Electra Kingsway VCT Offer for Subscription - The Tax Shelter Report

Electra Kingsway VCT Offer for Subscription - The Tax Shelter Report

Electra Kingsway VCT Offer for Subscription - The Tax Shelter Report


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<strong>Electra</strong> <strong>Kingsway</strong> <strong>VCT</strong><br />

Mini Prospectus<br />

<strong>Offer</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Subscription</strong><br />

Sponsored by<br />

Brewin Dolphin

This document, which comprises a mini prospectus (“Mini Prospectus”), contains in<strong>for</strong>mation, in<br />

summary <strong>for</strong>m, drawn from the Company’s Prospectus dated 2 October 2001 (“the Prospectus”), which<br />

alone contains full details of the Company and the Shares. Terms defined in the Prospectus bear the same<br />

meaning when used in this document. <strong>The</strong> Directors are satisfied that this Mini Prospectus contains a fair<br />

summary of the key in<strong>for</strong>mation set out in the Prospectus. <strong>The</strong> UK Listing Authority has authorised the<br />

issue of this document without approving its contents.<br />

In subscribing <strong>for</strong> Shares, you will be treated as subscribing solely on the basis of the Prospectus, which<br />

should be read in conjunction with this document and the Terms and Conditions of Application set out in<br />

this document and in the Prospectus.<br />

Application has been made <strong>for</strong> the Shares in the Company to be issued pursuant to the <strong>Offer</strong> to be<br />

admitted to the Official List and to trading on the London Stock Exchange’s market <strong>for</strong> listed securities.<br />

It is expected that such admission will become effective, and that dealings in the Shares will commence,<br />

on 25 January 2002.<br />

Brewin Dolphin Securities Limited is acting as sponsor and Downing Corporate Finance Limited as<br />

promoter of the Company in connection with the <strong>Offer</strong>, and neither of them are advising any other person<br />

or treating any other person as a customer or client in relation to the <strong>Offer</strong>, or will be responsible to any<br />

such person <strong>for</strong> providing the protections af<strong>for</strong>ded to their respective customers or clients or <strong>for</strong> providing<br />

advice in connection with the <strong>Offer</strong>.<br />

If you require advice, you should consult your stockbroker, solicitor, accountant or professional adviser<br />

authorised under the Financial Services Act 1986.<br />

ELECTRA KINGSWAY <strong>VCT</strong> PLC<br />

(Incorporated in England and Wales under the Companies Act 1985 with registered number 4286368)<br />

Sponsor<br />

Brewin Dolphin Securities Limited<br />

<strong>Offer</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Subscription</strong><br />

<strong>for</strong> the 2001/2002 tax year<br />

of up to, in aggregate, 25,000,000 ordinary shares<br />

of 1p each at an issue price of 100p per share<br />

payable in full on application<br />

Promoter<br />

Downing Corporate Finance Limited<br />

Availability of the Prospectus and Mini Prospectus<br />

Copies of the Prospectus and the Mini Prospectus relating to the Company are available <strong>for</strong> inspection<br />

only during normal business hours on any weekday (Saturdays and public holidays excepted) at the UK<br />

Listing Authority’s Document Viewing Facility at 25 <strong>The</strong> North Colonnade, London E14 5HS <strong>for</strong> so long<br />

as the <strong>Offer</strong> remains open and may be obtained, free of charge, <strong>for</strong> so long as the <strong>Offer</strong> remains open, by<br />

collection from the Company’s registered office and from:<br />

Downing Corporate Finance Limited Brewin Dolphin Securities Limited Brewin Dolphin Securities Limited<br />

69 Eccleston Square<br />

London SW1V 1PJ<br />

Tel: 020 7411 4700<br />

5 Giltspur Street<br />

London EC1A 9BD<br />

PO Box 512, National House<br />

36 St Ann Street<br />

Manchester M60 2EP<br />

Completed Application Forms in respect of the <strong>Offer</strong> should be sent by post, or delivered by hand, to<br />

Downing Corporate Finance Limited, 69 Eccleston Square, London SW1V 1PJ.<br />

<strong>Electra</strong> <strong>Kingsway</strong> <strong>VCT</strong> 1


Where used in this document the following words and expressions will, unless the context otherwise<br />

requires, have the following meanings:<br />

"Act"<br />

"AIM"<br />

"Annual Running Costs"<br />

"Applicant"<br />

"Application Form"<br />

"Articles"<br />

"BVCA"<br />

"Company" or "<strong>Electra</strong> <strong>Kingsway</strong> <strong>VCT</strong>"<br />

"Compound Return"<br />

"Directors" or "Board"<br />

"Downing"<br />

"Manager"<br />

"<strong>Electra</strong> Active Management"<br />

"<strong>Electra</strong> Investment Trust"<br />

"<strong>Electra</strong> Partners"<br />

"Funds managed by <strong>Electra</strong> Partners"<br />

"Fixed Income Securities"<br />

"FSA"<br />

"ICTA"<br />

"Investor"<br />

"London Stock Exchange"<br />

"Management and Administration Deed"<br />

"Net Assets"<br />

"OFEX"<br />

"<strong>Offer</strong> Price"<br />

"<strong>Offer</strong>"<br />

"Official List"<br />

"Prospectus"<br />

"Qualifying Company"<br />

"Qualifying Investment"<br />

"RPI"<br />

"Share"<br />

"Shareholders"<br />

"Sponsor" or “Brewin Dolphin”<br />

"UK Listing Authority"<br />

"<strong>VCT</strong>"<br />

Companies Act 1985 (as amended)<br />

Alternative Investment Market of the London Stock Exchange<br />

annual costs incurred by the Company in the ordinary course of its business<br />

(including irrecoverable VAT)<br />

Investor, who subscribes <strong>for</strong> Shares pursuant to the Prospectus<br />

<strong>for</strong>m of application <strong>for</strong> Shares under the <strong>Offer</strong> set out at the end of this<br />

document<br />

Articles of Association of the Company<br />

British Venture Capital Association<br />

<strong>Electra</strong> <strong>Kingsway</strong> <strong>VCT</strong> Plc<br />

internal rate of return as more fully described in paragraph 6(l) of Part III of the<br />

Prospectus<br />

directors of the Company<br />

Downing Corporate Finance Limited, which is regulated by the FSA<br />

<strong>Electra</strong> Quoted Management Limited<br />

<strong>Electra</strong> Active Management Plc<br />

<strong>Electra</strong> Investment Trust Plc<br />

<strong>Electra</strong> Partners Limited and/or its subsidiaries; <strong>Electra</strong> Quoted Management<br />

Limited and <strong>Electra</strong> Partners Europe Limited<br />

<strong>Electra</strong> Active Management and <strong>Electra</strong> Investment Trust<br />

investments made by the Company which do not comprise Qualifying<br />

Investments, such as bank deposits, loan stock, bonds, preference shares and<br />

other investments creating or acknowledging indebtedness issued by or on<br />

behalf of the governments of the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland or any<br />

other European Union country or any company or other financial institution<br />

with a credit rating (other than in respect of preference shares) of not less than<br />

A minus (Standard & Poors rated) or A3 (Moodys rated) or equivalent ratings<br />

Financial Services Authority<br />

Income and Corporation <strong>Tax</strong>es Act 1988 (as amended)<br />

individual investor, who is a UK resident aged 18 or over, investing no more<br />

than £100,000 in <strong>VCT</strong>s in any one tax year<br />

London Stock Exchange plc<br />

agreement dated 2 October 2001 between the Company (1) and the Manager<br />

(2), a summary of which is set out in paragraph 5(c) of Part III of the<br />

Prospectus<br />

gross assets less all liabilities (excluding contingent liabilities) of the Company<br />

(calculated each 31 March and 30 September)<br />

trading facility operated by J P Jenkins Limited to facilitate trading in securities<br />

neither quoted nor dealt in on the London Stock Exchange<br />

100p per Share<br />

offer <strong>for</strong> subscription of up to, in aggregate, 25,000,000 Shares<br />

Official List of the UK Listing Authority<br />

document which describes the <strong>Offer</strong> in full<br />

unquoted company carrying on a qualifying trade wholly or mainly in the<br />

United Kingdom and which satisfies certain other conditions as defined in<br />

Schedule 28B ICTA<br />

investment in an unquoted trading company, which comprises a qualifying<br />

holding <strong>for</strong> a <strong>VCT</strong> as defined in Schedule 28B ICTA<br />

Retail Prices Index<br />

ordinary share of 1p in the capital of the Company<br />

holders of Shares<br />

Brewin Dolphin Securities Limited, which is regulated by the FSA<br />

Financial Services Authority acting in its capacity as the competent authority<br />

<strong>for</strong> the purposes of Part IV of the Financial Services Act 1986<br />

company approved as a venture capital trust under Section 842AA ICTA by the<br />

Board of the Inland Revenue<br />

2 <strong>Electra</strong> <strong>Kingsway</strong> <strong>VCT</strong>


This key in<strong>for</strong>mation is extracted (without<br />

material adjustment) from, and should be<br />

read in conjunction with, the full text of this<br />

document. In particular, your attention is<br />

drawn to the Risk Factors and Investment<br />

Considerations on pages 9 and 10 of this<br />

document<br />

Objective<br />

<strong>The</strong> Company’s objective is to maximise tax<br />

free income to Shareholders from dividends and<br />

capital distributions. It is intended that this<br />

objective will be achieved by investing the<br />

proceeds of the <strong>Offer</strong>, over time, in a portfolio of<br />

Qualifying Investments and in Funds managed<br />

by <strong>Electra</strong> Partners.<br />

Investment Strategy<br />

<strong>The</strong> Company will seek to invest in a diversified<br />

portfolio of unquoted and AIM listed companies.<br />

Unquoted investments will typically be in<br />

companies that intend to float on a market within<br />

a two year period or those that have a well<br />

developed growth and cash generation strategy.<br />

Investments in start-up companies, in particular<br />

technology companies, will generally be<br />

avoided, where levels of risk are unacceptably<br />

high.<br />

Subject to market conditions and Board<br />

approval, it is intended that, of the Company’s<br />

initial Net Assets, up to 15% will be invested in<br />

<strong>Electra</strong> Investment Trust and up to 15% in<br />

<strong>Electra</strong> Active Management, over a twelve<br />

month period.<br />

Manager<br />

<strong>The</strong> Company’s investments will be managed by<br />

<strong>Electra</strong> Quoted Management Limited, which is a<br />

subsidiary of <strong>Electra</strong> Partners Limited. <strong>Electra</strong><br />

Partners has offices in London, Paris, Frankfurt,<br />

New York and Hong Kong. <strong>Electra</strong> Partners<br />

manage <strong>Electra</strong> Investment Trust (net assets of<br />

approximately £700 million as at June 2001), a<br />

€1 billion European private equity fund and<br />

other specialist funds. In total, <strong>Electra</strong> Partners<br />

managed investments valued at in excess of £1.5<br />

billion, as at June 2001.<br />

Track Record of <strong>Electra</strong> Partners<br />

<strong>Electra</strong> Partners has invested over £500 million<br />

in the last six years in quoted and unquoted<br />

companies. Of those investments, £29 million<br />

was invested in 33 smaller unquoted and AIM<br />

listed companies, which were similar in size and<br />

type to those proposed <strong>for</strong> the investment<br />

portfolio of the Company. As at 30 June 2001,<br />

£39 million had been realised from these 33<br />

investments and the residual holdings were<br />

valued at £18 million, generating a Compound<br />

Return of 28% per annum over the period 1 June<br />

1995 to 30 June 2001. (Source: Manager)<br />

<strong>Tax</strong> Benefits <strong>for</strong> Investors<br />

• Income tax relief at 20% of the amount<br />

subscribed.<br />

• Capital gains tax deferral at up to 40%.<br />

• <strong>Tax</strong>-free dividends and capital distributions.<br />

• Capital gains tax exemption on the disposal<br />

of ordinary shares in a <strong>VCT</strong>.<br />

• <strong>Tax</strong> reliefs are available on a maximum<br />

investment of £100,000 per individual<br />

(across all <strong>VCT</strong> investments) in any one tax<br />

year.<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Offer</strong><br />

• A maximum of 25 million Shares are<br />

available under the <strong>Offer</strong>.<br />

• <strong>The</strong> Directors and executives of <strong>Electra</strong><br />

Partners, including their immediate family,<br />

will be investing over £200,000 under the<br />

<strong>Offer</strong>, on the same terms as Investors.<br />


<strong>Offer</strong> price per Share<br />

100p<br />

Initial issue costs per Share<br />

5p<br />

Initial net assets per Share<br />

95p<br />

Maximum number of Shares in issue, following the <strong>Offer</strong>, at full subscription 25,000,000<br />

Maximum net proceeds of the <strong>Offer</strong>, after issue costs, at full subscription £23,750,000<br />

<strong>Electra</strong> <strong>Kingsway</strong> <strong>VCT</strong> 3

PART I<br />


<strong>VCT</strong>s were introduced by the Finance Act 1995<br />

to encourage UK individuals, by way of tax<br />

benefits, to invest in a portfolio of investments<br />

comprising at least 70% in unlisted UK trading<br />

companies. <strong>VCT</strong>s are investment companies,<br />

whose shares are listed on the Official List and<br />

are traded on the London Stock Exchange. In<br />

the period from 1 August 1995 to 5 April 2001,<br />

over £1.3 billion was raised by 60 <strong>VCT</strong>s<br />

(source: PricewaterhouseCoopers).<br />

<strong>VCT</strong>s are created so that their investors can<br />

benefit from a spread of Qualifying Investments<br />

under the supervision of professional managers,<br />

who can in many cases contribute valuable<br />

experience, contacts and advice to the businesses<br />

in which they invest. <strong>VCT</strong>s have to be approved<br />

by the Inland Revenue <strong>for</strong> the purposes of the<br />

venture capital trust legislation. Investors are<br />

then entitled to income tax relief at 20% of the<br />

amount subscribed and deferral of capital gains<br />

tax at up to 40%. <strong>VCT</strong>s are entitled to<br />

exemption from corporation tax on any gains<br />

arising on the disposal of their investments and<br />

such gains may be distributed tax-free to<br />

Investors.<br />


(see Part II <strong>for</strong> further details)<br />

<strong>The</strong> principal tax reliefs, which are available on<br />

a maximum investment of £100,000 per<br />

individual (across all <strong>VCT</strong> investments) in any<br />

one tax year, are set out below:<br />

• Income tax relief at 20% of the amount<br />

subscribed provided that the <strong>VCT</strong> shares are<br />

held <strong>for</strong> at least three years.<br />

• Deferral of capital gains at up to 40%, by<br />

reinvesting the gain into a <strong>VCT</strong>, provided<br />

the <strong>VCT</strong> shares are issued in a period<br />

beginning 12 months be<strong>for</strong>e, and ending 12<br />

months after, the gain is realised. Capital<br />

gains deferral ceases upon disposal of shares<br />

in a <strong>VCT</strong>.<br />

• <strong>Tax</strong>-free dividends and capital<br />

distributions from a <strong>VCT</strong>.<br />

• Capital gains tax exemption on the<br />

disposal of ordinary shares in a <strong>VCT</strong>.<br />

<strong>The</strong> above is only a brief summary of the law<br />

concerning the tax position of investors in<br />

<strong>VCT</strong>s and is based on the understanding of<br />

current law and practice in relation to <strong>VCT</strong>s.<br />

Potential Investors are recommended to consult<br />

their own independent professional adviser as to<br />

the taxation consequences of their investing in a<br />

<strong>VCT</strong>.<br />


<strong>The</strong> Company’s objective is to maximise tax<br />

free income to Shareholders from dividends and<br />

capital distributions. It is intended that this<br />

objective will be achieved by investing the<br />

proceeds of the <strong>Offer</strong>, over time, in a portfolio of<br />

Qualifying Investments and in Funds managed<br />

by <strong>Electra</strong> Partners, as described under<br />

“Investment Strategy” below.<br />


<strong>Electra</strong> <strong>Kingsway</strong> <strong>VCT</strong> offers Investors the<br />

opportunity to invest in a carefully selected<br />

portfolio of smaller companies that have high<br />

growth potential. By building a well diversified<br />

portfolio, the Manager believes that the risky<br />

nature of small individual venture capital<br />

investments will be minimised.<br />

<strong>The</strong> table below summarises the intended<br />

approximate split of investments to be held by<br />

the Company both initially and after three years.<br />

Type of Investment<br />

Percentage of Net Assets<br />

Initially<br />

After 3 Years<br />

Qualifying Investments 0% 80%<br />

Funds managed by<br />

30%<br />

20%<br />

<strong>Electra</strong> Partners<br />

(within 12 months)<br />

Fixed Income Securities 70% 0%<br />

Total 100% 100%<br />

4 <strong>Electra</strong> <strong>Kingsway</strong> <strong>VCT</strong>

<strong>The</strong> Directors intend that approximately 70% of<br />

the Company’s initial net proceeds will be<br />

invested in a portfolio of Fixed Income<br />

Securities. It is intended that this portfolio will<br />

be progressively realised over a two to three<br />

year period in order to fund investments in<br />

Qualifying Companies. By 30 September 2004,<br />

the Manager intends to have invested<br />

approximately 80% of the Company’s funds in<br />

Qualifying Investments.<br />

Subject to market conditions and Board<br />

approval, it is intended that the balance of the<br />

Company’s initial proceeds, approximately 30%,<br />

will be invested in Funds managed by <strong>Electra</strong><br />

Partners (see Non-Qualifying Investments<br />

below).<br />

Qualifying Investments<br />

<strong>The</strong> Manager will seek to invest in companies<br />

that it believes have a high growth potential. In<br />

the Manager’s opinion, each of these companies<br />

will generally reflect the following criteria:<br />

• it must have a well defined business plan<br />

and be able to demonstrate strong demand<br />

<strong>for</strong> its products or services;<br />

• its products or services can be supplied at<br />

sustainable high margins and be cash<br />

generative;<br />

• the objectives of its management and its<br />

shareholders are similarly aligned; and<br />

• it has adequate capital resources or access to<br />

further resources to achieve the targets set<br />

out in its business plan.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Company will seek to invest in a diversified<br />

portfolio of unquoted and AIM listed companies<br />

and will not specialise in any particular industry<br />

sector. Unquoted investments will typically be<br />

in companies that intend to float on a market<br />

within a two year period or those that have a<br />

well developed growth and cash generation<br />

strategy. <strong>The</strong>re are no criteria regarding the size<br />

of the target companies although an investee<br />

company’s gross assets will not exceed £15<br />

million immediately prior to the investment in<br />

order to comply with the <strong>VCT</strong> legislation.<br />

Investments in start-up companies, in particular<br />

technology companies, will generally be<br />

avoided, where levels of risk are unacceptably<br />

high.<br />

It is anticipated that after three years the<br />

Company will have invested approximately 80%<br />

of its Net Assets in 25-35 Qualifying<br />

Companies. Investments are expected to range<br />

in size from £250,000 to £1 million, with an<br />

average investment of over £500,000.<br />

In the Manager’s opinion, companies listed on<br />

AIM have similar characteristics to unquoted<br />

companies and, there<strong>for</strong>e, require substantial due<br />

diligence be<strong>for</strong>e committing to an investment.<br />

<strong>The</strong> unquoted investment methodology at<br />

<strong>Electra</strong> Partners has been built on<br />

comprehensive due diligence and it is the<br />

combination of these skills and the investment<br />

experience of the management team that, in the<br />

Directors’ opinion, could provide <strong>Electra</strong><br />

<strong>Kingsway</strong> <strong>VCT</strong> with a competitive advantage.<br />

Non-Qualifying Investments<br />

Funds managed by <strong>Electra</strong> Partners<br />

Subject to market conditions and Board<br />

approval, it is intended that, of the Company’s<br />

initial Net Assets, up to 15% will be invested in<br />

<strong>Electra</strong> Investment Trust and up to 15% in<br />

<strong>Electra</strong> Active Management, over a twelve<br />

month period. In order to fund investments in<br />

Qualifying Companies, it is expected that the<br />

Company’s investments in the Funds managed<br />

by <strong>Electra</strong> Partners will be progressively<br />

reduced to approximately 20% of its Net Assets<br />

by 30 September 2004.<br />

Fixed Income Securities<br />

Downing will advise the Manager on the Fixed<br />

Income Securities investments of the Company.<br />

It is intended that the emphasis will be on fixed<br />

interest securities of high credit quality to<br />

provide a high level of capital protection.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re<strong>for</strong>e, the Fixed Income Securities will<br />

mainly consist of bonds issued by the UK<br />

Government, major companies and institutions.<br />

Downing, which is regulated by the FSA, will be<br />

paid a fee of 0.1% per annum (plus VAT) of the<br />

value of the Fixed Income Securities, subject to<br />

a minimum annual fee of £5,000 (plus VAT).<br />

<strong>Electra</strong> <strong>Kingsway</strong> <strong>VCT</strong> 5


<strong>The</strong> Company’s investments will be managed by<br />

<strong>Electra</strong> Quoted Management Limited, which is a<br />

subsidiary of <strong>Electra</strong> Partners Limited. It was<br />

established in 1981 and is regulated by the FSA.<br />

<strong>Electra</strong> Partners has offices in London, Paris,<br />

Frankfurt, New York and Hong Kong.<br />

<strong>Electra</strong> Partners was acquired by its management<br />

in 1999. <strong>Electra</strong> Partners manage <strong>Electra</strong><br />

Investment Trust (net assets of approximately<br />

£700 million as at June 2001), a €1 billion<br />

European private equity fund and other specialist<br />

funds. In total, <strong>Electra</strong> Partners managed<br />

investments valued at in excess of £1.5 billion,<br />

as at June 2001. <strong>Electra</strong> Partners there<strong>for</strong>e has<br />

experience of investing in unquoted companies<br />

and AIM listed companies of the same type to<br />

those proposed <strong>for</strong> the investment portfolio of<br />

the Company. Due to the <strong>VCT</strong> legislation, the<br />

Company will be making smaller investments<br />

than the majority of those investments<br />

previously made by the other funds managed by<br />

<strong>Electra</strong> Partners.<br />

Deal Flow<br />

<strong>Electra</strong> Partners has a well developed deal flow<br />

comprising unquoted company proposals that<br />

come through <strong>Electra</strong> Partners’ own contacts and<br />

network, pre-float finance opportunities and<br />

broker led AIM flotations.<br />

Investment Committee<br />

<strong>The</strong> Manager has established an investment<br />

committee <strong>for</strong> <strong>Electra</strong> <strong>Kingsway</strong> <strong>VCT</strong><br />

comprising the following:<br />

Hugh Mum<strong>for</strong>d (55), joined <strong>Electra</strong> Partners in<br />

1981 and has been its managing director since<br />

1991. Following the management buy-out of<br />

<strong>Electra</strong> Partners from <strong>Electra</strong> Investment Trust<br />

in November 1999, he has become the chief<br />

executive officer of the new company. He has<br />

represented <strong>Electra</strong> Partners on the board of a<br />

number of private equity investments and has<br />

chaired the <strong>Electra</strong> Partners’ investment<br />

committee since 1989. His responsibilities have<br />

included overseeing all <strong>Electra</strong> Partners<br />

investment activities, which include both private<br />

equity and listed investments.<br />

David Symondson (46), joined <strong>Electra</strong> Partners<br />

in 1983, after spending six years with KPMG<br />

where he qualified as a chartered accountant. He<br />

has been a member of <strong>Electra</strong> Partners’<br />

unquoted investment committee and is a director<br />

of a number of portfolio companies. He has been<br />

directly responsible <strong>for</strong> a number of <strong>Electra</strong><br />

Partners’ unquoted investments and has<br />

considerable experience in the venture capital<br />

marketplace.<br />

Nicholas Ross (38), joined <strong>Electra</strong> Partners in<br />

1993 and is a director of <strong>Electra</strong> Quoted<br />

Management Limited. He has been principally<br />

involved in running the quoted portfolio of<br />

<strong>Electra</strong> Investment Trust and latterly managing<br />

<strong>Electra</strong> Active Management. He is an associate<br />

of the Institute of Investment Management and<br />

Research and prior to joining the Manager he<br />

worked as an analyst and fund manager at<br />

Provident Mutual.<br />

Rhian Davies (36), joined <strong>Electra</strong> Partners in<br />

1992 and has extensive experience of investing<br />

in unquoted companies and the venture capital<br />

marketplace. She has represented <strong>Electra</strong><br />

Partners on a number of investee boards. Prior<br />

to joining <strong>Electra</strong> Partners, she qualified as a<br />

chartered accountant with Price Waterhouse and<br />

spent a number of years in the Corporate<br />

Reconstruction and Insolvency Department of<br />

the firm.<br />

Michael George (28), joined <strong>Electra</strong> Partners in<br />

2001. He previously worked at Durlacher<br />

Corporation Plc as head of private wealth<br />

management and was responsible <strong>for</strong> fund<br />

raisings, project management and exits of<br />

portfolio companies. Prior to that he worked at<br />

Laing and Cruickshank Investment Management<br />

as a fund manager.<br />

Track Record of <strong>Electra</strong> Partners – Smaller<br />

venture capital investments<br />

<strong>Electra</strong> Partners has invested over £500 million<br />

in the last six years in quoted and unquoted<br />

companies. Of those investments, £29 million<br />

was invested in 33 smaller unquoted and AIM<br />

listed companies which were similar in size and<br />

type to those proposed <strong>for</strong> the investment<br />

portfolio of the Company. As at 30 June 2001,<br />

£39 million had been realised from these 33<br />

investments and the residual holdings were<br />

valued at £18 million, generating a Compound<br />

Return of 28% per annum over the period 1 June<br />

1995 to 30 June 2001 (as set out in the table<br />

below). (Source: Manager)<br />

6 <strong>Electra</strong> <strong>Kingsway</strong> <strong>VCT</strong>

Returns on smaller venture capital investments invested in and managed by <strong>Electra</strong> Partners<br />

over the period 1 June 1995 to 30 June 2001<br />

Note Annual Compound Return<br />

Returns on smaller venture capital investments 1 28%<br />

(including unrealised investments at valuation)<br />

Note:<br />

1. This is the annual Compound Return (calculated on a monthly cash inflow and outflow basis) from<br />

all smaller venture capital investments (realised and unrealised) invested in and managed by <strong>Electra</strong><br />

Partners be<strong>for</strong>e deduction of fund management costs and carried interest over the period 1 June 1995<br />

to 30 June 2001. All investments, which remain in the portfolio as at 30 June 2001, are valued either<br />

based on their quoted share price or by reference to internal carrying values. <strong>The</strong>se valuations have<br />

been per<strong>for</strong>med in accordance with BVCA guidelines.<br />

(Source: Manager)<br />

Prospective Investors should note that the past<br />

per<strong>for</strong>mance of <strong>Electra</strong> Partners is not<br />

necessarily a guide to the future per<strong>for</strong>mance of<br />

the Company and no projection or <strong>for</strong>ecast is to<br />

be inferred from the above.<br />

Track Record of <strong>Electra</strong> Partners – Funds<br />

managed by <strong>Electra</strong> Partners<br />

<strong>Electra</strong> Investment Trust is one of the largest<br />

UK investment trusts specialising in investing in<br />

small and medium sized unquoted companies.<br />

Over the 10 year period to 30 March 2001 (last<br />

published valuation date), its net asset value has<br />

risen by 203% compared with the FTSE All<br />

Share Index which increased by 127%.<br />

<strong>Electra</strong> Active Management is an authorised<br />

open ended investment company which invests<br />

in special situations in quoted UK smaller<br />

companies. Its objective is to invest in<br />

undervalued companies where corporate<br />

initiatives can create value <strong>for</strong> shareholders. It<br />

was launched on 30 March 2000 with £30<br />

million raised from institutions. <strong>Electra</strong> Active<br />

Management’s total return had increased by<br />

5.2% by the end of June 2001 compared to the<br />

FTSE SmallCap Index which had decreased by<br />

10.3% over the same period.<br />

Co-investment Arrangements<br />

As the other funds managed by <strong>Electra</strong> Partners<br />

presently invest in opportunities that in most<br />

cases would not represent Qualifying<br />

Investments there may only be occasional<br />

opportunities <strong>for</strong> co-investment between the<br />

Company and the other funds managed by<br />

<strong>Electra</strong> Partners. Where such a co-investment<br />

opportunity arises, the Company will invest in<br />

the same securities as the funds with which it coinvests<br />

and the investment price and terms will<br />

be the same <strong>for</strong> each fund. Any such co-<br />

investment must first be approved by those<br />

Directors that are independent of the Manager,<br />

and the size of investment will be determined on<br />

a case by case basis.<br />


<strong>The</strong> Company has five Directors, all of whom<br />

are non-executive and four of whom are<br />

independent of the Manager. Nicholas Ross,<br />

who is also an executive of the Manager, will not<br />

vote on any matter at a Company board meeting<br />

or at a committee of the Manager where there is<br />

a conflict of interest with any other <strong>Electra</strong><br />

Partners’ fund which he manages.<br />

Rupert Pennant-Rea (chairman) (53) is a<br />

<strong>for</strong>mer Deputy Governor of the Bank of England<br />

and editor of the Economist. He is currently<br />

chairman of <strong>The</strong> Stationery Office and a director<br />

of Key Asset Management (UK) Limited,<br />

British American Tobacco plc and a number of<br />

other companies.<br />

Michael Broke (65) is currently a non executive<br />

director of Chelsfield plc, having joined the<br />

board in October 1987 as managing director. He<br />

was chief executive of Stockley plc from<br />

January 1984 to June 1987 and prior to that a<br />

director of J. Rothschild & Co. Previous<br />

directorships have included Stalwart Group<br />

Limited (chairman) (now known as GE Life<br />

Group Limited), Aspen Healthcare Holdings<br />

Limited (chairman) and Ashbourne Group plc.<br />

David Donnelly (53) is currently executive<br />

chairman of Gordon House Asset Management<br />

plc. He is chief investment officer of <strong>The</strong><br />

Gordon House Optimal Fund plc. Previous<br />

directorships have included <strong>The</strong> ECU Trust plc,<br />

Highland Participants plc and R&W Hawthorn<br />

Leslie plc.<br />

<strong>Electra</strong> <strong>Kingsway</strong> <strong>VCT</strong> 7

Nicholas Ross (38) is an executive of the<br />

Manager. Further in<strong>for</strong>mation is provided in<br />

the section headed “Investment Committee”<br />

above.<br />

David Sebire (58) is a chartered accountant with<br />

extensive industrial and corporate finance<br />

experience. Until 1999 he was chairman of<br />

Bridport PLC. He was a non-executive director<br />

of DPS Typecraft Limited, a developer of<br />

software <strong>for</strong> the publishing industry, from its<br />

<strong>for</strong>mation until it was reversed into Highbury<br />

House Communications PLC, a magazine and<br />

on-line publisher, of which he is now a nonexecutive<br />

director.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Directors and executives of <strong>Electra</strong> Partners,<br />

including their immediate family, will be<br />

investing over £200,000 under the <strong>Offer</strong>, on the<br />

same terms as Investors.<br />

COSTS<br />

Capital raising fees<br />

Downing has agreed to underwrite all the costs<br />

of the <strong>Offer</strong> in return <strong>for</strong> an initial fee of 5% of<br />

the monies raised (i.e. 5p per Share), together<br />

with an annual commission of 0.25% per annum<br />

of the net assets of the Company <strong>for</strong> up to 10<br />

years. Out of these fees, Downing will be<br />

responsible <strong>for</strong> paying initial and annual trail<br />

commissions to authorised financial advisers.<br />

Annual fees<br />

<strong>The</strong> Annual Running Costs of the Company are<br />

capped at 3.6% of its Net Assets; any excess<br />

will either be paid by the Manager or refunded<br />

by way of a reduction to its fees. Annual<br />

Running Costs include, inter alia, Director’s<br />

fees, fees <strong>for</strong> audit and taxation advice,<br />

registrar’s fees, costs of communicating with<br />

Shareholders and all the annual fees payable to<br />

the Manager and Downing (including the<br />

annual commission of 0.25% referred to above)<br />

but do not include any per<strong>for</strong>mance incentive<br />

payments to the Manager (as described more<br />

fully below). <strong>The</strong> Manager will be paid an<br />

administration fee of £60,000 per annum (plus<br />

RPI plus VAT) <strong>for</strong> administering the Company<br />

(out of which it will pay Downing an advisory<br />

fee of £20,000 per annum plus RPI plus VAT),<br />

together with an annual investment<br />

management fee (plus VAT), based on the Net<br />

Assets of the Company, on the following basis:<br />

Period to 30 September % of Net Assets<br />

2002 1.50%<br />

2003 2.00%<br />

2004 and after 2.50%<br />

<strong>Electra</strong> Partners receives fees from monies<br />

invested in the Funds managed by <strong>Electra</strong><br />

Partners; however, the aggregate management<br />

fee payable by the Company to <strong>Electra</strong> Partners,<br />

including fees from investments in the Funds<br />

managed by <strong>Electra</strong> Partners, will not exceed the<br />

fee payable to the Manager under the<br />

Management and Administration Deed, as<br />

summarised above.<br />

At full subscription, the Directors estimate that<br />

the Annual Running Costs will be approximately<br />

2.9% of the amount subscribed under the <strong>Offer</strong><br />

in the Company’s first accounting period. It is<br />

intended that the fees payable by the Company<br />

to the Manager will be allocated not less than<br />

25% to revenue and up to 75% to capital.<br />

Per<strong>for</strong>mance Incentive<br />

As is customary in the venture capital industry,<br />

the Manager will be entitled to receive a<br />

per<strong>for</strong>mance related incentive fee based upon<br />

returns to Shareholders. If the Company’s net<br />

asset value per Share in a relevant period<br />

increases so that it exceeds £1 (less the value of<br />

any distributions paid from time to time) plus<br />

notional interest thereon at the rate of 7% per<br />

annum (compounding annually), then the<br />

beneficiaries will be entitled to an incentive<br />

equal in value to 20% of such excess. <strong>The</strong> first<br />

such period will expire on 30 September 2004<br />

and thereafter the periods will be of one year’s<br />

duration. In the event that the per<strong>for</strong>mance of<br />

the Company falls short of the target in any<br />

period such shortfall must be made up be<strong>for</strong>e the<br />

beneficiaries are entitled to any incentive in<br />

respect of subsequent periods.<br />


A significant benefit of a <strong>VCT</strong>, not available to<br />

an investment trust, is the ability to distribute<br />

realised capital gains. Taking full advantage of<br />

this benefit, the Directors intend to maximise the<br />

stream of tax free dividend distributions,<br />

primarily from the successful realisation of<br />

investments <strong>for</strong> cash and also partly from<br />

income. Initially, this will be achieved by the<br />

Company being structured as an investment<br />

8 <strong>Electra</strong> <strong>Kingsway</strong> <strong>VCT</strong>

company, which enhances its ability to pay<br />

dividends out of income (initially from the Fixed<br />

Income Securities). Subsequently, when the<br />

Directors consider it appropriate to distribute<br />

accumulated net capital profits by way of<br />

dividend (<strong>for</strong> example, on the disposal of a<br />

successful equity investment), it is intended that<br />

investment company status will be revoked<br />

indefinitely to enable capital distributions to be<br />

made.<br />

Subject to maintaining sufficient working<br />

capital, the Directors intend to maximise tax-free<br />

dividend distributions to Shareholders. It is<br />

intended that dividends will be paid once a year<br />

in February. <strong>The</strong> first dividend is expected to be<br />

paid in February 2003 as a final dividend in<br />

respect of the period ending 30 September 2002,<br />

although this is not intended to be a <strong>for</strong>ecast of<br />

profitability or dividend levels.<br />

Following the events on 11 September 2001 in<br />

New York, the Directors believe that it is very<br />

difficult <strong>for</strong> them to predict, in general, the return<br />

on unquoted and AIM listed companies.<br />

However the Directors do believe that there are<br />

still good returns to be made from these types of<br />

investments in the longer term, and remain<br />

confident.<br />



Prospective Shareholders should be aware that<br />

the value of Shares in the Company and the<br />

income from them can fluctuate. In addition,<br />

there is no guarantee that the market price of<br />

Shares will fully reflect their underlying net<br />

asset value or the ability to buy and sell at that<br />

price. <strong>The</strong> Company’s initial net assets will,<br />

after issue costs of 5p, be 95p per Share.<br />

Furthermore, in the opinion of the Directors,<br />

investing in the Company carries particular<br />

risks, of which the principal risks are set out<br />

below:<br />

• Although it is intended that the Company<br />

will be managed so as to qualify as a <strong>VCT</strong>,<br />

and retain such status, there is no guarantee<br />

that such status will be achieved or<br />

maintained. Further details of the taxation<br />

implications of an investment in the<br />

Company are set out in Part II of this<br />

document. However, if the Company fails<br />

to meet the qualifying requirements <strong>for</strong> a<br />

<strong>VCT</strong>, this could result in:<br />

(i) Shareholders being required to repay<br />

the 20% income tax relief received on<br />

subscription <strong>for</strong> Shares;<br />

(ii) any capital gains tax liability deferred<br />

by Shareholders on subscription <strong>for</strong><br />

Shares becoming payable;<br />

(iii) the loss of income tax relief on<br />

dividends paid (or subsequently<br />

payable) to Shareholders;<br />

(iv) the loss of tax relief previously<br />

obtained in relation to corporation tax<br />

on capital gains made by the Company;<br />

(v) a liability to tax on capital gains on any<br />

disposal of Shares; and<br />

(vi) the loss of the Company’s listing on the<br />

Official List and the ability of its<br />

Shares to be traded on the London<br />

Stock Exchange.<br />

• <strong>The</strong> levels and bases of reliefs from taxation<br />

may change. <strong>The</strong> tax reliefs referred to in this<br />

document are those currently available and<br />

their value depends on the individual<br />

circumstances of Shareholders. In addition,<br />

rates of capital gains tax and the availability<br />

of reliefs may change and adversely affect<br />

the tax position of a Shareholder deferring<br />

capital gains.<br />

• An investment in a <strong>VCT</strong> is free from tax on<br />

capital gains. Consequently, any realised<br />

losses on disposal of Shares cannot be used to<br />

create an allowable loss <strong>for</strong> capital gains tax<br />

purposes. In addition, <strong>for</strong> those Shareholders<br />

sheltering a realised capital gain, the amount<br />

of the original gain will be chargeable on<br />

disposal of Shares at the then prevailing rate<br />

of capital gains tax at the time of disposal<br />

(subject to the availability of allowances and<br />

reliefs).<br />

• Although the Shares will be listed on the<br />

Official List and traded on the London Stock<br />

Exchange, there is unlikely to be a liquid<br />

market in the Shares at least <strong>for</strong> the first three<br />

years from investment and there may not be<br />

two competitive market makers. It may,<br />

there<strong>for</strong>e, prove difficult <strong>for</strong> Shareholders to<br />

sell their Shares.<br />

• Most of the Company’s investments will be<br />

in companies whose securities are not<br />

publicly traded or freely marketable and may,<br />

there<strong>for</strong>e, be difficult to realise. Such<br />

businesses may well be in high risk sectors<br />

and are usually exposed to greater risks than<br />

established businesses.<br />

• In order to comply with <strong>VCT</strong> legislation, the<br />

Qualifying Companies, in which the<br />

<strong>Electra</strong> <strong>Kingsway</strong> <strong>VCT</strong> 9

Company will invest at least 70% of its<br />

capital within three years, must have gross<br />

assets of not more than £15 million prior to<br />

investment. Such companies generally have<br />

a higher risk profile than larger companies.<br />

• <strong>The</strong>re is no guarantee that the Company’s<br />

objective will be met or that suitable<br />

investment opportunities will be identified.<br />

• <strong>The</strong> Company’s ability to obtain maximum<br />

value from its investments (<strong>for</strong> example,<br />

through sale) may be limited by the<br />

requirements imposed in order to maintain<br />

the tax status of the Company (such as the<br />

obligation to have at least 70% by value of its<br />

investments in Qualifying Investments).<br />

• Shareholders should be aware that the sale of<br />

Shares within three years of their subscription<br />

will require repayment of the 20% income<br />

tax relief available upon investment to the<br />

extent of the amount received from such sale.<br />

Accordingly, investment in the Company is<br />

not suitable as a short or medium term<br />

investment.<br />

• A Shareholder’s initial income tax relief will<br />

be withdrawn if a Shareholder, or any person<br />

associated with the Shareholder, takes out a<br />

loan which would not have been made, or<br />

would not have been made on the same<br />

terms, save <strong>for</strong> the acquisition of Shares.<br />

• <strong>The</strong> past per<strong>for</strong>mance of investments made<br />

by funds managed by the Manager or <strong>Electra</strong><br />

Partners should not be regarded as an<br />

indication of the per<strong>for</strong>mance of investments<br />

to be made by the Company.<br />

• Changes in legislation concerning <strong>VCT</strong>s in<br />

general, and Qualifying Investments and<br />

qualifying trades in particular, may restrict or<br />

adversely affect the ability of the Company to<br />

meet its objectives and/or reduce the level of<br />

returns which would otherwise have been<br />

achievable.<br />

• <strong>The</strong> value of Shares may go down as well as<br />

up and Shareholders may not receive back<br />

the full amount invested.<br />


Duration of the Company<br />

Although it is not intended that the Company<br />

should have a limited life, Shareholders will be<br />

given the opportunity to review its future after<br />

approximately ten years and, thereafter, at five<br />

yearly intervals. Accordingly, the Articles<br />

contain provisions requiring the Directors to<br />

propose a resolution at the Company’s annual<br />

general meeting in 2012 to seek confirmation<br />

from Shareholders that it should continue as a<br />

<strong>VCT</strong> and, if passed, inter alia, such a resolution<br />

will be proposed at five yearly intervals<br />

thereafter. For such a resolution not to be passed,<br />

Shareholders holding at least 25% of the Shares<br />

then in issue must vote (in person or by proxy)<br />

against the resolution. If such a resolution to<br />

continue is not passed, the Directors will, within<br />

the following nine months, convene an<br />

extraordinary general meeting at which new<br />

proposals <strong>for</strong> the re-organisation, unitisation or<br />

voluntary liquidation of the Company will be<br />

submitted to Shareholders, as is deemed<br />

appropriate at that time.<br />

Valuation of Investments<br />

Listed investments (including those quoted on<br />

AIM and OFEX) will be stated at middle market<br />

prices discounted, where necessary, to reflect<br />

any lack of liquidity.<br />

Unquoted investments will be valued by the<br />

Directors in accordance with the following rules,<br />

which are consistent with the BVCA’s<br />

guidelines:<br />

• - investments held <strong>for</strong> less than 12<br />

months will usually be valued at cost;<br />

• - investments held <strong>for</strong> more than 12<br />

months will also be held at cost, unless:<br />

• a company is well-established and<br />

profitable: in which case, the shares<br />

will be valued by applying a suitable<br />

price-earnings ratio to the company’s<br />

historic or <strong>for</strong>ecast post-tax earnings.<br />

This ratio will be based on comparable<br />

listed companies less an appropriate<br />

discount to reflect the company’s size<br />

and the lack of marketability of the<br />

investment; or<br />

• a value is indicated by a material<br />

arm’s-length transaction by a third<br />

party in the shares of the company; or<br />

• a company’s under-per<strong>for</strong>mance<br />

against plan indicates a diminution in<br />

value of the investment: in which case,<br />

a provision against cost will be made<br />

as appropriate.<br />

Borrowing Policy<br />

<strong>The</strong> Articles allow the Company to borrow up to<br />

an amount equal to its adjusted capital and<br />

reserves. Although the Directors have no<br />

present intention of using this power, it has been<br />

10 <strong>Electra</strong> <strong>Kingsway</strong> <strong>VCT</strong>

made available to give the Company flexibility,<br />

if required, in future un<strong>for</strong>eseen circumstances.<br />

<strong>Report</strong>ing to Shareholders<br />

<strong>The</strong> Company’s annual report and accounts will<br />

be made up to 30 September in each year and<br />

will normally be sent to Shareholders in<br />

December. <strong>The</strong> Company’s first accounting<br />

period will end on 30 September 2002.<br />

Shareholders will also receive unaudited interim<br />

reports and the first report to be sent to them will<br />

be the interim report in respect of the period<br />

ending 31 March 2002.<br />

<strong>Tax</strong>ation and Inland Revenue Approval<br />

<strong>The</strong> Directors intend to conduct the affairs of the<br />

Company so that it satisfies the conditions <strong>for</strong><br />

approval as a <strong>VCT</strong> and that such approval will<br />

be maintained. <strong>The</strong> Inland Revenue has agreed<br />

to grant the Company provisional approval<br />

under Section 842AA ICTA as a <strong>VCT</strong>, effective<br />

from the first day on which Shares are issued<br />

pursuant to the <strong>Offer</strong>. <strong>The</strong> Company intends to<br />

comply with Section 842AA ICTA and has<br />

retained PricewaterhouseCoopers to advise it on<br />

<strong>VCT</strong> taxation matters.<br />

New Special Reserve<br />

<strong>The</strong> Directors are aware of the possibility that<br />

the Shares may trade at a discount to their net<br />

asset value at some point. <strong>The</strong> Directors<br />

consider that the Company should have the<br />

ability to purchase its Shares in the market<br />

(which are thereby automatically cancelled),<br />

subject to the provisions of the Listing Rules of<br />

the UK Listing Authority, with the aim of<br />

reducing any discount and increasing the net<br />

asset value per Share of the remaining Shares.<br />

In the view of the Directors, the awareness of<br />

Investors that the Company has such a capability<br />

may tend to moderate the scale of any discount,<br />

which may emerge, and the action of buying in<br />

Shares should enable any such discount to be<br />

narrowed.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Act provides that a public company may<br />

only purchase its own shares out of distributable<br />

profits or out of the proceeds of a fresh issue of<br />

shares made <strong>for</strong> the purpose of the purchase.<br />

Subject to Inland Revenue confirmation that<br />

such proposals will not adversely affect the<br />

Company’s <strong>VCT</strong> status and Court approval, the<br />

Company intends to reduce its share premium<br />

account (created on the issue of the Shares<br />

pursuant to the <strong>Offer</strong>) by 50% of the amount<br />

standing in the credit thereof immediately<br />

following the issue of Shares pursuant to the<br />

<strong>Offer</strong> and to establish a new special reserve,<br />

which may be treated as a distributable profit,<br />

out of which purchases of Shares can be made.<br />

Shareholder approval will not be required <strong>for</strong><br />

these actions, as the necessary empowering<br />

resolutions were passed on 24 September 2001.<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Offer</strong> and Minimum and Maximum<br />

<strong>Subscription</strong><br />

<strong>The</strong> Shares are offered at 100p each, payable in<br />

full upon application. A maximum of 25 million<br />

Shares, which are being offered to the public, are<br />

being made available under the <strong>Offer</strong>. <strong>The</strong><br />

maximum amount receivable under the <strong>Offer</strong> is<br />

£25 million, in aggregate, be<strong>for</strong>e expenses. In<br />

the event that applications are received in excess<br />

of the maximum subscription under the <strong>Offer</strong>,<br />

the Directors and the Sponsor reserve the right to<br />

use their absolute discretion in the allocation of<br />

successful applications. Such discretion will<br />

give priority initially to applications received by<br />

22 October 2001 from existing shareholders in<br />

<strong>Electra</strong> Investment Trust, then to other<br />

Applicants, or their agents, who have made, or<br />

will make, in<strong>for</strong>mal reservations with Downing<br />

(subject to a maximum of 5 million Shares) and,<br />

thereafter, to the earliest Applicants. Applicants<br />

are encouraged to submit their Application<br />

Forms early in order to be confident that their<br />

applications will be successful. <strong>The</strong> minimum<br />

subscription level <strong>for</strong> the <strong>Offer</strong> is £1 million. If<br />

applications <strong>for</strong> the minimum subscription are<br />

not received by 5.00 p.m. on 14 December 2001,<br />

the <strong>Offer</strong> will be withdrawn. <strong>The</strong> <strong>Offer</strong> is not<br />

underwritten.<br />

<strong>The</strong> minimum investment per Investor is £5,000.<br />

<strong>The</strong> maximum investment per Investor is<br />

£100,000 per tax year, since tax reliefs are<br />

available on a maximum investment of £100,000<br />

per individual in any one tax year. A husband<br />

and wife can each invest up to £100,000 in any<br />

one tax year. <strong>The</strong> subscription list <strong>for</strong> the <strong>Offer</strong><br />

will open at 10.00 a.m. on 2 October 2001. <strong>The</strong><br />

<strong>Offer</strong> will close at 5.00 p.m. on 14 December<br />

2001, unless previously extended by the<br />

Directors, or when it is fully subscribed, if<br />

earlier.<br />

Application has been made to the UK Listing<br />

Authority <strong>for</strong> the Shares to be admitted to the<br />

Official List. <strong>The</strong> Shares will be issued in<br />

registered <strong>for</strong>m, be transferable and rank <strong>for</strong> all<br />

<strong>Electra</strong> <strong>Kingsway</strong> <strong>VCT</strong> 11

dividends and other distributions hereafter<br />

declared, paid or made by the Company. It is<br />

anticipated that dealings in the Shares issued<br />

pursuant to the <strong>Offer</strong> will commence on 25<br />

January 2002. Share certificates and certificates<br />

to enable a claim <strong>for</strong> income tax relief to be<br />

made in respect of Shares subscribed <strong>for</strong> under<br />

the <strong>Offer</strong> will be posted to Shareholders within<br />

one month of the relevant Share issue. Prior to<br />

despatch of definitive share certificates, transfers<br />

(if any) will be certified against the register. No<br />

temporary documents of title will be issued.<br />

Assuming the minimum subscription level of £1<br />

million has been achieved, Shares will be<br />

allotted and issued in respect of valid<br />

applications received <strong>for</strong> the <strong>Offer</strong> on 15<br />

October 2001, on 14 December 2001 and on any<br />

other dates on which the Directors decide. Save<br />

<strong>for</strong> the dates referred to above, the Company<br />

cannot guarantee to issue shares on any<br />

particular date. <strong>The</strong> Directors may at their<br />

discretion extend the period <strong>for</strong> the acceptance<br />

of the <strong>Offer</strong> to a date to be agreed in the<br />

2002/2003 tax year.<br />

Subject to demand from Investors, the Directors<br />

may use their power, under the Articles, to allot<br />

further Shares, up to 10% of the allotted and<br />

listed share capital. Should the Directors decide<br />

to allot any such further Shares, no further<br />

listing particulars will be published and the<br />

Application Form will be used <strong>for</strong> such<br />

allotments. Application will be made <strong>for</strong> any<br />

such further Shares to be admitted to the Official<br />

List within four weeks of the final share<br />

allotment.<br />

Launch Costs and Commission<br />

Downing will be paid an initial capital raising<br />

fee of 5% of the gross proceeds of the <strong>Offer</strong><br />

(i.e. 5p per Share), together with an annual<br />

commission of 0.25% per annum of the net<br />

assets of the Company <strong>for</strong> up to 10 years.<br />

Downing will be responsible <strong>for</strong> paying all the<br />

costs of the <strong>Offer</strong> including commissions,<br />

payable to authorised financial advisers on<br />

successful applications bearing their stamp, and<br />

listing expenses. Authorised financial advisers<br />

will be paid, by Downing out of its capital<br />

raising fees, an initial commission usually of<br />

2.5% of the gross amount subscribed <strong>for</strong> Shares<br />

allotted under the <strong>Offer</strong>, in respect of all<br />

applications accepted which bear the stamp of<br />

the relevant authorised financial adviser, and,<br />

provided they continue to act <strong>for</strong> their client and<br />

their client continues to hold Shares, an annual<br />

trail commission usually of 0.25% of the net<br />

assets of the Company on such applications <strong>for</strong><br />

up to 10 years. This annual trail commission<br />

will first be paid in December 2002 in respect of<br />

the financial period ending 30 September 2002<br />

and annually thereafter. Authorised financial<br />

advisers may agree to waive part or all of their<br />

initial commission. In such circumstances, an<br />

Investor’s application will attract an additional<br />

allotment of Shares at no greater cost to the<br />

Company or the Investor and the commission<br />

waived will be used to satisfy the purchase price<br />

of such Shares. As the initial costs of the <strong>Offer</strong><br />

are fixed at 5% of the gross proceeds, the net<br />

proceeds of the <strong>Offer</strong> will be 95p per Share and<br />

£23,750,000 at the maximum subscription.<br />


Financial year end<br />

Preliminary results announcement and posting of annual report (from 2002)<br />

Annual general meeting (from 2003)<br />

Final dividend (from 2003)<br />

Interim results announcement and posting of interim report (from 2002)<br />

30 September<br />

December<br />

January<br />

February<br />

June<br />

Additional in<strong>for</strong>mation concerning the Company is set out in Part III of the Prospectus.<br />

12 <strong>Electra</strong> <strong>Kingsway</strong> <strong>VCT</strong>

PART II<br />


<strong>VCT</strong>s: Summary of the Applicable Legislation<br />

1. Approval<br />

To obtain <strong>VCT</strong> status a company must be approved by<br />

the Inland Revenue as a <strong>VCT</strong>. <strong>The</strong> Inland Revenue has<br />

agreed to grant the Company provisional approval under<br />

Section 842AA of ICTA as a <strong>VCT</strong>, effective from the<br />

first day on which Shares are issued pursuant to the <strong>Offer</strong>.<br />

Full unconditional approval should follow pending<br />

satisfaction of the conditions set out below. <strong>Tax</strong> reliefs<br />

are available during the provisional approval period<br />

provided that full unconditional approval is ultimately<br />

granted.<br />

To obtain full unconditional approval, the conditions<br />

summarised below have to be satisfied in relation to the<br />

accounting period of the company which is current when<br />

the application <strong>for</strong> approval is made, or in any event must<br />

be satisfied by no later than the beginning of the <strong>VCT</strong>’s<br />

next accounting period and must continue to be satisfied<br />

throughout the life of the <strong>VCT</strong>:<br />

(i)<br />

(ii)<br />

(iii)<br />

(iv)<br />

the <strong>VCT</strong>’s income must have been derived wholly<br />

or mainly from shares and securities;<br />

no holding in a company (other than a <strong>VCT</strong> or a<br />

company which would, if its shares were listed,<br />

qualify as a <strong>VCT</strong>) by the <strong>VCT</strong> may represent more<br />

than 15%, by value, of the <strong>VCT</strong>’s total investments<br />

at the time of investment;<br />

the <strong>VCT</strong> must not have retained more than 15% of<br />

the income derived from shares or securities in any<br />

accounting period; and<br />

the <strong>VCT</strong> must not be a close company.<br />

<strong>The</strong> company’s ordinary share capital must be quoted on<br />

the London Stock Exchange by no later than the<br />

beginning of the accounting period following that in<br />

which the application <strong>for</strong> approval is made.<br />

<strong>The</strong> following conditions also have to be satisfied by no<br />

later than the beginning of the <strong>VCT</strong>’s accounting period<br />

which commences no more than three years after<br />

provisional approval takes effect and must continue to be<br />

satisfied throughout the life of the <strong>VCT</strong>:<br />

(i)<br />

(ii)<br />

(iii)<br />

at least 70%, by value, of its investments is<br />

represented by shares or securities comprising<br />

qualifying investments;<br />

at least 30%, by value, of its qualifying<br />

investments is represented by holdings of ordinary<br />

shares which carry no present or future<br />

preferential rights to dividends, return of capital or<br />

any redemption rights; and<br />

at least 10% of its total investment in any<br />

qualifying company is held in ordinary, nonpreferential<br />

shares.<br />

"Qualifying investments" comprise shares or securities<br />

(including loans with a five year or greater maturity<br />

period but excluding guaranteed loans and securities)<br />

issued by unquoted trading companies which exist wholly<br />

or mainly <strong>for</strong> the purpose of carrying on one or more<br />

qualifying trades. <strong>The</strong> definition of a qualifying trade<br />

excludes dealing in property, shares, securities,<br />

commodities or futures. It also excludes banking,<br />

insurance, receiving certain royalties or licence fees,<br />

leasing, the provision of legal and accounting services,<br />

farming and market gardening, <strong>for</strong>estry and timber<br />

production, property development and operating or<br />

managing hotels, guest houses, nursing and residential<br />

care homes. Qualifying investments are limited to<br />

investments of up to £1 million per investee company in<br />

any one tax year or in any six month period straddling<br />

two tax years. A qualifying investment can also be made<br />

in a company which is a parent company of a trading<br />

group where the activities of the group, taken as a whole,<br />

consist of carrying on one or more qualifying trades, one<br />

of which is carried on wholly or mainly in the United<br />

Kingdom. <strong>The</strong> investee company’s gross assets must not<br />

exceed £15 million immediately prior to the investment<br />

and £16 million immediately thereafter. Neither the <strong>VCT</strong><br />

nor any other company may control the investee<br />

company.<br />

Companies whose shares are traded on AIM and OFEX<br />

are treated as unquoted companies <strong>for</strong> the purposes of<br />

calculating qualifying investments. Shares in an unquoted<br />

company which subsequently become listed may still be<br />

regarded as a qualifying investment <strong>for</strong> a further five<br />

years following listing, provided all other conditions are<br />

met.<br />

2. <strong>Tax</strong>ation of a <strong>VCT</strong><br />

<strong>VCT</strong>s are exempt from corporation tax on chargeable<br />

gains. <strong>The</strong>re is no restriction on the distribution of<br />

realised capital gains by a <strong>VCT</strong>, subject to the<br />

requirements of company law. <strong>The</strong> Company will be<br />

subject to corporation tax on its income (excluding<br />

dividends received from UK companies) after deduction<br />

of attributable expenses.<br />

3. <strong>Tax</strong> reliefs <strong>for</strong> individual investors resident in the UK<br />

Individuals who subscribe <strong>for</strong> new ordinary shares must<br />

be aged 18 or over to qualify <strong>for</strong> the tax reliefs outlined<br />

below.<br />

Relief from income tax<br />

An investor subscribing up to £100,000 in any tax year<br />

<strong>for</strong> new ordinary shares in a <strong>VCT</strong> will be entitled to claim<br />

income tax relief on the investment, in the year in which<br />

the investment is made, at the rate of 20%, although this<br />

relief will be withdrawn if either the shares are sold<br />

within three years or an investor takes out a loan which<br />

would not have been made, or would not have been made<br />

on the same terms, save <strong>for</strong> the acquisition of such shares.<br />

Relief is restricted to the amount, which reduces the<br />

investor’s income tax liability to nil. Lower or basic rate<br />

taxpaying investors, whose only source of income is<br />

dividend income, will no longer be able to claim income<br />

tax relief as tax credits on dividends are now notional and<br />

cannot be paid.<br />

An investor who subscribes <strong>for</strong> or acquires ordinary<br />

shares in a <strong>VCT</strong> will not be liable <strong>for</strong> UK income tax on<br />

dividends paid by the <strong>VCT</strong> in respect of investments up<br />

to a maximum of £100,000 in any one tax year.<br />

Relief from capital gains tax<br />

A disposal by an investor of ordinary shares in a <strong>VCT</strong><br />

(whether acquired by subscription <strong>for</strong> new shares or by<br />

subsequent acquisition) will give rise to neither a<br />

chargeable gain nor an allowable loss <strong>for</strong> the purposes of<br />

UK capital gains tax. This relief is limited to disposals of<br />

ordinary shares acquired within the limit of £100,000 <strong>for</strong><br />

any tax year.<br />

<strong>Electra</strong> <strong>Kingsway</strong> <strong>VCT</strong> 13

An investor, who is resident and ordinarily resident in the<br />

UK and subscribes <strong>for</strong> new ordinary shares in a <strong>VCT</strong> and<br />

who in respect of which obtains income tax relief, may<br />

make a claim to defer chargeable gains realised within the<br />

period beginning twelve months be<strong>for</strong>e his subscription<br />

and ending twelve months after his subscription (i.e. an<br />

investor must have taxable income (including dividend<br />

income) above personal allowances). <strong>The</strong> amount of the<br />

gain, which can be deferred, is limited to the amount<br />

subscribed <strong>for</strong> ordinary shares up to £100,000 in any tax<br />

year.<br />

Investors should note that the prior gain is only deferred<br />

and the subsequent disposal of the ordinary shares in a<br />

<strong>VCT</strong>, whether at a profit or a loss, will nevertheless result<br />

in the earlier gain being taxed in full at the then<br />

prevailing rate of capital gains tax. Any loss realised on<br />

shares in a <strong>VCT</strong> on which relief has been obtained will<br />

not be allowed against any chargeable gains realised by<br />

the investor.<br />

Loss of tax reliefs<br />

(i)<br />

If a company never obtains full approval as a <strong>VCT</strong>,<br />

it will be treated as if it was never entitled to<br />

exemption from corporation tax on chargeable gains<br />

and there<strong>for</strong>e all chargeable gains it has realised will<br />

be subject to corporation tax.<br />

(ii) For investors, the withdrawal of <strong>VCT</strong> status may<br />

(depending upon the timing of such withdrawal)<br />

result in:<br />

• repayment of the 20% income tax relief on<br />

subscription <strong>for</strong> new <strong>VCT</strong> shares;<br />

• crystallisation, at the time of such withdrawal,<br />

of any capital gain deferred by investors on<br />

subscription <strong>for</strong> new <strong>VCT</strong> shares;<br />

• income tax becoming payable on subsequent<br />

payments of dividends by the company; and<br />

• a liability to tax on capital gains being suffered<br />

in the normal way on the disposal of shares in<br />

the company, except that any part of the gain<br />

attributable to the period <strong>for</strong> which the <strong>VCT</strong><br />

was approved would be exempt.<br />

(iii) <strong>The</strong> consequences <strong>for</strong> investors in a company, which<br />

never obtains full unconditional approval as a <strong>VCT</strong>,<br />

are as follows:<br />

• any capital gain <strong>for</strong> which deferral had been<br />

obtained by an investor would be treated as if it<br />

had not been deferred and interest on overdue<br />

tax may arise;<br />

• repayment of the 20% income tax relief on<br />

subscriptions <strong>for</strong> new <strong>VCT</strong> shares and interest<br />

on overdue tax may arise; and<br />

• any gain arising on a disposal of the shares<br />

would be liable to capital gains tax and losses<br />

on the shares would be allowable losses <strong>for</strong><br />

capital gains tax purposes.<br />

4. Consequences of an investor dying or a transfer of<br />

shares between spouses<br />

(i) Initial income tax and deferral of capital gains tax<br />

reliefs<br />

If an investor dies within three years of making an<br />

investment in a <strong>VCT</strong>, the transfer of shares on death<br />

is not treated as a disposal and, there<strong>for</strong>e, the initial<br />

income tax relief is not withdrawn. In addition, any<br />

deferred capital gains tax does not become<br />

chargeable on death. However, the shares will<br />

become part of the deceased’s estate <strong>for</strong> inheritance<br />

tax purposes. <strong>The</strong> executors of the estate are free to<br />

deal with the <strong>VCT</strong> shares in any way they see fit.<br />

(ii) <strong>Tax</strong> implications <strong>for</strong> the beneficiary<br />

Provided a number of conditions are met, the<br />

beneficiary of any <strong>VCT</strong> shares will be entitled to<br />

tax-free dividends and will not pay capital gains tax<br />

on any disposal, but will not be entitled to any initial<br />

income tax relief or deferral of capital gains tax.<br />

(iii) Transfers of shares between spouses<br />

Transfers of shares in a <strong>VCT</strong> between spouses are<br />

not deemed to be a disposal and there<strong>for</strong>e all tax<br />

reliefs will be retained.<br />

5. General<br />

(i)<br />

Investors who are not resident in the UK<br />

Non-resident investors, or investors who may<br />

become non-resident, should seek their own<br />

professional advice as to the consequences of<br />

making an investment in a <strong>VCT</strong>, as they may be<br />

subject to tax in other jurisdictions.<br />

(ii) Stamp duty and stamp duty reserve tax<br />

No stamp duty or (unless shares in a <strong>VCT</strong> are issued<br />

to a nominee <strong>for</strong> a clearing system or a provider of<br />

depository receipts) stamp duty reserve tax will be<br />

payable on the issue of such shares. <strong>The</strong> transfer on<br />

the sale of shares would normally be subject to ad<br />

valorem stamp duty or (if an unconditional<br />

agreement to transfer such shares is not completed<br />

by a duly stamped transfer within two months)<br />

stamp duty reserve tax generally, in each case at the<br />

rate of 50p <strong>for</strong> every £100 or part of £100 of the<br />

consideration paid. Such duties would be payable by<br />

a person who purchases such shares from the<br />

original subscriber.<br />

(iii) Purchases in the market after listing<br />

Any subsequent purchaser of existing Shares, as<br />

opposed to a subscriber <strong>for</strong> new Shares, will not<br />

qualify <strong>for</strong> income tax relief on investment or <strong>for</strong><br />

capital gains tax deferral relief.<br />

<strong>The</strong> above is only a summary of the law concerning the tax position of <strong>VCT</strong>s and Investors in <strong>VCT</strong>s and is based on the<br />

understanding of current law and practice in relation to <strong>VCT</strong>s. Potential Investors are recommended to consult a professional<br />

adviser as to the taxation consequences of their investing in a <strong>VCT</strong>.<br />

14 <strong>Electra</strong> <strong>Kingsway</strong> <strong>VCT</strong>

PART III<br />


1. In these Terms and Conditions of Application, the expression<br />

“Prospectus” means the document constituting the prospectus<br />

which comprises listing particulars of the Company dated 2<br />

October 2001. <strong>The</strong> expression “Mini Prospectus” means the<br />

document dated 2 October 2001 and entitled Mini Prospectus<br />

issued in conjunction with the <strong>Offer</strong> and the expression<br />

“Application Form” means the application <strong>for</strong>m <strong>for</strong> use in<br />

accordance with these Terms and Conditions of Application.<br />

Save where the content requires otherwise, the terms used in<br />

the Application Form bear the same meaning as in the<br />

Prospectus.<br />

2. <strong>The</strong> right is reserved to reject any application or to accept any<br />

application in part only. If any application is not accepted, or<br />

if any contract created by acceptance does not become<br />

unconditional, or if any application is accepted <strong>for</strong> fewer<br />

Shares than the number applied <strong>for</strong>, the application monies or<br />

the balance of the amount paid on application will be<br />

returned without interest by post at the risk of the Applicant.<br />

In the meantime application monies will be retained in a<br />

separate account with Bank of Scotland.<br />

3. You may pay <strong>for</strong> your application <strong>for</strong> Shares by cheque or<br />

bankers’ draft submitted with the Application Form. <strong>The</strong><br />

Board may reserve shares <strong>for</strong> issue to certain persons as set<br />

out in “Other In<strong>for</strong>mation” in Part I of this document.<br />

4. By completing and delivering an Application Form, you:<br />

(a) offer to subscribe <strong>for</strong> the number of Shares specified on your<br />

Application Form or any smaller number <strong>for</strong> which such<br />

application is accepted at 100p per Share subject to the<br />

Prospectus, these Terms and Conditions of Application and<br />

the Memorandum and Articles of Association of the<br />

Company;<br />

(b) authorise your financial adviser or whoever he or she may<br />

direct, Northern Registrars Limited or the Company to send a<br />

document of title <strong>for</strong> the number of Shares <strong>for</strong> which your<br />

application is accepted, and/or a crossed cheque <strong>for</strong> any<br />

monies returnable, by post at your risk to your address as set<br />

out on your Application Form;<br />

(c) in consideration of the Company agreeing that it will not,<br />

prior to the <strong>Offer</strong> closing, offer any Shares <strong>for</strong> subscription to<br />

any persons other than as set out in the Prospectus, agree that<br />

your application may not be revoked and that this paragraph<br />

constitutes a collateral contract which will become binding<br />

upon despatch by post or delivery of your Application Form<br />

duly completed to the Company or to your financial adviser;<br />

(d) warrant that your remittance will be honoured on first<br />

presentation and agree that, if such remittance is not so<br />

honoured, you will not be entitled to receive a share<br />

certificate <strong>for</strong> the Shares applied <strong>for</strong> or to enjoy or receive<br />

any rights or distributions in respect of such Shares unless<br />

and until you make payment in cleared funds <strong>for</strong> such Shares<br />

and such payment is accepted by the Company (which<br />

acceptance shall be in its absolute discretion and may be on<br />

the basis that you indemnify it against all costs, damages,<br />

losses, expenses and liabilities arising out of or in connection<br />

with the failure of your remittance to be honoured on first<br />

presentation) and that at any time prior to unconditional<br />

acceptance by the Company of such late payment in respect<br />

of such Shares, the Company may (without prejudice to its<br />

other rights) treat the agreement to allot such Shares as void<br />

and may allot such Shares to some other person, in which<br />

case you will not be entitled to any refund or payment in<br />

respect of such Shares (other than return of such late<br />

payment);<br />

(e) agree that all cheques and bankers’ drafts may be presented<br />

<strong>for</strong> payment on the due dates and any definitive document of<br />

title and any monies returnable to you may be retained<br />

pending clearance of your remittance and the completion of<br />

any verification of identity required by the Money<br />

Laundering Regulations 1993 (“the Regulations”) and that<br />

such monies will not bear interest;<br />

(f) undertake to provide satisfactory evidence of identity within<br />

such reasonable time (in each case to be determined in the<br />

absolute discretion of the Company and the Sponsor) to<br />

ensure compliance with the Regulations;<br />

(g) agree that, in respect of those Shares <strong>for</strong> which your<br />

application has been received and processed and not rejected,<br />

acceptance of your application shall be constituted by the<br />

Company instructing Northern Registrars Limited to enter<br />

your name on the share register;<br />

(h) agree that all documents in connection with the <strong>Offer</strong> and any<br />

returned monies will be sent at your risk and may be sent to<br />

you at your address as set out in the Application Form;<br />

(i) agree that, having had the opportunity to read the Prospectus,<br />

you shall be deemed to have had notice of all in<strong>for</strong>mation and<br />

(j)<br />

representations contained therein;<br />

confirm that (save <strong>for</strong> advice received from your financial<br />

adviser) in making such application you are not relying on<br />

any in<strong>for</strong>mation and representation other than those<br />

contained in the Prospectus and you accordingly agree that<br />

no person responsible solely or jointly <strong>for</strong> the Prospectus will<br />

have any liability <strong>for</strong> any such other in<strong>for</strong>mation or<br />

representation;<br />

(k) agree that all applications, acceptances of applications and<br />

contracts resulting therefrom under the <strong>Offer</strong> shall be<br />

governed by and construed in accordance with English Law<br />

and that you submit to the jurisdiction of the English Courts<br />

and agree that nothing shall limit the right of the Company to<br />

bring any action, suit or proceedings arising out of or in<br />

connection with any such applications, acceptance and<br />

contracts in any other manner permitted by law or in any<br />

court of competent jurisdiction;<br />

(l) authorise the Company, Northern Registrars Limited or<br />

Downing or any other person authorised by them, as your<br />

agent, to do all things necessary to effect registration of any<br />

Shares subscribed by you into your name and authorise any<br />

representatives of the Company, Northern Registrars Limited<br />

or Downing to execute any document required there<strong>for</strong> and to<br />

enter your name on the register of members of the Company;<br />

(m) agree to provide the Company with any in<strong>for</strong>mation which it<br />

may request in connection with your application or to comply<br />

with the <strong>VCT</strong> regulations or other relevant legislation (as the<br />

same may be amended from time to time);<br />

(n) warrant that, in connection with your application, you have<br />

observed the laws of all requisite territories, obtained any<br />

requisite governmental or other consents, complied with all<br />

requisite <strong>for</strong>malities and paid any issue, transfer or other<br />

taxes due in connection with your application in any territory<br />

and that you have not taken any action which will or may<br />

result in the Company, Downing or the Sponsor acting in<br />

breach of the regulatory or legal requirements of any territory<br />

in connection with the <strong>Offer</strong> or your application;<br />

(o) confirm that you have read and complied with paragraph 6<br />

below;<br />

(p)<br />

(q)<br />

(r)<br />

confirm that you have reviewed the restrictions contained in<br />

paragraph 7 below;<br />

warrant that you are not under the age of 18 years;<br />

if the laws of any territory or jurisdiction outside the United<br />

Kingdom are applicable to your application, warrant that you<br />

have complied with all such laws and none of the Company,<br />

Downing or the Sponsor or any of their respective agents will<br />

infringe any laws of any such territory or jurisdiction directly<br />

or indirectly as a result or in consequence of any acceptance<br />

of your application;<br />

(s) agree that your Application Form is addressed to the<br />

Company and to the Sponsor;<br />

(t) agree that Downing and the Sponsor are acting <strong>for</strong> the<br />

Company in connection with the <strong>Offer</strong> and <strong>for</strong> no-one else<br />

and that they will not treat you as their customer by virtue of<br />

such application being accepted or owe you any duties<br />

concerning the price of Shares or concerning the suitability of<br />

Shares;<br />

<strong>Electra</strong> <strong>Kingsway</strong> <strong>VCT</strong> 15

(u)<br />

(v)<br />

(w)<br />

(x)<br />

(y)<br />

(z)<br />

warrant that if you sign the Application Form on behalf of<br />

somebody else or yourself and another or others jointly or a<br />

corporation you have the requisite power to make such<br />

investments as well as the authority to do so and such person<br />

will also be bound accordingly and will be deemed also to<br />

have given the confirmations, warranties and undertakings<br />

contained in these terms and conditions of application and<br />

undertake (save in the case of signature by an authorised<br />

financial adviser on behalf of an Investor) to enclose a power<br />

of attorney or a copy thereof duly certified by a solicitor with<br />

the Application Form;<br />

warrant that you are not subscribing <strong>for</strong> the Shares using a<br />

loan which would not have been given to you, or not given to<br />

you on such favourable terms, if you had not been proposing<br />

to subscribe <strong>for</strong> the Shares;<br />

warrant that the Shares are allotted to you <strong>for</strong> bona fide<br />

investment purposes and not as part of a scheme or<br />

arrangement the main purpose of which, or one of the main<br />

purposes of which, is the avoidance of tax. Obtaining tax<br />

reliefs given under the <strong>VCT</strong> legislation contained in the<br />

Finance Act 1995 is not of itself tax avoidance;<br />

warrant that you are not a US person or resident of Canada<br />

and that you are not applying on behalf of or with a view to<br />

the <strong>Offer</strong>, sale or delivery, directly or indirectly, to or <strong>for</strong> the<br />

benefit of any US person or resident of Canada;<br />

warrant that the in<strong>for</strong>mation contained in the Application<br />

Form is accurate; and<br />

agree that if you request that shares are issued to you on a<br />

date other than 15 October 2001 or 14 December 2001 and<br />

such shares are not issued on such date that the Company and<br />

its agents and Directors will have no liability to you arising<br />

from the issue of such shares on a different date.<br />

5. No person receiving a copy of the Prospectus, the Mini<br />

Prospectus or an Application Form in any territory other than<br />

the United Kingdom may treat the same as constituting an<br />

invitation or offer to him or her, nor should he or she in any<br />

event use such Application Form unless, in the relevant<br />

territory, such an invitation or offer could lawfully be made<br />

to him or her or such Application Form could lawfully be<br />

used without contravention of any registration or other legal<br />

requirements. It is the responsibility of any person outside<br />

the United Kingdom wishing to make an application<br />

thereunder to satisfy himself or herself as to the full<br />

/observance of the laws of any relevant territory in<br />

connection therewith, including obtaining any requisite<br />

governmental or other consents, observing any of the<br />

<strong>for</strong>malities requiring to be observed in such territory and<br />

paying any issue, transfer or other taxes required to be paid in<br />

such territory.<br />

6. <strong>The</strong> Shares have not been and will not be registered under the<br />

United States Securities Act 1933, as amended, or under the<br />

securities laws of any state or other political subdivision of<br />

the United States, and may not be <strong>Offer</strong>ed or sold in the<br />

United States of America, its territories or possessions or<br />

other areas subject to its jurisdiction (the “USA”). In<br />

addition, the Company has not been and will not be<br />

registered under the United States Investment Company Act<br />

of 1940, as amended. No application will be accepted if it<br />

bears an address in the USA.<br />

7. This application is addressed to the Company and the<br />

Sponsor. <strong>The</strong> rights and remedies of the Company and the<br />

Sponsor under these Terms and Conditions of Application are<br />

in addition to any rights and remedies which would otherwise<br />

be available to either of them, and the exercise or partial<br />

exercise of one will not prevent the exercise of others.<br />

8. <strong>The</strong> dates and times referred to in these Terms and<br />

Conditions of Application may be altered by the Company<br />

with the agreement of the Sponsor.<br />

9. Authorised financial advisers who, acting on behalf of their<br />

clients, return valid Application Forms bearing their stamp<br />

and SIB, SRO or RPB number (or from the beginning of<br />

December, their FSA number, as appropriate) will be entitled<br />

to commission on the amount payable in respect of the Shares<br />

allocated <strong>for</strong> each such Application Form at the rates<br />

specified in the paragraph headed "Launch Costs and<br />

Commission" in Part I of this document. Authorised<br />

financial advisers may agree to waive part or all of their<br />

initial commission in respect of an application. If this is the<br />

case, then such application will be treated as an application to<br />

apply <strong>for</strong> the number of Shares stated in box number 2 of the<br />

Application Form together with a number of additional<br />

Shares equivalent to the amount of commission waived at<br />

£1.00 per Share, which waived commission will be applied in<br />

paying <strong>for</strong> such Shares. Downing or Northern Registrars<br />

Limited is authorised to amend such box number 2 to include<br />

any such additional Shares. Financial advisers should keep a<br />

record of Application Forms submitted bearing their stamp to<br />

substantiate any claim <strong>for</strong> their commission.<br />

10. <strong>The</strong> section headed Notes on Application Form <strong>for</strong>ms part of<br />

these Terms and Conditions of Application.<br />

11. It is a condition of the <strong>Offer</strong> to ensure compliance with the<br />

Money Laundering Regulations 1993. Downing is there<strong>for</strong>e<br />

entitled to require, at its absolute discretion, verification of<br />

identity from any Applicant including, without limitation, any<br />

person who either (i) tenders payment by way of a cheque or<br />

banker’s draft drawn on an account in the name of a person<br />

or persons other than the Applicant or (ii) appears to<br />

Downing to be acting on behalf of some other person.<br />

Pending the provision of evidence satisfactory to Downing as<br />

to the identity of the Applicant and/or any person on whose<br />

behalf the Applicant appears to be acting, Downing may, in<br />

its absolute discretion, retain an Application Form lodged by<br />

an Applicant and/or the cheque or other remittance relating<br />

thereto and/or Northern Registrars Limited may not enter the<br />

Applicant on the register of members or issue any share<br />

certificates in respect of such application. If verification of<br />

identity is required, this may result in delay in dealing with<br />

an application and in rejection of the application. <strong>The</strong><br />

Company reserves the right, in its absolute discretion, <strong>for</strong> it<br />

or Downing to reject any application in respect of which<br />

Downing considers that, having requested verification of<br />

identity, it has not received evidence of such identity<br />

satisfactory to it by such time as was specified in the request<br />

<strong>for</strong> verification of identity or in any event within a reasonable<br />

period. In the event of an application being rejected in any<br />

such circumstances, the Company reserves the right in its<br />

absolute discretion, but shall have no obligation, to terminate<br />

any contract of allotment relating to or constituted by such<br />

Application Form (in which event the money payable or paid<br />

in respect of the application will be returned (without<br />

interest) to the account of the drawee bank from which such<br />

sums were originally debited) and/or to endeavour to procure<br />

other subscribers <strong>for</strong> the Shares in question (but in each case<br />

without prejudice to any rights the Company may have to<br />

take proceedings to recover in respect of loss or damage<br />

suffered or incurred by it as a result of the failure to produce<br />

satisfactory evidence as a<strong>for</strong>esaid). <strong>The</strong> submission of an<br />

Application Form will constitute an undertaking by the<br />

Applicant to provide promptly to Downing such in<strong>for</strong>mation<br />

as may be specified by it as being required <strong>for</strong> the purpose of<br />

the Money Laundering Regulations 1993.<br />

12. <strong>The</strong> right is also reserved to treat as valid any application not<br />

complying fully with these Terms and Conditions of<br />

Application <strong>for</strong> the <strong>Offer</strong> or not in all respects complying<br />

with the Notes on Application Form. In particular, but<br />

without limitation, the Company may accept applications<br />

made otherwise than by completion of an Application Form<br />

where the Applicant has agreed in some other manner<br />

acceptable to the Company to apply in accordance with these<br />

Terms and Conditions of Application.<br />

16 <strong>Electra</strong> <strong>Kingsway</strong> <strong>VCT</strong>

Please pin or staple<br />

your cheque here<br />

1<br />

ELECTRA KINGSWAY <strong>VCT</strong> PLC<br />


Reservation Number<br />

(if applicable)<br />

Make your cheque or bankers’ draft out to “Bank of Scotland - A/C <strong>Electra</strong> <strong>VCT</strong>” and crossed “A/C Payee only” and return this<br />

<strong>for</strong>m as soon as possible to Downing Corporate Finance Limited, 69 Eccleston Square, London SW1V 1PJ.<br />

Title and Name in Full<br />

Permanent address<br />

Postcode<br />

Daytime Tel<br />

E-Mail Address<br />

Date of Birth / /19<br />

day/month/year<br />

National Insurance No.<br />

2<br />

I am applying <strong>for</strong><br />

(income tax year 2001/2002)<br />

of 1p each or such lesser number of Shares <strong>for</strong> which this application may be accepted in the event of over subscription in respect of<br />

the <strong>Offer</strong> on the terms and conditions set out in Part IV of the Prospectus dated 2 October 2001. Please send me a certificate(s)<br />

confirming my entitlement to venture capital trust tax reliefs.<br />

<strong>The</strong> total amount I am paying <strong>for</strong> the Shares is<br />

(at £1.00 per Share)<br />

£<br />

3<br />

For Official Use Only<br />

Date on which Shares are Issued Share Register Number<br />

Amount paid <strong>for</strong> Shares Issued (£)<br />

Amount paid per Share (£)<br />

Number of Shares Issued<br />

Amount of Commission<br />

waived (where applicable) (£)<br />

Shares<br />

Min 5,000<br />

Max 100,000<br />

If this <strong>for</strong>m is completed and signed by the investor named in Box 1<br />

BY SIGNING THIS FORM I HEREBY DECLARE THAT: (i) I have received the Prospectus or Mini Prospectus dated 2<br />

October 2001 and have read the terms and conditions of application therein; (ii) I will be the beneficial owner of the Shares in<br />

<strong>Electra</strong> <strong>Kingsway</strong> <strong>VCT</strong> Plc issued to me pursuant to the <strong>Offer</strong>; and (iii) to the best of my knowledge and belief, the particulars I<br />

have given to <strong>Electra</strong> <strong>Kingsway</strong> <strong>VCT</strong> Plc are correct.<br />

If this <strong>for</strong>m is completed and signed by an independent financial adviser or any other person apart from the investor<br />

By signing this <strong>for</strong>m on behalf of the individual whose details are shown above, I make a declaration (on behalf of such<br />

individual) on the terms of sub-paragraphs (i) to (iii) above.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Inland Revenue may inspect this application <strong>for</strong>m. It is a serious offence to make a false declaration. Investors<br />

should note that the maximum investment, on which tax reliefs on investments in <strong>VCT</strong>s are available, is £100,000 per tax<br />

year.<br />

4<br />

Signature Date / /<br />


Authorised financial advisers should stamp and complete this box.<br />

Firm Name<br />

Contact Name<br />

SRO/RPB Registration No<br />

Due completion of the agent’s box indicates that the agent is duly authorised to<br />

transact investments of this type under the Financial Services Act 1986 and<br />

confirms that the requirements of the Money Laundering Regulations 1993 have<br />

been complied with. Authorised financial advisers will be paid, by Downing, an<br />

initial commission usually of 2.5% of the funds invested through them, and an<br />

annual trail commission (until the earliest of 10 years or the Management and<br />

Administration Deed being terminated or the total trail commission payable<br />

equals 7.5% of the proceeds of the <strong>Offer</strong>) usually of 0.25% per annum in respect<br />

of Investors whose successful applications were submitted through them and<br />

who continue to hold the Shares which they acquired under the <strong>Offer</strong>. <strong>The</strong> trail<br />

commission will be calculated by reference to the net asset value of Shares held<br />

at each year on 30 September, commencing 30 September 2002.<br />

Address<br />

Postcode<br />

Tel<br />

Fax<br />

E-Mail Address<br />


Please send the completed Application Form, together with your cheque or bankers’ draft by post, or deliver<br />

it by hand, to Downing Corporate Finance Limited, 69 Eccleston Square, London SW1V 1PJ. If you have any<br />

questions on how to complete the Application Form please contact Downing Corporate Finance Limited on<br />

020 7411 4700 or your financial adviser. It is essential that you complete all parts of the Application Form in<br />

accordance with the instructions in these notes.<br />

1<br />

2<br />

3<br />

Insert your full name, permanent address, daytime telephone number, e-mail address, date of birth and<br />

National Insurance Number in Box 1. Joint applications are not permitted.<br />

Insert the number of Shares you are applying <strong>for</strong> in the 2001/2002 tax year in Box 2.<br />

Insert (in figures) in Box 3 the total amount you are paying. This is the same number as in Box 2 above.<br />

Please note that the minimum investment is £5,000. <strong>The</strong> maximum investment, on which tax reliefs on<br />

investments in <strong>VCT</strong>s are available, is £100,000 per tax year.<br />

Attach your cheque or bankers’ draft to the Application Form <strong>for</strong> the exact amount shown in Box 3. Your<br />

cheque or bankers’ draft must be made payable to "Bank of Scotland – A/C <strong>Electra</strong> <strong>VCT</strong>" and crossed<br />

"A/C Payee only". Your payment must relate solely to this application. No receipt will be issued.<br />

Your cheque or bankers’ draft must be drawn in sterling on an account at a branch (which must be in the<br />

United Kingdom, the Channel Islands or the Isle of Man) of a bank which is either a member of the Cheque<br />

and Credit Clearing Company Limited or the CHAPS Clearing Company Limited, a member of the Scottish<br />

Clearing Banks Committee or the Belfast Clearing Committee or which has arranged <strong>for</strong> its cheques or<br />

bankers’ drafts to be cleared through facilities provided <strong>for</strong> members of any of those companies or<br />

associations and must bear the appropriate sorting code in the top right hand corner. <strong>The</strong> right is reserved to<br />

reject any Application Form in respect of which the cheque or bankers’ draft has not been cleared on first<br />

presentation. Any monies returned will be sent by cheque crossed "A/C Payee only" in favour of the<br />

Applicant.<br />

Money Laundering Regulations 1993 - Important note <strong>for</strong> applications of £8,000 or more<br />

If the value of the Shares applied <strong>for</strong> is £8,000 or more, payment should be made by means of a cheque<br />

drawn on an account in the name of the Applicant. If this is not practicable and you use a cheque drawn by a<br />

third party or a building society cheque or bankers’ draft, you should write the name, address and date of<br />

birth of the Applicant on the back of the cheque or bankers’ draft and:<br />

(a) if a building society cheque or bankers’ draft is used, the building society or bank must also endorse on<br />

the cheque or draft the name and account number of the person whose account is being debited; or<br />

(b) if a cheque is drawn by a third party, you must ensure that one of the following documents is enclosed<br />

with the <strong>for</strong>m: a copy of your passport or driving licence (certified by a solicitor or bank) or a recent<br />

original bank or building society statement or utility bill in your name. Original documents will be<br />

returned by post at your risk.<br />

4<br />

Read the declaration and sign and date the Application Form in Box 4. If someone other than the<br />

investor named in Box 1 signs on such investor’s behalf, such signatory must ensure that the declaration<br />

given on behalf of such investor is correct.<br />

Agents who are entitled to receive commission should stamp and complete the agent’s box, giving their full<br />

name and address, telephone number and details of their authorisation under the Financial Services Act 1986<br />

(or any succeeding legislation). <strong>The</strong> right is reserved to withhold payment of commission if <strong>Electra</strong><br />

<strong>Kingsway</strong> <strong>VCT</strong> Plc is not, in its sole discretion, satisfied that the agent is so authorised.

Please pin or staple<br />

your cheque here<br />

1<br />

ELECTRA KINGSWAY <strong>VCT</strong> PLC<br />


Reservation Number<br />

(if applicable)<br />

Make your cheque or bankers’ draft out to “Bank of Scotland - A/C <strong>Electra</strong> <strong>VCT</strong>” and crossed “A/C Payee only” and return this<br />

<strong>for</strong>m as soon as possible to Downing Corporate Finance Limited, 69 Eccleston Square, London SW1V 1PJ.<br />

Title and Name in Full<br />

Permanent address<br />

Postcode<br />

Daytime Tel<br />

E-Mail Address<br />

Date of Birth / /19<br />

day/month/year<br />

National Insurance No.<br />

2<br />

I am applying <strong>for</strong><br />

(income tax year 2001/2002)<br />

of 1p each or such lesser number of Shares <strong>for</strong> which this application may be accepted in the event of over subscription in respect of<br />

the <strong>Offer</strong> on the terms and conditions set out in Part IV of the Prospectus dated 2 October 2001. Please send me a certificate(s)<br />

confirming my entitlement to venture capital trust tax reliefs.<br />

<strong>The</strong> total amount I am paying <strong>for</strong> the Shares is<br />

(at £1.00 per Share)<br />

£<br />

3<br />

For Official Use Only<br />

Date on which Shares are Issued Share Register Number<br />

Amount paid <strong>for</strong> Shares Issued (£)<br />

Amount paid per Share (£)<br />

Number of Shares Issued<br />

Amount of Commission<br />

waived (where applicable) (£)<br />

Shares<br />

Min 5,000<br />

Max 100,000<br />

If this <strong>for</strong>m is completed and signed by the investor named in Box 1<br />

BY SIGNING THIS FORM I HEREBY DECLARE THAT: (i) I have received the Prospectus or Mini Prospectus dated 2<br />

October 2001 and have read the terms and conditions of application therein; (ii) I will be the beneficial owner of the Shares in<br />

<strong>Electra</strong> <strong>Kingsway</strong> <strong>VCT</strong> Plc issued to me pursuant to the <strong>Offer</strong>; and (iii) to the best of my knowledge and belief, the particulars I<br />

have given to <strong>Electra</strong> <strong>Kingsway</strong> <strong>VCT</strong> Plc are correct.<br />

If this <strong>for</strong>m is completed and signed by an independent financial adviser or any other person apart from the investor<br />

By signing this <strong>for</strong>m on behalf of the individual whose details are shown above, I make a declaration (on behalf of such<br />

individual) on the terms of sub-paragraphs (i) to (iii) above.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Inland Revenue may inspect this application <strong>for</strong>m. It is a serious offence to make a false declaration. Investors<br />

should note that the maximum investment, on which tax reliefs on investments in <strong>VCT</strong>s are available, is £100,000 per tax<br />

year.<br />

4<br />

Signature Date / /<br />


Authorised financial advisers should stamp and complete this box.<br />

Firm Name<br />

Contact Name<br />

SRO/RPB Registration No<br />

Due completion of the agent’s box indicates that the agent is duly authorised to<br />

transact investments of this type under the Financial Services Act 1986 and<br />

confirms that the requirements of the Money Laundering Regulations 1993 have<br />

been complied with. Authorised financial advisers will be paid, by Downing, an<br />

initial commission usually of 2.5% of the funds invested through them, and an<br />

annual trail commission (until the earliest of 10 years or the Management and<br />

Administration Deed being terminated or the total trail commission payable<br />

equals 7.5% of the proceeds of the <strong>Offer</strong>) usually of 0.25% per annum in respect<br />

of Investors whose successful applications were submitted through them and<br />

who continue to hold the Shares which they acquired under the <strong>Offer</strong>. <strong>The</strong> trail<br />

commission will be calculated by reference to the net asset value of Shares held<br />

at each year on 30 September, commencing 30 September 2002.<br />

Address<br />

Postcode<br />

Tel<br />

Fax<br />

E-Mail Address<br />

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