The Category P Features, Projections, Interpretation

The Category P Features, Projections, Interpretation

The Category P Features, Projections, Interpretation


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216<br />

(85) a. ma’axal nora ze (lo) kal (*lo) le-axila<br />

food awful this (not) easy (not) to-eating<br />

This awful food is (not) easy *(not) to eat<br />

Compare:<br />

b. (lo) kal (lo) le’exol ma’axal nora ze<br />

(not) easy (not) to+eat food awful this<br />

It is (not) easy (not) to eat this awful food.<br />

.<br />

(86) a. ha-kelev kal le-iluf, aval ha-para lo<br />

the-dog easy to-taming, but the-cow not<br />

<strong>The</strong> dog is easy to tame, but the cow is not.<br />

b. *ha-kelev kal le-iluf, aval ha-para kaša/lo kala<br />

the-dog easy to-taming, but the-cow difficult/not easy<br />

<strong>The</strong> dog is easy to tame, but the cow is difficult/not easy.<br />

Compare:<br />

c. dan muxan lehitxaten, aval dina lo (muxana)<br />

Dan [is] ready to+get+married, but Dina [is] not (ready)<br />

Recall also that in the English TC it is impossible to strand to that follows the<br />

tough A (87a), whereas this is possible if the adjective is not tough (87b). <strong>The</strong><br />

ungrammaticality of (87a) is expected under the complex AP analysis:<br />

(87) a. *John is easy to please, but Mary is difficult to.<br />

b. John is eager to dance, but Mary is reluctant to.<br />

<strong>The</strong> proposed analysis for the TC gains independent support in Hebrew, as it<br />

bears a striking resemblance to the analysis of Hebrew adjectival constructs in<br />

inalienable constructions in Siloni (2002), exemplified in (88):<br />

(88) yalda yefat eynayim/se’ar nixnesa la-xeder<br />

girl-fem.sg. beautiful-fem.sg. eyes/hair entered to+the-room<br />

“A girl with beautiful eyes/hair entered the room.”

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