Downing Planned Exit VCT 2 - G Shares - The Tax Shelter Report

Downing Planned Exit VCT 2 - G Shares - The Tax Shelter Report

Downing Planned Exit VCT 2 - G Shares - The Tax Shelter Report


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PartV–AdditionalInformation<br />

<br />

1. <strong>The</strong>Company<br />

1.1 Incorporation<br />

<strong>Downing</strong><strong>Planned</strong><strong>Exit</strong><strong>VCT</strong>2plcwasincorporatedinEngland<br />

and Wales as a public limited company on 17 January 2005<br />

with registered number 05334418. <strong>The</strong> principle legislation<br />

under which the Company operates and under which the A<br />

<strong>Shares</strong>, C <strong>Shares</strong>, D <strong>Shares</strong>, E <strong>Shares</strong>, F <strong>Shares</strong> and G <strong>Shares</strong><br />

have been created is the 2006 Act (together with statutory<br />

instrumentscreatedpursuantthereto).<br />

1.2 Borrowingpolicy<br />

<strong>The</strong>DirectorsmayexerciseallthepowersoftheCompanyto<br />

borrow money and to mortgage or charge its undertakings,<br />

propertyanduncalledcapital.<strong>The</strong>Directorsshallrestrictthe<br />

borrowings of the Company and, by the exercise of the<br />

Company'svotingandotherrightsorpowersofcontrolover<br />

its subsidiary undertakings (if any), secure that they restrict<br />

their borrowings, so that the aggregate amount at any time<br />

outstanding in respect of money borrowed by the Group,<br />

being the Company and its subsidiary undertakings for the<br />

time being (excluding intragroup borrowings), shall not,<br />

withouttheprevioussanctionofanordinaryresolutionofthe<br />

Company, exceed a sum equal to 50% of the aggregate<br />

amountpaidonanysharesissuedbytheCompany(together<br />

withanypremiumpaidthereon).<br />

1.3 Cancellationofthesharepremiumaccount<br />

<strong>The</strong>DirectorsareawareofthepossibilitythattheCompany's<br />

<strong>Shares</strong> may trade at a discount to their net asset value at<br />

somepoint.<strong>The</strong>DirectorsconsiderthattheCompanyshould<br />

have the ability to purchase its <strong>Shares</strong> in the market (such<br />

<strong>Shares</strong>tobeautomaticallycancelled)withtheaimofreducing<br />

anydiscountandincreasingthenetassetvalueperShareof<br />

the remaining <strong>Shares</strong>. In the view of the Directors, the<br />

awarenessofInvestorsthattheCompanyhassuchacapability<br />

may tend to moderate the scale of any discount which may<br />

emergeandtheactionofbuyinginsharesshouldenableany<br />

suchdiscounttobenarrowed.<br />

<br />

<br />

<strong>The</strong> 2006 Act provides that a public company may only<br />

purchaseitsownsharesoutofdistributableprofitsoroutof<br />

theproceedsofafreshissueof<strong>Shares</strong>madeforthepurpose<br />

ofthepurchase.SubjecttoconfirmationfromHMRevenue&<br />

Customs that such proposals will not adversely affect the<br />

Company’s<strong>VCT</strong>statusandCourtapproval,theCompanymay<br />

decide to reduce and/or cancel the share premium account<br />

(createdontheissueoftheG<strong>Shares</strong>pursuanttotheOffers)<br />

and to transfer the balance of the special reserve, which is<br />

establishedbythecancellationofaprevioussharepremium<br />

account,whichmaybetreatedasadistributableprofit,outof<br />

which purchases of <strong>Shares</strong> can be made, subject to<br />

regulations,<strong>VCT</strong>Rulesandcompanylegislation.<br />

1.4 Stampdutyandclosecompanystatus<br />

<strong>The</strong>Companyhasbeenadvisedthatnostampdutyorstamp<br />

dutyreservetaxwillbepayableontheissueoftheG<strong>Shares</strong><br />

undertheOffers.OntheissueoftheG<strong>Shares</strong>pursuanttothe<br />

Offers, the Company will not be a close company for tax<br />

purposes.<br />

1.5 Materialinterests<br />

<strong>The</strong>Managerwillbepaidanannualinvestmentmanagement<br />

feeof2.0%oftheNetAssetsattributabletotheG<strong>Shares</strong>.In<br />

linewithnormal<strong>VCT</strong>practice,theManagerwillbeentitledto<br />

receive a Performance Incentive. Further details of these<br />

arrangementsaresetoutinPartIofthisdocument.<br />

<br />

1.6 Investorprofile<br />

AtypicalInvestorwillbearetailclient(notacorporate),who<br />

isaged18oroverandpaysUKincometax,whoalreadyhasa<br />

portfolio of non<strong>VCT</strong> investments such as unit trusts/OEICs,<br />

investmenttrustsanddirectshareholdingsinlistedcompanies<br />

and has sufficient income and capital so that his/her<br />

investment in the Company can be held for over five years.<br />

<strong>The</strong> individual's income tax liability should be more than<br />

sufficienttoutilisealltheinitialincometaxreliefavailableon<br />

theinvestment.<strong>The</strong>individualshouldbewillingtoinvestover<br />

themediumtolongtermandbecomfortablewithhigherrisk<br />

investments.<br />

1.7 ResultsoftheOffers<br />

<strong>The</strong> results of the Offers will be announced through a<br />

regulatoryinformationserviceprovider.<br />

<br />

2. <strong>Tax</strong>ationandHMRevenue&Customsapproval<br />

<strong>The</strong>DirectorsintendtoconducttheaffairsoftheCompanyso<br />

thatitcontinuestosatisfytheconditionsforapprovalasa<strong>VCT</strong><br />

and that such approval will be maintained. HM Revenue &<br />

CustomshasgrantedtheCompanyprovisionalapprovalasa<br />

<strong>VCT</strong>underPart6oftheITA.<strong>The</strong>Companyintendstocomply<br />

with section 274 of the ITA and has retained<br />

PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP to advise it on <strong>VCT</strong> taxation<br />

matters.<br />

<br />

3. Working capital and capitalisation and indebtedness<br />

statements<br />

3.1 Workingcapital<br />

IntheopinionoftheCompany,theworkingcapitalavailable<br />

totheGroupissufficientforitspresentrequirements,thatis,<br />

foratleast12monthsfromthedateofthisdocument.<br />

3.2 Statementofcapitalisationandindebtedness<br />

<strong>The</strong>tablebelowshowsthecapitalisationoftheCompanyasat<br />

31October2012(extractedfromtheunauditedmanagement<br />

accounts of the Company for the period ended 31 October<br />

2012).<br />

<br />

<br />

£'000<br />

Totalcurrentdebt<br />

<br />

Guaranteed<br />

<br />

Secured<br />

<br />

Unguaranteed/secured<br />

<br />

Totalnoncurrentdebt<br />

<br />

Guaranteed<br />

<br />

Secured<br />

<br />

Unguaranteed/secured<br />

<br />

Shareholders'equity<br />

<br />

Sharecapital<br />

53<br />

Otherreserves 23,991<br />

24,044<br />

<br />

<strong>The</strong>rehasbeennomaterialchangeinthecapitalisationofthe<br />

Company,totaldebtorshareholderequitysince31October<br />

2012,otherthanallotmentsofF<strong>Shares</strong>adding£982toshare<br />

capitaland£981,636tootherreserves.<br />


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