Downing Planned Exit VCT 2 - G Shares - The Tax Shelter Report

Downing Planned Exit VCT 2 - G Shares - The Tax Shelter Report

Downing Planned Exit VCT 2 - G Shares - The Tax Shelter Report


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<strong>The</strong>followingtableshowstheCompany'snetindebtednessasat<br />

31 October 2012 (extracted from the unaudited management<br />

accountsoftheCompanyfortheperiodended31October2012).<br />

<br />

<br />

£'000<br />

A Cash 3,948<br />

B Cashequivalent <br />

C TradingSecurities <br />

D Liquidity(A+B+C) 3,948<br />

<br />

<br />

E Currentfinancialreceivables 125<br />

F Currentbankdebt <br />

G Currentpositionofnoncurrentdebt <br />

H Othercurrentfinancialdebt <br />

<br />

<br />

I Currentfinancialdebt(F+G+H) <br />

<br />

<br />

J Netcurrentfinancialindebtedness<br />

(4,073)<br />

(IED)<br />

<br />

<br />

K Noncurrentbankloans <br />

L Bondsissued <br />

M Othernoncurrentloans <br />

N Noncurrentfinancialindebtedness<br />

<br />

(K+L+M)<br />

<br />

<br />

O Netfinancialindebtedness(J+N) (4,073)<br />

<br />

<br />

<strong>The</strong> Company does not have any contingent or indirect<br />

indebtedness.<br />

<br />

4. CreationoftheG<strong>Shares</strong><br />

<strong>The</strong> Company has issued a circular dated 10 January 2013 to<br />

holdersofC<strong>Shares</strong>and/orD<strong>Shares</strong>and/orF<strong>Shares</strong>conveninga<br />

generalmeetingon6March2013.<strong>The</strong>followingresolutionswillbe<br />

proposed and are all conditional upon the passing of the other<br />

resolutionscontainedintheNotice:<br />

<br />

OrdinaryResolutions:<br />

1) to create G <strong>Shares</strong> having the rightsand being subject to<br />

the restrictions set out in the Articles, to be altered<br />

pursuanttoresolution5describedbelow;<br />

2) to authorise the Directors to allot up to an aggregate<br />

nominal amount of £38,500. <strong>The</strong> allotments referred to<br />

represent,inaggregate,approximately71.7%oftheissued<br />

share capital of the Company as at the date of this<br />

document. Such authority will expire on the later of 15<br />

monthsfromthedatetheresolutionispassedandtheend<br />

oftheCompany’snextannualgeneralmeeting;<br />

3) toapprovetheOfferAgreement;<br />

<br />

Specialresolutions:<br />

4) toauthorisetheDirectorstoallotthesharesreferredtoin<br />

resolution 2 as if section 561(1) of the 2006 Act did not<br />

apply.Thisdisapplicationrepresentsapproximately71.7%<br />

of the Company's current issued share capital. This<br />

authority will expire on the later of 15 months from the<br />

datetheresolutionispassedandtheendoftheCompany’s<br />

nextannualgeneralmeeting;<br />

5) to alter the Articles to, inter alia, provide for the rights<br />

attachingtotheG<strong>Shares</strong>;<br />

6) to authorise the Board to make market purchases of G<br />

<strong>Shares</strong>;and<br />

7) toauthorisethecancellationofthesharepremiumaccount<br />

<br />

<br />

arisingontheissueoftheG<strong>Shares</strong>.<br />

5. DetailsoftheG<strong>Shares</strong><br />

5.1 Distributionsofincomeandcapital<br />

G Shareholders shall be entitled to receive, in that capacity,<br />

dividends and any other distributions or a return of capital<br />

(otherwisethanonamarketpurchasebytheCompanyofanyof<br />

itsshares)outoftheassetsattributabletotheG<strong>Shares</strong>,prorata<br />

totheirrespectiveholdingsofG<strong>Shares</strong>.<br />

<br />

5.2 Distributionsofassetsonawindingup<br />

<strong>The</strong> capital and assets attributable to the G <strong>Shares</strong> shall on a<br />

windingupbedistributedonthesamebasisassetoutunderthe<br />

heading"Distributionsofincomeandcapital".<br />

<br />

5.3 Votingrights<br />

G Shareholders will be entitled to receive notice of, to attend,<br />

speak and vote at any general meeting, pari passu, in such<br />

respects with the holders of C <strong>Shares</strong>, D <strong>Shares</strong> and F <strong>Shares</strong>.<br />

EveryGShareholderpresentinpersonorbyproxyshallupona<br />

showofhandsoruponapoll,haveonevoteforeveryGShare<br />

heldbyhim/her.<br />

<br />

7. OverseasInvestors<br />

(a) No person receiving a copy of this document or an<br />

Application Form in any territory other than the UK may<br />

treat the same as constituting an offer or invitation to<br />

him/her to subscribe for or purchase G <strong>Shares</strong> unless, in<br />

such territory, such offer or invitation could lawfully be<br />

made.<br />

(b) Noactionhasbeentakentopermitthedistributionofthis<br />

document in any jurisdiction outside the UK where such<br />

action is required to be taken. All Applicants will be<br />

required to warrant that they are not a US person as<br />

definedinparagraph5(x)ofPartVIofthisdocumentora<br />

residentofCanada.<br />

<br />

7. Informationsourcedfromthirdparties<br />

Where information set out in this document has been sourced<br />

fromthirdpartiesthesourcehasbeenidentifiedattherelevant<br />

place in the document and the Company confirms that this<br />

information has been accurately reproduced and, as far as the<br />

Company is aware and able to ascertain from information<br />

published, no facts have been omitted which wouldrender the<br />

reproducedinformationinaccurateormisleading.<br />

<br />

10January2013<br />


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