Downing Planned Exit VCT 2 - G Shares - The Tax Shelter Report

Downing Planned Exit VCT 2 - G Shares - The Tax Shelter Report

Downing Planned Exit VCT 2 - G Shares - The Tax Shelter Report


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Contents<br />

RiskFactors<br />

LetterfromtheChairmanoftheCompany<br />

Page<br />

1<br />

2<br />

PartI – <strong>The</strong>Offers <br />

Introduction 3<br />

ReasonsfortheOffers 3<br />

<strong>Tax</strong>ationBenefitstoInvestors 4<br />

Income 4<br />

InvestmentPolicy 5<br />

ShareBuybackPolicy 6<br />

RealisationPlans 6<br />

Management 6<br />

TrackRecordoftheCompany 7<br />

CoInvestmentPolicy 7<br />

Directors 7<br />

Charges 8<br />

OtherInformation 8<br />

ForwardLookingStatements 9<br />

PartII – <strong>Tax</strong>ation 10<br />

PartIII – FinancialInformation 11<br />

PartIV – Definitions 13<br />

PartV – AdditionalInformation 15<br />

PartVI – TermsandConditionsofApplication 17<br />

PartVII – OfferDetails&Charges 19<br />

NotesonApplicationForm<br />

ApplicationForm<br />

<br />

OfferStatistics<br />

<br />

<br />

InitialNAVperGShareatthecloseoftheOffers<br />

100.00p<br />

NetproceedsoftheOffers,atFullSubscription,ignoringtheoverallotmentfacility<br />

£25,000,000<br />

NumberofG<strong>Shares</strong>inissue,followingtheOffers,atFullSubscription,ignoringtheoverallotmentfacility 25,000,000<br />

<br />

IftheMinimumSubscriptionisnotreceivedby3.00p.m.on5April2013,theOfferswillbewithdrawn.Intheeventthat<br />

theMinimumSubscriptionisnotreceived,subscriptionmonieswillbereturnedtoInvestorswithinsevendaysof5April<br />

2013,attheirownrisk,withoutinterest.<br />

<br />

EarlyApplications<br />

InvestorswhosubmitApplicationFormsthatarereceivedandacceptedby5.00p.m.on28February2013willbenefitfrom<br />

the offer charges being reduced by 1% of the amount subscribed under the Offers (the cost will be met by <strong>Downing</strong><br />


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