward the report's.<br />

statement that it was likely ,that<br />

U.S.-origin equipment was used<br />

in the evacuation and <strong>de</strong>struction<br />

of villages in the Southeast.<br />

However,Ankàra~ .. also<br />

a~ awar<strong>et</strong>hat ,.the report,<br />

wliich came ata timCofmounting<br />

Euro~ean criticism, contained<br />

positive eleinents.<br />

Dipfomaticsources said that<br />

the report noted the <strong>de</strong>velopments<br />

m <strong>de</strong>mocratization.<br />

"It is clear that the human<br />

rights issues are taken up in the<br />

report in a balanced and con~<br />

structive way," diplomats said.<br />

"Within this framework, we<br />

think it may be a mo<strong>de</strong>l for<br />

some simIlar attempts of<br />

European institutions."<br />

On the report's section on<br />

Cyprus, Turkey acknowledged<br />

thaJ the report -reflected the<br />

"Turkish si<strong>de</strong>' s positive<br />

approach" but claimed that the<br />

way the two lea<strong>de</strong>rs in tbe<br />

island -; Turkish Cypri~t<br />

Presi<strong>de</strong>nt Rauf De~ and his<br />

Greek Cypriot counterpart<br />

Glafkos Cleri<strong>de</strong>s - were<br />

addressed on the island did not<br />

reflect the "principle of equality."<br />

Neither is the uncompromising<br />

attitu<strong>de</strong> of the Greek<br />

Cypriots reflected in the report,<br />

Turkish diplomats said.<br />

Ironically, the Cyprus part of<br />

the report displeased the Greek<br />

Cypnot government. Greek<br />

Cypriot ~overnment spokesman<br />

Yannakls Kasuli<strong>de</strong>s said that<br />

the administration may contact<br />

Washington to express their<br />

objections to the report, which<br />

they said was too favorable<br />

toward Turkey.<br />

Turkish naily News<br />


Human Rights Watch says<br />

report too kind to Ankara<br />

Turld:rh Daily News<br />

ANKARA- The Human Rights Watch has criticized the US State<br />

Department report on Turkey, obtained by the TON on Friday, for<br />

its failure to admit that burning villages was "a policy of the<br />

Turkish government."<br />

'1be Human Rights Watch regr<strong>et</strong>s the State Department's statement<br />

that it has no clear i<strong>de</strong>a of how villages came to be evacuat-<br />

. ed," a press release from the human rights organization said. 'The<br />

State Department's lack of precision about the evacuation campaign<br />

suggests a <strong>de</strong>sire to avoid giviilg offense to the Turkish government<br />

which <strong>de</strong>nies e~loying such tactics." ,<br />

The Human Rights Watch claimed that the precise circumstances<br />

of individual evacuations are very clear. "Field research conducted<br />

:by Human Rights Watch in Turkey on forced evacuations and statemènts<br />

by Turkish government officials aocument that the majority of the estimated 14Q(). villages<br />

'and haml<strong>et</strong>s forcibly evacuated in southeastern Turkey were the result of a government-sf>Onsored<br />

counterinsurgency campaign," the non-government organization (NGO)<br />

said. ,<br />

It. also said that. it held the Turkish government responsible for the majority of forced<br />

evacuations and <strong>de</strong>struction of villages, usually carried as a punishment for refusal to join<br />

the village' ~ system or for a pro-Kurdistan Workers'-Party (PKK) village that proVi<strong>de</strong>S<br />

the PKK With logisticor personnel support. .<br />

While the PKK has killed civilians and committed extensive human rights violations, their<br />

attacks on s<strong>et</strong>tlements are usually targ<strong>et</strong>ed against so called "village guard" villages, a<br />

minority of villages in the area, it said.<br />

The Human Rights Watch called on the Stat~ Department to continue its investigation into<br />

this matter and to update this report concerning the use of U.S. manufactured weapons in all<br />

<strong>de</strong>ployments in southeastern Turkey, especially in village evacuations. "We calion the<br />

Turkish government to give all journàlists, legitimate NGOs: and foreign embassy personnel<br />

access to southeastern Turkey," it conclu<strong>de</strong>d.


Turkisb Dairy News<br />


SATURDAY.JUNE3.1995<br />

.Kurd arrested in Germany as PKK activist<br />

Reuter<br />

BONN- A Kurd suspected of masterminding firebomb<br />

attacks against Turkish properties in Germany<br />

for the outlawed Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK)<br />

has been arrested, fe<strong>de</strong>ral prosecutors said on<br />

Friday.<br />

The 33-year-old suspect, a Turkish citizen i<strong>de</strong>ntified<br />

only as Nihat A., is suspected of leading PKK .<br />

cells in Bremen, Berlin and southwestern Germany<br />

. sincel992, the fe<strong>de</strong>ral prosecutor' s 'of{ice in<br />

. Karlsruhe said in a statement. .<br />

. He is being held in the.northern city of Kiel while<br />

prosecutors check allegations he led a terrorist association.<br />

.<br />

They said he was also suspected ~fbeing an<br />

accomplice to firebomb attacks on TurkIsh banks, a<br />

broadcaster and a travel agency inBerlin in June<br />

and November 1993.<br />

The PKK has been fighting a war for a homeland<br />

in southeast Turkey for more thana <strong>de</strong>ca<strong>de</strong>. More<br />

than 15,000 people have died in the fighting., .<br />

Prosecutors say the PKK lea<strong>de</strong>rship in Germany<br />

has' used arson attacks to press its rev~lutionary<br />

goals and allege that PKK lea<strong>de</strong>rs have also used<br />

punitive action, including mur<strong>de</strong>r, agains~ a9herents<br />

who break away from the organization. . .. ..<br />

. Following a raSh of arson attacks this year blamed<br />

primarily on the PKK, German officials have<br />

expressed fears that.the group may have imported<br />

political violence to GefIllany, which has a Turkish<br />

population on million. ..'<br />

.ECF0052 4 F 0279 TUR /AFP-OA85<br />

Eco.<br />

Irak-Turquie: visite d'une délégation parlementaire irakienne à Ankara<br />

ANKARA, 4 juin (AFP) - Une délégation parlementaire irakienne conduite<br />

par le prési<strong>de</strong>nt <strong>de</strong> la commission parlementaire <strong>de</strong>s affaires arabes <strong>et</strong><br />

internationales, Safaa Saleh Al-Omar, est arrivée dimanche à Ankara, a<br />

.rapporté l'agence turque Anatolie.<br />

Le prési<strong>de</strong>nt <strong>de</strong> la commission <strong>de</strong>s Affaires étrangères du parl~ment turc<br />

Mumtaz Soysal a, en l'accueillant à l'aéroport, "rappelé qu'une délégation<br />

du p~rlement turc avait fait une visite en Irak en 1994 <strong>et</strong> que la visite <strong>de</strong><br />

la délégation du parlement irakien à Ankara "était. préparée <strong>de</strong>puis .<br />

longtemps" • . . '.<br />

"En juin, notre parlement <strong>de</strong>vra prendre une décision importante sur le<br />

nord <strong>de</strong> l'Irak", a-t-il souligné. en faisant allusion à la décision<br />

attendue avant la fin du mois du parlement turc sur la durée du mandat <strong>de</strong><br />

la force mùltinationale <strong>de</strong>ployée sur la base turque d'Incirlik <strong>de</strong><br />

l'opération alliée "Provi<strong>de</strong> Comfort". Le mandat <strong>de</strong> c<strong>et</strong>te force, .chargée <strong>de</strong><br />

surveiller le ciel irakien au nord du 36ème parallèle .interdità l'aviation<br />

irakienne <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong> protéger les populations kur<strong>de</strong>s d'Irak contre les troupes<br />

<strong>de</strong> Bagdad, vient à expiration le 30juin.<br />

Le chef <strong>de</strong> la délagation irakienne, M. Al-Omar, a pour sa part affirmé<br />

que l'opération "Provi<strong>de</strong> Comfort" constituait une "intervention directe<br />

dans la souverain<strong>et</strong>é <strong>de</strong> son pays".<br />

Selon lui, les entr<strong>et</strong>iens porteront notamment sur les relations<br />

bilatérales, la sécurité frontalière, la vacance d'autorité dans le nord <strong>de</strong><br />

l'Irak --qui échappe à l'autorité <strong>de</strong> Bagdad <strong>et</strong> est contrôlé par les Kur<strong>de</strong>s<br />

d'Irak<br />

kur<strong>de</strong>.<br />

<strong>de</strong>puis la fin <strong>de</strong> la guerre<br />

.<br />

du Golfe en février 1991-- <strong>et</strong> la'qùestion<br />

.<br />

CE/jef<br />

AFP /J00245/041659 JUN 95<br />



AFP AFP - ~ AFP ~~: AFP -- AFP - -- AFP - -~:<br />

FRS0284 4 l 0280 IRK /AFP-SB61<br />

Irak-Kur<strong>de</strong>s-Turquie<br />

Déploiement d'une unité turque en Irak du nord, selon un responsable kur<strong>de</strong><br />

.-<br />

SALABEDDINE (Irak), 5 juin (AFP) - Une unité <strong>de</strong> 200 soldats turcs a<br />

récemment pénétré dans le nord <strong>de</strong> l'Irak <strong>et</strong> s'est déployée dans une région<br />

d'accès difficile pour empêcher les infiltrations <strong>de</strong> séparatistes kur<strong>de</strong>s<br />

turcs, a indiqué lundi un responsabl~ kur<strong>de</strong> irakien.<br />

"Nous avons <strong>de</strong>s informations selon lesquelles près <strong>de</strong> 200 soldats. turcs<br />

ont franchi la frontière il y a quelques jours <strong>et</strong> ont pénétré dans une<br />

région frontalière reculée, stratégiquement vitale pour le Parti <strong>de</strong>s<br />

travailleurs du Kurdistan (PKK, séparatiste)", a-t-il précisé sous le<br />

couvert <strong>de</strong> l'anonymat.<br />

Selon ce responsable, membre du Parti démocratique du Kurdistan (PDK <strong>de</strong><br />

Massoud Barzani), l'une <strong>de</strong>s principales formation~ kur<strong>de</strong>s irakiennes, la<br />

région<br />

. où les soldats turcs se sont déployés n'a pas d'accès routier <strong>et</strong> ne peut<br />

être atteinte qu'après une marche à pied <strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong>ux jours à partir du village<br />

<strong>de</strong><br />

Si<strong>de</strong>kan.<br />

Ce village se trouve dans le triangle frontalier séparant l'Irak, l'Iran<br />

<strong>et</strong> la Turquie, dans le nord-est du Kurdistan irakien qui éQhappe <strong>de</strong>puis<br />

1991 au pouvoir <strong>de</strong> Bagdad.<br />

"C'est une région très difficile, une véritable zone <strong>de</strong> guérilla", a<br />

souligné le responsable du PDK. Selon lui, "<strong>de</strong> toute évi<strong>de</strong>nce, ils (les<br />

soldats turcs) cherchent à couper la route <strong>de</strong>s combattants du PKK en<br />

nrovenance d'Iran".<br />

- Il a indiqué que le PDK a envoyé une note <strong>de</strong> protestation à Ankara<br />

contre c<strong>et</strong>te nouvelle action <strong>de</strong> l'armée turque, qui avait mené du 20 mars<br />

au 2 mai une vaste opération dans le nord <strong>de</strong> l'Irak contre le PKK, en<br />

rébellion armée contre le gouvernement turc <strong>de</strong>puis 1984.<br />

ta-elf/mfo<br />

AFP /J00245/051635 JUN 95<br />

Christopher asks EU<br />

to ratify customs union<br />

Reform: 'Turkey<br />

"The United States and the EU...<br />

should continue<br />

have a special interest in supporting<br />

. a <strong>de</strong>mocratic Turkey, integrated into<br />

<strong>de</strong>mocratic reforms' the transatlantic community," he<br />

By U~urAkmel said. "Turker is at the strategic<br />

n.rk.Uh Daily News crossroads 0 the Balkans, the<br />

WASHINGTON-' US Secr<strong>et</strong>ary of Middle East, and the former Sovi<strong>et</strong><br />

State Warren Christopher has asked states. ~e hope that-the Euro~<br />

.the European Union (EU) to ratify Parliament will ratify the critically<br />

the customs. union agreement si.gned .important customs union a~ment<br />

b<strong>et</strong>ween the EU and Turkey:-<br />

by Turkey on MlU'cb 6. Duringa - "At the same time," Christopher<br />

policy address on ~transatlaQtic continued, "we strongly en~urage<br />

agenda for the 21st Çentury" that htï Turkeyto move ahead with <strong>de</strong>moc<strong>de</strong>livered<br />

at Casa <strong>de</strong> America, catic reform and strengthen the pro-<br />

M~drid, Spain,: on Friday teètion of human rildtts. We are 81so<br />

Christopher also emphasized the redoubling our efforts to achieve a<br />

importance of continuing with <strong>de</strong>mo- political s<strong>et</strong>tlement in Cyprus prior<br />

::ratic_reforms in Turkev. to the'start of EU ~ion talks."<br />


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Turkey seeks increased' tra<strong>de</strong><br />

withGulfto compensate for<br />

I losses fromIraqembargo<br />

Agence France Press~ an OppOrtunityfor more expansion~"<br />

CAIRO- Turkey ~ant.s lDcreased .I)emirelstressed that Turkey had no<br />

tra<strong>de</strong> with the Gulf.n~uo~s m compensa- <strong>de</strong>signs on changin,gits bor<strong>de</strong>r with Iraq<br />

tion for over $20 billIOnm l?sses fr?m a following' its' masstv~ military.action in,<br />

.' U:.N.embargo o~ Iraq, Turkish ~esl<strong>de</strong>nt M~ch agai~st Turkish Kurdish sepa-<br />

Suleyman Demirel told a Saudt-owned raUstsoperatmg from northern Iraq. .<br />

. '!1ewspaper on S~nday. . ''Turkey has no regional <strong>de</strong>mands on<br />

"We s~ itas our right a~this time ~o any of its neighbors, including Ïraq. It<br />

confer with our partners ID the (an~t- has no policy for new bor<strong>de</strong>r arrange-<br />

Iraqi) alliance abOutproper recoml'Cnse ments and no political plaris for expan- .<br />

. for our sacrifices," Demirel said ID an sion," he said. ,<br />

interview with the London-based Arab . But the Turkish presi<strong>de</strong>nt, who had<br />

daily.Ash-Sh~ Al-Awsat. ." ~lier provoked IraQipro~estsafter rais-<br />

"SIDce Turkish tra<strong>de</strong> With the Gulf mg the prospêct of cnangmg the bor<strong>de</strong>r,<br />

countries has been adversely affected did not rule out new military operations<br />

since the war to liberate Kuwait, we are l!&ainstthe Kurdistan Workers' Party<br />

trying to gear up our economic and tra<strong>de</strong> (PKK)., '<br />

relations with these countries," he said. Turkey "will remain ever ready to<br />

Demirel outlined the effects on overcome any threats to its territorial<br />

Turkey of the embargo imposed on Iraq unity and it will take any action, includfollowing<br />

its August 1990 invasion of ing military, to <strong>de</strong>fend the lives of inno-<br />

Kuwait. cent civilians targ<strong>et</strong>ed by terrorists," he<br />

''The continuing embargo on Iraq has said. . .<br />

placed a bur<strong>de</strong>n on Turkey's shoul<strong>de</strong>rs He <strong>de</strong>fen<strong>de</strong>d the March operation in<br />

for more than three years and has led to which Turkey sent 35,000 troops poureconomic<br />

losses costing $20 .billion, in ing over the bor<strong>de</strong>r into Iraq against the .<br />

addition to the social and political PKK.. "This operation rooted out more .<br />

.cost" . . than 500 terronsts and <strong>de</strong>stroyed all their<br />

Current tra<strong>de</strong> b<strong>et</strong>ween Turkey and . camps. The PKK is now unable to make<br />

Saudi Arabia is worth "around $2 bil. hit-and-run attacks into Turkish territory .<br />

lion," he said. "And we believe there is' from there," he said.<br />

- \<br />

.<br />

Snake plague ratt1es Iraqi Kurds<br />

as five die from venomous bites<br />

By Tolle Aram ing in hervineyaro last week when she was<br />

Agence Fr(J(lce Presse bitten bya one m<strong>et</strong>re(yard)-long snake ..<br />

SUI;A Y¥ANIY ~- A 'plague.of snakes "S~e fainted, but didn't take. the bi.te too<br />

has rattled Kurds hVIDgID northern Iraq senously. She even walked a" few kilomewith<br />

doctors reporting at least five <strong>de</strong>athS ters (miles). . . .<br />

. and dozens admitted to hospital suffering "Mter we fmally managed to put her in a'<br />

from 'venomousbites. car she diedon the way to Sulaymaniyah,"<br />

The töunuysi<strong>de</strong> around S,ulaymaniyahis her son-in-law Akram' Mahmud Nesrullah<br />

swarming With snakes which have flour- told AFP in Jaffaran, a village 80 kilQmeished<br />

amid a mild winter in the qui<strong>et</strong> ruins ters (50 miles) southwest of here.' . .'<br />

of hundreds of villages <strong>de</strong>stroyed by Iraqi . Villagèrs blam<strong>et</strong>he weather as wèll as<br />

forces and abandoned. by Kurdish rest- the forces of Presi<strong>de</strong>nt Saddam Hussein for<br />

<strong>de</strong>nts. .' . the plague of poisonous reptiles. ''This year<br />

"We have never before had to treat so we have had a mild winter, and no frost.<br />

many cases of snake-bites as this year. For The snakes were able to survive, said Kamil<br />

some weeks now, 10 people of.all ages, all Ahmad from the remote village of Astei, .<br />

of them villagers, have been admitted dailyabout 60 kilom<strong>et</strong>ers (36 miles) southwest of<br />

to hospital," Hemin Pired, a surgeon told SulaJmaniyah.. . .<br />

AFP at th<strong>et</strong>own's largest hospital. . . "Afterwards we had unusually heavy<br />

Three women, a boy and a girl died in six rains and the grass grew very hi~. A per.<br />

days, he said. "I'm sure there are more . fect hiding place for snakes," ne ad<strong>de</strong>d ..<br />

cases we don't know about. People from "Pestici<strong>de</strong>s would be the best remedy<br />

some of the remotevillages can't come to' against snakes, but there is none to be found<br />

the hospital because they don't have cars. on the mark<strong>et</strong>" .... . .<br />

Even we don't have serum. We only have Resi<strong>de</strong>nts of even more remote villages<br />

blood, antibiotics and hydrocortisan (an have thoughtaboul leaving their h


Turkish Daily News<br />

TUESDAY,JUNE6.199S<br />

Diplomatic efforts stepped up<br />

on UN sanctions against Iraq<br />

Russian official:'We are waiting for (Tariq) Aziz to give his<br />

agreement to the export of oil, in conformity with the U.N.<br />

Security Council resolution which Baghdad previously rejected.'<br />

Compiled by the TDN Stafffrom Diplomats also indicated that Iraq's fros-<br />

Wire Dispatches . tration with the U.N.-imposed sanctions<br />

~N~- Iraq has launched a dlplo- was growing. "The government believes it<br />

ma~c offen~l~e to ~ uP.support for an has got nothing so far in r<strong>et</strong>urn for its<br />

easlD.g or hftIDg of cnpp~IDg U.N. ~ra<strong>de</strong> efforts to comply with (Gulf War) disannasanctions,<br />

Baghdad-based diplomats Said on ment terms," said a well~placed diplomat.<br />

Mondày.<br />

Iraq on Saturday accused U.N. arms control<br />

They said senior Iraqi officials are. to off'lcial Rolf Ekeus of being èommissioned<br />

lobby. member.s of the V.N .. Secu~Ity by the United States and its Gulf allies to<br />

Council to.explain ~aghdad s pomt of VIew carry out anti-Iraq p'>licies.<br />

on comphance WIth the 1991 Gulf W.ar The diplomat Saidhe expected a tou2hepcease<br />

fIre ~e~ on ~eapns..The first step ing of fraq's st.ance towards t.he U.N.<br />

!>fthe IraqI diplo~atic offens~vew~ ~aae Special CommissIOn (UNSCOM) ID charge<br />

ID ~osc~w. fraq~ Dep~ty Pn~e MIDls.ter of dismantling Iraq's weapons of mass<br />

Tang AzIZ, me<strong>et</strong>ing WIthRUSSIanForeIgn <strong>de</strong>struction if its cruCial report to be submit-<br />

Minister Andrei ~ozyrev, said Moscow and ted to the Council on June 19 is negative.<br />

~a~dad h~d outl}ned ~ way for Iraq t.oend Ekeus, following his visit last week to<br />

ItS IDternatio~aI IsolatIon after a senes of Baghdad, said Iraq was holding back infortop-leve~me<strong>et</strong>ings.<br />

. mation on its past biological warfare activi-<br />

Rus.sla wants to see U.N. sanctIOns ties and he was not sure y<strong>et</strong> wh<strong>et</strong>her it had<br />

against Iraq lifted but Baghdad must fIrSt come clean on chemical arms.<br />

fiilfù all its obligations to the international The Vienna-based International Atomic<br />

community, Kozyrev said.<br />

Energy Agency (IAEA) said on Friday it<br />

"We are waiting for A~iz .to give h~s had not y<strong>et</strong> compl<strong>et</strong>edinvestigatio~ lDtO<br />

agreement to.the export of oil, In confOrmI- reIlOrts that Iraq was secr<strong>et</strong>ly working on<br />

ty with the U.N. Securiry Council resolution technology to build a nuclear bomb..<br />

which Baghdad preVIOusly rejected," a Iraq has dismissed the allegations as<br />

senior Russian foreign ministry official, attempts to prolong the suffering of its poowho<br />

asked to remain anonymous, was quot- pie un<strong>de</strong>r sanctions.<br />

ed as saying.<br />

The sanctions will nQt be eased or lifted<br />

Iraqi Foreign Ministry Un<strong>de</strong>rsecr<strong>et</strong>ary until UNSCOM tells the Security Council<br />

Abduijabbar aI-Douri is m Bonn for me<strong>et</strong>- that Baghdad has honored all its weapons<br />

ings with senior German officials. Baghdad commitments.<br />

newspapers said on Monday that Douri had The thorniest issue is Baghdad's past bio<strong>de</strong>man<strong>de</strong>d<br />

that Germany, a nonpermanent logical warfare research. ODe diplomat said<br />

member of the council take "appropriate. Iraq would disc,Iose the biological promeasures"<br />

to end the embargo on Baghdad gramme once It g<strong>et</strong>s clearance from<br />

oil exports.<br />

UNSCOM on.other categori~ of weapons.<br />

1'he newspapers also said a large <strong>de</strong>lega- ''The Iraqis fear that this ca~-and'mouse<br />

tion of German industrialists and business- game may not end and sanctions are really<br />

men was to visit Baghdad soon to "<strong>de</strong>velop hurting," ad<strong>de</strong>d the diplomat.<br />

economic ties."<br />

Iraq warned last month that UNSCOM<br />

DiI>lomats said that senior ~i officials should not expect it to continue cooperation<br />

intenaed to visit France, Russia and China, in<strong>de</strong>finitely.<br />

all permanent members of the Council with . It said it would soon <strong>de</strong>ci<strong>de</strong> to halt such<br />

v<strong>et</strong>o power, and all advocates of an early cooperation if curbs on its oil exportswere<br />

lifting of the oil embargo.<br />

not eased or lifted.<br />



Turk~hDairy News 11IESDA Y, HINE 6, 1995<br />

School's out for Kurdish children<br />

<strong>de</strong>spite months of feuding<br />

'Education is free of charge for children. But<br />

we, don't have enough books"notebooks, or pens'<br />

'-j<br />

By Tolle Aram<br />

Agence France Presse<br />

SALAHUDDIN, Iraq- A two-month truce<br />

b<strong>et</strong>weenrival Kurdish factions innorthern Iraq has<br />

enabled thousands of children to take exams and,<br />

finish a school year punctuated byviolence.<br />

"The pupils are our future.1t would have been a<br />

real shame if we hadn't managed to p:iItasi<strong>de</strong>our<br />

political problems to organize proper exanis for<br />

them," said Kamal Shakir, head of the regional government's<br />

health ministry;<br />

Shakir; 52, a member of the Iraqi Communist<br />

Party, is regar<strong>de</strong>d as neutral by the two main factions<br />

so was asked to chair il committee s<strong>et</strong>ting<br />

, exams for the 980 primary and 303 secondary<br />

schools in the Kurdish area.<br />

Organizing the schools has not been easyamid<br />

the continuing feud b<strong>et</strong>ween the two plain factions,<br />

the K.urdistan Dembcratic Party (KDP), .led by<br />

Massud Barzani, and the Patriotic Union of<br />

Kurdistan (PUK) hea<strong>de</strong>d by Jalal Talabani.<br />

The two si<strong>de</strong>s agreed on Thursday to extend their<br />

two-month ceasefire begun in Apriluntil July 15.<br />

They have fought over control of the paralyzed<br />

regional government and its tax revenues for more<br />

than a year in northern Iraq, which they have run in<br />

<strong>de</strong>fianc~ of Baghdad since the 1991 Gulf War.<br />

"Since December, when even Erbil district was<br />

split into PUK and KDP pock<strong>et</strong>s, we have received<br />

..eur salaries only twice," said Abbas Ismail Accrai,<br />

head of a school for six to 12-year-olds in<br />

Salahuddin, the KDi>headquarters.<br />

Although Accrai believed the KDP w.asgenuinely<br />

, short of money, others were more sceptical.<br />

"The KDP has money but they use it for<br />

weapons," said teacher Sherzah Rassoul. Kurdia<br />

Saicf Aziz, the head of a school for 12 to 18-yearold<br />

girls in Erbil, the region'.s main town which is<br />

controlled by the PUK, complained that the PUK<br />

had also only paid teachers' salaries twice.<br />

However, Aziz, 56, remained <strong>de</strong>tennined to ~ive '<br />

'<br />

her pu~ils an education. "We'll teach the pupils<br />

even Without a salary because the Kurdish cliildren<br />

have a right to be taught," she said. ' ,<br />

Other teachers are more fortunate: those in KDPcontrolled<br />

Dahuk province and the PUK-controlled<br />

,Sulaymaniyah province are paid regularly but do<br />

not count themselves as well-off.<br />

'<br />

"We eam b<strong>et</strong>ween 200 and 300 dinars (about 6.5<br />

dollars) per month. With that, we can't even buy a<br />

pair of shoes," said Nesrin Abdallah, a teacher in<br />

. Sulaymanirah town; , ,<br />

Sc~ools.m ~orthern Iraq are in an appalling state,<br />

.parl1cularlym the countrysi<strong>de</strong>. Many village<br />

schools were <strong>de</strong>stroyed by Iraqi Presi<strong>de</strong>nt Saddam<br />

Hussein's forces in the 1980s. .<br />

At Abbas tsmail Accrai' s school in Salahuddin"<br />

children sit on shaky' woo<strong>de</strong>n benches, but in many<br />

village schools pupils have only the bare ground to<br />

sit on and no heating during the winter.<br />

"Education is free of charge for children. But we<br />

don't .haveenough books, notebooks, or pens,"<br />

Accral told AFP. "UNICEF, (the United Nations<br />

,children's fund),provi<strong>de</strong>s each child with five thin<br />

notebooks and some pencils once a year but that's,<br />

not enough," he ad<strong>de</strong>d ..<br />

Accrai heads an Arabic school, where Kurdish is<br />

~>nl~taught as a subsidiary languag~, whereasAziz<br />

IS director of one of the many Kurdish schools that<br />

have opened since the GulfWar. .<br />

"In the 1970s, all classes were run in Kurdish but<br />

the Iraqi government slowly replaced them in the<br />

1980s with Arabic," said AZlz. .<br />

" The regional Kurdish government which began<br />

.operating in mid-1992 supported the opening of.<br />

Kurdish schools and or<strong>de</strong>recf thousands of books 'to<br />

be.r.rinte.din Kurdish., '<br />

, DespIte our problemsnow, the classes are b<strong>et</strong>ter<br />

than before 1991. Wecan give lessons on, Kurdish<br />

history and we don' t have to fill our children' s<br />

, minds with (Iraqi) Baath party propaganda," she<br />

.ad<strong>de</strong>d., .<br />


Le Soir - 8 juin 1995<br />

J<br />

0-<br />

.-<br />

Sur l'intervention contre<br />

le PKK en Irak l'union<br />

douanière avec î'Europe,<br />

la démocratisation ...<br />

• Quel bilan tirez-vous personnellement <strong>de</strong><br />

la récente opération militaire turque contre<br />

le PKK dans le nord <strong>de</strong> l'Irak?<br />

Q C'était une opération dirigée contre les<br />

terroristes Qui avaient transformé les<br />

camps du nord <strong>de</strong> I7rak en bases pour<br />

attaquer nos viRages.Il s'agissait d'em,*<br />

cher ces attaques <strong>et</strong> en ce sens, fopération<br />

a été un succès. A voir les armes <strong>et</strong> les<br />

munitions trowées dans ces bases, on<br />

mesure les dégAts Qu'ilsauraient pu causer<br />

sur notre territoire <strong>et</strong> à nos citoyens si c<strong>et</strong>te<br />

opération n'avait pas été menée.<br />

• Le bilan n'est-il pas plus négatif sur le<br />

plan diplomatique?<br />

Q Tout le mon<strong>de</strong> a vu Que c'était une<br />

opération dirigée uniquement contre les<br />

tefforistes <strong>et</strong> causée par le vi<strong>de</strong> d'autorité<br />

existant au nord <strong>de</strong> I7rak <strong>de</strong>puis la gueffe<br />

du Golfe. La Turquien'était pas responsable<br />

<strong>de</strong> ce vi<strong>de</strong> d'autorité. Certaines personnes<br />

ont peut~tre pr~té <strong>de</strong>s idées expansionnistes<br />

à la Turquie,mais c'était un malentendu.<br />

Il n'y a pas <strong>de</strong> dommage diplomatique dès<br />

lors Que fon comprend bien la raison <strong>de</strong><br />

c<strong>et</strong>te opération <strong>et</strong> son résultat<br />

• Que répon<strong>de</strong>z-vous aux Européens qui<br />

reprochent à la Turquie son approche exclusivement<br />

militaire du problème kur<strong>de</strong>?<br />

Q L'approche n'est pas exclusivement militaire.<br />

L'approche militaire est réservée aux<br />

terroristes,<br />

comme dans les autres pays<br />

européens. Il faut séparer le tefforisme <strong>de</strong>s<br />

<strong>de</strong>man<strong>de</strong>s légitimes pour la démocratie ou<br />

une plus gran<strong>de</strong> participation. Nos citoyens<br />

d'origine kur<strong>de</strong>, turque ou autre jouissent<br />

tous <strong>de</strong>s m~mes lois. Nous voulons développer<br />

notre démocratie dans le sens d'une<br />

plus gran<strong>de</strong> participation, d'une plus libre<br />

expression <strong>de</strong>s idées politiques <strong>et</strong> d'une<br />

administration locale plus étendue.<br />

Décisions en juin<br />

• Beaucoup <strong>de</strong> promesses ont été faites,<br />

notamment par le Premier ministre, quant à<br />

l'amélioration <strong>de</strong>s droits <strong>de</strong> l'homme <strong>et</strong> la<br />

reconnaissance <strong>de</strong>s droits culturels. <strong>de</strong>s<br />

Kur<strong>de</strong>s. Que peut-on attendre concrèteiiient<br />

dans un proche avenir?<br />

Q On peut attendre Que toutes ces promesse$<br />

seront réalisées. C'est sèulement<br />

une Question<strong>de</strong> temps. C'est en fait l'action<br />

tefforiste Qui rend la réalisation <strong>de</strong> ces<br />

promesses plus difficile. Seul le Parlement<br />

peut changer la Constitution <strong>et</strong> les lois dans<br />

le sens <strong>de</strong> ces promesses, non le Premier<br />

Erdal<br />

Inönü<br />

ministre, <strong>et</strong> le Parlement agit sous 1'inR~<br />

ce <strong>de</strong>s citoyens. Si, dans c<strong>et</strong> état <strong>de</strong> terr0-<br />

risme rampant, la majorité <strong>de</strong>s citoyens<br />

croit QU'on ne peut créer un Etat plus<br />

tolérant, mais Qu'il faut d'abord réduire le<br />

tefforisme, le premier <strong>de</strong>voir est <strong>de</strong> combattre<br />

ce tefforisme. Nous essayons né~<br />

moins <strong>de</strong> poursuivre notre action <strong>de</strong> démtr<br />

cratisation <strong>et</strong> notre action législatiJle au<br />

Parlement.<br />

• Peut-on encore attendre à c<strong>et</strong> égard <strong>de</strong>s<br />

décisions avant la fin <strong>de</strong> la présente session<br />

parlementaire?<br />

Q Oui, évi<strong>de</strong>mment. Un paqu<strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong> modifications<br />

portant sur 24 articles <strong>de</strong> la Constitution<br />

a été longuement discuté en commission<br />

<strong>et</strong> a été présenté ce lundi à la prési<strong>de</strong>~<br />

ce du Parlement. La séance plénière en<br />

sera saisie la semaine prochaine. Comme<br />

plus <strong>de</strong> trois cents députés <strong>de</strong>s partis <strong>de</strong> la<br />

majorité <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong> l'opposition ont déjà signé ce<br />

paqu<strong>et</strong>, il y a <strong>de</strong> très gran<strong>de</strong>s chances Que<br />

ces changements soient adoptés avant la<br />

fin <strong>de</strong>juin. Des modifications <strong>de</strong> lois, Quine<br />

requièrent pas <strong>de</strong> majorité <strong>de</strong>s <strong>de</strong>ux tiers,<br />

sont également à l'agenda du Parlement,<br />

notamment la loi antitefforiste.<br />

• En son article 8 qui limite la liberté<br />

d'expression?<br />

Q En eff<strong>et</strong> J'espère QU'onveffa également<br />

un changement sur ce plan avant la finjuin.<br />

• Est-ce à dire que les parlementaires prokur<strong>de</strong>s<br />

emprisonnés pourraient être libérés<br />

sous peu?<br />

Q C'est une autre Question. Il s'agit ici<br />

d'une action judiciaire dans laquelle le Parlement<br />

ne peut interférer. On attend encore à<br />

c<strong>et</strong> égard le verdict <strong>de</strong> la Haute cour.<br />

• Pensez-vous, d'après vos contacts avec<br />

les milieux européens ici à Bruxelles, Que le<br />

Parlement européen va approuver raccord<br />

d'union douanière conclu entre les Quinze<br />

<strong>et</strong> la Turquie?<br />

Q Je pense bien Que le Parlement européen<br />

examinera c<strong>et</strong>te Question sérieusement<br />

<strong>et</strong> arrivera à un avis conforme. La<br />

<strong>de</strong>mière fois Qu'il a eu à débattre <strong>de</strong> c<strong>et</strong>te<br />

Question, il y avait le malentendu concernant<br />

l'action au nord <strong>de</strong> I7rak <strong>et</strong> cela a<br />

influencé la discussion. Mais il n'y a plus<br />

maintenant <strong>de</strong> raison Que c<strong>et</strong>te mawaise<br />

atmosphère persiste. Je crois Quele Parlement<br />

européen aura la bienveillance <strong>de</strong><br />

comprendre Quele Parlement turc est aussi<br />

un parlement, Qu'onne peut lui donner <strong>de</strong>s<br />

ordres <strong>et</strong> Qu'il agit dans un but démocrati-<br />

Que. Je crois Que le Parlement européen<br />

comprendra aussi Quefunion douanière est<br />

une étape dont fUnion européenne <strong>et</strong> la<br />

Turquie bénéficieront parallèlement <strong>et</strong> co~<br />

jointement<br />

• La Turquie n'apprécie guère l'expérience<br />

<strong>de</strong> rautonomie kur<strong>de</strong> dans le nord <strong>de</strong> l'Irak,<br />

pas plus Qu'elle n'apprécie le maintien <strong>de</strong>s<br />

sanctions internationales contre l'Irak. Estee<br />

à dire Qu'Ankara n'est plus à ce suj<strong>et</strong> sur<br />

la même longueur d'on<strong>de</strong>s Que Washington?<br />

Q Non. En Irak, la Constitution actuelle a<br />

admis une autonomie pour les Kur<strong>de</strong>s au<br />

nord du pays. La difficulté est que les <strong>de</strong>ux<br />

parties, le régime irakien <strong>et</strong> les groupes<br />

vivant au nord <strong>de</strong> I7rak, ne sont pas arrivés<br />

à un consensus pour appliquer c<strong>et</strong>te Constitution.<br />

Nous souhaitons qu'ils arrivent à un<br />

accord sur ce plan <strong>et</strong> que I7rak <strong>de</strong>vienne un<br />

Etat normal Nous n'avons aucune objection<br />

à ce que certains jouissent d'une autonomie<br />

selon la ConstitUtion. Notre malaise tient au<br />

fait qu'On n'est pas arrivé à une situation<br />

normale au nord <strong>de</strong> I7rak. On en a vu les<br />

conséquences en matière <strong>de</strong> tefforisme<br />

dirigé contre la Turquie.<br />

• Selon vous, les sanctions contre l'Irak<br />

<strong>de</strong>vraient~lIes être levées?<br />

Q Elles <strong>de</strong>vront ~tre levées. Si elles ne le<br />

sont pas encore, c'est parce qu'il n'y a pas<br />

encore <strong>de</strong> paix entre I7rak <strong>et</strong> le Conseil <strong>de</strong><br />

sécurité <strong>de</strong>s Nations unies. Celui-ci pense<br />

que I7rak n'a pas encore rempli toutes les<br />

conditions nécessaires.<br />

• Est-ce aussi votre avis?<br />

Q L'Irak a rempli beaucoup <strong>de</strong>s conditions<br />

<strong>de</strong>mandées. Il a reconnu les frontières du<br />

Koweït, il n'a plus d'armes nucléaires. Restent<br />

urie question d'armes chimiques <strong>et</strong> une<br />

question <strong>de</strong> prisonniers <strong>de</strong> gueffe à régler.<br />

/I est vrai que I7rak souffre beaucoup <strong>de</strong>s<br />

sanctions, <strong>et</strong> nous en souffrons également<br />

beaucoiJp. La rupture <strong>de</strong> nos relations économiques<br />

avec I7rak nous a coOté jusqu'à<br />

présent quelque chose comme 25 milliards<br />

<strong>de</strong> doUars. C'est pourquoi nous souhaitons<br />

la levée <strong>de</strong>s sanctions aussi vite que possible.<br />

Mais nous faisons évi<strong>de</strong>mment partie<br />

<strong>de</strong>s Nations unies <strong>et</strong> nous ne pouvons pas<br />

les lever unilatéralement. Nous souhaitons<br />

que f1rakaffive à un accord avec fONU.<br />

Propos recuellls par<br />




Union douanière <strong>et</strong> violations <strong>de</strong>s droits <strong>de</strong> l'homme ne font pas bon ménage<br />

Entre la Turquie <strong>et</strong> l'Europe, quel avenir?<br />

L<br />

'Union douanière entre la<br />

Turquie <strong>et</strong> l'Union européenne,<br />

sur ,laquelle le Parlement<br />

européen doit encore se prononcer<br />

- en septembre ou en<br />

octobre -, continue' dè susciter<br />

bien <strong>de</strong>s débats. Tradition- ,<br />

nellement, les discussions opposent<br />

ceux qui estiment qu'un<br />

rapprochement avec la Turquie<br />

perm<strong>et</strong>trait d'exercer <strong>de</strong>s pressions<br />

plus efficaces sur ce pays<br />

<strong>et</strong> ceux qui estiment qu'un tel"<br />

rapprochement est impensable<br />

aussi longtemps qu'Ankara n'au-:<br />

ra pas n<strong>et</strong>tement amélioré la<br />

situation <strong>de</strong>s droits <strong>de</strong> l'homme.<br />

Pour tenter <strong>de</strong> préciser les données<br />

du débat, la Fédération<br />

internationale <strong>de</strong>s Ligues <strong>de</strong>s"<br />

droits <strong>de</strong> l'homme organisait<br />

hièr un forum <strong>de</strong> réflexion en<br />

compagnie <strong>de</strong> parlementaires<br />

européens <strong>et</strong> d'intervenants avaient été extradées <strong>de</strong> pays ,Avis <strong>de</strong> Rènzo Imbeni, vice-préturcs<br />

<strong>et</strong> kur<strong>de</strong>s. Ceux-ci, d'ern- européens vers la Turquie ont si<strong>de</strong>nt du Parlement européen,<br />

bléè, ont dressé un tableau très été, condamnées à la peine <strong>de</strong> très actif dans le domaine <strong>de</strong>s<br />

'sombre. Ercan Kanar, vice-pré- t . 'I d droits <strong>de</strong> l'homme: Le Parlesi<strong>de</strong>.nt<br />

<strong>de</strong> l'Association. <strong>de</strong>s mort, soulignan amsl,'e anger ment euro'Péen doit, selon moi,'<br />

'que les pays d'accueil font coudroits<br />

<strong>de</strong> l'homme <strong>de</strong> Turquie rir aux réfugiés Qu'ilsrenvoient. respecter ses positions ant~<br />

(IHO), a rappelé que 166 intel- Ces violations <strong>de</strong>s droits <strong>de</strong> rieures, qui lient la coopération<br />

lectuels sont actuellement en l'homme ont cours partout en européenne [avec un pays] au<br />

prison en Turquie simpl~ment respect <strong>de</strong>s droits <strong>de</strong> l'homme<br />

pour avoir défendu leurs Idées; Turquie, mais elles touchent da- [sur son territoire]. Et, lors <strong>de</strong> la<br />

qu'en 1994,' 14.473 personnes vantage les minorités, notarn- révision du Traité <strong>de</strong> Maastricht,<br />

ment les Kur<strong>de</strong>s. Dans le Sudont<br />

été placées en gar<strong>de</strong> à vue, Est anatolien, 2.500 villages le premier changement à apporparmi<br />

lesquelles 328 ont «dis- ont été vidés, 2,5 millions <strong>de</strong> ter sera d'insister sur le fàf(que<br />

paru,. <strong>et</strong> 292 ont été assassi- S la politique extérieure europeen-:<br />

t, personnes déportées. ans par- ne "'o/'t ë"'L> mL>née en &onc"7'on<br />

298 t rt 1er <strong>de</strong> l'interdiction es noms <strong>de</strong>s droits <strong>de</strong> l'homme.<br />

que. personnes son mo es kur<strong>de</strong>s, <strong>de</strong>s partis kur<strong>de</strong>s...<br />

à la suite <strong>de</strong> tortures <strong>et</strong> d'une<br />

La Turquie a incontestablement<br />

«disparition" - tout récern- Tant que la liberté d'expressio,n encore du chemin à parcourir:<br />

ment, on a r<strong>et</strong>rouvé les corp~ est considérée comme un délit, pas plus tard qu'hier, un collabomutilés<br />

<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong>ux personnes qUi que les militaires mènent lé rateur allemand d'Amnesty Interavaient<br />

été ainsi enlevées. pays, la Turquie ne doit pas •national a été arrêté à Adana <strong>et</strong><br />

M. Kanar a également insist~ entrer dans J'Union douanière," conduit à l'aéroport d'Istanbul.<br />

sur le fait que 40personnes qUI conclut Ercan Kanar. AGNÈS GORISSEN<br />

nées par un «au eur mconnu,.; d UI Ut;... f."<br />

US aid to l'urkey maybe split<br />

into installments by Congress<br />

Linkage:Aid payments could be<br />

linked to periodic rights reports<br />

for Congress'<br />

By Ul!ur Akmel<br />

Turkish Daily News<br />


A new report<br />

on Turkey just released by the<br />

State Department is expected by<br />

some observers to influence the conditions<br />

of FMF (Foreign Military Financing)<br />

assistance given to Turkey. One such new con'-<br />

dition might involve splitting the total amount<br />

given to Turkey into four tranches, according to<br />

a TDN source on Capitol Hill. A similar, but<br />

much mil<strong>de</strong>r, report on Greece which has also<br />

been just released is not expected to have any<br />

, effect on assistance to Greece..<br />

A senior Congressional source, who pre- '<br />

ferred to remain anonymous, told the TDN<br />

today that the report "has to have some im~act"<br />

on the amount of assistance to be appropnated<br />

for Turkey.<br />

The State Department report" prepared in<br />

consultatioJl with the Pentagon, conclu<strong>de</strong>d that,<br />

, "it is highlX likely that" U.S.-ma<strong>de</strong> equipment<br />

was use~ ' In sUPp.?rtof the eyacuation ~~d/or<br />

<strong>de</strong>struction of VIllages" dunng the mIhtary ,<br />

campaign the Turkish security forces carried<br />

out ~ga1Dstoutlawed Kurdistan Workers' Party.<br />

(PKK) terrorists. "<br />

The TDN source said that the report was<br />

"quite <strong>de</strong>vastating on human rights abuses" in<br />

Turkey, so "it can"t be ignored." Turkey and<br />

the State Department, on the other hand,<br />

Report: State' Dept. report expected<br />

to have negative impact on military<br />

aid toTurkey<br />

<strong>de</strong>scribed the report as a "balanced"<br />

document '<br />

Four reports for four tranches<br />

Another informed Congressional<br />

source said Congress might propose to<br />

divi<strong>de</strong> the FMF aSSlStànce appropriated for<br />

, Turkey into four quarterly tranches for the<br />

financIal year 1996 and mandate the U.S. State<br />

Department to come up with four quarterly<br />

reports on human rights violations in Turkey.<br />

Last year Prime Mirnster Tansu çilJer rejected '<br />

the conditional 10 percent ofU.S. assistance.<br />

The Greek government also rejected ten per<br />

cent of U.S. FMF loans conditional on proof<br />

that Greece is not violating U.N. sanctions on<br />

Serbia, as well as the U.N. Charter. Turkey is<br />

again expected to reject such quaiterly monitor-<br />



ing and turn down. any aid with these con~tions<br />

attached. CongressIOnal sources say that this year<br />

the conditional amount could be as low as ten or as<br />

high as nin<strong>et</strong>y percent.<br />

.The ilea of "four tranches" was reportedly fust<br />

suggestd by some Congressional staffers to com-<br />

the State Department to come up with a<br />

stronger report thai1 the initial drafts indicated. "It<br />

was a' posturing maneuver:' a TON source said,<br />

But there are inilications that the i<strong>de</strong>a might eventually<br />

be adopted by the relevant committees since<br />

some members of Congress believe that the fmal<br />

report did not criticize the human rights violations<br />

in Turkey as much as it should ..<br />

o pel<br />

Watch for Porter<br />

Another possibility is for Rep. John Porter (R-<br />

IL) to push for eliminating all direct loans to<br />

Turkey even without WaIting for the end of<br />

financial year 1996 when the F-16 project, and<br />

thus the whole FMF program, comes to an automaticend.<br />

The House International Committee's currently<br />

recommen<strong>de</strong>d level of $320 million for Turkey in<br />

financial year 1996 "compl<strong>et</strong>es the commitment of<br />

the United Slates for funding of Peace Onyx I/Il, a<br />

joint F-16 fighter aircraft program for the<br />

Turkish Air Force," according to the committee<br />

report on HR 1561 ( on which <strong>de</strong>bate resumes this<br />

week).<br />

Porter, a vocal critic of human rights violations<br />

in Turkey, wears two hats on the committee that is<br />

important as far as assistance to Turkey is concerned:<br />

the House Appro'priations committee.<br />

Porter is the ranking majority member of the<br />

Foreign Operations subcommIttee and he also<br />

serves as the chairman of the Labor, Health and<br />

Human Services and Education subcommittee.<br />

The Foreign Operations subcommittee is chaired<br />

by Sonny Callahan of Alabama, an affable legislator<br />

who is believed to be sympath<strong>et</strong>ic to TurIœy's<br />

c~ncerns. His private me<strong>et</strong>ing with Prime Minister<br />

Ciller's top aI<strong>de</strong>, Professor Emre Gönensay, on<br />

Çapitol.Hill in February ,reportedly ma<strong>de</strong> a good<br />

Impr7ssIOn on him concermng the importance of<br />

Tu~kish-U.S. relations. So he might be expe


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Erdal Inonu, ministre <strong>de</strong>s .Affaires.étra..llgères turc, est<br />

optimiste sur lanrise en œuvre du traité d'union douanière.<br />

Bruxelles (VE)<br />

<strong>de</strong> notre correspondant<br />

e~àBruxeDes,<br />

mardi <strong>et</strong> mercredi, &-<br />

D da} Inonu, le ministre<br />

.<strong>de</strong>s Affaires étrangères <strong>de</strong><br />

Turquie, s'estdédaréconfiant<br />

surla prochaine entrée en vi-<br />

'gueur du traité' d'Union<br />

,douanièreavec l'Union européenne<br />

le 1er janvier<br />

'prochain. Ankaras'effor-<br />

'ce <strong>de</strong> modifier sa législationjudiciaire,<br />

notamment<br />

en ce qui concerne la liber-<br />

~é d'expression, <strong>et</strong> écono- ,<br />

!inique afin <strong>de</strong> répondre à ~.<br />

la fois aux exigences du, ;<br />

.traité <strong>et</strong> aux <strong>de</strong>man<strong>de</strong>s du ~<br />

Parlement européen. En~ i<br />

tr<strong>et</strong>ien. ~<br />

Dans un premier temps, ErdaJlnonu: «Des réformes s,urles libertésfondamentales seront adoptées.»<br />

l'Union doUanière va sur-<br />

un règlement <strong>de</strong> la question kur<strong>de</strong> ainsi que <strong>de</strong> cel.<br />

le <strong>de</strong> Chypre, outrepasse ses compétences?<br />

Désormais, l;on pense, <strong>et</strong>fen suis d'accord, que le respect<br />

<strong>de</strong>s droits <strong>de</strong> l'homme ne peut pas être considéré<br />

comme uneaffaite intérieure. Chaque Etat est tenu <strong>de</strong><br />

Evi-<br />

respecter les droits <strong>de</strong> l'homme pour ses citoyens. S'il ne<br />

le fait pas, ilpeut être critiqué par les autres Etats. Cela<br />

fait partie dé notre agenda politique. Je pense que les réformes<br />

élargissant les libertés fondamentales seront<br />

adoptées d'ici la fin du mois. En revanche, la structure<br />

essentielle <strong>de</strong> l'Etat est décidée par le peuple <strong>et</strong> lui seul.<br />

Quand le Parlement européen nous dit que nous <strong>de</strong>vrions<br />

adopter une structure fédérale<br />

(afin <strong>de</strong> régler le pro-<br />


blème <strong>de</strong> la minorité kur<strong>de</strong>,<br />

ndlr), c'est une idée que nous pouvons négliger.<br />

La Turquie va-t-elle prendre une initiative poutfac!-<br />

liter le règlement <strong>de</strong> la question chypriote?<br />

Une solution définitive <strong>de</strong> ce problème profitera clairemènt<br />

à la Turquie <strong>et</strong> au secteur turc <strong>de</strong> l'île car nous ne<br />

gagnons rien au fait que le mon<strong>de</strong> se préoccupe <strong>de</strong> c<strong>et</strong>te<br />

question. Donc c'est notre intérêt d'agir en ce sens.<br />

Certes, il y a une vie paisible là-bas, ce n'est pas comme<br />

en Bosnie. Mais on doit arriver à une solution définitive<br />

qui passe par un accord entre les <strong>de</strong>ux communautés,<br />

grecque <strong>et</strong> turque, <strong>de</strong> l'île. Je suis optimiste: il y aura une<br />

solution dans l'avenir immédiat.<br />

La Turquie va.t.elle tenter dtit régler autrement que:<br />

par la répression la question kur<strong>de</strong>?<br />

nfaut distinguer entre le terrorisme <strong>et</strong> les <strong>de</strong>man<strong>de</strong>s lé~<br />

gitirnes <strong>de</strong> nos citoyens d'origine kur<strong>de</strong>. Nous poursui':<br />

vons l'effort démocratique pour élargir la participation.<br />

<strong>de</strong> tous nos citoyens. Déjà, il n'y a pas <strong>de</strong> discrimination:<br />

nous avons <strong>de</strong>s ministres, <strong>de</strong>s généraux, <strong>de</strong>s banquiers<br />

d'origine kur<strong>de</strong>. Mais tant qu'il Yaura ce terrorisme, ily<br />

aura <strong>de</strong>s réactions à c<strong>et</strong>te terreur <strong>et</strong> les gens ne voudront<br />

pas entendre les <strong>de</strong>man<strong>de</strong>s kur<strong>de</strong>s. Le bon fonctionnement<br />

<strong>de</strong>s lois actuelles <strong>et</strong> les réformes nécessitent une atmosphère<br />

plus tolérante. Nos amis <strong>de</strong> l'extérieur <strong>de</strong>vraient<br />

nous témoigner leur solidarité contre ces actions<br />

terroristes, car moins <strong>de</strong> terrorisme perm<strong>et</strong>tra d' appliquer<br />

les réformes.<br />

tout profiter aux Quinze •••<br />

Oui mais nous voyons l'union douanière comme un pas<br />

lyers l'intégration économique avec l'Union. Et nous<br />

pensons qu'elle nous mènera à l'adhésion pleine <strong>et</strong> entière<br />

à l'Union, ce qui a toujours été l'idéal <strong>de</strong> la Turquie:<br />

c'est la logique normale' <strong>de</strong> l'élargissement.<br />

<strong>de</strong>mment pour aller vers Uneintégration plus avancée, il<br />

y a <strong>de</strong>s sta<strong>de</strong>s où l'on perd plus que l'on ne gagne, mais<br />

à la fin nous arriverons à \.lll niveau <strong>de</strong> développement<br />

:plus élevé pour notre économie <strong>et</strong> notre société.<br />

'Certains secteurs <strong>de</strong> l'appareil d'Etat ne sont.<br />

Ils. pas opposé il un rapprochement avec<br />

l'Union européenne?<br />

Non. C'est une tendance<br />

'générale <strong>de</strong> l'intelligentsia<br />

turque, <strong>et</strong> donc <strong>de</strong>s ministères, <strong>de</strong> la bureaucratie, <strong>de</strong> l'armée<br />

<strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong>s juges qui en sont une partie, d'être en faveur<br />

d'une intégration <strong>de</strong> plus en plus forte à l'Union. Mais<br />

<strong>de</strong>s secteurs comme le,ministère.<strong>de</strong> l'Intérieur ou encore<br />

l'année se voient comme les gardiens <strong>de</strong> l'ordre <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong> la<br />

stabilité en Turquie. Alors, compte tenu du terrorisme<br />

qui existe c.heznous, ils.semontrent plus méfiants. Mais<br />

c'est une règle générale qùe dans chaque Etat, il y a <strong>de</strong>s<br />

forces <strong>de</strong> l'ordre <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong>s forces libérales <strong>et</strong> qu'il faut un<br />

,consensus entre ces <strong>de</strong>ux secteurs pour arriver à une réforme<br />

continue <strong>et</strong> pacifique.<br />

L'impuissance <strong>de</strong> l'Union il régler le conflit yougo.<br />

slave n'a-t-elle pas refroidi votre enthousiasme à la<br />

rejoindre?<br />

Au début, nous avons faÎt tout notre possible pour ai<strong>de</strong>r<br />

nos amis <strong>de</strong> l'Union, <strong>de</strong> l'Otan, <strong>de</strong> l'ONU à avoir<br />

une attitu<strong>de</strong> plus ferme en Boshie. Car, ou bien vous<br />

donnez aux bosniaques les moyens <strong>de</strong> se défendre ou<br />

bien vous les défen<strong>de</strong>z vous-mêmes. Si vous ne faites<br />

ni l'un ni l'autre, alors l'agression <strong>et</strong> la souffrance<br />

continuent. C'est ce qui s'est passé. Mais après la pri-<br />

-lied'otages <strong>de</strong>s Casques bleus <strong>et</strong> les <strong>de</strong>rnières agressions,<br />

on aura la volonté d'arrêter l'agression.<br />

La Turquie s'est toujours montré très pru<strong>de</strong>nte <strong>de</strong>puis le<br />

début du conflit.<br />

'<br />

Considérez.vous que le Parlement européen, qui a<br />

posé en préalable illa ratification <strong>de</strong> l'Union doua.<br />

nière, un meilleur respect <strong>de</strong>s droits <strong>de</strong> l'homme,<br />

Recueilli<br />




."<br />

AkIn Birdal: Kurdish people will <strong>de</strong>ci<strong>de</strong><br />

if PKK will be part of the peace process<br />

to <strong>de</strong>ci<strong>de</strong> On the PKK' s future role in<br />

Turkey. 'The only <strong>de</strong>cision-making body<br />

in Turkey is the Turkish Grand National<br />

.A.~se1,l\bly(TJ3~)l'TDN S41

THURSDAY. JUNE 8. 1995<br />

_je -!. .... i: Of.'<br />

W<br />

N<br />

Turkish Daily News- ;<br />

::t:J<br />

been consi<strong>de</strong>ring.writing a l<strong>et</strong>ter'to Alliin<br />

Juppe stating that Turkey would like to be<br />

inclu<strong>de</strong>d in the Cannes summit, but it is not<br />

.clear wh<strong>et</strong>her she will send such a l<strong>et</strong>ter or<br />

s~pl¥ raise ~e issu~ during her visit in <strong>Paris</strong>. .<br />

Ills possIble (Oli the part of the European<br />

'Union) to extend'aninvitation toTurkey. We<br />

,have already send out f~lers in thatdirec-<br />

. tion," a senior TurkisQ diplomat said.<br />

. Ankara has so far concealed itsdisap~int-<br />

. ment over not having received an invitaUOnto<br />

.the summit" which marks the end of the<br />

French presidèncy.. ,: , , '.', '<br />

''What is important for us at this' point is to compl<strong>et</strong>e our obligations '<br />

and realize the customs union, which provi<strong>de</strong>s a cornerstonein our aim<br />

of full membership, and thereby join in the 1996 conference, where<br />

important <strong>de</strong>cisions will be ma<strong>de</strong>," Foreign Ministry's <strong>de</strong>puty<br />

spoKesman Nur<strong>et</strong>tin Nurkan told a press conference last week. '<br />

Asked what Turkey thought of the fact that Il nonmembers, in:clud-•<br />

ing Central and Easteni European states, Cyprus and Malta, were invited,<br />

Nurkan replied: ','This is not a new <strong>de</strong>velopment but a,reflection of<br />

, their enlargement perspective." , '<br />

Inönü told Brussels that Turkey regar<strong>de</strong>d the customs union as a step'<br />

toward full membership. He soun<strong>de</strong>d confi<strong>de</strong>nt on the customs union,<br />

, telling van <strong>de</strong>n Broek that the Turkish government believes jt will have'<br />

done enough by October to persua<strong>de</strong> the European Parliament to<br />

approve Ankara forming a customs union with the EU next y.ear.<br />

Inönü said he ho~ the documents on constitutional reform would<br />

be ready at the end of this month. He ad<strong>de</strong>d that his government, bol-,<br />

stered by weekend Jocal el~tions, w9uld press ahead wit!?a pac~age of<br />

reformmeasures Withthe aIm of puttmg tliem to the Turkish Parliament<br />

by the end of this month. "I am quite hopeful that all these procedures<br />

, will be finalized on time and that Turkey will become a member of the<br />

customs union by Jan. I, 1996," he said. Van <strong>de</strong>n Broek's spokesman<br />

said Inönü ,had told the commissioner his country was on the right track<br />

to satisfy both the European Union and the European p'arliament.<br />

"The Commissioner was very encouraged by the news from the foreign<br />

minister," he said. "He un<strong>de</strong>rlined that the EU and Turkey had the<br />

common goal of forming the customs union."<br />

US report calls PKK real<br />

,threat to Americaninterests<br />

Turkish Daily News<br />

ANKARA-TheU.S. "19!14 Global.<br />

, Terrorism Report" issued by the State<br />

, Department in Â~ril inclu<strong>de</strong>s the Kurdistan<br />

Workers' Party (PKK) -in a list of-organiZations<br />

that threaten U.S. i'nterests, the<br />

Anatolian news agency reported on<br />

Wednesday. ' ,<br />

The Department' s 1994 report had not<br />

inclu<strong>de</strong>d tlie PKK among groups that pose a<br />

danger for U.S interests.<br />

,~'ThePKK employs the tactics of international<br />

terrorism m itscampaign to s<strong>et</strong>up a '<br />

s,epara.te state in the Southeastern part of<br />

Turkey," this year:s report stated, saying<br />

that this constituted a threat to Amencan<br />

interests.<br />

The report also said that the PKK had<br />

spread its terrorist activities to Western<br />

Europe, thus causing disturbances in the<br />

West. It mentioned that the political wing of<br />

the PKK - the ERNK - had opened<br />

bureaus in Italy and Greece last year. '<br />

The re{lO.~pointed ~ut that ~~ PKK's tl:!-<br />

ronst activIties targ<strong>et</strong>mg tounstIc resorts m<br />

Turkey had <strong>de</strong>clinedin 1994. However, it<br />

stlltedthat PKK operations targ<strong>et</strong>ing the<br />

government and economic sources in<br />

Turkey were dangerous both for Turks and<br />

foreigners in the country.<br />

The report, which <strong>de</strong>scribes the terrorist<br />

activities in the world during 1994, also<br />

mentioned the Islamic terrorists organizations<br />

in Turkey for the first time.<br />

The daily Cumhuriy<strong>et</strong> quoted the report<br />

as saying "the fu'ndamentalist ISlamic<br />

gro~ps. organized' attacks on, secular st~te<br />

msbtutlOns."<br />

,The daily said the report had named ,<br />

Islamic Jihad, (Islami Cibad) the Islamic<br />

Movement Organization and the Great<br />

Eastern Islamic Rai<strong>de</strong>rs- Front (IBDA-C)<br />

among Islamic terrorist organizations:<br />

The report also highlIghted that these<br />

Islamic organizations had carried out their '<br />

attacks with the aim of establishing Sharia<br />

or Islamic law. These'Islamic organizations<br />

was <strong>de</strong>scribed as anti-West in the report. .<br />

Another terrorist orgaiùzation the report<br />

<strong>de</strong>scribed as a threat was the Revolutionary<br />

Left (Dev Sol) in Turkey. The feJlC?rt stated<br />

thu. Dev-Sol was still a potenbal danger<br />

both for U.S interests and for Americans<br />

working in Turkey, <strong>de</strong>spite the internal divisions<br />

which have weakened Dev-Sol.<br />

The report accused Iran of supporting<br />

international terrorism and said that this<br />

country participated in terrorist activities<br />

directly. ' , .<br />

Iraq is the other country ,the report links<br />

with terrorism. It siated that the Iraqi gov- ,<br />

ernment was providing, logistic facihties<br />

and shelters for the terrorist organiZations.<br />

The report also said that although there is<br />

no evi<strong>de</strong>nce of Syria's direct support of<br />

international terronsm since 1986, it stated<br />

that Syrian administration was providing<br />

logistic supports and shelters for many terrorist<br />

or:gamzations~including the PKK.<br />

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.turc, <strong>et</strong> sillonné par <strong>de</strong>s cargos <strong>et</strong> paquebots<br />

aux sir~nes stri<strong>de</strong>ntes.<br />

TIes sirènes, Ozgul Eren, ancien architecte<br />

reconverti dans le prosélytisme,<br />

en délivre à la pelle, par voie<br />

hertzienne. Envoûtantes à souhait,<br />

propres à séduire non les marins mais<br />

les terriens, les paysans, les exilés <strong>de</strong>s<br />

plaines lointaines d'Anatolie, perdus.<br />

dans la gran<strong>de</strong> ville d'Istanbul <strong>et</strong> en-<br />

- clins à r<strong>et</strong>rouver <strong>de</strong>s racines oubliées. A<br />

longueur <strong>de</strong> journée, les ém<strong>et</strong>teurs <strong>de</strong><br />

Kanal 7 propagent la sainte parole,<br />

prêche d'un règne annoncé. Point <strong>de</strong><br />

censure outrancière: entre les murs <strong>de</strong><br />

ces studios <strong>de</strong> fortune, on tolère les débats<br />

contradictoires, les femmes non<br />

voilées, les <strong>de</strong>ssins animés d'Occi<strong>de</strong>nt,<br />

univers pourtant honni hors antenne.<br />

Et peu importe à ces prédicateurs patentés<br />

que leur audience baisse lorsque<br />

les chaines privées, au crépuscule, prom<strong>et</strong>tent<br />

aux foyers stambouliotes jupons,<br />

danses lascives <strong>et</strong> blon<strong>de</strong>s effeuillées.<br />

Ceux-là savent que le grand<br />

soir enveloppera bientôt ces rivages<br />

aux mœurs maudites. La conquête <strong>de</strong>s<br />

. âmes sur les bords du Bosphore s'effectue<br />

aussi par les on<strong>de</strong>s. Et le p<strong>et</strong>it<br />

écran, clament-ils avec l'assurance <strong>de</strong>s<br />

zélateurs <strong>de</strong> « l'ordre juste», ne constitue<br />

que le prolongement naturel <strong>de</strong>s<br />

minar<strong>et</strong>s.<br />

Depuis un an, Istanbul, la «vieille<br />

main couverte <strong>de</strong> bijoux tendue vers t'Europe»<br />

que vénérait Cocteau, s'est parée<br />

<strong>de</strong> nouveaux atours. Des bagues<br />

.vertes, aux couleurs <strong>de</strong> l'Islam, davantagè<br />

tournées vers l'Orient. En mars<br />

1994, les islamistes du Refah Partisi, le<br />

Parti <strong>de</strong> la prospérité, conquièrent les<br />

gran<strong>de</strong>s villes. Istanbul, Ankara <strong>et</strong><br />

d'autres cités, sYII!boles <strong>de</strong> la laïcité<br />

turque, imposée en 1926 par Kemal<br />

Atatürk; le « Père <strong>de</strong> tous les Turcs»,<br />

tombent dans leur escarcelle. Horreur,<br />

clament les Stambôuliotes. Puis la peur<br />

le cè<strong>de</strong> à une curiosité. Quid <strong>de</strong> l'obscurantisme<br />

tant redouté?<br />

On déménage les vespasiennes<br />

At, l'usure du pouvoir les « maires<br />

verts» du Refah sont désormais<br />

confrontés. «Istanbul, c'est un ca<strong>de</strong>au<br />

empoisonné », persiflent les « laïcards».<br />

Passent encore les décisions <strong>de</strong> pacotille<br />

... A peine intronisé, le nouveau<br />

.maître d'Istanbul, Recep Tayip Erdogan,<br />

décréta que les toil<strong>et</strong>tes <strong>de</strong> la mairie<br />

n'étaient pas en o<strong>de</strong>ur <strong>de</strong> saint<strong>et</strong>é.<br />

Tournées vers La Mecque, elles gênaient<br />

l'élu, qui ordonna <strong>de</strong> déplacer<br />

les vespasiennes en <strong>de</strong>s lieux moins<br />

.profanes. Quant à la sécheresse légendaire<br />

d'Istanbul, le maire, pour la<br />

contrer, s'en est remis à la puissance<br />

divine. Plus <strong>de</strong> fusées atmosphériques<br />

pour inciter les nuages à s'épandre, les<br />

prières collectives suffiront. Mais les<br />

incantations <strong>de</strong>s muftis sont restées<br />

vaines, <strong>et</strong> face aux errements <strong>de</strong>s cieux,<br />

MONDI<br />

Erdogan, l'âme en peine, a dû renouer<br />

avec la technologie décriée. Les<br />

gran<strong>de</strong>s réformes, eUes, dorment encore<br />

dans les tiroirs ...<br />

«Avec ses douze millions d'habitants,<br />

Istanbul est une ville ingérable », avance<br />

un diplomate turc, en écho au portrait<br />

qu'en fit le romancier Yachar Kemal:<br />

«Une ville au cœur rongé par <strong>de</strong>s milliers,<br />

<strong>de</strong>s millions <strong>de</strong> vers grouillants, où<br />

tout pourrit, l'eau, le sel, <strong>et</strong> jusqu'aux<br />

pierres <strong>et</strong> jusqu'aux f1ommes.'; La corruption,<br />

que décriaient hier encore les<br />

fondamentalistes à l'assaut <strong>de</strong>s villes ?<br />

«Au lieu <strong>de</strong> graisser la patte <strong>de</strong>s employés<br />

<strong>de</strong> mairie pour avoir l'eau ou un<br />

permis <strong>de</strong> construire, lance Okay Gönensin,<br />

directeur du quotidien Yeni YÜzyil<br />

("Nouveau Siècle ''), on paie désormais<br />

une fondation islamique!»<br />

Depuis leur victoire, il est vrai, les<br />


République: <strong>de</strong>puis 1923 ; laïcité<br />

instaurée en 1924 ; prési<strong>de</strong>nt: Süleyman<br />

Demirel (<strong>de</strong>puis 1993); Premier<br />

ministre: Tansu Ciller (<strong>de</strong>puis<br />

1993).<br />

Population: 62 millions d'habitants,<br />

dont 12 à 15 millions <strong>de</strong> Kur<strong>de</strong>s.<br />

D<strong>et</strong>te extérieure: 65 milliards<strong>de</strong> dollars.<br />

Croissance: - 5,4 % en 1994; prévisions<br />

pour 1995: 3 %.<br />

Inflation: 90 %.<br />

Pouvoir d'achat: - 15 à 20 % en<br />

1994.<br />

édiles qui brandissent le Coran n'ont<br />

eu <strong>de</strong> cesse <strong>de</strong> songer à <strong>de</strong>s mannes<br />

bien peu célestes: les caisses <strong>de</strong> leur<br />

parti. L'un <strong>de</strong>s dirigeants, Süleyman<br />

Mercûmek, qui feint l'apostolat, est ainsi<br />

accusé d'avoir détourne <strong>de</strong>s dons pour<br />

la Bosnie - plusieurs millions <strong>de</strong> dollars<br />

... C<strong>et</strong> homme d'affaires,' qui<br />

compte <strong>de</strong>s intérêts dans le charbon,<br />

l'édition <strong>et</strong> la construction, brasse <strong>de</strong>s<br />

sommes astronomiques. <strong>de</strong>stinées au<br />

parti. 250 millions <strong>de</strong> dallais, en provenance<br />

d'Arabie saoudite, <strong>de</strong> la Ugue<br />

islamique mondiale <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong> l'émigration<br />

turque en Allemagne, auraient ainsi<br />

transité entre ses mains. Quitte à ce<br />

qu'il empO'che au passage <strong>de</strong> substantielles<br />

commissions, plus tangibles que<br />

les promesses <strong>de</strong> paradis. De généreux<br />

bienfaiteurs cè<strong>de</strong>nt-ils une large aumône<br />

pour construire une université<br />

islamique? Mercümek s'empresse <strong>de</strong><br />

revendre le terrain à <strong>de</strong>s ouvriers turcs.<br />

La justice enquête. Les fins limiers d'In- .<br />

terpol, eux, ont tranché: <strong>de</strong>rrière<br />

l'homme pieux se cache un redoutable<br />

blanchisseur d'argent sale.<br />

Dans son palais rose qui domine les<br />

eaux <strong>de</strong> la Corne d'or, bras du Bosphore,<br />

le maire islamiste <strong>de</strong> Beyöglu,<br />

quartier chic d'Istanbul <strong>et</strong> ancienne ville<br />

<strong>de</strong>s Génois au temps <strong>de</strong> Constantinople,<br />

ne veut rien entendre <strong>de</strong> ces accusations<br />

irrévérencieuses. « Allah reconnaîtra<br />

les siens», professe-t-il en<br />

substance. Ingénieur <strong>de</strong>Jormation, Nusr<strong>et</strong><br />

Bayraktar; qui arbore un costume<br />

bien peu traditionnel- veste orange <strong>et</strong><br />

chemise bleu sombre à la mo<strong>de</strong> - jure<br />

que la cité se porte mieux. Sans doute<br />

parce que ses frasques <strong>et</strong> désirs <strong>de</strong> noU:<br />

veau vizir ont été amendés ... Les caf<strong>et</strong>iers,<br />

porte-drapeau du péché, ont ains!<br />

été sommés <strong>de</strong> rapatrier sous leur toit<br />

les tables <strong>de</strong>s trottoirs, vitrines d'un alcool<br />

surabondant <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong> jeunes filles en<br />

décoll<strong>et</strong>é. Tollé dans la ville. Le maire a<br />

reculé, <strong>et</strong> les effluves du raki envahissent<br />

toujours les rues du quartier, fréquentées<br />

par <strong>de</strong>s amants que nul sermon<br />

ne semble pouvoir séparer.<br />

Autre combat, digne d'un calife: la<br />

couleur <strong>de</strong>s trottoirs. «Peignez-les en<br />

vert», a ordonné le maire à son bataillon<br />

d'employés municipaux. Nouvelle tempête.<br />

Le maire a fait amen<strong>de</strong> honorable.<br />

«Ne croyez pas que c'était pour l'islam,<br />

se justJfie Bayraktar avec la fausse ingénuité<br />

<strong>de</strong>s vrais conspirateurs. Le vert,<br />

c'est bon pour les yeux. Deman<strong>de</strong>z donc<br />

à votre mé<strong>de</strong>cin ... »<br />

1 000 mosquées par an<br />

A l'entendre, la takkiye, l'art <strong>de</strong> la dissimulation<br />

que partageaient Persans <strong>et</strong><br />

Ottomans dans les cours impériales, ne<br />

reste pas l<strong>et</strong>tre morte entre les mu- ..<br />

railles d'Istanbul. Comme la palinodie.<br />

«Banalisation du discours», disent cer:<br />

tains détracteurs. «Au contraire, s'in- .<br />

surgent les autres: ils ne veulent plus<br />

effrayer pour mieux prendre le pouvoir. » .<br />

Reproche-t-{)n au secrétaire général du<br />

Refah, Oguzhan Asiltürk, les <strong>de</strong>rnières<br />

affaires <strong>de</strong> corruption <strong>et</strong> la montée<br />

d'une mafia islamiste, il balaie d'un<br />

geste altier ces griefs <strong>et</strong> parle <strong>de</strong> son<br />

rêve <strong>de</strong> conquête, « en fidèle Ottoman» :<br />

les quatre coins du pays, du bazar d'Istanbul<br />

au fin fond <strong>de</strong> l'Anatolie.<br />

Curieuse symbiose, tout <strong>de</strong> même,<br />

qui règne dans les rues d'Istanbul, <strong>et</strong><br />

au-<strong>de</strong>là, dans la Turquie entière. Deux<br />

mon<strong>de</strong>s cohabitent <strong>et</strong> s'épient au pays<br />

d'Atatürk: le mon<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> la tessekur, la<br />

stricte tenue islamique, que présentent<br />

avec une ostentation toute militante.<br />

<strong>de</strong>s boutiques sans cesse plus nom- ..<br />

breuses, <strong>et</strong> celui <strong>de</strong>s boléros audacieux;<br />

celui <strong>de</strong>s minar<strong>et</strong>s en chantier -<br />

1000 mosquées surgissent cbaque an-<br />

. née <strong>de</strong>s entrailles turques'-'-\ <strong>et</strong> celui <strong>de</strong>s<br />

piliers lézardés du kémalisme, l'idéo- ~<br />



colonies! N Constat opposé d'un influent<br />

parlementaire: «La marche vers l'Eulogie<br />

laïque <strong>et</strong> républicaine <strong>de</strong> la Turquie<br />

mo<strong>de</strong>rne, qui <strong>de</strong>meure encore une<br />

référence, voire un modèle pour<br />

nombre <strong>de</strong> nations musulmanes; celui<br />

<strong>de</strong>s laudateurs du règne d'Allah <strong>et</strong> celui<br />

<strong>de</strong>s héritiers d'Atatürk, les uns <strong>et</strong> les<br />

autres dépositaires d'un dogme. Et<br />

pour le malheur <strong>de</strong>s républicains, la balance<br />

penche en faveur <strong>de</strong>s premiers,<br />

portés par les indigents, les déshérités<br />

<strong>et</strong> une frange <strong>de</strong> la moyenne bourgeoisie,<br />

du négoce <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong> l'intelligentsia.<br />

cc Ana" <strong>et</strong> cc Baba ..<br />

Car la crise couve à Ankara <strong>et</strong> fait le<br />

lit <strong>de</strong>s partisans <strong>de</strong> la charia, la loi coranique.<br />

Empêtrée dans une querelle<br />

<strong>de</strong>s chefs, Tansu Ciller, Premier ministre<br />

d'un gouvernement à la dérive -<br />

une coalition centre droit-gauche - subit<br />

les fouca<strong>de</strong>s du prési<strong>de</strong>nt Süleyman<br />

Demirel, pourtant issu du même bord.<br />

Désignée voilà <strong>de</strong>ux ans, c<strong>et</strong> ancien professeur<br />

d'économie <strong>de</strong> 49 ans, en butte<br />

à <strong>de</strong>s indicateurs au rouge (90 % d'inflation,<br />

une <strong>de</strong>tte externe <strong>de</strong> 65 milliards<br />

<strong>de</strong> dollars <strong>et</strong> une croissance négative<br />

<strong>de</strong> - 5,4 % l'an <strong>de</strong>rnier), a perdu son<br />

aura. « Ana}) (


136<br />

aux termes <strong>de</strong> la loi, le scribe risque <strong>de</strong><br />

@.er <strong>de</strong> la geôle pour incitation au séparatisme.<br />

«Les kémalistes veulent gouvemer<br />

le pays comme il y a soixante-dix<br />

ans, tonitrue l'écrivain blâmé. C'est pourquoi<br />

la Turquie reste bloquée entre fondamentalistes<br />

religieux <strong>et</strong> fondamentalistes<br />

laïcs. " Au nom <strong>de</strong> ces mêmes lois .<br />

poussiéreuses, les mé<strong>de</strong>cins qui osent<br />

soigner les rebelles<br />

à l'est sont embastillés,<br />

telle docteur<br />

Ilhan Diken, qui<br />

croupit dans un cachot<br />

<strong>de</strong> Diyarbakir<br />

(voir le témoignage<br />

<strong>de</strong> Mehdi Zan a,<br />

« La prison n° 5",<br />

Editions Arléa).<br />

Face à ces atermoiements,<br />

face<br />

aux disputes <strong>de</strong>s<br />

héritiers du kémalisme<br />

séculier <strong>et</strong> jacobin, les sectateurs<br />

<strong>de</strong> la charia fourbissent leurs armes.<br />

Greffier <strong>de</strong> la moindre vindicte, héraut<br />

du rej<strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong> l'Europe, le parti islamiste<br />

caracole en tête <strong>de</strong>s sondages - 23 %<br />

<strong>de</strong>s intentions <strong>de</strong> vote. Certes, ses élus<br />

accumulent les impairs, mais la campagne<br />

pieuse a déjà levé ses étendards.<br />

Offensé par le regard <strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong>ux statues<br />

dans le parc Altinpark, le maire d'Ankara<br />

a ainsi ordonné leur enlèvement.<br />

Les sculptures, a-t-il juré la main sur le<br />

cœur, représentaient «un couple en orgasme<br />

". Morale pru<strong>de</strong>, qui n'a pas empêché<br />

un autre élu islamiste <strong>de</strong> finir<br />

dans les r<strong>et</strong>s <strong>de</strong> la maréchaussée: en<br />

gogu<strong>et</strong>te dans les rues <strong>de</strong> la capitale,<br />

avec <strong>de</strong>ux travestis prostitués, l'islamiste<br />

fut accusé <strong>de</strong> tapage nocturne <strong>et</strong><br />

d'outrage aux bonnes mœurs ...<br />

A Istanbul, les troupes s'avèrent<br />

prêtes pour le saint combat. Au noyau<br />

dur <strong>de</strong> militants radicaux s'amalgament<br />

désormais une foule <strong>de</strong> grenadiers-voltigeurs<br />

<strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong> supplétifs. Nombre d'intellectuels,<br />

dont d'anciens gauchistes<br />

perdus dans la vacuité idéologique, ont<br />

ainsi rallié la bannière <strong>de</strong> l'islam, atten-<br />

cc Peignez les trottoirs en<br />

vert », a ordonné le maire<br />

<strong>de</strong> Beyöglu. Mais il a fait<br />

amen<strong>de</strong> honorable :<br />

cc Ne croyez pas que c'était<br />

pour l'islam. Le ùert, c'est<br />

bon pour les yeux... »<br />

tifs aux prêches <strong>de</strong>s maitres à pen,-,:?r.<br />

L'un d'eux délivre <strong>de</strong>s serme-lls dlflammés,<br />

par voie <strong>de</strong> presse ou sur les<br />

on<strong>de</strong>s <strong>de</strong>s chaînes islamistes. Longiligne,<br />

la barbe finement taillée, Abdurrahman<br />

Dilipak, 55 ans, préfère siéger<br />

<strong>de</strong> l'autre côté du Bosphore, sur la rive<br />

asiatique, comme un conquérant ottoman<br />

face aux remparts lézardés, à la<br />

magnificence <strong>et</strong> la<br />

déca<strong>de</strong>nce <strong>de</strong><br />

Constantinople. A<br />

l'étranger soucieux<br />

<strong>de</strong> son<strong>de</strong>r ses vénérables<br />

paroles, le<br />

penseur oppose<br />

une pure vénalité.<br />

300 francs le questionnement,<br />

qui<br />

transite par<br />

l'agence islamiste<br />

Teha ... Pour les<br />

quêteurs peu nantis<br />

ou suspicieux, 100 francs suffiront,<br />

mais le dialogue à ce prix ne souffre<br />

que la transmission par fax. Où il est<br />

prédit que l'islam gagnera tôt ou tard<br />

son trône turc. Où il est énoncé que les<br />

partis laks miment l'Occi<strong>de</strong>nt décrié.<br />

Où il est affirmé sans ambages que le<br />

parti Refah flotte comme un navire sur<br />

la mer montante <strong>de</strong> l'islam.<br />

Malgré son radicalisme, Dilipak, auteur<br />

d'une trentaine d'ouvrages dont<br />

«Les guerriers <strong>de</strong> l'islam» <strong>et</strong> Il Vers la<br />

société islamique »,continue à rameuter<br />

<strong>de</strong> nouveaux partisans sur les terres<br />

du kémalisme. Tel Atilgan Bayar, 25 ans,<br />

le cheveu ras <strong>et</strong> le visage glabre.<br />

Conseiller <strong>de</strong> plusieurs éminences <strong>de</strong><br />

l'islam pur <strong>et</strong> dur, il ne craint pas les<br />

paradoxes: en jeans <strong>et</strong> bottes camarguaises,<br />

téléphone mobile à la ceinture,<br />

il fréquente moins les mosquées que le<br />

Roxy, une boîte <strong>de</strong> nuit branchée du<br />

centre d'Istanbul, dont les <strong>de</strong>ux patrons<br />

ce soir-là, poign<strong>et</strong>s <strong>et</strong> tête enveloppés<br />

dans <strong>de</strong>s bandages teintés <strong>de</strong> mercurochrome,<br />

s'amusent à décrier les dégâts<br />

occasionnés par la <strong>de</strong>rnière fête<br />

religieuse - 250 morts sur les routes en<br />

Erdogan (maire d'Istanbul), Erbakhan (chef du Refah) <strong>et</strong> Gökcek (maire d'Ankara)<br />

.'-':TUr,l{lY~'.q~rl';\J'<br />

tr(lis jours. Ulli, aradoxe: Atilgan,<br />

mentor <strong>de</strong>s nûUVeiiLLX princes d'Istanbul,<br />

aVaLe un "théisrne tenace ... «Si je<br />

les ai rejoints, confesse-t-il, c'est pour<br />

tenter d'empêcher l'affrontement entre la<br />

société <strong>et</strong> l'Etat" Aveu qui sonne comme<br />

une sinistre prémonition <strong>et</strong> qui appuie<br />

les incantations <strong>de</strong> Necm<strong>et</strong>tin Erbakhan,<br />

le chef du Refah: «La Turquie passem<br />

inévitablement à l'ordre juste. La question,<br />

c'est la pério<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> transition. Va-telle<br />

se faire par la douceur ou par la violence<br />

? Gentiment ou par le sang?"<br />

Sur les rives du Bosphore, plongé~'.<br />

dans une guérilla du signe <strong>et</strong> du sym<br />

baie, obscurantistes <strong>et</strong> nombre d'intel.<br />

lectuels libéraux se donnent donc la<br />

main, à la recherche d'une «synthèse<br />

musulmane». Comme si la Turquie entière<br />

tergiversait entre l'Islam radical,<br />

tempéré pourtant par le jeu <strong>de</strong>s confréries<br />

traditionnelles, <strong>et</strong> l'Europe, quêtée<br />

comme antidote au fondamentalisme.<br />

Mais les oracles stambouliotes <strong>de</strong>meurent<br />

soumis au crible <strong>de</strong>s généraux,<br />

<strong>de</strong>rniers remparts du kémalisme. Trois<br />

fois en trente-cinq ans, l'armée est sortie<br />

<strong>de</strong> ses quartiers pour prendre les<br />

rênes du pays. «Si le Refah gagne,<br />

même avec la majorité r.elative, aux prochaines<br />

législatives (prévues à l'automne<br />

1996), assure un proche <strong>de</strong> Ciller, an--<br />

cien diplomate, c'est le coup d'Etat!"<br />

La mémoire d'Atatürk<br />

Malgré ces menaces, les porte-parole<br />

<strong>de</strong> 1'«ordre juste» poursuivent leur lutte<br />

-à ciel ouvert ou par infiltration <strong>de</strong>s ministères<br />

<strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong>s institutions. Foin <strong>de</strong>s<br />

bruits <strong>de</strong> bottes! Les ordinateurs, les<br />

centaines <strong>de</strong> milliers <strong>de</strong> fiches constituées,<br />

le contrôle <strong>de</strong> la rente foncière<br />

dans les mairies tenues par le Refah représenteront<br />

autant d'armes <strong>de</strong> choix.<br />

«Il faut restaurer le califat à Istanbul,<br />

<strong>et</strong> transformer l'église Sainte-Sophie en<br />

mosquée';, clame dans son bureau <strong>de</strong><br />

l'Assemblée Hasan Mesarci. C<strong>et</strong> ancien<br />

prédicateur <strong>de</strong> mosquée, <strong>de</strong>venu député<br />

d'Istanbul, s'estime héritier,<br />

«comme tous les Turcs ", <strong>de</strong> la gran<strong>de</strong>ur<br />

ottomane. Thuriféraire isolé <strong>de</strong> la charia,<br />

dira-t-on. Certes, mais tonitruant,<br />

~ apte à j<strong>et</strong>er dans les rues <strong>de</strong>s épigones<br />

o voués au culte <strong>de</strong>s martyrs. «Atatürk<br />

est pire que Hitler. Il a oppressé les<br />

croyantS", lance-toilsans crainte du blasphème.<br />

Le père <strong>de</strong> la nation S'Pli r<strong>et</strong>ourn~<br />

ait dans son mausolée ... Faut-<br />

H lire <strong>de</strong>rrière la plaque au nom du<br />

parlementaire islamiste une <strong>de</strong>stinée<br />

<strong>de</strong> justicier, ou bien <strong>de</strong> croque-mort <strong>de</strong><br />

l'idolâtrie? Mesarci signifie «celui qui<br />

creuse le tombeau Il. D'autres portent<br />

encore aux nues la statue d'Atatürk,<br />

pourtant ébréchée comme une vieille<br />

porcelaine du palais <strong>de</strong>s sultans. Lancé<br />

dans sa croisa<strong>de</strong> du verbé, porté par<br />

les nouvelles sirènes du Bosphore, le<br />

partisan <strong>de</strong> la charia se contente, lui,<br />

<strong>de</strong> creuser lentement son sépulcre. _


Libération e 10-11 juin 1995<br />

France Soir e 9 juin 1995<br />

Le Figaro e 10-11 juin 1995<br />

.'<br />

Catherine<br />

Lalumière<br />

traitée <strong>de</strong><br />

«prostituée» par<br />

un ministre turc<br />

Trois élues du Parlement<br />

européen, la Française<br />

Catherine Lalumière, la<br />

Britannique Pauline<br />

Green <strong>et</strong> l'Alleman<strong>de</strong><br />

Claudia Roth viennent<br />

<strong>de</strong> protester auprès du<br />

Premier ministre turc,<br />

après avoir été traitées <strong>de</strong><br />

«prostituées» par un<br />

ministre <strong>de</strong> son<br />

gouvernement. Les trois'<br />

femmes <strong>de</strong>man<strong>de</strong>nt à<br />

Tansu Ciller <strong>de</strong> se<br />

démarquer <strong>de</strong> son<br />

ministre d'Etat Ayvaz<br />

Gok<strong>de</strong>mir, dont eUes<br />

atten<strong>de</strong>nt <strong>de</strong>s excuses<br />

personnelles.<br />

Prési<strong>de</strong>ntes du groupe <strong>de</strong><br />

l'Alliance radicale, du<br />

Groupe socialiste <strong>et</strong> du<br />

Groupe <strong>de</strong>s Verts,<br />

Lalumière, Green <strong>et</strong><br />

Roth étaient venues fin<br />

mai en visite officielle en<br />

Turquie plai<strong>de</strong>r pour la<br />

libération <strong>de</strong>s<br />

prisonniers politiques<br />

kurd~s. «.Nous n'allons<br />

pas Libérer ces traîtres<br />

pour faire plaisir à-ces<br />

prostituées<br />

européennes», a<br />

rétorqué Gok<strong>de</strong>mir dans<br />

un récent me<strong>et</strong>ing<br />

électoral.<br />

Turkish Dairy News<br />

Ment~e: Government to remove<br />

terror issue from the agenda<br />

Turkish<br />

Daily News<br />

ANKARA- Graduates of the Police Aca<strong>de</strong>my<br />

received their diplomas at a ceremony atten<strong>de</strong>d<br />

by Interior Minister Nahit Mente~e, the Anatolia<br />

news agency reported on Friday. Speaking at the<br />

ceremony Mente~e said that Turkey's important<br />

position in the world was disturbing to certain<br />

circles and ad<strong>de</strong>d that the government will soon<br />

remove the terror issue from its agenda.<br />

The minister said that an educated soci<strong>et</strong>y was<br />

essential to a country' s <strong>de</strong>velopment and that<br />

police officers are now trained to un<strong>de</strong>rstand the<br />

)mportance of human rights and <strong>de</strong>mocracy.<br />

Mente~e continued that the police force played a<br />

significant r~le in fighting militants of the outlawed<br />

KurdIStan Workers' Party (PKK) in the<br />

country. Mente~e ad<strong>de</strong>d that 4.5 tons of narcotics<br />


Trois' députées Insultées<br />

Cl Le ministre d'é:tat turc Ayvaz<br />

Gok<strong>de</strong>mlr a démenti hier avoir<br />

traité <strong>de</strong> .. pro.tltuée •.. troll<br />

élues du Parlement européen,<br />

la Britannique PauUne Gr.en,<br />

~Allemam:leClaudia Roth <strong>et</strong> la<br />

Française Catherine Lalumlère.<br />

Les trois députées avalent formellement<br />

protesté la veille auprès<br />

du premier ministre d'Ankara.<br />

Mm. Tansu Ciller, en<br />

accusant M. Gok<strong>de</strong>mlr <strong>de</strong> les<br />

avoir Insultées. Le ministre turc<br />

faisait référence à leur prise <strong>de</strong><br />

position en faveur <strong>de</strong>-la libération<br />

<strong>de</strong>s prisonniers politiques<br />

kurd.s.<br />

SATIJRDA Y, JUNE 10, 1995.<br />

has been confiscated during the military operation<br />

in northern Ira~.<br />

Mehm<strong>et</strong> Agar, director general of Police, said<br />

that education is very important and the police<br />

work hard for the country s security and <strong>de</strong>serve<br />

the support of the Turkish people. Haci Orner<br />

Sabancl, executive board chairman of Sabanci<br />

Foundation, gave a $5,000 prize to Bülent<br />

Demirci .w.hograduated top of his class, $3,000 to<br />

Hayr<strong>et</strong>tIn. Dogansoy who was second and a<br />

$2,000 pr!ze to ErsIn YalçIn forbeing third.<br />

Sabancl said that peace and security are the basic<br />

rules of <strong>de</strong>velopment. Diplomas were presented<br />

to the three top stu<strong>de</strong>nts bi' Mente~e, Agar and<br />

Ankara Governor Erdogan ~ahinoglu, the agency<br />

reported.<br />


•..... ~.... I<br />


Turkish Dairy News<br />

SATURDAY, JUNE 10,1995.<br />

the:s ... ...Kiiiali~>f.~;tbef


A -F P --:=-A- -F- -P --,-:: A- -F P- ---~: A- F -P-'--.;:: A-':F- -P- ---.::.A-"-F, -P- ---~~<br />

FRS0225 4 I \J-'.:S.:S TUR !AFP-FW22.<br />

Turquie-Kur<strong>de</strong>s<br />

141 maquisards kur<strong>de</strong>s tués en dix jours, selon le ministre <strong>de</strong> l'Intérieur<br />

ANKARA, 11 juin (AFP) - Cent quarante <strong>et</strong> un rebelles du Parti <strong>de</strong>s<br />

trav.ailleurs du Kurdistan (PKK, séparatiste) ont été tués lors d'opérations<br />

militaires du 1er au 10 juin dans l'est <strong>et</strong> le sud-est anatoliens, a annoncé<br />

dimanche à Ankara le ministre <strong>de</strong> l'Intérieur turc Nahit Mentese.<br />

Hans la même pério<strong>de</strong>, 168 maquisards kur<strong>de</strong>s ont été arrêtés, a indiqué<br />

le mini~tre qui a précisé que <strong>de</strong>puis le début <strong>de</strong> l'année, 209 militants<br />

armés du PKK s'étaient rendus aux forces <strong>de</strong> l'ordre turques.<br />

M. Mentese a annoncé d'autre part l'arrestation <strong>de</strong> huit autres personnes<br />

auteurs <strong>de</strong> l'attentat à la bombe qui avait fait huit morts <strong>et</strong> 17 blessés le<br />

25 mai à Batman (sud-est du pays), près d'une école. Un autre militant du<br />

PKK est recherché en <strong>liaison</strong> avec c<strong>et</strong> attentat.<br />

M. Mentese a une fois <strong>de</strong> plus appelé les militants armés du PKK à se<br />

rendre à la justice turque <strong>et</strong> à bénéficier <strong>de</strong> la loi sur les repentis qui<br />

prévoit une réduction <strong>de</strong> peine.<br />

Le ministre n'a pas fait état d'éventuelles victimes parmi les forces <strong>de</strong><br />

l'ordre turques.<br />

Le PKK mène une rébellion armée contre Ankara ~epuis août 1984 pour<br />

créer un Etat indépendant kur<strong>de</strong> dans le sud-est anatolien à la frontière<br />

avec la Syrie, l'Irak <strong>et</strong> l'Iran. C<strong>et</strong>te rébellion <strong>et</strong> les opérations <strong>de</strong><br />

l'armée turque ont fait plus <strong>de</strong> 15.000 morts.<br />

CE/bir/sp<br />

AFP !J00245/1115~5 JUN 95<br />

FRS0206 4 ~ 0126 TUR /AFP-FS91<br />

Turquie-Kur<strong>de</strong>s<br />

35 rebelles kur<strong>de</strong>s <strong>et</strong> cinq soldats turcs tués en Anatolie<br />

.-<br />

ANKARA, Il juin (AFP) - Trente cinq rebelles du Parti <strong>de</strong>s travailleurs<br />

du Kurdistan (PKK, séparatiste) <strong>et</strong> cinq soldats turcs ont été tués lors<br />

d'accrochages armés dans l'est <strong>et</strong> le sud-est anatoliens ont annoncé<br />

dimanch 7 les auto:ités <strong>de</strong> Diyarbakir (dans le sud-est d~ la Turquie).<br />

, D:pU1~ merc:e~1 ~rès <strong>de</strong> 70 autres maquisards kur<strong>de</strong>s ont été tués lors<br />

d operat1ons m1l1ta1res turques, selon la même source.<br />

,Le PKK mène,une rébel~ion armée contre Ankara <strong>de</strong>puis août 1984 pour<br />

creer un Et~t 1ndépendant kur<strong>de</strong> dans le sud-est anatolien à la frontière<br />

avec la Syr1e, l'Irak <strong>et</strong> l'Iran. C<strong>et</strong>te rébellion <strong>et</strong> les opérations <strong>de</strong><br />

l'armée turque ont fait plus <strong>de</strong> 15.000 morts.<br />

CE/Bir/sp<br />

AFP /J00245/111511 JUN 95<br />

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Turkish Daily News opinion poll on future of northern Iraq<br />

. . ,<br />

. .<br />

.<br />

Turks: Baghdad or Ankara should control<br />

northern Iraq; Provi<strong>de</strong> Comfort should go<br />

On Iraq: Majority<br />

feels Saddam is no .<br />

threat to Turkey<br />

Turkish Daily News<br />

ANKARA- A majority of Turks feel it isin<br />

Turkey's security interests that either northern<br />

Iraq should be given back to the control. of<br />

Saddam Hussein's administration in Baghdad<br />

or Ankara should control the region, according<br />

to a public opinion poll conducted by the<br />

Turkish Daily News research <strong>de</strong>partment. .<br />

The poll also showed that a majority of<br />

Turks do not want the Provi<strong>de</strong> Comfort force<br />

to remain in the region and feel Saddàm<br />

Hussein is not a threat to Turkey.<br />

The pollwas. conducted by random samplin~<br />

in the city centers of Ankara, Istanbul, .<br />

IZffilr and Antalya and covered 2,004 samples.<br />

.<br />

According to the poll 36.03 percent of<br />

those questioned felt if northern Iraq was<br />

given back .to the control of Saddam<br />

Hussein's administration in Baghdad this<br />

would serve Turkey's securityinterests.<br />

Another 34.68 percent feft Turkey should<br />

be given full control of northern Iraq.<br />

Only 9.28 percent said northern Iraqi<br />

Kurdish lea<strong>de</strong>rs.should control the area.<br />

But that was lower than the 17.76 which<br />

felt international control was nee<strong>de</strong>d in the<br />

region.<br />

The Iraqi territorj that falls to the north of<br />

the 36th parallel was <strong>de</strong>clared a ':safe-haven"<br />

Saddam: Turks do not feel threathened<br />

for Iraqi Kurds by the United Nations<br />

Security Council in 1991 to keep Saddam<br />

Hussein from takirig revenge for an uprising<br />

after his Gulf War <strong>de</strong>feat.<br />

A task force called "Operation Provi<strong>de</strong><br />

Comfort" was established in mid-1991 to protect<br />

the enclave against Saddam's forces. The'<br />

force is comprised 'jf 48 U.S., French and<br />

British planes and i, stationed at the lncirlik<br />

air base in southem Turkey. Turkey extends<br />

the mandate of the Provi<strong>de</strong> Comfort force<br />

Question: What should Turkey do in northern Iraq<br />

to maintain its own security?<br />

~>. a: The regi~n should be given<br />

.•• 34,.68:,:.~:~o/c~~.; !_~__.'~ b.~~~[~~~d<br />

. ~~~


ve)'ed are against the presence of Provi<strong>de</strong> Comfort in the<br />

region, while 30.49 approve.<br />

Similar TON surve)'s in the past few years also showed<br />

both the people and the p~liamentarian~ oppose Provi<strong>de</strong><br />

Comfort. .Turkey' s secunty co~cems l!l nort.hem Iraq<br />

increased ID the past year when nval Iraqi Kurdish groups<br />

started fighting broody battles among themselves, thus creating<br />

a power vacuum in the region.<br />

The forces of Kurdish Democracy Party lea<strong>de</strong>r Massoud<br />

Banani and Patriotic Union of KurdIstan boss Jalal Talabani<br />

could not control tpe movements of the separatist Kurdish<br />

terrorists of the PKK (Kurdistan Workers' Party) which uses<br />

northern Iraq as a base for its attacks against targ<strong>et</strong>s in<br />

Turkey.<br />

In March Turkey sent more than 35,000 troops into northern<br />

Iraq to flush out the PKK. The troops were withdrawn in<br />

May. However, Turkey and the Western powers have failed<br />

to end the fighting b<strong>et</strong>ween Barzani and Talabani. and thus<br />

bring some stability in the region.<br />

The survey also seemed to strengthen the hands of those<br />

who want closer ties b<strong>et</strong>ween Ankara and Baghdad as 66.22<br />

percent of the respon<strong>de</strong>nts feit Saddam Hussein is no threat to<br />

Turkey. Most of the respon<strong>de</strong>nts who answered the survey<br />

also ma<strong>de</strong> some interesting comments which showed sympa.<br />

thy for Iraq and some antagonism towards the West. Here are<br />

some interesting quoteS:<br />

• "I would have liked the international community to control<br />

northern Iraq but after seeing the performance of the<br />

international force in Bosnia I realized this was impossible.<br />

For this. reason I say whoeve~ has the sovereign ri~t to rule<br />

in northern IraQ should control the area."<br />

• "Isn't northern Iraq the territory of Irag?' And aren't we<br />

saying we support Ir~'s territorial integrity?'<br />

• ''What liappened ID northern Iraq as Saddam ruled in the<br />

area for so many years? Could SaddaIn secure stability in the<br />

area? So I feel Turkey has to control northern Iraq."<br />

• "Iraq should control northern Iraq but then Baghdad<br />

should give us guarantees that the PKK will not fmd sbelter<br />

in the area." .<br />

• "The region should never be left to the control of Iraqi<br />

Kurds. We feel neither Talabani nor Barzani are <strong>de</strong>pendable. '<br />

• ''Provi<strong>de</strong> Comfort should leave the area because it supports<br />

Kurdish separatists."<br />

• "The Provi<strong>de</strong> Comfort force should leaveas soon as stability<br />

is achieved in northern Iraq."<br />

• "Does the presence of the Provi<strong>de</strong> Comfort force have<br />

any benefits forTurkey? We do not feel it does. As a matter<br />

of fact, while protecting the Iraqi Kurds it is also protecting<br />

the PKK."<br />

• ''We lived with Saddam for so many years. He wasn't a<br />

threat then, so why should he be a threat to us now?"<br />

• "Can Saddam become a threat to Turkey while he has to<br />

strug¥.le with his own problems at home?" .<br />

• 'You can't trustSaddam. He attacked Iran; he attacked<br />

Kuwait so why shouldn't he attack Turkey?"<br />

• "Saddam will sooner or later become a threat to Turkey<br />

and he will raise the water issue."<br />

• "If the coalition forces had not cut Saddam to size in the<br />

Gulf War he may have been a threat to Turkey. But now he<br />

isn't."<br />

FRS0519 4 I 0207 /AFP-MB09<br />

Allemagne-Kurd.es<br />

Fln du moratoire <strong>de</strong>s expulsions <strong>de</strong> Kur<strong>de</strong>s dans neuf Etats fédérés<br />

d'Allemagne<br />

."<br />

BONN, 12 juin (AFP) - Le moratoire sur les expulsions <strong>de</strong> Kur<strong>de</strong>s <strong>de</strong><br />

l'Allemagne vers la Turquie a pris fin lundi dans neuf Etats fédérés<br />

allemands sur seize, une prolongation <strong>de</strong>s suspensions n'étant plus possible<br />

légalement, a annoncé l'association <strong>de</strong> défense <strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong>man<strong>de</strong>urs d'asyle Pro<br />

Asyl.<br />

Selon Pro Asyl, quelque 4.500 Kur<strong>de</strong>s sont désormais menacés d'être<br />

expulsés du Bran<strong>de</strong>bourg, <strong>de</strong> Brême, <strong>de</strong> Hambourg, <strong>de</strong> Basse-Saxe, <strong>de</strong><br />

Rhénanie~Palatinat, <strong>de</strong> Sarre, <strong>de</strong> Saxe-Anhalt, du Schleswig-Holstein <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong><br />

Thuringe, <strong>de</strong>s Etats ~édérés gouvernés par l'opposition sociale-démocrate<br />

qui avaient décidé <strong>de</strong> leur propre chef <strong>de</strong> prolonger le moratoire levé le 15<br />

mars par le gouvernement <strong>de</strong> Bonn.<br />

Le moratoire avait été adopté en décembre après que huit députés turcs<br />

d'origine<br />

Ankara •.<br />

kur<strong>de</strong> eurent été condamnés à <strong>de</strong> lour<strong>de</strong>s peines <strong>de</strong> prison à<br />

Pro Asyl a condamné la fin <strong>de</strong> ce moratoire en affirmant qu'il s'agit<br />

"d'une déclaration <strong>de</strong> banqueroute morale <strong>et</strong> la politique <strong>de</strong>s droits <strong>de</strong><br />

l'ho~e <strong>de</strong> Bonn" •.Selo~ l'associa~ion, la levée <strong>de</strong> l'arrêt <strong>de</strong>s expulsions<br />

est ~llégale la s~tuat~on <strong>de</strong>s dro~ts <strong>de</strong> l'homme ne s'étant pas améliorée en<br />

Turquie.<br />

jlp/bm/mfo<br />

AFP /J00245/121355 JUN 95<br />



Turkisb Dairy News'<br />

MONDAY,JUNE 121995<br />

Who, meapologize?<br />

Con<strong>de</strong>mnation. and support:'Claudia Roth says she will not be<br />

satisfied with the half-hearted apology of Ayvaz Gök<strong>de</strong>mir, who called<br />

three Euro-MPs 'prostitutes.' But some rally behind theminister<br />

By Nazlan Ertan to host in Brussels. The three Euro-MPs,<br />

TurkiShDaily News. Cather41e Lalumiere of France, Claudia Roth<br />

ANKARA- "If someone wanted to master~ of Germany and Pauline Green of Britain,<br />

mind a way to create antagonism b<strong>et</strong>ween protested the remarks by not attending the din-<br />

Turkey and the European Parliament, he could ner party.<br />

not have come up with a b<strong>et</strong>ter plan," a In al<strong>et</strong>ter to Prime Minister Tansu Çiller,<br />

Turkish diplomat said yesterday after Turkish Turkey's,frrst female prime rllinister who ISnot<br />

newspapers splashed across thel! headlines the exactly known for.her sensitivi~ on' women's<br />

outrage of three Euro-MPs against St


Hussein SlnJarl: Iraqi Kl,Irds' S<strong>et</strong>tlement<br />

with Baghdad will helprecluce th.<br />

PKK and fun<strong>de</strong>manm".<br />

thraat for Turk<br />

.-<br />

Ayvaz Gôk<strong>de</strong>mir<br />

divi<strong>de</strong>d."<br />

Then, he ad<strong>de</strong>d for a finishing touch: "I dp<br />

not know wh<strong>et</strong>her they are proStitutesor not I<br />

am not keeping track of who is ... playing<br />

around with whom in the European circles."<br />

Finally, when he consented to an apology,<br />

his written statement was no more than hillhearted.<br />

"I have learned with regr<strong>et</strong> that some of the<br />

newspaper accounts of the remarks I have<br />

ma<strong>de</strong> in response to a citizen's question in<br />

Kilis have created some touchiness," he said.<br />

"If it will make up for their taking offense due<br />

to this misun<strong>de</strong>rstanding, I apologIZe."<br />

Speaking to Milliy<strong>et</strong> earlier, the minister<br />

maintained that he did not know if they were<br />

prostitutes, but he did not think the term was an<br />

msult.<br />

The apology, such as it was, satisfied<br />

Pauline Green, the lea<strong>de</strong>r of the Euro-parliament<br />

Socialists, and Catherine Laluffilere of<br />

European Radical Alliance. However, German<br />

Green Oaudia Roth told Yeni Yuzyil that SÀe<br />

would sue the minister. Female members of the<br />

Republican People's Party (CHP), the junior<br />

coalition partner of the Gök<strong>de</strong>mir's True Path,<br />

also launcbed their own protest.<br />

"His remarks has not only offen<strong>de</strong>d us, the<br />

women of CHP, but all Turkish women,': a<br />

,statementsaid. "Gök<strong>de</strong>mir should apologize to<br />

tile three female <strong>de</strong>puties and respectfully<br />

salute those intelligent and mo<strong>de</strong>m <strong>de</strong>puties<br />

who are the pri<strong>de</strong> of Europe." Not every one.,is<br />

an~ about the remarks. A journalist from. a<br />

pnvate TV channel reported that scores of<br />

faxes in support of Gök<strong>de</strong>mir's remarks were<br />

transmitted to their officts in Ankara and<br />

Istànbul.<br />

'There is no reason for me to resign, and the<br />

prime minister has not asked me for that," said<br />

G~k<strong>de</strong>mir, who leaves today for Kazakhstan<br />

WIthPresi<strong>de</strong>nt Süleyman Demirel.<br />

Kurdish politician:<br />

It is not the West's, but<br />

Iraq's interests are supreme<br />

Disillusioned Kurd urges<br />

s<strong>et</strong>tlement with Baghdad<br />

Challenge: Iraqi Kurds now<br />

want peace with Saddam;<br />

anyone thinking otherwise<br />

is 'welcome to conduct a poll'<br />

Turkish Daily News<br />

ANKARA-The Iraqi Kurds are fed up with<br />

their warring lea<strong>de</strong>rs, are disillusioned with their<br />

<strong>de</strong>mocratic experiment and are overwhelmingly<br />

longing for a s<strong>et</strong>tlement with. Baghdad tliat<br />

wotild ensure them "a b<strong>et</strong>ter life instead of slo-<br />

Former Kurdish Minister<br />

Hussein Sinjarl<br />

gäns," a former senior Iraqi Kurdish politician said. .<br />

Hussein Sinjari, a one-time minister in the regional Kurdish<br />

government' and a founding member of Jalal Talabani's<br />

Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK), who resigned in January<br />

in protest at Kurdish infighting, sai~ the p~sent situation ~as<br />

causing people to look for alternative parues and lea<strong>de</strong>rship.<br />

"If we are not careful, this willlead to the rise of national<br />

extremism 'a la PKK' or religious extremism "a la Islamic<br />

fundamentalism.' We should not forg<strong>et</strong> that Islamic Iran is<br />

.n~xt dopr," Sinjari said.<br />




The Kurdish'politician, on his way to northern Iraq for consultations<br />

with Massoud Barzai1i, Talabani's rival for power<br />

and the lea<strong>de</strong>r of the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP), said<br />

the s<strong>et</strong>tlement with Baghdad, however~ should have ironclad<br />

guarantees, be recor<strong>de</strong>d as a U.N. document, and a: Western<br />

cquntry, preferably Britain, France or Russia sliould be a<br />

party to a <strong>de</strong>al. Remin<strong>de</strong>d of likely Western objections to<br />

such a <strong>de</strong>al, Sinjari said not the West's but the Kurds' and<br />

Iraq) interes~ were supreme.. .', .,<br />

Hè said the overwhelming majority of the Iraqi Kurds<br />

would support that <strong>de</strong>al and challenged anyone claiming otherwise<br />

to come to northern Iraq and conduct an opinion poll if ,<br />

they so wished.<br />

. ~e h:aq~Kurds ,d~ not want a ~,eparatestate, they want 10 '<br />

live ln dlgmty (as cItIzens of Iraq), he ad<strong>de</strong>d.<br />

.Sinjari, said~however, that a s<strong>et</strong>tlement with Baghdad had<br />

to be prece<strong>de</strong>d by certain "confi<strong>de</strong>nce-building measures" and<br />

Baghdad had to agree not to send its troops, its hated secr<strong>et</strong><br />

service and the Baath party, ~ack into th~ Kurdish region<br />

inune&aièly and wait until the suspicions and grievancesdisappear.<br />

'"<br />

But Sinjari said Operation Provi<strong>de</strong> Comfort should remain<br />

in force and the Western air force <strong>de</strong>ployed in Incirlik, southern<br />

Turkey, should stay as an ad<strong>de</strong>d guarantee.<br />

The Kurdish politiCIan,who said he would seek to establish .<br />

a new party that would end,the predominance of PUK and the<br />

KDP, expected support from Kurdish intellectuals and the<br />

ordinary people. ' '<br />

He said to support a s<strong>et</strong>tlement with Baghdad was also in<br />

Turkey's interest since it would remove the PKK as a threat.<br />

, "PKK and Islamic fundamentalists can flourish only in<br />

muddy waters, in a ~olluted and unstable environment.".<br />

Sinjari said Iraq s Turkmens will be b<strong>et</strong>ter represented<br />

besi<strong>de</strong> th~Kurds an~'Afabs un<strong>de</strong>rthes<strong>et</strong>tleme~t ~e ISseeking<br />

and foresaw a' momtonng role for Turkey within the MCC,<br />

the Zakho-based Military Coordination Center comprising a<br />

score of alliedmilitary representatives monitoring the status<br />

:quo. .<br />

Turkey wary of pKK infIlt~ationfrom<br />

Iran; but <strong>de</strong>nies abortive ait strike<br />

Turkish Daily News<br />

ANKARA- The Turkish General Staff<br />

<strong>de</strong>nied over the weekend a newspaper<br />

report that a strike force of F-16 j<strong>et</strong>s on<br />

their way to bomb a concentration of separatist<br />

rebels near the Turkish bor<strong>de</strong>r ln<br />

Iran had been recalled in mid-flight late<br />

last month on the intervention of the<br />

. Foreign Ministry which feared a strong<br />

adverse reaction from Tehran.<br />

. Hürriy<strong>et</strong>, a leading Turkish daily,<br />

reported on Saturday that Prime Minister<br />

Tansu Çiller gave the green light for the<br />

strike after the Turkish General Staff<br />

reported that â strong force of PKK<br />

rebels had assembled at a camp on the<br />

outskirts of the Iranian town of Urmiya<br />

near the bor<strong>de</strong>rto mount attacks against<br />

targ<strong>et</strong>s insi<strong>de</strong> Turkey.<br />

On learning that the flight of j<strong>et</strong>s la<strong>de</strong>n<br />

with bombs had taken off to raid the<br />

rebel camp insi<strong>de</strong> Iraq', Öz<strong>de</strong>n Sanberk,<br />

the former foreign ministry un<strong>de</strong>rsecr<strong>et</strong>ary,<br />

while hosting a goodbye reception<br />

for dipl?matic correspon<strong>de</strong>nts last mo~th,<br />

, Immediately moved to halt the stnke,<br />

arguing that the repercussions would be<br />

much stronger than those provoked by<br />

Turkey's March 20 incursion into northem<br />

Iraq in pursuit of the PKK separatists.<br />

Presi<strong>de</strong>nt Süleyman Demirel, who shared<br />

Sanberk's view that mounting a strike<br />

insi<strong>de</strong> Iranian territory would spark a<br />

reaction far stronger than the one in<br />

northern Iraq where Baghdad's authority<br />

has been curtailed', exercised hispowers<br />

as "comman<strong>de</strong>r in chief' to or<strong>de</strong>r the<br />

r<strong>et</strong>urn of the strike force, Hürriy<strong>et</strong> reported.<br />

.<br />

But in a statement to the Anatolia news<br />

agency, the Turkish General' Staff<br />

Headquarters categorically <strong>de</strong>nied that<br />

the planes had taken off for the raid and<br />

had been or<strong>de</strong>red back.<br />

'<br />

The statement conce<strong>de</strong>d, however, that<br />

after it was ascertained that a rebel force<br />

of about 300 or 350 had assembled in<br />

Iran in an area adjacent to the bor<strong>de</strong>r late<br />

April and early May, the general staff<br />

proposed to the 'government the elimination<br />

of the threat by reminding the<br />

Iranian authorities of their responsibility<br />

to crack down on such activities un<strong>de</strong>r an<br />

existing security arrangement b<strong>et</strong>ween<br />

the two countries.<br />

The Iranians complied and took action<br />

against the PKK rebels in recent days,<br />

the statement noted.<br />



FRS0380 4 l 0362 TUR /AFP-BR40<br />

Turquie-terrorisme<br />

La Turquie appelle au renforcement <strong>de</strong> la lutte contre le PKK<br />

ANKARA, 14 juin (AFP) - La Turquie a appelé mercredi la communauté<br />

internationale à renforcer la lutte contre le Parti <strong>de</strong>s Travailleurs du<br />

Kurdistan (PKK, séparatiste) accusé <strong>de</strong> terrorisme.<br />

Le porte-parole du ministère turc <strong>de</strong>s Affaires étrangères, Omer Akbel, a<br />

estimé, au cours <strong>de</strong> son point <strong>de</strong> presse hebdomadaire, qu'''il faut davantage<br />

<strong>de</strong> coopération <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong> coordination" en Europe contre le terrorisme <strong>et</strong> le<br />

PKK.<br />

Le PKK, en rébellion armée contre Ankara <strong>de</strong>puis août 1984 <strong>et</strong> qui lutte<br />

pour l'établissement d'un Etat kur<strong>de</strong> indépendant, est considéré comme<br />

terroriste par Ankara <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong> nombreux pays occi<strong>de</strong>ntaux.<br />

La Turquie fera une distinction entre les "pays qui font preuve <strong>de</strong><br />

ferm<strong>et</strong>é" dans la lutte contre le PKK <strong>et</strong> "ceux qui ne le font pas", a<br />

indiqué M. Akbel, regr<strong>et</strong>tant que certains pays "soient réticents à prendre<br />

<strong>de</strong>s mesures contre le terrorisme qui ne les vise pas directement".<br />

Il a par ailleurs ànnoncé <strong>de</strong>s "progrès" lors d'entr<strong>et</strong>iens pour<br />

l'amélioration ,<strong>de</strong>s relations entre la Turquie <strong>et</strong> les Pays-Bas qui avaient<br />

été perturbées après l'inauguration du "parlement kur<strong>de</strong> en exil" le 12<br />

avril à La Haye. Il a indiqué que <strong>de</strong>s réunions techniques se poursuivraient<br />

dans ce but la semaine prochaine à Ankara.<br />

En réaction à l'autorisation donnée à la réunion du "parlement kur<strong>de</strong> en<br />

exil" par le gouvernement néerlandais, la Turquie avait rappelé pour<br />

consultations son ambassa<strong>de</strong>ur aux Pays-Bas, Zeki Celikkol, <strong>et</strong> placé ce pays<br />

sur sa "liste :touge" <strong>de</strong> pays non crédibles pour l'achat d'armements.<br />

La Suè<strong>de</strong>, la Suisse, l'Autriche, la Norvège, l'Afrique du Sud <strong>et</strong> le<br />

Danemark se trouvent également sur c<strong>et</strong>te "liste rouge". La Turquie n'achète<br />

pas <strong>de</strong> matériel militaire à ces pays <strong>et</strong> leurs firmes ne sont pas autorisées<br />

à participer aux appels d'offres militaires du gouvernement turc.<br />

La Finlan<strong>de</strong>, l'Allemagne, la Belgique <strong>et</strong> le Luxembourg figurent sur la<br />

"liste jaune" <strong>de</strong> la Turquie. Tout achat d'armements à ces pays nécessite un<br />

accord préalable du ministère turc <strong>de</strong>s Affaires étrangères. Ces <strong>de</strong>ux listes<br />

sont en vigueur <strong>de</strong>puis février 1993.<br />

CE/hc/jlb/cc<br />

AFP /J00245/141326 JUN 95<br />



Turkish Daily News<br />

WEDNESDAY.JUNE 14.1995<br />

US welcomes Provi<strong>de</strong> Comfort recommendation<br />

,Christopher may not have asked Syria about PKK<br />

Turkish Daily News<br />

WASHINGTON- A senior U.S. State<br />

Department official today told the Turkish Daily<br />

News that the United States was quite happy<br />

with the Turkish National Security Council rec~<br />

ommendation that Operation Provi<strong>de</strong> Comfort<br />

be exten<strong>de</strong>d. '<br />

, "We welcome the <strong>de</strong>cision of the Turkish<br />

National Security Council," thé official said.<br />

'''We are pleased that the Turkish government<br />

has agreed that Provi<strong>de</strong> Comfort has got to stay. ,<br />

That' s a fundamental part of our policy of trying<br />

to help the people of northemIraq." ,<br />

The official had no comment about wh<strong>et</strong>her<br />

the duration of the mandate pleased<br />

Washington.<br />

"That's up for the Turkish government to<br />

<strong>de</strong>ci<strong>de</strong>," the official said. "<br />

The same official was unable, however, to say<br />

exactlywh<strong>et</strong>her, during Secr<strong>et</strong>ary of State<br />

Warren Christopher's recent Damascus visit, the<br />

question of the terror groups that Syria gives aid<br />

and comfort to ,like the PXK had been raised.<br />

Some observers claim that the United States is<br />

relying on Syria's cooperation in s<strong>et</strong>tling the<br />

Golan Heights issue With Israel - <strong>de</strong>spite the<br />

fact that Syria is still on the State Department's<br />

list of seven states which sponsor international<br />

terrorism.<br />

The source said that Secr<strong>et</strong>ary Warren<br />

Christopher raises the issue with the Syrians "as<br />

a normal part of otir genuine interest. The issue<br />

Insulted Eura-<strong>de</strong>puty says she is<br />

'satisfied' by PM Çiller' s l<strong>et</strong>ter<br />

Labour Deputy Pauline Greene says she also accepts Minister<br />

:Gök<strong>de</strong>mir's apology even ifthis was forcedand reluctant<br />

Turkish Daily News<br />

female <strong>de</strong>putes concerned l<strong>et</strong>ters on the subject.<br />

ANKARA- The subject of the insulting Greene said in her l<strong>et</strong>ter Çiller had reflected<br />

remarks ma<strong>de</strong> by True Path Party (DYP) Deputy, her regr<strong>et</strong>s over the wh~le inci<strong>de</strong>nt ~nd ad~ed<br />

and Minister for State Ayvaz Gök<strong>de</strong>mir about that 'she was pleased WIth the Turkish Pnme<br />

three women Euro-parliamentarians was Ministers' response.<br />

broached in the opemng session of the June Greene also said that Gök<strong>de</strong>mir himself had<br />

'me<strong>et</strong>ings of the European Parliament on provi<strong>de</strong>d a somewhat forced and reluctant apol-<br />

Monday.<br />

ogy for his rj:marks but that she accepted this<br />

But an angry request from a female Euro- apologyanyway.<br />

<strong>de</strong>puty calling for a: strong reaction by the Respondmg to Gök<strong>de</strong>mir's attempts to clear<br />

Parliament to Gök<strong>de</strong>mir's remarks was mo<strong>de</strong>rat- himself by accusing the Turkish press ormis-<br />

'ed by one of the <strong>de</strong>puties who had been the sub- representing his remarks, Greene said that the<br />

ject of the Turkish ministers' remarks, accord- European Parliament's views on Turkey were<br />

mg to the Anatolia news agency reporting from clear. She said that if these views were being<br />

Strasbourg.<br />

misun<strong>de</strong>rstood in Turkey by certain people then<br />

British Labour Deputy Pauline Greene, they too should accuse the Turkisb press by<br />

responding to the request for an angry reaction using the same logic that Gök<strong>de</strong>mir used.<br />

by the European Parliament, remin<strong>de</strong>d the This appeared a "dig" at Gök<strong>de</strong>mir for insultassembled<br />

Euro-<strong>de</strong>puties that Prime Minister ing PaulIne Greene as well as German <strong>de</strong>puty<br />

Tansu Çiller had sent her and the two other CI,audia Roth; and French <strong>de</strong>puty Catherine<br />

has been raised at quite high levels with the<br />

Syrians at the last month or two. I am not aware<br />

that it was raised in the recent discussions."<br />

"That was a very small me<strong>et</strong>ing [in<br />

Damascus]," the official elaborated, "and I was<br />

not a part of the me<strong>et</strong>ing. But I'm not aware that<br />

it was raised." ,<br />

He did <strong>de</strong>ny that if it hadn't been discussed, it<br />

could imply terror was less important than<br />

progress in the Syrian-Israeli track of the peace<br />

process..<br />

"No, it doesn't [imply that]," the senior State<br />

Department official replied. "Syrians know how<br />

concerned we are about the issue of terrorism.<br />

And we ma<strong>de</strong> that clear.<br />

We talkabout it publicly several times a year.<br />

We've written about it. We went on the record,<br />

I'm glad to say." ,<br />

Pauline Greene<br />

Lalumiere as "prostitutes" following the coverage<br />

in the Turkish press of their recent visit to<br />

Turkey.<br />

'<br />

Addressing the Parliament after Greene<br />

Claudia Roth, a <strong>de</strong>puty for the German Greens<br />

Party, accused Gök<strong>de</strong>mir of having anachronistic<br />

views.<br />

The also pointed to the fact that the minister' s<br />

words had led to a great reaction in Turkey<br />

itself. "<br />



Financial Times: Çiller' s record<br />

leaves little room for optimism<br />

'A surfeit of ina<strong>de</strong>quate lea<strong>de</strong>rs is perhaps Turkey's greatest handicap'<br />

Turlcish Daily News<br />


In an eight-page special survey of<br />

Turkey, the Financial Times (FT) conclu<strong>de</strong>d that the<br />

oountry was faced with a choice b<strong>et</strong>ween "a high road of<br />

growth and stability" and "a lowroad it has chosen to<br />

follow in recent years of instability and hardship." Th~<br />

lead essay penned by John Barham conclu<strong>de</strong>s that "Mrs.<br />

Çiller's record as prime minister.leaves little room for<br />

optimism."<br />

"A surfeit of ina<strong>de</strong>quate lea<strong>de</strong>rs hie is perhaps<br />

Turkey's greatest handicap," Barham said. 'Critics claIm<br />

that Mrs. Çiller is an .insecure and in<strong>de</strong>cisive politician<br />

who lacks the vi~joll ànd <strong>de</strong>termination of the late<br />

Presi<strong>de</strong>nt Turgut Ozal \vIIO, for aU his faults, rapidly<br />

mo<strong>de</strong>rnized Turkey in the' .<br />

1980s." The FT <strong>de</strong>scribed<br />

main oJlposition lea<strong>de</strong>r<br />

Mesut Ydinaz' performance<br />

as "lea<strong>de</strong>n."<br />

The survey', which studies<br />

in <strong>de</strong>taIl the current<br />

political and economic<br />

panorama of Turkey" presented<br />

Kurds and Shiites as<br />

"minorities." Gillian TeU,<br />

writing about "confusion of<br />

issues" in Turkey, came<br />

across as rather confused<br />

herself when she referred to<br />

"religious minorities, such<br />

as the Shia Muslims," since<br />

in accordance with the<br />

Lausanne Treaty of 1923,<br />

only three non-Muslim<br />

groups are recognized as<br />

minorities in Turkey, i.e.<br />

the Jews, Armenians and<br />

the Greeks. T<strong>et</strong>t also<br />

seemed to be much more<br />

unforgiving of the human<br />

rights abuses committed by<br />

the Turkish state compared<br />

to the similar ones committed<br />

by the outlawed<br />

Kurdistan Workers' Party<br />

(PKK.) While referring to the violations of the former as<br />

"brutal suppression of the PKK," TeU <strong>de</strong>scribed the<br />

PKK offenses as "human ri~ts abuses." The survey also<br />

minimized the aspirations 01the PKK for an in<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nt<br />

state, or at least political autonomy, and presented the<br />

conflict as one over 4'cultural rights." "Many Turkish<br />

politicians fear that recognizing Kurdish cultural rights<br />

would threaten the state," a (>icture caption read.<br />

"However, an overwhelming majority, of .Turks believe<br />

thatgranting Kurdish autonomYtwouldlmean,C3Y.Ïng, into<br />

terrorism. Moreoverl.autonomy ,is,equated with!separatism<br />

and treason," Barham noted.<br />

FundanientaIism is winning over those "crammed into<br />

~lums, lacking basic amenities," the survey said and<br />

mtroduced the Refah Party as "the militant Islamic<br />

party." "...the specter of Islamic fundamentalism is perhaps<br />

the most warming <strong>de</strong>velopment .... Nightmare scenarios<br />

of :another.Algeria' or "another ~' proliferate,"<br />

the ~ SaId. Presld~nt ~Uleyman DemIrel also received<br />

c~nsl<strong>de</strong>~ble ~Uention 1~ the surver,. His recent broad-<br />

'sI<strong>de</strong>s agaInst Western mterference' and his claim that<br />

the, West is trying to revive the Sevres Treaty of 1930<br />

"have left many Western diplomats b4fflea." the FT<br />

said. Demirel is quoted as saying "if the West does not<br />

un<strong>de</strong>rstand Turkey then Turkey will break off from the<br />

West anyway."<br />

Although "Mr: ~l' s coID!ßents may en<strong>de</strong>ar him<br />

to many Turks, It ,does little to Improve un<strong>de</strong>rstanding<br />

b<strong>et</strong>ween Turkey and Europe," the FT said. Demirel's<br />

anti-W~tern co~ments "may simply ,-eprcsent the views<br />

of an agmg patriarch, but they may also reflect a canny<br />

perception of a new p'0litical wmd blowing through<br />

Turkey," Teu said. 'For, as the last 30 years have<br />

shown, the one quality that Mr. Demirel undoubtedly has<br />

is that of a political survivor."<br />

The economic panorama<br />

Among many succinct observations the authors ma<strong>de</strong>,<br />

the FT sl!l"'ey stressed the following points concerning<br />

the. Turkish economy,: l) PrivatizatIon is 8.0ing at a<br />

snaIl s.p~ce. Out of this y~'s targ<strong>et</strong> of $5 bIllion, only<br />

$70 nnllion has been realIzed from "a few small-tick<strong>et</strong><br />

, . operations."<br />

2) Political ineptitu<strong>de</strong>,<br />

corruption and 'favoritism<br />

handicaps economic recovery<br />

as weIL<br />

3) "Recklessly mismanaged<br />

state banks" do not<br />

serve the best interests of<br />

Turkey. The banking business<br />

is not healthy. Medium<br />

'and small private Turkish<br />

banks are 6ad news. Most<br />

are technically bankrupt,<br />

according to one London<br />

banker.<br />

4) Turkey will be hit by<br />

energy blackouts next year.<br />

The mfrastructure is not a<strong>de</strong>quate<br />

<strong>de</strong>spite the fact that<br />

<strong>de</strong>mand for energy grows<br />

steadily. There are many<br />

projects started and left<br />

Incompl<strong>et</strong>e. "A diplomat<br />

says there are 4,000 unfinished<br />

infrastructure projects<br />

in Turkey... The government<br />



lacks political will to rank<br />

nowhere. "Not one single<br />

projects by or<strong>de</strong>r of priority<br />

and finish them." ..<br />

5) Build-Operate- Transfer<br />

(BOT) projects are going<br />

BOT project has y<strong>et</strong>been<br />

compl<strong>et</strong>ed in Turkey because of legal challenges, the<br />

bureaucracy's hostility to private capItal and inability to<br />

negotiate a<strong>de</strong>quate terms." . . '.<br />

. 6) The Treasury's prominence in the financial sector<br />

is partly responsible forhigh interest rates. "Treasury<br />

operations still remain by far (the Turkish banks')<br />

strongest source of profit. An estimated 65-70. percent of<br />

bank profits came from tra~ing government bonds in<br />

1994 ... The treasury'sap'p<strong>et</strong>tte for cash and the central<br />

bank's sound money policies have driven interest rates<br />

to Latin American levels."<br />

ï) Ceinral stock mark<strong>et</strong> Yaman Törüner says high<br />

. in~erest rates "are simply not his problem; they are <strong>de</strong>termmed<br />

by the supply and <strong>de</strong>mand for money, "and who<br />

is the borrower?' he asks. "It is the Treasury." .<br />

8) Istanb!ll stock mark<strong>et</strong> "is now one of Europe"s larger<br />

second-tIer bourses. Average daily trading bit a record<br />

of $563 million in April... This performance makes<br />

.~stanbul an important mark<strong>et</strong> in its own right to emerg-<br />

109 mark<strong>et</strong> players." "<br />

9) Foreign cash is pouring into the automotive indus-,<br />

try b~cause "Turkey is a low-cost base with duty-free<br />

access to Western Europe. Second, the domestic mark<strong>et</strong><br />

is very immature." The arrival of the Japanese will revolutioniz.e<br />

.the industry. "R~nault and Tofas are already<br />

~omplal~lOg th~t Toyota IS buying mark<strong>et</strong> 'share with<br />

unfaIr pnce cuttmg." . .<br />

Interior Minister Nahit Mente~e on Tuesday received a <strong>de</strong>legation led by Gulam Huseyin Bulandian, Iran's <strong>de</strong>puty interior minister, for security<br />

talks TON Cengiz Uysa!<br />

Iran calls PKK its enemy; <strong>de</strong>nies giving shelter<br />

Turkish Daily News<br />

ANKARA- Gulam Huseyin Bulandian,<br />

the Iranian <strong>de</strong>puty interior minister said on<br />

Tuesday that the outlawed Kurdistan<br />

Workers' Party (PKK) was the eq~my of<br />

Iran and indicated their <strong>de</strong>sire to make the<br />

bor<strong>de</strong>r b<strong>et</strong>ween the two countries"a friendship<br />

bor<strong>de</strong>r." Bulandian arrived in Ankara<br />

on Monday for security talks against a backdrop<br />

of rumors that the PKK was amassing<br />

forces on Iranian territory for strikes at<br />

Turkey.<br />

Me<strong>et</strong>ing with Turkish Interior Minister<br />

Nahit Mente~e on Tuesday Bulandian said<br />

that as a country that has suffered the most<br />

from' terrorism Iran was prepared to coo~erate<br />

fully with Turkey to eradicate terronsm<br />

by the roots.<br />

For his part Nahit Mente~e said that coop-<br />

.eration b<strong>et</strong>ween the two countries in areas<br />

such as the fight against organized crime and<br />

drug trafficking was ongoing. .<br />

Bulandian told' reporters on Monday on<br />

his arrival in Ankara that Iran's bor<strong>de</strong>rs<br />

were tightly controlled by security forces<br />

against any possible infiltration by the PKK.<br />

"We did not and will not allow any sort of<br />

infiltration of those groups on Irahi an soil.<br />

The PKK and other similar groups .lhave no<br />

place in Iran. There are security agr,cements<br />

b<strong>et</strong>ween Iran and Turkey. According to<br />

'these accords, we do not allow Turkey' s<br />

,enemies to use our soil and Turkeydoes the<br />

, same," the Iranian official noted.<br />

Bulandian also noted that these agreements<br />

have been working very well and<br />

pointed out the presence of a mutual fOlitical<br />

will aimed at improving bilatera .relations<br />

b<strong>et</strong>weenlran and Turkey. . .<br />

A Turkish newspaper reported Saturday<br />

that a Turkish air strike force öf F-16 j<strong>et</strong>s on<br />

their way' to bomb a concentration of separatist<br />

mIlitants near the Turkish bor<strong>de</strong>r in '<br />

Iranhad been recalled'in mid-fIi~l1t late last'<br />

month on the intervention of tlie Foreign<br />

Ministry, which feared a strong protest from<br />

Tehran.<br />

The Iranian official' s Turkish counterpart<br />

Bekir Aksoy noted that this visit would<br />

maintain' the friendlyrelations b<strong>et</strong>ween the<br />

two neighbors. '"<br />


eaches and other facilities.<br />

We must .make it c1elltthat<br />

the lives pf people from. all<br />

over the "world, and especially<br />

the greater numbers<br />

who come from Europe, will<br />

be in danger."<br />

When asked about holidays<br />

to Turkey, none of the<br />

travel agents we approached<br />

mentioned the threat. P<strong>et</strong>er<br />

Espley, press counsellor at<br />

the Turkish tourist office in<br />

London,said:"The [Turkish)<br />

government is giving the<br />

issue high priority. There<br />

are greatly increased security<br />

measures in tourist<br />

areas."<br />

He pointed out that statistically<br />

Turkey was one of the<br />

safest holiday <strong>de</strong>stinations<br />

for European tourists: 18<br />

were killed in Florida alone<br />

last year. "However, I must<br />

stress that people should be<br />

vigilant at all times," he said.<br />

His warning was backed<br />

bythe Association of British<br />

!rayel Agents. It warns of<br />

"wilfe~pread terrorism in<br />

soùthéàst Turkey".<br />

The Turkish government<br />

did not respond to requests<br />

for a comqlent on the issue.<br />

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The European. June 15, 1995<br />

A<br />

KURDISH mother<br />

and child sit in the<br />

ruins of their home in<br />

southeast Turkey, laid<br />

waste by government soldiers.<br />

"Marvellous holidays<br />

in Turkey! Visit our attractions!,"<br />

reads the headline<br />

on the poster.<br />

Soon to appear in European<br />

cities, the image is part<br />

of an anti-tourist campaign<br />

by the Kurdish Workers'<br />

Party (PKK), which has been<br />

fighting the Turkish government<br />

since 1984 for an in<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nt<br />

Kurdish nation. The<br />

campaign is <strong>de</strong>signed to cut<br />

a swathe through Turkey's<br />

burgeoning tourist industry.<br />

But the posters are just<br />

the gloss on a more sinister<br />

threat. PKK sources told<br />

The European: "If tourists<br />

ignore our message and<br />

come on holiday to Turkey<br />

they will be targ<strong>et</strong>s. We will<br />

bomb tourist areas." Last<br />

year bombs explo<strong>de</strong>d in<br />

resorts on the Mediterranean<br />

coast, while in Istanbul<br />

three people were killed and<br />

many more woun<strong>de</strong>d.<br />

Of the 2.5 million Euro-<br />

~eans who visited Turkey in<br />

A PKK campaign is<br />

warning visitors away<br />

from Turkey, reports<br />

Richard Wayman<br />

1994, almost half came from<br />

Germany. They spent a total<br />

of $4.5 billion in hard currency,<br />

cash which Turkey's<br />

fragile economy can illafford<br />

to lose. A parliamentary<br />

report from late 1994<br />

said that Turkey spent at<br />

least $6.5 billion a year on<br />

its war with the PKK,<br />

fuelling hyperinflation.<br />

Ironically, it is this hyperinflation<br />

which attracts<br />

tourists. The exchange tates<br />

are now so favourable that<br />

they receive an extra 32 per<br />

cent spending money compared<br />

with last year. As a<br />

result, Turkey has leapt to<br />

number two among Britain's<br />

most popular <strong>de</strong>stinations,<br />

according to tour operator<br />

Lunn Poly. In Germany,<br />

Belgium and Scandinavia,<br />

however, bookings are down<br />

by b<strong>et</strong>ween 20 and 30 per<br />

cent, largely because of<br />

active Kurdish minorities.<br />

Kurds sentence tourism to <strong>de</strong>ath<br />

Holiday snap: marchers in London pass a poster alerting tourists to strife in southeast Turkey<br />

Desmond Fernan<strong>de</strong>z, head overwhelmed by highly statement to the press and<br />

of the institute of tourism colourful and visually stun- tour operators reads: "The<br />

and <strong>de</strong>velopment studies at ning tourist office advertise- PKK has <strong>de</strong>ci<strong>de</strong>d to undt'rthe<br />

University of Bedford in ments. Images of this nature take general action agaimt<br />

England, has accused tour sigruficantly influence public the tourist economy. "We<br />

operators of "wilful and opinion and are used to mar- have plans of action in .tue<br />

shocking irresponsibility" in k<strong>et</strong> and sell the package hol- Aegean, Mediterranean and"<br />

failing to alert prospective idays which entice millions the Sea of Marmara, and in<br />

tourists to the dangers. He of Europeans to Turkey." Kurdistan. This inclu~es<br />

said: "Over and again one is The secessionist rebels' tourist areas, hotels,<br />

-l::..<br />




FRS0819 4 I 0209 FRA /AFP-DQ69<br />

Turquie-UE<br />

Ankara critique la position du parlement européen sur le problème kur<strong>de</strong><br />

ANKARA, 15 juin (AFP) - La Turquie a critiqué mercredi la position du<br />

parlement européen, qui conditionne la ratification <strong>de</strong> l'accord d'union<br />

douanière conclu en mars entre la Turquie <strong>et</strong> l'UE à la libération <strong>de</strong>s<br />

députés turcs d'origine kur<strong>de</strong> emprisonnés.<br />

"La justice est indépendante en Turquie <strong>et</strong> ni le gouvernement ni le<br />

parlement ne peuvent avoir une influence sur elle. Nous l'avons déjà dit au<br />

parlement européen", a déclaré le porte-parole <strong>de</strong> la diplomatie turque Omer<br />

Akbel, lors <strong>de</strong> son point <strong>de</strong> presse hebdomadaire.<br />

"Il n'est pas utile d'établir un lien entre c<strong>et</strong>te affaire (députés<br />

kur<strong>de</strong>s) <strong>et</strong> l'union douanière alors que la Turquie remplit progressivement<br />

ses engagements (••• ) C<strong>et</strong>te union douanière est à la fois dans l'intérêt <strong>de</strong><br />

la Turquie <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong> l'UE", a ajouté M. Akbel, en déplorant l'attitu<strong>de</strong> du<br />

parlement européen.<br />

Huit députés turcs d'origine kur<strong>de</strong> ont été condamnés en décembre <strong>de</strong>rnier<br />

à <strong>de</strong>s peines <strong>de</strong> trois ans <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong>mi à 15 ans <strong>de</strong> prison pour "ai<strong>de</strong>" ou<br />

"appartenance à ban<strong>de</strong> armée" (ndIr: le Parti <strong>de</strong>s Travailleurs du Kurdistan,<br />

PKK, séparatiste, en rébellion armée <strong>de</strong>puis 1984). Deux d'entre eux 'ont été<br />

remis en liberté provisoire.<br />

ce/hc/mfo<br />

AFP /J00245/141711 JON 95<br />

Iraqi Army Repels Rebels Near Baghdad<br />

Compiled by Our Staff From Dispatches<br />

NICOSIA - Iraqi soldiers<br />

used tanks and helicopters to<br />

repel an assault by tribesmen<br />

'.lInd soldiers Wednesday on a<br />

'radio transmitter outsi<strong>de</strong> Bagh-<br />

.dad, dissi<strong>de</strong>nts said.<br />

The reported fighting did not<br />

appear to threaten Presi<strong>de</strong>nt<br />

Saddam Hussein's grip on pow-<br />

.er. But it was further evi<strong>de</strong>nce<br />

of unrest among the large Dulaimi<br />

tribe, which dissi<strong>de</strong>nts say<br />

took part in riots in May in the<br />

western province of AI Anbar.<br />

The attack was led by mem-<br />

.bers of the tribe on a relay station<br />

in Abu Ghraib, the site of a<br />

military camp and prison, according<br />

to Hamid Bayati, a<br />

lea<strong>de</strong>r of the an Iraqi opposi-<br />

~tion ~roup in London, who was<br />

quoting Baghdad sources.<br />

Transmission from the station,<br />

20 kilom<strong>et</strong>ers (12 miles) west of<br />

Baghdad, stopped for a short<br />

period and then resumed.<br />

An armored unit, the 14 July<br />

battalion, attacked the Baghdad<br />

Radio transmitters, as well<br />

as a heliport used by Mr. Saddam.<br />

The attack, led by General<br />

Turki Ismail Dulaimi, touched<br />

off a battle with tanks, armored<br />

vehicles and helicopters, according<br />

to witnesses who were<br />

contacted by telephone from<br />

Amman, Jordan. An air force<br />

general was killed in the fighting<br />

around the heliport where<br />

several homes of pilots were hit,<br />

they said.<br />

Mr. Saddam's<br />

special forces<br />

later encircled the rebels. executed Dulaimi air force gen-<br />

Iraq's Information Ministry eral, according to resi<strong>de</strong>nts of<br />

called the reports "lies and Ramadi, the capital of Anbar.<br />

wishful thinking." General Mohammed Maz-<br />

But Mr. Bayati said the fight- lum Dulaimi was arrested in<br />

ing involved soldiers and men November for his alleged role iti<br />

from the Dulaimi. Israeli mili- an~ttempted coup agai~st Mr.<br />

tary sources, speaking on condi- Saddam. He was executed i,n<br />

tion of anonymity, said they .mid-May. (AP, AFP)<br />

had reports of a "serious bat-<br />

tie." There was no immediate<br />

report of casualties.<br />

The rebels were <strong>de</strong>manding<br />

the release of all Abu Gbraib's<br />

prison inmates, including hundreds<br />

&ITestedin troubled Anbar<br />

Province since May 18, the<br />

witnesses said.<br />


Almost 850 peoplewere.-'<br />

roun<strong>de</strong>d up after::clashes"that:<br />

followed the'1!ëtum to hisfaÎn~TRIBUNE, THURSDAY, JUNE 15, 1995<br />

ily of the mutilàte


AFP --:: AFP -.-~- AFP ~-.-: A F P- --.-.:: A- -F -P- --.-.:: A .F .. -P- --.-::<br />

FRS0404 4 I 0450 EXT jAFP-JC60<br />

Europe-Turquie-Kur<strong>de</strong>s<br />

Commission européenne <strong>de</strong>s droits <strong>de</strong> l'homme: requêtes recevables <strong>de</strong>s<br />

six députés kur<strong>de</strong>s emprisonnés en Turquie<br />

STRASBOURG, 15 juin<br />

emprisonnés en Turquie<br />

(AFP) - Les requêtes <strong>de</strong><br />

qui s'estiment victimes<br />

six députés d'origine<br />

<strong>de</strong> violations <strong>de</strong> la<br />

kur<strong>de</strong><br />

Convention européenne <strong>de</strong>s droits <strong>de</strong> l'homme ont été déclarées recevables<br />

par la Commission européenne <strong>de</strong>s droits <strong>de</strong> l'homme, a-t-on appris jeudi<br />

auprès du Conseil <strong>de</strong> l'Europe.<br />

La levée <strong>de</strong> l'immunité parlementaire, l'arrestation <strong>et</strong> la condamnation<br />

<strong>de</strong>s six députés est à l'origine d'un bras <strong>de</strong> fer entre Ankara <strong>et</strong> les<br />

institutions européennes <strong>et</strong> avaient provoqué <strong>de</strong>s protestations dans le<br />

mon<strong>de</strong> entier.<br />

<strong>de</strong><br />

Le Conseil <strong>de</strong><br />

respecter les<br />

l'Europe a lancé un ultimatum à la Turquie<br />

droits <strong>de</strong> l'homme, <strong>et</strong> notamment <strong>de</strong> libérer<br />

lui<br />

les<br />

<strong>de</strong>mandant<br />

six<br />

députés, sous.peine <strong>de</strong> se voir suspendue <strong>de</strong> l'organisation pan-europ~enne.<br />

Les mêmes conditions ont été posées par le Parlement européen pour<br />

donner son feu vert à la mise en oeuvre <strong>de</strong> l'accord d'Union douanière entre<br />

la Turquie <strong>et</strong> l'Union européenne.<br />

Les six députés, anciens membres du Parti <strong>de</strong><br />

pro-kur<strong>de</strong>) ,ont été condamnés en décembre <strong>de</strong>rnier<br />

la Démocratie<br />

par la Cour<br />

(DEP,<br />

<strong>de</strong> sûr<strong>et</strong>é <strong>de</strong><br />

l'Etat d'Ankara à <strong>de</strong>s peines allant <strong>de</strong> trois ans <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong>mi à quinze ans<br />

d'emprisonnement pour propagan<strong>de</strong> séparatiste, ou appartenance à une ban<strong>de</strong><br />

armée.<br />

Arrêtés les 2 <strong>et</strong> 4 mars 1994, aussitôt après l'a levée <strong>de</strong> leur immunité<br />

parlementaire, les six députés avaient été maintenus en gar<strong>de</strong> à vue<br />

jusqu'au 16 mars puis placés<br />

la Cour <strong>de</strong> sûr<strong>et</strong>é <strong>de</strong> l'Etat.<br />

en détention provisoire jusqu'au jugement <strong>de</strong><br />

Dans leur requête auprès <strong>de</strong> la Commission européenne <strong>de</strong>s droits <strong>de</strong><br />

l'homme MM. Sirri Sakik, Ahm<strong>et</strong> Turk, Mahmut Alinak, Mehm<strong>et</strong> Hatip Dicle,<br />

Orhan Dogan <strong>et</strong> Mme Leyla Zana invoquent les articles 5, 6 <strong>et</strong> 10 <strong>de</strong> la<br />

Convention européenne <strong>de</strong>s droits <strong>de</strong> l'homme qui garantissent les droits à<br />

la liberté, à être entendu par un tribunal indépendant <strong>et</strong> impartial, <strong>et</strong> à<br />

la liberté d'expression.<br />

Ils font également valoir que l'article 14 <strong>de</strong> la Convention réprime les<br />

discriminations dans l'exercice <strong>de</strong>s droits <strong>de</strong> l'homme fondées sur<br />

l'appartenance à une minorité nationale.<br />

La Commission européenne <strong>de</strong>s droits <strong>de</strong> l'homme ne peut se prononcer que<br />

sur <strong>de</strong>s procédures pénales qui ont fait l'obj<strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong> toutes les voies <strong>de</strong><br />

recours possibles au niveau national. Aussi, elle ne tranche pas sur la<br />

question <strong>de</strong> la recevabilité <strong>de</strong>s requêtes concernant la procédure pénale car<br />

un pourvoi est ~galement pendant <strong>de</strong>vant la Cour <strong>de</strong> Cassation turque. En<br />

: revanche, elle les déclare recevables en ce qui concerne la légalité <strong>et</strong> la<br />

durée <strong>de</strong> leur gar<strong>de</strong> à vue (article 6 <strong>de</strong> la Convention).<br />

~ , • • •<br />

A: -F P- ---:=-A-<br />

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F -:p. --_::<br />

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FRS0741 4 I 0367EXT /AFP-SS56<br />

UE-Turquie<br />

La prési<strong>de</strong>nte <strong>de</strong>s socialistes du PE critique l'absence<br />

un ministre turc qui l'a traitée <strong>de</strong> "prostituée"<br />

<strong>de</strong> sanction<br />

-<br />

contre<br />

STRASBOURG, 13 juin (AFP) - La Britannique Pauline Green, prési<strong>de</strong>nte du<br />

groupe socialiste du Parlement européen (PE), a critiqué mardi l'absence <strong>de</strong><br />

sanction contre le ministre d'Etat-turc Ayvaz Gok<strong>de</strong>mir qui l'a injuriée<br />

ainsi que <strong>de</strong>ux collègues récemment lors d'une réunion électorale.<br />

M. Gok<strong>de</strong>mir avait qualifié Pauline<br />

Lalumière (prési<strong>de</strong>ntes respectivement<br />

Green, Claudia Roth <strong>et</strong> Catherine<br />

<strong>de</strong>s groupes <strong>de</strong>s Verts <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong><br />

l'Alliance<br />

position,<br />

Radicale<br />

lors d'un<br />

au PE)<br />

voyage<br />

<strong>de</strong> "prostituées" en<br />

officiel en Turquie<br />

commentant leurs prises <strong>de</strong><br />

du 23 au 25 mai <strong>de</strong>rnier, en<br />

faveur <strong>de</strong> la libération <strong>de</strong>s<br />

En dépit <strong>de</strong>s dénégations<br />

prisonniers<br />

du ministre<br />

politiques<br />

turc -qui<br />

kur<strong>de</strong>s emprisonnés.<br />

a-affirmé ne pas avoir<br />

parlé <strong>de</strong> "prostituées", mais <strong>de</strong> "personnes <strong>de</strong> moralité douteuse"- "il ne<br />

fait aucun doute que ces propos ont été tenus par ce ministre en exercice",<br />

a estimé la prési<strong>de</strong>nte du groupe socialiste <strong>de</strong>vant la presse mardi en marge<br />

<strong>de</strong> la session plénière du Parlement européen.<br />

Ces déclarations avaient été rapportées le 3 juin par le quotidien turc<br />

Hurriy<strong>et</strong>.<br />

un<br />

"Rien n'a été fait contre ce ministre",<br />

pays <strong>de</strong> l'Union européenne, un ministre<br />

s'est indigné Mme Green.<br />

en exercice qui tiendrait<br />

"Dans<br />

<strong>de</strong><br />

tels propos démissionnerait", a-t-elle dit à l'AFP.<br />

"Cela montre, a-t-elle dit, toute la distance qui sépare<br />

Turquie <strong>de</strong>s normes démocratiques qui sont les nôtres".<br />

encore la<br />

Le Parlement<br />

douanière avec<br />

européen refuse <strong>de</strong> donner son feu vert<br />

la Turquie tant qu'Ankara ne respectera<br />

à l'accord d'Union<br />

pas la démocratie <strong>et</strong><br />

les droits <strong>de</strong> -l'homme.<br />

"Je ne laisserai pas mon jugement politique sur l'Union douanière être<br />

obscurci par <strong>de</strong>s jugements injurieux d'un ministre turc en exercice", a<br />

indiqué Pauline Green.<br />

Le Parlement européen conditionne actuellement la mise en oeuvre <strong>de</strong><br />

l'accord d'Union douanière, signé en mars entre l'UE <strong>et</strong> Ankara, à la<br />

libération <strong>de</strong>s députés kur<strong>de</strong>s emprisonnés <strong>et</strong> à une amélioration globale <strong>de</strong><br />

la démocratie en Turquie, <strong>de</strong> nature à perm<strong>et</strong>tre une solution politique aux<br />

problèmes kur<strong>de</strong> <strong>et</strong> chypriote.<br />

dro/gg/mfo<br />

AFP /J00245/131349 JON 95<br />



--<br />

r<br />

• Turquie<br />

La démocratisation<br />

<strong>de</strong>vant les députés<br />

Un «pOlI en avant»<br />

maiB Bera-ce BuffiBant ,<br />

près une année <strong>de</strong> pro- puis mars l'Union à Ankara).<br />

,.. A messes répétées <strong>et</strong> d'inces- Mme Ciller obtiendra vrai-<br />

-Santes tergiversations, semblablement la majorité<br />

;MmeTansu Ciller, le Premier parlementaire nécessaire pour<br />

~inistre turc, a enfin obtenu pouvoir réformer la Constitu-<br />

~e le Parlement se penche sur tion sans <strong>de</strong>voir recourir à un<br />

les réformes démocratiques qui référendum, soit un minimum<br />

:<strong>de</strong>vraient perm<strong>et</strong>tre à Ankara <strong>de</strong> 300 voix sur 450. Elle dis-<br />

.<strong>de</strong> se rapprocher <strong>de</strong> l'Europe pose (enfin) du soutien <strong>de</strong> l'aile<br />

'Communautaire. La Gran<strong>de</strong> droite <strong>de</strong> sa formation, le Dyp<br />

Assemblée nationale a entamé (Parti <strong>de</strong> la juste voie), longo,<br />

mercredi la révision <strong>de</strong> Vingt<strong>et</strong> temps très réticente, <strong>de</strong> celui<br />

un articles <strong>de</strong> la Constitution <strong>de</strong> l'allié social-démocrate <strong>de</strong> la<br />

qui assoupliront les pratiques coalition, le CHP (Parti répupolitiques<br />

mais ne vont pas à blicain du peuple) mais aussi<br />

l'essentiel <strong>et</strong> risquent donc <strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> celui du principal parti d'opne<br />

pas résoudre le différend position, l'Anap (Parti <strong>de</strong> la<br />

avec les Quinze.<br />

mère patrie, droite). Si tous les<br />

députés votent le proj<strong>et</strong>, elle<br />

<strong>de</strong>vrait obtenir 345 voix.<br />


C'e~t ainsi que la réformé<br />

constitutionnelle prévoit notamment<br />

la levée <strong>de</strong>s restricpons<br />

sur l'exercice du droit<br />

~ndical pour les fonction-<br />

~ires, la suppreBBionpour les<br />

_sociations <strong>et</strong> les syndicats <strong>de</strong><br />

"nterdiction <strong>de</strong> faire <strong>de</strong> la poli-<br />

Uque;l'abaissement du droit <strong>de</strong><br />

~te <strong>de</strong> 20 à 18 ans, l'abaisselDent<br />

<strong>de</strong> l'âge d'éligibilité <strong>de</strong> 30<br />

• 25 ans ainsi que l'octroi du<br />

<strong>et</strong>roit<strong>de</strong> vote aux Turcs qui rési<strong>de</strong>nt<br />

à l'étranger. C'est, a re-<br />

!èvé un diplomate, la première<br />

.is que la Constitution, élabo-<br />

Be par les putschistes <strong>de</strong> 1980,<br />

_ modifiée <strong>de</strong> manière subs-<br />

J,Ilntielleà l'initiative <strong>de</strong>s civils.<br />

ns'agit donc d'un« pas dans la<br />

bonne direction ».<br />

Par cOntre, <strong>de</strong>ux suj<strong>et</strong>s es-<br />

!lElntielsne sont pas abordés: la<br />

liberté d'expression (<strong>de</strong> nom-<br />

I¥'eux écrivains <strong>et</strong> journalistes<br />

:~nt en prison pour <strong>de</strong>s écrits<br />

jugés «subversifs », notam-<br />

'ment à propos du problème<br />

kur<strong>de</strong>) <strong>et</strong> les droits <strong>de</strong> la minorité<br />

kur<strong>de</strong>. Or, ce sont ces <strong>de</strong>ux<br />

.points qui font le plus problème<br />

avec l'Union européenne (à laquelle<br />

la Turquie désire adhérer<br />

mais qui ne peut accueilir<br />

;que<strong>de</strong>s pays pleinement démocratiques)<br />

<strong>et</strong> avec le Parlement<br />

européen en particulier (qui<br />

hésite à ratifier le traité<br />

d'union douanière qui lie <strong>de</strong>-<br />


C'est dans ce contexte que se<br />

situe, aussi, l'absur<strong>de</strong>" affaire<br />

Gok<strong>de</strong>mir ", du nom du ministre<br />

d'Etat sans portefeuille<br />

Ayvaz Gok<strong>de</strong>mir qui a récemment<br />

traité trois éminences du<br />

Parlement européen, Mmes<br />

Pauline Green, Claudia Roth <strong>et</strong><br />

Catherine Lalumière, prési-'<br />

<strong>de</strong>ntes <strong>de</strong>s groupes socialiste,<br />

écolo<strong>et</strong> radical, <strong>de</strong>« putes» (ou<br />

<strong>de</strong> «prostituées» selon les versions)<br />

parce qu'elles <strong>de</strong>mandaient<br />

la libération <strong>de</strong>s huit<br />

députés kur<strong>de</strong>s condamnés en<br />

décembre 1994 à <strong>de</strong> lour<strong>de</strong>s<br />

peines <strong>de</strong> prison.<br />

Les propos très cavaliers <strong>de</strong><br />

M. Gok<strong>de</strong>mir constituent évi<strong>de</strong>mment<br />

une catastrophe diplomatique<br />

pour Mme Ciller<br />

- qui a présenté <strong>de</strong>s excuses<br />

écrites - mais le Premier ministre<br />

ne peut guère" réagir" :<br />

M. Gok<strong>de</strong>mir est un <strong>de</strong>s piliers<br />

<strong>de</strong> la droite <strong>de</strong> son parti <strong>et</strong> elle a<br />

besoin <strong>de</strong>s voix <strong>de</strong> ce courant<br />

pour faire adopter les réformes<br />

démocratiques exigées... par le<br />

Parlement européen. Il est<br />

que$tion d'un remaniement<br />

ministériel d'ici la fin du mois<br />

mais que faire <strong>de</strong> c<strong>et</strong> encombrant<br />

personnage qui n'a déjà<br />

pas <strong>de</strong> portefeuille?<br />

Marc OPSOMER.<br />




FRSO~456 4 I ~ 0239 TUR jAFP-JL42<br />

Turquie-Kur<strong>de</strong>s<br />

28rebelles kur<strong>de</strong>s tués lors d'opérations militaires en Anatolie<br />

ANKARA, 15 juin (AFP) - 28 rebelles k~r<strong>de</strong>s ont été tués <strong>et</strong> 11 autres se<br />

sont rendus aux forces <strong>de</strong> l'ordre lors d'accrochages armés dans l'est <strong>et</strong> le<br />

sud-est anatoliens, a-t-on annoncé jeudi <strong>de</strong> sources officielle <strong>et</strong><br />

semi-officielle.<br />

Cinq rebelles du Parti <strong>de</strong>s travailleurs du Kurdistan (PKK, séparatiste)<br />

.ont été tués lors d'opérations militaires dans les provinces <strong>de</strong> Diyarbakir<br />

(chef-lieu du sud-est anatolien à majorité kur<strong>de</strong>), <strong>de</strong> Batman (sud-est) <strong>et</strong><br />

.<strong>de</strong> Tunceli (est), selon un communiqué <strong>de</strong> la super-préfecture <strong>de</strong> Diyarbakir.<br />

23 autres maquisards du PKK ont été tués lors <strong>de</strong> combats entre forces <strong>de</strong><br />

sécurité <strong>et</strong> rebelles dans la vallée <strong>de</strong> d'Ahbanoz, près <strong>de</strong> la<br />

sous-préfecture d'Ovacik, dans la province <strong>de</strong> Tunceli, a rapporté jeudi<br />

l'agence Anatolie.<br />

Les opérations <strong>de</strong> l'armée sont soutenues par <strong>de</strong>s hélicoptères dans c<strong>et</strong>te<br />

région très montagneuse qui constitue l'un <strong>de</strong>s refuges <strong>de</strong>s militants armés<br />

du PKK, selon la même source.<br />

Ce bilan porte à au moins 186 le nombre <strong>de</strong> rebelles kur<strong>de</strong>s <strong>et</strong> à 22 les<br />

'pertes <strong>de</strong> l'armée turque lors <strong>de</strong> combats dans différentes zones du sud-est<br />

anatolien en moins d'une semaine, selon une compilation effectuée à partir<br />

<strong>de</strong> chiffres officiels.<br />

Depuis lundi, l'armée aurait mobilisé près <strong>de</strong> 50.000 soldats dans la<br />

région <strong>de</strong> Tunceli, selon <strong>de</strong>s informations non confirmées officiellement.<br />

c.<br />

CE/hc/bm/cc<br />

AFP /J00245/151359 JON 95<br />


'Increasing Tension' inIraq<br />

BriefRevolt by Elite Troops Sigools Unrest, U.S•.Says<br />

Revten Pentagon spokesman, IÇ.enBa- ing repÖ~ that they said origi-<br />

WASHINGTON - The con, who gave similar but sepa- nated with exiled Iraqi opposi-.<br />

United States said Thursday rate briefings on the issue, said . tion figures in. Damascus. .<br />

.that a brief "mutiny" by Re- where the information came<br />

publican Guard tank troops from. But other U.S. officials The official U.S. assessment<br />

had occurred near Baghdad and .cited intelligence sources. said the uprising was believed.<br />

was apparently quashed by loy- .<br />

to have been led by members of I<br />

al Republican Guard troops.. The U.S. report said the clash .the Dulaimi tribe, one of the<br />

The Stateand Defense De- bad involved an attack by rebel major Sunni Muslim tribes ,of<br />

partments said the revoit tank troops on a government Iraq and traditionally a lItrong<br />

~t Pr~i<strong>de</strong>nt SaddlW1ßus- r~dio facility in Abu Ghraib, supporter of Mr. Saddam. .<br />

.-p tQQk..JSJaçe.on,WCIIf11.adAY ~e site afp. ~ C8.JI.1P:a:nd.<br />

and was äppàrentIy thé second prison about 20 kilom<strong>et</strong>ers (I2 "We think this is the second<br />

such inci<strong>de</strong>nt in recent w~ks. .nliles) west of Baghdad. inci<strong>de</strong>nt of unrestin recent<br />

. "We don't know all the <strong>de</strong>- "It suggests that there is .in- weeks Involving this tribe," Mr.<br />

tails, but we can confirm. that creasing tension within his Bacon said. "There was some<br />

there was a mutiny by a small army," said Mr. Bacon. "It cer- unrest recor<strong>de</strong>d west of Bagh-.<br />

number of Republican Guard . I h t S dd dad in May involving the same<br />

armored troops in Abu Ghraib, tam y appears t a a am grou~ and we think it was<br />

Hussein IS facing increasing<br />

which is near Baghdad," said ~ure from groups that have spar ed by Saddam Hussein's<br />

Nicholas Bums, the State De- loyal to him in the past." g~)Vernment's torture and killpartmentspokesman.<br />

"It' was ing of a senior tribal official<br />

apparently put down by other The Iraqi government <strong>de</strong>nied who had been accused of at- ..<br />

Republican Guard units." that there had been any unrest tempting to plot a coup against;<br />

Neither Mr. Burns nor the insi<strong>de</strong> the country in discount- 'Saddam Hussein."<br />

L'Evenément du Jeudi<br />

15-21 juin 1995<br />

~PHRASE .<br />

«Nous ne libérerons pas<br />

.Ies traîtres pour laireplaisi;<br />

,aux prostituées venues ..<br />

d'Europe. I> C'est ainsi .<br />

que le ministre d'Eta,.,urC<br />

Ayvaz GocImekir a exprimé'<br />

son refus <strong>de</strong> libérer les<br />

dép~~,.k~es emprisOnné.<br />

pour délit' d"opinion, alors. .<br />

qu<strong>et</strong>roisparlementaires .<br />

'$Uropéennes,<br />

i;lontCatherine Lalurt.ière,<br />

yenaient d~exprimer, . .<br />

.tiprès un voyage en Turquie,<br />

1eur intention <strong>de</strong> .<br />

.<strong>et</strong>'surVeillerles pratiques<br />

.lYrques en matière <strong>de</strong> droits<br />

<strong>de</strong> l'l:to.m,,,el>.<br />




Turkish Daily News llIURSDAY, JUNE 15. 1995<br />

Prof. B~kayareleased after IS months in jail<br />

Imprisoned for his thoughts, Baf?kaya.expresses<br />

no remorse and vows to continue speaking out<br />

Turkish Da.ily News .. Gre<strong>et</strong>ed outsi<strong>de</strong> Haymana priso~ near Ankara b a<br />

Al':lK~RA- Professor Flu<strong>et</strong>. ~a~kaya, a leadmg large group of family, friends and admirers B~krya<br />

Turkish mtellectual who w~alled for a ~ook he expressed no remorse for what he has writt~n or said<br />

Prof. Fikr<strong>et</strong><br />

Balikaya<br />

~~, was.released o~ Wedn . y as the vanous par- in the past and <strong>de</strong>clared his intention to continue<br />

ti~ ID Parbament.continue to qUibbleover Wh<strong>et</strong>her.the expressmg the same i<strong>de</strong>as in the future.<br />

!lf11cleun<strong>de</strong>r which he was charged should be abol- Ba~kaya said that the TL 41 million fine that the<br />

Ished or no~.<br />

court imposed on hirri also put him in dire financial<br />

. B~kaya s .release, however, was not due to an offi- straits. Asked by journalists about Article 8. B~kaya<br />

Cial exone~on of any so~ but came because.he had said this was the product of the parties that emer ed<br />

70mpl<strong>et</strong>ed his 20-month P!1so~,sentence for his book from the Sept. 12, 1980 coup. "Article 8 is the inv~n-<br />

The C.ollapseof the Paradigm. .. tion of parties that are void of content," B~kaya said.<br />

B~kaya only serv~d 15 months of hiS pnson sen- Ba~kaya argued .that today's Parliament is also<br />

tence but u.nd~r.Turkis~l.awshould have served even "void of content" and expressed serious doubt that a<br />

less due to JudiCialrenusslOn. .. ~emocrati~ti~n packa~e could be accepted by the leg-<br />

. l:Ie~as forced t? serve 15 month.sund~r S~pu~~tions Islature as It IStoday. The parties are not working to<br />

w~ch InCreasedhis sentence for dissenunating sepa-. lift obstructions but to lay down new ones ". B:l\:kaya<br />

ratist propaganda." said. ' -,<br />

B~kaya was tried by t~e Ist~nbul State Security Asked what he thinks about the fact that he was dis-<br />

Court un~er the con~verslal. Articl~ 8 of ~e Law on O\ynedby the universities ~ven though he is an aca<strong>de</strong>-<br />

Combat~mg Terronsn\. Article 8 IS con~l<strong>de</strong>red .by nilc, B~kaya said, 'There are no longer any universihuman<br />

nghts groups as one of the key articles which ties."<br />

effectively p~ts a lid on the freedom of expression in "If the universities had acted as universities then no<br />

Turkey an~ IScurren~y the ~ubject of a heated politi- schol:rr would be in prison today. The unive~ities are<br />

cal <strong>de</strong>bate ID and outsi<strong>de</strong> ParlIament.<br />

working to make young minds blunt."<br />

Finnish human rights expert visitsInterior Minister Men~e<br />

Mente~e: Our struggle<br />

is based on a just cause<br />

By Çaglar Ünal<br />

Turkish Daily News<br />

ANKARA- Interior Minister Nahit Mente~e<br />

received Christopher Panico, a research expert<br />

from Human Rights Watch-Helsinki, at his office<br />

. on Wednesday.<br />

Speaking at a press conference after this me<strong>et</strong>ing,<br />

Mente~ said Panico had come to Turkey to<br />

research the activities of the Kurdistan Workers'<br />

Party (PKK) and the suffering inflicted on innocent<br />

people by this outlawed organization.<br />

. Mente~e noted that the PKK had been formed<br />

illegally in 1978, with the aim of damaging<br />

Turkey. The Turkish government launched an<br />

operatIon against militants of the PKK after the<br />

latter carried out attacks on Eruh district in Siirt<br />

province and Semdinli district in Hakkari.<br />

Mente~e aa<strong>de</strong>d that the PKK always targ<strong>et</strong>ed<br />

innocent people. The interior minister continued<br />

that 1,086 innocent people had been killed by<br />

PKK militants in 1994. Last week, four babies<br />

died at the hands of militants in Hakkari, he said.<br />

"Our struggle is right and our aim is to protect<br />

the innocent. Turkey is one country and no one<br />

can divi<strong>de</strong> this country," Mente~ stated.<br />

The minister continued that the PKK was on<br />

the <strong>de</strong>cline and wasfinished. He said the Turkish<br />

people had solved the terrorism problem, especiany<br />

in ~Irnak. ~Irnak and its districts had<br />

become a secure area and Sinak even had a football<br />

team now, Mente~ead<strong>de</strong>d.<br />

He said the police and military forces were<br />

successful in their operations, adding, "The<br />

killers of 19 soldiers in Tunceli will certainly be<br />

punished." \<br />

The minister said the PKK was cooperating<br />

with the outlawed leftist organizations and PKK<br />

militants were involved in drug trafficking to<br />

finance their outlawed activities. 'The PKK cannot<br />

fight with the Turkish government, because it<br />

is not stron~ enough to fight with the Turkish<br />

government, , he ad<strong>de</strong>d. Mente~e continued that<br />

38 teachers had been killed last year, commenting<br />

that this amounted to savagery and the whole<br />

world should say "stop" to this savagery. He said<br />

that teachers played a valuable and important role<br />

in the country.<br />

''There is no <strong>et</strong>hnic problem in Turkey now.<br />

.All citizens are equal, no matter wh<strong>et</strong>her Kurdish<br />

or Turkish. There are lots of our Kurdish citizens<br />

in the western cities," Mente~e said. The interior<br />

minister ad<strong>de</strong>d that the PKK has started to disturb<br />

the big cities and tourism resorts, but the Turkish<br />

government has enough power to fight it.<br />

He continued that the PKK was against the<br />

<strong>de</strong>velopment of eastern and southeastern districts,<br />

but no one could prevent this <strong>de</strong>velopment.<br />

"It is impossible' for the PKK to resist against<br />

the Turkish government," Mente~ said.<br />

For his part, Panico said ~e ~ad come to<br />

Turkey to observe the general situation of human<br />

rights in the country and would research human<br />

rights in general. He ad<strong>de</strong>d that he would examine<br />

all the violations committed by the outlawed<br />

organization in the area of human rights.<br />

Panico continued that he would not be releasing<br />

any information to the press on his findings,<br />

but a statement would be issued after the research<br />

was compl<strong>et</strong>ed.<br />



.La mutinerie d'luneunité <strong>de</strong> l'arméelrakienne<br />

a été réprimée par les troupes fidèles aurégime<br />

Cesinci<strong>de</strong>nts font suite à <strong>de</strong>s émeutes, en mai, dans la région d'Abou Gharib<br />

SELON DES INFORMAnONS nommée le «bataillon du parti »,<br />

recueillies à Amman, en Jordanie, parce que, jusqu'alors, très fidèle<br />

une mutinerie a éclaté, mercredi au parti Baas au pouvoir - est<br />

14juiri, dans une garnison située à commandée par le général lUrId<br />

une. vingtaine <strong>de</strong> kilomètres à Ismail el-Doulaimi, membre <strong>de</strong> la<br />

l'ouest <strong>de</strong> Bagdad, dans une région<br />

qui a été le théâtre, en mai, <strong>de</strong> sanglantes<br />

émeutes, violemme,nt réprimées.<br />

puissante tribu sunnite <strong>de</strong>s Doulaimi<br />

qui est <strong>de</strong>puis longtemps liée au<br />

régime du prési<strong>de</strong>nt Saddam Hus-<br />

Des témoins contactés sein. Les Do~aimi, parmi.lesquels<br />

par téléphone ont affirmé que, se recrutent nombre d'officiers <strong>de</strong><br />

mercredi matin, un bataillon <strong>de</strong><br />

blindés avait ~ttaqué les ém<strong>et</strong>teurs<br />

<strong>de</strong> la radio irakienne à Abou Gharib<br />

<strong>et</strong> qu'une épaisse fumée noire<br />

la Gar<strong>de</strong> républiCaine - véritable<br />

gar<strong>de</strong> prétorienne du chef <strong>de</strong> l'Etat<br />

- font partie du <strong>de</strong>uxième cercle<br />

du pouvoir.<br />

s'élevait au-<strong>de</strong>ssus <strong>de</strong>s lieux.<br />

ToutefoiS, mercredi soir à Bagdad,<br />


aucune interruption <strong>de</strong>s pro-<br />

grammes n'avait été const'lltée au<br />

cours <strong>de</strong> la journée <strong>et</strong> la télévision<br />

'Mais, <strong>de</strong>puis le 18mai, ils sont<br />

impliqués dans <strong>de</strong>s affiontements<br />

avec les forces <strong>de</strong> l'ordre, à la suite<br />

a démenti ces informations, les <strong>de</strong> l'exécution d'un <strong>de</strong>s leurs, le général<br />

qualifiant <strong>de</strong> «propagan<strong>de</strong> ». Mais<br />

<strong>de</strong>s diplomates arabes en poste à<br />

Bagdad, sans pouvoir fournir <strong>de</strong><br />

<strong>de</strong> l'armée <strong>de</strong> l'air Moham-<br />

mad Mazloum al-Doulaimi. Arrêté<br />

en novembre 1994pour «complicité<br />

détails, ont indiqué, jeudi, que <strong>de</strong>s<br />

dans une tentative <strong>de</strong> coup<br />

troubles s'étaient produits, la d'Etat », ce <strong>de</strong>rnier a été exécuté <strong>et</strong><br />

veille, dans le périmètre <strong>de</strong>s impor- .<br />

tantes installations militaires qui se<br />

trouvent à Abou Gharib <strong>et</strong> que le<br />

secteur était isolé du reste du pays.<br />

L'unité qui s'est mutinée - sur-<br />

son corps - mutilé - a été rendu à<br />

sa famille le 17mal. C<strong>et</strong> événement<br />

a provoqué une véritable insurrection<br />

qui a été brutalement réprimée<br />

(Le Mon<strong>de</strong> du 31 mai). $elon<br />

<strong>de</strong>s habitants <strong>de</strong> Ramadi, qui ont<br />

fui eh Jordanie ce chef-lieu du gouvernorat<br />

dont dépend Abou Ghaob,<br />

près <strong>de</strong> 850personnes ont été<br />

arrêtées après les émeutes, qui auraient<br />

fait plus <strong>de</strong> 170morts, dont<br />

une centaine <strong>de</strong> civils.La mutinerie<br />

<strong>de</strong> mercredi aurait été provoquée<br />

par l'attaque menée la veille à Ramadi<br />

par les forces <strong>de</strong> l'ordre<br />

contre le domicile d'un <strong>de</strong>s dignitaires<br />

<strong>de</strong> la tribu <strong>de</strong>s Doulaimi.<br />

Selon <strong>de</strong>s informations dignes<br />

<strong>de</strong> foi reçues par l'AFp,jeudi à Amman,<br />

l'insurrection du bataillon<br />

d'Abou Ghanb a été matée <strong>et</strong> le<br />

général qui l'a menée s'est «suicidé<br />

». Des unités <strong>de</strong>s forces spécialesd'intervention<br />

avaient encerclé<br />

les. insurgés mercredi<br />

après-midi.<br />

Après une première tentative<br />

d'avance sur la prison d'Abou<br />

Gharib, qui a échoué, le général al-<br />

Doulaimi a lancé une <strong>de</strong>uxième attaque<br />

qui s'est soldée par l'anéantissement<br />

<strong>de</strong> son bataillon. Les insurgés<br />

exigeaient la libération <strong>de</strong><br />

tous les prisonniers détenus dans<br />

la prison.<br />

FRS0391 4 I 0248 TUR /AFP-QC95<br />

Turquie-Kur<strong>de</strong>s<br />

Cinq militaires tués lors d'une attaque rebelle kur<strong>de</strong><br />

ANKARA, 16 juin (AFP) - Cinq militaires turcs ont été tués <strong>et</strong> six autres<br />

bles~és lors d'une attaque rebelle kur<strong>de</strong> dans la nuit <strong>de</strong> jeudi à vendredi<br />

contre un poste <strong>de</strong> la gendarmerie turque dans la région <strong>de</strong> Baskale, daps la<br />

province <strong>de</strong> Van à la frontière avec l'Iran, a rapporté l'agence Anatolie.<br />

. Des militants armés du Parti <strong>de</strong>s Travailleurs du Kurdistan (PKK,<br />

.séparatiste), venant du territoire iranien selon <strong>de</strong>s autorités locales, ont<br />

attaqué avec <strong>de</strong>s lance-roqu<strong>et</strong>tes le poste d'Erenler <strong>de</strong> la gendarmerie<br />

turque situé sur la frontière turco-iranienne, selon la même source.<br />

Ce bilan porte à 27 le nombre <strong>de</strong> militaires turcs tués lors <strong>de</strong> combats<br />

entre forces <strong>de</strong> sécurité turques <strong>et</strong> rebelles kur<strong>de</strong>s du PKK <strong>de</strong>puis une<br />

semaine.<br />

Par ailleurs, selon le super-préf<strong>et</strong>. <strong>de</strong> Diyarbakir, Unal Erkan, chargé <strong>de</strong>"<br />

la coordination <strong>de</strong> la lutte contre le PKK, 284 rebelles ont été tués lors<br />

d'opérations militaires effectuées du 1er au 15 juin dans dix régions<br />

administratives qui sont sous état d'urgence <strong>de</strong>puis juill<strong>et</strong> 1987. ~<br />

Le parlement turc doit se prononcer prochainement sur une prolongation<br />

<strong>de</strong> ce régime d'exception pour urtepério<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> quatre mois à partir du 19<br />

.juill<strong>et</strong>.<br />

Le PKK mène une rébellion contre Ankara <strong>de</strong>puis 1984 pour créer un Etat<br />

indépend~nt kur<strong>de</strong> dans le sud-est anatolien. C<strong>et</strong>te rébellion <strong>et</strong> les<br />

.opérations <strong>de</strong> représailles.<strong>de</strong> l'armée ont fait.près <strong>de</strong> ~6.00Q morts en Il<br />

ans. .<br />


11------------------------------------------------_<br />


6 Turkish Probe June 16,1995<br />

Different Tunes Aired inTurkey<br />

While KDP Hunts Security Deal<br />

Rafit Gürdilek<br />

Oll conducted by the Turkish Daily News<br />

recently showed that Turks, seeing the<br />

~ uthority vacuum in northern Iraq as a chief<br />

source of insecurity for the country, want Baghdad's<br />

authority to be reinstated in the Kurdish-controlled<br />

north. If a former senior Kurdish official is to be<br />

believed, the Iraqi Kurds, frustrated with their lea<strong>de</strong>rs'<br />

bloody feuds, disillusioned with their experiment<br />

with <strong>de</strong>mocracy and crushed by poverty, want<br />

the same.<br />

Mainstream Iraqi Kurdish parties, meanwhile,<br />

keep waiting for a response from Ankara to their<br />

terms for a bor<strong>de</strong>r security arrangement, which was<br />

proposed after Turkeys's March 20 incursion into<br />

Iraq against the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK)<br />

separatists. But <strong>de</strong>spite its early enthusiasm,<br />

Turkey seems to have a change of heart.<br />

An Iraqi parliamentary <strong>de</strong>legation was given a<br />

red-carp<strong>et</strong> treatment last week and was pointedly<br />

allowed to file an official request against a renewed<br />

mandate for the Western air force based in Incir1ik,<br />

protecting the safe haven for the Iraqi Kurds un<strong>de</strong>r<br />

Operation Provi<strong>de</strong> Comfort. The mandate of the<br />

torce expires at the end of the month and there is a<br />

growing opposition in the Par1iamentto extend the<br />

stay of the alien warplanes although the military has<br />

sought an exten<strong>de</strong>d mandate. The TON survey,<br />

based on interviews with 2,000 people in the main<br />

cities and published on Monday, June 12, showed<br />

that 36.03 percent of the people want northem Iraq<br />

to be given back to Iraqi control in response to a<br />

question over what Turkey should do in the area to<br />

maintain its security.<br />

Those who wanted northern Iraq to be controlled<br />

by Turkey were also numerous, making up 34.68<br />

percent of the sample. The poll results were more<br />

pronounced in showing that the Westem planes had<br />

<strong>de</strong>finitely overstayed their welcome. No less than<br />

67.17 percent of the sampled people said -no. when<br />

asked if the Provi<strong>de</strong> Comfort force should remain in<br />

the area. A similarly high percentage of the Turks<br />

did not have any security worries regarding Iraq.<br />

Asked if they consi<strong>de</strong>red Saddam Hussein as a<br />

threat to Turkey, 66.22 percent of the sample<br />

replied in the negative.<br />

Strangely, the feeling does not seem to be very<br />

different among the Iraqi Kurds, according to<br />

Hussein Sinjari, a former ai<strong>de</strong> of Jalal Talabani, the<br />

lea<strong>de</strong>r of the Patriötic Union of Kurdistan and once<br />

a prominent figure in the Kurds' regional government,<br />

although the PUK has disputed his contentions<br />

that he was a foun<strong>de</strong>r of the party and that<br />

he held ministerial rank in the govemment.<br />

In an exclusive interview with the TON, published<br />

on Tuesday, June 13, Sinjari said the Iraqi Kurds<br />

longed for a s<strong>et</strong>tlement with Baghdad and that if a<br />

referendum were held right now, an overwhelming<br />

majority would support it. -I challenge anyone who<br />

is saying otherwise to come to Iraqi Kurdistan and<br />

conduct a poll, an epinion poll in Oohuk, Erbil and<br />

Sulaymaniyah," Sinjari told the TON.<br />

A main reason for the Kurds' longing for -a b<strong>et</strong>ter<br />

life instead of slogans" was their diminished respect<br />

and loyalty to their traditional lea<strong>de</strong>rs - Talabani<br />

and his mo<strong>de</strong>rate rival, Massoud Barzani who<br />

heads the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KOP)-<br />

because of their unending power struggle and selfishness.<br />

Sinjari also said the <strong>de</strong>mocratic institutions<br />

such as the local parliament and the regional government<br />

were discredited in the eyes of the people<br />

because of impotence and wi<strong>de</strong>spread corruption<br />

afflicting officialdom.<br />

According to Sinjari, a Western-trained international<br />

relations expert and the London representative<br />

of the regional government, the Iraqi Kurdish<br />

lea<strong>de</strong>rs proved themselves to be divi<strong>de</strong>rs instead of<br />

uniting the people and squan<strong>de</strong>red the meager<br />

income of the entity to arm their private militias. He<br />

said he, and most Iraqi Kurds, first of all consi<strong>de</strong>red<br />

themselves citizens of Iraq and held the interests of<br />

the Iraqi state over those of the West.<br />

But he sought international guarantees, preferably<br />

from the West, for the accord he wanted with<br />

Baghdad. He said it was essential for a third party<br />

to take part in the talks with the Iraqi government for<br />

a negotiated s<strong>et</strong>tlement which, he said, should have<br />

the additional guarantee of being recor<strong>de</strong>d by the<br />

United Nations. .<br />

He said Britain, which played a major role in<br />

Iraq's in<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nce in the past, had close historic<br />

and cultural relations and on top of that was a<br />

-mother" for the Kurdish safe haven in the north,<br />

was i<strong>de</strong>ally suited for such a role. If Britain was not<br />

accepted, France, Russia, the Iraqi National<br />

Congress (INC) ~n umbrella organization for the<br />

Jraqi and Kurdish opposition groups- or the MCC,<br />

the Zakho-based Military Coordination Center<br />

grouping a score of Western military personnel<br />

monitoring the Gulf War cease-fire terms, could be<br />

other candidates for the role, Sinjari said. As for<br />

Turkey, he said it could playa role as monitor within<br />

the MCC, and could advise the Iraqi officials on a<br />

<strong>de</strong>mocratic solution for the Kurdish issue.<br />

Beyond the presence of an agreed third party in<br />

the negotiations, the Kurdish official said a s<strong>et</strong> of<br />

confi<strong>de</strong>nce-building measures had to be implemented<br />

to help remove the <strong>de</strong>ep-rooted distrust b<strong>et</strong>ween<br />

Baghdad and the Kurds. Topping the list for such<br />

measures should be a commitment by Baghdad not<br />

to send its troops back into the north before the<br />


- ------------------- ~-~~ ~---- -------<br />



10., .' Turkish Probe June 16,1995<br />

The Saga of Ministerial Name-Calling<br />

Nazlan Ertan<br />

. nkara's best known line vis-a-vis the<br />

~ European Parliament is that this body,<br />

~ own as the "conscience. of the European<br />

Union, should not link ratification of a customs<br />

union with Turkey to "other issues:<br />

, "Turkey is fulfilling its obligations (on technical<br />

harmonization and <strong>de</strong>mocratization). Bringing up<br />

other issues would not benefit either of the si<strong>de</strong>s,.<br />

the Foreign Ministry's new spokesman Omer Akbel<br />

said after a European Parliament resolution linking<br />

the Euro-Parliament ratification of the lucrative<br />

tra<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong>al with the release of jailed Kurdish<br />

<strong>de</strong>puties.<br />

But for the past week, the ties b<strong>et</strong>ween Turkey<br />

and the European Parliament have been strained<br />

due to the strangest "other issue. ever. Turkey's<br />

tentative image was tarnished consi<strong>de</strong>rably when<br />

State Minister Ayvaz Gôk<strong>de</strong>mir was quoted as calling<br />

three female European <strong>de</strong>puties "prostitutes: "If<br />

someone wanted to mastermind a way to create<br />

antagonism b<strong>et</strong>ween Turkey and the European<br />

Parliament, they could not have come up with a<br />

b<strong>et</strong>ter plan,. a Turkish diplomat said a day after<br />

headlines splashed across Turkish newspapers<br />

voiced the outrage of three Euro-MPs against State<br />

Minister Ayvaz Gôk<strong>de</strong>mir. Theever-blun<strong>de</strong>ring<br />

Gôk<strong>de</strong>mir had reportedly called three key figures in<br />

the European Parliament, who had visited Turkey<br />

last month, "European prostitutes of dubious<br />

intent.. .<br />

"We willnot release jailedinfi<strong>de</strong>ls (of the<br />

Democracy Party) because European prostitutes of<br />

dubious intEmtwant us to do so. May God save us,<br />

and the nation, from the coalition partner we have'.'<br />

Gôk<strong>de</strong>mir told a True Path me<strong>et</strong>ing in Kilis a day<br />

before the elections.<br />

According to journalists on the scene, he used<br />

the word "slur rather than prostitute, but the newspaper<br />

reports toned down his vulgarity.<br />

~His words were echoed in Brussels and the<br />

storm broke four days later, prior to a dinner<br />

Foreign Minister Erdal Inônü planned to host in<br />

Brussels. The three Euro-MPs, Catherine<br />

Lalumiere of France, Claudia Roth of Germany and<br />

Pauline Green of Britain, protested at the remarks<br />

by not attending the dinner party.<br />

In a l<strong>et</strong>ter to Prime Minister Tansu Çiller, Turkey's<br />

first female prime minister who is not exactly known<br />

for her sensitivity on women's issues, they requested<br />

her to "distance herself from the remarks of<br />

Gôk<strong>de</strong>mir" and asked for a personal apology from<br />

the minister.<br />

Çiller did write a l<strong>et</strong>ter of apology, saying that she<br />

could not imagine how "one of her ministers. could<br />

make such a remark. "If he has said this,. said<br />

Çiller's l<strong>et</strong>ter addressed to the MPs and the head of<br />

the European Parliament, "his remarks do ,not<br />

reflect the view of myself nor my government. I<br />

<strong>de</strong>tach myself from them: Çiller ad<strong>de</strong>d that she<br />

regr<strong>et</strong>ted the <strong>de</strong>velopments, but, perhaps due to<br />

her awareness of Gôk<strong>de</strong>mir's political weight, carefully<br />

refrained from con<strong>de</strong>mning the remark.<br />

Gôk<strong>de</strong>mir, for his part, ma<strong>de</strong> one conflicting remark<br />

after another: He told conservative daily Türkiye's<br />

Sabahattin Onkibar that he had "never ma<strong>de</strong> those<br />

remarks. and the claim that he had would "only<br />

serve the interests of the PKK and Greek lobbies:<br />

"If they tell me I have said it, I am not someone to<br />

disclaim that,. he told Hürriy<strong>et</strong>. He ad<strong>de</strong>d, in<br />

remarks quoted in various newspapers, "This is not<br />

a serious insult. It is just a statement that reflects<br />

the.sensitivity of the people who do not want to see<br />

their country divi<strong>de</strong>d:<br />

Then, he ad<strong>de</strong>d as a finishing touch: "I do not<br />

know wh<strong>et</strong>her they are prostitutes or not. I am not<br />

keeping track of who is... playing around with whom<br />

in European circles:<br />

Finally, he ma<strong>de</strong> a halfheartedapology to the<br />

female <strong>de</strong>puties: "I have learned withregr<strong>et</strong> that<br />

some of the newspaper accounts of the remarks I<br />

have ma<strong>de</strong> in response to a citizen's question in<br />

Kilis have created some touchiness,. he said. "If it<br />

will make up for their taking offense due to this<br />

misun<strong>de</strong>rstanding, I apologize:<br />

The apology, such as it was, failed to end the<br />

controversy. German Green Claudia Roth said she<br />

inten<strong>de</strong>d to sue the minister, and Pauline Green,<br />

the chairman of the largest group in the European<br />

Parliament, complained that no action had been<br />

taken against Gôk<strong>de</strong>mir by Çiller.<br />

"I must stress that this man is a minister in government<br />

in Turkey,. Green told a separate news<br />

conference.<br />

"This <strong>de</strong>monstrates ...the distance that Turkey<br />

has to travel to the same <strong>de</strong>mocratic conditions and<br />

values as in the European Union...That's why we in<br />

the European Parliament are cautious until they<br />

<strong>de</strong>monstrate the same <strong>de</strong>mocratic conditions and<br />

values as we do,. she said.<br />

"From a point of view of g<strong>et</strong>ting votes it's not useful<br />

if three party lea<strong>de</strong>rs are <strong>de</strong>scribed in this way,.<br />

Claudia Roth told a news conference.<br />

Despite the initial outrage expressed in the media<br />

toward the minister, the sensitivity appears to have<br />

died down. Reliable sources say that Gôk<strong>de</strong>mir will<br />

not maintain his post in a Cabin<strong>et</strong> reshuffle (and in<br />

a few months, Ayvaz, pronounced "I was. will<br />

become a "he was:)<br />

However, there are politicians and journalists<br />

who support him, on the grounds that he either did<br />

not make the remark or he was right to make the<br />

remark.<br />

Sabahattin Onkibar, a columnist of Turkiye,<br />

<strong>de</strong>scribed the minister as a "symbol of honor" and<br />

'/,<br />



Turkish Probe June 16,1995<br />

11<br />

ad<strong>de</strong>d: "Even if he, due to his straightforward<br />

Anatolian nature has ma<strong>de</strong> some blun<strong>de</strong>r - which<br />

we really do not think he did - then this should<br />

have been overlooked."<br />

Önkibar then con<strong>de</strong>mned the blindly pro-<br />

European ten<strong>de</strong>ncies of the Foreign Ministry, making<br />

Turkish outrage sound as if it were an attempt to<br />

"appease" the European Parliament.<br />

A journalist from a private TV channel reported<br />

that scores of faxes in support of Gök<strong>de</strong>mir's<br />

remarks were transmitted to their offices in Ankara<br />

and Istanbul.<br />

The strangest statement came from Kenan<br />

Evren, the seventh presi<strong>de</strong>nt of Turkey. "If it was<br />

my time I would have dismissed him," said Evren,<br />

now happily r<strong>et</strong>ired in Marmaris. "What an undiplomatic<br />

remark - he should have found another<br />

word. In fact, you cannot call a prostitute a 'prostitute'<br />

because it is a felony."<br />

The state ministry responsible for the rights of<br />

women kept a low profile, but female members of<br />

the Republican People's Party (CHP), the junior<br />

coalition partner of the Gök<strong>de</strong>mir's True Path, also<br />

launched their own protest.<br />

"His remarks have not only offen<strong>de</strong>d us, the<br />

women of CHP, but all Turkish women," a statement<br />

said. "Gök<strong>de</strong>mir should apologize to the three<br />

female <strong>de</strong>puties and respectfully salute those intelligent<br />

and mo<strong>de</strong>rn <strong>de</strong>puties who are the pri<strong>de</strong> of<br />

Europe."<br />

A bitter statement came from I~IIÖzgentürk, a<br />

movie director. "I've known Ayvaz Gök<strong>de</strong>mir for a<br />

long time. His words show that he does not un<strong>de</strong>rstand<br />

<strong>de</strong>mocracy. I am sure that many of those who<br />

occupy the same seats in Parliament are also capable<br />

of using such words. n •<br />

Who said What:<br />

"I do not know wh<strong>et</strong>her they are prostitutes or<br />

not. I am not keeping track of who is... playing<br />

around with whom in European circles."<br />

Ayvaz Gök<strong>de</strong>mir, State Minister<br />

"If he (Gök<strong>de</strong>mir) has said this ... his<br />

remarks do not reflect the view of myself nor<br />

my government. I <strong>de</strong>tach myself from them.<br />

Tansu Çiller, Prime Minister<br />

"Even if Gök<strong>de</strong>mir, due to his straightforward<br />

Anatolian nature has ma<strong>de</strong> some blun<strong>de</strong>r -<br />

which we really do not think he did - then this<br />

should have been overlooked."<br />

Sabahattin Önkibar, Türkiye columnist<br />

"What an undiplomatic remark - he<br />

should have found another word. In fact, you<br />

cannot call a prostitute a 'prostitute' because<br />

it is a felony." Kenan Evren, ex-presi<strong>de</strong>nt<br />

"This <strong>de</strong>monstrates ...the distance that Turkey<br />

has to travel to the same <strong>de</strong>mocratic conditions<br />

and values as in the European Union ...That's<br />

why we in the European Parliament are cautious<br />

until they <strong>de</strong>monstrate the same <strong>de</strong>mocratic<br />

conditions and values as we do."<br />

Pauline Green, head of the European<br />

Parliament socialists group<br />

"I am sure that many of those who occupy the<br />

same seats in Parliament are also capable of<br />

using such words." l$tI Özgentürk, film director<br />



16<br />

Turkish Probe June 16,1995<br />

Diplomatic Briefcase<br />

FM Inönü: Terrorism<br />

Ras Delayed Reforms<br />

Foreign Minister Erdal Inönü was quoted last<br />

week as saying that separatist terrorism against the<br />

Turkish state has caused a <strong>de</strong>lay in governmentplanned<br />

<strong>de</strong>mocratization reforms. In an interview<br />

with the Brussels-based daily France. Soir, Inönü<br />

said Turkey was <strong>de</strong>termined nevertheless to realize<br />

the reforms, adding he believed major steps would<br />

be taken before the end of June. Turkey and the<br />

European Union agreed in princ:iple in March for<br />

Ankara's planned customs union with the EU next<br />

year. But the European Parliament, the body which<br />

will make a final <strong>de</strong>cision on the issue, urges<br />

Turkey to <strong>de</strong>mocratize its regime first. Inönü also<br />

said Turkey was using military m<strong>et</strong>hods only<br />

against the outlawed Kurdistan Workers' Party, or<br />

PKK, and not targ<strong>et</strong>ing civilians in the country's<br />

troubled Southeast where the PKK has been wag-<br />

.ing a separatist war.<br />

Armeniato Open<br />

Damaged Nuclear<br />

Plant<br />

Risking a major human and environmental disaster,<br />

according to experts, Armenia is said to be<br />

going ahead with plans to open the M<strong>et</strong>samor<br />

nuclear power plant, which was seriously damaged<br />

in an earthquake in 1988 and which is near that<br />

country's bor<strong>de</strong>r with Turkey. Reporting from<br />

Moscow on Tuesday, the Anatolia news agency<br />

said that Russian Prime Minister Viktor<br />

Chernomyrdin would attend the opening ceremony<br />

planned for June 19. Turkey has opposed the opening<br />

of the plant, saying it is a saf<strong>et</strong>y hazard.<br />

Ankara's position was conveyed to Armenian<br />

Foreign Minister Vahan Papazyan two months ago<br />

in Athens by Foreign Minister Erdal Inönü during a<br />

Black Sea Economic Cooperation summit. Inönü, a<br />

nuclear physicist, told reporters in Athens that<br />

Yerevan could not operate the nuclear power plant<br />

without the permission of the Vienna-based<br />

International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). The<br />

plant itself lies on a fault line and is only 10 kilom<strong>et</strong>ers<br />

from Turkey. The 1988 earthquake, which seriously<br />

damaged the plant, also killed an estimated<br />

55,000 people in Armenia. Western countries<br />

approached by Yerevan for help to reopen the plant<br />

have refused all assistance.<br />

Greek Cyprus Said To<br />

Be 'On Course' for EU'<br />

Greek Cyprus and Malta signed agreements on<br />

Monday to help them prepare to be in the next<br />

batch of countries to join the European Union when<br />

it next opens its doors to new members.<br />

Negotiations are s<strong>et</strong> to start six months after the<br />

end of a review of EU treaties, which is due to<br />

begin next year, but could last for several months,<br />

Reuters said. Greek Cypriot Foreign Affairs Minister<br />

Alecos Michaeli<strong>de</strong>s and his Maltese counterpart<br />

Professor Guido <strong>de</strong> Marco signed accords for 74<br />

million European currency units (ECUS) ($96 million)<br />

and 45 million ECUS ($58.5 million), respectively,<br />

in loans and grants. The two ministers hailed<br />

the commitment to a firm date for the start of talks<br />

- even if the division of Cyprus into Turkish and<br />

Greek Cypriot sectors has not been resolved.<br />

"Today's agreements are a milestone in efforts for<br />

Cyprus joining the community," Michaeli<strong>de</strong>s told a<br />

news conference. Turkish Cypriot officials say the<br />

Greek Cypriot application to join the EU cannot be<br />

on behalf of the island and therefore reject the<br />

application. They say they are also opposed to<br />

Cyprus joining the EU before Turkey does .<br />

Michaeli<strong>de</strong>s said he hoped the <strong>de</strong>cision would give<br />

imp<strong>et</strong>us to finding a solution to the Cyprus issue.<br />

"Our responsibility is not to analyze the past, but to<br />

build the future... We are thrilled, excited and committed<br />

to this process," Michaeli<strong>de</strong>s ad<strong>de</strong>d.<br />

Deported Amnesty Official<br />

CIJII;msHe Was Denied Bights<br />

Amnesty International representative Helmut<br />

Oberdiek, who was <strong>de</strong>ported from Turkey last week<br />

un<strong>de</strong>r an or<strong>de</strong>r issued by the Interior Ministry,<br />

claimed once back in Germany that he was <strong>de</strong>nied<br />

a lawyer and the right to make a telephone call during<br />

his <strong>de</strong>tention in Adana. Talking to the Turkish<br />

Daily News from Germany by telephone, Oberdiek<br />

said he was taken away by three plainclothes<br />

policemen from his hotel room in Adana to be interrogated<br />

.."They did not say I was being <strong>de</strong>tained.<br />

(They just said 'you have to come with us.' Then<br />

they took me to the police <strong>de</strong>partment <strong>de</strong>aling with<br />

aliens," Oberdiek said. "There they told me that it<br />

was illegal for me to enter Turkey and I asked them<br />

which authority had ma<strong>de</strong> this <strong>de</strong>cision. They did<br />

not want to tell me at first but later said it was the<br />

Ministry of the Interior," he ad<strong>de</strong>d. "I was just ma<strong>de</strong><br />

to wait in a room and was later taken to the <strong>de</strong>partment<br />

<strong>de</strong>aling with terrorism. For eight hours we<br />

argued with the policemen there. In other words. it<br />

was not like being questioned. But they held me<br />

responsible for all the mistakes ma<strong>de</strong> by European<br />

governments," Oberdiek said. He ad<strong>de</strong>d that his<br />

personal belongings had been gone through separately<br />

by every policeman there, saying these<br />

inclu<strong>de</strong>d his notes. "My real concern is that those<br />

whose names are in my notes may be in some way<br />

threatened," he said.<br />



18 Turkish Probe June 16,1995<br />

Human Rights Diary<br />

Deported AI official claims he was <strong>de</strong>nied right to legal counsel:<br />

Amnesty International representative Helmut Oberdiek, who<br />

was <strong>de</strong>ported from Turkey earlier last week un<strong>de</strong>r an or<strong>de</strong>r issued by<br />

the Interior Ministry, claimed on June 9 that he was <strong>de</strong>nied a lawyer and<br />

the right to make a telephone call during his <strong>de</strong>tention in Adana on June 5.<br />

Talking to the Turkish Daily News from Germany by telephone Oberdiek, said he<br />

was taken away by three plainclothes policemen from his hotel room in Adana .to be<br />

interrogated. "They did not say I was being <strong>de</strong>tained. They just said 'you have to come<br />

with us.' Then they took me to the police <strong>de</strong>partment <strong>de</strong>aling with aliens," Oberdiek said,<br />

continuing: "There they told me that it was illegal for me to enter Turkey and I asked them<br />

which authority had ma<strong>de</strong> this <strong>de</strong>cision. They did not want to tell me at first but later said it was<br />

the Ministry of the Interior." Indicating that he received privileged treatment while in <strong>de</strong>tention,<br />

Oberdiek said he was not put into prison. "I was just ma<strong>de</strong> to wait in a room and later taken to the<br />

<strong>de</strong>partment <strong>de</strong>aling with terrorism. For eight hours we argued with the policemen there. In other words it<br />

was not like a questioning. But they held me responsible for all the mistakes ma<strong>de</strong> by European governments,"<br />

Oberdiek said. He ad<strong>de</strong>d that his personal belongings had been gone through separately by every<br />

policeman there, saying these inclu<strong>de</strong>d his notes. "My real concern is that those whose names are in my<br />

notes may be un<strong>de</strong>r some threat," he said. (Turkish Daily News, June 10)<br />

Acquittal of rights actMsts endorsed by Court of Appeals: The Appeals Court upheld a ruling by the Ankara<br />

State Security Court (OGM) to acquit the administrators of the Turkish Human Rights Foundation (TIHV) and<br />

the Human Rights Association (IHO) of charges of engaging in separatist propaganda. TIHV Presi<strong>de</strong>nt Yavuz<br />

Önen, executive board member Fevzi Argün, IHO head Akin Birdal, IHO General Secr<strong>et</strong>ary Hüsnü Öndül, and<br />

executive board members Sedat A.slanta~ and Erol Anar had all faced two to five years in prison had they<br />

been convicted by the court. Yavuz Önen and Fevzi Argün were charged with disseminating separatist propaganda<br />

in their book, ''The Torture Case," which <strong>de</strong>als extensively with the situation in Turkey's Southeast<br />

where security forces are combatting Kurdish separatist terrorism. Akin Birdal, Hüsnü Öndül, Sedat Aslanta~<br />

and Erol Anar where being tried separately for a book published by the IHO entitled "A Cross-section of<br />

Burned Villages," which again <strong>de</strong>als extensively with the situation in the Southeast. Both the TIHV and IHO<br />

administrators had been acquitted last January of the charges brought against them by the OGM prosecutor.<br />

The outcome of the trial and its endorsement by the Appeals Court is consi<strong>de</strong>red a landmark <strong>de</strong>velopment in<br />

Turkey's difficult struggle to secure full freedom of expression, analysts say, pointing out that an important<br />

legal prece<strong>de</strong>nt has thus been s<strong>et</strong>. (Turkish Daily News, June 13)<br />

Justice Minister 'ashamed' of Article 8: Justice Minister Mehm<strong>et</strong> MoQultay, speaking to the press<br />

upon arrival from the International Labor Organization (ILO) me<strong>et</strong>ing in Geneva. said that Article 8 of the<br />

Anti-Terrorism Law was "Turkey's shame." "An article foreseeing the restriction of thought is<br />

unconstitutional and Turkey should not continue holding on to such laws for much longer," the<br />

Anatolia news agency reported MoQultay saying. He went on to say that if Turkey lifted the article limiting<br />

freedom of thought "the country would neither end up being divi<strong>de</strong>d nor be 'saved'like some people believe,"<br />

and ad<strong>de</strong>d "it will only take us a step further toward <strong>de</strong>mocracy." MoQultay conclu<strong>de</strong>d by pointing out that the<br />

article "had to be cleared out of the way" in or<strong>de</strong>r to start "concentrating" on solutions to other problems in<br />

Turkey. (Turkish Daily News. June 13)<br />

.'<br />

Tur1dsh German <strong>de</strong>puty makes protest speech in Istanbul: Cem ÖZ<strong>de</strong>mir, the <strong>et</strong>hnic Turkish Greens <strong>de</strong>puty<br />

in the German Parliament, on June 12 contributed his signature to a controversial book, expressing his solidarity<br />

with its prosecuted authors. Signing the book entitled "Freedom of Thought and Turkey," in front of<br />

the State Security Court in Istanbul, where the contributing artists and aca<strong>de</strong>mics are on trial, Öz<strong>de</strong>mir<br />

quipped he had "never committed a crime so easily in all my years in politics." Oz<strong>de</strong>mir also<br />

slammed the govemment policies which he said werelimiting politicalliberties. Addressing a<br />

news conference later at the Foreign Press Center, Öz<strong>de</strong>mir said Turkey should enter not<br />

only the customs union but the European Union as well, and for that it "had to become<br />

and will become European in the respect of <strong>de</strong>mocracy and human rights." Noting<br />

that the East and West were compl<strong>et</strong>ing the process of unification and the Eastern<br />

European countries had already entered the Western European mark<strong>et</strong>,<br />

Öz<strong>de</strong>mir said the Turks living abroad would playa key role in the country's<br />

integration with Europe. "Turkey should not l<strong>et</strong> this chance slip. If it<br />

does, it may never find it again," warned the outspoken Greens<br />

<strong>de</strong>puty. (Turkish Daily News. June 13)<br />



FRS0503 3 l 0514 JOR /AFP~Q~58<br />

Irak prév<br />

Guerre ouverte entre une <strong>de</strong>s plus gran<strong>de</strong>s tribus irakiennes <strong>et</strong> le<br />

régime<br />

Par Randa HABIB<br />

AMMAN, 16 juin (AFP) - Une <strong>de</strong>s plus gran<strong>de</strong>s tribus connues pour sa<br />

loyauté au prési<strong>de</strong>nt irakien Saddam Hussein a déclaré une guerre ouverte à<br />

son régime qui, bien qu'ayant maté l'insurrection <strong>de</strong> mercredi, voit sa base<br />

se réduire dangereusement.<br />

La tribu <strong>de</strong>s Doulaïmi, dont un <strong>de</strong>s membres a mené une insurrection<br />

avortée à Abou Gharib, aux portes <strong>de</strong> Bagdad, a affirmé que l'opération<br />

n'était qu'un "avertissement.". "Il Y aura d'autres émeutes <strong>et</strong> d'autres<br />

insurrections jusqu'à l'anéantissement du régime", a affirmé à l'AFP un<br />

membre important <strong>de</strong> c<strong>et</strong>te famille.<br />

Les Doulaïmi, dont l'influence s'étend tout le long <strong>de</strong> l'Euphrate, <strong>de</strong><br />

l'ouest <strong>de</strong> Bagdad jusqu'aux frontières avec la Syrie, la Jordanie <strong>et</strong><br />

l'Arabie saoudite, forment la plus puissante tribu d'Irak si l'on prend en<br />

considération les gran<strong>de</strong>s familles, notamment les Hadithi qui s'y<br />

rattachent, indiquent <strong>de</strong>s experts <strong>de</strong> l'Irak.<br />

Lors <strong>de</strong>s soulèvements chiite <strong>et</strong> kur<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> 1991, au len<strong>de</strong>main <strong>de</strong> la guerre<br />

du Golfe, le pouvoir <strong>de</strong> Saddam Hussein n'a pas été affecté, en partie grâce<br />

au soutien <strong>de</strong>s Doulaïmi.<br />

Les sanglantes émeutes qui ont éclaté le 18 mai <strong>de</strong>rnier à Ramadi,<br />

chef-lieu du gouvernorat d'Anbar <strong>et</strong> fief <strong>de</strong>s Doulaïmi à l'ouest <strong>de</strong> Bagdad,<br />

ont été déclenchées en réaction au renvoi du corps atrocement mutilé du<br />

général Mohammad Mazloum al-Doulaïmi. Arrété en novembre 1994 pour complot,<br />

celui-ci avait été exécuté malgré la promesse donnée par le prési<strong>de</strong>nt<br />

Saddam Hussein à sa famille <strong>de</strong> le gracier.<br />

La réaction <strong>de</strong>s Doulaïmi qui 'se sont sentis trahis, n'a pas tardé. "Ce<br />

sont <strong>de</strong>s bédouins, ils ne pardonneront pas <strong>et</strong> lutteront jusqu'à la<br />

vengeance", a affirmé un expert <strong>de</strong> l'Irak.<br />

En s'aliénant ainsi un <strong>de</strong>s plus importants bastions du régime, c'est la<br />

loyauté <strong>de</strong> ses proches que le prési<strong>de</strong>nt irakien est en train <strong>de</strong> perdre,<br />

estime c<strong>et</strong> expert. .<br />

Selon lui, l'opposition, jusqu'à ce jour, n'était représentée que par<br />

<strong>de</strong>s groupes chiite <strong>et</strong> kur<strong>de</strong>, traditionnellement ennemis d'un lea<strong>de</strong>rship<br />

sunnite à Bagdad. .<br />

Un membre influent <strong>de</strong>s Doulaïmi a affirmé vendredi à l'AFP que sa tribu<br />

n'avait aucun lien avec l'opposition chiite <strong>et</strong> kur<strong>de</strong>. "Les communiqués qui<br />

sortent <strong>de</strong> Damas, Téhéran ou Londres sur l'insurrection <strong>de</strong> mercredi n'ont<br />

aucune valeur. Nous avons notre propre stratégie sur le sol irakien <strong>et</strong> nous<br />

ferons payer cher à Saddam Hussein sa trahison", a-t-il déclaré.<br />

Nombre <strong>de</strong> membres <strong>de</strong> l'armée <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong>s services <strong>de</strong> renseignements irakiens<br />

appartiennent à .la tribu <strong>de</strong>s Doulaïmi, indiquent les experts <strong>de</strong> l'Irak •<br />

.Malgré la guerre ouverte déclarée par c<strong>et</strong>te communauté, .Saddam Hussein ne<br />

peut limoger tous les Doulaïmi sans affecter son armée.<br />

Le prési<strong>de</strong>nt irakien s'est déjà aliéné la gràn<strong>de</strong> tribu <strong>de</strong>s Joubouri <strong>de</strong><br />

Mossoul (nord), lors d'inci<strong>de</strong>nts avec les services <strong>de</strong> renseignements en<br />

'octobre <strong>de</strong>rnier. Un officier supérieur <strong>de</strong> la gran<strong>de</strong> famille <strong>de</strong> Samarra<br />

(nord), le général Wafik ~amarraï, a fait défection en décembre 1994.<br />

RH/jeb/jag<br />

AFP /J00245/161434 JON 95<br />

.AgenceFrancePresse - HP .AgenceFrancsPresse - Ar P .AgenceFrancePresse - A [.:P . AgencEFfâHcsPresse - AH. AgencsFfâDcePresse - A FP .AgenceFrancePresse - MP .<br />



Turkish Daily News<br />

FRIDAY. JUNE 16. ]995<br />

Turkey could free some<br />

Kurdish MPs after report<br />

Turkey's ties with the European parliament<br />

tensed further last week when<br />

nationalist minister Ayvaz Gök<strong>de</strong>mirwas<br />

quoted as <strong>de</strong>scribing as "prostitutes" three<br />

Yazar: 'If the Court of<br />

Appeals acts on the chief<br />

prosecutorsinterpr<strong>et</strong>ation<br />

...(<strong>de</strong>puties) Türk,<br />

Yurtta~and Dogan,have<br />

a chance of being freed'<br />

By Hldlf Gökta~<br />

Reuter<br />

ANKARA. A senior Turkish prosecutor's<br />

office said on Wednesday three<br />

Kurdish MPs jailed for "separatism" were<br />

.im~roperly charged, paving the way for<br />

"theirpossible release, one of their lawyers<br />

said.<br />

.... If the Court of Appeals acts on the<br />

chief prosecutor' s Interpr<strong>et</strong>ation ...<br />

(<strong>de</strong>puties) Ahm<strong>et</strong> Türk, Sedat Yurtta~ and<br />

Orhan Dogan, have a chance. of being<br />

freed," Fendun Yazar, a lawyer for the<br />

MPs, told Reuters.<br />

Türk and Do~an are serving 15 year<br />

jail terms, while Yurtta~ is serving 7 1/2<br />

years. .<br />

The arrest and conviction in December<br />

of ei$ht Kurdish MPs on charges of com~<br />

pliclt}' with the outlawed Kurdistan<br />

Workers Party (PKK), has un<strong>de</strong>rmined<br />

Ankara's ties with the West and cast .a<br />

cloud over its bid for a customs accord<br />

with the EU. The prosecutor's report rec.<br />

ommen<strong>de</strong>d that threeother jailed Kurdish<br />

<strong>de</strong>puties - Leyla lana, Hatip Dicle and<br />

Selim Sadak - serve out their I5-year<br />

sentences.<br />

Two other <strong>de</strong>puties were freed for time.<br />

already served when the trial en<strong>de</strong>d in<br />

'December.<br />

"That the report conflicts (with the<br />

original charges) ... shows the political<br />

nature of the case," Yazar said. "All the<br />

accused have the same status. They<br />

should all be released."<br />

A copy of the report, carried on the private<br />

National Press Agency (UBA), said<br />

Ahm<strong>et</strong>Türk<br />

Türk and Yùrtta~ should have been tried<br />

for "separatist propaganda" un<strong>de</strong>r article<br />

8 of Turkey's notonous anti-terror law<br />

and Dobn for having given help to the<br />

PKK. Both charges carry lesser jail<br />

terms.<br />

The European parliament, a critic of<br />

Turkey's human rights record which is<br />

due to vote on Turkey's customs union<br />

with the.EU in October,says the approval<br />

hinges;dn..the release of the <strong>de</strong>puties ..<br />

'''Turkey wants customs union and<br />

membership of the European Union,"<br />

Yazar said. "It has become clear that it<br />

will not be admitted unless it conforms to<br />

EP (European parliament) conditions."<br />

The government, struggling to liberalize<br />

Turkey's post-military coup constitution<br />

as a first step towards greater <strong>de</strong>mocracy,<br />

says it cannot influence the judiciary.<br />

Article 8, which has caused scores of<br />

writers, intellectuals and unionists to be<br />

jailed for speeches and writings, is also a<br />

sore point with the European parliament,<br />

which would like to see it scrapped.<br />

Orhan DoOan<br />

SedalYumali<br />

woman Euro-MPs who asked for the<br />

release of the six <strong>de</strong>puties.<br />

Wednesday's report by Turkey's court<br />

of appeals chief prosecutor's office must<br />

be approved by the "ninth <strong>de</strong>partment". a<br />

body of nine people <strong>de</strong>aling with appeals<br />

of terror convictions.<br />

No date has been s<strong>et</strong> for the body to<br />

review the report, but the ninth <strong>de</strong>partment<br />

usually approves such recommendations.<br />


.Professor B~kaya reflects on 20 months<br />

In<br />

•<br />

prIson<br />

•<br />

Ba~kaya~whom we<br />

interviewed at his<br />

apartment, said, 'If<br />

their aim had been to<br />

stop the 'people.from<br />

learning'myopinions,<br />

my punishment has<br />

been a'compl<strong>et</strong>e fiasco'<br />

Sinan Yllmaz<br />

Turkish Daily News I<br />

ANKARA- Professor Fikr<strong>et</strong> Ba~kaya<br />

.was not a very well-known man: Those<br />

who knew him were mostly the stu<strong>de</strong>nts<br />

:of tzz<strong>et</strong> Baysal University, where<br />

B~kaya is alecturer, and those who read<br />

his books.<br />

. B~kaya frrst attfclctedattention after he<br />

started writing in Öz~ Gün<strong>de</strong>m newspaper.<br />

Later, his book 'The Collapse of the<br />

Paradigm" was published. The book, in<br />

w~1ichBa~kaya argued that the official<br />

line which had been put forward until<br />

today had no validity, attracted the attention<br />

of book lovers. However, it must<br />

have attracted the attention of somebody<br />

else as well because a l<strong>et</strong>ter was sent to<br />

B~kaya by the Prosecutor's Office, saying<br />

" since we will ask for your state.<br />

ment we eX{lectyou to be present at the<br />

Prosecutors's Office ..."<br />

B~kaya did not turn down the invitation<br />

and went tothe.prosecutor's 9ffice. A<br />

tile had been opened against him on<br />

charges of disseniin~ting separatist prop~-<br />

. ganda un<strong>de</strong>r ArtIcle' 8 of the AntI-<br />

. Terrorism Law. In other words, he had<br />

supported "separatism" as many other<br />

"CrIminals of thought" have done.<br />

B~kaya was fRed, found guilty and sentenced<br />

to 20 months in pnson and fined<br />

TL 41 million. He began his jail sentence<br />

on March 17, 1994, In Haymana Prison.<br />

At the same time Ba~kaya's book was<br />

being sold everywhere. He was, in fact, in<br />

prison because of a -book which was not<br />

banned. As he exrressed it, "They sent<br />

the criminal to jai but did not touch the<br />

source 'of the crime." '.<br />

Five editions of the book were pub-<br />

. lished while B~kaya was in prison. There<br />

. were also an unknown number of illegal<br />

publications. Consequently, Ba~kaya .<br />

nghtly said, "If their aIm was to stop the<br />

JX:Oplef!'Omlearmng my i<strong>de</strong>as, my pun-<br />

Ishment ISa compl<strong>et</strong>e fiasco." . .<br />

Ba~kaya,whom we visited at his apartment<br />

after his release from pris0'l1 on~e<br />

a8~n failed to keep, silent and express~d<br />

his I<strong>de</strong>as bravely. His remarks follow: ..<br />

TDN. I must first say welcome back.<br />

How was your life in prison? Could you<br />

tell us about it?<br />

. BA~KAYA. I didn't havemuch trou- .<br />

ble. I continued to do what I used to do'<br />

before. I was involved in translating,.",:riting<br />

and reading when I was out of JaIl. I<br />

continued to do so in jail. I did not suffer<br />

any material" orpnysiCilI problems.<br />

NeIther did I suffer from loneliness. On<br />

,the contrary, I found the opportunity to<br />

see many people whom I haven't seen for<br />

a long time. Thus, my life was not interrupted<br />

at aiL I can say that they failed to<br />

achieve their objectives by putting me in<br />

jail. They wanted 10 isolate me. r was not<br />

Isolated. They wanted to prevent me from<br />

writing, readIng and producing opinions.<br />

They failed to do so.<br />

TDN- What did you do throughout the<br />

day? . ,<br />

BA~KA YA- For some time I was<br />

inv~l~ed in sp,orts. Later; wc quit .sports, .<br />

claImIng that It was too hot. We listened'<br />

.to news bull<strong>et</strong>ins. I used to write and<br />

translate. I translated two books into<br />

. Turkish. But I hit trouble at the publishing<br />

stage. The printing rights belonged to<br />

a foundation in the United States and they<br />

4sked for a' great <strong>de</strong>al of money. So I<br />

could not g<strong>et</strong> It published.<br />

TDN- What does the outsi<strong>de</strong> world<br />

.look like when you view it fromjail?<br />

BASKA y A- It is important where<br />

look. Éut it is more important from where<br />

you look at it. When you look from jail,<br />

Turkey. 's socioeconomic and politIca. I<br />

geography does not create ahopef~)<br />

u.1<br />

5 .....,<br />

.ProCessor Fikr<strong>et</strong> B~kàya (L) with TDN's Sinan ytlmaz . TJ?N-Cengiz Uysa!<br />



scene. l'need to saythis openly. Wêhave<br />

failed to take any steps toward <strong>de</strong>m~tization,<br />

the human rights record and<br />

enlarging the field of freedom. We even<br />

havestepped backwards. We sawall<br />

these easily from prison as weIL The<br />

erup~io~s of racism, th~ ~ncre,ase.~f<br />

nationaliSm, naturaUy;create$, a negaUye<br />

scene.<br />

TON- You have been sentenced to a<br />

prison term of 20 months due to part of<br />

one paragraph. You have served tlie term'<br />

and been released. You had said that the<br />

i<strong>de</strong>as that were mentioned in "The<br />

Collapse of Paradigma" have been conflfffied.<br />

Is this really true?<br />

BA~KA YA- We had a talk with you<br />

before I entered jail. And I told you that if<br />

I were sentenced that would mean that the<br />

state says, "Yes, what you have said was<br />

true." Smce time has passed, it is possible<br />

to claim this in a more open manner. It is<br />

obvious that the paradigma has collapsed<br />

and that this was proven several times.<br />

Buf I need to explain that one paragraph.<br />

A part of the book was about Kurds. The<br />

whole of the book was a criticism of the<br />

official view. I don't think that it is only<br />

related to the book. I was a writ~r of<br />

Özgür Gün<strong>de</strong>m and a foun<strong>de</strong>r of Özgür<br />

Umversity. These things are very i'!1por-<br />

.tant in a country like Turkey, which IS not<br />

a judiciary state nor even a a state of law.<br />

It is neither a judiciary state nor a state of<br />

law, because they even fail to implement<br />

their own legislation.<br />

TON- Then, the state should apologize<br />

to you. You say that your claims have<br />

beèn confIrined.<br />

BA~K~ yA- I insist that my claims<br />

havebeen confirmed. However, such a<br />

thing will not take place in such a system.<br />

I do.n't even expect an apology.<br />

Thus, if those sections of soci<strong>et</strong>y which<br />

need <strong>de</strong>mocracy more than ever do not<br />

push hard for it, the scope of freedom will<br />

never be wi<strong>de</strong>ned. That is why I believe it<br />

is wron~ to assume that there is a direct<br />

correlatIon b<strong>et</strong>ween the legal process and<br />

<strong>de</strong>mocratization. Because, what Ïs also<br />

important is the way in which laws, regulatIOns<br />

are issued. The powers behmd<br />

t.hose laws o.r eills are alsoJmportant.<br />

When we consi<strong>de</strong>r the present Parliament,<br />

the government, we should not be expecting<br />

much from them. The mission of the<br />

members of these formations is to block<br />

the way forward.<br />

. We have to put terms, concepts where<br />

they belong. Democracy? If we look at<br />

this process in this country, we can easily<br />

.see that no step has been taken for 70<br />

years, because there is no tradition of<br />

stru~gling for <strong>de</strong>mocracy in Turkey. The<br />

sectIons of soci<strong>et</strong>y which are really in<br />

need of <strong>de</strong>mocracy do not push hard for<br />

it. When this is the case the authorities -<br />

those in power - always won the argument<br />

ml gave nothing where <strong>de</strong>mocratization<br />

is concerned. Even when they gave<br />

some rights they took them back. For<br />

~ample they drew up a constitution and<br />

then they n.arrowed it down on the<br />

groun4s that It was too much for soci<strong>et</strong>y.<br />

!he,nm the following years they abol-<br />

Ished it as a whole.<br />

If those who earn their living by their<br />

labor.d0 n?t a.t:gue.strong~y and ask for<br />

what IS therrs, It Will be difficult for this<br />

country to attain ,<strong>de</strong>mocratization.<br />

TON- What happened to your application<br />

to the European Human RIghts<br />

Commission?<br />

BA~KA y A- I did apply and the<br />

process continues. I tliink around<br />

November, they'll consi<strong>de</strong>r wh<strong>et</strong>her to<br />

accept my file or not. The Commission<br />

has asked for à Turkish government statement<br />

on the matter.<br />

TDN~ Only a couple 'of dayshave<br />

passed since your release from jail .. How<br />

do you feel being at home? .<br />

BASKAYA- To be honest with you, I'<br />

feellike I have never been in jail. I feel<br />

like I never left my house. I know it is<br />

hard to believe this but.this is how I feel.<br />

As if my wife, Sevinç, did not come to .<br />

visit me 63 times.<br />

'.<br />

. We ~skèd Sevinçßa~kaya, wifeof<br />

Fikr<strong>et</strong> B~kaya, our last questJ.on..<br />

TDN- Row did you survive this experi-,<br />

ence. How did it affect you? .'<br />

. S. BA~KA yA- It .~as very ilifficult at<br />

fust. I felt so sad. Smce we were colleagues<br />

too, we used.to go everywhere<br />

tog<strong>et</strong>her. We spent a great <strong>de</strong>al of our<br />

time tog<strong>et</strong>her.We did not experience<br />

financial difficulties, but physiologically<br />

it was very difficult. I am proud of my<br />

husband. I always felt so. Of course we<br />

were affected very much by the inci<strong>de</strong>nt,.~<br />

however, we are so happy at the moment.'<br />

TON-.! would like to thank you both<br />

y~ry m~ch. I hope you will not be put in<br />

Jad agam.<br />

S-P: BASKAYA-We<br />

thimk you.'<br />

,-------------------------------- --<br />

LE BIEN<br />

PUBLIC<br />



18 juin 1995<br />

Droits <strong>de</strong>l/homme?<br />

Ce s0r:tt <strong>de</strong>s pays proches <strong>de</strong><br />

nous, où beaucoup se sont rendus ou<br />

vont se rendre en voyage. Ces touristes<br />

ne verront sans doute pas ce<br />

dont <strong>de</strong>ux livres portent témoignages.<br />

Deux p<strong>et</strong>its livres terribles - terriblement<br />

accusateurs.<br />

"La prison n05" par Mehdl Zena<br />

(129p, 85F, ArI6a).- Qu'il ne fasse<br />

pas bon être kur<strong>de</strong> sous le régime<br />

turc, nul n'en doute, Mais, alors que<br />

les médias occi<strong>de</strong>ntaux se sont très<br />

vite désintéressés <strong>de</strong> l'opération ~e<br />

.police" menée par l'armée turque<br />

dans le sud-est du pays, le témoignage<br />

<strong>de</strong> Mehdi Zana nous donne<br />

toute l'ampleur, toute l'horreur <strong>de</strong> la<br />

répression dont les Kur<strong>de</strong>~ font les<br />

frais. Lea<strong>de</strong>r du mouVl"fi'lent démocratique,<br />

élu maire <strong>de</strong> la principale<br />

ville kur<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> Turquie, [?iyarbakir<br />

(plus d'un million <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong>mi d'habitants)<br />

il a fait comme une multitu<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> militants<br />

kur<strong>de</strong>s l'obj<strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong> détentions, <strong>de</strong><br />

tortures, d'humiliations dont le récit<br />

froid, objectif, mesuré qu'il en donne<br />

souligne "abjecte férocité.<br />

Aujourdhui, alors que la Turquie.<br />

membre <strong>de</strong> l'OTAN, frappe à la porte<br />

<strong>de</strong> la CEE, <strong>de</strong>s avocats sont jugés par<br />

le tribunal <strong>de</strong>vant lequel ils sont e";<br />

train <strong>de</strong> défendre un accusé. On ai;<br />

merait croire que le sadisme férocequi<br />

s'exerçait à l'encontre <strong>de</strong>s déte~<br />

nus comme Zanajusqu'à sa Iibératiori<br />

(en 1991) n'est plus en vigueur ...<br />

"Ces terribles enfants <strong>de</strong> Rus.<br />

sie" (128p, 68F, Grlot).- Laissés pout,<br />

compte du grand chambar<strong>de</strong>ment<br />

russe, les enfants affrontent une situation<br />

terrible <strong>de</strong> misère, d'abandon,<br />

<strong>de</strong> dénuement, <strong>de</strong> désespérance absolue.<br />

Soumis à toutes les violences,<br />

à toutes les dé,viances, j<strong>et</strong>és sur le<br />

trottoir. délinquants pour survivre, ou<br />

tout simplement perdus dans un.<br />

mon<strong>de</strong> qui les ignore pour mieux faire<br />

son .bizness", ils se confient, ils écrivent<br />

aux journaux. Les confessions<br />

<strong>de</strong> ces enfants d'un siècle pourri ont<br />

<strong>de</strong> quoi nous faire frémir, qui maternons<br />

nos propres rej<strong>et</strong>ons dans<br />

l'édredon du .cocooning" .....<br />

J.PH. ME;STRE<br />


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.lmq Mutiny Reveals Cracks in Clan Loyalty<br />

By Youssef M. Ibrahim<br />

New York TimesSeniœ<br />

years to a point of becoming an essential this structure layer after layer as the ligence services un<strong>de</strong>r the command of<br />

pool from which sensitive command loyalty of each clan cOrnesun<strong>de</strong>r suspi- Mr. Saddam's son, Qosai.<br />

posts in the army, intelligence ,and per- ci~n is a '1-cious cir~le that will only Historically, this sort of ostracism of a<br />

_ Alth oh' 'gnif' t' sonal corps of ~. Saddam s body- Wi<strong>de</strong>n the crrcles of discontent. whole group over suspicion of disloyalty<br />

ou~ mSI lcan m guards wen: recrwted' .. . h been ..<br />

PARIS<br />

military terms, the bnef mutiny by Iraqi, . . ..' . . In an earlier rebellion, the Jaboun as part of the po~tical culture of.<br />

Army units against Presi<strong>de</strong>nt Saddam ,~e pUlitary ~~gni!Ican~ of .this re- clan. arose to protest the execution of Iraq, a country where .IdC


AFP --:: A- F P- ---:: AFP ---:: AFP ----: A- F -P- ---.:: A- -F P --::<br />

FRS0276 4 I 0198 TOR /AFP-WJ63<br />

Turquie-Kur<strong>de</strong>s<br />

Trente rebelles kur<strong>de</strong>s tués dans le sud-est anatolien<br />

ISTANBUL, 17 juin (AFP) - Trente rebelles kur<strong>de</strong>s du Parti <strong>de</strong>s<br />

Travailleurs du Kurdistan (PKK, séparatiste) ont été tués lors d'opérations<br />

- <strong>de</strong> l'armée turque notamment dans les régions <strong>de</strong> Bingoi <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong> Van du sud-est<br />

anatolien, a rapporté samedi l'agence Anatolie.<br />

Dix-neuf "terroristes" (terme officiel désignant les rebelles kùr<strong>de</strong>s)<br />

ont été tués samedi dans la matinée, lors d'une opération militaire dans la<br />

région <strong>de</strong> Dosekkaya, près <strong>de</strong> Gene (province <strong>de</strong> Bingoi) selon l'agence,<br />

citant les sources officielles.<br />

Neuf autres rebelles kur<strong>de</strong>s, dont une femme, ont été abattus près du<br />

village <strong>de</strong> Burcakalan dans la région <strong>de</strong> Van, rapporte l'agence qui cite un<br />

communiqué <strong>de</strong> la Préfecture <strong>de</strong> l'état d'urgence <strong>de</strong> Diyarbakir. Ce <strong>de</strong>rnier,<br />

établi en 1987, coordonne la lutte <strong>de</strong> l'Etat turc contre le PKK.<br />

Par ailleurs, <strong>de</strong>ux rebelles ont été tués à Sirnak <strong>et</strong> Silopi (sud-est).<br />

Le PKK mène une rébellion contre Ankara <strong>de</strong>puis 1984 pour créer un Etat<br />

indépendant kur<strong>de</strong> dans le sud-est anatolien. C<strong>et</strong>te rébellion <strong>et</strong> les<br />

opérations <strong>de</strong> représailles <strong>de</strong> l'armée ont fait près <strong>de</strong> 16.000 morts én 11<br />

ans.<br />

KGlphp/cc<br />

FRS0375 4 I 0305 RFA /AFP-XB57<br />

Allemagne-Kur<strong>de</strong>s<br />

70.000 Kur<strong>de</strong>s manifestent à Bonn pour une solution politique en Turquie<br />

BONN, 17 juin (AFP) - Près <strong>de</strong> 70.000 Kur<strong>de</strong>s se sont rassemblés samedi à<br />

Bonn pour exiger une solution politique au conflit qui oppose les Kur<strong>de</strong>s<br />

~ux forces gouvernementales dans l'est <strong>de</strong> la Turquie.<br />

C<strong>et</strong>te manifestation, soutenue notamment par <strong>de</strong>s élus allemands <strong>de</strong> la<br />

formation écologiste Alliance 90/les Verts, s'est déroulée dans le calme.<br />

Une contre-manifestation à Cologne (ouest) à laquelle avaient appelé <strong>de</strong>s<br />

Kur<strong>de</strong>s radicaux pour protester contre l'interdiction du Parti <strong>de</strong>s<br />

travailleurs du Kurdistan (PKK, séparatiste) en Allemagne, où il est<br />

considéré comme une organisation terroriste, n'a pas été autorisée.<br />

Ainsi, 36 cars en provenance <strong>de</strong> Belgique ont été stoppés à la frontière<br />

par la police qui entendait s'assurer <strong>de</strong> l'absence dans les véhicules<br />

d'armes ou <strong>de</strong> symboles du PKK.<br />

Selon la police, les Kur<strong>de</strong>s ont alors cru qu'on voulait leur refuser<br />

l'entrée sur le territoire allemand <strong>et</strong> 2.000 d'entre eux ont passé la<br />

frontière à pied. Ils ont ensuite regagné leurs autocars pour rallier<br />

l'ancienne capitale alleman<strong>de</strong>.<br />

Les opérations militaires turques contre le PKK se sont intensifiées<br />

<strong>de</strong>puis une quinzaine <strong>de</strong> jours. Dans la région <strong>de</strong> Tunceli (est <strong>de</strong> la<br />

Turquie), où 18 soldats turques ont été tués lundi 'dans une embusca<strong>de</strong><br />

kur<strong>de</strong>, l'armée a, selon <strong>de</strong>s informations non confirmées officiellement,<br />

mobilisé près <strong>de</strong> 50.000 hommes. L'agence turque Anatolie a annoncé samedi<br />

que trente rebelles du PKK'venaient d'être tués dans le sud-est anatolien.<br />

La rébellion menée <strong>de</strong>puis 1984 par le PKK pour créer un Etat indépendant<br />

dans le sud-est anatolien <strong>et</strong> les opérations militaires turques ont fait<br />

près <strong>de</strong> 16.000 morts.<br />

1,85 million <strong>de</strong> Turcs vivent en Allemagne, parmi lesquels environ<br />

400.000 Kur<strong>de</strong>s.<br />

lal/egilb<br />

A- -F- -P-----.-.::.A- F- -p-"--.-.::'A- -F----P ----.-.::'A- -F -p-.----: A- -F -P-----:: A- -F -P- ---::<br />



FRS0130 4 IP 0500 /AFP-BQ4S<br />

.,Turquie-France<br />

Mme Ciller attendue en France dans un climat bilatéral "au beau .fixe"<br />

ANKARA, 18 juin (AFP) - Le premier ministre turc Tansu Ciller sera mardi<br />

à <strong>Paris</strong> afin <strong>de</strong> participer aux travaux <strong>de</strong> l'Union <strong>de</strong> l'Europe Occi<strong>de</strong>ntale<br />

(UEO) <strong>et</strong> d'avoir une première rencontre officielle avec les nouveaux<br />

responsables français, alors que les relations franco-turques sont, <strong>de</strong><br />

l'avis général, "au beau fixe".<br />

Mme Ciller est attendue dans la capitale française lundi soir <strong>et</strong> en<br />

repartira 24 heures plus tard. Elle a été invitée par l'assemblée<br />

parlementaire <strong>de</strong> l'UEO, <strong>de</strong>vant laquelle elle prononcera un discours mardi<br />

matin. La Turquie est membre associé <strong>de</strong> 1'~EO.<br />

Mais c<strong>et</strong>te visite-éclair perm<strong>et</strong>tra également~à Mme Ciller d'avoir un<br />

déjeuner officiel avec son homologue Alain Juppé, avant d'être reçue dans<br />

l'après-midi au palais <strong>de</strong> l'Elysée par le prési<strong>de</strong>nt Jacques Chirac, pour la<br />

première fois <strong>de</strong>puis l'élection <strong>de</strong> celui-ci le mois <strong>de</strong>rnier. .<br />

C<strong>et</strong>te visite ne peut que renforcer les "excellentes" relati~ns entre les<br />

<strong>de</strong>ux pays, estime-t-on tant du côté français que du côté turc, où l'on<br />

considère que la France est le meilleur soutien <strong>de</strong> la Turquie au sein <strong>de</strong><br />

l'Union européenne (UE).<br />

Ankara a été sensible aux efforts <strong>de</strong> <strong>Paris</strong>, qui détient encore jusqu'à<br />

la fin du mois la prési<strong>de</strong>nce tournante <strong>de</strong> lOUE, pour faire aboutir les<br />

négociations ayant mené à la signature en mars <strong>de</strong> l'accord d'union<br />

douanière entre la Turquie <strong>et</strong> les Quinze.<br />

M. Juppé, comme ministre <strong>de</strong>s affaires étrangères, avait alors joué un<br />

rôle crucial dans ce processus <strong>et</strong> la Turquie lui en sait ~ré~<br />

Par ailleurs, l'élection <strong>de</strong> M. Chirac à la prési<strong>de</strong>nce a été saluée comme<br />

une bonne nouvelle à Ankara où les sympathies pour la cause k~<strong>de</strong> du<br />

précé<strong>de</strong>nt prési<strong>de</strong>nt, François Mitterrand, <strong>et</strong> surtout <strong>de</strong> son épouse<br />

Danielle, étaient une cause fréquente d'irritation.<br />

. Le fait que la Turquie a ménagé la France la semaine <strong>de</strong>rnière en étant<br />

l'un <strong>de</strong>s rares pays du mon<strong>de</strong> à exprimer sa "compréhension" <strong>de</strong>vant sa<br />

décision <strong>de</strong> reprendre ses essais nucléaires dans le Pacifique Sud est<br />

considéré à Ankara comme révélateur <strong>de</strong> la bonne atmosphère régnant<br />

actuellement entre les <strong>de</strong>ux pays.<br />

De source proche <strong>de</strong> Mme Ciller, on a indiqué que celle-ci <strong>de</strong>man<strong>de</strong>ra lors<br />

<strong>de</strong> sa visite le soutien <strong>de</strong> la France pour que l'union douanière soit suivie<br />

dans les plus brefs délais d'une adhésion <strong>de</strong> la Turquie comme membre à part<br />

entière ,<strong>de</strong> l'UE, à laquelle elle est candidate <strong>de</strong>puis 1987.<br />

Ankara~dont le rapprochement avec les institutions européennes remonte<br />

à 1963, s'inquiète en eff<strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong> voir que <strong>de</strong>s pays dont la candidature est<br />

beaucoup plus récente, comme ceux d'Europe <strong>de</strong> l'est, pourraient rejoindre<br />

lOUE avant elle.<br />

On note toutefois à Ankara que l'entrée en vigueur <strong>de</strong> l'union douanière,<br />

prévue pour le 1er janvier prochain, dépend encore <strong>de</strong> la ratification du<br />

,parlement européen. Or, celui-ci exige au préalable <strong>de</strong>s progrès<br />

substantiels dans le domaine <strong>de</strong>s droits <strong>de</strong> l'homme <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong> la démocratie en<br />

Turquie.<br />

HC/cc<br />

AFP /J0024S/181133 JUN 95<br />



AFP ---~ A -F -P- --->A F P ---~ A F P- ----~ A- -F P- ---:: A- F P ---:<br />

FRS09i4 4 I 0264 FRA /AFP-L092<br />

France-Turquie<br />

Arrivée du premier ministre turc à <strong>Paris</strong><br />

PARIS, 19 juin (AFP) - Le Premier ministre turc, Mme Tansu Ciller, est<br />

arrivé lundi en fin d'après midi à <strong>Paris</strong> pour une visite <strong>de</strong> travail <strong>de</strong> 24<br />

heures consacrée notamment à l'Union <strong>de</strong> l'Europe occi<strong>de</strong>ntale <strong>et</strong> à <strong>de</strong>s<br />

entr<strong>et</strong>iens avec le prési<strong>de</strong>nt <strong>et</strong> le premier ministre.<br />

Mme Ciller doit participer aux travaux <strong>de</strong> l'Assemblée <strong>de</strong> l'UEO qui se<br />

tient dans la capitale française jusqu'à mercredi. La Turquie fait partie<br />

<strong>de</strong>s "trois membres associés" <strong>de</strong> l'UEO au côté <strong>de</strong> la Norvège <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong><br />

l'Islan<strong>de</strong>.<br />

Le premier ministre turc <strong>de</strong>vait ensuite être reçu à déjeuner à l'Hôtel<br />

.Matignon par son homologue Alain Juppé avant <strong>de</strong> rencontrer le prési<strong>de</strong>nt<br />

Jacques Chirac au palais <strong>de</strong> l'Elysée.<br />

Mme Ciller, selon <strong>de</strong>s sources informées turques, <strong>de</strong>vrait <strong>de</strong>man<strong>de</strong>r le<br />

soutien <strong>de</strong> la France pour que l'union douanière, conclue en mars <strong>de</strong>rnier<br />

entre l'Union européenne <strong>et</strong> Ankara, soit rapi<strong>de</strong>ment suivie d'une adhésion<br />

<strong>de</strong> la Turquie comme membre à part entière <strong>de</strong> l'UE, à laquelle elle est<br />

candidate <strong>de</strong>puis 1987.<br />

Ankara, dont le rapprochement avec les institutions européennes remonte<br />

à 1963, s'inquiète en eff<strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong> voir que <strong>de</strong>s pays dont la candidature est<br />

beaucoup plus récente, comme ceux d'Europe <strong>de</strong> l'est, pourraient rejoindre<br />

l'UE avant elle. .<br />

Par ailleurs, l'élection <strong>de</strong> M. Chirac à la prési<strong>de</strong>nce française a été<br />

saluée comme une bonne nouvelle à Ankara où les sympathies pour la cause<br />

kur<strong>de</strong> du précé<strong>de</strong>nt prési<strong>de</strong>nt, François Mitterrand, <strong>et</strong> surtout <strong>de</strong> son épouse<br />

Danielle, étaient une cause fréquente d'irritation.<br />

am-bfr/mst<br />

AFP /J00245/192005 JlIN Qa:;<br />

."<br />

Reuter. Reuter - Reuter. REUTER -Reuter. Reuter - Reuter. REUTER -Reuter. Reuter - Reuter. R<br />


h:<br />

Frœnch groups urg~ pr~&sure on Cill~r ~ver Kurds<br />

PARIS. June 19 (Reuter) - On th~ eve of a <strong>Paris</strong> Vi5it by<br />

Turkish P~ime Mini~ter Tansu Ciller, nine union ~nd human rights<br />

gr"oupa askp.d the French gcvernm\!int co Mend.cayto pre'ii~ her te<br />

açhieve a pea~eful $œttlemœnt with militant Kurd~.<br />

They _aid Turkish forces and Kuràish separatists were lo~ked<br />

in cne of the world P $ blocdiœst confliçts, killing 30 people<br />

daily~ and a$ked France to liuspend arms sales to Ankara.<br />

Thœ groups_ including tha Human Rights Leagu~ and the<br />

France-Libertes group hea<strong>de</strong>d by France~s fcrm~r ~ir$t Lady<br />

Danielle Mitterrand, protested against French plans te ßell 20<br />

Cougar heli~opters te Turkey.<br />

They asked <strong>Paris</strong> to make Turkish progres~ toward~ <strong>de</strong>mocracy,<br />

a release of political pd.90ners and dial.cgue en a peaceful Kurd<br />

s<strong>et</strong>tlem~nt conditions of ~ny financial aid or political support<br />

to Ankara..<br />

Cill~r is due to have talks on Tuesday with Presi<strong>de</strong>nt<br />

Jacque~ Chir~c:.and Prime Minister Alain Juppe and addr~$s the<br />

parliam&ntary aS$embly of the Western European Union <strong>de</strong>~ence<br />

group cf which Turkey is an associate member.<br />

REUTER<br />

191917 GMT jun 95<br />



FRS0907 4 l '0378 FRA /AFP-S018<br />

France-Turquie-~~r<strong>de</strong>s .<br />

Dix associatioris m<strong>et</strong>tent en cause l'ai<strong>de</strong> militaire <strong>de</strong> la France à la<br />

Turquie<br />

PARIS, 20 juin (AFP).- Dix associations ont mis en cause, mardi, l'ai<strong>de</strong><br />

militaire <strong>de</strong> la France à la Turquie accusée d'en faire usage pour<br />

"renforcer contre les Kur<strong>de</strong>s <strong>de</strong> Turquie une répression aussi féroce que<br />

celle que pratique'le régime <strong>de</strong> Saddam Bussein à l'encontre <strong>de</strong>s Kur<strong>de</strong>s<br />

d'Irak". .<br />

"Cédant une fois <strong>de</strong> plus au mercantilisme, le gouvernement français a<br />

autorisé la signature d'une contrat portant sur la livraison <strong>de</strong> 20<br />

hélicoptères Cougar à l'armée turque qui ne manquera pas <strong>de</strong> les utiliser<br />

contre les villages <strong>et</strong> les populations civiles kur<strong>de</strong>s", ont déclaré dans un<br />

communiqué ces associations parmi lesquelles figurent France-Libertés, la<br />

~igue <strong>de</strong>s Droits <strong>de</strong> l'Bomme, l'Union <strong>de</strong>s Femmes Françaises, le ClMADE, la<br />

'Maison du mon<strong>de</strong>, Agir ensemble, Agir ici.<br />

Au moment où le Premier ministre turc Tansu Ciller effectuait une visite<br />

d'une journée à <strong>Paris</strong> (elle <strong>de</strong>vait,quitter <strong>Paris</strong> pour Ankara dans le soirée<br />

<strong>de</strong> mardi), les associations ont <strong>de</strong>mandé à la France <strong>de</strong> "suivre l'exemple <strong>de</strong><br />

l'Allemagne, l'Afrique du Sud, l'Autriche, la Norvège, le Danemark, la<br />

Suè<strong>de</strong> <strong>et</strong> les Pays-Bas en suspendant toute livraison d'armes <strong>et</strong> assistance<br />

militaire à la Turquie".<br />

Elles ont aussi <strong>de</strong>mandé au gouvernement français <strong>de</strong> "conditionner toute<br />

~i<strong>de</strong> financière ou politique à Ankara au progrès réalisé par la Turquie<br />

dans la voie <strong>de</strong> la démocratie, <strong>de</strong> la libération <strong>de</strong>s prisonniers d'opinion<br />

<strong>et</strong> du dialogue en VUé d'un règlement pacifique du problème kur<strong>de</strong>".<br />

. Selon les associations signataires, "la guerre du Kurdistan dans<br />

'laquelle sont engagés 300.000 soldats, gendarmes <strong>et</strong> policiers'turcs, est<br />

actuelement l'un <strong>de</strong>s conflits les plus meurtriers du mon<strong>de</strong>".<br />

, Elles ont dressé un bilan accablant <strong>de</strong> l'action du gouvernement Ciller<br />

'au Kurdistan turc : "<strong>de</strong>struction <strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong>ux mille villages <strong>et</strong> d'une dizaine <strong>de</strong><br />

millions d'hecta~es <strong>de</strong> forêt, assassinat <strong>de</strong> 3.000 intellectuels,<br />

enseignants, écrivains, avocats, déportation <strong>de</strong> trois mill~ons <strong>de</strong> civils,<br />

internement <strong>de</strong> députés, 'd'univers,itaires, <strong>de</strong> journalistes pour délit<br />

d'opinion, baisse <strong>de</strong> 6% du PNB <strong>et</strong> inflation <strong>de</strong> 156% du fait du coat<br />

exorbitant <strong>de</strong> la guerre (19,5 milliards <strong>de</strong> dollars en <strong>de</strong>ux an's)".<br />

pc/mst<br />

AFP IJ00245/202116 ,JON 95<br />

'1<br />



FRs0467 4 I 0476 FRA /AFP-PY3?<br />

Turquie-UEO-UE<br />

Le Premier ministre turc m<strong>et</strong> en gar<strong>de</strong> contre une non-ratification <strong>de</strong><br />

l'union douanière avec l'UE<br />

PARIS, 20 juin (AFP) - Le Premier ministre turc Tansu Ciller a mis en<br />

.gar<strong>de</strong> mardi à <strong>Paris</strong> contre une éventuelle non-ratification <strong>de</strong> l'accord<br />

d'union douanière, conclu entre son pays <strong>et</strong> l'Union européenne, affirmant<br />

qu'une décision "négative" renforcera les extrémismes en Turquie.<br />

"Si l'union douanière est approuvée (par le Parlement européen), cela<br />

perm<strong>et</strong>tra sûrement d'accélerer les réformes <strong>et</strong> le changement en Turquie. Un<br />

vote négatif renforcera les extrémistes", a souligné Mme Ciller, lors <strong>de</strong> sa<br />

.première intervention <strong>de</strong>vant l'Assemblée <strong>de</strong> l'UEO (Union <strong>de</strong> l'Europe<br />

occi<strong>de</strong>ntale).<br />

Selon elle, "il n'existe pas <strong>de</strong> formule précise pour mesurer les<br />

changements <strong>et</strong> les améliorations" <strong>de</strong>s réformes en Turquie.<br />

Le Parlement européen, qui doit se prononcer à l'automne, conditionne la<br />

ratification <strong>de</strong> l'accord d'union douanière conclu en mars à Bruxelles entre<br />

la Turquie <strong>et</strong> l'UE à la libération <strong>de</strong>s députés turcs d'origine kur<strong>de</strong><br />

emprisonnés <strong>et</strong> à la mise en place <strong>de</strong> réformes démocratiques dans ce pays.<br />

"L'Union europénne doit aussi prendre en considération l'action <strong>de</strong> la<br />

Turquie pour la sécurité <strong>et</strong> la stabilité <strong>de</strong> l'Europe, alors que les<br />

conflits <strong>et</strong> les violences nés <strong>de</strong> la désintégration <strong>de</strong> l'URSS risquent <strong>de</strong><br />

dévaster la région", a dit le Premier ministre.<br />

Le discours <strong>de</strong> Mme Ciller, dont le pays est membre associé <strong>de</strong> l'UEO, a<br />

été vivement applaudi par les parlementaires <strong>de</strong> l'UEO.<br />

Lutter contre le terrorisme<br />

Mme Ciller a également présenté la Turquie comme "un modèle" pour les<br />

républiques à population essentiellement, musulmanes, issues <strong>de</strong> l'ex-URSS,<br />

<strong>et</strong> qui ont accédé à l'indépendance.<br />

"Le choix pour ces 200 millions <strong>de</strong> personnes, qui parlent le turc, est<br />

entre notre modèle politique <strong>et</strong> économique d'ouverture <strong>et</strong> le modèle<br />

fondamentaliste <strong>de</strong> l'Iran", a-t-elle fait remarquer.<br />

Balayant' les critiques à l'égard <strong>de</strong> son pays, en matière <strong>de</strong> droits <strong>de</strong><br />

l'homme, notamment en ce qui concerne le problème ~r<strong>de</strong>, Mme Ciller a<br />

insisté sur les efforts en cours <strong>de</strong> la Turquie pour m<strong>et</strong>tre en place les<br />

réformes démocratiques <strong>et</strong> constitutionnelles.<br />

"Nous sommes déterminés à renforcer les droits individuels, sans m<strong>et</strong>tre<br />

en cause l'intégrité <strong>de</strong> notre nation", a-t-elle indiqué.<br />

Elle a également justifié la condamnation <strong>de</strong> huit députés turcs<br />

d'origine kur<strong>de</strong> à <strong>de</strong>s peines <strong>de</strong> trois ans <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong>mi à 15 ans <strong>de</strong> prison pour<br />

leur soutien au Parti <strong>de</strong>s Travailleurs du Kurdistan (PKK, séparatiste).<br />

"L'action du PKK n'est ni romantique, ni héroïque, mais terroriste",<br />

a-t-elle lancé, regr<strong>et</strong>tant que la Turquie ne dispose pas, à l'instar d'un<br />

pays comme l'Espagne avec la France, d'un voisin lui perm<strong>et</strong>tant <strong>de</strong> lutter<br />

contre le terrorisme, ce qui l'oblige à composer avec "un voisinage<br />

difficile".<br />

hm/eb<br />

AFP /J00245/201525 JON 95<br />




Tansu Ciller à' Pari~,<br />

veut accrocher~1a<br />

Turquie à l'Europe<br />

• es réfonnes exigées par ,<br />

~es Européens piétinent.<br />

mais le Premier ministre<br />

turc, Tansu Ciller, a tenté<br />

172<br />

hier à <strong>Paris</strong> <strong>de</strong> montrer<br />

,qu'elles sont en bonne<br />

:'voie. EUe a répété ce mes-<br />

'sage dans son discours <strong>de</strong>vant<br />

l'assemblée <strong>de</strong> l'UED<br />

comme dans ses entr<strong>et</strong>iens<br />

avec Ajain JupPé. Un véritable<br />

compte à rebours e\~<br />

engagé en eff<strong>et</strong> pot1f; la<br />

TurqUie, qui joue son ~s~<br />

tin ces quatre prochlÜns<br />

mois: a l'automne le ParIe-<br />

•ment européen <strong>de</strong>yradonner<br />

l'ultime feu vert au traité<br />

d'Union douanière<br />

associant ce pays à l'espace<br />

'éconOlIi..iq~e~s Quinze.,<br />

Un -premieTpas vers une<br />

,pleiße intégration européC"ime<br />

~,revendiquent<br />

les autorités d'Ankara au<br />

nom <strong>de</strong> l'histoire <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong> leurs<br />

institutions, démocratiques<br />

bien qu'imparfaites. '<br />

:C<strong>et</strong>te ratification'indispen-<br />

Sable est loin d'<strong>et</strong>re acqùise,<br />

car les atteintes aux<br />

droits <strong>de</strong> l' homme <strong>et</strong> l' absence<br />

<strong>de</strong> solution politiqtie<br />

:à la question kw<strong>de</strong> cristallic<br />

:sent une forte hostilité au<br />

'sein du Parlement <strong>de</strong><br />

Strasbourg. Toujours plus<br />

contestée, Tansu Ciller,<br />

première femme chef <strong>de</strong><br />

,gouvernement à la tête<br />

d,'upe coalition «droite<br />

,ga\iClte»,,répète qu'un refusdè;'Ja<br />

p;,irt <strong>de</strong> l'Europe<br />

ferait le Ut:a~ islamistes,<br />

électoralerneriitou jours<br />

;plus forts après" 'le.u.I'<br />

:conquête l'an <strong>de</strong>rnier <strong>de</strong><br />

,nombreuses municipalités<br />

du pays, dont Ankara <strong>et</strong> Is- '<br />

,tanbul. 'Elle, compte plus<br />

que jamais sur l'ai<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> Pa- "<br />

ris, particulièrement sen- '<br />

sible au rôle stratégique <strong>de</strong><br />

ce pays au carrefour <strong>de</strong>s,<br />

,trois principaux centres <strong>de</strong><br />

,crise: Balkans, Caucase <strong>et</strong><br />

Moyen-Orient. Malgré<br />

leurs mi~ en gar<strong>de</strong> lors <strong>de</strong>'<br />

l'intervention <strong>de</strong> l'armée<br />

turque au nord <strong>de</strong> l'Irak en<br />

mars <strong>de</strong>rnier, les autorités,<br />

françaises ont toujours<br />

,montré plus <strong>de</strong> compréhen- "<br />

sion que certains <strong>de</strong> leurs '<br />

partenaires européens pour '<br />

la république laïque créée<br />

par Ataturk, qui reconnaît<br />

tous les droits <strong>de</strong>s citoyens<br />

2 1 J U I N 1 995<br />

turcs aux Kur<strong>de</strong>s, sauf celui<br />

<strong>de</strong> se revendiquer comme<br />

tels.<br />

Depuis maintenant onze<br />

ans, Ankara poursuitdans<br />

,les 15départements du Sud,. ,<br />

Est anatolien, peuplés en<br />

majorité <strong>de</strong> Kur<strong>de</strong>s, une<br />

«sale guerre» contre les rebelles<br />

du PKK (parti <strong>de</strong>s<br />

travailleurs du Kurdistan,<br />

séparatiste) qui a fait pIus <strong>de</strong><br />

15.000 morts. Près <strong>de</strong> 2000<br />

villages ou hameaux ont été<br />

détruits <strong>et</strong> leQrs habitants<br />

déplacés. Seul parti ouvertement<br />

kur<strong>de</strong>, le DEP a été<br />

interdit <strong>et</strong>. en décembre <strong>de</strong>rnier,<br />

huit <strong>de</strong> ses députés ont<br />

été condamnés à <strong>de</strong>s peines<br />

allant jusqu'à quinze ans<br />

d'emprisonnenemt pour<br />

, «propagan<strong>de</strong> Sépàratiste».<br />

, La loi antiterreur, notam-<br />

" ment son article 8, a servi à<br />

multiplier les poursuites<br />

contre <strong>de</strong>s intellectuels,<br />

dont le célèbre romancier<br />

,Yashar Kemal. Les Euro-<br />

Péens <strong>de</strong>man<strong>de</strong>nt l'abrogation<br />

<strong>de</strong> ces tex.tes liber-<br />

,:tiei<strong>de</strong>s ainsi qu'une<br />

,transformation <strong>de</strong> \' actuelle<br />

Constitution, élaborée par<br />

leS militaires <strong>de</strong>ux ans après<br />

.lecoupd'Etat<strong>de</strong>septembre<br />

,1980 <strong>et</strong> interdisantnotamment<br />

l'activité politique <strong>et</strong><br />

syndicale <strong>de</strong>s fonctionnaires<br />

ou le droit pour les associatiQns<br />

<strong>de</strong> faire <strong>de</strong> la politique>\<br />

Ces réformes sont bloquées<br />

au Parlement Les amen<strong>de</strong>ments<br />

<strong>de</strong> la Constitution<br />

exigent une majorité <strong>de</strong>s<br />

, (Jeux tiers. Elle,est impôssible<br />

à cause <strong>de</strong> l',intransigeance<br />

du Refah, le parti islamiste"qui<br />

veut enéchange<br />

, là suppression <strong>de</strong> l'article<br />

24 interdisant la formation<br />

d'un parti sur une ba...ereli~<br />

gieuse. L'abrogation d'une<br />

partie <strong>de</strong>s lois antiterreurest<br />

refusée par une gran<strong>de</strong> parc<br />

tie <strong>de</strong> la droite <strong>et</strong> l'armée"<br />

qui dispose du soutien ex~<br />

plicite du chef <strong>de</strong> l'Etat.. Su"<br />

leiman Demirel.<br />

Le calendrier <strong>de</strong>s reformes<br />

risque donc <strong>de</strong> ne pas êtr~<br />

respecté. Quelques-un~<br />

<strong>de</strong>s <strong>de</strong>putés du DE? en<br />

exil <strong>et</strong> les milieux. kur<strong>de</strong>s<br />

proches du PKK incitent<br />

les Européens à l'intransigeance.<br />

Mais en Turquie,<br />

les responsables <strong>de</strong>s associations<br />

<strong>de</strong>s droits <strong>de</strong><br />

l'homme <strong>et</strong> les libéraux<br />

craignent surtout que le~<br />

pays occi<strong>de</strong>ntaux, en iso~<br />

lant la Turquie, ne se privent<br />

<strong>de</strong> tout moyen d'y<br />

pousser la démocratisation.<br />

MARC<br />

SEMO<br />

Nord Eclair - 21 juin 1995<br />

TUROUIE Lepresi<strong>de</strong>ntjacques Chiracilreaffirmé mardi <strong>de</strong>vant le Premier ministre turc,<br />

Mme ~su Ciller, «la vocation euro~nne/l <strong>de</strong> la Turquie <strong>et</strong> a souhaité qu'A terme ce pays<br />

puisse participer aux Conseils européens. .<br />

Le chef <strong>de</strong> l'Etat s'est déclare «favorable .t la presence <strong>de</strong> la TU'9.uieA l'occasion <strong>de</strong>s<br />

Conseils européens, dês.lon que le Parlement européen aura approuvé I accord d'union doua-<br />

'nilre /I conclu entre l'UE <strong>et</strong> Ankara.<br />

De son c6té, le ~i<strong>et</strong>' ministre Alainlup~a <strong>de</strong>ma.ndé à son homologut; turque, .<strong>de</strong>s« mes'!-<br />

res <strong>de</strong> grice /I pt!ur les huit dépU!és Ifurt/is <strong>de</strong> TurqUie,accusés <strong>de</strong> soufemr le P'!rti<strong>de</strong>s travai/-<br />

leurs du Kurdistan (PK/{,sélW;atiste) <strong>et</strong>àJndamnés en décembre 1994 à <strong>de</strong>s peines ai/ant <strong>de</strong> 3<br />

ans <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong>mià 15 ans d'empnsonnement par /a Cour <strong>de</strong>s(Jr<strong>et</strong>é d'Ankara. (Photo AFP)


La Marseillaise • 21 juin 1995<br />

InfaMatin<br />

21 juin 1995<br />


Bonjour madame Ciller!<br />

Vous voilà à nouveau à <strong>Paris</strong>.<br />

Nous espérons que vous n'êtes<br />

pas venue <strong>de</strong>man<strong>de</strong>r<strong>de</strong>s annes<br />

<strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong>s hélicoptères à votre collègue<br />

M. Juppé, qui cO/mail bien<br />

le sort que vous faites subir à la<br />

population kur<strong>de</strong>.<br />

Sachant la politique <strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong>struc-<br />

'tion <strong>de</strong> villages kur<strong>de</strong>s <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong><br />

massacres <strong>de</strong> civils innocents<br />

menée par votre armée, l'Allemagne,<br />

l'Afrique du Sud,<br />

l'Autriche, le Danemark, la Norvège,<br />

les Pays-Bas <strong>et</strong> la Suè<strong>de</strong><br />

ont suspendu leurs ventes<br />

d'armes à votre pays.<br />

Pour protester contre l'embastillement<br />

<strong>de</strong>s députés kur<strong>de</strong>s <strong>et</strong><br />

la dissolution <strong>de</strong> leur parti <strong>de</strong> la<br />

Démocratie, le Parlement européen<br />

a gelé ses relations avec la<br />

Turquie. Le Conseil <strong>de</strong> l'Europe<br />

<strong>de</strong>man<strong>de</strong> la suspension <strong>de</strong> votre<br />

pays pour ses violations massives<br />

<strong>de</strong>s droits <strong>de</strong> l'homme.<br />

Nous formons <strong>de</strong>s vœux que la<br />

France ne soit pas le <strong>de</strong>rnier<br />

pays à vous vendre <strong>de</strong>s armes<br />

<strong>et</strong> que notre gouvernement<br />

m<strong>et</strong>te à profit votre séjour pour<br />

vous inciter à nouer le dialogue<br />

avec vos 15millions <strong>de</strong> citoyens<br />

kur<strong>de</strong>s, à répondre enfin à leur<br />

aspiration à la reconnaissance<br />

<strong>de</strong> leur i<strong>de</strong>ntité, à la paix <strong>et</strong> au<br />

droit <strong>de</strong> vivre sur la teffe <strong>de</strong> leurs<br />

ancêtres.<br />

Est -ce trop <strong>de</strong>man<strong>de</strong>r à la patrie<br />

<strong>de</strong>s droits <strong>de</strong> l'homme?<br />

Est-ce trop <strong>de</strong>man<strong>de</strong>r à un pays<br />

comme le vôtre qui se dit démocratique<br />

<strong>et</strong> qui veut entrer dans<br />

l'Union européenne?<br />

Comité international pour<br />

la libération <strong>de</strong> députés kur<strong>de</strong>s<br />

emprisonnés en Turquie<br />

CRIMES c.o... IlE<br />

L'IIUMANm<br />

L 'Associati0'l. arménienne<br />

Azadakroutioun organise<br />

une conférence débat<br />

sur "L'actualité <strong>de</strong>s crimes<br />

contre l'humanité : le<br />

cas <strong>de</strong> l'ftat Turc" le samedi<br />

24 juin <strong>de</strong> 19 heuresà<br />

23 heuresavec:<br />

Patrick Devedjian, député<br />

au parlement Français.<br />

Ism<strong>et</strong> Cheriff Vanly,<br />

historien - prési<strong>de</strong>nt <strong>de</strong><br />

l'institut Kur<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> Berlin.<br />

Michel Marian, agrégé <strong>de</strong><br />

philosophie - fnargue,<br />

Martre <strong>de</strong> conférences à<br />

l'I.f.P. <strong>de</strong> <strong>Paris</strong>. Ali Haydar<br />

Cilasun, Député du Parlement<br />

Kur<strong>de</strong> en exil Chercheur<br />

à Berlin. Un représentant<br />

<strong>de</strong> la LD.H., Pris.<br />

La conférence se déroulera<br />

en la saite Le Mistral,<br />

I l, impasse Flammarion,<br />

13001Marseille.<br />

Le Quotidien <strong>de</strong> <strong>Paris</strong> • 22 juin 1995<br />

Turquie: la France mise en .cause .<br />

Dix associations ont mis en cause, mardi, l'ai<strong>de</strong> militaire <strong>de</strong> la<br />

France à la Turquie accusée d'en faire usage pour «renforcer<br />

contre les Kl!I'<strong>de</strong>s <strong>de</strong> Turquie une répression aussi féroCe que<br />

celle que pratique le régime.<strong>de</strong> saddam. Hussein à l'encontre<br />

<strong>de</strong>s Kur<strong>de</strong>s d'Irak». «Cédant une fois <strong>de</strong> plus au mercantilisme,<br />

le gouvernement français a autorisé la signature d'un contrat<br />

portant sur la livraison <strong>de</strong>.20 hé1icoJ?tèresCouguar à l'armée<br />

turque qui ne manquera pas <strong>de</strong> les utiliser contre les villages <strong>et</strong><br />

les populations civiles kur<strong>de</strong>s., ont déclaré dans un communi-<br />

.qué ces associations parmi lesquelles ~~t France-Libertés,<br />

la Ligue <strong>de</strong>s Droits <strong>de</strong> l'Homme, l'Umon <strong>de</strong>s Femmes Françaises;<br />

le CIMADE, la Maison du mon<strong>de</strong>, Agir ensemble, Agir<br />

ici.<br />

V.S.D. • 22-28 juin 1995<br />


.En Turquie, il Y a <strong>de</strong>s KlI'1Ies en prison poli'<br />

<strong>de</strong>s raisons poitiques. Trois représentantes<br />

du Parlement européen (panni lesqueIes<br />

Catherine Laknière) ont <strong>de</strong>mandé au<br />

gouvernement <strong>de</strong> ce pays <strong>de</strong>s expications.<br />

.Réponse d'AYVal Gok<strong>de</strong>mir, miislre d'Etat<br />

turc : • Nous n'alons pas Ibérer ces traitres<br />

pour le pIaisi' <strong>de</strong> ces prostituées<br />

européeMes. - VoIà qui donne à penser que<br />

côté poltesse, respect <strong>de</strong> la vérité <strong>et</strong> droits<br />

<strong>de</strong> l'homme ... c'est, en fait, monSlM le<br />

miislre qui est <strong>de</strong> bien • p<strong>et</strong>ite vertu -.<br />



LE MONDE I JEUDI 22 J~IN 1995<br />

, " ' .'<br />

Mme Ciller 'appelle l'E~rope à plus <strong>de</strong> compréhension envers la Turquie<br />


,TURC, Mme Tansu Ciller, s'est<br />

adressée mardi 20juin aux parlementaires<br />

<strong>de</strong> l'Union <strong>de</strong> l'Europe<br />

occi<strong>de</strong>ntale réunis à <strong>Paris</strong>, avant<br />

<strong>de</strong> s'entr<strong>et</strong>enir avec Alain Juppé<br />

puis avec Jacques Chirac. Mme Ciller<br />

s'était préparée aux critiques<br />

sur les droits <strong>de</strong> l'homme, sachant<br />

que la crédibilité <strong>de</strong> ses réponses<br />

.compterait dans la ratification pàr<br />

une autre assemblée, le Parlemenf<br />

européen" <strong>de</strong> l'accord<br />

d'union douanière signé le 6 mars<br />

ave( la TUrquie qui,-s'il est ratifié,<br />

entrera en vigueur le '}erjanvier<br />

'prochain. Elle a donc abordé <strong>de</strong><br />

front les 'suj<strong>et</strong>s les plus polé-<br />

, miqües,en prenant soin <strong>de</strong> rap-<br />

, peler au préalable les mérites <strong>de</strong><br />

la démocratie turque <strong>et</strong> en soulignant<br />

l'incompréhension <strong>de</strong> son<br />

peuple «<strong>de</strong>vant les attaques<br />

, contre notre système venues d'Europe<br />

».<br />

L~s lenteurs <strong>de</strong> la réforme<br />

constitutionnelle sont dues aux<br />

ritent autant <strong>de</strong> respect que celles<br />

en vigueur dans les autres pays, a-<br />

t-elle expliqué. «Nous <strong>de</strong>vons<br />

abolir l'article 8 en vertu duquel<br />

<strong>de</strong>s écrivains, <strong>de</strong>s journalistes <strong>et</strong><br />

procédures parlementaires, <strong>de</strong>stinées<br />

à éviter «les changements<br />

hâtifs <strong>et</strong> inconsidérés» <strong>et</strong> qui mé-<br />

<strong>de</strong>s universitaires ontfait l'obj<strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong><br />

poursuites qui ont reçu une large<br />

publicité », a-t-elle précisé, en<br />

ayant le souci <strong>de</strong> «protéger l'expression<br />

non violente <strong>de</strong>s idées ».<br />


Concernant la question kur<strong>de</strong>,<br />

, Mme Ciller a systématiquement associé<br />

la revendication kur<strong>de</strong> au<br />

terrorisme du PKK,tout en rappelant<br />

que les citoyens turcs d'origine<br />

kur<strong>de</strong> sont intégrés à toutes<br />

les sphères <strong>de</strong> la vie publique:<br />

« 150 députés sont d'origine kur<strong>de</strong>,<br />

le tiers <strong>de</strong> l'assemblée, alors qu'il y<br />

a dix millions <strong>de</strong> citoyens d'origine<br />

kur<strong>de</strong> sur soixante-dix millions »,<br />

a-t-elle souligné. Aux questions<br />

réitérées <strong>de</strong>s parlementaires <strong>de</strong><br />

l'Union <strong>de</strong> l'Europe occi<strong>de</strong>ntale<br />

sur les droits <strong>de</strong> la minorité kur<strong>de</strong>,<br />

elle a donné une seule <strong>et</strong> même<br />

réponse: la démocratie turque<br />

n'a pas <strong>de</strong> fon<strong>de</strong>ment <strong>et</strong>hnique.<br />

Quant aux parlementaires empri- terrain, le premier n:iinistre turc a<br />

sonnés, le premier ministre a dé- répété que l'Europe avait une<br />

claré qùe, si elle avait le pouvoir grave respons$ilité envers la<br />

d'intervenir dans une décision <strong>de</strong> Turquie, son alliée <strong>et</strong> son rempart<br />

justice, la Turquie ne serait pas <strong>de</strong> toujours daqs,une région diffi~<br />

une démoCratie. «fls n'ont pas été cile.« Si l'union: douanière est apemprisonnés<br />

pour les idées qu'ils ' prouvte, elle accélérera le changeant<br />

exprimées, mais pour leur affi- m~nt en TIlrquie, renforcera l~s<br />

liation prouvée <strong>et</strong> leur soutien à forces réformatrices <strong>et</strong> encourage-,<br />

une organisation terroriste », a-t- ra la vaste msjorit(<strong>de</strong>s TIlrcs qui<br />

elle martelé, ,citant l'un d'entre veulent l'intégration' avec l'Eu~<br />

eux qui aurait déclaré le 7 juin, àro'pe », a-t-elle dit, m<strong>et</strong>tant en<br />

Vienne: «Nous sommes le PKK. » gar<strong>de</strong> contre le dépit aux consé-<br />

Sur le chapitre <strong>de</strong>s relations 'quences incalculables que causeavec<br />

la Grèce, le premier ministre 'rait un vote «non ».<br />

turc a déclaré que l'extension <strong>de</strong>s Les Etats-Unis déploieraient en'<br />

eaux territoriales grecques en mer ce moment une activité fébrile,<br />

Egée «est inacceptable car elle pour convaincre les parlemenempêcherait<br />

la Turquie <strong>de</strong> respi- taires europét:ns <strong>de</strong> ne pas blo-,<br />

rer », en se gardant <strong>de</strong> parler <strong>de</strong> quer la ratification <strong>de</strong> l'accord<br />

casus belli comme elle l'avait fait à d'union douanière avec ia 1\1r-<br />

Ankara. Et pour ce qui est <strong>de</strong> la quie. La France a <strong>de</strong>mandé où en<br />

solution au problème chypriote, étaient les opérations militaires<br />

, Mme Cjller a déploré que le blo- contre le PKKen Irak, <strong>et</strong> rappelé<br />

cage vienne désormais <strong>de</strong> la par- que la lutte contre le terrorisme<br />

tie grecque, encouragée, selon en ,Thrquie même <strong>de</strong>vait se faire<br />

elle, à penser que l'adhésion <strong>de</strong> dans le plus strict respect <strong>de</strong>s<br />

Chypre à l'Union européenne dis- droits <strong>de</strong> l'homme.<br />

penserait <strong>de</strong> trouver une solution.<br />

Ayant ainsi dftment déblayé le<br />

S.Gh.<br />

Turkish Daily News<br />

Çiller <strong>de</strong>fends Turkey<br />

against Euro criticism<br />

Europe: PM pledges<br />

<strong>de</strong>mocratization,<br />

says integration with<br />

,Europe is crucial<br />

Turkish Daily News<br />

PARI S'- Prime Minister Tansu<br />

Çiller on Tuesday <strong>de</strong>fen<strong>de</strong>d,<br />

Ankara's stance in the face of<br />

European' criticism regarding the<br />

human rights situation and the<br />

Kurdish issue, admitting that<br />

Turkey lacks some elements of a<br />

true <strong>de</strong>mocracy, but pledging to<br />

remove several anti-<strong>de</strong>mocratic<br />

legislative articles. '<br />

PM Ciller: Customs Union is of<br />

'Vital importance for Turkey."<br />


Addressing a Western European Union (WEU) assembly<br />

me<strong>et</strong>ing in the French capiull, Çiller urged Europeans to<br />

show no sJ~pa~y totq~ ?utlaw,~d .Kur~ïs.tan ~o~kers'<br />

,p~. or PK.K,wbich she slUdwas a VIolentterronst organization.<br />

Ciller said Turkey,while <strong>de</strong>mocratizing its constitution<br />

and laws, would take into account a <strong>de</strong>licate balance<br />

b<strong>et</strong>ween, the right of free speech and the advocacy of violence.<br />

' ,<br />

, The prime minister said Ankara's 'planned customs union<br />

with the European Union was of vItal importance for her<br />

coti~try, warning that a "no" vote by the European<br />

Parliament for the,cüstoms union <strong>de</strong>al would frustrate the<br />

Turkish P~p'le re¥,arding ties ~ith. the West and probably<br />

push Turkey m an 'eastward" direction. '<br />

.Replying to questions by members of the WEU assembly<br />

after her speech, Çiller said Iraqi Presi<strong>de</strong>nt Saddam<br />

Hussein' s administration supported t1iePKK at one point in<br />

r<strong>et</strong>aliation for Turkey's firm backing to the U.S.-led multinational<br />

movement against Baghdad during the Gulf crisis.<br />

In a press statement Çiller also reiterated -Turkey's<br />

~emand to become ~ full m~mber of th.e~U, saying this<br />

Iss~e could be fmalized dunng th~ p~ocess of a European<br />

revIew conference scheduled to begm m 1996. "<br />

The following are some excerpts reflecting the major<br />

points Çiller mentioned at the WEU me<strong>et</strong>ing: ,<br />

"Some critics complain about our failur<strong>et</strong>o modify quickly<br />

our anti-terrorism law, but again tbis <strong>de</strong>cision must be<br />

ma<strong>de</strong> by our Parliament, and on this veryJ:omplex issue of<br />




balancing theright of Cree speech against thé advocacy of<br />

violence and terrorism. There are <strong>de</strong>ep and passionate divisions<br />

not just within the opposition parties but within my<br />

own party as well. I am cert.ain these critics would be more<br />

un<strong>de</strong>rstandin~ if the <strong>de</strong>bate l.verein their own home country.<br />

"Some cntics express indignation at the restrictions<br />

imposed by our Anti-Terrorism law on certain types of<br />

speech but they fail to acknowledge that in each of their<br />

own countries there are speciallaws that restrict speech<br />

relating to violence, terrorism or group <strong>de</strong>famation. Not all<br />

of these European laws are neat and sensible and not all of<br />

Europe's history enforcing these laws and combating terrorism<br />

has been exemplary.<br />

"And fmally some critics romanticize the activities of the<br />

PKK and they are som<strong>et</strong>imes called 'guerrillas,'. implying<br />

that they are engaged in some heroic struggle but these critics<br />

ignore the thousands of innocent civilians brutally mur<strong>de</strong>red<br />

by PKK terrorists. They ignore that most of these victims<br />

are of Kurdish origin, including many women and children,<br />

and they ignore the fact that among those targ<strong>et</strong>ed by<br />

the PKK have been teachers and village lea<strong>de</strong>rs solely<br />

because they refuse to support PKK terrorism. This is not,<br />

romantic, it is not heroic, It is vicious cowardly terrorism<br />

and it should be seen as such by every civilized nation.<br />

"Some 'p'oopie hold that more <strong>de</strong>mocratic rights are, per<br />

se, an anMote for terrorism but nothing is furtlier from the<br />

truth. Even in a "perfected" <strong>de</strong>mocracy, if such were attainable,<br />

human dignity can be placed at risk by terrorism.<br />

In<strong>de</strong>ed countries <strong>de</strong>emed "most <strong>de</strong>mocratic" all too often<br />

ex~rience terrorism at its worst.<br />

First there are changes in 21 articles of our constitution,<br />

which have been agreed upon by the main parties. The second<br />

change is the <strong>de</strong>volution of more powers to local<br />

autlwrities. The third change involves freedom of expression.<br />

We must modify our Anti-Terrorism law by abolishing<br />

öfchanging Article 8 un<strong>de</strong>r which highly publicized prosecutions<br />

have been brought against writers, journalists and<br />

aca<strong>de</strong>mics.<br />

'1bese judicial proceedings have been.,agro$.gso~:<br />

of contentIon .. botli at home and abroad. Théymtist aitdW,ill<br />

end. We are striving for a consensus on a carefully crafted<br />

provision that conforms to article 10 of the European con~.<br />

vention of human rights so that the nonviolent expression of'<br />

i<strong>de</strong>as will be protected. '<br />

"Officially, in Turkey there are three minorities, Greek<br />

and Armenian Christians, and Jews. This official minority<br />

status is a legallegacy of the 1923 treaty of Lausanne which<br />

viewed Muslims in the newly formed Turkish Republic as a<br />

whole, and <strong>de</strong>fined minority status strictly to protect the<br />

religious rights of these three groups. But as a unitary<br />

nation-state built from more than twenty <strong>et</strong>hnic backgrounds,<br />

who have compl<strong>et</strong>ely intermingled. no special<br />

privileges have ever been attached to any group beéause of<br />

<strong>et</strong>hnic background, race or geographic location. We are all<br />

first class citizens.<br />

"Among these groups are Kurds ..full citizens of the<br />

Republic, active in every walk of life, living in every region,<br />

and fully integrated 'publicly, privately and politically. The<br />

PKK terrorist campaIgn for separatism can not relate to their<br />

needs or aspirations. In<strong>de</strong>ed, they continue to be the greatest<br />

victims ofPKK brutality.<br />

"Our goal is greater liberty for each and every individual.<br />

For each local administration, greater authority. For each<br />

person, the right to cultural self-expression.<br />

"L<strong>et</strong> me also address the issue of the convicted DEP parliamentarians<br />

that many of our friends here seem to focus<br />

on. It has been suggested on a number of occasions that the<br />

Turkish government should free the DEP parliamentarians<br />

who have been tried and sentenced to various prison terms.<br />

L<strong>et</strong> me be direct: If the govefllll}ent of Turkey had such<br />

authority, Turkey would no longer be a parliamentary<br />

<strong>de</strong>mocracy. It would un<strong>de</strong>rmine and politicize our in<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nt<br />

judiciary and the rule of law - which are at the foundation<br />

of a <strong>de</strong>mocratic state.<br />

Instead, we will strictly honor their right to appeal, not<br />

o.nly in Turkey,~but also m S~sbourg. And l<strong>et</strong> me empha-<br />

,sIZe that according to the <strong>de</strong>CISion of the courts, they have<br />

not been jailed on account of the i<strong>de</strong>as they expressed but<br />

due t~ their pr~ve~ affiliations with and actions supporting a<br />

terronst orgaruzatIOn.<br />

. "Some of the DEP parliamentarians,are themselves confessing<br />

it in Europe in front of the European fress. In<strong>de</strong>ed,<br />

one of the lea<strong>de</strong>rs said the following, and quote. 'The<br />

movem~nt .which is. carrying out the. armed struggle is<br />

<strong>de</strong>velopmg Its own dIplomacy. We partIcularly are carrying<br />

out these activities. The PKK movement has a diplomacy on<br />

behalf of the party. We are performing this diplomacy.' The<br />

chairman of the Democracy Party which has been closed<br />

down said the following in Vienna on June 7: 'We are the<br />

PKK.'<br />

''We share our frontiers with eight countries which extend<br />

from the Mediterranean - to the Black Sea - to the<br />

Persian Gulf. This is a 'rough neighborhood.' The one solid<br />

rock at the center is Turkey - stable, <strong>de</strong>mocratic, tolerant,<br />

mo<strong>de</strong>m. The map vividly <strong>de</strong>monstrates why the survival of<br />

Turkish <strong>de</strong>mocracy is so remarkable.<br />

"Later this year, the customs union will be befor<strong>et</strong>he<br />

European Parliament. I want to say this to my friends in the<br />

European Parliament: I know of no precise formula or measurement<br />

to weigh the changes and improvements in<br />

Turkey.This is an ongoing process for us, as it is in all<br />

countnes. In making tliis judgement, you must also weigh'<br />

the alternatives: If the customs union is approved, it will<br />

unquestionably accelerate further change in Turkey. It will<br />

stren~then the forces of reform and encourage the large<br />

majonty of Turks who want integration with Europe.<br />

''But)'où .must un<strong>de</strong>rstand that a "nay"vote is bound to<br />

strengthen the hands of rejectionists who tell our citizens<br />

that European bigotry and prejudice against Turks will prevail<br />

re~ardless of what we do - and that Turkey's aspiration<br />

of mtegration will be rejected in any case.<br />

"Europe should also consi<strong>de</strong>r the impact of this historic<br />

<strong>de</strong>cision on its own future. Consi<strong>de</strong>r wliat Turkey has done<br />

for European stability and security in the past - and what<br />

we can do for European prosperity and economic strength,<br />

as well as for its stability and security. in the years and<br />

, <strong>de</strong>ca<strong>de</strong>s ahead.<br />

'The collapse of the Sovi<strong>et</strong> Union has left a security vacuum<br />

throughout this region. There is the danger that the<br />

very complex <strong>et</strong>hnic, cultural and religious mosaic strad.<br />

dling this area may be s<strong>et</strong> with strife and violence. We have<br />

seen the traumatic consequences of this even in the heart of<br />

Europe in Bosnia. This situation has produced a new type of<br />

security dilemma. It cannot be addressed with orthödox<br />

<strong>de</strong>fense or military structures from without. The problem<br />

must tackled from 'within.'<br />

"Our challenge tog<strong>et</strong>her is to bring peace, prosperity and'<br />

security to those areas threatened by a continuatIon of the<br />

<strong>et</strong>hnic, religious, and cultural conflicts and passions of the<br />

'past. The solution, we know, must lie in a policy mix of<br />

economic cooperation, and political and security alliances.<br />

Turkey's unique location, our economic strength, our historic<br />

diversity, and our political and social stability can help<br />

Europe respond to these challenges."<br />

Çiller on Tuesday also urged the Western European<br />

Druon to accept Turkey's full membership to the European<br />

<strong>de</strong>fense organIzation during a WEU review process due to<br />

start in 1996. In a press statement, Çiller recalled that the<br />

organization approved in 1992 a status of associate membership<br />

for Turkey, Norway and Iceland - all NATO allies<br />

but not full members to the European Union.<br />



, Complaining that associate membership meant much lés9:<br />

than full meml>ership, Ciller said, "This we find to be somewhat<br />

in~~_Œl£~tible_ wit6. th~ logic and, reguirements of true<br />

partnership IDthe field of secunty and <strong>de</strong>fense.<br />

"Security is indivisible ... Europe cannat afford to keep<br />

Turkey at armS' length in security matters ... We view OUf.<br />

associate membership status in WEU as a transitory phase'<br />

towards full membership."<br />

..•<br />

The prime minister said, "Therefore, 1996 (EU and<br />

. WEU) review conference will be a timely opportunity for<br />

the countries concerned ... to accord Turkey full membership<br />

inWEU." .<br />

Hi2hlights From Ciller Q.A in WEU Assembly,.<br />

• Tn a move to solten the European criticism of Turkey<br />

following State Minister Ayvaz Gök<strong>de</strong>mir's insults to three<br />

female <strong>de</strong>puties of the European Parliament,Çiller said:<br />

'Those <strong>de</strong>~utiesare my menas and I.will not tolerate anyone<br />

being IDsulted." ''My government immediately ma<strong>de</strong> a:<br />

remark distancing itself from the remarks," Çiller said. '<br />

• Saddam Hussein and PKK: The Turkish prime miniS"<br />

ter claimed at one point that Iraqi Presi<strong>de</strong>nt SadClamHussein<br />

supported the outlawed Kurdistan Workers' Party because<br />

Turkey acted against Iraq in the Gtilf War. She ad<strong>de</strong>d that<br />

Turkey's other neighbors supported the PKK for various<br />

oth~.reasons. , . .. . .<br />

;PM Çi1ler:We can'ttolerate<br />

use ofneighboring countries ,<br />

as bases for terrorist attacks'<br />

. ,<br />

Interlerenee: Some factions in PKK are<br />

open. to manipulation by neighboring states.<br />

By tInur Çevik i 'Turkish Daily News , .<br />

PARIS- .Prime Minster Tansu Çiller says Turkeklfl~ot tolerat<strong>et</strong>errorists<br />

infiltrating from neighboring countries and ',' g innocent pepIe<br />

in Turkey, including civilians '~d s.oldie~s,and adds "no country in<br />

Europe .would ~ a blind eye to this eIther if they were targ<strong>et</strong>s of such<br />

aggreSSIOn." . . .<br />

The prime minister, speaking to five journalists who accompanied her<br />

to the French capital where she addressed the parliamentary assembly of<br />

the Western European Union (WEU), reacted to the recent Kurdish separatist<br />

attacks from' Iran and northern Iraq- where sèveral .<br />

Turkish bor<strong>de</strong>r stations were rai<strong>de</strong>d and more than two<br />

dozen soldiers .killed saying "no one and I mean no one<br />

including our neighbors should un<strong>de</strong>restimate our <strong>de</strong>termination<br />

to wipe out the terrorists.". .<br />

Çiller saId th<strong>et</strong>errorist organization, the outlawed,<br />

Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) had beeri reduced tosize<br />

in Turkey and could not launch serious terrorist actions at<br />

home "sothey fled to neighboring countries and are ..<br />

launching terrorist attacks from these places.", .<br />

She SaId the PKK militants who s<strong>et</strong> up bases in northern<br />

I,rag were preparing terrorist actions throughout Turkey<br />

an~ not only in the southeastern parts of the country. "We<br />

entered northern Iraq and dislodged them thus we prevent-.<br />

ed them from launching terrorist attacks," she said. .<br />

The prime minister said the <strong>de</strong>cision to launch a military<br />

incursion into northérn Iraq to wipe out the PKK bases had<br />

,been taken before Turkey signed the entry documents into<br />

European' customs UnIon m early March. 'This <strong>de</strong>cision<br />

showed our strength and our <strong>de</strong>termination to wipe out<br />

'separatist te.rrorism," she <strong>de</strong>clared.<br />

, ''The world was up in arms because we had 'launched<br />

the military operation into northern Iraq because this was<br />

an area where there were rich oil reserves." ,<br />

Asked ta comment about the' recent attacks on the<br />

iraflian and Iraqi bor<strong>de</strong>rs by PKK militants, the pnme nun- '<br />

ist~r sai~ "we ~ave some mtelligence reports that th,e ter-<br />

'ronsts shpped mto Turkey from Iran." However, WIthout<br />

naming Iran or any other country the prime minister<br />

stressed ~'ifpeople come into our country from the outsi<strong>de</strong><br />

and kill ordin~ry civilia~s and our sold~ers eve~yone<br />

should beaware that we wIll not tolerate this. We wIll not'<br />

tolerate anyone who turns a blind eye to this. What<br />

European country would allow such actIon against its .territory?"<br />

The prime minister also said the PKK is factionalized<br />

and hinted that some of these groups may be open to<br />

manipulation by' the neighboring countries. "There are<br />

some factions .which can be controlled by neighboring<br />

states while there are ,others who prefer to act m<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>ntly."<br />

Çiller said there are even alliances with some<br />

PKK factIons and the Hezbollah group. The prime minister<br />

stressed Turkey needs to enhance her intelligence gath-<br />

~ng capabilities to counter the threats levelled against the<br />

country. "We have to concentrate especially on intelli-<br />

.gence gathering activities outsi<strong>de</strong> the country." Çiller also •<br />

~~essed this means b<strong>et</strong>ter cooperation with allied countries<br />

J9r intelligence ga~ering and shari~g. ,<br />

.The pnme mInIster stated all thIS means a reorgamzation<br />

and restructuring of the intelligence gathering apparatus<br />

and this had 'already been started in Turkey.<br />

.. On T~rkey's ties with Europe, the prime minister said<br />

she and her colleagues ma<strong>de</strong> every effort to explain to the<br />

Europeans "that you can't do without us.~' , '<br />

.,'She said if Turkey' fails to enter the cusloms union this "<br />

would be a great loss for the country but a' greater loss for<br />

Europe. Çille~ stressed she was th,e frrst to openly tell the<br />

Euro~ Urnon lea<strong>de</strong>rs "you are a club of ChristIan coun-,<br />

fries' and said she never. gave promises she cannot keep. ,<br />

"I openly told them we will not do anything to help the<br />

PKK, we will not provi<strong>de</strong> special rights to a certairi group<br />

of people" and regarding <strong>de</strong>mocratization "I will'push<br />

hard for reforms but I did not promise anything."<br />

On other domestic issues the primeminister said:<br />

• She is not pessimistic that the constitutional amendments<br />

will clear the Parliament. "We have found 298 votes<br />

for the amendments and I am sure we can g<strong>et</strong> the 300 that<br />

is necessary to push them through Parliament without the<br />

need to refer them to a referendum." She feels there may<br />

be only few True Path Party <strong>de</strong>puties opposing the amendn'1çnts<br />

and voting against them ,out the bulk of the DYP<br />

<strong>de</strong>puties have supported the constitutional Changes.<br />

'. She says she opposes a referendum on the constitutienal<br />

amendments oecause this will be' a loss of valuable<br />

'time for the country "but this does not mean we are scared<br />

of a referendum\!. Çiller s<strong>et</strong> her priorities as: '<br />

"First the passage of the constitutional amendments,<br />

then the p'assage of the seventh five year <strong>de</strong>velopment plan<br />

which wIll give more autonomy and in<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nce to local<br />

administratIons to run their own regions and last but not<br />

least the amendments on Article 8 of the Anti-Terrorism<br />

Law on freedom of expression.' , , ,<br />

• "Throwing away three ,zeros from the Turkish lira is<br />

mI important issue and we should start work on looking at ,<br />

the pros and cons of the issue. To do this we need to a task<br />

force to workon it. We have started this and' or<strong>de</strong>red the<br />

State Plànning Organization to make a preliminarr. study.<br />

It is a matter of tIming and I cannot say we wIll do it<br />

immediately. We are now simply looking mto the viability<br />

of the issue.<br />

, , • "I will convene the cabin<strong>et</strong> soon after r<strong>et</strong>urning to<br />

Turkey and ask the council of ministers to approve the<br />

extension of the mandate of Provi<strong>de</strong> Comfort and the<br />

emergency rule in the southeastern provinces."<br />

'-I<br />




Turkisb Daily News WEDNESDAY, JUNE 21, 1995<br />

Kurdish ''parliament-on-theroad"<br />

unable to find new base<br />

Secessionist: Austrian government says it will<br />

neither recognize nor support the "secessionist" group<br />

TurkishDailyNews Austria's objection to the self-styled<br />

ANKARA- Ankara's angry reaction parliament intensified after Y~ar Kaya,<br />

to Amsterdam for not ~reventing the Its "chairman", told a press conference<br />

me<strong>et</strong>ing of a Kurdish' parliament-in- in Vienna that the parliament was the<br />

exile" has ma<strong>de</strong> it difficult for the self- "PKK itself."<br />

styled Kurdish parliament, which aimed Kaya said that he h~p m<strong>et</strong> with the<br />

at me<strong>et</strong>ing in a different country each PKK Lea<strong>de</strong>r Abdullah Ocalan in Bekaa<br />

time, to find a new base.<br />

Valley in the Syrian-controlled part of<br />

Austria, where the Kurdish "parlia- Lebanon after his Democracy Party was '<br />

ment-on-the-road" wanted to me<strong>et</strong> next, closed down. "The Kurdish<br />

has said that it will neither "recognize" Parliament-in-exile is not a body<br />

nor "support" the Kurdish "parliament." overshadowed by the PKK. We are,<br />

The Austrian government's objection through our efforts, the PKK itself,"<br />

was revealed in a l<strong>et</strong>ter by Alois Mock, Kaya was guoted as saying.<br />

the former Austrian foreign minister AlthoUgh Kaya said that his me<strong>et</strong>ings<br />

who resigned last month, to Social with the Austrian Parliament had been<br />

Democrat Party <strong>de</strong>puties. Mock fruitful, his remarks also reflected some<br />

<strong>de</strong>scribed the Kurdish parliament-in- disappointment: "Small European states<br />

exile as a "secessionist body" and support our efforts, but larger states act<br />

expressed support for Turkey in its selfishly due to their im~rial interests<br />

efforts to strengthen its human rights and place their sUPJ.>Ort WIthTurkey."<br />

and <strong>de</strong>mocratic state system.<br />

Turkish and foreIgn observers say the<br />

"Despite the change of foreign minis- remark is due to the cold shoul<strong>de</strong>r the<br />

ters, the views expressed by Mock is self-styled parliament has had from<br />

still our policy," an Austrian diplomat Austria, Germany and Belgium, where<br />

told the Turkish Daily News. they originally planned to me<strong>et</strong>.<br />

"We do not recognize any such body Ankara, for its part, has ma<strong>de</strong> it clear<br />

as a parliament-in-exile. Austria thinks that it was going to pursue a "carrot and<br />

the parliament of Turkey is in Ankara," stick" pohcy toward Europe on the<br />

the diplomat said. , issue of support to Kurdish activists.<br />

"The efforts of the Kurdish parlia- "It is inevitable that the attitu<strong>de</strong> of<br />

ment-in-exile are purely secessionist," cértain countries, who do not show the<br />

Mock said in his l<strong>et</strong>ter. "Austria will necessary sensitivity and <strong>de</strong>termination<br />

neither recognize nor support it." on fighting terrorism, will have a reflec-<br />

Mock said in this l<strong>et</strong>ter that a "politi- tion on these country's relations with<br />

cal solution" meant a dial()gue b<strong>et</strong>ween Turkey," Foreign Ministry spokesman<br />

interested parties or representatives, but Ömer Akbel said last Wednesday,.<br />

the "outlawed Kurdistan Workers' "It is only natural that we will care-<br />

Party (PKK) which systematic~y used fully note the attitu<strong>de</strong> of the countries<br />

terrorism ... could not be conSI<strong>de</strong>red a which cooperate, and make a distinction<br />

counterpart."<br />

b<strong>et</strong>ween the two gtoups."<br />

Asked wh<strong>et</strong>her the lack of support Turkey has placed the N<strong>et</strong>herlands on<br />

and recognition meant that Vienna the military "red list," which means that<br />

would prevent the parliament-in-exile Ankara will not make any <strong>de</strong>fense<br />

from me<strong>et</strong>ing in VIenna, the Austrian industry <strong>de</strong>als in future with this COUlldiplomat<br />

said: "I have had no indication try. Turkish officials maintain that relathat<br />

we will allow them to me<strong>et</strong> in tions with their Dutch counterparts have<br />

Austria."<br />

''yiel<strong>de</strong>d results" and relations can grad-<br />

According to Turkish observers, ually normalize.<br />

KDPseeking<br />

<strong>de</strong>alasPKK<br />

hits from Iran<br />

Shift: Iran seen as new<br />

haven for separatists<br />

<strong>de</strong>spite official <strong>de</strong>nials<br />

Turkish Daily News<br />

ANKARA-<br />

As the outlawed Kurdistan<br />

Workers' Party (PKK), which survived<br />

Turkey's March-April massive crossbor<strong>de</strong>r<br />

push in northern Iraq, began hitting<br />

back at Turkish army posts, Ankara<br />

turned angry glares at Iran <strong>de</strong>spite a<br />

stream of assurances from Tehran officials<br />

that the country was not sheltering<br />

separatists attacking Turkey.<br />

Meanwhile the Iraqi Kurds, hard put to<br />

keep the PKK away from the bor<strong>de</strong>r with<br />

theIr own means appeared to have succee<strong>de</strong>d<br />

at last to persua<strong>de</strong> Turkish officials<br />

to hasten the progress for a joint bor<strong>de</strong>r<br />

security arrangement and reinforce it<br />

with resumed politIcal dialogue.<br />

A Turkish foreign ministry <strong>de</strong>legation<br />

wa~ expected to travel to Salahuddin, the<br />

stronghold of the Iraqi Kurdish lea<strong>de</strong>r<br />

Massoud Barzani, to take Ankara's reply<br />

to the Kurdish terms for cooperation Tor<br />

bor<strong>de</strong>r security. The visit was expected to<br />

take place in the coming weeks.<br />

The news of the resuming negotiations<br />

,followed a recent remin<strong>de</strong>r by-Barzani's<br />

Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) officials<br />

that the passing time was working in<br />

the PKK's favor and if more months were<br />

allowed to pass by without any ~ction,<br />

then the IraqI Kurds should not be blamed<br />

for PKK infiltrations in strength from<br />

northern Iraq. .<br />

Kurdish sources said the KDP was<br />

already battling with its meagre means to<br />

keep the bor<strong>de</strong>r safe and that two weeks ago:<br />

the villagers had beaten off PKK attacks on<br />

the 1IHlàges of Sheriak<strong>et</strong>i,. Shabaniy,a and<br />

Tangabângi b<strong>et</strong>ween Zakho and Batufa near<br />

the Turkish bor<strong>de</strong>r.<br />

"This illustrates the value of the s<strong>et</strong>tled<br />

villages for the <strong>de</strong>fense of a bor<strong>de</strong>r with<br />

limited forces," the source said, indicating<br />

that KDP still saw the Turkish permission<br />

for the res<strong>et</strong>tlement of some 350 <strong>de</strong>stroyed<br />

.bor<strong>de</strong>r villages as a key element of the<br />

security arrangement.<br />

. The KDP, controlling the area adjoining<br />

Turkey, was trying to patrol the PKK's<br />

main supply routes and was keeping its<br />

activities un<strong>de</strong>r surveillance wherever it<br />

could, but its officials have told Ankara earlier<br />

that Turkey has to open its purse to arm<br />

and provi<strong>de</strong> a. peshmerga force of at least<br />

20,000 to police the bor<strong>de</strong>r.<br />


Besidèthe miiitary meims, the KDP<br />

,sources have been calling for the restoration<br />

of the political dialogue b<strong>et</strong>ween the two ,<br />

.countries toL~eÏf former levels, noting ,that<br />

"it has been two years, since an Iraqi<br />

Kurdish lea<strong>de</strong>r (MassoudBarzani) arrived<br />

'in Turkey and was received by Demirel in<br />

Istanbul.<br />

, The sud<strong>de</strong>n responsiveness of the<br />

Turkish officials to the Iraqi Kurdish calls;<br />

for haste in cooperation followed a spate of<br />

PKK attacks.<br />

As the Turkish security forces concentrated<br />

their summer offensive in the rugged<br />

eastern province of Tunceli against the elusive<br />

PKK militants, the consecutive rebel<br />

attacks against army posts on the Iranian<br />

and Iraqi bor<strong>de</strong>rs showed that the PKK still<br />

had some punch, and more importantly,<br />

seemed to be wresting back the initiative m<br />

their ll-year-old separatist war which<br />

claimed about 16,000 lives so far.' '<br />

The soberingattacks came on JU,ne 16<br />

when strong ~ebel units attacked the Erenler<br />

army post on the Iranianbor<strong>de</strong>r where they<br />

killed five soldiers and woun<strong>de</strong>d six others,<br />

and the Ortaklar gendarme'post on the Iraqi<br />

'bor<strong>de</strong>r near the Iraqi post where they killeâ<br />

two non-commissioned officers 13 soldiers.<br />

'The rebels lost 16 of their numbers iil the<br />

two attacks.<br />

, The suspicions immediately turned to the<br />

PKK rebels g<strong>et</strong>ting entrenched in Iran'<br />

alongsi<strong>de</strong> the bor<strong>de</strong>r. ' ,<br />

A visit to the a~cked post on the Iranian<br />

bor<strong>de</strong>r by Presi<strong>de</strong>llt,Süleymim Demirel an4"<br />

his publicly-aired anger at the preseIfce of.<br />

:PKK separatists in Iran broughta profusion<br />

of <strong>de</strong>nials from Tehran officials. Alaeddin<br />

Brucerdi, the <strong>de</strong>puty Jranian foreign minis-;<br />

,ter on T~sday h~<strong>de</strong>d D~mirel a messag~<br />

from Iranian PreSi<strong>de</strong>nt Ali Akbar Hashemt<br />

Rafsanjani in which he reportedly discount-<br />

'ed any official tolerance of the PKK presence<br />

in Iran. In the message; sent in re~lyto<br />

the one Demirel sent to RlifsanjaIll last<br />

week, the Irani'an presi<strong>de</strong>nt, also reportedly<br />



..J~priin: :ms¥~d ~glCy :~~~~J~<br />

remin~ed Ciller a~out. European sensi.tiviti~s<br />

ce wan see ,Y regard10g <strong>de</strong>mocrauzauon anâ human nghts 10<br />

~ said th,e European.u~onwiß ~ .review- Ttil7e~ told reporters on her plane that luppe had<br />

mg the Maastricht T~ 10. Its SUmmIt II! early asked her about the "prospects" of former pro-<br />

1996 and France. which bas the term presI<strong>de</strong>ncy urdi h De P (DEP) d . ",;;.'<br />

of EU bas 'asked Turke 'sviews on this issue. K s m


Tehran assures Ankara onfight against PKK terror<br />

Turkish<br />

Daily News<br />

ANKARA- Concerned. about escalatin&<br />

attacks by the outlawed Kurdistan Workers<br />

Party (PKK) frpm Iranian territory, Turkey<br />

has launched a series of diplomatic initiatives<br />

aimed at Tehran and has received a positive<br />

response.<br />

. Iran has assured Turkey that it has the political<br />

will to fight against PKK terrorist activities,<br />

Turkish Foreign Ministry spokesman .<br />

Omer Akbel said on Wednesday.<br />

Akbel told reporters that Mohammed Reza<br />

Bagheri, Iranian ambassador in Ankara, was<br />

summoned to the Foreign Ministry and m<strong>et</strong><br />

with Foreign Minister Erdällnönü on June 17,<br />

one day after'two terrorist attacks hit Turkish<br />

troops on the Iran-Turkey bor<strong>de</strong>r. .<br />

Inonu asked for more effective cooperation<br />

against terrorism.<br />

"On June 19 Presi<strong>de</strong>nt Süleyman Demirel<br />

sent a message to his Iranian counterpart<br />

Hashemi Rafsanjani and reiterated this<br />

re~uest," Akbel said ..<br />

'But even before Demirel's message<br />

reached Rafsanjani, the Iranian presi<strong>de</strong>nt sent<br />

a message with his. Deputy Foreign Minister<br />

Alaaddin Brujerdi to Demirel. .<br />

Foreign Ministry spokesman Ömer Akbel<br />

I<br />

, . "Rafsanjam stressed Tehran's ~olitical will<br />

to improve bilateral relations in his message," the security of both Turkey and Iran. Brujerdi<br />

he ad<strong>de</strong>d.<br />

noted that Tehran was fighting against the<br />

Brujerdi said his country consi<strong>de</strong>red the PKK and was <strong>de</strong>termined toactively support<br />

PKK as a terrorist organization threatening Turkey's struggle as well."We un<strong>de</strong>rstand<br />

THURSDAY, JUNE 22, 1995<br />

us: We don't support in<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nt.<br />

Kurdistan in northern Iraq<br />

us tells Greek Cyprus to<br />

enforce sanctions on Serbs<br />

By Ugur Alanel<br />

Turkish Daily Newss<br />

WASHINGTON- Responding to recent statements<br />

ma<strong>de</strong> to TDN by Eric Rouleau, the former<br />

'French ambassador to Turkey, to the effect that<br />

Operatiori Provi<strong>de</strong> Comfort may be helping the<br />

establishment of an in<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nt Kurdistan in<br />

northern Iraq, a State Department spokesmim<br />

today confirmed the administration's opposition<br />

to such an eventuality. "I am not aware that there<br />

~e any Western countries who favor an in<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nt<br />

state - at least none of our major allies -<br />

of Kurdistan, and that' s certainly not the direction<br />

in which our own policy is leading us,"<br />

spokesman Nicholas Burns said.<br />

Burns said, "There is no change in our policy<br />

towards Iraq or that portion of Iraq which<br />

inclu<strong>de</strong>s northern Iraq." He said the United<br />

States s~ppûrt'l' the territorial integrity of Iraq but<br />

Saddam Hussein shouldbe held accountable "for.<br />

the welfare of the people in northern Iraq." "<br />

"That's why we have consistently suppoqed<br />

Operation Provi<strong>de</strong> Comfort," Burns continued.<br />

"We were very pleased to see the Turkish government<br />

<strong>de</strong>ci<strong>de</strong> last week that it would extend<br />

Operation Provi<strong>de</strong> Comfort. That remains OUI<br />

core. interest in northern Iraq, to provi<strong>de</strong> protec~<br />

tion for the Kurdish populations of northern Iraq,<br />

and that will remalO the basis of the Uniteil<br />

State's policy."" ,<br />

On another matter, Burns said that the administration<br />

has co~tacted the Greek ~yprio~ g~ve~-<br />

. ment conc<strong>et</strong>nlOg the commercIal actlvltles In'<br />

Cyprus of certam individuals of Russian and<br />

Serbian background that en<strong>de</strong>d up violating the<br />

U.N. sanctions on Serbia.<br />

"We're not pinninß any blame here on the government<br />

of Cyprus,' Burns was careful to point<br />

out, "it's rather directed at individuals in Cyprus<br />

who may, we think, have been involved in transp'ressions<br />

against the sanctions that are in place."<br />

"And we're .concerned about that and we're<br />

plrrsuing it with the gover~l!lef\t of Cyprus<br />

because we expect, of course, that the govem~<br />

ment of Cyprus can bring SOmeauthority to bear<br />

on these particular individuals." he condudM<br />

Turkey's sensitivity on the issue of bor<strong>de</strong>r<br />

security. We are ready to improve our cooperation<br />

andtake necessary measures on our<br />

part," the Iranian official told reporters after<br />

his official talks on Tuesday. .<br />

Meanwhile, as part of cooperation on security<br />

issues b<strong>et</strong>ween Iran and Turkey, Gulam<br />

Hussein Bulandian, Iran's <strong>de</strong>puty interior<br />

minister, visited Ankara last weck to attend a<br />

high security cominission me<strong>et</strong>ing, a mechan~sm<br />

s<strong>et</strong> up in ,1992,.b<strong>et</strong>ween the two countries.<br />

:<br />

Bulandian told his Turkish counterpart<br />

Bekir Aksoy that Tehran was ready for fuither<br />

.cooperation to combat terrorism. It was<br />

announced after the commission meçting ,.that<br />

Turkey and Iran would launch coordinated<br />

operations against PKK militants. But no<br />

<strong>de</strong>tails were gIven.<br />

Iran showed that it would not allow the<br />

issue to turn into a subject of tension with<br />

Turkey, diplomatic sources told the Turkish<br />

Daily News on Wednesday.<br />

"Iran has quickly ma<strong>de</strong> effective moves to<br />

prevent a possible crisis with Turkey. The last<br />

thing Tehran'wants the~e days is a crisis with<br />

Ankara.<br />

, Iran gave a strong message to Ankara, saying<br />

that relations With Turkeyare very important<br />

for Tehran and that it is handling the<br />

PKK issue with <strong>de</strong>termination," the sources<br />

noted. .<br />

_ Turkish Daily News<br />

PKK chief thanks<br />

Kadhafi for support<br />

Agence France Presse<br />


- The lea<strong>de</strong>r of Turkey's<br />

outlawed separatist Kurdistan<br />

Workers' Party (PKK) has thanked<br />

Libyan lea<strong>de</strong>r Moamer Kadhafi for his<br />

support, the official.news agency<br />

JANA reported Wednesday.<br />

. "We are proud of your principled<br />

stand toward the cause of our people.<br />

This stand will be engr~.ved in our<br />

minds," said Abdullah Ocalan in a<br />

written message to Kadhafi.<br />

Colonel Kadhafibacked the PKK's<br />

campaign to s<strong>et</strong> up an in<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nt<br />

Kurdisli state, after a Turkish anny<br />

.offensive in March and April against<br />

separatist guerrilla bases 10 northern<br />

Iraq.<br />

'The Turkish operation in northern<br />

Iraq was part of a plot hatched by<br />

Western countries against the Kurds<br />

and theArab world aImed at dominatipg<br />

the peoples of the, region," wrote<br />

Ocalan." ..- .;,'<br />



Turkish Daily News<br />

FRIDA Y, JUNE 23, 199~<br />

The cost olDEP<br />

closure was high<br />

The closure of the pro-Kurdish<br />

DemOcracyPm:tY(DEP) and the jailing<br />

of its members have all turned out to<br />

be grand mistakes committed by the<br />

Turkish gov<strong>et</strong>nment, which is now trying to<br />

salvage som<strong>et</strong>hingfrom theruins. .<br />

At the time, former Chief of Staff Gen.<br />

Dolan Gürel} had encouraged Prime<br />

Minister Tansu Ciller to throw the DEP<br />

<strong>de</strong>puties out of Parliament and silence the<br />

pro-Kurdish voicein the house.<br />

Ciller went out of h~r way to oblige Güre,<br />

and the Parliament voted at first to lift .the<br />

immunities ohome DEP <strong>de</strong>puties who were<br />

immediatelyjailed. '<br />

Soon after, the Constitutional Court closed<br />

down the DEP and thus all the remaining<br />

<strong>de</strong>puties lost théir seats in Parliament. But<br />

just before the supreme court <strong>de</strong>cision, other<br />

DEP <strong>de</strong>puties who realized they too could be<br />

jailed simply fled to' European countries<br />

where they are nowliving in exile..<br />

Later the DEP <strong>de</strong>puties were convicted on<br />

charges of being part of a terrorist organiza~<br />

tion, namely the Kurdistan Workèrs' Parly<br />

(PKK) ..<br />

What has happened since has amounted to<br />

an~phillstruggle for Turkey. .<br />

The six former DEP <strong>de</strong>puties' who are living<br />

in exile are<br />

d<br />

playing havoc with<br />

e<br />

Turkey's interests<br />

in the West. They itorial<br />

are appearing<br />

before various<br />

forums and fueling<br />

anti-TÜrkish sentiment.<br />

They were at the<br />

...• ß.\ir,<br />

Western' European ~"i'1\t.~")<br />

""'. ;...•.<br />

f " .,<br />

.Îi.<br />

',;J"d" (<br />

Union Assembly<br />

where Prime<br />

Minister Ciller<br />

ma<strong>de</strong> her address<br />

on Tuesday. They<br />

are active at the<br />

E u r o' pea n'<br />

Parliament and By lInur<br />

the Council of<br />

Europe.<br />

Çevik<br />

Instead of being<br />

regar<strong>de</strong>d as terrorist collaborators they are<br />

8:ccepted~ "victims of racism" and poOrpar- .<br />

hamen.tanans who have been <strong>de</strong>nied their<br />

.basic rights ...<br />

This is the core reason why the Europeai1<br />

Parliament has turned against us and is<br />

blocking our membership in the customs<br />

union. The plight of the DEP <strong>de</strong>puties has<br />

becomé a major obstacle in our relations<br />

with. pr8:cticallyevery parliament in Europe<br />

and lt will be very hard to undo this.<br />

rurkey faces'a dilemma in this area which<br />

it cannot solve. It cannot simply change its<br />

laws and free the DEP <strong>de</strong>puties because the<br />

Parliament will never accept such changes.<br />

Even üthis was done the government would<br />

~ accuse~of "treason".by certain influential<br />

ëir1:lesand' itcannot;afford this at pres'ent.<br />

So we are left with the problem of having to<br />

brave the waves of criticism levelled at us<br />

from all quarters in Europe and also balance<br />

this with the ultra-conservatism that runs<br />

the country. The price paid for the DEP<br />

adventure has been too heavy...<br />

-------_._-----------------------_._-----_.~._---_._--"---- -....- ...--------<br />

L'Humanité • 23 juin 1995<br />

Grève en Thrquie<br />

P<br />

LUS.<br />

<strong>de</strong>. cinq cent mille<br />

fonctionnaires turcs ont<br />

observé un arrêt <strong>de</strong> travail.<br />

mercredi pour réclamer le droit<br />

<strong>de</strong> grève <strong>et</strong> la mise en place <strong>de</strong><br />

négociations collectives.<br />

Les manifestants ont dansé<br />

dans les rues, <strong>de</strong> la capitale<br />

turque, provoquant <strong>de</strong> gigantesques<br />

embouteillages. Le jour<br />

même, l'Assemblée nationale<br />

avait rej<strong>et</strong>é un amen<strong>de</strong>ment<br />

constitutionnel prévoyant le<br />

droit pour les travailleurs <strong>de</strong><br />

participer aux discussions salariales.<br />

La Constitution particulièrement<br />

réactionIlaire <strong>de</strong> 1982, imposée<br />

par les militaires après leur<br />

coup d'Etat <strong>de</strong> 1980, est consi~<br />

rée comme un <strong>de</strong>s obstacles à la<br />

démocratisation du pays.<br />

Sa réforme est réclamée par la<br />

population, mais aussi par les<br />

institutions européennes : l'Assemblée<strong>de</strong><br />

Strasbourg exige une<br />

modification complète <strong>de</strong>s institutions<br />

turqueS, notamment dans<br />

le domaine <strong>de</strong>s libertés <strong>et</strong>. <strong>de</strong>s<br />

droits <strong>de</strong> l'homme, av~nt d'approuwr<br />

l'union douanière prévue<br />

pour janvier 1995 avec la<br />

Turquie.<br />

Le premier ministre turc,<br />

MoYTansu Ciller, avait promis<br />

que la' Constitution serait rapi<strong>de</strong>ment<br />

amendée. De toute évi<strong>de</strong>nce,<br />

M'" Ciller a du mal à tenir<br />

c<strong>et</strong>te promesse qu'elle a pourtant<br />

renouvelée mardi à <strong>Paris</strong> lQrs <strong>de</strong><br />

ses rencontres avec Alain Juppé<br />

<strong>et</strong> Jacques Chirac, en marge<br />

d'une réunion <strong>de</strong> l'UEo.<br />

Forte du soutien <strong>de</strong> Washington,<br />

qui fait pression en fawur<br />

d'une admission rapi<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> la<br />

Turquie dan~"Union européenne,<br />

elle a maintenu sa politique<br />

<strong>de</strong> force à l'égard <strong>de</strong>s Kur<strong>de</strong>s <strong>et</strong><br />

brandi la menace d'une victoire<br />

<strong>de</strong> l'intégrisme si les Européens<br />

ne se montraient pas assez<br />

compréhensifs.<br />



~-----------_._---<br />

----------~------------------------------'<br />




18 Turkish Probe June 23,1995<br />

Human Bights Diary<br />

IHO report: No Improvement In human rights In<br />

Turkey- April and May saw no improvement in the human<br />

rights situation in Turkey, according to a Human Rights<br />

Association (IHO) report released on June 40. Execution without trial,<br />

torture or time spent in custody resulted in the <strong>de</strong>ath of 20 people over<br />

the two-month period, according to the report. Also, there were 14 unsolved<br />

killings during April and May and 26 people went missing while in custody, the<br />

report says. The number of "criminals of thought" in prison is given as 157. The<br />

IHO document notes that "criminals of thought" were fined TL 6 billion and the total<br />

léngth of prison sentences of the 157 <strong>de</strong>tainees is 66 years. The reports also indicates<br />

that 50 books and publications were confiscated in the period arid that 75 individuals from the<br />

media were taken into custody. The number of villages burned down and evacuated was 29,<br />

according to the report. Also, 20 police raids were organized on associations, 'unions, and publishing<br />

houses and 22 bomb attacks were carried out. The IHO's document claims that eight associations,<br />

foundations and publishing houses were closed do~n in the two-month period. Speaking at a press conference<br />

on Tuesday, Akm Birdal, the chairmanof the IHO, said the association was un<strong>de</strong>r increased pressure.<br />

He also criticized the <strong>de</strong>portation of intemational human rights' association members from Turkey, refe~ring<br />

to Amnesty International's representative, Helmut Oberdiek, who had to leave the country on June 12.<br />

With respect to the <strong>de</strong>bates on constitutional amendments, Birdal said the planned changes were not an a<strong>de</strong>.<br />

quate respons<strong>et</strong>o Turkey's needs. "The 1982 Constitution should be changed as a whole. The planned<br />

changes would not be a step toward a rea! shake up of the legal structurenor would they be a step toward<br />

<strong>de</strong>mocratization," said Birdal. The IHD lea<strong>de</strong>r continued that while the <strong>de</strong>bates on constitutional amendments<br />

continued, the authorities should be more sensitive to the civil servants and workers who staged a sit-in<br />

protest in Ankara to <strong>de</strong>mand the right to collective bargaining negotiations and to strike. "The natural result of<br />

being a <strong>de</strong>mocratic and opeÄ soci<strong>et</strong>y is thé establishment of <strong>de</strong>mocratic controls on the army and the bureaucraêy,"<br />

ad<strong>de</strong>d the chairman. (Turkish Daily News, June 21)<br />

Interster TV news :coordlnator taken Into custody- Ardan Zenturk, news coordinator of the Interstar TV<br />

channel, was taken into custody by police for questioning about a program on the attack against Professor<br />

Yuda Yürüm, an aca<strong>de</strong>mic and lea<strong>de</strong>r of Ankara's small Jewistfcommunity, who 'was'slightly injured in a car<br />

bombing in Ankara on June 7, the Anatolia news agency reported on June 16. During the pr6gJ:8l11lsm<strong>et</strong><br />

Calisir claimed responsibilityfor the attack and also confessed to having taken part in mur<strong>de</strong>qlild having<br />

caused bodily harm.,After the program six people, including Interstar announcer $eyda Açlkol and reporter<br />

Nafiz Akyüz, were taken ,into custody. (Turkish Daily News, June 17)<br />

Pollee officers on triai for 'mur<strong>de</strong>r- A criminal court in Istanbul's KadIkOy district has started to hear the<br />

case against 19 police officersch!irged with killing four people in a raid on a house. One of the <strong>de</strong>ad was<br />

Sabahat Karatai, the wife of Our=sunKaratai wh9-""as the leaçler of the outlaw!3d Revolutionary Left (Dev-Sol),<br />

the Anatolia news age'1CYrèported oil ~U;,e 15. The court <strong>de</strong>ci<strong>de</strong>d, for sec~rity reasons, to have a closed trial.<br />

Special sec,urity measures ~ave peen taken by Istanbul police a!lq ar~nd: ~OOsuspects have been taken into<br />

custody. These inclu<strong>de</strong> OIÇay M~f81of,Özgür Gelecek magazine and Gülmisar Baiar of the New Democrat<br />

, Youth magazine, secuiity offiç.als Said. Sevè'nteÈln lawY~rs'from Germany, England, Greece and the<br />

,~therlands were presen~ as obs~rvers. The press was banned from,the court. (Turkish Daily News, June 16)<br />

Helsinki Watch suspends activities In Turkey- The renowned human rights watchdog group Helsinki<br />

Watch has announced that it is süspending its activities in Turkey, the Analolta news agency reported on June<br />

'16. Anatolia cited a statement from Helsinki Watchissued by the Turkish Human Rights Foundation which<br />

. said that the <strong>de</strong>cision was based on a long statement ~"ven to the press r~cently by Interior Minister Nahit<br />

Menteie when he receiveda':l official from the New Y rk-based organization in Ankara. The statement,<br />

quoted by Anatolia, reported remarks by Mente~e, hen he was receiving Helsinki Watch official .<br />

Christopher Panico. Mente~e reportedly announced that Helsinki Watcn supported Turkey's fight<br />

against separatist terrorism. Anatolia said these statements were the, reason the organization<br />

<strong>de</strong>ci<strong>de</strong>d to suspend activities in Turkey. Mente~e had told reporters'just priQr to the mê<strong>et</strong>ing<br />

that Panico had arrived in' An1

US Congress <strong>de</strong>bates' ongoing genoci<strong>de</strong> ofKurds'<br />

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Turkish DairyNews<br />

SAtuRDAY, JUNE 24,1995 ~,<br />

S<strong>et</strong>ting their sites: Porter, Gekas, Pallone, Visclosky The act forbids any ~ov.e~ent-to-gove~ent direct<br />

oo 0.c. 0<br />

Tu k d Az<br />

°dbOll transfer of U.S. humamtartan aid to Azerbaijan. Pallone<br />

targ<strong>et</strong> r ey an erb aIJan In J.oreIgnaI, 1 did not mention that 20 percent of Azeri territory is cur-<br />

Turlcish Daily News . said. However, Porter said he was pleased with the $15 rently un<strong>de</strong>r Armeni8!l ~upation.~ Armenian attacks<br />

WASHINGTON- The U.S. House ofRepresentatlves million the bill is extending to Greek Cyprus for bicdm- have created over lmIllion AzerbaijanI refugees.<br />

today saw y<strong>et</strong> another tira<strong>de</strong> about the sO-called"ongoing munal projects.. A IDN source said that what Porter has P<strong>et</strong>er 1. Viscl~ ~Im:.oo $8Ïdbe"was "extremely~ '<br />

genoci<strong>de</strong> ~f Ku~ds" in Tu~ey during the ~ous~ <strong>de</strong>bate in ~nd is to leave FMF alone ~ suggest a $25 mill!0n distu~" bY"the provision of the bill th~t would "gut<br />

over th~ Foreign OperatlO.ns! Expo~Fmanc~~g and cut 10 ESF to Turkey, countmg on the cost-cuttmg [Sectionl900. .<br />

Related Programs Appropnatlons Bill, 1996, (H.R. instincts of this Republican Congress. Since ESF are cash He wd the ~reedom Su~rt Act ?nly banned di~t<br />

1868), thanks to Rep. John Edward Porter (R-IL), George transfers the Congress would be more willing to reduce governmental aid to,Azerbaljan and ,did not prevent po-<br />

W. Gekas (R-PA), FrankPallone Jr.(D-NJ) and P<strong>et</strong>er 1. ESF tha1i FMF the source said. Vale groupsfrom' transferring similar humanitarian aid to<br />

Visclosky (D-IN). ' ' Frank Pallo~e Jr. (D-NJ) targ<strong>et</strong>ed the "humanitarian aid Azerbaijan. ' ,<br />

The U.S. legislators h,ad an hour-long <strong>de</strong>bate ôn the corridor act" section of the bilf and asked ~ the amend- As of March 31, 1995, Azerbaijan had received $61.8<br />

bill, witl,tout intra



Turkish DailyNeivs .<br />

SAnJRDAY.1UNE 24.1995<br />

Turkey removes. .<br />

N<strong>et</strong>herlands from'red<br />

list' of arms suppliers<br />

'Iinprovements in' cooperation<br />

against terrorism' prompts. .<br />

'Ankara's <strong>de</strong>cision as 'Dutch<br />

:àre keen' tosell frigatesand<br />

marine aircraft to.Turkey<br />

By Ümit Enginsoy<br />

. 'TurlcishDailyNews . .... .<br />

. ANKARA- Turkey said on F~dal thatit had remoyed<br />

the N<strong>et</strong>herlands from a "red lIst .of arms supplymg<br />

.countries from which Anka~a. h~4 pl~dged not to buy<br />

.\tèäponf\ltie to rows' ôVe't the' Kurilishlssue. .. •<br />

.. ,.1~)(éyi ànd' th.e.'N<strong>et</strong>h~rlands. h~Vël~ache~. lin~~oye~<br />

'ments ln cooperation against terronsm, . a semor Türkish<br />

'diplomatic source said.. . , . " . .<br />

. . "Our <strong>de</strong>cision (to take the N<strong>et</strong>herlands off the ~ ~st)<br />

is. an outcomè.of these im'provements/' the.Turkish<br />

'source said, without elabOrating. ..' .' "<br />

'The announcement follows a senes of technical me<strong>et</strong>-.<br />

:ings b<strong>et</strong>ween TurkiSh and Dutch teams t~ increase coop;<br />

eration in J!ghtin~theout!awedi:Kurd~staIl 'Yorkers '.<br />

Party, or PKK.,which is.wagmg a.separatist war n,t southeäs~m::l~n.APrili6ii<br />

wôùld stop all.new military<br />

purchases from the N<strong>et</strong>herlands hi res,p!)ns<strong>et</strong>o the Dutch.<br />

government's po~cy towards 'aK~rdi.sh governinent-inexile<br />

establishedln The ,Hague e.arher In t!te month. ..<br />

. The N<strong>et</strong>herlands said at the time thaUts.legal system<br />

did not provi<strong>de</strong> any méài1Sofban~ingthe. me<strong>et</strong>ing by<br />

separatist Kurds as long as theydId not VIolate Dutch<br />

laws.<br />

'.<br />

.. But analysts now suggest that the N<strong>et</strong>herlands, which<br />

has apparently eaSed its stance in Turkey's favor, may<br />

nave promised that such a Kurdish me<strong>et</strong>ing would not<br />

'take place in that COUntryagain. " . . .<br />

Défense sourcessaid the N<strong>et</strong>herlands is keen to take<br />

'part in Turkey's two major <strong>de</strong>fense projects to acquire.<br />

frigates and. marine aircraft for its navy. ''This situation<br />

is'likely to have prompted the Dutchto mend ties with<br />

~theTurks," one source said., . .' . .<br />

". Turkey plans to buy eight frigates, a <strong>de</strong>al wQrth<br />

b<strong>et</strong>ween $2 billion and $3 billion, and the conten<strong>de</strong>rs<br />

)nclu<strong>de</strong> companies from the N<strong>et</strong>herlands, the United<br />

:States, Germany, Britain, France. Canada and Spain. .<br />

Ankara also plans to purchase at least five marine air:<br />

craft and the Dutch Fokker wants to win the <strong>de</strong>al.<br />

Turkey's April ban did not cover equipment.already<br />

or<strong>de</strong>red from the N<strong>et</strong>herlands. The Dutch were supplying<br />

Turkey with casings for grena<strong>de</strong>s. and electronics for<br />

radar, <strong>de</strong>fense sources said.<br />

. Turkey also boughtmilitarygoodsworth about $22<br />

. inillion, mainly parts for tanks, from the N<strong>et</strong>herlands<br />

b<strong>et</strong>ween 1987-and 1994, according to Reuters. , '.<br />

. Turkey's red list now inclu<strong>de</strong>s Switzerland, Swe<strong>de</strong>n,<br />

Austria, South Africa and NATO-allies Norway and<br />

Denmark, which all have banned arms exports to Ankara<br />

in criticism of Turkish policies on the Kurdish issue. . .<br />

Turkey DOwinclu<strong>de</strong>s the N<strong>et</strong>herlands on a "yellow.<br />

list". of countries from which arms purchases are "nol<br />

stable." These states are consi<strong>de</strong>red on a case-by-case<br />

basis for participatipn in military ten.<strong>de</strong>rs an~ procurements.<br />

Other countries'on theyeIlowhst are Fmland and<br />

NATO-allies Germany, Belgium and Luxembourg. .<br />

Ankara also recalled its ambassador in The Ha~e in<br />

an angry reaction to the Kurdish presence 10 the<br />

N<strong>et</strong>herlands. But Turkish diplomatic sources said ambassador<br />

Zeki Çelikkol' s r<strong>et</strong>urn is now imminent in the light<br />

of the positive <strong>de</strong>velopments.. .'. .,<br />

.The TurkS and the Dutch have ties that go hack for ,<br />

c~n~ries and they had be



Les beaux yeux<br />

<strong>de</strong> Tansu Ciller<br />

Entre <strong>Paris</strong> <strong>et</strong> Ankara,<br />

l'ère du soupçon<br />

est finie.<br />

.ansu Ciller, le premier<br />

Y ministre . turc, est<br />

contente <strong>de</strong> sa visite à <strong>Paris</strong>,<br />

le 2Q juin: Jacques Chirac <strong>et</strong><br />

Alain Juppé ont reconnu publiql4ement<br />

auprès d'elle la<br />

«voc~tion européenne»- <strong>de</strong><br />

Son pàys. Echange <strong>de</strong> bons<br />

pr()Çédés : Mme Ciller a<br />

exprimé sa «compréhension»<br />

<strong>de</strong>vant la reprise <strong>de</strong>s<br />

essais nuéléair~s français<br />

dans le Pacifique ..<br />

On est loin <strong>de</strong>s tensions<br />

<strong>de</strong> l'ère Mitterrand, quand<br />

<strong>Paris</strong> prenait systématiquement<br />

position contre Ankara<br />

au nom <strong>de</strong>s causes arménienne<br />

<strong>et</strong> kur<strong>de</strong>. Non pas que<br />

<strong>Paris</strong> rem<strong>et</strong>te en question sa<br />

politique <strong>de</strong> défense <strong>de</strong>s<br />

droits <strong>de</strong> l'homme : Alain<br />

Juppé a indiqué qu'il ne soutiendra<br />

l'idée d'une présence<br />

turque aux futurs Conseils<br />

européens que dans la mesure<br />

où <strong>de</strong>s «gestes» seront<br />

consentis en faveur <strong>de</strong> certains<br />

opposants. Notamment<br />

d~s huit membres kur<strong>de</strong>s du<br />

.parlement turc condamnés en<br />

décembre 1994 à <strong>de</strong>s peines<br />

<strong>de</strong> prison, pour leur «soutien»<br />

au mouvement <strong>de</strong> guérilla<br />

PKK.<br />

Mais d'un préjugé défavorable,<br />

<strong>Paris</strong> est passé à<br />

une attitu<strong>de</strong> beaucoup plus<br />

confiante envers le plus occi<strong>de</strong>ntalisé<br />

<strong>de</strong>s pays musulmans.<br />

Une évolution qui a<br />

commencé en fait dès le<br />

mois <strong>de</strong> mars <strong>de</strong>rnier, sous<br />

le gouvernement Balladur :<br />

en sa qualité <strong>de</strong> prési<strong>de</strong>nt semestriel<br />

<strong>de</strong> l'Union européenne,<br />

la France a alors<br />

contribué à une signature rapi<strong>de</strong><br />

<strong>de</strong> l'union douanière<br />

euro-turque, en dépit d'une<br />

campagne d'obstruction menée<br />

par la Grèce.<br />

Le début <strong>de</strong>s années<br />

quatre-vingt-dix a semblé<br />

marqué, pour Ankara, une<br />

ouverture diplomatique <strong>et</strong><br />

économique sans précé<strong>de</strong>nt:<br />

la Turql!ie s'imposait<br />

comme 'un -partenaire <strong>de</strong><br />

premier pla,n pour le Caucase<br />

<strong>et</strong> l'Asie centrale exsoviétiques,<br />

mais aussi pour<br />

toute l'Europe du Sud-Est.<br />

Cinq ans plus tard, la situation<br />

est re<strong>de</strong>venue plus difficile<br />

: la Russie réaffirme<br />

son rôle ; le conflit bosniaque<br />

a ravivé les antagonismes<br />

entre musulmans <strong>et</strong><br />

chrétiens orthodoxes.<br />

Plus que jamais, la Turquie<br />

a donc besoin <strong>de</strong> l'Europe.<br />

Et en Europe même,<br />

d'un truchement.<br />

Stéphane Trano<br />

A.:.:F .. p.::.-


26 juin 1995 ASSEMBLl!E NATIONALE<br />

2801<br />




. . Politiques commurulutllim<br />

(commn't~ txtr4-commurulUtlli" - Turqui~ - union douanim -<br />

droits <strong>de</strong> l'hom~)<br />

26731. - 2 mai 19.95. - M. Georges Hage attire l'attention <strong>de</strong><br />

.M. le ministre <strong>de</strong>s ~ies &rangères sur la situation <strong>de</strong>s Kur<strong>de</strong>s<br />

en Turquie. Un parlementaire kur<strong>de</strong> du DIn> en exil lui a fait part<br />

le 7 févrie.r <strong>de</strong>rni~r ~e la situation dans son pays,. <strong>et</strong> notamment <strong>de</strong>;<br />

la rt!presslOn qUI s accentue contre les. populations <strong>et</strong> les dt!mo-.<br />

crates kur<strong>de</strong>s. La: rt!cente <strong>de</strong>man<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> mise en détention i:<br />

l'encontre du romilncier turc Yachar Kemal, accUsé <strong>de</strong> Cl propa-.:<br />

gan<strong>de</strong> séparatiste l>, ne fait' que confirmer ce consm. C<strong>et</strong>te situa':,<br />

tion est d'ailleurs désormais connue <strong>de</strong> l'opinion internationale. La'<br />

Turquie est 'engagée dans <strong>de</strong>s négociations avec l'Union euro-:<br />

péenne afin <strong>de</strong> conclure une union douanière. La France, qui<br />

assure la prési<strong>de</strong>nce du Conseil européen jusqu'en juin procham,'<br />

se doit <strong>de</strong> peser <strong>de</strong> tout. son poids économique' <strong>et</strong> politique pour:<br />

s'opposer i l'entrée' en vigueur <strong>de</strong> 1'4nion douanière entre la' Tur~<br />

quie <strong>et</strong> la Communauté europhnne aussi longtemps que les DroitS,<br />

<strong>de</strong> l'homme.<strong>et</strong> l'Eta~ <strong>de</strong> droit, ne seront pas respectés dans ce pays;<br />

que les prisonniers politiques ne seront pas libérés <strong>et</strong> que le gou-'<br />

vernementturc refusera <strong>de</strong> rechercher, notamment avec la popula-.'<br />

. don kur<strong>de</strong> <strong>et</strong> ses représentants, une solution démocratique <strong>et</strong> ~aci-'<br />

fique aux différends qui les opposent. La lutte contre l'intégrisme,<br />

ne saurait servir <strong>de</strong> prétexte pour diligenter l'union douanière,<br />

comme tente <strong>de</strong> le faire croire le gouvernement turc; il s'agit en<br />

l'espèce d'un problème totalement différent. Aussi il lui <strong>de</strong>man<strong>de</strong>'<br />

ce que compte entreprendre prochainement la France pour!<br />

prendre en considération ces principes dans .les négociations douanières<br />

avec le. gouvernement turc. '<br />

Répons~. - L'~onorable parlementaire a bien voulu appeler<br />

l'attention du ministre <strong>de</strong>s affaires étrangères sur la, situation <strong>de</strong>s<br />

Kur<strong>de</strong>s en Turquie. La question kur<strong>de</strong> est un suj<strong>et</strong> sensible. La<br />

France <strong>et</strong> ses partenaires européens sont intervenus en tOUtes oc;casions<br />

sur ce suj<strong>et</strong> auprès <strong>de</strong>s autorités turques. Cependant, les Etats<br />

membres <strong>de</strong> l'Union n'ont pas voulu rem<strong>et</strong>tre en cause la négociation<br />

du proj<strong>et</strong> d'union douanière avec la Turquie, convaincus'que<br />

le rapprochement <strong>de</strong> ce pays avec l'Europe serait pour lui un puis-,<br />

sant facteur d'évolution <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong> démocratisation. Le nouveau gouvernement<br />

turc, constitué le 27 mars ~ la suite <strong>de</strong> la fusion <strong>de</strong>s <strong>de</strong>ux<br />

partis sociaux-démocrates, a inscrit comme priorité du protocole<br />

, (le coalition l'accélération <strong>de</strong> la libéralisation <strong>de</strong>s institutions. La<br />

, France, comme ses partenaireS européens, restera. vigilante sur les.<br />

engage~ents pris par la Turquie <strong>de</strong> se conformer aux p~iQcipes du'<br />

~~s~i1 d~ 'l'Europe <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong> mèner ~ bien les proj<strong>et</strong>s <strong>de</strong> rt!forme'<br />

constitutionnelle <strong>et</strong> législative avant la fin <strong>de</strong> l't!té. Le gouvernement<br />

turc est ~ c<strong>et</strong> égard conscient que seule l'adoption rapi<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong><br />

mesures concrètes en faveur <strong>de</strong> la démocratie <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong>s droits <strong>de</strong><br />

l'homme perm<strong>et</strong>tra d'obtenir l'avis conforme du Parlement européen<br />

sur l'accord d'union douanière. . , '<br />

Politiqu~ dtlritur~ .<br />

(Turquj~ - droits <strong>de</strong> l'hom~ - Kur<strong>de</strong>s)<br />

26787. - 8 mai 1995. - M. Jacques Brunhes attire l'attenpon<br />

<strong>de</strong> M. le ministre <strong>de</strong>s affaires étrangères sur la dégradation <strong>de</strong> la<br />

.situation<strong>de</strong>s droits <strong>de</strong> l'homme en Turquie. En eff<strong>et</strong>, alors que les<br />

forces <strong>de</strong> sécurité responsables d'un grand nombre d'assassinats<br />

politiques '<strong>et</strong>, <strong>de</strong> disparitions continuent <strong>de</strong> bénéficier d'une<br />

compfète immunité, la liberté d'expression est bafouée, dés journalistes,<br />

<strong>de</strong>s personnalités politiques, <strong>de</strong>s écrivains' <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong>s membres<br />

d'associations <strong>de</strong> défense <strong>de</strong>s droits <strong>de</strong> l'homme sont harcelés <strong>et</strong><br />

'traduits <strong>de</strong>vant <strong>de</strong>s cours <strong>de</strong> s(1r<strong>et</strong>é <strong>de</strong> l'Etat. Quant ~ la torture;<br />

malgré It condamnation du comité Contre la tortute <strong>de</strong> l'Europe<br />

,<strong>et</strong>llu çomité <strong>de</strong>s Nations unies, elle continue d'être très largement<br />

pratiquée, y compris .~ l'encontre <strong>de</strong> jeunes adoies~~ts.Dans la<br />

partie <strong>de</strong> Kurdistan sous contrôle turc, <strong>de</strong>s villages' entièrs sont<br />

(lécimés <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong> nomb~euses personnes tuées par les forces gouverne-<br />

'!1en~es e~ les guér!"eros du PKK, ce qui comprom<strong>et</strong> la possibi-<br />

, Ilté d étab!lr une paiX durabl.e dans le Kurdistan. Dans sa réponse<br />

~ la questl0':l !'O 24 340 p~e dans le Journal officiel du 20 mars<br />

1995. le ministre déclarait: «Le Gouvernement turc, conscient<br />

qu'une amélioration <strong>de</strong>s droits <strong>de</strong> l'homme est indispensable ~ UI1<br />

, rapprochement avec l'Europe, s'est engagé ~ m<strong>et</strong>tre en œuvre un<br />

~r?gra~me <strong>de</strong> démocratisation. ~ A.l'heure actuelle, aucune dispo-<br />

,sltlon Vls;mt ~ lu~er contre la ~ratlque lar&ement répandue <strong>de</strong> la<br />

torture n a été mise en œuvre nt même enVisagée. Au lieu <strong>de</strong> faire'<br />

face ~ la .réalité <strong>de</strong> ces violations conStatées par un ßrand nombré<br />

,<strong>de</strong> té~olns, le Gouvernement turc. a choisi la politique du<br />

dém~ntl, en affirmant qu~ ces violations ont été commises par <strong>de</strong>s<br />

gué~,lleros portant <strong>de</strong>s uniformes <strong>de</strong> soldat ou encore que les villa-<br />

'~eols 0':lt ~r1l..Iéleurs pr~~res m,aisons dans l'espoir d'obtenir les,<br />

m<strong>de</strong>mmsatlons. Une mission d experts <strong>de</strong> la OSeE <strong>de</strong>vrait sc<br />

ren~re en ~urquie .afin d'y enquêter sur la torture <strong>et</strong> les entraves ~<br />

l~ !tberté ~ expression, <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong> formuler <strong>de</strong>s recommandations pré-<br />

,CISes. Il lUI <strong>de</strong>man<strong>de</strong> qùelles mesures concrètes.i1 cOmpte prendre<br />

afin que la France; ad?pt~ une position officielle rappelant au Gou-,<br />

ve~nement turc 1?b!tgatlon <strong>de</strong> respecter les engagements qu'il a<br />

prtS dans le domaine du ~pect <strong>de</strong>s droits <strong>de</strong> l'homme <strong>et</strong>, qu'il se<br />

(!éclare prêt ~ recevoir la mission <strong>de</strong> la OSCE dans un esprit d'ouverture<br />

<strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong> coopération. .. ,<br />

• Rlpo.ns~.' - L'ho.norable parlementaire ~ bi~n voulu appeler<br />

l,attention <strong>de</strong>s aff~res étrangères sur la ~Ituatlon <strong>de</strong>s droits <strong>de</strong><br />

1homme en TurqUie <strong>et</strong> sur le problème kur<strong>de</strong>. La question <strong>de</strong>s<br />

droits ~e l'ho~me a toujours été ~ la ~ase du rapprochement <strong>de</strong> la<br />

Tur91;ue avec 1Europe. La France, qUI, comme ses partenaires <strong>de</strong><br />

1un!on européenne, souhaite une Turquie stable, prospère, démocratique,<br />

ancrée en E:uropc, est convaincue que le rapprochement<br />

<strong>de</strong> CC; pays avec l'\lnton européenne ~r un gage <strong>de</strong> stabilit~ qui'<br />

f~vortsera une évolution positive e~ matière <strong>de</strong> libéralisation politique.<br />

Le gouvernement turc est bien conscient que le Parlement<br />

e~ropéen n'entérinera pas l'accor.d d'union douanihe avec l'Europe<br />

SI <strong>de</strong>s mesures concrètes en matière <strong>de</strong> droits <strong>de</strong> l'homme ne sont<br />

,~as prévues rapi<strong>de</strong>m~nt .. Il s'est donné comme priorité l'accéléra-'<br />

t!on <strong>de</strong> la d~mocratts~tt~n <strong>et</strong> le p,assage <strong>de</strong>s nouvelles lois d'ici<br />

I été. Ces proj<strong>et</strong>s <strong>de</strong> lOI viennent d être adoptés par la commission<br />

iul hoc <strong>de</strong> l'Assemblée nationale. Par ailleurs, les autorités turques<br />

s'efforcent <strong>de</strong> m<strong>et</strong>tre en œuvre <strong>de</strong>s mesures concrètes visant ~ améliorer<br />

les comportements administratifs <strong>et</strong> policiers. Les plaintes<br />

déposées <strong>de</strong>vant la Cour. européenne aux règles du Conseil <strong>de</strong><br />

l'Europe en matière <strong>de</strong> droits <strong>de</strong> l'homme. Dans le cadre <strong>de</strong>s<br />

enquêtes ouvertes ~ la suite <strong>de</strong> ces plaintes, <strong>de</strong>ux missions d'experts<br />

<strong>de</strong> la Cou.r européenne <strong>de</strong>s droits <strong>de</strong> l'homme se sont déj~ rendues<br />

en T:urqwe. Tout en reconnaissant ~ la Turquie le droit ~ la souverain<strong>et</strong>é<br />

<strong>et</strong> ~ l'intégrité <strong>de</strong> son territoire, la Ftance a toujours<br />

considéré que la solution militaire ne pourrait résoudre définitive-<br />

{l'lent J.ep~oblème ~ur<strong>de</strong> <strong>et</strong> que seule une approche politique perm<strong>et</strong>trait<br />

d y parvemr.<br />



--==;;....;.-..;.;;==========;;;;;--=========-------------_---:..-<br />

~ Monday, June 26,1995<br />

~' OSeE. drafts l<strong>et</strong>ter ~ people have disappeared or been found mur<strong>de</strong>red.<br />

:~_<br />

-...<br />

to PM Çiller on<br />

The l<strong>et</strong>ter mentions that this month, ''families of the<br />

~ -------------------------<br />

political mur<strong>de</strong>rs<br />

Request: L<strong>et</strong>ter circulates in<br />

US Congress for signatures<br />

walk disappeared to the Ministry and other ofconcerned. Interior and Turkish hold acitizens silent vigil. will<br />

There, they willleave their loved ones' shoes to signify<br />

their loss.... We are writing to show our support for<br />

the disappeared and their families, and to lend support<br />

to <strong>de</strong>mocracy in your country. " .<br />

Hoyer and Smith told Çiller that "we appeal to your<br />

government to bring the perp<strong>et</strong>rators of such crimes to<br />

Justice and unequivocally <strong>de</strong>monstrate your commitment<br />

to protecting the most precious human right, the<br />

right to life."<br />

By U~urAkIncl<br />

In the "<strong>de</strong>ar colleague" l<strong>et</strong>ter they attached to the<br />

TurkisX Daily News<br />

l<strong>et</strong>ter to be sent to Çiller, the two U.S. co-chairmen of<br />

WASHINGTON- The Helsinki Watch, the U.S. OSCE said "<strong>de</strong>ath squads operate with imJlunity and<br />

branch of the Organization for Security and unsolved mur<strong>de</strong>rs proliferate. In many inCi<strong>de</strong>nts, it is<br />

Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), has drafted a l<strong>et</strong>ter on<br />

evi<strong>de</strong>nt that persons were held in police custody before<br />

the unsolved political mur<strong>de</strong>rs in Turkey to be sent to disappearing or being found mur<strong>de</strong>red. Victims have<br />

Prime Minister Tansu Çiller on June 30. The l<strong>et</strong>ter, 'been taken from their homes, offices and off the<br />

signed by committee chairmen Reps. Steny H?yer (D- stre<strong>et</strong>" . .<br />

MD) and Chris Smith (R-N]), is now being clfCulated<br />

.Hoyer and Smith called on their colleagues to add<br />

on the Capitol Hill for additional signatures.<br />

their names to the l<strong>et</strong>ter as co-signell to "express your<br />

"We are writing to express our grave concern about concern about the fate of the d~appearea and lend<br />

unsolved disap~ces and mur<strong>de</strong>rs in Turkey," the support to their families."<br />

l<strong>et</strong>ter starts. 'In the past 18 months, according to<br />

Turkey's main human rights association, more thau L-... ..J<br />

FRS0923 4 I 0270 FRA jAFP-MW72<br />

Turquie-Kur<strong>de</strong>s-Irak<br />

Le parlement turc renouvelle le stationnement <strong>de</strong> la force multinationale<br />

ANKARA, 27 juin (AFP) - L'assemblée nationale turque a renouvelé mardi<br />

soir pour six mois le stationnement en Turquie <strong>de</strong> la force multinationale<br />

chargée <strong>de</strong> protéger les Kur<strong>de</strong>s d'Irak dans le cadre <strong>de</strong> l'opération alliée<br />

"Provi<strong>de</strong> Comfort".<br />

L'autorisation <strong>de</strong> présence <strong>de</strong> c<strong>et</strong>te force aérienne, stationnée à<br />

Incirli~ (sud, près d'Adana) <strong>et</strong> composée d'appareils américains,<br />

britanniques <strong>et</strong> français, venait à expiration à la fin du mois.<br />

Le gouvernement turc avait décidé la semaine <strong>de</strong>rnière <strong>de</strong> soum<strong>et</strong>tre au<br />

parlement la prolongation pour six mois <strong>de</strong> sa présence sur le sol turc. Sa<br />

proposition a été adoptée par 202 voix contre 153.<br />

Dans une intervention <strong>de</strong>vant les députés avant le vote, le chef <strong>de</strong> la<br />

diplomatie turque Erdal Inonu a <strong>de</strong>mandé la prorogation du stationnement<br />

"pour le bien du pays" <strong>et</strong> "afin d'empêcher un nouveau flux <strong>de</strong> réfugiés vers.<br />

le .territoire turc".<br />

La première phase <strong>de</strong> c<strong>et</strong>te opération alliée avait assuré le r<strong>et</strong>our chez<br />

eux <strong>de</strong> quelque 500.000 Kur<strong>de</strong>s d'Irak qui s'étaient massés à la frontière<br />

turque, fuyant l'armée irakienne à la suite <strong>de</strong> l'insurrection kur<strong>de</strong> matée<br />

p~r Saddam Hussein en mars 1991, à la suite <strong>de</strong> la guerre du Golfe<br />

(janvier-février 1991).<br />

La force a pour mission <strong>de</strong> surveiller la zone d'exclusion aérienne<br />

imposée à l'aviation irakienne au nord du 36ème parallèle <strong>et</strong> les mouvemente<br />

<strong>de</strong>s troupes irakiennes en direction <strong>de</strong> la zone <strong>de</strong> sécurité établie par la<br />

coalition anti-irakienne dans une ban<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> territoire du nord <strong>de</strong> l'Irak<br />

proche <strong>de</strong> la frontière turque.<br />

burjhcjsp<br />

AFP !J00245/272120 JUN 95<br />


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. Turkish Dairy News<br />


Gen. JohnM. Shalikashvili <strong>de</strong>fends human rights progress in Turkey<br />

By ugur Abnel concerted effort to see <strong>de</strong>mocratization legisla-<br />

. Turkish Daily News , .. . ' tion pasS. " '<br />

. WASHINGTON- General. John M. .' Imposing more restrictions on this valued ally<br />

Shalikachvili, the chairman of the United States will only hIn<strong>de</strong>r our attempts to encourage<br />

Joint Chiefs of Staff,.in a l<strong>et</strong>ter he wrote to Rep: progress and bring about lasting Change.<br />

Sonny Callahan (R-AL) on June 21, recalled . The Turks areproud people, and respect for'<br />

Turkey's value as a staunch ally and warnedthat the military is a time-honoreà tradition. By withif<br />

the U.S. Congress succeeds in cutting aid to drawing support for them and taking on theroIe<br />

Turkey foralleged human rightsviolations and ofadversary, we lose access to Key <strong>de</strong>cision<br />

"taking on the role of adversary,": the U.S. lead- makers. " ,<br />

ers will "lose acces~ to key (~urkish),<strong>de</strong>cision .' Rece~t progress ..co.mbined with Turkey',s<br />

makers.:' Çallahan.ls the cha!rman,ofHou~~ ,unques.tlOnedstrategIC Importance, should dri~e<br />

AppropnatIons Foreign OperatIOnn1,lOCoffiffilt-. the1Jmted S,tatesto fic~as.e support to Turkey'fi<br />

.tee. . . .or<strong>de</strong>r to achieve our obJectIves, not <strong>de</strong>stroy bilateral<br />

relations.".. . . .<br />

'Turks are proud peOplé~<br />

Defending the progress the Turkish Armed<br />

forces had !Da<strong>de</strong> !~regard to human rights<br />

Issues, Shahkashvlh saId "I have Rersonally<br />

engaged General KaradaYI, Turkey s Chief of<br />

Staff, in dialogue regardmg human rights and<br />

found him to be willing to assist in moving for-<br />

'Ward with new measures aimed at enhancing<br />

Turkish <strong>de</strong>mocracy and human rights. . .<br />

.' The Turkish military lea<strong>de</strong>rship is baclting<br />

progress on human rights and is rea(ly to make a<br />

'Progress is visible'<br />

In his long l<strong>et</strong>ter, Shalikashvili gave the following<br />

examples. of progress in human rights<br />

issues In the Turkish army: .<br />

"The Turkiilb milit!IfYis actively engaging in<br />

efforts to improve human rights awareness<br />

ainong its personnel. Progress is visible in their<br />

newfound willingness to discuss this sensitive<br />

issue openly. .<br />

. Thçy have instituted new rules of çngagement<br />

for all military operations and provi<strong>de</strong>d addition- lea<strong>de</strong>rs of the House Appropriations committee .<br />

al training to many soldiers assigned to anti-ter- circulated a "Dear colleague" l<strong>et</strong>ter )tIStFriday.<br />

rorist operations. Bob Livingston (R-NJ), chairman of ~he House<br />

. While the recent operations in northern Iraq AppropriatIons Committee, Rep. Callahan, and<br />

drew sharp criticism from many of Turkey's Charlie Wilson (D-TX), ranking mem.ber of the<br />

EuroJX:an~~ighbors, evi<strong>de</strong>nce indicates that the House appropriations foreign operations subcom-.<br />

Turkish mthtary went to great lengths to protect mittee urged the House members, to. "read<br />

the lives of innocent civilians while <strong>de</strong>stroying . Chairman Shalikashvili's l<strong>et</strong>ter. As the country's<br />

terrorist camps. .. most senior and respected military lea<strong>de</strong>r, he<br />

.' There has been, in short, significantprogress .makes a compelling case in support of our vital<br />

on the human.rights front." -,' .relationship with Turkey. '<br />

.. Shalikashvili remin<strong>de</strong>d Callahan of the crucial . We strongly urge you to oppose any artlendrole<br />

flayed by Turkey as a U.S. ally in NATO, ments whicll woul

'( .<br />

Conseil <strong>de</strong> l'Europe: grands principes<br />

suédois.... <strong>et</strong> réalités turques<br />

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••• Réalités européennes<br />

à Strasbourg.<br />

Dans l'hémicycle. le prési<strong>de</strong>nt<br />

du Comité <strong>de</strong>s ministres<br />

explique la difficile<br />

position <strong>de</strong> l'Europe<br />

sur la Turquie, sans prononcer<br />

le mot tabou<br />

«kur<strong>de</strong>s ». Mais <strong>de</strong>hors.<br />

<strong>de</strong>vant le Palais, <strong>de</strong>s centaines<br />

<strong>de</strong> femmes kur<strong>de</strong>s<br />

manifestent avec <strong>de</strong>s<br />

youyous stri<strong>de</strong>nts. Peine<br />

perdue. Elles ne peuvent<br />

être entendues. Car les<br />

«Kur<strong>de</strong>s» n'existent pas ....<br />

Evi<strong>de</strong>mment, M. Josef<br />

Zieleniec, ministre <strong>de</strong>s affaires<br />

étrangères <strong>de</strong> la République<br />

tchèque, actuel prési<strong>de</strong>nt du<br />

comité <strong>de</strong>s ministres du<br />

Conseil <strong>de</strong> l'Europe, n'est pas<br />

en cause. Dans sa fonction, il<br />

est le porte parole du plus large<br />

consensus entre 34 Etats<br />

membres. Ou du plus p<strong>et</strong>it dénominateur<br />

commun <strong>de</strong> l'Europe<br />

politique.<br />

Contre le racisme<br />

Et en tant que tel. il a expliqué<br />

avec beaucoup <strong>de</strong> tact diplomatique<br />

que le Conseil <strong>de</strong><br />

l'Europe prenait en quelque<br />

sorte acte <strong>de</strong>s déclarations faites<br />

récemment par Madame<br />

Ciller, Premier ministre turc,<br />

<strong>de</strong>vant l'assemblée <strong>de</strong> l'Union<br />

<strong>de</strong> l'Europe Occi<strong>de</strong>ntale: la<br />

Pour le Premier ministre suédois Ingvar Carlsson, « la<br />

guerre froi<strong>de</strong> a pris fin <strong>et</strong> il faut savoir s'adapter aux<br />

nouvelles réalités )). (Photo DNA)<br />

Turquie, mise un moment au<br />

ban <strong>de</strong> l'Europe, veut concilier<br />

la "préservation <strong>de</strong> l'unité nationale<br />

<strong>et</strong> le renforcement <strong>de</strong>s<br />

droits individuels».<br />

L'assemblée, si prompte à<br />

condamner la Turquie en avril<br />

<strong>de</strong>rnier, doit-elle se contenter<br />

<strong>de</strong> c<strong>et</strong>te aucune allusion réponse aux qui ne fait<br />

droits <strong>de</strong>s<br />

Kur<strong>de</strong>s? Réponse du ministre<br />

tchèque: il n'a trouvé, dans la<br />

déclaration <strong>de</strong> Madame Ciller,<br />

"aucune diction référence à une <strong>de</strong> l'enseignement interdiction<br />

en<br />

langue kur<strong>de</strong>» ...<br />

En d'autres termes, il n'y a<br />

plus <strong>de</strong> "problème l'optique du Conseil turc» dans<br />

<strong>de</strong> l'Europe.<br />

Il est vrai. aussi. un autre domaine, que dans<br />

le somm<strong>et</strong><br />

<strong>de</strong>s. Quinze" à Cannes a décidé<br />

d'associer la Turquie aux<br />

réunions <strong>de</strong> l'Union européenne...<br />

Condamnation <strong>de</strong>s essais<br />

C<strong>et</strong>te question réglée, il était<br />

protection <strong>de</strong>s minorités nationales,<br />

à ratifier la charte européenne<br />

nucléaires français<br />

plus aisé aux parlementaires<br />

<strong>de</strong>s .34" <strong>de</strong> prôner la lutte<br />

contre l'intolérance <strong>et</strong> le racisme<br />

dans une recommandation<br />

qui fait l'unanimité sur les<br />

principes mais pose problème<br />

dans les. détails. Par exemple.<br />

les Etats y sont im;ités fier la convention-cadre à ratifier<br />

sur la<br />

<strong>de</strong>s langues régionales<br />

<strong>et</strong> à ;aux accor<strong>de</strong>r rési<strong>de</strong>nts un droit <strong>de</strong> étrangers vote<br />

lors<br />

<strong>de</strong>s élections locales.<br />

Autant d'exigences qui<br />

heurtent la tradition <strong>de</strong> certains<br />

pays. voire leur constitution,<br />

comme celle <strong>de</strong> la France.<br />

C'est incontestablement le<br />

Premier lTIinistre suédois Ingvar<br />

Carlsson qui était la ve<strong>de</strong>tte<br />

<strong>de</strong> la journée d'hier. Non<br />

seulement' parce qu'il a été<br />

fort applaudi en condamnant<br />

la France dans sa décision <strong>de</strong><br />

reprendre les essais nucléaires<br />




Villagers seek news<br />

.of missing relatives<br />

By Sinan Yùrnaz<br />

Turkish Daily News<br />

ANKARA- Relati~es of people alleg~dly kidnapped<br />

by thesecunty forces are continuing to<br />

engage in various activitles around the country aimed<br />

at trying to secure news of those who have gone<br />

missmg without a trace.<br />

One group, who traveled to Ankara from the<br />

provincial capital of DiyarbaIar, held a press conference<br />

on Wednesday and produced a list of the names<br />

of 20 people who they ~aid had gone missing.<br />

Indicatlng that they were villagers eVIcted from.therr<br />

homes during operations carried ou.t by sec~rity<br />

forces a¥ainsttlie outlawed separatist Kurdistan<br />

Workers Party (PKK), the group, ma<strong>de</strong> up of old<br />

men and women in tradition dress, plea<strong>de</strong>d for help to<br />

obtain news of their immediate relatives.<br />

The group, villagers of Kurdish origin, held their<br />

press conference at the office of the Human Rights<br />

Âssociation and had to speak throuclt an interpr<strong>et</strong>er<br />

because they knew no Turkish. Tney alleged that<br />

their children had been roun<strong>de</strong>d up and taken away<br />

by the security forces some time ago, adding that that<br />

was the last they ever heard of!hem.<br />

The vilIa2erSsaid th<strong>et</strong> warited to know where their<br />

children were being he d if they were still alive, or ...<br />

where they had been buried if they were <strong>de</strong>ad.<br />

Tne group said the security forces had rai<strong>de</strong>d their<br />

village of Toreli, attached to DiyarbaIar's Lice district,<br />

on May 18 and had assembled everyone in the<br />

village square..<br />

They alleged that the soldiers then burned down<br />

the village. One of the villagers, ~akir Yolur, said the<br />

soldiers had taken away his son Seyithan Yolur and<br />

two other people, adding that no news had been heard<br />

. from any of these people since. Another villager,<br />

Abdurrezak tI'ek, said his two sons had been taken<br />

away in a similar fashion, adding that ifhis sons are<br />

guilty. of anything they should be punished appropriately<br />

un<strong>de</strong>rthe law and if not they should be<br />

r<strong>et</strong>urned.<br />

Harnze Çiçek, another villager, said security forces<br />

.had arrested her son Tahsin (,:içek and released him<br />

later only to come back and arrest him again. She<br />

said that along with her son they had also taken her<br />

grandchild Cayan Çiçek, who was blind. Another vil-<br />

.. lager, Arife 'rekdag, who alleged one of her sons had<br />

fallen victim to a mystery killing, said when she<br />

inquired about the fate of her other son who was<br />

taken away, the security forces repeatedly told her<br />

that he had join~d ~~ PIq(. Sec~ty forces ~.nyth~t<br />

.there are extrajudicial kidnappmgs and killIngs ID<br />

Turkey and say that villagers often allege that their<br />

children, who have joined the PKK, have been kidnapped<br />

by the Turkish security forces. .<br />

r<br />

AgenceFrancePresse - M P .AgeocsFrancePresse - A pp .AgenceFrailcePreSse - AFP. - Agenc~Franc2P:ssse - A FP .AgencsFrancePresse - A FP .AgenceFrancePresse - A FP .<br />

FRS0539 4 I 0229CHY /AFP-A007<br />

Irak-Kur<strong>de</strong>s<br />

Bombar<strong>de</strong>ments irakiens au Kurdistan, selon l,'opposition<br />

NICOSIE, 29 juin (AFP) - L'armée irakienne a bombardé à l'artillerie.<br />

lour<strong>de</strong> jeudi la région est du Kurdistan, dans le nord <strong>de</strong> l'Irak, tuant un<br />

civil <strong>et</strong> en blessant onze, selon une <strong>de</strong>s principales formations <strong>de</strong><br />

l'opposition. .<br />

"Le pilonnage a commencé vers 6h30 (04h30 à <strong>Paris</strong>) prenant notamment<br />

pour cible le'centre <strong>de</strong>s transports publics <strong>de</strong> Chemchemal", une <strong>de</strong>s gran<strong>de</strong>s<br />

villes du Kurdistan, à l'ouest <strong>de</strong> Souleimaniye, a précisé un communiqué <strong>de</strong><br />

l'Union patriotique du Kurdistan (UPK <strong>de</strong> Jalal Talabani), reçu à Nicosie.<br />

"Ces atrocités font partie <strong>de</strong> la campagne <strong>de</strong> terreur <strong>et</strong> ,d'intimidation<br />

contre le peuple kur<strong>de</strong>",ajoute le texte, appelant la communauté<br />

internationale "à empêcher le gouvernement irakien <strong>de</strong> persister dans son<br />

mépris <strong>de</strong>s droits élémentaires <strong>de</strong> l'Homme <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong>s conventions<br />

internationales".<br />

Le Kurdistan irakien est dirigé par l'UPK <strong>et</strong> son rival, le parti<br />

démocratique du Kurdistan (PDK, <strong>de</strong> Massoud Barzani), <strong>de</strong>puis qu'il échappe<br />

au contrôle <strong>de</strong> Bagdad à la suite <strong>de</strong> l'insurrection kur<strong>de</strong> à l'issue <strong>de</strong> la<br />

guerre du Golfe (janvier-février 1991)~<br />

Bagdad a appelé à maintes reprises l'UPK <strong>et</strong> le PDK au dialogue, mais les<br />

<strong>de</strong>ux formations ont fait la sour<strong>de</strong> oreille jusqu'ici.<br />

Des affrontements sporadiques entre UPK <strong>et</strong> PDK ont fait <strong>de</strong>puis un an <strong>de</strong>s<br />

centaines <strong>de</strong> morts.<br />

ag/jhd/lb<br />

AFP /J00245/291634 JUN 95<br />



Turkisb Daily News<br />

THURSDAY,JUNE29.199S<br />

r---------------------------------------------------------,<br />

Local support for Kurd<br />

rebels hin<strong>de</strong>rs Turks<br />

By Aliza Marcus<br />

Reuter<br />

TUNCELt, Turkey- The Turkish military's<br />

drive against rebel Kurds in the<br />

eastern province of Tunceli is hampered<br />

. bya major factor, front-line mem1iers of<br />

the security forces say"":' many Kurdish<br />

civilians support the rebels. '7be problem<br />

is there is still sympathy for the<br />

PKK (Kurdistan Worker.çPartj), and as<br />

long as that continues it will be impossible<br />

to finish them off," a counter-insurgency<br />

commando told Reuters at the<br />

weekend. Turkey has long said the<br />

PKK, which it calls a terrorist group,<br />

commands little support in the mairily<br />

Kurdish east and southeast, where the<br />

rebels have fought for 11 years for<br />

autonomy or in<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nce. Over 16,000<br />

people have died. The Turkish army<br />

outnumber.ç the PKK by som<strong>et</strong>hing like<br />

25 to one in Tunceli province, at the<br />

heart of the struggle. Troops were<br />

recently boosted to at least 50,()(}(}there<br />

against an estimated 2,000 rebels. But<br />

Kurdish sources throughout the region<br />

say the guerrillas rely on villagers for<br />

food, shelter and supplies, som<strong>et</strong>hing<br />

some give willingly and other.çprovi<strong>de</strong><br />

outo(fear.<br />

The commandos, based in Tunceli for<br />

almost four years, said they found it<br />

hard to accept continuing sympathy for<br />

the rebels, WDO have bumed schools and<br />

health clinics, killed teachers and<br />

attacked families of state-paid village<br />

guards.<br />

'1t's not ue to us to solve this, wejust<br />

take or<strong>de</strong>rs, said one commando, who<br />

like the others would not give his name.<br />

"But if the state would lift some<br />

restrictions, like allow Kurdish television<br />

or schools, then sympathy would<br />

probably drop," he saId. Kurdish<br />

activists have long argued the PKK benefits<br />

from state repression of Kurdish<br />

cultural and pol1tical i<strong>de</strong>ntity, and<br />

Turkey's weak record on human rights.<br />

Many Kurds who do not support the<br />

PKK say Ankara is playing mto the<br />

hardline 8Ioup's hanos by closing off<br />

<strong>de</strong>mocratJc alternatives and essentially<br />

criminalising discussion of Kurdishrelated<br />

issues. Last year the pro-Kurdish<br />

Democracy Party was shut 6y the courts<br />

for separatist actility and six of its parliamentarians<br />

were jailed in December<br />

on similar grounds.<br />

"Ifl suggest a fe<strong>de</strong>ration or complain<br />

about Tuifish policies I'll also end up in<br />

prison," said a Kurdish intellectual.<br />

Tunceli province has always been a<br />

stronghoJd of leftist and Kurdish<br />

activism, and a 1936-38 rebellion harshly<br />

put down by Turkish troops has<br />

beCome the stuff of local folklore.<br />

"Back then our people wanted a<br />

Kurdish province, where cultural rights<br />

and thelt Kurdish i<strong>de</strong>ntity could be<br />

free," said a bus driver, who like others<br />

insisted his name not be used.<br />

'The rebels in the mountains now are<br />

fighting for the same thing." Turkish<br />

forces last September launched a major<br />

operation against PKK forces in<br />

Tunceli, criss-crossed by narrow gorges<br />

and soaring mountains that offer rebels<br />

natural hiding places.<br />

Despite frequent promises the military<br />

has not managed to end PKK<br />

attacks or hunt down regjonal comman<strong>de</strong>r<br />

Semdin Sakik and local comman<strong>de</strong>r.ç<br />

say PKK activity seems to be on<br />

the rise again.<br />

Since mid-April the PKK has killed at<br />

least 33 soldiers in two major attacksin<br />

Tunceli and staged numerous<br />

raids.<br />

smaller<br />

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