Keith Vodden Dr. Douglas Smith - Transports Canada

Keith Vodden Dr. Douglas Smith - Transports Canada

Keith Vodden Dr. Douglas Smith - Transports Canada


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Analysis and Estimation of the Social Cost of Motor Vehicle Collisions in Ontario<br />

6. Ambulance<br />

The Ontario Ministry of Health & Long Term Care provides grants to cover the<br />

cost of land ambulance services. Services are provided by approximately 60 certified land<br />

based municipal, private hospital and volunteer operators—serving 440 individual<br />

municipalities in Ontario. In 2004, there were over 1.6 million requests for land<br />

ambulance service resulting in approximately 940,000 transports of more than 1.1 million<br />

patients.<br />

Those transported by land ambulance for a medically necessary trip, with a valid<br />

Ontario Health Card and not subject to a Special Exemption category, are charged a copayment<br />

of $45 toward the cost of their trip. Each person whose transport is deemed<br />

medically unnecessary by the receiving hospital is charged a fixed $240 fee for a land<br />

ambulance under the Health Insurance Act, Regulation 552. This later fee is unlikely to<br />

reflect the full cost of the land ambulance trip.<br />

Instead of this regulated charge we use the cost of $783 (2005 $) per transported<br />

patient estimated based on data provided by the City of Toronto website. (The total<br />

budget for Emergency Medical Services in Toronto was approximately $130 million with<br />

166,000 transported patients in 2005. This average will include both fixed overheads and<br />

variable components of costs. However, like fire departments most costs are unavoidable<br />

and therefore an average allocation across all responses seems warranted.) In 2004<br />

dollars the cost per land-based transport by ambulance is $754. We have assumed a value<br />

one-half this amount for transport by the Coroner.<br />

We have no data on the costs for water ambulance service. Given its infrequent<br />

use related to motor vehicle collision we have assumed a cost identical to land based<br />

ambulance services.<br />

A non-profit corporation accountable to the Ontario government provides air<br />

ambulance services in Ontario. Budgets and numbers transported are not available.<br />

However, approximate values provided to us suggest an average cost of approximately<br />

$5,000 per person transported by air ambulance. Given the small number of air<br />

ambulance trips involved we use this figure despite its uncertainty.<br />

7. Tow trucks<br />

Tow truck charges are typically included in insurance claims. As a result we<br />

deduct the amount estimated for tow truck costs in this section from the estimate of<br />

insurance claims payouts. Any uncertainty in our estimate of tow truck costs is netted out<br />

in the calculation of insurance claims costs.<br />

Industry sources suggest that most motor vehicle collisions occur in areas covered<br />

by municipal contracts for tow truck services. These contracts are extremely competitive<br />

and most are “loss-leaders” for tow truck operators. Instead operators of tow trucks<br />

recoup losses on related charges for clean-up, dolly wheels, storage, compound fee, and<br />

144 TNS Canadian Facts, Social and Policy Research

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