Ventus VCT plc and Ventus 2 VCT plc - The Tax Shelter Report

Ventus VCT plc and Ventus 2 VCT plc - The Tax Shelter Report

Ventus VCT plc and Ventus 2 VCT plc - The Tax Shelter Report


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Listing<br />

Application will be made to the UK Listing Authority <strong>and</strong> the London Stock Exchange for the ‘C’ Shares to be admitted to the Official List of the<br />

UK Listing Authority <strong>and</strong> to trading on the London Stock Exchange’s main market for listed securities. All ‘C’ Shares for each Company will be<br />

issued in registered form, will be transferable <strong>and</strong> will rank pari passu in all respects with each other. Application will be made for the ‘C’ Shares<br />

to be admitted to the CREST system <strong>and</strong> it is anticipated that ‘C’ Shareholders will be able to hold their ‘C’ Shares in certificated or uncertificated<br />

form. In the case of applicants requesting share certificates, it is intended that definitive shares certificates will be despatched within fifteen<br />

business days of allotment. Prior to despatch of definitive share certificates, transfers will be certified against the register. No temporary<br />

documents of title will be issued. In the case of applicants requesting ‘C’ Shares in uncertificated form, it is expected that the ‘C’ Shares will<br />

be issued in uncertificated form within 10 business days of allotment. <strong>The</strong> Registrars will instruct Euroclear to credit the appropriate electronic<br />

stock accounts of such persons with entitlements to ‘C’ Shares with effect from those days.<br />

Notwithst<strong>and</strong>ing any other provision of this document, the Companies reserve the right to allot <strong>and</strong> issue any ‘C’ Shares in certificated form.<br />

In normal circumstances, the right is only likely to be exercised in the event of any interruption, failure or breakdown of CREST (or of any part<br />

of CREST), or on the part of the facilities <strong>and</strong> systems operated by the Registrars in connection with CREST. This right may also be exercised<br />

if the correct details (such as Participant ID <strong>and</strong> Member Account ID details) are not provided as requested on the Application Form.<br />

Introductory Commission<br />

Introductory commission is being offered to authorised financial intermediaries either at a one-off rate of 3% on the value of successful<br />

applications submitted through them, or at an initial introductory rate of 2% on the value of successful applications submitted through them<br />

together with further annual trail commission for four years at the rate of 0.4% per annum of the subscription amount of successful applications<br />

submitted through them <strong>and</strong> in respect of which investors continue to hold such ‘C’ Shares. <strong>The</strong> additional commission will also cease to be<br />

payable if the appointment of CCC as Manager is terminated. All or part of the initial introductory commission may be waived <strong>and</strong> used to<br />

satisfy an additional allotment of ‘C’ Shares.<br />

Total Costs<br />

<strong>The</strong> costs of the Offers (including introductory commission) are fixed at 5.5% of funds raised.<br />

Category of Potential Investors<br />

A typical investor for whom the Offers are designed is an individual (a retail investor) who is a UK income taxpayer over 18 years of age with<br />

an investment range of between £3,000 <strong>and</strong> £200,000 per tax year who considers the investment policy as detailed in Part I of this document<br />

to be attractive. Investment in a <strong>VCT</strong> may not be suitable for all investors <strong>and</strong> should be considered as a medium to long-term investment.<br />

Before deciding whether to apply for ‘C’ Shares under the terms of the Offers you are recommended to consult an independent adviser<br />

authorised under FSMA.<br />


Audited financial information on <strong>Ventus</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Ventus</strong> 2 is published in the annual reports for the years ended 28 February 2007, 29 February 2008<br />

<strong>and</strong> 28 February 2009 <strong>and</strong> unaudited information in the interim report for the six month period ended 31 August 2008 <strong>and</strong> 31 August 2009.<br />

<strong>The</strong>se annual reports were audited by Baker Tilly Audit UK LLP of 2 Bloomsbury Street, London, WC1B 3ST. All reports were without qualification<br />

<strong>and</strong> contained no statements under section 237(2) or (3) of the CA 1985.<br />

<strong>The</strong> annual reports for the year ended 28 February 2007 referred to above were prepared in accordance with UK generally accepted accounting<br />

practice (GAAP), the fair value rules of the Companies Acts <strong>and</strong> the Statement of Recommended Practice ‘Financial Statements of Investment<br />

Trust Companies’. <strong>The</strong> annual reports for the years ended 29 February 2008 <strong>and</strong> 28 February 2009 referred to above were prepared in<br />

accordance with IFRS, the fair value rules of the Companies Acts <strong>and</strong> the Statement of Recommended Practice ‘Financial Statements of<br />

Investment Trust Companies’. <strong>The</strong> annual reports contain a description of the relevant company’s financial condition, changes in financial<br />

condition <strong>and</strong> results of operation for each relevant financial year <strong>and</strong>, together with the interim reports referred to, are being incorporated by<br />

reference <strong>and</strong> can be accessed at the following website:<br />

www.ventusvct.com<br />

<strong>and</strong> are available for inspection at the FSA’s document viewing facility, which is situated at:<br />

Financial Services Authority<br />

25 <strong>The</strong> North Colonnade<br />

Canary Wharf<br />

London<br />

E14 5HS<br />

Where these documents make reference to other documents, such other documents are not incorporated into <strong>and</strong> do not form part of this<br />

document.<br />


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